#sorry i'm a dweeb and got excited about this
Kindred Spirits pt.2
Jade West x Reader
It's been about a month since you moved to LA and you've settled in well. Sure, your friends tease you about your East Coast, Yankee tendencies, but it was all in good fun.
You were sitting at the Asphalt Cafe, munching on fries as you browsed through your phone. The rest of the group hadn't arrived quite yet, so killing time was the only thing keeping you from stressing over your dance class. Even so, you've been listening to the song you chose to perform to and going through the choreography in your head.
With your mind buzzing with thoughts, you didn't notice Jade walking up to you until she took an earbud out of your ear.
"I can practically see your brain overheating." She leaned over to steal a fry, allowing you to quickly nuzzle against her cheek in greeting.
In your time at Hollywood Arts, yours and Jade's relationship had grown stronger. You were one of maybe three people who she lets touch her. She even initiates contact, often throwing an arm around your shoulders whenever she walks up to you. The affection was fleeting when the others were around, but you didn't mind. You took what you could get with the goth.
You let out a sigh as you take out your other earbud. "Just stressing over the mini showcase for my dance class. I didn't get as much time to prepare as the others since I transferred."
"Oh, you'll be fine." Jade plopped down in the seat next to you. "You've practically been practicing every chance you got." Her ocean eyes glared at you. "Without any of us seeing it, by the way."
You just flop on the table. "Sorry... I'm just particular about my choreo process." You turn your head to look at the girl next to you. "You're invited to the showcase so you can see it then. I think you'll at least like the aesthetic." Jade just scoffs.
"I'm gonna like more than the aesthetic, you dweeb." Her eyes sparkle with affection which fades quickly as the rest of the group trickle in. They're all excited for the showcase and while you feel like it should call your nerves, it didn't. You laid your head on crossed arms as you listen to the chatter around you. The only calming solace you had was the caresses of Jade's hand, hidden by her own crossed arms.
The day of the showcase arrived and your anxiety was having a field day. Your hands were shaking so much that you were having trouble putting on your makeup while backstage. After the fifth attempt, a frustrated groan escapes your lips, drawing everyone's attention. You slump in defeat only to have the eyeliner in your hands stolen by someone.
"Quit looking so pathetic and come here."
Jade had surprised you as you weren't expecting her to be at the Black Box Theater already. She was looking at you expectantly before you straightened up and faced her. She holds your chin to move you where she needs to and begins.
"What's your concept," she asks. "So I know what to do."
You try not to think about her hands on your face. "Um. I was assigned 'doll' as a concept. So naturally, I'm going for 'voodoo doll.'" You wore a tattered blazer with rope coiled around your forearms. Your pants looked like they were stitched together at the knee. You also had contacts that just showed big "X's" rather than pupils. The final touch was a cane you made to emulate a needle.
Jade stared at your face for a moment, unconsciously caressing your jaw with her thumb as she thought. You could feel the goosebumps erupting, but forced a shiver from tearing through your body. Eventually, the goth beauty went to work, applying heavy eyeliner to make your contacts pop and adding stitching to your face to match your outfit. The entire time, you were trying your damnedest to not stare too hard at the girl. You were sure that if you stared too long, you might end up kissing her.
"And.... Done." Jade backs up slightly to survey her work. She tilts her head a moment before ruffling your hair, adding to the disheveled look you were going for. "Alright. Now done."
You grin as you look in the mirror, beaming at the additions. "Jade, you are a wonder. Thanks." Your companion practically preens at the praise. "You better make my work worthwhile." She says, making her way to the audience area. "I'll come up with my price later."
You smile as you watch her walk away, not even noticing that you were no longer shaking with anxiety.
Jade sat with her "friends" with a good view of the stage. As they were waiting for the show to start, her gaze skims across the rest of the audience. The one person who catches her eye happens to be your mother whom she's met a good handful of times in the past month. She was looking for a seat when her eyes happened upon Jade. With a kind smile, she waves, which Jade returns awkwardly before turning her attention to the stage.
Finally, the teacher gathers everyone's attention as the show begins. Much to Jade's dismay, your performance wasn't until midway through and she had to endure dancers who just weren't you. Some were... All right. Others were ok. One was entirely inappropriate for school but she made the boys squirm which was mildly amusing.
Suddenly, the lights went red. You make your way to the stage, using jittery, stilted movements as if you were being forced to do so. You jerked to a halt in the middle of the stage, back turned to the audience. As soon as the music began, your dance did. The marionette movements returned, followed by an arching swing of your needle cane to slam onto the stage as you face the audience, letting the full effect of your look hit them. The performance was in full swing. Sharp moves were balanced out by smooth, almost flowing transitions. Aggressive framed passive. It was as though you had no real control of your body, yet it didn't feel disjointed. At the bridge of the song, it dropped into a melancholic melody. You had "stabbed" yourself with the needle and was reaching out to the audience for help as you struggled. As the music builds again, you forgo the help and move to remove the needle yourself. At its peak, you rip the needle from your torso and dance in earnest again, finally ending with you acting as though you were licking blood from the needle.
Applause rang out as you took your bow and ran backstage to let the next student perform. You let out a relieved laugh, making your way to take out your contacts. When you can see normally again, you turn around only to have your best friend walking towards you with a proud smile.
"And I was right," she said, pulling you into a hug. "I definitely liked more than just the aesthetic." A chuckle escapes your lips as you hold onto the girl.
"Thanks. I felt good about it once I got on stage. Almost actually stabbed myself though." You laughed as you rubbed your side. There's probably gonna be a bruise there soon.
You run up to your mom, leaving Jade for the moment to embrace her tightly.
"I didn't know you were gonna make it. I'm glad you're here." Your face was starting to hurt from smiling. Your two favorite people were here with you.
"Of course. It's your first performance." Your mother starts to fuss over your hair and clothes. "You did so well. And I managed to make it because your aunties are at home making dinner."
You almost start drooling immediately. There was a guarantee that there was going to be a lot of good food.
"Your friends are invited too." Your mom looked right at Jade with a smile, reaching out to pull her closer. "You are always more than welcome at our home."
Jade smiles. An actual genuine smile. This was more motherly vibes than she was used to, but it wasn't a bad feeling. "I'll be more than happy to join. I guess I'll let the others know." She fondly rolls her eyes before giving your hand a squeeze. "I'll catch you at your place?"
You pull her hand up to your lips and give it a kiss. "Definitely." A light blush could almost be seen as she walks away and you and your mother make your way home.
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koraesdoodles · 2 years
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I posted 190 times in 2022
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#i'm like the dweeb at the middle school lunch table hoping you all don't kick me out since i don't belong
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Heavily inspired/redraw of this: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/51228514500114889/ 
EDIT: @eregyrn-falls and  @hkthatgffan found the original for me! Thank you! https://sleepyharpseal.tumblr.com/post/157619413269
84 notes - Posted April 18, 2022
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@forduary Week 4: Hug it out
The first time Ford found Stan curled up on his bed with the blanket pulled over his head they’d been six years old. Stan had gotten into the new books Ford had received for Christmas and accidentally spilled paint all over them. Ford was furious, and didn’t talk to Stan for three days. Then he’d walked into their room and found Stan in a ball sobbing his little eyes out. 
Ford sat on the bed hesitantly, looking at the floor while his brother pretended that he didn’t know Ford was there. Eventually, Stan peeked over the blanket and Ford began to talk. 
“I’m still mad.” 
“-- I didn’t -- !” 
“I’m still mad.” He reached out hesitantly then abandoned caution and threw his arms around his brother. “I really liked those books.” To his horror, tears started to roll down Ford’s cheeks. Hiccup’s caught his breath and it felt like he couldn’t breathe. “I can be mad!” Stan held him while he cried. 
Ford forgave him a day later. 
When they were ten, Stan came home sunburnt and angry. Ford had spent the day working on a new project, and didn’t realize why Stan was giving him the cold shoulder until he glanced at the clock. 
“Oh my gosh, Stan I’m so sorry! I didn’t realize it was so late I --” 
“Whatever, Poindexter.” 
“No, I mean it! Did you go to the fair? Did you see any clowns?”
“Leave me alone.” 
“Stan --” 
“Just do your stupid science and leave me alone, Stanford!” Stan shoved his brother out of the way and slammed the door to their room, leaving Ford in the hallway, feeling like a jerk. 
He apologized again that night. Stan said he forgave him. But it wasn’t until a week later that he actually started acting normal again. 
Ford held grudges. When someone wronged him, they were on his black list for life. Crampelter grew up and lived a good life, but Ford never forgave him for his childish bullying. Carla McCorkle would never earn his forgiveness after taking his brother on a date that resulted in Stan getting a black eye and being grounded from the Stan o’ War for three weeks (he never did get Stan to tell him exactly what had happened, but Stan got in trouble enough without some girl making things even more difficult). When someone did him wrong, Ford wasn’t one to immediately jump to forgiveness. 
But he always forgave Stan. When Stan lied to him about taking their Pa’s gold chain, Ford forgave him. When Stan stole Ford’s math homework in sixth grade and copied it, Ford forgave him and even let him copy his other assignments (Pa wouldn’t get as mad at Stan if he got better grades, so he figured it was good for both of them). Ford even forgave Stan’s lackluster excitement when Ford was offered the chance to go to his dream school. 
And he would have forgiven Stan after the science fair. He would have, if Stan hadn’t left (been kicked out, but he didn’t have to leave forever. He could have stayed around, explained himself, something, instead of just leaving Ford behind with nothing). 
But Ford deserved to be mad! Stan had wrecked things too many times. He was allowed to be mad about this. That didn’t mean he was going to freeze his brother out forever, he just . . . needed some time. 
Stan didn’t hold grudges. He forgave easily and fast. But he let the pain linger. He held onto it like it was proof that whatever bad things happened to him were proof of an unfair universe that was out to get him. It wasn’t his fault that his dad was unfairly hard on him, or that he wasn’t as smart as his brother, or that the machine broke after a single punch to the table. It wasn’t his fault that he needed to steal to eat and that the supplies he was able to aquire built crummy vacuumes and worse bandages. 
He just needed a chance, but nobody was willing to give him one. 
It was a perfect storm. And things didn’t get better when they reunited ten years later, and there was no quick forgiveness when Ford stepped out of the portal thirty years after that. Too much had happened, and maybe Ford needed more time or maybe he’d just gotten so used to being upset that he didn’t spare any thought into fixing things. And Stan was willing, waiting to forgive his brother, but couldn’t stand that things had gone wrong for him again. It wasn’t until later that they realized something had to change. And by then, it was almost too late. 
Ford walked into his brother’s room three days after they’d defeated Bill. It was the first thing he did every morning, since Stan tended to sleep in and Ford tried to avoid sleeping altogether. Ford liked having breakfast with the whole family, and he couldn’t do that if his brother insisted on staying in bed all day. 
Ford also didn’t like being away from his twin for long periods of time. He’d spent thirty years holding a grudge against his brother, but he never imagined Stan actually being gone. Stan was always safe, which Ford most definitely wasn’t. He’d gone through the stages multiple times over the decades, forgiving Stan and then being angry at him all over again. But when his brother stared at him with those blank eyes, having no recollection of who he was or what had happened, Ford felt a fear that he’d never before experienced. He’d wanted to grab Stan and shake him, force him to come back to him. He could deal with being apart from his brother, he could deal with being angry at his brother, but he could not deal his brother being gone. He could not handle a brother that didn’t know him, who had sacrificed everything in order to save Ford despite everything. 
It felt like if he let Stan out of his sight for too long, then his brother would revert back to that state. He knew it was illogical, but it didn’t matter. He woke his brother up every morning anyway. 
Stan was curled up in a ball under the blankets. Ford went to shake his shoulder but found that Stan was already shaking. 
“Stanley?” Ford’s voice made Stan jolt.
“Morning already?” Stan’s voice was more gruff than usual, though he was clearly trying to sound normal. 
“Are you alright?” 
“Why wouldn’t I be? Now go away, I don’t have on any pants.” 
See the full post
86 notes - Posted February 27, 2022
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FINISHED! Late but here. Stanuary Week 2: Identity
96 notes - Posted January 16, 2022
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Okay, okay, last one, I swear. I couldn’t let an AU week go by without including @artsymeeshee ‘s adorable Chibi Stan! 
@forduary week 3: AU
124 notes - Posted February 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Whoops I made a chibi!stan 😆
I was looking at poses and came across this super cute one of a person with this little shoulder angel and I thought to myself: oh yeah, I bet I can make this worse.
Stan is not as excited as his brother, but Joke's on Ford when he starts worrying about his brother getting kidnapped and eaten by seagulls, or that he'll wake up in a coffee-needing haze and accidentally step on his mini-bro.
Chibi!stan belongs to @artsymeeshee
124 notes - Posted July 10, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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lemony-snickers · 3 years
500 followers appreciation celebration!!!!!!!
aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh.  wut? EXCUSE ME WHAT.
there are officially 500+ of y’all, now.  and, yeah, that includes all the sex bots, but whatever, we’re just gonna pretend that @dMmEfEeTp1Cs69 is a real person interested in reading my smutty fanfic, okay? okay.
great. now that we are all on the same page... i wanted to mark this occasion with a fun (hopefully? lol) event!  and this is what i’ve come up with.  i hope you’ll join in!
to celebrate this ridiculous milestone, i am asking YOU, my lovely followers, to submit requests based on the following format:
💖 STEP 1:  choose your character(s) (yeeeaaahh, it’s more than just kakashi 😱)
🗣 STEP 2:  choose a one-word prompt (some are sfw and others are nsfw, as indicated)
🪐 STEP 3:  choose a universe!  i thought this might be sort of fun, but we’ll see, lol.  have you ever wanted to see me write an alternate universe story? (well good because i have two multi-chap aus in the works, lol.) then now is your chance to request one from the list!
🌈 STEP 4:  tell me if you’d like the reader to be fem! or gn!
i am gonna trrrryyyyy to limit these pieces to ~1k words, but i know myself well enough to know that probably some of them will get away from me, so we are just gonna do the best we can, lol. depending on that ever-illusive ✨inspiration✨ some may be headcanons, drabbles, or full-on fics.
let’s see where the wind takes us, y’all; it’ll be an Adventure™!
if you’re interested in playing along, you’ll find the lists of available characters, prompts, and aus below the cut!  since my ask box is still fairly full (lol, r.i.p. lemony), i’m gonna ask y’all to put a 🍋 with your requests so i know it’s for the event.
i will accept event requests for 5 days or until i get overwhelmed, whichever comes first, lol.
anyway, i really hope you’ll all participate!
thanks so much for hanging out with me on tumblr and overall making my experience here such an excellent one.  i hope you enjoy your stay.  <3
💖 characters (choose 1 or 2):
kakashi hatake (duh, lmao)
yamato / tenzo
genma shiranui
iruka umino
obita uchiha
gai might (idk y’all, i just prefer the Japanese spelling of his given name, what can I say?)
🗣 prompts (choose 1):
isolation (sfw)
agony (nsfw)
nostalgic (s)
tradition (n)
expectation (s)
forgiveness (n)
trust (s)
sentimental (n)
family (s)
passion (n)
elation (s)
laughter (n)
🪐 universe (choose 1):
no au, stick with canon!
fantasy au
sci-fi au
horror au
modern au
coffee shop au
soulmate au
historical romance au
🌈 about that mc:
last but certainly not least, please indicate whether you would prefer a fem! or gn! reader. 😊
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elsecrytt · 2 years
omfg i LOVE your demon culture headcanons, they're so fun and really make obey me so much more interesting than it already is. one hc ive always had of the devildom folk and culture is that in their courting rituals it's common to bring their mate fresh prey as a show of strength. imagine one of the brothers coming up to mc and straight up dropping the mangled body of a lesser demon at their feet and mc is just HORRIFIED but the brothers are like "what? im showing u i care and that im strong"
Adjkflshfgk oh no oH NO *OH NO* I’m so sorry but unfortunately this is exactly the kind of thing that awakens something inside of me so.
I'm gonna be real with you. Sure MC is horrified and all bc like, damn, dead body, but also... like... IDK I JUST THINK. THE IDEA'S PRETTY HOT.
I just find it narratively compelling and erotic and sexy if a character is wiling to kill for me. And you know Mammon would be like. A super cute excited puppy with a dead animal,, showing off his kill to his owner you hehe
So you’re walking around town with Mammon. All’s well in the Devildom. Maybe you stride into a cafe after a bit of a shopping spree (he says he’ll treat you, he really wanted to try the parfait here, you see - coincidentally, your date had been about to end…) and you’re sitting at your table, waiting for your order.
As you watch the nearby couples (you already know Mammon’s latest moneymaking scheme idea is stupid and you’re going to tell him no, but it would make him feel better if you didn’t shut him down right away), you come across one example in particular that looks… not so good.
Two incubi who’d come in together were starting to fight. One of them looks like he’s got tears in his eyes - you see him gesture to his phone.
You can’t hear the exact words but you can imagine already what they are by the flush of embarrassment on the other one’s face and the guilty looks, how he keeps glancing away and appears at a loss to explain himself.
Was he…?
“You cheating whore! I should have known - how could I be this stupid - " His voice starts to crack and you start to really feel bad for him, other people are watching now, "You’d just texted me last night and you were with him - ”
OOF. Big oof.
Mammon must have seen how sorry you felt for the guy written all over your face, because he caught on to where your attention was right away and whined at once.
“Heya!! I’m talking ta ya here, yer really gonna pay attention ta those dweebs over there over the Great Mammon?”
You roll your eyes (they’re shouting now). “Why don’t you watch, too? Something like this would never happen with us, it’s interesting.”
It’s like he’s got dog ears that perk right up, his attention immediately captured as you watch him blush and try to fight the urge to smile (he never won).
And when his gaze flicks over to the couple in question, a slap has gone out... but it's from the accused cheater, to his partner.
"Well maybe if you weren't absolute shit in bed, I wouldn't have to get it elsewhere!"
You actually wince at that. In public? Seriously? After he cheated...
"The audacity," You mutter, and Mammon nods.
"Yeah, you can't even compare a couple like that to us." His tone is unmissable, smug, a feeling he didn't often get to show.
(He's still blushing, but it's more of a smirk now, and if anyone can look cute while smirking it's your Mammon)
In the corner of your eye you watch Mammon's eyes gleam in the light as he gazes over the guilty party, and you remember that Lucifer is his favorite brother.
Guess they have something in common after all, hmm?
But you don't point it out, instead saying, "At least the dude is showing his true colors so the other guy dumps his worthless ass. It'd be worse if they got back together."
"Oh yeah?" He cocks his head at you.
"Well, imagine the dude apologized. Then that poor guy might take him back..."
"So what if he did, though? I mean, ya said yerself, the dude's trash. If he wants to take him back, then whatever."
You can't believe you're having this conversation. "Well, different people have different opinions. But I'd never take back a cheater. It's demeaning."
"Course you wouldn't! Ya have me, after all." He preens, and you want to smile at him again because he's just so cute.
"But what's this got to do with them?" He's genuinely confused, too, which makes you want to roll your eyes.
"It's just sad to think about someone getting less than they deserve, Mammon."
When this is met with yet more indifference, you switch up the tactics, "Look, scum belongs in the trash, doesn't it? I wouldn't take someone like that and I wouldn't expect anyone else to."
You're pretty sure Mammon would n e v e r but you give him a suspicious look anyways.
"Yeah. Yeah, you're right!" There's your boy, changing gears on the fly, "You wouldn't take somebody like that. They don't deserve anything!"
He's beaming, so you're sure you haven't gotten your point across. But you always did love that smile.
Plus he's holding out the spoon bashfully, hoping to feed you a really delicious looking scoop of his parfait that came during the conversation.
When you lean forward and close your mouth over the spoon he looks like he's about to explode from happiness... it he doesn't overheat from that massive flush, first.
Augh. He is just. Too cute.
[Warning: Listen. You read the ask at the beginning. You know what it said. GRAPHIC description of an injury/dead body ahead. They’re demons. It’s fucked up. You have been warned.
Also. It's kinda romance. Like it's kinda horror but. He's Mammon. He's your good boy. He's very sweet about it even if it's kinda horrifying. Also his tits are out in demon form, it would distract anyone - ]
>Mammon: Heya! C'mon over to my room, I gotcha somethin'
You get the text. And of course, you came at once.
Mammon is squatting on his heels, arms on his knees and his hand resting on his chin while he stares at his DDD (it looks like his messages app).
His clothes are as stylish as ever, spic and span, his bright white head of hair eye-catching as always until you meet his eyes, which light up even brighter.
You notice this especially because just in front of him, not two feet away, in a pool of blood, is a corpse.
The urge to hurl is instantaneous - even looking at it makes you wince and tear your eyes away, but you have to see - and a terrible recognition strikes you.
From - from the cafe? Oh god. Oh god. You remember him - he was standing up and moving, he was speaking, you'd heard him talk earlier today and he's - is he -
“We need to call - ”
Mammon cuts you off, for once. "Hey! I know I ain't the best at magic but even I can take care of a body."
Your heart thuds in your chest. There's a gaping hole in the center of his - it's? - chest. The ribs curve outwards as if something in his chest exploded, the bones exposed with tiny bits of flesh and redness clinging to them in stringy, thin webs.
And then your eyes follow down to its exposed crotch, where there's nothing but a bloody stump - if it could even be called that. Fuck, you can see the -
You have to look away again, back, over into Mammon's eyes.
"A body? Mammon, this is a lot more than just - just a fucking body!!"
He perks up at that, "Ya better believe it is! I wouldn'ta done this for anyone else! Look at him - he got what he deserved. Just like you said!"
Mammon smiles up at you, his eyes flickering, and -
And he looks just as sweet as he did offering you a parfait, just as bashful and unable to hide his delight. A trace of insecurity, as if you're not sure he'll accept his affections, when he's offering you a corpse.
"Mammon..." You trail off, not sure how to say it - just in that tone he knows to think twice about.
You watch him stand, eyes down and bashful like a chastened dog, and a dark aura engulfs his figure - in an instant.
And now you know where all the blood is. his chest is splattered with it; it's a good think his outfit is mostly leather because it's all over him. His boots are all red.
Mammon has never scared you before. And now...
...he still doesn't, because he's giving you puppy dog eyes.
"I gave him just what he deserved, and brought him here for you to see!" He tells you eagerly, fixing his eyes on yours.
Mammon kicks over the body, closer to your feet; its arm rolls out limply as it sags there, like a ragdoll made of flesh.
"I'm the second strongest of all my brothers! The Great Mammon! Not just anybody would do this for ya, and almost nobody could do it as fast!"
Every sentence feels like a new swerve. You look away from his eyes, down -
"It's all for you, ya know? Because... well... I like ya so much..."
- down - there's barely any of the white markings visible on his chest, splattered with redness that trails down in rivulets as you step forward to look at it -
"A-and ya said yourself! He deserved to be punished! So I... y'know. Did what ya wanted... I did your will, master..."
His voice lingers in your ears, high but keening, somehow, that longing you know buried deep inside always calling out -
the rise and fall of his chest, so perfectly defined even with red all over it -
"For you..." Mammons says your name and your heart jumps, "I brought him here for you, at your feet, on the ground, dead beneath you where he belongs..."
You stumble over it, the heavy mound of bone and muscle in the vague shape of a body, tumbling over at your touch, pallid from the loss of blood.
The skin is waxy, and before the massive gash in its chest can make itself known you draw your eyes back, back towards the magnetic pull of Mammon's plaintive words -
His eyes draw you in, in an instant, as you seem to step forward, right into his arms... even as he falls to his knees.
Mammon's face is beatific, adoring.
"Let me show ya... how much I can do for ya, all that I wanna do for ya, I can make ya feel so good.."
You lick your lips. The demon from earlier might be dead... but your heart is pounding - desperately, and something much lower along with it.
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babyflash · 2 years
Firstly, mind dropping some fics about Wally's non hero friends(counting Hartley, and Frances, since they are not really heroes).
Second, I see your 'the team not believing Hart and Linda exist' and raise it to 'they know Hartley exists but don't believe Wally knows him' . After all, the Rathaways were/are an extremely rich family, and Hartley is quite an activist, so I do belive there would be atleast some news about him or his family.
edit: i didn’t realize you were aksing for FICS lmaoshjifghu i just talk a LOT in this. anyways lOL i will have to get back to you on fics anon, have my brain thoughts to tide you over! 
firstly, i never mind talking about wally west and his crew of loser dweebs!!!! i feel like wally has a bunch of friends, but he isn't very popular. like he's an academic decathlon kid for SURE. total science dweeb. plus he's younger than all his peers (at least in my little pea brain because he skipped a grade or was in some sort of accelerated program) so his friends are all sort of like him. kind of dorky, a little weird, kind of the worst but in a fun and loving way.
so obviously we have the incredible linda park, junior reporter extraordinaire! she's a highly curious kid, like asks a bunch of questions in class and expects serious answers from the teacher or her peers. total free thinker, total babe, wally's in love. he doesn't KNOW that's what he's feeling, he think it's totally normal to be platonically obsessed w ur homie. anyways, linda is like magnetic! she's kind of loud, but he's louder so it doesn't bother him, she talks a lot, but he talks more so he likes to listen to her, and she's just so smart!! like linda is so quick and sharp and witty! i think she probably doesn't have, like, insane grades because she's so invested in throwing herself into her "field work" (i.e. giving wally/kid flash a heart attack when trying to get the "scoop" mid battle) and because school simply doesn't interest her because not everyone has the same inquiring mind, but she also has this like deep sense of inadequacy if she doesn't do well in academics BECAUSE she prides herself on her mind. so she's like a solid A/B student.
HART!!!! HARTLEY!!!!! like what i know about hart is from. a bunch of different things that are all pretty different so i will do my best to talk about him. i like this sort of.... bitchy, sardonic, slightly pretentious theater kid hart. like i fuck with that sort of thing, especially when looking at him as a teenager (because i imagine they all get together in high school, but wallinda were childhood bffs :') but i'll talk more about that some other time) because... whoo boy. parent stuff, am i right teens? so hart's got this sort of chip on his shoulder and he doesn't really know how to interact with other people but that's okay because wally doesn't either!! you know how like in high school an extrovert will adopt a bunch of introverts? that's them. linda and wally have these wonderful personalities hart just couldn't stay away from so, much to his own chagrin, he wanted to be around them! he felt good and regular with them and he liked to just be in their presence. he also really finds himself through the stage and through music and musicals especially. he begins to sort of grow into his own thing as they grow closer to graduation and it's just lovely to see. and like, again, just stupidly fucking smart! he's an overachiever, due to pressure from external factors and also just like this sort of awful teenaged need to be better than other people (me too king. is this me projecting? i barely even know this guy and look at me shoving all my problems onto him). he's always thought of school as a bore and a waste of time, but then he meets these insane and wonderful nerds and school is a little exciting!!! he's excited!! idk if any of that makes sense. i'm also desperately sorry if it's ooc i don't know as much about him and his backstory as i do some other characters. (any recs of good hartley stuff?)
and YEAH LMAO!!! wally being like "oh that's my friend hartley :)" and robin being like "yeah okay nice try kid idiot" and wally's like i swear to god if people don't start believing i have friends i'm gonna riot
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personasintro · 3 years
Ya'll are messy! You people have me rollin. Damn, you guys are obsessed with harassing this poor author.
"Update! Update!" Um, ya'll are doing the most. I wouldn't even be surprised if Mimi discontinued MH because of you crusty-ass impatient people🤨 she has a fucking life, you know. And the fact that she takes time from it to write a story for you impatient people to read...pfft. Mimi, you don't need to update now. Learn how to have patience and find something better to do other than harassing her. Read another story. Or fucking write your own, see how long that takes. You people are just miserable. It be the same people who say "ILY THANK YOU FOR THE UPDATE!"😭 Like, weren't you just criticizing her for taking long to update??? Fucking dweebs. Just shut the fuck up and wait, dammit. You guys are kids. Most of you are under the age of 16. Shut the fuck up and sit the fuck back. Mimi, sorry for the cussing. I haven't sworn that much in one paragraph, lmao. Take your time, please. Fuck these impatient readers. It's one thing to be excited for an update, it's another to be consistent with asking about it. They don't even know if you've got something going on in your personal life because behind these screens, most of them don't have one.
I'm usually anonymous, but if someone has something to say, @ me please and thank you.
🙇‍♀️🙏 if I said what you just said, I’d get so much hate for it😆
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Happy Birthday To Me? (A drabble)
[A scene setting foreword: no new 52s/ rebirth. Never happened. Ive taken liberties with some dates. Also briefly references some other drabbles I've written that arent here. Not super important. Ok? Ok, cool.]
August 11th.
She had been purposely laying low, trying to avoid everyone she knew, her phone, it's perma-silenced state a blessing as the few observant people sent messages she could pretend to ignore.
You see, August 11th was the day she was brought, she assumes, kicking and screaming into the world.
Her mother never actually spoke about her birth. Steph assumed it must have been reasonable enough, no complications. Or maybe Crystal was too off her face to remember it. It was hard to say, really.
There was a reason Steph didn't talk to her mother about anything.
No. Her plans for this most glorious of days, was to hide out.
Not be expected to be excited about a day she didn't care about.
The point of celebrating birthdays were to celebrate another year of not dying anyway, right? A bit late for that one, for her. She had done that. So it seemed… pointless. Hollow. Almost mocking.
Every time her phone buzzed, she would pick it up to look, to make sure it wasn't a call out, but promptly set it back down upon seeing it wasn't.
Laying on her stomach, sprawled across her bed, study materials scattered around her, chewing the end of a pen, absently bobbing her foot to the music playing from her phone it was around 10:30pm when the angsty vocals of Haley Williams cut out, and the phone continued to vibrate across the text book it sat on.
Frowning slightly, picking it up, she frowned further, seeing who was calling her.
Answering the call, Steph spoke wearily.
It was definitely Jordanna on the other end of the line, and she seemed to be intoxicated.
"Oh good, I knew you wouldn't have anything better to do. Listen, I really need your help."
There was a pause, in which Steph was considering hanging up on her, but sighed slowly.
"What's wrong…?"
She says slowly, shifting, swinging her legs off the bed.
"Listen, I came out on a date with a guy I met. And after I told him I wasn't going to go home with him he's totally ditched me here and-"
Stephanie was already pulling on her shoes and jacket.
"Where are you?"
"Uh. Some place Downtown… I wasn't really paying a lot of attention. He was really charming, and good looking, and we were talking a lot…"
"Don't worry about it, Jor. Go wait in the ladies room, and I’ll come find you."
"How are you-"
"Don't worry about how. I’ll be there soon. Keep your phone on you, ok? I've gotta get off the phone now. I’ll be there."
"...ok… thank you…"
"...don't worry about it."
Ending the call, she started another one.
"Hey Babs? Can you do something for me real quick?"
"Hello to you too, Stephanie… I suppose, what is it?"
"I said Hey! Can you find someone based on their cell phone number?"
"Technically? Who are you trying to stalk?"
"Woman, one of my classmates just called me asking for help. Her date got her drunk and ditched her. She doesn't know where she is. Can you help or not."
After a brief moment of silence, in which Steph was already on her way out the door, Babs speaks again.
"What was the number?"
Storming into the ladies room, Stephanie stands in the door way for a moment, looking around.
The back stall unlocks slowly, a head of dark hair pokes out, looking at her, before the rest of Jordanna Spence rushes in Steph's direction, to throw a relieved hug around her shoulders. Awkwardly patting her back, Stephanie clears her throat slightly.
"I was worried you wouldn't come because I'm always such a jerk to you…"
Jordanna mutters, almost tearily. Steph can't help but laugh.
"Oh, sweetie. Don't even worry about it. If someone needs help, I help. C'mon. Let's get you some coffee…"
Offering her arm to her classmate, which Jordanna took, and lead her outside, and down the block.
"I know how you found me…"
Jordanna says softly, as they walk. Steph says nothing, just raising a brow at her. Jordanna leant in to excitedly whisper.
"I googled you, while I was waiting, just to do something. Stuff came up that didn't while I was searching for that mystery boyfriend of yours. You were a vigilante! A purple one, named Spoiler, to stop your dad, Cluemaster. And the you were Robin! Actually <i>Robin!</i> With Batman! That explains so much! But it also said you died. Had an obituary and everything. Look!"
Jordanna pulled out her phone and started showing a screenshot of it.
August 11 1999 - April 19 2014
Steph looked away. She had managed to avoid reading it this long, she wasn't gonna do it now.
"Don't believe everything you read on the internet, Jor. Obviously I'm not dead. I'm flesh and blood. You're holding my arm."
"But the other stuff. It all makes so much sense now, it's why you're so weird. Wait… the new Batgirl is blonde and wears purple too…"
Putting on her best exasperatedly exhausted face, which wasn't hard at this point, she looked at Jordanna.
"Girl, if I were Batgirl, wouldn't I have been out beating up bad guys and not picking up your call?"
She froze, frowning, thinking hard.
"C'mon. You're drunk, and frazzled. Let's get you that coffee, and get you home safe. I'm sure I'll be back to freak status by morning."
Taking off her jacket and giving it to Jordanna, before leading her into the diner, guiding her into a booth and paying for coffee, she sat back.
"Hey, Stephanie?"
Raising her brows over her mug in acknowledgement while sipping, Jordanna continued, holding her mug in both hands.
"Assuming that obituary was true, it's your birthday… what were you even doing that you could just run out of to come get me?"
Pausing, trying to work out how, if, she wanted to answer the question, she frowned slightly, lowering her mug.
"I was studying."
"...on your birthday."
"I don't celebrate my birthday. Just reminds me of childhood."
"....oh. I'm sorry. I know I've teased you about your dad before but… must be rough."
Half smiling, Steph shrugged a shoulder and turned her head to look out the window, lightly tapping a chipped pink manicured nail on the coffee mug.
"I honestly don't know if I'd change anything. The journey gets you to where you are, y'know?"
Jordanna snorted a laugh.
"Girl, that was corny. I was almost willing to believe you were cool enough to be a hero. Not after that."
"I told you! I'm not!"
"Yeah, well, whatever. Happy birthday anyway, you dweeb."
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sonic-nyoom · 7 years
Sorry if I'm bothering you; you don't have to answer this if you don't want to. But I was considering making a compilation video of Boom!Sonic being a dork, and I was wondering if you had any moments you'd like to suggest for it. (I figured you'd be the expert on this, hehe.)
Good Items for Compilation Videos™
Bless you for saying that I’d be the expert! ://D
Here’s all the ones I thought off the top of my head (listed in episode order):
(note: I’m only including the moments from Season 1 just in case you wanted to do a compilation for season 1 and then season 2 whenever that finishes)
- The Sidekick: Sonic going off about Burnbot’s name. Prime Dork Material!
- My Fair Sticksy: Sonic doing accents with Knuckles.
- Eggheads: Sonic fighting Tails’ machine with the line, “Back, back I say!”
- Cowbot: Sonic sneaking up to Eggman’s door. Bonus if you include him making a chili dog and him tapping Eggman’s arm to go get it later.
- Circus of Plunders: Sonic “greeting” Eggman’s robot. You might also want to include his cute reaction of “Wicked!” when he sees Barker’s Sphere of Fear.
- Unlucky Knuckles: Sonic swinging his golf ball like a bat. Optional inclusion is him sitting back with a coconut drink and/or reading his own biography.
- The Meteor: “Ha; first!”, Sonic’s policy on “dibs”, or potentially him in Eggman’s body saying, “NOBODY GET HURT, OR SOMEBODY’S GONNA GET HURT!!”
- Aim Low: Sonic dashing inside Sticks’ house saying, “I’ve got board games!”
- How to Succeed in Evil Without Really Trying: Sonic’s jam pun and/or Sonic responding to Eggman’s entrance with, “Gotta admit; that had pizazz.”
- Don’t Judge Me: “That mothbot is no match for my swat-a-pult!”, “Yes! Tainted victory is mine!”, and/or “The only thing I’m guilty of is being awesome!”
- Dr. Eggman’s Tomato Sauce: Sonic’s reaction after drinking Eggman’s tomato sauce. Bonus for him crying at Tails’ plane story.
- Sole Power: Sonic dancing, winning epicly at volleyball, and opening his mouth for Eggman to toss popcorn in. Bonus for “Sonic’s gonna go for a run.” What a dweeb.
- Sleeping Giant: “When life gives you lemons… make lemonade!” and “Sleep my large rocky friend, and dream of large gravel-y girl monsters.”
- The Curse of the Buddy Buddy Temple: Sonic debating with Eggman on the “nature direction of the fight” and Sonic calling Eggman “Eggs Benedict Arnold”.
- Let’s Play Musical Friends: “Uh, that reminds me; I gotta chop my arm off!” and Sonic checking his notebook to look at his schedule.
- Late Fees: “Because you were part of the team that helped me track it down and I wanted you to share in the glory of this victory… and I didn’t think of that.”
- Eggman Unplugged: Sonic giggling as he’s pranking Knuckles.
- Chez Amy: Sonic’s pun on Amy’s burger and Sonic passing the ball to himself.
- Curse of the Cross Eyed Moose: “Sonic, what’s up with you?” “Just hangin’ out.”
- Chili Dog Day Afternoon: Sonic correctly guessing all of Dave’s chili dog ingredients. Bonus if you include Sonic’s cute smile even while everyone’s upset because he has zero clue what’s going on.
- Closed Door Policy: Sonic hitting the coconuts around to music and Sonic putting all the stuff together just to pull out a chili dog and say, “Time to take in the trash!”
- Eggman the Auteur: “I’m an actor; I was being dramatic!”
- Two Good to Be True: Sonic “saving” his chili dog and exclaiming, “Got it! That was almost the worst disaster imaginable!”
- Beyond the Valley of Cubots: Sonic’s “under where” joke.
- Next Top Villain: Cropped shot of Sonic dancing and/or petting the bunny.
- New Year’s Retribution: Optionally, Sonic’s dancing.
- Battle of the Boy Bands: “It’s fun to bring people a long way to finish a sentence, isn’t it?”
- Fire in a Crowded Workshop: Sonic’s fantasy, specifically when he introduced himself to Perci. Possibly include, “No matter. I’ll heroically repair this bike with only my bare hands… and a welding laser!”
- It Wasn’t Me, It Was the One-Armed Hedgehog: Any clip of Sonic with his glasses and bandana.
- Robot Battle Royale: Sonic being excited over chili dogs rather than the battle royale.
- No Robots Allowed: “Everyone okay?” “Yeah…” “Everyone wanna do that again???” or “Incoming! …Outgoing?”
- Role Models: “We shouldn’t be horsin’ around in here; we should be horsin’ around out here!” and “Being a role model is overrated. I’d much rather be… hilariously edgy.”
- Cabin Fever: Sonic grinning at his little sandcastle. Optionally, just about any clip of Sonic trying to act regally during the game of pretend; bonus if it’s Sonic’s comment when Knuckles insults television.
- It Takes a Village to Defeat a Hedgehog: “Tails, so help me; if you’ve been confusing L-brackets and T-brackets this whole time…!! D:
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♛ if you want if you're still accepting-- out of everything I'm just curious ngl lmfao
♛ FILL IN THE BLANKS | FLUFF OTP EDITION |  Tbh thanks to you I lowkey ship it. Just…pimping my poor Ko out to every well-played character I can reach gdi me. 
Who’s more likely to find who wearing their clothes?: Neither of them make a habit of it as such, though there is this one coat that Seiko commandeered once because it was freezing out and her best one was in the wash. It’s so warm and still kind of smells like him so he’s never getting it back. He doesn’t want it back either, she looks adorable in it. Who enunciates hand holding?: Out of these dorks? It takes them forever to get to the hand-holding stage because they’re both shy idiots. Once they get there, it’s anyone’s guess as to who actually ever initiates it because they’re rarely not holding hands. Who likes having their hair washed by who?: Ko loves having his hair washed. Seiko always sneaks in a bit of a massage while she’s there and she’s so gentle about it he’s almost fallen asleep once or twice. Who likes to slow dance?: Seiko’s really nervous about dancing because it requires being so close to another person, and it’s such an ambiguous activity; there’s no clear beginning, middle or end so she never knows what’s expected of her. Ko tries to help her understand that there are no expectations, and sometimes it’s just nice to stop and enjoy a good slow song. Muse that’s more likely to fall asleep with their head in the others lap?: Ko, a million times. Seiko was just playing with his hair when she realised she should probably go get some work done, but now she can’t get up because she’s being weighed down by a sleepy lil’ marshmallow who, honestly, probably didn’t get a lot of sleep the night before anyway and, well, she’s just too nice to make him move, and he just looks so peaceful…Muse that does all the cuddling in a blanket fort?: Ko does it once because Seiko’s in a really upset mood and he can’t get her to to talk about it, so instead he makes her a pillow fort where she can retreat from the world and hide out for a while. It becomes a tradition for one to do it for the other whenever they’ve had a hard day. Who hogs most of the covers at night?: Ko worries a lot about Seiko, so he does the exact opposite of hogging the covers - he checks them multiple times a night to make sure they’re still on, and she’s still warm and comfortable. Muse who nuzzles the others shoulder to get them to give them a head rub?: They both nuzzle each other, but it’s never usually to ask for anything. Even so, they get it anyway - a hug, a head rub, a shoulder rub; whatever they like. It becomes a bit of a statement in and of itself; “I’m not upset, but I’m not very happy either”, or “I want affection”. How do they share a desert? Two forks or one?: After eventually learning about Seiko’s anorexia, he educates himself on the illness and tries to conform to her non-harmful food related habits, whatever they may be. If it means - and it does for a lot of sufferers - that she doesn’t want to share cutlery, no cutlery will be shared. If she wants to, however, he doesn’t mind. But he’s not big on sweets anyway. Who gets jealous more easily?: I don’t think they’ll get jealous in the traditional sense, but I think they’d both be inclined to a degree of dejected acceptance. “You probably like that person more than me. That’s ok, I understand.” Who gets angered more easily?: Yeah, like either of these two know how to express anger healthily.How do they go to sleep at night?: Depends on how Seiko feels tbh. Ko likes physical contact with his SO but he’s also especially cautious with Seiko. He knows she’ll do whatever other people want even if it’s not what she wants, so he watches his cues very carefully. Who gets the most shoulder rubs?: It’s pretty split. They like taking care of one another. What are there arguments/fights like? How often do they fight?: They don’t know how to fight, especially not with each other. If anything, they’d have disagreements over each other’s treatment of their own health; but fight would be too strong a word to use for these probably. Who is more likely to throw things in fights?: The idea of people who do that is literally terrifying to them both.How do they make it up to each other/apologize after an argument?: Plenty of hugs and sorrys, but they’d both prefer to just have it over and done with and not dwell. Do they have nicknames for each other?: Probably, but even with a nickname, Ko will continue to use honorifics as a sign of respect and admiration.Caring for each other while ill, how does the other muse go about it?: Honestly, they’re both experienced with illness, so they’d be ok at it. They’ve both got their health struggles, and while they’d each be inclined to panic slightly if something went wrong, I feel like education is the key. They’d want to learn about each others’ health battles so they could be a better carer and partner. Who’s more likely to be patching the others wound?: It’s split. Overprotective, overcaring roomies. Muse that says ‘I told you so’, after they come home from the beach and other muse is burnt to a crisp while whining how bad it hurts for not listening and putting on sunblock after the other muse repeatedly told them they’d get burnt?: Neither of them are that likely to go out into the sun to begin with oops..Your otp has a newborn baby, who gets up in the middle of the night when he/she cries?: They’d probably take it in shifts. Ko wants to do it all the time but Seiko won’t let him. It’s their child, so they must share the responsibility, she reminds him. But it’s coming from a place of love, so nobody gets annoyed. They make a good, caring team. Your muse’s of the otp reaction to finding the others crying about something? And how do they make them feel better?: Ko would be super, super careful, like he’s afraid of making it worse. He would hug her as gently as he could manage and try to coax the issue from her without being too demanding. If she resisted, he’d just try and convince her that he’s there for her regardless, and let her cry it out instead. What would they be like as parents?: Absolute dweebs of the best kind. Both of them want to do better than their own parents. They’re clueless about how to be parents so they read all the books and speak to all the experts, but at the end of the day, parental instinct wins out, and they do a wonderful job with their children. What would they have been like as childhood sweethearts?: Ko would visit Seiko every time she got sick, and bring her more and more supplies as she got more into decorating her masks. He would be honoured and excited every time she made one for him to wear, too, since he always had to wear them around her. Whenever her health got her down, Ko would pull out and Atlas and point to all the places he’d take her one day; especially cities like Paris and London where fashion is huge. When Ko is diagnosed with Dementia, he tells Seiko about it only because he feels like he owes her the information, and because he knows his time might be coming to and end, and he may not be able to keep his promise. She buys him a brand new Atlas and they read it together. Who enunciates taking a bath together?: Please neither of them are that smooth. Who likes who playing with their hair?: Play with Ko’s hair and he’s all yours. Seiko learns this quickly and takes advantage of it often. The place they mostly likely accidentally fall asleep together?: A bed. But if one of them’s been hospitalised suddenly, it’s not uncommon for them to wake up and see the other asleep in a chair next to them. 
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dammit-daroga · 7 years
hahaha this ask is from literal months ago. like over the summer. but i’m procrastinating on a paper, so here are some thoughts (but I warn that I’ve forgotten most of my ren. phantom musings) below the cut
this au idea started out with me, local history dweeb, reflecting on the fact that shifted time period au’s ALWAYS get me, and then it was a matter of picking a time period that I know a lot about for which there wasn’t an au (that i know of) and just running with it. SO. imagine the potential of italian renaissance phantom.
-one of the main hallmarks of the italian renaissance was the patronage of artists. like hey you’re rich, why don’t you pay some dude to make shit tons of art for you so everyone will know that you have Status. and while mainly patronage is a painter/sculptor kind of thing, i feel like maybe christine’s pops could have found a patron and worked for some such family as a musician, then he dies, the family is like shit what do we do with his kid. not sure what happens to our fave heroine at this point tbh,,
-italian ren is a time for anyone with Money to get some sick art and some dope respect, so lowkey, i’m feeling like our fave Persian could worm his way into some respectable fringe society, acting mostly as a cover and patron of the Ghost Man, who just does his usual hiding-in-the-walls-making-music thing. probably also big opportunity to get Dark because you KNOW homeboy would pull a Caravaggio and have an insane reputation, kill some dudes, use literal dead bodies a models for paintings, the works.
-christine is hella ready to believe in the angel of music bc guess what ITS THE RENAISSANCE and everyone is Extremely Religious, so i feel like it’s less of a leap for her to fall for that
-raoul is still a bourgeoisie kiddo, livin it up, total cinnamon roll. thinks Christine is neato.
-a point worth mentioning is that opera wasn’t really a Thing until like the mid 17th century, so that doesn’t work out so much, but the sentiment remains.
-that’s all i got atm, if anyone has thoughts, feel free to add
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