#sorry i'm in a ranty mood today
diapause · 1 year
the Thing on here of posts that always end up like
[important post by physically disabled person about an issue that particularly affects blind people and people with motor control issues]
[obnoxious reply by self absorbed person with adhd that just Had to say "this doesn't Just affect physically disabled people though!!1!"]
are so fucking infuriating. sometimes you need to accept that something isn't about you. and if you find yourself using "just" to describe (and minimise) a group of people that a lot of the time face oppression and general difficulties more life threatening than you ever will, consider deleting your comment and reblogging in silence, or maybe even deleting your blog as a whole so no one has to see your shitty self obsessed opinions on a minority you aren't a part of.
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man photoshop just really hates me today
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badsongpetey · 2 years
Sorry, this is a bit ranty, I'm in a mood today lol.
So I just want to say to all the artists out there, and I want to clarify that when I say "artists" I mean all creatives -- visual art, music, writing, textile arts, dance, spoken art, craft art, chefs and bakers, on and on, all of it -- I want to say to all of you, YOU ARE VALUABLE, I VALUE YOU.
I think the pandemic taught us that life without art, without creative outlets, is not life. Yet society continues to undervalue artists at every turn. "You want to be paid? Don't you just do it because you love it?" Would you say that to your surgeon? Your plumber? Hell, how would you feel if someone said that to you about your work, something that you probably studied for, trained for, have put untold countless hours of work and practice into?
I see artists apologizing for not pumping out art at, frankly, punishing rates. Even if they do it for free, for "fun". You pay $1/mo for someone's patreon, and they're giving you $50 of content every month and thanking you. I hear stories of artists getting stiffed on commissions because they took more than a day to do it. I've been offered the "opportunity" to do free art for someone "for experience and exposure" so many times I need to lay down to make the stupid stop hurting.
How about we normalize appreciating all the work, skill, talent, time, and love that go into being an artist. How about we don't cancel someone because they're not creating "fast enough". How about we recognize the value of all the free art we are given (how many FREE novels have you read on AO3?).
I should say, nothing bad has happened to me to say this, EVERYONE has been so kind and wonderful to me here and on AO3 and on my other socials. I love you guys sm! I've just been seeing stuff the last few months and I needed to voice my support for my fellow artists. You're all amazing and beautiful, and you make life better with your gift of art to us all <3
Go tell your favorite artist that you value them today! Trust me, it'll make their day, probably their whole month :)
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emsylcatac · 3 years
You would have recieoa lot of asks about this before, and sorry if this comes off as whiny, but I am almost depressed with the fandom salting on yesterday's episode:(
Like a couple of people who I follow started salting on the writing saying that it was biased at Marinette, and that it was physiiabuse in the first scene.
I get why a lot of people would have problems with that scene, so I ignored them.
But then they are also salting on the fake confession scene saying that Marinette was being narcissistic in that scene and that it was not romantic and disgusting and all sorts of such things.
Normally I block away all the salt but this makes me soo sad and uncomfortable and I feel even like crying because I am so confused now because it was actually my most favourite Marichat scene of all times and
Normally I block away all the salt but this makes me soo sad and uncomfortable and I fell even like crying because I am so confused now because it was actually my most favourite Marichat scene of all times and people saying it was abusive is just - upsetting:(
Them come people comparing Gabriel - GABRIEL to Ladybug saying she was an abuser too and I can't-
To take my mind off this I decided to read fabfiction but guess what? The first ever fanfic I ran into today was a Marinette saltfic salting on the show:((
Now the thing which even bugs me more is that one of these salters was a person who doesn't really salt on the show at all. And they also sound reasonable and I am confused because am I seeing things wrong? Am I ignoring something which is really wrong? I just... don't know.
Sorry if this was ranty, again. If you could can you tell what you liked about the episode? I would love to hear good takes about how amazing the episode was.
Hey anon ♥︎
I'm sorry people are damping your mood, especially after such a cool episode!
Sometimes people are affected by things differently depending on their personal experiences, triggers, etc, so maybe that's why the person who seemed reasonable to you ended up salting. It doesn't mean they're right and you're wrong just because they usually aren't a salter, especially right after an episode, the first reaction to it can be vastly different from once you've taken a step back! Since we're all human, sometimes even reasonable people end up having questionable takes and if you don't understand or share their view on it, it doesn't necessarily mean that you're the one who missed something ♥︎
(Also felt about going on AO3 with the Marinette salt fic, got the same experience as you this morning).
For the confession scene, people gotta asked themselves these questions:
Did Marinette ask Chat Noir's help with the intention of hurting him?
Did Chat Noir mind being her practice person?
Was Chat Noir or Marinette hurt by each other during it?
All of the answers are "no" so calling it disgusting is stupid! Also, that scene wasn't supposed to be romantic between the two: it was about Marinette and Chat Noir's personal and internal character growth, and that's what happened. If it was supposed to be read as romantic, then Adrien would have learnt that Marinette's crush was himself, and it wasn't the case! It was just a fun scene with lots of introspection!
Anyway, enough about countering negativity, I'll say what I loved about the episode (which is everything but I'll try to not go overboard hahaha [edit: I'm not even halfway through it but it's already too long so Imma gonna put a "read more" I loved that episode too much rip]):
I loved that Ladynoir discussion at the start with Ladybug setting her boundaries and Chat Noir deciding to stop oversharing his affection cause he understood she didn't find it funny .
I loved to see Adrien being really affected and sad about his feelings. We hadn't seen him as bothered before when it came to Ladybug, so that really hit emotionally! .
Really liked Marinette wanting to cheer him up. And I also loved that we can see she's still hasn't grasped fully yet how to deal with Adrien, which is coherent with what she says to Chat Noir later on: when she sees Adrien sad, her reaction is that it'll give her an opportunity to cheer him up and she hopes he'll then see her in a positive light. It's not "I'm gonna ask what's wrong and see if and how I can help". She's not there yet, but she will and I like that we saw her still being in her fantaisie instead of being how we know Marinette to be when she sees anyone else being sad and wanting to confort them. Because it's exactly what she admits to Chat Noir later so it adds even more weigh to it! It was really well written. And I believe she'll learn soon how to approach him better as she's now identified that she had a hard time around him .
I loved that she gave him a freaking pottery wheel it was hilarious. To recreate Ghost. Oh my god that was so funny .
Adrien wanting to keep the wheel too gfhjhjgfhjg .
I LOVED loved loved Adrien shutting Gabriel's offer for "help" down. That was so satisfying and wow, to see how Adrien has come from being hopeful regarding his dad to resigned to outright refusing him is both heartbreaking and beautiful .
Adrien holding his mother's picture after shutting down his father like "wish u were here so I could talk to you instead u'd know what to say" rip my heeeaaart 🥲 .
Plagg so funny about the "three sentences, that's family warmth" I diiiiied 💀and omg I really loved Adrien saying he didn't want to be like his father. I think that should shut up people who still doubted he'd join him once he knew for his mother. He won't 😎 .
I was not expecting to see Kagami but I'm soooo happy she was there!!! First because she immediately saw something was wrong with Adrien and offered help. I assume they probably made up in an earlier episode, maybe Gabriel Agreste or Psychomedian. And then when she gave Marinette's advices talking the fencing language and about her manga? Aaah girl that was so cute and funny! .
Adrien wanting to destroy all traces of his love for LB with TONS of posters shown in Paris and Plagg being sick of cheese? that was really funny and extra haha. I like how we see him having a hard time managing his emotions and not handling it quite right yet. And I especially love how this episode parallels Marinette's denial of feelings for Adrien from Mr Pigeon 72. Throughout Mr Pigeon, Marinette tried to push Adrien and Kagami together by denying her feelings for Adrien and saying she's moved on or has to. And at the end, she understood she could embrace them. It's kinda what happens with Chat Noir too! They both try to control their feelings instead of learning how to deal with them at first, and the conclusion of each episode is that they gotta embrace them and not try too hard! .
Marinette calling out to Chat Noir like she would a real cat killed me .
Okay but. Marinette went through her entire contact list and couldn't find the perfect person to rehearse her confession. Then she sees Chat Noir, her best friend with whom she's comfortable with and goes "yes this will be perfect", how cute is that? .
I liked that Tikki (who, for once, wasn't evil :P) pointed out that Chat Noir being out there isn't normal and Marinette brushing her off: it's in coherence with the next few episodes and the mounting tension between them. Chat Noir rarely shows himself as vulnerable to anyone, so of course Marinette didn't assume he wasn't feeling ok. And of course she won't notice him later withdrawing because to her, Chat Noir's her rock and he's fine and thinking he's not is scary. So I liked how it made sense she didn't assume he'd be out cause he was hurting! It's too early for her to realise it .
That whole confession scene was the best thing ever oh my god. Marinette is so extra I love her so much, I laughed a lot at how cheesy her confession is, and I laughed even more when Chat Noir had to act all touched and moved by it and she told him "you're overdoing it" because girl. Do you hear yourself talking ajhshj. Chat Noir laughing at "Buttercup" was everything: wait for when it'll be your actual nickname post reveal boy, we'll see who laughs in the end .
I really liked Adrien not knowing which face to do: he's asked to play a role, but he doesn't know how to do it. He doesn't know how a "sweetheart" is supposed to react to her confession, he wants to make the face she wants him to and is waiting to be told how to act. For an episode about learning to "being one selves"and drop the act it was interesting to say the least! .
I love how sweet they were and Chat Noir comforting Marinette and giving her advice. And how committed into helping her Chat Noir was, when he wanted for her to try again after the movies and after the akuma attack without her asking it again. He so wanted for her to succeed it was sweet!! .
I love how honest they were during the cinema, and how they expressed how they react differently to having to confess their love. It was really good to see them realising and/or admitting why they were struggling with it, and it'll help them in the future! .
Overall, these conversations between Marinette and Chat Noir offered big character development and it was so nice to see! I really love how this episode showed that Marinette and Adrien are learning to focus on themselves this season before going headfirst into love. The kids are growing and it's beautiful to see! They also have an immense amount of respect for each other and I love that, in all sides of the masks .
Chat Noir having an umbrella in his baton 🥺 Marinette calling him a good chaton 🥺 .
Ladybug and Chat Noir driving a car was everything I didn't know I needed. Chat Noir telling her "my great friend for whom I only feel sincere friendship" killed me, boy stop trying to hard ahhjhjazsd (it was again a callback to Marinette in Mr Pigeon trying too hard to pretend she didn't feel anything for Adrien) .
I love how Ladybug and Chat Noir talked about their boundaries again and what was ok and not ok to do. They're such good kids and such great friends I love them .
Marinette realising her confession wasn't representative of herself was!!! So good!!! And you know what? That's when Chat Noir didn't have to wonder about how he should react to her practicing and which face he should make. His reaction was genuine because she was genuine, so he was really admiring that she managed to open up her heart for real. In this little rehearsal, they both managed to be themselves in a way! .
Aaaand I love how it inspired him for that finale scene! Adrien understood the solution wasn't to try to fight off his feelings for Ladybug, but to accept them and embrace them but have a different approach with it. To just be himself and see where it leads him. That was so important!! Once again, the point isn't for the lovesquare to reverse: it's for them to embrace themselves and each other, and to most importantly accept and love themselves and I loved it ♥︎ love yourself and you'll love better, and people will see you for who you are too
Anyway I'm sorry that was so long so I tried to cover lots of points briefly, but I loved that episode so much, the messages it carried and the character development we got!!
Have a nice day/evening anon and I hope my answer help you feel better 😄
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bethanthrax · 4 years
I've been away.
It's been roughly six months since I last dipped my toe into the diverse and sometimes murky waters of Tumblr.
After a ~weird~ few months, I'm back, and hoping to start creating some art again. I've also started dabbling in writing a fo4 fic, which I may or may not post. :)
Long ranty shit from here on, feel free to ignore...
I was first disenchanted with Tumblr during the shitstorms within the Fallout 4 fandom, which some of us still remember as if it were a cocktail that you used to love, but that you drank too much of that one time in 2006 and it made you vomit in the kitchen sink, and now the smell of tequila turns your stomach. I was very deep in the fandom at this time, but this experience - of being scared to interact with anyone lest the witch hunt target me next - meant that my involvement significantly slowed.
Following that, a close friendship which I had made via the fandom went sour. Quite simply, the friendship was toxic from the start, and there was a lot of underhanded shit going on. It completely destroyed my confidence. I felt that nothing I drew, nothing I wrote, was any good; I was put off creating any content at all. I couldn't bear to see that person's posts, to move in the same online circles as they did. So, I left.
I came back last year after talking with my wonderful, lovely friend, @the-dubstep-strawberry via email. She is so positive and encouraging, that she gave me faith in the community again. I got a new blog, a new username, and completely started from scratch. All was well for a little bit.
I saw a psychiatrist in December, who put me on quetiapine, a drug commonly used to treat bipolar disorder. I have not been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Therefore, this medication ROYALLY fucked me up. My menstrual cycle stopped, my moods flatlined, and I basically felt as though my soul had left my body. I lost all interest in everything any anything I loved. I went into a weird, trance-like existence, where I convinced myself that human interaction was futile (I know, existential crisis much?) and deleted all my social media apps, including Tumblr.
I stopped taking the meds in January.
Then Australia caught fire.
Then a global pandemic hit.
Then worldwide protests broke out.
And today I thought, you know what? Fuck denying myself joy.
I love fallout 4. I love seeing fan content. I love the fics, the art, the discussions. I love meeting like-minded people who escape from the horrors of the Real World by immersing themselves in a fantasy for a while. Isn't that what we all do, in some way?
Fuck being too scared to enjoy something, because I'm worried that it might be taken away.
And that's that. I'm back on my bullshit. Sorry, bitches.
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[ I don't own these photos, creds to owner! ]
13/100 days of 100 days of productivity challenge!
8:21 PM | Jan. 19 | 2019 | Ah, today was much better than yesterday. I had some good food, and I also did another water change. Apparently the reason why the water has been getting kinda gross faster than usual was because of me. I was overfeeding them. :/
But I'll now feed them less and their tank looks nice and clean! And also I didn't know they were spoilers at first, but they were. It was for bnha. I read volumes 15 & 16 but I do know a website online so I'll catch up to understand what everyone was saying. It's kind of a bummer when I get spoilers, but thankfully it doesn't always ruin it for me. Unless they were spoiling like over 10 chapters or someone died, it's not always the worst.
Anyways, I got really off topic but this whole thing will be not so studyblr. I also got some nice sweaters + a cute rainbow belt (i love rainbows). Today I kinda was in a bit of a bad ish mood bc I went to the store and I was overly awkward and it made me feel embarrassed and a little anxious.
Not only that, I accidentally bumped my cart into another person's cart and they gave me a dirty look and that made me feel really bad and self-conscious. I said sorry but I should have said it louder. Plus I almost pushed the cart into an old woman and my mom was like "Be careful you almost hit her!" and like it made me feel worse bc I was already feeling a bit upset bc of the incident before that. She wasn't trying to make me feel bad but it was like, awkward.
My mom usually pushes the cart that's why I was moving it so weirdly. It also kind of annoyed me that some people knew that they would have to move but like, they kept walking in that same direction and it just made it more difficult for me. Maybe they really didn't know but it still made me a bit stressed out. Idk why I get kinda upset over little things like that in public.
Lastly, when we were checking out these two little kids wouldn't move when I had to push the cart forward and their mom was yelling their names in spanish. I felt bad. Considering the things I want to do require public speaking and social interactions, I just pray that I don't get so nervous, awkward, anxious, and overly self conscious when I have social interactions. I hope this changes soon. :(
But, I'm actually happy right now I don't feel bad like I did earlier. I got some Jamba Juice too. Also, I cleaned. I usually do but bc of my laziness on Friday and Thursday I didn't. Again, this is a normal thing because I have time to do it but I did cook myself a good breakfast.
Hopefully I finish my semester assignment tomorrow or on Monday. My teacher is going to be grading my assignments and filling in report cards. I don't want my grade to go down because she marked it as 0 before I submit. Okay, that's all today, sorry for getting really personal and ranty on here.
Take care everyone, stay safe, and stay hydrated! I'll update you tomorrow! Arrivederci!
~ Valentina ✨
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I don't think I could any more vehemently despise American Media™
The absolute arrogance with which Fox News and CNN speak about this attack in Manchester absolutely makes me sick. Get you facts straight before you speak. Please!
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kingglouiis · 8 years
I'm honestly just having a terrible day lol
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halseyasfcuk · 10 years
"#gendered slurs cw" on a Shae gifset when she says "I'm not your lady, I'm your whore"
That would be like tagging something that said "Oh, that's a little queer" as #homophobic slur cw
It's being used as its intended meaning come on
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clockworkrobotic · 11 years
Some facts about rape (feel free to add to the list):
Rape is mainly but not in any world exclusivelya male attacker and a female victim
Men can be raped by women
Men can be raped by men
Women can be raped by women
The gender of the attacker or the victim does not affect the severity of the crime and therefore should not affect charges
Rape is non-consenting sex; the term "forceful" cannot always be applied because in many cases for whatever reason the victim cannot resist or protest against the attacker (such as physical disability or intoxication)
Despite what you might have read in 50 Shades of Grey, in a consenting and established dom/sub relationship, the dominant understands the submissive's limits and ignorance of safe words and clear demands that they stop count as rape and/or assault
Rapists, regardless of age, status, career, or anything else, do not deserve any kind of sympathy
There is no excuse for rape
It is never, ever the victim's fault
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