#sorry if the dialogued are meh x''d
du-buk · 2 years
8:11 Questions+Answers Pt.2
Got behind again:,D Thank you all for the questions and support though! I hope these don’t disappoint!💙✨✨✨🦭
General Characters Asks;
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I’m SOOOO behind on these asks, I apologize to you anons😭💙 But thank you so so much 2nd anon! I love rambly asks, so no worries💙 Thank you for supporting BOTH versions of the game, and liking it! I am honored and I hope you enjoy the sequel; and Gabriel’s next upcoming content then! Thanks again!
For anon 1; hahahaha, I love that! What a cool dream......... I would love to try making such a thing in real life...... but no idea how to structure jokes into four-panels......
But it would be really cool! Newpaper comics and the like were some of my biggest drawing inspirations as a young kid. It would be so nice to give it a go:)
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I’ve thought about it, and, sadly no 💔 I’m incredibly busy, especially as of late due to family tragedy, and my health makes it hard to be online all the time.
I’m a mod for one discord server my friends made, and, I do a terrible job at being a mod. I’m never online and just don’t check in with servers, sorry! But I can always happily promote a fan one👍✨
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There’s a small linkage to this. To be honest there was an grand, but old concept for this; but I might drop it as it doesn’t really impact the story in a positive way (as I see it). Or maybe I’ll continue with this, and see what I can do with it in the future.....! Maybe I’ll surprise myself, hahaha. Let’s find out!
But in general it was used before to signify angels, or death’s presence. I don’t know if I like this as I didn’t really use it for every angel in chapter one. For fun, this is what the map looks like when Gabriel and Vittorino talk and the static occurs. The Basilica walls change, and some angels appear.
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Hmmm..... oh boy. I think there were a few changes, so I will attempt to remember, but I believe I changed;
Gabriel’s co worker plot line: Meh. It’s a good excuse for him to get to the Basilica. But it’s not so heavily talked about anymore. She is most likely just dead, or missing, and Gabriel can now use Vittorino to help regain his memories. Gabriel’s past overall has done a lot of last minute changes; I think all for the best.
Gabriel’s age: I made him younger. Just to look more helpless and you feel sorry for the guy.
Vittorino and Gabriel dialogue; Vittorino is meant to be ambiguously-taken by the audience when he meets Gabriel. You can decide to trust him, or not.
Accardi and Vittorino’s dialogue in Act 3: I believe I changed some things when they talk about Dante. The old version, I believe, there were indications that Accardi knew who Dante was? He still does for the updated full game, but, now with V2 he claims he can’t remember specifically just Dante’s appearance/face. Lots of face imagery here hahaha
Lots of little details I believe; like what notes Ryker found and such.
The static noise. Also is the reason why in the demo; Leon told Ryker to ignore the static noises; and why it’s not in the full game now. I really just didn’t care for that concept, and wish to use something better.
In the future, if given the chance; I would like to re-make the town and the townspeople. In general just change NPC outfits, way of speech, beliefs, etc. to really give the town a stranger feeling and making the player feel so out of place.
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Hmmm..... sometimes I throw an intentional curve ball. Sometimes I don’t give a yes or a no to not spoil the future fun.  And yet, I have also deleted some asks that said too much. I try to delete outdated asks but I’m also just..... not online much and forget to go through my archive, hahaha^^;
Off the top of my head; nothing was spoilered in my answers, but, a lot of people ask me about “how will X character react to Accardi being outed as a cannibal?”
Well.... I’ve already decided to change someone’s reaction. I think this will be fun to write dialogue for, when I’m at that scene, hehe.
To give an idea; 8:11 is has been fully written for years now. But, it’s been a struggle to create a game with my health, busy schedule, etc. as a one-man-team. So, sometimes bits and pieces of the story, or characters, change over time like I do. New things inspire me, challenge me, etc. and I like to implement it in my stories. So far, the ideas and sets I’ve made for 8:11′s sequel overall make me extremely proud, and I hope to show it sometime in the near future when completed. 💙👍💙🦭💙
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Hmmmm...... only recently! As a challenge I wish to find voices in the same language characters grew up speaking (i.e, Ryker = French, Gabriel = Italian, etc.) My girlfriend actually pointed out a really nice headcanon voice someone had for Ryker, which is this video;
I’ve shared before that I think Leon sounds like this, but, other than these two, I have no ideas yet on voice claims.
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Hmmm...... I don’t know much about instruments, so, I might leave it up for fans to think about, hahahah^^;
I like to think Juliek was forced by his parents to learn violin or something; but he didn’t care for it. So he doesn’t pressure Amalia to pick up instruments if she doesn’t want to. But he loves to hear Accardi play. Maybe Susan knows how to play as well? Maybe instrument-playing is reserved for more upper class people in this world, as it sounds with above hahahaha.
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Hahahaha, weeeeell...... ummm.... [weapons/guns talk below warning]
Sorry for a disappointing answer anon, but, I just like arrows! They are often in my dreams, and fun to draw, so it’s common to just see in my artwork and stories hahahaha. I’ve had practice with shooting arrows and guns; and just like them. So I like to draw characters with weapons. Nothing much to it for 8:11′s story(symbolism wise); but maybe for future stories of mine.
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Yep! But I cannot say who ;) But I find the secret couples cute
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I’m glad you like them anon, thank you!!
After playing Pathologic, and re-watching Twin Peaks, I really wish I developed Dakota and Wankou more. Side characters can be so fun to talk to and interact with. I hope in the future to develop them more 💙💙💙
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Yep! Go ahead anon, please help yourself to any of the ADULT characters! Have fun!
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Ryker asks;
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Are you referring to this?⬇️
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Then yes! My dear best friend @jirachi​ made that for me, in support of the game! I actually have it up on my wall, next to my work station 💙😭 So everyone say thank you to her! And since time is played around with in the Basilica, like loose strings, I figured it fit best there:)
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He would, if you’re Ryker. If not, but you can see him, he might be alarmed (”why are you able to see someone else’s guardian angel?” he’s thinking) but if you are friendly......he can hug you. He would be so warm, yet probably smell like soil.
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They certainly smell bad. They were going to take a bath in act 3, but then found Beetle in the tub instead.
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Hi anon! Well.....
It wasn’t my intention, but, if you see fit; then who am I to stop you? Ryker wasn’t written with anything like that, but in general if I write a character with something; I will state it in text. (Which is why there’s so much talk about depression and anxiety disorders hahah)
Leon asks;
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Hello anons! He technically had someone he was very close with, but, NOT in a romantic sense. Just a friendly way.
I’ve never written a love interest for Leon, sadly. If you want him though, you can have him. Just be gentle....
He also has no canon last name, so, you can give him yours. 👍💙💙💙
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Hahaha, surprised (but glad) to hear! I didn’t think Francis would gather any fans until chapter two. Here’s some fun facts;
He was a morning person until the incident
He enjoys □ □ □ 
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Yes! Francis is just spoken with in a non-human form, so, it can be tricky to tell.
Accardi+Juliek asks;
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He probably had to drag them around, got dizzy, and threw up on them. What’s a few more bruises to Ryker when they’re covered in them, hahahaha.
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Hannibal, definitely. Your mom is very right👍 I love Mads Mikkelsen’s portrayal of him. Other than Hannibal, Accardi was inspired by other characters like Koito from Golden Kamuy and Westley from the Princess and the Bride.
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Are you referring to his pixel sprites? It honestly might have been a mistake, as, pixel art hurts my eyes 😭 I think 8:11 will be the last game I make with pixel art, as, the little details are too difficult for me to keep up with. My bad!
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Hello! Yes, I confirmed it over on Twitter a while back I believe. But don’t be fooled........it’s not a long history between them, and anything about them will just be implied. Juliek just likes to fuck.
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Uh, no clue, sorry anon. He’s just always had that.
Remember when Accardi told Ryker he gave stitches to Vittorino once? When he bumped his head on a table? Maybe Accardi had to do something similar with Juliek after a crazy night with the boys..... who knows....
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Vittorino+Gabriel+Dante asks; 
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There’s no cure. We’re just going to have to put you down. Sorry.
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He would chase you with an axe.
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I don’t mind! I’ve never really thought about it myself.... but I don’t mind it, hahaha. Chapter two might be a wild ride though if you do ship them ;P
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Dante enjoyed hunting as it relieved stress, and a way to escape from the madness at the Basilica for a moment. Though, he was never taught proper gun safety (no surprise).
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....Or in the past, possibly. I doubt Gabriel would want to do anything in a sewage area.
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Hello! I am, thank you for asking! You’re free to draw whatever you want, I don’t care.
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You might have to ask off anon. I don’t know exactly how to send these images, as, I don’t want to upload them on my archives 😭Just a heads up, I don’t think anything other than bare chests are shown so don’t get any hopes up👍I believe for the priest zine I only drew Leon and Vittorino.
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LOOOL yeah okay, pretty funny. But we will have to see, hahha. I don’t really draw NSFW images but I can try my best.
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Well.... in honor of Noda, the author behind Golden Kamuy ranking  sizes.....sure. I will do that too 👍✨
Wankou (the biggest)
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ghastlybin · 2 years
Vampire! SuA 02
Pairing: Vampire! SuA X (GN) Reader
Feat: Handong, Siyeon, Rest of Dreamcatcher mentioned, & Co-worker! Yunho (Ateez)
Word count: 3k
Genre/contents: Vampire! AU, Angst, fluff(?? I really tried), A little bittersweet?
TW: Blood, Starvation, m u r d e r, kidnapping, all I can think of rn :((((
Note: May or may not have rewritten this multiple times. Also been feeling kinda meh this week so apologies for dragging my feet (hands*) ily, hope this doesn’t flop or s u c k and so sorry if it’s a bit dialogue heavy. I fcking love dialogue though. I really do piss myself off sometimes though lmao goodnight y’all
Part 01
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It was a secret, your regular visits to Castle Bora.
Not that anyone ever asked.
Not that you would ever tell anyone anyway.
Every day, like clockwork, Bora would be waiting by the front door, for you. The excitement of seeing you again boiled over her.
Bora hasn’t felt this alive since, ever.
“I renovated the dining hall!”
“I added new furniture in the study!”
She loved how intrigued you were when she’d add to her already beautiful castle.
The truth was, you loved her style.
The gothic feel, how you knew most people would see it and find it questionable.
It was a unique type of beauty.
Bora learned more recipes meant for humans. She kept the blood out of your sight and created entirely different dishes just for you and you alone.
“I don’t mind trying blood at least once.”
Of course, you were joking, only trying to get a laugh out of her.
Bora did not. She stared at you, a little shocked despite her needing blood to live.
She could eat all the food in the world, but if there wasn’t a decent amount of blood, she would starve the same way humans could without food for a long period of time.
She never told you, but she had blood stockpiled.
And it was slowly beginning to dwindle.
Seeing you, your bare neck at times, your arms, even your legs, she would feel an insatiable amount of hunger.
And she fought it. She needed blood, but she could always find blood from an unsuspecting victim- a curious tourist, like you, who wanted to sneak into her castle.
She could find, restock, and drink new blood.
But she couldn’t replace you.
If she was lucky, you’d only turn into a vampire like her.
Bora knew that wouldn’t be the case. With the hunger she felt, she wouldn’t hold back long enough to leave you alive.
It was a flaw she wished she could correct. She wished she had the self-control Handong had.
Every day, you were as happy to see her as she was with you, even bringing her gifts- trinkets from the ‘new world’.
She displayed them proudly, genuinely fascinated by them, even if she never cared for them before you had arrived into her eternally long life.
Bora let you decorate her castle with hints of you, no matter how small or big.
“What is this supposed to be?”
“That is a candle.”
“Why is it in the shape of a… Um…”
“A demon?”
“That’s a demon? I remember them to be a lot different back then.”
Soon, everywhere in her home had a reminder of you until you visited the next day.
“I will see you tomorrow, Bora!”
And when tomorrow came, you never showed.
Then tomorrow had turned into days, days into weeks, and weeks into months.
Still, Bora waited.
And waited.
And waited, the ghost of you lingering behind throughout her castle.
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Bora held the last bottle of blood, half full. The hunger ate away at her, though she was strong enough to smartly ration it out.
She had the opportunity to ‘restock’, seeing, hearing, and smelling explorers and tourists. None of them were you.
Besides, she somehow felt wrong to just take from them.
Their blood or their lives, it felt wrong to her, strangely enough.
“Bora.” Handong snapped her fingers, bringing Bora out of her mind. “Yoobin’s castle is getting demolished.”
“Really? Why?” Bora straightened her posture, the news shocking her.
“It’s being linked with missing person reports. And the worst part, authorities have hired hunters.”
“Hunters?” Bora stood up from her spot at the dining table and walked over to the window, peeking out into the night. “Wait, Yoobin? She’s against harming humans? That can’t be right!”
Handong joined her, as Bora peeled back the rest of the velvet curtains to let the moonlight in. “That’s what we are concerned about.”
“You didn’t clarify what you meant by hunters.”
Handong put her hand on Bora’s shoulder, pushing her slightly to face her with a serious look.
“Vampire hunters. They are called something else, but the humans in town are paranoid. They’ve come up with harmful legends about us, some are true but no one has actually known of our existence!” Handong closed the curtains over the window.
Bora remembered what you had told her, the stories about when you were a kid, the speculations they had.
“They thought I was a cannibal?! Ew!”
“I know! The morons didn’t know the difference between that and a witch!” You laughed.
“What is a witch?”
“You’ve never met a witch?”
“When would I?”
She missed the sound of your voice.
She missed you, and the worst part was she didn’t know if you were still alive or what happened to you.
Bora felt an aching in her chest that made her body run colder than it already was.
Handong let out a small gasp before she collapsed to the ground, unconscious. Bora was slow to react, wide-eyed as she felt a sting in her neck before she too had fallen unconscious.
The vampire hunters arrived, unbeknownst to Handong or Bora.
“Search the castle. Leave no stone unturned.”
“On it.”
The trinkets you had brought Bora before your mysterious disappearance had adorned the castle, blending in as they would match the style of Castle Bora.
The vampire hunter’s search had turned futile, almost.
In Bora’s bedroom had been a letter she had meant to send to you, had she known your address.
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“Y/N, you’re late.” Your co-worker, Yunho, checked his watch. “Again.”
You frowned, “you’re very observant of me lately.”
Yunho beamed with a shrug, “hey! I’m only looking out for you. But the boss won’t like it.”
You had just clocked in for the day, having barely slept. “Boss can-“
Yunho covered your mouth, wide-eyed as your boss entered the room. You slowly lowered his hand off of your mouth, grinning at your boss.
“Good morning!”
“If it were a good morning, I’d be rich.”
“If it were a bad morning, Y/N would be late.” Yunho crossed his arms over his chest, a wide grin on his face. You awkwardly laughed, discreetly nudging Yunho.
“I have a meeting in an hour. Think you two can open the store normally for once?”
“Yes sir!” You and Yunho simultaneously replied enthusiastically. Your boss sighed heavily, mumbling under his breath as he walked away.
As soon as he left, you turned towards Yunho.
“I have a favor.”
“Again?” Yunho chuckled.
“During his meeting, please keep heavy tabs on him. I need to do something.” You kept your voice in a hushed tone. Yunho nodded, albeit unpleased.
You reached into your pocket to show him a picture of you and Bora, “she’s worth it.”
“Sure. I will cover for you so you can surprise your girlfriend.” Yunho smiled. You frowned again, lowering your phone.
“She’s not my girlfriend.”
“Yet… I also haven’t seen her in months-“
“Months?!” Yunho blurted, louder than both of you were comfortable with. You glanced at your boss’ office, hoping he wouldn’t come out again.
“Y/N, please, explain. Months? You basically broke up with her before you even dated!”
“Yunho!” You whined, clutching the locket Bora had given to you as a token of your friendship. “She might forgive me! You never know!”
“Months, Y/N.”
“It’s because-“
“Good morning, is Y/N here?” The monotonous voice of a man interrupted their conversation. You and Yunho turned to face the man- men, seeing as there were two of them, confused by their sudden appearance.
“Nope. And we’re closed.” Yunho pointed at the ‘closed’ sign on the door. The men looked at you, seeing your nametag.
You mentally cursed yourself, remembering how you always put your nametag on before arriving at work.
“Yeah. Caught me. Who are you?” You asked.
You saw one of them bring out an envelope with your name on it and you recognized the handwriting.
“Do you know Bora?”
“She’s my girlfriend. Why?” You confidently spoke, knowing you told a small lie.
Yunho snapped his head towards you, his eyebrows furrowed intensely. “You said-“
“Shut up.” You cleared your throat, “why are you asking about her?“
“We need to speak to you outside.” One of the men continued. He looked at Yunho, then back at you. “Alone.”
That’s how they got you.
Something was wrong, you were correct about that.
They knew you’d be reeled in by the mention of Bora, they were correct about that.
Somewhere in an unknown underground facility, were Bora and Handong along with Minji, Siyeon, Yoohyeon, Yoobin, and Gahyeon.
And Bora didn’t think she was ever going to see you again.
She was wrong.
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Your head throbbed as the dim lights hummed in the empty room you had been dumped in.
You took a moment to let the panic set in.
You had just been kidnapped.
You wondered if anyone had witnessed you getting kidnapped, the memory itself was fuzzy from whatever you had been injected with that made you fall unconscious.
There was only one door in the room and the lock seemed to have a simple padlock on the other side of the bars.
You felt calmer, reaching for the locket around your neck. Everything had been taken from you, all except the locket.
With a slight smirk, you took the locket off and opened it, then twisted it, remembering how Bora had taught you exactly how to use it in case of an emergency.
Sliding your arms through the bars with the locket-turned lock-pick, you successfully opened the cell door, catching the padlock before it could fall to the floor and cause unwanted noise.
The long concrete corridor contained more cells. You walked by a few, some empty and some with sleeping women.
Your heart dropped into your stomach, turning towards the familiar voice.
She was gripping the bars, fearful and seemingly weakened. “Please let me out.”
You were quick too. The lock-pick in your hand as you were able to successfully pick the lock.
Now face to face, she roughly pulled you into the tightest hug you’ve ever experienced.
Her cold, bloodless arms around you felt the warmest it has ever been.
You had never experienced a hug from her either.
She ignored that her face- Her mouth, was in the crook of your neck. The smell of your blood was more enticing now than ever before.
She was starving.
Bora’s mouth watered but her eyes watered more, shoving you away as you lost your balance.
“Where have you been?! I waited for you for months!”
You sat where you had fallen, staring up at her in shock. “I didn’t have enough money- Or time to make the trips anymore! I promise you I was going to visit later today! Or…“
You stopped talking, having lost all sense of time. Whether the sun was out or not, if someone was looking for you, or if you still had a job, any information about it had all escaped you.
“I thought you were dead!” Bora yelled, her voice echoing through the corridor as she pulled you to your feet.
“I know that’s dramatic and an awful first thought, but everyone who has disappeared from me suddenly had turned up dead!” Bora cried hot tears of anger.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it would be such a long-“
“You could’ve written me! You know where I live! I don’t know where you live!” Bora wiped her face on the sleeve of her shirt. You hugged her again, cautiously this time, wondering if she was capable of being violent.
If only you knew what she needed to survive.
“No, don’t.” Bora pushed you away again, only less harshly.
She was angry, upset, and felt abandoned- And still, she forgave you deep down. The locket- Lock-pick in your hand offered her reassurance that you hadn’t forgotten her either.
“Help me get my friends out and then we can talk.” Bora adverted her eyes from your neck, feeling drawn to the red dot on your neck from the injection of the needle used to knock you out.
She was upset, but she fought the urge of risking your life for the sake of saving hers.
Bora guarded you as you picked padlock after padlock, releasing each vampiric woman contained behind bars.
Bora stood between you and the hungry girls, “don’t. They are not our enemy.”
Somehow, that was enough to convince them not to lay their fangs on you.
She protected you throughout the maze-like facility, the other girls fed on the hunters that kept the captive, but Bora?
She still felt something wrong with it.
Not in front of you.
You had barely found your way back to her.
She didn’t want to ruin it by scaring you off.
And all this time knowing you, you’d think she would remember who you were.
The fanatic of all things creepy, occult, and gothic styles.
You noticed Bora weakening, stumbling into the walls, her hands gripping the walls that helped her steady herself.
“Bora, are you okay?” You asked, trying to help her walk. She pushed you away in response, gritting her teeth from the pain.
“Stay away…”
“I’m hungry!” She shouted, sliding down the wall and onto the concrete below her.
“What do you need? I can try to find some for you!” You offered, worried about her.
“Blood! I need blood, but it feels wrong-“
“Bite me.” You cut her off, holding out your arm. She shook her head.
“No. I can’t do that to you.” She groaned, holding her stomach.
“Bora,” you stepped closer, your arm extended. “Bite me.”
“What’s going on? We have to go!” Siyeon wiped the blood from her mouth, seeing her weak friend. You stared at Bora, waiting for her to give in.
“She’s starving.”
Siyeon stared at your arm, her hunger satisfied, yet her vampiric instincts urged her to take your blood for herself.
She respected Bora’s wishes and decided against it.
“I’m not… Biting you.” Bora weakly pushed your arm away. You sat against the wall beside her, a small smile on your face.
“If you’re worried I will spend eternity alone, watching my loved ones die before me, you shouldn’t.” Your smile faded as you said that. You took Bora’s cold hand into yours.
Bora looked at you through her blurry vision.
“I am fine with spending an eternity of pain as long as it’s with you.”
You meant it.
Whether you died or had to suffer the same fate as Bora- And the other girls, you were okay with it.
Death never scared you.
But the possibility of becoming a vampire?
Being with the woman you had feelings for, someone who listened to you, let you indulge in your interests freely and without judgment.
That for sure didn’t scare you.
“You don’t mean that,” Bora muttered. You Reverted the lock-pick into a locket and opened it like normal.
The picture inside had unfolded and looked as good as new. It was the first picture you two ever took together.
Bora had somehow inserted it into the locket and you had wondered how she managed to make the picture small enough, yet still maintained most of the main details of the original.
“Bite me. Please, I don’t want to live the rest of my life without you.”
“Months…” She looked at your arm, fighting a battle against the urge of giving in.
“Yes, but I want to make it up to you.” You frowned, your arm getting tired, and yet you kept your arm up.
Bora thought about it.
She still thought it was cruel to you.
Cruel to turn you, cruel to kill you, cruel that she was worried about you finding someone new.
It was cruel.
And eventually, she gave in.
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You were consumed by the dark.
The style, the literal darkness, everything you’ve loved or known.
It consumed you and you weren’t afraid of it.
The dark never scared you.
Every morning, you were shut out from the world. You had to.
The sun would obliterate you within a second without the right amount of shade and coverage.
Every night, you came out. The moonlight shone down on you as you’d make the trip into town.
Following the scent of blood to the blood bank.
Stealing was wrong, you acknowledged that.
But you had a new way of living now. You and Bora, finally together.
The kisses you both once fought the urge against, the late-night talks you’d have to make up for lost time, the dancing together in the ballroom now and then, and the late-night walks around the outside of the castle.
The feasts with Bora and the other vampires.
The initial pain from being turned into a vampire was worth it, in the end. You were no longer a member of society, but that didn’t bother you much.
They never accepted you as you were.
Bora and her friends?
They accepted you, respected you, and treated you as their own.
“My verdict on the taste of blood is,” You squinted, a small smile on your lips as you looked at Bora to make sure she was listening. When Bora looked up from the letter she was writing, you continued.
“It’s kind of gross.”
“That isn’t very vampiric of you.”
“Hey, I have been a human most of my life. What did you expect?”
“I love you, dork.”
Castle Bora, your new home, was a secret that you would never tell.
Everyone knew about it, but only as a myth or a legend.
They knew about Kim Bora, but only from the past. They suspected she was a vampire, a cannibal, or a witch.
They didn’t know the full story or about the eternally youthful couple that resided within the grand walls of the castle.
You would never speak of the castle to anyone inside the city. Doing so might endanger Bora.
You as well, now that you joined her in her vampiric lifestyle.
She was your home, and you, hers.
You knew you would never leave again but you were okay with that because the dark never scared you.
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brotato-chibs · 5 years
Heiji and Shinichi role swap? maybe smol Heiji begs Kazuha-nechan to take him to visit his rival in Tokyo :3
Omygod xD
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Hope this will suffice ( *´︶`*)
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lola-andheruniverse · 3 years
So I just watched 11x09! Pretty neat episode, good pacing, lots of things happened (thank God) and not one to demolished our ship. Yey!
First of all, I'm so happy TWD is back! I really missed this zombie telenovela full of nonsensical action scenes and contrived dialogues hashtag my favourite show.
Nobody asked me but here are my few cents about it, I tried not to be too spoilery and I don't know how to add cut on the app so proceed carefully:
1. All the action scenes with exploding zombies and all just felt a little meh to me. Like I think they were properly done yeah but I don't get on the edge of my seat anymore. Guess that's okay, too many years watching these fucking dumb zombies to feel threatened by them. TWD zombies got nothing compared to TWD spoilers.
2. Gracie really needs to learn how to defend herself. Loved all Aaron scenes, as usual.
3. Don't have anything to elaborate about Lydia. She's babe and deserves all acceptance and happiness and love and I hope we will see more of her on 11b.
4. Father Gabriel had is chance to talk to the religious Reaper and it was marvelous. Great scene, great pay off! I wish he got the chance to meet Pope as well, but we need to be happy for whatever crumbs this show gives us. He and Rosita..I think she's still mad he left with Maggie to a suicide mission and managed to get back alive but just barely. Girl was just really tired after fighting dozens of walkers in the middle of a storm and really hungry and that's what saved him of a 'cabron, I told you so', fucking stupid man'. They still a strange pairing but they really felt like a married couple with things to discuss on their reunion.
5. Talking about married couples who need to have a conversation cough caryl cough that little hug full of relief and tension and let's talk about it later because we are still stranded but we love each other hug cough. So nice to see Daryl hugging his family, Carol taught him to be a hugger and now he can have all the hugs he wants. He deserves them all. D*nnie reunion was very sweet and not charged with heavy emotions AT ALL. And to think people were talking about a new Terminus hug. They really need to stop exaggerating on spoilers before a caryler has a heart attack induced by stress. Am I the only one who thought it was interesting to not see Daryl's facial expressions when he hugged the Dixon family but that we did see his face when he hugged C*nnie? And the juxtaposition of that scene with Carol and Maggie reuniting? AK we know what you're doing, you're not mysterious at all.
6. They are really keeping RJ on silence because the boy can't act. Poor kid. He's still very cute looking at his apple with his neutral face.
7. We got our Alden question answered and it shocked 0 people. I liked the dude but he won't be missed. Anyways, I thought it was a beautiful scene delivered by Lauren Cohan.
8. Couldn't care less about Maggie x Negan sorry but I'll miss him serving as comic relief. I feel we'll have another Negan bottle episode on the near future and I don't know how to fell about it.
9. All the Reapers are gone except Leah. She'll steal more precious screen time with her drama but what can we do besides pray to have her ass kicked by Carol, right?
BEST SCENE OF THE WHOLE EPISODE: Eugene lonely clapping after introducing Lance to our exhausted and suspicious Team Family. Chef kiss 🤌
Also..where is Nabila and her adorable kids? Jerry, what they did to your family? They = TPTB
And that's it, I'm ready to the Commenwealth bonkers spoilers now. Send them all!
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itsallyscorner · 3 years
Pairing: Sam Wilson x reader
Summary: What happens after it’s announced that John Walker’s the new Captain America.
Warnings: none; a bit suggestive at the end? This is my first time writing for Sam so if it’s a bit meh, I’m sorry, I tried😭 Lots of dialogue!!
A/n: This is a bit of a short one, but I hope you like it:) I know this isn’t how he found out in TFAWS but ya know :D Also hate the character NOT the actor, don’t hate on Wyatt Russell😤
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“Look, here’s the thing, uh, I’m—I’m not Tony Stark. I’m not Dr. Banner. Okay? I don’t have the flashiest gadgets, I don’t have super strength. But what I do have—is guts.”
John Walker’s voice bounces off the walls of the cozy Louisiana apartment you and Sam shared. With the saved money you both had, you guys managed to purchase a decent apartment. Being two of the known remaining Avengers, your landlord was quite flexible with rent. Having the two of you in his building was like having built in security.
The apartment was just right for you and Sam. There was a living room, a kitchen, two bedrooms, and a bathroom. You both didn’t need much. As long as you had each other, you were both satisfied. Besides, with Sam working with the Air Force on missions, you managed to get roped into following along—which meant you two weren’t always home.
The morning sun shined through the window of your living room, reflecting onto one of the white walls across from it. The sun created an orangey yellow hue to fill the room, radiating the warmth and cozy aura of a sunny Louisiana morning. Though compared to the domestic and calming aura, Sam was the complete opposite. You couldn’t see his facial expressions but the way his shoulders tensed from behind was enough to tell you that he was upset.
After a week (I’m honestly not sure) of donating Steve’s shield to the Smithsonian, it’s been revealed that the government has taken the shield and handed it to some—in your eyes—Steve Rogers wannabe. As someone who’s worked alongside Steve and consider him as family, it angered you to see some random man parade around the world with Steve’s shield and title. This Walker dude has no clue of the responsibility and value that comes with the shield—like seriously using halftime of a football game as an opportunity to pull a PR stunt as Captain America? He’s literally just America’s mascot.
Though you were bubbling with anger, you couldn’t imagine how your boyfriend felt. Steve gave him the shield, passed down the role of Captain America to him and sent him off to fulfill the duties he couldn’t do anymore. Yes, Sam made a promise, but after dabbling with the thought of becoming the new Captain America he decided to give it up. You weren’t going to question him, it was his choice and you understood why he made it. Nobody could fill Steve’s shoes.
You turn the stove off, deciding to check on Sam instead of continuing breakfast. The clip of John Walker was still playing on the tv when you enter the living room. You get a glimpse of his face, betrayal filled his eyes as he glowered at the tv screen. You carefully make your way towards him, settling beside him on the couch. He glances at you before shoving his head in his hand.
“Sam...” You wrap an arm around his back, your palm feeling the tension build between his shoulders.
“He trusted me with the shield.” He began, his voice low. “He trusted me with it and now it’s in the hands of—whoever this person is.” He gestures to the tv that showed John Walker speaking to a blonde interviewer.
“Steve believed in me to carry on his legacy and I just threw it away because I was being selfish.” He fumed, his tone raising. He shot off the couch and moved to pace around the living room. You sigh, giving him a moment to get his thoughts together. You patiently waited for him to calm down, watching him mutter sentences to himself under his breath.
Slowly, you get up from the couch and approach him. Deciding to stand in the way of his path, he comes to a halt. The conflicted expression on his face softens at the sight of you.
“Listen,” You start, arms snaking around his torso while his hands naturally grip onto your hips. “You didn’t know the government was going to go behind your back and deem someone else as Captain America. None of us were expecting this to happen. You can’t beat yourself up for something you didn’t have control of.”
Sam breathes out and tries to move out of your arms. Betrayal and guilt consumed his body.
“That’s the thing, (y/n). If I hadn’t given up the shield in the first place, we wouldn’t even be in this situation right now. I had control of all of this, even if I didn’t know about their hidden agenda.” He bursted out, brows furrowing together in frustration. You tighten your arms around him.
Sam defeatedly lowers his head, “This whole thing is so much more than me being blindsided by the government. I promised Steve that I’ll do my best. He trusted me and in return I broke my promise to him. I let Steve down.” He confessed. Silence filled the room, the only sounds heard were the quiet murmurs coming from the tv.
You were the first to speak. “Steve made mistakes too you know? Besides being a super soldier and all, it’s what made him relatable to everyone. Before he became Captain America, he was just like us. Humans who wanted to do good for the world and bring peace to its chaos.” Your words caught Sam’s attention, although he was a bit confused to where you were going with them.
You continued, “Like almost every human in the world, he learned from those mistakes. Yes, you may have had control of the current situation we’re in, but that doesn’t contradict the fact that you had no knowledge of what was happening behind the scenes. Steve chose to give you the shield for a reason, Sam. He knew that if something were to go wrong, you would be there in an instant to make it right.”
You shifted closer to him and cradled his jaw with both of your hands. “You gave up the shield and now it’s in the hands of the wrong man. I know you’ve always said that it feels like it belongs to someone else. But would you rather it be in the hands of someone like John Walker or in the hands of someone Steve believes in? Are you gonna sit here and feel guilty about it or are you going to get up and make things right?”
Sam’s eyes bore into yours. Conflict flashes in his dark orbs, his jaw clenches, and his hands resting on your hips gripped onto your skin tightly.
“We’re gonna get his shield back.” He proclaimed.
A small smile forms on your lips, “One way or another.” You confirm.
“You know, you’re getting good at that whole speech thing.” Sam remarks, pulling you closer to him. That infamous toothy grin of his taking over his features.
You chuckle letting your hands venture on the expanse of his chest before wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Well I learned from the best. If there’s one thing I learned from Steve it’d have to be his way with words.” You shrugged. Sam hummed in response.
“If I’m gonna be getting that shield back, I’m gonna be needing some help on those speeches.” He says, a suggestive tone to his sentence.
You smirked, amusingly shaking your head at him. “Good think I know plenty of ways to get you to talk.” Sam takes that as his cue to connect his lips with yours. His eager hands wander your body as he leads you towards the couch.
Before things can escalate, you pull away and place a finger in between your and Sam’s lips.
“Not now hotshot, we’ve got a mission in a bit and we still need to stop by Sarah’s before we leave.” Sam doesn’t get the chance to object since you’ve already pushed him off of you. Your hips swayed as you made your way back into the kitchen to continue cooking breakfast.
He stutters at first but chases after you going on about how much of a tease you were and how unfair it was to him and his needs.
“I told you I had plenty of ways to get you to talk.” You smirk, innocently shrugging at him.
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louiserandom · 5 years
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(Sorry, sorry, I’m too excited for my own good. Meow)
Now, I’m posting this early because I’m considering doing a Choose Your Own Adventure story over the course of the month (only for MadaTobi or HashiTobi tho), but of course, only if anyone is interested in seeing me attempt it x) Short interest check over here! (survey will close on the 23rd)
Also, here are the lists I’ll be accepting prompts from: 50 Dialogue Prompts, 30 Smut Prompts, Soulmate AU Masterlist and 30 OTP Prompts, but you’re totally welcome to shoot me any specific prompt you have in mind!
Annnnd that’s it, SO SHOOT ‘EM PROMPTS AT MEH :D You can start now, and I’ll start filling them in April :3 
And of course, reblogs to spread the word are greatly appreciated <3
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keruworld · 5 years
KR Zero One Ep20! Things that i don’t like?... yes still... but hopefully soon or later (please be it soon) something will happen... and may be that something will be good. So if you don’t want spoilers or read any form of critic to this show just ignore this post.
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I really like Yua... but since Gai appears... she is like a background character and it’s like his secretary. Either way they don’t share a real interaction (Gai and Yua). Interaction is not only dialogue... it’s actions, they can be small but say alot.
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About Gai... i don’t hate him but i don’t like him. Sorry but he is a big meh! for me! At least till they give him some background story and that looks very possible, but really why delay it? no matter if is a major plot twits, if you take so long it lose impact and feels like you don’t have anything planned... and may be this is the case with Zero One story! X,D
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Aruto, that’s not the right humangear for ask that! X,D You know... it’s ok for Aruto to be silly and dumb, but if he was writen like that... make it fully like that. I mean, i don’t feel his character to be like that, but he is.
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Even tought i don’t like Aruto and his jokes i understand why kids must like him.
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Where is the kiss?! X,D Ok no, but really Horobi have been there like 5 ep already... can’t they push the plot further? Slow... too slow! Use the cast... make things happen, make your cast interact. May be we can see this scene of Fuwa and Horobi like tension or fanservice?... but you know why it works? Because the TOUCH! THIS is interaction between characters. Small... yes... but is good and works, you even don’t need dialogue, just TOUCH and GAZE. Probably this is why Horobi, Jin and Ansatsu chan won over me quickly, their interaction even small, even just some minutes, were a delight: It had contrast, it had expressions, it had touch. They where the villains yes... but somehow... they had more heart?!
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I’m begining to feel pity towards Aruto as a character. He feels like an unwrited character. Like the writer didnt tought much about him. Because there is no flashbacks... it’s like he don’t have a memory. I mean he is 22 years old right? He still is a young man of course... but... he havent had any past experiences?
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Remember just what i have said about interactions and touch? Yes, look there is a touch... but you know what failed in the scene? The camera angle. For some unecessary reason... they wanted us to keep watching Izu and Smile in the background, the focus where not in Aruto/Fuwa touch, nor the expression, case contrary the Fuwa/Horobi scene. This kind of scene feels more formal, more cold even if there was a touch. You dont have idea how much a scene can transform if you just change the camera angle. And this is the perfect example.
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Ahhh look another perfect missed opportunity for a flashback of Aruto past. Really Aruto don’t have a past? probably they are saving it for the ending... when no one will care. X,D
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This is why i dont like Izu (and loved her brother, in fact his arc was the best of 01 till the moment for me)... she is too cold when giving answers and just look the camera angle when she is talking, it’s cold, this is why i say that Aruto feels lonely. I know Izu is a robot, but come on... haven’t she started the singulaty? How come that her brother was an old model and had much more expressions than her? It was good that Aruto had a reflection moment of something he had to ask himself from ep 2... but here we have another perfect missed opportunity for a flashback of Aruto past.
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I still think that the hooded figure is Jin... that could explain why feels like a ghost (but still have a woman's voice... so i'm clueless here). But they are taking too long for show it... and when they do... there will be not impact. If you take too long for show something it will lose impact.
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It could have better “Smile reminded me of that”. Yes, excuse me i forgot that Aruto have not past, nor past experiences. Where are his flashbacks? WHERE? Give Aruto memories, please. This arc topic was perfect for it. But instead developing your protagonist with a heartwarming message, the show only cared for give... a message in a not so heartwarming way. Because the message is there, is good yes, but... like everything in Zero One... it have zero impact. (We can do an Aruto joke with this) X,D Sorry Aruto is not you, is the lazy writers that are writing the chapters.
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A good way of making someone to understand... a rider kick! X,D I laughed a little here! X,D
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I have the feeling that Aruto is like an innocent kid that dont know how world works and Gai is the adult that knows how cruel world is. It could have been a perfect contrast... and if they could have managed like that... believe me that even if Aruto don’t have a background i could be clapping to Zero One. But no, sadly. U__U I don’t feel that Aruto is a kid even if his way of thinking can be like one sometimes.
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janiedean · 5 years
What don’t you like about jon*rys? Just curious XD
WITHOUT ANY ANIMOSITY (I mean idc about jon/erys regardless so like no hard feelings also sorry anon I resent with the asterisk bc they don’t need it on their mobile tag):
I ship them with other people way more (jon with sam/ygritte principally and 90% of the people he’s not related to after and with dany... guys I’m a one-ship person with dany and sorry it’s jorah at least show version xD)
I care about them too disproportionately in the the sense that jon is top ten for me these days and dany is okay but idc about her either way (not counting the post-show spite XD) and like... if I ship two people together I tend to care about both characters more or less equally X°D
I don’t really think they’d be book-compatible because all the women jon’s been into aren’t... exactly dany’s type and all the guys dany’s like aren’t... exactly jon’s xD I mean they could like each other sure but grrm has to sell it to me
I have doubts about current!jon actually staying in a rship with someone he’s related to by blood regardless of whether they grew up together or not but I guess it depends on whether he gets darker or not post resurrection
in the show I thought it was very badly written, rushed, not well-plotted and it came out of nowhere and I thought both actors at least in S7 weren’t really happy with their script (in S8 they had a lot more chemistry but S7 was... meh) and they got the shaft when it came to d&d’s bad dialogue
also... it’s really not my dynamic? I mean I have very specific things I like when it comes to het ships and tropes I like in het ships and jon/erys doesn’t really meet any of those criteria sorry X°D
I mean I have nothing against jon/erys as a ship or anything like guys honestly as long as ppl don’t come dissing on jon/ygritte as a ship for me they can ship jon with whoever the hell they want and idc either way but it’s really not my thing. again no hard feelings xD
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virdemption · 2 years
ranking my bfdi fanfics from worst to best
it is lengthy so heres a cut so i can scroll by without certain death
10.  Loser Achievement Award (Wattpad) written a year ago after I finished SMBR which was like a rlly shitty wattpad fangan I made in 2020 and took a year to finish and I love how after finishing it I was like “Yep that’s done now I can work on object frankenstiening” like that was top priority or somthn
9.  Ben Bernanke? yeah it had a question mark it was based on the lEMON DEMON but it was dumb and something I wrote bc my english teacher wanted to see some of my free writing. If he ever sees this sorry I forced you to read Fireoiny crack honestly I’m sorry you had me in general you’re the second teacher I’ve asked to listen to Two Trucks
8.  Acorn Cake was the first story I put on AO3 and my second ever BFB fic it’s lower bc it was a hassle to learn how AO3 worked fuck you Pie
7.  Loser Achievement Award (AO3) My very first rewrite!!!!!! it was meh
6.  I Love That Treasure was an attempt at crack with the help of Sour Belt from Cookie Run and X it was shipping and idfk where the idea even came rom tbh. I ran out of ideas for chapters and I was also VERY new to CROB when I wrote it so thats why it’s on hiatus sorry XBelt shippers
5.  Childish Days, okay I’m gonna be a bit personal here so go to 4 if u dont wanna see that---- to be serious it got discontinued bc of stress relating to childhood (my elemschool was really shitty with handling kids behavior i could ramble about that) but despite that I had a lot of fun writing it and it’s one of my favorite storys I ever made and part of me wants to continue it (but I might not D:)
4.  Your New Computer Budy COUGH COUGH I MEANT Your N̸͔̪̅͗e̸̗̜̬̿̈́͊w̴̱̍̚ Computer Buddy! it’s my current wip but it’s a bit stinky but I STILL LOVE IT! it’s all over the place sometimes though bc Jimmy is dumb ass ;-; but ppl still like it so that maes me happy!
3. Chipped Off just bc I liked the dialogue also Balloonpop is my otp. I had a lot of fun writing Balloony specifically but to be fair he always is great to write 4 me.
2. Tansy <3 I was mad about a thing so things happened, I never stopped feeling upset after that thing but hey now Balloony gets the title OF God-Ish Plant Murderer. and ALSO. I wanna turn Leafy’s thought train into short fics of their own!!!! Tansy extented univers
and uh number 1 is
1. Deracine and yeah I know it’s my newest work with less than 20 hits as of writing this and I’m Listening to Deracine by PinocchioP as I type this! idc I wan fucked up yn dream space bc Lolli deserves one! it was souper fun to write and i had a vague idea like it for a long time!
thats all i hope you learned something from this if not i dont care :P  /ref
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I was tagged by @secretlyshycomputer
This game is to get to know some people, so here we go :D (Also, I have time and I wanna talk about my shows so...sorry if it gets long :D)
Relationship status: taken, I have a beautiful girlfriend (✿ ♥‿♥)
Favorite color: blue
Lipstick or Chapstick: Most of the time neither, but Chapstick if I have to
Last song I listened to: Hamilton - It’s Quiet Uptown (And I cried. Again. Blame Lin.)
Last movie I watched: Riddick just now, and I’m still pissed the female main was killed off? She was awesome. Also didn’t pass the Bechdel test, the movie as a whole was meh but I did my exercises while watching so there’s that
Top 3 TV shows: Okay, this is where it gets funny :D
1. Hannibal
The aesthetics, the actors, the wrting, the dialogue, the symbolism, the hetero baiting, the lesbian couple that marries and gets rich, a psychopath finding his psychopath boyfriend, the Fall at the end, just...the whole Italy plotline where every episode is a movie, the second season when Will strikes back, the Nightmare Stag, the fucking a e s t h e t i c of it. Also, canon lesbians that fucking survive. Can’t be mentioned enough.
2. Breaking Bad
Old but gold. Brilliant, fucking goddamn brilliant, the foreshadowing, Bryan Cranston, Bryan Cranston, Bryan fucking Cranston. The character development. The Season 4 Finale, which is still the best series finale fucking ever. Btw, need to rewatch.
3. Hard. Got? Sherlock? The Borgias?
If season 4 of Sherlock wouldn’t have been so bad, probably Sherlock. Na, I’ll leave it as a tie. (I bought a Game of Thrones shirt today...my third one...so maybe GoT.)
Top 3 ships:
Leonardo x Ezio, Assassin’s Creed II + Brotherhood
Those two fuckers will forever be the real OTP, no kidding. There is no one who gets even fucking close, and I’m sorry, but everytime I realize this fandom is dead I die a little inside. They are the best and I still love them.
Cherik, X-Men
These two are so perfect. I watched first class until I broke our DVD player (actually true story) every day. I watched that movie every day because it was basically two men getting married, adopting children and splitting up. I love it. And those two love each other.
Hannigram, Hannibal
Come on. That series killed it, it’s so canon the show writer/producer wears a shirt (fanmade) of them kissing...and they’re the most delicious kind of fucked up. Yes, gimme. They’re lovesick puppers for each other but they also murder their way into each other’s heart and...yeah. Just perfect.
Tagging everyone who wants to do this, so feel free to do it and tag me, just tagging @philipwaldenbae because I wanna know your favourite ships :D
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