#sorry if the emojis are too much i wanted it to be like the emails in game lol
luveline · 11 months
hi lovely :) i have a request for you!!
i’m thinking spencer reid x reader (and platonic!bau team if you don’t mind!!) where reader is having a bit of a rough time with mental health, but is 1 year clean and they have a lil celebration? thank you!!
-🍓 (this is my application for being an emoji anon lmao)
hi, thank you! ♡ fem 1k
cw implied drug use
You're expecting your boyfriend's voice when a hand touches your shoulder, but it's actually Hotch that speaks. "Good morning. Are you feeling alright?" 
You meet his furrowed brow with a softer expression. "Morning, Hotch. I'm good, I'm," —you stretch your arms out in front of you in a lie— "just really tired." 
"Take it easy today, okay?" You nod quickly. "Okay. And Y/N? Well done." 
You enjoy the shoulder squeeze he gives you and hide your abject puzzlement as he heads up the steps to his office, briefcase in hand. It's always nice to be doted on, but what's today? 
"Hello," a new voice says, a hand again on your shoulder, ducking down to kiss you behind the ear. Here's your expected boyfriend, Spencer's voice low and spectacularly sweet, "Good morning. You're here early, I haven't even made you coffee." 
"That's okay, I can make it." 
His arms cross over your chest. He touches you so confidently, his lack of hesitance a great encouragement; it's hard to find room to feel insecure about things when Spencer seems to see no faults in you. Hard, but not impossible. 
As though he can sense your rough morning (rough week, rough month), he holds you that second longer than usual, lips like angora silk where they touch to your cheek. "I'll make it, thanks. It's the least you deserve today." 
"Right," you say. He strokes your shoulder with his thumb in farewell, leaving you wondering. Today isn't your birthday, you'd probably know if it were. 
"Hey, good morning!" Emily says as she arrives, thrusting her bag and her travel mug onto her desk before she descends on you. 
It's her hug that breaks the camel's back, so to speak. You give her hands an absent minded hold but pull back in her embrace. "Emily," you say, frowning at her, "what's so special about today?" 
She blinks like she's worried to tell you, but she gets it together and hugs you again. "You're one year clean today. Everybody's so proud of you," she says quietly. 
You almost bite the tip of your tongue off. "How do you know that?" you ask. The thing about staying clean is that it haunts you until it doesn't. Some people can't ever beat it, and some people can. It's been a huge struggle for you, but eventually relapsing stopped feeling like an option, especially while you've been with Spencer. You can't do anything to jeopardise your safety while you're with him, you just can't. (That doesn't mean you haven't desperately wanted to.)
"Well, I knew it would've been around now, but Spencer sent us a memo. Nothing too detailed, you know, but we all…" She smiles at you wryly. "We care about you so much, and we didn't get it right with Spencer." 
No, they didn't. Spencer didn't get half the support he deserved, so he's making sure you do. 
There's something of a mental block in you that doesn't allow you to cry, but this shakes you roughly. Emily gives you a sorry smile and a last quick hug, apologising that she has to go and speak to Hotch before the work day officially begins. You lean back in your chair and click dazedly on an email from Penelope detailing how deeply loved you are and wondering if you'd like to go shopping. I know today might be really hard, so if you need me you know where I am. Love Pen. 
"You okay?" Spencer asks, placing your coffee in front of you on the desk. 
"Come and sit with me for a bit." 
You don't sound like you're asking, but you are. Spencer hears the need in your demand and immediately grabs his chair to sit next to you. You're surprised he didn't squat. 
You turn your face, lay your cheek on the short back of the chair uncomfortably, and take him in. He looks great these days, the memory of a young man firmly buried beneath a well-fitting suit, a cropping of facial hair, and the subtle, lean lines of muscle especially evident as he sits back to copy you, curls falling into his eyes. "You told everyone about my anniversary." 
"Your accomplishment," he corrects quietly. "I did." 
"I do want them to know, just… I feel a bit raw." You hardly remembered yourself, though you knew it was soon. 
Spencer takes your hand, pulling the joined pair between his knees. "It's something to be extremely proud of. And there's nothing wrong with celebrating it." 
"It's embarrassing–" 
"It isn't." He sits up as someone comes closer and you follow suit. This is a complicated conversation and your simple intimacies are necessary but inappropriate in the workplace. "I'm sure there are a ton of people who find sobriety embarrassing, but those are all people who don't know what it feels like to have to do it. We," —his voice softens— "do. I know exactly how it feels, and I know exactly how you've been feeling lately, so I'm proud of you and everyone else should be too." 
"How I've been feeling lately?" you ask. 
"Come on." Spencer stands and takes your face into his hands. One is warmer than the other, and he uses it to stroke the baby hair's at your ear very gently. "You do a really good job at hiding how you feel, but you can't hide from me." 
"I'm not trying to." 
"Good," he says, leaning down to kiss you. A soft, brisk connection. "I love you." 
"Not as much as I do, loverboy!" Morgan says as he arrives, giving Spencer a little nudge as he needles his arms behind your back and kisses your cheek. 
"You're squeezing me." 
"Have I told you lately how much I love you?" Morgan asks, squeezing your harder. 
"Morgan, she knows you know." 
"Know what?" 
"You didn't see the memo?" Spencer asks. 
"What memo?" Morgan grins at you with pearly white teeth and scrubs at your shoulders until you're squirming at the pressure. It's nice. "Looking good, gorgeous." 
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koiiiji · 8 months
Hi hun. May I ask a date scenario with Monster? There are not enough content about him😔. I feel like most of people choose the "socially beauty standards fitting" mens and it makes me mad even though it's never their fault to begin with, people are allowed to have their preference ofc😭. A person even got ridiculed for asking a NSFW scenario with him in wattpad "seriously, there is people who want to f with this guy?", like damn that's too offensive😭.
omg!! i never got the idea why people in fandoms judging others for characters choice?? like guuurl just remember that once u picked ur ex and don’t mention that somebody ACTUALLY wanna fuck big (of course i mean his heart) hot men. and yesss 100% agree Monster deserve much more attention. his interaction with his teammate in last chapters?? sorry? hubby materials??? aaand i wanted to check his age on wiki but it display only his date of birth and omg!!! he is february pisces like me!!!
warnings : none, romance, fluff, you are clearly not friends, but still not a couple, everyday life
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you and Monster met in same class in university when it was first day of the semester. you two accidently seat together and when teacher started to read materials to the group, everybody started to type in their laptops so fast that poor boy were so confused. in the end of lecture you noticed that he barely wrote anything and clearly was confused to ask someone for leacture notes. so you kindly offered him your texts and asked to exchanges your emails, so you could easily send notes to him.
in the evening Monster recieved notification about incoming file. when he opened it he saw your texts from lecture and bull emoji added in the end (which you swear you put there unintentionally, just because he reminded you that cute emoji). he spent solid 15 minutes to upload notes to his laptop and another 10 minutes to write an answer to you and ask if you can teach him how to type that fast and how to insert that emojis in his works. in fact, this response looked more like an order than a request. imagine sitting at home, comfortably ensconced at a table, watching some kind of TV series, or preparing for the next day and getting an answer that looks like "hello. thanks for the notes. teach me how to type that fast. and how to insert such picture? thank you."
"such a technologically challenged granny," you thought to yourself as you chuckled looking in the monitor.
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so here you two were, sitting in café not really far from university on your 4th or 5th private IT lesson with Monster. you sit near each other and your shoulders nearly touched. Monster carefully listend to what you explained to him and showed on his keyboard. it was already five pm and golden light on sunset filled to café you two set in. and when he rose his eyes from your fingers on his keybord to your face he felt how his breath stopped. like he was on football field again, someone knocked him off and his breath got lost. your face was filled with golden light, the hair reflected the light of the setting sun even more strongly, and it seemed as if it was glowing. and then he made the greatest mistake, he turned his gaze lower to your lips… he didn’t hear what you told him, he simply was hypnotized and admired the view that opened before him.
as the golden hour bathed the café in a warm glow, the atmosphere between you two seemed to shift. Monster's gaze lingered on your lips for a moment too long, but when he finally looked back into your eyes, there was a spark of recognition, a shared understanding of something unspoken. with a smile, you gently redirected the conversation back to the task at hand, but there was a newfound connection between you.
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over the following weeks, your IT lessons together evolved into something more than just exchanging technical knowledge. you found yourselves sharing personal stories, laughing at inside jokes, and discovering common interests beyond the classroom. for example he asked if you want to came to his cycling competition, just to have a look of course, not like he wanted to show off.
as the semester progressed, so did your friendship. you attended more classes together, studied late nights at the library, and you even went on that cycling competition few times to cheer for him, which also mean that you met his friends and teammates. during one race you had a talk with Monster's friend - Gyuchan. "so you and Deokbong, huh?" - he asked looking down on you. in respond you looked away and blushed. you two clearly have something in between, but never talked about. "uuh, yeah, we are good friends, i help him with all that computer stuff, and we hang out sometimes, you know?" - nervously, your eyes searched something to focus on. Gyuchan just mumbled something, nod with his head and looked up on a monitor where race been translated.
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your friendship seemed to have reached a peak, or Monster lost his nerves, and one evening, when all the exams were passed, before the start of the summer holidays, once again escorting you home, he took a deep breath into his lungs and chattered quietly, "wouldyouliketogoonadatewithme?”
when you heard his words, you had almost opened the door, and immediately froze in disbelief. turning around, you rushed to him, and hugged him as tightly as possible, burying your face in his broad chest. "you're such a silly Deok!! why you needed to wait all that year?!!” - you could feel how your voice and whole body trembled and then his big, warm hands on your back and waist, gently rubbing you. “sorry..that i made you wait..” - he replied, after a little thought and in his usual, gentle tone.
looking up at him with your eyes, almost bursting into tears, you said “of course i will go on a date with you, silly Monster” - and he smiled at you for that nickname.
you spent another hour together, hugging and talking, sharing the ideas for your first date, until you finally chose the place and activity you wanted to do together. honestly you were surprised how you didn’t know that Deok had a skill with sewing, but you were excited to go with him to his classes, and finally he will teach you, something he were prof in.(something less traumatic then professional cycling race)
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the date day was truly wonderful, it was hot, but the cool breeze made it a little more bearable, there was not a cloud in the sky, and there were almost no people on the streets and in transport, because the holidays began only for students.
you met at the subway exit, and grabbing Monster by the elbow, you pulled him to move quickly, to show you what kind of sewing class he attended. when you were on the threshold of the classroom, you were met by a nice woman, and after greeting Monster, she looked at you with a smile and asked if you were his girlfriend, to which you both looked down, and blushing, Deok nodded silently. the woman chuckled softly and motioned for you to enter.
when teacher showed you how to handle all the materials correctly, she left the two of you at the same desk to help other students. you watched with interest how deftly Deokbong handled the needle, and inspired, you also set to work. and so, you both spent a couple of hours, sometimes asking him for help, talking about some little things or quietly hissing when a needle pricked your fingers. this didn’t go unnoticed by Monster. when you finished your work, and it was time to get ready to leave, you thanked the woman for the lesson, promising to come back again. As soon as the two of you left the room, to your surprise, Deok grabbed your hand and pulled you along without saying a word. "wh... what? where are we going?" you asked, smiling, inspired by his determination. a couple of minutes later, you were near pharmacy, and as he asked you to wait outside, Monster disappeared through the door.
less than 5 minutes later, he appeared again from behind the door, with a small box in his hands. it was band-aids. he took you a little further, onto the bench, and taking your hand began to carefully seal the cuts left by the needle.
it seemed such a simple act of caring, but the warmth from his big, strong hands, so gently holding your fingers, gave you a pleasant warmth in your chest. but then, he bent lower to your hand, and left a light kiss on the phalanges of your fingers, gently stroking them with his hand from the inside.
needless to say that in that day he walked you to your house as usual, and in golden sunset, you shared your first, shy kiss with Deokbong Kim.
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palskippah · 9 months
Oooh mareach preg ftw!
Ngl Im kind of curious, how did mario and peach handle the birth? 😳
Hi! Yess 😭 Them expecting babies is so cute to me ;-;
They (mostly Mario) handled the labor and birth like champs, although at the beginning both had the downside of panicking, but later on they had the help of people with more experience than them (Luigi or the doctors) or that were less panicky during the situation (like Toad). Mario was scared shitless bc giving birth is intimidating, but once he's with Peach and Luigi he's much calmer.
Btw I don't think I'll set this on stone, bc there's other ways the labor and birth could've gone that I also had thought of and actually written or drawn askdlsa but I'm sharing this one bc I like it c: Like, Toad's singing (like that person at tiktok that dresses up as him and sings shakira's songs?? them) makes him laugh too hard and that makes him break his water and he's like 🧍 bc he doesn't realize at first and all-
Under the cut there's a much more (I mean it 😔) detailed description of how it went! It's pretty long (mostly the labor part) and you'll scroll a lot sorrie, I thought of shortening it, but then left it like it is- the moments are separated by star emojis, so if you wanna skip to the birth, go ahead jiji
Birth isn't explicit but I'll give you a warning about it anyway! Also, it's kinda cartoonish (I think? maybe not) for the fun of it, I'm not a big fan of serious stuff sdlksdks
BTW! here's the bebis :'v
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[Nettarina was born like half an hour before Mariella was, so she had more experience with being out in the harsh, cold world out of the womb- so she was peacefully sleeping while her twin was being delivered akjsdkd
Imagine those scenes in TV where there's in the first plane a very peaceful thing going on and at the background there's a ruckus- something like that but with Nettarina wrapped in her warm blanket and sleeping comfortably in her bassinet, and in the background there's Mario grabbing the hell out of Peach's and Luigi's hands while he pushes and grunting in effort and the other two are encouraging him and stuff, she doesn't wake up at all despite the noise.]
Also, there are some drawings that are kinda vague about birth- and also the newborn baby will not look like an actual just newborn baby bc that's too much 🧍
Anyways, enjoy the thingie if you read it!
🌟So! The whole thing is very fast and tiring- like when Mario wakes up, he doesn't even hope he'll go into labor that day, and before the sun even sets, he already had both babies in his arms.
Also, I read that first-time pregnancies are a tiny bit more likely to go past full-term and I was like sure why not, let's put Mario in situations. So, he's overdue by just a few days and honestly the babies are really taking their time with getting there, and that's why he isn't even worried that particular day that he'll go into labor.
Also, the doctor had said they'd have to consider induction if the babies didn't make act of presence in the next week. Bc twins usually are expected to arrive like at the 38th week, where they are already full-term, and over that is considered overdue- so maybe Mario is like 38 weeks-and-something pregnant in this day where he has the babies.
🌟 About the labor-
For when Mario goes into labor, I'm torn between doing it sitcom-like, where Peach for ABC reason is very far away from Mario, and she has to go through frustrating drawbacks to get to him quickly, or go with that it happens when they're together and all comfortable and stuff sdkjskd
But going with the first option, imagine Peach is at a meeting that she definitely didn't want to go to, where the king was adamant about her presence and of other royals to see the matter (which in Peach's opinion, could've been handled via email!), so she couldn't send in Toadsworth to sort it through.
Peach warned the host king that Mario could go into labor at literally any minute, and she wished to stay with him when it happened (Mario was supposed to go into labor a few days ago, she was really anxious about it!), but the other thought she was being overdramatic, surely Super Mario would be fine without the princess for a few hours.
Many royals think that way initially, whenever Peach requested that meetings be held at her castle, or that may Toadsworth go in her behalf, since she doesn't want to leave Mario's side for too long. But, they wholly understand when they see Mario, who definitely looks like he's ready to pop. Others are more understanding, because they have been the pregnant person being fretted over, or the partner that frets, so they indulge the princess on her requests.
And well, she was overly worried the whole meeting, and barely paid any attention. At the beginning Peach texted Mario every few minutes to make sure he was okay and calm her anxiety, but after one too many judging looks from the host king, she apologized and asked one of the servants to take her phone until the meeting was over, knowing she'd keep using it otherwise- she had duties to attend as a princess, despite her worries as a soon-to-be mom.
Meanwhile, back at the Mushroom Kingdom, Mario had woken up not long ago, stretching as much as he could and groaning because he slept like hell. His back hurt a lot, like was usual lately. He briefly wondered when the babies would dignify themselves to show up, so he could have a proper night's sleep finally (as if! with two newborn babies it wouldn't be very likely), because they overstayed long enough, he was supposed to have them in his arms by now, while also he wished Peach was there to just magic his pain away.
Mario resigns himself to hurt and keep being pregnant for a few days more. He throws a look at his side, and then checks his phone, smiling at Peach's (fretting) texts, so he starts answering to each of them, while getting himself more comfortable on their bed.
[Good morning my love! 😚😚😚] Good morning bella mia :33 [Are you awake? 🥰🥰] I am [Maybe not, it took you a lot of time to fall asleep 🤕 just wait until the little rascals are born, I'll give them a harsh lecture right away] Me too bc my back hurts like a beach I wish you were here to make it better :c [I love you] I love you very much too! [Te amo mi amorchito pechocho💓] Ti amo la mia luce 💖 [Mi amore] 🥰 [Wake up mi amore] I did :D pick your phone peachy [King Calami keeps talking about I don't know what hepl] Pay attention and don't pick your phone peachy [Mario 🥺🥺] Peachy <3
Peach appears offline from not long ago; and Mario hoped she actually had put her focus on the meeting. After that, Mario does the extenuating routine of getting off of bed, showering, grooming, dressing on his own -which proves much harder than when Peach just does it for him, especially with the overalls and shoes, but he's in the mood for them, so he tries anyway (and almost falls off the bed trying to reach his feet- but at least no one's there to see him struggle). He does all this while feeling a bit restless the whole way, but it's been a few days of the same feeling, since the babies weren't born when they were supposed to.
Mario has a very late breakfast and then spends a while just nibbling on treats and lazing around (Resting! You're resting - says for the nth time a voice that sounds like Peach's). He made some plans with Toad over text, and soon he met Mario at the lounging room in the castle, ready for a walk around Toad Town.
Mario wasn't very sure if he still wanted to go, still feeling like something (read: labor) was about to happen. Toad offered staying at the castle, if he wasn't sure, and they could eat ice-cream right there too and maybe watch a movie, or just walk through Peach's gardens. The thought of the ice-cream stall at the middle of Toad Plaza makes him salivate and reconsider- oh his damned cravings. Also, to walk and enjoy the sun and bustling streets would do him good, so they go.
The walk to Toad Town is very slow but filled with conversation (mostly from Toad). At certain times Mario felt cramps on his belly, but he has been feeling them from weeks ago, so he doesn't get too worried about them. At the platforms Toad very carefully helps him. And while they walk down the steps, Mario looks at the pipes systems and all the toads going through them, which was a much quicker way of getting anywhere. Not for the first time Mario lamented that traveling through pipes was not safe for him anymore, and it made him too dizzy anyways (and in some of them he didn't even fit any longer- but whatevs).
Through the walk many toads greet both of them as usual, some commenting lightly about the babies not being there yet, which had Mario chuckling politely (bc, of course they're not there yet, Mario is clearly still huge!) and by the time they get to the ice-cream stand Mario's too tired and feeling kinda out of breath, so Toad tells him to sit and wait for him to get the ice-cream, and Mario does so gratefully.
When he's at the bench, the cramps only get worse, and he briefly wonders if maybe they're contractions- He hopes they are, because the babies are overdue and he is tired as hell of carrying them, but also- he wishes it's not the case, he doesn't want them to come out yet because he is still way too nervous of giving birth. Either way, the cramps hurt and are uncomfortable, and after a while they stop, and he realizes he'd have to pay closer attention to them, lest he actually was in labor.
Toad gets back with their stuff and they eat and talk and it's very nice, because the day is sunny and calm, and the babies aren't as energetic as other times (which is always good, because they would beat up Mario's ribs, bladder and whatever was in their way whenever they kicked or stretched).
Suddenly Mario feels a particularly bad cramp, and he has to take a moment to breathe through it, wincing in pain and placing his hand where he's kinda feeling it. It catches Toad's attention, and he gently pats Mario's arm to be of comfort.
Toad then gasps excitedly, "Wait- are you having contractions yet?"
Mario shakes his head, then signs, "I don't think so."
"Aw... I want to meet your babies already, Mario," Toad laments, taking a sad lick from his ice-cream cone. "I want to receive my Uncle Toad title from you too."
Mario smiles at him and shakes his head again, in amusement, the toad had said years back that he was happy to receive the title from Luigi, and now from Mario, as if they were some sort of university of unclehood by simply becoming parents.
At some moment, their conversation takes a turn towards Mario's relationship with Pauline, for some reason. Toad can't believe Mario had sung with the Pauline! And why is he just now finding out about it?!
It leads to Toad begging Mario to sing something for him someday, and Mario saying he can beg all he wants. Toad shakes his head in feigned disappointment and says, "I would never deprive you from my singing skills, Mario!" And Mario does a 'really? prove it' face, so Toad graces him with the most off-key, shrillest and loud cover of Pauline's Jump Up, Super Star!
It had Mario laughing almost hysterically- it probably wasn't even that funny, but he was caught off-guard bc Toad started off strong with the main vocals and from then on, his singing didn't get any better. He was holding his belly while trying not to drop his ice-cream and waving slightly at Toad with it to stop- or he's sure he'll... oh- have an accident.
Mario stops laughing all of a sudden and looks down with a grimace. For a few seconds he thinks not again! because he has two heavy babies resting right over his bladder, he can't help it sometimes! But this time it's much more than usual, and he can't even stop it.
He turns to Toad in panic and embarrassment, because he's sitting in the middle of the crowded plaza and there's no way other toads won't notice! Toad notices his exalted state and stops singing. He tilts his head in confusion and worry.
Mario signs "I peed myself."
"Oh- that's huh..." Mario looks more embarrassed. "That's okay! Don't worry, bestie, I'm going to fix it. You just stay here, Mario!"
Toad shoves the rest of his ice-cream in his mouth and while he munches the waffle cone, he jumps out of the bench and scoots somewhere in the crowded place. Mario huffs in discomfort, throwing nervous glances around him, hoping no one suddenly decided to speak to him. He looks at his cone still in his hand, melting down. He gives it some licks, entirely out of anxiety, because he doesn't have much appetite anymore.
Toad returns soon enough, carrying a folded blanket with himself. Very subtle, especially with the nice weather and Mario in his long overalls. The man kicks himself mentally for being picky about Toad's ideas, when his friend is clearly trying. Toad jumps on the bench and gets closer to whisper to Mario, "I asked some friends to bring you clothes. Don't worry though, I told them to be discreet about it- also got this blanket so we can walk to a bathroom."
Toad sits back down beside Mario on the bench, to wait for the other toads. Mario decides to occupy that brief time by finishing eating his ice-cream, and rubbing his belly while silently scowling at the babies for putting him in situations. When the toads arrive, carrying a little bag, they discreetly leave it on the bench, and walk casually in the other direction, not even looking at Mario or Toad. Mario lets out a relieved sigh, glad that they left them alone. Toad stands on his seat and extends the blanket, leaving it ready to use over the bench, and then jumps back to the floor.
"Let me help you up," he says, extending his little hands to him with a big smile. Mario smiles a bit funnily, knowing that Toad wasn't precisely strong enough to pull him up.
After much effort from both, Mario is on his feet, and he has to suppress a disgusted shiver, because the wetness is very uncomfortable and has gone cold. Toad notices his discomfort and hurries to hand the blanket to Mario, who wraps it around his shoulders. The toad makes sure it covers all the damp spots, and then they get to it, looking for the nearest bathroom either of them can think of.
Toad peaks his head in a restaurant, and quietly asks the receptionist to use the bathroom without being clients, who refuses, being strict about their rules, but Toad says with a knowing smile, 'it's for Mario' and the other toad quickly agrees for them to just come along, anything for the Mushroom Kingdom hero! (But Mario's sure it's because he's very pregnant, it's obvious).
When Mario's inside and Toad's doing guard outside the door, he strips from his wet clothes and rummages through the little bag, pulling out one of his red maternity dresses and underwear. He smiles to himself in relief as he thinks 'perfetto...' because having to ask for help from Toad to put on his overalls would probably be the last drop in the glass for Mario to- to have a breakdown or something.
When he's almost done and letting the dress down his arms, he feels such a strong cramp in his belly that he's just sure it must be a contraction. Mario panics for a few seconds because his arms are stuck in the dress and he's in pain and all he sees is red! He has to double over and support his weight with his hands against the wall the best he can, while he tries to quiet down his pained groans and tightly closes his eyes.
When it passes, he gives himself a bit of time to catch his breath back, and then quickly lowers the dress the rest of the way, to dress himself properly. Mario then holds his belly, looking around the bathroom nervously. He slowly paces on the small space in building panic- he's sure it was a contraction! It was way too strong- and- and the accident? What if that was his water?
He stops waddling and looks down at his belly, placing his hands on it as if silently asking the babies if that was the very important liquid that signaled that he was indeed in labor. Mario notices that he's breathing way too quickly, so he tries to do the breathing exercises that Doctor Toadlina taught him to do- he clenches his fists tightly over his belly while the babies move leisurely as if their mamma wasn't freaking out.
Outside, Toad hums to himself patiently, giving Mario all the time he needs to get comfortable in the changing of clothes. He nods to passing waiters and clients alike, with a big smile.
Back inside, finally Mario's calm enough to think of what he should do now if the babies are coming- he immediately thinks of Peach and that she's far away and literally on another whole kingdom, with no pipe system attached to theirs! Mario scrambles as fast as he can for his phone, feeling his hands and his lower lip trembling in fright.
He calls her and places the phone by his ear, while trying still to breath calmly and failing spectacularly. His fear only spikes up when it sends to voicemail. Mario calls a couple more of times, each without success. He tries to write to her instead, being a bit difficult with his shaking fingers and his blurring gaze due to the tears.
Pech I don't wanna scare you but i think I'm in laborr Pelsa answer Nd come back soon I'm very scared
He holds his phone in his hands for a while, still trying to convince himself that everything will be okay... Mario frowns and looks to the side for a second, those words remind him of something.
Everything will be okay...? Right, Luigi! Mario should call Luigi. He calls him this time and smiles in relief when his twin answers right away.
"Ciao, fratellone!" Luigi says happily.
Mario's smile drops when he realizes just then that he must talk if he called- Oh, fuck! What an idiot! He's bringing more despair for himself on his own!
He opens his mouth and then closes it and shakes his head- why does he never think things through?! He curses himself, now with tears of frustration in his eyes and the thought of just hanging up and texting instead goes through his mind.
"Bro? Mario? Is everyth-" Mario quickly hangs up and goes to text him. He blinks his tears away the best he can and writes down while his phone rings and the notification of Weegee calling... appears just above the chat.
M in labor nd pach isn't here Can you come ?
A few seconds pass when Luigi answers:
On my way Where are you going to be?
Mario sniffles and thinks quickly, should they go to the castle, or maybe just wait for Luigi to get to the restaurant? Mario didn't want to be in that bathroom all alone, he felt too scared and defenseless. But he doesn't think he had the energy to go to the castle quick enough either.
Gret toadcimu restornat Oki I'll be right there bro Pls be calm Everything will be okay I promise Are you with someone? Let them help you Mario To stay cal M Ok
Mario opened Toad's chat this time, feeling at least a tad bit calmer now that he knew his brother was on the way.
Tod Come in pls
A short moment later, a knock sounds at the door, and Mario unlocks it and let his friend in, Toad closes the door and looks at Mario in thinly veiled worry when he notices his tears and panicked expression.
"What's wrong, Mario?"
"I'm in labor," he has difficulty even signing, his hands trembling too much. Toad seems to have difficulty to understand what he signed too, but when he does, he opens his eyes widely and seems absolutely ready to start panicking. Mario braces himself for his shrilly screaming, but the toad shakes his head quickly and sets his face on a determined expression, that Mario would not be surprised if he started speaking in a very deep voice.
"We have to go to the castle, then! I'll tidy this up, you- you just focus on not having the babies yet and calm down. Calm down, Mario!" he says in his regular voice, with a very subtle hint of panic that Mario can easily ignore for his own sake. The toad starts gathering his wet clothes in the little bag, then hurries on folding the blanket while Mario focuses on doing the breath exercises.
Another contraction hits in and Mario has to lean against the wall again, groaning in pain and holding his back. He feels like it lasts even longer and hurts worse than the previous- how is that possible? They were supposed to grow very gradually in intensity and time!
He feels a hand on his back, and he turns to look at Toad, with a pained expression on.
"Do I call the princess?" His friend knows Peach isn't in the Mushroom Kingdom, but Mario shakes his head. She didn't answer him, it'd probably be the same for Toad.
Mario breathes through the contraction the best he can, and when it's over he tells Toad that Luigi's on his way. The toad nods and leads them slowly to the outside of the restaurant, going through the tables occupied by many toads since it was lunch time, saying his thanks to the receptionist (and Mario awkwardly nods at them in thanks too).
Toad looks around quickly, looking for a bench for Mario to sit on, when he spots one, he leads them in its direction.
Just as Toad is helping Mario to take a seat, they hear, "Bro!" and Mario straightens up right away, looking around for his twin, almost losing his balance, and he and Toad and Luigi all panic that he'll fall, but Mario manages to keep standing as he grabs onto Toad's cap and the other hand supports his back, while Luigi runs to his side.
When Mario and Luigi are close to each other, the first thing Mario does is hug his twin, feeling like he wants to cry. And he does, actually, while Luigi gently shushes him and holds him tightly (albeit a bit awkwardly due to Mario's belly in the middle).
"It's-a okay, Mario, I'm here," Luigi says, subtly trying to catch his breath, he surely must have run all the way from the pipe that connected their kingdoms to the Great Toadchimu restaurant. Mario nods and buries his face on Luigi's shoulder, feeling much less scared than he did moments ago. The only thing to truly make him feel complete would be that Peach was there with him too.
Luigi takes care of the situation and instructs Toad to please get him a super mushroom so he could easily carry Mario to the castle. Once he eats it, he goes up the hills on a careful walk to not accidentally drop Mario or jostle him too much, while Toad hurriedly walks beside them, carrying Mario's stuff and calling Peach's father to let the doctor know they were on their way (and so were the babies-).
Back at Peach, the blessed (cursed) meeting that seemed like it lasted hours just ended, and the (damned) King Calami finally let them leave, but of course, he invited all the royals to have lunch first. But Peach is absolutely ready to tail it out of there and return to her own kingdom and to her Mario.
After exchanging quick pleasantries with the rest of royals, and passive-agressive words with King Calami that left no space to argue her reasons and determination to leave, the king kindly instructed a worker to prepare a vehicle for Princess Toadstool, as she's in such a hurry to leave already, and isn't even able to stay for lunch. The servant bows and leaves to do as instructed.
Peach smiles while inside she wishes unpleasant things for the king. She bows her head and walks calmly out of the meeting room, but one of the servants standing at the doors stopped her, "Princess Toadstool, your phone, your highness."
Right! Peach smiles thankfully as she receives it and immediately checks her notifications while walking out of the room. Her smile drops when she sees the three missed calls from Mario. With worry she clicks on the notification that says [New messages from Marito❤️] and her smile comes back in full force again while reading Mario's responses to each of her texts. And finally, her smile fully drops as does her stomach, all the way to her feet, when she reads the five last messages.
Mario's in labor?! Peach anxiously hurries to walk in a direction, then halts and turns around and prepares to walk the other way, then realizes she doesn't even know where she is supposedly going, and she's just panicking. Peach looks at her phone and quickly calls Mario's number, while trying to calm her breathing as she places a hand on her chest. There's no use on her losing her mind, she needs to stay calm.
Peach gets more anxious with each ring, until the line picks up and she jumps into talking.
"Mario, are you okay? Where-?"
"Princess, it's-a me!" She gets interrupted. It's Luigi.
"Luigi! Where is Mario?!" So much for keeping calm, she mentally scolded herself.
"He's-a with me, don't worry, we're-a going to the castle, oki? We'll wait for you there, Toad talked to Toadsworth, so he can notify the royal doctor."
"Hi! Princess, it's me, Toad, Mario's best friend- he's good and he's not talking now!"
Peach lets out a mildly relieved sigh, at least they had the situation under control.
"I hope you are okay, Mario," she says, lacing her words with the most fondness she can, while she smiles. "Please wait for me, I'll be there as soon as I can."
Luigi chuckles after a while, "He says he will, and he loves you, and you're his very beloved light- Hey! Don't-a hit me, I'm-a just adding-!"
Peach giggles to herself, imagining Mario swatting Luigi.
"I love you so much too, mi chaparrito bigotón pechocho," she says, allowing herself to be utterly corny, at least Luigi wouldn't get it.
"Aw please, Peach, that's so cheesy!" said Luigi while laughing and Peach's face burned. Right, he knows some Spanish, Daisy is teaching him only the things that are convenient for him to learn- like Peach's terms of endearment. When she hears Mario's own chuckles, she's glad she said what she said, despite her embarrassment. She smiles brightly, "I'll be there very soon, Mario! Stay strong, I love you!"
"Wait, when you're-a on your way here try ta do a videocall," says Luigi before she can hang up.
"Okie-dokie! Bye!"
Peach allows herself to jump in place for a few seconds, while holding her phone to her chest, closing tightly her eyes and smiling so widely that her cheeks hurt. Mario's in labor! They'll finally meet their babies! How exciting! She must get there as soon as possible.
As if on cue, the servant that King Calami talked to was walking to get closer to her. Peach walked to reach them quicker, expecting for them to tell her that her vehicle was ready.
"Your highness, I'm very sorry-" Oh great. "-but we have a few complications with the long-journey vehicles. But if you're willing to wait, by late afternoon-"
Peach shakes her head worriedly; Mario needed her now! Not by late afternoon- and she'd get to the Mushroom Kingdom by night if that were the case!
The servant patiently waits for the princess to arrange her thoughts, as she seems lost on her own mind.
What could she do? What to do... There wasn't a pipe system between this kingdom and hers, so she couldn't go quickly there, and the journey on any vehicle was longer than two hours, but there were closer, neighboring kingdoms to this one, that had agreed to install the pipes! She could go to them first, and then go to her wished destiny!
Peach is struck with a feeling-like-an-idiot urge to facepalm, because that's literally the way she got into King Calami's kingdom to begin with. She sighs, lamenting that her first-time parent panic is affecting her good reasoning.
"Are there available any vehicles for shorter journeys?" she asks with a falsely calmed smile.
The servant nods, "Yes, your royal highness. The smallest allow for a very fast travelling- but they fit only one member inside, you'd have to leave on your own."
Peach quickly nods, "Yes, I will- It's perfect. I'll, um- arrange for my toads to return the vehicle safely once I no longer use it, yes?" she says, trying to be convincing.
The servant nods and leads Peach to the room where the vehicles are (a royal garage i guess?), while mentioning how they will not notify the who was in charge (whoever that is-) first, if all because the princess looked so antsy that it was making the servant a bit nervous too.
Peach apologized for her clearly anxious state, delightedly (and unsubtly terrified) saying that Mario's in labor and she's in a hurry to leave. The servant looks back at her in surprise, because why didn't she say so before?!
After that, things go very quickly, both the servant and Peach hurry to get to the vehicle, where Peach puts her few belongings in and hops in, ready to drive as quickly (and safely-) as she can to the nearest kingdom with a working pipe system to the Mushroom Kingdom.
As she puts on her seatbelt, the servant, whose name Peach still doesn't know, bows respectfully, "I wish you luck and very healthy babies, your royal highness!" Peach smiles and nods hurriedly saying 'thank you so much!', and she starts her journey towards Mario.
Back with Mario, they are received by Toadsworth already fretting over the whole situation, while Luigi takes him to his bedroom, where Doctor Toadlina and two young toad nurses are already setting everything to attend his birth.
Luigi leaves Mario gingerly on the bed, in a sitting position. On the way up the hills Luigi asked Toad to take the time between each of Mario's contractions. They were way too close to each other if Mario supposedly started labor not long ago, Luigi is sure it must have been much earlier.
The doctor informs what will be done from then on, to pass labor and check his contractions and to check his dilation depending on how the labor progresses and the babies' position and all that (vague labor stuff, y'know 🧍).
Luigi (after asking one of the nurses to pinch him hard to wear off the super mushroom effect-) gently helps Mario into a more comfortable sleepshirt and underwear, while he makes some light conversation to distract him from his worry at Peach's absence. Toad isn't let in, and he asks to at least be updated if anything important happens, like the babies being born or Mario needing something. Doctor Toadlina politely closes the door on his face with a, "Thank you, Toad, we'll let you know!" while the nurses lightly giggle as they arrange water bottles, and very light snacks in their little coffee table, and arrange Mario and Peach's bed for more practical use, tying the bed drapes as tightly as possible to avoid them becoming a burden for any of them.
Mario breathes slowly and tries to keep himself as calm as he can, while closing his eyes as Luigi helps him to lay on the bed for a check up, Doctor Toadlina puts on a glove meanwhile. He feels Luigi's own gloved hand caressing his hair.
"It's-a okay, bro," he says softly, and Mario turns to look at him with a small smile, that turns wobbly after a second. He just wishes Peach was there too.
After the check-up, the doctor muses that he must be very far along in labor, because his dilation is very advanced. She announces that in no time he would be ready for the pushing stage. Mario nods with a very nervous smile, glad and also terrified to hear so.
So, Mario and Luigi do anything for him to dilate further, like walking around the spacey room, or doing different exercises together (the ones Luigi remembers from when he was in labor, and also the ones the toad doctor recommends them).
They are face to face a bit far away from the bed, both with their feet a bit apart and hands on their hips, both moving them in a swaying motion- Mario thinks his twin is doing much better than he is, and briefly wonders if he's doing it wrong himself, but then remembers that Luigi's not even pregnant, and Mario smacks himself mentally for being an idiot again, always realizing things too late. He shakes his head, he's not even sure anymore if it's the pregnancy brain or he's always been like this.
Luigi frowns, "No? But I thought you already settled on tha names-"
Mario blushes a bit, now realizing he and Luigi were supposedly talking. He shakes his head again with a bashful smile, letting Luigi know to just ignore him. His brother smiles comprehensively. "You're-a not even paying attention- Is your mind on tha princess? She hasn't called yet..."
Mario frowns and settles his gaze on the nurses quietly talking among themselves, a bit sad about the matter. He supposes she's still busy getting to their kingdom if she can't call, but still...
Back at Peach, she just exited the outskirts of King Calami's kingdom, now entering the long, deserted road that connected both realms. Now that the risk of running over someone were diminished almost to zero, she pulls out her phone, finally she can videocall Mario! She thumbs around on it, throwing brief glances at the road, and then back. As the phone dials she keeps it in her hand, not about to risk it flying away from the speed she was driving at.
The other end picks up and her big smile falls a bit when it's Toad's face that receives her, she muses that Mario must be a bit busy, then!
"Hello, Toad!"
"Hi, Princess Peach!"
"Where's Mario?"
"Oh, he's inside with the doctors and Luigi, he left his phone with me- when they kicked me out. I'll hand it to him, don't hang!"
The brothers end up going to the balcony for Mario to take some air after he realizes he's again way too nervous (so close to giving birth and Peach's nowhere to be seen!), while Luigi pats his back, and he leans on the railing. Mario looks up to the sky, the day is so nice and sunny, and it feels ironic with the way he feels- all heated up and tired already.
He gets another contraction and his hands clench on the railing while he whimpers and winces. Oh, Peach should get there sooner, she could help him to not feel pain! He tries to breathe through it as he's been doing it since they started, while Luigi rubs his lower back. It almost feels like the same rubs Peach usually did to ease his pain with her magic, only that Luigi's just brought him emotional comfort and nothing more.
They hear some commotion at the door that leads to the hall and both twins turn to look and see (nosey 🤨) what's going on. It's Doctor Toadlina scolding Toad-
"I told you already! You can't come in, Toad, only the queen and the princess can, Mario needs people that can bring him comfort and support-!"
"Yeah, I know, that's why I need to give him his phone, it's the princess!"
Mario gasps, Peachy is calling?!
He turns to Luigi and signals with his head for him to go deal with it. Luigi nods and leaves his side briefly (not before throwing a dirty look at Mario for ordering him around-) to go to the toads and see the situation. Mario doesn't have to wait long for Luigi to come back, talking to his phone with it in front of his face. Mario's heartbeat gets quicker at the idea of finally seeing Peach. When he sees her, he smiles brightly at Peach's face, being hit with a lot of wind and making her hair fly behind her.
"Hi, Mario!"
From then on, Peach and Mario talked as if she were right there with him, while Luigi did as an interpreter - given that the princess couldn't look too long at her phone while she was driving -, and Mario felt much better about the matter, now only longing that she was physically close to him.
He keeps doing exercises and staying hydrated and complaining from the contractions - at which Peach reassures she's going to calm all his pain away once she got there! -, while the doctor checked every now and then the position of the babies and stuff.
At a certain moment the connection halts because Peach had to go through the pipe system- and after that Mario had to resist the urge to laugh at her, because Peach was clearly running as fast as she could while still trying to keep her face on the camera. Mario also felt the excitement that she was very close to getting there. The background behind her changed fast from the outside of the castle to the main floor, and then to the hall where their quarters were, and finally she all but bolted inside the room, making Doctor Toadlina jump in fright and the nurses squeal in surprise.
"Mario!" she says, phone held in her hand. "Where- where are you?" She looks at the room, at the exalted toads, and then at her phone, looking at Mario's happy face.
"We're-a here!" says Luigi while waving his arm from the balcony's entrance.
"Oh!" she all but glides through the room, after saying quick hi's to the medical toads. And when her and Mario are finally face to face, they embrace the other so tightly and tenderly that Luigi quietly leaves to give them some privacy. Mario exhales in utter relief, at finally feeling completely safe. And Peach let her chin rest over his hair.
They walk to the bed and Peach lovingly helps Mario to sit close to the pillows, while the plumber keeps his hands at all times in hers.
Doctor Toadlina suggests Peach changes her royal clothes into something less cumbersome, so Peach obliges- and Mario reasonably knows it's better that way and it wouldn't take her very long, but he looked worried when she started to back away, in direction to their wardrobe- she smiled and said she wouldn't take long. Yet he still held into her hands until she pulled back too much, and they slipped from his.
At Mario's very puppy-kicked eyes, Luigi laughs and says Peach will be back to his side soon! Mario wipes his eyes and lays back on the pillows, smiling a bit ashamed of his reaction. Soon enough, Peach gets back from the bathroom where she changed, with her hair tied up, her crown still on and dressed in a white shirt and pink trousers, without her gloves or her blue brooch.
From there, Peach takes Luigi's place and is the one to help Mario with the exercises and helping him walk around or lay down or help with his contractions. She uses her healing magic several times each hour to numb his pain, and Mario sighs in relief each time she does. Also at certain times they sit at the little coffee table while she feeds him nibbles from the light snacks the nurses left. Luigi is glad to simply sit back as back-up support until the birth, enjoying the lovebirds' interactions, which in his opinion are adorable.
(Y'know those moms that do their make-up all pretty for when they give birth?) Since Mario had been crying and wiping his eyes so much, let's say his eyeliner had kind of wore off almost completely- and, in a moment of relative calmness while they waited for Mario to be able to push, Peach went to their bathroom and came back with his eyeliner. She proceded to apply it while humming to herself, as she has done many other times (this post!), while Mario smiled all relaxedly. He wasn't in pain, the babies were barely moving or bothering him, and both his girlfriend and brother were there with him (as were the doctor and nurses), so he was feeling all safe, although tired.
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Mario doesn't feel pain anymore, but he is still so very tired. And the next few hours of labor and contractions became taxing way too soon, feeling the pressure at his pelvis as the babies got ready to be born and all that. As Peach helped him walk around, he finally decided he had enough of that, so he squeezed her arm to let her know, and from then on he kept himself out of his feet.
He looked tiredly at his brother from time to time, looking for additional support, while Luigi said comforting words, because he knew all too well how Mario was feeling. He spent the last moments before pushing mostly supporting his weight on the bed while on his knees, or laying propped up against the pillows, or sitting at the edge, all while still trying to vaguely do the exercises to help dilation and stuff.
🌟 During the whole ordeal Toad is outside and so is Toadsworth, because none of them were let in, for Mario's (and the medical toads) comfort. The old toad is more or less a nervous mess, so Toad takes on distracting the soon-to-be grandpa, while his daughter and son-in-law (never mind that Peach and Mario weren't married, he'd consider him so if he wished!) were going through the whole thing.
Mario at most was grunting or groaning loudly and stuff, not really screaming or anything, so from outside they couldn't hear much- which was more worrying than comforting, bc they couldn't guess what was going on.
Almost a couple of hours later, one of the nurses peaks their head out, excitedly saying that the first baby has been delivered and it was a healthy baby girl. It leads to Toadsworth being all tears while Toad excitedly (and quietly) celebrates.
Maybe he (or maybe even Luigi) had been keeping their friends updated on the matter? They have a big friend group chat or something and he's been writing the few updates he has been getting, like:
First baby's a girl!!!👶🥳🥳
And he receives a bunch of confetti emojis and crying faces and excited replies in the next few minutes, and asking for pictures (which are sent by Luigi a lot later, when Mariella had been born too, and Mario was sleeping and so were the babies).
🌟 During the birth-
The birth of each baby is extremely quick.
Doctor Toadlina gives the ok to Mario that he's free to push, but he's nervous and he quickly turns to look at Luigi, with his eyes teary and clearly very scared. His brother hugs him and is quick to reassure him that it'll all be okay bc he's right there with him (the meaning behind the words is that as long as they're together everything will be okay :''''v cries in brotherly love), and Mario smiles and nods.
Despite that, he is still feeling terribly nervous, but he's determined to do it anyways (because what other option does he have? Not give birth? He has to do it!), so he firmly grabs Peach and Luigi's hands. He takes a deep breath to brace himself- and then he exhales and takes another breath. Then he quickly looks at Peach with a pout. She smiles brightly back, full of encouragement- so he takes one last breath.
And then, he pushes with all the strength he can muster, holding and clenching Peach's and Luigi's hands firmly, not bothering to hold back (so maybe it feels like the man is trying to break their fingers, but Peach and Luigi don't say anything about that, of course-)
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(pipipi kinda sad of these drawings, in the sketches they looked better and like he was really putting force into it skdjks whatevs I lost them)
After the first push, the doctor is pleased to notice that he made a lot of progress right away. And Mario's all slumped back on the pillows and trying to catch his breath, but he smiles very slightly bc he's making it despite his tiredness, woo! Peach and Luigi congratulate him quietly on his efforts, while the princess squeezes his shoulder and his brother pads at his sweaty face with his wrist. That helps too in giving him more determination to keep pushing with all he got.
The thing is that (for the sake of funny, remember) Mario is very strong and it takes one more, really strong push and the first baby pops out in the whole sense of the expression. She just shots out and Doctor Toadlina is definitely caught off guard, but she still manages to hold the baby, the thing is that she stumbles back, and she would've fallen if the assisting nurse toads hadn't hurried to help her stay upright, all caught by surprise.
She's like obviously surprised, as are Peach, Mario and Luigi (who actually took a lot of effort to push his own baby out, so he's like 'wowie bro :0'), but she quickly snaps out of it and congratulates the now officially moms for their baby girl, while the baby cries with all her little lungs' strength, looking too big in the doctor's arms.
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Then she instructs the nurses to cut the umbilical cord and do all the procedures to check on the baby's health, while Peach cries because "A baby girl! that means we'll have two baby girls! Oh, Mario!" and Mario looks almost heartbroken that they had to take their baby away (he knows it's for her own wellness, but he just wants to see and hold her already), but then smiles widely at Peach's words, and at his bro's excited congratulations and hugs.
Doctor Toadlina offers Peach to hold their first born so she can bring her to Mario, but Peach is kind of scared and feels shaky from excitement, so she hurriedly tells Luigi to hold their baby instead, since he has more experience. And when he does, Luigi first holds her to Mario's face, and after making the baby kiss his cheek, he places her in Mario's arms.
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When the baby is placed in his arms, Mario can't help all his tears because she's so cute! (she's actually a bit ugly, like any newborn baby is) and small (not really, she's bigger than average, especially for a twin pregnancy), and she's utterly perfect (that part's true).
Peach and Mario lean their heads together while admiring their baby (and having so many tears running down their cheeks, but they don't care).
"Oh, Mario- she's perfect," Peach barely chokes out, feeling her heart overwhelmingly full. She turns to him and kisses his head a bunch of times, while Mario smiles brightly. "You did great!"
Then Doctor Toadlina tells Mario that, given baby two's position, it'd be a while for them to be born, so he's allowed to rest and maybe take a quick nap if he wishes to. And Mario takes up on the offer right away.
He leans his head back on the pillows and, with his baby still held in his arms, he knocks out immediately. Peach lets out a surprised but amused giggle. And Luigi shakes his head in amusement too, he gently brushes Mario's hair from his forehead, and then pats his head tenderly. Mario's arms go a bit lose around the baby, but Peach and Luigi make sure he still holds her firmly, supporting his arms with their hands. While Mario naps they whisper about the baby, and how cute she is, with her little cheek squished against Mario's chest.
Peach notes all the physical features that she notices, the clearest one being her round Mario™ nose! And her brown hair, and her little dot eyes, so similar to how she knew Mario's were when he was a baby!
(Mario and Peach totally fall in love when they see their oldest baby- and fall in love again with the second- who arrives almost half and hour later.)
🌟 Once both babies are in Mario's arms, Luigi takes 23429 pictures of the three while claiming that each picture is absolutely perfect, because Mario looks happy in them (and the babies look adorably ugly- like newborns usually do), and Peach, while crying her eyes out, says how she's going to put all 23429 of them in their photo album (that so far has many pictures of Mario's pregnancy process-).
Mario's sure he looks terrible, because despite his joy he feels really exhausted, he can barely keep his eyes open enough to look at Luigi's phone while he snaps several pictures, and even though Peach ran her fingers through his hair to fix it up a bit for that moment, he knew it probably was still a mess.
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It's just that everything happened so quickly and it was taking its toll on him, but at least he's very glad that both babies (baby girls! They're Mariella and Nettarina!) are in his arms already.
After everything is done, and he knows his babies are going to be well-cared for, Mario just passes out the rest of the night, and nothing wakes him up. When the babies start to get fussy because they feel hungry, Peach and Luigi take care of them, and they keep doing it for the whole rest of the afternoon and night, all while quietly speaking among themselves how cute the baby girls are and how much they look like either Mario or Peach (definitely more like Mario). Peach tears up almost each time she looks down at the babies' little faces, but it's out of her overwhelming happiness, while she whispers to herself: 'stars, they're finally here!'
At some moment, Peach hands Mariella to Luigi's arms so she can drink some water, since the baby seemed adamant about not joining her twin (and mamma) in sleeping.
"I feel very dehydrated-" she says quietly and then serves herself a glass from their coffee table. Peach makes the mistake of looking back to her brother-in-law and the little bundle of light green blankets in his arms, and she has to cover her mouth to sob again, turning to look at her glass. Oh, she was so small! And so real and there already! She hadn't felt this overwhelmingly happy since... maybe ever. And also, Peach is sure the lack of sleep has something to do with her very emotional state.
"I don't blame you, you've-a cried so much, Peach," mutters Luigi distractedly, as if he hadn't been crying a lot too, while very gently rocking one of his newborn nieces as the baby slowly blinked at him.
She had a round nose like all the Marios did (he, his bro and Magma-), and very relaxed little eyebrows, and almost a full head of reddish chestnut hair. And her little mouth was not even pouting, but Luigi couldn't help but think that she (and her sister, since they were identical) reminded him very much of when Magma was a newborn, and just placed in his arms (he also briefly remembered Mario's and Bowser's weeping when they saw her properly, and he huffed a laugh to himself).
-By the end, Peach puts only some (but still many) of the pictures in their family album, several of Mario holding the girls, either smiling or kissing them, others of her holding them, others of both new moms with their babies, and others of Luigi holding his nieces.
🌟 The next morning, Mario wakes up and the first thing he does is stretch as much as he can, realizing that he actually slept pretty well (and he was even laying on his back!). He feels a bit sore and all but less... heavy. He looks down to his body and sees his still round and swollen belly, but much less than it should be if he had two babies inside. He panics for all of a few seconds as he looks around the room, and a huge relief envelops him as he sees the two wooden bassinets that hadn't been there the day before, until the previous afternoon, when one of the nurses brought them in from the nursery to lay the babies.
He looks at the other two sleeping adults in the room, at Peach sitting in one of the armchairs in their room, with her cheek against her fist in what must be an uncomfortable position, with her crown still placed perfectly on top of her head. And to Luigi, sprawled at the foot of the bed, hatless and snoring slightly.
He smiles to himself slightly and slowly gets out of bed, wincing a bit because he still feels kind of tender from the previous day and the toll it had in his body. Mario waddles sluggishly to the bassinets and his soft smile turns bright as he looks at the little babies' faces. They're still as perfect as they were the day before, when he had them in his arms.
He looks at the oldest baby, Nettarina, wrapped in the red-pink blanket, just like he and Peach accorded that the first baby to be born would be, and then to Mariella, who's wrapped in light green. And whose little dot eyes are blinking open. Mario gets closer to her bassinet, and he leans a bit while smiling softly to her.
"Hi, baby," he whispers, holding out a hand to lightly caress her very soft cheek with a finger. Mariella just keeps blinking, with her little closed fists close to her face. She does a big yawn with her eyes tightly closed, and then she keeps looking and blinking in Mario's direction.
She was just born yesterday, and of course her vision was just terrible, but Mario still smiled at her widely as if to show her how happy he was that she was finally there. After a while the baby fell asleep, all while Mario kept looking at her.
He spent some very good minutes on his feet beside his babies, until Peach stirred awake and, upon seeing Mario standing, scrambled to her feet and with a smile asks how he's feeling-
The morning goes all nicely and stuff while both new moms (and uncle!) spend the time caring for the babies and tending to them. When it's the afternoon and Mario's feeling much better, they first let Toadsworth in -who got there early to ask for Mario's and the babies' state- and he's all weepy while looking at his grandbabies!
Maybe a few days later their friends meet their babies, as do their niblings and Daisy and all :''v
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tauon07 · 7 months
hate matthew mullenwanker? you should join the fediverse, NOW!
the fediverse is totally awesome. it's a magical system, sort of like email, meaning anyone on different websites can talk to each other, seamlessly! (usually seamlessly. sort of. kinda.)
there are a ton of awesome websites (known as instances) you can join! if you don't like one, that's fine, because the magic of the fediverse allows you to follow people on all the other ones!
some of my favourite are:
wafrn (short for "we allow female representing nipples") made by our own @gabbomanestamuyloco - it's a tumblr-like social media written in angular. it supports tags with spaces and symbols like tumblr does.
transfem.social (an instance of sharkey, hosted by transfem.org) - it's more like twitter, but so much better! it allows advanced post formatting allowing for animations and custom emojis and even more! it also has emoji reactions on it.
goblin.band - another tumblr-like fedi instance, based on firefish, so it's similar to transfem.social, but it has traditional tumblr features such as notes and reblogging. i think it also has tags with spaces but i'm not fully sure since i've never used it.
wet-dry world - an instance of mastodon, running on a modified software called chuckya. it has emoji reactions too, and it has a cleaner ui theme made by freeplay (but the old one can be turned on in settings). they also have tim sweeney from epic games, and steam from steam (not really)
(there is also the software akkoma, but i don't know any good instances of it, sorry! >w<)
now what?
first, once you've set up your profile, you should make a post using #introduction as a hashtag. just say a little about yourself and what you like. you should also mention that you come from tumblr, people are really nice to tumblr users on fedi.
also, you should understand fedi is different to tumblr. you should do stuff like put alt text on images, and use content warnings on your posts.
next, you should follow some cool people! here are a list of some i know:
follow me if you want, i'm @[email protected]
@gabbomanestamuyloco is @[email protected]
@puppygirl-hornyposting2 is @[email protected]
@[email protected] is a shitposter (and really nice person :3) with lots of interesting history
@beigely is @[email protected]
@[email protected] is my bestie and she would really appreciate more followers i think :3
there are lots of other cool people you will see quickly once you start interacting with people :3
maybe this is just me, but after i joined fedi i started noticing a lot more "mastodon" or fedi links on peoples' websites, so i found a lot of cool accounts that way. keep an eye out!
i hope you have fun with your new knowledge about the other places out there, just a few clicks away. :3
also this is my first long tumblr post sorry if it's bad >w<
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jo-harrington · 8 months
so teeth? really?
Anon...yeah teeth? I'm weird, I'm here for the weirdos.
I've decided recently that I'm going to be a certain actor who shall only be named in the tags arch nemesis. If there's no one out there talking about his false teeth and his stained nails and his disgusting capitalist tendencies, it means I'm dead.
So in honor of a certain someone who'll only be named in the tags 30th birthday, please enjoy the sequel to this weird RPF.
Pairing: Disgusting 30-year old capitalist B-lister who's lucking out on his career x CorporateBadass!Fem!Reader
TW: RPF, Smut, jealousy, a little angst, a little degradation, and he's gross
Tagging @courtingchaos @deathbecomesthem @dr-aculaaa and @tomtomslongdong @bettyfrommars because you liked my games last time.
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It came in an email.
It always did.
Forwarded from your work email to your personal email, then forwarded onto his with several question marks. No phone numbers, no WhatsApp. An occasional GChat if you had trouble compromising over different time zones. But generally, your interactions were limited to a familiar face in an unfamiliar place; not casual conversation during normal, every day life.
You joked once, in an Uber on the way to the airport as you were fixing your disheveled clothes after a quickie before check-out, that you might as well sync your google calendars and that…seemed pretty appealing to him, if only someone else didn’t handle his calendar for him.
“Must be nice,” you joked. “Big important star with an assistant.”
“It’s one of my manager’s assistant,” he argued. “And you have an assistant too.”
“It’s an admin for the department. And they only book the travel. They don’t manage individual calendars. Sorry I’m a peasant dragging my cadaver up the corporate ladder.”
Regardless, he woke up to your email one morning—some remnant of your personality from a former life—at the top of his inbox with the word “London???” above an itinerary for two weeks of franchise meetings and property tours around the city he called home.
His city. No coincidences, no “accidental” run-ins at LAX or JFK that the two of you bent in your favor. You were coming for to him. During a week that he otherwise had no plans.
He acted on impulse. Perhaps a little desperately. Especially considering how little he knew you.
“If you want, you can just stay here. I have plenty of room. You’ll have your space. Pretend it’s a VRBO for the week.”
Realization hit him once he hit send. Dread.
Invite you to stay at his house, a house that he was just settling in to being a home. Where all of his things were, where he had pictures of family and friends.
His house.
Where he was someone and not no one.
He hoped that you would realize the impropriety—as improper as it could be after he’d stuck his cock in you more times than he could count at this point—and be the more level-headed of the two of you, as you usually were, and decline the offer.
It took 48 hours for you to respond. 
He thought that meant he was in the clear.
Until your reply blipped in his inbox between emails containing sides for self tapes and negotiations for his next potential public appearance.
“Great, thanks. I won’t take up too much space. I’ll barely be there.”
Followed by the airplane emoji and the sleep emoji.
He got irrationally angry for a moment.
How could you do this? How could you cross this boundary? Partial anonymity…that’s what you both agreed on and here you were…suddenly reneging on that agreement. 
Invading his space.
Only you weren’t invading, he invited you in.
Invited you to know Joe a little more than you knew Joseph.
And he could know you too. 
He missed getting to know people; he chose not to know people. He knew enough people.
Now he’d get the chance to get to know you.
You’d be here in a week.
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And suddenly you were.
Not an email away. Just there.
You sent him a WhatsApp from the car—a necessity now that you’d be with him for a prolonged time—double checking his street. Then suddenly you were ringing the bell.
He went over the mental to-do list that he’d made ahead of your arrival—schedule planned so he’d be available if you wanted or needed him anything, the cleaning service came through, groceries were delivered, and he’d even got flowers for your room…just a nice little thing he thought of—and then he opened the door.
It had been awkward, the initial greeting.
It wasn’t like your typical hotel room rendezvous. It wasn’t straight to business. You both just stood there staring.
“Consider me a vampire,” you joked, slightly jet lagged and weary since you had gone to meetings straight away after you’d landed. “I need to be invited to come in.”
“Of course,” he stepped to the side to let you in. “Make yourself at home.”
You let him carry your suitcase and shoulder your backpack as he led you straight to the guest room. Then you touched his cheek fondly, thanked him…and promptly shut the door in his face so you could sleep.
Well…he at least thought he was going to get something more than that.
But he didn’t get much more than that. For almost an entire week.
At first it was fine. You were busy, and so was he.
He made (ordered) breakfast for the two of you for the first morning. You grabbed tea and a biscuit (“when in Rome…yes I know…but this was part of the Roman Empire so…No I thought it was funny Joseph ok see you later then”) and ordered an Uber to make it to your first walkthrough of the day. He had a copy of your schedule in his email, made sure to run his errands, make his appointments, and hang out with friends while you were busy so he could be there when it was time for you to return at the end of the day. Only to get another peck on the cheek and be thoroughly ignored as you trudged off to bed.
He felt a little bad. He knew those days where they just never seemed to end; come back to wherever he’d been put up only to check his phone and pass out. 
Then he’d hear you around midnight, waking up from a dead sleep and tapping away at your keyboard. Sending communication to your boss or your team or whoever else back home. He didn’t know if you knew he was awake, or if you would venture out of the guest room to find him or get a drink…something. But you never did. Didn’t roam around, didn’t even chat him on WhatsApp; you just clicked away until the clicking stopped and you passed out again.
That’s when he got annoyed.
Because he’d been patient enough; he waited. Waited for something for those first few days. Some kind of sign that you were here with him. He’d sit and watch the telly, pick something from netflix or YouTube, read a book waiting for you to say more than hello to him when he opened the door for you. Have a conversation with him. Something! Sure that wasn’t really how the two of you operated, but even when he still had a roommate and they lived a very separate schedule there was at least a “hey mate, how’d the day go” and it gnawed at his insides that you couldn’t even be bothered.
Who were you? Just some no one, playing at possibly having an executive position one day. 
And who was he? He was Joseph Quinn. Eddie fucking Munson, as much as he loathed it. He had people screaming for him, screaming his name. You even screamed his name from time to time. 
Just not now.
Was he even going to get to fuck you at the end of this torture? Probably not. You’d be off to Heathrow to catch your flight back home with a simple peck on the cheek and a pat on the head.
“Good boy Joseph, letting me stay in your guest room, thank you for the red carpet treatment.”
So after three days of radio silence, he stopped playing such a gracious host. You insisted that you weren’t even there? He would act like you weren’t.
He stopped living his life around your schedule, left you a spare key so he wouldn’t have to make a fool of himself and open the door for you. Got dinner with his friends, drinks with some people his manager wanted him to meet, all on his own time. 
He did exactly what did, he ignored you.
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And that’s what got your attention, or so it seemed.
He saw you “in the wild” a bit more. You and your American lean against the bar at the pub he frequented, wine glass in hand as you chatted with someone in a suit; he decided he’d rather get a beer somewhere else that night. Came home late from a friend’s party on Friday to find you in the kitchen, with a sandwich, going over some contract. You waved at him, maybe a hello or to get him to join you, but he just walked away. Woke up late the next morning to find you actually sitting on his couch with coffee in one hand and phone in another. Your eyes brightened a little when you saw him.
“Morning! I have an appointment at 1, but…dinner?” You asked. “I’m getting so sick of cateri—“
“M’busy,” he cut you off. He didn’t like the way you just nodded, just pressed your lips together accepted it. The way his plans meant nothing. Still, you were out here. Instead of in your room…or just gone.
“Maybe tomorrow night?” He offered, a little more gently.
“Sounds good.” He smiled. “I’ll put it on my calendar.” And the smile went away again, and so did he.
You put him on your calendar like another business appointment; he shouldn’t have felt bad about it, it’s what you always did when you met up in one city or another…but he did. Because this wasn’t “make a run-in happen” this was a meal with the person whose house you were living in for two weeks.
He probably should have asked someone if he was overreacting—probably should have asked you to be honest—but who could he ask? His friends didn’t know about you; they gave him enough shit about his current situation as it was, let alone some American airport fling. Couldn’t exactly tell his manager, they’d have you in to sign an NDA or something; all of the times he planned his travel around “running into you,” he just said it was meeting up with a friend.
So let the feeling stew in his head all day. He came home late again Saturday night to avoid you, and stayed out the entire day Sunday, missing the time you’d made for him on your calendar. Good riddance.
Until he rolled in at 1am, well on his way back to sober after a night out, to find you sitting on his couch, some YouTube chef on the telly, Diet Coke in hand, and his takeaway box of leftovers from dinner the night before on the coffee table.
“That was mine,” he accused. No greeting, just fire as he walked over and looked at the remnants of his gnocchi carbonara.
“It was really tasty,” you nodded.
“I know, because it was mine.” He scoffed and crossed his arm over his chest. “You know if you were really hungry, there’s plenty of other food in the kitchen. Or you could’ve gotten a sausage roll or something. Ever heard of Uber Eats?”
“No I ate your pasta because you told me once that you don’t eat leftovers but you always felt bad that they’d just go in the garbage at the restaurant,” you explained calmly. A little too calmly. “Instead they’d just go in the garbage here. So I enjoyed your scraps, cold, like a peasant, oh King Joseph, most conceited and decadent of all. Because you forgot we had plans for dinner.”
“S’that what we had? Plans?”
“Yeah, I blocked off time for you and everything.”
“Talk about most conceited,” he grabbed the takeaway box and started walking towards the kitchen to dispose of it and this conversation, but you were hot on his heels.
“Excuse me what was that?”
“You heard me, conceited,” he threw the box in the bin and then turned back towards you. “Lemme pencil you in on my calendar, Joe. Dinner, Sunday, 8 o’clock does that work?” He mimed holding a notebook and jotting down the appointment. 
“Have you lost your mind? That’s what I need to do if I want ten minutes to myself, let alone a whole dinner. You know I didn’t even put sleep on my calendar for this trip?”
“Lemme not even say good morning because I have a call I need to get on Joe, thanks for the biscuits.”
“Did you miss the entire point of me being in London when I sent you my itinerary? Or did you think this was just me coming to fuck you for two weeks?”
“Maybe not the whole two weeks,” he sneered at you. “But even a how was your day would have been nicer than being treated like the hotel manager.”
“At least the hotel staff cleans shit up,” you scoffed at him. “You know I went out for drinks the other night, went to that pub you told me about, because we finally figured out a contract and I spilled wine on myself. Came back here to throw it in the wash only to find the machine full of dirty clothes. That was really fun to see your stained and faded tighty whiteys at the top of the load. Were you just waiting for the maid service to come back to start the wash for you? You’re so famous now that can’t even hit the damn button yourself?”
The next scathing remark stopped dead on his tongue at that, and then he felt the shame build up.
But only for a moment, because before he knew it, you were crossing the distance and smashing your mouth to his. It was a quick play for control as usual, neither of you caring that you’d just butt heads because the real winner would be whoever could succeed at your little game first; he was in such a mood, such a state, that he actually tried to put up a fight, wanting to get you to cry out for him like he’d been wanting all week. Wanting to be wanted, needed.
He pulled away to remove the bridge from his mouth, mindful of the complaint you’d made about kissing him last time you’d met up, and you did something unexpectedly delicious.
“You rich rat,” you growled at him as you tugged his shirt free of his waistband with one hand and started working his belt loose with the other. “You better be wearing clean underwear right now so help me god.”
And damn if he didn’t get hard just from your words alone. 
The aggressive snap of his belt hitting the tile floor also helped.
“They should be,” he grinned cheekily and pulled your sleep shirt over your head. “Agnetha did a load before you got here.”
“You’re pathetic.” You worked the buttons of his shirt as quickly as you could. “How much is this shirt? ’S it dry-clean only? Does she take your dry cleaning in too? Bring it back and make sure it’s folded nicely only for you to shove everything in the drawer anyway. Like the useless boy you are.”
Yeah that was doing it for him.
“She washes the sheets too.” He dropped to his knees before you now as you leant against the counter, fully intent on pleasing you right here in the kitchen. “Changed them right before you got here. Shouldn’t be any more questionable stains.”
“Useless,” you hissed at him but ran a hand softly through his curls as he kissed along your abdomen and peeled your leggings down your legs. “Utterly useless.”
The thing about you though was your self-restraint, your discipline. You didn’t like to lose; you’d deprive yourself of things to get some advantage over your adversaries—usually corporate adversaries—and come out on top. And you made that very well known in the bedroom too when this little game got started. You’d gotten him to cum easily the first time you slept together and then used him to chase your own pleasure, commanding his mouth and tongue here and fingers there. 
Just like you were doing now. No moans, just little hitches in your breathing as you steered his head and used the leg you’d thrown over his shoulder to bring him deeper into your center. 
When you got close to completion, you used the upper hand again to push him away and you both descended together. His trousers and pants shoved down to his knees with his shirt bunched up under his head so he wouldn’t be sore from smacking it against the tile when you sunk down onto him. And when he felt the delicious squeeze of your cunt, he couldn’t help himself from throwing his head back; good for you to have the foresight. 
He had the foresight too though. He knew your moves, they made him see the light of God, seductress that you were. You told him your secret once as you basked in the afterglow when you’d rendered him particularly speechless.
“Spell the word coconut.”
“No, I spell the word coconut. As I’m on top. Read it in a magazine or something during my last layover.”
And he could feel it now, predict it. Feel the motion of your hips, around and around and up and down and squeeze.
He couldn’t tell just by looking at your face, he had to feel it; close his eyes and feel the tempestuous slide of you over him, bringing him higher.
Maybe he would win the game tonight?
He wasn’t one to lose either; he could be competitive just like you. In fact, he was excellent at manipulating a situation in his favor. School, money, life. And with you he’d won enough times to know it could be done. You’d made him feel so…meaningless over the past week—even if he’d misunderstood and overreacted—that a win would be even better than the pleasure itself.
You pried one of his hands off your hip where it was clinging for dear life and directed him to play with your clit so you didn’t have to. For a moment, he lifted his head and watched his own nicotine-stained nails and your prettily manicured ones mingle against the engorged and glistening junction of your sex, and where any other time it would have him groaning at the sight, he couldn’t help but notice how disgusting his hands looked in comparison to your own. For a moment the confidence faltered.
When had he last washed them? Maybe you were right, he was gross and pathetic…
But then you moaned, and from his point of view It looked like it even surprised you even. You stuttered in your pace and your eyes went a little wide. 
He felt all the doubt leave him. 
He would win tonight…
He took advantage, used his leverage, to turn the tables. To sit upright and guide you to take his spot; you couldn’t even protest before he pistoned into you, before his fingered took an unrelenting pace on your clit.
He could spell coconut too, and he did. He would tell you all about it after his victory. Boast over using your own tricks against you.
You watched him with unblinking eyes as your nails dug into his bicep and shoulder, as you bit your lip so hard he was sure you’d bite right through it, and you kept the little whine that emanated from your throat as soft as you possibly could. Still, he could hear it through the desperate, wet sounds of your fucking.
He closed his eyes and focused on the finish line, focused on keeping the tension of his mounting pleasure back as he could feel you grip tighter and begin to spasm around him. He needed to win, it would be glorious.
“Joe,” you moaned, and he thought it was over. But there, underneath the neediness, lay the condescension, the obvious upper hand. “Can you hurry up? I have a call at 7am”
He came, seconds before you did. Collapsed against you and spilled inside of you before you found your own release.
On his kitchen floor, spent, laughing together, basking in the ridiculous pleasure found in the presence of one another, another game came to an end.
And he might have lost, but in the end, did he really lose?
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Happy Birthday asshole. I'm following you into 30 in 10 months with a vengeance.
No love lost, The better Jo(e) &lt;/3
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smolwritingchick · 6 months
Smol Brainstorm/drabble: ARMY, I'm OK!
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Author's note: For the request of Jennie doing a live to reassure ARMY she's ok after the boys enlist. Brainstorming.
'Lisaaaa have you heard from BTS' Jennie?!'
'When was the last time you hung out with BTS Jen?'
'I miss Miss Bangtan and your cute photos with her. Is she ok?'
Blackpink's Lisa read the many comments from ARMY on her Instagram Live regarding Jennie. She smiled and spoke, "Jennie is OK. I hope she posts again soon. I hung out with her a few weeks ago."
Buzz Buzz Buzz
Lisa: ARMY was on our Instagram Live asking about you. Hope you're doing OK! Luv uuuuuu! Call me when you're free!
Seated on the couch of her apartment she shared with Jungkook, Jennie read Lisa's message in surprise. This was the 5th friend that had told her this. It had been well over a month, about to go into 2 months since she was last seen on social media. Since she had said goodbye to Jungkook and Jimin who enlisted together. Since all 7 of the boys were officially away from her. She deleted all social media for a while, only keeping in touch with her friends and family via phone and text and any work-related stuff via email. She just couldn't do it as every post she had seen was about the boys. Especially the adorable JenKook videos she would come across. She missed them dearly. 
Immediately calling Lisa via Facetime, she answered on the third ring with a huge smile.
"There you are! Hi~!" Lisa beamed.
"Hey! How are you?"
"I'm well! I've been attending these fashion events. It's been so fun. But how are YOU? I hope you're ok. I know it's been hard..."
"I'm ok! I promise that I am. And I am so sorry, I hope ARMY didn't spam you. I had planned to come back on social media soon but I just didn't want to see any posts about the guys until I could pull myself together,"
"Not at all! I understand! ARMY loves you and wants to know that you're okay. You should talk to them. Do a live. They want an update from you. I'd be worried too if we haven't been texting,"
That got Jen to think. She should do a live. She missed ARMY and it would mean a lot to them to reach out.
Miss Bangtan nodded. "Yeah, you're right. Okay. Tell Jennie, Jisoo, and Rose I said hi! We gotta hang soon,"
"Absolutely! I'll see you, soon. Love you, Jen!"
"Love you, too, Lisa! Bye!" she hung up and let out a sigh. 
Redownloading all of her social media apps, she went on Instagram and started a live while she sat on her couch. 
"Hi," she smiled softly, watching the comments flow in at a rapid rate while the viewership instantly went to the millions. "How are you guys? I know I've been a little MIA. Sorry,"
'OMG you're OK!'
'How are you holding up!?'
'Im about to cry, you're here!'
"I'm ok! I'm ok! I was going through it but I'm feeling better. My friends told me you guys were in their comments asking about me. I just had to take a break. I hope you understand. I had deleted social media for a bit. It was just...it was a little hard seeing their faces all over social media when they're not physically here with me, y'know? It has been hard to adjust to this but I'm getting by,"
She received a lot of crying emojis and comments about understanding how she felt. Jennie began to feel happy to be with ARMY as their comments were comforting.
"I keep in touch with them of course but it sucks they aren't physically there with me. I miss them all and I miss my husband so much...we've been a part before but this here is different. I sometimes wear Jungkook's shirts and hoodies at home since they still have his smell and make me think that he's hugging me. Like he's right there next to me...I miss you, ARMY. You are helping that loneliness that I feel. I promise to be more active and to keep in touch."
'What are your plans while the boys are enlisted?'
She read the comment. "I'll be back working soon. I'm going to go back to America and see my family and friends. I got stuff cooking with Nike. I'm excited to show y'all the next collection! And yes, JW 3 is coming. I hope you look forward to the album. It's too early but I do have some other plans regarding music. Announcements will be revealed soon. We're going to be OK ARMY. 2025 will be here before we know it. For now, I will remain strong. I will remain strong for us and we will get through this. The boys will be home soon. Let's take it one day at a time, okay?"
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runawaydr3amerao3 · 6 months
hi! how are you?? i hope you are having a good day! (im sorry if this message sounds a lot like a corporate email hahaha im at work watching tumblr xDDD)
i just wanted to ask you if you have a podcast??, i think i read that somewhere (or maybe i imagined that (i mean... it's totally possible 'cause im delulu)) if the podcast exists, can you send me the link? Thank you in advance!! p.d. i apologize if i made any mistakes! english is not my native language :) p.d.2 i love your tumblr!! p.d.3 im sorry for using so many exclamation points, im a millenial xD
First of all, never apologise for your English! As someone who only speaks English, you will never understand how impressive most of us find you and your fellow bi- or multi-linguals, let alone those of you who are bi- or multi-literate as well! 💐🥹
Secondly, don't apologise for your enthusiasm either! I'm a chronic exclamation-mark overuser. Also a Millennial. Is that a thing, the correlation? I'm an emoji tragic, too. I just accept these things about myself now. 🙃
Thirdly, you're so sweet! Thank you for liking my Tumblr! It's really just me gleefully hoarding and sharing all the cool things other people share, but if you're enjoying my curation, I'm super glad. 🥰
Lastly, you were close! I don't have a podcast myself, but my wonderful friends @talltalesandbedtimestories and @sam-is-my-safe-word do! It's the Idling In the Impala podcast (@idlingintheimpalapodcast), and it's all about SPN, the fandom, and the fanfiction. They had me on for an interview recently, which is what you might be thinking of. 🥲 There'll be a part two out in a few weeks, I think, where I sound much more chill and together (as much as I ever do. 🤭) after Sandra and Kasey helped me overcome some of my nerves about the whole thing. 💖
The entire podcast is wonderful, so I recommend it to everyone! I AM A SHILL FOR MY FRIENDS AND I REGRET NOTHING. Wait, we call it 'hyping' now, I think. Anyway. There are fanwork author/artist interviews, fic recs and dissections, podfics by Sandra, convention run-downs, fandom discourse, show meta, trope discussions, lubrication lessons from the Agent of Chaos and Kink, and so much more. 🥰 Check it out!
Thank you again for your lovely message. You made my day.
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quietblueriver · 1 year
Don't Ever Turn It Down (Ch. 4)
In which Ava learns a lot about Beatrice over the course of an afternoon.
Beatrice likes routine and has strong preferences. Ava likes Beatrice and likes to make Beatrice smile, so she has paid close attention to these preferences.
When they're out, Beatrice buys herself good coffee, black. At home, she grinds her own beans and has a ritual with her pour-over, which results in good coffee, black, in a glass travel cup Ava sees on her desk. If it’s from somewhere that does not rise to her bougie standards, she adds milk until it looks like something Ava might actually drink. That’s basically it.
So when Beatrice steps to the counter and says, “Medium caramel latte, please,” Ava is delighted. “And whatever she’s having.”
“Nope.” She pops the p. “You know it’s my turn.” She does not give her a chance to respond, just turns to the barista, who has a fantastically queer haircut, in purple, and is looking with obvious gay interest between them. “I’ll have the same, please. Also a chocolate chip cookie and,” she turns her head back to Beatrice, “Bea? What kind of cookie?”
AO3 or below the cut.
When Ava drops into her chair at 8:57am, she’s ready for a good fucking day. She had inhaled a truly excellent breakfast taco from the new stand near her apartment, and the line at her coffee shop hadn’t been outrageous when she got there. Even better, her favorite barista, Rachel, had bitten her lip and somewhat shyly presented Ava with her to-go cup without its lid, a very cute, only very slightly lopsided bear smiling up at her from the foam. A bear!
Ava’s effusive reaction, an immediate photo and amazement, had made Rachel beam and she’d told Ava she might get an elephant next week. An elephant! It’s all really too good. Beyond being adorable, the vanilla latte is perfect, as always, and Ava still has almost all of it left, sitting on her desk and ready to assist her in addressing whatever has happened in her inbox over the weekend. She takes the top off to admire the bear, still in shockingly good shape despite Ava’s less than gentle treatment, before stretching her shoulders.
There are somehow only a dozen new emails, three of which are junk and four of which are from people who decided to hit reply all entirely unnecessarily. She makes her way through four of the five remaining within half an hour because she’s killing it today, but she’s distracted from her final reply by a text from Beatrice, which she cannot help but open immediately.
Would you like to get coffee sometime today? My schedule is open.
She eyes the now quarter of her latte that remains, the bear’s left ear hanging on for dear life and the rest of him not doing much better, and does a lot of work to convince herself that it’s a bit much to go to Beatrice’s office immediately. Congratulating herself for exhibiting a seriously admirable amount of self-control, she texts back: Yes!!!! This afternoon? 3? I’ll come to you.
Ideally she can run out the day with Bea, maybe convince her to get a drink. She adds a dog emoji, a coffee emoji, and a purple heart for good measure.
Perfect. Looking forward to it.
Ava spins in her chair and smiles all the way through her call with the totally fucking insufferable dude from a client’s R&D team, biding her time.
“Fuck them, Beatrice.”
Ava’s hovering outside of Beatrice’s doorway, caught between not wanting to interrupt and not wanting to listen in to what is clearly a very personal conversation. Lilith sounds angry, and not in the hilarious game night way.
“No, fuck them. They don’t get to do this to you.”
“I know, Lilith, and I told them that, but as you’re well aware, my parents…”
And that’s enough. Ava knocks before Beatrice can finish the sentence, drawing the line. Two heads snap in her direction as she peeks her head around the cracked door and she tries to smile like she hadn’t just been eavesdropping like a dick.
“Sorry to interrupt. I can come back.”
Beatrice smiles at her, and it’s real even if it’s smaller than than normal, the worried little lines on her forehead still present.
“Ava. No, no. Please come in. I’m sorry. I didn’t realize the time.”
The first time Ava was at a meeting where an attorney for the other side spoke down to Lilith’s paralegal, her enraged expression and the corresponding takedown had made Ava both scared and, like, more than a little turned on. She’s seen the expression since, mostly when they’re out and anyone bothers Camila (who can and does handle herself while Lilith fumes as silent and terrifying backup), and she recognizes it now. She’s rigid in all ways—her jaw is clenched so hard Ava’s afraid for her teeth, and Ava can see the muscles in her arms straining as she clenches her fists at her sides.
It’s not directed at Beatrice, and, blessedly, it’s not directed at her, either. Lilith has already turned her eyes away from Ava, glaring at some distant point over Bea’s shoulder. Based on the conversation, she’s pretty sure the targets of Lilith’s rage are not in the room. She’s pretty sure they’re lucky not to be.
“I can come back, Bea. Really. No problem.”
She glances at Ava briefly, small smile still in place, and says, “No, we were finished anyway.”
Beatrice’s hand reaches out and grasps Lilith’s bicep briefly before tracking down to her wrist. Ava watches, a little entranced, as Lilith’s posture relaxes and her hand unclenches, her fingers twining with Beatrice’s. They have a silent conversation, then, and Lilith pulls Beatrice into a hug, roughly, but the whole demonstration is so ridiculously tender that Ava almost wants to turn away.
She looks at her shoes for a moment instead, white sneaks she somehow hasn’t demolished yet, and when she chances a look back up, they’re standing separately again, Lilith’s hands in her pockets as she says, “Call me later, Beatrice. I mean it.”
“I will.”
She passes Ava with a brusque, “Silva,” closing the door behind her, and then it’s just the two of them.
Beatrice turns toward Ava.
“I apologize. It’s been a bit of a strange day. Coffee?”
Ava doesn’t want to pry but she does want to be the kind of friend that Beatrice can talk to. She bites her lower lip, debating, and lands on: “Yes. Yeah. And, um, I want to hear about it. Your day I mean, if you want to tell me. But also, I have an exciting update on the saga of my neighbor’s parrot if you’d rather not. I mean, parrot debrief either way, obvi, but…”
She stops before she gets too carried away and rolls her eyes a little at herself but Beatrice’s smile is bigger, so whatever.
“Do you have time for a longer walk?”
Ava grins and says, “Yeah so full disclosure, I was hoping to convince you to take an early day with me. I have all the time you’ll give me.”
Beatrice laughs and grabs her cell phone from her desk before gesturing for Ava to lead the way.
“So.” she holds the door of their building open for Beatrice, who goes an absolutely perfect shade of pink at the hand that Ava very briefly places on the small of her back as they exit. Not the time, Ava. “Grumpy for you and I’ll get something that I’ll actually want to drink on the way?”
“Actually, I’m in the mood for something different today, if you don’t mind. There’s a place close to the park I think you’ll like?”
“Ooooh, an adventure. Love it. Lead the way.”
Beatrice checks her phone to be absolutely sure of the hours, which are, she informs Ava, “somewhat irregular,” and Ava doesn’t pretend to do anything other than watch her. She looks handsome, as always, navy trousers and a light blue shirt, tan brogues. Her bun is especially neat today, not one strand escaping.
Ava wants to mess it up. Fuck.
She snaps out of it and Beatrice, bless, looks puzzled more than anything.
“Are you alright?”
“Yep. Good. Great. Success?”
“Open until 6.”
She matches Bea’s pace and waits, letting Bea steer the conversation.
“What’s happening with Macawly Culkin?”
Parrot it is.
“Okay, so he’s no longer yelling her ex’s name but he has started yelling ‘Daddy.’ Swear to god.” She fishes out her phone and pulls up the clip. “I recorded it for you but didn’t send it because I obviously wanted to see your reaction.”
As the bird’s call plays from her speakers, Daddy with some of his more common curses, Bea blushes faintly and says, “Well. I’m glad she’s getting over Mark. He seemed like an ass.”
This is based entirely on Ava’s reports. It’s also correct.
“For sure. Oh!” She pulls up her photo roll. “Lemme show you my coffee from this morning. Bea. It’s a bear.”
The coffee shop is cute, pale yellow walls with four little tables and a butcher block bar with stools across the front wall and windows. There’s a display of cookies that Ava will be exploring, but for the moment, she’s focused on Beatrice. She’s never been more excited to hear a coffee order.
Beatrice likes routine and has strong preferences. Ava likes Beatrice and likes to make Beatrice smile, so she has paid close attention to these preferences.
When they're out, Beatrice buys herself good coffee, black. At home, she grinds her own beans and has a ritual with her pour-over, which results in good coffee, black, in a glass travel cup Ava sees on her desk. If it’s from somewhere that does not rise to her bougie standards, she adds milk until it looks like something Ava might actually drink. That’s basically it.
So when Beatrice steps to the counter and says, “Medium caramel latte, please,” Ava is delighted. “And whatever she’s having.”
“Nope.” She pops the p. “You know it’s my turn.” She does not give her a chance to respond, just turns to the barista, who has a fantastically queer haircut, in purple, and is looking with obvious gay interest between them. “I’ll have the same, please. Also a chocolate chip cookie and,” she turns her head back to Beatrice, “Bea? What kind of cookie?”
She thinks about protesting. Ava can see it. But Ava raises her eyebrow and tilts her head and Beatrice says, simply, “Double chocolate, please.”
What a fucking day.
“And a double chocolate.” She taps her card and they wait, Ava leaning against the butcher block, Bea next to her with her always-perfect posture.
“Okay. Caramel? Does this mean I can bring you exciting drinks now?”
Beatrice huffs a laugh. “They’re an indulgence. I tend to save them for hard days and special occasions. I really do love good coffee.”
“Roger that. So I’ll only bring them like every fourth time.”
Beatrice rolls her eyes as they pick up their drinks and cookies. Ava winks at the barista, who places a hand on their forehead and mock swoons with a nod at Beatrice, who has already turned toward the door.
“I know, right?” She agrees under her breath, but very enthusiastically.
They find a bench in the shade and settle so that they can eat, and Ava closes her eyes and moans a little at the first bite. The edge is perfectly crispy and it’s just a little bit salty, exactly the way Ava likes.
When she looks over, she finds that Beatrice is breaking hers apart into neat bite-sized portions, although she’s currently holding a piece and staring at Ava with wide eyes and flushed cheeks. She shoves the piece in her mouth when Ava makes eye contact.
She nods, still chewing, and Ava lets her ankle drift over and press against Bea’s. Friendly affection, or whatever.
Beatrice picks up another piece but doesn’t eat it, just stares at it, hand hovering over the bag she had put in her lap for crumbs.
“My parents called this morning to tell me that they’re in town. Last night, they had dinner with friends of theirs who have a child interested in law school. They informed me that they had provided my contact information and that they might be coming by my apartment today or tomorrow.”
Ava doesn’t say anything but does scoot slightly closer, pressing a little more of her leg against Beatrice’s. Friendly affection, not whatever. Beatrice presses her leg into Ava’s and looks up at her.
“I don’t speak to my parents often. It’s not…I’m not exactly in a unique position. There have been a lot of problems in our relationship. I spent most of my life trying to please them, and when I stopped doing that, they decided they’d had enough of me.
“Coming out was the final straw. They had known already. When I was fourteen, they found my diary. Well. I think actually that one of my horrible cousins found it and gave it to them. My parents had no interest in my room beyond making sure it was as perfectly put together as the rest of our house.”
She looks at the tree across the pathway and sighs. When she turns back to Ava, she looks tired, her body sagging slightly and her lips pulled down. Ava wants to wrap her up. Instead, reaches over and tentatively rests a hand on her forearm. Beatrice brings her non-chocolate hand over to rest on it, squeezes Ava’s fingers before they both retreat.
“I hadn’t even kissed anyone. Certainly not a girl. I was just scared and confused, and I wrote about it. They responded by sending me away to Catholic boarding school. It was a socially acceptable way to get rid of me.”
Ava’s stomach roils with anger. What absolute clowns.
“Thankfully, Lilith was there, too. Her parents didn’t know about her. Her family just has a long tradition of sending their children away.”
She takes a bite of cookie and Ava copies her. It’s just as good but she’s distracted now, thinks maybe she should save the rest for later.
“Do you know,” a smile, “I considered becoming a nun?”
A startled laugh bursts from her, and she puts aside, for the moment, her rage against Beatrice’s parents, because Beatrice wants to pivot and because: “Holy shit. What?”
“Yes. I had a strong faith, at the time. I also…well, I had my own difficulties with being queer. I decided against it in the end, but my faith is one of the reasons I decided to go to university at Georgetown.
“Ironically, it was at Catholic university that I learned to accept myself. By the time I was a senior, I had come out to my small group of friends, and I had stopped making all of my decisions based on what they wanted me to be. They decided they’d had enough.
“I’m lucky…privileged in many ways. By the time they cut me off, I had access to a trust fund that they could not touch. I was almost finished with my degree, and I had secured a job at a firm in New York that had agreed to sponsor me for a visa. I had a plan to go to law school.
“Most importantly, I had Lilith. I always had Lilith.”
She smiles and Ava wants to kiss Lilith Villaumbrosia on the mouth. And yeah, okay, fine, it’s not the first time she’s had that thought, but this is different.
“Unfortunately for them, it has become rather gauche, in half of their social circle, to be outright homophobic, and it wouldn’t have looked good for anyone to know that they had cut me off.
“It worked well for them that I had moved to the States. They called every few months so that they could say they had spoken to me, and I generally answered, because for a long time there was a part of me that hoped they would change.”
She shrugs a little. “Silly, I know.”
“Not silly,” Ava says, fiercely, and Beatrice tilts one side of her mouth up, bright brown eyes sad in a way that makes Ava wants to punch someone. Someones. Two very specific someones.
“Thank you. Anyway, I started answering less frequently and they don’t like that, so they occasionally do something like this. Show up at my apartment unannounced and use me as social capital, give out my information to friends whose children want to go to Harvard or name drop my old firm.”
She stops and breaks off another piece of cookie and eats it, takes a sip of her latte.
Ava doesn’t know what to say, except: “Beatrice, I’m sorry. You deserve so much better than that.”
She puts her cup down next to her again and says, “I know that now, for the most part. And Lilith is always there to remind me if I forget. Camila, too. And now you.”
The smiles she gives Ava is a little shy and Ava reinforces immediately. “Yes. Literally always here to remind you how amazing you are.”
She laughs and Ava says, maybe a little too earnestly, “I’m not kidding, Bea. You’re amazing. And I’m even more amazed that you came out of all of that bullshit as you.”
Beatrice blushes, then, and Ava thinks she’s beautiful. Handsome. Perfect. She picks up her coffee and fiddles with the lid, stares down at it as she says, “I don’t talk about this often. Thank you for listening. And thank you for being my friend.”
And there it is. Beatrice is beautiful and handsome and perfect and her friend. And why the fuck would Ava risk that? Risk being one of the handful of people who Beatrice can talk to like this? Who can tell Beatrice she’s fucking incredible? It means something big to be one of those people. She knows that. She’s going to hold onto it.
“I’m lucky to get to know you, Beatrice. I’m so, so lucky to get to be your friend.”
Her cheeks turn a darker red as she looks up at Ava through her eyelashes, head still tilted down. Ava smiles at her as her chest clenches, and they sit there quietly for a moment.
Finally, Beatrice brings her cup to her lips and breaks the spell. She says, “I’m going to stay with Lilith for the next couple of days. My parents won’t show up at her place. She was in my office trying to convince me.”
”Good. Like, fucking absurd that you have to do that, but I’m glad you’re taking care of yourself.”
Beatrice takes another segment of cookie and then says, “This is really good but I need to walk a bit, I think. I’ve been on edge.”
Ava puts her cookie back in her messenger and offers it to Beatrice who puts hers there, too.
“Let’s do it. Yours for the afternoon.”
For as long as Beatrice wants her, really.
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rivaille-13 · 1 year
Hey Hans! I just noticed that you never really posted your new fanfic with the 1950-ish vibes here so let me be the one to promote it for ya lol
i know quite people are begging this lovely writer to update an epilogue for ATW or even asking updates of By Dawn but we never really had your answers *sad cries* until my email beeps that you actually posted another fic *holy moly*
And it’s freakin 1950’s. FOR REAL guys read it the title is “From Afar” and honestly Hans I’m kind of scared it has a cutesy vibes but at the same time it screams disaster and chaos just like the movie Edge of Love (ik ik, you’re a fan of Cillian just like moralee!)
Again, the writing is incredible im forever a fan. But pls Hans, could you please update By Dawn too? That story got me on chokehold I don’t know how I actually read that because I’m literally bawling every chapters but it’s still freaking beautiful
Ok love u
Wow, this is a long ask indeed! I don’t know what to answer first, it has been a while but please let me express my gratitude first. The amount of support I am still getting is very flattering and heart warming so thank you very much.
It has been two years since the last chapter of After The War, and I swear that I’ve tried to write an epilogue, but then tossed it right into the bin because there has been some changes I want to revise with the whole story. It feels like the story is still lacking plots, and I’m really not satisfied with the whole outcome and grammatical error…I’m still at Chapter 3 revision, and it’s taking me a long time and it’s killing me too.
While By Dawn, I’ll Leave is like the skeleton meme that was left chained at the bottom of the pool LOL I’m very kidding but yes, a year had already passed since I last updated a new chapter. To give you my answer, I have a draft of the next chapter — around 3,000 words but I definitely feel the need to drop a hell of a long chapter in regards to the POV of whom character I am writing…I think that this chapter should express the missing details (I know some of the readers are left hanging and dissatisfied with Levi and Mikasa’s choices) to give way that both of the characters suffered equally in their own way…alright no spoilers. Haha
And of course, I almost forgot! From Afar — 1950’s and stuff…I’m getting a lot of suggestions to write a 50’s one so here I tried. Tackles about the 1940-50’s, I actually don’t know how to react with that opinion of yours but it did make me laugh. The chaos and disaster, hmm…maybe? But it’s not going to land like The Edge of Love for sure, I don’t want Mikasa to be milking Levi’s military pension the way Vera did it to William (Cillian Murphy)! Hahaha, maybe the vibes, you know, I’m still head over heels towards Cillian as Levi and so on.
Thank you for promoting it again, and for the time to ask me such. I’m sorry, there’s no emoji available, my iPhone is shitty, I can’t put emoji on my text!
To everyone who wants to give From Afar a try, here’s the link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48274930
It’s not really fixed yet, like the title and tags could change but yeah, a 1950’s…enjoy and let me know what you think. (:
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
I guess to put more positivity around the whole commenting thing, I should share my experience as a commentor. Look, I write really long comments, pretty much exclusively because my adhd brain demands it. I've actually had to pre-write a comment to copy-paste, because I know I need to comment more but my really long comments take a lot of mental energy to compose, and even that ended up being a solid paragraph. (I actually really recommend people do that, so they can leave comments like "I absolutely loved this!" even if they don't have the spoons to type it out. As someone who is also a writer, I would be thrilled to get a comment like that!)
I have never, not even once, for any fandom, had someone who didn't appreciate them. I've had people who didn't reply - which doesn't bug me at all, I know it can take a lot of energy for authors to reply to readers too - but I've never had someone complain or get annoyed or block me. Most of the time I get either replies like "thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to me ;w;" or "thank you, I'm glad you loved it so much!!" or a really long ones addressing some of the things I pointed out that I liked or was interested about.
I know some people have had bad experiences with it - which is horrible and I'm so so sorry to all of you it happened to, you deserved so much better - but I promise that the vast majority of people will love you for them (even other readers who are looking through the comments! I know I like reading everyone else's comments and lot of other people do too). And I say all this as someone who has been in fandom for 19 years, and been leaving multiple paragraph comments for just as long.
As with any other type of comment, just be positive, don't try to leave criticism unless the author explicitly invites it, and don't be demanding, and you'll be golden! Tell people what you liked, not what you didn't, because yeah it does hurt to get something negative like that, and chances are you didn't mean to discourage the author of a fic you like or make them feel bad.
I completely agree, I've never had a poor reaction to a comment I've left and it hurts my heart that others have 😩 so many creators are so discouraged by a lack of interaction with their work, I'm so disappointed in other creators - responding harshly to comments that are not mean spirited at all - for not just... Turning off the function if they don't want engagement! Dont put people down for enjoying your work!
My comments are usually riddled with emojis and swear words lmao but that's just what I'm like😅😅😅
That being said, I also don't expect authors to reply to me! Honestly, a lot of the time I actually forget what I've commented and when I did so, so getting a notification in my emails is always such a lovely little surprise 🥹
So, to my readers: please never feel like you have to limit yourself in my askbox or comment section. I am delighted by your delight, I am enthused by your enthusiasm, I love your love!
When I'm receiving comments... Hate is immediately deleted. Something I don't want, like solicited criticism, people who try to make me feel bad or guilty (and not in a "why have you done this😭❤️ that cliffhanger!!" way, dw i know the difference!) And people demanding that I write/update/change to suit them... even then, a comment I see as rude will probably just be deleted or I will intentionally ignore them (I don't get around to replying to everyone, so please don't automatically assume I've taken offence if you receive no reply!)
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lynsburner · 1 year
Hi Lyn! I was wondering… in your ‘Verse, would you say Andrew wrote any of his songs for/about Lovely (reader)? If so, what are they, and what was her reaction to them?
And would you be willing to write any more Hozier fics in the future? There’s a terrible lack of them everywhere and yours are soooo good!!!
Hello. This answer is about to be super long. My bus home from work got stuck in a ridiculous amount of traffic. Plus, you got me ruminating on this all day at work (Outside the millions of phone calls I was supposed to make. People responding to an email you sent them? Revolutionary concept if you asked me!) and think I’ve decided firmly on, and hear me out on this, “No Plan.” 
That song to me is about not worrying where things are going to go (The sun’s going to go out! Who gives a shit!) and to not sweat the small stuff. And I guess in this context, it’s about being a little worried about something new, like a relationship that has a lot of shit going against it. It’s about enjoying the little things that you do have. The “I think you’re worth at least trying,” or describing this love as “shiny and new, like a toy to be played with, nervously discovering all the nooks and crannies as time goes on.” 
(Yes, I am quoting myself. I am a very self-centric person. I am sorry)
Also now I’m head cannoning that he texted her: Did you know the sun’s going out? After watching that talk and that’s when she hit him with the I like you. A lot. Too much, actually. What better time to confess your feelings for a dear friend than also getting him out of a doom spiral? 
Anyway, one day she just gets texted an audio file with just “🖤” (the black heart emoji, which I’m sure is just one big Carly Rae Jepsen reference) out of the blue. It’s a messy, unpolished demo. 
And when she doesn’t respond immediately since she’s taking it all in, he texts again: 
Just wanted to know your thoughts on this… 
What is this? 
A song. Not sure if you’ve heard of them before. The proper definition is: “a short poem or other set of words set to music or meant to be sung.” 
I hate you. 
I don’t care what you think about me. I only care what you think about the song. 
I love it.  You? Debatable… 
She calls him after that. They have a “Don’t bother me while I’m working,” on that list of rules, (“I wouldn’t ask you to help me with an Excel formula, would I?”) so it’s sort of rare she hears anything before it’s finished on purpose (not every wall can be reinforced with soundproofing material). It’s a special moment. 
Ok. This was a tangent and then some. Thank you for letting me indulge my fantasies lol 
Also, half of me wanted to answer this with “Sunlight” but only because that’s my favorite. But it also can be read as putting too much into something, especially with the entire 3rd verse comparing the love being had to the Icarus story, it almost sounds like it’s bound to end in tragedy (a lot of his songs do tbh I could write about that for days). 
But, I do love the lyric “know that I would gladly be the Icarus to your certainty” so much. Need me someone like that LMFAO. 
Anyway, as for new stuff? I’m currently 3 chapters deep (of 10! and halfway through the last chapter, ironically) with an idea I’ve had for a while now that I’m really excited about. It’s pretty dialogue heavy and is set around a weekly get-together. I just don’t want to post any chapters until I’m finished because then it would never get done. 
I did almost write a threequel (is that the right word?) to the first two stories, but the dialogue was too similar and they fit better in the chaptered idea. That one was about them revisiting a place they took a trip together as friends and why nothing happened between them that first time around (spoiler: Andrew was too high and too drunk to properly process feelings and his idea for them getting together comes off as more of a joke. The next morning he's got no memory of their argument, so back to square one they were!). They were probably going to get engaged at some point. Good for those crazy kids! I wish them the best!
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this way too long of a response, Anon! Have a great night!
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delcakoo · 2 years
💌 - hii!! this is my first time sending an “ask” (?) i even had to verify my email and everything LMAO but oh my god??????? your writing is literally fantastic and added like +10074837382949 years to my lifespan — it’s so so good! the format, the words, the plot???? ITS AMAZING??? — i just found your account from the captain puff fic! i re-read it multiple times because of how wonderfully written it was!! it was truly so so phenomenal!! i love the way you write!! i’m about to read more works! i’m definitely staying & will keep up with your work as well!!! keep up the great work ~ i hope this message isn’t too long oh my :0
AND AHH CAPTAIN PUFF!! oh god i dont even remember writing that fic and i dont think i want t go back and read it because i’ll definitely cringe 🧍🧍IM GLAD YOU ENJOYED IT THOUGH LMAOSJDN i do still love the dynamic between yn and riki there JSHDJDH, it’d be fun to write a lil imagine of how they’d be if they were dating LIKE YN BEING THE HARDWORKING STRICT CAPTIN HUFFLEPUFF AND RIKI BEING THE BIGGEST SLACKER OF HOGWARTS ITS SO SJDHJDN i feel like everyone would be scared of them for different reasons 🧍POWER COUPLE JSHDJD
OK NOW IM RAMBLING SORRY SORRYDJFJ 🏃 anyways this really touched me so thank you again and i appreciate your support n kind words a lot 🥹🥹 MUWAHHH KISSES TO YOU ANONNIEEE (or are you my 💌 anon now? cuz u used that emoji JSHDJ ??)
me rn
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evildoombringer · 10 days
hi nakamura (i'm. not entirely sure which name you prefer to go by,,)
i. don't really know, personally, the depths of hurt that came from min leaving can't claim either. to understand what your going through right now
you both seem really close. it was always funny, to  read ur asks that you'd send i remember reading the "happy morning" one you sent and it had like this image of a smiling kid for some reason, for like a solid 5 months i just thought "oh cool, so that's what they look like:0" before i looked back and thought, "huh wait. they always added (very funny,  mind you) meme/pics to their asks. was that pic a meme too-?" and only then did i realize lmao
looking back on his responses, i can almost hear the amused tone or, however min would react. lol it was nice to see him talking to people who cared about him
im. not really sure what to say, without coming off as like.. pretentious.? but. if i can just assume for one second, from the asks they'd answer of yours, to everything i hear about min from all the people who know him, i. i. assume he really cared for you, and. i assume you cared for him as much.,
i dont. know your situation, at all. min had. already made up his mind when i even found his blog. so, just. i hope you'll be able to make a decision, you'll be. happy with
the future could get better. it could get worse i can't really see which one it'll be. i don't understand how close you and min were, at all but know. you arent alone im not sure, if you need to. understand or know someone to be there for them,but from the looks of it, min was. never really alone if he had you. so,i hope you also know your not alone there'are people here for you
im sorry. this is probably, meaningless to you in hindsight i just. yeah. in the end, whatever you choose is your decision but. your not alone im sorry if this comes off as assuming.  please. feel free to ignore this ask, if it oversteps in anyway or is just uncomfortable. i know sometimes one might just want- to vent and let it all out and the to have that acknowledged or responsded to might be. uncomfortable i. hope i didnt come off that way
but .yeah,
nice to. meet you by thw way. O(∩w∩)O (im sorry the kaomoji is so out of place jhsjsh i just remembered that one ask u sent hh)
hi custard
it hurts that he's gone, obviously, and i just haven't been on Tumblr for a minute, so seeing everything again is having a terrible effect on my psyche (ill live though haha). im just super weird about him and i realize that uhh nobody really knows that. but I'm super . . weird about him and uhhh yeah and um i regret everything lol
im surprised you thought i was a young chinese boy :sob: but. i understand how you could make that.... mistake.....
did you know the :smile: :sob: thing is a discord reference? :sob: is 😭 and :grimace: is 😬. if you're on a phone and u type the emoji out it should probably pop up, and the same thing happened on discord so he. um would do that when posting on Tumblr too out of habit, and i guess it eventually became a Min-Pal staple haha
and yeah he definitely cares about me, and im mad at him because he cares about me and left me his emails and shit to take care of and he did that because he knew im. weird and needed more than old messages and tumblr posts and i . m glad he did do all that and i love having some stuff to hold onto like his Spotify but. it's just upsetting i guess, since you know, id rather have him.
its really funny seeing how other people view him, to me, at least, i guess since i got to see not just him being bad-pathetic but him bad-bad in general (and I'm not going to explain further than this, as i, despite claiming to find it funny, am happier than not that he died with a t least a somewhat positive. Uh. Perception.)
idk I'm not like, a great persoj, and i did Just let him die instead of going to unimaginable lengths. and I regret that everyday, but he was so steadfast. he just didn't care anymore , and he had me to talk to but it was like he didn't care about trying (because once he decided he'd died, what really mattered past that?) Ssorry this is all so congested and contradictory and I make no sense
and, id love to believe you when you say stuff like "you're not alone" but it's terrible because I really am. like it's out of personal fault, but even the people I feel as though I could go to for help, I coukdnt bring myself to,, not when it's anything Too serious,, not to mention the fact I just got dumped because he said I was 'unhealthy' (after 10 months of reassuring me that its ok if I am cuz he'll help... but that's. A whole different thing and has nothing to do with min and I'm just bitter and bringing him up out of.... bitterness.)
and im glad u left the ask mikey i really am
idk it's just kinda sweet. now I feel more like angel and saki..... Auuuhhuhhh
i don't know what to do in any regard currently though so I think I'm just gonna continue mourning something that's been gone for a year now. Someone. and being bitter and upset, and reminiscing and trying his memory into music I like (and emailing my bf. [not considering him an ex] [email cuz he blocked my number] obsessively until he decides to take me back)
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embossross · 2 years
Hey youuu ! Just so you know, this is a live-comment RN. I'm pretending to type an email as I type this chapter review lol (and yes, I've long since given up on the comments section).
I just finished the bath scene. What to say. I've been reading smut for almost a decade and it's been a long time since I've read something while blushing so much and with my hand over my mouth. I'm at the office and I didn't even hear my co-worker come to my desk, he had to snap his fingers to get me to reconnect to the real world.
Now I'm laughing my ass off at Rindou's POV. The asthma attack ? Setting off the fire alarm ? IT'S YOUR MOM SHE SENT NUDES ?! Nooooo sir, how can you be so funny and yet so cruel ? I can't.
I swear Rin became a dom only to vent his frustration of being Ran's brother.
Speaking of the devil, when Ran told Rin that he would be happy to meet Yasuko I was like 🥹🥹🥹🥹
Wait wait wait Naoto ? Like Tachibana Naoto ? Like the (future) DETECTIVE ?!
The meeting with Ran, oh you answered my prayers, I was waiting so much for this moment and you didn't disappoint ! I have to say he handled himself pretty well, I expected him to do everything he could to embarrass his poor little brother but this man has too big a soft spot for his little Rinnie this is so <3
A double date with. Koko? EMOJI LARMS I will literally melt ok ? He's like, really, my ultimate comfort character (apparently that says a lot about me.. idk 🤷🏻‍♀️)
Here, I just finished. My eyes are out of my sockets, I'm short of breath and I think my heart missed a beat or two. Even though I'm not a fan of BDSM (as much as I've tried, I don't understand the dynamic between naughtiness and affection), I can still say that it was incredibly intense.
Thank you, again and again, for sharing this story that rose so quickly to my top 5 (and sorry for talking so much... God I'm cringing) 💖
Your top 5???? that's so unbelievably flattering. Thank You!
i'm always so thankful for your reviews. i love seeing what you thought of the chapter :)
1st & foremost: please don't get in trouble at your job over this story! so funny to imagine your coworker almost catching you. that scene is so intense - if i can say so myself - i can't imagine what i'd do if someone saw me reading (or worse, writing) it!!
there's just no way Ran doesn't give Rindou a hard time, and equally no way the others don't follow his lead. my headcanon, at least for this story, is that rindou comes off so detached because it's a coping mechanism from people always messing with him.
hmmm...is that detective naoto? wonder what that could mean if it was...
i feel bad to report that i probably won't write the koko double date, but i will write something with lots of bonten execs and reader, including koko & yumi, so hopefully that will make up for it a little!
I’m glad you could enjoy the scene even if it isn’t to your personal tastes. Many in this fic aren’t to mine either. (Some of the kinks are mine, but some just feel true to the characters, and I am too shy to elaborate lol). Sometimes people – not you! – seem confused about fantasy and smut writing. They think what we write/read is this one to one of what we want in real life, but the reality is far more complicated. I think this dynamic feels right to Rindou’s character, and develops the characters well, and it is INTENSE to write, which is just personally fun. But I personally am way too lazy to be having such involved, kinky sex all the time. It’s just not for me either 😊
anyway - thank you again seriously. i loved this message so much 💖
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thoselittleboats · 3 years
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Hello, Porter! 👍
Are you interested in delivering some good cheer this holiday season? Then consider filling out the interest form for the potential Death Stranding: Secret Santa Exchange! 
👍💙 [Interest Check Form] 💙
This is a fanworks exchange where you create a fanwork and receive a fanwork in return. Fanworks include: art, fanfic, gifsets/edits, and fanmixes. If there is enough interest, I will create a separate blog and form for the exchange. Reblogs and likes are appreciated 💙 
The interest check will close on: October 2nd, 2021, Extended: October 9th, 2021
Keep on keeping on! 💙
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averlym · 4 years
in honor of 2021 being tomorrow i shall be posting some ridiculous nonsense from my drafts cheers you all and a merry new year ily
#why do i keep saying merry new year? because i like it and find it funny#it's always merry christmas and a happy new year and i just. inwardly chuckle inside because nOT FOR ME#on an unrelated note i have an ask request from the start of this year saying 'happy new year! *(insert celebratory emoji)'#oop#the request was all the liws and queens and i just couldn't start on that much of peoples to draw or smth idk#so that's how i didn't draw a request! for a year! >-<#oH unrelated but the nonsense in question isn't art#it's words??? it's not a fic it's more incorrect quote-y you guys will see in a bit#i just saved it in my drafts and then didn't post it that's all#i was always planning on making art for it but nOPE#that's not a thing that's happening#i want to put some specific emojis in this tag and i blame misha's influence but also i'm too lazy to google it just so i can (desktop o-o)#my teacher just sent me a message saying 'noted'#on whatsapp#and i- why do the vibes feel so weird that phrase feels like an email thing???#back to requests (veered off track for a second there) (italics) are (close italics) drawing requests open?? heck idk#can't tell you? sorry? you're free to send them in but i might not draw them for a really long time. (like a year.)#2020 has been wiLD#but i am remarkably grateful to my tumblr family (it is quite small but that's because i have tiny social circles i'm not sure why of that)#and to my followers who put up with all my ~whims and fancies~ (i was going to write crazy bullshit but that fit better with my vibes also#you can't get the same vibes if you shorten it to crazy bs but i don't like swearing presonally it's fine if others do it)#my follower count??? is so big now? there's like 1.5k of you what is up with that#h- hOW and wHY and ????? thank youuuu <333 TTvTT#i went to try out the tumblr note counter thing (which might have been dumb bc focus on notes ain't it) and ??? there's so much#my tiny brain cannot comprehend the sheer scale of support i've gotten thank you all so much#especially those of you that reblog with words of add things in the tags or send me asks#i'm vv honoured#also i've been reading atla fics without watching the show and i mean#i watched the first episode and when zuko said honor i burst out laughing because the memes and proceeded to wheeze out 'my cabbages'
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