#sorry if this feels lackluster i'm just not doing good today at all
tommyarashikage · 6 months
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tagged by @corvosattano @socially-awkward-skeleton @kyber-infinitygems and @inafieldofdaisies to use this wonderful template, thank you! Tagging everyone who wants to do this.
+ tagged by @carlosoliveiraa, @captastra @alexxmason and @captmactavish thank you!
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
Do you have any opinions on modern (post-1970s) movies that you feel capture the essence (in a good way) of Old Movies?
No, unfortunately. That doesn't mean I don't like modern movies or that modern movies aren't good, but modern movies—and here I'm really using modern to mean post-2010, so contemporary movies—have different standards for pacing, characterization, budget, and production that make it harder (or impossible) to capture some of the magic of old movies. Even when modern movies clearly try to emulate that old-movie feeling—I'm thinking of La La Land, The Artist, The Shape of Water, In the Heights—they play the homage too broadly, or they ignore crucial components that make the original films work.
There's kind of too much to go into here without writing a full essay, but essentially, the Old Hollywood system—ugly, failed beast as she was—made some movies simply more accessible to make, due to the ongoing storage of props, sets, master craftsmen, crew, and onscreen talent that could move from one movie to the next without pause. If you needed a dancer, he was already on staff. If you needed a fancy bed, it was already in the warehouse. That kind of longterm storage is invaluable if you want to crank out movies quickly and cheaply because it saves so much time on individual negotiation and sourcing. Modern production companies have to work out individual contracts for every actor on every film; crew members have to negotiate rental contracts and source pieces from scratch; if you need someone with specialist skills, you have to contract them specially at a high rate, which a lot of small companies can't (or won't) budget to do. There's sand in the wheels where there needn't be any. It's wasteful, and costly, but that's the system modern movies are made with.
Which all means that even if the modern movie system wanted to make a classic movie musical just like the old ones, they couldn't, because the talent isn't already there—it hasn't been trained up enough, and there's not that breadth of knowledge you can only get from people who have been allowed to work in the same department in the same place for decades. Movies like La La Land fail, for me, because they present themselves as descendants of Fred Astaire or Busby Berkley movies, while missing the bit where Fred Astaire was a master of his craft. When you watch Fred Astaire dance—or Moira Shearer, or the Nicholas Brothers, or Ann Miller—you are watching a true artist at work, purposely showcased by the studios because they already have them on contract. Modern movies, on the other hand, tend to take people who already have star talent (as actors) and try to convert them into dancers/singers—or they pull dancers/singers off of Broadway, but then they don't have the star power built in. You end up with lackluster musicals where no one truly knows what they're doing, or they do but they're not built up enough by the studios to sell. And that's me discussing just on-screen talent for musicals—there is a huge loss behind the scenes, as well, for all kinds of movies, where roles that would have been filled by union crew who moved continuously from one job to the next have been swapped for freelance labor who live with immense turnover, financial insecurity, and knowledge loss. You could hand me the budget and I could try to make an old movie, but the industry itself has changed so much it's impossible to recapture that charm of steady, niche talent, the amazing possibilities of bonkers set design, and the ability to take a risk on a smaller movie because the other films being produced by the same studio can help balance the budget.
I've talked way, way too much about all of this! Sorry, I just have a lot of thoughts—and the one above is just one of them; the talent loss and storage issues are only facets of a much bigger problem that extends to how we watch movies today, how we market them, what we expect of them, and what's allowed in them. It's a crying shame because the talent is still there, but times change and so does the industry, for better or for worse. (And, just again to clarify, I don't think modern movies are bad—they're just missing a lot of the juice old movies got to play with, even if there's more talent available than ever before.)
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gb-patch · 8 months
Hi! I saw your ask about skin tones and honestly, that is very much a barebones excuse to not include skintones in your game. You act as though adding skintones to a sprite would be a complete hand-drawn new asset when it would quite literally be filling in a pre drawn base for both Opal and the mc. Not only that but you potentially have thousands of mc outfits you promised for specific tier havers on the kickstarter. And then for 250,000 dollars, you're telling me we'll get more colors but not even 2 or 4 skintones when there are games with Less funding who have more skintones? Especially considering OL:B&A had the exact same amount of skintones and I could count all the afro centric hairstyles in that game on my two hands. I rather have more skintones than just pale, peach, olive, tan, brown and dark brown (most of which screams a 2000s foundation line of tones) than have more hair or clothing colors. I'm sorry, I love your games, I really do but that's an extremely lazy and abhorrent response from you and I am extremely disappointed.
"Hi. I just saw the post about you not adding in more skintones. I really hope this doesn't come across as rude or demanding but I find your reasoning for not being able to add them...lackluster at best. With all due respect, you set this goal for 250k, over three times the original goal you set for the kickstarter, the idea that somehow you can promise an additional set of darker colours for the clothes, accesories hair and eyes alongside the additional MC pieces people are going to request but not an additional skintone because of Opal seems a little ridiculous. I'm not an experienced artist but I do know how art files tend to work and I imagine adding additional colours to Opal's base design wouldn't be an extreme undertaking. In fact, by contrast, the work to add more colours to the clothes and hairs seems much more labourous considering the amount of them and the fact that some of the clothes have subcolours.
Again, I do hope I don't come accross as rude but I just feel like this announcement was highly dissapointing, especially considering the fact that the additional colours are currently the biggest goal for the kickstarter at the moment" There were two replies, so I put them together. I hope that's alright.
I understand. It would be bad and make no sense if that didn’t happen. I can say that this has nothing to do with funding. I'm not gonna attach more skin tones to a stretch goal, that’s not fair. It’ll be done whenever it can be regardless of what happens with the Kickstarter.
The other colors for hair and such is something I confirmed can be done by our programmer ahead of time using a color picker system in coding.
The situation as it stands today for Opal is that I personally don't have the skills to recolor her myself, the artist we have is in a situation where it would be unkind to increase how much work they have to do (it'd be easier if even less work could be on them), and while another artist could be hired- that hasn't happened at this point. So, saying it "could happen but maybe not" is cautious development process. It’s how it went with both the Cove Patreon Bonus Moments, where I pretended for months that it may or may not happen while working on it behind the scenes because I wasn’t sure how long I’d need to finish it and was worried it could be delayed for long stretches of time.
Being realistic, it is virtually a 100% certainly that before the game comes out, the skin tones will be expanded. There is no good reason why it wouldn’t. I was waiting until things got to a better point in production before coming out to officially say that it’s happening.
And I could’ve said it’s extremely likely but we’re not able to do it quite yet and avoided making anyone feel hurt. I wish my way of handling it hadn’t made the people who believed in our games sad. The reason why I didn’t is that I just can’t help but be averse to making promises I can’t do/the team can’t do and so have to rely on something else working out at some point in the future, even if it is entirely likely that it will.
That’s because I know that these things will make a lot of people happy. I want the excitement and any praise that might come to not happen until the goal has been achieved or is on the way to being achieved for sure. To a degree it’s helpful for players to have confidence in what the company is promoting, but it’s mainly to help with my own habit of catastrophizing. I tend to believe bad things could happen and I’ll let people down even when it’s so unlikely it’s not worth considering. I consider it anyway. And so, you get this kind of long-term hedging before the feature people hoped for suddenly appears. Even now my compulsion is to add a caveat that “there’s still a chance something (I don’t even know what) could happen and it won’t be added so don’t thank me yet” despite me already coming out with the truth that there’s every intention to have it added. I’m sorry to have disappointed you and made you feel disregarded by doing this. Hopefully when the skin options are expanded people will be able to enjoy the game a lot more than how it is with the current demo. And thanks for taking the time to let me know what you thought rather than giving up on the project entirely.
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Hi, can I request comfort fic with Frank? I just don't really like how my life looks right now... I don't like my job, but don't know what else I can do so I'm stuck here... and I feel really lonely recently and like I don't know what to do with my life... and reading fics are one of the few things that brings me joy...
So I thought about a fic where reader is sad and to cheer her up Frank planned a whole day for them to distract her from not kind thoughts?
And I'm sorry that I kinda dumpt it on you... I have trouble with expressing/describing my emotions and I think that was the first time I expressed those feelings to someone... Of course if you don't feel like writing this you can freely ignore this message, thank you 🫶🏻
Anon, I absolutely feel your pain. I’ve been dealing with my own work drama for months now and some days it feels like I’m going to have to completely start over to be happy. I hope I did your request justice, and if you ever need to rant to someone, my DMs are open :)
pairing: Frank Castle x fem!reader 
summary:  Frank helps you when work is breaking your spirit.
warnings: swearing, hints of smut but nothing graphic
w/c: 3k
Digging your jagged nails into the flesh of your palms, you forced yourself to tune out the overwhelming plethora of stimuli that was currently bombarding you on the subway. Screaming children, the heat of bodies crowding around you, the shrieking of wheels on metal tracks, some old guy coughing up a lung at the back of the car, the bright fluorescent lights beating down on the dozens of people crammed in here like sardines. Fuck, you hated the subway. 
It was especially unbearable on days where you were already overtired from work—which, recently, seemed to be every day. This job was supposed to be your ticket to a good life and a stable future, but instead it was a joyless, energy-sapping, waste of your fucking time. Your coworkers were catty, your boss far too demanding for the bottom of the barrel wages you received, and the work itself was dreary. Each day you sat in that cubicle, you could feel the light inside you flickering, just waiting for one more lackluster employee review to be completely snuffed out. 
Clearly, you weren’t the only one who felt this way about your place of employment, given that over a third of the staff at your level had quit in the last two months. Unfortunately for you, this meant longer hours and crankier conversations with your superiors, who were consistently disappointed in your performance despite you efficiently accomplishing everything that was asked of you. 
Not only did longer hours lead to you getting overstimulated on the subway, but it meant you’d been spending less time at home with your boyfriend. You’d barely seen Frank this month, between his trips out of town and your rigorous schedule, and it was driving you up a wall. All you wanted was to let him wrap himself around you, petting your hair as you cried and holding you tight when you eventually fell asleep. Though, with the way your days were going lately, most of the time you didn’t want to be touched. You just wanted to shove crap food in your mouth and pass out before you had to go back to that hellscape in the morning. 
Frank was the kindest, most thoughtful partner you’d ever had, so he gave you plenty of space on the days you came home in an emotion-filled silence. He could read your moods pretty well at this point, and always respected your wishes, even if it meant he’d be nursing a beer in the living room alone until he went to sleep. You’d hoped that today would grant you enough energy to enjoy some time with him, but the world wasn’t that charitable. 
Shuffling off the subway amongst the masses, you let your body droop slightly as you trudged back to your apartment. Practically crawling up the stairs, you eventually reached the door—shoving it open in frustration as tears pricked at the corners of your eyes. 
Instantly, you were greeted with the sound of soft music and the smell of onions and garlic cooking. Frank was in the kitchen, swaying almost imperceptibly to the song he was listening to, stirring a pot of what looked like tomatoes.  
“Hey, doll,” He greeted you softly, throwing you a smile over his shoulder but remaining planted at the stove, probably in an attempt to give you space.
“Hi.” Your voice was breathy and small, your stony face accented with glassy eyes. 
Frank knew better than to expect that everything would change in a day, but the sight of your crumpling face broke his heart. Stepping towards you with a furrowed brow, he tried for a small smile. “Another bad day?” 
You nodded, the force of the movement drawing two parallel tears down your cheeks. Sniffling, you didn’t respond, confident that your voice would crack if you did. 
“Do you want a hug?” Frank asked, hesitating a few feet from you as he waited for your answer. 
“I’m n-not sure, Frankie.” You admitted, more tears pooling as you did. “Not r-right now, I think.” 
Nodding in understanding, Frank crossed his arms, as if to keep himself from hugging you anyway. “Alright, sweet girl. Not a problem. Why don’t you go lay down while I finish dinner, hm?” 
Sighing, you nodded once, padding to the bedroom and collapsing into the blankets with a poorly stifled sob. Frank winced at the sound, his hands burning with an ache to hold you, to make everything better, but he couldn’t do that until you were ready. 
You’d only given him glimpses of the nightmare you were living. Whether you didn’t talk to him about it because you were worried it would scare him away, or because you didn’t trust him, he wasn’t sure—though the dark parts of his mind were convinced it was the latter. Regardless, Frank did his best to maintain a cozy home for you. It couldn’t be easy to have a mass-murderer-turned-government-hit-man as a partner, waiting around on your own for days while he worked odd jobs for Madani, but you’d never let it impact your love for him. 
You were thoughtful, sweet, and adorably shy—not to mention you balanced him out in ways he’d never expected. The pair of you brought out the best in each other, despite your peculiar relationship. You’d never made him feel distant or guilty for leaving, simply welcoming him back from his trips with open arms and eager eyes. Yet, the past few months your job had been eating at you, sapping the life from your beautiful eyes and leaving a listless husk of his girlfriend behind. 
He didn’t want to pry, far too afraid of snapping your already fragile composure and ruining the bond you shared. But every day you came home holding back tears, and it was going to kill him. He’d rip your office apart with his bare hands if it would end your misery, though he knew you’d never ask him to do that. 
So, instead, he did as much as he could—laying out his softest sweatshirt on your bed, playing quiet music, making a warm meal for the two of you to share—all in an effort to take something off of your plate, to remove an ounce of weight from your shoulders. After a week with no indication that any of this was helpful, he’d started scheming. 
Hopefully, it wouldn’t take too much begging to convince you to take an extra day off…
Stirring the tomato sauce one final time as he removed it from the heat, he tilted the pot over the cooked pasta, letting a ribbon of sauce drape over the noodles before giving it a quick stir. Scraping a dollop of sauce out of the pot with his finger, he popped the digit in his mouth, eyes closing in satisfaction at the array of flavors. 
Brushing his hands across his jeans, he plated two generous helpings of pasta, assuming you had worked through lunch once again, and set them in front of two chairs at your table. Steeling himself for the sight of your tear streaked face, he shuffled over to the bedroom and knocked softly. 
“Darlin’? You ready to eat?” Keeping his voice low, he gingerly opened the door. As his eyes adjusted to the dim light that managed to slip through your curtains, his heart squeezed at the sight of you sleeping, curled in fetal position. Your delicate hands clenched around your covers like they were your lifeline, your damp face squashed against his pillow. Biting his lip in thought, he returned to the main room to cover the pasta. 
Spending very little time tidying up, he wandered back into the bedroom, stripping out of his clothes in exchange for a pair of sweats and a worn Henley. Settling behind you with a book in hand, he slipped under the covers as unobtrusively as possible before his inner monologue made him pause. Would you even want him beside you? Was he crossing a line?
Thankfully, he didn’t have to worry about that for long as your sleeping form unconsciously wrapped around him, a small sigh falling from your lips as you nuzzled into his stomach. Smiling down at you, his free hand came up to stroke over your hair, his own grin widening when the soft touch made your lips twitch up in a sleepy smile. He thumbed through about a chapter of his book before you began to stir, shining lashes fluttering as your eyes opened. As the sleep disappeared from your eyes, Frank felt another wave of apprehension cresting in his chest, but the tide was quickly settled by your sweet gaze. Nestling into his side more deeply, you hummed in appreciation. “Hi, Frankie.” 
“Hi, sweet girl. Did you have a good nap?” A teasing mirth danced in his gaze, making you avert your eyes bashfully. 
“Mmm hmm. Sorry.” You murmured, rubbing your face against the fabric of his shirt. 
Clucking his tongue, Frank slid down to face you, tracing a thumb over your cheek. “No reason to be sorry, dollface. I’m glad you slept, you’ve been tired.” 
Sighing deeply, you traced the buttons on his shirt. “Work’s been a lot, recently.” 
“I figured as much, doll. Ya don’t gotta tell me anything, but I’m always here to listen, yah?” The tip of his thumb caressed your ear. 
Blinking back tears, you looked up at him apologetically, “I didn’t mean to keep you in the dark, Frank, it’s just so stupid and I—“
“Hey, hey, it ain’t stupid.” Frank tugged you impossibly closer, brushing tears off your face carefully. “If it bothers ya, it’s not.” 
“You just…” You drew in a ragged breath, the inhale catching on a sob. “You have so much to worry about already, and I don’t want to be a burden!” Bawling now, you felt your chest constricting at the thought of dumping more work onto Frank’s already overflowing to-do list. 
“You’re not a burden.” Frank spoke fiercely, looking deep into your eyes. “You have never been a burden, doll. Never.”
His words were a promise, you drank in his commitment with immense desperation, praying to forces you didn’t believe in that he was being truthful. “I don’t know what I’m doing, Frankie,” Your voice cracked on the admission. “I’m fine at my job, but nobody can see that, and I don’t feel satisfied by the work that I’m doing but it’s all I know! I can’t just quit, I don’t have any other plan, this is everything I’ve worked for and—“ Your ramble broke off into sobs, your breath hitching as Frank shushed you quietly. 
“I know, I know, doll. It sucks right now and I’m so sorry.” Rubbing a hand over your back, Frank encouraged you to breathe, waiting until your lungs could actually take in oxygen before continuing. “Sweetheart, if ya wanna quit, I’ll support ya. If ya wanna stick it out, I’ll support ya. Regardless of what you choose, I’ll be right here at the end of the day.” 
“I can’t quit, Frank, we need the money.” You whimpered. 
“Hey, we can figure it out if we need to. It ain’t a problem.” 
Nodding against his palm, you considered your options. “For now, I’ll stick it out. But, thank you.” 
“No need to thank me, honey. It’s my job to look out for ya, remember?” His sappy remark sparked a tiny smile from you. “You’re my girl, sweetheart. I’m always gonna take care of my girl.” 
Nuzzling into his chest, you stifled a yawn before abruptly looking up at him with wide eyes. “Shit, Frankie, what time is it? Did I miss dinner?” Wriggling out of his embrace, you wiped the lingering tears off your face before sitting up. Frank bit his tongue to keep from chuckling at your genuine concern. 
“Dinner is waiting for us, sweet girl. I’m in no rush.” Cradling your neck, Frank pressed a languid kiss to your lips, taking advantage of your distraction and flipping you on top of him. 
“Frank!” You squealed, beaming down at him with more happiness than he’d seen from you in weeks. 
“What?” He questioned innocently, gently leading your face back to his for another kiss. 
“What’s gotten into you?” You wondered aloud, returning the kiss but looking at him with feigned exasperation. 
“I ain’t allowed to love on you now?” Frank asked, raising an eyebrow at you. 
You rolled your eyes, shuffling off of him and out of the bed. “C’mon, you sap. Let’s eat the dinner you made before it’s ruined.” 
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As the night sky populated with stars, Frank doted on you insistently. He’d reheated your dinner, turned on your favorite movie, even brought you a pint of your favorite ice cream for dessert. You’d gratefully accepted his comforts, yet he still seemed to be holding back. As he puttered around in the kitchen, doing the dishes alone (he’d staunchly refused your help), you could see the wheels turning in his brain. 
“Frank, is something wrong?” You asked, picking at a stray thread along the seam of the blanket he’d wrapped around your shoulders, gazing over at him as your heart rate pounded anxiously.
“Huh?” Your timid question snapped him out of his thoughts, his hands nearly flinging the soapy dish across the room as he spun towards you. “Oh, uh, no. Nothing’s wrong, sweetheart.” 
Unconvinced, you nodded, nibbling on a hangnail poking out from your thumb. In an attempt to self-soothe, you shifted your attention back to the tv, but Frank’s energy still seemed out of place. 
Placing the last plate in the dishrack, Frank dried his hands, ambling over to you with a hesitant smile. “I gotta ask ya something, doll.”
Nervousness spiking, you nodded, tilting your head in anticipation of his query.
“If I asked ya to call in sick tomorrow, what would ya say?” Frank’s jaw was tight as he asked, clearly expecting anger in response.
“I’d say absolutely, love. Why do you ask?” “I was hopin’ you’d wanna take an extra day, to escape those assholes and maybe do something fun?” If you didn’t know any better, you’d say Frank Castle looked nervous. His eyes flirted between your gaze and his lap, his trigger finger twitching. 
“Oh, Frank, I’d love that!” You gushed, throwing your arms around him. He grunted in surprise, his own hands coming up to hold you in place so you didn’t topple off the couch. “I’ve been hesitant to take sick days because everyone’s been so on edge lately, will you sit with me when I call in?” 
“Course I will. If anyone gives ya trouble, they’ll have me to answer to.” Frank assured you with a menacing glint in his eye. Kissing his nose, you stroked a knuckle over his stubbled cheek. 
“Thank you, handsome.” 
“Anything for my girl.” 
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True to his word, Frank made sure you were seated comfortably in his lap when you called in sick, both so that he could rub reassuring circles along your waist, and so that he could hook his chin over your shoulder to listen for any flack you might be given. Fortunately for your boss, they grumbled an “ok” and hung up quickly. Anything ruder than that, and they might have been on The Punisher’s shit list. 
Sinking backwards into your boyfriend’s sturdy chest, you shuddered. “Glad that’s over with.” Breathing deeply, you took a moment to collect your anxious self before standing to get ready for the day. Or, trying to stand, at least. 
A set of strong hands caught your hips, yanking them backwards to hold you in Frank’s lap. 
“Frank!” A small fit of giggles burst out of you as his fingers pressed into your ticklish skin. 
“What’s the hurry, doll? We’ve got all day.” Planting heated kisses along your neck, you felt Frank smile when you mewled in response. “Attagirl, let me make ya feel good, hmm?” 
Whisking you back to the bedroom, Frank helped you forget all about your shitty job. 
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Slightly breathless following your morning exercise, you hummed happily as Frank continued to press his lips to the exposed flesh of your body, taking care to show every piece of you as much love as possible. Boxing you in with his massive arms, he molded his beautifully crooked nose against yours, finishing his trail of kisses with a lengthy kiss to your lips. 
“So, what did you have planned for today?” You asked against his lips, threading a hand in his hair. 
“Nothin’ much. I was thinkin’ maybe nice coffee and a trip to that museum you’ve been talkin’ about?” A blush crept over his cheeks. “Sorry, doll, I, uh, I ain’t too good with this…” He gestured between the two of you. 
“Aw, Frankie,” You scolded gently, kissing him tenderly. “You’re plenty good at ‘this’.” You mirrored his gesture and he rolled his eyes. “I’m serious, honey. You’re the most romantic partner I’ve ever had. And that plan sounds lovely. Let me clean up and we can go for coffee.” 
As you curled into a seated position, Frank caught your wrist. “Hey! Where do you think you’re goin’?” 
“To wash up!” You giggled, striding back over to the bed where he slotted you between his legs. 
“Nah, you’re gonna sit right here while I draw you a bath. And I’m gonna run to the coffee place across the street and get ya one of those sugary drinks ya like so much. Then we can go out, if ya feel up to it.” His demanding tone made you smirk, his military tendencies tended to come out when he was concerned about you. 
“That sounds perfect, love.” You kissed his cheek, sitting on the bed as he headed to the bathroom. 
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The rest of the day passed quickly, leaving you longing for more cozy time with Frank. Though he considered himself lacking in the romance department, he’d provided you nothing but pure love on your day off, indulging your every whim just to see you smile. 
And as you fell asleep at the end of the day, you clung tightly to him, trusting him to get you through whatever life threw your way.
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shinobu x female reader
I wanna kick uzuis ass again soooooooo
Uzui is being a dick to everyone because he is in a mood and make fun of shinobu (u find the reason nth comes to mind rn) and the reader having an awful day herself kicks his ass and brings him to his wives "next time that disgrace you call a husband insults my soon to be wife again I'm gonna cut his tongue of and shove it so far up his ass it will come out of his mouth again 🙃
have a good day ladies oh and do keep him a check or I will 🙂 byeeeee"
gl finishing all of those rqst
Bad Morning
Shinobu Kochou x She/Her Reader
A/N: I don’t know what’s up with me, but this threat was a bit too descriptive for me and since this is like, at least the third time we’re beating Uzui up, this one is kind of lackluster, apologies! Hopefully I still got the message across lol. Hope you still like it! Word Count: ~1,220
Uzui Tengen woke up on the wrong side of the bed earlier that morning. Which was to say Suma had accidentally pushed Makio out of bed, which in turn lead to Makio dragging her out of said bed by the ankles in retaliation. Tengen tried his best to ignore them and focus on Hinatsuru’s cute mumblings as she turned to lay on her other side, but Makio’s growls and Suma’s cries made it downright impossible.
“Could you two keep it down, goddamnit! Why does this have to happen every morning?!”
“Maybe we should invest in a bigger bed.” Hinatsuru murmured, pressing a pillow over her head.
“Or we just make Suma sleep on the floor. She kicked me last night too and I have the bruise to prove it!” Makio pulled up the hem of her sleepware to show the bruise her thigh was sporting and Suma wailed.
“I’m sorry! Let me kiss it better! Don’t make me sleep on the floor Makio, please!”
“Nobody is sleeping on the floor!” Tengen groaned. “I’ll get a bigger bed, okay? Can I just get one more hour of sleep—“
“Caw!” Nijimaru came in through the window with flapping wings and rattling beads. A damn fine, flamboyant bird if Tengen did say so himself, but he couldn’t think of anyone he’d rather see less at the moment. “You’ll be late for the meeting if you stay in bed any longer, Uzui!”
“Damn it all, that’s today?” Tengen shot out of bed, jamming his toe against the bedside table. He cursed and limped his way to the bathroom, now even more pissed because he would have to skip his morning skin care routine if he was going to make it to Oyakata-sama’s mansion in time.
He barely had enough time to bathe and put on his makeup before heading out the door. No time to even eat breakfast. At least Suma ran him some toast at the door and jumped up to give him a quick peck on the cheek. It certainly made up for the rude awakening at least, sweet girl.
Still, all the toast and kisses in the world couldn’t make him shake off the sour mood he was in. His morning routine was sacred. When his routine was disturbed, it honestly felt like his whole day was ruined.
People have bad days. It’s normal to maybe ask for a little space, to tell people you aren’t really feeling yourself, but the moment you use your bad morning as an excuse to be shitty to other people, then expect your day to get much, much worse.
“Iguro, come on man. Can you get your scrawny ass outta my way? Shouldn’t you be sitting like a broody tree’d raccoon by now?”
“We’re talking, walk around. It’s a fucking garden.” Sanemi was quick to shoot back as Obanai glared.
“Nobody can make anything easy today, can they?” Tengen sighed loudly, bumping into Sanemi as he walked past the two fuming men.
He rested in his usual spot, hoping to maybe get a little bit more sleep in before the Master arrived. However, Mitsuri was talking up a storm with Shinobu and (Y/n) and the excitement in her voice as she spoke made it hard for Tengen to relax.
“She made me dango for helping me get her cat out of the tree! Isn’t that great? It was really good too! And then—!”
“Gods, Kanroji,” Tengen groaned, “would it kill you to take a page out of Tomioka’s book and be quite for once?”
“Hey! What the hell is your problem?” (Y/n) scowled.
“Just because you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, it doesn’t give you license to make everyone else around you feel miserable as well.” Shinobu chimed in, she put a reassuring hand on Mitsuri’s shoulder while she gave Tengen a disapproving look.
“I’m gonna kill that bastard.” Obanai growled, Kaburamaru hissed in agreement.
“Perhaps you should take a page out of Tomioka-san’s book and butt out of conversations that have nothing to do with you, hm? Contrary to what your ego may tell you, the world does not revolve around you.” Shinobu added for good measure.
“Big words for somebody so small. I could crush you like a grape between my fingers.”
“Uzui, my friend! You should stop talking before you say something you’ll really regret!” Rengoku advised.
“So disgruntled,” Shinobu tisked pityingly, “Given how out of sorts you are this morning, I doubt you could even brush me with those meaty, perpetually sweaty hands.
Tengen took a deep breath through clenched teeth, but (Y/n) spoke up before him, her voice low, warning,
“Uzui-san, I’d listen to Rengoku-san if I were you. Act like an adult and let it go. With any luck, the meeting will be over in an hour and you can sleep the rest of the day away.”
“Tch,“ Tengen sneered, “how about this, you tell your little, and I do mean shrimpy, puny, girlfriend to zip it, and then I will too.”
“I am not her keeper.” (Y/n) said through gritted teeth.
“Well if she can’t keep her mouth shut, why should I?!”
“Ah, my deepest apologies, Uzui-san,” Shinobu began, not looking very sorry at all, “(Y/n) and I had a rather late night in the lab ourselves. My mistake for trying to hold you to the same standards we hold ourselves to.”
Tengen was seeing red. He wanted to wipe that perfect little smile right off of Shinobu’s face and before he could think better of it, he had thought of something to say that would hit her where it would hurt.
“Wipe that fake-ass smile off your face, little Kanae wannabe. You want to imitate her so bad, start by acting like less of a bitch maybe.”
Well, that sure made the smile fall from Shinobu’s lips. Her expression became impassive, an eerie blankness, but no one took the time to really notice because (Y/n) was already leaping to her feet, kicking up pebbles that scattered over Tengen’s thighs as she got closer.
“The fuck did you just say?!” Sanemi growled, his head snapping towards Uzui.
“Uzui-san, I know you can be abrasive, but that kind of talk is unacceptable.” Gyomei spoke up for the first time that day and that was how Tengen knew he might have really fucked up.
“Okay, okay, you are a fucking dead man now! I don’t give a damn about you not getting your beauty sleep, you wanna play nasty, we’ll play nasty alright!”
(Y/n) knew Shinobu could take care of herself, but she also knew that Uzui had hit a nerve. Like Shinobu had said, they had a tough night, tougher than Uzui’s, she imagined. She had been helping Shinobu with her latest experiment on her journey to find a poison that could end an Upper Moon.
Despite all of the promising research, the experiment had fallen flat, or well, more accurately caused a small explosion that (Y/n) and Shinobu spent the next three hours cleaning up after. Thankfully they had been wearing the proper gear during the whole ordeal, but they still smelt overwhelmingly of wisteria.
(Y/n) got close enough to Uzui that he could smell it on her and the potency stung his nose. She grabbed him by the collar of his uniform and he engulfed her wrist with his hand—
“Oyakata-sama is coming!” Mitsuri squealed, noticing two of the Master’s children leading him around the building. It must have been one of his good days and he decided to take a stroll.
“I’m not done with you.” (Y/n) hissed, letting go of Uzui’s uniform with a shove before quickly dropping to the ground.
“You’re like a yappy little dog,” he sneered, “All I gotta say is, ‘boo!’ and you’ll be shaking in your sandals.”
“The first thing I’m gonna do is cut out your own tongue and feed it to you, asshole.”
Tengen grit his teeth together. The Master was much too close now to continue trading vulgarities.
Tengen started out the meeting boiling hot, but listening to the Master speak had its usual calming affects and before Tengen knew it, he was in a relaxed, meditative state. It was the closest thing to sleep one could have while awake. It was like magic. The Master bid them all farewell and Tengen inhaled deeply, then released a relaxed exhaled, tension leaving his shoulders. He felt so much better—
(Y/n)’s fist came sailing at him with all the force of a mantis shrimp and she decked him, making direct contact with his temple.
“Alright Uzui, how about you and me go for a little stroll?” (Y/n) grunted, heaving the hulking man to his feet was no simple task, especially now that he was having a hard time standing up himself after that vision spotting hit. She turned to look back at Shinobu with adoration and concern, “Would you like to come along, dear?”
“I suppose.” Shinobu shrugged before rising to her feet as well. Truthfully, she didn’t want to have to look at Uzui for another minute, but if (Y/n) accidentally killed him, that would be one less Hashira and they were already spread thin enough as it was.
The remaining Hashira, that cared enough to, watched on as (Y/n) pulled Tengen away from the mansion by his ear, very thankful they weren’t in his shoes at that moment.
Tengen shuffled down the path, bending with (Y/n)’s sharp pushes and pulls while the two women discussed what they should eat for lunch. Sadistic beings…
Though it was hard for his eyes to focus because of that sharp punch to his temple, he soon recognized the scenery and realized (Y/n) was taking him home, to what end, he was afraid to find out.
“Good afternoon, ladies.” He heard (Y/n)’s muffled voice through the ringing in his ears.
“Oh gods, what did he do this time?” Makio groaned.
“(Y/n)-san, I don’t know what he did, but please, be a little more gentle with him.” Hinatsuru requested hesitantly.
She was hesitant because she knew her husband had a track record of saying or doing stupid things. Even Suma, the most sympathetic of the bunch, could agree that sometimes getting slapped around a little bit was warranted when it came to their husband’s unfiltered words and uncouth actions.
“Don’t worry, I caught him off guard with the first punch, so I didn’t go any further. I probably nearly fractured his skull since he didn’t think to defend himself at all, don’t you think so, Shinobu?”
“Oh yes, given how he’s been wobbling, and that he threw up in the bushes on the way here, it’s safe to say he would have been in real trouble if you had decided to keep going.”
Makio, Hina and Suma paled, quickly taking possession of their loopy husband when (Y/n) offered him to them. It was difficult to keep all that muscle up right, so they could only imagine just how furious (Y/n) was to have been able to basically drag him all the way home.
“The next time your disgraceful, woefully un-flamboyant husband says or does anything that hurts my fiancée, intentionally or not, he may not make it back to you in one piece. Understand?”
“Yes, we’ll talk to him. I’m sorry.” Hinatsuru hung her head low.
“You have nothing to apologize for, but when your husband snaps out of it, you might suggest he start looking for ways to atone because I’m not quite so sure I could hold myself back if I see him again too soon. That single punch was not satisfying at all.”
“We’ll work on it.” Makio swore.
“We promise! Please don’t kill him!” Suma sobbed.
“I won’t kill him, too much paperwork.” (Y/n) promised, then after a pause added, “Well, I wouldn’t kill him on purpose anyway.”
“Here,” Shinobu stepped up to the three horrified looking wives and handed Hinatsuru a small paper bag, “I suspect he has a concussion. I have provided all instructions and materials needed to give him proper treatment.”
“Thank you…” the three answered in unison.
Shinobu gave them a short nod of acknowledgment before linking back up with (Y/n). The two strolled off like nothing had happened, smiling and gazing lovingly into each other’s eyes as they disappeared over the hill.
“We need that new bed stat!” Suma said with an exhausted sigh as the trio dragged Tengen into the house.
“I think our dumbass husband needs a personality check more.” Makio grunted.
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thornsnvultures · 2 years
natasha romanoff x f!reader 18+
1.8k words, domestic fluff, smut, oral, top!reader, breast worship, pussy slapping, tw food mention, tw scars
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You're vegged out on the couch in the living room when Natasha comes home. She's not surprised to see you there, work's been kicking your ass lately and you've taken to disassociating to the sounds of Great British Bake Off as stress relief.
"I'm home!"
She chuckles and shakes her head at your lackluster greeting. "I picked up garlic bread from the store, thought we could do pasta tonight."
"Sounds good."
Nat preheats the oven and walks over to where you're sprawled out, garlic bread still in hand. You're in just an over-sized tshirt and sleep shorts, long legs exposed and begging to be touched.
She pokes your leg with the bagged bread instead. "You alright, sunshine?"
"Hmm?" It takes a second for you to register what she's asking and you have the decency to look sheepish when it does. "Sorry, Nat, it was a rough one today." You sit up and crawl up the couch until you're face to face with her. She cups your cheek, her worried eyes take in the bags under yours. Your stupid boss has been working you too hard, pushing you to exhaustion and Natasha doesn't like it one bit. If she had it her way she would've had a less than cordial meeting with the old creep by now, made it known you were dating a deadly assassin and weren't to be fucked with. But you refused, you said you could handle it.
"Don't apologize for having a bad day, angel."
"Yeah, but you're out there kicking ass and saving people and I'm, what, sad that I have to sit in a meeting for an hour longer than I wanted to?"
You pout into your lover's hand, and let your eyes drift shut. Nat coos at her sweet, tired angel, pulling you close so she can press a kiss to your forehead.
"Just because you didn't maim anyone today doesn't mean you didn't have a hard day."
You giggle and wrap your arms around her trim waist. "How do you know I didn't maim anyone? I have great maim potential sitting just under the surface, ready to strike."
Nat leans back to look at you and cackles. "Sure ya do, killer."
You pout even harder now as your girlfriend wiggles out of your grasp and heads back to the kitchen to start dinner. It's late for both of you, but a routine that neither of you can skip. Eating together, watching mundane TV shows, feeling normal and domestic in a way neither of you thought you could. It was important, no matter the time of day.
So you stand behind Natasha at the stove, wrapped around her back like a sleepy koala bear on a tree, as she stirs noodles in a pot. You tell her all about your day and she shares as much as she can of hers that isn't classified information. You trace the scars that litter her shoulders with your lips and she bats your hand away from the sauce pan so you don't burn yourself. Again.
The oven dings when the garlic bread is done and the two of you eat in companionable silence, taking precious moments to simply exist in each other's space.
When you're done you fight Natasha to leave the dishes for tomorrow.
"I need cuddles. You better put down that scrub brush, I swear to God."
So you resume your position on the couch. Sprawled out with an arm over your head, your toes touching the opposite end and a cat-like Natasha curled up mostly on top of you. 
She has such a presence, a dominating, commanding force of a woman when she's out there in the world. But here in your little one bedroom, in the space your arms make for her, she shrinks, like a porcupine lowering its spikes.
The tv plays in the background but neither of you are paying attention. Your right hand rests behind your head while your left runs a steady course up and down her back, soothing in a figure eight that you know she likes. Her hands find their way under the hem of your shirt, grazing your tummy in a soft, tickling touch that makes you shudder and huff an indignant laugh.
"Don't you dare."
"I didn't," she protests into your neck. "They're about to judge the last cakes. I'm not distracting you, am I?"
"Brat," you chuckle and kiss her head where it's laying on your chest. The two of you lay all snuggled up until you start to fall asleep, gentle snores blowing through the red curls by your cheek.
"Nope. No falling asleep on the couch, too uncomfortable."
You whine and wrap your arms tight around Natasha, rolling until she's under you. She shouts like she's hasn't been trained how to overpower someone doing what you're doing fifty times over. No, she loves letting you crush her and you love feeling her under you.
With a hand on her cheek you lean in slowly, your gaze flicking from her eyes to her lips where her tongue darts out to wet them.
"Do you want me to take you to bed?"
Her eyes flutter shut and she nods her head. It's been a long day, but those words light a fire in you both.
You press a kiss to her forehead and climb off the couch, pulling her up with you by the hand as you go.
She protests when you push her into the bathroom to shower, but you know she needs it. Some time to herself to wash off the day, to unpack and make peace. That and the unscented soap at the compound just isn't the same as your lavender vanilla body scrub. It settles you too, smelling you on her like that. Mixing with the scent of her shampoo and something distinctly...Nat.
You're ready for bed when she comes back out. The shower was short this time and you know why when she doesn't bother to put her pajamas on, or even fully dry off.
You watch from the end of the bed as she drops her towel. Rivulets of water run from her collarbone and down her chest as she walks toward you.
To anyone else she would look fierce, like a lioness stalking her prey, confident and lithe in her movements. And she does look stunning, your breath catching as your eyes meet when she moves to stand between your spread thighs. But you see her. You can see the hesitation in those pretty green eyes that search yours from under thick lashes.
It's still there. The fear that she's not worthy of your time, your love. That she's too broken to be what you need.
You'll spend the rest of your life showing her that's a lie if she'll let you.
Her hands run the length of your thighs, pushing up the hem of your sleepshirt as you hold her face in your hands.
"So beautiful." You capture her mouth with yours, hungry and desperate to feel her against you.
Your hands caress her jaw before moving lower, grazing her shoulders, brushing away whatever laid heaviest there, before sliding further down to her breasts.
Natasha gasps into your mouth as you pluck and pull at her nipples, tugging on a line that runs straight to her core.
"Please," she groans against your lips.
"Please, what?" You tug harder on her nipple until she gasps and whines, pouting that you're making her use her words.
"Need you. Please. Touch me."
Her skin is soft and dewy against your lips when you wrap your lips around her breast. The sweet taste makes your eyelids flutter shut and you groan around your mouthful.
"Oh, fuck," she cries out and pulls at your hair as you lick and suck at her breast.
"Taste so good, baby. So perfect. Perfect fucking tits."
Her head falls back, mouth open and breathing heavy as her wet red hair tumbles down between her shoulder blades.
Your hands palm her ass cheeks, tugging her closer, squeezing the plump mounds between your fingers.
"Yes, baby, please," she moans when her exposed folds rub up against the cotton of your panties. You can feel how wet she is through the thin fabric.
"What do you want, baby? Want me to make you feel good?"
She looks down at you, at where you've been busy sucking new bruises into her skin. Doing your best to mark her as yours.
"Fuck yes. Make me feel good, baby."
She squeals when you grab her hips and throw her down on the bed. You know your grin is positively wolfish as you climb over her, tugging off your sleep shirt. Natasha's eyes fall to your breasts as she scoots back on the mattress, her mouth open and practically panting as her gaze skims your nearly bare body.
"Like whatcha see?"
"You know it, baby."
You laugh and fall to your stomach between her legs. Her thighs are creamy and soft and spread for you so beautifully.
"Such a pretty fucking pussy." You kiss down the inside of her thighs, nipping and sucking little love bites into her soft skin.
She inhales sharply when you ghost over where she needs you most to press kisses to her soft tummy. The scars there hold so much of her shame, the most uncomfortable parts of her past. It's a blessing, a gift, for her to show those parts of herself to you. And you treat them as such, every scar, every mark getting its own soft, loving kiss.
Her hips twist under your steady hands, trying to push you towards her center.
"Alright, alright," you laugh and nip at her hip, kissing your way down to her mound.
"You can spend all day down there another time, you sap. I wanna come all over your- ahh!"
Natasha cries out as you wrap your lips around her clit and suck.
"Oh fuck, baby. That's it."
You run your hands down her thighs to get knees and push them up to her chest, keeping your mouth on her pussy, licking and nibbling at that sensitive bud.
"Open up for me. Lemme see."
Nat gasps, her nails digging into her thighs as you spread her lips open with your thumbs and fuck her right hole with your tongue. She's so fucking tight, clenching around the muscle as you lick into her.
"Tight, creamy little pussy. This is my pussy. Right, baby? Say it."
You slap your hand down on her messy cunt.
"Yes! Yes, baby, it's yours. Your pussy. Fuck!"
Satisfied, you dive back in, licking and sucking at her lips, her clit until her legs are shaking around your head.
"I'm gonna come, fuck I'm gonna-"
You pull back and slap her pussy again and again.
"Come for me, then. Fucking come."
Natasha screams and comes when you shove your tongue deep in her pussy. Her juices spill over your tongue and you lap up all of it, as much as you can.
Nat pulls you up by your chin and licks you clean, your chin, your cheeks. She kisses you, moaning into your mouth at your combined flavor.
"Good?" She nods her head, practically purring. "Want more?"
"Oh god, you're gonna be the death of me."
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neko-loogi · 4 months
Alright! It's time for me to give my thoughts on episode two!
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I actually managed to watch the whole 6 episodes that have been posted (thanks to a friend) without wasting my money on Amazon Prime! So yeah, that's pretty good.
Anyway, let's begin!
Warning: minor spoilers!
So to start off, in this episode we get introduced to Sir Pentious and The Vees (Valentino, Vox and Velvette).
Alright so, I actually liked this episode to be honest! It's not as bad as I thought it would be, but I still wanna give my opinion on a few things!
So far, Sir Pentious is the one character that I actually don't dislike compared to everyone else, he's the character that they butchered the least. He's still the silly and goofy villain that he was in the Pilot, so yeah, he's my favorite now!
Then we have The Vees, I'mma be honest, I actually like them all, well except Velvette, she's a bit too rude for my liking. I also have mixed feelings about her voice, like her VA sounds okay, but the voice doesn't really suit her. The British accent just sounds a bit off to me. I was legit expecting her to have a really high pitched girly voice and a Harley Quinn personality, but she's the complete opposite of that. It's not a bad thing though, but eh, it's not my cup of tea if you know what I mean.
Then there's Valentino. To be fair, I don't like him as a character, he's a terrible person and all the shit he does is disgusting, but I have to admit, like his design! But again, I also have a bit of issues with his voice. The thing is, Valentino speaks Spanish (I mean, I guess the name makes sense), and I recently discovered that his VA is from Puerto Rico (I'm from there too!). But I don't like that he speaks with the stereotypical Spanish accent you see in movies. It almost feels a bit.. offensive. I also don't like how he speaks full English sentences, but sprinkles in a few Spanish words, again this is a huge stereotype, we don't speak like this-
As for Vox, I think he is alright, I mean, there's not much to say about him, he's an attention seeking business man. But I actually like him, I think his electricity and hypnotic powers are cool. I also really like when his voice pitch shifts, it's a pretty neat detail! Like this clip for example, I like when he gets angry at Val and screams his name really loudly. I dunno, I like that sound effect.
Anyway, moving on. This episode also features two songs (yeah, I've noticed that every episode has at least two songs, it's honestly a bit unnecessary since they don't add much to the show, but eh, some of them are alright-). So the first song "Stayed Gone" I absolutely love- it's hella catchy, and I really like the rivalry between Alastor and Vox. I'm happy we get to see more of those two since the Pilot didn't show us much (except for the comics). This is kinda random but I find it funny how I've seen people complain about Alastor using modern language and slang in the song, personally I don't mind this, I mean, it's not a big deal. I just like to think he's adapting.
Later in the episode we find out that Sir Pentious was actually working for The Vees, because Vox wanted more info on Alastor (and planned to spy on him with a camera). But then Charlie decides to forgive him for his mistake and let him stay at the hotel. And then we get another song. I don't know the name of the song, I'm assuming it's called "It Starts With Sorry". This song is not that bad, I mean it's a little lackluster, but I like that Sir Pentious is actually singing! So that's alright in my book.
And yeah, that's it! I think this might be the episode I like the most, but I still have yet to give my opinion on the rest of the episodes! Which I will do later- just give me some time.
Anyway, I'm done for today, bye!
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spaceorphan18 · 6 months
Not the OP but I imagine that last ask was re the fact they talked about The Box Scene in today's podcast episode and said they can understand why it was cut because it was 'lackluster'. 🙄
Nonny #2 - Sorry second nonny, I didn't realize I copied and pasted wrong, and deleted your message before adding it correctly. <3
@wowbright says : In case you didn't have this context, and the latest episode apparently they said that the box scene was probably cut because it was "lackluster" and "not very good." That has set people off. (And personally I think it's a weird opinion. Like, it was probably cut for time because of less relevance to the rest of the episode?)
I'm going to kind of hit all of this at once. Because I have some thoughts.
First of all, about the actual scene, while I understand why it was cut - in that there were time constraints and, no, it isn't pushing the story forward, it is a cute little scene that reestablishes where their relationship is in the grand scheme of things. And you know what? They made it canon at the end, so there's that.
It's not a bad scene, nor is it lackluster. It's of equal value, honestly, as the Santa Baby scene.
Secondly, that's a shame they downplayed what it did for charity. That's a huge deal, it's a shame they can't recognize the significance of a fandom movement -- especially as they raise money for things like Snixxmas and Alexandria House.
My third point is of two parts….
A) Kevin and Jenna do not know (or care) how to be objective. They just don't. They've proven time after time that they're watching things they like and do not care about the rest of it. It doesn't make me want to listen to it, and it's a shame they can't muster enough professionalism to try, but it's their podcast, and at the end of the day I can't change that.
B) You guys keep acting as if there's some big conspiracy theory as to their reasonings and at the end of the day -- more so going back to my original Nonny from earlier today -- they just do not care about Klaine. They think about Klaine in the way that I think about Jarley. They're there -- they take up screen time that I wish was given to other things -- and it's not something I particularly enjoy sitting through.
[But as an aside - I like to think I can be objective enough to admit when something is written or done well. And going back to point A, Kevin and Jenna don't know how or don't care to even put the work in on that.]
It is not about Chris. It is not about Darren. (And the speculation is a little odd there -- but we don't know them, maybe they do hate Darren (doubtful guys) but either way, I really, really do not think it has to do with this.)
And interestingly, I don't necessarily think it's solely a dislike of Blaine either. I know they praise Chris a lot, but they really skip over some great Kurt things, too, that aren't related to Klaine.
And yes, it really is about Naya and Cory and themselves. They are more personally invested in those stories and those people and that is going to color how they see the show. It just is. It's how people work.
Going back to point B - the reason it hits hard for us is that for them (like how I feel about Jarley) it's not personal and it doesn't mean much. It's just kind of there. But for us, it is personal. We do see all the good things (along with the bad) and it has meant a lot -- it's been a personal love -- it has meant very deep things to people.
And what may hit hard for people -- and what Kevin and Jenna are completely missing because they're really not good at the objectivity or the looking at the big picture -- is the fact that when you disregard the thing, it feels like a personal judgment on /you/.
And guys - it's not. They just happen to dislike/not be invested in a thing we really love, and that's kind of it. I find it unfortunate. I am kind of disappointed in their lack of understanding I really have stopped listening to the show other than interviews I want to listen to. I wish there was a way that I could explain that to them - but I don't really know how.
I don't really have any answers other than that guys. :/
It'll be interesting to see how they handle Seasons 4-6, where Artie is almost a prop, Tina goes crazy, and there is a fuckton of Blaine, Kurt, and Klaine.
Or maybe they'll end it at Season 3. Who knows. shrugs
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infamous-if · 1 year
You don’t need to post this but just so you know, it really does sounding like almost no one in the story who have witness to or have heard the MC’s work think it is very interesting at all 🫣, and just occasionally a person will randomly appreciate for some reason, such as Orion. I think maybe a lot of readers might had anticipated a type of MC that has the experience of undeniably suited for this and so on, in the way you have sometimes describe some others in the story, such as S
Hi ! Sorry but I'm going to post this mostly (and apologies that your ask is the one who is gonna get this long response, my ire isn't towards you because you're being very kind about it but others have, honestly, not been) because other people probably have this thought as well but I'm sort of confused on where this whole idea of MC being useless/untalented/not suitable is coming from?
I've said before there will be people who question MC's talent, but that's just natural--not everyone is going to think someone is worthy of their fame and attention. People thinking that there are better singers out there doesn't invalidate what MC is capable of. If I wrote a story where every person thinks MC is the greatest thing since sliced bread then that wouldn't be an entertaining story lol You need tension, and you need naysayers so every win can feel satisfying. Plus, doubters is a natural and normal thing in the business. MC is literally in a competition where other very talented bands are competing. Even though they're the main character, they're the main character of their story. Not everyone elses. Other bands believe they are just as deserving--if not more--of winning than MC's band. It's natural. To those bands MC is just another person they need to beat to win.
Seven being more famous doesn't mean MC isn't talented (the band literally voted for MC's vocals over Seven's). G being more famous doesn't mean MC isn't talented. Hell, if MC's band lost BOTB and went home empty handed, that doesn't mean MC isn't talented. It's part of the competition. Amazing bands and amazing singers get rejected all the time. There isn't room for everybody.
I do want to mention that people probably feel this way because I can not give concrete answers about an MC that is largely customizable. In the game, your MC can lack confidence. Or they can be arrogant. They can believe their skills are lackluster, or they can believe they are the best singer alive. People expect me to answer questions that have varied answers depending on what MC each player is playing. I can't give you that! I do my best.
Orion listened to MC once and quit his job to manage them.
2. August auditioned to be their drummer, and while August is largely indifferent, they admit themselves they were interested and they tell MC how good MC's voice is.
3. Maya is quite literally following MC's band around the USA because she's that much of a fan.
4. Seven dislikes MC, but Seven is not a liar: they will always stand by their opinion that MC is talented. That's one of the biggest reasons why Seven liked MC so much: their artistry.
4. This is spoilery but fuck it: G listened to MC once and wanted MC's band in BOTB.
idk why people think that people listen to MC and get bored when I don't think I've ever indicated that? The demo isn't even out lshshdhsahs
anyway this isn't an attack on you anon but it is kind of frustrating that people think MC is just this untalented fluke that didn't work hard to get to where they are today. Just as much as MC is yours, they're also mine, and I wanted to make it clear that MC isn't lazy nor are they someone who just does nothing and doesn't try. At least that part isn't customizable: MC works and has worked really freaking hard to be where they are.
sorry for the long response and once again, this isn't an attack on you, but this has been a topic in my inbox and i just dont get it--the demo is literally not even out.
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hii, just checking in 🩵 how's everything? physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being doing okay? sorry— i have the random urge to talk to someone even though my social battery is drained... (???)
i actually don't know why i decided to become a anon for this blog. i just really liked it and lurked around for a bit 😓
also, i need to mention that my social skills are very... lackluster. so if any of my asks (like this one) come off as awkward i sincerely apologize 😓😓😓😓
i don't know if i am at a "high enough level" (wtf) of an anon to tell you about my day through these asks. i feel that i will have to wait for a few weeks hhnghabd this is so embarrassing
anyway,,,,,,, just take care of yourself 🫶 ily 🩵
- 🪼
omg OF COURSE you can tell me about your week!! or whatever you like, for that matter. i'm all ears! my friends also tell me i'm good at giving level-headed advice so literally whatever you feel like chatting about, you are so welcome to. but also don't feel pressured to share or anything!! 🩵🩵
you definitely don't come off as awkward. i'm a neurospicy girlie so i'm never one to judge about social skills. i like to write and i'm good at chatting one on one, but literally take me out of my comfort zone 0.1 cm and it's well and truly over for me. functioning and "fitting in" and all that stuff is just really tough!!
my good news for today is that i got a 100 on my economics test and now i can goof off until the next one basically lol. so mentally, spiritually, all that jazz... fairly in check for this moment.
i hope the same for you!! let me know how everything's going 🩵
also i love your signature light blue hearts, the vibes are immaculate lolol ok bye ilyyy
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sleepy-seal · 4 months
Welcome back to another episode of: TMAGP & Treats!!!
This week's treat is........ brownies!!! Just plain baking mix brownies.
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sorry for the lackluster treat! i'm currently recovering from a wisdom teeth removal surgery and wanted something easy to make while listening.
- got lucky that we have another box of baking mix because energy is low today after yesterday's surgery
- pan is greased
- thats actually kind of nice sam is worried for him
- cameras huh? almost like he's afraid of being watched
- uh ohhhh sam's a bit agitated
- 2000's ass blog post
- "Bye! ^_^"
- this is a bit interesting though. the blog owner states that they're keeping the blog for posterity, but a good chunk of the posts have since been deleted
- voyeur huh? sounds like that entails a lot of watching
- it looks dilapidated on the outside?????? run???????
- since i can't eat the brownies due to Surgery Reasons i'm opting to eat the batter instead (as carefully as possble)
- eating all the popcorn before the movie starts? relatable
- okay so before the Scary Part starts i'm going to guess it's a detailed version of the writer's life story but from a 3rd person's perspective
- okay i was a bit off. but i was right in spirit
- that is a bit interesting though. it's like the movie is a disease that keeps spreading. someone sees it, makes a blog post about it with the same exact words, someone else sees the blog post, that someone else sees it, and so on and so forth
okay firstly, this episode was pretty interesting! it was a bit shorter than the previous episodes but still something substantial. i'm nevertheless intrigued and still curious as to how things will develop.
but more importantly, COLIN!!!!! i know he was in episode 3 but i miss him already. it's interesting though that sam notes how weird colin's been acting lately. he is very intentionally going analogue. and to be honest i can't really blame him. he knows that the programs inside the computers are watching them, and will use practically anything digital to connect from one aspect to another and spy on people (remember how they managed to connect to alice's phone in the first episode??? literally no device is safe.) him doing literally everything he can to distance himself from the electronics is not going unnoticed. while we're on the topic of IT's, i'm wondering why gwen was so interested in them all of a sudden. does it have to do with the video she saw? could klaus be the german IT guy? what happened to him? perhaps he knew too much, and it was getting in the way of his work. and the fact he's german. could he be the one who wrote the code for the system? it doesn't explain things, but it definitely something to keep in mind. it seems like gwen is onto something, and she's starting her own little investigation.
i am also keeping an eye on sam. he's a bit better at this than jon, in the sense that he's not being overtly obsessive about it Yet, but something is up with him. he's a bit irrate and making incredibly bad decisions, but to be honest, who doesn't when they're in a bad mood? i do appreciate him trying to bring up colin's current state and offering some kind of solution, rather than pushing him away. i think he genuinely wants to help.
also alice is so confused. i feel so bad for her. "why is everyone acting so weird?" honestly i do not blame you. alice get behind me everybody is going to make you look like the weird suspicious person for trying to stay sane.
sorry for the delay guys!!!! the pain is bearable but i've just been having a hard time getting my thoughts together. this episode has given me a lot but also not very much. overall, i think everybody is acting weird and i know this is bad because my guys :( my little sillies. anyways, that's all for now! goodbye!
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ogdoadfates · 1 year
I don't know if you're doing prompts or if you just wanted to share your new list (which I'm already having some ideas for them), but can I ask for 2. “You’re cute when you get angry.” with Vaxleth, please? :D (pls feel free to ignore this if you're not doing prompts)
Heya!!! Haha I am always taking prompts lol, for instance someone could send me a prompt from one of my lists or any I’ve reblogged at any time and I’ll write something for it! Tbh writing little drabbles for people helps me a lot when it comes to my own longer stories, gets my inspiration flowin! So feel free to shoot me prompts from any lists found on my blog any time, I’m also fine with people straight up coming up with requests lol. I just want to write XD even more so if it’s for someone other than myself, lets me take a break from commissions and relax. (art is relaxing but it’s different due to well it’s my job) Also aaa awesome! I love how many people like my prompts and it means so much that you like them as well! ^-^ We’re going Potions and Trinkets au for this since I got an idea for it as soon as I saw your ask lol. (sorry it’s a lil short)
Fluff prompts-2: “You’re cute when you get angry.”
Keyleth usually has a lot of patience, she works with potions after all a practice that can take literal months to create certain elixirs but her patience can only go so far. Percy was in the workshop out back with vex working on some special products for the twins and the rest of their group for their next outing, which left her working the shop. Vax sitting in the corner providing idle chatter when there weren’t any customers which she really wished was happening right now.
Keyleth’s been dealing with this same customer for the past hour, trying to explain to him that, no she can not make the potion he wants in just a couple hours and that in fact the potion he’s asking for takes not only months to make but she’d also have to import ingredients for, meaning it’d take even longer. To be honest she’s surprised she hasn’t raised her voice at this point, the man across from her had no such restraint though.
It takes another half an hour and Vax standing up from his seat in the shadows to get the man to finally leave but by then Keyleth knew her face was red with anger. As soon as the man exits the building Keyleth goes back to working on the potion she had been working on before the idiotic man entered. 
“Ah yes let me just buy extremely expensive shit for your extremely stupid potion and find a way to magically speed the progress because your life is so down the shitter you want a damn miracle cure. Trust me I know what you usually buy, Mr. limpdick.” She’s mumbling nonsense while she works and maybe handling some of her equipment rougher than she needs too but hey she’s frustrated.
Vax’s laugh rings out at her last statement, loud and boisterous, Keyleth turns to him huffing and puffing her cheeks up a bit in annoyance. She sees him trying to contain his laughter as he leans against the counter staring at her.
“You’re cute when you get angry.” He chuckles as he makes eye contact with her. Somehow Keyleth is sure her face gets even redder, she swats his arm with a grumble causing the man to laugh even louder. She rolls her eyes, turning back around to yet again continue with her work with a shy smile creeping up her face this time. 
Today might’ve been frustrating and a bit lackluster for the most part but Keyleth’s got a feeling it’s going to end on a good note as Vax starts to imitate the man’s voice in a goofy fashion asking her about outrageous orders and fake potions making her laugh.
Yeah, the day’s going to end just fine.
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levbolton · 1 year
It is I, anon from earlier today and I can now in confidence tell you that your fics have broken me down into nothingness.
Not only am I stupid and cannot read tags but I repeatedly let myself be comforted by your writing only to be hit with the sad truth at the end. You can’t keep getting away with this /j .Your style is so unique and I can feel the passion you have for the characters as you can see their inner turmoils on the writings. I love how you bring them to life
My personal favourite is Monologue (which is highly underrated btw). I love the dynamic between Fumi and Maki plus Fumi talking about her day made me smile so much. Then cane the gut wrenching feeling about Maki. Honestly you managed to balance the fluff with the angst out so well and I really adored it.
To conclude this annoying fan’s rambling, you are my favourite blue period writer and such a great storyteller. I know how you’ve stated that the fandom is quite inactive (cause it is) but your presence manages to be so outstanding to me. I don’t know why I was too nervous to follow now but I might as well write my letter of appreciation so it can be covered by the bots.
I hope you are able to continue doing what you love and have a great rest of day. 🙃
thanks op, kinda figured bcs i have emails from ao3 and your usernames match
personally 'monologue' is quite the lackluster for me, i wanted to use the concept, i think i wanted to make it about ytyt with yotasuke that would tell yatora about the summer festival only to reveal at the end that yatora was unconscious the whole time so yotasuke wasn't talking with anyone, i got the idea while working on 'a psychological take' (where i wrote already a summer festival so it felt unnecessary to do it again) and at the same time i wanted to write fumimaki (bcs there's literally nothing for this married couple, almost canon i'd say, more canon than ytyt), so i combined both, i was still in a phase where i wanted to kill all characters and make them suffer which i think i did a lot and now i just want to write them relax and be happy (writing depression is hard), so it's not really that original inside my head, but im glad at least someone else likes it (for me billy of tea was way more fun to think about)
tbh i've been thinking about moving on from blp for quite a few months already but i simply can't find something else to interest me the same way ytyt does, which sucks bcs if i don't write then no one will write stuff, rn i want to finish this fic i'm sorking on (i hope i get to 100k), then a oneshot about ytyt soulmates and another oneshot about miki and ayano only, then idk, i think it would be good to retire (not to be petty actually, but i did write 40% of the words in the yatoyota tag on ao3)
fandom isn't really only inactive, it is now a bit (i continuously try to collect blp fans here and on twt, the more the merrier), but i just felt ignored since the anime was airing, again maybe it was the bad timing bcs i started posting my first fic towards the end of the anime when people lost the interest bcs that adaptation is horrible, then in february yamaguchi had covid and from march to july it was complete hiatus and then the whole dj drama (which i'd lie if i said the mob mentality to drop it didn't affect me too although i was the one to uncover the doujinshis on my own weeks before it got to twitter, anyway my idea was: this isn't a piece of media i care about and i am already deeply in love with blue period so whatever, my respect for yamaguchi decreased and i got a passive aggressive attitude towards her until she posted the new year ytyt picture with bunnies this january, now i seriously don't care abt whatever else she drew - also damn i'm really side railing with this)
thanks again for your support, sorry for the long unnecessary text lmao, i have too much free time
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lindszeppelin · 10 months
I've been following you for a long time and I've kept up with most of your answers regarding the PR relationship. This ask is focused on Kaia. There's something I've noticed about her that I feel like sharing: I feel like Kaia is a model above everything else, she's trying to break into the acting world but she can't shake off her model behaviour and stance.
I already thought this before but it became painfully apparent with the Bottoms poster https://twitter.com/filmupdates/status/1666025090956271617?s=46&t=zVUrqyxX3bxe315O8rj-Ag
Posters are nothing but marketing, all actors are posing, and they "serve face". But Kaia is the only one doing it like a model, emotionless and stony, completely perfect and aware of every single angle on her face. The other actors are posing but they have expressive faces, a glint in their eye, and body expression that shows their character's personality. Look at Ayo Edebri and Rachel Senott, they're posing but they're also in character. I highly doubt Gerber's character is a model in the movie.
All I see in that poster is a model. All I see when she acts is a model that memorized lines. I've seen her in Babylon and she was underwhelming. It is a small part but she delivered absolutely nothing, she's restricted and impassionate when she's supposed to be seduced and in awe of a great female artist. She looks like a model in a music video, instead of an actress. Extras were more talented and expressive than her.
And I got the exact same feeling from her in Bottoms trailer. Of course you can't rate an actor's performance from trailer parts alone, but she's side by side with talented actresses so her lackluster quality is apparent... at least to me it is.
I haven't seen all her projects, but from those I've seen and from videos, clips, and screenshots I've seen of AHS that girl just seems like a model that wants to pass for an actress without putting in the work. Just because she's playing a character doesn't mean she has character. She's inexpressive as hell. It's like a modeling shoot but she's talking with other people tbh.
So this brings me to the PR relationship. I will be honest I'm on the fence, I can see it being PR, and I can see it just being real. I do think they're very off during these last months tho. But my point is I'm pretty neutral. But I think you're sensible and make a lot of sense in your argument, plus you present facts, and not deuxmoi bullshit like the other fandom faction. BUT I can now definitely see how beneficial it is for Kaia to date Austin, a talented up-and-coming actor, because she has no substance to offer. People are always talking about her activities and public appearances and bookclubs, but I've never seen any mention of her going to acting classes.
If Kaia is serious about acting she needs to realize that her face, her name, and her relationship with Austin will only take her so far, she needs to put in the work. And she doesn't and it shows whenever she's on screen. She got her parts due to her mommy and daddy connections, it's horrible to see... she could at least try harder. So yeah I'm still not sure about it being PR, but I definitely think Kaya is mooching off Austin's relevance and talent. And at this point, I'm pretty sure that Kaia doesn't care about the craft of acting, and certainly not to the extent of Austin who lives and breathes his roles, so this Kaia acting stunt is pretty laughable to me.
Sorry for the long rant! I just started mulling over this after seeing that poster again and I wanted to get it off my chest. And you've created a safe space here.
I hope you have a good day :)
Woooow a second anon today that's coming in so hot!! Im loving these takes, you guys. I appreciate your thoughts, and you feeling comfortable in expressing them to me.
Your breakdown of the situation is spot on to me, and it mirrors what I think as well. Kaia knows how to model and she should stick to that. It's giving the impression of she wants to be taken seriously, and so what better thing to do than to try and get into acting? But the problem is that she does not offer anything of substance, she's trying to say her nepotism doesn't affect her when she gets these jobs, and she doesn't even try to be a good actress.
if she wants to be taken seriously then she needs to put in the work to do so. this bottoms movie is just another example of how lackluster her performances are. not only that, but she goes for the low hanging fruit - meaning, she goes for roles that aren't too complex and she brings nothing to the table. she likes to make it seem like she reads a lot of books and she understands certain topics on an intellectual level, but sis it is not there. and that's on her for not stepping up her game to study and practice her acting skills.
she's gonna continue to get roles based off of people she knows in the business to do favors for her, and austin because she mingled this entire award season with really big names in the game, and she got into a highly exclusive investors party that only Austin was invited to. she just sees the opportunities and takes them to get her name out there, but she does not put in the work.
i hope you also have a wonderful day!
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invisiblegarters · 10 months
Be My Favorite Ep 12
Oh hey Kawi became a songwriter. I like that for him, actually.
"I don't have to exist if it would help you succeed." Okay no I don't love that for either of you. The solution isn't to hide, the solution is for people to back the fuck out of each other's personal lives. The solution is to remember that we're all people and that love is love and that it really isn't that big of a deal who someone loves or is sleeping with. ugh.
Hahaha omg time travel Pisaeng looks like he's going to shit himself. Why is that so funny to me? And relatable. I too would react that way.
I wonder how long Pisaeng's gonna put off telling Kawi what's up - he's being so weird that you know Kawi's gonna eventually pick up on it even if it takes him a bit.
Except Kawi already knows. Ooh I do like that, actually. His curiosity about the future is cute. I am very worried though, what Pisaeng will do. He's too self-sacrificing for my tastes.
Can I just say I have a weird attachment to people actually eating their food in dramas? So often they do not and it drives me absolutely bonkers. Or they order drinks and never actually take sips of them. The full coffees in Light On Me, I'm looking at you. GAP and those delicious looking prawns that never went in anyone's mouth, I'm looking at you, too.
Cute theme park montage. I used to be terrified of that damn swinging boat ride, so I feel Kawi. However roller coasters never did bug me.
Aw, Kawi.
AAAH I love rollercoasters. Those little butterfly rolls are the best. Poor Kawi does not, lol.
Oh, this isn't just about Kawi getting sick, is it?
UGH I KNEW IT. Dammit, Pisaeng. Do NOT make this the dumbest timeline. Let Kawi have that dubious honor.
Hm I don't know Piseang. He's forgetting that Kawi has been through several futures and he actively chose the one that Pisaeng just came from. Like, over and over at every out he was given chose it.
Well that was a delightfully mature conversation. Kawi, you've grown up.
Oh did Pisaeng go back after that? Huh.
And Kawi gets to live. I mean I think we all knew that but still, good. It definitely would have been something to have Pisaeng go back and then, ooops, death time.
I love how in Thai dramas you can tell a character is going through it by lack of lipgloss haha.
Still no Not. Best ending ever. I love how he just sort of exited stage left at some point. Best thing they could have done, honestly - I would have resented a redemption arc for him and I would have loathed him being a part of the group in spite of all his gross BS. But it seems like every time I say something today the thing happens, so please don't let me have just screwed myself.
And Pearmei is getting married again. Hopefully this time to a decent dude even if it should have been Kwan and I stand by that.
MAX. Looking good. HIs face at the handholding. Oh Max I love you I wish this show had given you a boyfriend.
Pear looks really happy. Good for her.
UGH it was. I hate you. Instant point deduction sorry not sorry.
I did this to myself.
Overall, it was very cute, although I could feel myself winding down a bit during the last ep and that continued through this one. It's probably a me thing, but I just felt like the last two eps were oddly lackluster. Perhaps it was all the montages? Idk I'm just really picky I think.
Except for that Not bullshit. That is fully on the show.
Overall my first instinct is to give it 8/10. I liked it a lot - loved Pear, really enjoyed that they never took the option to turn her into the evil spurned ex, and instead gave her her own little arc and emotional complexity all while letting her stay a decent person at her core. Loved Max and everything he chooses to be. Kawi grew on me. Pisaeng won me over to the Gawin train. I don't think that this will become a comfort watch for me, or that I'll even rewatch it at all, which would be the only way it could go higher, since the last two episodes sort of fell apart for me personally.
But also AAAAAAAAH Dangerous Romance next week! I am so ready.
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ddejavvu · 2 years
stepdad!sirius teaching shy and innocent reader how to touch herself (she's of age ofc!)
hope it's okay with u and i didn't make u uncomfy with that request — if i did then im sorry!!!
~ 🐇
today is multiverse monday! send me any au you can think of :)
a quick note (copied from my last post just in case you missed it): i totally understand if you're not into stepcest! i personally am not upset by it as my boundaries are sexually illegal acts, and it's not illegal. but everyone has different boundaries, and this happens to be the darkest thing i've ever posted on this blog. i understand if you want no part of this, so if you'd like to avoid this content in the future, block #dark mei (at the bottom of this post) to avoid it! I will not judge you for not wanting to read this or see it, and i ask that you please do not send hate towards me for writing it, or the anon for requesting it. everyone has different tastes, and i'm here to indulge pretty much anything that isn't illegal.
on with the blurb! this post is 18+ and dark, minors dni. reader is 18+ in this.
god i’m such a whore for the ‘teaching reader how to touch herself’ plotline like idc who it’s with it’s always so hot
Your fingers squirmed aimlessly through your folds, disappointingly bringing no pleasurable sensation. You’d been trying for almost five minutes to find a good spot, a nice pace, anything that felt good at all, but nothing was happening.
You’d gotten curious only a few moments earlier, finally deciding that you wanted to see what all of the fuss was about. You didn’t know why there was so much buzz over touching yourself, frankly it felt quite lackluster, but you wanted to feel as good as everyone said you would.
You were so caught up in attempting to pleasure yourself, twisting your fingers this way and that, that you failed to hear the creak of your door opening, a soft cry spilling from your lips as the only sensation you gained from the experience was pain. You were on the verge of giving up when you heard a soft chuckle from the doorway, eyes blowing wide open as you turned to see who had stumbled upon you.
Sirius, your recently married stepdad, stood in the doorway, one eyebrow cocked pitifully at you, “Oh, darling, that’s not how it’s done.”
The tone of his voice, condescending and saccharine-sweet had a strange feeling brewing in your tummy, the domineering stance he held in your doorway only adding to it. You quickly removed your fingers from under the hem of your panties, cheeks ablaze as you tried acting normal.
“’M sorry, Sirius,” You choked on a sob that came fast to your throat, “I know ‘m not supposed to, but-”
“But you wanted to feel good, yeah?” He stepped through the gap of the door, shutting it softly behind him as he made his way over to your bed, perching on the end of it.
You nodded bashfully, “Mhm, but it doesn’t work. Can’t stop hurting,” You did not miss the twinges of pain that came from your core as you’d fumbled with the concept, glad that you’d had an excuse to take your fingers out.
“Honey,” His voice was dripping now with more condescension than ever, “That’s ‘cause you’re not even wet. Y’gotta get excited first, then it’ll feel better.”
“Really?” Your eyes were wide as you stared up at him from where you laid, “How do I get wet?”
“Do y’want me to show you, baby?” Sirius offered, something sadistic behind his falsely helpful eyes.
“You’ll help me feel good?” You verified, tummy still brewing with the same funny sensation.
“Of course,” He smiled, nodding softly, “Anything for my baby girl.”
You returned his smile, shuffling on the bed so that your legs were on either side of him. He reached slowly for the hemline of your panties, your tummy practically cartwheeling inside of you. His fingers, long and slender and worn, peeled back the layer of fabric as he peered down at you.
“Well, m’pretty thing, it looks like we’re getting somewhere already.”
“What do you mean?”
“Does it feel kinda funny in there?” Sirius let the hem of your panties go, resting his hand on your tummy. You nodded, his touch amplifying the sensation swirling inside of you.
“That’s what I thought,” Sirius smirked, “That’s you gettin’ wet, baby.” He returned to your panties, sliding the material down your thighs, “‘Think it’s ‘cause I’m here helpin’ you.”
“You think I get wet because of you?” You silently committed the information to memory, promising yourself to go back later and think about what it was about Sirius that got you excited.
“Yeah baby,” He cooed, ghosting a finger over your cunt, sending a quick tremble through your legs, “So that means that whenever y’wanna feel good, y’gotta think about me. That’ll do it, okay?”
“Okay,” Your voice came out strained and soft, “I will, I promise.”
“That’s m’good girl,” Sirius smiled down at you, gently easing a finger into your cunt. You sucked in a harsh breath at the touch, expecting the same spurts of pain as you’d experienced before, but instead a gentle tingling sensation accompanied his touch, “Now, let’s make y’feel really good.”
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