#sorry im j salty sorry
channoticedmeuwu · 2 years
why do men?
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stiffyck · 4 months
People don't talk enough about the fact that ll scar on red had WHITE HAIR
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tf2shipswag · 1 year
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spidergangforever · 1 year
OK I've got one for Huntsman.
You're able to track through scent and a keen eye for tracks in various terrains. Have you ever tracked big game, like say...a moose? And if you did, have you kept anything as souvenir like the horns?
~ Princess Anon (👸)
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I always say "Morning" because if it was a good morning I would be Hunting
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lemm-moxx · 25 days
Ok enough fanboying over dj subatomic supernova i need to sleep
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bigfreakinfrog · 1 year
" I wish we had more romance in TMA :((((((((" Really? In the horror podcast? In the horror podcast by j*nny s*ms you wish there was more romance?
maybe watch something else then
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gerblinbones · 1 year
is. is betty still mortal in this?? WILL SIMON, MARSHALL, AND MARCY OUTLIVE HER????CD SCAIBASI
also, considering marshal and marcy are twins- does that mean all the genderswaps are twins too? (e.g fionna and finn, gary and bonnie- not sure abt jake and cake but it would be funny if they were very salty exes /j)
So as for Betty, as soon as she realized she was gonna croak faster than her family, she did everything she could to find out how to live forever. Which, eventually, led her to finding out about Prismo. It took her years to finally reach him, and maybe she went a liiiittle nuts learning magic specifically to live through the ages with her husband and children but hey! It worked eventually.
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As for the rest!!!!! Princess Bubblegum, before making her family members (Gumbald, Aunt Lolly, Chicle), did a test run. She made some gum from a tree, not wanting to risk the result of gross genetic mutations from her own dna, and tried to create life from it. And it worked! Gary was created. And once the rest were made, he was the only one that stuck by Bonnie’s side and, you know, didn’t wanna spray her with lobotomy sauce LMAO. So she appointed him to be her royal advisor!! (I’d also like to add that I can’t take credit for his cute little head accessory, he was designed by a friend of mine :) )
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Finn and Fionna are siblings, but not twins. She’s a little younger than he is. Martin waited a bit longer to escape the island with Finn, and Minerva was pregnant with Fionna when he left; she got sick after she was born. Fionna went on to have her own adventures and everything (with Cake ofc, it wouldn’t be the same without her!!) and after the death of their mom, did some traveling of her own. They find each other eventually!
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vixensbrainrotts · 9 months
can you do some angst to fluff for chifuyu matsuno where after finding out about the future from takemichi, he attempts and fails to break up with his girlfriend to protect her but she refuses/he loves her too much?
Yes absolutely I can! Thanks anon for the ask <3, also first my Chifuyu piece yay!
Love prevails - Chifuyu Matsuno
Content: ask-based (thanks so much!)
Tropes: before the black dragon fight, right before Christmas, angst to fluff
Warnings: crying, slightly angsty, not proofread
Summary: Chifuyu has to do it. Not for him, but for you.
Vixens two cents: I loved this idea omggggg. I was so into writing this so I hope you enjoy it just as much as I did! I couldn't bare to make it gut-wrenchingly angsty at the start so im sorry if I let you down there a little... anyways thank you for requesting btw!!! to everyone else, requests are still open of you have an idea of your own, im kinda going through a little bit of writers block so requests really just make my life a little easier.
“What.” Enraged, Chifuyu roared at his friend. Actually, he wasn’t quite sure if he could consider Takemichi a friend after what he had asked him to do.
“It’s the only way I could see a change happening! I’ve seen what happens if you stay together through this! She’s gonna run in and try to save you along with Hina and then both of them wil…” his voice choked to a stop, a painful sob wracking his body before he continued “I saw it happen Chifuyu! I saw what Toman becomes; what we become! I’m doing it too, I have to and I know how hard it is but it’s the only way!” Takemichi was sobbing hard, eyes swollen and bloodshot, nose snotty and red.
Silence ensued, only disturbed by the sniffling of Takemichi, his voice hoarse as he cried to his friend. Slowly, silently Chifuyus eyes filled with treacherous tears, his eyes burning against the cold winter air. He tried very hard to keep them at bay, his lip quivering and his fists clenching, his nails digging into his palms.
Then his resolve broke, his eyes stinging as fat tears rolled down his cheeks and running between the cracks of his lips, coloring his tongue salty.
Surely there’s another way. Surely it doesn’t have to be like this.
His body betrays him as at convulsed brutally, a sudden sob bursting past his lips and wracking his chest. He stared at Takemichi: furious, confused, scared.
This can’t be it.
Despite the pain he felt as they stood across one another, crying and shouting, blaming one another for their losses and shortcomings in a future sure to come, it came to an end.
Silently seething they parted ways that evening with a mutual promise. ‘Keep them out of it. Break up with her to keep her safe.’
When Chifuyu called you to meet up with him on Christmas Day, you were delighted to meet him. You had a little gift for him (a coupon to the manga store you two frequented and a little treat and a toy for Peke J) neatly wrapped sitting in your lap as you sat on the bench on the bridge.
You fiddled with the curly string that tied the paper together, a little nervous. You were supposed to meet here 5 minutes ago but he still hadn’t shown. He was late, it was unusual for him. Normally you’d come to the allocated spot and see him already waiting for you, so him not being there made you uneasy in the first place.
Just as you flipped open your phone to dial him, your ears rund with the familiar rumble of his bike. You twisted your head in the direction, and you were greeted with Chifuyu pushing the kickstand of his bike out, and setting it to park not too far from where you sat.
Elated, you rose from the bench and brushed off your coat, watching him pull his helmet from his head as you approached him.
“Hey you.” You started once you reached him, reaching up to fix the hair that was messed by his helmet with your free hand, but he caught it. “Hm?” You hummed in question, looking at him.
He wore a sullen expression, one that clashed with what you had expected from him. His eyes were cold, notably avoiding your gaze, his brows furrowed and his lips a tight line. He pushed your hand down and dropped it, still not facing you.
“We should sit down.” His voice is flat and emotionless, it scared you a little. As you both walked to the bench you were taken aback by his unusual behavior, seeing a stranger lead you rather than your boyfriend.
Confused you follow him, letting him sit you down next to him. “Are you ok?” You ask, voice small as you reach out a hand to touch his arm, resting the gift next to you as you look at him again. This time he returns the gaze, fixing his eyes on yours and seemingly studying your face. “Yeah.” It didn’t sound convincing though.
A few moments passed where you both sat in silence, and you decided to take action. Reaching for the gift, you presented it to him and chimed “Merry Christmas Chifu-”
“We should break up.”
Your world stopped spinning. Mouth still open, your tongue felt numb, and your fingers colder than ever. Your head spun and your vision blurred.
Am I really going blind from shock?
No. You were crying.
“What?” Chifuyu had to bite back a laugh because you mirrored him perfectly. “What do you mean we’re breaking up? What happened?” You started questioning him immediately, indifferent to your tears as your voice remained steady. He had to hand it to you, you had a stronger resolve than he did.
He hated the way you looked at him right now. Furious, confused, scared- fuck, you were just like him, weren’t you? Your hands were still clutched around the gift, neat blue wrapping paper and a yellow bow holding it together. His favorite colors.
It stung when he sighed, feigning a cold attitude as he looked away from you. “Yeah.” He wanted to sound convincing so bad.
“Why?” Your voice wasn’t small anymore. You had adapted a demanding, defensive tone as you lowered the gift and glared at him, eyes still tearing.
You rehearsed this, don’t fucking cry. He reprimanded himself, thinking of the ‘script’ he had prepared the night before.
“Because I don’t think that we are good for one another. Specifically me for you. I’m a terrible influence on you, I’m finally able to recognize that now.” Chifuyu chanted, sure as a prayer just as he rehearsed. The words came out of his mouth without emotion, without meaning.
“Is it because of my parents?” You ask him, thinking back to the less than great first impression Chifuyu had made on your parents, but that was over a year ago, and by now they had smoothed out their relationship. You thought that everything was fine.
“No, it’s- it’s me. I promise it has nothing to do with you.” His voice shouldn’t have cracked, he shouldn’t have stuttered but fuck the way you looked at him with fierce determination made him crack.
You stared at him, completely baffled as your nose and cheeks turned red in the icy winter air. He could hear the cogs turning in your brain, trying to make sense of the situation.
“It’s you!? You want to break up with me? You’re consciously making the decision to leave me? Why! Give me a good reason why Chifuyu because this can’t be right!” Tears were streaming down your face and you had stood from the bench, standing in front of him, the little gift having been thrust into his hands mid anger.
“I-“ his eyes were wide and his mouth stood agape. This is off-script!
“You can’t! You can’t! Chifuyu I’ve been with you through thick and thin, you’ve been with me through good and bad! How is it that now all of a sudden that you want to break up? We fought once for two weeks straight, and I feared for us every day, but we didn’t break up! Ive shouted at you and you’ve screamed at me, but we always worked it out in the end! Why is it that now all of a sudden, without conflict, you want it over?” Your voice was thick with emotion, a knot in your throat as you defended your relationship, condensation billowing up on front of you.
Chifuyu didn’t answer for a while, sitting, eyes wide on the bench in front of you as he marveled at your teary-eyed strength.
“I’m sorry y/n.” He broke the silence, voice low and shaky, staring at you. “I’m so sorry.”
He should have just told you. He realized suddenly, shrinking into the bench, shrouding his face in his hands and looking down to where the gift layed in his lap, eyes squeezing shut tightly.
“How dare you Chifuyu?” Your voice was downright booming, “how dare you question my love for you? You think it’s so disposable that you can just throw this all away?” He didn’t answer, only sinking further into himself as he started to cry, shame and regret clear in his voice as it shook with every whine and sob.
Heaving a sigh you sat down next to him, facing front, away from him again. Silence reigned once more, only disrupted by Chifuyu's cries and your sniffles.
"I love you Chifuyu.”
He cried harder, digging the heels of his palms into his eyes to stop the tears from flowing, but it was useless. He tried focusing on evening his breathing, but as soon as he did, he felt pressure on his shoulder and chest, and his breath hitched again. Your warm, familiar scent surrounded him, and the welcome sensation of your hand stroking his chest helped him center himself again.
Slowly, surely, progressively, he stopped crying so hard, sobs dying down to sniffling, and eventually he pulled his hands away from his eyes, the cold air kissing his face as he brought his arms to wrap around you. He allowed himself to bury his nose in your hair and breathe, closing his eyes as his lips quivered again, pursing to kiss the top of your head where it lay on his chest.
A few more moments passed again before he whispered back "I love you too."
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strwyofthesun · 1 year
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pairing: leon kennedy x agent!(fem)reader
synopsis: you become leon's informant for a mission while hunnigan is on leave and end up in a relationship with him a while after. all is well until leon goes on a certain mission.
word count: 3k
content: angst, hurt/no comfort, mentions of war, mentions of cheating, drunk leon, mention of bleeding, mentions of death (?)
a/n: there is a severe lack of hurt/no comfort leon fics on here and i plan on fixing that /j maybe there is and im just not looking hard enough but oh well if i can't find one i'll make one. also! this takes place after re:damnation which explains the us and russia war so pls dont be startled by the mention of it.
the rain poured heavily on the cold pavements of the sidewalk you and him once walked together, hand in hand, the both of you thought that maybe this was where you were both meant to be, with each other. atleast, that was you thought. if that were the case, you wouldn’t be under the pouring rain, crying over what you once thought was your forever. the salty tears mixed with the rain as the droplets hit your face. you bit your lip in frustration refusing to believe that this is happening to you, but you always knew, deep down, this was bound to happen.
a few months had gone by and things have finally settled down at the DSO ever since the war between the us and russia. missions have been more manageable and not as large scale as the war and everything else has been rather tame. you’ve been working as an FOS (field operations support) agent for quite some time already to know the ins and outs of how things work. its been a few years serving as agent and an information source to multiple other agents in the DSO but not once have you worked with the man himself, leon kennedy. his informant was ingrid hunnigan, a long time FOS agent. she had worked alongside leon ever since 2004 when he saved ashley graham, the president’s daughter and ever since then they have been working together until now. over time, the two of you have gotten close and have even worked together in some missions. not only were you co-workers, but also good friends outside of work.
you stood outside the office yet you could already hear the clatter and busy sounds of the people working. you opened the door and greeted your fellow co-workers a good morning, except for one person. scanning the room from all its four corners, you couldn't find hunnigan anywhere, not even at her desk. so, you asked a co-worker of yours that sat just a cubicle beside you about her.
“hey, have you seen hunnigan around?”
“oh, she’s on leave i think? i saw a note on her desk, it’s for you, so you can just check that out.”
“ahh, alright thanks.”
you walk up to hunnigan’s desk and hover over her files looking for the note that your co-worker told you about. you murmured to yourself, “here it is…”
“i’m currently on leave for while due to some family issues and they need me back home. it was really urgent, i’m sorry i couldn’t tell you sooner. also, i left my assignment to you so please do me the favor. leon is going on a mission by the time you’re reading this note, someone will get you patched up to his line so don’t worry. i owe you [y/n]. –hunnigan”
“she’s definitely gonna owe me for this…” you muttered curses in your head when you were suddenly interrupted by a tap on the shoulder.
“[l/n] right?” asked by an unfamiliar face. but based on hunnigan’s note, you knew that this is the someone she was talking about.
“yes that is me, i’m assuming you will get me on mr. kennedy’s line?”
“ah, yes. i see that you have been informed.”
“i don’t know the complete details of the mission so if you would kindly brief me…”
“don’t worry, please follow me.”
you followed them into a room where they explained the information you will be needed as leon’s informant for the mission. in the back of your head, you were nervous. you’ve never worked with leon before and he has made quite the name for himself in the government and is particularly well liked by the president. working with someone with such a high status made you really agitated but you calmed yourself down thinking that this was like every other mission you’ve been on.
a few hours had gone by and you are now in the communications area. you have all the files you needed in one folder, you’ve been briefed on the current situation, and everything seems to be under control.
“mr. kennedy is on the chopper as we speak. you may now call him and let him know all the other details that he will be needing.”
“i’m a bit nervous…”
“there is no need to be nervous, i’m sure hunnigan trusted you enough to know that you will do well in her place.”
“yeah, you’re right…”
“i’ll leave you be now, you got this.”
after the words of encouragement from hunnigan’s colleague, you took a deep breath and pressed the call button to which leon quickly responded. “so, where’s the landing po- oh?” he looked into the screen of his phone and squinted. “you’re not hunnigan…”
“you’re right, i’m not. just a substitute while she’s on leave. i have your landing point marked mr. kennedy.”
“oh is that so? don’t bother with the formalities, just call me leon. and you? how should i call you?”
“[y/n] will do.”
“alright [y/n], pretty name for a pretty girl like yourself.”
leon’s words caught you off guard and you could feel your face heat up. you cleared your throat and looked visibly flustered over the phone over a simple compliment from him. leon saw this and chuckled at the sight of you blushing through the screen.
“thanks… um...”
“so pretty girl, are you gonna inform me now or what?
“oh right, right… refrain from any making unnecessary comments while on the job please.” you said as you tried to regain some some sense into yourself.
“yes mam, whatever you say.” leon said with a grin on his face.
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after that mission, you and leon still kept contact even when hunnigan came back from her leave. he would always message you about his day and he’d take you out on dates whenever he had the chance to. but the label was never specified between the two of you. you understood that in his line of work consistency within a relationship was hard to maintain. not only that, but the overthinking that you would have to face almost everyday would eat you up if you were not mentally strong enough to handle it. the thought that maybe leon could be badly hurt in a location you couldn't reach, or even worse, him dying on the job, not even having the chance to say his final goodbyes to his loved ones, friends, you. so you thought that maybe it was for the best.
you were each other’s relief and the more time went by, the stronger your feelings for leon grew. and because of this, you decided to distance yourself from him, in hopes that he would just forget about you so that he could focus on his work. but leon couldn’t forget you. everyday he thought of you, you were the first thing on his mind and the last thing he thinks about before going to sleep. and even in his dreams he saw you. 24/7 you were on his mind. everytime he was on a mission, he always thought of coming back home to you, but you didn’t know that. he never told you how much you have plagued his mind ever since the day he met you and heard your voice through the intercom. he found purpose and reason to live. he didn’t feel like someone who’s at the government’s disposal, a weapon, a mere shell of a person made to execute the living dead. when you had decided to distance yourself from him, leon needed you to know that it was the last thing he wanted.
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the repeated ringing of your doorbell echoed in your apartment. you got up from your bed feeling annoyed and rubbed your eyes as it adjust slowly to the bright light of your digital clock. 12:58, who could be ringing your doorbell like a maniac at this hour? slowly, you shuffled to the front of the door and checked the peep hole before opening the door. suddenly, your half-asleep state suddenly vanished and you were completely awoken by the sight of leon outside your door. it had been a few weeks since you had cut contact with him, and you did not expect him to show up infront of your doorstep at that very moment.
once leon heard the sound of the door unlock, he swung it open and immediately threw his arms around you.
“leon, what are you-“
“please, don’t leave me…” he choked out these words as he pulled away from his embrace and you could see his eyes start to well up with tears.
“i have loved you ever since i have laid my eyes on you. and these past few weeks had made me realize how much i've missed you. whether it was a text, a call, time with you, i missed everything about you. i don’t ever want you to think that you’re just someone i waste my time with to get off. you matter so much to me and yes, i’d love to waste my time with you, not for my own pleasure, but because i love you. i love you so much it physically pains me when you’re not around so please… don’t leave me…”
“i’m here right now leon, i’m not leaving you… i promise.”
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life after leon’s confession had looked up and the two of you had never been happier. he had moved in with you and every day you share together was a day well-spent. during the mornings, you and leon would always take a stroll down the pavements outside your apartment, hands intertwined, the both of you enjoyed each other’s company for as long as time could allow. for the first few months, as you expected, the overthinking hit you. was he going to come back safely? is he going to survive? when would he back home? anything could happen to him. leon knew this would happen at one point and he never wanted you to worry. so, he would send you sweet messages or even call you when he could but you didn’t want to interrupt him on his missions. that's why sometimes, leon would send messages to hunnigan for her to pass on to you. you could see how much effort leon was putting into the relationship and it made your heart skip a beat everytime you think about it, especially because you felt like you didn’t deserve it. you didn’t deserve any ounce of leon’s love. but leon always told you otherwise. and he would always show you that you deserved every single bit of it.
later on in the relationship, you and leon got to know each other fully. he opened up about his childhood, his traumas, and ada. he reassured you that even though ada was a big part of his life before, you were his now and his future. and you did feel somewhat thankful for ada because you knew that without her, leon would not have survived the raccoon city incident. but it haunted you knowing that she was all he could think about for a big portion of his life. not to mention his relations with her before the us and russian war. knowing that they have been together and that he longed for her return everytime. how could you compare to the woman he had yearned for years on end. every time you would overthink this, leon would always reassure you that if she came back he wouldn’t be phased by her presence because he was inlove with you and only you. atleast, that’s what he said.
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leon was off to another mission as per usual, you kissed him and bid him the words you always say before he goes. “be safe always and don’t forget to return to me. i love you leon.” he smiles and would always respond back, “i’ll be safe and i will always return to you. i love you too [y/n].” it was basically a ritual at that point.
a few hours later, your phone buzzed and the screen lit up. it was a text from leon.
my special agent: hey princess, i’ll be sent off soon. can’t wait to finish this so i can get back home to you.
you: alright, take care baby, i love you.
my special agent: i love you more ;)
you were at ease but it didn’t last long when days turned into weeks and you haven’t heard from him. you decided to ask hunnigan during work about leon’s whereabouts.
“hey hunnigan, have you heard from leon?”
“umm, no i haven’t had contact from him in awhile… what’s the matter?”
“he’s been radio silent and i’m getting worried that something happened in his mission.”
“his mission? it was successful. he finished it 3 weeks ago.”
“3 weeks ago? then why hasn’t he let me know?”
“i’m sorry [y/n] but i am not aware of his whereabouts ever since he finished. try asking chris if he knows anything.”
“i will, thank you hunnigan.”
“i hope things are fine...”
“i hope so too…”
you clocked out of your job for the day and dialed chris. as your phone started ringing, you started to drown in your thoughts at what could have possibly happened to leon. what has he been doing these past 3 weeks? where was he staying? is he okay? is he badly injured? worry after worry started filling your head that you suddenly found yourself crying.
“hello? hello?” a voice suddenly spoke up from the phone. you didn’t realize that chris had already picked up the phone.
“[y/n]? are you there?”
you sniffle before responding and cleared your throat, “yes! i’m here um, have you heard from leon by any chance?”
you hear chris heavily sigh over the phone.
“is there something wrong chris? please tell me he’s okay…”
“hes… he’s fine, but he isn’t here with me now. i’ll bring him over there.”
“please do… thank you so much chris.”
“anytime [y/n].”chris dropped the call. “should i tell her…”
night time soon fell and you were outside the apartment building waiting for chris’s car to arrive. you were worried sick and checked your watch every 5 minutes feeling the most anxious you have ever been. there was a pit in your stomach and all you wanted to do was throw up due to the overwhelming thoughts. 12: 58, they’re here.
“chris! leon!” you call out for their names. chris got out of the car carrying a drunk leon to you.
“i’m sorry to bring him to you in this state…”
“it’s okay chris, thanks again.”
“again, anytime [y/n], be strong.”
“be strong?” you thought to yourself. what did chris mean? he passed over leon to you and he fell into your arms. chris drove off before tried talking to leon.
“leon, hey, are you okay?” you asked as you tried to brush off the hair off his face. it revealed a crying leon which surprised you.
“i… i’m so sorry [y/n]…”
“it’s okay baby you’re here now, safe and sound, that’s what matters..”
“no… no!" leon shouted as he pushed you away.
“leon what is wrong? please, tell me!” you begged.
“i saw ada again.”
you stood there, shell-shocked, dreading the following words that leon was gonna utter. you prayed to all the gods out there that it wasn’t what you thought it was.
“i… we… im sorry…” leon stumbled on his words.
“you what leon...?"
“i cheated on you…” he said as tears started to roll down his cheek.
“how could you…? after everything you’ve said? after everything we’ve been through? was it all a lie?” you walked up to him fighting back the tears.
“tell me leon! i deserve an explanation! you owe it to me! how could you do this to me?! was i not enough for you?! where did i go wrong? tell me!” you punched him in the chest and gripped it tightly.
“i love you leon… i thought you loved me too?”
“i do love yo-“
“you don’t! you wouldn’t-“ you feel a lump in your throat. “you wouldn’t have done that if you loved me…”
“it was a mistake [y/n], please i’m sorry…”
“leon… stop…”
“i’m sorry… please… forgive me.”
“you said you’d return to me…”
“i did… im here right now, aren’t i?”
“no. you returned to her.”
leon embraced you tightly, clinging onto you but you only stood there. its as if the world you have created for you and him had crashed down right before your eyes. everything you once knew, felt like a lie. all these months, you’ve been living a lie. but what could you have done? how could you, a woman who has been with him for less than a year, compete with the likes of her? the woman who’s saved her countless of times, the first woman he ever loved, the woman who he had waited for almost all his life. your relationship felt too good to be true. you knew, it was too good to be true, you were right, it was to good to be true. you felt like a fool for blindly believing leon’s words. bullshit. you were never his future, you were just a distraction, until she finally came back. the realization stung you and its poison was seeping into your veins destroying you inside out.
“leon, pack your stuff now.”
“don’t do this [y/n], please i’m begging you.”
“don’t make me say it twice, pack it now."
leon looked at you for one last time before letting you go in defeat, walking away from you and into the apartment building. you open your phone and dial chris once more to which he picked up immediately.
“chris, please come back, pick up leon."
“[y/n]- “ before he could even say anything else you dropped the call and the rain began to pour. your knees began to feel weak and you drop down on the cold pavement. your chest feels tighter and tighter, breathing becoming hard and heavy. you clutch tightly onto your chest as you choke back the tears. feeling exhausted and tired, you let it all out, screaming, wailing, and begging any higher force to take away the pain, but it looked like even the gods above couldn’t help you. you were helpless and alone once more. you bit your lip as hard as you can trying to contain yourself. so much so until it started to bleed. but you didn’t care. you didn’t care about anything at all at this point. a part of you wished you could turn back time to when you were happy but you questioned yourself wondering what could’ve been better. reliving all the moments together, even though you knew how it will all end, in pain and suffering, or just never accepting hunnigan’s favor, never making contact with him, never meeting him, never falling in love with him.
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mugzymiik · 2 months
list of things that, in my personal opinion, are turning TPC into a dumpster fire: (wip, will be updated whenever i get the time + motivation to)
some of these things will be added to probably
Iris used to be so cool. what happened. why is he an asshole now what happened to his swag. WHO TOOK IRIS AND REPLACED HIM WITH THIS DICKHEAD
Pentellow is just a mold and in my honest opinion it feels like shes just the """token woman""" of the group????
George. 😰
in episode one how the fuck did Cyan not know about Dub until Heli. H-E-L-I came screaming outside. and also why did he have to have the corruption explained to him tf-
?#((_($(_($ HOW DID HE FORGET TO SEAL THE BOTTOM???? HUH????? bro i think thats common sense LIKE I GET IT ON CYAN'S PART HE WAS BORN YESTERDAY but Cube cmon man /lh
not necessarily a thing that contributes to the dumpster fire BUT of all things for Cube to get infected by. a????? FISH?????? man wth
why is Iris staring at that photo of him and Orange like that. why are you SAD????? hes alive tf r u doing. is this why Pentellow had Tsavorite AND Orange. did she take the kids. do u miss the kids Iris. /hevj
honestly i cba to remember anything else from this ep💔💔💔
doesn't rlly contribute to all of this but i get REALLY bad second hand embarrassment from the guitar scene im sorry /vlh
how did Cube survive a drop from being flung that high wth ([turns to episode 6 with concrete.sfx] oh ok then
i cant remember anything else here
it was either this or e3 that Pentellow said "hes strong enough to take down most corrupts" about Pyrare like??? PYRARE WHY DONT YOU DO THAT THEN. WHY DONT U USE UR POWER THEN. HUH. ok but to be fair hes like a pacifist or something idfk. but honestly unleashing Pyrare alongside the Heroes would probably have the same result as unleashing Tsavorite and Circumsphere as a duo to Dub (the corruption would be gone a lot faster) /j
every time i look at Purpex i get severe flashbacks to the fucking spontaneous musical number ☹️
"im a little rusty on fighting" -Cube (Cube then proceeds to go "let me deal with this" upon Lycanthropy appearing)
Cube thats your fucking best friend why aren't you at least a SMIDGEN upset about having to leave him behind. sealed. no food or water. like please show SOME emotion😔😔/lh
to be continued
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J how do convos with you and your mod go
"not well."
(dont listen to pooks shes fine)
"don't. call. me. that."
(shes just salty her daughter died)
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lyrqxa · 5 months
thats you opportunity to elaborate why the song is ktc narinder go on..
sorry im so late to responding i got sidetracked by playing genshin for 7 hours
i cant vocalise why songs remind me of characters but the first verse is very narinder pre-game and the second is narinder main-game yk. sorry i Cannot pit my thoguhts into words LOLL
but its mainly the chorus that gets me thinkjng…
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THIS VERSE ok so the first time around i like 2 think its referencing narinder during the cat hunt… “isnt this what you wanted” is like. mainly towards everyone mourning a cat they were close to (cough. leshy) and narinder being salty about it. “time sure feels like its running out” is more towards narinder’s looming fear of his eventual sacrifice… “just finish what you started” is narinder sort of accepting it in defeat
as the only non-god in his family he’s still regarded pretty highly but for no reason, hence “queen of nothing.” but even then hes killed and is just full of guilt of watching people hes befriended die hence he’s “wearing such a heavy crown”
for a different repeat of the chorus … AHHHH I CANT GO INTO DETAIL ABOUT WHAT GOES ON IN NARINDER AND ARIES’S FIGHT BUT IT SO FEELS LIKE THE FIRST THREE LINES narinder’s defense is “you Wanted me to start thinking for myself” and while he technically has all the tjme in the world as an immortal being he still feels so suffocated to finish his task as fast as possible… and here he is, finishing what he’s started
in the end he is the god of death, and the only god left (queen of nothing), but at what cost (wearing such a heavy crown)
wah wah wah i might make an animatic some day after j finish the fic if i remember….
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rrxnjun · 1 year
stress is deff a bitch but i feel like me and stress are the same now so🤡🤡
it's the 20th of august🤭 nooo that's a bit sad that u couldn't add urs but ur still a king for adding three birthdays in there🫡
WELL I HOPE THAT WONT HAPPEN AGAIN!!🤣 whaaattt that's such a long time oh my but the fact that u still had it is jaw dropping tbh
i don't understand why middle aged women have to be so rude sometimes☹️ wait i completely forgot that accents exist oh my god now thats even worse🥲 YEYY U SHOULD ARANGE ONE IN OCTOBER AS WELL COME TO THE 5SOS SHOW WITH ME/j (i'm heartbroken i have no one to go with so i probably can't attend) (i hope this doesn't break ur heart more cuz i saw ur posts about them sorry if it does☹️☹️hope i didn't cross a line with this joke☹️)
NOT TELLING ANYONE🫢 i look up to u for that cuz i'm still pretty much unable to do i suck💔 SO TRUE THE BEST DESCRIPTION I HEARD OF THEM JUST SOME GUYS!! i was so sad when yedam and mashiho left and i understand the soft spot he is such a lovely guy🥹 being a treasure stan is fun and a heartbreak but glad u admit now that ur a teume 🥲😌 ofc ofc we are sharing😵‍💫 HE IS SUCH A MENACE AND ITS SO FUNNY tbh he was the reason why i came back to tumblr cuz i wanted to see more content and things about him then i ran into the same problem as u that there are not that many writers in the fandom here tbh (or i just can't find them)💔 (sooo if u end up writing something for jihoon i will be waiting🫣)
IT SHOULDNT BREAK UR HEART IM SORRY IT WAS A CRY IN A POSITIVE WAY!!! i think it just means u portray emotions well (?) cuz every time there is a good sad scene in movies or books i just have to fight the tears back even when i was in a good mood before💔 AND THANK U FOR BEING AN AMAZING WRITER AND JUST BEING LOVELY AND READING MY LONG ASS REPLIES LMAO U ARE JUST TOO NICE OF A PERSON💖💕💝 (liebestraum anon💕)
omg 20th august is such a good bday to have im noting it down!!! 😌😌
IT IS the fic was originally supposed to be a part of collab but the writer deactivated and cancelled it but when i asked if i can keep the idea they were ok with it!! so yeah hopefully one day 💓
LOOK lets go to the concert together 😭😭 im like,, half serious and half joking 😭😭😭 i keep telling my mum about it and like the bus tickets to budapest are only 7€ and then i can find a cheap hotel and shit and i have money saved for the tickets 😭😭😭 like. budapest is objectively the closest stop to me ((even tho im still salty there is no vienna then i would go for sure) and i wanted to visit anyway 😌 but my mum doesnt wanna go w me and my dad doesnt either and i have no friends that would wanna go w me either and i am not allowed to go alone so. theres that 😭😭 i dont think ill get to go tbh im still kinda heartbroken but oh well its not the first time :// if i didnt live in such a shitty ass place this would all be easier 😭
girl i think its a miracle tbh but i got the names down. thanking my hyperfixation tendencies 💓💓💓 when i saw it i was so shocked tbh and now i keep getting sad mashidam edits on my tiktok fp and living through the pain LMAO. GIRL my crush on jihoon is getting out of control like genuinely what the fuck is happening to me- WHY IS TEUMEBLR SO DRY THO WHERE ARE THE FICS ??? i found like 3 fics and the rest are like 2 years old headcanon posts its such a struggle 😭😭 do i really have to do everything myself on this site.... (dont feed my delusions but give it a few months and if i dont fall out of them i can see myself creating a seperate treasure blog.....got a jihoon drabble idea the other day but. i will contain myself. so far he's the new main side character of the mark fic im writing 🥴)
awh you are too sweet 😭😭😭😭 thank u so so much !!!! this means the whole world to me 💓 once again was happy to hear from u, hope youre doing well ily xx
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caruliaa · 3 years
that post going around about crashing tumblr on april fools is litreally so stupid like the best part abt aprils fools is joking around with blorbo from your dashboard !! your gonna take that away from us ?? the last thing we have left on this desolate hellsite ??? shame on you
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mooniyuta · 5 years
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barneycalhoun · 5 years
Dc comics did Chris Kent so dirty. Ignoring him for years, only to turn him evil, then make him live with his abusive biological parents. Then they replaced him with a biological son of Lois and Clark, who is just a younger boring version of Clark.
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