#sorry not clexa lol
flannelunicorn8 · 2 years
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Playing with watercolor pencils
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alicentsgf · 2 years
sorry i dont go here i didnt even finish the show. but 'the 100' having the most widely acknowleged case of the bury-your-gays trope makes it doubly funny that it also went on to have the most egregious case of straightbaiting ever broadcast as well. the fact the actors have shared they were told to play their respective male and female leads as having a romantic attachment for no less than half a decade only for them to never act on it and then in the end ONE MURDERS THE OTHER. thats really something right there. i think the show runner might not even be homophobic, just a sadist
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popchoc · 7 months
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Once Bellamy shuts down the acid fog [..], everything will be clear.
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butmakeitgayblog · 4 months
Based on what you said about how you think the end of the pike blockade would go down, how do you think Lexa would react to Clarke being injured/nearly killed by Pike?
Bear with me here because I'm sure there's a lot of people who thin it would go down differently lol
But to be honest, I think a lot more would happen than just a Pike vs Clarke showdown of sorts. I think in the scenario that I gave - Pike ultimately losing his shit and going after Clarke for "treason" - that would force the entirety of the remaining Skaikru to really face themselves and the future of who they want to be as a clan/a people.
Bluntly, I think it would cause a flashpoint civil war.
By that point enough people would fed up with the living conditions under the blockade, fed up with Pike and his guard's power plays, fed up with constantly being pitted against each other exactly as they had been in space and every day since reaching the ground. Every day is fear, every moment is struggle. Because now not only are they expelled from the coalition AND the lands around them AND confined to yet another prison with limited resources and freedoms just as they were in space, but they're also being told point blank 'even if you wish to leave and start over outside of us, you can't. You're stuck here whether you like it or not.'
And pair that up with what Clarke has done to help them (despite their, whew, overwhelming tendency to blame her for goddamn everything 😒), I think enough people would just be so fucking done with it that it would indeed evolve into the chaos of a civil war.
And I think the first pop of gunfire would have Lexa and her army throwing themselves into the action. Not because is Lexa is terrified (tho she is) and not because Lexa would do something as foolhardy as throw herself into a gunfight if she thought Clarke were in danger (ha ok lesbian we've seen that play out 😐). But rather because, this has been the inevitable outcome all along. Pike was always going to make sure of that.
I don't think it'd be a popular decision. I don't even think Lexa would outright command her army to fight. But with her warriors already hungry for battle, what I believe Lexa would do is present the situation as a choice to follow her into the fray or not. Simply put: to show allegiance to the coalition or not. I think she'd remind them that despite the blockade, Skaikru is still one of the coalition's clans. That, just as she had promised, those who were still loyal to her sovereignty and the 12 clans had been working from the inside to unseat the rebel murderers - the same ones who had cut down their own fellow in arms. That the already growing number of Skaikru prisoners of war/refugees were a testament to that struggle and the will of the people trapped under an unjust, tyrant leader, and how they were proof of those machinations currently at play beyond the walls of Arkadia. The proof that they had allies inside.
But also, such as with most any uprising and revolts against injustice, more often than not in this gruesome world, blood must be spilled. And that this moment was their time to collect what is due. In the name of their fallen brothers and sisters. In the name of the coalition, and everything they stand for.
(Basically an emotion filled and lowkey manipulative call to arms 👀)
So between the coalition loyalists and those simply hungry for 'blood must have blood' payment for those they'd lost to Skaikru and Pike, a fair descent amount of warriors would join the fight to besiege Arkadia. Between the might of the coalition breaching their gates and the war raging inside among each other, Pike and his supporters who haven't defected themselves would be divided and spread too thin to cover all their sides, and eventually they'd fall one by one. Until surrender wasn't even a choice. It was a forgone conclusion.
And it would be very bloody, and very quick.
Ultimately, I don't think Clarke would necessarily have needed Lexa to intervene per se, because it would surprisingly(?) still be Octavia who kills Pike. In this she wouldn't be killing him as revenge for Lincoln (well not entirely, he's not dead, just locked up and treated like shit), but rather to set in motion Skaikru's final symbolic fall to the ground. Because in that moment, with Pike's gun pressed to Clarke's head, still desperate and deluded that he can use her pull as leverage to grasp at control even as the sounds of war rage on around them, I think Octavia would realize that was the moment when she had to choose where her allegiance lies: earth or sky. Past or future. Coalition or chaos. Clarke or Pike (and by proxy, Bellamy).
And she'd choose Clarke.
And Lincoln. And Indra. And the anger for what her her brother had become. And her hatred of being boxed in yet again. And the realization that without Pike's death, there would be no moving forward to truly build a new life on the ground.
So with Pike dead, and the Skaikru ~rebels~ rounded up, and the 13th clan surrendering to the coalition, it would be a quite a politically messy situation to tidy up. To say the least. But after Lexa issues orders for the remaining Skaikru to be tended to by healers, and brought food and water (and maybe a lil booze from the encampments to help them wind down) in good faith of their loyalty and return to the coalition, Lexa would nonchalantly escort Clarke back her personal tent (that she had failed to mention in her notes) at the frontline... and do everything she could to not fall to absolute pieces as she personally tended to Clarke's wounds.
But oh. Oh, Clarke would feel the way her entire body was shaking...
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breakingstanding · 3 months
I am actually devastated over Michaela… not because I care about Michael or the book, but if they’re making Francesca queer, there’s no way they’re making Eloise a lesbian (which she SO clearly is!). I saw the spoiler of Franny and thought okay they can make 2/8 queer, and then I watched and saw they made Benedict queer too! I just can’t see them doing 3, especially 2 women.
It’s so disheartening because so many people have been rooting for sapphic eloise and I think hardly anyone was wanting Franny.
I think i’m more upset with this than if none had been queer because like ugh we were SO CLOSE. We could’ve had it all. like imagine how happy we could all be right now. 😭
they’ve been setting up queer benedict and eloise since season 1 so I just don’t understand why they would do this. (sorry for venting to you- none of my friends that’s watch are caught up yet)
Always happy for a vent, and I definitely feel you! I'm personally really excited about Francesca's storyline because I really liked her this season and Michaela is EXTREMELY hot lol - but I'm also frustrated that it's the sister we've had as a side character for one season who will be getting a queer love story, and not the one we've been invested in for three seasons.
Ultimately I think the frustration we are feeling is more because this is reflective of larger issues that always pop up in fandom than being upset about not getting a storyline we wanted for a character (although I'm not going to pretend that's not a factor too!) a) There's such a pattern in fan spaces for queer people to see themselves in a character and to recognise clear queercoding, and then to have straight people come in and condescendingly say "not all characters with x trait have to be gay" - as if we have an overabundance of queer characters and are trying to get our grubby gay hands on more. So much of the discourse around Eloise amounts to people saying "not all feminist characters have to be lesbians" which is crazy to me because WHERE are all these shows that are supposedly full of feminist lesbians?? Please tell me I would love to watch them!
b) Straight fans will get all different types of characters and plotlines for the heterosexual couples and then act like queer people are being greedy if we ask for more than one for us. Just within Bridgerton there have been three straight main couples already - and of the queer siblings we've also gotten to see a cute romance between Francesca and a man, and will likely see Benedict fall in love with a woman (this is not to diminish their queerness, obviously bisexual stories are incredibly important regardless of the gender of the love interests, more just pointing out the sheer quantity of m/f love stories straight fans get to enjoy).
It absolutely sucks that we exist in a TV landscape where instead of being excited about what looks to be a delightful relationship between Francesca and Michaela we are instead mourning the loss of other another character's queer potential. It's absurd that we are so rarely allowed to have multiple sapphic characters (who aren't each other's love interest) on the same show - particularly because in real life queer people tend to flock together!
The feeling reminds me of being part of the 100 fandom nearly a decade ago. I distinctly remember when it was leaked that Clarke and Lexa were going to kiss. The sapphic side of the fandom were definitely very excited - but there was also this strange sense of dread too. I saw countless posts of people bemoaning that now that she was gay they were definitely going to kill her off - and they were right! Bury your gays was such a common trope that we could see it coming a mile off.
This has felt like a very similar reaction. Queer fans spend a lot of time dealing with subtext and are very good at recognising tropes and patterns, and we know that the chances of Netflix allowing one their tentpole shows to have two sapphic main characters is slim to none.
I hope we are wrong and things are changing for the better, I really do.
I think the best thing we can do now is swallow our disappointment and make sure we support Francesca/Michaela fiercely to prove that there is an audience for sapphic stories.
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lexavillanelle · 2 years
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avatrice + clexa lines
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kpforpresident · 1 year
Do plant shop clexa own any pets? What if Clarke brings home a kitten one day without telling Lexa because it was a stray? At first Lexa loves the kitten but quickly gets upset when she starts scratching, biting, and uprooting her plants
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"Clarke, no." Lexa cannot help the halfhearted, exasperated smile that pulls at the side of her mouth as her wide-eyed girlfriend inches forward tentatively with what looks like a very fuzzy lump of coal in her hands.
Clarke gestures wildly in protest at what she knows will be a defensive argument by her botanically inclined girlfriend, clearly going on the attack to prove her case as the teeny black kitten sails within an inch of Lexa's nose. Lexa goes cross eyed trying to examine the animal as she refocuses, Clarke now cradling the baby protectively into her chest as the kitten meows in protest at the roller-coaster treatment.
"Someone left her all alone in a box outside the studio, Lex. A box-! She has no siblings, nothing, just a tattered little towel-"
Lexa raises a hand halfheartedly to cut off Clarke's indignant rant that she senses gathering like thunderclouds behind stormy blue eyes. She pinches the bridge of her nose halfheartedly to ward off the stress headache that she could feel brewing behind her temple.
She had known it would be something like this when instead of the series of excited voice memos and anecdotes that usually blew up her phone after Clarke had excited her studio for the day, a solitary text with a You home, Lex? lighting up her phone as the sun started its graceful meander below the horizon. Lexa, having loved Clarke almost as long as she'd known her, had signed and poured herself a glass of whisky and settled in to wait for her impulsive girlfriend to arrive home, knowing that she had some unknown in store for her.
Which, as fate would have it, would turn out to be an art studio parking lot kitten.
A neon green gaze peers out from between Clarke's parted fingers, the little ball of soot that Clarke has now named Hiro drinking Lexa in with a keen gaze.
Clarke, sensing that the kitten was having its non-verbal say, wisely held her tongue as Lexa and Hiro stared at each other for a long moment.
Hiro inquires softy at Lexa, the soft chirp punctuated by an inky paw waving halfheartedly through the gap in Clarke's fingers in Lexa's general direction as the small creature becomes slightly more inquisitive.
A long, graceful finger bridges the gap to stroke the fluffy black fur. Clarke fidgets slightly but stays silent as bright blue eyes flick excitedly between Lexa's thoughtful hand and Hiro's tiny frame.
Silence stretches on for a long moment as Lexa softly dances her fingers across the rim of the whisky glass, thinking.
A rusty, quiet purring breaks the moment as Hiro arches into Clarke's hands, rubbing her slender face against Clarke's palm.
Lexa follows the interaction quietly with narrowed eyes, sighing as she drains the last of her whisky.
"Fine, bring her in. But she gets a bath first thing, do you hear me, Clarke? And she's going to have to learn not to chomp any of my plants- do you hear that, Hiro? You have to be good, do you hear-"
Clarke, grinning from ear to ear, sails past Lexa with her miniature void in hand, Hiro rumbling contentedly as Clarke smacks a grateful kiss onto Lexa's cheek before running inside.
Clarke pretends not to notice when Lexa starts snuggling Hiro after long days at the shop, Hiro tucking up into Lexa's lap contentedly while she reads, small paws moving neatly as she kneads Lexa's thigh.
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bababaka · 1 year
Part 3 - Clexa x reader headcannons
This got longer that i wanted to :)
Lol at this point really this feels more like the bones of a fic that i was too lazy to elaborate. Oh wait. It is exactly that. Enjoy.
Part 2
Warnings: Violence. Nothing too explicit. And self deprecating thoughts :)
- An internal war was brewing. Azgeda against the coalition. Against Lexa.
- Lexa needed help. Clarke's help.
- A coup was happening. There were infiltrators amongst her people trying to undermine Lexa. Saying she wasn't the true commander. Not fit to lead. Not loyal to their ways. Weak.
- She needed you.
- Days later, you got a visitor. Though, it wasn't who you were expecting.
- Clarke? Yes. Lexa? She would have to eventually face you. Now, Adrien? Well, you couldn't hold the tears when you saw the blond teenager.
- "Adrien!"
- "Sorry for the delay, they wouldn't let me pass."
- You laughed while you sniffed and tried to clean you tears.
"And now they did?"
- "Not really" he shrugged. At seeing your raised eyebrow, he smiled cheekly. "I have my ways."
- You would be lying if you said you weren't a little bit proud.
- "What have you come here for?"
- "What do you mean? I came to see you!"
- You almost burst into tears.
- You cheer up, though. And ask him about how he was doing. And he tells you, in a boyish way. Something that he only ever did in front of you or Lexa.
- It always warms you heart to see him that way. Relaxed, free to be the kid he was, without the weight of his destiny as a natblida.
- He asks you about your time. And you try your damn best to make him laugh. You are sucessful.
- "Oh! You were with the Wanheda! Yeah! Lexa introduced me to her once. She seems smart."
- You smile. "She is very smart."
- You get confused though. Lexa was very protective of Adrien.
- "Why, Why did she introduce you two?"
- You didn't know much about Lexa and Clarke's relationship. Sure, you were there at the beginning, but not much after.
- So you were suspicious at the very least.
- Clarke forgave Lexa. And, apparently, Lexa trusted Wanheda enough to introduce her to Adrien.
- To you, that was telling a lot.
- "She wanted me to promise to Clarke when i become Heda i'd protect the skaikru."
- "What? Why would she want that? Why would she do that? She's not dead! Nor is going to die! We're not in the middle of a war or something? Are we? How long have i been here? Is Lexa in danger? Does she need help? I have to leave this cell! I have to make sure she doesn't get hurt!"
- You were spiraling. Adrien needed a few tries to get you to breath.
- "Heda is fine! She's not in danger! She's okay!"
- She's okay. She's okay.
- Adrien doesn't stay long after that. He was going to be caught if he didn't leave soon.
- Lexa doesn't take much longer to come to you.
- "Heda" you tilt your head in respect.
- She stays in silence and positions herself right in front of you. Head held high, arms behind her back just like the disciplined leader she was.
- You wait for her. You give her time.
- And while she was in silence trying to not break your neck or something, you make an assessment of her.
- She was in her clothes of Heda. No guards behind her.
- No injuries either. Good.
- Her hair was in it's usual style. Her green eyes seemed to shine a little brighter. Her shoulders weren't as heavy.
- Clarke, you presumed. Somehow, Clarke was helping Lexa. Just like the way she helped you.
- Days i couldn't get out of bed, she was there. I hope she is there for you and you are there for her.
- You heart then seemed to ache.
- You realize. Shit. Wait...
- You saw them in the beginning. And you could sense now. They are together, aren't they?
- You are happy for them. They deserve eachother. No one was more deserving.
- "Love is weak." but you could bet their love could conquer the world.
- As i would for you.
- A selfish part of you wanted them to you. To be with them.
- You knew you felt something for Clarke.
And though your relationship with Lexa was complicated, you couldn't not care for her. For the both of them.
- You just wish for more. To be more.
- But, that's impossible. You would do them no good.
- You were a spy. An assassin. A traitor.
- You look at the now frowning Heda. You betrayed and almost killed Lexa.
- At somepoint, maybe, you would've done the same to Clarke.
- Yes. They deserve eachother, and you belonged nowhere.
- A traitor the Ice Nation and the coalition. A traitor to Lexa.
- Your chest felt like it was squeezing. You couldn't hold the heavy and defeaning gaze of the Heda.
- So, you spoke.
- "Are you going to speak? Have you came here to just look at me and bask in my misery? Or do you have something important to say? Perphaps my death sentence."
- "Do you want your death? Do you think you deserve to live after what you've done?"
- For some reason, Clarke's words come to you.
- "We all make mistakes, Heda. I can't erase mine, so i shall take the consequences. Whatever you deem suitable, i will take it. If i have to die, then so be it. Just get to it."
- Lexa stays quiet at that. This time, not for long.
- "You will have a... Second chance... To prove yourself."
- You weren't expecting that. People from earth weren't... Merciful. Neither was Lexa. Not for something like treason. You still remembered Gustus.
- It seemed like that wasn't the case anymore.
- "How... How do want me to prove myself?"
- "Doing what you are acquainted with. Spying."
- You understand then. You are not getting second chance. No. You are going to serve Lexa, to be used and then discarded.
- She doesn't tell you anything more. She just calls for the guards and they just... Open you cell.
- You knew she said you'd be in probation, still, you were shocked.
- "Do you remember how to walk?" Lexa says, looking at you over her shoulder when you don't follow her. "or have you grown attached to your cell?"
- You shake yourself from your stupor.
- You go to the throne room(?) and there she is, Clarke.
- You give her a smile, though it weakens when you remember. You do her no good. You are only means to an end. A knive to help killing their enemies.
- You mean nothing. You can't. You won't.
- She notices your lack of enthusiasm. And that makes the bright smile on her face simmer down.
- You don't waste time on formalities or trivialities. You go straight to the point.
- They needed your help. Lexa needed your help.
- Lexa alongside Clarke explains everything.
- They make a great pair.
- People were trying to undermine Lexa's people and throw them against her.
- They were afraid of a coup. Of the other nations breaking the aliance and rebelling against Lexa and, most likely, joining Nia.
- When you realize Nia is alive, you don't really know what to do. Or feel. So you do your best to brush that aside.
- What you were needed to do was simple. You did things more dangerous and complicated. You needed to pretend to want to destroy Lexa, get into this little group and then report what you found out to Heda and Wanheda.
- Easy.
- "It will be done, Heda." you said serious.
- "Good."
- You never ran out of a room so fast.
Only maybe when you tried to kill your Heda.
- You just roam around. Not knowing just where to go. You didn't want to go back to your cell nor did you knew if could just get out.
- Everything felt awfully familliar.
- So familliar and yet so foreign. So out of place.
- Your mind was swelling with so many thoughts and your body with so many feelings. You felt like you could throw up.
- The bliss of solitude doesn't last long.
- Clarke reaches you.
- At first, she is silence. A very welcomed quiet.
- But all good things must come to an end.
- She asks how you are.
- You almost laugh at how ridiculous that felt. And almost tear up at how all seemed to bubble up in your throat, begging to be released, for you to throw up.
- You swallow, feeling a burning and acid in your throat.
- "I am ecstastic. I will be freed. How thrilling."
- "You used to be a much better liar than this."
- "Maybe you just used to be denser."
- "Maybe."
- She doesn't speak again. And for some dumb and sentimental reason, you felt yourself spilling words as if they were choking you.
- "There wasn't many people that knew me, truly know me. Just one. My... Friend. He was perceptive, but more than just that. He knew me."
- Ronan was like a brother to you.
- You grew up with no family, no friends. 
- Treated by everyone only as a weapon for the kingdom. Except Ronan.
- He trained alongside you.
- You were molded to be a ruthless assassin and he was molded to be an unstoppable warrior.
- You sometimes faced the same training or task.
- Learning how to move in a fight.
- Analyzing each and every types of weapons.
- Hunting wild animals.
- Torturing enemies.
- Killing comrades.
- On a task when you were 12 years old, you were released into the forest with the task of finding and then dueling each other.
- you were supposed to be silent, agile and deadly.
- He must be brute, merciless to attack and quick to defend.
- You found him, but he's the one who knocked you out.
- That day, in that way, he earned your respect.
- And somewhere along the way, you became… friends.
- And a year later, when he took the blame for stealing a loaf of bread for you, he became a brother.
- You watched the 13-year-old boy's punishment with horror.  But also with relief.
- It would have been you there.
- When asked why he took the whipping instead, he simply shrugged his shoulders and said:
"You're pretty skinny, I don't think you would have held up."
- At the time, he was the only person besides the queen you trusted.
-You missed him.
- Now, having also betrayed Queen Nia, you understood Ronan. Even if the tinniest bit.
- He had to save Costia. You only imagine how his failure must weight on him.
- You imagine if you had killed Lexa. And your stomach churns.
- Clarke tells you of Ronan. He was the one that kidnapped her.
- Of course. You should've known, but you were preocupied by something else. Like getting Clarke safe.
- "Is he... Is he still here? In Polis?"
- "I don't know. Maybe. Lexa must know."
- You didn't have the energy to talk to Lexa or to go after Ronan or do anything.
- You just wanted to sleep.
- You say your goodbyes to Clarke. You don't explain.
- You see that she's hesitant to let you alone, but doesn't push.
- Good. You really wanted some time to just be. And get a good long sleep.
- Not knowing whereelse to go, you go back to your cell.
- The guards were confused, but let you in regardless.
- You pay them no mind.
- You just... Lay in the hard cold ground. You were already used to that.
- You are going to be used. She wants you to do her dirty work to save herself.
- It turns out, despite all the sadness you felt, you didn't care all that much.
- As long as she is safe, you would be fine.
- As long as they are happy.
Part 4
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b0rtney · 4 months
9 people you would like to get to know better
BRO TY FOR TAGGING ME @bibookmerm i appreciate u <3333333
Hope it goes without saying, to everyone I tagged, no pressure if you find this annoying!
1. three ships: merthur (SORRY I KNOW IM LATE TO THAT PARTY LOL), clexa, and uhhhh honestly the coaches trio from ted lasso (ted/beard/roy). tbf i think 90% of that show is a complex polycule (and yes i WILL elaborate in a diff post)
2. first ever ship: nalu. yes. from fairy tail. yea.
3. last song: noel's lament from the cyclone musical (no i have not seen the musical but i DO wanna be that fucked up girl <3)
4. last movie: mamma mia (also late to that train but ITS SO GOOD WTF)
5. currently reading: Cant spell treason without tea by rebecca thorne (also bibookmerm im using ur reading list as a reclist so ty <3)
6. currently eating: not enough........ ill go make a snack after this XD steak?? i managed to get like 35-50 lbs of it thru TSA so may as well enjoy!!
7. currently watching: ted lasso. (-:[3 (thats ted in a cowboy hat)
9. tagging: @cosmicjoke @swordlesbean @virisable @pendragon1996 @rainbowrider1290 @bestrongbebrave49
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mangeur-detoiles · 3 days
1, 36, and 37 for the gif ask game? 👀💕
Thank you for your questions. Before answering, I'd like to tell you again how much I enjoy your fics. Your Kacy Hunger Games AU is amazing and very inspiring.
How did you get into graphics / gif making?
I became interested in graphics and gif-making when I joined the Clexa fandom and Tumblr a few years ago. Here's my first gifset. I was sooooo into clexa and I wanted to contribute to the community and express my enthusiasm. Unfortunately, I'm not very good at writing, so I decided to create gifs and graphics instead.
36. Graphic makers, how do you get started on a graphic? (How do you get an idea!)
I get ideas from basically everything, lol. It could be a quote, an analysis someone wrote about a character or a scene, a color, or a picture... For example, this set came from the first gif. I love Whistler's look, her profile, her hair, everything about it. I wanted to create something with it. I made a list of what I felt or thought while watching it. Several weeks later, I associated it with a quote. Choosing the other scenes was easy. I selected the effects (fading from black and white to colors, red border, etc.) to illustrate Kate's evolution from a sad and isolated place to a happy and loved one.
Regardless of the starting point, the most crucial part for me is always translating ideas and feelings into visual elements such as colors, effects, and fonts. Most of the time, the solutions come out of nowhere, often when I let my mind wander (sorry, not very useful for other gifmakers :(
I hope this answers your question and makes sense! :-P
37. Gif/graphic makers, what do you feel is a must in every gif/graphic?
Tough question.
I believe that achieving the right balance and using the correct color shades are essential. When feelings and ideas are conveyed effectively, even without the use of many colors or effects, the result can be stunning and impactful. All the gifs in the set should complement each other to create overall harmony.
I'm very sensitive to colors. I changed the shade of Kate's shirt in a few gifsets, like this one, because I couldn't stand the original color. It's a very personal preference :)
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
Thanks for answering my ask.....if you don't mind me asking (again), who are your favorite romantic relationship's couples in books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series (can be canon or non-canon)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
Hi! Thanks for another fun ask! I actually have one post up about some of my favorite OTPs from books from a little while ago. All are canon couples from book series. But you can find that here in this post:
But why would I NOT take the chance to share more OTPs that I love, especially if I can dip into some of my favorite non canon ships too and now ive got some new ones and from other media as well. 🤣 the limitations of only 10 though is always hard. Here are another 10 of my current favorite ships I obsess over. I won't include any from the post above though even though I'm still in love with ALL of them too. Some of my favorite couples, 10 of them, in no particular order:
Victuuri (Yuri On Ice, Anime)
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I watched this anime and fell in love with it and their chaotic but adorable and sweet relationship SO HARD. And the relationship is right there in canon which is SO NICE to see in anime where it's just another small portion of their lives. The way they are both obsessed with each other too 😍
Edwin and Royai (FMAB, Anime)
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Both canon. Royai is canon, argue with the wall! Lol I guess Royai is like half canon, but whatever. Explicit confirmation is not needed to know those 2 are married. Ed and Winry are the peak childhood friends to lovers arc in the most adorable. Plus she is a badass mechanic. HIS badass mechanic. The way their love grew organically is adorable and so sweet. They take such good care of each other. And Royai are the epitome of a married couple. They also are both so equally badass and have such infinite and complete trust in each other?? It's AMAZING. The way they literally trust each other with their lives and their mental well being. The way Roy literally trusts her to be his eyes when needed also? He literally calls her his queen. I love them so much
Clexa (The 100, TV Show)
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CANON yet they did us dirty with the bury your gays trope. But like the "I'm only soft for you" bullshit they had going on. UGH I ate it up so hard. Lol they are both such extreme badasses, morally Grey anti heroes. OF COURSE THEIR RELATIONSHIP WAS INTENSELY PERFECT TOO! I love the bellarke ship with the best of them too, but out of all Clarke's relationships, the best and my favorite will always be with Lexa. She loved her SO MUCH and the way Lexa always protected her 😭
SasuNaru (Naruto, Anime)
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Not canon, I know, but I'm obsessed with the ship anyway because it SHOULDVE BEEN CANON. I could write whole essays over how painfully gay and queer coded these 2 are. Canonically soulmates and everything. Lol their characters and their relationship was the most flushed out in the show and therefore, them being shipped together just makes sense. Especially with how homoromantic and angsty half the shit they did was.
Shakadolin (Stormlight Archive, Book)
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Not canon, but the author said it would've been in a different timeline and that even in the current on, Adolin and Shallan (the Canon couple) probably would've been willing to go for it. Lol you can't convince me otherwise thay they aren't both lowkey in love with Kaladin. They invite him to be their bodygaurd on all their dates for a reason! 😂
HuaLian (TGCF, Donghua)
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I've read these books for the first time recently and now these 2 live rent free. Like honestly, the OBSESSION with each other. The adorableness. The respectfulness of boundaries. The ICONIC one liners dropped. The do anything cross any line be wherever you need devotion. The way one of them is the sweetest human alive and the other embodies the "I hate everyone but you" trope. Lol the awkwardness of the positions they find themselves in. The jealousy of each other that they make up themselves. Lol the slow burn is painful!! It's been literally 800 years just tell each other you love each other and get married!!!!
So many ATLA ships lol but I love a good Zukka, Sukka, Zutara, Kataang, Korrasami, Rangshi, Suzukki as my ot3 love too lol (TV Show)
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There is a good mix of canon and non canon ships here lol what can I say, I'm easy to please! But I will say that it speaks to my Sapphic soul in the best way that the wlw ships are CANON! Thank you ATLA universe for that blessing. And they are canon in the most amazing of ways. Korrasami will always be my favorite. The bi icons those girls are and they way they are EVERYTHING and are so freaking sweet and cute and BADASS.
Solangelo (PJO, Book)
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Loves of my life, this relationship is grumpy x sunshine trope personified. They are so sweet, so cute, so perfect for each other it hurts. I clearly have a dynamic I love here. Lol because they are also both insanely badass. Plus the ghost king who controls death and his medic doctor boyfriend? Yes please. Literally made for each other and the way they help each other heal and be happy 🥺
The Iron Triangle, aka Yizhi, Shimin, and Zetian (Iron Widow, Book)
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Love triangles done correctly and ended perfectly, aka bisexually. Lol to quote the author, "Iron Widow is just 400 pages of Zetian and Shimin suffering nonstop while Yizhi has the most bisexual time of his life." Lmfao. They are the morally Grey anti heros and lowkey villains in love badass scifi/fantasy cast of characters who ALL fall in love with each other and are only stronger for it. And it's a true triangle, where all 3 are in love and feel more complete for it. There is no choosing.
Darrow & Virigina, and Sevro & Victra (Red Rising, Book)
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Unhinged characters falling in love. What could be better. They both match energies so well, bring out the best in each other and fight so hard for each other or sometimes fight each other too. These books are so good, but so brutal. Lol the relationships follow suit. But I freaking LOVE them. I cried so much reading it all and yet I'm obsessed and have been since I first read them. It'll probably never stop.
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userlaylivia · 2 years
I’m sorry to say this but season 7 was definitely canon. The show’s writers wrote it, it aired, that’s kinda what canon is.
Oh also did you see the results for you most popular poll?? It for a whopping 458 votes and almost 23 of them were for bellarke!!
well it isn't canon to me because in no world would clarke kill bellamy, people have to be smoking crack to believe that she couldn't do it in S4! And also fyi bellarke we're supposed to be endgame but jroth did a 180 at the last moment and did that shit storm instead!! also if you hate what I have to say so much don't go.on my blog! I'm bellarke until the day I die!! I did like clexa too but they don't compare at all to bellarke!
and um so???? it wasn't most popular ships lol it was which of my otps do you prefer and idgaf how many votes they had they still won lol and a lot of bellarke shippers were disappointed in S7 so left the fandom! it doesn't mean their not still the most popular! idek why you care honestly it's my blog I can do what I want!!
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clarkegriffins · 2 years
AGREED!!!!! <3 if he ever actually paid attention to his own writing he'd know there's ZERO chance clarke would ever kill bellamy!! it doesn't matter if he wasn't on the same side as her or she was protecting madi it wouldn't happen in a million years!! she couldn't shoot him in S4 it made zero sense that she could kill him!! the fact is he's spiteful and doesn't know anything about writing a good tv show!! he told them to play bellarke romantically and said they were supposed to be endgame then does a 180!! no wonder bob and eliza are still ANGRY ugh sorry I just saw your reply and had to say this lol <3
i’m always here for people shitting on the numbers finale, the thing about clarke, even as her BIGGEST apologist, is not even about bellarke not happening, i think jroth/writers never knew how to write her completely, since season 1, my girl suffered bc of bad writing since the beginning, like lets start with Wells, her childhood best friend, who in the books are kind of one of the most important people in her life (besides bellamy) he died and she mourned his death FOR ONLY ONE EPISODE, and never talked about him again, HER CHILDHOOD BEST FRIEND, and then there’s finn, she fell in love with him and had to give him a merciful death to protect him from the grounders, she had trauma for a few eps, at least on that jroth was consistent just for a bit, and then she never mentioned him/or this trauma again, and then there’s lexa.......... i’m not clexa’s biggest stan but we saw that she really loved/cared about her, i’ll never say otherwise, and she ofc rightfully mourned her after she died, but then they dragged this mourning out for SEASONS bc of fanservice, and i’m sorry but for me that’s inconsistent and annoying as fuck, since she mourned a whole day for her CHILDHOOD BEST FRIEND, but here we go, then there’s bellamy........... we saw many times how clarke would rather the human race to go extinct before killing bellamy, she would rather let her mother die before killing/hurting bellamy, doesn’t matter if u saw them as romantic or platonic, one thing we agree is that she could NEVER kill him, like never... he was one of the most important people in clarke’s life and then she kills him bc of nonsense???? a book????? that she didn’t even get??????? if u squint REALLYYYYYYYYYYYYY hard lets say it was to save madi, and then she cries for a minute and then she doesn’t care anymore........even tho all the seasons before s7 told us many times how bellamy’s death would break clarke..... and then there’s madi............... oh god, madi died clarke cried, and then after a little while she was fine and just crying about how she just didn’t want to be alone and boom the alien dressed as lexa (seriously WTF) took her to her “”””friends”””” and shes all happy happy, like fuck her dead best friend, fuck her own daughter, shes all happy happy bc shes not alone alone.............. clarke is a great character and had many amazing and well written scenes, she’s a really good main character who sacrificed much for her friends/family/people, but i would be lying if i said that sometimes the writers were lazy with her writing....she deserved better. 
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sassymajesty · 6 months
hi nina i'm so sad about something so stupid lol. i got a friend to watch the 100 and they have been messaging me about it as they watch and there have been 0 comments about clexa. and idk it just feels off that they would so categorically refuse to talk about the obvious reason why i wanted them to watch the show and idk i guess it's stupid to be hurt by it but it just felt like a rejection of my identity as well yk it feels too deliberate :(
oh man, i'm sorry! it really sucks when you recommend something to someone because of on thing and they seem to not care. i know it's hard not to take it personally
maybe they didn't like the dynamic or one of them, the ship just wasn't their cup of tea, and they didn't want to hurt your feelings because they know how important they are for you. if we're giving them some grace, you know
i'm sorry it's taken me so long to answer, but did they talk to you about clexa in these past few weeks?
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butmakeitgayblog · 5 months
I’m curious… where were you first introduced to writing/reading fanfiction? was it Tumblr, Fanfiction.net, Wattpad, AO3; etc?
I actually found fanfic.net first and then wattpad but ff.net was pretty much my main source until I stumbled across AO3 and never looked back. Literal geniuses are on that site, i dont understand it.
(sorry if you’ve already answered this question in the past. I’ve been following your blog for a while but I just started to come out of hiding anonymously 😅)
Heyo yeah I love that you're coming off anon 🤗 I love anons believe me I do, but it's also a lot of fun putting a url to a question and just knowing there's someone real behind the sunglasses lol so yeah, glad to see ya 💕
Anyway, oof this is gonna age me, but actually my first foray into fanfic was back on old forum ship sites. Reading only, I never even considered writing. I think ff.net was around at the time, and I might've read a few things here and there, maybe?, but I don't think I did because I genuinely don't remember it.
Tbh I was just a wee little lesbian in the midwest who was filled with a lot of gay emotions and not sure where to go about all of it. And at the time I was a huge Buffy fan, specifically Willara 👀 and so I mostly just stumbled upon and read fics that were posted to Willara specific forums. Like my stupid ass would just search "willow and tara" and see what came up in a general search 🥴. Ah, it was a different time then... So yeah. There was one I frequented A Lot called something really cringy like The Lion The Witch and The Bad Wardrobe I think? Looking back now, some objectively bad fic lol, but there were some gems that kept my little 12-15yo ass in a chokehold.
So imagine my surpise as an adult in her mid-late 20s falling in love with Clexa and idly thinking one day, "Huh. I wonder if anyone still writes any of that weird fan story stuff that I used to read as a kid, only for Clexa... Lemme see" and then discovering the glorious treasure that is AO3 and bam here we are
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sisternyx · 1 year
GIRL there is no way you wrote for the 100 i am deceased
I feel like I had to have seen your blog at some point I can't tell you how much Clexa I consumed good Lordt. That took me back. Please please tell me where
LIV!!!! HAHAHAHA I am so sorry I let this sit in my inbox. Mobile has been a piece of shit
Oh the way I WROTE for the 100 lmaooo. But like strictly bellarke so idk if you would've read. If you remember my url I'm going to jump off a cliff. I was forestbellarke 🙃 but I deleted everything like five years ago lol. kind of sad I didn't keep it bc I would love to see what all the homies are up to. I've been working on such a long TLOU fic though and I can see all of my old bellarke docs so technically they aren't gone. maybe if I get drunk one night I'll be brave enough to read them
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