#sorry one of my friends is re-watching dr who and mentioned it
swiftyangx12 · 10 months
Great. The “In-Laws”
[Synopsis]: Just a fellow Spider settling some familial “quarrel” on behalf of their “friend”.
[Note]: Arachnis’ pronouns are They/Them
[(A/N)]: Happy Thanksgiving to anyone who celebrates the holiday.
[(A/N #2)]: I can’t properly write a fic during most times, but I can write script-type dialogues. (Also re-read and edited most of everything.)
[TW]: Threatening, attempted elimination, cursing, family conflict…Let me know if I missed any other warnings to add in.
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[Earth-928, Nueva York]
Arachnis, from Earth-2020-6-2: *Following the address on their phone* I hope this is the right place…
[As Arachnis turn to the next corner, they spot a middle-aged lady standing in front of Miguel’s apartment.]
Arachnis: *Spider sense triggered* Excuse me, ma’am? Are you looking for someone?
Conchata: I’m waiting for my son. I need him for an emergency.
Arachnis: Oh! I’m also looking for someone who resides here.
Conchata: I see. What is your name?
Arachnis: I’m Dr. Wei Liu. A scientist working for another lab.
Conchata: *Scanning over them* You don’t seem like one.
Arachnis: I’m on break. May I also ask for your name?
Conchata: Conchata O’Hara.
Arachnis: *Expression darken* I knew it. So you’re Conchata O’Hara. Wow. LYLA described you as something bad and seeing you in person is much worse than I thought.
Conchata: *Taken aback and scoffs* How do you know my son’s A.I. assistant?
Arachnis: Because I’m his friend. Now, why do you need to see him? Hm? You seem hostile towards me, indicating you don’t want suspicion happening for a witness to discover. Too bad. I’m not letting you nor any other family members with ill intentions have permission to see Miguel.
Conchata: I’m his mother and I can see my own son whenever I want to.
Arachnis: Really? Hmm… *Pulls out their Karambit and twirls it around* Then why haven’t you tried reaching out to Miguel all this time? Sure, you may have been busy, but do you have the encouragement and time to engage any form of contact with him?
Conchata: …
Arachnis: Of course you haven’t. Only your other son, Gabriel had tried to encourage you to mend things with his brother and you do have enough time to pick up your phone but didn’t bother one bit.
Conchata: Some things came up-
Arachnis: No BS-ing on my watch, you narcissistic shrew. Like earlier, you need something from him. Money? His valuable time? Maybe his vulnerability. *Stalks over her*
Conchata: *Backs up against a wall* You don’t know anything and have no right to intrude our family business.
Arachnis: *Glares at Conchata* You have no right to intrude Miguel’s life. Why don’t you leave him and Gabriel alone before I decide to bite your head off.
Conchata: You can’t threaten-
Arachnis: *Presses their Karambit blade against her neck*
Conchata: *Chokes on her own breath in fear*
Arachnis: You need to listen, Conchata. I may be a scientist, but I work with people who are more dangerous and capable of finding your address. *Presses the blade further in her neck*
Conchata: D-Don’t kill me…
Arachnis: Oh, don’t worry. You won’t die… *Retracts their knife away* Yet.
Conchata: *Gasps for air* Yet?
Arachnis: Remember my words. You dare come near Miguel and Gabriel again, I’ll bite your head off clean. This warning is especially going to that evil son of a bitch you screwed with years ago. Now leave.
Arachnis: *Quiet than usual* …
Miguel: Wei, you’re more quiet than usual.
Arachnis: Your mother was here.
Miguel: *Stiffens from the mention of her* What?
Arachnis: Miguel, I don’t know what she wanted from you but I scared her away since my Spider sense was triggered by her presence.
Miguel: Qué Maravilla. She didn’t hurt you, right?
Arachnis: No, I’m good…LYLA explained most of your family history as she told me if I wanted to have our partnership to continue further, I should understand the severity of your personal life.
Miguel: Damn it, LYLA. You didn’t tell me this after her?
Arachnis: I’m sorry, Miguel. I thought I should let you explain when you’re ready. It’s your private matters and would have been appropriate for you to address this yourself.
Miguel: Wei, you should still tell me about this.
Arachnis: I know, but with you leading the society and maintaining the Multiverse from falling apart, I didn’t want to burden anything with this information.
Miguel: You need to tell me these things and you shouldn’t know about them now.
Arachnis: I’m always here to listen and understand what everything was thrown at you. Especially protecting you from dangers you can’t sense them coming.
Miguel: *Sighs* I know. I can handle this. Just promise you tell me everything that’s crucial.
Arachnis: *Nods* I won’t break it. You also need to promise when you’re ready, tell the full story about everything in complete honesty. I’ll be by your side, even if I have to pause mid-missions for the protocol.
Miguel: *Chuckles a little* You’re crazy…“Yet thoughtful”…Did you show her your fangs?
Arachnis: No. Just my eyes, and the knife.
Miguel: You and that knife.
Arachnis: I don’t want to waste my venom in people like Conchata. 15 minutes isn’t enough for her to suffer.
Miguel: Too far, Wei.
Arachnis: Sorry. I don’t want my future partner to be bothered by annoying family members.
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railingsofsorrow · 5 months
chapter III | admonitio
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summary: “Why would you be a suspect, Doctor Valencia?” Agent Prentiss closed the file she had been reading for the past ten minutes to intertwine her fingers on top of the manila folder. Her eyes scanned Iris with a neutral expression. It made Iris so frustrated that she never let any emotion show. She could see — practically feel — Spencer's concern but Agent Prentiss was a huge question mark for her.  
“You don't have to call me that.” Iris looked away from her gaze. She hated it when people addressed her by her honorific. Yes, she was intimidated. How would she not be? “Iris is fine and I don't know, maybe because I've been stuck in here through the entire night and you don't tell me what's going on?” 
w.c: 2.4K
warnings/contents: language; interrogation; (implied) claustrophobia; toxic relationships; discussions of infidelity; discussions of domestic abuse; non-graphic violence (mentioned); blood; anxiety.
A/N: and the plot thickens. . .
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The sounds in the interrogation room didn't reach her ears until a deep voice brought her back to reality. The first thing she was able to see clearly was a glass of water, small droplets traveled down the cup. The outline of her lips stained the glass and she could see it because of the reflection against the light.  
She had a sip of water a minute ago. Maybe an hour. Iris wasn't quite aware of how much time she had spent in that grey soulless room with two people entering and leaving. First, a blonde woman, Jennifer, who asked if she was okay and brought her the glass of water. Her voice reminded her of a soft blanket on a cold night. Secondly, Hotchner, who carried a stern expression with his brows pulled slightly. Iris didn't mean to think he wasn't gentle too, but she had watched enough crime shows to know there was a dynamic of good cop and bad cop and it was clear which was who from the two. 
The fluorescent lights made her head pang painfully. She had not slept or rested since the nightmare began. And she was thirsty, but she found herself unable to grab the glass of water right in front of her due to her shaky hands. She was sure that if she did, it would topple over the table and cause a mess. That was the last thing she needed to do in front of an FBI Agent.  
Agent Hotchner called her name one more time. 
"Sorry," Iris closed her hands into fists and slowly unclenched them. She felt less numb, but her brain wasn't cooperating as she would like. Focus, Iris. "Can you—can you repeat that? I wasn't... paying attention. I'm sorry." 
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"She's still in shock."  
"Of course she is! There is nothing more terrifying than walking into your home to find a threatening message written in... ugh, blood. This is so 1996." 
JJ frowned confused. "Why 1996?" 
Penelope let out a heavy sigh through the line. "Because, my beautiful and shiny friend, it was the year for Slasher movies. Now, I'm sure boy genius there can tell you all about the horror sub-genre later on but I have some news regarding Dr. Valencia." 
Rossi glanced at Spencer out of the corner of his eye, he still hadn't moved an inch from his position. He was too focused on the questioning to notice his name was being mentioned. The crossed arms and tensed shoulders weren't a strange body reaction during an investigation, but if there was one thing that Rossi could point out, it was that the kid's gaze kept glued to only one person ever since she arrived at the precinct. He wasn't sure why yet, but he would find out. 
"Go ahead, Garcia. Fill us in." Rossi requested, turning back to the discussion. 
“Yeah, so. Iris Adley Valencia. She has a BMed in Medical Studies and a PhD in Microbiology — giving you a run for your money, boy wonder — which is what she teaches at NSU. Oh, and look at that, she recently turned 31! Anyway—” 
“Recently?” Spencer piped in for the first time in a while. The three other people in the room gave him odd looks. He cleared his throat, shrugging. 
“... here's what's interesting. Mark Dawson is a hotshot lecturer. He travels all over the world to give lectures about genetics and stuff, besides working as a professor at NSU. Now, remember that I tell you that he's a hotshot, right? Well, I happen to have found out that his last name is actually very important. His mother is a retired successful lawyer and his dad, god bless him, worked in the same area. The whole family are huge investors in medical devices—” 
“Garcia, does he have anything to do with Iris?” 
“I'm getting there!” Penelope huffed about Rossi being impatient. “Okay, so as I was saying. His family is influential, he is influential... keep that in mind. Now, about Iris. She graduated early and kept studying all her life. She officially became a professor at NSU three years ago. But what I was getting at is that Iris and Mark were involved not very long ago. Engaged, actually. They actually became headlines on the news.” The incessant tapping of her keyboard echoed through the line.  
“There is no ring on her finger,” JJ observed, confused.  
“They broke it off, apparently. And Iris filed a report of domestic abuse against him a year ago, but she withdrew her charges. It never even became a case. But guys, she wasn't the only one. As of now, I have found four women who filed reports against Mark Dawson but it never moved forward.” 
“You think his family did something to cover it up.” JJ looked up when Spencer made the comment. 
“Most likely.” She sighed, mumbling something under her breath. “I've sent you the archived reports. I do not want to look at these pictures anymore. Aaaaand, one more thing. Fabian Helley. The kid went through hell ever since he entered NSU. There are pictures and videos in which he's being bullied by a group of guys. They are all over these kids' social media, it's like they don't even care!” 
“Was Iris involved in any way?” JJ asked, trying to find a reason for the cryptic message written in blood left on Iris Valencia's apartment door last night. 
“No, but she did appear in one of the videos asking the group to stop harassing Fabian. That's what I have for now, guys.” 
“Thank you, Pen.”  
“PG out.”  
Rossi sighed. “It doesn't make any sense for Helley to be on the run and then come back to make a direct threat towards Valencia. Not if she wasn't involved.” 
JJ nodded, “it doesn't seem like she turned a blind eye to it, either.”  
“According to Dawson's statement, we should investigate Helley because he was attached to Iris,” Rossi pondered as Hotch entered the room.  
Spencer watched as Iris nervously fidgeted on the other side of the two-way mirror. He couldn't imagine how uncomfortable she must have been feeling being interrogated through the entire night. She hadn't slept, or eaten anything.  
“Morgan and Prentiss are following the last address where Fitz’s credit card was used.” Hotch alerted them while pushing his phone back on his suit. His permanent frown deepened as he glanced at a distressed Iris on the other side of the room. “The place is one hour away from Valencia's neighborhood and the credit card was used ten minutes before in a grocery store. Helley didn't write that message.” 
“Someone left the flowers and the card to look like he did it,” Spencer concluded, folding his arms across his chest. His jaw clenched in anticipation.  
Hotch nodded, “we profiled that they are a team.” 
“They wouldn't split up right now,” Rossi added. 
“You think someone is framing this kid?”  
“Framing or no framing, he is not innocent, as much as she believes that,” his attention drifts back to his vibrating cell phone. Prentiss popping up on the screen. “But someone is taking advantage of his outburst to use it in their favor.” 
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“Sorry to keep you waiting.”  
Iris blinked out of her daydream to watch two different people enter the interrogation room. A good-looking brunette dressed in a red tank top shirt and a dark blazer who was also at the university for the investigation a day prior, she couldn't remember her name. Honestly, Iris was too tired to be remembering people. And Spencer, who was wearing a light brown sweater vest on top of a white button-up. If Iris wasn't so exhausted she might have found that cute, especially because of the Converse as a choice for shoes. He's got a unique sense of style. 
However, the only thing in her mind was that there was a huge possibility that the FBI thought she was a suspect and that was why they had not let her go yet. She was telling the truth, but that didn't matter if they didn't think so. Should she request a lawyer? Should she stop talking? But she's telling the truth! She doesn't need a lawyer if she's telling the truth, right? And why would she even be a suspect— what if they thought she had made up the blood message at her door? Is that what they were thinking— 
“Do you need a minute?”  
She inhaled sharply, retracting her hands from the table as quickly as her spine straightened. Her brain was almost shortcut when the slightest of warmth approached her skin to touch her.  
Her therapist said that signs of trauma can manifest in different situations, even non-threatening ones. Post-traumatic stress disorder is a mental illness she has dealt with ever since the end of her last relationship. The symptoms she experiences may bring up a response in which she's not fully conscious of, like flinching.  
The innocent of touches from a stranger can drive Iris to have flashbacks running through her mind. Even if, consciously, Iris knew the person in front of her wouldn't purposely harm her. Especially because of his heartbroken gaze upon seeing her flinch.  
“I'm fine,” Iris replied to his question as the Agent beside him watched their exchange. “Sorry, I didn't get your name, Agent...” 
“Prentiss,” The brunette said with a small smile. Right, this must be Emily Prentiss. “We'd like to ask you a few questions if you don't mind.” 
“I've said everything I know about what happened, I'm sorry if it wasn't helpful—” 
Emily shook her head, “no, no, it was very helpful, but what we want to know is regarding Mark and Meredith's relationship.”  
Iris's dark brows pulled in confusion, “what do you mean? Meredith was part of his study group, that's all.” Relationship? What did that mean?  
Spencer and Agent Prentiss shared a glance, which made Iris shift in her seat uncomfortably. What did they know that she didn't? Iris had to stop herself from thinking the wildest things.  
“So they met each other in this study group? As well as Fabian Helley?” 
“Was he her professor in any other classes?” 
“No. Only in the study group. What... What is this about?” Iris was antsy for being out of the loop. What were they insinuating? “Look, I know I'm a suspect and I understand that you're trying to investigate the people around me but—” 
“Why would you be a suspect, Doctor Valencia?” Agent Prentiss closed the file she had been reading for the past ten minutes to intertwine her fingers on top of the manila folder. Her eyes scanned Iris with a neutral expression. It made Iris so frustrated that she never let any emotion show. She could see — practically feel — Spencer's concern but Agent Prentiss was a huge question mark for her.  
“You don't have to call me that.” Iris looked away from her gaze. She hated it when people addressed her by her honorific. Yes, she was intimidated. How would she not be? “Iris is fine and I don't know, maybe because I've been stuck in here through the entire night and you don't tell me what's going on?” 
“You haven't asked for a lawyer.” 
Spencer gave his coworker a glare as his jaw clenched. This had been a bold comment. Emily likes playing games during questioning, he knows that, but he’d really rather she wouldn't be like that today.  
Iris's lips parted. They stayed like that, staring at each other in stunned silence for quite some time until Spencer cleared his throat. 
“I didn't think I needed one,” Iris confessed. “I'm— I'm telling you the truth.” 
“Then how come you haven't mentioned anything about Mark's extracurricular activities?”  
Two pictures were placed in front of her. Then two more.  
Iris clenched her hands and unclenched them several times. 
“Do you know what this is, Iris?” 
“Emily,” Spencer said quietly, a warning, carefully watching Iris’ reaction. She didn't know. She didn't know any of this. 
“Were you aware that your fiancee was having an affair with one of your students?” Emily pointed at a picture of a red-haired girl and a dirty blonde guy too close to be friends. Those images weren't blurred, on the contrary, the resolution was so fucking good that Iris wanted to burn her eyes out. “Did those study group sessions last a whole night sometimes?” 
Iris shook her head, standing up from the chair at once as she started pacing through the room.  
“How many times has he lied to you, Iris?” Emily carried on, ignoring Spencer's nagging at her side. “How many times did he say he was somewhere when he actually wasn't?” 
“You can stop.” Iris snapped, rubbing her eyes harshly as she tried to get a grip on herself. She couldn't. Not right now. She needed to get out. The room was too small and closed for her liking. “You think I'm trying to defend him?” She turned towards the BAU Agent with an edge to her tone. Iris didn't know whether she wanted to cry or scream. “I'm not. I have no reason to. This— What does this have anything to do with the blood on my fucking apartment door? You think my ex-fiance's infidelity is connected to someone who's threatening me? Or, better yet! To the mass poisoning that I thought is what you were here for. Why on earth are you asking me about Mark of all people?” 
“We think he might have a connection to Fabian and Meredith.”  
Both spun around to look at Spencer, who walked right into the line of fire. He was extremely uncomfortable with the tension rising each second, but he wasn't so sure it was wise to interrupt it. Emily was the one giving him a warning look now. 
She's not responsible for any of this. He tried to tell her with his eyes. He knew it from the start. Call it a gut feeling, but his intuition was 95% of the time correct, he wouldn't stop trusting his judgment now.  
Iris Valencia was innocent and he would make sure to dig out anything that proved that. 
“He may be targeting you and using the situation as a cover-up—” 
“Reid,” Emily insisted in exasperation just as someone barged into the room.  
A woman with long blonde hair held the door open, glaring at both of the Agents as Iris gave her a dumbstruck look. “Not another word, Iris.”  
“And who are you?” Emily straightened herself, eyes narrowing at the intruder interrupting their questioning. 
“Imogen Dawson.” The woman responded, crossing her arms. She was impatiently waiting for Iris to follow her, but she was stuck in the same corner of the room as if she had seen a ghost. “Iris's lawyer. She's coming with me."
Emily's brows shot up in recognition. She glanced at Spencer from the corner of her eye, mouthing "Dawson?"
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A/N: a little tension btw iris and emily (my favourite part to write because I love her playing bad cop in cases)  
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taglist: @lilyviolets ; @chayceschultz ; @cultish-corner ; @lover-of-books-and-tea ; @theonecalledrue
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visualtaehyun · 1 year
BL/QL Ask game : The Ugly, the Bad and the Worst
Thank you for tagging me @twig-tea 🙏 I read your post and the questions while going Ohhh interesting but when I actually tried to answer them myself, I realized that I'm usually pretty positive about the shows I watch or else I just move on from them. Most of the time, I don't fault characters or a whole show for being bad anyway, it's more the writing/script, directing choices, or editing that I tend to have gripes with.
So! Of the entire 22 original questions (by @clara-maybe-ontheroad), I'll only be answering a handful. This will also only be about Thai BLs because they make up the vast majority of QLs I've seen.
1 Worst soundtrack / weirdest song choice in a BL
My knee-jerk reaction was "Never Let Me Go country song NC" lmao but then I went to rewatch said scene and it barely stood out to me. So after re-thinking I'll have to nominate two shows: Dangerous Romance and Until We Meet Again, for basically the same reason.
Chimon's OST สายลม (Wind), which I actually fell in love with when it dropped because Chimon's voice was such a pleasant surprise, is being entirely overused in DR, to the point that I'm starting to tire of a song that I actually like. Honorable mention: The completely random and unnecessary stage performance of Perth and Chimon's ซบกันไปนานๆ (Sunset) in ep. 5. Was it not enough to have them sing and vibe to it in the car earlier in the same episode??
Similarly, UWMA's OST is either entirely by one guy or entirely one song but it sure was grating on me, my patience and my enjoyment of the show. P'New series are already hit or miss for me but that singer/song/OST had me so fed up.
5 Worst plot line
The first show I ever dropped was Star In My Mind which is ridiculous considering how short it is. But the entire premise of Kluen being unable to open his goddamn mouth frustrated me to no end. I did pick it back up again at a later point though, so I could watch Sky In Your Heart and indulge in the JoongDunk cuteness from there on out.
7 A show people love but you find bad
I'm sorry to say but- it's Vice Versa. It was one of the first Thai QLs I watched along with as it aired but ultimately I gotta say Oof. It has a fun premise, the cinematography is super nice, and it's genuinely sweet. But the amount of product placements was staggering! I also just didn't vibe with JimmySea's chemistry, they just gave too much Friend energy for me to find them believable as a couple. They're not the only ones or the only series where I didn't really find the spark but that's not a Them problem. That's a me 'Needing my fictional couples to be head over heels for each other for my acespec ass to see/experience the attraction and connection' problem lol
8 A show people find bad but you will defend
Cutie Pie! And I will die on this hill, @twig-tea 😂 It has everything I love: good production quality, good acting, tangible chemistry between the couples (see last question lol), complicated emotions, push-and-pull between the romantic leads, a dedicated cast and crew, a great OST, I'm certain I'm forgetting a lot of stuff but there's just so much I love about this show.
At its core, it's about two people who turned themselves into the versions they think they should be for each other, based on their upbringing, expectations placed upon them, status differences etc. and how they learn to be honest with themselves and each other.
I've re-watched this show a number of times, each with different levels of Thai proficiency, which made me consider that this show might've been such a hit in Thailand but not as much internationally because there's maybe a language and trope/culture barrier here? On my first-time watch, I knew no Thai and was largely unfamiliar with what tropes are common in Thai romances and such. At the time, the show didn't hit me very much, I struggled to make sense of that pivotal fight in episode 1, I enjoyed the singing, it was mostly just a nice romance. On my most recent re-watch a few months back, I had reached the point where I could follow a spoken conversation in Thai as long as there were translated subs to guide me along. And suddenly the full weight of episode 1 but especially the fight at the end, setting up the central conflict, hit me and I realized: Oh wow! This is good writing! Introduce your characters, their backgrounds, their goals, and the show's core conflict and that's how you hook viewers.
This has already gotten long enough but I wanna mention how much it means to me to have this show not just call for marriage equality repeatedly but also to have them shout it out to the world by having their mlm couple fully make out in what is arguably one of the busiest corners of Bangkok - Siam Square! More specifically it is the area with the fountains between Siam Paragon on one side and Siam Center on the other, and the skywalk (that connects the various malls in the area) as well as the central BTS station Siam both overlooking that space. It's also called Parc Paragon, there's frequently events there, and it is busy as all hell!! And they not only cleared it for filming a lengthy queer kiss scene but, in the show, the huge LED/ad screens are used to project pride colors, a call for equal rights, and a queer marriage proposal in plain view of the entire square!
If you've never been to Bangkok, I beg you to look up photos, via Google Street View or the IG location tag for Parc Paragon so you get an idea of what I'm talking about. 🙏 (this isn't the only busy prominent location they used btw but djdjhdjsdj let's not write a whole damn essay here)
10 A bad show that you kept watching because you were intrigued/fascinated
Dinosaur Love - I watched the first episode, excited for Tonnam and Pepper, and found it charming with its low budget, pink-filtered tropey-ness. Except I quickly realized that this show was Actually Bad. The framing and blocking were often a big question mark to me. The pink filter and the background music got annoying quickly. The acting was subpar. At some point in episode 2 I started questioning if they ever even did more than one take per scene. There was a panning shot involving a mirror where the crew is just fully visible in the reflection?? Suffice it to say that I dropped this show like a hot potato when episode 3 very suddenly and very graphically had a side character self-harm. Squicked me out like nothing before, moving on!
11 A bad show that you kept watching because you were horny
I mentioned this already but I'm on the aro/ace-spectrum (...somewhere, don't ask me specifics lol) so I don't really watch shows for horny or eyecandy reasons. If I don't vibe with the characters or dynamics then I won't even perceive them as sexy, to be honest.
12 A bad show that you kept watching because of that one character
Why R U (the og Thai one), I guess? Everyone who's seen it probably knows that the production and filming suffered because of Covid so I wouldn't hesitate to call this show bad on that basis. I set out to watch it because I wanted to see more of Zee Pruk's acting, in another role, after having seen Cutie Pie. And Fighter ended up being most of the reason I stuck around till the end. The nuanced struggle with his own sexuality was so well-portrayed. Tutor is a very memorable character as well! And I'm entirely 🥰 about Hwa, she just perfectly fits this character archetype that I will always, without fail, completely adore.
21 The show that disappointed you the most
Most of the time, I either don't have big expectations or I let go of them quickly enough once I get a vibe for where a given show is going. The closest thing to 'disappointment' would then probably be all the shows that I kept seeing being recommended and hyped but that didn't leave a lasting impression on me after watching, like KinnPorsche, Love Mechanics, Manner of Death. None of these are bad OR disappointing and there's things I genuinely enjoyed and liked in them but ultimately I just didn't Get why they're so popular. I'm sure part of it is to do with me not having been around to follow along on a week-to-week basis but watching them long after they were done airing, basically in a vacuum. But alas!
I don't know how you managed to do all 22 questions, Twig Tea, when this fraction has already taken me like five hours 💀 Passing this time-eating curse on then to @airenyah @cangse-sanren/@zeesqueere @sadwetcatray @sorry-bonebag @telomeke @thegalwhorants @pharawee I'm sure this tag is making the rounds so some (if not all) of y'all have probably done this already. If anyone I didn't tag reads this and wants to play, feel free to tag me in it, I do enjoy reading hot takes and impassioned essays lol
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ray-the-fanatic · 2 years
seeing leosagi trend on twitter makes me so happy though at the same time i kinda avoid it cuz a majority of it is yu/ichi usagi that's with leo and i don't wanna ruin the fun of the people who enjoy the samurai rabbit show, i tried getting into the show a month ago but it just... did not catch my eye the same way rise did
maybe it's cuz the show's not technically about the og usagi or the fact that i struggle to care about cast and story itself cuz it feels... boring to me? idk, it's just hard for me to get into shipping rise leo with yu/ichi when i'm not really interested in the character or show (yu/ichi i mean), esp when i'm more attached to everyone's version of rise usagi
sorry if this seems a bit ranty ^^;;;
Okay  1. I was answering another ask when I saw this and deiced nope I need to answer this! 2.no so yes let us talk about this because i see you I feel you and get what you mean as well.3. Sorry this is gonna be a lil long.
Okay so I recalled when they originally announced doing the samurai rabbit show and I was excited cause Usagi content. Forgot about it till finally getting back into tmnt after being convinced to finally watch rise cause o didn't when it originally aired. Which sent me down a rabbit hole obsession on usagi in time for the Samurai Rabbit show coming out. And to make this easier when I say Usagi I’ll be talking about Usagi Miyamoto and Yu/ichi for Usagi Yu/ichi yes I know they have the same first name that's the point it’s just for clarification here.
Now I do not mind the show it’s fine for what it is and I think Yu/ichi is cute and interesting but I have a love hate thing for the show. I spoke to a mutual on tiktok about this and I know I made a post on my thoughts about the show. I like the concept of Usagi descendant  Yu/ichi trying to become a samurai in a future time period when Samurai aren’t around, because he idolizes Usagi. Only to find out Usagi is a bad guy so he tries to clear their name. Despite that set up its not really what we get and Yui/chi didn’t really clear their name im still annoyed about that. I do still enjoy Yu/ichi mostly the design I even drew some inspiration from it for my own rise usagi because I liked the bangs. And I do find he and rise leo could be fun buuuuuuuut He is not the Usagi I want.
See as I have gotten more into Usagi’s own series I have just really come to love the character even more and love the idea of him in rise compared to a cross over with samurai rabbit. I just love the idea of the conflict in personality I just want him to be a grounded samurai who is emotionally in touch. Like especially with Leo going into his role as a leader I just love the idea of that being when he meets Usagi because of how special that friendship is in the 03 series. Besides I enjoy the Lore of Usagi Yojimbo and would love tidbits of it in rise uwu
Well I will still share and enjoy ship art of both cause i’m greedy and like Leosagi I do agree with people that the two should have different ships names. I saw seabunny mention for rise leo and yu/ichi and thats cute. But yeah well the sudden boom on twitter been nice to see and I have a friend who prefers that version simply cause yu/ichi is cannon over a rise usagi is. Thats fine though I also feel there another reason for the push on yui/chi i’m just being skeptical though so i wont say that in this. I just personally perfect Usagi myself over yui/chi. Again theres nothing wrong with him it’s just well I feel hes getting more praise than what is earned really. Based off the show am I a fan of it? eh I like it i don't know if its something i’ll re-watch I wish the writing was better I kind wanna do a fix it fic for it but that's a lot of work compared to one shots lol
TL;DR: Well I dont mind yu/ichi as a charater when it comes to the leosagi thing esp for Rise I’m in the side of Usagi Miyamoto over Usagi Yui/chi. And feel they should have different ship names also 03/2012 usagi > over any other usagi uwu
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mr-stottlemonk · 6 months
Do you have any advice for writing a link story?
I just started writing! Do you have any advice? Or any story plots lol
omg hello! i'm not exactly sure what you mean by link story (so send me another ask to correct me if im wrong, dear!). i'm guessing you mean connected to an episode!
i'd say choose a particular scene; connect it to an emotion that seemed quite prevelant in that scene or one that you wish was explored! eg: for Mr. Monk and The Bad Girlfriend - there's a lot of angst there. so, personally, i go the 'Stottlemeyer is angry and heartbroken. About both Linda and Monk. Linda for hurting him and Monk for being so far out of reach'
best advice i have for characterization is keep (re)watching the episodes. especially s2 and forewards! if you're looking to dive into their relationship more (there's more body language there, more compliments etc).
When I'm writing Stottlemeyer, i try to put myself in the shoes of a man who cares not only for Monk but for his job, for doing the right thing. But also he's a man quickly overwhelmed by anger and worry; he's quick to protect and also assume. He's smitten to his very bones.
With Monk, it's a bit more confusing - he doesn't only think of one thing at a time, and if he does it's to such a concentrated point. When I write Monk i try to put myself in a shoes of a man who is a wreck, he is searching for peace but can't find it, he is constantly overwhelmed and worried. when he isn't its either because he is distracted for the moment or he's in the presence of people he trusts and loves: Stottlemeyer, Natalie, Sharona, Trudy, Randy. He also cares and worries very deeply.
sksksks, i feel like im rambling so i'll put the plot ideas under the cut!
plot ideas!! i have tons...
if you're looking for canon related plot:
-> Monk's feelings after Mr. Monk Makes a Friend
-> Leland's feelings and overprotective behaviour towards Monk after Mr. Monk is On the Run.
-> Possible Stottlemeyer/Monk secret relationship - some detectives either take notice or almost walk in on them (talking, sitting close, kissing or whatever you want)
-> Angst take: Leland is not having a good day and he snaps it out on Adrian. Ends up regretting it big time. Confession time :)
-> The precinct calls Monk in when the Captain is in a bad mood.
-> They have to pretend to be a couple for a case
-> Stottlemeyer heads to Monk's place after a pretty bad date.
-> Monk is having a pretty bad day himself and Leland notices. Takes him home.
-> Dr. Kroger catches something: Monk's increased mentioning of Stottlemeyer.
For aus:
-> Catboy au (if you're in the brain rot along with us, lol)
-> Neighbours au - they're neighbours; thus they meet each other differently
-> Living together - literally any domestic plot (cleaning together, moving in together) or disagreements (Leland keeps forgetting to load the dishwasher or Adrian needs to stop going into Leland's room)
-> blind date au: randy and natalie are good friends who think their respective friends (Stottlemeyer and Monk) may get along so they set up a date for them
-> A/B/O au: Leland's scent is the only thing that doesnt overwhelm Adrian
woah, those are quite a number... i am so sorry if i have overwhelmed you haha. pls excuse my rambling.
anyway. i hope these help!! i am cheering for you dear <3. don't stress too much, have fun! write whatever you want, whatever you wanted to see or add. if you want some references or guidance another great thing to do is read fics for them! so re-read any of the stottlemonk fics you really like and study those.
feel free to send another ask if you'd like. my dms are open too if you're comfortable with that 💕🙇.
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There is no piece of media that makes me bawl every fucking time no matter what like the Van Gogh museum scene in dr who
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bangtanloverboys · 3 years
groovy baby // jjk
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summary - jeongguk powers, internatinal man of mystery, is here to save the day. but you sure as hell ain't having it with him
pairing - jungkook x female!reader
genre - crack/humor, smut; austin powers au
word count - 7.9k
warnings - crack that is literally taken seriously, absolute insanity, some 1960s lingo, austin powers references, jungkook being a cheeky bastard, flirty jungkook, swedish made penis milker that definitely doesn’t belong to jungkook, yoongi has one eye, gambling, bald kim seokjin, there is a plot that ends with porn, dom/sub dymanics, margret thatcher mention, sub!jk, dom!reader, whiny jungkook, edging, hand job, unprotected sex
author’s note - happy birthday to my dearest friend @jeonstudios​ behold the thing you have been fearing waiting for since i proposed the idea. it took me a year to do it, but it’s finally here. you’re welcome. hope you enjoy (also this wont make a lick of sense, it’s pure crack, nothing else) 
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“Oh you’ve got to be kidding me? You’re really going to wake him up?” You couldn’t believe what you were hearing as you quickly followed behind the Director of International Intelligence. You were called to his office that morning to discuss a new assignment to you. Well, it’s new to you; old to the agency. Apparently, the world’s most evil man, Dr. Seokjin Evil, had woken up from cryo-sleep and had returned to take over the world! You were being assigned the case to take him down, only you had to work with the only person who knows how to take down Dr. Evil. 
Jeongguk Powers.
When he had failed to apprehend Dr. Evil over 50 years ago, he too went into cryo-sleep so when Seokjin Evil came back, he’d be ready for him. And since Evil had returned, it was time to wake the legend himself. 
“I’m sorry, Agent L/N, but we have no choice. We need Powers, he’s our only hope!” Director Park sighed as you approached the end of the hallway. He pulled out his ID, swiping it in the scanner. “You’re welcome to join me while we wake him up. Otherwise, wait with Namjoon Exposition. He can brief you further on Powers and the mission. 
You pondered for a moment; you had heard many rumors about him. How he slept with practically anyone that breathed, regardless of the time of day or who they worked for. His methods were very unorthodox but he yielded the results the agency needed. With a sigh, you nodded. “Fine, let’s meet him.” Stepping into the elevator next to the Director.
The ride down was surprisingly long, it felt awkward standing next to Director Park while smooth jazz played through the elevator speakers. He didn’t say anything though, just staring up at the descending numbers. The numbers continued to fall until you were well past the ground floor. You thought you’d been on every floor of the building, yet apparently not. There was still more than you’d ever know of the Intelligence Agency. Eventually, the words Cryo Lab displayed on the small screen and the doors opened. Immediately, you were greeted with stark white walls and freezing air. 
“Excuse me, Director. . . Agent.” A new voice called out. Turning, you saw three new individuals all dressed in white parkas. “These are for you.” Two of them held out similar jackets for you and the Director to don. Once you were enveloped in the warmth of the parka, the five of you made your way down the long hallway led by one of the men you learned was the Cryo Lab Supervisor, Doctor Jung. “Mr. Powers is held in our celebrity vault, so if you may follow me through here.” He announced as you entered a large room with several dozen cryotubes lined along the wall. You recognized some of the faces and names: Steve Harvey, Walt Disney, Jackson Wang, Pewdiepie, just to name a few. 
At the end of the line, there he was. You watched as machinery picked him up and began the de-freezing and re-animating him, the process being quite uncomfortable to watch if you were being honest. Is this really the price he was willing to pay in order to get the bad guy? Freeze yourself for who knows how long until you can fight your nemesis? Not to mention lose all the ones you’ve held dear for so long while you essentially stay the same? A blaring alarm pulled you from your thoughts as you watched as Mr. Powers was stood up and was led away by some cryo nurses to be fully looked over.
“So, Agent L/N. What do you think so far?” Director Park asked as the group started off towards the rehabilitation chamber. 
“I mean there’s not much to him so far, just a slime covered man who woke up from a 50 year frozen sleep.” You were immensely confused by the question, what did you think? Pfft, you’d have to see him in the field to fully form an opinion on the man. 
“Fair enough, I was only curious as to what you’d think of a legend.” He shrugged at you.
“Well sir, legend or not, he’s merely an asset to defeating Dr. Evil and ending his reign of terror.” You were straightforward with your answer, you knew what this job was and how important it was to not only the International Intelligence Agency, but to the whole world that Seokjin Evil is put behind bars for good. “Plus he looked like an overgrown slimy fetus. He didn’t look all that impressive.”
Your quip got a good laugh out of the Director as the two of you came to a stop, Doctor Jung instructing you to remove the parkas before continuing. “He may not seem like much now, Agent. But trust me, he’s not what you would expect.” Director Park chuckled as you started into the next room.
Before you could ask him what he meant, you were stunned into silence with the sight before you. There was the famous Jeongguk Powers, bare naked and strapped to a metal table as he slowly began to regain consciousness. While you had seen him naked only moments ago, he was covered in reanimation goo. Now that he was clean, your eyes traced over his exposed form, slowly beginning to understand the appeal so many had about him. He was quite fit, well defined v line and toned arms. As you took him in, he slowly began to wake up. His eyelids slowly blinked open as they adjusted to the bright light of the room. 
“Welcome back, Agent Powers.” Director Park started as the man strapped to the standing table woke.
“Where am I?” His voice was weak as he spoke, still dazed and confused as he started to become more lucid. 
“You’re in the Intelligence Agency, you’re waking up after being in cryo-sleep for 54 years Welcome to 2021,” the Director explained as Doctor Jung began to remove wires and loosen the straps that kept him in place. 
“Sorry to interrupt, Director, but the mission.” You interjected, forcing the attention of the legendary spy onto you. 
“Right, Jeongguk. Dr. Evil is back, and we need your help to stop him. Agent Y/N L/N, is to be your partner for the mission to take him down.” Director Park introduced you as you stepped forward. All while he spoke however, Jeongguk’s eyes never seemed to leave you, his dark eyes drinking you in. 
“My god, she’s a fox.” His lips curled into a smirk as he spoke, “Bet she shags like one too.” Silence fell over the small room as everyone turned to stare at the man who just spoke aloud. “I hope I didn’t just say any of that out loud because of the unfreezing process.”
You could feel your face burn at his words, embarrassed that he would dare even think that upon first meeting you. “Oh you did,” you gave the man a tight lipped smile before continuing. “Mr. Powers, let me get one thing clear. We’re here to get this mission done and put Dr. Evil behind bars. Are we clear?”
Despite all the venom in your voice, his smirk stayed plastered on his face. “Yes, ma’am.”
“Well, Agent L/N will meet you in the waiting room to help you collect your things before the two of you get debriefed on your mission.” Director Park must’ve sensed the growing tension in the room, as he placed a hand on your shoulder to lead you out of the room. 
Just before the door was about to shut behind you, you heard him call out “Looking forward to working with you, baby.” 
As much as you wanted to walk right back in there and slap him clean across the face, the Director ushered you back up into another elevator, fully preventing you from getting the last word. 
“Do I really have to work with him?” You hissed as the elevator door closed.
“Yes, Agent Powers knows Dr. Evil well and is the only one that can defeat him.” Director Park insisted as he stared up at the climbing numbers. “And not another word about it, you’re to help Mr. Powers adjust to the 21st century and complete the mission. That is final.” The rest of the elevator trip was silent.
The Director left you in the Cryo Locker Check-In for you to wait for Agent Powers to arrive. Rolling your eyes, you seated yourself in one of the chairs of the waiting room, who knows how long it would take to get that man reoriented in his body after being frozen for over 50 years. Legs crossed, you watched as many people (a lot of celebrities and politicians actually) checked in their stuff before they were led down towards the Cryo-Lab. Who knows how long you were waiting, you were only pulled from your thoughts when a stark white robe appeared in front of you.
“They told me I could find you here,” Jeongguk had the same sly smirk playing on his lips as he spoke to you. 
“Mr. Powers, we’re here to collect your things before we go see Namjoon Exposition for further details on the mission.” You replied as you rose from your seat. He didn’t back away when you got to your feet. Now that he was standing on his own, you could now see how much taller he was compared to you. He kept staring at you, like he expected you to swoon into his arms. But that would never happen. Placing a hand on his chest, you pushed him away from you. “We can go get your things now from the check-in.” Not even waiting for him to follow, you walked over and asked the man behind the window for Jeongguk’s things. Coincidentally, the man himself saunted after you, leaning against the counter. 
“All of Danger Powers’ personal effects.” The man said when he returned, placing a small plastic container on the counter. 
“I think you’ve been mistaken, I said Jeongguk Powers-”
“No, no baby, it’s alright.” Jeongguk cut you off, placing a hand on your shoulder. “Danger is my middle name.” Resisting the urge to roll your eyes, you ignored him and turned your attention back to the man who was ready to sign over Agent Powers’ things. 
“Okay, Jeongguk Danger Powers.” He huffed as he began to sift through the container. “One blue crush velvet suit, one frilly lace cravat, one silver medallion with male symbol, one pair of Italian boots-”
“Oh buongiorno, boys!” 
“And one Swedish made Penis Milker.” He finished, holding up a clear cylindrical tube with the Swedish flag plastered on it. Turning to Jeongguk, you raised a brow, intrigued at that mention. You wouldn’t have pegged him for a man to have that sort of toy, especially with his reputation. You could tell Jeongguk was slightly flustered at this toy coming to light, the tips of his ears bright red. 
“That. . . isn’t mine, must’ve been . . . mixed up.” He protested as his things, minus the milker, were placed back into the container. 
“Just sign it,” the man was clearly done with whatever Agent Powers was trying to pull. 
Quickly, he signed the paper that would have his belongings returned to his possession. Papers signed, he took the box in hand. “Alright, baby, let’s get a move on.” Ready to change the subject and get back into the action. 
“Mr. Powers, if you could refrain from calling me baby, that would be much obliged.” You said through a tight smile. “We’re going to be late for our briefing, so if you could please follow me.” Turning on your heel, you made your way towards the briefing room. After a few steps, you could sense he wasn’t following directly behind you. Glancing over your shoulder, you saw the end of the exchange of the worker placing the Penis Milker in the box with the rest of his things. With a roll of your eyes, you quickened your step. Maybe if you were fast enough, he’d get lost and you could do the mission all on your own. Alas, it seemed that fate had a different idea, as Jeongguk caught up to you in no problem and even seemed to know where he was going. Apparently the building hadn’t changed much in the past 50 years. 
Reaching the end of the hall, you pushed open the door to the briefing room. It was a plain room: a circular table in the middle of the room with a white projection screen. Nothing too flashy or high tech. The only person in it was Namjoon, sitting in one of the seats at the table, no doubt re-reading the mission details all over again. He was very thorough, not wanting to leave out any sort of detail that might be important. 
Clearing your throat, Namjoon’s eyes shot up to meet yours. “Agent L/N! And Agent Powers!” He practically jumped to his feet and rushed over to you both. He grabbed Jeongguk’s hand in his, shaking it. “God, it’s wonderful to finally meet you, I’ve heard so much about you-”
“Rapmon?” The agent asked him, cutting him off. 
“Rapmon?” You echoed. You were familiar with the name, he was a hero in the International Intelligence Agency. You remember reading about his missions when you were in training and knew he worked with Jeongguk on occasion. But why was he calling Namjoon that?
Namjoon let out a nervous chuckle. “I am Namjoon Exposition. Rapmon was my father, he told me a lot about you.” You stared at Namjoon as he released Jeonggugk’s hand. Not once had he ever mentioned being related to the legend to you. 
“Rapmon had a son?! And you’re a spitting image of him! Wow!” Agent Powers gushed as he looked him up and down. “How is he?”
A solemn look fell over Namjoon. “He, uh, he died. About two years ago.”
Jeongguk’s face froze in shock. “Oh, my condolences.” He bowed his head in respect.
“It’s fine, Agent Powers.” Namjoon waved off the apology. “You can get changed in that room over there, we’ll begin the briefing when you’re ready.” He continued, pointing to a door on the other side of the wall. Jeongguk bowed in thanks as he walked over to the changing room, ready to change into his clothes no doubt. With a click of the lock, Namjoon turned back to face you, still in a bit of shock. “What?”
“Why didn’t you tell me you were related to Rapmon?” You blurted out, feeling slightly hurt that he never told you, yet immediately told Jeongguk.
Scratching the back of his neck, he sighed. “I don’t really like telling people, it never really seemed important.” He explained as he walked back over to the table and began rearranging the papers for the dull debrief. “Besides, I never wanted him to influence how people saw me or my work.” 
You nodded in understanding. Legacy was everything in this business, the next generation always trying to outdo the last. You couldn’t imagine the stress that might’ve put on him. Namjoon gave you a tight smile in return, but before you could say anything else, Jeongguk burst back into the room, fully dressed in the blue velvet suit.
“Fits like a glove!” He announced, spinning in a circle so you both had a full view of him in his classic outfit. He pulled out a chair. “Now let's get down to business, baby!” Jeongguk said as he sat down, putting his feet up on the table. With a roll of your eyes, you sat down next to him, eyes forward as Namjoon began his debrief. 
“Alright, from what we can tell Dr. Evil’s spaceship landed in the desert just outside Las Vegas.” Namjoon began as he clicked a small button, displaying a map of Nevada and marking the ship's landing. “We believe that the Two Mafia has been incharge of their finances the past 50 years. Currently Yoongi Two, or Number Two as he’s preferred to be called, is head of the family and working in Sin City.” He clicked another button, a candid photo of a man with dark hair and an eyepatch was shown on screen. “Your assignment is to pose as a married couple on holiday at the Two Hotel and Casino, and put a stop to whatever Dr. Evil and his crew are up to!”
“You got it, Namjoon.” Giving him a firm nod. 
“Got that, but I have a question, actually.” Jeongguk said, removing his feet from the tabletop as he leaned forward. “Traveling to Las Vegas. . . is there by any chance my jet-”
“Oh right! We preserved your jumbo jet in perfect condition, it’s ready to take off as soon as your bags are packed and ready.” Namjoon cut him off, a bright smile on his face. 
“My jumbo jet?! Smashing, baby! Let’s go!”
Before the day was up, you and Mr. Powers were in a multicolored jet flying over the Pacific Ocean to Las Vegas, Nevada. The inside of the jet was just as colorful as the outside but it felt like stepping back in time to the 1960s with all the furniture and layout of it all. There were fun patterned chairs here and there, a full bar, and a circular bed in the back. From the mere size of it, you weren’t sure if this was something that the Intelligence Agency gave him or if it was actually his; because if it was something he bought on his own salary, you were definitely going to have a talk with Director Park about your pay. 
“Well, well, well, we’re finally alone.” Jeongguk said, two glasses of champagne in hand as he sat next to you on a zebra print chair. 
Taking the glass from him, you roll your eyes. “Yes, thank you Captain Obvious.” You took a sip of the drink before placing it down on the small table in front of you, giving you use of both hands to go over more paperwork for the Agency before you landed in a few hours. 
“Well. . ?”
“Well what, Mr. Powers?” You questioned, looking back up from your files. 
“Are we not gonna shag?” He gestured behind him to the bed. “Because honestly, I’d like to know if my wedding tackle still works as good as it used to.” He winked, or more so blinked, as both his eyelids closed. 
“Then I believe you have a perfectly good Swedish made Penis Milker for that.” You retorted. 
“Aww don’t be like that baby, I know you like me~” He flirted, despite the all telling red tips of his ears. “Come on, just a quick one. Promise I won’t bite. . . hard.”
“Mr. Powers,” you set down your files on the table before looking him dead in the eye. “I won’t have sex with you ever. Not even if the fate of the universe rested upon us, I won’t ever, and I mean ever, fuck you. Even if I was drunk.” You watched as the once confident man was taken aback by your straightforwardness. He clearly wasn’t ever used to being told no, which unfortunately left you to be the one to set that boundary. You couldn’t help but wonder how many of his co-workers did he fuck in order for him to expect sex form you; or maybe he was just that horny. 
The look of shock on his face quickly morphed back into a flirtatious expression. “Never say never, baby.”
“Mr. Powers, I don’t think I need to remind you that I am an agent, like yourself. But if you continue to call me baby, I might just have to remind you.” You narrowed your eyes at him, already wishing the plane would land already. 
“Promises, promises.” He chuckled as he got up from his seat and towards the bed. “If you change your mind, I’ll be right here. . . taking a nap. . . on the bed.” He assured as he slowly pushed all the pillows off before stretching himself out over it. 
“Mmhmm, sleep well.” Was all you said as you returned back to the paperwork you had in hand. However instead of the snoring you expected to hear, sensual music began blaring through the jet’s speakers, startling you. Looking over your shoulder, you saw Jeongguk stretched out over the bed as it spun about, the top buttons of his shirt were undone, exposing the top of his chest. His dark eyes filled with lust as he stared at you.
“Join me, baby.” He curled his finger at you, beckoning you to come closer. “Come on, I make you randy, don’t I? Do I make you horny, baby?”
A strange mix of embarrassment and rage boiled in your stomach as heat blossomed in your cheeks. Rising to your feet, you stormed over and quickly shut off the music and ceasing his attempts. “Mr. Powers, I said no!” You hissed, glaring down at him on the bed. Standing above him, you watched as his attempt of seduction faded away. His expression was no longer salacious, but there was something deep in his eyes that remained. Like he enjoyed pushing your buttons. 
But before you could even say anything, he bowed his head. “I’m sorry.” Was all he said, before he pulled one of the pillows from the ground and tucked it underneath his head. “Wake me when we land in Las Vegas.” And just like that, he was silent for the remainder of the flight.
After the jet landed, you and Jeongguk were escorted where you were finally able to settle down and prepare for snooping about the Two Casino. Remarkably, Jeongguk was able to refrain from any more dirty remarks or anything of the sort. In silence, you both were able to check your equipment, getting it ready for that night. On occasion, you’d steal a few glances. You’d never admit it aloud, but you were quite fascinated with how quick he was with loading his firearms. Interestingly enough, his weapon of choice was a pair of Walther PPK/Ss; a small, sleek gun that could easily be concealed. 
“You’re staring.” His voice pulled you from your thoughts. Jeongguk didn't even bother looking up from his guns, but a smirk was pulling on his lips, plain as day. “See something you like?”
“No,” you responded, “I just didn’t expect you to use Walthers.”
Putting down the gun, he looked at you, raising a brow. “Why is that?” 
“I figured with a man whose ego is about the size of the sun, he would use something about the same size.” Somewhere in the back of your mind your smacking yourself for giving him an opening like that.
Jeongguk however was silent for a moment, then he spoke again. “Well baby, I’m sorry to disappoint but I’m not one to compensate. And besides, it’s not the size that matters,” his smirk deepening as he spoke, “it’s how you use it.”
Narrowing your eyes at him, you set down your gun and begin gathering your clothes for tonight. “I’m going to take a shower.”
“Want me to join you?”
“Come anywhere near the door, Mr. Powers and I’ll shoot you in the dick.” With that, you slammed the bathroom door shut, locking it behind you. Jesus Christ, what got into you, you thought as you stared at yourself in the mirror. You needed to focus on the mission, because the sooner you found out Dr. Evil’s plans, the sooner you’d be done with Jeongguk Powers. 
Finishing your shower, you slipped into a black cocktail dress, perfect for blending in at the casino. On your fingers was an array of rings, each one having a special use for gathering intelligence and getting you out of sticky situations. Unlocking the door, you stepped out of the bathroom, where you were immediately greeted with Jeongguk’s back. He was no longer wearing the crushed blue velvet suit, instead his suit was a pink satin one. At the sound of the door opening, he turned to face you. The cravat he was wearing earlier was also abandoned, a ruffled shirt in its place. You felt his dark eyes as they trailed down your body, shamelessly checking you out for the second time that day.
“You look smashing, baby,” he complimented as he held out his arm for you to take.
With a roll of your eyes, you linked your arm with his. “Let’s just find Number Two and see what he’s up to.”
As the pair of you made your way towards the casino, you kept your eyes peeled for Number Two as Jeongguk said hello and chatted with strangers as they walked past you. At first, you couldn’t understand what he was doing, bringing so much attention to himself. You turned to scold him, but you were caught off as you watched him talk. Sure he was friendly towards the people they passed by, but his gaze was calculating. He was surveying them, making mental notes who might be a possible lead and who wouldn’t. In that moment you understood why the Intelligence Agency valued him so much: he drew all the attention to him and was able to weed out everyone with a single look, all while not raising any suspicions. It was brilliant. 
Approaching the roulette tables, Jeongguk stopped in his tracks. Frowning at his sudden change in disposition, you looked up at him when you noticed he was staring at something. Or someone. Following his gaze, he was locked on a table halfway across the room where a small crowd of people had gathered. A head of bleached blond hair stood out from the rest, barely reacting as the people jeered at the game. Before you could question Jeongguk, he pulled you in that direction. 
“Mind if you deal me in?” He asked as he sat himself down in an open seat.
As Jeongguk spoke, the blond man faced you both. Immediately you were greeted with a familiar face, one you’ve only seen in photographs. 
Yoongi Two. The owner of the casino, and Dr. Evil’s right hand man. Sure you were at his establishment, but you never thought he would simply be out in the open, so easy to find. Over his right eye was an eyepatch, the edges of a scar barely peeking out from underneath. His good eye darted from Jeongguk to you, sizing you up no doubt. 
Concealing your surprise, you fell into your role of supportive partner, wrapping your arms around Jeongguk’s shoulders. You would’ve suspected the agent to be stiff, his shoulders tight and nervous, but he wasn’t. His muscles relaxed as he kept cool under Two’s heavy gaze. 
“But of course,” he finally spoke, motioning to the croupier to deal Jeongguk in. You eyed Two as he placed a various amount of chips about the board, placing them on the Third 12 and the 18th tile. Once his bets were placed, all attention was shifted to Jeongguk.
Gathering all his tiles, he pushed them over to the black tile. “I always bet on black.” You couldn’t believe what he was doing, playing such a risky move. But you didn’t let your annoyance show, only watching carefully as the dealer spun the wheel, dropping the ball in. 
“34 Red,” the croupier announced. “Sir, I’m afraid you’re out.”
“It’s fine, I like to live dangerously.” Jeongguk announced, his eyes not once ever leaving Two’s as the chips were pushed over to his corner.
“What a coincidence,” he said as he began stacking up all the new money he acquired, “so do I.”
“Gentlemen,” Jeongguk nodded to Two and the surrounding guests as he stepped away from the table, you in tow. 
“What in the fuck was that, Powers?!” You hissed, still feeling Yoongi Two’s gaze burning into the back of your head.  
“Relax baby, I know what I’m doing,” he said as he led you down further into the casino. “Dr. Evil and his pals like to think they’re clever, but it’s obvious to see that if Two, the main muscle is out and about up here-”
“Then Dr. Evil is alone, unguarded.” You finished.
“You’re catching on, baby.” 
At the end of the casino hall, there was a private room, curtained off from the rest of the masses. Peeking behind, Jeongguk motioned for you to follow him. You took one last look behind you, making sure no one else saw you as you snuck behind the velvet curtain. The room was elaborate, a private bar and tables set up, ready for use. But evidently, no one was around. As you took in your surroundings, Jeongguk let go of your hand, walking behind the bar. 
“Mr. Powers, what exactly are you doing?” You questioned as he began looking at the bottles of alcohol. 
“You’ll see in a moment, baby,” he responded. “Ah ha!” He exclaimed as he reached up. His hand wrapped around the neck of a bottle labeled Big Boy ‘67. Gently, Jeongguk pulled the wine bottle, but instead of taking it off the shelf, it lowered like a lever. The velvet wall beside the bar opened up. It was a secret door!
“How did you know that was there?” 
“I know Dr. Evil,” was all he said as he reached into his pocket, pulling out one of his guns. Following his lead, you did the same. Jeongguk pushed the door open a bit further, giving just enough room for you both to squeeze through. Behind the secret entrance, was a long silver hallway, screeching out in both directions. To your right, it was silent, nothing much. To your left however, you could hear the faint sounds of rock music blasting. Exchanging a look with Jeongguk, you quietly made your way down towards the noise to investigate. 
About a dozen meters down, the corridor turned into a modified cave made similar to a business meeting room; a long table with chairs lined up, with an even larger chair at the head of the table. Needless to say it was the perfect place for an evil hide-away. Normally when you were infiltrating an enemy lair, you would’ve expected the place to be crawlinging with guards. But instead the place was near empty. You looked over the Jeongguk, who also seemed to have noticed the lack of bad guys, but his eyes were trained on the far side of the cave, where the music was still blaring from. 
Not even bothering to consult you on how much further you should go, Jeongguk began rolling about on the floor, sneaking his way over to the music.
“Powers!” You whisper-shouted at him, but he was too far now to hear you. Left with no other choice, you began to sneak after him, careful not to set off any alarms. Turning the corner, you were met with a door, plastered with different stickers of punk bands and various threats. Jeongguk seemed to be just as confused as you were, frowning at such a strange door in the middle of an evil lair. Pressing your ear against the wood, you could hear a voice singing alongside the music. 
Placing your hand on the door knob, getting ready to open it, Jeongguk grabbed your wrist. Your eyes shot to him, ready to hiss out another threat but he brought his finger to his lips. Before you could question him, you heard it. Footsteps were approaching the main part of the evil lair. 
You had to get out. Now.
Turning on your heel, you both began to head back in the direction from where you came. Unfortunately, neither of you heard the door swing open behind you until a voice called out. 
“Dad! You have visitors!”
Before you even had a second to process what was going on, the world went black. 
When you opened your eyes you were bound to a chair, unable to move. Directly in front of you, was the man himself. Dr. Seokjin Evil. His face was objectively handsome, minus for the long scar that went down the right side of his face. And for the fact he was bald. But even then, he was still very good looking. 
To his right was Yoongi Two, he must’ve realized who you both were and alerted Seokjin! Clever bastard. However, the man to the left of Dr. Evil you were unable to recognize him. He was a younger man, but just as handsome as the elder. His hair was a mess of light brown curls on his head, giving him a boyish look in comparison to his chiseled Greek god features.  
“Ah, Mr. Powers we meet again,” Seokjin began. 
“Let Y/N go, Dr. Evil, this has nothing to do with her!” Jeongguk shouted at the man.
“Excuse me?” Your fury of being captured was suddenly divided on to Jeongguk’s comment. 
“On the contrary, Mr. Powers. It has everything to do with her! Because,” he paused for dramatic effect, “she’s my ticket into the Intelligence Agency!”
“What the hell does that mean?” You questioned, struggling against your constraints. 
“Send in the Fem-Bot!” Seokjin shouted, never breaking eye contact with you.
“Send in the Fem-Bot!” A shriek voice repeated, causing you all to wince at the shrill.
A wall opened up and from behind Dr. Evil, you heard subtle clicks of heels before a figure appeared before you. It took a few more steps before it was fully in the light of the cave lair and your jaw dropped in shock. It was. . . you?
“What the fuck?” You blinked up at the figure. It was literally a carbon copy of you, same face, hair, hell you can’t help but wonder it had the same bra size as you. The only difference was it’s moves were stiff and robotic, giving away it’s inhuman nature.
“You see, Mr. Powers, since you froze yourself to defeat me, the International Intelligence Agency has grown weak with terrible agents, easily swayed with money,” Seokjin monologued. “I have moles woven into each and every branch of the agency, but little Miss L/N here is the only thing between me and turning the Intelligence Agency into my own personal Agency of Evil!” He cackled, his evil laughter echoing off the rocks.
“You’ll never get away with it Dr. Evil!” Jeongguk contered.
“On the contrary Mr. Powers,” Seokjin glowered down at your partner, an evil gleam in his eyes. “I already have.” Looking at Yoongi Two, he started again. “Take her to the mind switch lab, we need to download her brain into the Fem-Bot.”
“Right away, boss.” He nodded curtly, grabbing your chair (that apparently has wheels) and pushing you out of the main cave area, the Fem-Bot following close behind.  
“Mind switch? What are you? Powers!” You shouted as you pulled on the ropes once again, trying to get out. 
“Take him to the lazer shark tank.” With a wave of his hand, Jeongguk was getting pushed in the opposite direction. “Now, Tae-Tae, what do you think? Huh, huh? Your dad is pretty evil, right?”
“They both know your whole plan and you’re letting them get out of your sight? What if they escape?” The young man pointed out, barely hearing his voice as you were being wheeled away.
“Oh please, you have such little faith in Number Two. It’ll all be fine.”
Contrary to his belief, it was not fine. While you were tied to a chair, you were very capable of freeing yourself before you could get to the Mind Switch lair. As luck would have it, they didn’t remove your rings, not thinking they were anything useful. Wrapping your fingers around your right pointer finger, you began to twist and wiggle off the jewelry until it sat hooked on the top knuckle of your finger. With your opposite hand, you pressed down on the jewel, activating the gadget. After a few seconds, you felt heat emanate off the diamond, pressing it up against the rope, burning it off. Bit by bit, the rope fell away, slowly freeing you.
“Hey what are you-” Number Two started to speak, but was quickly cut off by you jumping off the chair and kicking it behind you, knocking Yoongi straight to the floor. “Why you- Fem-Bot, attack!” He ordered the robot, pointing at you. 
Making eye contact with your robotic clone, you watched in horror as two small nozzles poked out where the nipples should be. 
“What the fuck-”
The nipples began shooting at you. Tittie guns? What sort of mad man created this? You thought to yourself as you began running down the hallway, dodging the bullets as they ricocheted against the steel walls. 
“Red alert, red alert. The agent is escaping. I repeat, the agent is escaping!” Yoongi Two spoke into his communicator, alerting the other bad guys that you were free. 
You needed to find Jeongguk, and get out of there. Reconvene at base and warn Director Park of Seokjin’s evil plan. Turning the corner, you passed a huge glass wall, showing off a small chamber. Inside was Jeongguk! He was tied to a metal post that was lowering itself into a tank where sharks with laser devices attached to their heads swam about. 
“Powers!” You banged on the glass, catching his attention. As soon as he recognized you, his face lit up. “I’m gonna get you out of there, hold on!” You pulled the ring off your left ring finger, pressing it up against the glass. Squeezing the sides of the band, you waited until it began to vibrate against the glass. Cracks began emitting all across the window pane. Once the web of cracks covered the entirety of it, you tossed the ring away. Raising your fist, you punched at the glass, shattering it instantly. 
“I knew you’d come back for me, baby.”
“Powers, if you could kindly shut up,” you huffed as you stepped on to the glass covered walkway that lined the edge of the tank. “Where’s the off switch?” You shouted as you glanced around.
“I thought you wanted me to shut up?”
“Jeongguk Powers, I will let you die,” you threatened. 
“To your left, behind that metal plating.” He tossed his head in the direction of the switch. Quickly, you found the panel and switched off the machine. Just in time in fact as his shoes were the only thing on him that was set. He was raised back up anova the water and a metal covering encased the top of the tank water, hiding away the laser sharks. Running up to him, you freed him of his restraints. 
“We gotta get out of here and warn the director,” you told him as you both began running down the corridor again, looking for the exit. “Do you still have your other gun?”
“Always do,” he winked as he pulled his other gun from his pants. “Yours?”
“Taken, don’t think just go!” You hissed as you pushed him down another corner. Unfortunately, the hall you pushed him in led you both to be completely surrounded. 
“You think you can get away so easily, agents?” Dr. Evil questioned.
“You’re not gonna get your grummy fingers on my mind you sick fuck!” You shouted as you frantically pressed the pad of your finger on the ring wrapped around your middle finger. A honing beckon, notifying the agency of your distress. Hopely they’ll send someone, and someone fast.
“Oh I will, Miss L/N,” Seokjin Evil smirked. “It’ll only be a matter of-”
From the ceiling, agents began lowering themselves surrounding Seokjin and his henchmen. Various guns were pointed at him and Number Two as they began to outnumber the bad guys. 
“Dr. Seokjin Evil and Yoongi Two, you are both under arrest for attempts to take over the International Intelligence Agency and other various acts of villainy.” An agent started as he put both of the men in handcuffs, reading them their rights.
“I don’t understand. . . how did you get here so quickly?” Jeongguk asked, completely baffled as he lowered his gun. 
“Yeah, I only just set off the beckon.” You were immensely curious as they got here in a matter of moments, like they were waiting for the moment to interfere.
“It was me.” A new voice caused you to turn your head, it was the young man from before, Tae-Tae? You believe Dr. Evil called him? “Taehyung Evil. An unfortunate last name, I know. I’m a double agent.”
“What? You went against your father?” You raised a brow.
“He wasn’t there for me my entire life,” Taehyung said as if it was obvious. “Suddenly he shows up out of the blue and wants me to join him in his business of evil? Fuck no, I want to be a rocker.”
“That makes sense,” Jeongguk shrugged as the two villains were taken into custody. 
“I’ll be back Powers! You’ll see!” 
“He always says that,” Jeongguk rolled his eyes at the evil man as you began walking down the hallway. “Ah anyways- wait where are you going?”
“Home? The mission is over, Mr. Powers. We can leave.”
“But we’re in Vegas, baby! Why don’t we have fun! Or do you have a bug up your ass?”
Your jaw dropped in shock at his words. “I have fun, just, not on company time.”
“We’re not on company time anymore?” He countered.
Kissing your teeth, you sighed, giving in. “Fine, one drink. Let’s go back to the room so I can change, this dress is getting terribly uncomfortable.” You sighed as you continued walking past him.
“Groovy, baby!”
Jeongguk followed you back up to your room, where you kicked off your heels and began pulling off the remainder of your gadget rings. Dropping them off into a bowl, you reached behind you for your zipper. You let out a noise of frustration, unable to free yourself of the cocktail dress.
No doubt seeing your struggle, Jeongguk stepped behind you. “Allow me.” Gently he placed his hands on your shoulders, stilling you. In one swift motion, he pulled your zipper down, exposing your back to him, but didn’t step away. “You know, you saved my ass back there.”
“I did.”
“Is there anything I could do to possibly repay you?” Your back was pressed up against his chest, you could feel his hot breath against the skin of your ear. 
For a moment, you pause, pondering his words. On one hand, you were definitely annoyed with his constant advances and flirtations. But on the other, with Dr. Evil defeated- what was holding you back? Turning in his hold, you faced him. 
“On one condition,” you said, taking note of his dark eyes, full of lust, “I’m in charge.”
That familiar smirk pulled on his lips once again. “Smashing, baby.”
“Oh shut up, Powers.” With that, you pulled on his satin jacket, meeting his lips in a messy kiss. Your teeth clanged against his as you took one step, two steps forward until Jeongguk hit the bed beside him, falling onto the mattress. Letting the dress fall off your shoulders, you stood before him in your matching black undergarments. You enjoyed the look on Jeongguk’s face as you revealed your nearly naked body. “Do I make you horny, baby?” You echoed the words he said to you on the jet.
“You make me absolutely randy,” he winked.
“Take off your clothes,” you ordered, pointing to his pink satin suit. “Now.”
Pride swelled in your chest as you watched Jeongguk scramble to remove his clothes, revealing the same muscular body you saw earlier when he was unfrozened. As he pulled down his pants, freeing his cock, it slapped against his lower abdomen. For a moment, you were stunned as his dick was quite impressive in length, you wondered if it happened because of the freezing process or if he was always just naturally hung. 
Meeting his eyes once again, you saw he’d noticed your staring and wiggled his eyebrows at you. “Like what you see.”
Narrowing your eyes at him, you snapped your fingers. “Hands on the headboard, now.”
Laying across the bed, Jeongguk raised his hands above his head, resting them on the headboard. Reaching down to the ground, you reached for his pants, pulling out his belt. With it in hand, you crawled onto the bed, seating yourself on Jeongguk’s muscular thighs. Leaning over him, you secured his wrists to the headboard. 
“Do you need a safeword?” You questioned him as you leaned back, taking in the full view of him fully exposed and looking absolutely delicious. 
“Marget Thatcher.” He winked.
With a roll of your eyes, you took his length in your hand. Jeongguk let out a hiss at the sudden contact. You smirked at him as you removed your hand, spitting into your palm before you began pumping him, slowly. With each drag of your hand, Jeongguk let out a series of soft mewls and sighs. You swiped your thumb over his tip, collecting the pearl of pre-cum that had been growing. Each noise he made you could feel the fabric of your underwear cling to you get more and more uncomfortable. 
“Fuck- shit,” Jeongguk whined as you pumped his cock. “Please, fuck-”
“Please what?” You asked, not slowing in the fervent pace you’ve set. With a grown, Jeongguk thrusted his hips into your fist, trying to get closer to his high. “Nuh uh uh,” you tisked as you pressed your free hand down his hips, keeping him still against the mattress. “No moving.”
“Fuck I’m gonna come,” he moaned.
“Really? You wanna come all over my hands?”
“Yes! Please!”
“I don’t think so,” you tutted as you pulled your hand away, stopping him from reaching his orgasm. 
“No, fuck, please. Please, need to cum. Wanna come,” Jeongguk whined, pulling against the belt that held him in place. 
“You’ll come when I want you to,” you said as you reached between your legs, pushing your underwear to the side. Grabbing hold of his length, you brought his tip to your entrance and slowly lowered yourself down onto him. He wasn’t so big it hurt, but just big enough that it gave you a delicious burn as you sheathed him inside you. 
“You’re so-so warm, fuck!” Jeongguk whined as he attempted to buck up into you, wanting more of you.
Experimentally, you rolled your hips against him. “Fuck,” you sighed out, as you lifted your hips, feeling every single ride of his cock drag against your walls before you dropped your hips back down. 
“More! More!” Jeongguk cried out, no doubt feeling his stolen high creep back up on him. 
Instead of teasing him more, you only continued to fuck yourself on his cock. Reaching down you found your clit, playing with it as you continued riding him. A knot in your gut grew as you thrusted yourself down on him over and over again.
“I’m gonna come, please-please let me come,” he begged.
“Hold it,” you hissed, rubbing your bundle of nerves until you felt the knot in your gut snap. Waves of pleasure washed over you as you moaned out Jeongguk’s name. With your walls convulsing around him, you don’t think he’ll last much longer. Pulling yourself off him, you wrapped your hand around his cock once again, not stopping until ropes of cum fell from him, painting his stomach white. 
Hand covered in cum, you collapsed on the bed next to him, catching your breath. 
“I was right,” Jeongguk smiled as he looked at you, his hands still bound to the bed. “You do shag like a fox.”
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
touch me
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spencer reid x reader
Summary: Spencer is incredibly touch-starved and hard on himself since coming home from prison. Luckily, the medical examiner in this small town is really good at reading people, and exactly what he needs.
warnings: mentions of cases, insecurity issues, female reader, smut, blowjobs, riding, praise, emotional hurt/comfort. emotional sex, strangers to lovers, hook-ups,
word count: 5.8k
They had been in New Mexico for almost a week, solving a series of murders that seemed to have no end in sight. There was nothing they could do but go back to their hotels to sleep, hoping there’d be a connection in the morning.
Spencer and JJ were sharing a room as the small town hotel didn’t have accommodations for everyone that was visiting to help with the case. They didn’t mind, it was like a long sleep-over.
They did their own thing, kept their space and Spencer really did enjoy overhearing her on FaceTime with her kids. It was refreshing happiness in the middle of the madness murder sadness and despair they were swallowed by.
When his phone rang at 6 am, just shortly after he returned to his room for a quick rest, he sighed deeply, “Dr. Reid.”
“I’m so sorry to do this to you, but another body dropped and I need you to go to the ME,” Prentiss explained softly down the line. “It’s weirder than the other’s and you’re the only person who would be able to work it out with the examiner.”
“I’m on it,” he replied with a tightlipped smile. He hung up and looked over at JJ, already peacefully asleep on her bed. He closed the door softly on his way out, not wanting to disturb her any further.
At the other end of the hallway, Spencer stood and waited for the elevator. It seemed to be taking forever, everything he was doing lately dragged on and on with no end in sight. He was exhausted, still struggling with his PTSS, just all around not having the best time.
He was in the middle of rubbing the sleep out of his eyes when the elevator opened with an equally tired woman waiting inside. “Hi,” she said before covering her mouth to yawn, “sorry.”
“I get it,” he smiled as he stepped inside. “Lobby?”
“Yes please,” she smiled. “Are you here for the case too?”
“Uh, yes,” he answered softly, “I’m Dr. Spencer Reid, with the FBI.”
“Oh, hi! I’m Dr. Y/N Y/L/N, the medical examiner,” her face lit right up. “Agent Prentiss said you’d be joining me I just didn’t think this quickly.”
She was adorable, bubbly and happy in a way he envied. He missed the feeling of random giddiness, smiling at her as he felt the butterflies swirl in his stomach. “Do you need a ride? I have an SUV from the bureau.”
“Yeah,” her smiled got bigger. “That would be really nice.”
They walked closely together through the lobby and towards the parking structure, he hit the unlock button a few times while trying to figure out which SUV his keys matched to. Finally getting in and watching her climb in the passenger seat.
“Do you know anything yet about the body?” Spencer asked as he turned on the ignition.
“Yeah hold on,” she pulled her iPad out of her bag and started sliding through emails.
“Your tech girl sent me the initial police reports, witness statements and overview,” she began to explain. “Like the others, she’s a 25-year-old female, blond, blue-eyed, athletic.”
“Prentiss said it was a weird one?” Spencer added.
“They think she was embalmed before the unsub staged her,” Y/N added with a tone of disgust on her voice. “Do you have your tech girl’s number?”
“Yeah, hold on,” Spencer dug his phone from his pocket and dialled the number.
“Penelope Garcia, the 8th wonder of the world at your service,” she answered after just one ring. “How are you doing on this fine morning, my fine furry friend?”
“Not so hot,” Spencer replied. “I’m with the ME right now on the way to the body, she has a question for you.”
“Oh hello, ask away.”
Y/N was smiling on the front seat, enjoying the show they put on for her. “Um, hi I was wondering if you could look into anyone in this town buying embalming equipment, or if any has been stolen from the funeral home? This town is so under-resourced already, I don’t know where this guy could get this stuff.”
“Absolutely, I’ll add that to my parameters,” Garcia’s voice was lovely and soft. “I’ll call you back if I find anything!”
“She’s lovely,” Y/N exclaimed as Spencer place his phone back in his pocket.
“Yeah, she is.”
Spencer pulled into the morgue’s parking lot, the lights were all on and the Coroners van was parked by the loading doors. Inside there was just 1 officer, waiting beside a body bag as Spencer and Y/N walked in.
The officer gave them both a quick rundown of the crime scene findings, as well as information about where all the equipment was before leaving them to their work.
“Have you ever examined a body?” Y/N asked Spencer.
He nodded, “I’ve been present during a few, held some organs, but I’ve never done one myself.”
“They’re pretty gnarly,” She scrunched her face and giggled. “Let’s get you all geared up.”
She handed him a hairnet, a white plastic suit, goggles and a mask. “Gloves are on the wall, pick your size.”
He felt like a lunch lady standing beside her, taller than her by almost a foot, dressed in all white with a hairnet. He could tell she was smiling at him under her mask, her eyes gleamed up at him in a way that made his heart melt.
He had to remind himself multiple times that this was nowhere close to the time appropriate to want to flirt with someone. They were about to examine a dead body, and potentially solve a case. There would be time to flirt later.
But he was just so amazed by how she worked, being able to tell everything that was going on by just looking at the body. Making notes on her own and only occasionally explaining things to Spencer. In her own little world, solving the puzzle with expertise.
“The other 4 vics were just strangled and staged, dressed up and left in different areas around town,” she ran the case down more for herself, needing to hear the words to make a connection.
“Yes,” Spencer followed her train of thought, tilting his head as he listened.
“She was murdered, embalmed, staged and sexually assaulted. His MO is completely different and it’s only been 2 days since the last body dropped. I think he’s found his signature,” She explained her thoughts. “His sexual aspect comes out only when they’re dead and cold, we’re dealing with a necrophile.”
“While most serial killers start with small animals before moving on to humans, he started with women and then eventually grew to what he really wanted. That’s what we were missing,” Spencer’s eyes lit up.
“He’s a lot younger than you hypothesized in the original profile,” She added.
“You read it?”
She nodded, “yeah I like to know what you’re looking at to see if I have answers.”
“This is really going to help us,” Spencer smiled, his eyes mimicking hers now.
“I can finish up here if you want to go back to your team? I can get a cab,” She offered. “Go catch this guy.”
“Okay,” Spencer said, backing up from the table and taking his equipment off. Placing them in the hazmat garbage. “Are you sure?”
“Yes Dr. Reid, I’ll be fine,” She laughed. “Can I call you if anything comes up?”
He smiled again, “call me even if something doesn’t.” He dug a contact card out of his pocket and placed it on top of her purse. Waving as he walked out of the room.
He thought about her smile for the rest of the afternoon, leaving his findings with Prentiss before heading back to his room to sleep for a few hours.
He finally found his way back into the police department 5 hours later, coffee in hand as he tried to absorb all the new information. They had a lead, stolen embalming equipment from a funeral home a few towns over was reported 4 days ago.
He stayed back during the apprehension of the suspect. Simmons, Lewis and Rossi were closer and they didn’t think the unsub would be dangerous. No one was missing and he wasn’t expecting them, should be easy to get him to come in for some questions.
Much like the rest of this case, it didn’t go to plan. They found another woman in his home, having to shoot him in the process. Ending the spree, ridding the world of a necrophile. It just didn’t feel like justice was served when another person had to die.
Spencer sat on his bed, calming down slightly from the end of the case. Saving a woman, killing a murderer, it was all a lot to process in such a short time.
JJ was in her bed on the other side of the room, scrolling through Facebook as she looked at photos of her kids. It was a much easier way for her to calm down, remembering that she could go home to pure, unadulterated happiness at the end of a case.
They heard a small knock on the door, Spencer volunteered to answer, opening it only a small amount as he looked out.
“Oh, hi,” surprised to see Y/N behind the door.
“Would you like to come and drink with me?” She asked, holding up a bottle in her hand. “In my room,” she added.
“Yeah, yes um, hold on,” he closed the door on her softly.
“Who’s that?” JJ smirked at him.
“My friend,” he replied quickly, running to the bathroom to look at his hair and fix his shirt. “I’ll be back later.”
He grabbed his wallet, making sure he had a condom first, before opening the door only a small amount to slip out into the hall. Hiding Y/N from JJ as she tried to look out the door.
“Sorry, my co-worker and I are sharing,” he explained.
“It’s okay,” she smiled, heading towards the stairs. “I’m just a floor up, and the elevator takes a million years.”
Spencer held the door for her, watching her head up the stairs as he noticed the bottle in one of her hands and her shoes in the other. She walked up the steps in her socks, exhausted from the day.
“Did you get any sleep?” She asked him softly as she kept climbing the steps.
“A few hours, did you?”
“Yeah,” she laughed, “I woke up just before they called about the body this morning.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to just go to bed? You’ve been working for 12 hours,” Spencer worried for her.
She reached the door for floor 3, pulling it open with the hand she held her shoes in, “Sleep is the for weak.”
He laughed lightly, “do you want me to hold anything?”
“Here,” she handed him the bottle, “thanks.”
She dug the keycard from her pocket as he followed her towards the right door. Excitement bubbled in his chest as she opened the door and welcomed him inside.
It was exactly like his room downstairs, only there was just 1 queen bed and a few couches by the window. She set her things down on the bed, sighing deeply as she sat on the edge.
“Do you have any cups or mugs?” Spencer asked, reminding her that he was holding the alcohol still.
“Yeah, on the bar table over there,” she pointed. “I’m just going to change in the bathroom quickly, you can pour yourself a drink.”
“Okay,” he smiled awkwardly as he crossed the room.
She dug through her suitcase quickly. Spencer saw from the corner of his eye as she took out some shorts and a shirt, not even slightly worried about being so casual in front of a complete stranger.
He inspected the bottle, it was just a cheap scotch, nothing too special. He poured about an inch of the golden liquid into two cups, not a big fan of drinking but tonight he felt a little risky.
She came back looking more refreshed, very cozy, and still breathtakingly beautiful. He hadn’t felt this way about someone in a long time, the tightening in his chest as he wondered where the night was going to go.
Not to mention the longing he felt.
Even before prison, he wasn’t one to spend a lot of nights alone with a beautiful stranger. The added isolation in his life changed him on a fundamental level, he realized just how much he craved contact, and just how much he’s deprived himself over the years from both men and women. He just wanted to be loved properly.
He silently handed her one of the cups, smiling at each other softly as they tapped cups. Taking the whole drink, “oh, yep that was exactly what I needed.” Y/N’s eyes watered as her face scrunched up, coughing a bit.
Spencer felt the same, only being able to hide it a bit better. The burn was nice on his throat, it made him feel alive. “Did you want to order some food or anything or?”
She laughed, “that would be the smart and responsible thing to do.”
“Are you okay?” He asked softly.
She looked up at him, her shoulders dropping as she released the tension in her body. Looking into his eyes with care, it was so different from the way his co-workers looked at him. She didn’t think he was broken, she had to reason to believe he was even damaged.
“Yeah,” she smiled, placing her hand on his chest as she stepped in closer to him. “Do you like mushrooms on pizza?” She giggled, even this close to him with every opportunity to kiss him, she chose to just make him smile. Something that didn’t happen too often lately.
“I do, it’s my favourite topping actually.”
She took his tie in her hands and dragged him to the couch, “I enjoy topping sometimes too.”
She sat down on the couch and looked up at him, waiting for him to sit beside her. Patting the cushion beside herself while he swallowed sharply, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat, making her smirk.
“I won’t bite Spencer,” she laughed finally. “I’m sorry if that was too much?”
“No,” he said, sitting down beside her quickly. “No, it’s fine honestly, I’m just not used to it.”
“Too busy with the FBI to find anyone to hit on you?”
He shook his head softly, pushing his hair out of his face. “I uh, I was framed for murder and in prison for 3 months. I haven’t really had a conversation with anyone I don’t work with in a while.”
“Oh,” she didn’t look surprised or scared. “That makes sense.”
“What does?”
“You’re soft,” she leaned in to press her hand against his chest once more, eye level with him now. Seeing his eyes dart from her lips to her eyes every few seconds as he licked his lips. “You don’t look like you want to hurt anyone, but something about your aura is changing. You know how to protect yourself now, and you’re stuck thinking you’re still in danger.”
“How can you tell all that just from looking at me?” He asked softly.
“If I showed up at any other man’s door with a bottle of alcohol and the offer of a night alone, I would have been pushed against that door the second we got here,” she explained. “You respect me, almost a little too much.”
“Why wouldn’t I?” His face was soft and curious and proving her point.
“You see me as a person, but I can tell you’re touch starved. Every time I get close to you, it’s like you don’t want me to move away,” her voice was barely a whisper as she leaned in even closer to him.
She could feel his breath on her face, her nose was close enough to brush against his as she stared at his lips, “but you won’t make the first move. You want to protect me from you.”
He nodded his head lightly before rubbing the tip of his nose against hers and making her smile. He let out a sigh, relaxing his shoulders as she straddled his lap, leaning him back against the couch. He bit the bullet and let his hands rest on her hips, looking at her softly in the hopes it was okay.
“Tell me?” She begged, holding his tie in her hands, running it through her fingers as she waited. “What do you want? What you miss? Let me be that for you,” she begged.
“Anything,” he finally tells her. “Just touch me.”
She loosened his tie, freeing his neck finally. She slowly undoes every single button on his shirt, untucking the hem from his pants as she opens it up.
Her fingers are warm on his skin, but he still gasps at the touch. Her fingers were so soft, like angel kisses as the pads of her fingers traced the skin. Gliding over every freckle, raking through his chest hair, bumping along the barely-there abs.
His thumbs rubbed against her bare thighs, where he held her lightly. “You can touch me too,” she whispered.
His hands travelled up to her waist, he gently pulled her in closer. No longer resting on his legs, but pressed close to his chest. Her hands landed on his shoulders, looking down at him with nothing but pure lust as her breathing hitched.
She cupped his face, gliding her thumbs along his cheeks softly as she stared at his lips. He opened his mouth to breathe, his bottom lip was plump and beautiful and she couldn’t help herself from rubbing her thumb over it.
He kissed her thumbprint before taking it in his mouth, sucking on it softly making her hips buck into his lightly. The suction on her thumb was more erotic than she expected, the feel of his hot mouth, his wet tongue swirling around it before he let her go with a pop.
She accidentally let out a moan that excited him, “like that?”
She immediately felt her heartbeat in her clit, she nodded feverishly. Suddenly at a loss for words, wondering where this Spencer suddenly came from.
“How far are we taking this?” He asked softly. “We can stop and order that pizza at any time?”
There he was, the soft and sweet man that she brought here in the first place. “Pizza is even better after sex,” she couldn’t stop the giggle from erupting from her, even as she bit her lip.
He smiled at her like she was the world. A complete stranger making him feel more than anyone had in the last year. “I’m going to need longer than it takes to deliver a pizza,” he admitted.
“Luckily they’re open late,” she compromised, leaning in and finally kissing him.
It was soft at first, then he pulled her in even closer. She was chest to chest with him as he breathed her in deeply. She melted into his grasp as if he had just stolen her soul right out of her body.
She was his now.
She kept his face in her hands, holding him as he broke the kiss to explore her jaw. Kissing every inch of her neck and chest as she gripped his hair, making him moan as she used her nails to comb through the long locks.
“Does that feel nice?” She cooed, running her nails along his scalp as he tilted his head back.
“My favourite thing,” he explained as he closed his eyes, letting her repeat the same motion again and again.
He looked so peaceful, running his hands over her back and sides softly as she massaged him. She leaned in and kissed his cheeks, the tip of his nose, both eyelids and his forehead.
He wanted her to touch him everywhere, her delicate touch made him feel worthy for once. Every self-hatred of his washed from his body as she explored him with care, care only one would receive if they were a most prized possession.
He felt loved.
It was overwhelming, he didn’t realize a tear had slipped down his cheek until she was wiping it from his skin. Shushing him softly before kissing him quickly on the lips.
“I’m sorry,” he apologized, embarrassed.
“It’s okay, what’s on your mind beautiful?” She asked softly as she brushed through his hair once more.
“I just,” he looked in her eyes ever so innocently. “I’m not used to feeling cared for, no one pays attention to me this way.”
“That’s shameful,” she looked utterly perplexed. “Look at you? You’re gorgeous, you’re smart, you’re powerful. You’re kind and lovely and soft?”
“But I’m also weird and too much to handle,” he interjected.
“Not to me,” she corrected him. “this morning you could have said nothing in the elevator, you could have driven by yourself and awkwardly waited till I was finished my work. But you didn’t, you had a conversation with me, you helped me many times, you cared about me making it back here safely and you didn’t even know me. You’re a special kind of person Doctor Reid, and anyone who doesn’t see it is an idiot.”
He pressed his lips together in an awkward smile and furrowed his brow, “do you ever give out parts of yourself to everyone because you know how hard it is to feel appreciated?”
“All the time,” she laughed softly. “But not now.”
“Me either,” he whispered. “Thank you.”
“I’ll make you a deal, you tell me the worst thing you’ve ever done and I’ll tell you mine,” she offered. “Even the playing field.”
“How so?”
“Right now you think I’m super nice and kind right? And I just told you how I feel about you, but you hate yourself and outside of here I hate myself too. Share a secret, we can be fucked up together,” she smiled.
“In order to keep myself safe in prison, I poisoned a batch of heroin and almost killed a lot of people,” he responded without thinking.
“Okay,” she was a little shocked that he gave in so fast. “One time I stabbed a guy who tried to touch me after I pushed him off me twice already. He didn’t die, it barely even went in.”
“Both are technically self-defence,” he shrugged.
“See?” She smiled. “You’re not as bad and scary as you think you are. You’re smart and cunning.”
“Are you sure you’re not a therapist?” He teased her, “because this has been better for me than any therapy appointment I’ve ever gone to.”
She laughed again, kissing him softly. “I think it would be against the rules for your therapist to do this, I guess that’s why some men cheat.”
“How so?” He just liked listening to her speak.
“It’s easier to be open with someone you’ll never see again than it is with your therapist or wife because there are no consequences. They can’t judge you or hold anything against you, they do what you paid them for and they leave,” she explained herself.
“I’d like to see you again,” his voice barely a whisper. “If you’d like that?”
She nodded softly, “maybe I’ll move back to Virginia, finally.”
“Is that where you’re from?”
“Born and raised. I moved to Albuquerque with my girlfriend 5 years ago, and she left me about 2 years ago now,” Y/N explained. “I liked my job too much to move all the way back there and start over.”
“I can put in a good word for you where ever you want,” he offered before he could stop himself from looking too desperate.
“I’ll look into it,” she smiled.
He kissed the centre of her chest again before pulling her into a hug. Hearing her heart beating in her chest softly as she pressed her cheek to the top of his head and rubbed her hand over his back. Soothing him so completely, he felt beyond amazing.
And then she was gone, pulling back from him and standing up. “Wh-?” Before he could even ask, she was lifting her shirt off.
He stared at her breasts, eyes wide and jaw dropped. She walked over to the bar, taking another shot before she pushed her shorts down and climbed onto the bed. Completely naked in under a minute.
He stood then, pushing the opened shirt off his shoulders and immediately undoing his belt. He took a condom from his wallet before kicking off his shoes, dropping his pants and underwear to the floor and stepping out of them.
She was laying back against the pillows when he crawled over her, resting his naked body against hers ever so slightly. She just smirked as she looked up at him, “hi.”
“Hello,” he whispered.
“What do you want?” She asked.
He kissed her softly on the lips, or at least he planned to. Y/N wrapped her arms around his back and pulled him down against her. Swiping her tongue across his bottom lip, begging to make out with him, finally.
Grabbing and tugging at each other as everything started to heat up, she could feel his erection against her leg as he ground down on her. Sucking on his tongue, lightly making him moan into her mouth.
His hair kept tickling her face, every time she’d push it away it would just fall right back against her skin. She pulled him off by his hair, gasping for air as they stared at each other again.
“Can I be on top?” She asked lightly.
He wrapped his arms under her, holding her close as he rolled over. Watching her settle more onto her knees as she sat on his hips. “Better?”
“Much,” she said as she sat up, taking a hairband off her wrist and putting her hair up. Raising her arms in a way that made her tits perk up. He reached up and cupped them, rubbing his thumb lightly across her nipples before giving them a squeeze.
She just laughed as she finished her ponytail, “having fun?”
“Absolutely,” he smiled up at her.
His hands followed the curve of her body, from her boobs to her waist and down over her hips. She was stunning, confident, everything he ever wanted and more.
She found the condom in the sheets, the bright purple packaging making it easy to see. She played with it in her hands, seeing how long it would take before he got desperate, but he never did.
“How long have you had this?” She asked, trying to tease him.
“Not long,” he was honest. “I just got out of prison, remember?”
“So you haven’t had sex since before you went in?” She looked excited.
“No, why?”
She smiled, “so I’m taking your free man’s virginity.”
“I don’t think that’s a thing?”
“It is now,” she giggled before leaning down to kiss him once more.
Trailing kisses down his neck, stopping only to suck a mark near his Adam’s apple. Hearing the sweet little gasps he made every time her tongue came in contact with his skin. She kissed his clavicle, his shoulder and down his chest. Making her way across his abs and over his lower tummy.
He gripped the sheets, not knowing what she had planned or where she was going. Spreading his legs, she kissed his groin, his right hip bone and the inside of his thighs. He couldn’t believe it, the way she explored him so delicately.
She ignored his cock for a while, kissing and sucking at any and all the visible skin she could find. He felt her smile against his thigh then, getting closer and closer before she took his cock in her hand and kissed the base.
He let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding in, settling into the bed like water filling a glass, he was liquid in her hands. Her mouth was a blessing and she chose him to worship.
“Fuck,” he moaned as she took all of him as far as she could. Dragging her tongue along the shaft as she pulled back up. Swirling her tongue around the tip before taking him all the way in once more.
She pulled off with a pop, sitting up now with his dick still in her hands. She tore the condom open with her teeth, taking the package off and rolling it over him.
His dick bounced back against his stomach when she let go of it, hard enough that it had a mind of its own now. She bit her lip as she lifted herself over him more, setting herself down softly where it laid against him.
The head of his cock brushed her clit as she ground down on him, his hands found her hips once more as he instinctively helped her find a rhythm.
He could feel how wet she was, the way she glided over him so easily. Her breath hitching every time her hips bucked, she was enjoying herself. It made him even more excited. She leaned back down then, kissing his neck once more as she continued to push down on him.
“I need you,” Spencer gasped.
She smiled against his skin, lifting her hips enough for him to line up with her before she started to sink down on it. He watched himself disappear inside of her, feeling the way she took him in like he was always meant to be there.
“Fuck,” she gasped as she sat down fully, her hands resting on Spencer’s stomach as she tried to get used to it all. Listing herself up and down little by little to get the rhythm going again.
Spencer pulled her back in again, arching her back so she could bounce easier. She held him close, tucking her face into the crook of his neck as she started to move faster and faster on him. Hearing his breathing pick up as his grip tightened on her asscheeks.
She kept one hand in his hair as her other hand reached for her clit, pleasuring herself slightly the way she knew she liked it. “Jesus Christ,” she whispered against his skin as she fucked him.
It had never felt like this before, it was so personal for the first time. They worked together perfectly, not having to communicate at all, following the other person’s rhythm like a well-oiled machine with a task.
He felt her everywhere. Her hands in his hair, her lips on his neck. The way her hot breath tickled right under his ear as she tried to catch her breath against him. The way she pulled off him and sucked him back in, again and again, her breasts against his chest and her ass in his hands.
He couldn’t believe it. That a real human being cared about and appreciated him, even after learning his worst secret. She was special and different and everything he needed.
He could feel himself getting closer, wanting to savour every moment with her that he could. His hands roamed her back, over her shoulders and arms. He wanted to touch every single inch of her while he had the chance.
“I’m so close,” she whispered in his ear, kissing his cheek and resting her open mouth against his.
They weren’t kissing, they were panting over each other with their foreheads resting together. Euphoria filling the empty spaces between them as she came, gasping and shaking violently over him.
“Fuck,” he groaned, bending his knees and driving into her a few more times before he finished.
She tugged on his hair then, biting his bottom lip as she felt him twitch inside of her. Letting out the smallest gasps and whimpers as she pulled her hand out from between them and pushed herself off him.
Dropping her body against his, resting her head on his chest as they caught their breath.
He wrapped his arms around her, holding her in a hug as he repeatedly kissed the top of her head. “Thank you,” he was still out of breath as he said it.
She smiled, laughing against his skin again as she hugged him back.
He woke up to the sun in his eyes and the feeling of lips against his skin. He blinked as gained consciousness, finding Y/N laying against his chest again. Her face in his heck where she was placing lazy kisses, trying to wake him up nicely.
“Good morning?” His voice was groggy and deep, it made her smile against his skin. A feeling he didn’t realize he missed so much during the night.
“What time is your flight back?”
“10:30, why?” He asked softly, rubbing his hand over her back softly.
She held him tighter, breathing him in deeply as she did so. Not wanting to let him go any time soon, “it’s 9:45.”
“Is it bad I’m hoping there’s a secret serial killer in Albuquerque?”
She laughed again, sitting up this time so she could look at him again. “Maybe I’ll come to visit my parents soon a find a reason to stay in Virginia?”
“I’d like that,” he smiled, pulling her into a kiss. Never wanting it to be the last one.
He waited till the last possible moment to finally peel himself out of her grasp, trying to find all his clothes and belongings from the night before
He kissed her quickly at the door before taking off down the steps and back to the room he was supposed to be sharing with JJ. He knocked on their door lightly, hoping to every god on earth she hadn’t left yet.
She opened the door and just stared at him with her mouth open, “oh my god?” She laughed.
“What?” He asked, completely oblivious to how he looked.
JJ dragged him inside, pulling him towards a mirror and pointing at his reflection. “What happened to you?”
His hair was a mess, he had hickeys all over his neck. His shirt was barely buttoned, definitely not untucked and he didn’t even have his shoes on. “oh.”
“Oh?” JJ couldn’t believe it. “Who is she?”
“Um, the ME from this case,” he explained, scratching the back of his head as he squinted.
JJ just laughed then, “hurry up and look somewhat presentable, pretty boy, the team is going to eat you alive for this.”
Sure enough, when he finally sat in his little corner of the plane with his glasses on and a hickey still visible above his collar, all eyes were on him. No one wanted to ask, they all just made it abundantly clear that they were curious.
Alvez even took a photo to send to Penelope, who sent it to Derek, who texted Reid only 20 minutes into the flight asking who she was. He rolled his eyes and put his phone back in his pocket. About to get really pissed when a second text came in.
555-0623: if you’re still serious about that recommendation, there is a spot available at the DC medical examiner’s office… I’d probably be closer to you than your therapist’s office 💋
He smiled then, saving her number and starting his letter.
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reidandweep · 4 years
Spencer Reid x Reader (female)
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A/N- Much like Adam Driver, I have been a huge fan of Matthew Gray Gubler and criminal minds for years. With quarantine, I decided to re-watch the show from the beginning and I had some inspiration. My writing tends to take a while but if you have any requests or idea for Spencer Reid, please send them my way.
Word Count- 6286 words
Warning- Angst, mentions of violence and torture, fluff, tears, and the usual criminal minds details.
If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us shall we not revenge? -William Shakespeare.
“Good morning my lover and friends. As of 8:45 am, yesterday morning, four bodies have been found across the Washington State area. Locations confirmed to be Pomeroy, Baker City, Salem, and Mill Creek. All victims were very similar in physical appearance; Caucasian, red hair, brown eyes, approximately 5ft 4’.”
Garcia swiped her tablet to display family photographs of the victims on the screen. The team watched, in the debriefing room, as they scanned through their own tablets; reading through the details. Spencer’s eyes flittered over the images as his fingers scanned across the words in his paper file; still adamant on not working with technology like the rest of his team.
“What about the cause of death? How were they found?”
Garcia shivered at Rossi’s question.
“It’s not a pretty image. Each victim was dismembered at the elbows, knees, neck, and stomach. Further cuts were made vertically down the stomach and across the face, arms, and legs. Not deep enough to cut through bone, but deep enough to bleed out. Where the unsub cut our victims, he then sewed them back together.”
Emily looked up at Garcia.
“Are you saying the lacerations were made before the victim’s died?”
“Precisely. Each autopsy report came back the same with the cause of death pointing to the direction of blood loss; specifically, from the throat.”
The team looked at the new images before them. Multiple pictures appeared on the screen, showing the bodies of the victims. The pictures showing the women laid out in the same pose, thick thread holding together the pieces of their corpses. All had their eyes closed, except one.
“Garcia, the last victim, zoom into her face.”
Garcia did as Spencer asked.
“Her eyes are closed.”
Spencer nodded, glancing towards JJ as she spoke.
“Meaning that he felt remorse for this murder.”
Derek scrolled through the pictures on his tablet.
“The other three victim’s eyes are open, indicating that he wanted them to look. To watch what he was doing, whatever it may have been.”
Spencer looked across the table at the questioning faces.
“So, what changed between the third and the fourth victim?”
Hotch stood from his seat, indicating the others to grab their belonging.
“We can discuss further on jet. Wheels up in thirty.”
Being greeted by the local police department in Clagstone, Spencer and the team began their investigation into the murders. Spencer did not know what it was, but the stitching on the bodies felt familiar. Like he had seen them before.
Looking up from his files, Spencer watched as Derek walked into the room, ending a call with who he could only presume to be Garcia.
“Garcia has just completed background checks on our latest victim. Lily Trent visited local film screenings at the Southview Centre religiously, to watch horror movies in particular. Seems like the girl loved anything horror and Halloween; according to her roommate and her computer history. It seems that are other victims did also.”
Spencer stood from his seat and walked towards the whiteboard at the back of the room. Writing down the details Derek stated, his brain began to filter through the relevant information needed.
“Halloween is ranked the ninth most celebrated holiday in the world. With different interpretations of the holiday occurring according to country and culture. Wearing costumes at Halloween did not even become an occurrence until 1585, with the first instance recorded in Scotland.”
Derek chuckled at Reid’s excitement. He knew the boy loved Halloween.
“Well it all looks like they were pretty huge fans of the holiday and horror films. Maybe our unsub was too.”
Spencer looked down at the photos in his hand, scanning his memory for any correlation.
“Maybe, it’s not just horror, but a particular film. If all the victims were presented in a certain way, maybe the unsub is trying to replicate what happened to a character in a particular film.”
Derek crossed his arms over his chest.
“I’ll call Garcia to search through all the victims search history to see if any particular horror films come up in each one. Do you know of any films that the unsub could have replicated?”
Spencer shook his head.
“I can collate his actions to hundreds of films but, the method of torture and look of the victims, I can’t think of one horror feature that pinpoints all that the unsub has done.”
A thought unexpectedly popped into Spencer’s mind. Derek cocked his head at the sudden halt from the resident genius.
“But I know someone who might.”
“The importance of genre in film alters many of the other aspects. The characters and their narrative arcs, the music score, cinematography, the edit, and so much more. Sometimes genre even dictates the director who signs onto the project. Dennis Dugan would not have a directing career if Adam Sandler stopped making comedy movies. Because that is what he directs. He doesn’t direct comedies; he directs Adam Sandler comedies. Which, in my opinion, are a whole genre on their own.”
The class chuckled.
“Genre plays a part in everyday life. Sometimes, your day will be led by romance, or grief, or action. There may be drama, or comedy, or even silence.”
The class looked on in concentration as Y/N walked across the floor. If someone who did not attend the college walked past the classroom, they could’ve presumed that she was a student. She looked young enough.
“It controls the way the characters talk, act, and move. How the plot thickens and pushes forward and…”
The doors at the back of the auditorium opened. Y/N looked up at the sound of the intrusion to see figures that she could not recognise, and one that she did.
Clearing her throat, she continued.
“And how it even ends. We shall leave it at that today. What I want you to do in the meantime is research a genre in particular and come up with examples that counteract the stereotypes that have been enforced upon the genre itself. Hand it in to your professor first thing Monday morning. Thank you.”
Y/N watched as the students collected their things and filtered out of the room. The figures waiting till she was only left before they walked down the steps.
Coming to a stop in front of her desk, Y/N crossed her arms and waited. Spencer stepped forward with a crooked smile on his face.
“Hi Y/N.”
Y/N couldn’t help but giggle.
“Long time no see stranger.”
Spencer’s cheeks burned at Y/N’s words. The team shared looks between them at the unfamiliar display. They had seen Spencer blush at people before, but not for a long time.
Spencer cleared his throat, preparing himself to act professional.
“This is Dr Y/F/N Y/L/N. Y/N travels across the country to guest speak at different universities on her topic at hand. She specialises in film studies, more importantly the focus of characters and genres. If I can’t connect the unsub’s actions to a film, Y/N most definitely can.”
Y/N smiled at Spencer’s praise.
“Nice to meet you all. So, what are you here to talk to me about Doc? Obviously, you’re here on a case and if you are asking for my help, I’m guessing it’s going to be pretty gruesome.”
Spencer blushed at the nickname; caught off guard by the word slipping of her tongue.
Sending a raised look towards Reid, Hotch began to explain why they were there.
“Were looking into a case of connected murders. All victims were found to have been mutilated and tortured in the same way. As well as showing resemblances in their physical appearances. With research, we’ve found that each victim was particularly fond of horror films and Halloween. We would just like for you to take a look and see if you could recognise if the ways in which they were harmed stemmed from a film in particular.”
Y/N nodded her head.
“Of course, anything to help.”
She reached for the files from Spencer’s hands, ignoring the tablet pushed in her direction by JJ.
“Sorry, I prefer to use paper. I only really use technology for my lectures or to watch films if they cannot be purchased in physical form.”
Derek smirked, shooting looks to his team, as his eyes landed on Spencer. He never thought he would meet a technophobe like Reid.
Y/N scanned through the pictures and documents, looking in detail at the lacerations at hand. She identified the similarities between the victims, as her mind swirled through the images and characters from the films, she knew held similarities.
“What were the names of all the victims?”
Emily looked towards the woman.
“That information is classified.”
Y/N did not blink at her abrasiveness.
“Were any of them called Sally?”
The team looked perplexed at her question.
“No. Why that name in particular?”
Y/N continued to scan the pages as Rossi questioned her.
“Because the unsub isn’t replicating anything from a horror movie. The unsub is replicating the physical appearance and staging of a character from an animated movie. A Disney one to be more specific.”
A light bulb flickered in Spencer’s mind as he stared at Y/N in realisation. The hair colours. The stitches. It made sense now.
“The Nightmare Before Christmas.”
“The Nightmare Before Christmas is a 1993 American stop-motion animated musical Halloween-Christmas fantasy film directed by Henry Selick and produced and conceived by Tim Burton. It became a cult classic during the early 2000s with orchestral concerts occurring every year to celebrate the spectacle of the film.”
Spencer indicated for JJ to change the monitor as he and Y/N stood in front of the team to explain the information.
“Originally, the story began as a poem written by Tim Burton. Both narratives follow the protagonist, Jack Skellington, into his journey to Christmastown, and how he tries to make Christmas his own. The character in question that your unsub is replicating is the love interest of our protagonist. Created by Dr Finkelstein, Sally is a ragdoll-esque character whose body is covered with stitches to keep her together. The form in which all the women were found is identical to this scene in the movie.”
The screen changes to show the scene in question; paused at the precise moment to prover her point.
“All red haired, all Caucasian, all eerily the same. The stitches are exactly the same and the pose in which they are in the pictures are also.”
“We now know which film our unsub is mimicking, but how can we produce a distinguished profile of our unsub? All we can say is that between his third and fourth victim, he suddenly began to feel remorseful of his crimes.”
Y/N looked towards Spencer, waiting for him to speak as he knew more details about the case.
“Garcia checked into the victim’s computer histories and found that all four victims attended a horror convention in the Washington state area over the course of the past month. The convention in particular runs every other weekend, focusing on different horror films to highlight. However, they always make an exception for one film; The Nightmare Before Christmas. Whilst reviewing receipts for the tickets, they were all brought through the convention’s website, which is run by its board of organisation every year. Up until recently, the board has held the same members.”
Derek tapped on his tablet to the convention’s website.
“Last month, the website released details stating that a distinguish member was no longer part of the board due to unforeseen circumstances.”
It suddenly dawned on Y/N who Derek was talking about.
“Dean Faulkner.”
Spencer whipped around towards Y/N.
All eyes laid on her as her breath increased.
“You know him?”
Y/N nodded at Hotch.
“I guest spoke at a panel with him a few years back at a separate university. We were both there, amongst others, to talk about the works of a genre that are expertise were in. I was there to basically provide loose ends for what they could not answer. Dean’s specialised area was horror. The whole time he spoke about what he described as the true villains of horror and of the world.”
Y/N gulped, her mouth going dry.
The wheels began to turn in the team’s heads.
Spencer stepped closer towards Y/N in assurance, seeing that her thoughts were becoming overwhelmed. He quickly stepped back after he realised what he had done.
“He went on a raging tangent about the damsel in distress and the final girl. Going on and on and on about how women are weak and would never be the last one standing if faced against the monsters in real life. How they manipulated the men and made the monsters seem worse than they truly were. The only time he spoke positively about women was when we finally calmed him down and, during a Q&A session, a student asked him who the perfect horror movie character was. He said Sally because she was forgiving and would do anything for Jack; even if that meant falling apart and being sewn back together. I tried to justify that the film does not necessarily fall into the genre of horror. But he rebutted saying that it most definitely did, because of the fact that Jack’s dream did not come true.”
The room was silent for a second, taking in the information.
Suddenly, Y/N grasped the pen from Spencer’s hands. Her finger scribbling across the whiteboard.
“I need to know the names of the victims. Get Penelope on the phone and tell me the names.”
The team shocked at her erratic movements, sat in silence.
“Do you want to capture this guy?”
Spencer licked his lips and repeated the victim’s names.
“Susanna Cole, Alice Dawes, Liberty May, and Lily Trent.”
Y/N swiftly wrote the names on the boards. Each name below the other. Underneath the last name she wrote the letter Y.
“Can you ask Penelope to track any females with the first name beginning with Y who have purchased a ticket to the next convention?”
Derek quickly began to type to her. The rest of the team looking on in disbelief.
“There were twenty-three purchases, but with cross referencing with the similarities in the other victims, one matched. Her name is Yasmine Driver.”
Y/N wrote the name on the board. Circling all the first letters of each name, it became clear there was another connection with the victims.
“Their initials spell Sally.”
Y/N nodded at JJ’s disbelief.
“Reid, when is the next convention being held?”
Spencer diverted his attention to Emily.
“Their schedule every two weeks, so that would make it… tomorrow.”
The team swiftly moved into action.
“JJ bring together the police force for a debrief. Derek and Rossi, go to the convention centre and question the board about Dean. Ask them how often he visited and if they have any knowledge of the victims visits to the convention. Spencer and Emily, contact Penelope for Faulkner’s address. Once you have visited the home, if he is there, bring him in. We’re going to try and catch him before he gets close to his goal. I will locate Yasmine and bring her to the station for safety. We don’t know how far he is going to go and what the end goal of his fantasy is. But we are going to stop him.”
The team swiftly did as they were told, leaving the room with only Spencer and Y/N behind. Just before the door shot, Hotch leaned back in.
“Thank you, Dr Y/L/N, for all your help. If possible, could you stay here with JJ and look through the documents? You know this guy more than we do, so any more information that comes to mind, please let us know.”
Y/N and Spencer watched as Hotch left the room, the door shutting behind him.
As the silence engulfed them, Y/N and Spencer were hyper aware that they were now alone and had been for the first time in weeks.
Spencer swiftly walked towards Y/N and embraced her in a tight hold. Wrapping her arms around the slender man, Y/N breathed in his scent.
“I’ve missed you.”
Y/N chuckled at Spencer’s muffled words, as his head rested on top of her own. Pulling back, Y/N slowly released Spencer, letting her hands drop to her sides.
“I’ve missed you too Doc. We can catch up later, I will be waiting right here. Now, go and save the girl.”
Spencer chuckled at her words but did as Y/N said. Throwing her a smile, Spencer quickly walked out the room, leaving Y/N behind.
Y/N sat in the room, looking over the files as the time passed, waiting to see Spencer return with the rest of the team. A knock on the door startled her from her search.
Looking up at the door, Y/N saw JJ walk into the room with two cups of coffee in her hands. JJ outstretched the one hand, placing the cup in front of Y/N, as she took a seat and began to sip at her own.
“I didn’t know how many sugars you took so I estimated.”
Y/N smiled at the woman’s kindness.
“Thank you. Have you heard anything from the others?”
JJ sat up in her seat as she watched Y/N look over the documents. Her fingers moving across the pages ever so quickly. Her hand that wasn’t tapped continuously on the table in a rhythm.
“Spencer and Emily located Faulkner’s home, but it was vacant. They’re looking around the premises for clues for where he may be; as we speak. Hotch and Derek just called saying they are on their way down with Yasmine now.”
Y/N nodded at her words. Glad to hear that the girl was safe, but the main priority now would be to locate Faulkner. She wanted to truly help them, before anyone else could get hurt.
JJ grabbed her tablet and began to search through the files for any missed out information. Silence befell across the pair, until JJ could not help but ask what they had all been dying to know.
“How did you and Spencer meet?”
Y/N had been waiting for the question. She had seen the looks the team had shared throughout the day. The questioning gazes towards the pair.
“Spencer and I were both guests speaking at the University of California a few months ago. He must have finished his lecture early as he was wondering the halls when he came across the class I was teaching. I was stood on the desk, encouraging the students to do the same. Spencer thought I was a student causing trouble whilst the professor had left the room. He ran in sprouting facts about the percentage of people who fall and severely hurt themselves whilst standing on tables. Telling me that I should get down before he reports me to my professor.”
JJ chuckled at Y/N’s story.
“Sounds like Spence alright.”
Y/N giggled in agreement. As she spoke, Y/N couldn’t help but smile at the memory of their first encounter. JJ noticed the smile on the woman’s face. She knew what that smile meant.
“So, I told him that he better stay there to catch me, just in case I fell, as I was trying to teach my students about the importance of character actions, and how doing something as simple as standing on a desk can amplify the tone of the scene. Like in the film Dead Poet’s Society. Spencer finally realised that I was also a guest speaker and he actually stood there for the next 40 minutes of my lecture. I didn’t need to stand on the desk that long, but I wanted to see if he would stay. Once the lecture had finished, he apologised for jumping to conclusions. I apologised for making him wait for 40 minutes in case I fell. He told me I didn’t make him wait; he chose to. We’ve been in contact ever since.”
Just as Y/N finished her story, the door to the conference room opened once more. Looking towards the door, Y/N watched as Hotch entered, followed by Yasmine. The young woman looked scared, but unharmed.
Y/N stood from her seat, unsure of what to do as Hotch insisted for Yasmine to take a seat.
“Do you want me to leave?”
Hotch nodded his head.
“We shouldn’t be long. The rest of the team are outside in the bullpen. You can go ahead and join them. JJ and I will take it from here.”
Y/N nodded her head, leaving the room. She watched as Hotch and JJ questioned spoke to Yasmine through the glass, before she turned and walked down the corridor to find Spencer and his friends.
Turning the corner, Y/N failed to stop herself before bumping into a tall figure. Looking up to apologise, her eyes suddenly widened at the familiar face. Before a sound could leave her lips, a blunt force knocked her out cold.
Spencer and the team discussed where Faulkner could be when Hotch strode into the bull pen.
“How did it go?”
Hotch walked towards his team, ready to answer Derek’s question.
“It seems that Faulkner had been stalking the victims for some time. Yasmine detailed seeing him turn up at the conventions, even though he was no longer allowed. She had previously complained about his behaviour to the board before his dismissal. Stating that Faulkner had sexually harassed her. Rossi, did anyone at the convention mention anything about Faulkner that we don’t know?”
“It seems that Yasmine wasn’t the only one. The other board members went into detail about why he was fired. It turned out that all of our victims, including Yasmine, had filed lawsuits against Faulkner for sexual harassment. The charges were ultimately dropped and never recorded to keep the convention’s reputation clear. But they fired Faulkner and banned him from being able to attend any further conventions. Taking away the Nightmare Before Christmas dedicated stand was just a coincidence. They felt that the convention needed something new as they had been celebrating the film for over eight years.”
Just as Hotch was about to declare what the next step would be in finding Faulkner, JJ burst through the ball pen.
“Guys, you have to come quick.”
The team, in shock, watched as JJ ran back towards the conference room. All quickly on her heels. Entering the room, she took control of the laptop, streaming the image to the projector.
Spencer could no longer breathe as he looked at the image on the screen.
The screen showed Y/N tied to a chair and bent forward; clearly in pain. Her surroundings empty and dark.
Suddenly a voice was heard.
“I sense there's something in the wind. That seems like tragedy's at hand isn’t there Dr Y/F/N Y/L/N.”
The team watched in horror as Dean Faulkner yanked Y/N’s head back, her body letting out a strangled cry at the pain caused by his actions.
Spencer felt sick, he felt like he was watching himself when Tobias Hankel had held him captive.
“Emily, call Garcia to track his location. We don’t have much time.”
Emily did as Hotch told her to. Talking as quickly as she could on the phone.
“She can’t track it; he’s re-routing the IP address every thirty seconds.”
“She needs to track it. She needs to find her now!”
They all jumped at Spencer’s outburst, watching as tears filled his vision and his hands began to shake.
“Spencer, you need to calm down, we are going to find her. He can’t have taken her far.”
Spencer took in Derek’s words. Taking a breath, he looked back at the screen as he tried to distinguish any recognisable features of where she may be.
Faulkner moved his face to rest against Y/N’s hair, smelling the tresses. She tried to pull away only for him to yank her back again.
“Why did you kill them Dean?”
Faulkner let go of Y/N’s hair. Walking to her side, he grabbed her face in a vicious grip. Yanking her to look at him.
“Why? They ruined my life, everything I ever worked hard for. You all did.”
Y/N looked at him in confusion.
“I did nothing to you.”
Y/N’s breath increased at the vicious look he sent her way. Her eyes flickered to the camera, knowing that Faulkner was streaming what was happening to Spencer and his team. She had to find a way to tell them where she was.
“You made them question my authority. My position. My integrity as a member of the board. You ruined my reputation by belittling me in California.”.
“That’s because you know nothing about horror Dean. You think you know everything about it, but you don’t.”
Spencer couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Why was Y/N taunting him?
“Garcia’s looking to see if there’s any abandoned properties around the area that he could have taken her to.”
Spencer didn’t even acknowledge Emily’s words.
Faulkner reeled back at Y/N’s taunt.
“I know everything there is to know about horror. I’ve seen it all. I’ve lived it. I’ve created it. Ask me anything about it, I know the right answers.”
“But you don’t. You have an idea of horror, your own idea, that is wrong. You believe that women are the reason you lost your job and became the monster that you are. But they’re not. The reason you’re a monster is because of your sick and twisted fantasies. You made those girls feel small and weak, didn’t you?”
“Shut the fuck up.”
The team watched in apprehension.
“Garcia, the location, we need it now.”
Rossi looked between the screen and the phone in Derek’s hand.
“I can get the area he’s holding her, but not the specific building. The whole town is basically abandoned. She could be anywhere from a shop to a house.”
“Keep looking.”
Spencer chewed on his lips. He had to think rationally. If the unsub was upset about the changes and losing his job, what could have been the last straw?
“Derek what was the film they replaced Nightmare Before Christmas with at the convention.”
Derek and Spencer shared a look.
“Cabin in the Woods.”
Spencer ran across the rooms to the files at hand.
“In the location that Garcia has tracked her too, there are three cabins, all within a walking distance of the other.”
The team began to rush out the room, transferring the livestream to a tablet so they could monitor Faulkner and Y/N.
“You’re weak Dean. You’re just like all the horror movie villains. Ghostface, pinhead, jigsaw, all of them. You feed of fear and feeling in control. But the only thing you have in common with them is that you’re not going to win.”
Faulkner scream in rage. Pulling Y/N’s head back, he punched her in the jaw. Striding to the camera, he pushed his face to the lens.
“The party’s over!”
Spencer watched in horror as the feed went off.
“Hotch we have to hurry!”
Hotch sped up the car. Quickly arriving to the location, the team split up into pairs, taking a cabin each to inspect. Hotch and Derek, Rossi and JJ, and Spencer and Emily veered off to their targeted locations. Spencer followed Emily, trying to stay calm, as he slowly walked into the cabin to find it empty, when suddenly a gun shot was heard. Looking in the direction, the pair ran to the cabin that Derek and Hotch had been assigned. The rest of the team already there, looking into the cabin in shock.
“No, no, no, no. Y/N.”
Spencer pushed in front of them, tears pooling in his eyes as he a waited to see the horror before him. He looked in disbelief as Y/N stood from her position on the floor, the gun dropping from her hand as they shook. Faulkner laid a few feet away, in a pool of blood, no longer breathing.
Y/N looked towards the team. Raising her shaking hands towards Spencer.
“I didn’t want to kill him but he was going to shoot whoever walked through the door.”
Spencer rushed forward, grabbing her in a bone crushing hug. His hands stroking her hair as he soother her cries. Leading her out of the cabin, he allowed his team to sort out the rest as he continued to calm Y/N down.
The movement of the team were a blur as ambulances and police cars came. Taking them to the hospital as they sat in the waiting room as Y/N was checked over.
Spencer sat in the waiting room, his leg bouncing up and down with nerves.
Derek excused himself from the groups conversation as he went and sat next to Spencer. Clapping him on the back, Derek squeezed Spencer’s shoulder in re-assurance.
“She’s going to be fine pretty boy.”
“Physically, she has a concussion, bruising along her jawline, and needs stitches on her forehead. Mentally, I don’t know how she is going to handle this. When I suggested asking for her help in the case, I didn’t presume the risk of her being hurt. I should have.”
“Spencer, listen to me. We would have done everything to make sure she lived okay. She not only saved herself but she also helped save Yasmine and this team. Any one of us could have been shot if she had not thought fast and got the gun out of his hands. You know, better than anyone, how to help her deal with this.”
Spencer took in Derek’s words, nodding his head in appreciation, as he leaned against his friend in a comforting hug.
“Probably wasn’t the ideal way to introduce your girlfriend to the team though.”
Spencer stuttered at Derek’s teasing.
“We’re profilers Spencer. We’ve all noticed how you’ve been happier these past few months and seeing how persistent you were for us to consult Y/N, it gave us all an idea why. Seeing you together only confirmed our suspicions. So, how long has pretty boy had his pretty girl?”
Spencer chuckled at Derek’s words. Ringing his hands together as he spoke to Derek.
“Tomorrow is actually our six-month anniversary. She was going to be flying back today so we could celebrate; unless I got called on a case.”
“We can still celebrate.”
Spencer looked up as Y/N walked through the waiting room, fresh stitches on her forehead and an ice pack resting in her hands.
“The nurse said that there was no internal damage. That my body will just be sore for a few weeks. My concussion is light, so I am alright to travel home.”
The team gathered around to check on her. But her eyes could not leave Spencer’s as he rose from his seat. Spencer walked forward slowly, his eyes never leaving hers. Carefully he cupped her face in his hands, and to the surprise of Y/N and his team, Spencer bowed his head and placed a careful kiss on Y/N’s lips. Slow, protective, and full of love.
Pulling back, Spencer wrapped his arms around her as he looked at the beaming smiles of his teammates. Y/N couldn’t help the blush across her cheeks or the giggle that followed. Soon, everyone was chuckling at the pair.
“I would like to thank you Y/N. From the entire team. Your actions saved a young woman’s life, and what could have been one of our own.”
Y/N smiled in appreciation at Rossi’s words.
“You’re Spencer’s family. I would do it all again if I had to.”
“Statistically speaking, around 2,000 people a day are reported missing in the US. Approximately, 600 of those would be reported or considered kidnappings. It is highly unlikely for you to be put in a situation like that again.”
Y/N looked up at her boyfriend.
“I never thought I would say this, but your talk about me being kidnapped again is really attractive.”
The team laughed at the girl’s statement, seeing Spencer become physically embarrassed.
“Just to inform everyone, the jet will be ready to depart in forty-five minutes. As I was informed that today you would have been heading home, Y/N we have sent for your belongings to be collected; you can fly back with us.”
Spencer smiled at Hotch in gratitude, the older man knowing he would have only worried if she had flown home alone.
“Thank you, Mr Hotchner.”
Hotch let out a brief smile.
“Call me Hotch. Your part of Spencer’s life, that means your part of this family.”
It had been an exhausting few days for the team, and it showed, as they all were sporadically asleep throughout the jet. Silence encompassed the steel capsule, with only the sound of sleep filled breaths being heard.
Y/N laid fast asleep, with her head on Spencer’s shoulder, as the boy genius sat up wide awake. Looking down at the woman next to him, all Spencer could imagine was what could have happened if they weren’t quick enough. How many days he would have lost with her. All the things he wanted to tell her.
As though she could sense his deep thoughts, Y/N slowly awoke, rubbing her eyes as a yawn escaped her mouth. Blinking her eyes rapidly, she waited till she was fully conscious before she spoke.
“What time is it Doc?”
Spencer jostled out of his thoughts to check the watch on his wrist.
“It’s 2:36 am. You’ve been asleep for approximately 3 hours and 22 minutes.”
Y/N quickly sat up in her seat, wide awake.
Spencer turned towards her in worry, wondering what had made her so alert.
“What wrong? Are you feeling nauseous? Do you need some painkillers, as your due to have…”
Y/N grabbed Spencer’s face and placed her lips flush against his own. Their mouths moved in unison, as Spencer’s own hands moved to circle around her waist, bringing their bodies as close as they could be in the small space they had. They hadn’t kissed since the hospital, and before then it had been weeks. Spencer never realised until then, how much he truly missed her touch, her taste, her as a whole.
Coming to a point where they both lacked breathe, the pair pulled apart. Their eyes fluttering open as Y/N’s hands caressed Spencer’s face. Her one hand travelled to his hair, feeling the tresses that had grown since she had last seen him. She looked at him in a way no one had before. Spencer shared the same expression.
“Happy six-month anniversary Spencer. I love you.”
Spencer looked at Y/N in disbelief.
“Before you start spouting of facts about transference and how I am probably only saying this because you saved my life, you’re wrong. Because then I would be telling Hotch and Morgan the same thing.”
Spencer couldn’t help the watery smile that graced his face. For the second time in the past day, his eyes filled with tears. But this time, they were good.
“I’ve known I have loved you for a long time. For five months actually. I knew I loved you when we made pizza in your apartment and we ended up burning it, so we ordered one instead.”
Spencer laughed at the memory. It was the first time Spencer had initiated their make out. He had watched her cooking, in his apartment, and he had never found her more attractive than he did seeing her in his home.
“I knew that whilst you were spouting of facts about the invention of the pizza that I loved you and that I could listen to you forever. I love you Spencer.”
Spencer pulled Y/N closer to him as he rested his forehead against her own. The pair basked in each other’s presence.
“Past surveys show that men wait just 88 days to say those three little words to their partner for the first time, and 39 percent say them within the first month. Women, on the other hand, take an average 134 days. You knew after 31 days that you loved me. I knew after our first date that the way I felt when I was with you is a feeling that I could not even describe with my vast vocabulary. I knew after 8 days that the way I felt was stronger than liking you and that was a frightening thought. But its scarier to think what could have happened to you yesterday. That I could have lost you without you ever knowing. I made that mistake before. I will never make it again. I love you too.”
Y/N couldn’t help the smile and giggle that overtook her. Spencer, feeling high of the serotonin that was coursing through his body, couldn’t help his laugh either. Soon the pair were a giggling mess, unaware of the team who had all begun to awaken whilst the pair were talking.
The team congregated to the back of the jet, allowing the couple to stay in their own bubble.
“It’s been a long time since we’ve seen him truly happy.”
The group nodded at Emily’s words.
JJ smiled as she watched her best friend rattle of the possible movies that he and his girlfriend could spend their anniversary watching as she recovered. Her smile growing even wider at Y/N’s enthusiasm to watch the film’s in their original language. None of them could miss the look of adoration beaming between the pair.
“Yeah, it really has.”
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. -Lao Tzu
A/N- It isn’t the best but I really enjoyed writing this one.
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raindancer2004 · 3 years
Second Chance at Love
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Word Count: 1,683 Marcus x reader Oneshot Warnings: Fluff, NSFW
NSFW Prompt: nsfw promt # 4 with marcus please and thank u For @marcusofthevolturi​
Y/N met Marcus when she came to work at the castle as the new Nurse in the Castle’s Medical Wing after the previous Nurse got eaten by one of the lower guards when he woke up mistaking her for his ‘donor.’ The guard was in the Medical Wing for two weeks after a particularly unfortunate fight with a newborn where his left leg and both arms were removed completely, his head and neck cracked.
Heidi knew Y/N from the local hospital and she came highly recommended by Heidi’s doctor friend Dr Jones. Heidi explained to Y/N that the job was based at Castillo Volterra and came with a very generous salary, one month’s paid vacation and on-site accommodation. Heidi also mentioned that there would be quite a bit of down time too due to the occupants of the castle.
Heidi got Demetri, Felix and Santiago to help Y/N pack up and move her stuff from her apartment and into the Castle. Her room was situated in the East Wing of the Castle, where the Medical Wing was based along with Marcus’ rooms.
Aro and Caius met her on the day she moved in, Marcus was having a ‘me’ day. His brothers and the four elite guards knew what that meant; he wanted to be left alone as it was a particularly hard day for him.
Y/N had been at the castle for two days when she met finally Marcus, she had gotten a little lost trying to find the Castle Library and quite literally bumped into Marcus “Oh, I’m sorry” She mumbled her apology as she stumbled back, strong arms catching her before she could fall to the stone floor. “No need to apologise my dear, I wasn’t…” He trailed off as his ruby eyes met Y/C eyes. She smiled up at him “Y-you’re Mar-Marcus” She stuttered “Yes, I am my dear and I’m guessing you’re Y/N” He replied and she nodded “Where were you going?” He asked curiosity shining in his eyes “I was trying to find the library but I didn’t get very far” She chuckled lightly and Marcus chuckled too “How about I take you to my private study? I have some books that might take your interest” She nodded and looped her arm through his when he held out for her to take.
Everyone in the castle noticed how close Marcus and Y/N were becoming, for he would visit the Medical Wing often despite not needing any medical attention. He would accompany her on her walks around the castle gardens and would often lend her books from his private collection. Marcus knew who Y/N was to him but didn’t dare hope that she was truly his; his second chance at love and a happy ending.
Demetri encouraged him to talk to Y/N about being his mate “You deserve to be happy master and if fate has given you a second chance, grab it. Claim her, love her. After all she was born to be with you and only you.” Marcus smiled at the tracker “Thank you Demetri. I’ll be honest, I was a little worried about claiming her as I couldn’t go through losing another mate” “I wasn’t here when you lost Didyme but I’m here now and I have already committed her tenor to my memory and as your personal bodyguard I will help you protect her” Demetri vowed and bowed his head “Thank you, that means a lot” Marcus replied with a smile.
Y/N accepted Marcus as her mate but insisted she be allowed to remain working in the Medical Wing. Marcus agreed but on the condition that they hired a second Nurse, one that wouldn’t missed should an ‘accident’ occur. Y/N agreed although she felt bad about the circumstances the other Nurse was being hired under. Y/N and Heidi interviewed the new Nurse candidates although Marcus sat in on the interviews. They hired a male Nurse called Leon, much to the delight of the single female vampires in the castle.
“So brother how are you and the lovely Y/N getting along?” Aro asked “She’s a real Nurse with the uniform and everything, I think they’re getting along just fine” Caius answered before Marcus could, with a playful smirk on his lips. Aro chuckled “Not quite what I meant but judging by the goofy smile he has on his face I’d say you’re onto to something brother” Aro said looking at Caius “Y/N and I are very happy and our sex life is not up for discussion” Marcus informed his brothers.
Y/N found her mate in his private study “It’s late my love, will you not join me in bed?” She asked softly as she entered the room, Marcus looked up from his papers “I’m sorry my dear, I lost track of time. Forgive me?” Y/N shook her head a little a small smile playing at her lips “Come here, let me make it up to you” He replied pushing his chair away from his desk a little.
Y/N walked over to her mate and he pulled her down onto his lap so she was straddling him. Marcus placed his hands on her cheeks and gave her a sweet kiss. He pulled away slightly to allow her to breath before capturing her lips again and gently bit her bottom lip. She parted her lips a little and he slipped his tongue inside her warm mouth, their tongues moving in sync with each other whilst fighting for dominance too. He moved his hands to her waist and pulled her closer to him, she felt his hardening length beneath her and moaned into the kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck and grinded against him. It was his turn to smile into the next kiss. “I want to bury myself deep inside you before I hold in my arms for the night” He whispered, his voice seductive and eyes black with lust “Come on then my love. Let’s go to bed” Y/N winked at him and went to get off his lap but he stopped her “Forget the bed…let’s do it right here” He moved his hands to her thighs and slid his hands upwards disappearing under her blue silk nightie “No panties…how naughty of you” He purred in her ear “Figured it would save you ripping yet another pair from me” Amusement clear in her voice “Very thoughtful my dear.”
Marcus lifted Y/N from lap so he could remove his trousers and boxers freeing his erection, which stood proud against his stomach. Y/N perched herself on the edge of his desk and eyed him from head to toe, eyes lingering on her mate’s hard cock as she took her bottom lip between her teeth “See something you like my dear?” He asked, voice low in the quiet room “Yes my love” She stepped forward, pushing him back so he sat back down on his desk chair and climbed on his lap. She wrapped her warm fingers around his cock and ran her hand up and down his length a few times, her thumb swirling around the tip. She guided his cock to her entrance and sank down slowly until he was fully inside her, soft gasps leaving them both as she tilted her hips slightly to ensure she took all of his nine and a half inches.
She moved her hips slowly over and over again watching as his eyes closed and a warm smile graced his lips. She kissed him, nipping at his bottom lip and he parted them to grant her access; their tongues moving against each other like a slow sensuous dance. She lifted off of him so only the tip of his cock was left inside her and she sank herself back down hard, they both moaned loudly in unison as she proceeded to be a little rough with him.
His hands squeezed her ass gently “Still so tight and warm” He purred into her ear “Still so big and thick” She whispered back; a low chuckle left his lips before he captured hers in a passionate kiss and placed his hands on her hips taking control and began lifting her off his length and back down again setting a steady pace. “Oh…Ahh” He loved hearing every moan and mewl that left her lips.
She felt him pull out of her before slowly re-entering her; filling her deeper with every thrust “Yes…yes” She breathed out, her eyes closing. Her hands moved to rest on his shoulders and he leant in to kiss her. He kissed along her jawline to her neck as he continued to thrust up into her. She pulled back slightly and began leaving kisses on his shoulders working her way up his neck to leave a kiss below his ear before gently biting his earlobe. He growled and thrusted back inside her hard “Marcus” She cried out and again he thrust up into her hard continuing this new pace as he could sense she was getting close to her release.
He took both breasts into his hands massaging them gently; thumbs brushing her nipples lightly, a satisfied sigh falling from her lips as she felt herself on the edge her release. A few more hard thrusts and brushes of her nipples and she felt herself fall over the edge as her walls clench around his hard length. “Marcus” She cried out as she came, her vision cloudy as she felt him fill her up with his cold seed. “Y/N” He called out and continued to move within her, riding out their highs together.
“I love you Marcus” She whispered, her voice sounded sleepy “And I love you Y/N” He said softly and held her in his arms, his still hard cock buried inside her as she fell asleep. They stayed in that position for some time before he carried her back to their shared room, gently cleaning her whilst she slept. Once he had cleaned himself he climbed into bed beside her and held as she slept for the night, silently thanking the gods for his second chance at love.  
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shades-of-stony · 3 years
Post CA:CW Fix It Stony Fanfics
Making Amends by TheseStoriesAreWrittenOnMyHeart
Summary: Everything about them happened in seconds. Their first meeting was quick, with Tony landing next to the Captain, each man giving a curt nod and name in greeting. Their argument on the hellicarrier took mere seconds to escalate. Until Steve was goading Tony into putting on the suit and going a few rounds and Tony not so subtly reminding Steve that he wasn’t afraid to hit an old man. It was only seconds of staring at Tony on that New York City Street, his arc reactor dark, no rise and fall of his chest, for Steve to know that inside the tin can, was a good man. Then Ultron happened, and it took seconds for their world to change, seconds for Steve to throw his shield at Tony and for the billionaire to send a repulsor blast back. They went from laughing and relaxing to standing on an edge thousands of feet above solid ground. And now…now everything’s changed. And all it took was a combination of seconds; of decisions made, actions performed and words spoken that they couldn’t get back. Just a few ticks of the clock for their world to shatter.
It’ll take more than that to make things right.
Note: This one deals with amending the accords. It is about how the avengers pick up after the civil war and how they learn to be friends again. It is an incredibly detailed and well written piece! Also, NO TEAM CAP OR TEAM IRON MAN BASHING. I was only supposed to re-read a few chapters to recall the story and give a few-word review but I ended up re-reading the whole goddamn thing. It’s a masterpiece. 
maybe love is the reason why (we're seeing it eye to eye) by parkrstark
Summary: "I'm sorry. Repeat that again." Tony leaned forward in his seat from across the table. He even stuck a finger in his ear as if he was cleaning it out. "I don't think I heard you right."
Fury rolled his eyes-- or well, eye. "You and Rogers need to go undercover as a married couple in a community out on Long Island."
After Civil War, Tony and Steve are sent on an undercover mission as a couple to try and find Hydra informants. Somehow, they end up with Peter as their undercover son who decides to play matchmaker even if the two of them are doing their best to ignore their feelings after Siberia.
Note: My latest Fix It read! It just completed today. This fic is a phenomenal read, with its fake relationship, superfamily, undercover, and sexual tension elements! A definite 1000/10!
and this is the map of my heart by CydSA
Summary: The Avengers are splintered - spread out across the world.
There are many things to regret. The biggest one is what could have been.
Tony refuses to have any more regrets. Steve realizes that perhaps he made the wrong choice.
It starts from here....
Note: Here is some sweet, sweet, Civil War Fix It. It dwells deep into the Accords, how Tony fixes it, and the downfall of Ross. 
floating point exception by ooka
There is something, he knows, to see a man as mortal. To see his fault lines and jagged edges instead of the smooth surface they present. Most people don’t like the illusion, whether it be good or not. They don’t want people like him to be human.
But that’s what he is, under the suit and the smile and the sunglasses. Under the bravo and the quick grins. He’s just a man, trying to hide his broken pieces, the dents in his heart, the washed out color of his soul. He’s just a man, trying to solve problems and make the world better. That’s why he’s Ironman, just a man in a suit. Nothing extra.
The place where the arc reactor used to rest in his chest aches so fiercely for a moment that Tony can’t breathe.
He takes in a few breaths and does what Tony does best - pushes it down and goes to work.
(Tony, after the Civil War. Post CA:CW)
Note: A 150k+ fanfic that is centered on Tony, his issues, and his struggles. PREPARE TO CRY.
Not Enough Scotch for this Matchmaking Scheme by desolateice:
Summary:  After Civil War and a lot of healing the Avengers are fed up with the stubborn silence between Steve and Tony and try to take things in their own hands.
Note: A Fix It where the ‘kids’ play matchmaker to bring their fighting ‘parents’ back together! 
Never Eye To Eye by vorkosigan for mrsgingles
Summary: After the Civli War, the Avengers were back together.
How is everything going, Tony? Pepper had asked in her email. It's fine (Tony had written back). I'm fighting with Steve all the time. Everything is going to hell. I'm okay (you know I'm always okay).
(Or: How Tony and Steve learned to be a bit gentler with each other)
Note: A 26k+ fic where Steve and Tony learned how to be friends again, and more. It deals with the struggles and frustrations they had just to salvage their friendship.  
Fly One More Time (Alternately Titled--The Phoenix) by RavenLost2187
Summary: Steve couldn't see them before.
But then he woke up and there they were.
There's a small problem though.
One of his teammates doesn't have wings like he should.
And that's Tony Stark
Note: Some winged fics anyone? This has a bit of a Team as Family element and not to mention that glorious Civil War fix it theme! 
What it’s worth by masterlokisev159
Summary:  Tony's scent is off. Wanda realizes why.
Note: Here is a Hurt and Comfort fic for you with a dash ABO elements in it! 
Sunrise Over the End of the World by Sapphic_Futurist
Summary: When Dr. Strange arrives at an Accords Committee Meeting and warns of the coming of an alien megalomaniac set on destroying the world, the Rogues are pardoned and Tony finds himself exactly where he never wanted to be. Back at the Compound with Steve, who still can't take a hint and won't leave him alone.
In which Tony is broken and Steve finds redemption.
Note: A Bad case of Tony acting like nothing happened and doing his goddamn best to avoid Steve. It’ll work all out in the end. Well, it will get worst first before that though.. 
We stand together (or not at all) by Jana_C
Summary:  It’s so easy to hate this man, so painfully easy. He’s the embodiment of rich, white male privilege. He’s irritatingly arrogant, and he doesn’t always think before acting, and even when he does, he manages to twist his logic around and shape it into something that will always benefit him, and yet, here he is, building the guy who killed his parents an arm, without having been asked; working his way through diplomacy and politics, even though he hates it with every fiber of his being, just so he can correct the mistakes all of them made. She watches him go and sighs, small and tired, before texting a single line to Steve. Get ready to come home.
Note: Anyone up for some Tony Whump and Appreciation fanfic? 
You Don’t Only Get One Shot by janonny
Summary: In which Tony voluntarily carries a tracker around, and learns how to talk to Steve all over again in-between and during kidnapping attempts.
“Leave you alone for two months, and you have an operation all set up to track wayward Hydra cells and rescue innocent billionaires,” Tony said, his tone skating the line of annoyance and admiration.
Note: a dose of Stalkerish!Steve (but not in an entirely creepy way because he just wants to keep Tony safe dammit). 
You've Got A Sister Now by ZaraMelMercury
Summary: It's been a year since the events of the Avengers' Civil War. Tony Stark is trying to pick up the pieces of his life, while juggling his work, his remaining friendships, getting therapy sessions for Rhodey and dealing with government politics, as well as the Accords.
It is a bit rough, but he's got Pepper (always a steady rock by his side), Rhodey, Happy and the Kid- Peter Parker. Tony would never admit to it up front and center, but you could always catch a proud look on the man's face whenever the young Spiderling was mentioned!
Life seemed to be looking up...
Except for one, minor detail:
Steve Rogers.
The hope for one reconciliation, surprisingly, led to another!
A new bond that would form that Tony would ultimately always be thankful for.
"Oh, I wanna take it back!... " "No, no, no, you can't retract it!"
Who would've thought it?
Tony Stark has a sister looking out for him, after all.
Note: Here are some Tony and Nat friendship for you! This one isn’t exactly a solid fix it but one with a more of hopeful ending. 
The Bro Code by Sullen
Summary: In a world where the Winter Soldier is found years earlier and is named Tony’s godfather, Zemo plays a different R-rated video and Siberia goes a little differently.Or –Steve breaks the bro code.
Note: This is just too cute and wholesome not to include. 
Used to be Mine by Fangirlingmanaged
Tony can't even recognize himself nowadays.
Note: This one certainly deserves a place at the heavy angst category because that’s what it is. HEAVY ANGST AND HEARTBREAK.
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peachoony · 4 years
hold your heart
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Genre: criminal/mafia au
Warning: mention of guns and alcohol, cheating, smut, basically violent subjects
Pairing: jooheon x fem!reader
Word count: 4.8K
Summary: just when you were ready to let go of the past your ex-lover re-enters your life bringing a dark secret with him.
A/N: uh hi im here with an mafia au because they are my biggest weakness ugh, also idk if this will have another part, but if you guys want one let me know. it may be a little confusing at the start but you will understand with time,, enjoy!
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“Today is the charity gala, you remember right?” Hyunsoo asked you, while he put on his tie. You looked up from your book and watched your fiancé get ready.
If someone would have told you a year ago how you would be engaged to someone who you don’t even love you would’ve laughed and praised their crazy fantasie, but the only thing you are laughing at now is you. Hyunsoo is the son of your fathers best friend and well what father doesn’t want a good boy as their son-in-law? Your father saw the opportunity and took it and since there wasn’t anything to lose for you either what was stopping you? You closed your book before standing up.
“Yes. I remember,” you answered.
As the CEO of his company your father decided to plan a charity gala, but this was only what everyone else thought. The real reason behind all this was a trap for the most wanted thief in Korea right now. Hyunsoo was a criminal detective and this gala was just his mission.
What attracts a thief? Money.
Where do you find so much at one spot? The bank and a charity gala.
“I will see you at the gala, since we still have a meeting regarding today.” You nodded as he grabbed his badge, before giving you a quick kiss on the cheek. When the door closed you let out the breath you were holding in.
Hyunsoo was a great person. He was mature, understanding and very caring for someone who didn’t love you, not only that but always made sure you had a good time with him. He was basically everything a girl wanted in a man.
But Hyunsoo wasn’t him.
“Hey,” someone said and you looked up from your notes just to roll your eyes. “What do you want?” You asked and he chuckled.
“Why can’t you just say hey back like everyone else?” He asked you and you huffed while raising your eyebrow.
“Do you annoy other people like you do with me?” You asked locking back down to your notes. “You’re the only one I annoy,” he smiled with heart eyes and you sighed before packing up your books as he gave you a confused look.
“Where are you going?” He asked you. “Away from you.” You answered before walking out of the library followed by him.
“Stop playing hard to get y/n,” he laughed, grabbing your arm gently. “Eventually you will fall for me,” he continued making you scoff.
“Yeah whatever fills your boat, now let go of my arm or you won’t be able to hold anything for the rest of your life,” you said and he did with a chuckle.
“Don’t worry, the only thing I’m planning on holding is your heart,” Jooheon winked.
“Dr. Y/n, should I send Mr. Park in?” The officer asked and you nodded. “Yes, thank you, officer.” You gave a short smile. You almost scoffed at the thought of you being a criminal psychiatrist and your soon to be husband a criminal detective, a match made in heaven.
You cringed at the sound of the handcuffs, when the man in front you sat down. The officer left and you looked over giving your patient your attention.
“Good Morning Mr. Park,” you said but he stayed silent just like the last three times, however you were used to it. Criminals are psychopaths and they don’t like the feeling of vulnerability, especially someone from the ‘other side’. They don’t like talking nor showing any kind of emotions other than anger.
You took off your glasses placing them on the table in front you before looking up again.
“I know it’s hard to talk about this and I wouldn’t want to answer these questions either, but I need you to cooperate.” He looked down to his handcuffs and you continued.
“We are not against you, we are just trying to help you.” It was silent before he took a deep breath.
“I don’t wanna be in jail,” he said and for some reason a dusted memory flashed through you.
“Thank you y/n,” Mr. Jung said as you gave him the file your father asked you to deliver to the police station. “No worries Uncle,” you smiled but it faded as soon as your eyes landed on Jooheon.
Wait Jooheon? What is he doing here?
He called your name and waved while his other hand held the cell bars in front of him. “What the hell are you doing here?” You asked him but he just smiled.
“I always wanted to know how it is in jail,” he said and you rolled your eyes.
“Do you know each other?” Mr. Jung asked and you immediately replied with no, while Jooheon replied with yes at the same time. You sighed rolling your eyes. Of course.
“He is a student at my University,” you said after he gave you a confused expression. “Yeah we are very close friends,” Jooheon added and you clenched your jaw.
“He punched a guy,” Mr.Jung replied nodding into his direction, which left you confused. You may not be a lawyer, but you surely don’t go to jail for punching someone.
“He broke his jaw. He is in the Hospital.” he added and you turned to Jooheon who just gave you a nervous smile.
“Officer, I already told you he was cat-calling girls in front of the cafe with his friends. I would have broken more if you’d give me the chance,” Jooheon said pouting and you blinked a couple of times.
After that your view changed on him and suddenly he wasn’t that annoying.
You put your pearl earrings on, before giving yourself a last look in the mirror. The off-shoulder, deep blue satin dress complimented your skin. The door opened and Hyunsoo walked in with his phone against his ear. “Yeah we’re about to leave,” he informed the other person, before sliding his phone into the pocket.
You picked up your purse and phone as his eyes trailed over your body. “You look…” he frowned searching for the right words, “breathtakingly gorgeous.”
You smiled at his words. “You too, Hyunsoo.”
He stared at you and when you said his name to get his attention he blinked a couple of times. “I’m sorry I just...never mind let’s go.”
The drive was silent, but you felt him look over to you a couple of times and every time you turned your head he would just clear his throat and look away.
“You know it’s rude to stare?” You said jokingly and he chuckled.
“You know it’s rude to look this good and not even let your fiancé admire,” he answered, making you shake your head at his attempt to flirt.
You took a sip of the champagne, looking around the hall as your parents were talking to Hyunsoo’s parents.
“Hyunsoo told me about your promotion,” his mother spoke up and you gave her a smile nodding.
“Oh yes, just recently.” You nodded looking down, hoping she would stop talking to you and luckily she did. After your fourth glass of champagne you felt your bladder calling.
“I’ll go to the bathroom,” you informed your mother before grabbing your purse. The elevators were so pretty and the roof had a mirror making you stare in awe. When the doors opened you noticed the floor being oddly quiet, but you brushed the thought side walking to the bathrooms with your heels giving off a satisfying noise. After you were done you gave yourself a last look in the mirror before walking to the elevator as your phone vibrated. It was Hyunsoo, but you didn’t have the chance to speak up as you heard his panicked voice.
“Y/n, listen to me carefully. Leave as fast as you can and take the stairs.” You frowned at his words and an uneasy feeling started spreading inside of you.
“What’s the matter?” You asked looking around, if he could see you.
“He is on the same floor as you so leave now!”
“Who is on the same floor, Hyunsoo? No one is here.” You answered pressing the elevator button. You waited for a moment but the floor was dead silent and you turned back around.
“Hyunsoo no one-“
Your breath hitched and you could swear your heart stopped right there in then the moment your eyes met his. Hyunsoo’s voice already faded away as you stared at Jooheon for a moment before your fiancés voice pulled you out of your state of shock.
“Y/n do as I tell you and stop arguing!” He said sternly and you gulped, muttering an okay. Your eyes fell on the gun in his hand and you stood there unable to to even speak up.
He said your name casually, giving you a small smile and the way it rolled off your tongue made your heart flutter and skin tingle.
Two years. It's been two years since you saw Jooheon and you didn’t know what to say. He looked so different, so...manly. You whispered his name, like you were making sure he wasn’t an illusion.
After Jooheon disappeared two years ago without any letter, call or even message, you were devastated. You couldn’t function for months and it did take you up to a year to accept all that, but seeing him now in front of you made your brain malfunction and you weren’t sure if you wanted to kiss or kill him.
You heard footsteps and Jooheons eyes widened.
“Hands up! Now!” You heard your fiancé’s voice, which pulled you back into reality. A bunch of police officers with guns stood there pointing at you and Jooheon while all this felt so unreal and for a moment all the voices faded and you looked at Jooheon not wanting to believe that he was standing right in front of you.
Not as your sweet Jooheon, but as a criminal.
You felt someone pull your arms and suddenly your back was pressed against Jooheons chest as you felt something cold and hard pressed against your temple.
Hyunsoo's eyes widened and he instantly dropped the gun, knowing exactly what he wanted.
“Weapons down. Now!” He said and slowly raised his arms. “Leave her alone, she has nothing to do with all this,” he added.
You turn your head to Jooheon, shocked at what he was doing. That was not your Jooheon. That was not the Jooheon you knew.
“Press the button,” he said nodding to the elevator and you raised your shaking hand pushing the button, before he slowly walked back into the elevator with you still pressed against his chest. “Underground parking,” he whispered again and you did as he told you, hands still shaking. You knew Jooheon wouldn’t hurt you, but right now you really were doubting that.
“Don’t you dare follow me and if I see my face in the news, your little fiancé is dead.” You gulped at his harsh words and tone and the moment the elevator doors closed he removed the gun taking a step back. You blinked a couple of times before turning around, letting out a breath you didn’t notice you were holding in.
“What the fuck Jooheon! How dare you point a gun at me?” You yelled at him with a shaking voice, while he removed his bowtie followed by opening a couple of buttons of his shirt.
“I wouldn’t hurt you y/n,” he said and you took a step closer scoffing.
“Clearly you would.” He frowned at your words before pointing the gun against his temple and when he pulled the trigger you gasped protecting your ears with your arms, but nothing happened. A click sound was heard and you slowly opened your eyes standing up straight as you looked at the gun then him.
“You didn’t actually think I would point a loaded gun at you,” he chuckled, stuffing the gun at the back of his suit. The door opened and you walked out of the elevator.
“I’m going back,” you scoffed but he grabbed your wrist pulling you back.
“Said who?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Me, now let go of my hand-“
“or I won’t be able to hold anything for the rest of my life. Right?”
You felt his hold soften and he pulled you closer. “But don’t worry baby, the only thing I’m planning on holding is your heart,” he said quietly and you didn’t even notice the tear before Jooheon wiped it away. You didn’t realise how much your heart needed him these two years, until now that you had him this close.
“Where are we going?” You asked after a while you were on the highway.
“Somewhere,” he said, still looking at the road in front of him and you rolled your eyes. “Wow, very helpful,” you replied, making him chuckle. He promised you to explain everything once he got away from there, and for some reason you wanted to get away with him. You were still mad, but your feelings didn’t change for this man and probably never will.
“How is he?” He asked after a while and you looked away. “Is he treating you better?” He added and you scoffed now.
“You left me, Jooheon. Don’t you dare ask that. Do you even know what I went through when you decided to disappear and rob innocent people? You put me through hell.” Your voice cracked and he sighed.
“You wanted a break,” he said and you laughed. “I wanted a break not whatever the fuck you did after that.”
“Okay listen let me explain,” he said and you leaned back into our seat. “Go ahead.”
He took a deep breath, before activating the auto-pilot.
“Remember I told you that my father died?” He asked and you hummed. “Well I lied. He is alive. The reason why I did that was because he was a bad person, at least that’s what I have been told.” You gave him a confused look and sighed. “My father is Lee Mingyu,” he said after a while and your jaw dropped.
“You mean…” you trailed off and he hummed.
“The mafia leader Lee Mingyu.” He ended your sentence and your breath hitched.
“A week before I disappeared, my father contacted me asking me if I’m dating someone and I was confused on why he was asking that,” he continued his story.
“He told me that a rival gang targeted you, in hope to take revenge on me. So in order to protect you and your family I did what I had to do. I was lucky when you asked for a break, so I took that as a sign from the universe.” He explained and you blinked a couple of times processing everything he just told you.
“You’re safe now y/n,” he assured you after he saw your expression.
“I’m safe with a thief? With the son of a national criminal?” You asked him and the affliction was clear in his eyes as you felt his heart throb. “Don’t say that,” he whispered and you scoffed softly.
“I have never spent one coin on myself and neither have I robbed an innocent person. The people that I rob are the ones that use their money for the wrong purpose,” he said sternly.
“The mafia is not as bad as the society tells you to think,” he continued and you raised an eyebrow. “Oh really? How will you sugar coat killing innocent people?”
“See! This is exactly what I’m talking about.” He groaned leaning back into his seat.
“Do you know how many innocent people have died from the hands of police officers? But of course no one talks about that, since they are the good guys, right?”
You looked down thinking of an answer, clearly taken aback at how accurate he was.
“Have you asked your Mr. Perfect on how many people he has killed?” He looked over to you and you stayed silent. You indeed were curious now.
“The government is manipulative y/n. They are not as good as they show themselves to be, because I can assure you that there is so much dirty stuff going on. They are so fixated to wipe us out, so the truth doesn’t get exposed.”
You gulped still unsure on how to form your own opinion on this.
A vibration pulled you out of your thoughts and you pulled your phone out just to see Hyunsoo calling you.
“What the fuck y/n!” Jooheon said, before grabbing your phone and throwing it out of the window making you gasp as he closed the window again.
“Don’t you know they can track us with your phone?!” He explained.
“What if they track us with that car?” You scoffed and he sighed.
“They can’t.”
“Because this is your fathers car,” he replied and you sat up. “WHAT?” You yelled out and he gave you an apologetic smile.
“I’m sorry y/n, but that was necessary,” he added and you sighed.
You saw him exiting the highway and you were honestly glad after a two hour drive in that dress.
“Will you tell me now where we are going?” You tried again and he gave you a genuine smile. “Patience, baby.”
“Don’t call me that, I’m still mad at you.” You rolled your eyes and shook his head amused by your behavior.
Jooheon pulled up the car in front of a bigger mansion, leaving you confused. “Where are we?” You asked him when he opened the door for you, offering you his hand which you accepted.
“My home.” He smiled and your eyes widened. “Wait...what?” You gasped and he laughed at your reaction.
“Just trust me. I want you to meet someone,” he explained while walking in with you and you were still confused but did as he said, following him with your hand still in his.
“Make sure nothing goes wrong during the shipment.“ You heard a voice which instantly stopped talking as soon as you walked into the living room. You turned your head to a man your fathers age. Lee Mingyu you assumed.
“You’re back.” He stated and Jooheon nodded.
His eyes drifted to you and he gave you a small smile, which you almost didn’t notice. “Jooheon told me a lot about you, y/n.” He looked down to your hands and you wanted to pull it away, but Jooheon just grasped it tighter not giving the chance to.
“Only positive, of course,” he added chuckling and you gave him a nervous laugh.
“Jooheon, what are you doing standing here? Let her rest. Is this how we treat our hostage?” He said and your eyes widened at his words.
“Dad stop, she’s already scared.” Jooheon shook his head making his dad laugh. “I apologise. Treat this like your own home y/n.”
You looked around the room silently, absorbing the dresser as something catches your eye. Jooheon’s Parfum. You picked it up holding it close to your nose inhaling his smell. You always used to tell him how much you loved how he smelled. Like home. The door opened and you hastily placed the bottle back, before turning back.
“Why am I here?” You asked him as he took off his jacket placing it on the bed.
“Jooheon I have a job, a life. You can’t just kidnap me to your house in god knows where and expect me to just happily leave my whole life behind,” you said, making him stop in his tracks before a deep sigh left his chest.
“You’re right and I know,” he said, turning around to face you, “but I can’t spend another day without you, y/n.”
He gently took your hands in his, before placing kisses on both of your knuckles and you sighed.
“You weren’t the only one who went through hell. I lived everyday with the guilt of not only putting your life in danger but also leaving you without any explanation.”
He slipped his fingers into yours. “Do you know how much I just wanted to leave all this behind? But I couldn’t, not while knowing that going back to you can lead to me losing you,” he continued leaning closer to your face, with his brown eyes staring longingly into yours and there goes your plan to not get weak.
“I did it all for you.”
You lowered your gaze to his chest not wanting to look into his eyes, before your knees would lose their last strength.
“Look at me,” he said after a while and you bit down on your lower lip, looking back up. Your heart was beating heavily against your chest, while his eyes only made your heart flutter
“You’re so beautiful baby,” he said quietly like these words were only meant for you to hear. His breath fanned over your lips and when you couldn’t take it anymore you closed the gap between you two, pressing your lips against his pillow like lips. He instantly tilted his head, deepening the kiss while one of his hands gently rested on the back of your head guiding you. You sighed into the kiss like you finally could breath after those two years, as if you were drowning and his hand finally grasped yours pulling you to the surface. Finally he saved you from suffocating.
When he felt the tears on your cheeks he pulled back with a worried expression, gently wiping them away.
“I missed you so much, Jooheon. I won’t survive it again without you.” You sobbed into his chest, grasping his shirt tightly. “Please don’t leave me ever again.”
“Hey it’s okay baby, I’m here.” He placed a kiss on your forehead, before pulling you closer. “I’m here now, and I’m not leaving again,” he whispered, tugging a strand of hair behind your ear.
He pulled your lips into another kiss, putting all his feelings and emotions into it.
“I missed you too,” he mumbled in between kisses. “Let me show you how much I missed you.”
It felt like your body was on fire, as the fluttering only intensified. You felt your knees get weaker and you were sure that he felt your heart against his chest. Maybe time stopped, because the only thing you could focus on was his lips devouring yours in such a passionate way, clouding all your senses. It was still hard to believe that all this was happening and if it wouldn’t have been for the way his hands tightly pulled your body against his, you’d think this was a dream.
“The stars are pretty, right?” You said awkwardly trying to ignore the way he was looking at you.
“Can I kiss you?” He suddenly asked and you turned your head to your left.
“W-what?” You stuttered, making sure you heard him right.
“Can I Kiss you, y/n?” He repeated with a smile and you gulped. “I…” you started but nodded after taking a deep breath. He leaned forward and his lips gazed over yours, before he softly pressed them against yours. It was a short kiss, but it felt like something exploded inside of you. As if time had stopped right there, as you sat at the rooftop of your building, after Jooheon wanted to be the first one to wish you a happy birthday. As if no one else existed, like there was no risk of your parents watching his hands softly caress your waist and finger run over the exposed skin between your jeans and shirt.
A deep blush creeped over your cheeks and you looked away. “Are you blushing, baby?” He asked and you almost jumped off the roof at the pet name. “You wish,” you scoffed, turning your head away just for him to make you look back to him.
“It was your first kiss, wasn’t it?” He chuckled and you hummed, cringing at how he was pushing past your ego.
You pulled his shirt down his shoulders after your fingers nervously worked on undoing his buttons. Your hands trailed over the tattoos on his chest, clearly taken aback at how much he changed. This Jooheon was just new to you.
“You like them, baby?” He asked and you nodded slowly, pulling his swollen lips into another kiss while his hands found the zipper of your dress and in seconds it slipped down your body.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful,” he whispered after seeing your lace lingerie, now hovering over you and you saw his biceps flex as he held up his weigh next to your head.
He placed open mouthed kisses down from your jaw to your neck, making you whimper. Hyunsoo was your fiancé, but nothing more happened than kisses on the cheek so the effect of Jooheon’s every touch was more intense than you thought.
Your fingers slipped into his hair when his tongue gazed over your collarbones while his hand rubbed up and down your thigh. Piece by piece he was removing your remaining lingerie, carefully unwrapping you like an expensive gift and he sure took his time leaving you begging for more.
“Jooheon please do something,” you begged, while his finger trailed up and down your center.
“What does my baby want me to do, huh?”
“I want you inside me, please.” A whimper escaped your lips.
He kissed your jaw and your hands grabbed his shoulder, realizing your ring was missing.
“My ring,” you moaned out just when he finally pushed his finger into you.
“You won’t be needing that when you're with me,” he said leaning down, pulling you into a kiss and not even a second later your ring was forgotten as his touch clouded your senses.
You whined into the kiss when the feeling of his finger disappeared, but got replaced with his tip sliding up and down your folds. Your teeth sunk deep into your lower lip as he slowly pushed into you.
“I missed you so much,” he whispered, placing soft kisses on your shoulders. “Fuck I missed the way you grasped me so tightly, baby.” You moaned wrapping your arms around his neck pulling him closer to you, while his hips thrusted into you.
“Does he touch you like that?” His hand lovingly grabbed your breast taking a nipple in his mouth, making you close your eyes at the blissful feeling of his wet tongue.
“Tell me, baby. Does he fuck you like that?” He whispered against your lips thrusting into you harder, picking up his space as he started hitting your g-spot.
You shook your head, your heavy breathing filling the room. “No, he didn’t.”
“That’s right baby. You are mine and only I can touch you like that,” he said and you saw his jaw clench. Jooheon couldn’t help but get the image of another man touching you off his mind. His hand grabbed yours, pinning it next to your head, now chasing both orgasms.
“Be my good girl and cum for me.” He groaned when you clenched around him. You felt the knot building in your lower abdomen and he leaned down kissing you with his tongue sliding over your lower lip. You arched your back, moaning into the kiss when the euphoric feeling washed over you leaving your legs shaking against his waist.
The room was silent only filled with your heavy breathing. You didn’t open your eyes, still trying to calm down from your high and you felt him pulling you into his arms.
Suddenly a thought crossed your head. Did he really think you slept with Hyunsoo?
“I didn’t sleep with Hyunsoo,” you said quietly and he chuckled. “I believe you y/n,” he answered and you sighed.
“Did you...sleep with anyone?” You hesitated and he placed a kiss against your temple. “I didn’t exactly sleep with someone,” he said after a while, making you look up to him. “I did try to get my mind off you, after a year, when I stopped hoping to be with you again.”
You gave him a confused look. “I didn’t had sex with another woman y/n, but I did have them suck me off,” he explained and you nodded silently, “oh.”
“Don’t look at me like that,” he chuckled at your expression. “I don’t even know their names.”
You honestly couldn’t get mad, since you did try to get over him too and maybe not the same way as him, but it definitely involved making out with other men. You pushed all your thoughts away pulling yourself closer to him. You could worry about going back later, for now you wanted him to cloud all your senses.
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kayecorral · 3 years
Freight Car
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Chapter One of the Brown Book Series
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Mentions of violence, PTSD (!), swearing
Word Count: 3.4k
Series Summary: Nine years ago, The Winter Soldier murdered your friend in front of you. Nine years later, Bucky Barnes shows up at your door with the hope of making amends.
You wake up on the floor again.
In the crossfade between dreaming to waking, the hardwood is concrete against your cheek. The sweat in your hair is the slick of blood. You fade in and out, and awareness comes back slowly. A siren descends, moving closer and closer, then recedes into the quiet. You don’t know if you imagined it.
You do know that your alarm isn’t blaring. Your ringtone isn’t sounding. The birds chattering and chirping at your window are real. The steady knocking of your heart against your ribs is real. Maybe that’s enough.
You open your eyes. A sliver of light from the parted curtains cuts across the floor. Above it, dust dances in the still air. All is calm. If you had woken up in your bed, this would be a good morning.  
But you didn’t wake up in your bed. So, you peel yourself off the floor and half-walk, half-limp to the bathroom. As you cross the threshold and flick on the light, a face flashes before you. Before your mind can work to discern its features, you slam the door shut and flip the switch. You cry in the dark.
You call into work again.
You’re tempted to stay where you are—curled in on yourself under the covers—but Dr. Kaplan’s gentle voice prods from inside your skull.  “Trauma changes over time,” it says. “You have to face it as it comes. You’ll feel worse if you put off dealing with it.”
She picks up on the second ring. Judging by the sound of clinking silverware, she’s on her lunch break. You promise to keep this impromptu session short.
“I haven’t had a nightmare like that in a long time. That’s why it hit me so hard, I think.” You begin. Your eyes fill with tears. You don’t know why. The nightmare is so distant now — just bits of feeling. Your brain is scrubbing away the memory like a mounted defense.
You’re quiet for what feels like minutes, and Dr. Kaplan just waits. She doesn’t pose a question or make a suggestion: in other words, she doesn’t offer an out. She never does. At first, her silence and seemingly unending patience unnerved you. You would later understand the value of having the space to organize your thoughts before speaking them.  
“I thought I was doing better,” you eventually say. “But now, it’s like I’m back where I started.”
“You are not back where you started,” she says. “We haven’t talked about your night terrors in months when we used to talk about them every session. That’s incredible progress. You should be proud of how far you’ve come.”
You hold the phone away so she can’t hear the tears in your voice. “But what does it mean? ”
“Well,” she pauses. “Have you been thinking about Jean lately?”
“Kind of,” you start to say, then remember Dr. Kaplan’s rule about specifics. “I’ve probably thought about her… twice in the past week. Marie, she, uh, she sent me a Facebook request.”
“Did you accept it?” She asks, with just a hint of amusement.
“I haven’t. I don’t know if I should.”
“Why not?” Dr. Kaplan asks. She knows the answer, of course. You haven’t spoken to Marie since the funeral nearly a decade ago. You know she resents you. You saw it in the tightness of her smiles and the way her eyes turned to stone as you stood before Jean’s casket. You’re alive and her sister isn’t. You understand that. What you don’t understand is why she would reach out to you after so many years.
“I’m afraid of what she’ll say,” you admit.
“It wasn’t your fault.” Dr. Kaplan says. You shift on the couch. “She knows that. Maybe she’s been thinking about Jean, too.”
“Yeah,” you respond simply. Your head is light from dehydration, and you should probably take a nap at some point.
“I’d recommend you take easy today…”
“But next week, I’d like to hear about your Facebook convo.”
You smile. The tears have dried on your face.
Snippets of dialogue filter through your thoughts. A woman is talking about a missing child, and a detective is asking the “who, what, where”s. It’s an episode you’ve already seen, but it makes for good background noise: the dramatic stings, the fast-talking, the screech of tires as the driver peels off. You don’t know why you gravitate towards crime shows. It might be a bit morbid, but until now, you’ve never thought to mention it to Dr. Kaplan.
You’re almost done with the cake batter. It’s looking a little watery, though. You really should have followed the recipe instead of improvising.
You reach for the flour bag on the counter, and just as you raise it to the mixing bowl, someone knocks at your door. You jolt and the bag slips from your hands. You narrowly dodge as it plummets to the ground. It lands with a  thump and now, your feet and pants and floor are covered in a film of white powder.
“Fuck,” you breathe.
There’s another knock, a bit louder this time.
“Give me — give me just a minute!” You call out, voice frayed.
You step over your mess and towards the door. You notice how slick your hand is on the doorknob, so you wipe your hands on your pants and try again. You forget your ritual of checking and re-checking the peephole. You unlock the door, already anxious at the idea of keeping anyone waiting.
When you finally swing the door open, a tall, dark-haired white guy is staring at the carpeted hallway floor. He’s not looking at you, but you feel exposed in your flimsy tank top and flour-splattered pajama pants.
Meanwhile, his look is carefully nondescript: a leather jacket, a dark shirt, and jeans. His hands are stuffed into his pockets and his shoulders are slightly hunched. He looks like someone who doesn’t  want to be seen, but here he is, standing at your door.
Maybe he’s just a neighbor on a reluctant mission to convince you to turn your volume down. Maybe he’s a dealer at the wrong address. Maybe he —
Your stomach drops. The shadows had been obscuring his face, but now that he’s tilting his chin up to look at you… the broadness of his forehead, the color of his hair, his height, all these things pull together. They pull tighter and tighter around your heart, and you realize that you’ve seen this man before. You’ve seen him a thousand times.
Your hand flies up to your neck. Fear hits like a punch to your gut. He looks normal — so normal that you could convince yourself that it’s not him. It’s not him.
But now, his eyes — a startling shade of blue— meet yours. Cold washes over you as every sensation in your body amplifies. You feel small and weak. Your vision starts trembling at the edges. You can’t move — not even to release your breath.
“I’m not here to hurt you,” he says. His voice sounds so different from the one in your memories. It’s not as coarse and low, it’s gentler and higher-pitched. “I just wanna talk.”  
“Talk.” The word escapes you, but you hadn’t meant to speak. Hearing your own voice makes this real.
He clears his throat. “My name is James Barnes, and I’m no longer The Winter Soldier.”
The Winter Soldier. You suppose it doesn’t matter now what that means. If these are your last moments, you’re not going to spend them deciphering code. Instead, you think of your life and all the things you’ve done and all that you haven’t done. In the span of moments, you try to make peace with your death.
“If you’re going to kill me...” you can’t keep your voice from shaking, “do it.”
His eyes widen. “I’m not here to kill you. I’m — ”
“Hydra wants to know what I know. Is that it?” Your mind reels with the new theory.
His eyebrows tick up. “Hydra doesn’t exist anymore,” he says with a measured tone. “Not really.”
You don’t know how to respond to that divulgence. You don’t even know if you can trust it.
“I’m here because you,” he adds your name — your real name, “are part of my efforts to make amends.”
Your thoughts catch on how he knows your name. It’s a small thing, really. He knows where you live, after all. 
“I know you’re confused, and I know you have questions.” He reaches up to scratch his neck. “And if you’re not, ah...” he glances from your face to your body, as if he were just now noticing your state of dress, “comfortable talking here, we can talk somewhere public. I guess what I’m asking is: can I buy you lunch or, uh, dinner? ”
You consider, seriously, that this man may be clinically insane. You have no other rational explanation for his showing up at your door on a Thursday afternoon, let alone his proposition. But you allow yourself to imagine it: you and him, sitting across a table with Jean’s ghost between and behind you. Your stomach turns at the thought.
“You murdered my friend,” you say slowly, “right in front of me.”
He nods. A pained look crosses his face, and that expression spurs your anger. It hadn’t occurred to you earlier that you should call the police. This man is a murderer, and he’s walking free. 
“You shouldn’t even be here — you should be in a prison somewhere!” You choke out as your throat tightens with impending tears.
“I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t want to kill her!” He says forcefully. “I didn’t want to kill anyone. I — ”
“But you did kill her!” You can’t hold them back anymore, and now, you’re crying in front of the man who killed Jean. Humiliation heats your cheeks.
“You did kill her,” you repeat quietly. You turn your watery gaze away.
“You’re right, I’m sorry.” He says.
In your peripheral, you watch him step closer. When you flinch, he bobs back.
You should step back, shut the door, and call the police. Not that a slab of wood could stop him if he wanted to get to you. You’ve seen his silver arm. You’ve felt the grip of its fingers at the base of your neck. But, maybe you could manage a dial ‘9-1-1’ before —
“Look, I’m not asking for your forgiveness,” he interrupts your line of thought and, against your will, you look at him again, “I know I don’t deserve it, but I do want to offer you answers. Maybe it can…” He waves his hand as he searches for what he thinks are the right words. “Maybe it can give you some closure. And then, you’ll never see me again.”
You consider the furrow of his eyebrows. Over the years, you’ve tried reconstructing his face from its missing half. Now that you have the full picture, it makes perfect sense: the upper edges of the mask aligned with the cut of his cheekbones, the thin bridge really did conform to his nose, and the wideness of his jaw was merely accentuated. But his features are such a striking contrast to the severity of that mask and that metal arm. He looks so much leaner than you remember. He looks like a man, not a machine.
“Stay here,” you say. “I’ll be out in a minute.”
He nods and his brow softens. You shut the door and press your forehead against it.
After a few beats, you rest your hand on the base of your neck and suck in a few deep breaths. It’s a calming technique Dr. Kaplan taught you. But without meaning to, you flex your fingers. Just as your heart was beginning to slow, you’re pulled into the memory of him raising you by the throat. You gasp for air.
That man is behind this door. That man is behind this door.
You race around the couch to snatch your phone off the coffee table. You unlock it with shaking hands and now, your thumb hovers over the number pad.
“Fuck,” you whisper as you press ‘9’.
It’s true. You do want answers. You want to know why he killed her. You want to know about Hydra and his role in it. You want to know why he left you alive.
So you’ll get your answers,  then call the cops.
You pull on some real pants and cover up with a sweatshirt. But at the door, you hesitate to step out again. If you’ve imagined that whole encounter, if it was some vivid manifestation of your survivor’s guilt, then you wouldn’t have to go.
You press your ear against the door, and, as if your doubts had broadcasted through the wood, he coughs. You sigh and grab the doorknob. Your hand isn’t sweaty this time.
At the sound of the hinges creaking, his gaze snaps to you. You meet his eyes without meaning to. There’s no recognizable emotion in them. The creases in his forehead and the furrow in his brow are gone. Now, his face gives nothing away.
“There’s a place about two blocks from here,” you say simply.
He nods and looks to you as if for direction. If he were anyone else, you would start heading for the elevator without further ado, but the thought of Jean’s killer trailing behind you makes your stomach flip.
“I’d prefer you walk ahead,” you utter. His eyebrows raise slightly, but he gives no other visible reaction.
“Alright,” he says.
He moves down the hallway, and you follow. Your eyes stay trained on his back. Aside from your occasional direction, it’s a silent walk.
Sully’s is a dive, but it’s always busy, and this evening is no exception. The people who frequent this place are the kind of people who get loud after a few drinks and don’t give two shits about you unless you’re bleeding out on the floor. That’s perfect. God forbid anyone overhears your questions about murder and secret organizations.
“You want anything?” He asks after you choose a corner booth and tuck in. His casual tone bothers you, but he keeps his distance, at the very least.
“No,” you deadpan.
He nods and starts for the bar. A few people graze him as he passes, and it’s so crowded that you’ve already lost sight of him.
You place your phone face-up on the sticky, varnished wood table. Absentmindedly, you nudge the pedal base with your foot. You try to hone in on any particular voice, but all you hear is a buzz of conversation. It’s a comfort. It means that you’re not alone and he can’t hurt you here.
“I know you didn’t ask for anything, but…” Fuck. Your knee knocks on the bottom of the table. His voice is so sudden at your side.
He places a water glass in front of you, and you stop yourself before you can say “thanks”. He drops into the chair in front of you, a beer bottle tucked between his gloved palms. Gloves. He’s wearing gloves. You hadn’t noticed until now.
There’s an awkward pause. He watches you intently. Your stomach is churning, but you steadily meet his gaze. You have so many questions. Some of the things he’s said don’t make sense. One thing, in particular, though, is nagging at you.
“Back there, you said you didn’t have a choice,” you say dubiously, “what did you mean?”
He takes a drag of beer and sets the bottle down carefully before he speaks. “They brainwashed me.” He replies bluntly. “Hydra, I mean.”
Brainwashing? It’s not entirely outside the realm of possibility. Aliens exist, as do superheroes and Norse gods and Mad Titans. What was once science-fiction is now very real and devastating.
He gives you a few beats to process, then continues. “For seventy years, I operated as The Winter Soldier.”
“Wait. Seventy years?”
“I just turned 106 in March,” he says with a sardonic smile.
“How is that possible?”
“I was on ice.” He sighs. “They only took me out when they needed me.”
“And Hydra… what happened to them?”
His jaw tightens. It’s the most reaction you’ve gotten so far. “They used to have this saying: cut off one head, two more take its place… Maybe they’ll come back, but right now, they’re gone.”
“So they aren’t after me,” you say softly, more to yourself than him.
“If Hydra wanted you out of the way, they wouldn’t’ve sent me.” He grimaces, even as his voice mocks a shrug.
You get it now: you’re not a threat, and you never were.
“But I was a loose end, wasn’t I? Why didn’t you kill me?”
He shakes his head and says, “I don’t know.”
He doesn’t elaborate further. Instead, he finishes off his bottle and shifts his gaze to the table.
After a minute or two, you consider moving on, but something about his expression, both vacant and pensive, implores you to wait. In the interim, you glance from the people knocking shoulders at the bar to the couple in front of you.
“It was that look on your face,” he says, and you find his gaze is fixed on you again. “It was rage. And grief. And that-that grief almost overtook everything else, but I saw it.” He leans towards you, his eyebrows knitting close. “That part of you that… that part of you that wanted me to kill you, too.”
He glances at his hand on the table and releases a shaky breath. “I understood that,” he says. “I know what it’s like.”
Like a clenched fist releasing, the tightness in your chest eases. You understand something else, now, too. This is meant to be an exchange. He wants answers as much as you do, no matter how much pain they carry.
“Do you wanna know what I saw? On your face?” You ask after a few beats. He hesitantly nods. “Nothing. There was nothing,” you say. “You didn’t even look human.  It was like you were an animal. And you were looking at me like I was prey.”
You look away. The intensity of his eyes threatens to pull you into that memory. “I’ve never been more terrified in my entire life.”
“I’m so sorry,” you hear him say.
“I’m not the one you should be apologizing to,” you say quietly, chancing a glance up.
His face twists into something like shame. If he were a different person, you might try to comfort him. But he’s not a different person. He’s a stranger wearing the face that’s haunted you for nine years.
“So why now?”
“Well, I was…” He mimics a snap with his right hand. “And after that, I… started going to therapy.”
He pulls a small, brown book from his jacket pocket. “My, uh, shrink told me to make a list of people I’ve wronged,” he says as he flips it open to a page in the middle and places it in front of you. “You’re one of the last.”
You find your name third-to-bottom. The ones above are crossed through. He glances from your face to your fingers as they trace his careful scrawl.
“You don’t let people look at this, do you?” You ask.
He half-smiles and shakes his head.
“So why are you letting me?”
“I, uh,” he flexes his hand. “I don’t know. I just… thought I owed it to you.”
You briefly consider asking about the other names, but he doesn’t owe you those. He owes you answers about the life he can’t return. Just as another question bubbles up your throat, a ringtone sounds. You glance at your phone’s black screen, then back to his furrowed brow. He reaches into his back pocket to fish out a flip phone. A  flip phone.  You haven’t seen one in years.
“Shit,” he mutters under his breath. He looks up from the screen.
“Sorry, I have to take this,” he says as he squeezes out of the booth. He disappears as quickly as before.
You finally take a sip of water. The sweat of the glass bleeds onto your fingertips, so you wipe your hand off on your pant leg before touching your phone. 6:15, it says, which means you've been sitting on this hard, plastic seat for over forty minutes. He's been gone for about ten of them.
Before you can seriously consider just leaving, his form comes into view.
"I've gotta go, but..." He says as he pulls the brown book out of his pocket again. When he opens it, he tears a small piece from the page corner, then scribbles something with a pen.
He places the piece of paper next to the perspiration ring on the table. Stealing one last glance at you, he turns and leaves for the third and final time.
On it is a phone number and a name:
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Pining John Pt. 2
Please if you have any pining!John fics (like Sherlock accidentally hurts him like he did molly with the Christmas gift) I would absolutely love that!! Thank you so much😊(submitted by @thediamondwoman)
Anonymous said to inevitably-johnlocked: hi! New Johnlocker here, this is a fic rec ask, but do you have any fics where John is pining/suppressing/ignoring his feelings for Sherlock? Preferably after TRF, and without Mary in the way, and a slow burn one (sorry for all the preferences just one with pining John would be fine) and thank you for being a blog currently reading all your metas and they are amazing <3333
@i-love-books-and-so-do-you asked: hullo!! *waves* i’m in the mood for some pining john, so i was wondering if you have any good ones? preferably with a happy ending
and may i just say your blog is GORGEOUS like all your fic recs *chef’s kiss* thank you for the literal best johnlock content <33
Hi Lovelies!!!
First of all, thank you for your love for my lists! LOL! These asks just keep coming in, so it looks like I’m overdue for another pining John list!!
That said I do actually have pining John fics, and enough to start a second list! As I re-read fics, I’m able to keep adding all the old ones I didn’t tag ages ago to lists, so that’s fun, hahah. Hope you guys don’t mind me just combining all the pining into one list, hahaah. I get more fics that way LOL!
Enjoy, and feel free to add your own, friends!
See also:
Pining John
Mutual Pining
Mutual Pining Pt 2
John’s Away (and Sherlock’s Not Okay)
Caffeine and Adaptive Programming by DemonicSymphony (E, 5,540 w., 1 Ch. || Androids AU / Bond Fusion || Android Sherlock, Coffee Shop AU, Pining John Hinted Bond / Q, Toplock) – Sherlock is a coffee shop android slowly falling for a regular customer. But he's not supposed to be able to feel emotions.
London Gods by a_different_equation (E, 11,092 w., 5 Ch. || American Gods Fusion || Magical Realism, Sex Magic, True Love, PTSD John, First Kiss/Time, Marathon Sex, Sensuality, Genie Sherlock, Human John, Internalized Homophobia, Star-Crossed Lovers, Soul Mates) – Sherlock Holmes is a jinn who does not grant wishes. However, when Dr. John H. Watson, recently returned from the war in Afghanistan, gets into his cab by "accident", it might not even need magic to grant both men their deepest wish: love.
There's So Much Labour Just in Breathing Lately by Susan (E, 12,708 w., 1 Ch. || Post-TRF / Mentions of S3 Events, Romance, Angst, Grief/Mourning, Grieving John, Mutual Pining, Meddling Mycroft, Therapy, Ambiguous Hopeful Ending, Infidelity) – The dreams he hated most – the ones that left him a sweating, shaking mess when he woke – were the ones in which Sherlock was just Sherlock. Laughing or drinking tea. Sitting across the table from him at Angelo’s eating pasta. Trailing his open hand behind him on the way to the bedroom. “C’mon, John. I’m about to have my way with you.”
On The Fence by BeautifulFiction (T, 13,770 w., 1 Ch. || Fencing, Case Fic, First Kiss, Insecure John, Pining John, Hug, Greg Finds Out) – The murder of the King's College fencing champion leads to revelations about Sherlock's past. Will it be the point that tips them from friends to lovers, or will they remain on the fence?
The Invocation of Saint Margaret by Ewebie (E, 15,831 w., 1 Ch. || POV John,  Crossing Timelines, Light Angst, Fluff, Series 3 John / Series 1 Sherlock, The Matchbox, Mushy Romance, First Time, Bisexual John, Pining John, Bottomlock, Love Confessions, Sensuality, Emotional Love Making, Snippets of Time) – When Sherlock Holmes opens the matchbox from The Sign of Three and John finds himself years in the past, back to that first dinner at Angelo's with a much younger Sherlock Holmes. Is he dreaming?
Division by MrsNoggin (E, 19,542 w., 11 Ch. || Coffee Shop AU || First Kiss/Time, Fluff, Barista Sherlock, Clingy Sherlock, POV John, John’s Limp, Bed Sharing, Fluff, Sleepy Cuddles, Sensuality, Touching, Virgin Sherlock, Insecure John) – John likes mysteries. And every morning he dips into the local independent coffee bar with his newspaper and ponders another... one Sherlock Holmes.
Insanity in the Middle by DotyTakeThisDown (E, 28,010 w., 8 Ch. || Equestrian Sports AU || Alternate First Meeting, POV John, Pining John, Bottomlock, Clueless Sherlock, First Kiss/Time, Passionate Kisses, Hand Holding, Caught Making Out, Bed Sharing, Spooning, Blow Job) – John is a world-class eventing rider with a gold medal and several four-star wins to his credit, but he's never won at Rolex. Sherlock is an up-and-coming rider taking the sport by storm.
Deck the Halls by itsalwaysyou_jw (T, 31,018 w., 24 Ch. || Advent Fic / Multiple One-Shots, Assorted Tags) – One Johnlock ficlet for every day leading up to Christmas. Who is ready for pining, first kisses, established Johnlock, and everything in between? This collection of stand-alone ficlets will have it all.
The Case of the Vanishing Pants by SwissMiss (E, 44,025 w., 6 Ch. || Five and Ones, Post-TRF, Case Fic, UST, Homophobia, Friends to Lovers, Pining John, Showering Together, Couple for a Case, Sherlock’s Bum, Fantasies, Jealous Sherlock) – Five times John and Sherlock lost their pants in the course of a case.
Only To Be With You by SinceWhenDoYouCallMe_John (M, 40,768 w., 4 Ch. || Black Mirror / Future AU || Character Death, Future Technology, Sickness/Cancer/Illness, Heavy Angst with Happy Ending, First Person POV John, Pining John, Heart-Wrenching Angst) – I tell myself that next time I’ll come near this same place again. Wait around for the mysterious stranger in his coat to dash past me, hot on the heels of a new criminal in black. I think this all the way back to my Exit, planning where I’ll wait and what I’ll say when I see him. Scheming on how to get his name. It’s only once I reach the Exit Point door that I realize two hours and forty-five minutes have passed, and I realize that this won’t be the last time I Visit. It won’t be the last time at all.
Inscrutable to the Last by DiscordantWords (M, 48,842 w., 6 Ch. || Post-TRF, Alternate S3, John’s Blog/S3 is a Story By John, Divorce, Marital Difficulties, John is a Mess, Emotional Reunion, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Grief / Mourning, Pining John, First Kiss, Adorably Clueless Sherlock, Nostalgia, Love Confessions, Eventual Happy Ending) – He wasn't Sherlock, he couldn't work miracles. All he'd ever been able to do was write about them.
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse by SilentAuror (E, 50,635 w., 1 Ch. || Post-S4/S4 Divergence, Case Fic, For a Case / Reverse Fake-Relationship, Conferences, Marriage Equality, Travelling / New York, Pride, Homophobia, Bottomlock, Marriage Proposal, John POV, Sexuality, Love Confessions, Emotional Love Making, Public Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Passionate Kissing, Needy/Clingy Sherlock, Virgin Sherlock, Touching / Hand Holding, Bed Sharing, Little Spoon Sherlock, Intense Orgasms) – John and Sherlock go to New York to attend a conference run by the National Defence of Traditional Marriage Coalition in order to investigate the potential bombing of the annual Manhattan Pride parade. As the conference unfolds, John finds himself repulsed by the toxic ideology being presented, which becomes relevent to his own unacknowledged issues and his friendship with Sherlock...
Isosceles by SilentAuror (E, 56,609 w., 7 Ch. || Post-S4, POV John, Original Male Character / Sherlock Dates Another Man, Love Triangle, Jealous John, Virgin Sherlock, Sexual Coaching, Angst, Romance, Domesticity, Unrequited Feelings, Miscommunication, First Kiss/Time, For a Case, Friends With Benefits, Bottomlock, Love Confessions, Spooning) – After solving a case for a major celebrity, Sherlock gets himself asked out. When John asks, he discovers that Sherlock has no intention of going, at least not until John agrees to coach him through whatever he might need to know for his date...
White Knight by DiscordantWords (M, 69,840 w., 13 Ch. || S4 Compliant/Post S4, Marriage For a Case, Jealous John, Pining John, Janine / Sherlock Fake Relationship, Serial Killers, Case Fic, Undercover as a Couple, Weddings, John is a Mess, Misunderstandings, Wedding Planning, Jealousy, Drunkenness, Love Confessions, Angst with Happy Ending) – Green. The word green was used to convey a great many things. Illness. Envy. Inexperience. Standing there amidst Janine's chattering bridesmaids, watching Sherlock furrow his brow and study fabric swatches, watching him smile and simper and flirt, John thought it a remarkably apt colour choice. Because he felt quite sick to his stomach, he feared the source of said sickness might very well be jealousy, and he had absolutely no idea at all what to do about it. Or: Sherlock needs to fake a relationship for a case. He doesn't ask John.
Thermocline by J_Baillier (M, 83,557 w., 14 Ch. || Scuba Diving AU || Adventure, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Marine Archaeology, Asexual Sherlock, Horny John, Relationship Drama, Technical/Scuba/Wreck Diving, Slow Burn, Underwater /  Medical Peril, Doctor John, Hurt Sherlock, Anxious Sherlock, John POV, Protective John, Body Appreciation) – John "Five Oceans" Watson — technical dive instructor, dive accident analyst and weapon of mass seduction — meets recluse professor of maritime archaeology Holmes. As they head out to a remote archipelago off the coast of Guatemala to study and film its shipwrecks for a documentary, will sparks fly or fizzle out?
The Bang and the Clatter by earlgreytea68 (M, 137,049 w., 37 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Baseball AU || Slow Burn / Dev. Rel., Possessive/Obsessive Sherlock, Jealous Sherlock, Mutual Pining, Body Appreciation, Depression, Closeted Sexuality, Family, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Ogling Each Other, Anxious Sherlock, Panic Attack, Drunkenness, Talk of Forever, Big Feelings™) – Sherlock Holmes is a pitcher and John Watson is a catcher. No, no, no, it's a baseball AU. Part 1 of Baseball
Proving A Point by elldotsee & J_Baillier (E, 186,270 w., 28 Ch. || Me Before You Fusion || Medical Realism, Insecure John, Depression, Romance, Angst, POV John, Sherlock Whump, Serious Illness, Doctor John, Injury Recovery, Assisted Suicide, Sherlock’s Violin, Awkward Sexual Situations, Alcoholism, Drugs, Idiots in Love, Slow Burn, Body Image, Friends to Lovers, Hurt / Comfort, Pain, Big Brother Mycroft, Intimacy, Anxiety, PTSD, Family Issues, Psychological Trauma, John Whump, Case Fics, Loneliness, Pain) – Invalided home from Afghanistan, running out of funds and convinced that his surgical career is over, John Watson accepts a mysterious job offer to provide care and companionship for a disabled person. Little does he know how much hangs in the balance of his performance as he settles into his new life at Musgrave Court.
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My thoughts while watching Holes for the billionth time
It’s fucked up that the movie starts with all the supporting characters watching their friend attempt suicide
How long was Stanley’s trial and how short was Zero’s trial? Because we know that Zero got arrested the day after Stanley did, but he arrived at Camp Greenlake significantly earlier. Like, he knew Barfbag, he already had a nickname, people knew he liked to dig. How long was he there before Stanley showed up?
In the book when they sing the song, they howl on the word moon (it’s written “moo-oo-oon”) and I wish they did that in the movie
The Yelnatses screwed Stanley over by not getting him a lawyer. The little bits we see of his case prove they had no clue what they were doing. And when they eventually do get a lawyer, he’s let out almost immediately.
I love how Dr. Pendanski is written. He’s such a terrible person who has convinced himself and is trying to convince those around him that he is the nicest guy around. He fucking sucks and I love how he’s written and how Tim Blake Nelson plays him.
“Today’s menu: Chili, string beans, re-fried beans, garbanzo beans, green beans, and banana jello” — aren’t green beans and string beans the same thing?
The cinematic choices made in this movie are just *chef’s kiss*. The way they jump from timeline to timeline without ever losing pace is masterful
Eartha Kitt is flawless.
While Eartha Kitt is flawless, I want it noted that in the book, Madame Zeroni is described as a one legged Romani person (Sachar actually used the G slur) and Eartha Kitt is neither one-legged nor Romani.
Zero is the fastest digger in the camp, but they never really explain how big the camp is. Like, is he the fastest out of 25 people? 60 people, 140 people?
Just to revisit point 8, I fucking love Eartha Kitt
The yellow spotted lizards are such an excellent plot device
All the inmates are either A) mentally ill B) people of color or C) severely traumatized. But most of them are D) all of the above
When Squid throws out Stanley’s letter, catch Zero in the background with a pool cue ready to beat the shit out of that motherfucker
It’s weird that they show Sam as some kind of snake oil salesman when we know that his product actually works. The yellow spotted lizards won’t bite you if you’ve eaten his onions. Why claim they cure baldness or that Mary Lou is over 100 years old?
Zero back at it again ready to throw hands for Stanley, this time with a billiards ball
The fact that magnet got locked up for stealing a thousand dollar puppy
“You are here on account of one person. You know who that person is?” “Yeah, my no good, dirty rotten, pig-stealing, great great grandfather. That’s who it is”
Henry Winker provides such comedic levity
When Zero asks Stanley to teach him how to read and it’s such a nice moment of vulnerability, only to be shot down by Stanley. I just want to cry
What happens if someone actually dies at Camp Greenlake? Like, Zero and Stanley ran away and Barfbag got sent to the hospital, but they all survived. What would the protocol be if someone just dies while digging? Clearly there’s not a lot of oversight because Stanley can get away with Zero digging his hole, so what happens when one of those kids get overheated working all day in the Texas sun and just collapses in their hole one day and nobody thinks to check on them until the next day when the buzzards are all gathered around their corpse?
I’ve waited long enough to say this. Sigourney Weaver in this movie is one of the best performances I’ve ever seen. I fucking love her
Sam and Katherine. nuff said
“Well then I guess you’d be in a lot of trouble if your boat leaked.” *sobs*
Just casually reciting Edgar Allen Poe from memory as a way of professing my love to a woman I legally cannot be with due to racist laws forbidding interracial relationships.
I can’t help but remember that Scott Plank died during the post production of this movie. Respect to him and his ability to play such a good villain as Trout Walker
“No one ever says no to Trout Walker.” “I believe I just did.” SAY IT LOUDER, KATE!
I love that Kate’s MO came from a racist sheriff sexually harassing her
The sunflower seed thing reminds me of something that happened to me at RTC and it’s just a really nice moment for me
Stanley acting so casual by not doing the one thing he’s supposed to be doing
The look on Magnet’s face right before Stanley covers for him
I really want to know more about the Warden and Mr. Sir’s relationship
I also really want a bottle of that rattlesnake nail polish, but maybe that’s just me
I also really like that Sachar didn’t shy away from the racial implications of a white guy having a black guy do his labor for him. Then again, the whole story is an indictment of racism and the American prison system, so it makes sense he wouldn’t ignore that
The way Stanley gets so excited when Zero mentions that park. Like ‘oh, we have something in common. We used to go to the same park!’ and Zero just shuts it down with “I used to sleep in the tunnel next to the swing and bridge” Stanley may have been cursed, but he still had a home
Zero finally gets to throw hands on Stanley’s behalf. He’s been waiting to do that since point 14
Pendanski really is the shittiest
“No one cares about Hector Zeroni” “I do”
I love that Twitch was just instantly ready to help Stanley steal Mr. Sir’s car
What are the chances of Kate, Zero, and Stanley all finding Sam’s boat in the middle of the desert? And I know Kate probably spent years looking for it after the lake dried up and for Zero and Stanley it was destiny, but still
Zero, you gotta ration that sploosh
One more time for emphasis: I love Eartha Kitt
Kate dying and she hallucinates Sam, only to be snapped out of it by Trout Walker. Just Trout stopping them from being together one last time
“It hasn’t rained here since the day they killed Sam” and you think whatever deity made that happen is gonna let anyone in the Walker family end up with Kate Barlow’s fortune?
“I can’t leave without Hector.”
“Call my mom. Tell her I said I was sorry. Tell her Theodore said he was sorry” cue Small Steps
Justice reigns over the Walker family and rain falls over the Walker estate
I would love for someone to find out just how much that treasure chest was really worth. Can one of those theorist channels get on that, please?
Hector finding his mom is nothing short of heart-melting. I’m not crying, you’re crying
“Camp Greenlake was closed and the boys were released on time served and sent to real counselors” Wait, are you implying that forced labor is an unjust prison sentence? Someone better tell the prison industrial complex!
So what happened with Sweet Feet? Did they sit him down and explain the misunderstanding before or after signing him as the spokesperson for their product? He was the prosecution’s lead witness at Stanley’s trial, but nope! All is forgiven!
The soundtrack slaps
Point 53, however you have Shia Labeouf and Eartha Kitt in the same movie and you put which one of them on the soundtrack? Just wondering who made that call. Like, you layer ‘I Want To Be Evil’ or ‘Burned As A Witch’ over any of Kissing Kate Barlow’s scenes, it’d be perfect. But no, instead we get the dude from Even Stevens trying to rap.
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lem-20 · 4 years
Summary: Ethan gets a little taste of his own medicine, resulting in him and MC discussing his chats with Harper. Set after 3.3
Book/Pairing: Open Heart/ Ethan Ramsey/ f!MC
Category/Rating: Fluff/Teen
Word Count: <1800
Prompt: @choicesmonthlychallenge Day 8 Simple Things (sorry it's a day late)
Disclaimer: Some characters owned by Pixelberry
A/N: I get so frustrated that PB are making our MC feel insecure when Ethan and Harper have their conversations, but not letting us talk to Ethan about it. This is my way of trying to remedy that.
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"Okay, if we're done here I'd better get going. I've got a surgery scheduled and I need to go over some notes first."
"Yes we're done, you go," responded Ethan as he sorted through some paperwork at the desk.
"Good luck," said Cecilia as the statuesque surgeon made her way towards the diagnostics office door.
"Thank you Cecilia," Harper replied, turning back to face her with a warm smile. "See you both this afternoon."
Once she'd left the room, Cecilia turned back to Ethan.
"Do you need me to do anything before I go?"
"Work wise, no," a smile started to slowly creep onto his face, "but I wouldn't mind—"
A knock on the door stopped Ethan mid sentence. Cecilia turned to find Sarah standing on the other side of the glass. She gave her a little nod, inviting the nurse to open the door.
"Sorry to interrupt. I have someone asking to see you Dr. Gibson, he says he's an old friend."
"Oh. Did he give a name?"
"Yes, Brody Taylor."
Cecilia's jaw dropped. "Oh my God," she smiled, before standing and making her way out the door without another word.
Ethan watched as she left the room and was then greeted with an enthusiastic hug from a man he'd never seen before.
He looked back down at his papers, trying to fight the urge he had to continue watching them, but it was no use. Within seconds his eyes were fixed back on them as they talked to each other.
The man was tall with dark hair and a light stubble. He was attractive and probably around Cecilia's age - he was definitely far more youthful-looking than the face he had seen in the mirror that morning.
It wasn't long before his eyes moved back to Cecilia, more specifically, the smile that was plastered on her face as she chatted animatedly to the handsome stranger.
She looked so happy and at ease as they laughed together and he couldn't help but wonder who he was. He'd never heard Cecilia mention his name before, so he couldn't be that important to her, but she sure seemed happy to see him.
Why was it that she looked more beautiful than ever now that it was another man making her smile? Was it the same smile she shared with him? The one that reached every inch of her face, causing her nose and eyes to scrunch up. He couldn't be sure from this distance.
They definitely looked good together.
As Ethan approached forty, he often worried he was starting to look old next to Cecilia. The ten year age gap didn't seem to bother her, but would she still feel that way as his wrinkles multiplied and his skin sagged. His reflection was already showing the signs.
Stop looking.
He forced his eyes back down to the desk. He had no idea why he was letting this get to him, he didn't even know if this guy had ever had romantic involvement with Cecilia and so what if he did? She made it clear to him every day that she wanted to be with him - that she was happy with him. She had never given up on him all the times he had pushed her away and she definitely hadn't shown any signs that she was losing interest now that they were together.
Things were great between them, he was sure of it.
He started to furiously scribble random patterns on a piece of paper in a bid to distract himself, but seconds later the sound of the door opening caused his head to snap up at lightening speed.
"Sorry, I forgot some folders," Harper announced as she re-entered the room.
She glanced at Ethan's doodles, then at him with a look of part concern, part amusement. "Are you okay Ethan, you look a little tense?"
"I'm fine," he replied, trying to act nonchalant.
"Right. And not at all bothered by your girlfriend talking to her ex out there," she said nodding towards the door.
"How do you know he's her ex?"
"It's a long corridor and they're talking quite loudly - something about how she should visit his parents because they've missed seeing her since the two of them broke up..."
She picked up her folders, then started to make her way back towards the door.
"Jealousy isn't a good look on you Ethan."
"I'm not jealous," he stated.
"Well I hope for your sake that that is the truth, because it's clear that Cecilia is crazy about you and it would be utterly ridiculous for you to feel any sort of jealousy or insecurity when she works alongside your ex every day...Now, if you'll excuse me, I have things to do."
She smirked at him, as he rolled his eyes at her. Then she turned on her heel and left.
As irritated as he was by her condescending tone, Harper had a point. Cecilia had been working with both him and his ex, and for the first time it dawned on him that he hadn't actually asked her how that made her feel. He was pretty sure she was okay with it, but maybe it was something he should have discussed with her.
A few minutes later, Cecilia returned to the office with traces of a smile still on her face.
"Did you have a nice time talking to your friend?" he asked, desperately trying to sound as casual as possible.
"Yeah I did," she hesitated for just a second, "he was my ex actually."
"Yeah. We dated for a couple of years when we were teenagers, but I hadn't seen him since I left for Med school. His Mom and Dad moved to Boston a couple of years ago and he's been staying with his Mom while his Dad was here having an operation. He came in to pick up his Dad and remembered I worked here, so wanted to say hi. It was so good to see him and to reminise a little bit."
"It's nice that you still get on well with him."
"Yeah it is," she grinned, "like you and Harper."
She walked over to where he was sitting and perched herself on the desk.
"Now, I think I recall you were going to ask something of me before we got interrupted."
"I was," he smiled, "but before that, can I ask you a question?"
"Are you okay that Harper joined the team? I think I just presumed you'd be okay with it, but seeing you talk to your ex reminded me that it can feel a little awkward seeing your current...partner interact with their ex."
"Were you jealous that I was talking to Brody?" she teased.
"You're not answering my question," he stated.
"Neither are you, but okay, I'll answer your question. Yes I'm okay that she joined the team. She's an amazing doctor and a strong, powerful woman. I like her and I think she's a great addition. If you're asking whether I feel weird about her being your ex, then maybe a little, but I know there are no romantic feelings left between the two of you and I'm a professional, so I would never let it become an issue."
Ethan gave a small nod in relief.
"There is one little thing I have been struggling with though...I consciously try not to act like a couple in front of Harper, because I wouldn't want her to feel like the odd one out. But I have to be honest, sometimes when the two of you are talking about things you've done together, I'm the one who ends up feeling a little left out."
"Really? Why didn't you say something sooner?"
"Well I guess I'd hoped that you would figure it out yourself, and I didn't want to seem jealous or petty. I love that you have such a good friendship with her, I don't see you interacting with many people like that so it's nice. But you share so many professional and personal memories with her, it's hard not to feel a little envious that she's experienced all those different things with you."
"I understand what you mean and I'm so sorry we made you feel like that."
"Ethan, I know it wasn't intentional, so please don't feel like you can't carry on talking to her like that."
"I just feel bad that I didn't notice it was bothering you."
"Let's not think about that now. I have to go check on some patients soon and I want us to part on a happy note."
He looked up at her face as she subtly bit her lip.
Like a moth to a flame, he was instantly drawn to her, stopping only when he was standing between her parted knees.
He brushed his fingers gently up and down her back as he brought his lips to her ear.
"How can I make things up to you?" he asked in a breathy whisper, causing Cecilia's breath to hitch and a shiver to run down her spine.
She pulled her face back and softly caressed his cheek as she looked into his eyes.
His adams apple bobbed in his throat as he swallowed hard.
She could almost feel the longing and anticipation radiating off of him. She had his full and undivided attention.
She lowered her hand to the back of his neck and pulled him in for a gentle kiss as her other hand travelled down his outer thigh.
"Take me on a proper date," she said, pulling back to look at his face.
He let out a long breath as the tension dissipated, snapping him out of his trance.
"Is that what you want?" he asked with a smile.
"Uhh, yeah. I've waited long enough as it is. I want us to do things, things that we can talk and reminice about. Sharing experiences and memories is an important part of being in a relationship and I want us to have that."
He grabbed both of her hands in his, giving them a little squeeze.
"I've really not been the best boyfriend have I?"
She grinned widely at him.
"First can I just say, I'm loving you calling yourself my boyfriend..."
He let out a small laugh, while shaking his head.
"...secondly, we've done a few things I have enjoyed very much, but I think it's time I got wined and dined a little."
"I can definitely do that," Ethan replied, as he pulled her in for a kiss.
Thank you so much for reading. I rewrote bits of this fic lots of times because I didn't want either of them to come across as too petty or jealous. Although I think Ethan would definitely be the more jealous one 😆
I really think MC would feel so much better if Ethan would just bloody take them on a date already, so fingers crossed that happens soon 🤞
Sorry if this is pure crap 😬😆
Tags: @pixie88 @pixiezilla6 @lifeaskim @shewillreadyou @queencarb @udishaman @lucy-268 @starrystarrytrouble @txemrn @ethanramseylover @schnitzelbutterfingers @drariellevalentine @irisofpurple @alina-yol-ramsey @maurine07 @stygianflood @iemcpbchoices @aussieez @missmiimiie @genevievemd @mercury84choices @aarisa-frost @binny1985 @caseyvalentineramsey @mainstreetreader
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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