#sorry this is long :))
tmmyhug · 2 years
not to be serious or whatever but i think nov 5th went down like. That. bc of a few things: one the pandemic and the inherent derangedness of waking up and watching “unprecedented times” happen around you daily for the past nine months. two the election and the multi day pressure cooker of stress of constantly refreshing election news tabs and trying to keep your normal life (school work etc) going while the fate of american politics pretty much hangs in the balance and trump throws a fit on twitter. three the 15 year buildup of the cw’s hit show supernatural to the final season + the 11 of those years spent queerbaiting while tumblr did backflips through discourse circus rings about destiel + this show and ship being so big that everyone knew about it not just the fans. all of this leading up to the airing of 15x18 and the confession scene. castiel in love with dean. castiel goes to superhell. it just set everything off like a bomb. then the vine boom after vine boom of domino train information we kept getting. putin resigning. georgia goes blue. trump sues multiple states. supernatural trending over the election. people learning major political news via destiel screenshots. nevada. a whole bunch of other insane fandom news + rumors that started flying like dashcon 2.0 and the secret sherlock season (putin resigning also turned out to be a rumor but we thought it was real for a soild several hours). i think the internet just had no idea how to react that we collectively reached the next dimension. it was the most indescribable, hysterical outpouring of hilarity and togetherness ive ever experienced. when we say new emotions were invented that night we mean it. i miss it every single day
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jeleynai · 3 months
Hey there, I adore your art, thank you for sharing it and joining us on tumblr. Your Ghoap art makes me feel so soft.
I am curious about your rendering process. I like how your pieces are textured and coloured and the 3 dimensionality of it, is there a chance you'd be open to sharing some of the steps you take to get from sketch to the finished product? For example what methods (if greyscale, selection tool, etc.) and brushes you use? How you pick your colours?
No pressure in answering this of course, I am just glad to see what you'll be up to in the future.
Hellooooo thank you so much for your kind words!! I've actually been getting so many nice notes from people, I'm so sorry that I haven't responded to them much, I promise I read every single one and shed a little tear of joy at how nice you all are!
Now to the question!!
I made a little step by step image of one of the portraits I posted here for you with a bit of commentary underneath! I'm sorry if it's the ramblings of a mad-woman I'm a bit all over the place sometimes haha (I'm so sorry if there's typos, please ignore them)
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I'll also answer the direct questions here since I don't think I addressed them TOO directly in the image.
Methods: I work with soft brushes and the lasso tool for 90% of my process! I introduce textures as well obviously but I try to let my soft brushes do most of the work. A lot of that 'soft' look people tell me my art has just comes from subtle colour shifts and general softness achieved that way over working with harsher textures. I generally like to limit my layers somewhat, especially with simple pieces like the one above. That image is actually just a single layer after step 2! It helps me not get too stuck on one area but I also just... draw on the wrong layer very frequently even if I name them so I don't use them unless I'm working on pieces with different layers of depth (fore-/mid-/background etc.) I do check my values *constantly* (I use the colour-proof setup in photoshop) but I don't work directly from greyscale. I go straight into colours from the sketch.
How I pick colours: I do try to keep my colour palette cohesive and a bit more neutral to start with. I try to avoid extremes at the start so I'm not locked into that too early since it makes that 'subtlety' harder to achieve otherwise. For those colour shifts I talk about I just pick whatever base colour I put down and then shift the colours accordingly! Brush modes/layer modes can also help but I definitely recommend looking a bit into colour theory before relying on them TOO much! Otherwise using them will also end in strange results. There's no direct 'formula' I use when choosing colours since every light scenario is unique and will affect colours differently. I would definitely recommend James Gurney's book on Colour and Light!
Last but not least! If you're more of a visual learner and my rambling is a bit much in written form (I'm so sorry, I'm very chatty I know) I also have a few painting processes up on YouTube c: So if you want me to shut up and just watch me struggle instead then here's a link to the painting that started it all, the OG ghost soap piece I did over a year and a half ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D76X0MT4W5U
I hope that all makes sense!! I'm still super new to Tumblr but I'm always happy to ramble on about art so! Thanks for reading my rant haha
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wowa-bublord · 3 months
How do you decide how to stylize the characters you draw? If it's okay to ask.
totally okay to ask! but kind of a hard question because I have so many designs BAHBGFHDJKS!! I'll use my zack design as an example since I draw him the most... and I want an excuse to talk about my process BAHABGFH
the first thing is obviously to get references haha. with Zack thats really easy cos he has 500 designs, I did some studies to figure out how to draw him, what aspects I liked and what things I didn't like! I don't have the studies anymore cos i lost them (bubby lost media) so heres my recreation vvvv
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the thing I liked the most were the sharper, bigger eyes of the cutscene zack, the harder jaw of the remake older zack, and the bigger eyebrows of the younger remake zack >:3 so I slap them all together into my design !!
some other stuff misc stuff I took from some design are the darker skin from the og crisis core, and the big ol mane he's depicted with in his first designs!
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BOOM first pass design
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once I have my first design, I just slowly decide what parts I want to emphasis and exaggerate :) for zack, I like to really push his hair and his eyes. I like to make his visuals very expressive because I see him as a character who isn't very good at verbalizing his emotion, having him physically readable makes writing comics with him easier despite this. (In canon he actually has a tendency to completely turn around or hide his face when he cries! You can see this when Angeal dies, he hides his face behind the sword, later faces away from aerith in the church when he cries, and then at the end during the final meal he turns away from them again. Just a little zack fact.) I also like to push triangular shapes in his design to give him a sort of super hero vibe. Triangle eyes, triangle body type, triangle hair, that sorta thing. Triangles are the strongest shape, so they give him a sort of immovable vibe, however triangles in character designs are also often used for villains because they convey a sharpness and unpredictability. That's why I use them in my sephiroth design a lot too LOL, parallels. I also tend to push the wolf/dog theme a lot with him, with the sharp teeth, big fur hair, and puppy dog ear bangs in his younger design. Mostly because. yea duh Zack The Puppy BAHBVGFHD but also to mirror Sephiroths own theme of dehumanization. Zack is a person second and an attack dog first to ShinRa. Sephiroth the hero and Zack the puppy..... ive got a lot of thoughts but idk how to say them i just hope it comes out in my drawings at all thats what its all about LMAO
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Some other things I try to add are visual parallels I give him to my sephiroth design, with a low nose, sharper jaw, big shoulder pauldrons and a triangle body type. It's more obvious from how I draw their side profiles tho hehe
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And that's how I got to my current Zack design!! sorry for the ramble, thanks for giving me an excuse to talk about my art FWWHWH character design is a big passion of mine yippee!!
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quotevarchive · 4 months
hey! hope this ask finds you well. so, im a bit of an amateur digital historian (in that i take internet history seriously) and i like to write casual essays about websites from time to time. quotev flew up on my radar when i saw some yall on cohost, and ive been reading everything i can about it for the last several days. from what i've gathered, nobody really knew quotev's double life except for q users themselves. in fact, it's been such a well-guarded secret that most are unaware of quotev's existence, much less that it was a quiz site with a secret component to it. so i am putting out a call to you and any quotevians reading: would any yall be open to contributing to a quotev post-mortem? it seems like it was a pretty monumental site to many users, and as for the pain of its loss, i understand it myself: the website i consider basically 'my highschool years' went dark just last year, and knowing that it's essentially lost to everyone but those who were there for it bums me out. BUT quotev is still fresh in the minds of the people who called it home, and i'd love a chance to learn more about its unique culture and what made it so special to its users, even if many users now feel betrayed by it. if you do publish this ask (which you are under no obligation to do so), anyone reading it is free to send me an ask directly and i'll make sure my anon is on in case anybody wants to remain anonymous. also just in case i need to clarify, i'm not trying to write a smear piece or anything tabloidesque involving individual users - i want to know quotev as users knew it, whatever was loved and hated and why it will be bitterly missed.
yes hi!!! This ask is so exciting to me because I have been a little too into quotev history and dynamics and social interaction (hence the blog) for a few years now. I only started “archiving” in late 2022, but feel free to look through my older posts for any info. everything's a bit clogged up with the “quotev death” posts but back in the archive there’s a decent amount of stuff. I collect whatever i can. also feel free to hmu if you have any specific questions.
the hidden social media of quotev was always such a funny thing to me. Even older users who used to roleplay or make quizzes and fanfics there didn’t seem to be quite aware that it had become so centered around the activity feed, and of course any mentions of it on bigger platforms like youtube were always like “cringe 12y/o fanfic haha.” (Not that anything we actually did was any less silly.) anyway, i was always torn about this because i did NOT want quotev to become more popular, but i wished people knew about the crazy shit that really went down there. Your post-mortem is a great idea because you’ll be telling the story of social quotev with no worry of sending new users to the site…because he is already dead
I highly encourage any followers who have fond memories or stupid stories to submit them!
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woman-respecter · 4 months
anon i’m not posting ur ask bc it may piss some people off BUT to answer your question i think beyond just being ineffectual, the most counterproductive shit is:
1. the blatant antisemitism. while i think antisemitism is pervasive in society, a large percentage of peope (at least in america) know that its wrong, and can recognize it when its at its most obvious. had they kept their antisemitism on the down low i don’t think it would have been caught by many gentiles, but when its as obvious as screaming “go back to poland” (yes i will not shut up about this specific thing) or shooting at jewish elementary schools, people recognize it. and this turns normal people who realize that antisemitism=bad and makes it easy to “villainize” (for lack of a better word) their movement. of course this may help bring fringe people who are just looking to be antisemitic, but it alienates most well-adjusted people, which includes most of those who contribute to society so its by far a net negative
2. denouncing israeli leftists/peace activists etc. these are the people who can actually make the biggest difference here, but instead of allying with them they at best ignore and at worst villainize them. organizations such as standing together and women wage peace do a lot of good trying to find solutions and help palestinians (remeber how standing together helped aid get to gaza) but are fucking put on the bds list. it’s ridiculous. how the hell is harassing jewish students more helpful than supporting actual people in the region who actually understand what is going on and can actually do something. if they really cared about human lives and peace (which i guess they don’t based on that post i screenshotted earlier lol) they would be doing everything they can to assist these orgs but instead they make things harder for them. i guess it’s because its very important to paint an “us vs them” narrative and to do this they must paint all israelis as evil so recognizing standing together etc destroys that
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husbandhoshi · 2 years
Heheh mingyu + cute + 9:27am
on god, i will kill whoever shares a wall with mingyu, is your first thought of the day.
you lay there, head positively spinning, as you hear the perpetrator snooze their train horn alarm for the fifth time that morning.
your second is, fuck, i actually went home with him, and your third falls somewhere along the lines of having the worst hangover headache of your twenty something years of being alive.
the bed next to you is cold (mingyu probably has class), you’re in a big white shirt (must have put it on after getting your back blown out), and curiously, mingyu has a studio ghibli poster you never noticed on the back of his door (good, although it would have ruined the mood if you knew totoro had witnessed all of that).
the unsavory details from last night come flooding back to you like the final chapter of an agatha christie novel, except you still don’t really get it.
kim mingyu, resident heartthrob of sigma alpha epsilon and the guy you just happened to tutor on tuesdays, not only invited you to a party, but somehow landed you in his bed, wearing his clothes.
on an average day, sleeping with a guy five million miles out of your league would be the college fairytale of your dreams, except you have class in two hours and the room is so bright, so flooded with sunlight, you think you will actually die if you open your eyes any wider.
you kind of wished things would be different.
(let’s get out of here, mingyu had said last night, and a part of you already knew what was going to happen. but instead, he walked you to in-n-out, draped in his big letterman jacket, and you spent the next two hours talking about everything and nothing over an order of animal fries.
and you remember him hovering over you, his silver necklace tantalizing and cold against the skin of your neck, asking in that awfully low voice of his—are you sure? we don’t have to.
and you pleaded and begged yes, yes, want it, want you, because you actually had the most embarrassing crush on him and somehow you fell in love all over again watching him get thousand island sauce on that nice button up of his.)
but in true fratboy fashion, he’s gone, and you’re just another girl left to dry in the wretched sigma house.
it’s then that you hear a knock on the door, at first frantic, then softly.
“mingyu’s not here,” you holler, although it’s more of a croak than a shout. “i don’t even live here.”
“um. this is mingyu,” comes the muffled voice. “sorry, i—” you can just picture him rubbing the back of his neck, piecing his next sentence together. “i thought you might want some breakfast?”
hearing the same voice that said basically unrepeatable things last night now shy as ever, asking permission to enter his own room, gives you the worst whiplash of your life. on top of that, you’re embarrassingly relieved that he did not, in fact, abandon you.
“yeah, uh, sure. thanks.” you scramble for your phone to make sure you look ok, but promptly realize the fool is charging it on his desk. so instead you just lay there, trying to look as alive as possible.
the door opens slowly, and through your half-lidded, squinty eyes, you make out what possibly could be the most beautiful man alive, looking like a dream in low hanging sweats and a muscle tee. and he has a plate of pancakes and orange juice.
“sorry, i look terrible.” the words just fly out of your mouth.
“no you don’t,” he chides in that awfully attractive pout of his. “was gonna say you look great. especially after everything that happened last night.”
he grins, all teeth and pretty pink lips, as you fight to not pull the covers over your head and just perish on the spot. “please shut up. i thought you abandoned me, you know. and i decided i was gonna stop tutoring you and let you fail organic chemistry.”
mingyu laughs and sits beside you on the bed, warm gaze falling on you. “i’m sorry. please don’t do that. i need you,” he jokes, and you both laugh again, feeling that post hookup awkwardness permeate the space.
he moves to brush the hair out of your forehead, but stops himself. he’s not sure what to do (he likes you, a lot actually, and that itself is enough to zap all rational thought from his brain).
“are you feeling ok?” mingyu asks instead. “i brought a warm towel and an advil. you know, uh, if you had a headache or something.”
it’s cute seeing him trip over his words, and you nod, giving him the ok to fuss over you.
“can you sit up? do you want me to feed you?” the questions come a mile a minute, but you’re never one to complain over a real life disney prince fawning over you.
so you let him, god, for some reason him propping you up against his pillows is a thousand times hotter than whatever he did last night, and you make the executive decision to waste your entire friday morning to spend it with him.
you’re still not sure what you are—friends, acquaintances, or something in the middle.
you wouldn’t dare think lovers though, except when he blows on a forkful of pancake to cool it down, you briefly consider marriage.
(before you go, he kisses your forehead. “catch a movie with me tomorrow?” he asks, taking his sunglasses off the top of his head and sliding them onto your face—he knows you lied when you said your head wasn’t hurting anymore.
“is this because you wanna—”
“it’s because i want to take you on a date. a real one. can i?”
he smiles at you again, radiant and honest, and you find you don’t doubt him for a second.)
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ordinaryschmuck · 8 months
David Zaslav is on the phone as he enters his office.
David: It's nothing personal, it's just business. But don't worry, once another buyer offers eighty million, you'll have your property back. Okay? Okay. Goodbye, Mom. Love you.
He hangs up and notices a package left on his desk.
David: Huh. That's peculiar.
He walks over and sees that it's addressed to him. With a shrug, he opens it up.
And gets hits in the face with a springy boxing glove.
A burlap sack is ripped off David's head. He looks around and sees he's in a form of a warehouse, with the only light being the shining above him. In the shadows, he hears a crunch of somekind.
???: Eh, *tsk-tsk* What's up, Doc?
Out from the shadows comes Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Yosemite Sam, and even Foghorn Leghorn. They do NOT look happy.
David: Who...Who ARE you? WHAT are you?
He pulls out his guns.
Sam: Now I KNOW y'all didn't just say that you--
Bugs waves a hand in front of Sam.
Bugs: It's okay, Sammy Boy. Can't blame da poor, dumb, foolish suckah. (To David) Do ya know who Mickey Mouse is, Doc?
David: Is...that who you are?
Daffy: Doeth he look like a MOUTHE, you buffoon?!
Bugs: Daf. (To David) Mickey's the mascot of Disney, YOUR competitor. Fer bettah or woise, he represents da company. And to dis day is the backbone dat made Disney what it is. As for me and my compatriots, dat's who WE are for Warner Brudders.
David: I-I'm the CEO of Warner Brothers DISCOVERY.
Foghorn: Which is, I say, which is the result of merging with WARNER BROTHERS, ya dumb pig! No offense, Pork.
Porky: N-N-No-No-No offense taken.
Bugs: (To David) Ya see, Doc, we're da Looney Tunes. Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Foghorn Leghorn, and Yosemite Sam. Ya see, while Walter was makin' the mouse dat would rule the world wid a goofy cartoon mouse that entertained the kiddies, we's was making some CLASS. Cartoons dat dee adults AND kids could appreciate, wid witty dialogue and cartoonish slapstick. Me and Daf, here? We made bank off a short where we discussed who got shot by Elmer Fudd, where da joke was ALWAYS Daffy getting hit.
Daffy: Took a lot of shotth to make that comedy gold. LIterally.
Bugs: And it worked. Wid a poifect simple premise dat people always remember, wid people going "Wabbit Season, Duck Season" to dis day. Dat's who we are, Doc...And ya messed it all up.
Sam: Ya messed with the WRONG pardners, Davie!
David: H-How? How did I mess with you?!
Bugs: Hey, don't feel too bad. Warner Brudders' have been messing wid us for years, but we always took it on the chin. Dey want us to do TWO basketball movies? Dey want us to get rid of Pepe Le Pew? Why not. He stunk anyway and we wanted him out for years. Dey want our iconic image for an animated sitcom? We did it. 'Cause we're da Looney Tunes. We can sell ANYTHING.
Porky: I-I-I actually l-l-li-lo-li-lo--Really enjoyed the sitcom.
Bugs: Okay, it can be argued dat da sitcom is criminally underrated, but dat's besides the point. What I'm getting at is dat we're willing ta sell anything just as long as we get some of dat green ourselves. But ya made a mistake, Doc. Ya see, you went after one of our own.
He makes a "come here" gesture, and both Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner come out from the shadows as well, with Road Runner comforting the Coyote.
Bugs: Pepe Le Pew is one thing. We understand that his sense of humor doesn't fit well wid dis day and age. But Wile? Oh brudder, why did ya have to mess wid him?
David: What did I do to him?!
Bugs: Coyote Vs. ACME. Ringin' any bells?
David: That...movie no one wants to buy?
Bugs: A movie ya overselled for a quick buck. A movie dat people worked night and day on. A movie written by James Gunn, yer golden boy who you have fixin' yer DC franchise.
Foghorn: Which is, I say, which is a whole DIFFERENT can a worms.
Bugs, ignoring him: A movie dat stars our very own Wile E. Coyote. A character who's toons and silly antics are timeless and, I'll admit, makes bank better than me. Wit no dialogue, just expressions and goofy signs, him and da Road Runner are characters where the possibility is limited by da power of imagination. And a movie where he sues ACME over their failed gadgets? Well, I'd watch that. Wouldn't you, boys?
The others all murmur in agreement.
David: Well, it might not make a profit--
Bug: Space Jam 2 made TWICE of what yer trying ta sell Wile's movie for. Ya would think that a man desperate to make money would release a film featuring their most iconic brand to get him MORE money. But, no, that's what a GOOD business man would do.
David: Please! I-It wasn't anything personal! I didn't even WATCH the movie!
The Tunes all stare at him.
Bugs: ...Ya didn't WATCH it?
David: N-No?
Bugs: You were willing to sell, shelve, and even DELETE a movie from existence because ya don't think it won't make a profit. Except ya nevah THOUGHT ta watch it yerself and make yer judgment?
David: ...Running a business is REALLY hard--
Bugs: You MAROON. You marooniest maroon that's ever marooned. I can't even comprehend how not only did you get yer job but how ya STILL have a job despite all da STOOPID decisions you've made in--How long has he been in charge?
Porky: A-A-A--Nearly t-two years, boss.
Bugs: TWO YEARS. Ya've been in charge for TWO YEARS and managed to cost da studio so much money that ya could compare it to da GREAT DEPRESSION! If Disney loses dat money, dey can make it back wid anothah Marvel movie or a live action remake of Moana! WE ain't Disney, Doc! We need every dime we get and we're losin' it because a YOU!
David: ...
Bugs: Honestly, we was initially thinkin' a beatin' the snot out a yous and leaking da movie to da public. But now? Woof. NOW I know yer as dumb as an animal. And an animal needs to be treated as an animal.
He pulls out a dog whistle and gives it a blow. Within seconds, a small, brown tornado bursts through a wall in the warehouse and zooms over to the group, stopping its spin to reveal The Tasmanian Devil.
Bugs: Have ya heard of the Tasmanian Devil, David? Who am I kidding, of COURSE ya haven't. Well, let's just say that he'd be happy to meet you.
Taz looks at David, licks his lips, and starts jumping for joy as he heads over to him.
David stands before a press conference, clothes torn up and his body bandaged.
David: I am now announcing that I'm stepping down as CEO of Warner Brothers Discovery...And as my last act, I will release Coyote Vs. ACME to the public.
Reporter: And are you going to release Batgirl too?
David: Well, no, that movie's unreleasable--
A batarang lands in front of him.
David: ...Batgirl and Coyote Vs. ACME. Both coming soon...to a theater or streaming service near you.
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montrealmadison · 1 year
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eric bittle + taylor swift, you’re on your own, kid
the jokes weren’t funny, i took the money my friends from home don’t know what to say i looked around in a blood-soaked gown and i saw something they can’t take away
happy 28th birthday, erb <3
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poly-star-trio · 1 year
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i yearn
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puhpandas · 4 months
This might come off as controversial, but Steel Wool is not immune to criticism. I don’t like how Steel Wool is treating Gregory for numerous reasons, but them setting him up to be a bad person feels wrong when no other child character is treated this way. They don’t want to acknowledge him as a victim and like okay, we get it, we hardly see his trauma, but hello? Is he not still a child? How is he any different from other kid protagonists that wanted to live in this franchise?
There’s a higher standard for the games sure, but it’s weird to me that background book characters get treated way better. They don’t want him to be exactly like Cassie, which understandable, but we’ve already seen few Cassie characteristics from him? To ignore that is ignoring a big part of his character. Why would he do anything in the story then if he was just as bad and destructive as they portray him as? He still needs motives, even if they want to strip him of any characterization so we never feel bad for him. They’re actively refusing giving him positive attributes because they’d hate it if he started challenging other characters/fans favs, but that’s what makes a good story compelling. It feels like they’re taking their anger out on him through their writing if that makes sense?
I’m a little concerned he’s gonna be the one who dropped the elevator because it feels true, otherwise why would RUIN be so full of blatant Gregory hate? They want us to hate him, that’s quite all there is to it.
them never showing us him as a character on a normal day and only when hes in a life or death situation making a split second decision that could decide the fate of himself and everyone he loves definitely has something to do with it. they only show his 'blunt' decisions to do something bad for a good reason, and not what he would be making that decision for. we never get to see him just be a normal kid, we never get to see him after sb deserving to have that happy ending, we only see the bad
but I dont feel like this is just. we hate this 12yo character and like the other one better so we're making him evil and shitting on him. they probably do want people to see the bad things he did for a reason that we dont know yet.
them framing Gregory as cutting the elevator whether he did it or not was very blatant in that decision. it feels like they want to give him a 'redemption arc' in the eyes of the fandom in come kind of way since people have disliked him from the very beginning. like they want us to see him do these bad things, and then maybe theyll actually show us that he didnt want to do these things later, and maybe things will be different.
like, I cant be the only one who feels like Gregory and the elevator is a setup for something. obviously to trap cassie down below, but in that case they didnt have to make Gregory be the one do drop it, just blatantly the mimic. they want us to believe this for a reason, and that would be to show us at the very least a reasoning later. I dont believe that reason is just "we fucking hate this child character and want everyone else to as well" that's just. crazy to me.
they wouldnt make Gregory do many kind things for other characters if they hated him. they wouldnt have had him comfort cassie on her birthday and make them canonically close friends if they wanted to make him genuinely heartless.
keep in mind that with SBs nuked characterization and no focus on Gregory since then, we havent even gotten to see his pov in a long time. just Cassies so far, and Cassies story is pretty much built off of perspective. the MIMIC is literally a tool to make characters perspectives about eachother change or distort because it would frame a character as doing something they didn't
mimic is literally going to be used to cause confusion and distrust within characters and it literally did that and accomplished that in ruin. cassie is going to believe Gregory cut the elevator whether he did it or not. and that's why I genuinely believe he didnt. why on earth would they introduce a character that's main purpose would be to do bad things to characters in another characters name to cause drama and then just. have the character have actually have done it lmao.
TLDR: I dont believe steel wool would steep as low as to make a 12yo kid trying to survive actually evil or even just hate him as the creators, and I also think the story of cassie and ruin and beyond is designed off of making Gregory look bad (the mimics purpose as a villain being causing uproar and doing bad things in another characters name to cause distrust from another) from Cassies perspective so he can appear later and disprove those beliefs as a sort of 'redemption arc' to cassie and the fans
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issylra · 1 year
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kasaru-chan · 2 months
you know what? I'm not finished with this!
In continuation of this post:
Bradley is half human on his mother's side and his Pure blooded vampire father really hates having a half blooded, unclean son.
To escape his abusive dad he allies himself with Vampire hunters but seeing as how he also half vampire on his dad's side they don't exactly trust him.
They create a sort of magic shock collar on Bradley and assign their newest hunter, Max Goof, to be his handler.
The shock collar is very painful but Bradley can't help but be a little shit to his handler, mostly out of frustration at his situation.
He is also terribly hangry. Because, while he doesn't need blood the same way a pure blooded vampire does, human blood does provide him with essential nutrients that an all normal food diet lacks. He also needs it to power up his fire abilities.
Oh did I mention vampires have powers? The more blood they drink, the stronger it gets.
Max doesn't trust Bradley at first and is convinced that he'll stab Max in back at the first chance he gets. This goes on until Max get caught off guard by a powerful vampire and Bradley takes the hit for him effectively saving his life.
"Why did you save me?"
"A momentary lapse of sanity, clearly."
Their friendship is tentative after that, with Max using the shock collar less and less until he just stops using it all together. Bradley is still in a constant state of hangry bitch though despite this.
It all comes to a head when, while they are out somewhere, a little kid falls and skins their knee. Max goes over to help the kid but Bradley is frozen, his hunger and scent of blood getting to him and he quietly warns Max to get the kid out of here.
Max is confused until he sees Bradley literally fighting to hold himself back, his fangs elongating the veins on his face bulging and his hands are gripped so tight that his sharp claws are cutting into his skin.
Max tries to use the shock collar but it has no effect, Bradley is too hungry, has gone too long without blood and his conscience mind is shutting down to be replaced with pure survival instinct.
Before can hurt the kid, Max tackles Bradley and holds him down while telling the kid to run. Max was ordered that if Bradley even got to this state, he'd need to be put down for the good of humanity.
Max takes his gun (did I mention Max's hunter weapon is a gun?) And presses it under Bradley's chin but looking into his eyes, feral and wild as they are, he finds he can't go through with it. He likes Bradley, even though he's rude and nasty, he's also got a good heart deep deep deep deep down. And Max is too attached now.
So instead he tosses the gun aside and shoves his bare forearm into Bradley's open mouth, letting the teeth sink in.
"You want blood? Take mine."
What both Max and Bradley don't realize is that Max's blood is literal vampire cat nip. He has the tastiest blood that Bradley's ever had and as he takes gulp after gulp he almost doesn't want to stop drinking it, even after he's had enough to calm down.
But Max shakily tucks a strand of hair behind Bradley's ear, and the motion gives him pause enough to look at Max, and what he sees shakes him. Max has no fear in his eyes, no distrust. Even as this predator has its jaws locked around his arm, Max's expression is open, trusting and kind.
"It's ok Brad."
Bradley's eyes go wide and he releases Max's arm, licking the wound he left behind clean. He sits back on his haunches looking at Max in confusion.
"Why did you let me drink from you? I could have killed you."
Max smiles dopily, swaying ever so slightly and looking pale.
"Momentary lapse of sanity, clearly." And then promptly passes out from blood loss. Bradley catches him before he hits the ground and rushes him to the nearest hospital to get him a blood transfusion.
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reisakumaproducer · 3 months
Crossroad and Meteor Impact
I noticed a few similarities between Crossroand and Meteor Impact. Specifically how they discuss following your dreams and the relationship between the ordinary and the talented/"god-like". These themes are reflected in the main pairings of each story (Keito + Rei and Chiaki + Kanata).
Throughout each story, we see both Chiaki and Keito talk about dreams. Chiaki mentions his dream of becoming a hero in Meteor Impact. Likewise, Keito mentions having a dream that he wants to fulfill in Crossroad, but unlike Chiaki, this dream isn't his own. Rather it is Eichi's dream that he wishes to fulfill.
Both Chiaki and Keito also put Kanata and Rei on pedestals. They view themselves as "ordinary" or "extras" compared to them. Kanata and Rei are the talented "god-like" beings, whereas Chiaki and Keito are the ordinary people with dreams
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Because of Rei and Kanata's status of being "god-like", they are presented as figures who can help Keito and Chiaki with their dreams. Chiaki indirectly wished for Ryuseitai to become more serious, which is what Kanata granted. Whereas Keito tries to use Rei for his plans
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But then the stories start to differ. Chiaki never purposefully makes a wish from Kanata. Kanata is constantly asking Chiaki to make a wish regardless. Meanwhile, Keito is CONSTANTLY trying to get Rei to help him with his plans. It is Rei himself who asks Keito if it is really HIS dream he wants to fulfill, not somebody else's. He is the one who encourages Keito to fulfill his own dreams
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And then we reach the climax of the two stories. In Meteor Impact, Kanata begs Chiaki to make a wish. Chiaki refuses. He introduces Kanata to dreams. The climax of Meteor Impact is Chiaki and Kanata becoming friends
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In contrast, Keito is the one to beg Rei to help him in Crossroad. Rei refuses. He is the one to tell Keito that he has his own dreams. The climax is Rei and Keito separating
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Chiaki is the one to encourage Kanata, the talented one, to follow his dreams. Rei, the talented one, tries to encourage Keito to follow his dreams and even affirms that he has his own. Chiaki succeeds in bridging the gap between him and Kanata because he recognizes him as human. Keito fails to stop putting Rei on a pedestal, separating the gap between them
(All crossroad translations are from reikeiP on tumblr and all Meteor Impact translations are from 310mc on github)
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eldritch-ambrosia · 5 months
time travel x magic reveal idea
Because of a spell, Merlin switches places with his 5 year old self, finding himself back in Ealdor in the past.
Child Merlin is taken care of by the knights and King Arthur and Gwen in the present while they try to find out what's going on and how to get their Merlin back, at first thinking Merlin just got turned into a child until he doesn't recognize them at all.
Because he doesn't quite know how to control his magic yet, Child Merlin accidentally uses it in front of the others and when he realizes they've seen him and are confused/startled he starts begging for his life and for mercy and says that he didn't mean to he was born with magic and that he doesn't mean any harm.
So Arthur, confused and angry about Merlin having magic, has to quickly overcome these feelings and realize exactly why Merlin never told anyone because he's staring down at a small child who is begging for his life. They comfort him and accept his magic (though Arthur says that he's going to have a long talk with their Merlin when he gets back) and promise to protect him.
Meanwhile, in the past, Adult Merlin is explaining the situation to Hunith and she asks after his life in the future and when he tells her how he's learned to control his magic and about his friends and (some things) about his destiny she is just so happy that he's found a place for himself.
In the end, they return to their proper places and somehow during the process Child Merlin loses his memory of it all so Adult Merlin doesn't remember that at just 5 years old he was surrounded by people who loved him and accepted his magic right in front of them.
And Adult Merlin telling Hunith about his life in Camelot is the exact reason she sends him there in the first place because even though magic is illegal, she knows that he will be happy there.
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lilybug-02 · 10 months
So there's this idea that some Darkners (especially main and secret bosses) are heavily connected to certain Lightners and UT characters (like Spamton is with MTT and Kris or Queen being a reflection of Noelle's mom etc.)
Do you think this concept could also apply to The Mayor and McOven since they're the bosses of your Dark World? I'm especially wondering if Azzy or Chara would be significant to that maybe
Oh, I like hearing this. I would have to say McOven has a lot more symbolism than the Mayor. But both play a somewhat symbolic role in the narrative.
If you never noticed, in the weird route(the only route McOven shows up in lol), McOven quotes Chara when she is trying to convince them to give up their soul. She says it’s for “the greater good” and “it’s a small price to pay”. I wanted this to mirror Chara‘s own naivety with stealing souls in Undertale, and that even though they saw it as for the greater good, it was still murder. And Chara sees this type of thinking on the receiving end.
The Mayor on the other hand doesn’t serve as much narrative purpose. He’s just a silly little guy and I love him. But he also does represent a sense of naivety. Like the other bosses in Deltarune, he is forgiven (or at least somewhat forgiven) by the cast and especially Azzy. Chara hates that and the fallout of their hatred for his forgiveness is shown.
I’m sure you can find some more thematic themes if you look hard enough though ;)
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mimikip4744 · 1 month
Pom Headcannons (+ art)
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These are my headcannons for this character, if you don’t agree that’s totally fine. I just felt like sharing :)
Since I’ve heard people refer to her as both Lisa and Pom, I’ve decided that her full name is Elisabeth Pomeranian, with Pom as a preferred nickname
HATES the nickname ‘Lisa.’ It reminds her of home. Yeah she doesn’t like her family that much.
Loves dogs, and was ecstatic when she found out she would constantly be working with one in the rescue corps
Was and is a beach girl. Karut has a rather hot climate with plenty of beaches. She has tan skin and freckles as a result of staying in the sun all day. She also constantly looks sunburned
Is pretty fuckin strong. Growing up around beaches has resulted in her being a really strong swimmer, and she can lift around 3 times her own body weight if she wanted to. Shepherd and Dingo were absolutely HUMBLED the first time they saw her in action, as she’s not someone who looks strong at first glance.
contrary to how Olimar and Louie appear to be some kind of Bad luck magnet, Pom is like a lucky charm. She’s not incredibly lucky, but she was lucky enough to find Shepherd almost immediately after finding Collin, among other small things like getting to shelter just moments before a storm, or finding a lucky coupon for her favorite restaurant on the street out of nowhere.
she’s one of those people who look cute and dainty but can and will kick your ass
If she had to pick a favorite Pikmin, she wouldn’t be able to, but she would tell you that she likes that the blues can swim with her
She likes to work out with dingo
her and Bernard have a sister/brother type relationship. They spend a lot of time together and often go eat together. They also act as each other’s wingman should either of them get into a relationship.
she gets pretty scary when she’s mad. Like she even freaks out those she’s not mad at. Her usual peppy tone deepens into growls, and her eyes narrow into slits.
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