#sorry this is long I have a lot of thoughts about Zenitsu
kuwajima · 7 months
I see writers do different perspectives so im curious as to urs
Do u see Zenitsu as the shameless pervert type or the woman respecter type
I’m personally the latter but I’ve seen different ways he’s written
I love this question! Also sorry if there are typos, I’m replying to this at work lol
I don’t think he’s a pervert. The anime certainly plays up his “creepiness” towards girls but overall he doesn’t really exhibit really perverted traits. I think he likes girls a lot, is easily manipulated by girls, and lacks a lot of social skills that would allow an average person to not act like that.
I think the main reason I don’t think he’s a pervert is because Zenitsu’s behavior doesn’t seem to be sexually driven. Not that he isn’t sexually attracted to women (he’s a teenager boy and clearly likes girls) but he’s very specifically looking for a wife and to live a normal life. We know he was taken advantage of by girls over and over again (presumably at an incredibly young age!) with seemingly no reward on his end (he didn’t even hold their hands!) and yet he kept doing it! This happened multiple times before Jigoro found him! On a conservative estimation, that’s 7 “girlfriends” by age 14, but honestly I think Jigoro rescued him at a younger age (there’s no way he learned all that and also got struck by lighting. There had to be some down time…also I’m writing a fic about that down time lol)
Anyway, I get the impression that Zenitsu believes he is expected to get married and thinks that it will resolve a lot of his internal problems if he can behave like a normal person and live a normal life. But as an orphan, he doesn’t really understand what a typical family or married couple looks like, it’s all based on perception or stories. Zenitsu craves affection and stability and honestly, why wouldn’t marriage be the best way to achieve that? I think a lot of the behavior is because he doesn’t really understand how he’s supposed to act and doesn’t realize how is is coming across in the moment. Zenitsu knows people don’t like him, but also doesn’t seem to be able to stop his reactions. Despite being perhaps the most socialized of his friend group, although he understands what is considered polite or acceptable he can’t actually adhere to those guidelines himself. Sorry, this is now a tangent about my perception of Zenitsu’s behavioral issues. I actually did touch on this in the second chapter of my Zenitsu character study! Jigoro asks why Zenitsu wants a girlfriend and he answers in a childish way about wanting to hold her hand and live in a house with her.
He does respect women though. He has a beef with Daki because she hurt a girl! There are also zero scenes of him ogling women while undercover at a literal brothel (he does get flustered when they first arrive to the city, but again it doesn’t seem like he’s sexually excited, he’s flustered about seeing beautiful girls and runs off because he’s overwhelmed) which they easily could have added if they wanted to. But they didn’t, because he’s overall very respectful towards girls. Especially after deciding that he likes Nezuko (who he likes because she is pretty and because Tanjiro describes her as being kind, kinder than any girl Zenitsu has “dated.”) In the light novel, he also fully respects when a girl he thought was into him was clearly involved in someone else. He understands that he misinterpreted her behavior towards him and wishes her the best in her relationship. He doesn’t seem to hold any ill will towards his ex-girlfriend either. The anime has him attempting to flirt with Aoi occasionally (although she is canonically the only type of girl Zenitsu doesn’t like) which I think it intended for laughs but idk if it’s very effective. He really does seem singularly focused on Nezuko in the manga (and according to the light novels, there are plenty of Corp Members who fantasize about having another Corp Member as their girlfriend, to the point that it doesn’t seem weird that he talks about Nezuko “waiting for him,” although the other members don’t think she’s a real girl at all)
IN SUMMARY I think Zenitsu likes girls in a perfectly normal, affection-starved teenage way, but he lacks emotional regulation which makes him seem off-putting. But he’s not perverted, he’s just enthusiastic and we’re used to having perverted anime men in shonen and just expect him to fall into that category despite his behavior not really matching that trope.
I would also argue that he cannot be a shameless pervert because he clearly feels a lot of shame, very often lol
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senanatheskenana · 5 months
Being Their Soul Mate <3
Tanjirou, Zenitsu, Inosuke x reader (separate)
Tanjirou Kamado
From the moment you got close enough for Tanjirou to smell, he knew you were his soul mate. And before you know it, he's sprinting towards you, following the perfect smell. He stops in front of you, blushing like a fool from head to toe.
You can feel the pull towards him, even without an introduction. Your eyes can hardly leave each other, basking in the overwhelming silence. You smile at him, your own cheeks tinted pink, holding out your hand to him. He jumps out of his daze and grips your hand enthusiastically, bringing it to his lips to place a heartfelt kiss on your knuckles.
"I'm sorry to be so forward, i really should have introduced myself before. Please forgive me!" he bows deeply- so deeply you think his head may hit the floor. You fight back a sheepish laugh, shaking your head.
"My name is Tanjirou Kamado, it's beyond a pleasure to meet you," he still holds your hand carefully, loose enough for you to pull it away should you desire to. You don't.
"I'm (f/n) (l/n). I never imagined my soul mate to be as sweet as you, Tanjirou," you can see how his face turns even redder at your words, stuttering out broken sentences.
You gently squeeze his hand, "Did you want to join me on my walk? we have a lot to talk about, I feel"
He nods eagerly, letting you pull him through the streets, all while staring bashfully at the way your hair sways as you move. He thinks he might already be in love.
Zenitsu Agatsuma
'Marry me!'
Those were the words inked into your wrist. A brash, scribbling handwriting. Admittedly you were worried about the circumstances of you meeting your soul mate, given the intense first words.
Evidently, the situation was not nearly as sad as you worried it could be. You weren't being married off, no.
Your soul mate was just super weird.
You shake your leg, hoping to remove the boy from his hold. He's sobbing on the floor, mumbling incoherent pleas at you, still shaken up from the demon he would have been attacked by, had you not struck.
"W-what the hell? You can't just spring that on someone!" you squeal. Finally, he lets go, a look of shock on his face. A moment later a shockingly warm sensation takes over the two of you. You grip your wrist, and he scratches at his shoulder, letting out yelps of 'ouchies'
You look down at your wrist to see the letters glowing gold, pulsing against your bones. Zenitsu gazes up at you momentarily before bawling and returning to clinging onto your legs. You take the time to help him up while his two friends watch in confusion and embarrassment at his actions.
He holds both of your hands and brings them to his cheeks, and you can feel how hot his face is. "Y-you're my soul mate. That means you have to marry me"
You sigh but smile. At least he was enthusiastic, you guessed.
"Maybe let's just start with a date and we can go from there" His tears disappear at your words, replaced by a gigantic smile, not even you can resist.
Inosuke Hashibira
For as long as Inosuke can remember, he's had the name (f/n) (l/n) engraved into his collarbone. Too bad he couldn't read it without Tanjirou's help.
"(f/n) (l/n)..." Tanjirou taps his chin in thought for a moment before gasping, "I got it- that's the ice pillar's name! "
Zenitsu fawns at the idea, "Wow, imagine having a soul mate strong enough to be a Hashira"
He hears the word strong and immediately puffs out his chest, "If they're strong, I'm gonna beat 'em!" Tanjirou now realises that Inosuke doesn't know the concept of Soul Mates.
By the time he tries to explain it, the boy is sprinting through the courtyard, dodging pillars and kakushi.
"Inosuke-" Tanjirou cannot finish his mortified plea.
"ICE HASHIRA COME HERE AND FIGHT ME!" everyone turns towards him in shock and confusion.
"Don't be so loud! if you really wanna see them, they're sitting on that bench" Sanemi scowls at the group of boys, making Tanjirou blanch, uttering apologies.
You're peacefully lying across the bench, nose planted firmly in your book when a shadow falls over you. Slowly you gaze up at the man towering over you before moving to sit up straight.
You recognise the boy in the checkered haori, smiling "Hello Tanjirou. It's nice to see you again. Are these your friends"
Before a smiling Tanjirou can respond, Inosuke brings his sword down beside your hand.
"FIGHT ME!" his face flushes with blood as he seethes under his mask.
You give him a serene smile, "I'm sorry but I believe it would be dangerous for you if I were to fight back."
He pays no mind and swings his sword above him. He looks down only to find you gone in the blink of an eye. In less than three seconds, his katanas are wrenched out of his hands as he is pinned to the ground.
Tanjirou gasps at the embarrassingly short battle- if you could call it such. "Inosuke! Are you both alright?"
You glance down at the man under your foot, "Is your name Inosuke Hashibira?" you ask as calmly as ever, gently releasing him from the hold.
"Yeah, what's it to you?" he scowls under his mask. He doesn't know why he's so nervous around you but it's pissing him off.
"My name is (y/n), the ice Hashira," your smile has an unanticipated calming effect on inosuke, "it would seem we are soul mates"
he blushes at your giggle, still not understanding what a soul mate is. He looks at Tanjirou for help, who sighs.
It was going to be an agonising conversation. He drags the boar boy away, inosuke still staring at you as you wave them goodbye. He wouldn't admit that he missed you already.
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mysicklove-main · 1 year
A/N: Tanjiro writing to his long distance partner bc thats so cute and im in love with him
My Beloved,
I feel as though a part of me is missing without you by my side. I find myself constantly looking for you, even though it’s no use. Oh how dearly I wish you were here. But even so, I feel at peace knowing you are at home and well rested. Safe from harm.
I can’t contain my questions. So please make do with my ramblings.
How are you? Are you sleeping well? Do you feel lonely at home? Have you been keeping busy? Has Shinobu been visiting you? Where Has your hair grown out since my absence? You haven’t been going out at night, right? Is your finger still bare?
I’ve been growing quite worried with the time apart. I feel as though you may find another if I leave for too long.
I’m sorry, I know you would scold me for thinking these things. I wish desperately that I could hear your scolding. But I can’t stop the thoughts that creep on me in the night.
Nezuko is doing fine. She’s getting stronger by the day. She misses you immensely. It’s strange to see how uneasy she is without you. I don’t blame her. I wonder, if you were
Inosuke and Zenitsu are also getting stronger. I hope I can keep up with them. I train day in and out hoping to not fall behind. I think I am getting stronger. I have been working on Hinokami Kagura. It drains my body, but still I push forward. I have to master it, even if it is such a slow process.
At night I find myself daydreaming. Maybe one day you could call your husband lover a hashira. Would we live together peacefully? Or would I be gone on missions like these? I don’t think I could bear to leave you for long. It’s so hard t But I am getting ahead of myself. I am only doing this to save Nezuko. And of course to protect you! I don't need to become a hashira.
I hope my crow has been delivering the gifts properly. I wish I could see the way your eyes light up when you receive them. I’m trying not to let the separation get to me, but when I think about these moments it’s always so hard.
I’m getting distracted again, I apologize my love. The crow should have delivered you the jewelry box. A kind woman sold it to me, and please don’t worry! I promise that it was fairly priced! I hope through its journey that it didn’t get chipped. But I know you don’t care about those things. Either way, I hope you use it well.
My beloved, I do have a favor to ask of you. I hope this is not too much to ask, but the same woman from the market told me about something that cannot seem to leave my head. She explained that many soldiers from the Meiji period used to tie fabric from their lover's kimono around the hem of their sword. It was a symbol of good luck, and that they will always be together no matter the distance between them.
I thought it was…romantic. It made my cheeks burn at the thought. I really I would love if I understand completely if you don’t want to tear a part off. But I can’t explain the joy I would feel if you did. I would treasure it dearly.
I have been avoiding the real reason I wrote this letter and I can’t go on without saying it. Oh, my love, I miss you dearly. I miss the scent of you. I miss your smile, your laugh. I miss waking up to you every morning, that vision never seems to leave my mind. I miss your voice, your touch. I desperately crave it.
I’m sorry. A man shouldn’t act like that. Tengen left his wives for months, and was completely fine. I wish I could do the same. It’s been five weeks and the fight seems to dwindle in me without you here.
I’m trying though. I won’t give up. I will make it home to you and then I swear I’ll never leave you again.
A couple more weeks until I am home. The thought of you in my arms once again makes me feel dizzy with need. I will come back safely for you.
So please, my everything, please take care of yourself. I can’t bear the thought of you being unwell. Please stay safe and don’t walk alone at night. Please eat lots and sleep well.
I will write to you next week with more updates. I promise the next one will be less about me and more about you. I want to hear everything about how you are doing.
I await for your reply, and hopefully the fabric.
I love you more than words can describe.
Forever yours,
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creative-kny-fics · 5 months
Your Giyyu/Sanemi/Muichiro fic series is so cute! You make their antics so entertaining. You havent written these three together for a while, so I was wondering if I could please request a ler/lee switches with them? Please feel free to decline no problem ofc :)
You are right... It's been a while since I did! (I think it took me longer to look for pictures of these three together in some edit than thinking about the narrative)
(Warning: They may contain profanity or mentions of something sexual, read at your own risk-)
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Switchs: Giyuu Tomioka, Sanemi Shinazugawa and Muichiro Tokito
You must have a lot of patience to be a teacher, but patience was something Sanemi lacked.
He was reviewing the latest exams that his students, including his brother, had taken, and the results left much to be desired.
'These idiots, why do I expect one of them to get a perfect grade? Hmmm...?', he took the test and analyzed it carefully.
There was no mistake, it was a perfect exam. 'Finally, someone with a brain. Who is this student?'
"Genya Shinazugawa"? Woah... He had really surprised him. He wasn't going to wait until the next day to announce to Genya that he was happy, plus he promised to give his something in return if Genya got better and he was a man of promise.
'I congratulate you, it is the best average you have ever had. I won't say how much it is, you surprised me...', Genya was excited. 'The classes with Muichiro have helped me!'
'What...?', Genya covered his mouth, he was expecting a scolding from Sanemi, but apparently he was too calm to ruin his night, so he would leave it for tomorrow or who knows when.
'So Muichiro has taught him, that boy must have something special'
'And I do...', Sanemi turned around, the youngest was behind him. 'Oh, so it's you. Well, I guess as a teacher and Genya's brother, I congratulate you for helping him to improve.'
'Genya is your brother...? Not seem'
Well, Sanemi's hair was white while Genya's was black, but they were.
'Yes he is, do you have a problem with that?'
'Oh nothing... It's just that, Genya is kind of attractive and you... Well, I think you understand. I still want to know how Giyuu-Sensei came to notice someone with you...', Muichiro shrugged as he smiled and turned around, preparing for his escape.
Giyuu always ate alone, it was not surprising since, according to Tanjiro and Zenitsu, he cannot converse while eating, but only something would interrupt his snack...
'What is that sound?! HEY!!!', Giyuu watched as Muichiro ran past, for no apparent reason to him.
He got up and blew his whistle while chasing him, it didn't take him long to catch up with the minor and right then and there, he punished him.
Any other student would be annoyed, but apparently he wasn't, he shrugged and made a show about not wanting to be punished and so on, all fake.
'Look, I totally understand that it's recess and so on, but that's what there is a court for. Hallways aren't for that, understood?' 'I'm sorry Giyuu-Sensei... I forgot...~'
Giyuu leaned back in his chair, until someone knocked on the door, probably another student who would have been punished by another teacher, or perhaps one of the trio of InoTanZen friends. 'Who-? Oh, Shinazugawa, it's not...-', Giyuu gasped as Sanemi hugged him.
'I missed you, I thought the day would never end...' 'I missed you too, but not now-! ECK!!'
Sanemi is affectionate (in private), and although Giyuu liked that, there was a student present! Their relationship was supposed to be kept secret, but, they are not so secretive as to pretend.
'Ehem, Giyuu-Sensei, if you want to fuck Shinazugawa-San, I could leave... But I recommend you go to a motel. It would be better in your house Giyuu-San, younger brothers can be a problem...', Muichiro smiled cheekily.
Sanemi looked up and didn't even try to hide how angry he was. Giyuu's ribs began to crack from so much force that was in the "hug".
'Shinazugawa... NO' 'Move the fuck Tomioka. This brat and I have some problems to attend to...', Giyuu refused.
He wasn't going to let Sanemi do his show, so he tried to get him out of the punishment room, but Sanemi wouldn't allow it.
And there was Muichiro, enjoying watching that "fight" between both teachers, it was entertaining. 'Stop it, please calm down. This is a boy, we can't do anything with him... Also, I don't think he's even from this school, I've never seen him... BUT STILL, NO!'
'Come on Giyuu-Sensei, show who's boss!'
'Your damn brat has balls... Giyuu, don't you realize he's fucking with us? BOTH OF US!'
Again Giyuu denied, that's how young people were, besides, it was Sanemi's fault that Muichiro now knew about their relationship, right?
Sanemi analyzed his options and smiled, hugging Giyuu, who looked at him curiously and remained alert, Sanemi would probably throw him to the ground and then chase after Muichiro, he wasn't going to allow that, at least not again...
'Have I told you that I love you...?' 'Yes, what's wrong now? Are you going to ignore him?'
'No, but I do expect something to be ignored...', Giyuu raised his eyebrow in confusion and gasped when he fell to the floor, he knew it!
But instead of running after Muichiro, Sanemi had started massaging his hip bones, was that what he wanted him to ignore? How was Giyuu supposed to ignore someone who was tickling him?!
'It's rather immature of you, don't you think Shinazugawa-Sensei?'
'I think it would be more immature if Tomioka starts laughing, he is an adult and serious man after all...'
'It seems like we are understanding each other...'
Great, first they hate each other and now they are making out, which was it still going on now?. 'Hey kid, since Tomioka punished you, why don't you even come here and help me?'
'N-NO!!', Muichiro agreed, he wanted something he could later be proud of.
And I guess Sanemi spoke just in time, because Giyuu also counterattacked, starting to dig into his armpits, causing Sanemi to lose some of his grip.
But, if it's two against one, it's hard for Giyuu to keep winning.
'G-gihive up Shinahazugawa!' 'Nu-uh! Yo-yohou're gohohing to pahahay for thihis! Muichiro, hihis lohoweher ribs!'
'To the order!', Muichiro approached and although Giyuu tried to push him away, he couldn't.
Woah, that kid had extraordinary strength, or maybe Giyuu wasn't putting in too much of himself and was being gentle.
'Aaaw what's wrong "Tomioka-Sensei"? Can't you keep tickling anymore? Is it too much for you~?'
'YOHOHOU TRAHAITOHOR!! YOHOU PROHOMISEHEHED-!!' 'Ooooh yes, I promised no one would know, but you didn't realize I crossed my fingers...~', poorly played Sanemi.
Giyuu's grip began to lose strength, but he was still trying to wage war on Sanemi, but it was all in vain, Sanemi didn't seem to laugh as much anymore... Unless...
'Shinazugawa-San? What happens? Your expression is scary...' 'PFFFT!! I-I'M O-OKAHAY!!'
And apparently now it was even, you tickle someone in their worst spot, you get similarly tickled in yours.
Muichiro found that cool, so he stopped, laughing as the positions were now reversed, Giyuu now on top of Sanemi as he came hard on that sweet spot he had already memorized.
'I thought you learned! Do you seriously think I'm going to allow you to humiliate me again?!'
'YEHEHEHES!! YOHOHOU'RE A MHMHMHMH FUCKIHIHING WAHAHALKIHING TICKLEHEHE SPOHOHOT!!', Giyuu frowned, he didn't know if it was Shinazugawa's ego that prevented him from accepting reality or perhaps, just like Giyuu, he also liked this kind of thing.
Muichiro had nothing more to do there, whatever was next, he didn't want to be part of it, but when he was going to leave... 'And where do you think you're going? You still have 5 minutes left until the punishment ends and I think that's enough time, don't you think Sanemi?'
'Mhm, let's see if after this punishment you learn to respect your superiors better...'
I don't think negotiating at those times is an option, but it doesn't hurt to try, right?
'Do you want to try it again, Mr? Shinazugawa, since you have younger brothers? Do you want to have the privilege?' 'EEEEH?! NONONO!! AYIE! NOHOHOT THEHEREHEHE!!', I think Sanemi did agree to the privilege...
'AND WHERE WERE YOU ALMOST ALL DAY?! YOU HAD ME WORRIED?!', Yuichiro pulled his brother by the arm, he only neglected him for a few moments and Muichiro was already doing his thing in other places. 'I was just having fun...'
'Oh yeah? And doing what?!' 'Talking to two friends from another school...'
Muichiro looked up, seeing both teachers waving goodbye to him, maybe those provocations weren't so bad after all.
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octoooo · 1 year
I can’t get single dad giyuu out of my mind 😭
Was Sitting in virtual Spanish class and off to the side I’m jotting down notes for my little au about an accidental sleepover at the water estate.
It’s kinda long so it’s under here;
So, it’s late at night and Tanjiro has just finished a mission. He’s tired and on the way back to a Wisteria house he saw a while back. Their trip is interrupted by a gentle flap of wings, and insistent pecking at his forehead.
Giyuu’s old but beloved crow Kanzaburo finds Tanjiro instead of the Water Pillar. Tanjiro, ever the sweetheart, decided to bring him back to Giyuu. Especially since the crow has a letter attached to his leg. (Since it’s late the sun isn’t out and Nezuko is free to walk beside Tanjiro and pet Kanzaburo as they walk to Giyuu’s estate.)
When they get there Giyuu is quite surprised he has visitors this late (he’s been injured so he’s resting for the next couple days.) but let’s them inside regardless. Giyuu doesn’t even ask why they’re there, he sees Nezuko clinging to Kanzaburo (Kanzaburo loves the attention) and the unopened letter and tried to explain but Tanjiro interrupts him. He needs to write to Zenitsu and Inosuke who he promised he’d update when he returned from his mission.
Surprise! Muichiro was already at the Water Estate, he had wanted to check up on Giyuu in the afternoon and brought Senjuro with him.
Giyuu boils some tea while Tanjiro write and sends his letters and not even an hour later there’s more knocking at his door.
He barely gets the door open before Inosuke lets himself in, Zenitsu grimacing but at least asks to come inside
“You don’t need to ask, you know..”
Zenitsu makes a beeline towards the Kamados, fretting over them.
“Neither do you Kanao.”
The girl blushes and bows, stowing her coin back in her pocket. Tanjiro had been helping her open up, but Giyuu knew that even then it still took time and a lot of personal effort.
Zenitsu hurried with his mission so he could make it to the Water Estate to see Tanjiro & Nezuko. Inosuke had been on a joint mission with Kanao when Matsuemon (Tanji’s crow) delivered the news so they both went to the Estate.
The three of them met along the same road about halfway there and went the rest of the way together
Roughly an hour later Genya shows up at his doorstep. Matsuemon had gone the extra mile and informed Genya about Tanjiro too. Although Genya hadn’t demanded to be updated (like Zenitsu did) both Tanjiro and his crow knew how much Genya cares but cant admit it 👉👈
Anyway all his kids under his roof & Giyuu can’t be happier. You can see how happy he is because of his blank face
Lmao I’m kidding
He does look more relaxed & he smells happier than usual
Anyway Tanjiro remembers the reason he’s even there, to give Giyuu Kanzaburo’s letter. Poor crow must've gotten lost.
Silly goofy exchange:
“With everyone showing up I had forgotten why we originally came.” Tanjiro laughs, a little embarrassed.
Giyuu pours himself a cup of tea while reassuring the boy. “You don’t have to apologize.”
“But I completely forgot about your crow’s letter.”
He hands the rolled up paper to Giyuu. “Your crow found us and I wasn’t sure who the letter was to or from, so I thought I’d bring him back to you.” Tanjiro, ever the kind hearted child, beams at him.
Giyuu wants to cry. Wants to shrivel up in a corner by himself.
The one time Kanzaburo delivers a letter..
“Hm?” Tanjiro hums questioningly.
..to the right person..
“It’s, uh..the letter was for you.” Giyuu hides his face behind his cup, a little embarrassed at the turn of events.
..it winds up back in his hands anyway.
“Ah! I’m sorry Giyuu.”
Giyuu’s hand hover offer Tanjiro’s head. “It’s okay..” he ruffles the boys fluffy hair, getting a smile out of him. “I’m..it’s nice to see you all again.”
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piliberry · 2 months
Demon Slayer Headcanons
Genya, Tanjiro, Inosuke and Zenitsu x GN reader (Orange cat behavior)
Request of @miserable-homo-momo
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💜 At the beginning he didn't like you at all, he couldn't stand your behavior is so childish and he hated every single prank you played on him.
💜 You enjoyed seeing his exaggerated reactions and you did it just to get him to notice you, even if he couldn't understand it right away.
💜 "You're really unbearable! I swear I'll punch you" and you consequently looked at him amused "so why haven't you done it yet? Do you care about me so much?" his would turn all red and he would leave pissed off.
💜 After the fight against Hantengu, You noticed that he was changing and had become kinder towards you...at least he tried.
💜 "I'm sorry for answering you badly... even if you exaggerated every single time" he said it slightly annoyed, but in reality it seemed to you that you were bothering him too much "you're right...I'm sorry on my behalf...although it's fun to do haha! "
💜 Little by little you got closer and closer, and Genya started to better understand a feeling that he had hidden for a long time that he felt for you... and one day he wanted to be completely honest with you.
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❤️ Tanjiro thinks that you are very nice, maybe you exaggerate every now and then but he forgives you easily. As he got to know you better, he realized that he had feelings for you and when he sees you he ends up stuttering and blushing.
❤️He is very present for you, he will do anything to help you and you find this generous and kind-hearted side of him adorable. Without being seen, he tells every single detail about you to his sister because he knows she wouldn't tell anyone.
❤️When you tease him, he gets embarrassed very quickly but it manages to be too honest to be funny.
" In your opinion... do I have nice eyes? I want you to be sincere " you look at him smiling "Um...um...um...yes...t-they are so beautiful..." he replies not looking you in the eyes and laughing nervously, you look at him blushing " oh...thanks".
❤️When he goes on a mission, he brings you some little gifts and tells you happily "when I saw it I thought of you!" and you immediately think it's one of the sweetest things anyone has ever done to you and you always accept it willingly.
❤️One winter night, you were together chatting about everything and on that fateful day Tanjiro decided to confess "I...I have something to tell you...I hope it's the same for you too..." you immediately answer him " do you want to go out with me?....oh I'M SO SORRY " but he smiles at you confused "uhm...actually yes...you're right ahaha..." there was a minute's silence.
"Anyway yes...I would really love to go out with you "
❤️Ever since you got together, everyone thought you were a really nice couple, in fact later you got married and your love has always remained faithful between you.
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💙You really hate each other a lot: on the one hand you can't stand his wild character and his constant shouting, on the other hand he can't stand it when you always make fun of him and laugh at his outbursts.
💙You also tried to get along with him, but every time he calls you "stupid cat" you feel like punching him and you almost didn't succeed. Every time he thinks he's better than you in everything, especially in combat, and you try to ignore it but when it crosses the line you can't control yourself.
💙 "You can't compete with me you stupid cat! "
"You're the stupid one here! You don't even have a brain and you just end up getting us in trouble"
" Tanjiro please stop them"
" No no...you do it Zenitsu"
💙Over time he became friendlier, he started to have more respect for you and you did too...everyone was amazed at your behavior... but obviously you continue to insult each other.
💙For your birthday he gave you a gift... quite strange... like...a bag with your face badly drawn on it...he's not good with gifts but at least he gave you one.
💙 "Do you happen to know what a kiss is? "He looks at you confused " Um yes...don't you? " he pretends to know "of course of course I know! In fact I always do it" you look at him amused "and would you give it to me?" Inosuke laughs nervously "could you...give me one actually...because...I heard...um..." you didn't understand what he wanted to do but when in doubt you please him, you give him a kiss on the cheek and he is shocked.
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🧡 " (Y/N)!!!! How are you? You look so cute today haha...do you want to..."
" Please don't talk to me ".
🧡Ever since he developed a crush on you, he never left you alone, you liked him a lot but...it was really oppressive and just made him a loser (who deep down you liked that way).
🧡He was such a coward that every time he would hide behind you and beg you to help him on some difficult mission.
"You have to help me! There's no way I can do it alone! "
" Okay...but you owe me a favor"
" I'll do anything you want I promise! "
"perfect...first we have to go through this road...ZENITSU DID YOU ESCAPE???"
Obviously he would go back because he couldn't abandon you like that.
🧡You happen to find some love letters from him, he wrote a lot of poems for you but they're so sappy it gives you a stomach ache.
" For my dear (Y/N)~ I hope to marry you one day! "
🧡You've seen him in his "fight" mode more than once and it makes you wonder how he does it (you find he so cool! But you're ashamed to tell him and pretend nothing happened).
🧡“Are you going to marry me or not?”
"Don't you think it's a little early? And then I never told you that I like you"
"But why are you screaming like this...anyway...I don't know"
" Please I need to know! I'm madly in love with you! "
"what a pain...yes I like you...are you happy now?"
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obanais-koibito · 1 year
Tanjiro x Fem!Reader Confession
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You and Tanjiro were sent on a mission together and it was just he two of you which surprised you since usually Inosuke and Zenitsu were with Tanjiro but you didn’t mind it one bit. It just meant you got some alone time with the boy you have been adoring for the past couple of months. He is so kind and caring to those around him, who wouldn’t love him? You’ve been eager to confess but you were scared of rejection. You went to the one person you knew had the best knowledge in love. Mitsuri Kanroji, the love pillar.
“Kyaa! Oh my gosh, you two are adorable! You have to confess to him Y/n-Chan!” Mitsuri said as she bounced up and down with joy.
“I want to but what if he…rejects me?” You whispered that last part while nervously fidgeting with your fingers.
“There’s no way he could reject someone as pretty and kind as you!”
Mitsuri adored you so much, she saw you as a younger sister and wanted to do everything she could to make you happy.
“Well Y/n-Chan if you don’t tell him your feelings…then I will gladly do it!” She shouted with a bright grin.
“Hah?!” You stared at her with wide eyes before pouting and crossing your arms.
“Ugh, fine! I’ll do it…”
“Yay! You two will look so cute together I can just imagine it! I can’t wait!” She engulfed you in a tight hug and you wrapped your arms around her and thanked her.
You snapped your head in the direction of the voice and your eyes were met with a familiar set of burgundy eyes.
“I asked you if you were tired and you didn’t respond so I got a little worried.”
You smiled at the thought of the boy you loved being worried about you, it warmed your heart.
“Oh, I’m sorry I was thinking about something. But yea I am a little tired but I can keep walking.”
“Well, dawn is approaching soon, so I was thinking we can rest over there in that field for a while. We will be safe from demons since the sun will rise.” He said with a smile on his face that made your heart melt. Why did he have to be so cute?
“Oh yea sure.” You said with a hint of unease in your voice, this didn’t go unnoticed by Tanjiro but he let it go.
This was it, you decided to confess while you two sat under a tree.
It’s now, or never
You took a deep breathe and was about to open your mouth when Tanjiro’s voice sounded.
You turned your head to face him and saw him wearing a nervous expression.
“I know this is a little sudden, but I’ve wanted to tell you this for a long time now. I always found you strong and kind and I admire how nice you are to Nezuko despite her being a demon. And not only do I admire you.”
He took out a beautiful bracelet from his haori and held it out to you.
”But I also love you. So…will you be my girlfriend Y/n? I-if you want…”
Your eyes flicked back and forth from Tanjiro and the bracelet in disbelief. Your heartbeat increased and your face became a color of bright red. You nodded at him before jumping on top of him.
“Of course I will be your girlfriend!”
He started laughing while wrapping his arms around you and burying his face into your neck. He was so relieved from being accepted, but believe it or not, he was thoroughly prepared to be rejected.
He broke the hug and gently grabbed your wrist to tie the bracelet on. Once he did, you looked at it in astonishment, it was in your favorite color with a heart charm on it.
“I hope you like it, I remember you telling me your favorite color so I thought it would make you happy.”
God he is such a caring boy, and now he’s your caring boy.
“I love it a lot! But not as much as I love you.” You said with a smile.
Tanjiro’s face was covered in red and you let out a laugh.
“Oh my gosh, you’re so cute when you blush!”
He let out a little chuckle before glancing at the flowers surrounding the tree and took some. You watched as he carefully tied them one by one and made a crown out of it. He gently picked it up and placed it on your head.
“Oh it looks like you’re blushing now.” He said with a grin, you squeezed your eyes shut and hurried your face into his chest. You two cuddled and watched the sun rise, it looks like Mitsuri was right, there was no way Tanjiro could reject someone as pretty and kind as you.
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Attempt #2 electric boogaloo
Thank you for doing my last request. This is another one of my requests. And its fairly long... (is this a warning i don't know)
Genshin impact! Reader x kamaboko squad
My idea is that Reader has a hydro vision wielder and was transported somehow (cough Demon-Blood-Art cough) to demon slayer. And then becomes the older/younger (depending on who were talking (? writing?) about. I feel like Genya, Tanjiro (and sometimes Nezuko) would treat us like a younger sibling whereas Kanao, Zenitsu, Inosuke and sometimes Nezuko would treat us like an older sibling)
People think that reader uses an offshoot of water breathing but it's just them using their hydro vision.
Anyway- back onto the main idea.
After a fight between a group of demons, reader openly uses their hydro vision before getting knocked out. A hashira meeting ensues whilst reader is still knocked out.
Enter the kamaboko squad who become fast friends with reader once they are woken up. Because of Nezuko, everyone knows that demons can be good, so they think you are like her. So you are kept in a dark room with your new friends visiting until it is decided that you [will] or [won't] be executed.
Depending on the choice depends on the angst that can be given. But I don't know which one I prefer more,
Reader living and having to be kept "under surveillance" by a demon slayer. Ends up being the kamaboko squad, they can now protect and fight with their new sibling.
Or Reader is going to be executed and the kamaboko squad just yoink their new friend to keep them safe and to protect their new sibling.
Or reader is executed and they all grieve them and Nezuko manages to turn reader into a demon before they fully die making everyone question what reader is.
(Sorry that it's long, but I had a lot of info surrounding this idea and the different ways it could end (I'm indecisive) but thoughts on this idea?)
⭐️ anon
(Please add the images of the possible outfits for Hydro!Reader in this idea.
Inspiration for the outfits (Inazuma and):
◇Female, Yoimiya
◇Male, Kazuha
Hope you like it!)
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here are the images ⭐️anon! I love the character design~ you don’t understand how excited I was when I saw the request for genshin!
reader probably feels so betrayed! They gave their whole life for the crops! Ohhhhhhh I just know I am gonna have brain rot over this idea hahahahah.
I personally like when the squad just yoinks them. I would love to hear more of this ideaaa
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Hehe hi Pik :0 I'll give you three questions for your ask game and you can pick out whatever you want to answer <:]
What are your thoughts on Kaigaku? I know he's a bit of spoiler territory but I'm curious .. or maybe what are your thoughts on Muichiro? You decide!
A question just for me, though ,, do YOU have a favorite bird? .., !!
oh abolutely HYSTERICAL to give a pick scenario and then lay down topics that will instantly get me to talk for hours on end at the drop of a hat KSJNGFKDJNGKD
so!! the easy one!! my favorite bird, ithink, is between the mourning dove and the house sparrow! they are not terribly glamorous but i love them so so dearly and will instantly cheer up when i think about them :')
as for the character questions. thank you for enabling me HJBSJFBJD
i could very very easily write an entire goddamn essay about Either of them, but for the sake of saving whatever brevity i can manage to keep, ill save talking abt mui for when That Episode(tm) drops whenever it does, because inevitebly, i will be Absolutely Inconsolable and it Will happen anyway KJNDKGDF
instead, for now, under a cut because this preamble is already paragraphs long... kaigaku.
i fucking hate this man. i cannot stand him, hes the worst, he is so fucking stupid, i think about him fucking constantly, and he is one of my favorites. he is so fucking insufferable, and i love him!
ok so. getting into kny, i was like. immediately a zenitsu liker. like i saw him and went "god. fuck. shit. its gonna be this nerd i dont even know about yet and i can feel it already." (i was right.) which is Crucial to knowing the angle here. and when i got to his part in th manga, i . genuinely dont remember if i even thought too hard about him. i dont even remember when i Did, i just know that he Wasnt there, and then he Was, and he Never Fucking Left KSJNKDJGN
which is very very fucking funny, considering... how much of a character he straight up Isnt.
like yeah! he sure does show up in a flashback and then fights zen and dies about it! it takes like, a two chapters max! and the entire time, his only character trait is "bitch for no reason." like... that sure isn't a lot to go off of. so like... why? i guess thats kind of the answer in and of itself.
why is he like this? why is he like this?? what made him this way? we know he grew up orphaned, but why? we knew he turned on gyomei's group and ran, but why? we know he trained to be a demon slayer with zen and kuwajima, but why? why, why, why? we just don't know.
we know he's a survivalist. we know that he's willing to go to any lengths, stoop to any lows, just to make it another day. because another day is another chance you get to get them back, to prove them wrong, to rise above it and laugh in their faces and say "see? see what im capable of? bet you feel sorry now."
shame doesnt exist to him. he will make Anything of himself just to make it by. do anything, drop anyone. no connections, impermanence. its clear in flashbacks that, honestly... nobody liked him very much. and like, well, yeah. obviously. he sucks, and he isnt afraid to show it. but isnt that just so strange? broken box of happiness, disatisfaction. he refuses to forge connections, claiming the only people he tolerates are those who respect him, who see his worth.
and that's... the weird thing about him. see, because, the thing is that... i don't fucking believe him for a second. he talks big game, he can back it up, sure, especially as a demon, but... the entire time he talks, every word he says during his confrontation with zen just felt like a bluff. like he's trying to sound threatening, to sound powerful, making a threat display like an animal. every technique he chooses to execute is some new, big, flashy display of his Power, talking, taunting, still taunting.
its a lot of reading between lines, but... this man is a fucking liar. that fight felt different, it felt quick, and well... maybe because it wasn't a fight. this was some guy taking out his anger on someone in a desperate attempt to prove he's worth something.
i just think that this man is a deeply jealous bastard intent on making himself seem larger than he really is, convincing himself that he's the one that's right and it's everyone else that's wrong simply because he can't process just how awful he is.
growing up barely scraping by on his own, of course he'd become painfully self-reliant. of course he would take advantage of anything he could, anyone he could. you'd have to be that self-centered to survive. talk big, act big, nobody will mess with you. nobody can take advantage of you if you take advantage of them first.
and when he gets shown that kindness, being taken in for the first time... of course he'd take advantage of them too. he's hard-wired with instability in mind, so obviously the clear answer is to take what you can and go before something else happens and they get to you first (even if that was never really a threat.) and if they throw you out for it? it's just proof you were right. you were always right, clearly it isn't your fault. and if you happen to throw them under the bus for it... well, obviously they deserved it. there's no reason to think about it anymore.
being with kuwajima was fine. we don't know anything about the earlier days (which im so sad about) but from the looks of it, he was doing fine. about as fine as he could be, at least. he clearly respected him at first, enjoyed being treated as something special, having his work and talents appreciated-- which he did have! he was a staggeringly impressive slayer, but that's an aside-- and even berated zenitsu for supposedly "disrespecting him" by referring to him as jiichan. which. sighs.
so, zenitsu. dynamics Of Ever. honestly, even without the whole Contention there, kai would've just kinda disliked him because he's... motions with hand. look at him. but its the fact that they were considered together that pissed kaigaku off so much. because that implied that they were on the same level when, to him, they so very clearly were not.
zenitsu was annoying. he was weak, whined too much, cried too much, never put in any effot, he was so, so annoying. which made it that much more insulting that jiichan would continue to try to train him. just leave him behind already! he keeps trying to run away, let him! obviously he just isn't good enough. he's not special like he was. and yet, kuwajima kept trying.
and the fact that he did... probably completely went against everything kaigaku saw in the way the world worked. for lack of a better term, he was very "survival of the fittest" minded in that, if you weren't good, you just weren't good. you'd try and struggle and inevitably die off. the world isn't kind, and will take any chance it has to kick you down. that's why you take what you can, when you can.
if you're weak, nobody helps you. if nobody helps you, you either help yourself or die silently. that was what separated the weak and the strong. and you always, always were either one or the other. again, that's his survivalism talking. so, seeing this person he at the very least Respected waste time on some nobody instead of him, expecting something to come of it... well, it was insulting!
and to think that they were even anywhere close enough to put together? to share the title of successor? with this guy? either it meant that kuwajima thought zenitsu was as good as kai was (to him, a laughable idea,) or that kai wasn't any better than some kid who could barely swing a sword. and that was what irritated him the most.
that was the point of their final confrontation. it was kaigaku proving, once and for all, finally, that he was better than zenitsu. was it purely out of hatred for this kid who looked up to him like a brother? was it out of jealousy of someone who got so many kindnesses granted to him despite, to him, not really deserving it? was it just to prove that he was a powerful demon to those who now had their eyes on him, too? whatever it was, at its core... it was laughing in the faces of those who, honestly, genuinely cared about him (and in his eyes, never truly did.)
he could've ended that fight whenever he wanted to-- its even stated in canon that zen wouldve just lost if he was given more time to grow-- but... he just kept showing off. kept talking. it didnt feel like he was using techniques to fit the combat-- it felt like he was showing off what he could do now. he was proving a point. the only thing that stopped him was what he never acknowledged back when they were training together-- that zenitsu did have worth. that he was growing, too. and using what kaigaku refused to acknowledge in him, zenitsu cut him down-- with a symbol of the respect and comraderie that he hoped to have together. a "sorry, aniki."
kaigaku's appearance in canon is less of the role of a character, but as a statement. hes a walking tragedy. he pushes away everything that makes life What It Is in favor of this image of Strength, which is exactly why he becomes-- at first glance-- a caricature. he stops being a person and starts being a Thing. zen tries to keep him in mind as a Person (despite it all) but when he ultimately gives up hope is when the encounter ends. and when kai's role ends as well.
the only thing i still wonder is... does he regret it? in the very depths of his mind, behind all that mess he puts up, after throwing everything away... did he regret it? twice, he was shown care and kindness, and twice he betrayed them. does he know? does he regret it? does he have the capacity to? or has he simply committed so hard to the role he was given-- to the role he put himself in-- that he simply cannot fathom a world in which he was the problem? could it have been different?
put simply... what the fuck is wrong with him?
. anyway, heres a bunch of posts that remind me of him.
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newtthetranswriter · 7 months
Hi! Please may I have a match up for JJK, Haikyu and Demon Slayer?💞
My MBTI is ENFP. My pronouns are she/her. My gender preference is male.
I’m currently a law student. My star sign is Taurus. I am an ambivert. I love socialising but I definitely need time to myself. I can be stubborn. I tend to be the mom of the group and can be overprotective, even though I’m the youngest most of the time. I’m a very honest person. I can be outgoing but sometimes it takes me time to open up. I like to be in control of what’s happening around me. I’m sarcastic and enjoy making people laugh.
I enjoy listening to music. I like lots of genres. I enjoy reading, people watching and painting especially with watercolours.
A/n: Hello Sorry this took so long to get out, but I hope you enjoy it. Remember to hydrate or diedrate and have a lovely day.
Jujutsu Kaisen:  Yuji Itadori
He doesn't mind that you don’t open up right away, just means he gets to spend more time with you to figure you out
He does give you space when and if you ask for it, he understands that sometimes you just need to take time to relax away from others
Once you open up and start joking around with everyone he has a blast, especially if you help him poke fun at Megumi
Yuji may not quite understand people watching but he’ll got with you and eventually he just starts making up random stories about what he thinks each person is truly doing
He loves to listen to music with you, it gives him a chance to learn more about you and he can also discover some new music may not of thought to listen to before
Haikyu:  Daichi Sawamura
Daichi completely understands needing to take a break from people, after all he has to deal with tanaka and Noya everyday
The rest of the team finds it hilarious that Daichi is with someone just as stubborn and Honest as him, like seriously what’s a better match for him then someone who will call him out when he’s being dumb and won’t sugar coat it
Daichi is also loves that is he needs to get away from everything he can just listen to music with you while you read or paint, he enjoys that he can relax with no pressure of being in charge or talking
One thing Daichi can’t stand about your relationship though is Sugawara. Don’t get me wrong Daichi loves you, but god damn it why can’t Suga shut up. Basically one day after practice while you were making sure Hinata was okay from taking a serve to the face, Tanaka mentioned that you were basically the mom of the group and Suga went wild with jokes. Suga came up with the lovely nickname of Dadchi because if you’re the mom then Daichi is obviously the dad. 
When you heard the nickname the first time you nearly died laughing, earning an eyeroll and catching the attention of the rest of the team. Now everyone casually calls him Dadchi and he can’t get any of them to stop. Having Suga and you team up to make jokes at his expense truly spelt disaster, because eventually even Asahi and Tsuki started calling him that 
Demon Slayer:  Tanjiro Kamado
Being with Tanjiro, there is no shortage of times to be overprotective
This boy can’t go a week without a broken bone so please make sure he takes it easy sometimes
Tanjiro loves that you make jokes and try to keep things light hearted but please keep the sarcasm to a minimum around Inosuke
After missions, if he isn’t in a coma, Tanjiro loves to sit with you while you read or paint he finds it fascinating
If you ever ask to just be left alone, he will gladly give you the space you need after all dealing with Inosuke and Zenitsu would be draining to anyone.
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vacantgodling · 10 months
I wanted to ask about someone from demon slayer but I couldn't figure out who to ask about so. please go off about someone from demon slayer if you have opinions otherwise please blast me with overwatch thoughts for:
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
~ @void-botanist
LMAOOO thank you for the ask :’) technically i got some stuff im not normal about when it comes to demon slayer even tho i am much more chill about it than other things that i’m into LOL.
ummm i feel like it’d be easier if i just did it for the cast overall? cuz when else am i gonna talk about this pff
15. What is your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn’t matter if it’s canon or not)
my main demon slayer ships are:
Rengoku x Uzui (like a Lot this is probably my otp of this show. however uzui’s wives are included. its like a separate spoke poly to me? uzui x his wives are one half and the wives are all into each other then uzui x rengoku is the other half and rengoku and uzui’s wives all care about each other in a more platonic way lol. basically a healthy poly thing in my mind)
Tanjiro & Zenitsu & Inosuke (in a platonic way!!! those are my sons don’t separate them or i’ll sob!!!!!!)
Giyuu x Shinobu (i like how she teases him and even if she is disdained by his awkwardness sometimes i think she can really understand where he’s coming from and understand him even when he’s just kinda like :| yknow)
16. What is your least favorite ship for this character?
ig i can go down the list for stuff ive seen with any of the above that i’m not a huge fan of?
Rengoku x Akaza -> i hate akaza so fucking much i am strangling every post i see with him and this ship with my bare hands. I Do Not Care about akaza’s boohoo sad backstory i am killing him and not in the teehee way i mean every time i see him i become Enraged <3. muzan may be the antagonist of demon slayer but i want to see akaza’s death animated in Great Detail.
haven’t seen anything about uzui that’s made me squick cuz most people ship him with either his wives or with rengoku lmao
Tanjiro x Kanao -> even though they are canon i’m just not super into her character ig? like she and tanjiro don’t seem like couple material to me. he doesn’t really treat her any differently than any other person he interacts with (imo) and i would argue he shows more care and interest and love towards zenitsu and inosuke than kanao specifically. aside from the standard anime “girl pretty” energy which like. all anime does that so it’s not even a measure of attraction to me anymore (being a long time anime fan). don’t get me wrong i don’t hate her as a character but as a couple they just seem so… boring. esp of the main three canon couples. like inosuke and aoi i can see and i don’t mind, zenitsu and nezuko are a given but… kanao just isn’t a good match for my boy ig (to me) 💀💀
Zenitsu and Inosuke only really get shipped with Nezuko/Tanjiro (solo) respectively and i don’t dislike those. i just like the three of them together at all costs so ig i don’t like the idea of tanjiro and inosuke dating and zenitsu kinda being on the side if i HAD to be nitpicky about it. like the three of them are a unit. do not separate.
Giyuu x Sanemi -> sorry i just don’t like sanemi 💀💀💀
Shinobu x Mitsuri -> i LOVE mitsuri to death. but i hate when fandoms ship two femme characters just because they could be a lesbian couple and for no other reason aside from that. like i get Why because lesbian candidates in anime is fleeting esp in shonen bc of a lack of femme characters in general so like. i understand that but maybe just cuz im not a lesbian idc that much. it’s similar to how i feel about tanjiro/kanao i just don’t think mitsuri has put any special emphasis on her relationship with shinobu. like she looks up to her definitely. but like mitsuri loves everyone. and i feel like shinobu would do better with someone she wouldn’t feel pressured to be Only the happy side of herself with and i feel like once she broke down that barrier she would be able to be more herself around giyuu than around mitsuri.
also this isn’t mentioned in my main ships but i don’t like Mitsuri and Obanai as a couple. idc if they’re canon i don’t like him he’s annoying asf he is not good enough for my girl.
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
Rengoku x Giyuu i’ve seen around and i’m okay with it. i love both of these two to death (#tanjiro’solderbrothers) and so them together makes me very soft. i think it would be super rough for giyuu just because i don’t think he’d think he was Good Enough for rengoku which is why i don’t ship it too heavily but like i love them both so i’m never mad when i see it.
Giyuu x Sabito i don’t really ship but like obviously i get why people do and it makes my heart hurt despite not shipping it like that </3
Tanjiro x Genya or Tanjiro x Muichiro are two things i don’t mind seeing. i don’t really ship them bc like. tanjiro is my son and it’s kinda weird for me to think about him romantically l m a o? and muichiro is even younger than him lol. in the case of genya i totally get it but again it’s more just “hmm yes that’s his best friend” like i immediately in my mind view it platonically vs romantically.
annnnd i think that’s it from off the top of my head? thank you again this was fun to actually talk about instead of just rotating it in my brain PFF
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demoiselettes · 2 years
hi hi!! your blog is cute :) can i please request a matchup? im sydney, bisexual, & use she/her pronouns!
for my appearance, im 5’2, have long light brown hair, hazel eyes, a beauty mark above my lip, a button nose, perpetually rosy cheeks, and kinda pale skin! i do kinda have the same body type as mitsuri boobs if that’s any help!
for my personality, im fairly bubbly, affectionate, and optimistic! i love physical affection and i tend to just latch onto people im comfortable with. if something bothers me i won’t really say anything, maybe be a little passive aggressive though aajdkrkrk. im pretty sensitive and tend to wear my heart on my sleeve, even if it hurts sometimes. i love animals, all kinds, and scary movies! as much as i love cute and soft things, im strangely fascinated with scary things! my hobbies include gardening, yoga, reading, baking, doodling, and shopping!
ps my favorite colors are pastels, right now id say it’s pastel or very light pink, maybe yellow! please and thank you :)
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I match you with Zenitsu Agatsuma!
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•First of all, Zenitsu literally acts like he’s drunk around you
•The moment he sees you he forgets everything else, doesn’t take note of what is happening around him, he’s just making a goddamn beeline for you
•It’s a good thing you’re okay with physical affection, since it’s obvious he’ll just jump on you at any opportunity
•Give him hugs, and you’ve got yourself one happy Zenitsu for the day :)
•He really adores your optimistic and cheerful attitude
•It’s simply a nice contrast from most of the people he’s met during his time in the corps (excluding Tanjiro)
•I feel like for that specific reason, he’d come to you whenever something’s bothering him
•Which means a lot, since most things tend to bother him
•Like you’ll just be minding your own business and you’ll suddenly feel someone hug you from behind and sob into your back and start complaining out of nowhere
•But really, he trusts you quite a ton, and he hopes doing so won’t lead to the same results he’s had with his previous girlfriends :(
•For your sake, Zenitsu does his best to toughen up
•If anyone bothers you, he’ll square up to them on your behalf
•More times than not, it ends with him getting punched or insulted, but he doesn’t mind if it’s for your sake
•Usually Zenitsu is a pacifist, so he’ll avoid picking a fight with your offender and will just.. try to talk things through
•If there’s one thing he hates (other than dying) it’s the thought of you being sad or upset in any way
•So you know fugu, Shinobu’s goldfish
•I cannot tell you how many times this dude would get in trouble with Shinobu for sneaking the aquarium to you bc he knows you like animals
•if fugu is off limits, he has.. Chuntaro!
•Fortunately the bird seems to like you quite a lot and isn’t too bothered with Zenitsu using him as bait to charm you
•However, even with how much he loves you, Zenitsu tries not to summon your love for scary stuff too much
•Being in the corps itself is a horror movie on its own, so if you start narrating scary stories, he’s going to pass out and then you’d face the other Zenitsu who’s less gentle..
•Trust me, he’d try to listen to you talk about them, but he’d start shaking and panicking so much and would probably ask you to spend the night with him
•…okay maybe he will ask you to narrate scary stories…
•Definitely takes pride on the fact that’s taller than you, even by a lot and never misses an opportunity to try these ‘charming’ actions of helping you reach for stuff or bending down to your height during conversations to show how much taller he is even though it’s not by a lot lmao i’m sorry
•loves loves loooves to kiss your cheeks! Thinks they’re absolutely adorable and kinda wants to bite them but he’d never that’s between you and me haha
•Most likely someone who would compliment your eyes by saying he ‘gets lost in them’ or he ‘could drown in them’ and even though it’s cheesy, he really means that he loves your eyes from how pretty they are!
•boops your nose a ton, no questions asked
•oh he’ll be taking you shopping alright
•He isn’t shy about spending money for your sake, just as long as you’re happy with him!
•Yeah, his self-esteem is not the best, and he often thinks you’re too good for him which is why he nearly turns into a doormat for your sake :( and giving you whatever you want for a little bit of your love
•Do reassure him that you truly love him though, he might cry a little but it’s from happiness and relief
•he sometimes asks Aoi if he can borrow the kitchen at the butterfly estate to bake goodies with you
•It’s a lot like those scenes where he teases you by smudging flour onto your face, etc..
•he’s a really cliché kind of lover but he’s love is definitely pure and real and he just loves moments of domestic bliss like these
•On the other hand he’s much more reluctant to do yoga.. he’s happy to assist though!
•the definition of ‘draw me like one of your french girls’ he always asks you to doodle him
•Sadly, he can’t get you a ton of books since he’s mostly on mission, but he does compensate by narrating anecdotes from the places he goes to while on those missions!
•Overall he basically worships you
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loosesodamarble · 1 year
Hi Erika! 💙 Thank you again for all of the wonderful discussion about the world’s best grumpy, tsundere spatial mage. You always have such wonderful and thoughtful ideas, and your headcanons are so spot on and delightful! 😊 It’s switching gears a bit, but I wanted to ask you about Demon Slayer (I’ve been on a bit of a KNY kick—lots of excitement for Season 3 I think). I apologise if you’ve already answered this somewhere in a past post, but who are your favourite Demon Slayer characters? Thanks dear! 💕
Hello hello, Acacia~! Sorry for taking forever and a half to answer your question but here's the answer now! (Also gonna tag you @acacia-may to make sure you see this because it's been so long.)
This ask has been sitting in the inbox so long that Season 3 of the anime is currently airing now. Whoops! 😅🤣 I don't think I've answered this exact question regarding my KnY faves, especially since I mostly post Black Clover... So thanks for making me think of Demon Slayer again~! 💖
Now for my favorites, I think I'm gonna go ahead and start with some honorable mentions before listing a Top 5.
I'm gonna talk a lot so the meat of this post will be under the cut.
Honorable mentions
I've talked about how similar Zenitsu and I are to each other and that's why he's an honorable mention. I vibe with the kid. He's so funny with how extra complainy he is about... everything. Poor child. (Side note: the store I work at sells some KnY character pens and the Zenitsu ones don't sell well and I lowkey feel bad about that.)
And Tanjirou is the MC. He's so sweet and kind to his friends. But he's a strong-willed fighter and knows what's right for everyone. Killing demons is how he saves humans threatened by demons and humans who have become demons. I love the way he learns in each arc, whether it be something emotional or in terms of how he fights. His worldview and morality don't really change but I do feel like he experiences growth nonetheless.
Top 5 Faves
5) Sanemi: I like this jerk, okay? I am drawn to jerk older brothers who secretly love and want to protect their siblings (Nacht, Nozel, and Sanemi have a little club in my mind.) He's a little off-putting at first but you know there's depth to his character when we see how he speaks to Kagaya with such respect. He acts rough but he's thoughtful deep down. And his bond with his mother and Genya! Like! This man is soft deep down, let me have it!
4) Nezuko: Before Nacht was my tumblr pfp, it was actually Nezuko. She is the cutest sister character in any series I've read (which actually isn't that many but sssshhhhhh!). I love her anti-demon flames. I love how she's allowed to fight and get bloody (mostly because she has a healing factor and can get absolutely wrecked but come back from it). She doesn't get to say a lot but she still has strong moments. Like how Tanjirou dreams of her telling him not to worry about their family not having nice things and to just try his best. Gosh, when that got animated I cried... I love Nezuko so much... Baby...
3) Mitsuri: Mitsuri is such a sweetheart! She's one of the two KnY characters that I'd date if given the chance. I love how she carries herself. She wears her heart on her sleeve whether she be happy or sad. Like, her second introduction to Tanjirou is crying openly in front of him. In the present, she's not afraid to be vulnerable. Her story in the second light novel is also really nice as it shows how Mitsuri became the open-hearted gal she is in the present. She went from feeling self-conscious about her reason for being in the Corps to learning how she brings cheer to people's lives and that renewing her convictions. She knows the Corps members have hard lives but her attitude doesn't make light of it. It's okay to have cheer after hardship because bogging oneself in pessimism will only hurt. Also, and this might be me bragging a little but I actually used Mitsuri and Obanai's failed romance in a college essay about romance literature in Japan. It was a silly little essay but to be able to cite one of my favorite mangas for a college assignment was fun (and actually my second time doing it. First time was talking about Daki and Gyuutarou in regards to depictions of "geisha"). I just love Mitsuri a lot and would love to be more like her (attitude, appearance, and ability-wise honestly...).
2) Kyoujurou: I love this man so much that I saw the movie in theaters and cried all three times because man does his death really hit hard in the anime. Kyoujurou is bright and warm and inspiring. While he's unable to help Tanjirou regarding the Dance of the Fire God, he still offers to make Tanjirou and the other boys his students. I think it's a mix of genuinely seeing their potential and just wanting the chance to teach the younger generation but it's kinda hilarious how quickly he latches onto the trio. I really like Kyoujurou's philosophy on life, how the fleeting nature of it is what makes it beautiful (mayhaps he read a bit of the Hojoki in his free time?/lh+j). It's a little sad to see people leave or even die but change is what makes life what it is. Kyoujurou also the second KnY characters I'd want to date so there's that.
1) Inosuke: MY BABY BOAR BOY! From the first panel he was in, he had me entertained. Inosuke is loud and chaotic and fun. I'm not usually about chaotic boys but Inosuke learning what kindness and friendship are are what endear me to him. He's so confused by affection is absolutely the cutest thing. And despite acting macho and like he's supposed to be a leader, all of his major victories are a team effort. Working alongside Tanjirou to beat that puppeted demon on Natagumo Mountain, the fight against Daki, and even in his fight of the final arc. I do kinda wish he had more solo moments though because he should get a little more spotlight, but what he does get, I enjoy thoroughly. He's the character that got me to make a KnY oc (Shizuka) because I wanted someone fiery but also sweet to play off him (and be shipped with him). Inosuke is a feral boy but still a sweet guy and I find that really cute for whatever reason. The bonus chapter about his early life is really stinking adorable as well! It's great! Inosuke is very adoptable in my mind. Thus, he is my favorite character.
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madraleen · 1 year
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Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba - Koyoharu Gotouge Volumes 16-23: Commentary Part 2/2 An unnecessarily long commentary with all the screams, all the musings, and ALL THE SPOILERS
-Ah, the Tokito twins met their parents too. Happy sigh I guess
-Now Tanjiro’s crying and he set me off again, great.
-A crow?! You dared kill a crow?! I freakin’ gasped!!
-Aaah, and Genya met the Shinazugawa fam. He was done dirty tho, he doesn’t get the full afterlife treatment (I see why, but still it’s notable).
-That Ubuyashiki sister slap tho, she drew blood.
-Ay ay ay, Giyu and Tanjiro met Muzan, I feel this has become a death roulette at this point. I genuinely don’t have it in me to be all “Please don’t die” anymore.
-Oh oh, one eye down for Tanjiro, that’s too soon babe no
-Yushiro, slay man, slay!
-“If it’ll help you defeat Muzan, then eat me!!” I laughed. What a good egg.
-Remember when Giyu thought he wasn’t a true Hashira, lol what nonsense.
-Man, this in anime, hearing the voices, will be torture. Like, I’m playing the voices in my head, but ofc it’s not the same.
-The hell happened to Tanjiro?!?!??!??! Side note, how fitting that after this, the next panel is Giyu, considering “he has always cared about Tanjiro.”
-Well, he can’t be dead, it’s too soon.
-Poor little master, I feel sorry for him.
-Himejima. I instantly feel better.
-GodDAMN, Sanemi, you’d think Muzan is made of jelly the way he slashed him!
-This is so freaking interesting, I never thought I’d be so engrossed in action manga stuff.
-Oh, Giyu and Murata in the same Final Selection? Cool! Murata’s been a Demon Slayer that long?
-Yes! Yes yes yes, ancient memories, yes!!
-What’s amazing is, this is a huge cast, but not once have I thought “Ugh, not this person’s backstory” or “Ugh, not this person in the spotlight.” I’m always like, YES, GIMME MORE, FEED ME, I WANNA KNOW EVERYTHING!
-Heh, the Rengoku Slayer clan goes waaaay back.
-Ooh, so Demon Slayers predated Yoriichi, but he started the breathing techniques.
-A second ago I was screaming mid-battle and now we’re in the memory and it’s all so gentle because Yoriichi is gentle and the narration feels like a caress.
-I love how Tanjiro is still not magically OP, he’s still not as skilled as the Hashira. He has Hashira moments, but the Hashira can still do more and maintain their strength and stamina for longer.
-Idk, as I read, I feel like the author really cares about these characters and their stories, I feel affection coming through, like they are loved. I hope it was true.
-Seven hearts and five brains. That’s a lot of hearts and brains.
-Imagine banishing Yoriichi from Demon Slaying, what nonsense.
-You have every right, Iguro, go get your girl - and freakin’ yes, Iguro backstory, let’s goooooo
-The Flame Hashira as in? Rengoku Senior?
-Babe, they were fifty not very good people.
-That’s a cat with a MISSION.
-The kids! The kids are here!
-The Kamado ancestors thought process: See house; get house. It’s a very tender connection they have with Yoriichi though.
-Eh? Eh? Eh? What’s happened to the Hashira? WHAT’S HAPPENED T-
-Ugh, my little baby Tanjiro, what has this awful demon man done to you :’(
-Ooh, Sumiyoshi saw the Sun Breathing forms and passed them down through the kagura dance, nice, makes sense.
-I love Sumiyoshi. I love Yoriichi. Help.
-We have a lil bit of best-antagonists-forever situation here, Yoriichi and Muzan.
-Tanjiro’s literally dancing the kagura, I cannot.
-No cats were fatally wounded in this manga.
-Iguroooo!! Tanjiro’s lil smile when he sees Iguro, help me
-Holy shit, Iguro jumping in for the kill, justice for Iguro
-We have to reach volume 22 to finally clarify how demons are made???
-What would we do without Yushiro
-When they end sentences with double exclamation marks, I feel it. One is not enough.
-I wish we’d seen a snippet of Zenitsu learning his forms before this.
-Look at the kids working so well together, I cry.
-Oh. Tanjiro lost an arm.
-Oh my heart, Giyu and Tanjiro holding the blade together.
-What victory, there’s so much story left!
-Rest in peace, Himejima :((
-Can’t... Can’t Iguro and Kanroji just get married in this life, do they have to die first, dammit? Haven’t we lost enough?
-Not Sanemi too??? What is happening! Phew!! PHEW!
-I understand that Tanjiro is dead, but also I don’t believe that Tanjiro is dead, bc there’s still too many pages, so I feel sadder for those that mourn for him rather than for HIM, because he’s simply not dead.
-Oooh! Ooooh mannnn ohooo is Muzan turning Tanjiro into a demonnnn. Kinda messed up in the greatest way that he did it because of Ubuyashiki’s speech on what lives on forever.
-I don’t know what will happen next, but thank you Giyu for not letting Tanjiro have his first kill, he wouldn’t like that if he turns back into human.
-I am laughing nervously because... because I’m oddly delighted at this turn of events. It’s just! It’s different! I like it! Just be thankful Tanjiro’s not demon-headbutting anyone yet, you gonna lose heads. Anyway, that’s one for Nezuko and Yushiro, right? Nezuko to calm him down and Yushiro to give him the drug?
-“This is the guy with the half-and-half haori! He’s our ally!!” Hahahaha, I don’t know if I’m hysterical right now or if it’s that funny, but I laughed.
-What is happening, why am I loving this so much
-Hooolly shitttt, he didn’t even listen to Nezuko??
-I’m 98% certain that Tanjiro won’t kill anyone, so I’m chillin’ and enjoying this feral Tanjiro. Love this feral Tanjiro.
-Go, Kanao, go!
-Oh no, ~Romeo and Juliet did actually die :(. Show their rebirth and reunion at least!
-Such bullshit, Muzan. “The dead” would give their life twice over for Tanjiro to live, smh.
-Tag yourself, I’m Inosuke crying over Tanjiro’s head through my boar mask.
-Oh my Kamado babies, they are smile-crying.
-Now I’m happy.
-Three months later.
-Asdfjdgkj, I love getting to know Nezuko in her human form, omg.
-I wonder what Yushiro will do with his life.
-Jesus, someone adopt the Ubuyashiki children. Giyu? Sanemi? Anyone?
-Giyu and Sanemi smiling at each other, help, why is this so soft
-Nezuko sitting on Uzui’s shoulder, HELP
-Kanao has some of her vision, and Kaburamaru, good good.
-The panel of Tanjiro and Nezuko smiling as they run to Giyu and Urokodaki. My heart is so full. I’m not crying, you’re crying.
-Can’t we leave it here at home, laughing together, with everyone else smiling peacefully where they wanted to be, why are there more pages, stop with the pages
-“He’s a pleasant but strong-willed boy” haha, yeah, that’s our Tanjiro.
-Eee, future Kamados, I cry. Great-great-grandparents omg Kanao and Tanjiro! <3
-That kick!! That’s definitely Nezuko’s descendant/reincarnation.
-That person in the twins’ background looks like Yoriichi’s reincarnation, good for him.
-Aw, the Tokitos are babies.
-I mean, Gotouge-sensei did always dabble in their AUs.
-Eyyy, Iguro and Kanroji, yessss, they’re married, THANK YOU!!!
-Shut up, I love how their reincarnations are all linked somehow.
-Baby Giyu with baby Sabito and baby Makomo, stop, this is too cute
-Centenarian Kiriya, help <3
-Aww, Inosuke and Aoi.
-Everyone that survived has descendants, I cry (they’re sort of reincarnations too though, no? The Rengoku descendant really channels Kyojuro, Sumihiko is channeling Tanjiro etc).
-Sanemi and Giyu sharing a post-war meal, help.
-Yushiro was only 35?!?!
-Well. I SURE hope Kanata doesn’t have a girlfriend! *side-eyes Toko*
-I’m very happy with the manga. When I was looking up reviews to see whether I should take up the task, one said, “I laughed and cried so much” and I remember thinking, “But I don’t want to cry...” but. But it’s so heartwarming. So heartwarming.
-A thought in retrospect: I mean, yeah, technically Yoriichi ~failed to kill Muzan, but he was also fighting alone. We have a full army AND poisons AND sunlight AND a strategy.
-Another thought in retrospect: As much as I hate the fact of it, as much as I’m never over it, narratively Rengoku’s death was one of the best decisions. The most kind-hearted, the most genuine, friendliest, the purest and one of the strongest Hashira at the time dying so early genuinely set a tone. It did not let you relax at any moment in any fight, because any moment could be The Moment. The stakes were perpetually high, and it’s hard to pull that off in a series with so many long battles over so many volumes.
-A third thought in retrospect: Even though Mitsuri is visually the most sexualized character, narratively -apart from that one pervert tailor- she’s not sexualized at all, to my recollection. No one comments or stares, Tanjiro panics, Iguro gifts her socks to make her feel better and, as far as I remember, it’s her personality that he compliments. Like, no one cares. I appreciate that.
-LMFAO WHAT THE HECK! I’d noticed that the boxed set had a few Hashira on one side, and always wondered “hm why only these Hashira,” but left it at that. NOW I’m like, “Oh Tanjiro and Nezuko are holding the death flowers,” and I REALLY LOOKED WHO was in the art AND IT’S THE DEAD! THEY’RE HOLDING FLOWERS FOR THE DEAD, HOLY SPOILER! WHAT! THANK GOD I AM OBLIVIOUS, geez!!!
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tinyshinysylveon · 2 years
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
ahh thanks for asking! i believe i haven’t had someone ask me this question before so i’ll try my best to answer! _(:3 」∠)_
my top 10 favorite characters (not in any particular order)
1. katsuki bakugo (BNHA) - i’ve grown attached to him since the first season aired, but he didn’t became my absolute favorite until the episodes keep coming in and he started changing his ways ;; 
2. anya forger (SxF) - i love the silly faces that she makes! and her power of reading minds is so interesting! plus the “waku waku!” she says is so cute!
3. killua zoldyck (HxH) - okay, i thought he was cool with the way he fights as an assassin and how he slowly mellowed out while he was with gon 👀
4. gojou satoru (JJK) - I IMMEDIATELY FELL IN LOVE WHEN HE FIRST REVEALED THOSE BLUE EYES OF HIS SUE ME OTL but i also hate him at the same time i-
5. ichimatsu matsuno (osomatsu-san) - i can relate to him bc he’s a shy character and loves cats (but i also like dogs too). he’s so antisocial that i just want to bundle him up in a blanket and hide him from the world ;; 
6. zenitsu agatsuma (KNY) - sooo my first impression of him was.. annoying, i should say? but he grew on me when he didn’t judge tanjirou’s sister or tanjirou himself for harboring her in the box and still fell in love with her. the icing on the cake was his revealed powers when he falls asleep even tho he can be a coward asdfghjkl 
7. nagi seishirou (blue lock) - i fell in love with nagi bc he’s just so lax (and i find his personality funny!) and since i’m up-to-date with the manga, i like that he’s been improving his play while also getting more serious while in blue lock
8. karma akabane (assassination classroom) - let’s just say he was interesting to me when he first appeared and there’s actually sides of him that’s cute even tho he can be a little shit sometimes lol 
9. luffy (one piece) - once upon a time, i was caught up with this dang anime while watching it for about a month and it was already like 500+ episodes in until i stopped bc i couldn’t wait for the next episode anymore orz anyway, he has such high regards for his fellow crew mates and y’all don’t know how much i have cried while watching this show ;; i even drew him and everything a long time ago when i was obsessed 
10. last but not least *drum rolls* comic batman! - if i could, i would own a lot of batman comics, but it’s his dark and brooding character plus having a double life playing as a “rich playboy” while also being a hero of gotham, i had a lot of fun reading up about him! 
i feel like i have more characters (not just anime but tv shows as well) that i like but not particularly love so i didn’t include them bc if i did, then the list will just go on, so these are just honorable mentions of who stuck by me ;;
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yourhangrydoctor · 2 years
If zenitsu got reincarnated into his modern self and knew everything. (OOC Zenitsu) -Part 1-
Zenitsu wakes with his eyes drowsy so he rubs his eyes and looks around him. He trys to get up but he cannot move so he looks at his hands again then he notices that his hands are tiny, '.....My hands! Am I... a baby!!?? How did this-...wait....no...that can't be possible. Y-yeah defin-....OF COURSE IT'S TRUE WHY AM I DOUBTING MYSELF!?', While i was so focused on my thoughts I noticed a figure coming my way and she was gorgeous. She had long black hair that was tied up in a ponytail while it stopped at her waist and her lips were peachy with a tint of red she also had pale skin and body curves. She smiled and slowly picked Zenitsu up and put him in her arms, "Hello there little one", Zenitsu put his tiny hand on her cheek and the woman almost died of cuteness, "KyaAaa~ your so cute", The woman hugged him so tight he could almost pop, 'C-can't breathe', the woman noticed and stopped hugging him and paincked, "I'm so sorry my baby!", She had tears in her eyes and started blabbering words that Zenitsu couldn't make out. Zenitsu sighed in his mind and put his little hand on her eye and wiped it away, 'Time for my amazing acting skills', I giggle and she stops crying and smiles, "What should i name you my little one", Then it flashes before zenitsu's very eyes, ' "Little one, my baby",'How did i not notice this before! This beaufitul woman is my mother!', "Oh! I know your name should be zenitsu.", Something dings in the distance behind the door, "Ah! almost forgot." She put zenitsu down and headed towards the door. The room was now silent but Zenitsu's thinking was not, 'I can't believe....that i got reicarnated....'
|-10 years later-|
I am 14 years old now and there's a lot of new information that i found out about. Interesting weapons, TVS, electronics, Manga's, My mom's name (Claire) and she is also single, school Manhwa's, Manhua's, stores, cars and etc. But most importantly I got to learn all the thunder breathing forms in 14 years in secret! Though the 7th form is hard since my body now is weak, "Have fun sweetie!", "Okay mom!", I yelled back and shut the door. I then continue to walk my way to school, 'Everything sounds so nice and peaceful. Not like my pervious life. I don't have to worry about anything around me'. I hum silently until I see the school's gates. Zenitsu walks inside and looks around, 'Looks the same as always', I stop in front of my classroom and slide the door open and walk over to my desk and place my bag down then took my seat, 'Looks like i'm the first one here. I guess i will just sleep' I place my head down in my arms and close my eye lids.
{15 minutes later}
Zenitsu hears people rushing in the classroom but he ignores it and just keeps his eyes closed until someone gently shakes him, "Mmh..", "Wake up", I open my eyes and stretch then turn and look up tiredly at the person, "What? Is someone dying", then the person slaps their palm to their face, "No!", "Oh, hi there murata", "You know. Sometimes i just wanna slap you so hard you won't be able to stand up", "Are you insulting me or flirting with me", "....I'm done with this conversation. Goodbye", he walks away and sits down beside me. The teacher comes in and everyone quiets down and sighs. 'I bet it's going to be a long day'.
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