#sorry this post is so long its for mobile users
cenviswasteland · 22 days
okay from best to worst top three! klapollo krisnix wrightworth go!! with explanations duh - 💾
oh guess what i just found in the bottom of my drafts. sorry floppy disk you asked me this in march and now its almost june. my bad pestie
anyway i would LOVE to. im gonna cut the post here because it ended up getting pretty damn long and i wanna save the mobile users some pain
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a little preface first: i don't think any of them are the "worst". im a multiship freak and i think all three of these are best and worst in their own way. id love more info on what you MEAN by "best to worst" because that's so very vague. do you mean in terms of relationship dynamic? do you mean in terms of personal perception? do you mean how much i like them?? since i have no idea what exactly youre asking me here, im just gonna shove a whole bunch of headcanons in your face and hope for the best. xoxo follow me
3rd place - Wrightworth / Narumitsu
the iconic, original gangster, blah blah blah. forever cute. theyre just kind of a little bland to me. like i feel as tho we've explored basically everything there is to explore in wrightworth with the exception of the seven year gap? eh maybe thats a terrible take who knows. theyre still lovely tho i love the seemingly constant stream of gayass lawyers on my feed. everybody loves narumitsu!
2nd place - Klapollo
i really don't have much to say about klapollo either. theyre cute as hell and they definitely have a lot more to ponder on (considering that the only game we really get klavier in is AA4 [no DD doesnt count klavs ass got fucking Visited and he was written so poorly thats NOT my klavier gavin]). and generally speaking im an AA4 fiend its my favorite game in the entire series and so im biased. also, another pretty constant stream of gay lawyer content. shout out to hyundere who made like constant beautiful klapollo content until the One Piece happened lol [im a one piece enjoyer too dont come for me this is not criticism]
1st place - Krisnix
my GOD krisnix. theres a lot of things that go into me enjoying krisnix, but the biggest one is the fact that they have the fucking wackiest, least defined relationship in all of AA4. (also, another AA4 exclusive lol). with the 7yg in play, theres so much room to play around. and most of krisnix really exists in their questions and the vagueness of their relationship. theres like a billion things to ask. how does this relationship develop? how did they meet? what were they like for seven years? what led up to phoenix suspecting kristoph in, yknow, the Everything that happened in AA4? what kind of relationship did they even have? were they "friends" that just happened to pull each other into their gravity? were they holding hands and cuddling every night? were they practically strangers until one of them needed to "blow off steam"?
and not to mention these people are both private/secretive as HELL (phoenix is probably the cagiest man ive ever seen ever. and kristoph, aside from being a man with a fucking army of skeletons in his closet, gets an unfortunately small amount of screentime in the game and not a lot of time to get into the meat of his character/backstory [see: black psyche-locks]). that adds another layer. they certainly dont talk about each other. so how did... All Of This happen?
SO. MANY. QUESTIONS. and in general i like my ships a little more "toxic". and i mean. if you know ANYTHING about AA4, krisnix is pretty mutually toxic. i could totally make another post tearing into the inner guts of their dynamic and relationship-- hell, i could probably make FIVE.
moral of the story: krisnix forever. poggies.
anyway yeah i hope this uh. answered all your questions? how the hell do you end a tumblr post
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chipsonthemenu · 1 year
tell me about your headcanons!!
okay so basic list stuff:
chip: he/him transmasc greyaroace bi and has. some sort of back problems. also his pinkie that i keep forgetting about! also adhd too bro has 0 attention span /pos
jay: she/they transfem bisexual and BBBAD KNEE....thought she had this in canon but i might be mixing them up with mari omori.....occasional mobility aids that ollie helped her decorate :3
gil: any pronouns agender aroace but is very down for qprs. autism as hell <3 also probably other stuff i cant think of rn OH GLASSES GIL FR
drey: they/them nb unlebelled nblm. gots their arms yk 👍 also kinda strikes me at nd in some way fight me on this
gryffon: okay. hear me out. they/he/she nb panromantic asexual. please. do you see my vision. also their arm and autism. gryffon is autism do you hear me.
finn: he/she genderfluid pansexual bro is a whore. also love the idea of fully mute finn and she is autism as FUCK DO YOU HEAR MEEEE
earl: nobody escapes from my queerness beam not even earl. he/him cismasc bisexual. bad back bad knees uses a cane. old man shit but also he hits people with the cane and uses it when making juice sometimes. ollie put fruit stickers all over it once and he actually kinda likes it but will never say that
lizzie: she/her transfem lesbian. shit vision not jusy due to her eye but just in general. refuses to wear glasses
caspian: they/he libramasc achillean demisexual :) sssooooo many jrwi characters strike me as mobility aid users despite me not being one and caspian is no exceptionnnnnnn to this
niklaus: throwing in motherfucker too because i do have stuff. she/they/lun/he transfem genderfluid bisexual. thats it
i thibk thats everyone i wanted to yell about lmk OH FUCK ALPHONSE
alphonse: dont care. doing the silly. it/they/he agender aroace i do not care if they are the boat now it deserved better and he gets my headcanons
okay thats everyone i think thank you for letting me scream <3
jaz: JASMINE DRAAAAKE <3 he/they transmasc gay with autism and why do i see him having a prosthetic arm. no idea why okay i think thats ACTUALLY everyone now
edyn: she/e cisfem sapphic HOW DID I ALMOST FORGET HERRRRR
ensa: omg her. they/she transfem nb lesbain asexual. got her prosthetic leg and probably adhd
okay. goodbye fr this time i promise
wait no i wanna do the apoth crew too as an apotheosis enjoyer
peter: they/he transmasc demiboy with so much autism that likes men. also probably post-campaign cane user the shit they went through can fuck someone up
rumi: any pronouns genderfluid pansexual. there is some sort of thing i think they have (i dont think its imposter syndrome) but its something about never actually seeing herself because changeling shit yk idk
thanatos: it/they unlabelled :) doesnt need labels doesnt want em :)
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buglaur · 2 years
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asks ft. old pic of mr gael and roxanne i don’t think i ever posted
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hii its literally been like 3 weeks since you sent me this but it’s been answered here. sorry i ignored my asks so long 😔
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helloo tysm!! this is so nice to get ❤️❤️ ily anon
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hello @magiapotagia​ ! sorry this took so long for me to answer, but i have heard of other people having the same issue. i’ve never experienced it myself but i think it’s because the screen of your laptop and the screen on mobiles processes colour in different ways?? i don’t know if that makes sense but maybe someone can help you thats experienced it themselves. sorry 😅 does anyone have a solution??
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hello, you’re not a bother at all! and actually you’re the first person to ever ask me this so don’t worry lol. i can def post them on the gallery for you, my id is just buglaur, i’ll put them up soon ❤️❤️
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hey @spacesuitsims​ ! i assume you’ve already closed your game as it took me like a week to get to this, but i can definitely post them for you soon 😅😅 my id is buglaur
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helloo anon, thank you!! the notifications to screenshot answer is here, and legacy parameters are here. they are different for each gen. all these can be found in my resources ❤️
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sorry i wouldn't know 😔✌️ maybe you could ask tumblr user @deathbypufferfish​ tho i heard she’s pretty cool
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Sprite Advert + Re: Keepon Dancing to Spoon - Bear Lion and Monkey + Fail + Lonely Day - System of a Down
Video 1 - Sprite
Video 2: Re: Keepon
Video 3: Fail
Video 4: Lonely Day
Ok, there are so many titles up here today, BUT two of them are less than a minute long (one being literally three seconds) and it felt like a wasted post with out any point at all. I thought about skipping one, but I felt like that defeats the whole purpose of this journey. I need to consume as much of this media as possible to feel like I truely completed my mission. 
We are keeping to 2007 in this set spanning from January 10th to September 4th! Not much has changed from the last post, but I will update under each video what the top 3 videos that were recommended on youtube was for that time! 
First, Sprite Advert: 
Wayback Machine (9 January 2007)
Top 3 Featured Videos:
Picnic Casket  - Monument Valley from picniccasket
How To Get A Guy In Silicon Valley by RandiandJen
“Ron Ronsmith and the Fake News” by sxephil
We are met face to face again with Mary Beth from the previous video and I have just found out that she is not Victoria, but Anja! Hi Anja, sorry about last post I’ll edit it soon! I’m not going to lie, the way they are speaking is giving Don’t Hug Me, I’m Scared, but I am able to see what they are going for here with the advertisement feeling. We get to see our stuffed frog again and a second cameo of out canned sprite this time! Such a fun video. I can’t help but wonder if this was a fun passion project or a school project. 
Total Watch Time: 4m 41s
Re: Keepon Dancing to Spoon - Bear Lion and Monkey:
Wayback Machine (11 April 2007)
Keepon Dancing to Spoon by mmichalowski 
The Chicago Day in Review - Hey There Delilah - Stop Motion by ADayInReview
The B-Team: Madonna’s Guy by flycellmobile
When I saw the first recommended video (which you can see here), I knew I was gunna have to do some pre watch research. This is what I found:
A Keepon Pro was a social robot designed for interaction and research with children. This little yellow cutie (pictured below) interacted with people and did little dances when music was playing! This cute little guy was used and observed to “elicti positive engagement from children of varying social ability” according the their website (beatbots.net). Under the control of a therapist, it was used on children of varying ability to study their social behaviors. Pretty freaking neat!
Back back to Philip, I was NOT PREPARED for this video. I have been informed by a close friend that there was so much more waiting for me in these later videos. Using a bluesheet and some stuffies, phil essentially recreated the previous video, but added interesting background behind his dancing characters like Freddy Kruger, Airplanes, and conventionally sexy women. That’s it. Thats the whole video. What a time to be a youtuber. 
Total Watch Time: 6m 38s
Wayback Machine (25 June 2007)
Pit bull & chicks by texasgirly1979
Learn How to Moonwalk by daoco
The Hauntening by waverlyflams
YouTube launched its mobile web front end in June of 2007, and the YouTube app was released in 2007 for iOS devices and later for Android devices. In July 2007, YouTube actually partnered with Verizon Wireless to allow mobile phone users to submit videos through MMS! 
This video is three seconds long with a description that simply says ‘fail’. Someone, presumably on of Phil’s university friends opens some kind of pressurized can or bottle and it just explodes all over him and he screams. You can kind of here Phil laugh behind the camera, but thats it. If we had had it, this would have been an instagram story, I can almost guarantee! 
Total Watch Time: 6m 41s
Lonely Day - Systems of a Down
Wayback Machine (4 September 2007)
The Brunettes - Her Hairagami Set by Lilchiefrecords
Fantasy Football: The Rap by GoRemy
Hipster Olympics by P0YKPAC
I knew by the title that this was a song, I have barely recovered from the Re: Keepon video, but here we go!
IT’S OFFICIAL MY FELLOW PHANNIES! We have officially entered the Emo!Phil Era.This video was dark and a little sad. It hurt my heart to think about what of thise was creativity and how much of this was how he was actually, truely feeling. (Makes my heart happy to know that in a few short yers, he would meet his actual soulmate.) There is a secondary plot about an alien wanting and stealing his soul, but watching this, I know that this was peak creativity and talent. The lighting, the plot, the dialouge. I live, laugh, love this video. 
Total Watch Time: 9m 32s 
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14muffinz · 1 year
Statistics Rambles!!
so, before we begin, this includes unposted/never to be published chapters, going from old drafts of the 07 crossover to the beginnings of a cassandra-centric adventure in the bayverse, but here is the calling out statistic post that nobody wanted, made in the nice hours between 1 and 4 in the morning
Some characters have not appeared yet.
Spoilers, obvis. Some is from deleted which I will not be specifying but still.
So to clarify names:
slipper_slime = 18!Sunita kickin_karai: 12!karai nardo87 = 07!Leo
If you do the math, the 07 boys could have been mutated in 1987, which is obviously something that this fandom would find nice enough to headcanon. It's not just me. anyways.
For each individual universe, here's who (percentage-wise) talks the most! (Sorry mobile users)
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In order:
2012 Dontron97 24.7% - 473 happy_Mike 20.2%% - 387 newage_red_artist 19.1% - 366 Cpt_Leo 13.7% - 263 sticks_n_pucks 10.6% - 204 ello_yello 7.6% - 146 kickin_karai 4.1% - 78
I was honestly surprised by how close Casey was to Leo? I knew he was gonna catch up despite his late entrance but have I not been including Leo enough or is Casey just everywhere.?
I thought that I had April talking a lot more than i did, lmao. Then again I have a few chapters in my notes app that aren't in these numbers yet so maybe she's a lil closer than will be shown in the images.
Rise NeonLeon9000 27.3% - 512 Bootyyyshaker9000 21.7% - 407 mystic_mike 17.5% - 328 red_Raph 14.7% - 276 sherlocked_corn 7.3% - 137 free_brownies 6.1% - 114 CJones 4.4% - 83 slipper_slime 0.9% - 16
Raph's number in comparison to his bro's is where I expected 12Leo to sit. Percentage-wise the two are essentially the same, but Leo is way behind his mikey whereas raph is only about 40 messages away, which mind you is still a lot but its less noticeable.
Cass is definitely further up because of the times her name is used in the 600 word abandoned draft of an actual fic I mentioned previously, but other than that her being just barely below April is what I guessed. CJ being so close, though, was a surprise.
Bayverse sleepdeprived_shell 26.9% - 286 im_blue_katanas 26.5% - 282 dear_pizza_supreme 23.3% - 248 callme_rafi 21.1% - 225 Casey 1.2% - 13 April 0.9% - 10
I knew Don was going to be first. Not a doubt in my head. I expected Mikey to be above Leo, but I guess I had a little too much fun writing the blue one. I did also use Bay mike as a conversation starter rather than a carrier a lot, so I guess that's why he's so little to what I remembered. Raph's expected, I removed him for the entirety of the winter arc which is like 1/6 of the fic rn.
Poor April and Casey 😭. I'm sorry but Bay April is confusing and Bay Casey is annoying and that's how they're probably going to stay for the durration of the fic.
2007 secretly_mike 56.9% - 112 don_247 29.4% - 58 raph87 10.7% - 21 nardo87 3.0% - 6
Leo and Raph were in an old draft of the first 07 appearance. In that draft, Mikey also sends 34 messages, apparently? I was surprised when I saw it, but it turns out i just had him do triple messages a lot.
MM sarcasm_stabs 33% - 35 tech_hits 27.4% - 29 actually_mike 19.8% - 21 blueberry 19.8% - 21
Next up: who do I write the most.
There was a version of this with every character in the fic, but it is way too eye-hurty and way too long for me to list out each individual character in this post, but here's the simplified version that combines each iteration into one person.
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Same numbers as last time, just combined differently.
Characters Don 24.6% - 1149 Leo 21.4% - 998 Mike 21.2% - 990 Raph 18.6% - 871 Casey 7.5% - 351 April 5.4% - 251 Karai 1% - 47 Sunita 0.3% - 16
I knew Don was gonna be in first. Hes the fav. Leo being in second? Surprising, but Leon was the most talkative person which is not only on brand but theres also 2 leo cult chapters and I'm always a sucker for some disaster twins. I expected Raph to be 2nd, so him being 4th? Shocker.
I knew the Caseys would be bigger than the April's just because there's an extra one for their possee. I considered making JR his own collumn but decided eh whatever.
Also Rip Karai n Sunita I love you both but self control <3
And of course, finally, by dimension. We already knew the results but here we go.
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By Iteration Rise 40.1% - 1873 TMNT 2012 32.9% - 1539 Bay 22.8% - 1064 TMNT 2007 4.2% - 197
Yep. Just as I guessed. Rise, then 12, then Bay. And then of course 07 who haven't even been given a chance to shine yet.
I'll get to them. At some point.
Anywhizzle, I'll come back to this post a lot just to edit numbers if I'm bored, but the images probably won't ever change, so take then with a grain of salt.
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safety-pin-punk · 1 year
I found an old post of yours about cripple punk and sick punk and I'm just wondering where I would land as someone with Tourette's or if I could use either of those labels for it.
I also have what is likely undiagnosed Elhers Denlos, but I've never even had a full dislocation (my shoulders sublux with their own weight though) and I have a level of hyposensitivity that makes my chronic pain very mild and debatably not even "chronic" because the extent of it is my knee hurting only most days and my shoulders hurting a couple days a week.
I'm disabled, but it doesn't impede my ability to work (even if it's a stuggle sometimes). Would/Could cripple punk apply to me at all?
Hi, I'm so sorry I took so long to answer this, but this is a great question! (This is the post that is being referenced). I'll start with saying that I am not crip punk, so I may not be the best person to answer this. That being said, I'll give it my best shot.
C punk started with a tumblr user in 2014 named Tyler Trewhella. And to paraphrase, he said that c punk was by the physically disabled for the physically disabled. He went on to add that it is not conditional on the use of mobility aids or a specific 'functioning level'.
Applying that to the information you said in your ask, the chronic pain (even if its not constant) along with the possible Ehlers Danlos, I think you have every claim you need to be a part of the c punk community if you would like to.
As far as sick punk goes, that one is a personal choice, and no one can tell you that you don't 'suffer enough' to use the term. I think that sick punk should be open to anyone who isn't a 100% fully healthy and functional person. And Tourettes can definitely impact your life and *how* you go about living it. I'm signing off on your unnecessary permission slip here.
So in my humble opinion, you can use whatever labels you want, and if someone tells you otherwise, bite them
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obsessedwithceleste · 4 months
Hi!! Firstly, I just wanted to say that I absolutely adore your writing! The way you write both Theo and Enzo has me smiling like an idiot at my phone, you just make me love them both so much more than I already did and I just love the lightness of your fics that I've read so far 🥰
Second, I really hope this doesn't come across as rude and if it does I am so so sorry, I was just wondering if you'd thought of using a read more for your fics? They're quite long (which is great because I never want them to end) when you're scrolling and come across them and I know sometimes people won't reblog long posts as much so maybe using it would mean your lovely work would get shared more?
Feel free to totally ignore this or tell me to shut up if its crossing a line! I hope you have an amazing day anyway and I can't wait to read more of what you come up with 🥰
Uh, guys I’m gonna be so fr right now, I thought the ‘read more’ thing was something Tumblr did automatically… so this is my formal apology for clogging up everyone’s feeds :(
I am a mobile user, (feel free to point and laugh) but once I figure out how to do this y’all best believe I’m gonna be armed and dangerous. (This is a cry for help)
On a separate note, thank you for your kind words, I’m glad people are enjoying my writing🫶🏽
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anchorandrope · 5 months
Hey! Im extremely sorry for asking this on tumblr but i don't know how to contact you via twitter, but could you please tell me how did you made the video you have on your twitter pinned post? or where did you find it? Thank you!
hi! no worries love, you can ask me whatever here, i don't mind twitter stuff here (as long is this kind of stuff - i don't want twitter discourse here for some time). i made my pinned video myself, i tried to find one similar but since i couldn't i decided to try to make it myself and i guess it worked!
gonna try to make a small tutorial for those who want this kind of videos:
you will need the following apps. (this tutorial is web, pc and mobile friendly!)
VN / CapCut
first of all, download the album cover and their respective vinyl on png format. here are the ones i used since hot girls don't gatekeep 💋
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now, download the song you wanna use or screen-record it (you can use the "import audio from video" option to add the music to the video later). If you wanna screen-record it, remember that accounts that don't pay twitter premium or whatever the fuck is it called, only can upload videos less that 2:20 mins so i recommend record 2:19 seconds (even if its 2:20, twitter may say "too long" so to avoid that just make it 2:19).
open canva. select custom size and use 1920x656. add a background color or picture, i used white (#FFFFFF). add the album cover and the vinyl. place them wherever you want to (i want them in the middle, but if you place the album cover in the middle, the vinyl is gonna be a little bit more to the right so place the album cover a little bit to the left instead of the middle). tap the vinyl and use the "send to back" option to place it behind the album cover and add the "rotate" motion option. download the video (make it between 23s and 30s long - check that the vinyl make a complete turn on its axis) in the best quality or the want you wish.
open capcut or vn and add the video, crop it the way the vinyl starts in the exact same place it ends, duplicate it the amount of times you wish (depends on how long you want the video). you will notice that the vinyl does a smooth transition between videos, if not, that means its not cropped right. you can change the speed (canva doesn't let you unless you pay) so here you can make it slower or faste, i made it faster (x2). add the music and crop the audio to use your favourite part of the song. save the video (remember to make it 2:19 or less!) in the best quality you are able to since twitter will low the quality of the upload (if you want to upload it at the highest quality i recommend you to follow this tutorial).
open twitter and check that you are able to upload at a good quality (app settings) and post the video. you can add some emojis, symbols or you carrd/tumblr/youtube/etc - tip: erase the https:// from the url, it would look better and it will work perfectly). If you want to make your video downloadable to twitter premium users, leave the option turned on, if not, turn it off in the video (the same place where you can alt text and sensitive level). remember that people will still able to download your videos using some websites, so if you wanna put effort in you pinned vid remember to watermark it (you can add you @ on VN or CapCut and use the "transparency" option, i usually leave it at 15% or 20% but you can leave it 100% full if you want to).
im feel this is the most terrible tutorial i have ever done so please let me know if you need more help!
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mosspapi · 16 days
Hello! I saw your most recent post. As someone who has similar issues with walking for long periods of time and is a Wheelchair user who also tip-toed back and forth between getting a Rollator or a Wheelchair, I understand how difficult it can be to choose what's best for you- Especially if there are monetary restrictions at play. But please don't feel as if just because you can still walk means you should try to 'walk as much as you can'. If that's the only reason your going for a rollator and not for your own comfort then I'm a little worried! I myself know ambulatory wheelchair users who can, on good days, go hiking! But that doesn't negate the fact they still need a wheelchair. Even if they can walk, it doesn't mean they have to nor should be. I'll try and recommend some good sources I know for looking more into rollators and mobility aids. I'm not the best source, but I hope these can help in your search for relief!!!
PS -> A lot of these sources recommend checking with a PCP doctor before getting one as to make sure its tailored to your needs. I don't know if you can afford that or have one, but keep in mind that that IS an option!
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gDJRXzJUQpML4mo79YZ3nGx6dAW8iYgD/view - {This is more of a general overview of mobility aids, It has a pretty good section on different types of rollators!}
https://www.reddit.com/r/disability/comments/102dknq/rollator_recommendations/ - {This thread has some really good suggestions + people's experiences with rollators!!}
https://www.amazon.com/ELENKER-All-Terrain-Rollator-Non-Pneumatic-Compact/dp/B09W2BBM9S - {This is a Rollator I've seen around before, its easily foldable and seems to have good movement on terrain. I'm not sure what your money limit is, but this seems to be a good match for what you've described. Seems to have a comfortable back rest too!}
https://store.mayoclinic.com/nova-phoenix-rise-up-blue-walker.html - {Nova Rollators tend to have a pretty good rep, but they're pretty pricy. Would recommend for the same reasons as the last one, but boy is this one MORE expensive. Mayo Clinic generally offers some really good mobility aids, but, again, pricy.}
https://youtu.be/VtiZgjLCbEs - {This video covers a TONNN of information about Rollators, including downsides, upsides, how to use them, and a brand she recommends. I really do think you should watch it incase you haven't! It's just a good video!}
Ahhh But that's all I have. I hope this helped for what it was. I'm also disabled and I've had my time around the community searching and scavenging the web for different mobility aids and information etc, so I'm glad this information might go to some use... Either way, I wish you luck in getting whatever aid you need!
Sayonara! (And sorry for rambling on for so long...)
Thank you so much, I really appreciate it! Will have to check all those out for sure /gen
And yeah, I know that "being able to" doesn't necessarily mean you Should, especially when it comes to disability things, that's just something I still struggle with internalizing for myself unfortunately. Mostly bcuz it's forced on me to do things I shouldn't anyways lmao. I do have other reasons for wanting to try something else first but I appreciate the concern in not getting what's truly best for me simply because I don't think I 'really' need it /gen
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setaflow · 1 year
Hey! Uhhhhh super random and I may be dumb, but I have no idea how to find your AO3? I'm sorry if its cause I'm mostly on mobile, but I looked around your mobile blog for a bit and came up with nothing. I also am bad with Google ig? Could you link it to this ask?
Yeah no worries! My online accounts have the same username so if you type 'setaflow' into Google it'll be the second hit below my Tumblr account. Here you go:
Because I've been here for so long, my blog is more geared towards desktop users, which is probably why my About Me and Tag List don't show.
Maybe I need to actually make a pinned post.............
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sunset-peril · 1 year
FAQ (Read first please ^^)
Tumblr won't let me link to the FAQ section I have on the desktop version (for whatever reason) so here it is for mobile users.
What Does HFS and AMNT stand for?
HFS = Hyrule’s Final Stand (My Zelda Series)
AMNT = A Man Named Terran: A Dual Destinies Tale (My Ace Attorney Series, no relation to the Mutant Ninja Turtles, haha)
How does your ask box work?
When submitting an ask, please note whether you want to talk to a character, or me. Options are as follows:
Anyone from A Man Named Terran 
Anyone from Hyrule’s Final Stand 
Silly little ask blogs are what got me onto Tumblr, so I'd love to answer those types of things!
Do you post any art?
I can’t draw very well. Sorry to disappoint. I’m a writer over an artist, and most of the art that might be here are reblogs or presents.
Is this a personal blog or a themed blog?
This is my everything blog. Myself, my Zelda series, my Ace Attorney series and other related nonsense will be here!
May I draw an OC of yours/draw a scene from your stories?
PLEASE! I’d love that very much. You don’t need to ask, I just ask you credit me for the story/character and send it to me so I can marvel at it. ….and shove it in everyone’s face like it’s Phoenix Wright’s attorney’s badge because someone likes my stuff enough to make more stuff.
Do you take requests?
Nah. And I can’t promise it will happen in the future either. I don’t do “trends” or “-tober” events either. Sometimes I’ll do a few Shiptobers casually, but with no intention to do the whole month. The ask box is what I offer for interactives.
What about prompts?
I accept prompt suggestions, but may or may not complete the prompt. That is up to my own discretion.
I get so into my stories that I forget what is a headcanon and what is not. Keep this in mind when interacting. I’d love to hear your headcanons about my stories!
Anything obviously canon-deviant will be noted at the top of the post if I think it will be problematic. However, if its obvious then... its obvious.
I found something unrealistic in one of your stories!
I probably put it there on purpose. Especially with the Ace Attorney series, A Man Named Terran, I’ll sometimes sacrifice complete realism. There will still be some degree of realism, but it may not be 100% guaranteed-to-work-on-Earth. Don't try it at home.
Do you have a Ko-Fi or Patreon?
No. Because I don’t expect people to use it, and I don’t really have reason to restrict things at the moment. If many people become interested, I might open a Patreon or something for exclusive stories and whatnot. Emphasis on the might.
Also, Paypal hates me so I have no way to take donations due to the sucker refusing to link to a financial account for withdrawls.
Do you make NSFW material?
Not intentionally. I prefer to keep material PG-13 and under. Sometimes I’ll make something that’s Mature/R-rated for gore/violence, but making that material M/R is not the intention. Usually my M/R content is related specifically to the UR-1 Incident from Dual Destinies, which is mostly where the game’s M rating comes from anyway.  
Spoiler Policy -
Official content like trailers and Direct content must have been published by the producer (Nintendo, CAPCOM, etc) before I will publish or talk about it. I don’t like to deal with “leaks”.
Gameplay/Story information will be released (with a spoiler warning) ONLY after the end of the day of release (Usually 8-9pm on the day a game releases)
Yes, that means I won’t talk to you about the storyline of Tears of the Kingdom outside of trailer material until May 12th, 2023… if I even get off my Switch for long enough to interact, haha.
Major Spoilers will be tagged as spoiler warning until the game’s first birthday. Minor spoilers will depend. After the content’s first anniversary, you assume sole responsibility for avoiding spoilers on my page.
It is always implied that one of my stories about a certain game will contain major and mild spoilers.
Proceed at your own risk. :D
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I was in the SB when this happened, to explain a bit Khione was sharing her idea about a future possible side gig or job, kind of a long story, but everyone knows that the SB has limited writing space and it gets cut off. She only was sharing BECAUSE we (at least 5 users who were fully engaged in the conversation) were expressing interest, after she showed us some of her work which we wanted to learn more about.
Anakin comes and says: "easy on the amount of msgs pls getting a little spammy"
-which would be fine to the normal eye or someone who just logged on, as it was just sb and another mod who was engaged in this chat as well. She didn't seem to have an issue with it, and the sb was still carrying on. I think it was unnecessary for Anakin to even have said anything. Anakin herself has spammed the sb with her band of friends and no one says anything. Why is it okay for her to do it but when Khione is telling an actual story that MULTIPLE people asked her to get more into it's an issue?
Khione responds: "yeah, i realized, mb (assuming this means my bad as in sorry) glad you're here actually - any idea when you'll have the remaining 1.6 bil, or youre paying in increments? kinda low on tu rn x"
Anakin: "soon prob"
-Um.. note to self never give anyone something on credit with no credibility or even the decency to give you a respectful or general time frame. That was kind of disgusting and sad. - User posting
Anakin: also passive aggression is unnecessary lol def something you could've mailed me about ^^
- Khione inquiring about her TU over whatever deal agreed on is being passive aggressive? By the way, I submitted the convo. I'm just writing it in case somehow it doesn't go through, maybe a fault on my end but I'm almost sure I did all the right things. Khione literally said she noticed she was being a bit spammy, said "my bad" which translates directly to apologising. Where is the passive aggression here? I had my eyes corrected I know its not me, and I don't see the passive. aggression.
Khione: I don't see how me asking you a valid question is considered passive aggressive. There is no inflection in writing for the most part, I'm sorry you took it that way though. (KHIONE STOP APOLOGISING YOU SAID NOTHING WRONG!!!) I could've, but I'm mobile and in the sb, so it was a matter of convenience for me. Totally fair answer, Khione.
Anakin: no problem
- So myself and a few other players who discussed this amongst one another. Bit confused here, i was always under the impression the two were very, very close friends. Khione even gifted Anakin's boyfriend an amber wyrae a few days ago citing "you're my friends bf" so whats up with this? I am aware theres alot circling around Khione right now but this treatment and how a "moderator" handled this was out of line. Please do better.
There is always someone out there to replace you never forget that! Be kind, it's free.. also If Dan and Khione were as close as they clearly were and she still got banned/fired, I hope you really don't believe that it can't happen to you. I've read blogs of their friendship and the times I've spoken to Khione she speaks of him like a dear friend. Regarding Dan, we know he cheats and basically runs Res. If she did something wrong, he could've covered it I'm sure he has the means to, but he banned her I believe, or one of the admins. My theory is they just stopped liking her which is pretty sad. If thats the case whats even sadder is she still won't tell us anything, and I'm sure she knows enough to take ALL the corrupt users down. Sigh, no one wins and she gets the shortest straw. Khione if you do read this even though you said your post defending Dan's name (which I'm now raising eyebrows at because maybe he is the cause of this) would be the last one, I really wish you would just air everyone's business out, call me one for drama, or not, this just seems so sudden, and a bit.. strange? I know I'm not the only one thinking this.
Oh, and although this doesn't matter, I'd like to say I am on no side. Khione and I speak respectfully to each other, Anakin has never wronged me. However in this scenario Anakin: 0 Khione:1
request to blog staff: can you guys add anakin and khione to the tags on here? would help a bit. 
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mercurialsmile · 6 years
~*Writing Commissions*~
So! I am officially opening up writing commissions!
I offer two different types of commissions; writing and editing.
I charge .01 cents per word for both writing and editing.
Every 1000 words after 5000 will have an additional fee of $5 per 1000 words.
500 words--$5 1,000 words--$10 2,000 words--$20 3,000 words--$30 4,000 words--$40 5,000 words--$50 6,000 words–$65 7,000 words–$80 8,000 words–$95 9,000 words–$105 10,000 words–$120
I will only go up to 10,000 words. Anything over that I will not do.
The longer you want your commission, the more detail and conflict you will have to give me!
Note: If I go under the word count you paid you'll only have to pay me for the actual word count. If I go over that word count (wrote, you won't have to pay extra.
So, if for example you paid me to write a 1000 word oneshot and it only managed to be around 963 words long, then you'll only have to pay me $9.63 (unless you wanna pay me the full $10). If it managed to go over 1000 words, and was for example, around 1145 words, then you'll only have to pay the $10 and not that extra $1.45 (again, unless you wanna pay for that!)
For editing, I use a professional online editor to help me catch all mistakes in grammar, style, and wording. Unlike with writing, I can edit any fiction work, including fanfiction, from any fandom, however if it’s for a fandom for a piece of media I have not experienced, I may not be able to edit it as well as if I were editing something I am familiar with. I will let you know if that is indeed the situation. I will also italicize/highlight all my edits in your work so you can see what I changed. I recommend not giving me the original document of your work but a copy so you can see what I changed. If you want me to edit your work, you will HAVE to email me your work OR have it posted online somewhere for me to access!
Notice: I work anywhere between 25-35 hours a week and am a full time student. Because of this, I will only be taking 3 commissions at a time. Furthermore, it may take me a couple of weeks to get your commission drafted mattering on how long it is and the subject. All I can ask is patience while I work on it.
I will write/edit:
Certain Kinks*
Heavy violence/Gore/Torture
Original Characters and Fanon Characters
Original Works***
I will NOT write/edit:
Poetry/Song lyrics
Certain Kinks*
2nd Person/Reader inserts
Essays/Blog posts
Real Person Fiction
*The particular kink will have to be discussed with me. There are just so many kinks out there that I can’t possibly list all the ones I can and cannot do. Just let me know what kink it is and I can usually pretty quickly determine if I can write it or not.
**With fanfiction, I can only do certain fandoms of media that I have actually seen/read/watched. This list includes, but is not limited to: Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra, Harry Potter, Over the Garden Wall, Dragon Age Origins and Inquisition, Pokemon (games only), Danny Phantom, Villainous, Doctor Who (up to the 11th doctor), Blue Exorcist, BNHA (anime only), and Full Metal Alchemist. If something you want isn’t on this list, feel free to ask me about it! I may be able to do it, may not! I can’t possibly list everything I’ve seen, so it’s highly likely something you like I may be able to do!
***With original works, you will have to give me as much detail as possible about the characters and the setting/world. I will be only writing based off the details you give me! So make sure you give me adequate details!
If there’s something you want me to write that is not on either of the above lists, just ask me in your request and I’ll let you know if I can do it or not!
After we have discussed what sort of commission you want, I will inform you when I will be able to start working on it and do so. For editing, you will need to email me your work.
For editing, the price will match however many words long your piece is. I will require at the very least, half of that amount upfront. After I have your piece edited, I will require the rest of the payment if you didn’t pay me fully upfront after I send you the edited document.
For writing, I will write the first draft for you and give you the price estimate based upon that. I will also provide about a third to a half of the draft to read to make sure I am writing it close to how you want it. After you pay me, I will go back and finalize the draft and send you the full and edited version.
If there are mistakes in the full and edited version, and they are minor mistakes (misspellings, grammar mistakes, and minor content mistakes) I will go back and fix it for you, free of charge!
However, is there are major mistakes (rewriting anything a paragraph or longer, for instance), I will require a small fee based upon how much needs to be fixed. (if 500 words need to be rewritten or reworked, that will be $5 for instance).
I will not post anything online unless it is asked of me to. If you don’t want me to email you the document of your commission, I can instead post it to one of the following sites: Tumblr, AO3, fanfiction.net OR fictionpress.com, Deviant Art, or Wattpad. You can choose the site(s) you would like it to be posted on.
Note: Though I may not own anything I am writing, I do retain the rights to the actual writing itself. You may not use my writing and try and pass it off as your own work. Upon commissioning me, you agree that you will not repost my work on any site.
If you have any questions about anything, let me know while we are discussing your commission!
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narniadreams · 3 years
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there is possibility inside of paradox; there is a universe of different perceptions
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superrcell · 4 years
what do you think about mr. matchsticks burakh :)
How I feel about this character
I love him. I love him sooo much. 
Of course I love him because he’s a child you can adopt in Pathologic 2. Of course I love him because he very obviously cares a lot about Artemiy, of course I love him because he basically clings to you into the game. Of course I love him as a constant by my side in game. But of course I also love him because of his own character as well.
A few months ago I had realized that it was inevitable for him to become my favorite character. It wasn’t just that I had run out of ideas to think about with Murky, or that I already loved him so much (so much that he was pretty much the sole reason I bought Pathologic 2), but also because he somewhat fits into my favorite character archetype. I once compared him to Dieter from Naoki Urasawa’s Monster, which I understand that’s something that only a few people will really get, but like... it’s just the whole “stubborn kid trying to raise himself above his past and pursue his passions (and also clinging and caring a lot about a doctor I guess?)” thing that they both share.
It’s hard for me to explain why I like him. I love his personality. I love that he’s snippy, that he’s so stubborn and like... rough around the edges. He’s fun to read, his way of talking is just so.. fun sometimes! It may not be a lot but he just... talks like a kid. I love the times when he mispronounces words, I love it when you ask if he knows what a serum is and he is just like “a thing that makes people tell the truth.” Like he’s... just a kid! He seems like he tries to act older than he is, he’s someone who doesn’t know a lot but he’ll put the things he does know to use, even if he’s wrong. He wants to help! 
I love his story and arc so much, too. It’s not especially present in the game, but it’s interesting to think about this kid who has known thievery for probably almost his entire life to be the way to survive, but then getting incredibly... interested in being a doctor, and wanting to help people. Like, I just love to think about his dedication towards being a doctor, why hes so passionate about it... Like, he’s INCREDIBLY dedicated. In Marble Nest, he’s there because he wanted to learn how to be a doctor from Daniil, the third person he’s tried to learn from... He’s just so passionate about helping people. And I love to think about what could possibly be the reason, or how this connects to his past. Not in a sort of “Why is he so desperate to help people,” or in any sad sense, but more of how him becoming a doctor could relate to his skills or how his world was like before. Like, my favorite line of his is, “I know the Lines, too. How else could I find my way around all the attics, and the cellars, and those twisty yards?” Just the connections between who he was and now is trying to be... is incredibly interesting to me. 
Everything I’ve said so far mainly applies to Pathologic 2, mostly because he’s in that one more and has more of an arc there, but I also love him so, so much in Pathologic 1! Maybe not everything, but I love how fucking weird he is. And I love his facial expressions! He looks like he’s in on a secret, or like he knows something about you that you yourself don’t know... And, just, he’s just SUCH a kid in P1. And I love his voice lines sooo much, like how unfazed he seems by weird shit, like the line like “Someone's leaned against my window at night. Ooh, spooky!” is SO fun to listen to. He’s just a fun character to talk to in P1!
Like, overall, he’s just such a nice character to think about, and he’s become such a big comfort character for me.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I don’t think about him in a romantic relationship often. I think that him and Notkin could be potentially interesting, or him and Khan, due to the whole sort of triad thing they have, and how that could factor in a relationship, but it’s a little boring for me to think about him in a romantic relationship otherwise.
My non-romantic OTP for this character (im just interpreting this as other relationships i find interesting)
Murky. You all know it’s Murky first and foremost. I love, love, LOVE sibling relationships, especially their’s. I love the dynamic they have, they both love and care for Artemiy, and are connected through him, but have incredibly different opinions on Isidor, both of which are just... so interesting! Like, I love that they both come together, are both connected by showing the different sides of the same coin, of Sticky seeing Isidor as a mentor, as an incredibly good, helpful person, but of Murky knowing what Isidor has done and how much his own actions have hurt people, that he’s not always the best man you, or Artemiy, think he was. And even beyond that, even beyond just that tiny piece of their relationship, I LOVE them. I love thinking about how they might get along, how their personalities might clash (because wow they would!), but overall they’re both just... siblings who have suffered, who both would probably do anything to help one another. I love thinking of how much they must care for one another... Murky saying, “I don’t hate having a brother at all,” literally made me sobbbbb the first time I read it. I love sibling relationships, I love that they’re both explicitly siblings, I love that the writers didn’t keep it vague at all which I feel like must happen, or else I wouldn’t feel so strongly about this. I just love them. I love them. 
Artemiy, of course, is another relationship I find incredibly interesting. I feel like I focused on a lot of it here already, so I won’t have as much to say, but I love how much Sticky cares about Artemiy, and maybe Artemiy doesn’t deserve that, but... It’s really sweet. And... I don’t know. I feel like Artemiy is someone that Sticky needs. Not the Artemiy that yells at Sticky, of course, but more of the Artemiy in those last few days, someone who is more of a friend to Sticky. Of course Sticky would need a father figure, and Artemiy isn’t really the greatest person for that, but I also think that Sticky... wouldn’t want him to be strictly a father figure. I feel like if Sticky had been adopted by a parental figure that was just... overtly caring, or something of the sort, he wouldn’t be comfortable with it. I think he would feel a little too old, a little too able to take care of himself to handle having someone else take too much care for him. And... I don’t know. I just feel like Artemiy could be a good match for him. Plus, Sticky already cares and trusts him a lot, and wants to learn from him... I just really enjoy thinking about their dynamic. It just can be really sweet. 
The rest of the Termites! I just will be brief with this one, but I love every sort of interaction he could have with the rest of them: 
With Notkin and Khan, the sort of triad thing I spoke about before, what their friendship could possibly be like. I typically think of it more in a silly way, like Notkin and Khan are arguing, while Sticky is just like, “You’re both wrong and dumb.” Like he would just be an intermediary between them, which I think is really interesting? Sucks that he finds them annoying, though. 
With Grace, I find their dynamic interesting. Niru pointed out how they’re both self-sacrificing (well, Grace more-so), which... I don’t know. They have interesting parallels in regards to that. I feel like it would be such a... soft friendship, and like there’s many ways they would get along, many things they have in common. Plus, I’m just thinking of playing Sticky in MOTW with him yelling SO much at Grace for her putting herself on the line, and trying to care of her as much as possible or like whenever Grace stayed over (outside of the game), Sticky would play games for her, and I don’t know... I just see their friendship as being maybe not exactly super established or deep, but they care for one another a lot. It just would be very soft which is nice to think about. 
With Capella, I have less thoughts in regards to them. I feel like they would have a respectful relationship towards one another. Maybe they get together and complain about Notkin or Khan or something, but other than that I see it more as a friendship built on mutual respect towards one another, and I can’t quite see them hanging out as much. Still, a very interesting dynamic to think about.
And finally with Taya, I love the idea of Sticky telling Taya stories! I don’t think it would come up in P2, as the changes in Sticky’s character may take that out, but it’s so cute! I love, love, love it!!! I love thinking of what kind of stories, and it’s just... it’s a nice dynamic, and I feel like it fleshes out both of their characters in a nice way. 
Before I move on, I have to say. Read Niru’s fic on Sticky’s relationship with the other Termites please it’s so good!!! 
Outside of the Termites, I have to say I find the parallels between him and Clara interesting. Both are thieves, and I just realized both of them are healers in a sense, who just want to help. I don’t have quite many thoughts on it, but I think the parallels between them could be so interesting to explore. 
And, finally, Shrew!!! I love Shrew so much, her dynamic with Sticky is so interesting. I love how while she’s trying to let Daniil pass on, she also seems hopeless and scared, and she’s so frustrated with Sticky for not allowing her to help. And I just find the fact that despite all we ever see of Sticky and Shrew is them arguing, and disagreeing heavily on what the situation needs, Sticky still says they’re quite good friends... It’s interesting to think of what their friendship could be like. In MOTW, I had Sticky and Shrew be childhood friends who have grown apart in all of these years, but still care about each other, but not really relating like they once did... I just feel like they have the vibes. I love thinking about them.
My unpopular opinion about this character
Hmm... I don’t think Sticky really, truly cares about Daniil in Marble Nest. I can only see him caring about Daniil being because Daniil is a doctor, someone who can help him help people. Well, I mean, of course he cares about him, but not quite like as much as other people seem to think. I also don’t like people only focusing on Sticky only in relation to Daniil or Artemiy. I want to see more people think about Sticky as his own character, rather than a character that cares about their favorite. However, I tend to stay away from most Sticky content I think, so who knows what the popular opinion on Sticky is.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Oh, like I said, I hope that there’s more on his dynamic with Clara in her route! I think it would be so interesting and fun!! I also wish you could talk to him a bit more, like on day 10 or 11 in Artemiy’s route. Also, of course, I wish you could hug him in P2. I don’t know, I’m more just excited to possibly see him in the other routes, interacting with other characters!
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carnation-damnation · 5 years
Oh Shit Oh Fuck Here We Go
A man with shoulder-length hair rested a single pale hand on one of the arms of a cross, dug firmly into the ground, a crudely-carved phrase etched into it.
“Despicable creatures, aren't they- Human beings, that is..
I hate them. I hate what they've done. I hate how...quick, they are to judge you. 
I hate that....
That I was one of them, you know?”
“Would you please stop having dreams in my head?!” A particularly miffed blonde said to his floating companion. “Wh- Oh.”
He'd sure done it this time, hadn't he?
Three nights in a row, similar speech. It was something that you'd expect a centuries-old spirit could stop internalising after a while.
“Like..Jesus...You always have these- these fucked up dreams and then when I ask what's going on with you, you keep your eyes hidden and go 'Oh it's all cool Raimondo!!! I'm just having one of those days!' Would really like an explanation one of these days, Renaicus.” Said spirit wasn't really listening to his tirade, and he was turned away while the grumbling boy was putting on a shirt that was on the floor of his bedroom. Ew. Needs a laundry day...
“Yeah, uh, okay. Sure.”
Soft, yet impatient knocking rapped the door of the blonde's room which made both of the boys turn towards it. The door opened (Why did you knock in the first place...) and Raimondo's freckled, toe-headed sister poked her pretty little head in. “Good lord- You aren’t even dressed yet? I'm not missing the bus again for you, ya know.” The girl left with a slam. She’s not a morning person.
Raimondo, not the type to appreciate being rushed without having a say or ability to give an explanation, only swore to himself while gathering a brush through his long locks about as fast as humanly possible. He didn't even bother zipping up his letterman's jacket as he grabbed his bag and stomped out the door of his bedroom.
Renaicus scoffed to himself. “Jeez..Think the kid could stand to chill out a little.”
The sound of the old, smelly, and garishly-yellow bus pricked Raimondo's ears as soon as he walked out the door, and he couldn't help but let a smile creak through his stoic resting face when his best friend turned around to greet him. “Renae wasn't sure if you were going to ever get up this morning. Said something about a zombie locked in your room, hee hee.” The smile faded and said best friend got a not-so-pleasant noogie.
“Fuck!! Jesus, I'm sorry, man! Her words, not mine!” Raimondo snorted as he dropped the white-haired teen that he held in a headlock. “Did I really deserve a brain blend? Did I really?” The shorter boy undid his now-ruined ponytail, combing it out with his fingers to put it back up.
“How goes it, man? Yer mom doin' okay?” Garret could tell Rai had a tinge of concern in his normally-monotone voice. Enough to make Renae turn around to listen to what the other two were talking about, anyway. “Uh-..Yeah. She's just a bit shaken up, yaknow? It's not everyday you're witness to some... violent assault...” His voice trailed off. “Do they know who attacked them??” Renae's interest was peaked, now. “Nah.. She said that as soon as the dude caught wind he was being watched, he raced off back through the street. The only visual description Ma could get were that he was 'really really tall', and lanky. Like some sorta monster. She estimated wayyyy over six feet.”
“...Sooo, Mothman took a bite into someone's shoulder for his juices?” Garret, vastly uninterested in Raimondo's humour and deathly afraid of bugs, shot him an ugly glare. “Well-- I'm glad she's at least okay.” It wasn't like Raimondo to make light of such a weird and freaky situation, but it was just...One of those things. Inexplicable things that you'd never expect the average person to see. Some freak starts cannibalising another dude in the streets at night and suddenly the whole town gets to talking. He had to make it less freaky somehow. The trio knew it'd only be a matter of time before the town really got suspicious.
That's what they were worried about, at least.
The bus that Raimondo had heard a few blocks away thankfully pulled to the stop sign that the three were standing at, and they all climbed up. Renae shot a friendly wave to the driver as usual, in which the middle-aged woman gave her a warm smile before Renae went to sit. Raimondo didn't waste time-- He trotted to the farthest empty seat and sat at the window, dropping his bag next to him as the universal sign that glaringly says “don't sit next to me”. Garret just plopped into the nearest seat that looked okay. It just so happened to be across from Raimondo.
The cold touch of a ghost's dead hands against the back of Raimondo's neck made him swear loudly. “Fuck! Oh, come on man!” Little airy chuckles rose out of the poofy-haired spirit that followed him around. He took a “seat” on the top of the bus seat, sitting criss-cross-applesauce with his hands rested on his thighs and his face in those hands.
“Mornin'. Forgot to tell ya that.”
“Not talkin' to you.”
“Awe, come on. You talk to me alllllll the time~”
“Not today.”
“Absolutely not today?”
“Sometimes, I wish you'd just mysteriously disappear or vanish into a puff of black smoke, but you know.”
“So...you're not talking?”
“You're talking right now, Rai. Monologues, actually. Should try out for the Spring play.” “...Fuck you-”
Renaicus let out another chuckle and took his leave through the ceiling of the bus that had finally begun to move. The screech of the mechanics only worsened Raimondo's frustration and he went into his pockets for his earbuds and music player. Stuffing the buds in his ears and the cord into the headphone jack, the blonde finally leaned back and shut his eyes.
“..That I was one of them, you know?”
Renaicus scratched at one of his arms with his nails. He had a gross feeling in his throat. “..It wasn't like that.”
He couldn't help but say that aloud. Whether it was a reminder for himself or someone else, he had a familiar sense of anxiety that had its hold on his neck. Raimondo was right. He was being ridiculous. Renaicus's been stuck with the kid for the last decade and a half, the least he could do is give at least some sort of explanation for his night terrors.
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