#sorry this premise is so funny to me
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this happened. cannot tell me otherwise.
(text under cut)
'our masters are fucking again, aren't they.'
'yeah. can i sleep over so i dont have to hear them?'
'sure come on in, master vos won't be back for a while.'
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twiyke · 1 year
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silly au where hunter can also see the other golden guards but all they do is annoy him
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delightfuldevin · 10 months
Been seein some rather cold takes about Daisy lately…
I’ve seen some people say that she has no personality outside of fanon, but that’s just not true. There is a very very common misconception among the fandom (at least that I’ve noticed) that if a character doesn’t appear in a “mainline” game, then they have no personality. But I’d argue that the spinoffs actually offer waaaaay more in terms of looking into character personalities. And no, I’m not talking about the RPGs ala M&L and Paper Mario as those are obviously full of personality (and Daisy isn’t in those). I’m talking about the Party, Kart, Tennis, and other sports games.
Yes, Daisy hasn’t appeared in any mainline game since her debut, but she’s been in nearly every sports game and her traits, stats, abilities, victory/loss animations, and various other tiny details add up to her personality. The fact that she’s nearly always yelling or just speaking really loud in general (noticeably more than any other character), the fact that she constantly feels a need to say her name and make herself known, how she loves flowers and considers even a small patch of flowers worth protecting, how she’s easily bored by tasks that don’t excite her and isn’t so reliable for them. She tends to jump around a lot, and spin and dance around when she’s excited! She’s apparently a rather fast runner and that is considered her specialty! These are all traits that are displayed in the spinoffs, and there’s probably soooo many more that I just can’t remember right now.
Now, I do think her tomboyish nature is probably fanon, as I don’t really remember seeing anything to show that she acts that way in the games. I think people probably think she’s tomboyish due to how loud and energetic she is. But hey, there’s plenty of fanon for just about any character from any fandom out there. And what’s so wrong with that? Isn’t the whole point of making fanworks to expand on the framework already provided by canon? If we want to stick to what’s actually “canon” then nearly everything the fandom has created would have to be tossed, because there really isn’t much to work with. Fanworks and fandoms thrive on what fans can create based on the canon work, not just sticking to it perfectly.
It’s fine if you think the “fanon” Daisy outshines the “canon” Daisy and you dislike that. But to say that she has no personality aside from fanon interpretations just tells me that you have a very narrow idea of what counts as “canon” in an already rather simplistic world. The Mario games are very simple and straightforward without much consistent lore that actually makes sense cohesively, but the characters are what keep everything tied together despite that. The characters are nearly always consistent, and that includes Daisy. Even when the setting is completely different and some random new villain shows up with some random new power source to steal or species to torment, our same well-known lovable characters will be the center of the story and that’s what makes it fun!
#devin speaks#super mario bros#princess daisy#i mightve gotten a bit too personal with my views of canon vs fanon but i still think it needs to be said#people who argue over what is considered canon in a video game series are so funny to me#especially a series like mario that has expanded soooo far from its original premise#its different than a show or movie since most shows will finish their main story before delving into spinoffs#most of the mainline games are literally just bowser kidnapped the princess and mario has to save her#very few of them offer any insight to personality of anyone#that isn’t to say theres none at all but i still think the party kart and sports games offer waaay more#of course everyone is entitled to their own opinions and if you dislike daisy or think shes boring then whatever you do you#i am simply sharing my opinion as well :)#sorry time to be salty real quick#literally the entirety of waluigis personality comes from the spin offs but no one talks about him???#he is literally in the same boat as daisy but i never see anyone saying they dislike him for his ‘fanon personality’#really makes you think#people rag on peach for ‘having no personality’ too but hers shines through the spinoffs as well#and even the rpgs!! shes actually in those and has multiple voicelines and cutscenes and people *still* say she has no personality!#i know this is about daisy but gosh mario ladies in general are treated rather poorly unless theyre eye candy#im glad rosie debuted in a mainline game with a clearly given backstory spoon fed to the player so she doesnt get this treatment lol
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holydramon · 15 days
person who voted that I’d like the beginning more than the tri movies: I feel like you should know I am one of the biggest tri lovers there is. that was the least safe bet there. that said I admire your guts.
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fearandhatred · 4 months
reading through my very old unpublished stony wips for the first time in years and oh my god. WHY WOULD I WRITE THIS
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pantestudines · 9 months
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Imagining two Followers Of The Apocalypse guards way-too intensely arguing the question "Are The Brotherhood of Steel Problematic?" Saying shit like
Scrawny Guard with a Laser Rifle and Vault Suit: "Well I don't know, they fight the NCR's expansionist tendencies and they DO kind of have a point with the whole "advanced technology is dangerous" thing. I can't imagine they're all bad.."
Guard Trying Way Too Hard to Make Herself Look Like a Cowboy: "you mean the Brotherhood? The Brotherhood of Steel? The one that shoots ghouls on sight? That Brotherhood?"
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can we have more little guys who have wanted posters of them from being on the run from the us goverment
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deadlysoupy · 2 months
okay okay i will reserve judgement for tf one until it actually comes out, the mcu humour scares me but its not the first time and its not the last we'll see of it, so i'll live, BUT
i hate that bee is voiced by this gruff edgy man while the dialogue feels very childish. i think the va will only pull him down from his potential, but whatever. i am not calling him badassatron. you will not make me.
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remythologise · 7 months
zero and yuki is a deep cut, people suffered
not to be anti-feminist on main but looking back Yuki was annoying as hell and Zero deserved better. having said that #grateful to know I had good enough taste to ship Zero/Yuki even if I had bad enough taste to engage with that series at all
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ohcitron · 2 years
i think one of the funniest things to experience while reading bl or yuri is when like yes, the actions the characters are going through are like something that gay people go through sometimes, but its like portrayed in a way that is so divorced from how a queer person might describe their own experience with those actions that i just find it so extremely hilarious
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arsenicpanda · 9 months
There are two types of series where kids have to fight shit:
Type 1: It is a travesty that these kids have been forced into being child soldiers. Adults have failed them—society has failed them—and the system must be torn down so no child is ever called to fight again
Type 2: Look, sometimes children gotta punch shit, idk what to tell you, it's fun and cool, so don't think about it too hard. They probably shouldn't, like, have to kill a bunch of people or do Black Ops shit before sixteen or eighteen though, that's kinda fucked
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nientedal · 2 years
Fic authors self-rec! ✨ When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers (if you would like to)!
adsl;fjadf you sent this forever ago WHOOPS
this is actually weirdly hard? I'm proud of all the stuff I've written, for different reasons. but my FAVORITES. oh man. okay, in no particular order....
Swansong. I poured my soul into this thing in ways that have nothing to do with the obvious subject matter, which is hilarious!
Port of my Call. I was not expecting to write fic for The fucking Punisher, but I wrote this one out of SPITE, and I'm actually quite pleased with how the character voices turned out.
Monotremata. No idea why this one is in my top 5 (and while this list is in no particular order, it shares its position with long as the day in the summertime). Maybe because there are a lot of feelings, plus cuddles, plus care, plus communication? Also I think this is the first one in which I have Roxanne or Minion express love towards the other verbally, but don't quote me on that.
Wake Your Sleepy Soul. I want to say this was the first soulmate AU I wrote. I was not expecting to enjoy writing soulmate stuff AT ALL, let alone as much as I did with this one!
With Every Heartbeat I Have Left. It was very nearly Mischief, and then very nearly Into White, but I think Heartbeat has to be the last one I include in my top 5, if it has to be just 5. I wrote Mischief in 38 days at a dead run (it is a MIRACLE I didn't kill my wrists all over again), with only one scene even slightly pre-written (I stole a bit from the draft that eventually turned into The Job that's in Front of You), and I'm really proud of that......and Into White started out as fuckin TAGS here on TUMBLR and it became probably the softest thing I've ever written, and I love that. But Heartbeat, man. Heartbeat carried me through a nervous breakdown and a shattered hand, and it is both soft as hell and desperately angsty, and I'm really happy with how it turned out.
A lot of what I write turns into like.....two-act fics? Idk, but I think the stories hit a point where you're like, okay, surely it ends here! But nope, there's a whole extra fic tacked onto the end, because (1) I can't leave well enough alone and (2) I'm not trying to get published. I went around and around and around with Heartbeat, trying to decide if I should cut it at Chapter 13. And I dunno, maybe the story would be stronger if I did. But it wouldn't be as complete for the characters, and it wouldn't leave ME alone, and if I made it be a separate sequel fic, I would never actually finish it. So. Shrug emoji, you get long-ass fics that maybe should stop while they're ahead.
Not sure why I'm detailing all that in response to this ask, but whatever, it's half one in the morning and I'm loopy af <3
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maskspurpose · 1 year
what other two fics? just curious, you don't have to answer ofc
LOL no worries um the first one started out as 2nd year watarei but is currently kind of spiralling in terms of scale and may just end up as a general 2nd year-centric fic. kind of encompassing some of my rship headcanons for them and some wataru gender stuff (which is why its been growing in scale because i realized the conclusion im leading towards in terms of gender stuff may be kind of ummmm depressing depending on your own perspective).
the other one is post-canon watayuzu! specifically like one year in the future when tori is the only fine member left at yumenosaki and maybe a bit about the way that might shake of fine dynamics (clearly, since its watayuzu...)
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worldofgoo · 1 year
okay so im not crazy for assuming inside j*b was a kids cartoon. besides the style and fanbase overlap apparently a bunch of the executive producers are from grvity falls
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warmpants · 2 years
I really liked this ep 😭 the first two felt a little weird to me because it felt like things were moving really fast n that (in some places) they were trying really hard to get this season’s key plotlines into place in a way that felt somewhat abrupt to me but they’ve gotten into the groove now… also congratulations to nandor on his transgenderism. and bisexualism
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futilecombat · 1 year
I need to go toschool so bad its unreal but broaching the topic with anyone who can help me facilitate that is a torture like no other
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