#sorry this took so long to answer anon 🖤
sleepanonymous · 11 months
twitter going nasty about vessel's chin broke me a little bc my chin does the exact same thing and i've been thinking about how we have that little quirk of skin texture in common since i realized that on him. i've always hated it... until i saw it on him, the only part of his face that is visible. it's extra heartbreaking to me that even when you try to distance your human image from yourself, some people will come and pick it apart. vessel will never see those comments. but my face does the same thing and i did.
Hi, Anon 🥺 I'm sorry you had to experience that. I struggle a lot with body positivity, too, so just hearing about the Twitter bashing set me off. It sent me right back to earlier this year when several fans were finding pictures of Vessel unmasked and they had the audacity to be disappointed because he didn't turn out to be some extra sexy supermodel.
I really hope you're right and that Vessel will never see those comments, but they shouldn't exist in the first place. You and countless other people with a similar insecurity see comments like that and it's very damaging. I'm also aware it's not just the Sleep Token fandom and it's a massive issue literally everywhere, like people log into their social media profiles and suddenly they forget any and all manners and etiquette they've ever learned in their life 😡😡😡
Anyway, I'm gonna stop before I begin ranting. If you or anyone else needs to hear this: bodies are weird, and weird does not equal ugly. You're beautiful just the way you are, and don't let someone's random subjective views, photoshop, or filters tell you otherwise.
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hammerbacks · 3 months
How do you come up with ocs? Do you have a process, get inspired by a certain trope, etc? - 🖤
i think it just tends to happen as i'm watching a show/film and getting really into it!
it's weird because it can hit me as i'm watching one thing and not another, as i've got ocs for the mentalist and james bond, but not ncis or criminal minds and i really love those shows? i can't actually remember how erin and kate first appeared there in my head, although that's probably because they've been there for such a long time now that i wouldn't remember that in the first place...
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pessimisticprincess · 2 years
I check on you every day and I wish the absolute best for you. Please keep your head up pretty girl, better things are coming ❤️
okay this makes me want to cry a lil thank you so much for checking on me and sending this and being so kind 😭🖤
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kassiekole22 · 1 year
Can you do a Syzoth/Reptile x reader, about him telling the reader about things they should know about him & his reptilian form before they date each other? Thank you!!!
Are You Sure?
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Picture lightly edited by me.
Description: It takes all the courage in the world to tell Syzoth how you really feel about him. But Syzoth isn't so sure that you can handle a Zaterran as a lover. So he decides to tell you everything you need to know, before taking your relationship to the next level... Warnings: Fluff, Pining, A Small Bit Of NSFW. (For brief mention of breeding.) Word Count: 1.4k A/N: I am sooooo sorry this took so long for me to finish! I've been dealing with some health issues and other personal struggles recently so I've been having a hard time getting things done quickly. But I'm getting better so hopefully that will change soon. I want any other anons to know that I still fully intend on finishing your requests and to other readers, please don't let this discourage you from sending any requests. I love hearing all of your ideas! Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this fic. 🖤 MasterList: 🖤 Kassie's Angels: @lorebite, @mornandil, @bihansthot, @katiralovely. (If you want to be added to the taglist, let me know in the comments! 🖤)
I slumped down under a shady tree after practicing fighting for a solid two hours. Lord Liu Kang told me the monks would be harsh, but I never expected training to be just as hard as it was. So I sat — the back of my head hitting the bark of the tree as it fell back onto my shoulders — and I let out a tired sigh. My eyes began to fall shut but then the wrestling of tree branches jerked me right awake as I let out a startled gasp. I looked up to find the source of this sudden commotion only to see Syzoth — in his human form — staring down at me from a high branch with a cheeky smile stretching his lips.
"You scared me!" I laughed as I reached an arm up to swat at his feet, which hung down from the branch he sat on.
After responding with a huff of laughter, Syzoth jumped down beside me. He sat down on the ground so close to where I was that I subconsciously held my breath, now very weary of moving in his presence. But not from fear — because it was the closest I had ever been to Syzoth before. The soft touch of his skin touching mine when our elbows brushed together, being engulfed in a cloud of his natural scent, even being able to hear his breath was enough to get my heart beat racing. To say I liked the man was quite an understatement. In my eyes, he was beautiful; I just wish I knew how to tell him that.
"It's so nice out here," he breathed before letting out a relaxed sigh. "I could sit out here for hours."
"Yeah, me too." I agreed, looking in every direction but his. Of course, I wasn't subtle about it — despite trying to be — and he noticed instantly.
"Are you ok?" He asked as his tone dipped softer with more concern.
I simply nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired."
I finally mustered up the strength to look back at him and make eye contact. But as soon as my eyes met those pale green ones, I could feel my cheeks burn with a sudden heat of desire. The expression that grew on his face was much like his tone moments ago: concerned and worried.
'Shit! He notices!'
"Are you alright, (Y/N)?" He asked while placing a hand gently on my own. The sudden contact did not help my rosy completion and I felt my skin burn even more.
I quickly pulled away and nodded my head, "Yes, yes — I'm fine." I assured him. "I just got too much sun today."
It was a good lie and I just prayed that Syzoth was as gullible as I had hoped. He did not answer me after that and for a good moment, peaceful silence had fallen over us and I was glad.
I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and finally felt myself relax again. Looking up at the sky, I noticed that not a single cloud covered it, allowing the sun to beam down upon us. The birds chirped happily and the butterflies fluttered in the air — watching them helped all of my stresses melt away and bring me to peace. It truly was a perfect day. I let my eyes flutter shut as a cool breeze blew passed us, and then I felt completely comfortable in my surroundings.
That was until Syzoth's voice broke the long-lasting silence...
"(Y/N)," His voice came out serious as he spoke. His sudden change in tone instantly caught my attention and I turned to face the man. "I have a question that I must ask—"
"Ok — what is it?"
"Do... Do you have feelings for me?" He asked hesitantly and almost... Shyly?
I froze as soon as the words came out of his mouth and I instantly felt my cheeks burn with intense embarrassment. The shock I felt was overwhelming and I had absolutely no idea how to respond. I just sat there, thinking deeply about a million things at once.
'Does he know? Am I really that obvious? There's no way! I mean, I've done so well to hide it!... Haven't I?
As humiliating as it was, I knew I couldn't keep the truth from him for any longer. So after heaving a deep sigh to gain just a little more confidence, I spoke my confession: "Yes, Syzoth — I do have feelings for you."
He stared at me with a blank and not so surprised expression for a moment. I felt as if I was under a burning spotlight while under his gaze. Finally — after a moment that felt like a lifetime — he let out a soft sigh. It didn't seem necessarily stressed or disappointed in anyway — it was just a normal huff of air.
"Are you sure? Because — as you know — I'm no ordinary individual. I'm not human like yo—"
"I don't care, Syzoth!" I cut him off as I raised my voice slightly. I didn't mean to come off aggressive in any way — I was just eager to tell him how I felt. I exhaled slowly and lowered my voice to a more calm pitch. "I like you for you; that stuff doesn't matter."
He looked at me for a moment, almost like he was reading over my words in his mind. Something told me by his expression that he did not believe me and would need further convincing. And unfortunately, I was right.
"No, (Y/N). You do not understand." He heaved a deep breath and shifted so he was facing me more before continuing, "There is still a lot about me that you do not know. Things you are not prepared for—"
"Well... Prepare me!" I basically demanded with an enthusiastic smile and he raised a brow at me for a moment. He seemed almost hesitant to let me into his world but eventually he did nod in agreement.
"Ok... For instance, our diet mainly consists of raw flesh of animals and humans. We can eat cooked foods but we don't prefer it." He paused for a moment to check my facial expression before continuing, "We shed our skin once a year. It's a very long and uncomfortable process and I will become very irritable at that time. I like warmth and do not do well in the cold — I can't handle it, in fact. I also have to keep my skin hydrated and... There's also mating season... Um..."
His eyes averted away from mine as he shifted uncomfortably on the ground while letting out a cough. I blushed at the thought of this "mating season" he mentioned, but tried my hardest to keep my composure for his and my sake.
"I may appear human sometimes, but do know that my reptilian nature still lingers within. Are you sure you want to engage in a romantic relationship with someone like myself?"
I smiled warmly at the man sitting before me and took his big hands in my own, massaging the backs of them with my thumbs to sooth him. It was obvious he was nervous and I didn't want him to be — he deserved to be comfortable with someone for once in his life and I was going to make sure that I was that person.
"Like I said before: I like you for you. And I would be more than happy to engage in a romantic relationship with you — that is, of course, if you want to engage in one with me?"
I gazed up at him through my lashes with hope blossoming in my heart for the first time that day. I felt his hands grow sweaty in my own and the look of concern on his face remained, causing a little bit of that hope to die off.
But then his worried expression melted away with a fond smile as his cheeks turned a faint tint of pink. He leaned forward and gently pressed his lips against mine — not necessarily molding them into a kiss, but just holding them there. So I decided to take charge of the situation and pressed mine into his in the way a kiss would be formed. And happily, he kissed back.
I knew that loving a Zaterran would be a challenge, but I wouldn't have it any other way. My heart longed for him and now that I had him, that's all that mattered to me. I had finally found the one for me and I knew I'd be happy as long as he was at my side — this I was sure of.
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sugarcoatedstarkey · 1 year
Tear stained pillow case p2
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Pairings- Drew Starkey x Fem!reader
Summary- It doesn’t take Drew long to realise he messed up.
Warnings- language
A/n- thank you to the anons who sent in what they wanted to see happen, apologies I couldn’t give you all what you wanted! There will be another part after this which will be longer 🖤 sorry this one is a bit short.
Part 1
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Drew was struggling, he found it hard to get out of bed most mornings. He wasn’t putting his all into filming, the creators of outer banks had pulled him aside multiple times to try to figure out what was going on with him.
By the end of the month, everyone on set knew he was going through a break up. The boys tried to cheer him up, took him out to parties, and took him to theme parks. Took him anywhere that might get his mind off of you.
But nothing was working, he kept slipping further and further into himself. He knew he has messed up, the moment his lips touched Odessa he knew he fucked up.
He knew he had to suffer the consequences, he couldn’t expect to kiss a cast mate, then go back home and play happy couples, not when you were at home tearing yourself apart from all the hate online.
He was pulled from his thoughts, Austin standing in front of him with a cup of coffee. He hands the cup to Drew who gives him a sad excuse for a smile.
“You need to reach out to her man” Austin states, taking a seat next to his friend. Nobody was game enough to bring you up around him, but Austin was worried about Drew.
“She won’t answer my calls or texts”
“well, let’s go to her then. Go to her mums house and beg her to listen to you”
Drew shook his head, he couldn’t do that to you. He knew you’d hate it if he just showed up, especially when your sister was unwell and resting at home.
“Okay then, let Maddison invite her to dinner with the girls. We can get her alone and you can talk to her”.
Drew wasn’t sure if that was a good idea, it was still showing up unannounced. Something you hated deeply, but it might be the only way for you to listen to him.
He needed to express how sorry he was, beg for you to forgive him. Beg for you back, promise he will work on himself and be a better boyfriend.
He couldn’t throw away 4 years of memories with you, you are the love of his life. You are the one he pictures beside him at red carpets, eating breakfast in the morning, having kids with.
“Okay, let’s do that”
You weren’t going to meet up with the girls, they worked with Drew and you didn’t want to get between that, you considered them dear friends but you just wanted to cut everything out from your life that was associated with or reminded you of Drew.
Yes it was harsh but how was you expected to move on when you surround yourself with everything that reminded you of him. But you couldn’t, you couldn’t even cut Drew from your life. Sure, his texts went answered and your phone was on silent most of the time.
You spent every waking moment thinking about him, looking him up online, checking if he was okay from his parents. It was unhealthy.
So that tiny voice in your head that told you it was a bad idea got pushed further into the back, you found yourself getting ready and hoping they would bring him up in discussion.
It was you, Maddison, Mariah and Carlacia. Madelyn was busy filming at the moment, you all had a glass of wine and was waiting on the food to be brought out.
No conversation of Drew which hadn’t bothered you, no one had brought up the break up. But they had given you individual hugs that were like they were saying I’m sorry about the news.
Conversation was flowing and it was turning out to be a really good night, it felt good getting out of the house. Good having a conversation that didn’t consist of your sick sister, the breakup and work.
It was fun hearing about their projects and how filming of season 3 had been going, you had to bite your tongue a few times to stop yourself asking how Drew was.
You froze at the sound of Drew’s voice, you could tell it apart from anyone. Your eyes widened, meeting the gaze of Maddison in front of you. She gives you an apologetic smile, your body stiffens when his fingers brush over the tattoo on your shoulder.
“Please look at me”
You close your eyes briefly and pull yourself to stand, you couldn’t ignore him. There was an ache in your belly, you needed to see his face. “Hi drew”
“Hey” he breathes a sigh of relief. Tears build in his eyes when you finally turn around, the wind gets knocked out of him when you give him a soft smile. He wants to grab you by the jaw and kiss you, express his undying love to you.
“How are you?” He asks, he can’t help himself and pulls you into a hug. Your body melts under him, wrapping your arms around his waist.
Your breathing in his scent, memories flooding your head. You can hear the thud of his heart against your ear, his arms feel like they are shaking.
“I’m… okay, you?”
“Been better”
Silence falls over the two of you, your eyes searching his. “What are you doing here?”
As he opens his mouth to speak, a group of girls come barging over. “Omg Drew”
“Hi girls, I’m just busy at the moment”
“Just one photo please?”
“Not right now”
Their eyes go to you, silently begging for you to tell him to take the photo. A sickness washes over you, if you didn’t do what they wanted, they would spread more hate on the internet.
“It’s fine, I was just leaving. Take the photo” you give them a polite smile.
“No no, I need to speak to you”
“Another time, girls”
They don’t give him time to speak again and they flutter around him. Shoving their phone into his face, you take this opportunity to grab your bag and jacket.
“I’m sorry…I have to go”.
You're rushing out of the restaurant before anyone can stop you, your shoes hitting the pavement faster than you thought was possible. The rain splashing up against your calves.
Reaching your car you fumble with your keys, his hand grasps yours. A sob escapes your lips as the rain falls around you both, you can feel his body against your back. “Please don’t leave”.
“I don’t know if I can talk to you Drew”
“Please… I need to apologise, I need to fight for us”
You turn and face him, water runs down your face. Your hair clinging to the sides of your face and neck. He can’t help himself and he grabs your cheek, staring down at you as he sorts out all the words flying around his head.
“I’m sorry okay, I shouldn’t have kissed Odessa… fuck I shouldn’t have done a lot of things, I was such a shit boyfriend towards the end”
You can’t find the words to respond, you don’t know if you want to hear this yet. You don’t know if you can forgive him, move on from the events.
“I don’t know Drew”
“Please y/n”
He’s pressing his lips to yours before you can say anything else, you let him slip his tongue inside for a moment before pushing him away roughly.
Rubbing your hands over your face, the rain makes you feel uncomfortable. “You can’t just kiss me Drew!”
“I’m sorry…. Fuck! I’m sorry!”
You shake your head, turning back around to unlock your car. “I have to leave”
“Please don’t.. let’s talk”
“Not right now Drew, give me time”.
He lets you get inside the car, pressing the palm of his hand to the window. You can’t look back at him, you would cave. You’d hop out of the car and kiss him again, you’d forgive him without really overcoming the betrayal you felt.
You're driving away without another word, watching his figure disappear in the rear view mirror. Your body shakes as you sob, tears dripping down your face.
Part 3
🏷️- @vigilanteshitposting @drewstarkeysleftfoot @cameronmedia @pedrisgatorade @teresalesbian @users09 let me know if you’d like to join my Taglist
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emeritusemeritus · 27 days
I have a request for you if it’s all right! May I please request a George Weasley x muggle girlfriend reader where they met while in a muggle park, and have been dating ever since? They have been bf and gf for a couple years now, and have managed to keep it a secret from everyone besides Fred, who is the only one who knows of George’s muggle gf’s existence. Now the Yule Ball is going to happen soon, and there’s no one else in the world that George would rather bring than his sweet girlfriend… Problem being that she’s a muggle and the Yule Ball is at Hogwarts. Him and Fred devise a plan to sneak Y/n into Hogwarts to go to the dance with George, and it’s all going well until Dumbledore catching a very muggle Y/n giggling with her wizard Bf George as they start to dance at the ball.
The couple would be panicked at first, thinking Dumbledore will Obliviate Y/n, but he just raises his eyebrows, winks at the couple, and lets them go on their merry way😂
Hi Anon! Thank you so much for this request, I had a lot of fun writing it and I’m so very sorry it took so long to post. Hope you are well and I did your idea justice 🖤
Cool Yule
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Warnings: None really? Muggle!Reader x George Weasley. Slight angst in parts, troublemaking, we’re ignoring the international statue of secrecy completely. Multiple Disney references, references to soulmates but no actual discussion. Dumbledore is the GOAT. Probably spelling and grammar errors but I’m way too lazy to check again.
Word count: 3.1k (I got carried away, I blame the long hair)
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Your boyfriend was a wizard.
An actual, honest to god, spell casting wizard with a magic wand, who attended a school for other magic users.
That was a sentence you'd never been able to say out loud since meeting George Weasley all those years ago, a secret you could never divulge to anyone and probably never could. You'd fallen for the sweet, ginger boy in the handmade knitted jumper all those years ago at the park that you'd accidentally barrelled into, dizzy from the swings and the laughter. He'd been kind, thoughtful and unbelievably gorgeous, three qualities of his that had only grown and developed with time.
His world was different to yours, a little behind and archaic in it's methods overall but it seemed quaint and sweet. He didn't have any understanding of technology and the only way to communicate was via letters that often arrived via an unreliable owl, a novelty that never wore off even after years of correspondence. You'd meet at the park nearly everyday during the summer when he was home from his boarding school, with your relationship quickly developing into a love story even the cheesiest Rom-coms couldn't portray accurately.
The downside, was that your relationship had to remain a secret. He didn't care that you were a 'muggle', his world's word for a non-magic person and was certain that his family wouldn't be displeased by it but admitting your relationship on your end would only bring on an account slaughter of questions that you couldn't answer. You weren't technically allowed to know about his magic use but George being the sweet boy he was, couldn't keep a secret from you any longer, feeling as if he was deceiving you somehow.
He also couldn't keep the secret from his twin brother Fred, unable to avoid the knowing looks and incessant questioning he was receiving from his perceptive twin. Fred was the only person in the world that knew about you and George's relationship, but he became a valuable ally who often covered for George to allow you both to meet. You'd never actually met Fred, though you'd heard many, many tales from George about their shenanigans, home life and future plans, it was like you knew him already.
Everything was going brilliantly between you both until his sixth year at the school, when you received the first letter from him since he went back to school.
He'd excitedly told you all about the Tri-Wizard competition and the two other magic schools that had joined together in the championship to compete. He'd told you of how he was frustratingly below the age restriction but that he and Fred were devising a plan to sidestep around the rules, as per usual, to put their names in for the chance to compete. But then he mentioned the Yule Ball, a great gathering between the three schools on Christmas Day that would be somewhat of a dance. He told you about his younger brother Ron's complete inability to find a date and Fred's ease at scoring one of the 'better' choices in their friend Angelina. He hasn't mentioned a date for himself but had joked about a lad called Neville that would probably end up going alone with a disparaging tone. Was George going to take a date? So not only would you not see him over Christmas break but now you had visions of him dancing the night away with another girl, how festive.
You hadn't replied to his last letter, unable to finish your response whilst your stomach knotted about the discovery of the ball. You couldn't get past the idea of George taking someone as his date, someone more like him, that fit in his world- someone that was everything that you weren't. It was inevitable really, your relationship breaking down due to the overwhelming differences between your worlds.
When Errol came banging into your window early on the following Saturday morning, giving you an almighty fright, you knew that it could only be a follow up letter from George. You opened your bedroom window and reached out for the heap of feathers that had unceremoniously slid down your window and collapsed into an owl-shaped puddle on your windowsill. You gave him a drink of water and allowed him to rest on your window whilst he lazily pecked at the window frame before he fell asleep.
You opened the letter against your better judgment, secretly wishing it away even as you opened the haphazardly sealed envelope. He was checking that you were okay, that he hadn't messed up the dates with your family's holiday and that you'd received his last letter; knowing Errol it was very likely that it might not have reached its destination.
You sighed, rubbing at your eyes and took a seat at your desk to quickly write a reply, ignoring the other ten drafts you'd started.
"Hi George, sounds like a lot of fun, I hope you have a wonderful time, who's your date? No you were right, we're going away over Christmas. Send my love to Fred as always. Talk soon. Love y/n."
Short, sweet and it got the point across. You looked at the writing, specifically the closing of 'love' but it was an unbroken habit that you instinctively had written- you still loved him so it was hardly a lie.
You gave the letter to Errol, scratching his little fluffy head to wake him up and told him to take it to George- with no rush. He huffed, chirped lightly and off he went with an almighty kick off, almost slipping off the ledge.
George's reply came later than night, though it wasn't Errol that arrived this time but rather an immaculately white owl with piercing brown eyes and a black beak that tapped at your window in an almost human like fashion. You accepted the letter and gave the owl a timid stroke, finding her completely beautiful.
"My sweet girl, why would I take anyone to the Ball when you're the only girl I want? Fred and I have been thinking and there might be a way to sneak you in, if you would accept the invitation? It's dangerous but so, so worth it to see your beautiful face. You'll need a dress of course and I've made a bit of money taking bets against the competitors so I can help out a little but I'm not sure how I'd get it to you or how I'd be able to change it to muggle money. I'd do anything to have you here. Please reply and let me know if you'd be my date. I love you and miss you so very much. Fred sends his love too, he's dying to meet you.
All my love, Georgie."
It took you less than five minutes to decide and to fire off a reply via the beautiful snowy owl.
It would be dangerous yes, but to hear how much George wanted you to be there, to hear the honesty in his words had made you realise how intensely you missed him and that it would all be worth it.
Secretive letters began to arrive, with codes and directions you were to follow. You'd told him in no uncertain terms that he was not to part with a single penny of his money, which you'd found out was a 'knut' in wizarding money. You had a little money saved from your birthday and from some extra chores and had managed to find a nice dress on a shopping spree with your best friend that you thought looked nice in George's favourite colour.
The issue would be slipppng away from your family on Christmas. How the hell would you manage that? As it turned out, it was easier than you thought. A big family Christmas with your siblings, step and half siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins galore meant that there were so many people around that you seemed to slip into the background anyway, a lost sheep amongst the herd. Your older brother knew something was up as soon as you arrived at your granny's house on the 22nd of December, ready to start the festivities. You'd packed your dress, along with the letters from George and the money you'd taken from the now broken piggyback from your childhood.
How you found yourself in a cold, damp tunnel at 7pm on Christmas Day, dressed up to the nines in your new dress was bewildering to you. You'd followed George's instructions exactly as they'd been written, trying not to question the often ridiculous requests that seemed so foreign to you and had inevitably ended up in exactly the right place... or so you hoped. After crawling through the dark and dreary tunnel for some time, you had begun to doubt your abilities and George's intentions, at least for a brief moment. Surely this dark tunnel couldn't lead to the marvellous castle George had described time and time again.
You let out a quiet sigh, heart pounding as you saw a brief flicker of light up ahead and began to panic, thinking you'd be caught. But then you listened, your entire body freezing in fear as your senses heightened.
"I told her to come this way, seemed like the best idea at the time," you hear a muffled voice whisper.
"Oh yeah drag your girlfriend through the darkest tunnel there is," the second, similar voice argues.
"Maybe she decided not to come?"
"Don't think like that mate, she'll be here."
George and Fred. It had to be.
You slowly moved forward, putting the fear behind you as you walk towards the light source and the hushed voices.
"George?" You say timidly, approaching the pair.
"Y/n?" He says, lowering his wand that was illuminated at the end.
The smile that shines from his face is enough for you realise that it had all been very much worth it, even traipsing through the dank tunnel for much longer than you'd have liked.
The castle was just as magnificent as George had made out, maybe ever more so, as he and Fred gave you a quick tour of the magical place. It was decorated with elegance and opulence, with an entire grotto's worth of fairy lights and garlands, though you were certain you'd seen the lights move more than once but didn't question it. Snow covered Christmas trees created a beautiful path throughout the hallways towards what was called the Great Hall. It was a sight to behold with silver tinsel and wall hangings adorning the walls, hanging from high up beams and some even just floating there as if levitating in mid-air. There was a huge ice sculpture in the corner of the room, filled at the base with refreshments and a selection of opulent desserts.
It was all so unbelievably beautiful, but yet it still didn't compare to George.
He wore a long black robe with a bronze coloured waistcoat with little golden stars all over the material, which complimented his fiery red hair in the most wonderful way. His shirt was white with little stripes and a bow tie that was slightly imperfect, only adding to the charm. Fred was wearing a very similar outfit and as you looked between the two, you couldn't believe your luck that you were here to experience this with your beloved.
Fred was incredible, a real jokester just as you'd imagined him but he was polite and very friendly, as was his date Angelina who you'd been briefly introduced to. George had pointed out more people who's names were familiar to you throughout the night but hadn't introduced you, to keep your little secret safe.
You'd danced and spun for what seemed like hours, the brightest smile beaming across your face as you giggled and laughed the entire time. Fred had taken over and had spun you around like you weighed as much as a feather, before he'd dutifully handed you back to your boyfriend with a cheeky wink. The music had suddenly slowed and a very romantic song came on, something you'd never heard before l, and it was only natural for you and George to move closer. His hands naturally fell to your hips, holding your body closely to his as you encircled your own arms around his shoulders, despite the height difference.
"You look so beautiful," he says in a low voice, looking down at you with a look that completely takes your breath away for a moment.
"You've said that already," you tease, keeping your voice equally as low and sultry, feeling as if you were in your own bubble entirely, barely swaying to the music as you held on to each other.
"I'll tell you as often as I can," he says cheekily, "you take my breath away."
"You look so handsome," you reply, feeling as if you were gushing with adoration for this boy.
His hand slips a little lower on your waist as you move ever closer, your hand slipping down from his high shoulders to clutch at the collar of his robes, both of you still gazing into each other's eyes as he leans down to kiss you.
You can’t verbalise it, or even begin to fathom how exactly it makes you feel, but for a brief moment in time, it feels like you’re surrounded by an invisible yet very permanent thread, like you were being bound together soul to soul. It envelopes you in its mist, entwining you and George together in a way that feels all-consuming. It’s peaceful and exhilarating all at the same time; but before you can even begin to realise what was happening, it all seemed to fade away, leaving you feeling nothing but warmth and love.
Pulling away, George dramatically twirls you around, dress flexed out around your legs, using your hand and you both giggle together. The laughter dies in his throat the second that he sees a figure moving towards him, the light and shimmer in his eyes dying like an extinguished flame.
An old man moves beside the pair of you, adorned in his finest silver robes with a beard longer than you'd ever seen. He looked almost comically like what you'd envisioned a wizard to be, so unlike how George has presented himself all these years; he looked like an archetype of Merlin himself, like Disney's imagining of ‘The sword in the stone’. He carries the air and grace of someone who is significantly important to the people around him, a commanding figure amongst the sea of joyous people. He meanders over to you and George with a knowing, yet ambiguous expression and he stops in his tracks to look over his half moon shaped glasses at you. He can see right through you and you are painfully aware of it. He knows you do not belong here, that you were a muggle amongst wizards, the little ugly duck amongst swans.
You swallow nervously, realising that this might be it for the two of you, that you could be in very real danger now. George’s hold tightens on you, wether out of protection or his own fear and you can’t help but squeeze back, sharing in his fear.
Fred and Angelina stop twirling beside you, two pairs of frozen bodies in the middle of the dance floor. You can feel Fred’s gaze cutting into you, no doubt carrying the same fear as his brother. What would happen now? You’d been caught.
To your utter amazement, the old man doesn’t cause a scene by cursing you out, doesn’t re-enact the scene in Lion King 2 when Simba banishes Kovu but without the singing giraffes and zebras. There’s no anger, no malice in his expression, only a mischievous twinkle in his eyes and a slightly raise of his eyebrow. He looks between the pair of you, as if he’s seeing something that isn’t there, that the two of you cannot see.
His lips upturn into the tightest of smirks and raises a long, somewhat crooked finger to the side of his nose, tapping it twice gently against the curved nose. He winks from his left eye and begins to walk away, almost chuckling under his breath to himself as he saunters over to a woman in vibrant green robes who had begun to notice that something wasn’t right. He whisks her onto the dance floor, ensuring that her back is turned to the two twins and their dates and leads her away through the sea of dancing couples under the pretence of leading the dance.
George audibly let’s out the breath he’d been holding under the scrutiny of the man and let’s go of his right grip on your waist just slightly, still clutching you protectively.
“Who was that?” You ask quietly, loud enough that only George would be able to hear.
“Dumbledore… headmaster,” he replies, though his voice is a little shaky still. He casts a glance to the large clock on the wall above everyone’s head and you see the slight frown pulling between his eyebrows.
“Let’s get out of here,” he says, reaching for your hand and beginning to pull you away from the dance floor, shooting a glance to Fred out of curtesy, silently communicating that he was stepping away. He doesn’t give you time to reply nor question his decision as he leads you by the hand through the crowd and out of the large wooden doors, leading out into the courtyard that is just as beautiful as the hall. He takes you to a nearby, unoccupied bench where you take a seat, adjusting the poof of the dress beneath you as you sit. The air is cold out here but you hardly notice, welcoming the slight chill after your little run in with the headmaster.
“Thank you,” George says quietly, almost absently as he watched you faffing with your dress. You look up at him in confusion, not quite sure as to why he’s thanking you.
“For everything, for trusting me and for coming here tonight,” he adds. “When I sent that first letter, I never considered you’d think I could spend this night with anyone else because there’s no one else for me. Never imagined that you would come, that you’d fit in so brilliantly.”
“It’s you I should be thanking,” you say, looking up to him with the sweetest, most adoring look you could muster. “You’ve introduced me to this whole new world and I’m so thankful I got to spend this night with you. I feel like Cinderella going back to her regular boring life after this.”
“Cinderella?” He asks, completely oblivious.
“I’ll tell you another time,” you smile warmly.
“No rush. We’ve got a whole lifetime.”
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hello hello i’m so glad you’re feeling better!🥹
i have another cute idea!! can i get headcanons of hualian being parents/father figures to child reader who’s just a ball of love? they admire and look up to them both, too! what would hualian be like?
i saw in your request page that you don’t do adult x child, and i genuinely don’t know if this counts. if it does, im so sorry!
once again, im glad you’re feeling better, no one likes to be sick!
☀️ anon
Parental Headcanons
HuaLian with Child!reader
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Sorry if it took a minute, and no this doesn't count😙 because you aren't asking me to ship them with a kid. Just parental Headcanons so you're fine🖤🖤
Takes place after book ends
I don't quite remember but I could've sworn Shi Qingxuan was in the human realm by the end of the book because of cough cough beefleaf
Ignore grammar mistakes
When Xie Lian and Hua Cheng find you they immediately take you in.
Well Xie Lian immediately takes you in
He holds you up like a stray cat and asks "Can we please keep him!?"
Hua Cheng can't say no to Xie Lian so he says yes
Hua Cheng quickly warms up to you as well.
He can't not like you. You're a ball of love and all you want is affection and praise
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng try to look into where or what happened to your parents but find nothing
That's fine they'll take care of you!
You're still a human child though so you definitely have some growing to do
Because of this Hua Cheng has started making food
As much as he loves Xie Lian and would eat his food any day, you cannot
Xie Lian loves his domestic male wife though so it's fine.
They love on you a lot
Xie Lian likes to dress you up in fancy clothes and hairpins
He loves taking care of you, brushing your hair and putting you to bed
Xie Lian has never been able to ignore children especially children who remind him of himself or Hua Cheng
Xie Lian takes you up to the heavens sometimes
You've made friends with Feng Xin, and Mu Qing
Feng Xin tries to teach you how to fight and martial arts but Mu Qing won't have it.
He says you're too little to deal with that yet.
Mu Qing didn't have the best childhood so even if your parent is Hua Cheng he absolutely spoils you
In the human realm you've made friends with Shi Qingxuan
You hang around Shi Qingxuan a lot actually
Xie Lian hasn't seen the man happy in such a long time so whenever you need babysat he leaves you with Shi Qingxuan
For your human life and Shi Qingxuan's human life you two will be very close
Hua Cheng will take you around ghost city sometimes
Also sicks you on He Xuan sometimes.
He Xuan pretends to be absolutely tired of you but he does like you
Carries you around and lets you play around in his waters or with the ghost fishies
The ghosts love you, if not more then their Chengzhu
They've taken a liking to calling you Little Chengzhu
While Xie Lian loves you very much, Hua Cheng absolutely spoils you rotten
He'll give you anything you want, and he continues to do so
Even with anything at your fingertips you remain a ball of love and stay humble so Hua Cheng can't help it
You've gained many friends but you've also gained some enemies
You're the adopted kid of the two most powerful men of course you're going to be a target.
Not that you have to worry. Xie Lian or Hua Cheng are always by your side
Hua Cheng will kill for you and has killed for you
Adopting you has also given them many cute moments
For instance, when you were trying to get Xie Lian's attention once. You had been patting on his legs and tugging softly on his robes
Xie Lian was going to answer you in a moment he really was but he was trying to do something
Immediately pays attention to you when you had called him 'Baba'
Tears up
Is so happy, he picks you up and runs to Hua Cheng.
"Listen San Lang! Tell San Lang what you called me!"
Grins from ear to ear. Xie Lian is so happy with this and even happier when you take up calling Hua Cheng 'Baba' too.
Another cute moment is when you pick up drawing.
You tend to copy your parents and you recently have decided to copy Hua Cheng's artistic practices
You draw them a lot of pictures and they get hung up on the walls of Paradise Manor
They weren't expecting you to have so many of their traits because well- technically you aren't theirs but you've picked up their traits anyways
Like Hua Cheng's bad writing.
Xie Lian immediately puts you in calligraphy lesson with your baba. No way is he going to let that bad writing be a habit
You've taken up Xie Lian's bad cooking.
You like to make "food" with mud, rocks, and twigs.
They find you cute anyways.
You ended up with the best parents
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng love you so much and the plan to be the best parents they can be.
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comet-forgot-you · 2 months
vampire!amber x vampire!reader
maybe a dinner party for two vampire families who are preparing for a peace treaty between themselves, amber and reader hate each other more than anyone else, so they have a fight in a secluded place until it escalates to something bigger. mess, chaos, etc or some similar dynamic, hot bloody
love your posts -🖤anon
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warnings: smut. 18+ pls. biting, vampires, blood, amber gets off on r’s belt buckle, scissoring (?), oral, overstimulation, begging, choking but in a violent way not a kinky way. i think thats all
summary: the request basically
a/n: never written scissoring before crazy but idk yall
do not repost for any reason.
you could hear the voices of your parents just down the hallway. it had been hours since they had began working out a treaty, you and amber seemed to be a reoccurring topic between your families.
it was understandable though, the two of you had formed a sort of rivalry for one another. you werent sure when it had begun, your hatred for one another carrying on for decades. amber was rude towards you, shes been that way for a long time, but it seemed like that anger she held for you dissipated the moment her attention shifted from you to another person. it always confused you, but it made you cocky at times, you always seemed to be the only one that could make amber lose her temper.
you had managed to slip away from the conversation a few minutes ago, the drawn out discussion boring you to no end. the darkness of the hallway consumed you, only a slight difference from the dimly lit room you were previously in.
you could still feel amber’s hateful glare on you, only seeming to increase as you walked the familiar path to your bedroom. “its rude to stare,” you mutter out as you open your door.
“im not staring,” amber scoffs out, following you into your room.
“mhm, whatever you tell yourself, princess.” you peel your jacket off of your shoulders, placing it on the back of your chair.
“dont call me that.” her voice is stern.
“or what?” you ask, sitting on the edge of your bed. she doesnt answer, leaning against your desk. “why’d you follow me? didnt get to stare enough at the table? or did you just miss me?” a cocky smile paints your lips as amber rolls her eyes, crossing her arms.
“you need to get over whatever you have against me, like now. you’re the reason they’re having difficulty finding a steady ground in the treaty.” you scoff, tearing your gaze away from her.
“me?” youre surprised with her accusation. amber had always been the one to stir things up between the two of you, always sending hateful remarks your way. “sorry, i think you’re a little confused. you’re the one that need to let go of whatever it is you have against me.”
amber scoffs, her hands moving to grip the edge of the desk. “really? you always start arguments with me. you’re the one that started all of this.”
“tara.” your eyebrows furrowed at the mention of her old best friend’s name, not knowing what it was she was getting at.
“what about her?” amber rolls her eyes pushing herself off of the desk towards you.
“you seriously dont remember?” shes in front of you now, finger pointed into your chest. “you were the one that took her away from me all that time ago.” you were even more confused now, what the hell is she talking about.
“i don’t know what you’re talking about.” amber rolls her eyes, letting out a strained laugh.
“you’re unbelievable, y/n,” she mumbles, shaking her head. she leans in closer to you, her forehead almost touching your own. “you’re fucking disgusting.” your eyes flicker down to her lips out of habit, and you’re drawn to press your own against them.
“am i? is that why you’re so obsessed with me?” amber pulls back slightly, and in an instant, her hand is wrapped around your throat.
“i fucking hate you,” she almost yells it, her fingers digging into the flesh of your neck. where the fuck did this come from? you grab her wrist tightly, trying your best to pull her away from you.
“what the hell?” your voice is hoarse with how tightly her grip on your neck is. she forces you up, bringing you impossibly closer to her. “let go,” you start to feel lightheaded, you’re certain finger shaped bruises will paint the skin on your neck for a few hours.
“apologize.” you don’t know what it is she wants you to apologize for. you shake your head as best you can.
“i didn’t do anything,” you force out. ambers eyes search your own and a few moments pass before she lets go of your neck, quick you replace her strong grip with her piercing fangs. “fuck!” you try to yell out, but it comes out cracked, almost muted. you can feel her sucking your blood, you can feel it drip down your neck to stain the white button up you wore.
its not long before the aphrodisiacs hit you, a quiet whimper leaving your mouth. “amber, what the hell are you doing?” she doesn’t answer, pulling away from her previous bite to bite you again on the other side of your neck. her fingers try to unbutton your shirt, but she fails, deciding to rip it off of you instead.
heat courses through your body. fuck this was hot. and unexpected, completely unexpected. “i want you,” she whispers in your ear when she finally unlatches herself from your neck. it sends a shiver down your spine. “can i have you?” fuck.
sure you weren’t expecting this, but you’ve always wanted it. you’ve always wanted amber, always craved her touch despite your shared hatred for one another. “yes,” you mumble out. amber grins, licking up all of the blood that pulses out of you.
in a blink of an eye, your back meets your bed and amber is on top of you, her thighs on either side of you. her lips meet yours for the first time, her cold fingers trailing across your cold body until they reach your bra. she doesnt even bother taking it off, pushing her fingers underneath it to tweak your nipples. you let out a moan against her lips before biting down on them, drawing blood from her. you smile softly as she hisses at the sting, your own aphrodisiac laced venom finding its way into her system as her blood coated your lips.
a loud whine leaves her lips as she grinds down against your belt buckle, your venom slowly starting to pulse through her system. your fingers are slow to unbutton her blouse, a stark difference from the way she had removed yours. the second you reach the last button, you’re pushing it off of her shoulder and tossing it to some corner of your room. amber continues grinding down against your belt buckle, chasing an orgasm from it alone.
“really, amber? gonna get off on my belt? you want me to wear it around with your cum all over it? make sure everyone knows im yours?” she lets out a stupid whine, nodding desperately. “such a fucking whore,” you mumble out as if you werent the one that would proudly wear it every day, knowing that everyone around you would be able to smell amber’s arousal on you.
“shut up,” she whimpers out. your fingers tug at amber’s nipples, eliciting a loud moan from the girl. “fuck!” she hisses, her hips gaining speed against your buckle.
“doing so good, princess,” you mumble out, pulling her closer until you’re able to bring a nipple into your mouth. amber whines out at the stimulation. you know shes close, you can feel it, you can smell it. not to mention the noises she makes as her clit hits your buckle just the right way. “gonna cum already?” you know its your venom thats making her all the more sensitive, but teasing her just felt so natural.
“yes,” she stutters out, trying her best to keep her body up right. you smiled, pushing her to sit up fully, her hips still grinding desperately against your belt. you lift her skirt up, the sight of her cunt covered in pretty lace panties nearly has you cumming in your pants.
“look at you, all dressed up. did you come here tonight hoping i’d fuck you?” amber doesn’t react. you tear your eyes away from her pretty cunt to her face, a blush creeping onto her cheeks. “holy fuck, you did, didn’t you?” amber lets her head fall slightly, taking her bottom lip in between her teeth.
“yes,” she mutters out weakly. heat washed over your body and you cant fight the cocky smile that makes its way onto your face.
“what a slut,” you tease, your hands finding her hips under her skirt to guide her against your buckle.
its not long before amber’s orgasm washes over her, a loud moan falling from her lips. she holds herself up on your stomach, the smell of her arousal filling your senses. fuck she smelt so good. you wondered if she tasted as good as she smelt.
you flip the two of you around, amber’s back pressed against your bed and you between her thighs. you tug her skirt down her legs, her lacy underwear following soon after, leaving her cunt exposed to the air of your room. you spit on her pulsing clit, her hips bucking up to meet nothing.
“please, i cant-“
“yes you can. you can take another one amber, cant you?” she hesitates for a moment before nodding. you smile, unbuckling your belt and creating makeshift restraints for amber’s hands. you tug your pants and underwear off, leaving you both exposed. you place one leg over her thigh, bringing her other leg up for a better angle.
“fuck,” she whines out the second your cunt meets her own. your rut against her, your clits rubbing against one another. you cant help your own moans, your room filling with the sounds of both of you. amber’s restrained hands move down to grab onto your free hand pressed against her abdomen. “feels so good,” she mumbles.
your slickness mixes with her own, the filthy sound of your cunts mashing together sent waves of heat throughout your body. you press a kiss to amber’s calf, your pace on her cunt picking up slightly. amber lets out a loud moan when your fangs sink into her calf, dribbles of blood escaping your mouth. more of your venom makes its way into her system, both your senses heightening even more.
“pleasepleaseplease,” she whines out. you’re close, shes close. you don’t know how much longer you can last, her cunt feels so good against your own. you unlatch from her calf, droplets of blood falling onto your skin.
“gonna cum again, princess?” amber nods, her breathing labored.
“yes, please. wanna cum with you,” shes so fucking cute. you groan quietly, you were absolutely sure you wouldnt last another five minutes.
and you were right.
“cum with me, please. im gonna cum,” amber whimpers out. you nod, grinding down against her once more. your orgasm washes through you, amber’s loud moans signaling that hers was too. your cunt was so sensitive, and you knew hers was too, but you werent done. you needed more from her. you needed to taste her arousal now. you climb off of her in an instant, your orgasm still pulsing through you. your tongue meets her cunt and amber lets out a desperate moan.
“please, i cant. please, just, 5 minutes, please,” she begs, but it falls deaf on your ears, too consumed in her taste to hear her pleads.
“fuck amber,” you moan into her cunt, the vibrations forcing out loud moans from amber. “you taste so fucking good.” you were in heaven. amber’s arousal mixed with your own would be the death of you.
you circled her entrance with your tongue, lapping up everything that leaked out of her. amber’s restrained hands find your head, fingers lacing in your hair. she doesnt know whether or not she should pull you in or push you away, the stimulation you provide her being too much and not enough at the same time.
you lap at her cunt as if you would never taste her again before burying your tongue into her entrance. amber’s hips buck up, her clit nudging your nose softly, eliciting another moan from the girl. “its too much,” she whines, deciding to push your head away. you pull her closer to you.
“take it, princess.” your voice is stern, sending a wave of heat through the girl. you push her hands off of your head, holding them against her stomach. “keep em here like a good girl, kay?” she nods slowly, her hips bucking against your chin. you smile before going back to your ministrations against her pretty cunt.
you fuck her with your tongue, leaving her clit neglected as you do so. amber’s thighs squeeze your head as she tries to bring her clit any sort of stimulation. amber’s thighs against your head have your feeling lightheaded again, but you don’t mind, not this time. you were far too focused on amber’s pleasure to care at all about how lightheaded you were.
“yesyesyes,” amber mumbles out like a prayer, desperate moans leaving her lips. “gonna,” a loud moan leaves her lips, her orgasm crashing over her. you smile, lapping up every drop she has to offer.
minute’s pass, you lapping at her cunt gently as shockwaves of amber’s orgasm wash through her, before her thighs let loose around your head. you trail kisses up her body, thumb rubbing gentle circles against her hip. “did so good, amber,” you whisper when your lips meet her own. she smiles against you, your fingers working the restraints off of her wrists.
the second her hands are free, she’s tangling them in your hair, your hearts pounding in sync with one another. “why did you change tara?” you pull away, eyebrows furrowing.
“i know you changed tara,” amber mumbled, eyes half lidded.
“no i didn’t.” amber’s eyebrows furrow this time.
“you didn’t?”
“i didn’t, we never talked unless she was with you.” confusion filled you both. “why do you think i turned her?”
“she smelt like you when she showed up at my door, i just thought you had changed her.”
“ive only changed one person and it was definitely not tara.” you’re sitting up at this point, looking down at her.
“who the fuck changed her then?”
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Charm !!!! I owe you everything thank you. I used your theta state method and got into the void state and reality shifted with it. Sorry if my English is not good, it’s not my first language but I did manifest it was better in the void so please tell me if it’s better! I dmed you so you know who I am but I want to stay anonymous. Basically I played the theta waves like you said to. I repeated I am, And just cried because I couldn’t live like this anymore. When I got to the symptoms I imagined myself in water and they went away. This was where I always got stuck but once I pushed past this I got sucked into myself and ended up in a very weird state.
Anyways I ended up in a lucid dream and after reading your lucid dreaming guide I closed my eyes like you told us to and I was in the void state. I affirmed my list and then intended to go to my waiting room just to see if it worked and it did!! I sobbed for like 10 minutes seeing all my comfort chracters in my wr and the fact that it’s real.
I came back & eveything was here.
My void state list was
-master manifesting and being a fast shifter
-my parents winning the lottery, I took that inspo from you so thank you
-df and db
-eventually meeting my sp
-subliminal playlist results immediately just by looking at the title
-being very smart and having near perfect English after having to use a translator for so long (please tell me if it’s better btw)
-I won a New York lottery where I get 2k a week after taxes for life! I’m about to go to college this autumn so this is so exciting I can have my dream college experience
-acceptance to NYU
-revised my abusive family. I have my dad a hug for the first time and for the first time ever he doesn’t hate me. I cried and he was very confused as I revised the past but not my memory
-& a lot more
Regardless I just want to say it took me 2 yrs. Thank you so much charm for always answering my annoying repetitive asks nicely and telling me to accept I am god. I’ll be back soon, I wanna give back to the community but I’m going to live my life for a while. Thank you guys for everything 😇😇
To anyone doubting is this is real it is. No matter how bad your life is or how impossible it seems like charm says we are god!!! This is something you told me that really helped accept it. In the dms you said “I don’t know how or why it’s real, I have done my own research and have come to my conclusion on why this phenomenon is possible but you shouldn’t care bc it’s yours and you have access to it. Be the first person to do it if you think it isn’t real, because you can”
So i fucking decided I don’t care if everyone lied in this app !! I will be the first person to enter the void. Well now I know it’s real so everyone was telling the truth but I will tell this to everyone. Be the first to get your results if you have to. Good luck everyone 🖤🖤
Omggg periodt !!!!! Congrats on your success anon!!! I just saw your message and I’m literally so happy for you 🥹🥹I feel like a proud mom and I hope you have an amazing time at NYU 💓💓 also omg yes your English is perfect !!!!
don’t thank me for anything You did all the hard work yourself and now you’re reaping the benefits :)!!! Whenever you come back I’d love to hear your shifting experiences but until then have fun 🤩
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starsomens · 1 year
Hi! Happy your requests are open!!! Very excited haha
This literally might just sound so simple and basic but like, I neeeeed it lmao a mix of fluff and NSFW!
Him being just TALL and a big human(I’m 5’7 so him being 6’3 and big is *chefs kiss* but also makes me very nervous haha)
tshirts so big it’s basically a dress
sweet interactions/compliments
anything with straddling/sitting in his lap, being tossed over a shoulder, being tossed around
100% creative freedom of course haha just those details pleaseeee 🥵 🖤
thank you thank you!!!! I can come off anon and DM you if you want with any questions!
Note:I HAD FUN WITH THIS ONE AAAH- If I like accidentally make it seem almost like you're way shorter than you say, I'm sorry !! And for visual reference Noah will have his long hair in here! Also very sorry this is SUPER late!
Warnings: I made this like a domestic soft smut so, soft dom Noah, penetration, dirty talk, some love bombs in there, honestly just cute whole some sex with i love yous
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Your alarm blares through the quiet room where your limbs were tangled with Noah's. Your hair was in every direction, Noah's shirt that was more of a dress on you rode up to just over your bellybutton. Noah's long arm reach for the bed side and dismissed your alarm. The same hand came back to your body and brought you into a bone crushing hug.
"Mmmm" you groan with a stretch " 'm sorry..." you apologize for the interruption of your alarm. It was one of the rare days you both had off and with nothing to do but be home with one another. So of course, you both made plans for the night before but never got to them when you fell asleep so fast.
"sorry for what baby" he half yawns
"the alarm" you answer turning your body in his hold so you can face him "how did you sleep?" you asked
"Good. Didn't have you leave you early" he smiles "Come on let's get up sunshine" he pecks your forehead.
"mmmmm laattterrrrr" he comes around to your side and drags you up by the hands with a groan
"Come on princess" he kisses your nose "We can make pancakes, your favorite"
"...with strawberries?" you ask with a smile
"All the strawberries you want"
He watched as you padded your way to the bathroom with him close by. You were wearing one of his baggier shirts and he loves when you wear them. Falling just below your ass. Perfection. There was visuals when you walked, sat down and especially when you bent over. It was perfect for a spank or grab. You both brushed you teeth and took a couple of morning mirror selfies. A lil ritual Noah loved to keep alive, and afterwards it was into the shower together.
On other days this shower may have been a bit steamier. However, he wanted to soak in the slow morning with you. You get out and dress into a pair of his boxers and one of your shirts this time and off to the kitchen you went. Noah grabbed the pancake mix and you got the strawberries to cut. One of Noah's favorite things to do with you was cook. For one making a great meal and doing it together. He loved getting a mix right and seeing the spark in your eye light up from the flavor. He loved coming behind you and holding your hand in his while his head rested on your shoulder and helped you cut ingredients. His long hair picked up in a messy bun while he coaches you
"that's it baby you got it!"
"My favorite little helper" were his go to lines when you're in the kitchen together. Soon your home smelled like sweet pancakes and fresh fruits. After a nice breakfast you sat on the counter and continued your conversation from earlier
"It's like...weird that we're both here on a day. For the whole day!" you smile popping another strawberry slice into your mouth. The sweet and slight tang of the fruit flooding your mouth. While you ate away at the berries you took a look over your boyfriend. He was leaning back against the counter opposite to the one you were sat on. His tall, slender figure, his tattoos, his soft hair, and that smile. Oh how that smile did things to you. You just thought to yourself, how utterly head over heels you were for him. The sound of his laughter, his passion, his love for you, everything made your stomach do flips. You were pulled out of your thoughts when he called for you.
"Huh? What was that?" you ask
"What you thinking about huh?" he smiles coming over to slot himself between your legs and lean his hands on the counter. His face coming closer to yours. The loos strands of his bun falling to gently frame his face. You lean forward and nudge your nose against his own
"Nothing...just looking at my man" you smile as your eyes drift into his own dark brown eyes
"Your man? Well I'm looking at my woman" he answers with a peck to your lips
"My moonlight" you say with a reciprocated kiss
"My sunshine" a deep kiss, his hands coming up to rest on your hips
"My baby" you whisper as your hands land on his to run up his arm and rest behind his neck
"my princess" his whispers back against your lips. He brings your closer to the edge, holding your body to his. You could feel his heartbeat against your own, nearly becoming one as your lips lock in a passionate dance. His hand glides up your back while the other holds you close by the small of your back. His other hand cradles the back of your head to deepen the kiss, you let your head fall limp in his hold. His lips leave yours painfully slow, leaving you wanting more from him. His eyes look into your love drunken ones, not a word was said as his lips gently ghosted over your skin, gliding down to the corner of your jaw where he began to peck at your skin. You bite down on your lower lip as he stops in a particular spot that he knows you love. Your hips give a subconscious roll against his own. He lets out a muffled groan against your skin, as his hips move against yours.
"Fuck baby..." he growls "So, fucking perfect for me." he picks you up from the counter and throws you over his shoulder bringing out a squeak from you.
"Do you have to carry me like this every time we decide to have sex?" you ask. The next thing you knew a hard spank came to one of your cheeks
"Yess I do. Keep that up and you'll get mor spanks" he threatened as he made his way to the stairs. Harper watching as Noah carried you up the stairs "You see what your daddy us doing to mama Harper?" she simply just tilts her head at you
"Harper, you hold down the fort like a good girl" Noah smiles as he disappears down the hall to your shared room. He drops you down on to the bed and you bounce with a giggle. He climbs over you and faces kiss from your collarbone up to your lips. Smiling into the kiss, his hand trace down your body and to the band of the boxers you were wearing. His slender fingers fiddle their way into your bottoms. His fingers coming in touch with just skin he breaks the kiss and says
"No panties? Awh was my pretty girl expecting to get fucked?" he smiles into the kiss
"maybeee" you sang an answer. He tosses the boxers over his shoulder, falling in to the floor with the rest of your clothes. Long forgotten as your bodies tangle with one another. His lips leaving mark in their wake along your skin, like a brush upon a canvas. His fingers curled within your squirming form. The sounds of your wet pussy like music to his ears. His slender fingers were the perfect length and width to find that magic spot.
“Yea Princess you like it there?” He asks into your ear as he pumped his digits just a bit faster with more force. Your legs begin to shake as your back arches off of the mattress. As he continues to pumps his fingers he positions himself between your legs.
He removed his digits, a stringy trail of your juices connect you both. A whine leaves your lips from him stopping
“Don’t worry princess” he said rubbing the head of his dick along your slit, using your juices as lubricant “I’m gonna fuck you just the way you like” he smirks as he finally pushes into you, bottoming out in one swift motion. Your wetness making it more than easy for him to glide right in. You sigh and be groans from the feeling.
His dick filled you perfectly, molded just for you. The thickness gave you a strange full feeling, you could cum just from him putting it in. He could feel you pulse around him, trying to milk his cock without any action
“Fuck baby….who’s pussy is this? Fucking right and wet…so fucking good” he growls as his hands come to the back of your knees, spreading your legs wider for his view
“Your Noah…please noah I need it..” you whine rocking your hips, getting only an inch of what you really want. Aligning himself he pushes the head in and slowly eases in, agonizingly slow. He finally bottoms out, he stayed there for just a moment. Taking in the feeling of your walls wrapped around him, the way your chest rose and fell. His hands trail up from your hips to your rib cage to your breasts, leaving goosebumps behind. His thumb rub over your nipples, making them erect. His hands gave them a squeeze as he brings himself out nearly all the way and thrusts back in.
"god baby...feel so good." he whispers as he steadily thrusts in and out of you. "does it feel good princess?" he asked
"So good! Please Noah harder !" you nearly beg him. He comes down close to you and engulfs your body with his own. You arms wrap about his shoulders as his thrusts grow faster and harder
"Yes Noah! R-right there! Mmm please!" you pant, your nails clawing at his back, grasping for something as the pit of your stomach burned with your approaching orgasm. The build up from before becoming greater
"Fuck Y/N! I love you!" he growls bucking into you in shorter harder thrusts reaching his end as your clamp around him
"I-I love you! Ah!" you moan feeling your core tighten and tighten until it finally snaps. You clamp and pulse around him as you finally cum
"Mmm yes baby Yes! shit...cum on my dick fuck!" he groans as he pumps himself faster, your cum mixing together as he fucks his cum deeply into you "Damn it, I fucking love you..." he pants as he litters kisses all over your skin "i love you, i love you....fuck I love you so much" he whispers as he rests his forehead on yours.
His tired eyes staring into your own. Both half lidded, dazed and full of love. Your skin hot and sweaty against one another, but it was the best feeling in the world.
You arms link around his neck and you bring your lips to his. In a slow, deep kiss. It wasn't just the sex talking you truly love him so much
"I love you Noah" you kiss his head as he lays on your chest, cuddling in close for a post sex nap. He laid and listen to your heart beat, and your breathing lulled him sleep instantly. This was absolute, bliss.
「✨Taglist✨」 @lilhobgobbler @cncohshit @vir-tual @tdopomymind @concretenoah @misspygmypie @noah-seb-omens
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galedekarios · 2 months
Hi, I have a Gale related question you might know the answer to. I haven't been able to find any answers online. There's a part in the game where you go around camp and speak to everyone before going to the Githyanki creche. With Shadowheart you can say "This could be our last night together" and Wyll can say to you "I hope we stay allies after this" etc. But Gale never has any special dialogue here. Do you know if this is a bug or just a weird choice they made? I wish Gale had something to say as well :(
hello, anon!
i'm so sorry it took so long to reply. i was trying to find the dialogue you mean, but sadly i don't know which dialogue you're referring to.
i've searched gale's files for the creche flag and couldn't find anything. which at first made me think it's a conversation / lines that gale doesn't have, which wouldn't be surprising in and of itself since he does lack content some of the other characters do have, but i've also searched shadowheart's files for the creche flag to find the dialogue and i still couldn't.
so i'm publishing this to see if someone else can help.
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I really love your child reader writings with all my soul and it fills my soul and makes me feel safe and comforted, I adore them. I wanted to request something from Michael Myers where his younger sister (who is Angel Myers? but she is a reader) would visit him once a year at Smith's Grove (their parents do it willingly but avoiding Loomis, it never suited them as it seems). obsessed with a child) and Michael adores her, these are the only moments in which he comes to himself and is happy. Both brothers adore each other can be seen, reader's new parents see it and are heartbroken that Michael has been raised in a horrible environment so they try to at least ease their painful stay in Smith's Grove but Loomis realizes and wishes having reader as a patient, the parents deny it and they are denied visits but they do not leave without explaining to Michael. It is a plot that he had in his head, I feel that Michael did have problems as a child but also nobody offered him sincere help and he was left alone without meaning to. From then on I don't know where he's going, I'll leave it to his imagination, take care of yourself and I love his imagination! 🖤✨🌸
This sweet request has been rotting in my ask box for far too long.
Also sorry anon I couldn't really understand so I tried to the best of my abilities 😅
Also, for some reason I went with rob Zombie Michael. It just sounded more right with the way you described the scenario.
Warnings: blood, death, murder, yk the usual.
Relationship: platonic/sister brother relationship!!
Don't leave me again... Please..
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You listened to the sound of your footsteps.
The sound of your shoes making contact with the hospital ground sounded quite nice to you.
What was nicer was that you were visiting your brother again, you've done this every year. It's like a religious thing now.
You loved it since every time you came Michael seemed to always lighten up even though he has the most expressionless face ever. You know you're his source of light and he knows you know it too. (As much as he would cringe at that.)
You held on to the bag you had tightly. The soft crunching of the plastic wrapper inside it whenever you took a larger step than the previous. It was the 19th of October, it was Michael's birthday and also during his favorite holiday and you wanted to give him a bag of his favorite candies during it.
Your parents talking and discussing whatever they were discussing behind you along with guards near them.
Deciding to ignore everything and just walk until you see the visitation room. You heard from Michael how awful the sanitarium is, the food is always cold and stale and that they tasted like 'dog shit'. With this you tried to learn how to cook so that your brother may taste a decent home cooked meal for the first time in a long time.
You saw the visitation room where Michael was in and you happily opened the door, ignoring the guard's warning.
You could already see the slightly hopeful look on Michael's face right when you entered and turn into a small glad smile, although you weren't originally allowed or supposed to give an inmate anything, some strings were pulled by Dr. Loomis. What a nice man! Your parents seem to elude his presence you never understood why but you didn't really care as of now.
After hugging what felt like after hours, you sat down next to him and brought the bags onto the table. Showing your big brother how many kinds of treats you bought him. You mostly came around his birthday so it would be extra special. Other times you came randomly.
"Hehe, what is that supposed to be?"
"Well obviously it's a dog!"
You don't really know the reason why he was in a place like this. You asked your parents one time and they just answered with 'he's just a bit sick honey, but I'm sure he'll be better soon enough.' You nodded and rolled with it, although every time you visited Michael seemed to be in great shape and he never looked ill once. You just hoped whatever sickness they said he has will be gone soon, so you and Michael can play together for as long as you want in your home!
"Looks more like a cow..."
"It's a black and white dog!"
You always knew your brother was a bit unique from the others. He never really spoke to anyone. Never really wanted to stand out, never really wanted to make friends, join in sports, bully, do after school activities... Not really anything. But he was quite special in his own way. You knew that in your heart, he was special because despite all of his odd habits he was kind. Kind to you. He never dreamt of hurting you, would never even think of hurting you. But one person he really did think of hurting was Ronnie. 'An asshole, a pathetic joke of a father' was how your dear beloved brother would describe your old father. You were just an infant around that time so you couldn't really have an opinion of it. But one thing you were sure of was if Michael was acting like this because of him, you are really glad you didn't have to deal with Ronnie.
"I think this one tastes the best."
"Really? I think that's second best to this one!"
You remember searching for your parents to ask if you could sleep with them instead because you had a bad dream, hearing concerned quiet, almost whispering sad tones. "I know but it would feel so wrong to leave him after all that poor boy has been through. They said he's been acting fairly well these past months I'm sure he'll be discharged eventually. Let's give it more time."
That time never seemed to come. The only times you ever made any sort of contact with Michael was only in the hospital. You could tell he was getting so sick of it too. Discussing with you that every year he spends here the more irritated he gets, violent thoughts and getting more prone to anger.
He looks at you,
"I would never to anything like that to you though. Everything is way better with you." You know he won't. Your brother was the best.
"What!? What do the hell do you mean you want to keep her as a patient!?" Your mother said fiercely with confusion at the doctor's suggestion.
"Like I said Mrs. L/n, Y/n and Michael have a strong bond and brings out something in him that nothing else can. I think y/n may be able to help Michael with his pro-"
"No way...! You're not keeping our daughter in a place like this, she's just a small child-!" Your mother further protest.
"I know this may be a hard decision but-"
"I'm sorry Dr. Loomis, but we will not allow you to keep our daughter in an insane asylum." Your father speaks.
".... Very well then. But I'm afraid we cannot allow you to visit anymore."
"What!? You said yourself y/n and Michael have a strong bond together, why would you do this!?" Your mother can't contain her emotions anymore.
"I'm sorry Mrs and Mr. L/n."
Knowing deep inside her heart that she won't be getting shit from this doctor, asks for a simple request.
"Fine... But can we say goodbye to him? We can't just disappear without saying anything."
"You will may. Please arrive tomorrow at 7 am"
"Alright.. Thank you Dr. Loomis" Your father's tone is flat. But he can't start a scene.
"What? What do you mean we can't see him anymore after this?" The panic and confusion clear in your voice.
"I'm sorry honey... Something happened... And-"
"Noo! I can't leave Michael! I can't leave him! Do you know how lonely he gets?" Your shoulders get gripped on by your father.
"Y/n, behave yourself. I know this is so sudden but this is your last time with him so please, try not to be too upset."
You couldn't find the words to speak or talk back.
"What...?" The tension coming from you was already a bit dull and heavy when you walked in the room. Immediately contrasting with your brother's earlier energy. His worried eyes turning into ones of disbelief and shock. You can't come to yourself to look at him in his eyes, especially after those times where you promised to never leave or go away from each other for more than a year.
You felt the familiar stinging pain creeping up to your eyes and nose. Liquid forming and ready to spill, you think he couldn't be anymore upset than you since he wasn't saying anything.
"Oh my, I guess you won't be seeing each other anymo-" The nurse who were near the both of you, cut her sentence short and was instead now filled with the gurgling choked attempted screams. Your brain wasn't able to fully process what in the world you were witnessing. Blood spewed from her mouth.
You shrieked, "MICHAEL!!" He had stabbed her in the throat with the fork he was given with his lunch – you stared at him in horror and silence. Your sweet brother, what's wrong with him?
"Michael stop that!" You cried out and tried to pull him when he started choking the nurse. You wanted him to take that mask off, to be able to properly see his face, look at him in the eyes and ask him - "What has gotten to you?" You're sure you already know the answer. He hates this place. But at the same time you wish he would properly communicate with you.
He's panting. His dirty blonde hair is a mess, cascading down his mask and his gaze refused to look towards your direction. He doesn't speak. Neither of you do.
The silence breaks when a bunch of security guards come barging in – one restraining Michael by the arms, one crouching down to the nurse who you know is between the thin line of living and dead. And another pulling you away. Everything seemed to blur and slow down. You watched helplessly as Michael thrashed and screamed – although you couldn't hear it. You couldn't hear anything. Just panic.
It's a year later. Halloween. Again.
Michael held hope. You always had him hold onto hope when he couldn't feel like everything else was doomed. He was a nervous and anxious wreck – creating more masks to cope with the stress. 'Reader will come back.' 'She would never leave me.' 'She'll come back.. And I'll get to see her again..'
Right now he was nervously waiting for the guards or Loomis or whatever to come in and tell him the words he's been echoing in his head for so long 'Someone is here to see you' or more preferably, 'Reader'. Is all he needed to hear to settle the churning in his stomach and the uneasiness in his gut. It's Halloween. You will come back and see him.
You have to.
And he sits hours upon hours in his chair. Breakfast rolls, he goes back. Lunch comes around, he goes back to his cell. Dinner arrives... The moment he steps inside his horrible fucking containment he's seething with rage, frustration and anger.
This is all Loomis's fault! He's the reason behind all this! The reason he can't be with you, his angel sister... That asshole! His hands grip onto his hair while gritting his teeth before he slowly starts breaking down into tears.
Why...? Why can't he just go home to you? If it wasn't for Ronnie, Judith and her disgusting boyfriend none of this would have happened! He doesn't want to be here anymore!
After a while he calms down. His breathing ragged and rough but he considerably calmed down. He promises to himself and you, that when the right time comes. He'll break out of this hell hole and come to you. Have his sister by his side once again.
15 years later, October 30th
You were now in your mid twenties. Lying on your couch as you watch some cheesy horror movie. Yawning as your eyelids began to feel heavy.
15 years later and you still haven't forgotten about your Michael. You heard that normally your brain represses traumatic memories to protect yourself but for some odd reason you can't seem to forget your brother even if you tried. And some part of you doesn't want to. In your mind, he was still your big brother who loves and cared for you deeply.
You close your eyes, snuggling further into the couch cushion. You missed him – and you wonder if he still thinks about you sometimes too. Knife gripped tightly in his hand yet is willing to serve no purpose when it comes to you.
And yes, he does. He stood outside of the front door, peeking at you through the window through the slits of the mask. 60% of his thoughts are run by murder and instincts and the other 40% is run by you. He wants nothing more than to sit next to you on the couch, watch your reaction to him finally coming back home.
You'd be happy to see him, wouldn't you?
His hand grasps on the doorknob. You'd be happy to see him again.. Surely you wouldn't mind if he breaks the doorknob to come in?
'Please... Don't leave me again..' He thinks as he twists the doorknob with great strength, noticing how your figure immediately shot up from the couch.
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lxstfathier · 1 year
could I please request something with Alejandro Vargas x curvy fem!reader (nsfw) , he's on the jealous side because someone was hitting on the reader but they aren't together, they haven't addressed their tension but him and reader are both very confrontational so cue explosion of feelings and smut (and breeding kink).
Thank you!
Sorry that this took me so long, but here it is, i hope you like it anon! 💗
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Alejandro Vargas x Reader
Warnings: unprotected sex, p in v, semi-public sex, possessive ale, forced breeding (?).
A/N: i want to clarify that my fics are always inclusive for ALL types of female bodies. So, with that being said, i hope you all enjoy this fic 💕
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Graves has been flirting with you for days, and Alejandro is not happy about it.
You are part of Los Vaqueros, one of the best soldiers on the team, and also the girl who has made Colonel Vargas lose sleep on countless nights. So, he finally snaps and loses his temper he sees you there, smiling at the blonde foreign man as he compliments your sniper skills after a successful mission, feeling his blood boil at the sight of it.
But Alejandro has a reputation to keep, he’s not gonna fight with a commander in front of everyone. So he waits, pacing around with his jaw clenched until you’re both finally alone in the room.
“I want you to stay away from him” he says, in a stern tone, one you recognize quite well from all those times when he has gotten mad and yelled at the other sergeants.
“Why?” You ask, raising an eyebrow while you clean your sniper rifle, slightly scared of your superior.
“Because you’ve been flirting with him for days, and i don’t want you to get distracted, a pretty gringo should be the last thing on your mind right now.”
“I’m not flirting with him” you shrug. “Graves is just being nice, that’s all.”
“He’s acting nice just to get inside your pants, that’s fucking obvious, so i want you far from him. Es una orden.”
You don’t like Graves, you consider him as a friend, your real interest has always been on Colonel Vargas, but you’re not gonna stay there in silence when he’s being so unreasonable.
“And what if i really want him to fuck me?” You raise your voice, leaving your gun on the table. “You have no right to do this.”
“Don’t speak to me like that, sargento” he warns you, with a devilish smirk on his face.
“Sorry colonel, but this is really unfair. It’s my body, you know? i can decide who i want to fuck, and that’s none of your business.”
That’s enough for Alejandro. He can’t keep holding back, so he walks up to you, putting one of his big hands on your jaw to force you to look up directly at his big brown eyes.
“It is my business, because you are mine. And there’s no fucking way that i’m gonna let such a bastard steal you away from me.”
Your heart beats faster than ever when you hear those words. Is it a love declaration? you’re not sure, but before you can ask or escape from his grasp, he crashes his lips into yours.
And the kiss is not as gentle as you always dreamed of, no, it’s messy and full of unbridled lust, playing with your tongues in a hurried manner, tasting each other.
Neither of you can believe that it’s really happening. You’re both giving in to your most primal desires, after months of teasing, finally relieving all that tension.
Alejandro unclasps your bulletproof vest, and you do the same with his, letting the heavy fabric fall to the ground, kicking them out of the way. Then, he gets his hands under your shirt, caressing your curves and palming your tits.
“Ale” you breathe out, breaking the kiss as you hold to his broad shoulders. “Wait, what if someone sees?”
“Me importa un carajo” he answers. “They can watch how i claim you as mine.”
Both of you know there will be consequences if you get caught, but you don’t care either, you just want to make true all those fantasies that you’ve dreamed about for a long, long time.
Feeling the thrill pumping through your veins, Alejandro wastes no more time to bend you over the table, using one hand to push you down and the other one to work on your pants, exposing your pretty plump ass and your pink panties with a damp spot on them.
“So wet already” he says, running two fingers over your clothed heat. “You want this as much as i do, don’t you, hermosa?”
“Mhm” you mutter, involuntarily bucking your hips, feeling your walls clench around nothing.
Alejandro chuckles at your eagerness, and then he pulls your panties down your legs, finally taking a good look at that pretty pussy between your legs, thinking that it is way better than he ever thought.
He can’t resist it anymore. He undoes his pants and pulls them down, just enough to let his hard cock spring out, fully hard and leaking precum, pumping it a few times with his right hand before guiding it to your cunt.
You whimper when you feel his tip on your slick folds, coating it in your wetness, and that whimper turns into a moan when he finally slips it inside, stretching you impossibly wide on his thick cock, so deep that you can almost feel him in your guts.
Alejandro thrusts slowly, squeezing your ass with his hands, giving you a few seconds to adjust to his size.
However, that gentleness doesn’t last long. Soon he speeds his movements, fucking you rough and fast until all you can hear are your own moans, his heavy breathing and the lewd squelching noises.
“Stop moaning so loud, you’re gonna get us caught” he growls into your ear, moving his left hand to your face and pushing two fingers inside your mouth to shut you up.
But it’s impossible to stay quiet when colonel Vargas is fucking you really good, splitting you open so deliciously, hitting that soft spot with each hard thrust.
“You feel so good hermosa, so fucking tight” Alejandro says, now resting almost all of his weight on your back. “That stupid blondie doesn’t deserve this amazing cunt.”
It’s all too much. An orgasm is coming closer and you know it, so your body reacts by itself, arching your back to give him better access, inadvertently biting his fingers to suppress your desperate whines.
And Alejandro notices it, of course, how could he not when you’re clenching hard around his cock, squeezing him so good?.
“I’m gonna cum inside” he growls in a low voice, using his free hand to rub your clit in fast circular motions. “To have you all knocked up with my child so everyone can see who you belong to.”
A part of you wants him to pull out, and the other wants to milk him dry, not caring about the consequences. But you can’t think straight when you’re getting fucked like a whore, your mind is a mess.
So, before you can form a single coherent thought, you come undone, squirming under him, soaking his cock in your sweet juices while your nails scratch the wooden table.
Alejandro follows right after you, thrusting a few more times into your sensitive hole until he finally comes with a grunt, painting your walls white with spurts of hot cum, as deep as he can, filling your fertile womb to the brim.
Both of you stay there for a minute, riding out your orgasms and catching your breath, blissed out of your minds after such a good quick fuck.
Once you’re done, he pulls out, giving you just enough time to fix your clothes and disheveled hair before the door opens again, this time with Soap, who forgot to ask something to Alejandro.
And Colonel Vargas speaks calmly, as if he hadn’t rearranged your guts just a few minutes ago, now with a stupid grin on his face. Cause he knows that, if his seed takes, he’s going to take you out of the military, away from all those gross men, and finally have you all to himself, molding you into his pretty little housewife.
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yandere-wishes · 7 months
Opinion on the absolute ANCIENT history of Star Wars legends? Meaning Tulak Hord, Marka Ragnos and such
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Anon I am SO SO SO SORRY this took me forever to answer. I loved the ask so much that I wanted to have the perfect mood and ambiance for when I answered it. Suffice it to say that that hasn't happened for a good while now. But I sincerely hope that you are still lurking around this blog and get a chance to see my response. I cannot express how excited this ask has made me!! I harbor an extremely unhealthy obsession with ancient Sith lords and their lore
I'm going to start off by saying that, if we were in the Star Wars universe I would have already become a Sith lord. Due SOLELY to how much Darkside lore I read~🖤❤️
I swear whenever I see a new Sith lord my brain goes: "Omg he's so ugly." Then he proceeds to live in my head rent-free for three days and on the third night, I find myself dreaming of making out with him... this has happened one too many times...It might be a little bit concerning. XD
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Tulak Hord gives off major samurai vibes so I feel like he does follow some sorta Sith honor code. That being said he most likely acquires his darling as either a war trophy from some rival or conquered planet. Or she's a wide-eyed Acolyte who he can twist into his perfect darling. 
He's also so pretty and I want to kiss him so badly!!
 I'd love to be his little darling, a war trophy won in battle. Kept locked away within his fortress. A prize none but him are worthy to see. 
After each bloody campaign, he returns to you, his starlight. A dividend that keeps him fighting, keeps him tethered to the dark side of the force. He fights to provide you with an empire, to win your praises at his many accomplishments. 
 Little does he know of the aversion you harbor for him.
Tulak Hord the monster who took everything from you.  
No, but to be fair, I'd still be MADLY in love with him. Just imagine Lord Hord coming home from the battlefield, bloodied and still high off his bloodlust. 
Imagine straddling him as you lovingly peel off his bloodied armor. Kissing his flesh every time it appears from under his armor. He'd run his clawed gauntlets over your back tracing your spine. Making you shiver from the frigid steel. Your warmth feels welcoming, innocent, he longs to corrupt it. 
Then obviously kissing when you get to his helmet. Deep and passionate. Filled with hate and love. Out of fear, you've learned to play your role as a doubtful lover, a devoted wife, to a fault. 
"The universe is more complicated than you could ever imagine, starlight. Be thankful that I've shielded you away from all its inconsistencies."
It's getting harder and harder to remember why you resist him so much. Why push him away when his presence is so overwhelming? Consuming you wholly. 
"Thank you, my lord." 
If you were his Acolyte things would play out a bit differently. He'd have trained you for so many years. Building you up to be the ultimate weapon and simultaneously his ideal darling. You're too far gone, mistaking toxins for affection. You've learned to cherish every bruise and broken bone that comes from him.
You were such a naive little girl when he first took an interest in you. Now he's morphed you into the scourge of the battlefield. The mere mention of your name sends generals running away in fear. 
He finds you after every campaign. Permits you the honor of washing his armor and tending to his wounds. Basking in the way your nimble fingers apply bacta to what little scars he may have received. 
Tulak is such a tremendous master. Personally seeing to your wellbeing and recovery. 
He pulls you onto his lap, kissing your open wounds as he stitches them for you. Sometimes he pulls his helmet up and plunges his tongue into the trauma lapping at the blood and broken muscles as he ravishes in your delightful moans. He'll whisper sweet praises into your ears, telling you how proud he is of all you've accomplished, what a stupendous sith lord you shall make someday, ruling by his side. All while his iron-clad fingers work bruises into your soft flesh. 
You are his perfect little doll.
Tulak Hord's perfect little acolyte.
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Would it be wrong to say that I kinda want to be Marka Ragnos' concubine? Or just his pretty little princess who's always at his beck and call!! Look he's literally a giant hulking red alien with golden horns... what's not to love!! 
Plus I'd give anything to just sit on his lap as he holds court. Tracing patterns across his chest and relishing in the feeling of his claws scraping across your flesh, leaving his mark even when he's focused on galactic domination. 
Prior to that Marka would totally dress you in the most ethereal dresses!! All lavish golds and blood reds. Somedays they'd be full-blown multilayered dresses and other days (when he wants to show a bit more dominance) he'll have you wearing danity silk dresses that show more skin than you are comfortable with. 
He'd also shower you with praises throughout the day. Calling you his "sweet little princess" and "pretty girl". look getting called "pretty girl" by a sith lord is free therapy and I am HERE for it😤😍😤😍. 
I also have this random headcanon that Marka Ragnose is (in some ways) a father figure to Vitita/Valkorion/Tenebrae. That being said it's only logical for Marka Ragnos' darling to be (younger) Vitita's mother figure. In a twisted forceful way, they're kinda like a happy family. Also forced Yandere family is one of my fav tropes, so I had to reference it here lol. 
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Okay, guys seriously this ask has made me so happy since the MOMENT I got it!! If anyone wants to send in asks for any Star Wars Sith lords (well-known ones, obscure ones, hated/loved ones) my ask box is wide open. 
In conclusion, I've been collecting Sith Lords to simp over like an 8-year-old collects Pokemon cards. Sith lords are unconventionally HOT and I'd totally be down to be there sweet little darling !! Like please just let me be a Sith Lord's cute little side piece, the eye candy that hangs off his arm. His pretty little bunny girl that'll do anything to please him.
(*Concerningly looks down at the pride and self-respect I just smashed.* "Whoops...that wasn't supposed to happen") 
Anon I think I answered your question with these little stories. I am very much IN LOVE with the ancient Sith lords. And it doesn't just stop at Tulak and Marka. I literally NEED a harm of Sith lords. Look they may not be conventionally handsome, but there's something about "the dark forces warping their appearance" that makes me go absolutely feral!! 🤣🤣😍😍
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loveandleases · 1 year
Can we get the 🍆 chart for ROs in both gender as well as 🍑 and 🎈 please? 🥺
A coward gremlin hiding behind a guy with a sunglasses
Sorry, this took so long to answer anon. I may have spent far too much time deciding on some of these. No shame here anon, there is a horny corner for a reason! I'm also going to add a bit to it.Below the cut ~
❤️ Cam
Penis size: 8.3 inch
Butt size: Average, enough for MC to grab if they want.
Pubic hair: He has a nice trail of ginger hair that leads down. Cam keeps it trimmed, just in case.
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💙 G
Male G
Penis size: 7.0 inch.
Butt size: On the smaller side, not flat but not large.
Pubic hair: Just a small dusting of black hair, G keeps it natural and trimmed
Female G
Chest size: 34 B cup.
Pubic hair: Similar to male G, female G has a small dusting of black hair that she keeps trimmed in a triangle.
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💚 Kara
Butt size: Our girl is thick, Kara has a nice perky butt. Little more than enough to hold onto.
Chest size: 40 D cup.
Pubic hair: She has blonde hair that she keeps trimmed in a landing strip.
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💛 M
Male M
Penis size: 6.9 inch
Butt size: They have a nice butt a bit larger than average. Plenty to pinch if Mc likes.
Pubic hair: None, all shaved.
Female M
Chest size: 38 C.
Pubic hair: Similar to male M, no pubic hair, all shaved.
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💜 Isaac
Penis size: 7.2 inch
Butt size: They have a nice butt, a bit plumper than average. Plenty to smack.
Pubic hair: Natural black curls, well trimmed and tidy.
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🖤 Ardent
Penis size: 9.1 inch. (I'm sorry your insides are going to be rearranged)
Butt size: He has an average butt, bit plump. (he does a lot of squats)
Pubic hair: The man is proud of his hair, even his pubic hair. His hair pattern on his chest is like that of a tree, it thins out the farther down it goes. Then connects to a dark brown patch that he keeps trimmed short for whoever gets to see that view.
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onmyyan · 1 year
If requests are still open may I please ask for a crumb of yandere papa scarecrow/crane from the dark knight series with a darling who’s like deathly anaemic 😳👉👈💐
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A/N: This took me like a year oh God I'm so sorry anon if ur still out there this one for you babes NOT EDITED OR SPELL CHECKED LMAO
Yanpapa Scarecrow is a menace to everyone but his baby, sure he doses you with fear toxin, but not for his usual goulish reasons!! He genuinely thinks he's helping you in the long run, the moment he realizes his attachment to you, and two things happen.
He feels an overwhelming gut punch of feelings he thought himself long incapable of, concern for another humans wellbeing, fear? For their safety? It was nauseating and exhilarating all at once.
He both loathes and loves how you scramble his mind, of course he has to take you home the first chance he gets, it's the only way to truly keep you safe, because ignoring the fact that you're a fully capable adult completely unrelated to the mad doctor, once he decided it, you were his, and comparing the two of your minds made you basically a toddler to him.
He felt like he was doing you a favor by stealthily breaking into your home, hiding in the shadows of your once safe apartment, tainting the air with his foreboding aura, even though you didn't see him, you felt him. Eyes suspicious as you checked behind your shoulders, the almost childish way you left the lights on, hesitant to be in the dark for some reason, until you had to rest no matter the chills up your spine, you turn off the lights and all but sprint to bed, your chest pounding so hard it's all you could hear.
He's breathing heavily, slowly as he watches you in your natural habitat, his eyes never leaving you as you clutch your blanket closer to your stiff body.
He knows you know somethings wrong. He loves how this feels and before you can open your eyes to face the monster in your room, he's injecting something in your neck with surgical precision, the drug forces your eyes to remain shut, a dreamless slumber, it was a small kindness he could offer you before he began 'fixing you', it would be hard, but he knew you could make it through, you were his kid after all.
He lifts you with ease, taking care to handle you with an uncharacteristic softness. He brushes a stray lock of your hair from your face as he stares down at your peaceful, slumbering face.
"Don't worry, you'll be fearless soon, nothing will ever hurt you again."
Once the two of you settle in a routine, one where he let you out of the terrifying, dark, dank, lab he'd been desensitizing you in, you fell into an oddly comfortable if not occasionally tense relationship.
He's ontop of your health like nobodys buisness, makes you take your medicine on schedule no matter what he's doing at the time, if he feels like you won't on your own he will pause mid torture of some poor soul just to send you a text, "Remember your medicine dove! I will bring home dinner." He says smiling to himself before continuing his torture, his mind half on his research and half on what you'd like to eat.
If you never try to leave him he is surprisingly wholsesome, has absolutly stopped a rouges meeting to answer your call, gases anyone who even thinks of clowining him for it, you two have father daughter bonding days where he has you as his lil assistant, proud of everything you do.
"Go ahead and press the plunger down now darling, don't mind the screaming, it means you're doing well! :) " All and all a great platonic Yandere father figure to have as far as sadistic psychos in Gotham go 🎃🧡🖤
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