#sorry to disappoint I guess
deerspherestudios · 7 months
I don't understand ending 1 a bit. I understand that it will be if the Y/N refuses Mychael's requests as much as possible and returns back to those mushrooms and falls asleep. But where does Y/N go that there is a trace of Y/N's body on the grass, as well as a trace of the body of the cat that the Y/N was looking for? How does the forest affect this? Bodies just disappear? And what does Mychael mean in this ending when he says "There's no much I could do if the forest had staked it's claim on you"? 🤔
Oh!! I should change that last line actually. I've gotten a few more ideas since the demo release, and it completely changes the context for that Bad Ending (you'll see what I mean as the days progress and more lore is revealed) but for now I'll explain the original intent with that ending! Spoilers below:
To put simply, the purple influence from the mushrooms brought you back to that spot for you to sleep and basically pass away in the night to nourish the ground where it grows. The same fate happened to your cat; though I feel like a lot of people figured that out already haha. I should add in some text that indicates time passes a bit before Mychael finds you in that state to be a little realistic, otherwise it does feel like bodies just straight up disappear haha.
As for that particular line, it's a normal occurence for Mychael; he's seen it happen plenty of times. But he deeply regrets that he wasn't able to save you from that influence, hence the line "the forest had staked it's claim on you." But again, it'll be changed in the future!
Fun fact: Before I did the art for the cat outline, it was meant to be more of a bump; the art and script didn't exactly match but I didn't bother to fix it. The thing you accidentally kicked causing you to stumble into the ring of shrooms? That was your cat.
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foli-vora · 5 months
so i’ll be saying farewell to foli this year. as much as i’m proud and so in love with what i’ve created here, she’s starting to give me major stress headaches and i simply can’t deal. this started out fun and sweet, but it has increasingly created bigger and bigger issues for me and it’s no longer a space i find comfort and peace in, so i think it’s time for me to move on.
i thought about deleting this blog, or slowly morphing away from what i’ve been doing here, but it didn’t feel right. i know it’s just a blog, but it still means something to me.
should you still wish to visit/follow little ol’ me, i’ll now be living over here. i’ll still be the normal unhinged foli that loves talking filth, just now under a different name with a shiny new corner of the internet/main blog.
this blog will stay up so you can still read my organised pile of trash that i know some of you enjoy, and i’ll probably still continue to write because i do love it, but it won’t be promised or often, and it’ll mostly be ao3 focused in other fandoms, and not so much surrounding the pedro fandom anymore.
i will be wrapping everything up here, so don’t worry about any unfinished series’—i wouldn’t do that to you lmao. thank you for the good times here, angels. i appreciate each and every one of you. hope to see you over on the new side. ily 💖
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EDIT: I have received several new pieces of information that I'm distributing throughout the doc that further reinforces my stance on this, and is valuable to know. Also, I have sections where I'm more clear on my stance after thinking on it for a while and following more discussions on this. I hope I don't disappoint anyone with my thoughts.
If any part of what I've written here resonated with you, I shamelessly ask that you spread it in your preferred manner, and if you feel there's parts that need work please let me know.
Still gonna regret writing this, I'm sure.
[Warning: Long. Like, really.]
Because of all the shit happening with Arknights, PM is under fire once again as it ties into the larger narrative surrounding Korea and its full on gender war (a real thing that's apparently happening).
For those who don't know, way back in July Limbus Company got the event for 4.5 that included swimsuit versions of Ishmael and Sinclair. The fact that Ishmael was in a full bodysuit while Sinclair was shirtless with a collar led the Korean equivalent of 4chan to accuse PM's lead illustrator of being a feminist, which I guess is a bad thing if you're drowning in Korean culture war bullshit.
Turns out the lead illustrator was a man so they pivoted to the CG artist Vellmori and invented a whole host of bullshit links between her and an extremist group to try and get her fired.
And in accordance with their wishes PM fired her. Except they didn't. Probably?
Most everything known from this point onwards is, bluntly, tainted. It's a lot of machine translated Korean posts or, one way or the other, hasty conclusions from people with agendas (including me, no one is immune to propaganda).
Did Vellmori reach out to a newspaper to whistleblow on PM's flagrant disregard for worker's rights? That was the story at first but follow-ups implied it might be a complete fabrication or an overstatement of her grievances (EDIT, I have received information that while there was a phonecall to Vellmori from PM, it was to set up a meeting to properly hash out next steps and any claims she was fired over the phone are incorrect, and the newspaper that reported as such quietly retracted that statement).
Did a labor union jump the gun on spreading this story to gain political capital without reaching out to PM for their side of the story? Maybe if PM's version of events is true, but that's assuming a lot of malice of an institution doing it's best (EDIT, I have received information that the people directly responsible for handling the PM issue acted independently and were later found in violation of several union laws, including allegations involving CP that I do not want to and will not get into).
PM's story is that once the harassment flared up and involved physical visits to the development office, Vellmori wanted to quit. (EDIT, I have received information that the wording of the various statements can be interpreted as Vellmori leaving of her own volition but also under encouragement; if you see claims that she was forced to resign this is what that claim references.) There was a rumor about her getting 2 years of severance pay, but I don't know if that was ever corroborated and is likely false, but she would have gotten something in accordance with Korean Law which they were found in compliance of.
Everything after announcing her termination of contract (not translating the initial announcement, framing it as a company policy issue, keeping quiet on it for months, constant vague threats of lawsuits) was supposedly a bad attempt at trying to quell the harassment by making it go away. Instead, it exploded, and now if you're a fan you'll have to deal with this coming up forever. I know there's fans who follow me that'll resent me for making this post as they just want to move on (or think I'm wrong or misrepresenting some details).
I resent making this for what its worth, and am trying my best to be accurate, but for me this is part of moving on, acknowledging the bad and the factors that mitigate it. And yes, I think there are several mitigating factors.
Why did Cassie Wei, lead singer of Project Mili who is both Korean and a woman, speak out in KJH's defense?
Why hasn't, to my knowledge, Vellmori said anything since and by and large just disappeared if she was so poorly mistreated?
Why have, again to my knowledge, none of the Voice Actors and Actresses spoken out against PM in solidarity?
Why do PM continue to have partnerships with progressive companies like Arc System Works?
Why did the labor union retract their statements against PM and apologize following an actual investigation?
EDIT: New info. Why did the labor union censure the people responsible for handling the PM issue, who later quit the group seemingly in disgrace?
Why did PM not bring their own lawyers to the meeting with Vellmori while she was allegedly encouraged to bring hers?
None of these questions completely absolve PM of wrongdoing, if you were set on condemning them it's not hard to interpret each in a very uncharitable way. For example, most of this is easily answered by the fact we live under Capitalism and we inevitably all have to swallow our morals and ideals to make rent. I could retort that maybe PM did the same by capitulating in any degree to harassment (which they have done historically as what happened with Ruina's ending) and not specifically endorsing any ideology or political belief (which is wild considering the actual content of their stories). But I think that ends with a circular argument that boils down to whether you believe in PM or not.
To be clear, even if you want to interpret all the Vellmori stuff as charitably as possible, PM undeniably fucked up and has labor issues in its history. The artist for the manga Leviathan, Monggeu, came out during the whole thing to speak on her treatment as a contractor; how she was given an impossible workload and the company denied her requests for delays, delays caused in part by suicidal depression caused by the workload. Though KJH personally apologized to her, she was let go over the phone and spoke out only after she felt the company now had a pattern of abusive work policies. The author of Wonderlab also deleted her stuff in solidarity.
That's all bad. Really bad. I stopped playing Limbus because I felt extreme disappointment with the company and managerial tendencies of KJH. Credit to a reddit user I won't name for pointing this out, but this information is far more concrete than anything involving Vellmori as Monggeu broke her silence independently months after things happened on her personal Twitter. However, there isn't nearly as much focus on this or calls for Justice for Monggeu.
This opinion is mine and mine alone, but her situation, which I must stress was awful and shameful on PM's and KJH's part, doesn't tie into a culture war like "Vellmori being fired for feminist tweets" does. It is a clear cut example of bad labor and managerial practices that lead to harm towards an employee, but its an everyday tragedy, not a martyrdom. And so I wonder how much the treatment of labor is actually part of this discussion, the more actionable issue than changing all of Korean society. I wonder if PM's supposed kowtowing to incels is highlighted above all other context because it casts PM as an enemy in a culture war.
I say the above because I've seen online culture war stuff happen before, and it scares me beyond just whether a company I like gets redeemed in the eyes of others. I have seen lives destroyed in the name of a just cause for nothing, including good progressive causes like feminism. If the only thing that would satisfy or lead to forgiveness is a revolutionary purge, do you actually want to build anything?
I digress, and I hope I didn't turn you off too much with my thoughts and fears there. It's important though, because there was ultimately an apology from PM.
In it, among other things, they laid out their flawed logic on how they wanted to handle the situation, addressed their treatment of both current employees and past contractors, and promised to improve and protect employees better. Since then, things seem to have changed at least from an outsiders' perspective. The game moved away from a strict list of deadlines and towards a more open-ended dev pipeline. The game is less buggy than it used to be after updates. They changed policies on content to make it easier to produce by limiting VA without any blowback from their VA's so we can assume proper talks were had. Translations don't have as many errors as they used to while the quality has been maintained even after losing a major translator (which is its own tale of baffling choices by the company in its own right). And they've kept all this up for Season 3 so far without any announcements of delays and, in fact, far more content than usual. All of this, to me, points to better management.
Maybe I'm naive to think so but I want to believe that the evidence points to the crimes of PM not coming from a place of malice and antifeminism but incompetence. I need to stress KJH didn't kill or rape anybody, nor was he verbally or physically abusive. He was a really shitty boss, and I understand how much it sucks to have a shitty boss, believe me. But a shitty boss can become not shitty, and my hope is that happened already, and that a company that produces good art that's worthwhile will thrive as a result.
I say all this because I actually care about this company and art it produces. If I didn't, last July wouldn't have hurt so much. If I'm cringe for it, so be it, but I believe constructive change should be recognized and rewarded, and it's for those reasons I came back after following the game for the rest of its second season.
To be clear, you don't owe a company your time or your money even if they improve their culture and policies, and if you felt that what PM or KJH has done is unforgivable you are well within your rights not to engage with it ever again or even tell others about your grievances, as much as I might disagree. But if you want them to suffer, to lose business, maybe even to go under despite how many other women work for and with them... I don't know. Please don't just think of these people as enemy units in the war against feminism? Ask yourself that if Vellmori broke her silence tomorrow and asserted she left of her own volition and condemned groups like the PMUA, would you believe her or immediately assume she's under duress?
This is not a cut and dry, black and white moral issue where a great evil needs vanquishing, it's a messy as hell moral and labor issue involving multiple people wrapped up in larger cultural and social issues no one initially involved intended. There are real people involved who stand to get hurt, not to mention who's been hurt already. Justice can involve other things than a firing squad. Please at least acknowledge that much. inb4 "No and kindly die"
EDIT, regarding the lawsuits. If you didn't know, PM is currently suing the labor union and a separate organization once called the PMUA (Project Moon Users Association) now called the KGA (Korean Gamer Association). I have seen unconfirmed reports that the former has ties to the disgraced Korean Ratings Board exposed by Blue Archive Fans for crypto bullshit. In addition, I have seen criticisms of how the PMUA used donations and their effectiveness in actual addressing PM and its labor issues, including demonstrations on days workers and management weren't even present and being the ones responsible for leaking documents that Vellmori allegedly wanted to be kept private. All of that supports PM's allegations that these organizations were in fact targeting them as part of political ploys and they never cared about any of the victims or ideals they touted as representing. For all the above, PM is suing for defamation, which is well within their rights by my reckoning. Regardless of my thoughts, this is where we are now.
Last and by no means least, feminism is good. Wanna be clear on that, I believe in equal pay, reproductive rights, that grip strength is a stupid metric to measure human rights by, that men are not owed sex and love by women regardless of circumstance, the whole shebang.
Also, what's happening in South Korea is scary and serious and bigger than just a terminally online culture war shitfest, more like an active bomb about to explode. I support the women who live there and their fight for equality, I just don't think PM fundamentally has anything to do with it and constantly trying to drag it into the line of fire feels like faux activism. I think the scope of the gender war is very far beyond the limits of gacha game discussion, or for that matter the actions of a single company of, like, 50 people.
(I swear to god if Vellmori makes a post tomorrow accusing KJH of SA or something after I wrote all this I will throw myself into the ocean.)
This will actually be the last time I talk about this unless something changes, I want to believe I was respectful the whole time and don't mean to belittle anyone for their beliefs or choices (unless you're an incel, please be better, also take a shower).
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kate-bot · 1 year
for vigilante and pepperman perhaps they could be doing target practice with each other.
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so i know this request was based on pepperlante stuff.. this isnt. very pepperlante-ey but i had a funny lil idea and i wanted to do it . i made some more sketches of the concept that are more shippy so perhaps ill make them look half decent and post them but... for now i have this :)
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magicicephoenix · 8 months
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i think bendy is really really really into halloween. like “gets excited the moment autumn starts” into halloween. peak of his year.
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and if you can’t read my chicken scratch the dialogue is under the cut :)
(in order of when dialogue appears in the different drawings)
Boris: It’s October 13th??
Bendy: …
Bendy: Alice. Halloween.
Alice: Isn’t that in a few weeks?
Bendy: Halloween.
Alice & Boris: …
Alice: Bendy, darling, you’ve just pointed to the entirety of October.
Boris: What she said.
(the bonus:)
Bendy: Pumpkin big!!
Someone: You’re just small.
Bendy: …
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ganondoodle · 10 months
i often really do feel like an .. unwanted part of the fandom, i dont draw beautiful landscapes, i have unpopular but strong opinions im constantly annoying about and rarely change, dont like/dont draw the pretty young popular twinks and hot gurls to fanboi over nor do i turn characters into one, the opposite moreso, draw only one ship no ones heard of really, got little energy to interact with the few people that are nice to me and send me asks so it probably looks like im ignoring everyone and unfortunately but still rarely get so stressed i get overwhelmed and emotional about pehaps seemingly minor things and spiral almost into a breakdown feeling super embarrassed about it afterwards but the damage is already done and i look like a freak or agressive weirdo
#ganondoodles talks#also probably sounds like self pity#but this feeling hits everytime i see a super popular artist be the popular cool artist#i am a little weird i know that and thats not somethign bad i think#but the internet never gets to see that much of me#i tend to write posts when i am at my worst bc it has to go somewhere#so the image it tells people is that im a weirdly strong opiniod freak that gets breakdowns over nothing#i also dont feel like im otherwise -cool tm- enough to balance that out#i dont think my art is as stylized or as inventive as others nor am i cool to interact with bc idk how to be cool to interact with#i feel double bad when i misstepped with someone i used to talk to bc of something stupid ... or just dont know what i did wrong#im guessing its especially when i am in that spiraling state of mind where i really am not myself tbh#it still feels very bad bc i feel like i can never make it up to anyone again#sorry i acted like a jerk my brain was exploding in emotions in a desperate attempt to deal with something idk how to deal with-#-and made me not act like myself but now i feel really dumb about it#doesnt sound like a good excuse#... i want to thank those that do stick with me#even if i acted strange sometimes- even if i disappointed sometimes- even when i couldnt keep a promise#there are little things that still make me angry at myself#like that one time i asked in the tags whod read as long as the end of them and if someone did shoudl send me an ask so id draw a lil thing#and i got two#and i kept trying to remeber oh shit i need to do that and forgetting again/not having energy for it in a loop#i still feel like a jerk about it but now its probably too late#i wish i could answer all asks i get but man my energy for that is always rock bottom#no matter how much i enjoy the ask#and i love getting asks!!!#im sorry :((
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Have you seen the demicolon?
yeah, i mean i've heard of it but like. idk i am surprisingly neutral on the concept? i mean it's a fun idea but also it's not really viable in a writing context (formatting-wise at least) so it just. eh.
(demicolon thing for context)
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riddlerosehearts · 4 months
i don't wanna like. complain too much especially now that the PJO show's first season is over but i do feel kind of lied to about it with how rick constantly claimed it would be super accurate and perfect unlike the movies and how he said stuff like this:
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because this is literally exactly what i wanted. i wanted to see as much of the book's story as possible while also getting some fun additions or even changes when necessary (for example, one change that i really want if we ever get the final book is luke's death scene, when he asks annabeth if she loved him--this needs to either not happen, or annabeth's answer needs to be changed from "you were like a brother to me, but i didn't love you" to something that affirms that she did love him in a familial way, so that his question can't be taken as a romantic thing. maybe his wording of it should change as well.) and i also thought it's only natural that they'd have to cut less important scenes. but they changed sooo so much and the show is basically just more accurate than the movies in the sense that they go to all the right locations, fight the right monsters, and hit the right basic plot beats, but the how and why of it all is so different. the details are all off. and also imo they somehow managed to make it boring to watch, which is an even worse crime to me. honestly i don't want books i enjoy to get screen adaptations anymore. make them stage musicals on par with the lightning thief musical or just leave them alone.
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several-ravens · 24 days
jon finally apologised to martin and tim so i like him now
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mountinez · 5 months
besties, why am i seeing pjo show propaganda on my dash when rick riordan is a zionist?
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skylarbee · 9 months
the day am fans realise that miles/milex shippers are less problematic and harmful to the fandom than lv/her supporters will be one of the best days of my life
rant incoming because I'm going insane:
i will never ever understand why am fans have so much beef with milex shippers.
i have been in SO many fandoms throughout my life, I've been obsessed with SO many bands whose members are shipped to the point of insanity, and it was never a problem. sure, some people didn't like the ships, but why are so many am fans acting like this is something unique? bts, mcr, dan and phil, harry potter, I've seen fucking everything. every other fandom in the world are just this obsessed with their ships, trying to prove that two men are fucking, posting theories and so on. shipping was always a thing in fandoms and always will be, especially if we're talking about male celebrities and teenage girls.
having said this, the kind of fandom i have never been in is one where grown ass women bring this much toxicity to the community and behave like children. there are hundreds of celebrities whose girlfriends are not liked by the fans, but no girlfriend ever engaged this much with the haters, probably because they realised that it would only make things worse, and the fans would hate them even more.
we could've had some peaceful end of the tour content, but no, we have this instead. every few months something has to be done by a certain someone in order for people to pay attention to her, and so that in the end fans will forget the reason they're fans and engage in stupid shit like this, defeating the whole purpose of being a music fan.
all this drama is slowly making me not want to have anything to do with am or the fandom anymore. if not for miles and him being connected to am, i would've stopped giving a fuck about alex years ago (technically not through his fault, but then also because of him). this whole thing just makes me sad because miles does not deserve to be associated with these people and the fact that he will never be able to get rid of them is so not it.
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occudo · 7 months
where do I find archivist georgie au I'm eating eyes about this rn (cool) but your tag only has one post
You can read it on ao3
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spottedgardeneelstan · 8 months
we as a society talk a lot about fudanshi tianlang jun, but i don’t think we’ve explored fudanshi *pei ming* enough. he’s very pumped about hualian, i think if you showed him yaoi he’d be pretty into it. ally king
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rollingaroundin-bread · 2 months
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I have done it!! I have drawn the toitles!!! :D :D :D
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dragonsdendoodles · 2 months
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rotisseries · 6 months
the dabihawks bachelorette au is the only true mha canon to me and I mean this completely seriously in that I literally thought a major plot point from that fic was fully canon to the extent that I used said plot point as the rationalization in my brain for a certain plot point in a DIFFERENT fic
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