#sorry to post a redirect to other sites!!
xxwritemeastoryxx · 7 months
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Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Fem!reader
Word Count: 4780
Warnings: Mentions of torture. But I think that's about it for this one.
Author’s Note: I enjoyed writing this one and I hope you guys enjoy reading it just as much. I'm starting to feel a little bittersweet about this cause its closely coming to an end and I'm about to feel like a mess once it is. As a reminder, please be sure to follow @xxwritemeastoryxxlibrary and turn on notifications so you never miss a fic!
I do not and will not ever give permission for my fics to be copied and posted on other sites. Don’t do it. Don’t be that person that ruins it for me and everyone else.
Feedback gives me life and motivation for future things. While likes are appreciated, reblogs are gold. Seriously, if you enjoyed this in the slightest, please reblog ♥
Phantom Masterlist || MCU Masterlist || Taglist
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When Ross's men came into view, Bucky felt her pace slow down. He felt the way her fingers twitched within his hand as her eyes scanned the hall in front of him. It was then that he realized it wasn't that she was nervous, it was how she was counting them without being too obvious. 
He knew her mind was in defense mode. Taking in the details to ensure she'd be able to handle herself if the need arises. In an attempt to distract her, he tapped his fingers against her skin to throw off her numbers. 
The moment she felt the randomized tapping, it caused her head to shoot up and look at him. When she saw the knowing look on his face, she simply shrugged her shoulders as if it had been nothing. 
She understood why he had done it. He wanted her to know that she would be okay there. That there wouldn't be a reason she would need those numbers. But a habit such as that one wasn't easily given up.
When they came up to the door, Bucky went to open it. But the moment his hand reached out a guard reached his hand out to stop him. It caused Bucky to raise a brow as he looked over at the man.
“I'm sorry Sergeant Barnes, but I have an order to only allow her in.” His head tilted towards her. 
“Who gave that order?” Bucky asked as a glare formed on his face. 
“Secretary Ross.” He said with a nod. “The other Avengers are already in the viewing room.”
“They tried going in and waiting?” Bucky asked as he looked over at her. 
“Until Secretary Ross ordered them out.” The guard responded. “I was told to redirect anyone else to the viewing room.” 
Her heart sped up at that moment. Bucky wouldn't be there with her. Part of her hoped he'd be able to sit there in the room. She knew he wouldn't have been able to say anything but, his presence would bring her comfort. 
“You'll be okay.” Bucky’s words prevented her from beginning to spiral. “I'll be waiting for you the moment you walk out this door.”
“If you're not, I'll hold it against you.” She shrugged slightly before she gently let go of his hand and the moment the guard opened the door she stepped into the room. 
Ross had been by the back wall of the room speaking with a guard. Their conversation had been hushed that she hadn't picked up on anything. The moment the door closed behind her, his attention left the guard and zeroed in on her. 
“Y/N.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “I was almost certain I'd be forcing you in here.” 
A guard in the corner closest to the door motioned for her to take a seat. She eyed it for a moment before she looked back at Ross. She kept her eyes on him the whole time she walked towards the table and took a seat. 
“We both know that's not really my name.” She said the moment she was seated. 
Ross scoffed. “And Phantom is?” 
“No.” She shook her head. She was surprised how calm her voice had come out. There was no venom in her voice in an attempt to defend herself. She simply answered the question. “I wasn't given the name Phantom until my handler at the time saw the local news calling me that. I had been with Hydra for five years at that point.” 
“I think I'd like to stick to Murderer.” He said as he slid a thick file towards her. “Maybe even a terrorist. The last six months you have been the constant headache I've had to deal with. Almost 200 hundred casualties and a handful of people in critical condition after today's stunt.” 
Quick flashes of memories played in her mind. Death by her hands was not always quick. Some were shot in the head in one quick motion while others had been stabbed and cut in not so pleasant ways. Each of them had come at her with full force. Each face had been there. Each way she had taken their life had been there in her mind. 
Her eyes welled up for a moment before she blinked them back just as quickly. She wouldn't let him of all people see her break down. She refused to let him see her fall apart at the memories she was forced to do. 
“You can call me whatever you want.” Her voice was steady. “Doesn't change the fact I was a pawn in someone else's game.” 
“Is it really someone else's if you went back?” He asked. 
“Forced.” She corrected. “There are very few things in my life that I've done willingly.” 
Ross didn't find it to be funny, but he chuckled slightly. “Do tell what it is you've done on your own free will.” 
“Let's start with me not killing Earth's Mightiest Heroes.” She tilted her head to the side. “Trust me, I had several chances to do so. How about every mission that helped save thousands of people in the process. Or the fact I single handedly took out a Hydra base to ensure my freedom.” 
“And how many of those missions were you playing as a double agent?” He asked as he pulled out the chair across from her and sat down. “How many deaths have you caused under Hydra?” 
“How many deaths are you responsible for under the name of protecting the US?” She asked back without missing a beat. “If everything I've learned is accurate. My number isn't as nearly as bad as yours. Your casualty list consists mostly of people in the wrong place at the wrong time. Civilians caught in the crossfire in your desperate need to bring in Dr. Banner. Shall we discuss what happened with Blonsky? What about the missions you requested the Avengers go on that were strictly on Hydra’s agenda without your knowledge. Even you, Mr. Secretary, are not as clean as you may think.”
His eyebrow raised and a small smirk pulled at the corner of her lips. She hadn't been wrong and he knew that. The details that had been put out into the world by Natasha with the fall of SHIELD was proof enough. 
She watched as he steeled himself. She could see the way he was trying to get this back on track to be in his favor. This wasn't about the things he had done. It was about what she had done and what she knew. 
“My history isn't an act of war to other countries.” He started. “Yours on the other hand has proven several times that having you out in the world is dangerous. The intel you've stolen and used for Hydra adds to it. Every government you've stolen from is putting a price on your head.” 
“What if I told you I never stole it?” She asked as she watched him. “Sure, the first time around I hacked into what I needed to complete my missions. But this time, most of it was handed to me without so much as entering a single keystroke to bypass security mainframes.” 
“And how was it that it was so easily handed to you?” He asked. “It's hard to believe that the intel of a majority of classified documents was just handed to you as if it was nothing. And for an elaborate measure to obtain that technology doesn't come easy as you say it is. ” 
“Tell me something, Ross.” She said as she leaned back in her seat and crossed her arms over her chest. “Do you vet everyone that works with you?” 
His eyes narrowed for a moment. “That's not what we're discussing.” 
“Isn't it?” She asked. “Your questions are based on what information I can provide on how Hydra has provided Intel for my missions. Your office has had several investigations about security data breaches in the last year.” She hadn't missed the way Ross had stiffened in his seat. She could see in his eyes that what she was saying wasn't new information to him. It wasn't public information either. “What's it like upping the household security for the secrets you know? Or the agents you keep on security detail for your daughter because the simple knowledge of what was breached could put her life in danger?” 
“Don't you dare-” Ross began but she cut him off. 
“Or how about the details of the German technology convoy?” Her voice was a little louder than his. “Your informant in Germany sent over the details. It was a way to ensure the US knew what was being moved and if it would be safe in transport. And what do you know, five hours later they were put into my hands with a mission tied into it. If you want someone to blame, you might want to get Internal Affairs involved. I'm just the puppet.” 
A pin drop could be heard after her voice had left the air. Ross's glare was heavy as he kept his attention on her. Her eyes never left him as she didn't back down. If this had been two years ago, a full smirk would have pulled at the corner of her lips as she spoke to him. But this was an interrogation and the circumstances were now different. 
Her words were enough to even leave the ones behind the window with their jaws hanging. The information she had given was enough to give Ross everything he was asking for with her usual flair. 
A proud smile had been on Bucky's face as he watched the interaction. She hadn't changed at all. Her tactics were the same even when she had just been subjected to plenty of things over the last two years. 
“I just remembered why I would never want to be on the opposite side of the table from her.” Sam said with a shake of his head. 
“It's all that training she's had.” Natasha noted. “And she's had more of it than I did.” 
“More lethal too.” Tony noted. It caused them all to look towards him for a moment. “All I'm saying is none of us have been able to render Ross speechless. There's a staredown happening a few feet from us and the people in this room have never done that before.” 
“You know who it is.” Ross said, stopping their conversation. 
“That's a vague assumption.” She said with a slight tilt of her head. “I know a lot of things and who they pertain to. Your secrets, I definitely know. Your informants throughout different agencies, I know them. Met a few of them as well.” She pursed her lips for a moment. “As an Avenger and with Hydra, for that matter. Do I know who is responsible for hacking into it all? Of course.” Her eyes moved from Ross to the window behind him. “Just like I know my handler has a false identity within your ranks and hasn't raised any red flags, even before the fall of SHIELD.”
Bucky and Steve looked at each other for a moment before Steve was moving away from the window. A silent conversation had been had. She wasn't just giving that information as if it was nothing. That wasn't for Ross. It was for them. 
“Your handler.” Ross clarified. “Who is it?” 
“I want immunity.” She looked back towards him. 
Ross scoffed. “This isn't a negotiation. I doubt you'd see daylight after today.” 
“Shame.” She said with a sigh. “I'm sure I can make some friends in some very low places that would just love to hear what I've learned over the years.” 
“Is that a threat?” He asked as he began standing. “I'll have you locked away-” 
“Where?” She asked as she leaned forward. “Your Raft was deemed inhumane and was dismantled. There's not a jail or prison on this Earth you'd be able to put me in. Solitary confinement might be ideal, but all it's gonna take is for one corrupt guard to ask the right question, for the right price. Execution may be your saving grace, but how do you get all of them to agree to let me walk out of here to start the process for it?” Her head nodded towards the window. 
She watched as Ross actually looked over his shoulder at the window. To her and Ross's knowledge, the whole team had been behind that window watching. The same team who were stubborn enough to go against him on several things at several different times. 
“I'm not the enemy here, Ross.” She continued. “Secrets can be kept for the right people. Having me as an ally is a whole lot better than having to look over your shoulder wondering who might come for that specific piece of information. I am also the only one capable of giving the updated insider information.” 
“So far you've only managed to say you have details but you haven't given anything to show you actually do. Its all been speculation.” 
She knew what Ross was doing. He was trying to turn this back in his favor. He wanted the information without giving her anything in return. She could spill it all and he wouldn't give her anything in return. 
“Immunity. And I'll start with the closest threat that can be dealt with immediately.” 
“Closest threat?” Sam asked as he watched Ross stare her down once more. “Is there something else we aren't aware of?” 
“They can be anywhere.” Bucky responded. “They were here. There could be others near by waiting for the next command.” 
Then a thought crossed his mind. One that made him tense at the thought. He did a quick glance of the people in the room. The whole team had been there, minus Steve as he was checking the new lead. And at the back wall by the door, two guards were posted. They were quietly talking among themselves oblivious to the conversations being had by the team. 
When he brought his attention back to the window, he watched the guards in the room. He watched as some of their hands flexed by their sides. He watched as three particular ones had sweat dewing on their forehead while another looked completely bored. 
Bucky realized she wasn't counting how many guards were present in the event that she needed an escape. She was counting how many faces she knew. 
“The terms of your immunity will be based on what information you provide and if it is accurate.” Ross began and Bucky brought his attention to her. 
He watched as she took in his words for a moment before she nodded her head. “Just to be clear, if the first piece of information I give is accurate, I get immunity?” 
She was being smart about it. She needed to hear him say it. He needed to say it in order for her to accept. 
“Yes.” Ross agreed, annoyed.  
She nodded her head and uncrossed her arms as she braced herself. She knew what would come as soon as she said it. 
Bucky looked towards Natasha and Sam. The moment he had their attention his eyes shifted towards the guards at the door. A simple motion that told them to prepare themselves. It earned brow raises from both of them until they heard her speak. 
“Of the ten guards you came with, six of them are Hydra associates.”
The moment the words filled the air. Three of the guards in the interrogation room moved towards her to attack. A way to silence her if she began speaking about Hydra. She shot up from her seat and began defending herself. 
In the same moment, the viewing room door opened, two other guards came in. The goal was to keep the Avengers from getting to Phantom. But the guards were currently outnumbered and out-powered. It wouldn't be long before they were taken down. 
Back in the interrogation room, she had used the chair to her advantage to knock one of them unconscious. The right amount of force with movement and hitting the guard in the right sport worked in her favor. 
As the two other guards advanced, her hands instinctively went down towards her sides, looking for weapons. But her tactical belts had been removed while she had been out. With a quick shake of her head she braced herself for hand to hand combat until she could steal something from one of them. 
She was trained for this. Not just in the recent months but from years of it being embedded into her mind. Never be weaponless. 
It took only one block from the guard on her left before she had something in her hand. And as her elbow came back and hit the guard square in the face on her right, she knew that all it would take would be to get the right amount of spacing and it'd be over. She'd come out of this untouched. 
In one breath, she had a gun in her hand and within the next breath both of the guards had been on the ground. A routine she could do in her sleep if she ever needed to. The echoes from the gunshots in such an enclosed space didn't phase her at all. 
From the moment she had outed the guards to them lying on the ground, the time had passed quickly. But she hadn't so much as broken a sweat by the time she looked back at Ross. He was currently being protected by the one single guard that wasn't Hydra. 
Pulling the magazine out and clearing the chamber, she placed the gun on the table between her and them. It would have been smarter to keep the gun in hand. But she didn't need Ross to think she was a threat.
“I believe that was enough to grant immunity.” 
Bucky’s voice had startled her. While her body didn't flinch or react in a way anyone else had, she had simply tensed up. She hadn't known he had even come into the room, let alone when. And that seemed to throw her off more. 
“You aren't paying attention.” Her handler said as he circled the sparring room. The barely legal adult currently had been held in a headlock. With the right leverage her neck could easily be snapped. 
She'd only been training with Hydra for a few weeks. Her mind had been reduced to nothing but skills. Yet she was currently being scolded like a child for not paying close attention to the door behind her. 
“If this had been a mission, you would have failed.” He said as he gave a nod. The soldier let her go at the command and took a step back. “You are worth every penny spent and I'll make it so you never forget about all the entry ways.”
The memory had pulled her in that she didn't hear Ross accept the terms of immunity. Nor did she hear the way Bucky had commented about making plans to get the information Ross needed. Her brain didn't even register the voice above them stating Captain Rogers was requesting their presence. 
That name everyone had been calling her for years could be heard a moment later. It was used in an attempt to get her back to the present, not wherever her mind currently was.
“I got her.” Bucky said as he came to stand beside her. He didn't know when her mind pulled her back in or what caused her to. 
Just as he had earlier, he gently reached out and grabbed her hand. And just like earlier he gauged on how she reacted to him doing so. Each step he took in an attempt to bring her out of her mind always revolved around if she reacted in any way. 
If she flinched or instinctively pulled herself out of his hold, he would have stopped and tried a different approach. But when she didn't react negatively, he continued. Just like now, the moment he felt her fingers adjust in a bit before relaxing, he knew he could continue. 
“What memory has you pulled in?” He asked curiously even though he knew she wouldn't answer him. 
He could see it in the way her eyes weren't focused on one thing. They flicked from one spot to another, trying to find a place to settle on. At least until they welled up. An ache filled Bucky’s chest as he watched the first tear fall from her eyes. 
“You don't have to stay in there.” He said as he brought his left hand up to gently run his vibranium fingers along her cheek. He hoped that the cold contrast of the metal would help ease her out. “You're safe with me. I've got you and I'm not going to let you go until you want me to.” 
He tried to think about all of the times she had helped him. His nightmares didn't stop after he had come back from Wakanda. He was safe from ever being pulled back in but the memories that were tied to a majority of his life were unescapable. She was the one that helped him out every time. 
His thumb came up and wiped the tears that had fallen down her cheek. A moment later he watched as her free hand came up and rested on top of his. When his eyes met hers, the vacant look was gone. Her eyes were focused on him. 
“There she is.” He said, giving her a smile. 
“How long was it this time?” She asked softly as she leaned into the vibranium. The cool metal felt comfortable to her. It grounded her in a way she never realized she needed until now. 
“No longer than earlier.” He nodded. “Ross granted your immunity, right before Steve had FRIDAY call us up. Agents even came in and took the bodies.” 
Her head instantly turned to where the bodies had been before she got pulled into her head. The floor had been empty of bodies, but the pools of blood that had gathered had yet to be clean. 
Her bullet. 
But it hadn't been. Not this time. She was trying to prove a point and she did just that. Those bullets were meant for her. She was supposed to be the one on the ground without a heartbeat. 
“How long before Ross wants everything I can provide?” She asked, bringing her attention back to him. 
“We've got enough breathing room, for now.” He sighed as he took a step back from her. “Might be a good thing given that Steve has found something.” He nodded his head towards the exit. 
It didn't take them long to get up to the conference room. The Avengers had been in there discussing several things from the day. Ross stood in the corner with the remaining trusted guards. From the looks of it, he was simply listening as he occasionally glared at the guards with them. As if gauging if they were really safe from Hydra’s influence.
The moment they stepped into the room, the conversations hadn't stopped. Nor did they make her feel like she was someone who left years ago. It was like she never left or missed a beat. It felt comforting in comparison to what could have possibly happened. 
When they reached the conference table, Wanda instantly pulled her into a hug. The tight embrace had been welcoming in ways she'd never be able to express. And it almost brought tears to both of their eyes. 
Wanda had been her closest friend. She hated how hard it had been to leave that night without so much as saying goodbye to her. Deep down that was why she opened her mind up to Wanda a lot more than she normally would. It was a way to say goodbye without having Wanda try to stop her. 
“Welcome back.” Wanda said, still holding onto her. 
She could only give a smile in response as she pulled away slightly to look at Wanda. Was she really back? Would they just take her in with open arms this time around? They may have decided on things that she wasn't around for.
Steve cleared his throat, getting their attention. “I believe I found what you spoke about. I didn't want to let the others see it until you did.” 
She raised her eyebrow for a moment. “If you know, then why not go for it?” 
“Because being one hundred percent sure is better than going off an assumption.” He nodded his head before he handed her the Stark pad. “I had narrowed it down to a handful. But given the new information there's only two of them that are currently flagged.” 
That was when the conversations around her stopped. That was when the attention was on her. It was the information that she could provide that sparked their curiosity. 
Taking a hold of the device, she looked at the files on screen. Between the two faces, her eyes had instantly gone to the one on the left. The memories were quick, each of them quick and simple. Your next mission…
And when the mission was complete, his smirk would grow before he clapped his hands together. 
“I told my brother he should have invested in you instead of letting the others take control over you. Leaving you under cover like that was a mistake. Getting you back like this, it's been the cherry on top.” 
Bucky hadn't missed the way her grip tightened on the device in her hands. It made him reach out for it and tug at it for her hands to let go of it. He handed it to Steve before he turned back to look at her. 
“The one on the left.” She said after a few deep breaths. “The younger Strucker brother.” 
“Excuse me,” Tony said almost in disbelief. “Strucker? As in the Strucker that had Loki's scepter? The one Ultron killed to send a message?” 
She nodded her head. “Between the two of them, they had a system going. One of them had a heavy hand in things and the other kept a low profile. Changed his name and climbed the ranks as if it was something he had been working for his whole life. He kept all ties severed and you'd never suspect him for anything. With the fall of SHIELD I was handed off to another cell when an experimental cell refused to take charge. I remember being told that an opportunity had been missed with that cell. An asset such as myself would have benefited from the experiments. Instead I was set up for a different mission that would eventually lead to me helping to raid that cell.” 
She tried as best as she could to keep memories from wanting to suck her back into her mind. Flashes and echoes played in her mind but she had been able to keep her focus. And as long as she didn't sit with one memory for too long, she'd be fine. 
“I didn't meet this Strucker until after I had been reprogrammed.” She tried not to look at any of them in the face. She didn't want to see the looks in their eyes as she talked about it. “He had a right hand that would act as my handler when Strucker couldn't be present for mission assignments and debriefs. I never learned his name but I knew his face because he was the first and last face I saw each time I woke up and before I was tossed in a cell. And when the programming was set, he was there. It wasn't long after that I was in D.C. meeting Strucker. 
“He was boastful when I returned from a mission. Never missed an opportunity to mention how his brother had been wrong in refusing me. That if anything were to show his success, it was me and the weapon that we were creating. It'd be his chance to show how much Hydra had truly grown since the fall of SHIELD. To prove that hiding in the shadow until the right time would be worth it.” 
“What was he planning on building?” It was Ross's voice that filled the air. 
“He took the data information his brother had collected along with blood samples from test subjects.” She began as she looked towards Ross. “He also found a way to miniaturize Project Insight. Put the two together and-” 
“You get a weapon that can turn specific people into enhanced weapons.” Steve finished for her.
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All WorksTag (The tag to be notified for everything I write):
@mrs-maximoff-kenner @mizzzpink @friendelius @thatfanficstuff @mushroomelephant @23victoria @avengers-fixation @fayeatheart @my-soulmate-is-mycroft @wearehufflepuffs
Excelsior Tag(All MCU fics):
@hellotvshowtrash @dpaccione @old-enough-to-know-better73 @elijahs-wife @kpopgirlbtssvt @theartofhotchinthesnow @bluebear142077 @thatweirdoleigh @loving-life-my-way @kandis-mom
Phantom (For only updates for this story):
@kandis-mom @claireelizabeth85 @missvelvetsstuff @ravenmedows @itsss4t4n @kokoronotsubasa
Winter Soldier tag(For only and all things Bucky):
@fandom-princess-forevermore @freyathehuntress @emerald-writes @claireelizabeth85
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m0r1bund · 9 months
"Lore, where have you been?"
In hell, probably. I remade M0R1BUND.com.
“For the love of god, why?”
Short answer: to save time and money.
Long answer: Sharing art was getting burdensome. Neocities hosts static websites built with html, css, and javascript—which is awesome for its mission, to encourage people to create future-proof websites. But this also means that every page is created and maintained by hand. I handle every little link and file and bit of code, and if I want to do site-wide changes, I have to push those by hand, too. This takes time, and so does writing image descriptions and cross-posting art to other websites. It became normal for sharing art to eat up an entire day.
I later created Basedt.net in WordPress, so that I didn’t have to worry about managing link hierarchies, which was a big timewaster on my old webcomic. I liked working in WordPress well enough, and I knew I would benefit from being able to use PHP to manage the sheer amount of stuff that’s on M0R1BUND.com. I was also paying double for webhosting through two different services, when I really didn’t need to…. So… I knew it was inevitable that I would consolidate the two at some point. It was time.
I do really love Neocities and I’m sorry to let it go. I encourage anyone who wants to learn web design and create their own website to start there.
Anyway, that’s how I ended up in hell for 6 months.
“What’s changed?”
Most things. I’m most excited about the quality-of-life stuff, like being able to sort art by character/location/world, or being able to move between individual pieces instead of having to return to the gallery landing page. There are lots of things I want to add, but my soft deadline for this was the new year, so I focused on recreating M0R1BUND.com as it existed before… well… this.
I’ve also edited most of my writing. This site is old, and the art is even older, it felt good to give it some TLC.
There are still a few things missing from the new site:
The Woods and RANSOM. They aren’t really representative of Basedt or Mercasor anymore, and I was not a competent writer in 2018. If I re-share them, it will be in the distant future.  
Some of my Those Who Went Missing stuff. I haven’t been playing TWWM publicly, so this is lower priority right now. It will happen when it happens.  
Some twines. They haven’t adjusted to the new filepath format yet. Killswitch is here, though :)
If you need them urgently for some reason, I can share them with you? but that seems doubtful haha.
Links to pages on the old M0R1BUND.com are broken and will remain broken until I set up redirections to the new M0R1BUND.com. I have no idea how long that will take! … Hopefully not long, given the new semester is here.
And of course... If you see anything weird, tell me! I test as much as I can, but I only have access to so many devices. Break this website within an inch of its miserable life so that I can fix it.
“How’s Basedt going?”
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It’s going. Recreating my website took precedence for the above reasons, but I’ve been working concurrently on it in my spare time. We move like a glacier into the new year. ETA: ???
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spagheddiesquash · 8 months
hi hello!! im not the greatest with theories, BUUUUT……
figured id throw my hat into the ring!!! basically for the past two days ive been mapping out a little… i honestly dont even know the term for it. ive called it a “theory web kind of thing, of sorts” for monkey wrench!! (however i feel as though that may not be the correct term to use, i dunno, it just doesnt sound right)
it is very big and convoluted, and also difficult to read in the screenshot of the full thing because of how massive it is, so i figured id walk you guys through it maybe?? FAIR WARNINGS: THIS POST WILL PROBABLY CONTAIN MONKEY WRENCH SPOILERS AND IT WILL MOST DEFINITELY BE RIDICULOUSLY LONG. THIS IS THE ONLY WARNING. CAPISCE? ALRIGHTY LETS GET INTO IT.
some of this kinda piggybacks off of theories and stuff that ive seen from other users of this site, most notably @toastraccoon and @awwkie-dot-jar (sorry for the @’s, wanted to give credit and figured that would be the best way to do so since the @’s redirect to the respective blogs). both of them were actually what inspired me to put this together in the first place!!! go check their blogs out theyre amazing btw
the rest of the post is below the cut!!
anyway, without further ado:
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for simplicity i have dubbed it “monkey spaghetti” because if you look at it from a glance it looks like a nice, hot bowl of unconventionally-colored pasta noodles, i think.
first and foremost, in order to understand my bullshit i made a helpful handy-dandy little key, pictured below.
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i had to move the key so that’s why the square is out of place. i simply directed to its proper location on the key with an arrow :^)
anyway, i’ll start with walking you guys through the bigger blob first, that being this one:
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so first of all:
(i dont think you can really see if very well so i will say it here, the screenshotted post of the giant statue of the primaries in the second image is from awwkie-dot-jar)
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*yeah, in hindsight i feel like i exaggerated a fair amount, but the point still stands regardless. i tacked on the “like, at ALL” just because i didn’t wanna completely state the obvious. i should go back and edit it i think.
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as well as:
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NOTE: my screenshots loop back to things i have previously shown for continuity reasons!!! so you dont get confused trying to read the whole web all chopped up like this :^D
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before i do that, i will reiterate:
i do NOT know what im doing
im not sure whether i have everything correct
because i have never done this before
i mean i hope i have everything right but like
take everything with a grain of salt
considering i have kind of poor memory sometimes
and also how many spitball ideas i put into this shit
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skysometric · 1 year
Official Depreciation Notice: Twitter Accounts
it's no secret that Twitter has been rapidly losing its luster over the past year, to the point where the site has become frustrating to use, and my social media presence there has become challenging to maintain. as a result, i have begun winding down my use of the site, with intent to close down all presence on Twitter by the end of the year.
what exactly will this process look like?
i have begun closing down my side accounts, effective immediately. if you're familiar with these side accounts, you can find almost all of them on Tumblr or Bluesky instead (Mastodon alternatives also in the works).
NowUKnowGaming has always used an automated crossposter, and as such will remain on Twitter as long as it is economical to keep the crossposter running. you can also find alternative sites for NUKG on its front page @ nowuknowgaming.com.
as for my main Twitter account @skysometric, i intend to wind down all original posts there over the coming months. my only remaining presence on that account will be from an automated crossposter with links to all my new blogposts, videos, and livestreams. by the end of the year i will lock my account entirely, and my bio will be set to redirect people to my links page. at this time, i do not intend to delete my account.
as for what you can do to help...
if you would like to keep following me, you can follow me here on Tumblr or use my links page to follow me on another social media site. thank you for your continued support!
if a site is not listed on my links page, i might still have an account there (@skysometric everywhere), but i make no guarantees for whether i will maintain that account.
i still refuse to use anything owned by Meta, so no Facebook, Instagram, or Threads. sorry!
if all else fails, i'm on discord. i'm sure you can guess my username!
finally, i would like to mention that there will be no loss of data from deprecating my Twitter account – i have downloaded backups of my accounts and i will be making a public Twitter archive site using that data! these accounts have a lot of important and meaningful personal history, so i want to preserve that legacy in the most respectful way i know how... with web design, of course 💖
by the time i deprecate my Twitter account, it will be about ten years old – so thanks for sticking with me for all this time, and i'll see you on the other side of wherever we all choose to end up!
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laubritter2 · 8 months
Do you think you'd ever post ur uncensored art on AO3 or smthn? Whenever i try and click to see the full version of your work im always redirected to twitters "looks like nothings here" page; I assume it's because I don't have a Twitter account and never will
No I don't think so, sorry. I don't really use any other platforms beside tumblr and twitter now since most others are pretty much dead (for art stuff). And yea I think it's because you need an acc there.
It's just that I don't want to "keep updating" on a site I don't use anyway.
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unholyverse · 4 months
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MYSPACE 1.0 THEME REFRESH (originally by conkersradfurday, refreshed by unholyverse)
live previews: 1, 2 / download (pastebin)
hi! i've been using this old theme for years now because other myspace themes don't hit the same, but i've been tweaking a lot of it for personal use. i think it's been long enough since this theme has been abandoned that i can upload something that can handle itself better on modern tumblr.
main features
asks are formatted to look like myspace comments. fun!
four custom links
myspace buttons to follow, message, or block the blog owner
a bunch of info spaces so the world can know what you're about
extra font options
functional search bar (but this is tumblr so...semi functional?)
that web 2.0 ugly goodness
other features + info below the cut
new features
friend space - ever wanna show off your friends? now you can with the friend space to show off your top 8 9 friends on your blog. don't have enough friends? no worries, you can always toggle it off
image space - wanna put a bunch of blinkies somewhere? you'll need to have a bit of html and css knowledge for it, but you can go into the code and add as many images as you'd like. just look for the section and start pasting those images. it's a little tedious but tbh that's just the authentic myspace experience isn't it? but if that's not your thing, you can also toggle it off too.
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tweaked/deleted features
had to delete the music player :( sorry but it used flash and i'm not really sure how to make a music player in javascript yet
added username input because it was annoying me that your title could be your name and it didn't make sense in most cases
deleted infinite scroll because the script was super outdated
added the ability to change the "online now!" gif. the original gif will always be in the defaults of the code.
changed the text post header font to verdana because it was impact and you could not fucking read that and it wasn't accurate to a myspace bulletin anyways
deleted the feature that force showed all the pages you made on your blog. so annoying. it will look a little weird if you have asks/submissions deactivated, but i doubt many of you using the theme will have them closed anyways
changed the dead links to redirect to the actual myspace site
extra recommended add-ons
scm music player: a customizable music player with tons of different skins and tons of songs you're able to add
unblue polls by @glenthemes: what it says basically; allows you to customize the colors of tumblr polls on your blog
cursors-4u.com: i love these dinky little cursors they're so fun. great if you really wanna lean into the 2000s aspect of the theme
cursor sparkles: what else is there to say about this they're just fun
i plan on updating the theme semi-regularly if bugs are brought up and stuff (which you can tell me through my inbox)
hopefully i can work on extra tweaks as time goes on (such as figuring out how to add a footer image to videos, toggle tags, etc)
don't repost/claim as your own because it already isn't mine in the first place
like/reblog if you use!
update log
added a tags toggle + tweaked the video post sizes
made the "is in your extended network" status customizable to add different text. feel free to tell the world how many gas station boner pills you took
added an official theme link
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ashiri · 11 months
TL;DR: I used to repost artwork from Japanese sites back in middle and high school. You might see art posted by me with links to sites that are gone or broken. I don’t do that anymore and I condemn reposters that post art without permission.
Hi, wanted to leave a note for those that find me through fanart posts.
A LONG time ago, I used to repost artwork from other sites without contacting the author first. This practice was common back in 2013-2015, but obviously it isn’t as accepted as it was back then. I was 14 years old, I wanted to show people cool art that I found online and maybe get a few followers from it. Tumblr clout was valuable back then.
Luckily I had enough brains to leave links to credit the artists in every post. Sometimes these links would be in the caption, and sometimes they would be linked directly on the image when you clicked on it. Unfortunately, due to these links being 7+ years old, a lot of these accounts have been deactivated, or some sites have been taken down all together.
Pixiv and Tegaki were the primary sites I scrubbed, both of which had primarily Japanese and Chinese artists. Pixiv experienced a mass deactivation some years after I was reposting due to the amount of people reposting their art without credit on other sites. Despite crediting the artists, I can’t deny that I feel guilty for partaking in that. Tegaki, on the other hand, was completely deleted. Nothing was archived, and though there is a new version available online, those initial posts were never preserved.
Part of me is happy that I was able to help with preserving and archiving old fanart. I still see people reblogging these posts to this day, and it makes me happy that many others see the value in the artwork like I did back then. But I also know many of you assume that I am the artist, or those wise enough to it think that I reposted that art to claim it as my own.
I have not and never will do that. My goal back then was to showcase the work of non-English speaking artists, and I did my best to link to their pages so that all of their work was easily accessible. Now though, almost all of those links are broken, and the effort I put into providing credit is basically useless in the modern day. I know I myself am not the sole reason that those accounts were deleted or that an entire site was deleted. But, as an artist myself, I feel incredibly guilty for trying to gain followers and reblogs using other people’s work. And I myself contributed to the reposting, which was inevitably what caused sites like Pixiv to undergo mass account deletion.
If you were one of those artists, I am sorry that I contributed to your hatred for reposters. I thought that I was one of the “better” ones by leaving links to social accounts, but I recognize that reposting another person’s artwork without permission is just as intolerable.
And for all of you that found me through that fanart reposting, I apologize if I lead you to thinking I owned or had permission to post it. I condemn reposters of any kind unless they have explicit permission to post to a different site. And even then, be skeptical! There is a reason some artists prefer to stick to one or few platforms. That is the preferred community where they want to share their work and we must respect that.
Sometimes reposting can be beneficial to the artist and give them more followers and attention. But more often than not, it gives more recognition to the reposter than the artist. Most people don’t bother clicking the link or redirecting to the artist’s page— and obviously, most of them can’t even reach those sites anymore. I am STILL getting reblogs and comments on artwork that I reposted 7 YEARS AGO. I can’t say the same for those artists.
With all this being said, recognize that posts you see of mine that are old and have artwork that looks nothing like my own are not my work. I reposted that artwork without the artist’s permission. Whether or not you reblog these posts are up to you, but I personally do my best to avoid reposters. Reblog directly from the artists. If you see they have other socials, like their posts and share them on their respective platforms. Art is not a commodity that should be passed around, it is a piece of work that someone made and chose to share. Please respect the artist’s wishes to share their work on whatever sites they choose to share it.
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 › forum › cs-go-releases › fallen-multiha. › › Fallen Earth › Fallen Earth - Submissions. Fallen Earth We will get new cheats and hints soon for this game. cheats, codes, maps, saves, tips, patches, trainers, solutions, downloads. Fallen Earth. Cheatbook is the resource for the latest Cheats, tips, cheat codes, unlockables, hints and secrets to get the edge to win. Note that this is a HACK but was done this way to avoid creating additional bugs as attempting to isolate the redirect rules to just. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. If you have Cheats, Hints or Tricks for this video game console, then feel free to submit them. You can also try our Forums, where you can post your questions or share secrets that you have found with other gamers. Gameinfo: ——— The world as we know it has fallen to ruin in the wake of the Shiva plague and a nuclear holocaust. While humanity fights to survive and rebuild on the ashes of the old world, new factions struggle for dominance: the stern Enforcers, the spiritual Lightbearers, the nature-loving Vistas, the gadget-happy Techs, the merchant-minded Travelers, and the savage Children of the Apocalypse. The conflicts and alliances between these factions create a dangerous ebb and flow that could make even bleaker the future of the Grand Canyon Province … and of humanity as a whole. Fallen Earth is a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game set on a post-apocalyptic Earth in the year Six factions struggle for dominance in the province. Automated page speed optimizations for fast site performance. Mobile menu Currency: USD. Fallen Earth We will get new cheats and hints soon for this game. Sorry for any inconvenience.
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abby-howard · 2 years
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So I’ve started doing a series of unsettling drawings based on short prompts, and I’ll be posting them to both twitter and my new horror instagram: filled.with.worms
These are a few of the hopefully less upsetting pieces, since I didn’t wanna fill anybody’s feed with some of the more body-horror-heavy images:
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And many more... 
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cathedraldecay · 2 years
how to navigate archived mcr sites and content
so i accidentally deleted an ask that asked how to find and navigate archived mcr sites and content through the wayback machine. i'm so sorry to whoever that was, i'll reblog this multiple times so hopefullyy they see it.
here are a some recommendations, as well as a guide and some tips i put together. it's kinda long so i put it below the cut.
first of all, i wanted to mention that you can find archived stuff anywhere online, not just through the wayback machine. there's some cool archived content on the general archive.org site, or videos on vimeo. also just anywhere online. you can also find a lot of cool stuff on here through blogs that organize stuff by archive, history, or year tags. i've found a lot by searching for archives in the tumblr search bar (i recommend this mcr merch archive.) if you set out searching for stuff, you'll eventually find something.
now, here's tips on the wayback machine:
sites i recommend: - www.mychemicalromance.com (of course. go through the dif looks thru the years) - www.imnotokay.net (you don't really need the wayback machine for this because it's still up, but it's fun to see what it was like back in 06-07. there are hundreds of pages of message boards, and tons of photos, there's endless exploring on here because you can find old photos, interviews, avatars, and more in posts) - http://www.mychemicalromance.com:80/gimage/ (photos from their official site in 04. **tips on how to navigate below.) - http://www.chimehosting.com/prod4ever/mcr/gallery/fanfotos/ (fan submitted photos from their official site in 06. **tips on how to navigate below.)
STARTING OUT: vague searches: - you can just put "my chemical romance" or whatever you're looking for in the search bar and look through the results. this'll give you a lot of results, but the stuff at the top of the page will probably work best. - when looking through these search results, when you select one don't click the URL link, click the option below that says "[number] capture(s)". this'll send you to a calendar which is much easier to navigate. if you do click the URL link, it just goes to the most recent capture. this is annoying on the official mcr site because it currently redirects you to a promo for foundations. just use the calendar, it's so much easier. - also in the search results, under the URL it'll have a picture icon and says how many pictures are on the site. if you click that, it'll give you a list of URLs of pictures. most of them will be from the website design, but you can find other photos on there as well. there are also results for audio and video, but those are more uncommon. URL searches: - you can also paste a URL into the search bar and look through more specific results. - when pasting a link that just ends with .com or .net with no add ons, it'll take you to a calendar. there you select a year, hover over the date, and select a snapshot you want to visit. - **if you go through photos on the official site, most of them won't work. the URLs i added above make it so the only results are the ones that work. - **paste the photo links into the search bar, make sure it's on the "URL's" tab, then just go through them. it might tell you that site isn't archived, if it does, just click the link it gives you to search for all archived pages under the URL. - **the first photo URL gives you about 20 results, the second around 60. - **when clicking through those photos, i usually right click, open in new tab, then when it opens up a calendar i just click the earliest date.
!!!if a site isn't working, just select different snapshots along the timeline at the top of the page, or use the arrows by the date to click through them!!!
OTHER NAVIGATION TIPS: - some sites will have a picture you have to click on which will then take you to the actual site. it's like this on the mcr official site in its earlier years (i didn't realize this and thought the site wasn't working lol). - unless you have an archived version of flash installed on your computer, flash sites won't work. if a website gives you an option between flash and HTML, choose HTML. it does this on the mcr official site from like 04-07.
MCR OFFICIAL SITE TIPS: - if you go through photos on the official site, most of them won't work. the URLs i added above make it so the only results are the ones that work. - on the home page from like 02-04 there's a feed of updates written by the band that you can read through. it's really interesting and you can find stuff like scrapped song titles from three cheers. there are also downloads for audio recordings made by the band as updates, which i unfortunately can't get to work. if anyone knows how to, please let me know!
i'd say start with the official site, then go through fansites and stuff. also, if you share things, link the source! i can get lost in this for days, but it can be a pain in the ass to navigate. it's a lot of going through snapshots until one works, and it can take a while to load, but the wayback machine is very easy to navigate so it's not too bad. i think it's worth it, i've found a lot of cool stuff. i can't think of anything else, so let me know if you have any questions!! i hope this helps!
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poppywrigts · 3 years
sorry, can i ask you where do you download turkish series? id love to gif some faces but i cant find anything ahhh especially the ones from netflix
Of course you can ask, I'm not an expert but I hope I can help you.
If you want to gif an actor in a television dizi, you'll probably find it in high quality on youtube. All the main / most watched turkish tv channels have their own channels on yt / a channel for the dizi where they post the fragmans, some clips for the episodes, and the full bölüm.
According to Wikipedia ( and my own personal knowledge ) the channels that have dizis that people usually gif, are ( if you click on the names, you'll be redirected to their yt channels ): ATV, FOX, Kanal D, Star TV, Show TV, and TRT 1. There's also other tv channels, like TV8 and Kanal 7.
As I said before, some dizis have their own channels on yt, where they upload more specific content, and they keep uploading even after the dizi finished on air. Some examples are: Ask Mantik Intikam ( it’s on air, they publish videos on a daily basis ), Kiralik Ask ( finished in 2017, they recently uploaded the episodes again, like it was “airing” ). So you basically need to google / search for what you want on the yt search bar and have a nice time looking at some clips / episodes to gif.
An alternative is to download from the official site. To do it you'll need some extension ( there's HSL downloader and hsloader, or even this way that @pinarrdeniz explained with JDownloader ). And to find the channel’s site you just need to google " name of the dizi + bolum + official site " ( i.e: " her yerde sen 16 bolum fox turkiye " that will give this as the first result ). Sometimes it helps to download from the official site because it doesn’t have the channel logos. Some sites for the most watched channels: ATV, FOX, Kanal D, Star TV, Show TV, and TRT 1 ( note: the sites are in turkish, so if you don’t understand it just translate on your browser ).
Now, talking about the shows from streaming platforms ( like Netflix, BluTV, and Exxen ) it's a little more complicated. I used a site, but I went looking for it now and it’s down... Sometimes you can find the download to some shows from Netflix on t*rrents sites tho. If you want a specific show just IM me and I’ll help you! 
If anyone knows any other way / tip, just hit reblog and add it!!!!
EDIT 23/10/21 : dizipal is working again! i'm not gonna lie, it's one of those sites that i personally hate to use because everytime you click on something another tab opens or they redirect you, but at the end of the day it's where i find what i want. and to download it from dizipal you'll just need to search the dizi name and then use the same extension you'd use to download from the official site. as i said before they have shows from the streaming platforms like aşk 101 from netflix and yeşilçam from blutv
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blushinggray · 2 years
"No Time to Hide" spin-off/extra on ko-fi!
hello! if you’ve read/been reading my sudden parent!bakugou fic No Time to Hide on ao3, thank you so much for your support and interest in that fic, i’m so grateful for the love i’ve received for that little family that i created.
if you are at all interested in reading an extra spin-off i wrote for them, and would be willing to support me a bit, it can be purchased here on ko-fi! (~26k words) It’s mostly the same content as the original story, but written in reader’s POV, so you can get a little background info and extra insight to what was going on in her brain throughout all of this.
that being said, you would not be missing out on anything huge if you didn’t read it, but this is just a way that you can support me a lil bit if you so choose :) it does not have any explicit sexual content since I have to adhere to ko-fi/paypal's rules, but ofc there is some implied mature content, some backstory to reader/baku’s relationship, and a couple of extra family scenes! and since this is special content for any supporters I may have, I will NOT be posting it on ao3 or any other platform at any point. it will remain exclusively as a ko-fi shop item.
if you came directly from ao3, sorry to redirect you so many times, but apparently ao3’s terms of service don’t allow any direct links or mentions to any sites that involve monetary donation or commercial promotion, lest the user possibly get suspended. so just to be safe i put all the info here on tumblr instead.
so if you would like to drop by my ko-fi for this spin-off or just to leave me a little donation, i would be so very appreciative! i am also planning to experiment a little with some short commissions too, just to gauge if there’s any interest. either way, thank you for your support and enjoying my writing until now! i hope you may continue to enjoy it in the future.
— hokshi/michelle
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tokyokookmin · 3 years
My twt tl is full of someone about making tk fanart, I personally never like NSFW fanart but I never go out of my way to attack them if they do it, because I am too lazy to bother with other people😅(though I do feel it is kind of harassment to just draw someone like that without their consent). But we can't ignore so many in fandom do this kind of shit, be it a y/n Stan or any other shipper for that matter. Then I see threads on how they are problematic but I feel half the stuff they said was being taken out of context. Then there are body modification that happen in this kind of arts, that is whole other topic. The author goes around with holier than thou attitude preaching with big words about toxic masculinity and heteronormativity yet some of their work beg to differ. And all these stuff is giving me headache. What is your take on this?
Hi there anon, sorry for the delay 💜. I completely agree with your opinion regarding the NSFW content that taekookers make, honestly, it isn't only them. Jikookers do them too and and normal solo stans or normal stans do the same by writing Y/N povs and fanfics.
To be super honest with you, I'm not very much fond of fanfics because first of a it's pretty weird picturing all abnormal things happening in the world of povs. It isn't like I hate them or anything but I have seen the addiction to fanfics in the fandom and it seems to be a really bad, like damn the sorts of things they post on social medias. All of those fanfics are feeding army's who are earning for sexual satisfaction (?)
It is creepy for me thinking about young army's who are in their early age in life suddenly stumbling upon a fanfic post or link on social media such a twitter, Reddit and Instagram and they get redirected to the specific site (jungkook ff, taehyung ff on yt shocked the hell outta me) and suddenly after a few months of reading fanfics their minds are filled with things that they shouldn't.
For the fan arts, I mean like yeah, they can go overboard at times with both jkk and tkk. What can I do? Stop them? It wouldn't even work.. some people like it, some just don't.
It is completely fine if your a grown matured adult who respects the boundaries and privacy of the boys and still does read and see NSFW content. Some like to read it even being married or in a relationship because they like the way the storyline is like and they just admire the way the storyline has been written.
Personal opinions... Most like romantic genre book and novel but damn, for me picturing BTS members will not do it. 😬😬
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gumnut-logic · 3 years
Callisto (Part Six - Rescue Site)
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Prologue 1. Incident - Bit 1 | Bit 2 2. Fallout - Bit 1 | Bit 2 | Bit 3 3. Voyage - Bit 1 | Bit 2 | Bit 3 4. Arrival - Bit 1 | Bit 2 5. Orientation 6. Rescue Site
This fic seems to be taking forever, but I hope it isn’t reading that way. I had so much fun over the weekend and I still have some fun ahead of me writing one of the core scenes I had planned. I hope you are enjoying reading this.
As always, many thanks to the amazing @tsarinatorment​ @scribbles97​ @janetm74​ and @vegetacide​ as well for all the read throughs and support. Wonderful science officer @onereyofstarlight​ this bit has one of the places we talked about extensively and wouldn’t exist without your help :D
Again, thank you to all the wonderful peeps who have been reading along and commenting despite the once a week posting schedule. You help keep my enthusiasm alive and you have no idea how much I appreciate every word of encouragement ::hugs you all::
Have a Tracy boy or two on the job :D
Scott rolled his shoulders and tried to stretch out the tension that was slowly giving him a headache.
At least now they were moving. This rescue felt like it was taking forever.
Hell, it was the same with most space recues, if even more with this one. The distances involved just went on and on and no matter how fast the Thunderbird, it was slow.
It rankled Scott just a little. The fact that the environment could not be influenced by his impatience.
And Dad…
He shunted the thought aside. Perhaps that was why he scorned the time needed. It gave him far too much time to think.
The tunnel stretched out before him as it had for some time now. The life signs were nearly seven hundred kilometres away from Callisto Base. Usually, this was not a problem. There wasn’t a Thunderbird that couldn’t cover that distance in a short period of time. Even Four could do it at velocities no other underwater craft had ever managed.
But this location was at least two kilometres underground, and while the molepod was always an option, Virgil had vetoed it with the option of travelling via dragonfly through the tunnels. Scott had to agree. They needed far more information before barrelling into an unknown situation, not to mention the difficulties of deploying the molepod in these conditions.
But by this point he was almost ready to jump out and blast a hole in the damned moon to get where they needed to go.
Time. So much damned time.
Too much to think.
His hands shifted on the Dragonfly’s controls spinning her into a dive as the tunnel dipped suddenly. The brilliance of the pod’s forward lights lit up the never-ending cave as clear as daylight.
It sparkled back at him in sharp, stabbing needle-like reflections off the walls that did nothing to improve his headache. He had already set his helmet to shade to protect himself. It was ridiculous to be needing sunglasses this far underground.
Behind him, Virgil was following him at a short distance in Dragonfly Two, his lights just bright enough to light up the red of Scott’s pod.
For some irrational reason Scott wanted his pod to be blue.
The blue of the sky he was currently missing.
He sighed.
Again, too much time to think.
“Another five hundred metres.” Alan’s voice from behind him was the reassurance it always was. Why he felt comforted when his littlest brother was nearby and within reach was something he did not want to examine too much.
A twist of his wrists as the tunnel backed around on itself in a hairpin of a turn and he had to dodge another nest of those weird deformed ice stalactite formations sticking out into their path. “What are we looking at?”
“Looks like another cavern. A big one.”
They had flown through several of those enormous caverns on the way out here already. They acted like junctions, some having multiple tunnels converging on them, every single one a home for more ice formations and that damned reflective rock. It had taken John to get them out of the last one. This place was a damned maze.
Virgil had fortunately come prepared, as always. He was leaving a trail of comms-support beacons behind them as a clear path to return to Callisto Base.
Scott fought the urge to duck as the tunnel suddenly shrunk by several metres and took another swerving turn. Scott spun the pod over one-eighty degrees on her longitudinal axis as her wings nearly scraped the ceiling.
Righting them finally, he couldn’t help but check his monitor to make sure Virgil took the turn safely.
He almost smiled as the green pod behind them flipped in a manoeuvre that no doubt had Gordon yelping in the back seat. He couldn’t help but be proud for just a self-indulgent moment.
But his attention was torn away as his pod suddenly shot into a large open space and the light reflecting off the walls suddenly blinded him.
Alan’s gasp behind him only echoed his own.
Their forward lights were being shot at them in blinding brilliance off the ceiling of the new cave.
That brightness only increased as Virgil’s pod spun into a hover beside them.
Oh god.
Whatever had been in the walls of the tunnels was obviously concentrated here.
He redirected the lamps away from the ceiling only to have the brilliance follow them all the way down the closest wall until he was able to turn the pod towards the most distant wall.
There was crystal everywhere.
The cave walls were covered in spikes of the stuff as it they were inside a giant geode. He had to acknowledge that it was stunningly amazing when it wasn’t ripping his eyeballs out.
But that wasn’t what took his breath away.
As their lamps lowered, they caught the edges of something else.
He turned the lights down towards the floor only to discover he couldn’t see it.
Because it was covered in water.
Fluid, liquid water, the dragonflies causing the faintest of ripples to dance across its surface.
A lake.
Scott’s jaw dropped as he tipped the pod to peer down into the dark water only to have more crystal attempt to stab him in the eye from the depths.
“What the hell?”
Water wasn’t supposed to be able to exist in this environment. He poked at his scanners. Atmospheric levels were the same, ever so thin, providing little to no air pressure or heat to keep the water in this state.
“John? What am I seeing?”
Thunderbird Five did not answer immediately, but the data transmission rate on comms doubled as his space brother reached his fingers into the cave through the pod’s sensors.
“That was my thought. Virgil?”
“It’s beautiful.”
Scott’s lips thinned. “Scientific explanation? Gordon?”
“You got me here, bro. But I’m more concerned about those lifesigns.”
Scott frowned and double checked his readout. The two dots registered, glowing strongly at him.
From under the water.
Virgil frowned as Scott spun his dragonfly around and returned to the entrance of the cavern. His forward lights lit up only what could be considered a beach where the original tunnel swooped in and connected with the crystal cave. At the base there was only a few scattered crystal formations and Virgil watched as his brother expertly put down without touching a single one.
“Are we going to take a look at the lake?”
Typical. Nearby water body and his fish brother wanted in it.
But Virgil needed more reconnaissance.
And if he was honest with himself, there was just a dash of sightseeing involved. Not much, because of the urgency of the mission, but enough curiosity to send him off on a scout around the cavern.
Crystals that had to be the length of an arm or a leg stuck out from the walls in haphazard directions. Most reflected back clear, but in streaks, as if seeping up a localised mineral, there were ribbons of colour in places – reds, greys, golds, pinks. His scanners spat back that it was simply quartz, silicon dioxide, but he had never seen a formation like this.
Which was understandable as this was an alien landscape with vastly different environs to those of Earth. The artist in him was literally stunned, while the scientist valiantly fought for a reason.
He swooped around the edges of the cavern, his lamps lighting up brilliance as he went. The cave proved to be roughly circular, approximately four hundred metres in diameter and about a hundred metres high. He came across two more tunnels leading off it, but all were as dry as the one they had used to enter the cave. Towards the centre, but not quite, the ceiling arched down and what appeared to be a stalactite met a stalagmite to form a column of swirling crystal that looked like something straight out of an art glass exhibition. The ribbons of colour were here too, but this time mostly in a rose pink and a startling blue.
Virgil didn’t have words.
The light playing among the crystals just touched every artistic sense he had and froze them solid.
But there was a mission and those two glowing red dots glared at him from beneath the surface of the lake.
He ran scans of the water. For it was water, mostly, though, certainly not any he would want to drink.
For one thing it was salty, a definite brine solution with a number of minerals including silica in concentrations that defied as much logic as the water’s existence did in the first place.
The difficulty was that the lifesigns weren’t clear. They were in the water, but resolution faded at a very shallow depth and there was a lot of deep depth in places.
“John, can you get any more resolution on these scans? I can’t pinpoint the lifesigns.”
There was a muttered curse on comms that had Virgil arching an eyebrow. “No, I’m sorry, Virgil. Interference is particularly strong in that cavern. We’re working on it, but I don’t have any great hopes.”
“What about a probe? Would that improve the signal?” Virgil blinked as his headache suddenly flared. Ow. Damn. The controls in front of him blurred a moment. Shit!
But then everything righted itself, just leaving an echo of the pain in his head as the headache droned on as it had before.
Maybe his painkillers were wearing off. A glance at the time proved that was far from the case.
He dreaded to think what that would have felt like without them.
“What?!” Okay, so he was abrupt, but he was busy.
“Hey, hey, calm down. You didn’t answer John. Just checking on you.”
“Virgil, you there?” John’s voice dripped concern.
“Sorry. Just got a headache. Need some sleep.”
“I feel you, bro. Want me to pilot?”
“No. No. I’m fine.” He swallowed bile and mentally shook himself. “John, you were saying?”
He could feel Gordon’s eyes on the back of his neck.
“Probe deployed. Target is Burr Crater, which you are directly under at the moment.”
Virgil’s display reported the probe entering Callisto’s atmosphere. He hoped it would give them enough information to act.
Time was ticking.
He spun the pod around and tried to ignore the rainbow of light that was his forward lamps. The flicker, while beautiful, was doing nothing good for his headache at all.
“You sure you’re okay, Virg?”
He pressed his lips together and considered ignoring the question from Gordon. But he knew if he did, his brother would only worry more.
It was a Tracy trait.
“Let’s just get this mission done. We have people who need saving.”
Gordon’s grunt wasn’t a happy one and the chances of Scott being called in on his headache were increasing by the moment.
“I’m fine, Gordon.” He cut the conversation off by dropping the pod rapidly towards the beach where Scott had climbed out and was walking to the water’s edge. Another spin mid-air and Virgil lowered into a rather delicate landing, keeping the pod’s feet away from the crystal formations sticking out of the rock.
Virgil swallowed again before climbing out of the pod. His boots hit solid but glittering rock, damp in the darkness.
Scott and Alan were standing at the water’s edge staring out at the spectacle that the pod lights lit up.
Gordon clambered out behind Virgil and together they both walked over to stand beside their brothers.
“This is so cool!” Alan was obviously excited.
He said it on external comms and the sound travelled across the cavern only to bounce back in so many perfect ‘ool’s Virgil’s eyes widened.
On the spur of that, as the ‘ool’s slowly faded away, he activated his own external comm and sung a single pure C note.
It came back at him from so many different directions it was like a chorus.
“Oh, wow.”
‘Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow…’ It went on, the faint atmosphere sporting just enough density to carry the sound waves.
“That is something, isn’t it?” Scott’s voice was quiet. “The dragonflies made one hell of a racket. We’re going to have to be careful. Wouldn’t want to set up a harmonic that could bring the roof down on us.”
Virgil was still processing. The thought of playing his piano in this cave was just mind boggling.
“Dad says the Base scientists are having some kind of scientific fit over this place.” A grunt. “I’m more concerned about those two lifesigns.” He paused. “John, any luck with the probe?”
“Unfortunately, no. The interference is just too thick. I can read the water, but very little in it or below it. I’ll keep trying.”
Scott sighed. “Keep us updated. Looks like this will have to be more hands on.” He turned to Gordon. “We need Thunderbird Four.”
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honey-dewey · 4 years
That Time Marcus Almost Threw Hands With a Reporter
Pairing: Marcus Moreno/Male Reader
Word Count: 1,127
Warnings: Homophobia
Marcus expected many things upon bringing his fiancé to a joint interview, but the interviewer being a homophobic piece of garbage was not one of them. Let’s see how he reacts, shall we?
You sighed, looking down at the half kneaded bread dough on the kitchen counter. Marcus had a hero interview on Monday and he’d been begging for you to join him. As a fellow Heroic and his fiancé of a year, you two would have to announce the wedding publicly eventually, but the right moment still hadn’t come up. “And if I do agree to go on with you?” You asked, finally giving in. 
Marcus perked up, his face filling with eagerness. “I’ll take you to that beautiful place you love for a weekend. The one up in the mountains.” 
“Y’know I love it so much because the cell reception is absolute garbage and no one can contact you, right?” You asked, smiling and continuing to knead the dough. “I’ll consider it. But don’t get your hopes up.” 
“Yes!” Marcus said happily, coming around the island and wrapping you in a bear hug. “I love you.” 
You laughed, feeling him press sloppy kisses into your neck and lift your feet off the floor. “Marcus! Marcus! I’m trying to bake!” 
Marcus put you down, kissed you once more, and headed off to take a call before dinner. 
That night, at dinner, you kicked Marcus’s ankle under the table. “I considered it.” 
“Hm?” Marcus hummed, nudging Missy and gesturing to the broccoli on the table. “Eat some.” 
Missy groaned, but did as asked. 
“Marcus,” you said, redirecting his attention back to you. “I’ll go with you on Monday.” 
Marcus froze, his fork clattering out of his hand and to the floor, spilling food everywhere. “Really?” 
Immediately, Marcus lit up, smiling wide and pulling out his phone. “I’ll tell the others!” He said, and Missy almost pointed out that he wasn’t supposed to have his phone out at the table, but you stopped her. 
“Let him be happy,” you said softly, watching Marcus joyously text his coworkers. “And can you grab a paper towel please?” 
On Monday, you and Marcus were getting ready together at the interview site, you adjusting Marcus’s bow tie as he actively complained that he couldn’t wear his leather jacket. 
“It goes with everything though!” He pointed out, adjusting his shirt cuffs and pouting at you. “Why can’t I wear it?” 
“Because this is a formal interview,” you said, grabbing your own tie and putting it on. “Should I wear my ring?” 
Marcus nodded, taking his own engagement ring off its usual necklace and sliding it on his finger. He kissed the ring that remained on the necklace, setting his old wedding band back around his neck. 
You slid your own ring on, smiling at Marcus. “Shall we?” 
Marcus laughed, readjusting your shirt collar. “We shall.” 
You two walked out, hand in hand. The interview was done live, which was an odd experience, but you didn’t mind. 
“Marcus!” The interviewer said as you two sat down on a couch set up on a stage. “It’s been too long! Rumor has it you were in retirement?” 
“For a bit,” Marcus said, smiling politely. “But then we were attacked by aliens and I just never got the chance to retire again. Plus, I met Stitch and he sort of became my partner in heroics. I’d have felt terrible leaving him to deal with Miracle Guy all day long.” 
The interviewer laughed, turning to you. “And you’re something of a small legend amongst the fans. Almost unheard of until you rose to fame overnight with those incredible healing powers. It seems like yesterday that the world was introduced to you. What an achievement.” 
“Thank you!” You said, leaning a bit closer to Marcus. “I do prefer to leave the events and the interviews to Marcus though. Public events were never my thing. He’s just got that certain air for them.” 
The interview went smoothly right up until the end, when the interviewer asked you a question about how you met the Heroics. 
“Through my boyfriend at the time, actually,” you responded. “He worked there as a security guard, and he convinced me to reach out to them and show them what I could do. After they saw it online, I had an interview with Marcus, a short trial run in the field, and the rest is history.” 
The interviewer’s face scrunched. “Your boyfriend?” 
“Yeah.” You shrugged, twisting your ring. “We aren’t together anymore, though. He’s married now.” 
“Hopefully to a woman.” 
You froze. “I’m sorry?” 
“It’s unnatural for men to fall in love with men,” the interviewer said, gesturing loosely. “God forbids it.” 
“Marcus,” you said under your breath, seeing his fists ball out of the corner of your eye. “Don’t.” 
Marcus reached over your lap and grabbed your hands. “I think you’ll find you’re talking to the wrong people about this,” he said tightly. 
The interviewer eyed your locked hands. “You two aren’t.” 
“Engaged. Set to marry in June.” 
Immediately, the interviewer shook her head. “But what about your daughter? She needs a mother and a father!” 
Marcus stood up, and you grabbed his elbow. “Marcus.” 
His jaw tightened, the fury unmistakable in his eyes. You gripped his arm tighter, hoping to avoid a fight. “Marcus.” 
He turned to you. “We need to leave.” 
Two days later, you were curled up on the couch, Marcus reading a book and you cuddled up beside him scrolling aimlessly through Instagram. Heroics had gotten understandably pissed when you and Marcus had stormed off at the interview, but they’d understood, so you two were merely suspended from active duty for a week. 
“Holy shit,” you mumbled, seeing yet another post about your interview. “Marcus, hon, look at this.” 
Marcus looked up, adjusting his glasses and reading your phone. 
“Huh.” He put his book down, squinting closely at the phone screen. “She was fired?” 
“Of course,” you said, taking your phone back and continuing to scroll. “People are entirely backing us up. It’s a bit surreal. We’ve gotten so much support and so many well wishes for the wedding.” You smiled, liking a post that gushed over how beautiful your engagement rings were. 
Marcus sighed. “I still wish it hadn’t happened on live TV.” 
“I’m still mad that you almost hit her.” 
“She insulted you!” Marcus insisted, looking over your shoulder at another post, this time about how much the poster loved how quickly Marcus came to your defense. “I wasn’t about to leave your honor undefended.” 
You scoffed, leaning over and kissing Marcus’s nose. “Mhm. Sure thing, Prince Charming. I think I can defend my own honor, hm?” 
Marcus smiled, drawing you closer for a proper kiss. “So, soon to be Mr. Moreno, do you think we should publicly announce the wedding yet?” 
You laughed. “Nah,” you decided happily, curling back up in Marcus’s lap. “Let’s wait a little while longer.”
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doiedreams · 4 years
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an insect ambush leaves you in camp counselor!Johnny’s care
fluff ద
1.5k words
warnings: none
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[4:02pm] s.jn
“Did you take them on their bathroom break yet?” Johnny asks you, as the both of you set up an activity outside for the kids at your summer camp. 
You look at your watch before answering. “Nope. They have about 10 more minutes until their bathroom break. For now, they’re just playing around.” 
Johnny raises his eyebrows and looks at you. “Aren’t our groups on the same schedule?” 
You stop what you're doing for a moment to think, and check your phone for the schedule. Turns out, Johnny is right.
“Geez, I'm terrible at time management...” you say.
“Don’t you have to be good at that to be a camp counselor?” Johnny snickers.
“Whatever. I’ve been doing this for long enough and no one’s fired me for it.”
He laughs at you and returns to his preparations. “Right. Well, some of the other groups are probably having their bathroom break right now so get over there before it gets crowded.”
You take your water bottle, leaving Johnny with the activities to go find your group of campers and take them to the bathroom.
You eventually notify your group of campers about the mix-up and lead them to the bathrooms. The closer you get, you start to hear loud children’s voices, running faucets, and toilets flushing. You then see kids and counselors crowding the hallway in front of the bathrooms.
“This is not gonna work...” you mutter to yourself.
“Sorry, but you're gonna have to take them to the outdoor bathrooms. We've got too many over here.” One of the camp counselors say to you. You nod, turning around to redirect your group of kids outside.
Catching sight of the path leading to the old park bathroom, you groan to yourself. Outside of the bathroom, you would be met with flies and mosquitoes while the inside was smelly, laced with cobwebs around the toilets, and littered with dead bugs and used paper towels.
You come to a stop once you've reached the old bathroom. It’s a small, wooden building with two doors - one on the left for boys, one on the right for girls - and had a small crooked drinking fountain in between them. You can hear the noises of various insects singing from the multitude of trees and bushes behind it.
“Alright, ” you sigh, turning towards the campers. “Who needs to go?”
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“Took you long enough,” Johnny says to you as you take a seat at his table with the other counselors. “You missed the bean bag toss competition. It was intense.” His expression was one of seriousness, but his sarcasm was easy to detect. 
“What a shame…” you mutter, shaking your head in disappointment, mirroring his sarcasm. “We had to reroute to the outdoor bathroom.”
Your conversation with Johnny and fellow counselors is disrupted when the site director approaches you. 
“Hey y/n, one of the kids in your group is leaving early and she said she left her bag in the bathroom,” she says. You sigh, knowing you'll be asked to go back to that bathroom again. “Would you mind grabbing it real quick?”
You smile and nod, masking the disgust you feel at the request. Johnny waves you off as you leave.
It’s darker now, and the buzzes and whining of various insects are heard when you get to the bathroom. You shudder as you brace yourself for whatever you may meet on the other end of the door.
Cautiously, you open the heavy door and peek into the bathroom, searching for the bag without fully entering. Paranoid at the buzzing sounds outside of the bathroom, you subconsciously duck your head as you enter. The last thing you want is to come across a bug of any kind.
You find the pink, dirty bag in the third, and last, stall of the bathroom, grab it, and rush out the door. When you step out of the bathroom, you sigh in relief but soon detect a faint odor coming from the bag.
You can hear more buzzing.
You unzip the bag and peak into it, revealing an overripe banana as well as some crackers and brown napkins.
Caught off guard by a buzzing sound right next to your ear, you swat at the air next to your ear and zip the bag back up. God, how you hate insects.
You can now hear an even louder buzzing on both sides of your head. You shake your head, just as a puppy would after taking a bath, and wave at your ears hoping to blow away whatever was bothering you.
The exposed skin on your legs begins to itch, and now you're beginning to freak out. Looking down at your legs, you find the source of itching. Pesky mosquitoes.
The itching quickly spread to your arms and face, and now, you’re beyond freaked out. 
You let out a shriek, frantically running back to the camp building, clutching onto the bag.
“Woah woah woah! Are you okay?” You hear a counselor ask as you run toward the building. 
You pant for air as you swipe at your itchy skin, trying to get rid of any mosquitoes that may still be on you.
“No, I'm not!” you cry. You drop the bag to the ground and kick it in front of you as you cover your face. “Just give this to the site director, please.”
Before your fellow camp counselor can say anything else, the site director comes out of the building and gasps. 
“Goodness, y/n, what happened to you?” She takes the bag from the ground and hands it to the other counselor. “Take this to the kid with her mom, would you?” The counselor hurries off with the bag.
The site director takes your hand and leads you into the building. You pass the table Johnny’s sitting at and your wounded state immediately grabs his attention. 
“Y/n, what happened to you?” he asks, hopping out of his seat worriedly .
“Take her to first-aid, please,” the site director orders.
Without any hesitation, Johnny takes your hand and guides you to the first-aid office.
You and Johnny enter the office and he closes the door behind you. Seeing as it’s the staff’s lunch break, the office is empty and Johnny helps himself to cupboards and cabinets with ointments and bandages.
The multitude of mosquito bites on your body has begun to swell up, and you wince at the sting when you reach up to touch your face.
“Careful, there. I don't want you irritating the bites more.” Johnny says gently. “Sit.”
You take a seat and watch as Johnny looks for something to heal you up. He pulls down a first-aid kit, inspecting a tube of ointment, before pulling up a seat in front of you.
“You look like you know what you're doing,” you remark. Johnny laughs, bringing a small smile to your face despite the ache.
“I really don’t.” He pulls out his phone and types something. “I just choose to trust Google.”
With the guidance of the Internet, he instructs you to wash your face, arms, and legs, before using an ice pack to reduce the swelling. As you wait for the swelling to go down, you explain the series of unfortunate events to Johnny, getting cut off every now and then by his jokes and teasing making the atmosphere a lot lighter for both of you.
“I think it’s time to put this on now,” you say, reaching for the ointment and putting down your ice pack. 
“Here, let me do it,” Johnny says, grabbing the tube before you could. You cock an eyebrow at him, then comply. He takes your arm and applies the cream on spots of your arm, muttering a soft apology each time you hiss at the sting. Fiddling with your lanyard, you watch him attend to your needs quietly with your arm in his hands.
Before he could move on to your other limbs, the door opens, revealing the nurse of the camp.
“I heard one of the counselor’s needed my attention.” She smiles at you before glancing over at Johnny. “But it looks like you're already being attended to.”
Johnny smiles shyly at the ground and lets out a laugh.
“You should make him your assistant. He’s really good at this,” you tease.
Johnny puts down the first-aid supplies and stands up. “I’ll let you take it from here,” he tells the nurse. Before leaving, he turns back to you and says, ”Tell me when you’re done. I’ll get some of the others to form your personal Insect Defense Squad.”
“How thoughtful of you,” you say, rolling your eyes. ”Thanks, I’ll definitely need it.”
“You’re very welcome.” Johnny says smugly.
And with that, he leaves you with the nurse to get your bites healed. You seem to forget the itch and sting of the bug bites, instead dwelling on the lasting touch his fingers left on your skin.
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a/n: Inspired by @philosopher-of-fandoms​ :
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This was just for fun I couldn’t help myself 😭 I saw the post and said screw it why not lmao.
proofread by: @sleepyyangyang​ and @give-seconds​ <33
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