#Phantom Series
xxwritemeastoryxx · 7 months
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Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Fem!reader
Word Count: 4780
Warnings: Mentions of torture. But I think that's about it for this one.
Author’s Note: I enjoyed writing this one and I hope you guys enjoy reading it just as much. I'm starting to feel a little bittersweet about this cause its closely coming to an end and I'm about to feel like a mess once it is. As a reminder, please be sure to follow @xxwritemeastoryxxlibrary and turn on notifications so you never miss a fic!
I do not and will not ever give permission for my fics to be copied and posted on other sites. Don’t do it. Don’t be that person that ruins it for me and everyone else.
Feedback gives me life and motivation for future things. While likes are appreciated, reblogs are gold. Seriously, if you enjoyed this in the slightest, please reblog ♥
Phantom Masterlist || MCU Masterlist || Taglist
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When Ross's men came into view, Bucky felt her pace slow down. He felt the way her fingers twitched within his hand as her eyes scanned the hall in front of him. It was then that he realized it wasn't that she was nervous, it was how she was counting them without being too obvious. 
He knew her mind was in defense mode. Taking in the details to ensure she'd be able to handle herself if the need arises. In an attempt to distract her, he tapped his fingers against her skin to throw off her numbers. 
The moment she felt the randomized tapping, it caused her head to shoot up and look at him. When she saw the knowing look on his face, she simply shrugged her shoulders as if it had been nothing. 
She understood why he had done it. He wanted her to know that she would be okay there. That there wouldn't be a reason she would need those numbers. But a habit such as that one wasn't easily given up.
When they came up to the door, Bucky went to open it. But the moment his hand reached out a guard reached his hand out to stop him. It caused Bucky to raise a brow as he looked over at the man.
“I'm sorry Sergeant Barnes, but I have an order to only allow her in.” His head tilted towards her. 
“Who gave that order?” Bucky asked as a glare formed on his face. 
“Secretary Ross.” He said with a nod. “The other Avengers are already in the viewing room.”
“They tried going in and waiting?” Bucky asked as he looked over at her. 
“Until Secretary Ross ordered them out.” The guard responded. “I was told to redirect anyone else to the viewing room.” 
Her heart sped up at that moment. Bucky wouldn't be there with her. Part of her hoped he'd be able to sit there in the room. She knew he wouldn't have been able to say anything but, his presence would bring her comfort. 
“You'll be okay.” Bucky’s words prevented her from beginning to spiral. “I'll be waiting for you the moment you walk out this door.”
“If you're not, I'll hold it against you.” She shrugged slightly before she gently let go of his hand and the moment the guard opened the door she stepped into the room. 
Ross had been by the back wall of the room speaking with a guard. Their conversation had been hushed that she hadn't picked up on anything. The moment the door closed behind her, his attention left the guard and zeroed in on her. 
“Y/N.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “I was almost certain I'd be forcing you in here.” 
A guard in the corner closest to the door motioned for her to take a seat. She eyed it for a moment before she looked back at Ross. She kept her eyes on him the whole time she walked towards the table and took a seat. 
“We both know that's not really my name.” She said the moment she was seated. 
Ross scoffed. “And Phantom is?” 
“No.” She shook her head. She was surprised how calm her voice had come out. There was no venom in her voice in an attempt to defend herself. She simply answered the question. “I wasn't given the name Phantom until my handler at the time saw the local news calling me that. I had been with Hydra for five years at that point.” 
“I think I'd like to stick to Murderer.” He said as he slid a thick file towards her. “Maybe even a terrorist. The last six months you have been the constant headache I've had to deal with. Almost 200 hundred casualties and a handful of people in critical condition after today's stunt.” 
Quick flashes of memories played in her mind. Death by her hands was not always quick. Some were shot in the head in one quick motion while others had been stabbed and cut in not so pleasant ways. Each of them had come at her with full force. Each face had been there. Each way she had taken their life had been there in her mind. 
Her eyes welled up for a moment before she blinked them back just as quickly. She wouldn't let him of all people see her break down. She refused to let him see her fall apart at the memories she was forced to do. 
“You can call me whatever you want.” Her voice was steady. “Doesn't change the fact I was a pawn in someone else's game.” 
“Is it really someone else's if you went back?” He asked. 
“Forced.” She corrected. “There are very few things in my life that I've done willingly.” 
Ross didn't find it to be funny, but he chuckled slightly. “Do tell what it is you've done on your own free will.” 
“Let's start with me not killing Earth's Mightiest Heroes.” She tilted her head to the side. “Trust me, I had several chances to do so. How about every mission that helped save thousands of people in the process. Or the fact I single handedly took out a Hydra base to ensure my freedom.” 
“And how many of those missions were you playing as a double agent?” He asked as he pulled out the chair across from her and sat down. “How many deaths have you caused under Hydra?” 
“How many deaths are you responsible for under the name of protecting the US?” She asked back without missing a beat. “If everything I've learned is accurate. My number isn't as nearly as bad as yours. Your casualty list consists mostly of people in the wrong place at the wrong time. Civilians caught in the crossfire in your desperate need to bring in Dr. Banner. Shall we discuss what happened with Blonsky? What about the missions you requested the Avengers go on that were strictly on Hydra’s agenda without your knowledge. Even you, Mr. Secretary, are not as clean as you may think.”
His eyebrow raised and a small smirk pulled at the corner of her lips. She hadn't been wrong and he knew that. The details that had been put out into the world by Natasha with the fall of SHIELD was proof enough. 
She watched as he steeled himself. She could see the way he was trying to get this back on track to be in his favor. This wasn't about the things he had done. It was about what she had done and what she knew. 
“My history isn't an act of war to other countries.” He started. “Yours on the other hand has proven several times that having you out in the world is dangerous. The intel you've stolen and used for Hydra adds to it. Every government you've stolen from is putting a price on your head.” 
“What if I told you I never stole it?” She asked as she watched him. “Sure, the first time around I hacked into what I needed to complete my missions. But this time, most of it was handed to me without so much as entering a single keystroke to bypass security mainframes.” 
“And how was it that it was so easily handed to you?” He asked. “It's hard to believe that the intel of a majority of classified documents was just handed to you as if it was nothing. And for an elaborate measure to obtain that technology doesn't come easy as you say it is. ” 
“Tell me something, Ross.” She said as she leaned back in her seat and crossed her arms over her chest. “Do you vet everyone that works with you?” 
His eyes narrowed for a moment. “That's not what we're discussing.” 
“Isn't it?” She asked. “Your questions are based on what information I can provide on how Hydra has provided Intel for my missions. Your office has had several investigations about security data breaches in the last year.” She hadn't missed the way Ross had stiffened in his seat. She could see in his eyes that what she was saying wasn't new information to him. It wasn't public information either. “What's it like upping the household security for the secrets you know? Or the agents you keep on security detail for your daughter because the simple knowledge of what was breached could put her life in danger?” 
“Don't you dare-” Ross began but she cut him off. 
“Or how about the details of the German technology convoy?” Her voice was a little louder than his. “Your informant in Germany sent over the details. It was a way to ensure the US knew what was being moved and if it would be safe in transport. And what do you know, five hours later they were put into my hands with a mission tied into it. If you want someone to blame, you might want to get Internal Affairs involved. I'm just the puppet.” 
A pin drop could be heard after her voice had left the air. Ross's glare was heavy as he kept his attention on her. Her eyes never left him as she didn't back down. If this had been two years ago, a full smirk would have pulled at the corner of her lips as she spoke to him. But this was an interrogation and the circumstances were now different. 
Her words were enough to even leave the ones behind the window with their jaws hanging. The information she had given was enough to give Ross everything he was asking for with her usual flair. 
A proud smile had been on Bucky's face as he watched the interaction. She hadn't changed at all. Her tactics were the same even when she had just been subjected to plenty of things over the last two years. 
“I just remembered why I would never want to be on the opposite side of the table from her.” Sam said with a shake of his head. 
“It's all that training she's had.” Natasha noted. “And she's had more of it than I did.” 
“More lethal too.” Tony noted. It caused them all to look towards him for a moment. “All I'm saying is none of us have been able to render Ross speechless. There's a staredown happening a few feet from us and the people in this room have never done that before.” 
“You know who it is.” Ross said, stopping their conversation. 
“That's a vague assumption.” She said with a slight tilt of her head. “I know a lot of things and who they pertain to. Your secrets, I definitely know. Your informants throughout different agencies, I know them. Met a few of them as well.” She pursed her lips for a moment. “As an Avenger and with Hydra, for that matter. Do I know who is responsible for hacking into it all? Of course.” Her eyes moved from Ross to the window behind him. “Just like I know my handler has a false identity within your ranks and hasn't raised any red flags, even before the fall of SHIELD.”
Bucky and Steve looked at each other for a moment before Steve was moving away from the window. A silent conversation had been had. She wasn't just giving that information as if it was nothing. That wasn't for Ross. It was for them. 
“Your handler.” Ross clarified. “Who is it?” 
“I want immunity.” She looked back towards him. 
Ross scoffed. “This isn't a negotiation. I doubt you'd see daylight after today.” 
“Shame.” She said with a sigh. “I'm sure I can make some friends in some very low places that would just love to hear what I've learned over the years.” 
“Is that a threat?” He asked as he began standing. “I'll have you locked away-” 
“Where?” She asked as she leaned forward. “Your Raft was deemed inhumane and was dismantled. There's not a jail or prison on this Earth you'd be able to put me in. Solitary confinement might be ideal, but all it's gonna take is for one corrupt guard to ask the right question, for the right price. Execution may be your saving grace, but how do you get all of them to agree to let me walk out of here to start the process for it?” Her head nodded towards the window. 
She watched as Ross actually looked over his shoulder at the window. To her and Ross's knowledge, the whole team had been behind that window watching. The same team who were stubborn enough to go against him on several things at several different times. 
“I'm not the enemy here, Ross.” She continued. “Secrets can be kept for the right people. Having me as an ally is a whole lot better than having to look over your shoulder wondering who might come for that specific piece of information. I am also the only one capable of giving the updated insider information.” 
“So far you've only managed to say you have details but you haven't given anything to show you actually do. Its all been speculation.” 
She knew what Ross was doing. He was trying to turn this back in his favor. He wanted the information without giving her anything in return. She could spill it all and he wouldn't give her anything in return. 
“Immunity. And I'll start with the closest threat that can be dealt with immediately.” 
“Closest threat?” Sam asked as he watched Ross stare her down once more. “Is there something else we aren't aware of?” 
“They can be anywhere.” Bucky responded. “They were here. There could be others near by waiting for the next command.” 
Then a thought crossed his mind. One that made him tense at the thought. He did a quick glance of the people in the room. The whole team had been there, minus Steve as he was checking the new lead. And at the back wall by the door, two guards were posted. They were quietly talking among themselves oblivious to the conversations being had by the team. 
When he brought his attention back to the window, he watched the guards in the room. He watched as some of their hands flexed by their sides. He watched as three particular ones had sweat dewing on their forehead while another looked completely bored. 
Bucky realized she wasn't counting how many guards were present in the event that she needed an escape. She was counting how many faces she knew. 
“The terms of your immunity will be based on what information you provide and if it is accurate.” Ross began and Bucky brought his attention to her. 
He watched as she took in his words for a moment before she nodded her head. “Just to be clear, if the first piece of information I give is accurate, I get immunity?” 
She was being smart about it. She needed to hear him say it. He needed to say it in order for her to accept. 
“Yes.” Ross agreed, annoyed.  
She nodded her head and uncrossed her arms as she braced herself. She knew what would come as soon as she said it. 
Bucky looked towards Natasha and Sam. The moment he had their attention his eyes shifted towards the guards at the door. A simple motion that told them to prepare themselves. It earned brow raises from both of them until they heard her speak. 
“Of the ten guards you came with, six of them are Hydra associates.”
The moment the words filled the air. Three of the guards in the interrogation room moved towards her to attack. A way to silence her if she began speaking about Hydra. She shot up from her seat and began defending herself. 
In the same moment, the viewing room door opened, two other guards came in. The goal was to keep the Avengers from getting to Phantom. But the guards were currently outnumbered and out-powered. It wouldn't be long before they were taken down. 
Back in the interrogation room, she had used the chair to her advantage to knock one of them unconscious. The right amount of force with movement and hitting the guard in the right sport worked in her favor. 
As the two other guards advanced, her hands instinctively went down towards her sides, looking for weapons. But her tactical belts had been removed while she had been out. With a quick shake of her head she braced herself for hand to hand combat until she could steal something from one of them. 
She was trained for this. Not just in the recent months but from years of it being embedded into her mind. Never be weaponless. 
It took only one block from the guard on her left before she had something in her hand. And as her elbow came back and hit the guard square in the face on her right, she knew that all it would take would be to get the right amount of spacing and it'd be over. She'd come out of this untouched. 
In one breath, she had a gun in her hand and within the next breath both of the guards had been on the ground. A routine she could do in her sleep if she ever needed to. The echoes from the gunshots in such an enclosed space didn't phase her at all. 
From the moment she had outed the guards to them lying on the ground, the time had passed quickly. But she hadn't so much as broken a sweat by the time she looked back at Ross. He was currently being protected by the one single guard that wasn't Hydra. 
Pulling the magazine out and clearing the chamber, she placed the gun on the table between her and them. It would have been smarter to keep the gun in hand. But she didn't need Ross to think she was a threat.
“I believe that was enough to grant immunity.” 
Bucky’s voice had startled her. While her body didn't flinch or react in a way anyone else had, she had simply tensed up. She hadn't known he had even come into the room, let alone when. And that seemed to throw her off more. 
“You aren't paying attention.” Her handler said as he circled the sparring room. The barely legal adult currently had been held in a headlock. With the right leverage her neck could easily be snapped. 
She'd only been training with Hydra for a few weeks. Her mind had been reduced to nothing but skills. Yet she was currently being scolded like a child for not paying close attention to the door behind her. 
“If this had been a mission, you would have failed.” He said as he gave a nod. The soldier let her go at the command and took a step back. “You are worth every penny spent and I'll make it so you never forget about all the entry ways.”
The memory had pulled her in that she didn't hear Ross accept the terms of immunity. Nor did she hear the way Bucky had commented about making plans to get the information Ross needed. Her brain didn't even register the voice above them stating Captain Rogers was requesting their presence. 
That name everyone had been calling her for years could be heard a moment later. It was used in an attempt to get her back to the present, not wherever her mind currently was.
“I got her.” Bucky said as he came to stand beside her. He didn't know when her mind pulled her back in or what caused her to. 
Just as he had earlier, he gently reached out and grabbed her hand. And just like earlier he gauged on how she reacted to him doing so. Each step he took in an attempt to bring her out of her mind always revolved around if she reacted in any way. 
If she flinched or instinctively pulled herself out of his hold, he would have stopped and tried a different approach. But when she didn't react negatively, he continued. Just like now, the moment he felt her fingers adjust in a bit before relaxing, he knew he could continue. 
“What memory has you pulled in?” He asked curiously even though he knew she wouldn't answer him. 
He could see it in the way her eyes weren't focused on one thing. They flicked from one spot to another, trying to find a place to settle on. At least until they welled up. An ache filled Bucky’s chest as he watched the first tear fall from her eyes. 
“You don't have to stay in there.” He said as he brought his left hand up to gently run his vibranium fingers along her cheek. He hoped that the cold contrast of the metal would help ease her out. “You're safe with me. I've got you and I'm not going to let you go until you want me to.” 
He tried to think about all of the times she had helped him. His nightmares didn't stop after he had come back from Wakanda. He was safe from ever being pulled back in but the memories that were tied to a majority of his life were unescapable. She was the one that helped him out every time. 
His thumb came up and wiped the tears that had fallen down her cheek. A moment later he watched as her free hand came up and rested on top of his. When his eyes met hers, the vacant look was gone. Her eyes were focused on him. 
“There she is.” He said, giving her a smile. 
“How long was it this time?” She asked softly as she leaned into the vibranium. The cool metal felt comfortable to her. It grounded her in a way she never realized she needed until now. 
“No longer than earlier.” He nodded. “Ross granted your immunity, right before Steve had FRIDAY call us up. Agents even came in and took the bodies.” 
Her head instantly turned to where the bodies had been before she got pulled into her head. The floor had been empty of bodies, but the pools of blood that had gathered had yet to be clean. 
Her bullet. 
But it hadn't been. Not this time. She was trying to prove a point and she did just that. Those bullets were meant for her. She was supposed to be the one on the ground without a heartbeat. 
“How long before Ross wants everything I can provide?” She asked, bringing her attention back to him. 
“We've got enough breathing room, for now.” He sighed as he took a step back from her. “Might be a good thing given that Steve has found something.” He nodded his head towards the exit. 
It didn't take them long to get up to the conference room. The Avengers had been in there discussing several things from the day. Ross stood in the corner with the remaining trusted guards. From the looks of it, he was simply listening as he occasionally glared at the guards with them. As if gauging if they were really safe from Hydra’s influence.
The moment they stepped into the room, the conversations hadn't stopped. Nor did they make her feel like she was someone who left years ago. It was like she never left or missed a beat. It felt comforting in comparison to what could have possibly happened. 
When they reached the conference table, Wanda instantly pulled her into a hug. The tight embrace had been welcoming in ways she'd never be able to express. And it almost brought tears to both of their eyes. 
Wanda had been her closest friend. She hated how hard it had been to leave that night without so much as saying goodbye to her. Deep down that was why she opened her mind up to Wanda a lot more than she normally would. It was a way to say goodbye without having Wanda try to stop her. 
“Welcome back.” Wanda said, still holding onto her. 
She could only give a smile in response as she pulled away slightly to look at Wanda. Was she really back? Would they just take her in with open arms this time around? They may have decided on things that she wasn't around for.
Steve cleared his throat, getting their attention. “I believe I found what you spoke about. I didn't want to let the others see it until you did.” 
She raised her eyebrow for a moment. “If you know, then why not go for it?” 
“Because being one hundred percent sure is better than going off an assumption.” He nodded his head before he handed her the Stark pad. “I had narrowed it down to a handful. But given the new information there's only two of them that are currently flagged.” 
That was when the conversations around her stopped. That was when the attention was on her. It was the information that she could provide that sparked their curiosity. 
Taking a hold of the device, she looked at the files on screen. Between the two faces, her eyes had instantly gone to the one on the left. The memories were quick, each of them quick and simple. Your next mission…
And when the mission was complete, his smirk would grow before he clapped his hands together. 
“I told my brother he should have invested in you instead of letting the others take control over you. Leaving you under cover like that was a mistake. Getting you back like this, it's been the cherry on top.” 
Bucky hadn't missed the way her grip tightened on the device in her hands. It made him reach out for it and tug at it for her hands to let go of it. He handed it to Steve before he turned back to look at her. 
“The one on the left.” She said after a few deep breaths. “The younger Strucker brother.” 
“Excuse me,” Tony said almost in disbelief. “Strucker? As in the Strucker that had Loki's scepter? The one Ultron killed to send a message?” 
She nodded her head. “Between the two of them, they had a system going. One of them had a heavy hand in things and the other kept a low profile. Changed his name and climbed the ranks as if it was something he had been working for his whole life. He kept all ties severed and you'd never suspect him for anything. With the fall of SHIELD I was handed off to another cell when an experimental cell refused to take charge. I remember being told that an opportunity had been missed with that cell. An asset such as myself would have benefited from the experiments. Instead I was set up for a different mission that would eventually lead to me helping to raid that cell.” 
She tried as best as she could to keep memories from wanting to suck her back into her mind. Flashes and echoes played in her mind but she had been able to keep her focus. And as long as she didn't sit with one memory for too long, she'd be fine. 
“I didn't meet this Strucker until after I had been reprogrammed.” She tried not to look at any of them in the face. She didn't want to see the looks in their eyes as she talked about it. “He had a right hand that would act as my handler when Strucker couldn't be present for mission assignments and debriefs. I never learned his name but I knew his face because he was the first and last face I saw each time I woke up and before I was tossed in a cell. And when the programming was set, he was there. It wasn't long after that I was in D.C. meeting Strucker. 
“He was boastful when I returned from a mission. Never missed an opportunity to mention how his brother had been wrong in refusing me. That if anything were to show his success, it was me and the weapon that we were creating. It'd be his chance to show how much Hydra had truly grown since the fall of SHIELD. To prove that hiding in the shadow until the right time would be worth it.” 
“What was he planning on building?” It was Ross's voice that filled the air. 
“He took the data information his brother had collected along with blood samples from test subjects.” She began as she looked towards Ross. “He also found a way to miniaturize Project Insight. Put the two together and-” 
“You get a weapon that can turn specific people into enhanced weapons.” Steve finished for her.
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All WorksTag (The tag to be notified for everything I write):
@mrs-maximoff-kenner @mizzzpink @friendelius @thatfanficstuff @mushroomelephant @23victoria @avengers-fixation @fayeatheart @my-soulmate-is-mycroft @wearehufflepuffs
Excelsior Tag(All MCU fics):
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Phantom (For only updates for this story):
@kandis-mom @claireelizabeth85 @missvelvetsstuff @ravenmedows @itsss4t4n @kokoronotsubasa
Winter Soldier tag(For only and all things Bucky):
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120 notes · View notes
cm8x-arts · 7 months
More ISAT AU stuff for my Star Crossed Eyes characters(aka Phantom Series).
(check out the intro post here )
This is more brainstorming and rambling from when I was at work
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17 notes · View notes
milaeryn · 5 months
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I don't care, he is my new babygirl
5K notes · View notes
v-3-rdure · 3 months
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phantom thieves u are so important to me
closeups 👇
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4K notes · View notes
rwsdarw · 3 months
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this was fun
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pemprika · 3 months
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judgment ⛓️🕷️🩸
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loveable-sea-lemon · 2 years
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30K notes · View notes
kingoffantasy516 · 20 days
Ok you know what, let's spread some positivity. Reblog this if you actually like Star Wars
And I am refering to all of star wars and not just select parts of it. Even if you have issues with parts of it, you still enjoy it.
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satoshy12 · 4 months
As a new Ghost King and being a Fenton, Danny didn't have many people to ask for dating tips. Other than well his parents, Jazz and the Death Gods. That is how Danny learned.  "Kidnapping should work."  And as Danny already knew Wonder Girl that he meet during the "meeting of the Pantheons", where he was Persephone and Hades +1... And that way, meet Granny Demeter.
And Cassie was there too; Zeus did bring her to show off his new daughter to the other Gods.  A few months later.
It became a game between both. Cassie is Greek." This must be how dating works." But there are limits. When Danny can try to steal her!
So she gets angry when Danny tries to kidnap her while fighting a villain.
Cassie." NOT NOW!" Danny gave Cassie a sad puppy look. Cassie:" GO!" Danny did fly away and looked sad.
Miss Martian looked at the one who tried to kidnap her teammate:" I feel bad for him; should I feel bad for him?" Cassie. "He will jump back to his feet in a few hours or so. He knows better than to try to kidnap me when I am working." Artemis:" I have so many questions that I will ask later."
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lady-arryn · 5 months
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PADME AMIDALA costume appreciation: ▶ The Phantom Menace [1/9] (costume design by Trisha Biggar)
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 8 months
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Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Fem!reader
Word Count: borderline 4k
Warnings: Briefest mentions of kidnapping/child trafficking (blink and you'll miss it), a lot of memory flashblacks. I think that's about it in this one.
Author’s Note: You know how I said two more parts were left in the last one? Well this one got so long that it had to be broken up into two. Sooo at this point I don't even know how many parts are left. 😅 I just know we're getting close to the end. I believe this is the part that a majority of you have been waiting for! As a reminder, please be sure to follow @xxwritemeastoryxxlibrary and turn on notifications so you never miss a fic!
I do not and will not ever give permission for my fics to be copied and posted on other sites. Don’t do it. Don’t be that person that ruins it for me and everyone else.
Feedback gives me life and motivation for future things. While likes are appreciated, reblogs are gold. Seriously, if you enjoyed this in the slightest, please reblog ♥
Phantom Masterlist || MCU Masterlist || Taglist
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The last thing Phantom remembered was shooting at the former Winter Soldier before something happened. Something had clouded her vision for a brief moment. Then flashes of memories passed her vision. 
A four year old girl was being pulled out kicking and screaming as she reached out for her lifeless mother that was on the ground. That same child a moment later was introduced to a new way of life that would turn her into a weapon. The memory flicked over to a teenager holding a gun to her mark while he pleaded for his life before she pulled the trigger. Another flash had that same teenager, a few years older, being forced into a suppressing machine as she fought their hold. 
Then blood followed.
Deaths that belong to people she no longer remembered the reason for their deaths. Guns and knives used to kill those targets that brought satisfaction to her handler. Until those handlers had been found during the fall of SHIELD. 
Your next mission is to infiltrate the Avengers. And when the time is right, you are to eliminate the former Winter Soldier.
With the next flash, the same woman had a gun pointed to the back of a man's head. Her partner was unaware that he was the target. Complete the mission. The words echoed. Then he turned towards her and smiled at her as if she had just brightened his day while on this mission. 
Complete the mission. 
The flashes of memories changed to only him. His eyes. The eyes that once were hardened were soft and light. They threatened to swallow her whole with a feeling she couldn't explain. His laugh, the occasional glare he gave her, the look of love and adoration mixed in with other moments. The anchor in the darkness was him. 
NO! I won't hurt him.
But you have. The echo was followed by an argument playing in her mind.  
“Everything was a lie, wasn’t it? You are pretty good about your job sweetheart, I’ll give you that.”
“I have lied about plenty of things, but my feelings for you weren’t one of them.”
“Don’t feed me that bullshit. Everything I have known about you has been a lie. From the moment I met you I should have listened to my gut. You started this by taking the mission. The least you can do is finish ripping my heart out by telling the damn truth for once.”
Memories of the last time they fought played like a trailer in her mind. It was followed by the two of them in combat, with him pinned down to the ground and a moment later she had a gun shooting at him. 
Complete the mission. 
That was when her vision had cleared and she took in the sight in front of her. He stood there in front of her. A trail of blood ran down his neck from where her blade had sliced into his neck. And the way blood had seeped into the fabric on his arm from her bullet. 
She felt her eyes water as they moved to his face. There was hope in his eyes. Relief was mixed in with hope. She watched as he took that first step towards her before darkness consumed her. 
Do you know who this is? 
But who are you? 
Hours had passed and Bucky hadn't left the chair inside the spare room. While every part of him wanted to be sitting right next to the bed Y/N was in while he waited for her to wake up, he knew better. He knew she would need space once she woke up. 
Instead, he watched the steady fall and rise of her chest from across the room. He wondered how hard Wanda had hit her with her powers. From the stories he heard, everyone had a different experience with it. But none of them had been down as long as she currently was. 
“It's as though she's shifting through everything she's feared her whole life.” 
Wanda had come a few hours prior to check in on her. Of course that had been after the compound had been cleared. After the chaos that Hydra tried to ensue on them. But their plan failed. 
The Avengers had managed to take several Hydra soldiers into custody for interrogations. The other's that refused to be taken in, their bodies were being cleaned up and taken away. 
Tony instructed FRIDAY to have the compound on lockdown just in case there was a second wave. While the chances were unlikely, it was still better to be prepared this time around. And in the process several agents were dispatched to add security to the remaining two pieces of equipment Hydra needed. 
The rest of the team were doing what they needed to. Interrogations, searching databases with FRIDAY for any of the dead Hydra soldiers’ information, and planning the necessary missions that would follow. You name it, it was being done. 
The only one that hadn't been doing anything was Bucky. But given the circumstances, no one blamed him. No one even dared to ask him to step away from the room for longer than a minute. If there was any information that needed to be shared with Bucky, they came to him. 
Bucky looked over her figure for the millionth time. She was still out as if she was in a peaceful sleep and not being forced to endure her fears. He couldn't even remember the last time she looked this peaceful. 
Even when they had shared the same bed, there were moments where he would turn over and see her brows furrowed in her sleep. It was only after he made her leave that he understood why she did. Because even she wasn't immune to the nightmares left behind by Hydra. 
The sound of the door opening caught Bucky’s attention. When he looked over, he found Steve entering, a file in his hand. 
More information. Bucky thought as Steve closed the door behind him. 
“Any changes?” Steve asked as his eyes landed on the sleeping form. 
“She turned once.” Bucky shrugged slightly. “There was a moment where I thought she'd wake up, but she turned over as if she was uncomfortable.” A huff of a chuckle passed his lips as he shook his head. “What else did you guys find?” He gestured towards the file. 
Steve held it out for him to take. “She had trackers stitched into her tactical belts. Three of them with different origins. We've been able to map out where she's gone since they attached it. ” 
Bucky’s eyebrow raised as he opened the file. “Mexico.” He noted once he took in the first origin. “Makes sense given that was where they reprogrammed her.” 
The tracker had traced her movements through the Eastern Hemisphere. Each coinciding with each ambush that had reached their radar. There were even movements that hadn't lined up. 
When Bucky flipped over to the next tracker and the locations, the origin caused him to look up at Steve for a moment before he looked back down at it. Steve knew it was at his full attention now. 
Origin location: Washington D.C
Manufacturer: Stark Industries 2007
“Tony knows about this?” Bucky asked as his eyes moved along the coordinates of movement. 
Steve nodded. “He's digging with that information. He knows FRIDAY will be able to locate everything on that tracker. Including who purchased it.” 
“Hydra has someone in D.C.” Bucky shook his head before he glanced over at Y/N. He watched her even breath for a moment. “Did FRIDAY ever get facial recognition from the clip?” 
“All lower level.” Steve responded. “If her handler was in the footage, he's someone low on the chain of command. If he was here, he's either dead or in one of our interrogation rooms.”
A thought crossed Bucky’s mind before he looked back at the file in his hand. His eyes scanned the dates of when the tracker had first gone online, followed by the first few locations she had been tracked to. 
“The day before we came back from our mission, when I saw her postcard, she was in D.C. and the day we got back, she was on a flight out to Germany.” Bucky began as he handed the file back to Steve. “The trackers all have one thing in common though.” 
“They bounce back to D.C. after each hit she was a part of.” Steve added. 
“Her handler is the reason she goes back to D.C.” He shook his head. “They've practically been under our noses for months.” 
“You'd think after the fall of SHIELD, there’d be more reason to keep their guard up in D.C..” Steve shook his head. “Even after all this time, I thought we were close to ending this once and for all.”
“‘Cut off one head, two more shall take its place.’” 
Both Bucky and Steve’s head snapped towards the bed. Their eyes landed on Y/N the moment they had. She'd be sitting up in the bed, almost as if she had been lounging for longer than a few minutes. 
Bucky had shot out of his seat in relief. His mind only registered she was finally awake after so many hours of being unconscious. But his heart sank the moment she had mirrored his movement and braced herself for any possibility of what could happen. 
He felt Steve tense up beside him as he lifted his right hand up slowly. He knew that lifting his left hand might come off as a threat to her in some way. His eyes met hers as he slowly shook his head. 
“I didn't mean to-” He sighed softly. “I'm sorry, I was just relieved to see you awake. I didn't think about how that would have come off to you.” 
“Why would you be relieved?” She asked, never relaxing her stance. She took in both of the men before her. The blonde, Steve - her mind corrected, was tense. His eyes moved between her and the man beside him. Bucky, her mind screamed at her the same time an ache filled her chest. She took in his eyes and noticed the worry that filled them. “I am a part of the organization that you want destroyed.” She paused for a moment before a thought came over her.  “I hurt…you.”
Her eyes moved down to the bandage at his neck before her eyes flicked over to his arm. The edges of medical tape peeking out from his sleeve. Her blade. Her bullet. 
Complete the mission.
“I was sent to kill you and you're relieved that I am awake?” 
Bucky could hear the confusion in her voice as she spoke. He could see how it didn't make sense to her. He understood why it didn't. To anyone else it would have sounded like madness. But to him it wasn't. 
He had hoped that once she had awakened, the memories that had been locked away by Hydra would have been freed. But by her confusion, he now knew it wasn't that simple. Was anything ever that simple? 
“Do you know who I am?” Bucky asked. He never moved from his spot. He never lowered his hand in fear she'd take it as a threat towards her. 
“You're…” Her brain threw several answers at her all at once. Bucky. The Winter Soldier. James Barnes. Traitor. Avenger. The mission. She shook her head, trying to clear the jumbled mess that was in her mind. “Your name is Bucky.” 
Bucky nodded while attempting to keep his lips from forming a slight smile. The relief he felt from just hearing his name pass her lips. He didn't realize how much he missed her just saying it.
“Do you know who you are to me?” He asked a moment later. 
More thoughts flooded her brain the moment he asked the question. Memories of her receiving her mission to infiltrate the Avengers played through her mind. The fake name that became her new identity. It was followed by memories of missions, team night outs that soon turned into date nights with Bucky. Running for cover from the rain that started while out on a walk with him. Moments in the early mornings laughing with each other and then the intimate moments.
But the memories were shattered by the darkness that had been intertwined with each memory. The late night meetings with her handler to give status reports on a weekly basis. The memory of her handler giving her the approval to take out the target. Those memories were followed by the last time she and Bucky fought. A memory on a loop of everything she did wrong. Of everything she had done to hurt him. 
“I should kill you right now.”
“Do it, you’d be doing both of us a favor. I never intended to fall for you. But you made me care and I couldn’t stop myself. You want to kill me, go ahead. I deserve it for what I’ve done.”
“You should have told me the truth sooner. When you knew you couldn’t go through with it. Or even that night. We sat up for hours, you should have told me. I would have let you go then instead of having to find out this way when you slipped up.”
“I know, and I understand that I should have. But you-”
“Okay, I’ll give you some space.”
“I meant leave here completely. I don’t want to see you around here anymore. In fact I expect you to be somewhere across the world by morning.”
The ache in her chest grew and she tried to blink back the tears that were wanting to form. She shook her head slightly as she tried not to let the feeling swallow her whole. After a moment, she felt herself gain some control over her mind that she felt she had been losing. 
Someone you never wanted to see again. 
Before she could voice her response, the door behind the men opened. The sound had caused her to stiffen before taking a step back. Two were barely tolerable and she wasn't sure she could handle another person in the room. 
“I've got some bad news, fellas.” Natasha said as she stepped into the room. Her eyes moved from the men over to Y/N. She gave her an apologetic look before looking back at the men. 
“What is it?” Steve asked. 
“Ross is here.” Natasha hadn't missed the way all three of them tensed up at the name. “Tony tried stalling but…” She trailed off with a shrug. 
“She just woke up.” Bucky sighed. “We haven't even had a chance to talk.” 
Bucky had hoped Secretary Ross wouldn't show up until a day later. He hoped that by the time Ross had come knocking he'd have gotten a few hours to see where Y/N was at with her mind, not minutes.
“It's either this happens here and now, or he'll have her transported elsewhere to do it.” Natasha noted. “That's what Tony got him to agree to and why he hasn't already had men coming in to drag her out.” 
The words had caused an echo of memories to play through Y/N's mind. Soldiers dragged her away at several points in her life. All of the memories had her kicking and screaming, trying to get away. Followed by the several interrogations she had been a part of, on both sides of the coin. 
She tortured and just questioned people for information. She used tools and manipulation to get the answers she needed. There was a dark side and a ‘right’ side of the things she had done to get information. 
But she'd never been on the other side of interrogations. She'd never been threatened or tortured for information. She'd never been caught in order to be interrogated. And the thought should have comforted her. But wasn't that the reason Secretary Ross had been there?
She had been lost in the memories she hadn't realized Bucky had moved closer to her. She hadn't realized he had been saying her name. The only name he knew. But was it really hers? 
Nothing had truly belonged to her. Her life had been owned by someone else for a majority of her life. She had been bought by Hydra and became something they needed. It was worse than what the Red Room had done to her. The Red Room may have taken her away from her family, but Hydra who took everything away from her until she was left with nothing. 
She was no one. She was nothing but the asset they had turned her into. 
Complete the mission. 
She could hear the voices speaking in the room but her brain wasn't registering who was speaking or what they were saying. All her brain could focus on was on the details of the memories that kept coming at full force. 
“Come back to me.” 
It was followed by distorted voices she couldn't place. It wasn't for her to understand them. But the words she had heard, they acted as a grounding for her. Pulling her back from the memories. 
Her mind attempted to grasp onto reality when she felt the pressure of someone grabbing her hand. Her eyes began focusing on the man in front of her as she felt the soothing pattern on the back of her hand. A pattern she knew. And when they did focus, she found worried eyes looking back at her. 
His eyes. The same set of eyes that always brought her comfort when she needed it. Her light in the darkness. The one person who would know how to help her. If he was wanting to. 
Her mind flashed with a memory of her putting several things into a box and sliding it over to a shop owner. The postcard that she had quickly written the address on before she wrote one single word in the text block. SIBERIA 
“Your mission?”
“Take out the Avengers.” 
“The priority?”
“The traitor to Hydra. He's problematic to the mission. He feeds information to the Avengers. His death means Hydra can do as it needs to.” 
Hydra bases had been getting raided frequently. With each step they took to getting what they wanted, it seemed the Avengers were closely behind. It made her handler nervous and needed something to be done. But because of his position, he sent someone else to make sure Phantom would get the job done. But it hadn't. 
The mission failed. 
That was the moment her brain caught up with everything the last several months. Her mind had finally pieced together the time between her leaving the compound years ago and waking up several minutes ago. 
“You were looking for me.” She said a moment later as she felt her mind finally clear. 
“I got your postcard.” Bucky had seen the moment everything seemed to snap into place for her. And for the first time since she woke up, he was seeing the version of herself that he really knew and understood. “I only wish I had seen it sooner.” He watched as her brows furrowed in confusion. “We were on a mission. I didn't see it until we got back.” 
“I didn't think-” The sound of the door opening and closing caught their attention for a moment. Natasha and Steve had stepped out of the room. A chance to give them a moment alone before they had to deal with Secretary Ross. “I didn’t have many options and part of me hoped that you wouldn't ignore it.” 
Bucky sighed softly. “Even if I was still angry with you, I never would have left you there. No one deserves to be held under Hydra’s grasp.” 
A sense of relief filled her. That the worrying she had about sending the postcard wasn't necessary. He would have seen it and came running. Though it made her wonder if he had still been angry with her, would he be standing where he was now? Would he have been waiting for her to wake up as he had been? 
Her eyes wandered and it wasn't long before she was reminded of the bandages that covered his skin. Her blade. Her bullet. Her hand that wasn't in his hand came up to gently touch his neck. 
“It's practically healed already.” He joked the moment he realized what she was doing. He could see it in her eyes as the self loathing began. A feeling he knew all too well. 
“How bad are things?” She asked. Her voice had barely been above a whisper. 
She couldn't meet his eyes as she asked. She couldn't look at him in the face when he told her how much chaos she had a hand in. Instead she focused on the bandage, desperately wishing it was transparent so she knew how bad it really had been. How deep her blade had gone. 
“Nothing we haven't been able to handle.” He brought his left hand up under her chin and lifted it gently to get her attention away from his neck. The moment her eyes came up to his he gave her a small smile. “The main goal was to get you back.” 
“How many-” 
“It's not something you need to worry about right now.” It wasn't that he was trying to keep her from knowing. He knew how a number haunted him and he didn't want their first conversation to be about the demons that will haunt her over the next several months. “I know you need to know. But I need to know where your head is, right now.” 
She was going to argue with him about it. She would make it so before they'd leave the room she'd have her answer. But she knew why he wanted to know where she was. There was an interrogation waiting for her. 
“Sane, if that makes a difference.” It caused both of them to chuckle slightly. “I know who I am. But some of it is…” She shook her head slightly. “It's like it's locked away.” 
“What pulled you in earlier when Natasha came in?” He asked curiously. He knew she was pulled into the memories. He saw the way her eyes had focused on one thing and nothing had gotten through to her. 
“Being dragged out.” She looked towards the door before looking back at him. “I've been taken out of a few different places unwillingly.” 
“I won't let that happen.” He promised. “But I have to get you over there before he sends someone in here.” She only nodded her head in response. “Interrogations have always been your thing. Don't let him run it.” Her eyebrow rose and Bucky could only shrug his shoulders as a smile pulled at his lips. 
As Bucky began to lead her out of the room, he felt her grip on his hand tightened slightly. Out of an old habit, his thumb had begun drawing a pattern on the back of her hand. There was a lot the two of them needed to discuss. He was sure there would be arguments and their emotions would take over when they attempted to figure out the next step. 
But for now he needed to help her get through the next few hours. As they made their way towards the interrogation rooms Bucky looked back and gave her a reassuring smile. He hadn't missed the way her head tilted towards the side as it seemed like a memory came to her. 
“Because every time you looked back to check on me, all I could see was Bucky and not the asset that I was meant to put down.” 
I refuse to complete the mission.
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cm8x-arts · 1 year
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Yes, I know the "Nonbinary to Trans Pipeline" thing doesn't necessarily mean that if you're probably trans and just haven't figured it out yet if you're Nonbinary....
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