#sort of prefer this one as a lineart
laze-art · 7 months
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the red-bellied black snake
Averaging around 1.25 m (4 ft 1 in) in length, it has glossy black upperparts, bright red or orange flanks, and a pink or dull red belly. It is not aggressive and generally retreats from human encounters, but can attack if provoked. - inaturalist.org
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deoidesign · 24 days
Happy webcomics day!!!
I'm not home (on a trip right now with family), but I still want to talk a little bit about my process, so I did what I could to find some wip shots 🧡
Plus, I'd also like to update my extremely patient readers with a little taste of what's to come!!!
Step one, of course, is writing.
When I'm writing I have four documents open. A "dump" document, a "yes this!" Document, an outline document, and a drawing canvas!
In the dump document, I put ANYTHING. complete stream of consciousness. The 'yes this' document is where I put anything useful from the dump document, and the outline is, of course, the outline. The drawing canvas is for me to sketch out problems and ideas and get sort of a different angle on things, since I can't really visualize.
Once I have a book completely written, I start thumbnailing!
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My thumbnails pretty much look like this. Text, sketchy poses, indications of expression and maybe environment...
I thumbnail the entire book at once. I don't let myself do any edits on it until it's done, but I take note of edits I'd like to make! Then, once the first draft is out, I edit.
I'll move entire scenes, delete whole episodes, bring in bits from the end to have proper foreshadowing... Etc! It's a long process that makes my arcs feel much more complete and something I can be really proud of.
I can only do this when I'm really ahead, though, so that's why I've been on a long hiatus!!! I was forced to work without my process for a few arcs, and the difference is so huge to me that I refuse to let myself do it again. It makes a loner hiatus, but work way more worth waiting for!
Next step is lineart!
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Yes, I skip sketches! I go right into lines.
I save every head I've ever drawn, and that lets me copy paste in a basic head angle. Then I redo the face, fix up the hair, etc. so it fits my panel, and then I draw the rest of the body!
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This seriously saves me so much time, but less so for the drawing (i still draw a ton of heads and I'm very fast) and more just for helping me skip sketching entirely!
Then I do character flats, which since all my lines are closed that goes pretty quickly (slowest part is Steve's hair, I refuse to use a brush cause every one I've made looks terrible!!!)
And then I draw the backgrounds!
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Which, I keep layered, clean, and HUGE so I can use them throughout the arc.
I used to feel bad doing this, but then I realized... It's not like backgrounds "change" irl. So why make them change in my comics...? It saves me so much time, but it ALSO lets me put in more detail per background! I draw probably 3 very large backgrounds per episode like this, and then I draw maybe 5-10 unique backgrounds for single panels per episode as well. I save these too, but they're rarely re-used.
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And then my panels are done!!!
So there's a bit of my process for you all!!!
Happy webcomics day 🧡🧡🧡
And here's my comic, if you haven't read it and want to see the end result of this process, or if you have read it and would enjoy a re-read with the extra knowledge:
Or, if you would prefer books I have those too!
Happy to elaborate on any step, as well!
I make comics extremely quickly and as my full time job, and my process allows me to easily manipulate my format as well. I'm happy to share any of my knowledge if you have questions!!!
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friskafriskito · 4 months
Charity Commissions 🇵🇸
Hello guys, it's been a while!
To cut to the chase: I would like to help spread both awareness and support for those suffering in the ongoing genocide in Palestine. So, in light of this, I will open up some commissions where rather than paying me, you simply provide proof of your donation.
I know this blog is mainly just for my art, but if I can use my art for any good I would like to do so. If you cannot donate, please reblog!
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Here are some recommended links:
E-sims for Gaza: https://gazaesims.com  
Palestine children’s relief fund: PCRF
Women for women (hygiene kits, blankets, food): Urgent Support for Women in Palestine Women for Women International
Anera dignity kits: https://www.anera.org/stories/gaza-emergency-aid-includes-dignity-kits/
If you are Egyptian you can also donate to any of the organizations listed under the Instapay, Talabat, Fawry apps, or your bank app under their ‘donations’ services with the equivalent price in EGP (based on the bank rate). Just provide a screenshot.
Of course, if you yourself have a related link, such as another reliable charity organization or a go-fund me, that works as well. And of course, if you have any other links I can update this post with please let me know.
With any cause, please bear in mind there will be people of all sorts who will want to exploit people’s compassion. So please, if you are to donate to any organization, exercise some caution and do your research.
For a written list of the prices, the do/don'ts, and so on, please look under the read-more for more details!
How Does this Work?
Send me the idea you have and I will let you know if it’s good to go or if it’s not appropriate (or if I can’t do it due to time/work)
When you get the okay, I will ask for more details (references, colour schemes, poses, which charity you plan to donate to, etc.)
I will draw you a basic thumbnail for your confirmation (these are very vague sketches to just pinpoint the pose).
Once you confirm the pose, I will ask you to donate and I will get to work
Send me a screenshot of the e-mail confirming your donation (blur out/colour over any personal info!), or the “Thank you for your donation!” screen if there is no e-mail
You get your drawing in exchange!
NOTE: I will likely post them on my artblog and Instagram, so if you don’t want them posted there or would like to remain anonymous, please let me know! If you are fine with me posting them, please give me the handle/name you would like to be referred to as.
Also bear in mind I have a full-time job, so they might be a while! But you WILL get your commission.
$5-$9: Lineart $10-$14: Monotone $15-$19: Colours, flat $20-$24: Colours, shaded Above $25: Colours, shaded, with background
$10-$14: Lineart $15-$19: Monotone $20-$24: Colours, flat $25-$29: Colours, shaded Above $30: Colours, shaded, with background
Fan art is fine (I won’t be getting any monetary profit from this)
Characters from original stories
Personas/self-inserts/fan characters/Tabletop RPG characters
Real!you, family members, friends, etc. (at the risk of them not looking like them at all :’D)
Animals (they might be a bit less cartoony as I'm not used to them but yes)
Personifications/anthropomorphic/strange creatures in general
Not more than one character per commission
No discriminatory content
No religious figures, symbolism or content (I am Muslim so… Cannot Really Do That)
No extreme gore or suggestive themes, or characters from media that feature a lot of either (this is because my art blog is PG-13, and I’d rather not anything off-colour for a charity commission anyway)
No using these with AI or NFTs
Do not use for commercial purposes. These are for charity!
I reserve the right to decline your commission if I feel like you have insincere ulterior motives, or if an emergency comes up.
Generally, keep this PG-13/grandma-friendly!
References (preferably image based, but text is fine if there is no visual depiction/canon design)
Colour you associate with the character if monotone
Poses (just not lewd or rude)
Context (like description of their personality, what they like, their setting, etc.)
Ask first:
You are free to repost the artwork on another platform as long as you credit me as the artist. Absolutely use them if you need a picture for something like an RP account!
If from your original work, you may use them in non-commercial projects, just please credit me (and give me a heads up so I can go check it out! :D).
If an original character from an original story, you are free to use the artwork to help with things like visual development (let’s say, you are creating a game, comic or pilot, and you want a reference for the artists on your team to use), just once again give me a heads up and credit me as the artist.
If you've made it this far, and can't donate, thank you so much for your interest anyway. At the very least, this reached someone.
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mila-beedoodling · 1 month
Hi hello!! While I'm still sorting out how to exactly do art commissions and while I'm working on that i decided to make traditional art sketches for $10 (one character)!! Contact me on my DMs if you're interested, since it's gonna be limited i prefer if you guys ask before running into my kofi and donating without a guarantee that I'm doing the sketch
My sketches consist of drawing in one color and a "lineart" with ballpoint pen and kinda looks like this:
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(doodles i did in class, only ball point and my clear gel pen)
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(these are in my sketchbook yes i also consider these sketches because they were as i was drawing them)
Thank you very much, reblogs and donations are super appreciated!!
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naturecalls111 · 3 months
I wrote this on twitter but I thought I'd put it here too, since I occasionally get asks on how I draw/any tips I might have. On twitter I also made the caveat that I don't feel I'm qualified to give anyone tips, LOL, but I was drawing today for an assignment and felt like this is worth noting to any beginner artists who have a tendency of clinging onto sketches that they feel like they finally got right! (A.K.A, a habit I still have years later HA!) This isn't so much of a tutorial as expressing my thought process in this discovery of how to draw more dynamic pieces. I found it to be satisfying on my end, seeing it unravel, so hopefully it can help someone who may be struggling with the same thing I am.
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I wasn't upset by this drawing, but I could tell there was something stagnant about it so I ended up pushing it and redrawing it a million times to see if I could somehow make it look more dynamic.
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Here's one part of the timelapse - I'm clearly adamant on trying to make this pose/composition work but while the sketch itself may look better, the stagnation hasn't changed. Perhaps this works for some people, but anyone seeking a dynamic visual will be able to spot that this simply isn't working as anything more than a semi-decent anatomy study attempting to be applied.
I changed the position of both arms, I tried to play around with the angle of the head, I tried to just the hips forward more so that the spine had increased curvature, but the main issue, really, was that the initial composition lacked the dynamism in general. It prioritised dramaticism over dynamism. Both can exist in the same piece - it did not, in this one.
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This was the new sketch I started with. Less rigid base to go off of. Just getting down the general shape I wanted to score - make the spine and tail take a sort of mid-whip path, shoulders hunched, hips cant forwards, as if he's curling in on himself. I think for a dynamic piece, it's more helpful that your initial sketch uses the body as a general marker as opposed to something to do lineart over (granted, I don't really do lineart anyway, my sketch is usually the extent of my "lineart", but since this is just looking at creating a more dynamic composition, I think it still applies!)
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Here it's the same principle. For the left image (the legs) I've established where the knee of the right leg goes, and where the hip that precedes the left leg will sit. These are just base anatomical structures that help me figure out 1. Whether or not the mere idea of this composition will work, and 2. where I have to stop once I start drawing. For me, having some sort of limitation for the body helps me stay within range of proportionate anatomy (not that I particularly care for the anatomy to be realistic, just proportionate to the style I'm drawing in)
On the right image is also the same principle. Establishing the movement of the arm, the elbow/arm bend, and the hand. (If you see the full sketch before the two above, I established the hand in that one too - it really is helpful figuring out the placement of the hand ahead of time.) If it looks atrocious afterwards I always have the lasso tool/eraser to save me.
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The new attempt brings me to this. While preference in art is subjective, I do think I'd be staying in SOME realm of objectivity when I say this is more dynamic than my initial sketch, LOL. Of course, lighting/rendering choices help push the composition a little more, but this achieves what I couldn't do with that first sketch. I had a general idea, but it's important to know when to let go of something that clearly isn't working.
Would love for anyone to add their own tips or ideas to this post - I'm not particularly known for dynamic pieces so I'm always looking to learn. This was a really valuable study for me so I wanted to share it, but everyone has their own method and what works for me may not work for the next person!
There's a few other asks that asked me for tips on general anatomy, and more specifically legs (oh dear god, I'M going to need to study for that before writing out any sort of resource guide for that, lol) that I hope to get around to doing in the near future. Thank you for your guys' vote of confidence, haha! ❤️
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artofalassa · 10 months
Really love your art ❤️ the wings you draw looks amazing 👏 how does one draw them? 👀 do you use any references?
Oh my god, this ask is making the circle full fr. ;; Thank you SO MUCH, Anon!! I've had an enormous wing kink most of my life, but scared of drawing and avoiding them for uh.......... most of my life lol. So reading this means A LOT. TLDR - yes, use refs of all sorts of birds! use gradients! don't overdoit with brushstrokes! wings are paperthin!
In 2021 I said fck it and-- asked my partner, @lesoldatmort, who's a wing-master to teach me how to wings. And the answer was simple - use refs. I did! And it looked better than before. But. Uh.
Most of my wings looked like-- pillow sheets? Or. Pillows. Blankets. Puffy and thick. (Rafe from December, 2020)
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So the biggest trouble for me personally (and for my partner, who was trying to knock it in my thick skull), was to get the wings as thin as possible. And use refs. And draw a lot of wings.
The biggest and best advice I got from my man, was to think of wings as of paper. Flat and thin. And use gradients for the sections instead of too many brushstrokes for each feather. Actually, save on the brushstrokes where you can.
January 2022 this was the best I could do. And that's after a LOT of interference from my partner, who kept nagging me to get rid of brushstrokes and add. more. gradients.
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In June I decided I'm cracking the case. Gave up on trying to paint too much, because I prefer lineart 95% of the time anyway and drew the Howl piece. Still too many brushstrokes, but I used vulture photos as a reference for this one. Adoration is from this time as well. Used a pinned down bald eagle as a ref for Zack's wing.
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In summer, I did some more random studies, kept looking at wings very closely. Looked at other artists drawing them. In September I was lucky enough to get cmed to draw safer Sephiroth. And that was probably the final moment I gave up on too many details and brushes and started stylizing the hell out of it. And using gradients. And lasso tool. As my partner's been telling me for almost two years at that point. Thin. Finally.
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And then I just kept going. Simplifying the hell out of them............
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And here we are. I have a problem. It's called a wink kink. And I'm loving it. <3
A few months ago, due to a gender crisis, lol, I even started using the name "Alas" along with Alassa. Which supposedly means "wing" in latin.
So... Thank you for coming to my ted talk and personal vent and rant. Sorry this got so long! However, seeing somebody asking me specifically about wings in my art... feels like reaching a finish line after years of whining. Thank you so much! ;; <3
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pharanbrush · 4 months
Hey, I was wondering if you have a brush recommendation for CSP brushes for Lineart with good line weight? I'm trying to improve the weight of my lines, but I'm having a hard time finding brushes with the flexibility I'm looking for
That's a good question. There are all sorts of ways line weight is used and the right brush is different for each genre and style of drawing, I'd say.
To start: A lot of my lineart brushes are adjusted with slightly LESS brush size dynamics because I always felt like the original default CSP brushes (like the Mapping Pen and G-Pen) gave an unrealistic and uncontrollable amount just based on the their pressure settings.
Some people do use them well for specific styles, so they're not inherently bad. But I definitely think they're not friendly to beginners or people who just wanna pick up a pen and go draw rather than obsess over the precise way they're pushing down on their pen.
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More recent versions of Clip Studio Paint actually came with some new default brushes, including "Real G-Pen", which had pressure settings that felt more right to me. But it's a little noisy so its uses are a bit more specific.
I have a brush set included with EnpitsuP called Superclean Linework. Those are the ones I designed as cleanup brushes for anime-ish looking art. They come in several flavors: Densy, Softie, Smoothy, Sang. I varied them based on how I saw different artists preferred their lines: a bit on the sharp side? Slightly blurry? With a little bit of opacity fade? A little more line variation? Among these, Sang has the largest amount of size response.
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Ultimately, it may be a little bit of both a subjective experience and depend on what your hand/tablet/driver settings/style preferences are like. If you're having trouble finding a brush for this purpose, I think you should hone in on if you're not finding the right brush because every brush seemed too difficult to control, or you can't seem to get results you like, or you can't find one with a feel that matches the physical tool you're used to.
I think it's also worth noting that some artist's styles also rely a lot on them just changing their brush size setting depending on what part they're drawing. So you may end up needing a brush that has less pressure-size variation than you expect. My recommendation is always to look very closely when learning from someone else's linework example. Try to achieve it yourself side-by-side and see where it doesn't quite match up and ask yourself why. Or ask others why.
Of course, there are a bunch of other "lineweighty" brushes too outside of this genre of mostly-thin lineart.
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mcyt-summer-of-yuri · 2 months
Hello all!! With the event nearly upon us, I figured it was about time (finally) to post a sort of FaQ for the event! So buckle up, everyone, this post is gonna be a bit of a long one.
What is the event timeline?
March 14th - March 28th: Mod applications
April 21st - May 4th: Signup period
April 21st: Discord opens
May 5th - May 18th: Assignments sent out
May 19th - June 29th: Gift making period
June 9th - June 29th: Pinch-hits period
June 30th - July 13th: First gift posting period
June 30th - July 20th: Second gift posting period
August 31st: Treat posting deadline
Is there an age limit to the event?
Since this event is run through Tumblr and an event Discord, the age limit to join will be 13 if you wish to join the Discord, but if you will only be participating via Tumblr, there will be no age minimum in place. To create/receive any NSFW gifts, on the other hand, the age limit will be 18 and we ask that your gift be censored when posted on Tumblr if it is a visual art medium (though if you wish to DM your giftee with an uncensored version, go right ahead!).
What is definitely not allowed?
• Themes of incest (canonical or in relation to headcanons specified in sign-ups)
• Themes of pedophilia (referring to ships containing minors, such as Child/Adult, Teen/Adult, Child/Child, or Teen/Child pairings, with an exception to platonic or romantic pairings consisting of only characters between the ages of 14 to 17 for Teen/Teen relationships)
• Themes of underage drinking/drug use (consumption of substances by characters under the age of 18)
• Themes of abuse (physical/mental/sexual harm inflicted on a character or mutually between multiple characters involved)
• Usage of slurs (words used in a derogatory fashion against a character in regards to aspects of who or what they are)
• Lack of consent (while dubious consent may be allowed if requested in your sign up, a lack of consent entirely will not be tolerated)
• AI generated art (this applies to fanart generated by AI, fanfic created using chat bots, and anything else along these lines)
What are the gift requirements?
There will be a few options for what kind of gift you can make, as well as the option to DM a mod either here or on the discord once it opens if your preferred gift type is not listed or if you would like to make your giftee an extra gift of a non-listed art type. The options and their requirements are listed as such!!
Art - clean sketch with lineart minimum (or whatever point of the process this would be in your art style if lineart is not applicable)
Writing - 1,000 word count minimum (if you intend to write multiple chapters, you must have at least 2/3 of your total story written by posting period and the first chapter must be no less than 800 words long)
Playlist - 2hr length minimum
Moodboards/Stimboards - minimum of 2 boards equaling out to 18 elements
Webweave - at least 1 board containing 10 elements
Video Edit - at least 45 seconds in length
Poem - 100 word count minimum (or multiple shorter poems with a total of no less than 100 words)
Other Original Content (DM a mod on the Tumblr or once the Discord opens for more information on alternative gift suggestions such as cosplay videos, original songs, animations, or other such ideas)
What are the included fandoms?
What are the Included Fandoms?:
For the sake of this event you will be given a list of fandoms to choose from in your sign up form to determine which series' you are willing to create/receive a gift about as well as listed characters in each series (with a section to include unlisted characters, though those will be taken as optional rather than required for the sake of matching you with a potential gifter) The selected series are listed (in no specific order) below!!
Life Series/Traffic Life SMP
Empires SMP
Witchcraft SMP
Rats SMP
Pirates SMP
Outsiders SMP
One Life SMP
X Life SMP
AfterLife SMP
New Life SMP
Minecraft Diaries
What counts as "yuri"?
For the purposes of this event, we will not be accepting genderbends or trans headcanons of canonically cis male characters. Yuri would include any pairing or character who would be eligible to fit into either the Sapphic or Trixic umbrellas.
What if I just don't have the time?
Well, if you're worried about not being available during the creation period but still want to participate, you're more than welcome to sign on as a beta reader (not just for looking over/helping out with fics!) or a pinch hitter/bench warmer!! Beta readers are anyone who would like to help someone out in the creation of their gift, such as glancing it over for any errors, brainstorming ideas, or other helpful things!! A pinch hitter (also known sometimes as a bench warmer) is someone who steps up in the event that someone who was signed up previously decides that - for whatever reason - they would be unable to finish the gift on time, and it is given to someone else to make on a more time-crunched schedule!! Both of these roles are very helpful and valuable to have in an event like this, so if you aren't sure about joining the event as a primary member, keep in mind these roles may also be options for you! Beta readers will be a Discord-only role, but pinch hitter roles will be available to anyone interested on both Discord and Tumblr, just be sure to respond quickly or someone else may take the offered hit before you!
Is this a Tumblr-only event?
Yes and no. While the event is run on Tumblr, you don't have to only post your gift here during the posting period! Edits may be posted to YouTube/Tiktok, fics/poems may be posted to Ao3/Wattpad/ffdn, playlists can be uploaded to Spotify/YouTube, wherever else you would normally post your content!! The only thing asked of you is that you don't post any spoilers before the posting period begins. No "here's an update on an edit/fanart I'm making for a gift exchange" videos/screenshots or the like, no posting poetry/fic snippets, and keep any playlists made on Spotify privated, for example!! You'll be DMed on Discord with your assignment if you join the Discord, and DMed your assignment on Tumblr if you don't! No stress either way.
Is joining the Discord required?
You don't have to join the discord to participate if you don't want/are unable to!! The discord is just a hub for those participating to talk about things and interact with one another, but if you aren't able/don't want to join for whatever reason, that's perfectly okay! There will be a deadline countdown every so often on the Tumblr, and on the Discord as well, so those not in the server will stay in the loop on that front!! If you don't plan on joining the Discord, just mark that down in your sign up sheet and everything will be just fine.
Will there be an Ao3 collection?
There will be a collection you're free to add your gifts to if you so wish, but it will be moderated so only those with given access can approve it into the collection during the posting period! If you'd like to add a fic, fanart, series of poems, or whatever else to the collection, feel free to do so and it'll stay anonymous until the posting period begins!!
Finally, who are the mods?
Our lovely moderators are hard at work making sure this event can stay on track! Everyone give them a round of applause!!
@rutellingmeashrimpfriedthisrice (event runner)
@daisy-bugs @aliteral-ghost @feyscape @sexyinaratkindaway @kaije224 @blocky-tides @queercode-my-minecraft @muriers
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smugpugchimera · 4 months
Hi :) just wanted to drop in to say I really love your art, the way you use lineart and colour are like, insanely beautiful. I'm curious what brushes you use for lineart? Hope you have a nice day!
Hello! Thank you very much, I'm super happy to have such a positive response to my art ^^💜💜💜 Talking brushes: I mostly use a default pen with a fuzzy texture, the exact type is not that important, it cam be noise or a spray tex. of sort) Now what I feel has a more profound effect is the exact proportions of pressure, sharpness and density. Here the preferred setting I use in SAI2:
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I'll try to break it down a little so it's not just useful for SAI2 users, for I do not know the ins and outs of how other programs approach this. I set to to have round tip with no sharpness, and both minimal density and density amp set to 0, which results in it corresponding directly to pen pressure. The additional size and density scrollers set quite low too. That, together with high stabilization and low tablet sensitivity (smt you can do in your tablet settings, you can play with them too!) makes the brush rly easy to control for both opacity and thickness. Which is what I personally prefer (it gives a soft pencil feel I think) You'd need to set your density settings higher if you prefer a more opaque lineart brush. I do advice playing with them yourself to get the feel for it, it's honestly very useful to understand and develop intuition for. Now another "tool" I absolutely cannot live without is this pesky lil boi:
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The "switch to transparent" tool is like, A Beast, and I don't see a lot of talk about it's versatility. I set it to my hot keys and use it more that undo tool :D To elaborale: I find it helpful to use the negative space (or erase) the lines I draw in a particular way to give them a more unique value that it would have by itself. I'll try to demonstrate:
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So, the gist of the technique comes down to subtractive shaping of form, in combination to usual additive approach. Now, this is a specific trick I find rly satisfying to my style of drawing that works well with my brush preferences, which is by no mean universal, but what I would encourage to take away from this if you're not doing it already is to think of erasing as not just a corrective tool, but also an artistic one! (Note: switching to eraser does similar thing- the only downside is your brush settings and texture would have to match with it, which can be a hustle) I hope this isn't too elaborate of a response, and hope it is at least somewhat helpful X3!! Good drawing you Ya'll and first of all: have fun! Have a nice day~
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fourcornerstar · 2 years
Warm Welcome
@paper-lilypie inspired by your runaway bride AU, I just had to get this out. Also working on a comic, but my lineart sucks and I think this is less of an eyesore. I really hope you enjoy because this au has absolutely stolen my heart!!! 
TW Swearing TW Cheating
The clock above the oven was slow, two minutes behind, to be precise. It stalled at 4:57 am. The room was shrouded in soft light from the hall. A faint yellow glow to keep you from stubbing your toe on the kitchen island. You read in the paper that the sunrise would be around 6:45. Fairly typical of late autumn. The tiles in the kitchen were cold, like a sheet of ice was laid over the floor. The entire house felt frigid and dead. You leaned at the counter next to the stove, watching the hot plate grow redder and redder. A white percolator was starting to steam. The silk robe wrapped around your shoulders did nothing to wick away the chill nipping at your thighs and ankles.
Deeper in the house, you heard the jiggle of a doorknob and someone shuffling into the living room. Your fiancé, William Afton, yawned, rubbing at his eyes as he strolled into the kitchen. A blue felt robe was tied loosely at his hips, his chest bare but a pair of striped pajama bottoms saved his dignity. William flinched at first, but relaxed, recognizing you in the dim light.
"A bit early to put on coffee." He mumbled, scratching at his stubbled jaw. But, he didn't complain, sidestepping you to get to the upper cabinet and grab a mug. You said nothing. You didn't even spare him a glance. Disgust stirred in your chest as you were reminded of where you found him yesterday morning. Wrapped up in your sheets, comfortable with another lover.
His bare feet tapped against the floor as he walked behind you. He set the empty mug on the counter, wrapped his arms around your waist, and kissed your cheek. The wiry 5'oclock shadow scratching your face. You barged your way out of his hold, pushing him aside.
"What the hell was that?" He barked in surprise.
He shut up when he saw your face,  narrowed into a venomous glare. Your arms crossed as you leaned against the refrigerator door.
William sighed, his hand at his temple. 
"Is this about Johannes?" His voice was tired and bored. He could care less as he helped himself to the fresh pot of coffee.
"How long?" You were surprised you could even speak about his disgusting display. Of course, William decided to play stupid.
"How long, what, dear?"
"How long have you been fucking each other in our bed." The words came out like jagged glass, trying to elicit any sort of remorse from the man in front of you. He shrugged.
"Just once. I prefer the hotel down by the bistro. Keeps the public eye away. "
A scoff caught in your throat.
"What? I'm just being honest-"
Your voice broke as everything hit your heart at once. You looked at William dead in the eyes through the angry tears starting to prick at the corners of your own. "How could you do this to me? To us... Our wedding is in three weeks, and you’d toss it in the bin for one of your assistants." a bitter laugh cut off your own words. You couldn't believe what came out of your own mouth, your own naivety. You were warned he was a wanderer- hell, he's already been divorced! How could you be so stupid! Stupid-stupid-stupid!
William rolled his eyes, swirling the mug of coffee like a glass of red wine.
"Oh, would you stop with the theatrics? I still love you. We're still going to tie the knot. I already spent a fortune on the venue and that damned dress. No matter what you think, I'm not throwing "us" away."
"Do I even get a say in this?" Your hands were now on your hips. 
William's gaze narrowed, "You gave me your answer. What, you want to break up over a small infidelity? Seems to me like you want to toss the relationship in the bin."
"You go behind my back sleeping around the town and expect me to be okay with becoming your spouse?!"
"You are so dramatic. All I was doing was fulfilling my needs. Something you've been denying me."
"Your needs- your fucking needs!" Your hand clamped over your mouth as you fought back the urge to scream. You could feel your heart rate spike. But, you refused to raise your voice. Your eyes glanced back to the hall where your sibling’s room was.
"You can't possibly expect a man like me to be satisfied with just this! It's not in our DNA- there are studies about this- hell, it's even in the word of God! You don't need to take it so personally."
You heard enough. You brushed past William through the kitchen and out the front door without another word. William's yells echoed past the closed door and the threshold of your yard for you to come back.
Outside it was much colder. Patches of frost in the grass glistened like diamonds in the moonlight. Your bare feet treading on the concrete into town. You needed to clear your head. You didn't have a destination in mind, but anywhere would bring welcome peace.
The sidewalk narrowed. A few cars parked here and there as you strolled into the small strip of civilization of Hurricane. Many shops were still closed, inky black reflecting you in the window glass. It couldn't be any later than 6 am, but strangely enough, you smelled fresh bread.
It was warm and enticing, wafting from a little bakery across the street. There was no traffic stopping you from j-walking. You came up to the window, your breath fogging the glass as you peered in. The back lights were on, but no one was at the register. The local bakers must just be getting their stock ready for the day. You walked
Your hand traced the wooden sill alongside the window before it caught on the door seam. It was unlocked. The little sign said, "Open 6:30 am Every Day."
It would be warmer than the street, surely. You pushed the door, a gentle bell ringing to alert the front desk of a new customer. The smell of fresh baked goods intensified as you strolled through the doors. You sighed a breath of relief, letting the warmth calm your worries, even if it was only for the moment. Deeper in the kitchen, you could hear two voices bouncing around the walls in hastened conversation. Suddenly, something- er- someone popped their head out of the kitchen door. You squeaked in surprise at the... It was 6 and a half heads- no 7. It had to be 7 feet tall. A robot, bright yellow with a half moon on its faceplate and glowing eyes. Yellow sun rays were poking from its head like a halo. A robot running a bakery. 'Well, I'll be damned.' You've heard of robots gaining more and more influence around the country. 1961. It's a new industrial age. There's more and more and more innovation coming from wise minds, setting artificial intelligence on the street. You read this all on the news. Even your current fiancé, William Afton, works as the CEO of Faztech. But you haven't ever seen a sentient robot in person until today.
"Oh, um. I'm sorry to be catching you this early, the door was open, and it smelled so good-" you fumbled for excuses, cheeks starting to burn from embarrassment. Where were your manners? Even if the shop was unlocked, it didn't give you the right to barge in and trespass between hours.
"Oh! Moon, we have guests!" 'He' called back into the kitchen and stepped into the waiting area with you. A baggy apron was tied around his waist, dotted with flour. A chef's coat buttoned to his collar, and bright red chef pants at his heels. You could hear the soft whir of fans coming from him.
"Oh, it's quite alright, doll. We weren't expecting customers so early. Most like to stop by later in the morning." He brushed his hands clean on his apron. They were mixed between chromatic metal and yellow paint. Most likely, the color was chipping off between the joints due to his work. His faceplate shifted into a bright smile, one that was warm and welcoming. You felt your shoulders drop and relax.
"Feel free to look around. We're not stocked up just yet, but we have fresh cinnamon rolls that will be ready soon." You hummed, rocking on your feet.
"I haven't seen this place before. Have you been open long?" You asked, hands gently clasped behind your back as you glanced around the shop. The walls were painted a soft sage green, with rich dark wood accents. The floors were matching wood as well, waxed and clean. Two shelves ran along the walls, with little signs in the place of the goods. 'Baguettes,' 'Rolls,' 'Brioche,' in neat wax paper bags, ready to be sold.
"We actually opened a few months ago. Decided it was time to set our sights on our passions."
"We?" you leaned closer, lending an eager ear to the robot's story.
"Moon and I have been working together for as long as I can remember." The robot reminisced, his finger thoughtfully tapping where his chin would be.
"We used to be entertainers, touring around like a circus. Oh, what was it called." With a couple snaps of his fingers, his eyes lit up as he remembered. "Freddy's ring! We used to be acrobats, you know... But, it was time for a change of pace."
Your own lightbulb went off. 'Sun and Moon Bakery-'
"So you're sun?" He nodded, chest puffed out with pride. "The one and only!"
You giggled, "It's nice to meet you, Sun. I hope I'm not being a bother this early."
Sun gave a thoughtful pause, his voice shifting to concern.
"Dear, I don't mean to pry, but are you okay?" His voice echoed against the empty walls of the shop.
"Me? Oh, of course, I'm fine. Really, I just like to take walks..." You glanced out the window, eyes downcast. Sun cocked his head, his 'mouth' drawn into a concerned pout.
"In your pajamas? Not that they're not lovely, I'd say you have a pretty snazzy sense of style. Trendsetting!" He waved it off with a hand, still trying to avert his gaze back to the empty glass display case to save your dignity.
Were you in your pajamas? Oh crap. The sudden reality hit you that you were only wearing your robe and a pair of floral babydoll pj's. Your cheeks burned bright red, the heat nipping at the tips of your ears. You brought the robe tighter around your waist, praying its length saved you some modesty. You cleared your throat.
"I guess I lost track of that little detail... I needed- I needed to get some fresh air- and clear my mind. I hope you don't mind."
"Of course not. Here," The robot pulled up a chair at the window and motioned for you to sit down. You hesitantly followed Sun's instructions. When your back was to him, you could feel the warmth running off the robot- like a flesh and bones human was right behind you. He gave your shoulder a gentle pat.
"I'll grab you a cup of homemade cocoa, best in town."
"Um, sir, I'm sorry, but I didn't bring any money..." You called after him before he could disappear back into the kitchen. As if this couldn't get any more awkward, you didn't have a cent on you.
"On the house, dear, please don't worry," Sun said with a flippant hand wave. The kitchen door flapping closed, bouncing open a little behind him.
He was out of the kitchen in no more than five minutes with a steaming cup of hot chocolate. He even added marshmallows. A smile broke on your lips as you accepted the cup into your cold hands.
"I can't tell you how much I appreciate this. It's been a rough two days." You said with a sigh, glancing out the window. The sky had now shifted into a soft peach color as the world woke up.
"Anytime. The best part of our work is seeing smiles on our customers' faces." Sun said, hands on his hips, watching the sunrise at your side.
The sunrise began to cast dappled light into the shop windows. People outside were starting to rise and walk the streets. The mug of fresh cocoa in your hands kissed your lips. It was sweet and rich. For the first time since that horrible morning, when your entire world was flipped on its head... You felt that everything would turn out okay.
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zimcard-artblog · 7 months
can I ask a question?
how do you render your art? like you make it feel doodly but clean at the same time
hope you have a nice day
Thank you! I like to think my art style is an organized mess! It's cause I've leaned more to a certain digital painting style where I don't have to rely on making clean lineart as I can just render it all instantly. Here's my work progress:
I use a marker brush on Firealpaca (One of the drawing programs I use, the other being medibang for the comic), it's on a soft pen pressure setting 0.20 (soft) and with opacity by pressure on so it has a soft feel along with no sharp edges so that I can focus on anatomy structure calmly.
The lineart process is simple, not wanting to go overboard besides drawing the important stuff. The imperfections can be altered later.
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Then, I color it. A base layer is really for the main colors, if I wanna put shading then I separate each color by clipping layers so I can shade them individually but for this example, I won't dive too deep into it besides that I don't use any watercolor brushes besides- well, Dp-flat is like a watercolor brush/blending brush but it has a strong texture that I like. I prefer to shade manually with airbrush, dp-flat brush, and a makrer brush (opacity on).
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And we got rendering!!! I Spend a lot on rendering as it's fun- especially for smaller pieces! I often use a marker brush but with a different pen pressure (normal, 1.00) so it has a sort of sharper end so I can also add faint brush strokes/lineart to give it a solid look. I use the color picker a lot to overpaint some specific lines and colors while also using the brush as an eraser to shape/sculpt the form!
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I've got more examples for my more finished works to show how noticeable the results are regarding how I render! I like to experiment from time to time
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sanchoyoscribbles · 2 months
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a redraw meme! I'm a little mad at myself for not doing this for a few years (I've done a few other redraws in the meantime, but...it wouldve been cool to have a bunch of years in a row! TwT)
2007 was the earliest made on gimp, a touchpad and NO pressure (obvious with the THICK CHUNKY LINES. im 90% sure I did lineart, colored over them, then lined over them again all on 1 layer...) plus the pattern fills gimp had (the stripes and rainbows, plus the repeating space background that needed a desperate scale-up...)
2015 might be the most obviously tmm inspired style wise ( and I think...this character WAS a tmm oc, actually, so this tracks. her name was star hoshiko (yes. star star.) and she was infused with star power instead of an animal. whatever that means. in my defense I was Ten 👍) and was when I was still using sai!!
2016&17 were me trying to sort of push into semi-realism, the smaller eyes, the more realistic skirt in the '16 version and more realistic hair in the '17 version, and also the first ones done in clip studio which is still my mvp program.
2018 was the furthest from the original, me REALLY pushing orangey yellows for some reason (the darker oranges let the yellow glowy parts stand out more was probably my logic at the time?) it's also funny to see that I went back to a more cartoony/anime style between 2017! the eyes got bigger again, the hair more stylized (esp with the shading/highlighting!) yet the clothes got more detailed....
2024- this time around I wanted to try and capture elements of the original design, since it seemed I was drifting further and further away from it... those very bright lemony yellows that scare me to work with sometimes, the original stripes, that BAD dark yellow for the base of the dress... I know a lot of people will prefer the semi-realism of the earlier years but I feel like the very anime style is more FUN. and I feel a lot more confident in my posing, expressions, and I just. focus more on having fun than making her pretty. that being said I did try to add little details from the previous years designs :3 doing redraws is always so nice to reflect on style and improvement!! I totally recommend doing one if you want to, a blank version is here!
also for funsies, heres how gross the flats look. man i HATE that weird base dress shade T_T u can tell I did shift it to be SLIGHTLY warmer, just a bit....the cool-toned shading pushes it back to the lemony again tho, lol
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sparkdoesart · 3 days
Hiii spark if I were to draw something for you which character wojld you like it to be. NOOO REASON AT ALL AHAHAH nothing suspiciosu going on here . Smiles
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Alright...... i suppose hypothetically if you were to make art for me... which youre totallyyyy not gonna do...
Heres my main 5 ocs + extras
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Can be anthro
Cat creature
Very anxious/always worried
HUGEE tail. Size of her body or bigger
That is a shackle on her leg that she cant really get off. She hasnt tried
Dont think of the black parts as fur patterns as much as some sort of growth (thats why the overlap at the white parts is so spiky)
The orange yellow lineart is a strange glow in the story but ive done those since before i wrote the story
Gay for marley
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Can be anthro
Almost always wearing her collar
Pretty confident
Very caring
Will kick ass
Gay for spark
Exes/besties with rusty
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Can be anthro
Axolotl serval capybara hybrid
Tail is actually pretty flat
Always wears the bow
Calm and relaxed
Suspicious of Puzzle
Very friendly
Somewhat quiet
Paws dont have fur
Paw pads are just black
Tongue is red, since i forgot to add that
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Can be anthro
Eyes always have tear-like melting effect
Ears, eyes, nose, tongue, paw pads, claws, and blood change with emotions
Controls what emotions are shown with mask on
Always wears their bandana around their neck
Easily startled
Very smart
Worries a lot
Presents as carefree
Likes to help others
Very good friends with puzzle
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Can be anthro
Two forms - demon and angel
Demon form (black) is in control 95% of the time
Tail is an entirely separate entity
Colors can be toned down if they hurt your eyes, would prefer them very vibrant
Very mischievous and generally somehwat evil
Always has either an angry, serious or (most often) mischievous face. Often smiling with almost angry eyes
Seems to actually somewhat like ash
Dislikes rusty more than the others
Eyes always half closed
Tail can talk, rarely does in front of others
Tail is always excited and/or happy
Tail never stops smiling
Puzzle and Tail can sleep
And then theres Ghost ofc
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Not many notes to add really
Feather is preferred
Andddd Me!
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Shapeshifter that can be literally anything. I mean anything. Objects, plants, animals, humans, other people, characters from whatever, anything. I could mimic you almost exactly, even.
Base form is the one pictured above tho.
Can wear any outfit that doesnt have sleeves too hight above the wrist or pants too high above the ankles. They are uncomfy and icky to me. Can also wear gloves and whatever shoes. Prefer boots. Very rarely wears stereotypically feminine clothes (dresses n whatnot)
Very sharp teeths and tongue usually
All of these guys represent me in some way! I love them all<333 you could use any of em for something id go "hey thas me!!!! :DDD"
Any questions just ask me in messages or my inboxxx
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iztea · 6 months
When i first started digital i would make a layer for everything basically for the face clipping make several layers to it and same for the hair/ background/ every piece of clothing...etc
I did take it down a notch recently and all but i just saw a video from samdoesart and noticed he LITERALLY JUST USES ONE LAYER FOR THE WHOLE PAINTING!!!??
sorry was wondering if you'd recommend a certain number of layers
the amount of layers you use is highly dependent on the style you're going for, the complexity of a piece, your personal drawing style and preference etc so i really don't believe there should be a certain amount of layers you should use. I myself fluctuate between using many layers or just painting everything on one so there really isn't a correct way or number to go for.
Howeverrrr, i think there is a certain threshold where layers become too excessive and turn into more of a burden than an aid, something that you probably noticed as well. If you find yourself becoming frustrated with the constant switching between layers for every single part you've singled out, then it's better to take notice of that and just tone down the number a bit. Samdoesarts, despite his guynextdoor vibes, is a professional and so of course he doesn't feel the need for many layers because he knows what he's doing and has a very clear workflow and style in mind. To some extent, i believe that using a minimal amount of layers does also stem from a place of confidence in your skills and/or process.
Me personally, I tone down the layer amount moreso out of laziness and because i don't like to have my flow interrupted by some "technical" errors as in "whoopsie i painted on the wrong layer again" so i just., really try to keep it as low as possible; sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't and i suffer
I add new layers every time i want to " try something new" or fix something whenever i'm still unsure of how it will turn out. New layers are for experimentation. I treat them like some sort of backup or checkpoint of some kind- that's their primary function for me. If the new thing i tried painting over doesn't work out i can just hide the layer i painted on and either try again or give up on that idea as i concluded it doesn't look good. A safety net, if u will.
One rule i do follow however no matter what is to always always have a separate layer for the hair- both color and lineart. that is the only thing i make a conscious decision to keep separate (because of previous struggles and failed attempts) For everything else, I just paint it on one layer with those aforementioned experimentation layers on top. Same for rendering. And i always merge them together once i think it looks good
I really don't like having too many layers cause it becomes annoying and messy. The only time I deliberately use a shiton of layers is for commissions, really.
i know i didn't really answer your question, but i really don't think i can recommend a certain number, so i just shared my experience with layers instead. Bottom line is, as long as you find them helpful, use as many layers as you want but don't overdo it
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shootingstarrfish · 25 days
Do you have any tips on how you do shading ?? Your art really inspires me and I literally suck at shading lmao.
hello anon!!! im honoured i can inspire you sdfhkjh it's crazy to me that i can inspire literally anyone :,DDD <33
tbh i do all my shading purely based on vibes/what makes me happy so im not sure im a good advice person but ill show you a breakdown of how i go about shading and hopefully that might help a bit? :o i've left it below the cut because i have too much to say and it ended up being really long LOL
of course if there's anything you want more details on i'm always happy to explain, just let me know!
okay SO ill use this asmo as my example, i think there's enough to talk about here that it should be helpful hopefully
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so here's my lineart and flats! i do all my flat colours in one layer because i find it easier to make everything look more cohesive when the pieces arent separated (i usually like it when the colours bleed into each other a lil), but i also just dont like the process of having to switch between layers for everything too LOL flats are unfortunately my least favourite part :,D probably because my lineart is so messy hahah
as you can see, the shading is very minimal here, just some subtle stuff in the wings/sheer parts of the fabric and some blushing on the skin, i also stole the orange under eye/liner thing from TBHK because <3
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and then i clean up any messy stuff by just painting over top of everything on a new layer, i also rendered the metal at this stage because i felt like it i guess???
i dont think i did a suuper good job at rendering the metal here (because i was lazy), it looks fine but something to note about metal is that usually you want to push the highlights and the shadows a lot more, as well as the reflections because it is so shiny and smooth this is why you'll see a lot of pink and blue in the metal, to show the reflections of his hair and the sky
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i would recommend using reference to get a better idea of how metal ACTUALLY works but again, i was lazy lol so that's a simple explanation based on what little i know/have observed
the jump here is a bit drastic and you might be like woah starr where'd all this come from?? but this is all in one layer-
('hard light' - 62% opacity)
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this is how that layer looks as a normal full opacity layer, for reference:
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lately i've been using hard light layers to shade! they're very versatile because unlike multiply layers i can do my shading and my highlights within one layer (do you sense a theme of me disliking having too many layers lmao)
SO this is where i have a bit more to say about shading you'll notice the prominent shading colour here is blue, this is because the main environment here (the sky) is blue. i dont know if that's how things work in the real world but it works for me LMAO i usually prefer to have my shading lean cooler purely for aesthetic reasons, i like how it looks more
you might also notice some areas where the blue is a bit brighter, this is to imitate reflected light, again because the environment is blue light tends to bounce around on things and reflect back even into the shadows so this is the effect im trying to get, i like to typically go with a brighter blue cause it gives things a sort of shinier? quality that i enjoy aesthetically, idk if its very accurate to real life tho it also helps me to give depth to the shading since shading isnt usually just one flat blob, and this is a bit of a shortcut to having more dynamic (?) looking shadows
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i also want to point out my use of bright reds on the edge of the shadows:
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i believe this is called diffraction- there's a real legit scientific reason why it happens but i... dont know what that is i just know it happens in real life (maybe not to this extent?) and it looks cool so i do it SFHJKSFH i usually blend it into the shadows though as opposed to into the lighter parts, i find that tends to look better
some miscellaneous things-
don't be afraid to throw random colours around!! who cares about realism, it's fun lmao
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this artwork is a spoiler for asmo's bday so shhhhh but i did want to quickly show that you can also use hard light layers to create a glowy effect, i literally just painted the pink/orange directly on the shadows layer and it helped to make his eyes more glowy
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of course i do go in and paint over a little after and add some layer effects but it helps to have that base there
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now that you've learnt that i dont know what i'm doing, i wanted to highlight a couple of resources that have helped me! i hope they help you as well <3
this video gives some really interesting insights into this artist's process and some problems they had throughout, as well as how they overcame them! it looks a lil clickbaity but i promise it's good!!
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this tweet also shifted how i think about rendering when i want to do something with dramatic lighting!
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+ an attempt i made to replicate this (i wanna try this again lmao it was fun)
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i hope that helps even a little bit, i did my best to explain but sorry if it was mostly nonsense though :,DDD best of luck with your art, anon!! <3333
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esperanzagalaxy · 2 years
for requests, if you're willing to do something in the garden of yerlick? sasha the knife fairy or cel and their spouse or whatever else you prefer! your art is SO good I could look at it forever
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 RQG request #12, a very sweet one. thanks so much for your prompt. i’m actually surprised i didn’t go with sasha the knife fairy (which i sincerely think is a severly underrated line) since doing something about the visitations kind of intimidated me! so i let this one sit for a while and then it just sort of came out of me. the lineart on its own is sincerely very nice, and i was nervous about over-rendering it with the colors, but... i think it’s a lovely result. i’m very happy about the faces. i think they’re all the emotions i wanted. look at cel and yuuko. i might never be able to top that tenderness.
  also, i love my design for feryn, so having the excuse to bust him out was great.
  hope you like it as much as i do <3
 mechanical pencil on cream paper and digital colors.
 ID under the cut!
[ID: an illustration of the party going through the garden of yerlik, accompanied by spirits. it is drawn traditionally with a mechanical pencil, and colored digitally. it shows hamid, zolf, cel, azu and wilde walking with aziza, yuuko,  grizzop and feryn. most of them are in profile, walking from the right to the left. there are tall trunks behind the group, as well as blue betals and cold breezes blowing through. the living and the trees are colored and rendered in cold palettes of purples and blues respectively, while the dead are colored in a flat, warm orange.    from left to right, first in the walking order are aziza and hamid. hamid has his eyes closed, and his head is hanging a little. he has a sad smile on his face. his skin is brown, his hair is darker, curly and slicked back. he's freckly and has a bit of stubble on his chin. his thick coat has a fur-lined hood. just behind him, and leaning forwards to look him in the face, is aziza, who is holding his left hand with both of hers. she has long, wavy hair and expensive jewelry. she has a build and face almost identical to hamid's, rounded, short and fat. she has an elegant dress and a shawl over her shoulders. she's smiling and talking to hamid with interest.    behind them, further back just a little, are cel and yuuko. yuuko is a tall orc with tusks, gentle eyes, and hair done up in a braid that runs along his scalp and then down. he's wearing a plain button-up with an open collar, and a simple waistcoat. he's walking side by side with cel, offering them his left elbow. he's looking at them with moved adoration. cel is white and blond, hair spiky and tall. they're wearing their goggles and a long coat with fur along the sleeves and collar. they're holding onto yuuko's arm with their left hand, and have the right intertwined with his. they're nuzzling into his neck, since he's a little taller. they're smiling, looking melancholic, both sad and elated.    some paces closer to the camera, behind hamid and aziza, are zolf and feryn. zolf is closing his eyes tightly, with his head hanging down, and he's walking with hands balled into fists. his hair is short and white, and his beard is done in a single plait. his coat has no fur on it. he's strong and stocky in build. behind him and one step closer to the camera, is feryn. he has his left hand on his pocket, and tje other on zolf's arm. he's talking to him in an animated manner. they have the same build, with feryn being very slightly taller. he's wearing an old, long coat with a breasplate underneath, and his hair is long and straight, somewhat uneven. his beard is done in three braids.    behind them and behind cel and yuuko are azu and grizzop. azu is looking down and holding the heart of aphrodite necklace in both hands, sad but smiling softly. her eyes are closed. her coat with a wide fur-lined hood is only partially visible. on her shoulders sits grizzop, who also has his arms crossed on top of her head, looking onwards with a cheeky grin. his long coat, plain trousers and boots are visible. he's bald and freckly, with dangling arrow piercings hanging from his long ears.    on the far right, behind them all, is wilde. he's the only one of the living with his eyes open, and he's looking behind them, off to the right to something off-camera. his eyes are wide and he has a surprised, searching expression. his hair reaches his shoulders and is dark brown, with a streak of white on the left side. his coat has a wide fur-lined collar, and there's a rope tied around his waist, tying him to zolf. end ID]
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