#sort of x2 LOL
stevethehairington · 7 months
i blame you for making me think about tommy and carol bc i've never really given them much thought before. they were clearly written to be these obnoxious high school stereotypes and not much more than that, so i love how you're looking through that and making them more dimensional. what do you think they'll grow up to be like? are they gonna leave hawkins after high school, will they stay there forever, will one of them leave while the other stays? will they grow apart after high school, or will they always keep that toxic codependency going? please gimme all your thoughts <3
ANNA! "i blame you for making me think of tommy and carol" are my FAVORITE words to hear sflkjgfdlkg that's like music to my ears. the more people i can get thinking deeper about tommy and carol the better fdkjgfl.
they fully were written to be those obnoxious high school bully stereotypes, but boy oh boy, there is SO much nuance in how the portrayals of these characters actually came across onscreen.
when i think of tommy and carol and their futures, i honestly can see things going a couple different ways - which mostly stems from the fact that there are a lot of little headcanon details about them i like to change up in my head that then directly impacts which route their futures would take (the biggest fluctuating details being their sexualities; how their future plays out will be fundamentally different to me if it's just tommy that's gay, if it's carol that's the lesbian, if they're both some flavor of fruity, or if neither of them are.)
if i sat here and went through each slightly different future i imagine for them we'd be here forever fkdljgfd sooooo for now i will just tell you about my personal favorite.
first, a little backstory because i think it's important to know where they came from to know why they are the way they are because that ultimately drives where they end up:
i personally like to think that tommy hagan comes from a big family - a big family of all girls, too. he's one of five, the middle child, with two older sisters and two younger sisters. i also like to think that his mom is a single mother - and when it comes to his dad, my hc isn't super nailed down for him. i do think he was there when tommy was younger, but his father left, maybe around when tommy was nine? ten? but either, his dad was cheating on his mom and ended up leaving her (and their kids) to be with this other woman (maybe because SHE got pregnant?) OR tommy's dad hit his mom, and that went on for long enough until she finally stood up and kicked him out. out of those two options though, i like to lean towards the first one, beeeeecaaaause it makes tommy's motivations and behaviors THAT much jucier sdlkfds. BECAUSE combine tommy's middle-child-syndrome with this early abandonment and of COURSE he's got issues. OF COURSE he has to find every way to get attention because he doesn't get enough of it at home and OF COURSE he gets upset and lashes out when people he's close to leave him because he's got abandonment issues (so when steve, his friend, his best friend, suddenly drops him and carol, of course tommy gets upset). also, random tidbit that didn't really fit in anywhere else dkfls but i think i mentioned it in my response on that initial post that started all this but i DO think tommy is an angry guy. BUT i do not think that manifests in the same way as it would for a lot of other guys. he's NOT outwardly angry all the time, he's NOT always looking to pick a fight, he's NOT a physically violent guy. i think his anger stems from very specific circumstances - i.e. circumstances where his control is slipping - and while he doesn't resort to physical violence (aside from maybe a shove here or there, because that's the most we ever see onscreen in a moment when he is genuinely upset and angry), he lashes out. verbally. he says MEAN shit - and because he's friends with carol, his tongue has sharpened over the years (and also, growing up with all sisters means he's well accustomed to the ways of female warfare lol - aka the vicious mind games and cruelty of the tongue that is more common than physical violence). SO that means he knows how to go for the jugular with just his words, and that, sometimes, can be even worse than a punch to the nose.
carol, on the other hand, i like to think also comes from a single mother household, but unlike tommy, she is an only child. i like to think that she and her mom moved to hawkins when she was... maybe 12 or 13, so middle school age. she wasn't super popular at her old school, is the thing. i don't think she was necessarily super bullied or anything, but she didn't really have a lot of friends and she probably didn't get a lot of attention either. so when she comes to hawkins, she sees it as a chance to reinvent herself. she doesn't let herself fall into that new girl trap, and she's outspoken from the get go - perhaps a little to her own detriment, because while she does make friends, they ALSO scares a lot of people off because of how cold she seems (which is ENTIRELY a self-preservation thing for her). and then somehow, someway she catches the attention of steve harrington. steve harrington, who, at this point, is already well on his way to being the golden boy King Steve that we see in high school. and she clings to that, because that's her ticket to the top. i think maybe she gets a little crush on steve at first - except it isn't actually a crush. she just likes what he can offer her - the popularity, the attention, the feeling of being needed, and she misreads that as having a crush on him. (and if you subscribe to the carol is a lesbian hc, which i sometimes do! this "crush" would be FULLY because that's what's expected of her; all the other girls like steve, all the other girls think he's hot and awesome and perfect, so that must mean she should to, right? - but that's a different future route that i'm not taking here so. putting this back on the shelf for now lol).
ANYWAYS. yeah so carol gets folded into steve and tommy's mix. she befriends them, she gets close with them, they become a trio. inseparable.
tommy and steve have been friends since grade school. maybe they were sat next to each other because their last names both start with H, maybe even as a small child steve already has lots of friends because he's nice and he shares his toys and he's got kids coming up to him all the time asking him if he wants to play and he always says yes. but then one day it's steve that's toddling up to tommy and asking him if he wants to play. steve chooses tommy. and the rest is history. and as they grow up, steve starts growing into his looks and he gets good at sports and joins all the teams and he excels, so he's got people fawning over him and flocking towards him for any sliver of attention he's willing to give them. but at the end of the day it's tommy that gets steve's full attention. it's tommy that steve tells everything to, it's tommy that knows steve best, it's tommy who steve trusts, it's tommy who is steve's best friend. and tommy REVELS in that. it's that attention he's been craving his whole life. this, naturally, leads to tommy feeling possessive over steve. and he doesn't realize that this possessiveness is a little more deeply rooted than just wanting to keep steve's friendship until steve starts to look at girls.
the first time tommy sees steve with a pretty girl on his arm, he gets this sick, curdled, twisting feeling in his gut. at first he thinks it's because he's jealous of steve. jealous that he has a date and tommy doesn't. but when steve comes back and tells tommy that it didn't work out, tommy gets this relief that floods through tommy. he doesn't really understand it at first, and definitely doesn't examine it too closely either, just sort of shoves it down deep and doesn't worry about it. but then steve finds another girl, and this time things DO go well, and, naturally, as steve's best friend, tommy becomes the person that steve tells everything to. he tells tommy all about the dates, all about the kisses he shares with these girls, all about when things go a little further... tommy listens, because of course he does, but the whole time he's thinking all these horrible thoughts about the girl and that ugly feeling is back knotting up his insides. and omg when steve tells tommy about losing his virginity - OH BOY. he goes into detail, because that's what teenage boys do, and tommy listens but he's sitting there with this whole STORM of emotions swirling through his head - the twisted need to know more, the urge to scream at steve to shut up, disgust because he doesn't want to think about steve with someone else, turned on because its steve talking about having sex, deep shame because hes forced to face the fact that he's wishing it was him with steve instead of that girl. this, perhaps, is even the first time tommy is like. FULLY faced with the true nature of his feelings, the ones he's been shoving away and ignoring this whole time.
i think tommy struggles with it. being gay (which he refuses to consider himself) is obviously not accepted in that time period. and he knows he'd get absolutely pummeled if anyone caught wind that he'd even thought about another boy like that. whiiiich is where carol comes in.
i think at this point tommy is probably already with carol - when steve started showing his interest in girls, tommy didn't want to get left in the dust, so he tried to find himself a girlfriend too, and it just so happened that carol was right there and it was so easy because carol was just so easy (WOMP). i like to think that maybe they started as a hookup. tommy wanted to lose his virginity, and carol was right there, and well, there were rumors about her, and all tommy had to do was ask, and she said yes, and then it sort of snowballs from there because (even though their first time was probably fumbling and not actually the greatest overall, tommy still liked it, and if he liked sex with a girl there's no way he's gay, right?) then he asks her out and she says yes again, and they start this relationship that maybe didn't really stem from any true feelings at first, but like they sort of caught the feelings along the way, like they learned to love each other along the way.
and the thing is - i do genuinely think that tommy and carol loved each other. i do. i don't think that their relationship wasn't real, even if tommy is actually gay. i think they had a lot of fun together, and i think that the feelings were there. they just weren't enough. because despite things going pretty well with carol, tommy was still thinking about steve. he was still actively having those feelings even while with carol. (which - maybe he was just projecting those feelings onto carol.) regardless, though, there is a love that exists between tommy and carol - i just think that over time it morphs into something different than what they both initially thought it was.
since we are talking about my favorite potential future for them, it looks a little something like this:
they stay together. all through high school. when steve leaves them, things get a little rocky between tommy and carol, because steve was the glue that held them together, ultimately. but they both sort of realize that they're all each other has left, now that steve's gone, so they temper things. they marry out of high school - or that's when tommy proposes anyways, because tommy's barely three quarters of the way through his first year of community college when there's a pregnancy scare (which - honestly, everyone's surprised that didn't happen earlier) but yeah, carol's late, and when she pees on the stick it's positive. when she tells tommy, tommy proposes - because that's the right thing to do. he's not going to ditch her, he's not going to make her do that on her own. carol says yes, because what other option does she have here? but when they actually go to the doctor about it, they find out that the test was a false positive; carol is not pregnant. they stay engaged though, carol still wore her ring, and tommy stayed with carol, and neither one of them said anything about it. they followed through with it three years later after tommy graduated with a business degree and a cushy job at carol's dad's company.
at this point, they've known each other for almost a decade, and they've been together for most of it. so they know each other pretty well. which means - carol knows about tommy's... interests. she's fully aware. has been since high school, actually. she clocked tommy's crush on steve reeeeal quick, and actually confronted him about it once - which forced tommy into a corner and when he'd tried to deny it she's just scoffed and told him to quit fucking hiding from it. and he did. he'd admitted it to her, which was still difficult for him, but he'd gotten a bit better about admitting it to himself over the years. and in response to it, carol told him she didn't care.
which was really the best god damn way it could've gone. she told tommy that she didn't care that he gets off to guys, that she didn't care that he thinks about them, that he wants them. in fact, she told tommy that she didn't even care if he wanted to fuck around with them on the side. so long as he came back to her in the end, she didn't care.
and so, most nights tommy will slip off his wedding ring, he'll make the drive to whatever innocuous city is far enough away that he wont run into anyone he knows, and he'll seek out the company of other men. and when he's had his fill for the night, when he's satisfied that itch, he'll drive back to hawkins, and he'll try to be quiet as he enters the house and changes into his pajamas, and then he'll slide into bed next to carol and he'll go to sleep.
it's... it sounds like a pretty miserable existence, the two of them trapped in this seemingly unhappy marriage. but it's actually not. not really. it works for them. like i said before, they do love each other. it's just not that same sort of love that was there when they were kids, when they first started out. it's changed, it's morphed, it's turned into something more familial, rather than romantic.
maybe one day they will finally move out of hawkins. maybe that will be the beginning of the end. maybe once they're out from underneath the thumb of the town they grew up in, out from underneath the pressure of playing the expected role for all the people they knew there, they can start to live their own lives. maybe they'll finally get a divorce. maybe tommy will finally outwardly acknowledge his sexuality. maybe carol will finally find something she's good at and thrive with it. maybe maybe maybe.
FIN. skfjgdlkf. omg if you've made it this far THANK YOU for sticking with me and reading through all my rambling headcanons. i really mean it when i say i think about tommy and carol and their lives ALL THE TIME dkfsdlf. and like i said at the beginning, this is just ONE of the many pathways i've thought of for them sklfjsdf.
anyways, THANK YOU for asking and for indulging me in my love for tommy and carol!!! this was truly so much fun to write up and i loved getting to do that.
[also i GOTTA throw a little shameless self promo here, if you liked what you read here, this headcanon DOES feature heavily in my tommy-running-into-steddie-at-their-high-school-reunion fic, which you can find here. i ALSO have another stommy fic, which you can find here, which details my headcanon for steve's first kiss (which as i'm sure you've guessed, is with tommy).]
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keeps-ache · 1 year
!! OUH !!
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beamiesbuddies · 2 months
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Part 2: A Dream of an Autumn Garden
A few more photos of Mr. Morpheus, continuing from my post here!
As I said on the other photoset, I'm very happy & proud of him! I'm happy I decided to take my time to get him just how I wanted & edit the photos I took nicely. I hope you all love him too. Sweet dreams~
I have included a bunch of Cool Facts about how I made him under the cut if you are so inclined!
Started: Late Jan 2022 / Finished: Dec 30 2022
Approx work hours- 273 hours (worked on average every 3rd day out of 274 days; averaged 3h/session)
Times I remade something because I messed it up/wasn't happy with it: Hands- 2; Feet- 2; Head- 2.5; Body- 1; Clothes: 3
Pattern: trial, error & determination
Height: 3ft tall
stretch jersey knit (body)
polyfill (stuffing)
brushed out acrylic yarn (hair)
star sapphire x2 (eyes)
pipe cleaner (hand armature)
wooden dowels/18 gauge wire (elbow/arm skeleton that keeps snapping I may add)
acrylic paint/pastels (shading & details)
acrylic thread (body sculpting & upper eyelashes)
stretch velvet/velvet burnout, cotton (clothes)
Fun facts:
his look was inspired by his overall appearance in the comics; I particularily like the depictions done by Jill Thompson, Mike Dringenberg & Marc Hempel!
his arms and legs are jointed in the same way as many teddy bears are: you use a washer, nut & bolt to butt-up the limb against the body internally and it gives the limbs full rotation. First time I have tried the method and it's definitely something I'll try again!
I had no idea how I was going to do the inset eyes, but I was determined to have them as some sort of stone. I had to redo his first head completely because I cut too far in! Eventually I got it to work by creating a "backcushion" with clay for the stones, and then closed and sculpted the eyelids overtop to secure them in.
You can't see in most of my photos but his eyes are star sapphire: when light hits them correctly, it causes a ✨to appear just like his eyes in the comics~!
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making his hand & feet were a challenge, especially thinking about where to put the needle through to sculpt tendons, nails, etc (and also deciding how detailed to get without looking strange). I think I learned a lot tho and I'm very proud of the hands
my favorite sculpted parts are the collar bone/chest, the right hand & the nose~
because the skin is white, he gets very dirty with his black clothes, so I had to line all of them in white. He also has to soak in bleach once in a while to maintain his complexion (LOL)
A signature somehwere on his person xD
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Thank you all again for your nice tags & comments so far on my work. If you guys would like for me to share some behind the scenes photos of this photoshoot, or WIP photos of me making him, let me know and if there's enough interest maybe I'll make a post down the road!
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juyeonszn · 8 months
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PAIRING lee hyunjae x f!reader
GENRES smut ﹒ some angst (but very little)
WARNINGS 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, mature language, ceo/ceo’s son!hyunjae, assistant!reader, power play tbh, hyunjae is an asshole (for what he thinks is good reason), another jacob bae appearance, juyeon is also mentioned, there’s a rain scene bc i love my rain scenes <3, hyunjae is a stupid idiot, making out (aggressively), nipple play, no foreplay lol, unprotected sex, sex on a desk x2 — but one is missionary & one is doggy? style?, overstimulation, degradation, brat taming?, creampie lol, the aftercare is there i promise
SUMMARY who really cared that you supposedly hated your boss?
MORE HELLAURRRRR FAWNTOBER DAY 4!!! im hoping i have no delays with the rest of the fics but idk bc the burnout is starting to kick in….. someone pls help…. it’s bc my brain is making me write more than i planned 😭 anyways! pls reblog if u enjoyed!
PERM TAGLIST @winterchimez @maessseongs @itsbeeble @zzoguri
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“Look at you, rutting against me like a fucking bitch in heat,” Hyunjae growls, lips beside your ear as he pounds into you from behind, your hair wrapped tightly around his fist. “Thought you hated me, sweetheart.”
“I— fuck— I do,” you whine, back arching off of the desk and into his chest. “I hate you s-so goddamn much.”
Okay, let’s rewind for a bit of context.
Truly, you hated Lee Hyunjae. He was such a pretentious prick, always dead set on being right about everything. He couldn’t stand those who he felt were inferior to him, those who he thought were incompetent. If he felt you couldn’t do your job to his standards, he’d fire you on the spot.
Despite not being the CEO of the company himself, he practically carried all of the perks that came with the position. That was only because he was the actual CEO’s son and the future heir to the conglomerate his father owned.
You had the unfortunate pleasure of being his assistant, tied to doing his bidding until your contract with the company timed out. You originally applied for the job for two reasons. The first was due to the fact that you genuinely loved the initial purpose pushed forward by the CEO. He shared a lot of similar ideals with you and had spectacular visions for bettering the business world. The second was because at the time of your application, you wanted to be the CEO’s assistant. And that was what you’d gotten hired for.
It paid more than well enough and it was your dream job. You loved what you did for at least the first year and a half. Until he announced that he’d be retiring within the next couple years and his son would be taking over as a form of practice for being in charge when he inherited the entire conglomerate.
You’d never met him in person before, only hearing the high praises Mr. Lee had for his precious son. So on his first day, you had extremely raised expectations for the male. You dressed your best (not that you didn’t put effort in before) and put on your sweetest personality, wanting to make a good impression on your new boss.
Imagine the disappointment you felt when you realized he was nothing but an entitled asshole.
He made you feel stupid, as if you didn’t know how to do your own job. What started as sitting in on important meetings and going over different documents with Mr. Lee, turned into running errands for Hyunjae and cleaning up his messes. If you weren’t out buying his coffee or grabbing his dry cleaning, you were sorting his paperwork for him and making sure he was prepared for his upcoming conferences, as if he wasn’t capable of doing so himself. You felt like a fucking babysitter rather than an assistant; like an errand boy rather than an employee.
You were so incredibly tired and it had only been four months. A few, tortuous months of you being treated like you hadn’t already given an arm and a leg for this company. Half of you wanted to just throw in the towel, rip up the damn contract right in front of the fucker and walk out of those gold plated double doors for good.
“Just push through, Y/N,” Jacob sighs over the video call. “Your contract ends at the end of the year, and if you still feel like quitting, then that’s that. You don’t have to worry about renewing or trying to reinstate your job.”
You were on your lunch break, holed away in one of the many unused conference rooms on the top floor. Hyunjae was being extra irritating today and if you didn’t speak with a voice of reason, you thought you’d make a drastic decision that would alter the course of your life forever. Whether that was tossing your employee contract in the shredder, or committing premeditated murder, the world may never know. Shout out to Jacob Bae.
“What if I push him out of the floor-to-ceiling window in his office? I could make it look like an accident. Everyone would probably rejoice instead of mourning him, because we would all be so much happier.” You throw the back of your hand over your forehead. Well, that answers that.
“You’re not killing anyone. If you got caught, you wouldn’t look good in a prison jumpsuit. Orange isn’t your color.” Jacob shakes his head, rolling his eyes playfully.
You gasp scandalously, sitting upright to gape at him. “What the hell? Yes, I so would! I would make that prison jumpsuit my bitch—“
Someone clears their throat behind you, causing you to flinch, whipping around in your swivel chair to find the culprit. When it’s none other than Lee Hyunjae staring back at you, you feel like your life has just flashed before your eyes. You wonder just how much of that conversation he heard before making his presence known.
“Um, Cobie, I’m gonna have to call you back…” You don’t allow your friend time to respond, ending the call before he can incriminate you more than you already have.
Hyunjae leans against the doorframe, arms crossed over his absurdly broad chest. Did this guy have to wear the tightest dress shirts possible? Maybe it was time for him to update his wardrobe. You tuck your hair behind your ear, slowly standing up from the chair. His expression is unreadable, not that you ever had it easy when it came to understanding the many faces of Lee Hyunjae.
“Mr. Lee, what— uh— what can I do for you?” You ask with a slight waver in your tone. So much for not incriminating yourself. He purses his lips, taking a step closer to you.
“Juyeon can no longer accompany me on the trip to Tokyo next week. Which means you’re second on the totem pole,” he says simply, loosening his tie. “Better pack your bags, ‘cause I’m not taking no for an answer.”
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This was horrible.
You were mentally cursing Lee Juyeon over and over. Why did he have to back out at the last minute? This was the one part of the job that you couldn’t allow yourself to do. You’d much rather drive in circles around Seoul and grab iced Americanos than be in a completely different country, with no other company aside from Lee Hyunjae himself.
When he gave you your demise, you immediately tried to get out of it. Your excuse was valid; you didn’t have a passport and that’s kind of essential when traveling to another country. But even then, it wasn’t enough to get you out of this predicament. Being the rich, influential man he was, Hyunjae had your passport expedited and sent to your mailbox within a couple days. You gave up after that.
There was nothing he couldn’t do.
Except maybe being tolerable. You think that was most likely his only fault. He could’ve been the complete package had he mastered the art of bedside manner. His father was one of the kindest, selfless men you’d ever met. You were often curious why those same traits didn’t translate to his son. Then again, he had probably been raised as a spoiled brat who got everything his heart desired.
To make matters worse, you had one of those suites with a Jack and Jill bathroom, meaning he could enter yours without difficulty if he wanted. You supposed that was because the rooms were reserved with him and Juyeon in mind. Perhaps the case would be different if you were the first pick for this trip.
You let out a deep exhale, waiting outside of the conference room that Hyunjae was currently in. This was meeting number seven, and the last of the day before you could finally go back to the hotel and relax. You’d be flying back to South Korea the following day on the Lees’ private jet. All of your time in Japan had been spent both sitting in and sitting out of board meetings, so much talk about business plans that you felt dizzy.
All you yearned for was a nice warm bath and some room service, wanting to call it an early night because of your flight in the morning. You were exhausted, eyes growing heavier and heavier the longer Hyunjae sat in that room full of old men that came from bloodlines of money. Even though it was your job to be here, you felt so out of place. There were moments you found yourself contemplating your career path. You were surrounded by people who could just sign a check to get rid of their life problems. That wasn’t you.
Before you can fall down a rabbit hole, the door to the conference room is swinging open and Hyunjae is storming out, some of the other board members calling after him. Your eyes widen and your eyebrows furrow, your body springing up to follow after him. Wearing some flats instead of heels was probably the smartest choice you’d made today, making it less of a struggle to chase after your boss.
“Mr. Lee!” You cup a hand around your mouth, trailing him like a lost puppy to the elevator. It closes before you can get on and you groan, running a hand through your hair frustratedly. As you wait for the next one down, you call the driver so the car is waiting out front. According to the recent weather notification on your phone, it was pouring outside.
The elevator dings when it arrives back at the floor you were on and you hurry to get on, pressing the lobby level aggressively in hopes it would move faster. Even the soothing music playing over the speakers isn’t enough to calm your nerves, picking at your nails as the numbers transition to the corresponding floors you pass. This was one of the numerous occasions you wished your boss wasn’t so impulsive. What did they even say to him in that meeting to cause such a reaction?
The doors open and you’re rushing out, frantically searching for Hyunjae in the lobby. You spot the driver parked under the carport, waiting. Your feet carry you to the car, knocking on the window to get his attention. He rolls it down with a confused look.
“Have you seen Mr. Lee?” You ask, a bit winded by all of the running you’d been doing.
“I thought I saw him walk that way,” he points ahead, though it hardly answers your question. “I didn’t realize you weren’t with him.”
Just fucking peachy. He was making you chase him into the rain now? You needed a pay raise.
Thankfully, it’s a breeze to spot him, since he’s the only person in the crowd without an umbrella. You pinch the bridge of your nose, forcing yourself to walk out into the cold rain, weaving through pedestrians to get to him faster. He’s not much further from you, but you’d rather drag his ass back to the car sooner rather than later, the precipitation seeping through your dress shirt and pants, chilling you to the bone.
“Mr. Lee!”
You reach for his wrist and wrap your fingers around it, yanking slightly to yield his focus. He turns around with hardened features, but they soften just enough for you to notice when he realizes that it’s you. Your lips form a flat line, eyelashes coated with a mixture of mascara and rain water, obscuring your vision.
“I don’t know what happened in there, but I don’t have it in me to ask. Please, can we just go back to the hotel?” You ask almost desperately, teeth beginning to chatter. He frowns, but nods nonetheless, letting you pull him to the safety of the carport— where you’re free from the unrelenting pelts against your body— and into the car.
You don’t say anything the whole drive to the hotel you’re staying at, biting your tongue because you were afraid you might blow up on him over his stupidity and get yourself fired. Your bottom lip quivers and you hug yourself for warmth, the car’s heater failing to bring back the color in your cheeks. In spite of hating nearly everything about him, you thought the one good thing Hyunjae had going for him was his wits. He might’ve been stuck up, but he was smart as hell. Except right now. In your books, he was the biggest idiot in the history of idiots.
The silence continues even after you’ve arrived at your hotel, shadowing you into the elevator and to your respective rooms. You don’t acknowledge him, unlocking your suite and entering to avoid any conversation. The remainder of your energy for the day was used when you were attempting to save him from getting fucking hypothermia.
You stand in the shower until your fingers have pruned, resting your forehead against the frosted glass as the scorching water battered your back, easing the tension in your muscles. While changing into your pajamas, your phone buzzes with a text message.
[9:23pm] mr. lee (DNI): i don’t know if u’ve eaten already, but i ordered a lot of food if u’d like to have some of it.
[9:24pm] mr. lee (DNI): left my bathroom door unlocked so u can just let urself in
Your lips purse as you mull over his offer. It wasn’t exactly an olive branch, but even if it was, you wouldn’t take it as such. You had too much pride for that. Instead you viewed this as him just feeling guilty for having you pursue him in the rain. That was definitely not in your job description. Perhaps he wasn’t as heartless as he made himself out to be, and he just didn’t know how to extend an apology without being awkward about it.
Reluctantly, you give in.
[9:27pm] you: sure. be right there
You slide your feet into your slippers and shuffle through the four doors between the two of you that lead to his suite. It takes everything in you to not visibly react to the difference between your rooms. His is so much more spacious, with enough room for a table and couches, aside from the usual desk. Even he looks expensive, a silk pajama set adorning his body— the first few buttons undone to give you a glimpse of his chest, though it hardly leaves room for the imagination.
Hyunjae sits at the table, various sushi roll platters in front of him. He holds up his chopsticks as he scrolls through his phone mindlessly, glancing up when your slippers shuffle against the floor. He takes in your appearance as quickly as he can without making it obvious, the corner of his lips curling up when he sees the teddy bears on your feet.
“You know, I didn’t think you’d come,” he starts after a few minutes of eating in an awkward quietness. “Not just here, to my room, but on the trip in general. I thought you’d put up a bigger fight to get out of it.”
“It’s part of my job, Mr. Lee.” You say flatly, taking away as much emotion from the statement as you could to avoid getting in an unnecessary argument.
“We’re not at work and it’s outside of working hours, Y/N. You can call me Hyunjae.” He tries to meet your eyes but they’re focused on picking at the skin around your nails, legs criss-crossed on your seat.
“Why do you go by Hyunjae?” You decide to ask, glancing up at him finally. “Your dad said your birth name was Jaehyun.”
“I don’t remember when exactly it was, but when I was in grade school, a classmate called me Hyunjae by accident and it just stuck. I’ve never really liked the name Jaehyun, if I’m being honest. It was a common name, and well, you of all people should know that I’m all about my individuality.” He leans back in his chair a bit, folding his arms over his chest. You ignore how it makes his pectorals squish together. God, you were no better than man…
“Is that why you’re nothing like your father?” You don’t mean to say that out loud. The thought popped into your head, as it always does, and for some reason this time it just shimmies its way through your mouth. You press your lips together, shifting uncomfortably at the sudden tension that arises in the room.
“I’m well aware of what you think of me, Y/N,” he chides, tapping his fingers against his biceps. “You may think you’re good at hiding it, but I’m very perceptive. And I also overheard that conversation with your friend— the one where you were plotting my assassination and whatnot.”
“Are you open to rebuttal?” Perhaps you should just stop talking, maybe pause the hole you were digging yourself into. Did you want to keep your job? Sure this was all off the record, but be fucking for real, it was Hyunjae you were speaking with.
He shrugs. “Shoot. Let’s hear it.”
“You’re kind of a narcissist,” you kick off strong, hitting him right where you think it may hurt. “You don’t take in the consideration of others, and you always have to be correct. If someone even slightly disagrees with you, you lose your shit. You’re condescending, you’re a perfectionist, you’re hot headed, and after the stunt you pulled today, you’ve exhibited that you’re also really fucking irrational. I’ve done so much in the time I’ve been with the company prior to you, I’ve given so much of myself for the improvement that your father was aiming for and you took all that hard work and crushed it between your fingers, just to have me running around like I’m your maid.”
Hyunjae wears an amused smirk on his lips, like he couldn’t be bothered with your grievances. Your eye practically twitches, irritation boiling up like water ready for a pasta dinner. You stab your chopsticks into a piece of sushi with a raised eyebrow.
“You’re cute when you get worked up,” he hums, carding a hand through his hair. “I almost want to keep my thoughts to myself.”
You choke on your saliva, smacking yourself on the chest to regain control of your breathing. Whatever you were expecting him to say wasn’t that. Should he even be calling you that? He was your boss. Not just that, but you sort of hated everything there was to hate about him. The tiny compliment shouldn’t make both of your heartbeats quicken.
“W-What are you talking about?”
Hyunjae stands from his chair, walking around the table to sit on the edge of the desk in the room, not much further away but enough distance to keep you calm. He rolls his neck, scratching at the nape to relieve some of the awkwardness seeping into the suite. “My father has done nothing but sing your praises since he hired you. I know how capable you are of this job, Y/N. I know that you’ve accomplished more than individuals who have been with the company even longer than you. Trust me, I know.”
“Then why do you discard me the way you do? Why do you treat me like I don’t know what I’m doing?” This time you don’t stop the emotions from creeping beneath your words, your voice cracking just slightly. If Hyunjae heard, he makes no effort to show it.
“Because, I had to keep myself as far from you as possible,” he admits, finally making eye contact. “From the moment I laid eyes on you, I was fucked. I knew I wouldn’t be able to control myself around you and as your boss, I couldn’t do that. As my father’s son, I couldn’t do that. So I resorted to the next best thing, making you hate me and having you do shitty side tasks to separate myself from you. I thought, ‘If she thinks I’m the worst boss ever, she’ll want nothing to do with me’. And that’s exactly what my goal was. But now you’re here in Tokyo, alone with me in my hotel room and I’m starting to rethink that decision.”
You stare at him— mouth agape, heart in your throat. Once upon a time, you believed Lee Hyunjae was one of the brightest, smartest businessmen of your generation. It seemed that he just wanted to go and prove you wrong on that today, in multiple instances. How could someone be so fucking stupid? You were genuinely curious what went through his head.
“You’re unbelievable,” you scoff, a laugh devoid of humor sneaking in along with it as you stand from your own chair. “Actually unbelievable. What made you think that was a good idea? You made me feel like I wasn’t good enough to be in this position because you didn’t think you could keep it in your pants around me?”
And just as you’re about to leave, he wraps his fingers around your wrist to stop you. You were getting a weird sense of déjà vu. He pulls you into his chest, your body sandwiched between his legs as he holds you close to him. Your eyes are wide and your lips are parted. (Though you don’t know if it’s out of shock, sudden arousal, or both.)
In this proximity, you can see every small detail of his face. From the freckle on the bridge of his nose to the thick eyelashes framing dark eyes to the softness of his lips. You’ve never had the opportunity to properly look at Hyunjae, always too pissed off to even be within ten feet of him. But standing here— face-to-face, eye-to-eye— you’re starting to wish the object of your hatred and many complaints wasn't so handsome.
“If you push me away now, I’ll leave you alone forever,” he breathes, hands fisting the material of your pajama top, as if that would ground him. “If you tell me there’s absolutely no possibility of you wanting me back, I’ll let you go back to your room like none of this happened.”
You don’t respond. The words are right there. They’re perched on the tip of your tongue, just anticipating to climb out of your mouth and put him in his place. It’s been months of constantly feeling like you were meaningless to the company you’ve given so many sleepless nights to— months of second guessing just how much you’ve actually contributed. But with one glance down to your lips with eyes resembling the night sky, Hyunjae has managed to wipe all of that from your memory.
So instead of turning around— instead of walking through the four doors that divide your hotel rooms— you stay planted between his thighs, grabbing the sides of his face and pulling his lips onto your own.
He groans into the kiss, tightening his grip on your shirt and bringing you closer to him. You feel him against your stomach, hard and ready for you, ready for any contact you’re willing to give him. It’s so much and too little at the same time, fingers slipping beneath your top and searing your skin.
He nips at your bottom lip, as if asking for permission to permeate your mouth with his tongue. You welcome the wet muscle with gratitude, moaning when it tangles with yours. The blunt edges of his nails dig into your lower back when the sound hits his ears. You tug at the hairs on the base of his neck, one hand sliding down the front of his body to feel him up.
Through the thin silk of his pajamas you can make out the outline of his sculpted torso. If Hyunjae was more coherent and less intoxicated by your lips on his, he’d tease you for your desperation. But because he's neither of those, he, too, finds himself clawing at every bit of fabric of your clothing he can, longing to touch anything he can get his hands on. You feel drunk, and you wonder if he makes you feel like this with his lips alone, what else can he do?
The straps of your top fall off your shoulders the longer you stand there, making out like it was second nature to both of you. When you take a step back to catch your breath, lips swollen and glistening with a mixture of both yours and his saliva. Your chests are heaving up and down, foreheads resting on the other’s.
“Can I take that as a yes?” Hyunjae rasps, pushing your straps further down your arms. You whine, connecting your mouths again. This was embarrassing enough, you didn’t want to have to say the words out loud. Saying it out loud made this real, and you didn’t want to accept the fact that you were about to fuck your boss.
He chuckles against your lips, undoing the buttons of his shirt without parting from your kiss. You help him toss it somewhere in the room, your hands groping his arms and squeezing his biceps. He spins the two of you around so you’re the one with the edge of the desk on your back. His arms hook under your thighs, placing you on the surface so it’s less strain on his neck as he leans down.
You instinctively spread your legs to make room for him, throwing your head back with a drawn out sigh when he presses two fingers to your core. Even with your panties and your flimsy pajama shorts in the way, the pressure relieves some of the ache you feel in your gut. Your top slips off enough that your bare breasts are now on full display for Hyunjae. He keeps circling your clit through your clothes, mouth enveloping one of your peaked nipples and tongue swirling around the sensitive bud.
“C-Can’t hold on anymore,” you whimper. “Need to cum on your cock.”
Something shifts in Hyunjae when he hears you beg. You’d always been so set in stone when it came to standing your ground, so for you to surrender yourself to him, in spite of reiterating how much you despise him, it did a number on his sanity. You have no idea what you’ve just done to him.
“No foreplay? Think you can handle it, sweetheart?” He goads, but his fingers dip into the waistband of both your underwear and your shorts to pull them down your legs anyway.
“You’re talking a whole lot for someone who’s still wearing their pants.” You bite back, but almost immediately retract your words when he rids them, revealing that he wasn’t wearing anything underneath them. No fucking wonder you could feel him so much.
He’s huge, like so huge you kind of regret skipping the foreplay. But it was too late to go back now, your pride as big as his dick. One of your hands reaches to wrap around his length, your teeth finding purchase on your lip as you stroke him gently. Every pulse and every vein beneath your touch has you curling your toes in excitement. He hisses when your thumb swipes over his tip, collecting the precum that’s formed there.
Hyunjae drags you closer to the edge, prying your legs wider so he fits perfectly between them. You guide him to your entrance, a moan ripping from your throat when he presses into you. He’s not even fully sheathed inside of you, but the stretch is so fucking delicious, stinging just enough that it provides pleasure rather than pain. He pulls out to drive back in and repeats, a little deeper each time he does.
When he bottoms out, his hips snap into yours, large hands keeping your thighs apart as he begins to thrust into you. His cock is snug within your warm walls, kissing so deep inside that you start to see stars well before the coil in your abdomen has begun to wind up. The noises leaving your mouth are insane, loud and echoing throughout the hotel room. It made shame bubble up in your chest, because why couldn’t your detestation overpower the urge to crumble at his fingertips?
“Fuck you’re so tight,” Hyunjae groans, eyes concentrated on where his cock slips in and out of you. “You needed this, huh? Needed me to fuck you real good? Like a filthy slut?”
You’ve never thought you’d be into degradation. In fact, a man calling you demeaning names actually pissed you off. So you felt like you’d end up picking a fight if ever in the situation where someone tried to degrade you. However, the words falling from Hyunjae’s lips have the opposite effect on you. They have you clenching around him and mewling like a goddamn pornstar.
His pace is relentless, inching you closer and closer to your breaking point. He lays you flat on the desk, one hand gripping your hip and the other sneaking to your clit. His thumb rubs ovular motions into the engorged skin, his body folding over yours to capture your lips with his. He swallows your cries when your climax washes over you suddenly, your walls fluttering around his cock.
Hyunjae pulls out before he can follow suit, flipping you onto your stomach like you were a fucking pancake. He bends you over the edge of the desk as his thumb continues to circle your clit slowly, languidly just to ride out your high. He propels forward, his dick still so hard as it breaches your hole once again. He curses, extra sensitive after depriving himself of his own orgasm.
You push back on him, wanting to feel him even deeper. Your whole body burns beneath him, his chest slick with sweat as it presses you flat to the desk. You need him everywhere, God you want him everywhere. It’s not enough to have him buried inside of you. You need to be one with him; one body, one mind, one soul. You need him filling your senses— blinding your sight, obstructing your scent, stealing your touch, invading your taste, muting your hearing.
Okay, now let’s resume.
“Look at you, rutting against me like a fucking bitch in heat,” Hyunjae growls, lips beside your ear as he pounds into you from behind, your hair wrapped tightly around his fist. “Thought you hated me, sweetheart.”
“I— fuck— I do,” you whine, back arching off of the desk and into his chest. “I hate you s-so goddamn much.”
“Yeah? I’m sure you do. You hate me so much, yet you want me to fuck you full of my cum, don’t you? Gonna let me finish inside you?” His voice is exerted, and you can tell he’s close. But you are too, so you’re not above pleading for your sweet release. Not when it rewards you so well.
“Mhm,” you whimper, cheek smushed to the surface under you. “Please, Jae… Need it so— oh my god— need it s-o bad.”
Hyunjae hikes one of your knees onto the desk, allowing him to plunge extensively. Your clit bumps the edge, that coil in your stomach fracturing little by little until it’s busted completely and you’re a babbling, incomprehensible mess. The sight of you fucked absolutely stupid tips Hyunjae into his own spiral, painting your velvety walls with thick ropes of his cum. He lets his forehead fall on your shoulder, rocking into you with delayed groans as he spills all he has to offer you. It’s so much that even his cock plugging you up isn’t sufficient to keep it from dribbling along your thighs.
You’re both too winded to move, much less fathom what just happened. You feel him panting on your back, eyes shut as you also attempt to regain your bearings. Where the hell do you go from here?
“H-Hyunjae…” You wince when he stirs inside of you. “Can— uh— can you pull out?”
He grunts as he carefully does what you’ve asked, running a hand down his face when more of his release trickles out of you. He knew you couldn’t afford another round. Just by looking at you he can see how spent you are. What you needed was another bath and some good rest. Without skipping a beat, he reaches out to tuck some strands of your hair that were stuck to your face behind your ear, wiping away the sweat that glued itself there.
“We have a lot to talk about,” he says, grasping your hands and caressing the backs with his thumbs. “But that can wait until tomorrow. For now, just let me take care of you, okay?”
“Okay.” You agree, tone no more voluminous than a whisper.
You did have a lot to discuss pertaining to tonight, but that wasn’t a priority at the moment. Who really cared that you supposedly hated your boss? All you could focus on was how gentle his fingers were as he washed your body for you, massaging your muscles so delicately you might as well have melted in the palms of his hands. And all you could pay attention to was the hushed sound of his voice as he kissed your temple and lulled you to sleep, within the comfort of his arms.
Yeah. You could revisit the whole Lee Hyunjae hatred train another day.
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© juyeonszn. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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trapdoornumberthree · 2 months
gamerrrrs would you like some dinky little pictures of your dragons done by someone who can't really draw dragons for pennies. i'm going to do a popup art shop of sorts to commit to that funny cow scry for my dusthide and i need examples
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^ i drew her this is about the level of quality you can expect lol
largely pwyw, i'll take both treasure and/or gems [if you are kind enough, i'd also accept any of the actual items i'll be getting anyway for like. an actually well drawn chibi instead. not of dragons though i can do humans and furries just fine]
roughly 500 px canvas and please don't expect anything incredible lmao... i promise to draw your dragons silly but i don't promise to draw them well
i will try to include skins/apparel if applicable but if you'd like me to just omit them lmk ^-^
u can drop me a message here or on flightrising if you're interested EDIT: Woah! The community's been so kind to me and my funny little cow, I can't thank the folks that've helped out enough! Wagyu's genes should be all squared away now, but I'm having a lot of fun with my silly dragon doodles and I'll keep taking them until I get sick of it. [i was thinking about making it a more permanent lowkey offering on my profile page, rather than a full shop? just a sort of informal invitation to request a funny doodle like these. i'm not sure what a good pricetag to stick on that would be!]
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Here's a few of the ones I've already done! EDIT x2: The rest of them are now done!
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TY sooooooo much to everyone that was kind enough to send me a donation/art rq! I had a lot of fun working on these and it was a great little stretch for my comfort zone.
I'll be tentatively setting up an order form for these around the end of the month or so, and I'll make a new ad post about it whenever that happens! I'll *only* be taking them through my flight rising messages, however, so feel free to drop me a friend request or just lurk on my page if you'd like to keep an eye on me >;]
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merakiui · 11 months
If you can I need you to explain that list and your reasonings for their placements 😭
It’s honestly so silly, but I do have reasons for why everyone was placed where they were.
Trey -> you can’t tell me he wouldn’t want to try it at least once, just to see how many can be stacked. He even provides you with the donuts and they’re guaranteed to be delicious because they’re from the Clovers’ bakery!
Cater -> I like to think Cater’s willing to try anything fun, trendy, or interesting at least once just to gauge what he thinks, and the idea of stacking pretty donuts on his dick makes for such a good opportunity to snap photos (only for your and his eyes of course).
Ace -> he just wants to be able to fit more donuts so that he can brag about it to his friends. If anything, it’s Ace who comes to you asking if you’ll stack donuts on it lol.
Deuce -> he loves you so much, so he will gladly allow you to stack donuts on it. He thinks you’re so cute when you’re so focused on his dick, and it’s a little flustering to be under your intense attention. Deuce isn’t complaining, though. <3
Ruggie -> as long as he can still eat the donuts afterwards, he doesn’t mind. Donuts are his absolute favorite! And he sort of wants to know how many will fit………. orz
Jade -> he’s a freak, a curious one at that.
Floyd -> he’s a freak, a curious one at that x2.
Kalim -> it sounds fun and he’s genuinely curious. This is probably a question that has crossed Kalim’s mind before, and now he absolutely must know! He’s sure you won’t mind helping him. :)
Rook -> it’s Rook. But also he’s a freak, a curious one at that x3.
Lilia -> it’s Lilia. He is absolutely wanting you to stack pink frosted donuts on his dick! If this is how young people have their fun in bed, count him in. He wants to try it.
Silver -> he’s too nice, so if you ask him he has to think about it for a minute because he doesn’t quite get the meaning at first. But then you explain it and Silver’s nodding as if it’s the most sensible question ever. He doesn’t mind it because you seemed really curious about the answer and he doesn’t want to be stuck with all-consuming curiosity all day.
Neige -> he just wants you to be happy, and if that comes at the cost of stacking donuts on it he will pay it without hesitation!
Che’nya -> also another one who has considered this question before, so he’d like to find out the answer with you. If you see a floating box of donuts in your room and hear a far-off giggle, just know you’re about to find out. Che’nya has too much fun with this.
Leona -> he thinks it’s stupid, so he doesn’t let you stack donuts on it. :( in his mind, you could do so many other (and better) things with your time than asking silly questions. Although he does tease you, smirking and asking, “If you want to stack donuts on it, it’s only fair I should get to see how many toys you can fit in there.” You’re either so embarrassed or intrigued at that prospect that now you’re considering a new question.
Jack -> he doesn’t understand why you’d ever want to do something like that. Also, why ruin perfectly good donuts trying to stack them on his dick? It’s not that he’s bragging about being big; he’s genuinely concerned for the donuts. >_< why ruin them when you can eat them as a tasty treat?
Vil -> absolutely not. Maybe in your wildest dreams, but Vil will never allow you to stack donuts on it. First, they’re donuts and he’s not one for unhealthy foods and snacks. Second, won’t it make such a mess? Third, if you wanted to know how big he is just measure it using actually units of measurement and not donuts.
Sebek -> he’s secretly flustered that you’d ask such a question, and he yells at you to “quell your insufferable human curiosity!!!!!!!” You take that as a no. T-T
Rollo -> now why would you ask him this? He stares at you for a long minute, processing the words that just came out of your mouth. His answer is simple and devoid of reason: “I’d rather you not.” There’s no swaying Rollo once he’s made up his mind.
Riddle -> Riddle’s the type who dwells on stuff, so if you leave him with that question it’s a guarantee he’s going to be putting some thought into it after he’s initially said no. And wooooo what a question it is. On one hand, it’s embarrassing and foolish. On the other, it’s you asking and donuts! An opportunity (and excuse) to have sweets with you (and also learn how many will fit on his dick). You don’t really have to do much persuading. It’s actually Riddle who either talks himself into it or out of it.
Azul -> he’ll do anything (within certain parameters) if you sign a contract. But who would be silly enough to sign a contract like that? Oh, you’re already signing. Wow. Huh. Okay. Maybe it’s his lucky day, or your curiosity is that bad. Whatever the case is, he’s more than happy to help you out with this and in return… we’ll see. :)
Jamil -> he thinks it’s foolish to waste food like that, but then, without intending to, he lets the question haunt him for a few days. How do you even think of questions like this? Just what goes on in that head of yours? Maybe he shouldn’t know, but now he’s somewhat curious and he wants you to at least explain it to him. Your explanation is either so good or so bad that he’s compelled to try it, if only because you actually managed to make him laugh outright.
Epel -> at first he doesn’t get the appeal, but then he realizes if he can fit lots of donuts on it he’ll certainly be considered big and manly, right? He’s so excited that he talks himself into it because now he’s too curious.
Idia -> no way! That’s weird and gross. Why should he sacrifice his snacks just so you can use them for something like that? >:( oh, but then I guess Idia isn’t going to see you cosplay his favorite characters or get to dress you in skimpy hentai-esque outfits… :( oh well. In the end, he caves and lets you stack donuts.
Malleus -> you’ll just need to explain it a little more thoroughly so he can understand you’re coming from a place of curiosity. He’d feel cruel to not indulge his favorite Child of Man, so he might as well allow it. And you seem so excited and eager; how can resist? You’re too cute. Malleus offhandedly mentions that he “hopes a dozen will be enough” and it has your eyebrows raising so fast. Just how big is he??????
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sodatabs-ontherun · 16 days
☆°hello I'm soda tabs!°☆
♤I go by it/they (may change I'm gender fluid)♤
My pfp/banner Is made from this person on pintrest
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They make very nice pfp
This blog is for my silly alterhuman stuff
Tags I use
Quaddrobics: jumping silly
Alterhuman rants: the cat is screaming
Mask/gear: cat made art
○☆My kin types are: wolf, fox(x2), African wild dog, aussie herding dog, tiger, house cat, elk, snowy owl, ox, vampire bat, angle,sanding, nightwing, weeping willow, pumpkin, cyn from murder drones, otter,crow, vernus fly trap, and spider!°☆
Questioning:,lilly pad, Venus fly trap, seawing, a fish of some sort,
If you have any questions ask via ask, or just statements in general,
And pedophiles, zoophiles, antis, Transphobes, homophobes, and all that fun will be blocked from my blog (Get away from me lol)
Please don't send me realistic pictures of insects or spiders and all that jazz (alive or dead) I'm ok with cartoons tho ♡
DNI IF YOU HAVE A NFSW BLOG OR ANYTHING WEIRD, especially on my quads vids I wanna keep myself safe from that kinda stuff
♡☆○°have fun°○☆♡
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initial-lime · 2 months
Stardew valley “lore” ramble for my own game below the cut,, I’m like halfway trough my second year (first time playing) and have just been making shit the fuck up, if you correct/spoil me on ANYTHING I will hit you with my car. Applause and intrigue only
So,, farmer “hunter” (me :3) comes to the valley after being given the farm by mysterious dying grandpa with the shitty bed (I’d be dying too if you bed looked like that)
Spends the first 3 weeks of the game chopping down trees and weeding in a haze, as you do,
Eventually goes “oh yeah I should probably talk to these villager people a little,,”
I end up walking into the clinic after almost dying in the mines for the first time, like maybe,,, 3 pixels of health left, accidentally give Harvey a granola bar trying to talk to him (I did not know you can’t be holding items when talking to people) he asks if it’s “healthy” (Harvey doesn’t like my granola bars ): )
I obviously think that’s fucking hilarious, guy walks into the clinic practically bleeding out, gives the doctor a granola bar (that he hates) and then leaves.
I make it my mission to piss off harvey more so I get him a coffee the next day because y’know,, caffeine is “bad” for you, which APPARENTLY he LOVES, which is obviously where I fall in love with the nerd because he’s stupid and adorable.
I keep up my “charades” of buying him coffee twice a week, saying various things such as “this one’s poisoned for sure” meanwhile building up my farm and my skills, getting to know some of the other villagers also, like Linus and stuff (Linus is my bff)
Around fall I finally buy Harvey a bouquet and we start dating 👁‍🗨👁‍🗨 (yippie) winter passes without seeing him much (grinding money in the mines/fishing)
Eventually the first rainy day in spring I propose to my boy (he says yes obviously) and we get married (yippie x2)
Me and Harvey now live together on the farm (:
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Specifically farmer “lore” vv
I like to think the farmer isn’t human, or at least not fully,, y’know we never hear about a “grandma” and like??? Stuff in the valley grows SUPER fast and the farmer is inherently very strong (can carry a bunch of stuff) all’at
So. The farmer is a supernatural creature sort of like a nature?? Protector?? Kinda thing?? (Inspired by ye’ Scandinavian trolls, because I’m Danish so y’know obviously my main viewing lens is from that perspective) we’re once they’re given/take a piece of land (grandpa giving me the farm) they’re bound to it and act as a protector and amplifier for that land, everything in the valley grows so fast because the farmer is passively magic.
The farmer can either have a “monster” form or a human disguise, for the first half of the game the farmer is in human disguise because people are generally distrusting of the supernatural but as he befriends the villagers he’s in monster form more and more (since that’s his natural look)
Since I’m Romancing Harvey I like to think Harvey had a suspicion but only found out about the whole monster thing after they got married but before everyone else finds out, he probably gets super excited about it since he’s a doctor and he’s like “omg,, you could study this” (nerd lol)
Uh yah 👍 there’s more but I think I’ll save that for later lol
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mitchiegonewild · 2 years
aot character's nationalities 
okay, so from what I've found (taking things like name origins and canonical story building), im going to try and make a complete list of aot characters and their nationalities.
Eren Jaeger/Jäger: as a surprise to no one, Eren is three fourths German, one fourth Turkish.
Carla Jaeger/Jäger: Half Turkish, half German. ("Carla" comes from Germanic roots.)
Grisha Jäger/Jaeger: German. Duh.
Zeke Jaeger/Jäger: Three fourths German, one fourth English.
Mikasa Ackerman: Half Japanese, half Ashkenazi Jewish. (Duh X2. Ackerman is an Ashkenazi Jewish surname, usually hailing from Germany or Scandinavia. While I don't know which one of the two the Ackermans we see would fall under, as none of them slap me in the face as German except for perhaps Kuchel [and even she strikes me as more Italian or Dutch than anything], Ashkenazi is widely regarded as an ethnic group of their own.)
Levi Ackerman: Half Russian, half Ashkenazi Jewish. (As a half Russian Ashkenazi Jew, pretty spot on.) Levi and Russian men have similar facial structures, in which their heads are sort of heart shaped, or rounded and then pointed at the end.
Kenny Ackerman: Ashkenazi Jewish.
Kuchel Ackerman: Ashkenazi Jewish.
Armin Arlert: Okay, so (slightly?) hot take (lukewarm at best), but Armin's half German, half Finnish. He has a similar rounded face structure to most Finnish people, not to mention the hair and the eyes. (Seriously, the hair texture looks so similar.) Plus Arlert is an OLD Germanic surname, which often coincided with people of Scandinavian descent. Half German because Armin is a German name. Plus, if you look at pictures of his parents, his father resembles men of Finnish descent and his mother of women of German descent. So, tl;dr: Armin's half German, half Finnish.
Sasha Braus: I can take this one out quick as a bitch; Austrian with some Czech sprinkled in. ('Braus' is an Austrian surname. So, woo-hoo for my home country, LOL! And before people say something about how her name is a play on a German language saying...what language do you think us Austrians speak?) While not definitively Czech to the point where she can say specific family members have that descent, it's made its way into her gene pool with the hair color and texture, cheekbones/shape, and nose. (I would not say she's Russian even though 'Sasha' is definitely Russian, mostly because the other indicators point to Austrian and Czech being more likely.)
Conny Springer: Alright, hear me out AGAIN. Conny's half Slavic, and more specifically, he's half Serbian. Springer (or Špringer) is an Irish/Slavic surname often found in Serbia. Your average Serbian man and Conny share deep-set eyes, nice brows, a face that curves in that particular Conny shape, and a similar hair texture. Conny, and also John Constantine (which is what I believe is his canonical full name, someone correct me if I'm wrong), but specifically Constantine, has origins in both Old English and in Slavic language. Which brings me to his other half: German. Because when in doubt, in AOT, they're part German.
Erwin Smith: ENGLISH. next.
Hangë Zoe: Half Greek, half German. They're half Greek because the name Zoe is of greek origin. Hangë also shares qualities similar to Greek features; a Greek nose, tan skin, and dark hair. Plus with Greece still overcoming an emigration crisis as of 2019/2020, in the future, its quite plausible that many Greeks (including Hangë's possible ancestors) wound up in Germany. Hangë is a loose translation of the name "Hans", which is a VERY stereotypical German name. I mean, you literally cannot get more German than Hans unless you pull out Gretel. That being said, I do also believe that Hangë has some Indian heritage, and this is because the surname "Hange" without the umlaut gives us that of an Indian descent. Seeing has "Hangë" is, as stated before, a loose form of "Hans", the addition of an umlaut could also be just another loose form of "Hange". Although that last part might be a reach, it's not completely out of the realm of possibility that one or two of their ancestors were Indian.
Ymir: So, with Ymir, it is a COMPLETE toss up because her name was given to her by the cult as a namesake and not as a geographically given name. What we know about her is that she is; most likely fully caucasian; she has dark hair and freckles; she's taller than most of her other women comrades at 5'8"; her eyes are darker in shade and droopy. So, using that information to our advantage, I would say that she is some mixture of Dutch, and most of all, Romanian and Hungarian. While she has the sort of long face that the Dutch do, she has the complexion and facial structure of Hungarian people. Even her skin tone, which looks to be slightly more tan than everyone else's, matches that of the Hungarians and Romanians.
Historia Reiss: Half German, half Swedish. Reiss is a German surname, and Historia just fits the whole BILL (minus the height) for the average Swedish woman. I also think Historia has some Jewish in her, because Reiss is an Ashkenazi Jewish surname. (Plus, and this might be personal bias, but I'm a blonde & blue eyed Ashkenazi Jew, LOL.)
Jean Kirstein: Hear me out! Jean is not German at all; but instead, he's half Danish, half Icelandic. The first records of the name "Kirstein" were in Denmark and Prussia (a state of Germany), but was more common in Denmark and then Prussia as time went on. A quick google search of "Danish men" will show you men with Jean's striking eyes and brows that are thick at the beginning and thin out towards the end. The Icelandic is even more clear, with the two sharing very similar facial structures, with high, prominent cheekbones and a strong nose; that good ol' fashioned "Horse-Face" clear as day.
Marco Bodt: Whew. Okay, so obviously when I first heard the name 'Marco', everyone thinks; oh, he's Italian! But 'Bodt' is actually a Dutch surname, and I believe that Marco is purely Dutch. The typical Dutch man and Marco share similar face shapes (Angular and somewhat blocky), noses that have a strong base but upturn a little at the end, and slightly bigger ears that stand out a little bit.
Moblit Berner: Okay, this one's also very easy. Moblit is German and English. "Berner" is an Old Germanic name, and from what little I could scrounge up on "Moblit", it's an Irish/English name given to those with red hair. So while not a ginger, he's a English/German, probably more German than English.
Onyankopon: This one's rather easy for me as well. A very quick google search will tell you that Onyankopon is typically a Ghanian name. Given that it's a religious name, too, and Onyankopon seems to be a religious man, I think it checks out. Also, he's easily one of the coolest new characters we've seen. Give him more edits!!
Reiner Braun: Do I even have to do this one? Really? Reiner is as German as they come.
Bertholdt Hoover: Now at first, I was inclined to say that he's just German as well. But he's also Swiss! He shares LOTS of Swiss facial structures and hairlines, and "Hoover" is an anglicized version of the Swiss-German "Hubar". While I cannot account for that boy's freakishly insane height, I guess he just got the luck of the gene pool draw. So more Swiss than German, but German all the same. I'd give it a good 2/3s Swiss, 1/3rd German.
Annie Leonhardt: Okay, so fairly easy, like her other buddies; half Russian, half German! Annie is a Russian name, and she shares many characteristics of Russian women. "Leonhardt" is a German surname.
Falco & Colt Grice: Half French, half Swedish. "Grice" as a surname occurs in both old French and Scandinavian languages, and Falco (plus Colt) both look similar to Swedish men. Although we can't say for sure what Falco will look like fully grown, as we've only seen him in a few manga panels, we can look to Colt to see what he will look like. And hot damn, the resemblance is there! He's got that nose that widens a bit towards the end and eyebrows that rest sort of heavy on his eyelids. For the French aspect, we get the long, smooth facial structure and sort of pillowy-thin lips. So, safe to say that Falco and Colt are French-Swedish.
Pieck Finger: Okay, so Pieck is 3/4ths Ashkenazi Jewish and 1/4th German. "Finger" is originally derived from the Ashkenazi surname "Fingar", and can be traced back to old North Germanic origins. "Pieck" is often primarily found in North Germany, so she might actually also have some ancestors from Denmark, as they share similar jawlines and drooped eyes.
Yelena: Yelena might be the easiest one on this list besides Erwin. RUSSIAN!
If there's any I left out, lmk, I would love to do them! Thanks for reading, and remember that this is just my person head canons. You can all believe whatever you want. <3 Have a nice day!
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communistkenobi · 1 year
hi, you recently wrote a great post (https://www.tumblr.com/communistkenobi/716670514910871552/conversations-about-representation-have-always?source=share) abt representation, which i agree with. what media would you recommend as having well done representation, not just individualistic tokens?
(making the link clickable here for reference)
Thank you! But honestly I don’t have any great recommendations lol. Disco Elysium feels like a pretty obvious answer, but that game is specifically about social systems and structures and so its premise sort of demands that macroscopic view of a fictional world. I have a pretty narrow media diet and therefore feel unequipped to give good recommendations in that regard. I think this might also be an issue of western media in general, given that it is produced in and comes out of liberal capitalist hegemony, so that context prescribes a political orthodoxy that is the exact issue I’m talking about in that post. I know that’s not helpful though sorry lol.
Also sorry x2 this is going to be a complete sidebar and not an answer to your question. What I had in mind when I originally wrote that post was trying to describe my sense of - idk alienation? Is maybe the correct word? When I see trans characters pop up in media or even when people headcanon characters as trans. It’s not wrong to do those things or represent trans people in media - obviously not - but often in genre settings like sci-fi or fantasy there is no engagement with gender as a social system outside of a trans character being there. Modern western binaristic gender identities are left fully intact, except for this small space carved out for a trans person. And because my own conception of trans-ness is so deeply tied to modern social circumstances and historical contexts (capitalism, white supremacy, patriarchy, settler-colonialism, orientalism, etc), I find myself unable to relate to trans characters who appear in those settings because in order to relate to them you need to set the groundwork for like, how does a transgendered relationship to gender work in this setting? How does a character go about transitioning, or expressing their trans-ness in a social capacity? What gendered expectations do these characters respond (or not respond) to? And if you’re duplicating modern western gender norms in those settings (which is almost invariably the case), how does that system interact with other social systems of control and domination in this fictional universe?
And like idk if that feels like asking for too much, but even when I see trans characters on screen or on the page (which is incredibly rare already), I don’t really feel represented by them because the boundaries of their trans-ness stops at their individual body, and so you end up reproducing essentialist ideas about gender just by virtue of the fact that nothing else in the setting is troubled or complicated by the presence of a trans person. The appearance of a trans person means there is a social system that fails groups of people, that an oppositional relationship to binaristic gender is possible in this world, but that’s never reckoned with - at least not in the media I have ever encountered. So I default to almost wanting trans-ness to not appear in media because at least then gender in these universes is a fully “settled” matter and I don’t have to think about it beyond that. Which isn’t a fun experience either, but it’s at least easier to avoid thinking about it in those cases.
Anyway sorry my answer to your question is that I don’t have a good answer. If people have good recommendations they can feel free to offer them in the replies, but I probably won’t be able to speak to those at all
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afewbitsandpieces · 10 months
Deltarune Text Project Update #3
(View WIP Text Project Here)  
After far too long, here’s another update to the Deltarune Text Project - 99% Complete edition!
To Recap:
- There is actually several pieces of dialogue that I have tried to get, but otherwise cannot get anymore because I don’t know the conditions, or some sort of internal data prevents me from getting it again:    - Kris’s name on 1st save file: If I remember right, this has to do with getting completion data on Chapter 1, so since I’ve finished Chapter 1 several times by now, I can no longer get this.    - Green File Select screen in Chapter 1: Essentially the same as the above.    - The last Weird Route Save Point dialogue won’t show up again, presumably because it’s already been completed once before.
There is also several pieces of battle dialogue that I’m not sure can actually be gotten, or I otherwise don’t know how to trigger them in-game:
- Rudinn:    - Rudinn is alright with not fighting. [Spare conditions met]
- Hathy:    - Hathy's beat slows. [Tired]    - Hathy is skipping beats. [Spare conditions met]
- Jigsawry:    - Jigsawry looks happy about its life. [Spare conditions met]
- Ponman:    - Ponman is sleeping soundly. [Sleepy]
- K. Round:    - K.Round looks weak. [Tired]    - K.Round's shuffle becomes lethargic. [Low HP]
- Rabbick:    - You and Ralsei warned Rabbick about Susie. The enemy went on guard... [Warned]    - Rabbick is now nice and clean. [Spare conditions met]
- Clover:    - Clover seems to be getting along with herselves. [Spare conditions met]
- Lancer 2:    - Huh? What was that? [After Susie blocks Lancer's ears from "The Final Blow of Kindness"]
- Rudinn Ranger:    - Rudinn Ranger seems totally flattered. [Spare conditions met]
- Head Hathy:    - Head Hathy blocked the way! [Encounter]    - Head Hathy's beat slows. [Tired]    - Head Hathy is skipping beats. [Spare conditions met]
- Jevil:    - JEVIL got more TIRED! [Hypnosis, if JEVIL is not sufficiently tired]
- Werewire:    - Werewire swung in! [Encounter]    - Werewire and Maus swung down like stringed superheroes! [Unused encounter with Maus]
- Ambyu-Lance:    - Ambyu-Lance and its pet appeared! [Encounter with ?]
- Maus:    - Smells like wood shavings. [Neutral]    - Maus would like to go to its favorite bistro in this marvelous city. [Neutral]
- Spamton:    - $VAULES$ (rarely)
- Swatchling:    - Please enjoy this complimentary shockwave. [Red]    - What? The lasagna has some kind of explosive in it? [Blue, rare]
IN ADDITION: Like the Undertale Text Project, there's now an “X. Miscellaneous” folder of interesting things in the game:   - Chapter & Route Stat Changes (’Power’ Section)   - Character Spells (’Power’ Section)   - Character Titles (’Power’ Section)   - Configuration   - ‘Everyman’ Sightings & Mentions   - Game Over Screens   - ICE-E Sightings & Mentions   - Items     - 1. Equippable Items     - 2. Healing Items     - 3. Light World Weapons & Armor     - 4. Throwing Away Items     - 5. Miscellaneous Items     - 6. In-Battle Descriptions     - X. Key Items (& Lancer)     - X2. Too Many Items   - Missing An Attack   - Sans’s Number   - Save Point Messages   - Toriel Phone Calls
If any of you feel that there’s something else that deserves it’s own folder in the Miscellaneous section, feel free to let me know!
With all that said, if there are any suggestions to make such as missing screencaps to get (and how to get them), folder naming suggestions, etc., feel free to let me know.
(By the way, if you’re [rightfully] wondering why this took so long, it’s a couple of things: one is that both chapters put together are surprisingly long, two is that I don’t have useful tools like an in-game script, save file editing, and room/event numbers like for Undertale, three is that so far I’m going at this completely alone instead of having a group effort, and four is that at one point I kinda just got burnt out and needed a temporary break after so many replays lol)
(By the way #2: For SOME reason, updating the Chapter 2 folder is claiming there’s “upload problems” with 9 out of the total 10593 files and I have zero idea which files those are, so if someone manages to find a spot where some images are clearly missing, please let me know!)
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shankschewtoy · 2 years
Helloooo I've come across ur acc and I'm enjoying the headcanons/stories u make!!! I saw that u were open for requests so I hope my request is fine w u!!
Can I request emo doctor (law), and fire boy (ace) w their s/o (fem or gender neutral) who has dark humor? YK those types 💀 like "what if this is my last day alive LOL"
Feel free to ignore if it makes u uncomfortable!!!
a/n - dark humor omg 😭 I feel like ace would laugh his ass off everytime 💀
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, gore on Zoro’s part
Dark humor x One piece
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- this man is already so tired
- your jokes make him so concerned for your mental health
- law your mental health is a piece of shit you have no right to talk
- a house was burning down in front of you guys, crumbling down with ashes flying in every direction
- the house was made entirely of wood, debris and splinters clogging up the atmosphere with smoke
- “That doesn’t look good..” -Bepo
- “Hah! That looks like my life!” -you
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- “it’s a joke law. Ok?”
- “it didn’t make me laugh.”
- he’s so done with your humor I swear
- once he asked if you were ok and if you needed to talk 💀
- when you said it was just your sense of humor my man was so confused
- Like- why???
- he started to ignore you whenever you said one of your “jokes”🗿
- yes he’s concerned af for your mental state
- pls reassure him that you’re fine lmao
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- ace lowkey has the same type of humor tbh 💀
- one time, on a mission, you were tasked with taking out a specific enemy in the marines using your sniper
- You were fairly used to these sorts of jobs, so it was no problem for you
- when you came back, your lovely boyfriend, fire fist ace was waiting for you
- “How did it go?” -ace
- “I took him out.”
- “On a date?”
- …
- *uncontrollable wheezing*
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- god you two were laughing for hours without ever stopping
- whenever one of you would start to breathe again, oh god you just started laughing again
- “We went to the shithole of a place called my life.” -you
- “babe don’t I make your life a bit better than a shithole??”
- “… you’re right.”
- *uncontrollable wheezing x2*
- Marco’s done with your guys’ shit 💀
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- Zoro didn’t give a fuck until he heard one of your jokes
- you were on your way to complete a really dangerous mission with Zoro, and you couldn’t help but crack the joke
- “Heh, what if this is my last day alive?”
- Zoro waited a couple seconds before looking over at you
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- “y/n what the fuck??”
- the realization of your joke hit him like a bigass truck lmao
- you tried to get him to laugh, but the moss head wouldn’t budge 💀
- on the mission, you snapped one of your opponents’ arms straight in half, the bone protruding from his elbow
- “Looks like my soul :)” -you to his broken bone
- Zoro looked at you with his sword in his mouth
- …
Zoro inside rn:
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- he’s so done pls 😭
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a/n - god this was funny 💀
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tennessoui · 2 years
did you just create an AU in the tags that I'm obsessed with again? *surprised pikachu face* I just can't get it out of my head that yes, Anakin is now being seen with a random senator but eventually obi-wan just starts crashing those public outings and now everyone is wondering if the senator is cheating on anakin with obi-wan or something like that
(in reference to these tags about some sort of "bearding" au:
#but also thinking about it#i can see a gffa au where anakin has to have a beard#because there are just so many rumors that obikin are togethre#and people are up in arms about it because he was his teacher!!! and the age difference!!!! power dynamics!!!!#(obikin are not together)#so the council asks anakin to be seen on the arm of some woman or another to prove that he isn't into obi-wan#but secretly anakin is VERY into obi-wan#and secretly obi-wan is really sort of bothered by anakin being seen on some senator's arm#(not padmé though sorry)#though obi-wan doesn't quite know why#(he does but he's like 12 steps from admitting it)#obikin#did i create an au in the tags yeah. yeah i did.#people forget that's how the couples counseling au started lol )
nooo omg obi-wan starts crashing the get-togethers even the "romantic opera" dates and he talks the entire time and anakin, who is in love with obi-wan and only agreed to this bearding thing because he feels guilty that his feelings for obi-wan may jeopardize the man's public standing, can't help but turn to listen to everything and a space pap snags a photo of anakin contorting his body unnaturally to tilt around this random senator to listen to Obi-Wan talk.
and later when asked about the pictures, anakin is like 'um he was talking about the jedi code....'
but everyone is making up wild theories about threesomes and infidelity and someone asks obi-wan at a press conference to address the rumors that he has invited himself into bed with his former padawan and the senator and immediately obi-wan is like 'hah! like i'd share him if i had him!' and then immediately (x2) is like 'wait sorry i meant to say someone like him' but the damage is done.
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lexart-io · 4 months
hi! I'm a fan of your work and am trying to learn ai myself, could you tell me a bit about your process? keep up the good work :D
thank you! everything i do these days is rendered in automatic1111 stable diffusion, run locally on my computer (on my nvidia rtx 3060 gpu w/ 12gb of vram). i train my own base models with kohya trainer XL and LoRA models with kohya LoRA trainer XL, both of which i usually run on google colab (on an nvidia a100 gpu because training models is a lot more resource intensive than rendering images).
most of what i do is less about the text prompt and more about the models used. in fact, i tend to recycle through a lot of the same text prompts over and over (with only minor changes to them) as i test out the models that i've trained. i think the most creative part of working with ai is in training models. text prompting is just the surface of it, but training ai is where you're really starting to create something that no one else can exactly replicate (unless they literally steal your dataset and settings). it is an extraordinarily fascinating form of creative expression that is unlike anything in human history... basically wrangling a blank slate machine intelligence to do your bidding by teaching it.
i do a lot of experimenting with the datasets that i use to train models. some are trained on more specific subjects or aesthetics, while others are trained on more symbolic concepts. then i combine these models when rendering images (the nice thing about LoRA models is that you can combine many models in a single text prompt). when i find combinations that seem particularly cool, i'll render a whole series of images and use those as a dataset to train a new model. then i'll combine that model with other models and sort of continue this evolutionary process of training and retraining models, using datasets comprised mostly of previously rendered images.
the datasets for my earliest models started with things like this (i would just slowly collect random cool images that captured a vibe that i liked, categorize them with other similar images, and eventually train a model on that specific vibe):
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whereas now they're usually trained on images i previously rendered that share a specific vibe.
training models is definitely an art form itself... a lot of very delicate settings, how/if the dataset is tagged (the process of describing what is in each image to help the ai identify what it is analyzing during training), the specific images that comprise the dataset (1 bad/confusing image can sometimes really negatively impact the resulting model), etc. this is a whole HUGE subject that i could write FOREVER about, but i'll spare you (and myself) the endless wall of text haha.
anyway, some final gritty details worth mentioning about the workflow of actually rendering images and getting as much coherent detail as possible out of it: when i render something i like in automatic1111, i'll usually re-render it with hires fix using the LDSR upscaler to upscale it x2. some models don't play nicely with upscaling (and things can come out warped), so i'll either try again at x1.5 or x1.25 or try reducing the denoising strength (i typically like to keep it around 0.5). assuming the model(s) used do play nice with upscaling, i'll sometimes then send it over to the "img2img" tab and upscale it again x2 using the "SD upscale" script with the LDSR upscaler (denoising set to around 0.3 here). occasionally i'll upscale it x4 one last time using Real-ESRGAN (and then resize it down to something normal, since by this point the image resolution can exceed 10,000x10,000 pixels lol), which can help to smooth out any rough textures. the final step is making any last adjustments in photoshop - things like contrast or cleaning up noise / stray pixels.
hope this helps and hope it isn't too much of a mess to read haha. i really tried to condense as much of my process as i could into something as short as possible (i actually deleted 3 paragraphs during this because it was getting way too deep and i don't want to burden anyone with a boring novel of overly specific details). there are a lot of tutorials out there regarding everything i've mentioned here; reddit and youtube are probably the best resources. if you have specific questions on anything though, feel free to reach out! i'm always down to help folks get into this.
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frankenjoly · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @cursedvibes thanks!!! i love these things
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
68 but for Reasons (a fanweek i'm very hyped for), it's gonna be 69 next week.
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
287,330 (and counting ofc)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
mostly bsd, jjk & a bit of genshin, but i throw in ficlets and/or one-shots of other stuff to let Thoughts out.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Connecting the dots. silly pre-canon fluff and humor won people over after arcane's s1 finale.
Between the pages: part 2. mix of bsd ficlets/drabbles, bcs i love doing small thingies (i'm already finishing part 4 laksdjflk).
Misread. aka jealuc from barbara's pov, aka humor that stemmed from a teensy lil angst.
Remnants. more of me letting thoughts out after arcane's s1 ending, this time timebomb with pining Jinx.
Por el amor de estepresidente... the bsd crack fic (or my first one, at least), in which Mori and Fukuchi sort of ally to crash fukuzawa's date with any 3rd person but are also competing against each other.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i do, bcs i either have the need to thank ppl or ramble about the fic they're commenting on (or both).
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
probably Remnants, though i intended to go with the "it's not/won't be unrequited" vibe.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i'm a pussy and a slut for happy/hopeful endings, so i have those by the ton aldkjfl.
8. Do you get hate on fic?
not hate per se, but i've had complaints about tagging all ships from the start in my genshin ficlet compilation... when i was gonna throw them all into ao3 in one sitting.
also that one person who came to one of my Utahime Week fics, who was tagged as both gojohime and shokohime, to tell me "nooo shokohime are just friends yadda yadda" while praising gojohime as canon (i love it too, but it isn't). it was odd.
9. Do you write smut?
i have this thing when it comes to nsfw in general and smut in particular, aka up to certain point it makes me uncomfy but below that idgaf and even go like "nice, my ship having sex"... so.
most i can offer is barely-explicit stuff, and for fic specifically i see "depictions of character bein horny" and "pre- and post-sex" rather than actual smut.
10. Do you write crossovers?
not a lot, but the bsd+jjk thingie that came from rp and also birthed the dnd-ish au got me by the throat.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
as far as i know, nope.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
as far as i know, nope (x2). though i do translate some rp solos to turn them into one-shots adding up stuff as well (i could just post them in spanish, but).
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i guess rp is like schroedinger's yes here? but when it comes to literal fic... not yet, but i know what and with who.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
i can't choose, sorry laskdjf.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably won’t?
not really a wip, but i had one Uraume-centric fic that i'm not sure if it'll see the light for... some reasons. long story short, it's based on another fic that's a roleswap and has modern socerers (and students) Uraume and Sukuna.
16. What are your writing strengths?
i apparently never run out of insp and will to write, so i can go fast as fuck. and my writing is one of the things i'm most confident about like fr.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i still feel like english nerf me, at least when it comes to narrating, bcs i cannot be as descriptive or poetic as i am in spanish.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
as someone who's first language isn't english but writes fic in english, you go ppl. and also, native english speakers can be kiiinda entitled lol.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
both for rp and my first fic ever, abc's once upon a time (that was also my first fandom being online).
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
another instance of me sucking at making choices alsdkf, sorry.
no pressure tag: @ildi-dragonheart @bungoustraypups @monday-headache @noirewaves @rhymbic @minluce @bunniezai @neonganymede @fyodorkitkat
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havinghorns · 2 years
Hey there, I was wondering if you'd be willing to share your specific workout routine. I'm looking to adjust mine to build up a more masc frame. Thanks!
Sure-I should save this somewhere bc I type it out a lot LOL. It's a 4 day split but I work out 3 days a weeks so it's sort of a shifting cycle. Each heavy lift I do a ramp up of x10 just bar and then x5 x3 x2 in increasing weights up to then the work weight and sets of 3x5 or 3x8. I also do an ab circuit at the end of each day.
Day 1
Squats 3x5 / Straight Leg DL 3x8 / DB Row 3x12 / Curls 3x12
Day 2
Incline Bench 3x5 / Bench 3x8 / DB Shoulder Press 3x12 / Skull Crushers 3x12
Day 3
Deadlift 3x5 / Front Squat 3x8 / Pull Ups (to failure 3x) Hammer Curls 3x12
Day 4
Bench 3x5 / Incline Bench 3x8 / Overhead Press 3x8 / Tricep Kickback 3x12
Hope this helps!
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