#sorta. I do want to understand better “why” generating functions “work” for problems we care about. iykwim.
as-if-and-only-if · 7 months
generating functions are really just like "hey, stick that thing in a nice structure and hopefully some of the niceness will rub off on it"
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astrogrlz · 6 years
(Sorta) Comprehensive Guide to Intermediate Astrology
If you are serious about Astrology I complied a short guide of dignities, aspects, houses and planet definitions 
Each of the Planets hold a specific meaning in your birth chart. Moreover, each planet represents a specific “act.” Modern astrology includes Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto but because of their modern inventions we don’t have a concise and full understandings as that of the traditional planets (Sun through Saturn). Uranus, Neptune, Pluto are also a little sketch because they were tailored to signs of Aquarius, Pisces, and Scorpio who already had lords (fancy way of saying “ruler”) and as traditional astrology works each planet has a diurnal and nocturnal dignity (except the Sun and Moon). This doesn’t mean you can’t use Uranus-Pluto if you choose but also keep in mind that pinning rulerships of these planets can be quite confusing! 
rulership/domicile: planet LOVES being here 
fall: planet is uncomfortable but it can manage 
detriment: planet is NOT comfortable being there and must use corresponding ruling planet to achieve its energies (i.e. capricorn moons must use “Saturn” qualities to do lunar things) 
exalted: comfortable! planet is happy 
The Sun:
Rules: Leo 
Detriment: Aquarius 
Fall: Libra 
Exalted: Aries
Represents: Ego, Identity, Soul 
Act: The Sun represents “action” that correspond to our identity. In a simpler way, the Sun is how we express our identity but for better purpose let’s say our sun sign is how we “show” people who we are. Sun is extroverted, and within our chart it can tell us how we want to be seen. Think about the modern mechanics of the Sun. It produces light and what does light do? It reflects. How we produce or “emit” ourselves whether its through an audience or close people is reflected back to us through responses. These responses send messages to us, which then affects our ego or way simpler, how we feel about ourselves. If you are not embodying your Sun sign then it means you’re preventing the upmost authentic version of yourself from being seen; therefore, you may be receiving “bad” or “alienating” messages that make you feel shitty about yourself. Of course, this process is more complex and it’s hard to assess whether we are embodying our Sun sign (which is why everyone should consult an Astrologer at least once in their life!). Another act Sun represents is “life” or “living.” The Sun keeps us sustained and when we lose light we lose our ability to live. Why the Sun is so important is because it reminds us of why we are here and what we are meant to do with ourselves. 
The Moon: 
Rules: Cancer 
Detriment: Capricorn 
Fall: Scorpio 
Exalted: Taurus
Represents: Embodiment, Emotions, Past 
Act: The Moon represents “receptivity” as the Sun reflects, the Moon receives. Since the Moon is nocturnal we don’t always forward our vulnerable side. This is where we want to feel protected, where our needs lie without compromise. Due to living in a society that is very individualistic and void of emotions, we tend to distrust or “shame” our moon signs. Unfortunately, western culture does a bad job in valuing intimacy and sensitivity so we navigate as if our emotions are “bad” or “too much baggage.” Embodying our moons allows us to embody ourselves. We become more honest about what we need to feel comfort or to survive. We become more whole with the world rather than separating from it. The Moon also honors our lineages, where we come from, and how to sustain our legacy. Escaping our moon means we are escaping from ourselves. It means we tend to be in environments that pose harm/danger to us and where we don’t feel secured. Overall, its essential to embody our moons because we become more present with our bodies and have a better idea how to sustain it. Most importantly, maintaining our emotional health allows us to have more positive interpersonal relationships. We will be able to care for other people more since we will be tuned to their needs or on the flip side, we will know when to depart from others because of negative reception. Honoring your moon = protecting yourself. 
Rules: Gemini and Virgo 
Detriment: Sagittarius and Pisces
Fall: Pisces
Exalted: Virgo 
Adaptable (no inherent sect) 
Represents: Communication, Cognitive Processing, Data
Act: Mercury represents “flexibility” as it is not chained to either a diurnal or nocturnal sect. Where Mercury lies in our chart informs us how we can “finesse” or adapt in an area of our lives. Mercury has allegiance to logic but it also shares this same honor with creativity. Some of the most creative people have a strong Mercurial influence and a fine eye towards precision and perfection. Mercury is often associated with being the “messenger” or “student” because it can take magnified information and make it more legible. For example, writers or journalists act as messengers by taking important information, simplifying it and then transporting it to the greater masses. That’s pretty much Mercury’s process. However, it can also be consumed by mindless or un-important information. The “”details””. Think of Mercury like trivia--cool but not so significant information. The biggest piece of info about Mercury is that it never departs from the Sun. Mercury can only be roughly 28 degrees from the Sun. Therefore, Mercury has a stake in how we express our identity and ego. Think about it: communication is one of the primary ways we do this. We talk about ourselves. We rant about our lives. We write about our hardships or romances. Practically everything we do involving communication tells us something about who we are as people or the worlds we lived and the lives we met. In a way, Mercury can be egotistical. Yes, we want to be heard but we must also listen. 
Rules: Taurus and Libra 
Detriment: Scorpio and Aries 
Fall: Virgo 
Exalted: Pisces
Represents: Values, Social Connection, Compromise
Act: Venus works to “bind” others either through romance, familiarity, passions, or causes. Venus is a benefic which means she works to soothe and provide fertility and moisture when she can. Venus believes in egalitarian ideals. In other words, Venus says a big “fuck you” to power dynamics. She is also the planet of beauty and art. Where Venus lies in our chart not only tells us where we seek balance but also creative expression. In ways, Venus tells us about our aesthetic, our hobbies, our fashion sense. Its how we “value” tangible and intangible properties. Due to Venus’ association with womanhood, a strong or weak Venus reveals our attitudes towards femininity or women in general.  For example, Chris Brown has a Venus in domicile (Taurus) in the 10th house opposite to Pluto, the planet of power and violence. The way Chris has manifested this energy is through abuses and disrespect of women. Because his Venus is in the 10th house this is a manifestation that is very public and noticed by others thus, explaining his reputation as a total piece of shit. Values, sometimes ingrained in us at an early age, always has the ability to change. If you have shitty values chances are you aren’t kind--and kindness is one of the biggest parts of Venus. While she can be kind, Venus may prefer to be “nice” instead. Venus works towards appropriateness or within the social fabric. She does things because she is expected and it’s because what she is told to do. If you have a debilitated Venus (rx, detriment, or fall) you are more likely to give the middle finger to social norms. Because of this, Venus may be nice to keep the peace instead of kind which reflects authenticity rather than social expectations. Thus it comes down whether society’s idealization of yourself and others really matter a whole lot. The importance of mastering our Venus is being confident and kind to ourselves outside of what society tells us is beautiful or desirable.
Rules: Aries and Scorpio 
Detriment: Libra and Taurus 
Fall: Cancer
Exalted: Capricorn
Represents: Aggression, Entitlement, Drive
Act: Mars works to “separate” others and is largely an infertile and hot planet. Mars is often described as “malefic” because of this act. But despite its negative connotation in traditional astrology, Mars’ desire to separate may be healthy additives in our lives. I always like to think of Mars in our charts as a “knife” or more dramatically, a “sword.”  Certain situations may manifest depending where Mars is in our chart (for example: Mars in the 8th house may show situations surrounding inheritances / the “money” you were born into). These situations ultimately create inflammation and excess that require us to break away from. Relating back to the example, Mars in the 8th may indicate an inheritance to be too large that will eventually spur problems such as debt or potential “money crimes” like tax invasion (esp if Mars is aspected by Jupiter). Moreover, this placement may better function without ties to such inheritances thus requiring separation. Another example: Mars in the 11th indicates problems relating to friends and communities. Despite the fact that leaving friends behind is not ideal, it may appear as a more attractive option if you think that friend or community situations may be toxic and unhealthy for the person. Sometimes, Mars offers the knife/sword to cut ourselves from situations that are no good for us. Mars is often associated to survival--its the war planet after all. Mars in our chart thus can tell us where and what we fight for, for what we feel entitled to possess. Unlike Mercury and Venus, Mars doesn’t follow the path of the Sun so by its own volition it can be just as egotistical and individualistic. Mars is often defined by the symbol related to “manhood” although, I would expand this symbolism further and say it represents the entitlement that men often possess in our society--the entitlement to bodies, the entitlement to sex, the entitlement to space, the entitlement to opportunities. While that can drive us to be more tenacious, it can drive us to willful ignorance and violence. 
Rules: Sagittarius and Pisces
Detriment: Gemini and Virgo 
Fall: Capricorn 
Exalted: Cancer
Represents: Enlightenment, Travel, Higher Education, Wealth, Governance/Laws
Act: Jupiter represents the act of “expansion.” Wherever Jupiter touches it over magnifies. In this respect, Jupiter is often seen as the “Great Benefic.” However, don’t be fooled by Jupiter. As it can bring wealth, prosperity, and joy, it can equally create overconsumption and gluttony. The axis of Jupiter is as follows: charity / selfishness. Jupiter often possess the wealth to give to everyone (think of Jupiter like Oprah who yells out to the crowd: “you get a car! “and you get a car!”); however, the darkside of a Jupiter manifestation may hoard this wealth and keep it to themselves (yes, Jeff Bezos, I’m looking at you). Outside of this dichotomy, Jupiter is often described as “optimism” because its able to look at the whole picture and accept new ideas. Rather than accepting its fate or the facts given, Jupiter wishes to change its outcome. It values diversity and higher knowledge, which requires the sharing and diffusion of ideas. For example, during 1690, John Locke published An Essay to Human Understanding which was one of the setting blocks of the Enlightenment period and essentially refuted the notion of rationalist notion of “innate ideas.” it’s no shocker that during the year of 1690 Jupiter was domicile in the sign of Pisces. Mid-18th century Europe become bombarded by dogma and challenged traditional understandings of knowledge and being. While Jupiter was not domicile, it is interesting to note that Pluto (planet of transformation) was in the sign of Sagittarius (thus Pluto responding to Jupiter) during the mid 1700s. Jupiter can hold truth, advocacy and skepticism in its wing and while we can get oversaturated by complexity and knowledge, Jupiter in our charts can tell us where to reach higher and where we want to see generosity. 
Rules: Capricorn and Aquarius 
Detriment: Cancer and Leo 
Fall: Aries
Exalted: Libra
Represents: Structure, Reality, Discipline 
Act: Saturn represents the act of “restriction.” Whereas Jupiter is the Great Benefic and loves to expand, Saturn is more like the Great Malefic and prefers to contain what already exists. Saturn loves borders and confinement (think of prisons and fortresses) Its a cold and rigorous planet. Because it is always visible in our sky, Saturn is said to be the container of time or in other words, our reality. Saturn is also compared to architecture; it gives form and structure in our world. In medical astrology, Saturn rules our “body architecture” aka our bones and skeletal system. Thus, Saturn has symbolism related to systems and hierarchies. Saturn is not as “nice” as Jupiter and Venus so these hierarchies are often negative and power inducing; one wins, the other suffers. I usually compare Saturn to capitalism because of this very fact. The nature of the Capitalist system only benefits a specific and very small class while the rest weep and suffer. This system is unfair and in order to survive in it you have to work through its conditions. And in Saturn’s words: that’s just the cold reality of our world. So, unlike Jupiter who gives us the ability to see the world as something that can be changed, Saturn gives us the realistic picture and the facts can be overwhelming and depressing. Thus, Saturn has stakes in pessimistic attitudes. Its only way to success is working alongside the rules. Saturn is often compared to an authority figure and when we don’t do what we are suppose to do (which in Saturn’s terms is working ourselves to death) then during every 7 years when our first Saturn square hits we go through a “maturity cycle” and every 28-29 years our Saturn return welcomes us (or drags us) into another big stage in our age development. Saturn’s association with old age informs us that Saturn gets a bit gentler with age but the crises that erupts when you get an inch closer to death never ceases to exist. Despite all of this, Saturn can be mobile. One of the good things about Saturn is that you CAN move up the ladder when you put the work in. Good doings will reward you with rewards. Bad doings will reward you with consequences aka what you reap is what you sow. The Saturn in our charts can indicate areas where we suck at, and need work. It can also indicate the areas where we seek perfection and success. For example, Saturn in the fifth house indicates someone who strives for perfection in their hobbies. If an artist had a 5H Saturn they would be overcritical of their work, constantly drawing the same thing again and again until it comes out how they like it. When we do this, the leisure of art becomes grueling and hard work. Saturn takes the pleasure out of something inspiring and beautiful. However, working with Saturn in this house can create a prodigy, someone who can be the best at what they do.
Outer Planets 
Uranus = innovation, rebellion, breakthrough, sudden changes 
Neptune = over saturation, higher spirituality, borderless, projections
Pluto = power dynamics, shame, transformation 
1st house: The Rising; indicating the East Horizon. 
identity, the Self 
Veil between you and the world 
2nd House
Tangible items 
3rd House 
the Mundane 
“mother tongue” 
4th House: imum coeli; indicating the Planets below the Earth 
traditional astrology views this as a place of old age and death (4th house is the 27th profection year i.e 27 club) 
whatever is “unseen” and protected 
5th House 
6th House 
obligations / work environment 
pets??? yeah pets 
7th House: The Descendent; where the Sun was setting 
the “other”
sex again 
8th House 
shame/whatever is concealed or lies underneath 
9th House
higher education (i.e college) 
foreign language 
10th House: Midheaven; highest point of the sky 
11th House 
12th House 
the “unseen” 
Aspects are angles in the birth chart. These angles won’t always be exact so the disparity is what we indicate as an orb 
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Source: http://theastrologydictionary.com/a/aspect/
The Opposition (180 degrees) and Square (90 degrees) 
not harmonious aspect
indicates tension or friction 
the square has more immediate friction whereas the opposition will have to be worked with overtime 
Mars square Saturn indicates immediate blockages with anger and individual expression but can be mediated through activities whereas the Mars Opposition Saturn indicates a long term battle of how to correctly assert oneself and overcome the limitations set forth by society. 
Saturn corresponds to the nature the Opposition. Mars corresponds to the Square
Opposition occurs within opposite signs. Square occur within signs of the same modality 
square = taurus-aquarius taurus-leo 
opposition = taurus-scorpio 
The Conjunction (0 degrees; very close to each other) 
fusion of energy in planets which will yield strong manifestations 
usually occurring w/planets about 0-10 degrees away from each other 
The Trine (120) and Sextile (60) 
harmonious aspect 
flow of energy 
can lead to innate action due to how “well” the planets work together 
trine more comfortable and positive than sextile and less immediate than sextile. 
Jupiter corresponds to the nature of the Trine. Venus corresponds to the nature of the sextile. 
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livingwithloops · 6 years
Lupus: The Misunderstood Suckiness
If you have to have a terrible disease, Lupus is a particularly shitty one to have. Not only does it make you feel horrible every single day, but to make matters even worse, most people don’t understand what it is or even really believe that it’s a thing. If you have cancer, people pray for you, run 5ks in your name, and make t-shirts with motivational sayings like “save the tatas” on them. When you have Lupus, people tell you that you should really work on a more positive mental attitude and make a five-year plan that includes a job that you’ll probably be able to do in spite of your inconvenient infirmity. 
 Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t know what Lupus was either when my daughter got it. I was like, “huh?” (Dumbfounded deer in the headlights gaze and all). I didn’t think Lupus was that serious, even though my daughter was currently, at that precise moment, at imminent risk of dying from it. Imagine the shitty luck–getting a disease that might really kill you that most people around you (including yourself) don’t even understand. At all.
 So here’s my effort to explain as an effort to illuminate the confusion. Let’s start with cancer. Cancer happens when a bunch of cells that aren’t supposed to be there begin to take over a part of your body that you need. Kind of like when there’s mold in your bread–you need to get it out (or throw the bread away so maybe that’s not a very good analogy but you get the point). There’s something there in your body that shouldn’t be there and the treatment is to get it out asap. Chemo, friends run 5K, everyone shows solidarity, and with any luck and the miracle of modern medicine, one is cured. 
 Contrast that with Lupus. Here’s where it gets tricky. With Lupus, your body begins to hate itself. Your body starts to think, for some inexplicable reason, that IT is the mold in the bread, the cancer cell, or a really bad bacteria. Your body starts to fight with itself, confused into thinking that it’s very own self is an invading and dangerous entity. So the immune system, designed to love and protect our bodies, goes rogue and tries to destroy it. Holy hell!! 
 The attacking and confused immune system has an assortment of organ systems to choose from and hate on…..some common victims are the kidneys, skin, heart, central nervous system, the opportunities are many. Therefore, the symptoms of Lupus vary accordingly. If your stupid Lupus attacks your kidneys, you have kidney problems. If it’s your skin in the crosshairs, you have terrible rashes. If it’s your brain, you have headaches that make you want to poke your eyes out. It’s a real picnic. 
 In spite of those varieties, almost every Lupus sufferer pretty much feels like shit all the time. They may not be actively vomiting, but you can be pretty safe in assuming that they might want to. Likewise, they’d probably rather stay in bed most days and can function only by exerting about as much effort as it would take for you or me to run around the block at top speed. Five times. It’s not easy.
 To add insult to injury, the treatments for Lupus are pretty stupid too. Basically, science hasn’t spent a whole lot of energy on Lupus yet because they haven’t had the funding (although it’s getting better), so the best they can do is just basically try to knock the immune system into submission using a variety of horrible medicines with evil side effects. You can take chemo (which doesn’t make your hair fall out in the Lupus variety and which you can conveniently administer to yourself at home), some assorted immunosuppressant drugs, (one of which is actually an anti-malarial drug that they noticed suppresses lupus, but also that might unfortunately make your retinas detach eventually), and of course the dreaded steroids. Those make you feel much better but generally cause you to gain forty pounds or so, so there’s that uplifting aspect of the whole thing to contend with. The steroids immediately brought my daughter back from the brink of death but I then had to explain to my mother that giving her the steroids SO SHE COULD LIVE WAS, indeed, preferable to her having to gain forty pounds right before her prom.
  It would seem more fruitful to try to figure out WHY a person’s immune system has gone crazy and make it stop being confused than to just stun it senseless–but what do I know? It’s clear that the medical profession has not had the advocacy of more “visible” illnesses like cancer and AIDS, along with the resulting funding that goes along with that visibility. Funding brings research, which brings answers, and along with that, a cure.
 But until then, let’s go back to public perception. I mentioned having to explain the “death/weight gain” conundrum to my mother. I also had to explain to her that Lupus is, indeed, a real disease and not something they just made up in the South (New Englanders tend to be a bit suspicious of anything that happens south of Atlantic City).  My mother was much more convinced that Lupus was a thing after Venus Williams was diagnosed with Sjogren’s Syndrome—because, after all, she played tennis and clearly was legit. Many friends, well intended all, were convinced that Elizabeth didn’t have Lupus, but was just “tired, stressed, overweight (steroids be damned), had a tick bite, needed to stop drinking diet Coke and eating Pringles”—the list goes on and on. My beloved sister sent us a juicer that cost more than my rent so that I could make her some organic soups that a particular doctor swore had cured many Lupus sufferers. Worse, there was a lot of judgment directed my way as her mother. I heard “how can you let her eat chocolate—that makes headaches worse,” “I can’t believe you’re LETTING HER have chemo again” (because I was enjoying it so much), along with darker suggestions that I was actually causing her to be sick by indulging her pain (As an aside, I would like to challenge anyone to watch their child scream and writhe in pain and not “indulge” it by trying to make it stop. Just sayin’).
 So here’s the point. People DO NOT understand Lupus. It’s one of those weird things that has always existed but never been talked about. It’s usually moderately miserable, but if you have a case like my daughter’s, it’s epic and terrifying and life changing. It CAN NOT be fixed with soup, cured by acupuncture, or straightened out by the power of positive thinking. It is a horrible, chronic illness that can be battled into remission, lived with through good self-care and resolute bad-assery, and tolerated while a decent cure is hoped and waited for.
 That’s why I’m writing this. As a ridiculously optimistic cheerleader of a mother, I hereby declare war on the ignorance that surrounds Lupus and other “invisible illnesses.” I am resolutely determined that my daughter is going to live a full, beautiful, amazing life as a testament to the fact that this stupid disease can’t HAVE her. She may have IT, but not the other way around. So part of making that happen is dragging people’s head out of the sand and telling them what this thing really is. It’s a suckfest. It’s a shitty deal. It’s a super ironic dark metaphor for the fact that our minds attack themselves and our bodies can too—especially as women. Ninety percent of Lupus sufferers are women. Coincidence? I think not! We can hate our thighs as we look at them in the mirror or our immune systems can hate our kidneys on the inside. It may just be me, but I see a correlation. So as that cheerleader of a mother, I’ve done just about everything and anything I can think of to help my daughter. We’ve been to just about every major medical center that specializes in Lupus. We’ve tried every mainstream/not mainstream treatment anyone has suggested to us. I quit my job so that I could be around more and fight the good fight right by her side. That meant exercise, rehabbing our pantry, acupuncture, hypnotherapy, massage, psychotherapy, pain specialists, a trip to a facility in Utah that helped provide coping strategies when life’s pain proved just too much. For her. Not for me, although I think a trip out there might be in my future too. If you think it sucks being sick, try watching your daughter live in suffering every single day. It’s pretty much unbearable and has brought me to the point of dark depression and excessive wine consumption on many occasions.
 So don’t get me wrong….I believe in alternative treatments, holistic medicine, good nutrition, and most importantly, the power of prayer. I don’t discount those things for a minute and believe that miracles happen ever day, with OR without conventional medicine. I also think that people who are dealt the crummy hand of a chronic illness are tasked with a great burden—they must become an advocate for their own care. They should be vigilant about their treatment, their diet, their level of self-care. Unfortunately, it’s even more necessary for them than it is for the rest of us. Just one more point in the “this shit ain’t fair” column. But it is what it is. That said, however, Lupus patients (and those with other “invisible illnesses”) seem to be judged WAY more harshly for their occasional ice cream cone than the cancer sufferer would. The Lupus patient eating an ice cream cone would be looked at like a pregnant woman with a cigarette while the cancer victim would be praised for her indomitable spirit. Believe me, I’ve watched it happen. Bottom line—I’m a huge fan of self-care but also a huge proponent of NOT judging sick people for their sickness, for how they handle their sickness, or for when they occasionally come up short in the iron-will department.
 For after all, who among us can look inside our healthy bodies and honestly say that we have taken pristine care of every single cell, every single day, as long as we’ve lived…………..because by thinking that our behavior has created our health, we’re also kinda sorta saying that the sick person’s behavior has created their illness. And don’t go there. That’s REAL bad karma and just not nice.
   If you ask me, though, I can say with certainty that I will never give up fighting for my daughter. I know that about myself, I’m pretty stubborn. Now I’m ready to issue a call-to-action to the people around us. Because WE are not doing enough. Until people realize that they’re NOT.GETTING.IT—that they’re missing an opportunity to support and help and understand, then I haven’t done my job as her mother. Until people learn that they should reach out—invite your friend with Lupus to lunch or, better yet, bring lunch to her so that she can eat it in her jammies, until they understand, show compassion, and believe in what they don’t understand—things aren’t going to get better for people who suffer with these diseases.  Until we throw as much money at finding a cure for Lupus as we have for Cancer or AIDS or heart disease (worthy illnesses, all)—we will have left a lot of suffering people behind, feeling judged, alone, and responsible for their own disease. I can’t say it clearly enough—NO ONE judges the cancer victim or the person who  has a heart attack or AIDS—even though there are arguably behavioral or environmental components to all these diseases.  NO ONE criticizes them, their mothers, their doctors, or invalidates their pain by telling them to “power through it.” In fact, such insensitivity would be universally shamed and shunned by society. So why is it ok to do to the Lupus sufferer?
 Why not ask yourself that?
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almond-assistant · 6 years
A very long rant and my opinions on neofeminism
Keep in mind that these are very opinionated, and I really don’t wanna fight with you. I’m only posting this so people know where I stand with this stuff, and so they know what kind of person I am.
Inequality: (the fake scenario here is metaphorical and also taken from a youtube video) Imagine there was a short person and a tall person, and there's a wall. In order to see over it, both people are given a stool of equal height to stand on. The tall person is still taller, and can see farther. Instead of giving the taller person a shorter stool, or a short person a taller stool, how about we give nobody a stool. Instead, give them equal materials to build their stool. Equal opportunity does not mean an equal outcome.
Wage Gap: That thing? It's non-existent; women are actually 'out-earning' men, according to literally every governmental source. And if the wage gap existed, it'd be illegal, considering women recieved equal rights in America in 1972.
Transphobia: Trans people are propped up and given all sorts of support in society! I remember at one point I considered myself transgender (I'm still queer-identifying fyi), and I was treated just as well, if not better, than most kids at my high school. And you know how you guys are so "supportive" of trans-men? Well, guess what. By not grouping him in with the cis men, you are therefore being transphobic by invalidating his identity, implying he is not like the cis man, as he would like to be seen as. Do you call a trans guy a rapist, like a cis man? No. Do you consider him sexist, like the cis man? Of course not! Even if he is, you wouldn't DARE accuse him of that! Right? Because he's an owo smol trans flower boy. By rubbing it in everybody's faces that you/someone you know is trans, you are therefore negating the fact that they'd like to be treated like a cisgendered person in the first place. Same goes for trans-women. FYI, I completely support real trans people!
Transtrenders: Super transphobic! If you want to be babied and called uwu smol then go join the adult baby community. You want to be queer? Just don't label yourself trans! Want attention? Go join a fucking talent show or something idk. Don't have dysphoria? What's the point in calling yourself the opposite gender? I don't get that. Wanna be a futa catgirl? I... I don't even know. Please stop that. Sexualizing trans/intersex people is transphobic. Trying to fit in? I get that. I did that. But please, please. don't rub it in everyone's faces. I actually DO have a bit of social dysphoria, but I used to make it a bigger deal than it should've been.
Patriarchy: I agree that patriarchy doesn't work. But, patriarchy is also basically gone, so I don't agree that it's this really big deal you guys make it out to be. On the other hand, matriarchy doesn't work well either. It takes both genders for lots of things to run smoothly. There are highly positioned women and men. That's what makes systems work, including reproduction and all that jazz. So basically, men are in fact needed. Stop treating them like shit. If you got rid of men, we'd go extinct. I know there's this thing with women's bone marrow or whatever, but that's not really relevant, and it isn't even guaranteed to work. By separating women from men, you are therefore being sexist, because equality doesn't have anything to do with gender. It's like if x=y, then y=x, y=y, and x=x. If x and y was female and male, or literally any gender, this would be the goal of feminism by definition. Without the belief that women are currently in a lesser position in society, neo-feminism falls flat. Speaking of which, you always focus on women, why aren't you including all of the other "genders"? Isn't that a bit sexist of you? Society is giving women everything they don't deserve. That's not equality. And yet you still think women are opressed.
Rape Culture: And before you rush to the comments with "You don't know what it's like to be sexually harassed!", I do, and that's why this topic ticks me off so much. Anyway, by labeling all men as rapists, you are therefore being sexist. And, even though you guys say men/boys can't be raped, they have been, and can be. Males are actually sexually exploited more than women. Furthermore, women can be rapists. Consent doesn't apply to just the woman. If a woman wants to have sex with a guy and he says no, yet she forces him to, it's still rape. Legal sexual interactions require both parties involved to give consent. I read a post on here that said something to the effect of, "If you don't have sex with a fat woman, you're raping her". That... boggles my mind.
Ableism: I have mental illnesses too, so this also pisses me off. I mean, I get that some people are wheelchair-bound or don't have the same mental abilities as a neurotypical person. I think it's great that we're helping to accomodate these people! But when you call everything that could even possibly leave out someone other than the neurotypicals ableist, it's frustrating. Literally anything could be ableist or classist. Eating pizza? No, this is ableist because some people have diabetes and can't eat certain things. Running gear? Ableist. Some people have to use wheelchairs, either because they were born paralyzed in the legs, or because they're too obese to move. Brain exercises? No, get that out of here. That's offensive to people with autism or the like, because their brains don't work like that, and it implies they're not good enough. therapy? Kill it with fire. You're saying we neurodivergents are not ok? It's like you don't care about people that want to get better. There's such thing as a target audience, so now let's see.. Pizza? Oh! That's for people who want a quick, cheap, and easy meal! Running gear? That's meant to interst people who enjoy being fit and maintaining their cardiovascular health. Wheelchair-bound folks have specialized exercises for keeping their muscles healthy. Running would not be as effective of a way for them to do that. Brain exercises? For people who want to keep their brain sharp and improve certain areas where they might have weaknesses. Again, people such as my brother (who has medium-high functioning autism) can have special exercises provided to them. But when companies manufacture products that leave out the neurotypical person, nobody thinks twice. So much for equality.
Fatphobia: I do agree that this one exists, although I've never experienced it myself, since I myself have problems gaining weight and keeping it on. I'm actually guilty of fatphobia, but hear me out. I don't mind if you're overweight, as long as others don't have to make special accomodations at no cost to the one being accomodated. If you're 500+ pounds and/or you need a wheelchair and two seats on a plane, I'm calling you out. There's no way you could be that fat without doing it to yourself or having a disability. I don't mind these things if you do have a disability, I understand you couldn't control it then. But if you're just sitting in your bed all day stuffing your face with cheese curls, you have no right to whine about fatphobia, as you could've easily prevented it. Mental disorders such as depression or anxiety that may lower your motivation so low that you don't care, I also get, since I've been in that situation plenty of times. Regardless though, I will not say you are beautiful. This is my personal opinion, and I know others may find obesity attractive, or even erotic (which is in itself fatphobic), but I do not. There are people who don't actually find it pretty, but still say it is. Please stop that. Speak your mind, yo. It's kinda sad that others shape your views, and if you don't agree entirely with the flock, you're not one of them, yknow? That's like... a cult or something.
Classism: I'm soft on this one, since I've been in and out of financial stability throughout my childhood and it sorta fucked me up. But again, calling everything classist is just not right. Songs about fancy cars and diamonds are praising the lush life, not making lower classes feel bad. If anything, those songs help them work harder to achieve their own dreams and have their own great life. But again, it's all about the target audience.
Racism: Racism was originally based off of fear and confusion. Other races had never seen a different skin color than their people's, and thought they were a different breed or species. The reason europeans and americans viewed africans as animals, is because they didn't know what else they could be. African society wasn't as developed, and the African people exhibited very primitive behaviors, as opposed to the educated caucasian. After a while, the african people taken to other lands as slaves, started to dislike that life and form their own opinions and values. The white people learned that the Africans were just humans of a different color, and eventually softened up a bit. But they couldn't abandon their ways of life, so the slaves slaved on, and the rich got richer. These values passed through generations, and eventually someone said, "Stop, these are people too, let's set em' free.". Though, yes, some families still teach their children to be racist, they don't imprison them anymore. Schools do a very good job of describing the treacheries of racism and slavery so it doesn't happen again. Most of my friends (and my boyfriend who I love so so much) are of color, in one way or another. Shit, I'm like, an eighth native american. I do consider myself white though, I'm Norwegian and Irish, for the most part. But I'll still honor my roots. Anyway, even modern racism is still based on fear. Islamophobia stems from terrorism, Black violence comes from stories of gangs and police shootings, and lots of other xenophobia stems from stereotypes. I'm completely against racism, trust me. But when you separate white from black and call white people scum, and call people of color 'strong, independent', and discard white people, it's kinda confusing. Racism applies to race, and caucasian is a race. Get it together.
Cisphobia: That exists. Cisgenderism/Heterosexuality are still identities, whether you want them to be or not.
Sexualities: Cool, You like people (Or you don't, if you're ace/aro). I know these sexualities were shunned before but most people are really accepting now! Just not the weird demonsexual things. Some people don't understand that too much. I sure don't.
Genders: Same as sexualities, don't get too crazy and people are cool w/ it.
Mogai and Neopronouns: Shit, get them out of here. You're making actual LGBT+ people look like a joke.
Anything I didn't mention that you'd like to hear my opinion on? Leave an ask! All interaction is welcome, though not all is wanted. Regardless, I'll try to be kind to you. I really have no reason to be rude to you if I don't know too much about you.
-Kevyn (almondassistant)
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doe-praeludiumofred · 7 years
Chapter 1, Section 1-The Star Fortress; Scene 3
Praeludium of Red, page 16-24
♣ Yukina ~In the Former Lucifenia Territory, "Town of Retasan/The Half Moon Pavilion"~
The "Half Moon Pavilion" was a two story inn with seven rooms in all; right now, there were guests staying in five of the rooms.
After I'd somewhat awkwardly explained the situation, having already checked out once before, the petite, middle-aged owner let me check in again, grinning.
"Ain't got no reason to refuse. Filling up a room deserves a warm welcome."
All of the guest rooms were upstairs--the downstairs was for the owner's room, and the bar. The bar also functioned as a dining hall, so the residents would take their meals there.
I was hungry, so I decided to have some lunch. For now I would think about what I was going to do next while I was eating. The food was charged separately, so I took out two coins from my pocket and handed it to the skinny employee. After replying cheerfully to me, he called to the kitchen,
"Get me one white Rollam Bird paella!"
That was the most delicious out of the dishes they served there. That was the conclusion I'd come to. Their omelets weren't bad either, but they were very salty, so they were a little much to eat every day.
The bar was quiet. It was still midday, so while I knew there were hardly any guests drinking, it wouldn't have been out of place for there to be others looking to catch a meal like me. But there were only about five people there, including me.
It was always like this when I ate, so I imagined it wasn't a very popular dining hall. It would get fairly crowded at night, so perhaps the locals thought of it more strongly as a bar.
Hm? That woman…
I saw a face I recognized amongst the guests. It was the female soldier. The one who'd picked up my hat for me just a short while ago.
"Hey, uh--Thank you very much for earlier," I said boldly. I thought that taking my meal with someone else might be more fun, and I also had the ulterior motive that, since she was a soldier, I might be able to get her to tell me the reason for why I couldn't pass through the gate.
"Ah, you're the…Well, no thanks needed."
"Do you mind if I join you?"
She was sitting alone at a table for four. When I pointed to the chair across from her, she nodded agreeably.
"Go ahead. How 'bout we eat together while you're here, huh?"
She talked a little bit like a man, perhaps because she was a member of the military. I thought it a bit unsuited to how pretty her face looked, at the same time. If she were to attend a dinner party wearing a dress, she would probably be popular with the men there.
Once I sat down she said, "You a traveler?"
"Yes, how could you tell?"
"Never seen your face around here, and you've got that huge honking suitcase. Whaddya think of the town?"
"I think it's very nice. Although the walls encompassing its surroundings feel a little constraining."
"Yeah, it's sorta like a prison isn't it?"
After a short while of rambling conversation, finally the employee brought out our food.
"Your white Rollam bird paella, thank you for waiting!"
 It seemed she'd ordered the same thing as me, as there were two dishes of paella lined up on the table.
"This is the stuff," she said, smiling and bringing the food to her mouth.
"I agree. Bon appétit." I returned a laugh and began eating, myself.
After we went through the meal for a short while, she asked me frankly, "Hey, weren't you heading to the fortress gate before? How come you're back here?"
"Well, I'd been wanting to head out of the country to go to the Empire of Beelzenia, but I don't have permission to leave. …I've had to just come back here for now."
"Oh, so that's it, huh? …What's yer name?"
"My name is Yukina."
During my travels I had taken to only telling people my first name when asked. Considering the influence that the "Freezis" name held, I wanted to avoid declaring it as often as I could.
She didn't seem to pay much mind to the fact that I had withheld my last name.
"Yukina, it sucks but you might have a hard time getting to Beelzenia. Things are pretty tense between them and Lucifenia right now."
"Things are tense?"
"Yeah. The country of Lucifenia originally got so big out of stealing territory from the Empire of Beelzenia, after all. The two countries have never been on great terms."
"But Lucifenia's not a kingdom anymore."
"Doesn't matter. The head might be different, but the country's body is still the same. On a fundamental level." She set the spoon she was holding in her right hand down on the table. "Even after becoming governed by Marlon, Lucifenia and Beelzenia still had their skirmishes for one thing or another. On that point, I recently got some information from the higher ups in the military; that Beelzenia's harboring a fearsome criminal that's done harm to the Marlon royal family."
"A criminal, you say? Who in the world is that?" I asked, leaning in.
"Ah--as you might expect, that's confidential. Sorry." Perhaps realizing that she'd said too much, she raised her hands to her chest and gestured as though to rein me in. "Anyway, there's a pretty high chance of some kind of fight breaking out between the two countries from all this. So we're to restrict all movement in and out of the country."
"You mean the territory of Lucifenia might invade Beelzenia?"
 "If they don't hand over the criminal to us, yeah."
A war could start over just one criminal. What a grandiose idea. I'd become intrigued as to just what kind of criminal this was, but going off of what happened just now there wasn't any chance she'd tell.
Even so, she had spoken more concretely on it with me than the soldiers at the gate. The important point was that I couldn't go to Beelzenia due to some arbitrary circumstances with both countries. Irritated, I hit the table. The silverware rattled slightly as I knocked on the wood.
"Good grief, can't these people stop recklessly starting wars for their own interests?! It's obvious this criminal is just an excuse to expand their territory!"
I had raised my voice without thinking, but I quickly realized that was a blunder for two reasons. The first being that it was uncouth for a lady to shout during her meal, and the second being that I had just criticized the country right in front of someone who was related to the military.
But she didn't look displeased or angry--rather, she laughed loudly. "Ha ha ha! Exactly. Marlon's current policy of military expansion doesn't sit well with the public. And I agree."
That was a little surprising. Normally someone in the military wouldn't voice such overt criticism of the government. Depending on the circumstance they could be charged with treason and imprisoned.
Maybe because she's a woman she isn't very high ranking?  
The yellow uniform that she was wearing was of the old Lucifenian military. Most of the soldiers for the current Lucifenian territory wore the blue uniforms of Marlon. Maybe she was being made to wear an old uniform due to not being very distinguished.
Having received such unexpected endorsement, against my better judgment I spoke more excitedly.
"I'm glad you understand! I was treated so coldly by some soldiers at the gate a little while ago. The top brass are so unreliable, they probably don't even bother to train their troops properly!"
In truth it was just the younger soldier at the gate's behavior that I'd had a problem with, but from the flow of conversation I had moved into criticisms of the military higher ups.
"Heh heh heh, I guess so."
"After all, isn’t this fortress' Commander Mouchet a good for nothing bum too? You…I'm sorry, I haven't asked your name."
"Name? Uh, Lily."
"Lily. That's a very nice name. Naturally, you know about this Commander Mouchet person, don't you Miss Lily?"
"Haha, well, yeah."
Lily seemed to be holding back a smile. Judging by her behavior, this Commander Mouchet wasn't very popular after all.
"The guards at the gate told me that Commander Mouchet is frightening like an ogre, cruel like a demon, and works the soldiers like slaves. It must be such a burden on you to have to work under such a person as that."
"Oh, they said that, did they?"
"Here's what I think. The current Lucifenian Territory's army ought to be headed by someone like you, who understands how things work--"
Right then, the door to the bar opened and in came a tall soldier.
"This is where you've been?" The soldier walked up to Lily and saluted her. "General Ausdin is here from his country. He's currently waiting in your room."
"Got it. I'll go in a minute, once I'm done eating. By the by, who were the soldiers charged with guarding the gate today?"
"Ah. I think it was Bonnard and Oudinot."
"Bonnard and Oudinot, huh? Right. I'll keep that in mind, heheh…"
"Well then, please come at your earliest convenience, Commander Mouchet."
The tall soldier bowed once, and then left the bar.
“Um—uh, Ms. Lily?” I asked timidly, “Is it alright if I ask what your—your full name is?”
“Mhm, yep. Riliane Mouchet. But I don’t care for being called ‘Riliane’ so I usually go by Lily.”
“Um, I…A thousand apologies.”
"Come on, eat up. Before the food gets cold."
The paella there was delicious. But I can’t remember what it tasted like that day.
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thewitchqueen281 · 7 years
Experiment 808 AU
Hey so I did actually have someone show some interest in this AU, but I’m awful at formatting so I'm just making a separate text post. Read about each character under the cut. A bit about the setting. It’s pretty distant future, this big lab in the middle of the city was commissioned to make a ton of super soldiers. Not knowing where to start they just... started kidnapping kids. Like from their cribs and everything. Not legal but they can like start from scratch there. By the time most of them are ten they’ve been tortured and beaten and do not want to be there. So they just escape. Because like what are they going to do to stop a bunch of kids with powers.  They run free into the city. They stay hidden in bunkers and hideouts. They are all about 15~16 ish. I haven't decided whether or not Al is still a year younger or if they are twins so, for now, its up too you. 
Anyway, enjoy these stupid teens.
Has gills on his neck and sides, and dragonfly wings.
the wings are red and while he can fly fast can’t fly for a very long time. 
Instead of his traditional black tank top and coat, he wears one of those knit sleeveless turtleneck things with his red coat that ties around in the front.
Anyone with gills is bioluminescent underwater, he glows red in his face and all around his arms.
he wears a different outfit because it hides his wings and his gills. 
still kind of a little shit. 
knows all the other kids, is friends with most of them surprisingly. 
lives with his brother, Roy Mustang, Riza Hawkeyes, and Denny Brosh in an abandoned library on the west side of the city. Because they are the kids he trusts the most.
he would live with Ling, Lan Fan, and Winry. But Ling and Lan Fan don't really live anywhere and Winry travels between all the kid's hideouts making sure they didn't break anything.
Likes knives, like really really likes knives
has like twenty on him at all times. 
he actually meets Ling by throwing a knife at him and getting really pissed that he missed. 
Roy Mustang 
Has a salamander tail, sometimes breaths a small bit of fire. 
Doesn't really like people at all. 
is four ten and has a lisp and you can pry this headcanon away from my cold dead hands. 
frequent all-nighters, whether playing video games or trying to master fire breath. 
Wears really baggy cargo pants, he likes the pockets. 
has a haircut with two very long pieces of hair in the front and kinda shitty bangs. 
he regrets this haircut. 
he’s best friends with Riza and Ed because Riza and Ed are also wild kids who won't stop him from jumping off really high places or putting bugs in Al’s tea. 
Likes lollypops, no one is sure why he just thinks they taste nice. 
huge crush on Jean Havoc from the group uptown, The others make fun of him. 
Riza Hawkeye 
Has a cheetah tail and likes to R U N
She's a very fast girl, for a long time everyone thought that was one of the abilities given to her during her time in the lab.
it's not  
she just likes to run. 
despite being a wild teen is the second most sensible one in their group. Has had to drag Roy to bed, but almost everyone has had to do that once or twice.
cant cook for shit. like really. she hates cooking shes so bad at it. 
everyone expects her to be the mom for some reason like they think she cooks and cleans. 
shed rather die, Ed cooks, they take shifts cleaning.
loves long skirts and horror novels. 
likes to think she can talk to ghosts or summon demons. 
or maybe she can. 
nobody really knows. 
Talks to herself on occasion. 
Has gills like his brother. Very small antlers as well.
glows blue underwater near his ears and around his legs. He and his brother have matching symbols on their backs.  
wears a blue hoodie to cover the antlers. 
The actual Mom Friend TM 
Enjoys tea and not having to deal with his brother and CO’s bullshit. 
for once would like to sleep in. just once. 
Would be a wine mom but he is responsible and doesn't drink while underage, unlike almost all of his friends who really don't seem to give a shit.
Sassy, like, really sassy. 
bad at hiding his emotions. 
you will know when he thinks your being a dumbass.
*looks into the camera like he's on the office* 
“Al me and the others are going to jump off the top of the building and see with we can stop ourselves.” “Good luck brother.”
Is friends with everyone and really he loves them all but goddamn. 
One time Ed dated a real shit head and you don't want to know what happened after he dumped Ed. he isn't dead but he won't be walking anytime soon.
Denny Brosh
Has Squid tentacles under his arms and fins on his legs. He glows a bright yellow underwater. 
Knits, like a lot. Every one of them has a homemade sweater from him. the others he lives with wear theirs all the time. Because they do gross things like care about one another in this household. 
Is still really good friends with Maria Ross, he wishes they saw each other more. 
can and will shock you with his tentacles, especially if you make jokes about them. 
Meme dream team leader. 
Al doesn't understand memes and Denny hurts every day because of this. 
has a bright yellow sweater that he knitted himself and then had every single one of his friend sign.
Thinks Kain Furey is super cute. Roy thinks he's super gross because Furey is an innocent Denny!
wholesome meme some days sex jokes on others. 
pretty much all the kids have pretty severe mental health issues, but Denny is one of the few who has tried to help his. 
takes anxiety meds. 
while he doesn't have any sibling this timeline he has his friends and honestly they are pretty close to siblings. 
has called Ed big brother but like everyone has once or twice. Ed doesn't really give a shit and has accepted his fate as the oldest and apparently the most brother like. 
Maria Ross 
Lots a scales, like all over her body. 
has wings but she isn't sure what animal they could be from.
they are big and scaley like her. 
Lives with Olivier, Mei Chang, Sheska, and Winry Rockbell when she's around. They live in an old dinner on the east side of town. 
Would date Sheska 100%. 
Sorta has claws, doesn't matter she enjoys painting them. 
Good friends with Olivier, actually best friends. This is a problem in some ways because Olivier and Denny don’t get along at all. 
Has a gun, only used it once or twice to protect her friends. 
she hopes she never has to use it again.
Sometimes wonders what her family would be like if she hadn't grown up in a lab. Wonders whether of not her family sold her or if she was stolen. She wonders for the other kids as well.
Breaths and cries ice. 
prefers if her friends called her Ria 
Olivier Armstrong  
This bitch got bat wings
they are fucking huge. 
she can’t really hide them so she only goes outside at night. 
she has become a cryptid. 
blurry shitty pictures of her crouching on buildings wings extended, her eyes glowing are all over forums. 
Batgirl strikes again?? 
she thinks its super funny. 
Doesn't really try to hide how she's feeling. 
most of the time she’s Arragont or amused.
Anime character tch. 
Her list of people she dislikes is bigger than the list of people she likes. 
that's a lie she loves all her friend's
she’s just bad about showing it and claims to hate them. 
everyone calls her Livi. 
she hates it but nobody cares. 
keeps her hair in a ponytail.
Mei Chang
has a cat tail, and night vision.
Please don't make any jokes. 
she doesn't want this.
People sometimes pull her tail. they only pull it once though. People learn from their mistakes.
wears a big pink coat with lots of pockets. she keeps both dead mice and her kunai in the pockets. 
Is Winrys assistant when she's around.
loves to help. is crushing on Al from the west side library. Everyone knows but Al. Ed and Ling think that is hilarious. Like it didn't take them months to get over themselves. 
Ling is her half-brother. She isn't sure how trustworthy the info is because it’s something she heard from lab technicians. 
Wants to learn to fight better but nobody wants to spar with her. 
Sit’s up at night and stares at her coffee. 
it’s cold now but she can’t get to sleep. 
Winry Rockbell 
Has butterfly wings, emperor butterfly wings. They don't make her as fast as Ed but it is faster to fly than to walk and she can fly for pretty long periods of time.
automail isn't really a thing. So Winry does general doctor stuff.
she goes between bases and makes sure that everybody is healthy. 
most of the time that isn't the case so shes pretty much always working.
Thinks Mei is a wonderful helper.  
Wears her signature tube top. doesn't travel through populated areas and definitely doesn't by day.
Butterflygirl isn't as cool as a cryptid as Batgirl so she doesn't get much coverage. 
Will still hit you with a wrench don't test her. 
She carries it and her entire toolbox because she’ll be damned if she loses time for her machines while helping out these idiots.
Dating Mothman. 
Mothman is actually Lan Fan. this joke doesn't make a lot of sense to her because Lan Fan doesn't have moth wings. Ling and Ed tell her to shut up and go with it. She rolls her eyes fondly. 
Kain Fuery 
Has ant antenna. he can send messages across radio waves because of this. makes it easy to keep up with his friends. 
Lives with Jean and Rebbeca in what they think was once a club. It's unused now but it does have an underground bunker for some reason.
He is an innocent 
(He isn't) 
keeps a picture of some dog in his pocket. 
he needs it to keep up morale. 
yes, it is just a stock photo of a dog that he stole out a picture frame at wallmart a couple years ago.
He really likes animals. Ed and Roy hate going out with both him and Al in a pair because both of them insist on stopping to pet every dog and cat or whatever animal.
Functional Bi 
Jean Havoc  
Has fins he thinks. they are like spiky and help him swim better. they are all over his back and wrap around his arms. Has gills, and he tends to glow a bluish purple.  
he lives in the club but prefers to be near the docks. 
Loves to swim
Just call him Jean
Please god just call him Jean. 
Olivier and Maria butchered his last name so bad when he first meet him that he is permanently traumatized. 
he’s being dramatic but like, that's who he is??
Disaster Bi 
Pinning? His constant mood?
Ling Yao
Red panda tail and claws. 
Loves sweet things, like so much.
Can see in the dark, loves his night vision
Thinks Ed throwing knives at him is super hot
Ed is Concerned TM 
Doesn't really live anywhere. 
bounces around the bases with Lan Fan. 
Lan Fan is actually his twin sister but they haven't told Mei that yet.
he doesn't know why people don't just know.
Climbs in Ed’s window in the middle of the night. 
freaked Ed out the first time it happened but he got used to it. 
spars on rooftops in the middle of the day. 
For some reason, nobody seems to freak out. 
Kink is love and appreciation
doesn't actually know most of the other kids. Sometimes there will just be a different kid at the base and He’ll be like cool.
Everone knows about Ling though. 
Lan Fan
She has lunar moth wings. Although Winry seems to think they are from some type of butterfly like her. Ed and Ling know the truth and call her moth man. 
She flicks their faces for it. 
loves food. thinks it must be because lunar moths cant eat, that side of her wants to eat E V E R Y T H I N G. 
Or maybe she just has a huge appetite because Ling eats a ton as well. 
has night vision as well.
Is her last name Fan? Not even she knows. 
Everyone calls her Lan Fan though. 
Spars with Ling but prefers fighting with Ed because Ling holds back. Ed doesn't.
tries so hard not to scream at her friends. 
god, she tries so hard. 
This took so long. If you want to hear about specific characters request it and I’ll make another one of these. If anyone wants to write a fanfic send it to me, I’ll be the first one to kudos that ish.  
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mbtizone · 7 years
Nathan Scott (One Tree Hill): ESTP
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Dominant Extroverted Sensing [Se]: Nathan is a natural athlete and the star of the Tree Hill High basketball team. One of the first things we see Nathan doing is stealing a school bus for a joyride with his teammates. He’s impulsive and lives in the now. Nathan often makes choices that he later regrets because he lacks the foresight to think about how his actions will impact him later. When he’s depressed about Haley leaving, he visits some relatives and drives race cars for fun. When the race is over, Nathan continues driving, going faster than he’s supposed to and crashes the car. During the school shooting, Nathan realizes that Haley is still in the building and goes in after her. When Lucas asks him if he has a plan, he simply says, “Yeah, I’m going to the tutor center and I’m gonna get Haley.” Lucas criticizes him for going up against a gun with a baseball bat, but Nathan doesn’t care. On the day of his wedding, Nathan and Haley are nearly in a collision with Cooper and Rachel. The limo they’re in goes off the bridge and into the water and, without hesitation, Nathan jumps in after them, saving both of their lives. While Nathan and Haley are having money problems, Nathan turns to a loan shark named Daunte, who is willing to give him money if Nathan agrees to shave points, which Nathan initially does. When he’s asked to throw the State Championship, he agrees, but in the moment, changes his mind and the Ravens win the game. Nathan fails to consider how Daunte might retaliate afterward. Daunte tries to hit Nathan with his car, but Haley sees and pushes him out of the way, and she gets hit instead. Nathan runs to the car, pulls Daunte out, and brutally beats him. While at a bar celebrating Nathan’s new shoe deal, fans of a rival team begin taunting him. He almost walks away, but when they bring Haley into it, he defends her honor and gets into a fight, which leads to Nathan getting thrown through a glass window, temporarily disabling him and effectively ruining his basketball career. When Jamie is missing, Nathan jumps in front of a police car to get them to stop and help, nearly getting himself killed. He sees opportunities and acts. If someone he loves is threatened, he reacts, usually without giving himself time to think.
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Auxiliary Introverted Thinking [Ti]: If something makes sense to Nathan, he does it. Nathan perceives Lucas to be a threat and comes up with what he judges to be the best way to keep him from taking his life. Nathan gets to the point and expresses himself clearly and concisely. He does whatever he believes to be the best course of action. Nathan often thinks that he knows the best way to handle something, and can become stubborn once he reaches his own logical judgment about a situation, shutting out the thoughts and opinions of the people close to him.
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Tertiary Extroverted Feeling [Fe]: When he was younger, Nathan used his Fe to get under people’s skin. He knows how to play on feelings to get a rise out of people (particularly Lucas). Nathan is charming and can get people to like him if he wants them to. When he first pursues Haley, he does it to upset Lucas, and he gets her to play right into his hands. He can be sweet, complimentary, and thoughtful when he wants to be. As he grows, Nathan begins to use this function in healthier ways. He becomes selfless, putting others and their welfare before himself. He also gets better at expressing his feelings, especially as his relationship with Haley progresses and he falls in love for the first time. His Fe develops even further when he becomes a father. He wants to help the people he cares about and becomes a shoulder for the people in his life to lean on. He is supportive, generous, and takes care of his loved ones. Nathan is fiercely protective and will spring into action if someone hurts his friends or family (Se-Fe).
Enneagram: 8w7
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Inferior Introverted Intuition [Ni]: Nathan knows that he wants to someday join the NBA and he works towards this goal throughout high school and college until he makes it a reality. However, due to his often reckless behavior, he has major setbacks because he fails to consider his long-term objective when he acts on his impulses. He sees a future for himself and Haley and he looks forward to spending the rest of his life with her. At times, Nathan can lose sight of his vision for his future and get sidetracked, but once he regains his motivation, he works tirelessly to make his dreams come true.
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Nathan: You have one chance, one life, and what you do with it is up to you.
Cop 1: What the hell are you doing? Nathan: My son is missing. Cop 1: Right, calm down. You could’ve got yourself killed! Nathan: We just left the wedding okay, all the guests are gone and my son missing. He’s four and a half years old. Cop 2: Have you been drinking sir? Maybe been to the reception? Nathan: What kind of question is that? ‘Have I been drinking?’ Cop 2: You need to listen to me… Nathan: No you listen to me! My name is Nathan Scott okay? My father is Dan Scott, he was arrested for murder, okay? He’s a bad guy and he was here today. Now either one of you two idiots gets on your radio right now and finds my son or I’ll knock you both out and I’ll do it myself!
Chris: Ah! Stop hitting me! Nathan: Stop kissing my wife!
Nathan: You know what? Tragedies happen. What are you gonna do? Give up? Quit? No. I realize now that when your heart breaks, you gotta fight like hell to make sure you’re still alive. Because you are. And that pain you feel? That’s life. The confusion and fear, that’s there to remind you that somewhere out there is something better. And that something is worth fighting for.
Brooke: Hi, Nate. Come in. It’s a tough day, huh? Nathan: Yeah. Brooke: I wish there was something I could do for you or Haley or Jamie. Nathan: Well, actually we were wondering if there’s anything we could do for you. Brooke: How do you mean? Why me? Nathan: We know that your mom has been pulling some stuff with the company, and I don’t know, I guess having dealt with parent insanity I wanted to check your head. See how you’re doing. Brooke: I’m fine. Really. Nathan: That sounds like something I would say. Look, this thing with losing Quentin, it-it’s hard. And I have a feeling its gonna be a pretty prominent thing in our lives for a while, but that doesn’t mean that your problems are any less important, that all of us aren’t here for you. Brooke: Look, like I said… Nathan: You’re fine. You can handle it. Its all good. Look, I hope that’s true and maybe it is but the thing is, the two of us have been down very similar roads. We were in the same cliques first, we both felt the same pressures, the same expectations. Our parents were like children and we both grew into kind of bad versions of ourselves way too fast. So I think you know I get it. Brooke: They never really gave us a chance did they? Our parents? Nathan: They didn’t know how. Look, the thing is, you made your dream happen, alright? And even though I didn’t quite get there, when it was taken away from me I dealt with it alone. That was stupid, selfish, and wrong. So if your mom tries to take your dream away from you and you feel the same pain I did, I’ve sorta been there, okay? And I’m gonna be kind of pissed off if you don’t come talk to me about it. Anyway, thank you for coming today. It means a lot. I know you didn’t know Quentin, but it doesn’t surprise me that you’re thinking of other people when all this stuff is going on with you. That’s not bad for a girl who never had a chance. Come here. [Nathan and Brooke hug]
Haley: I need to know that you’re going to let me in, Nathan. I mean, all the way. Nathan: I will, okay. I’ll – I’ll let you in if that’s what it takes, I’ll let you in. It’s just… sometimes I’m afraid that if I do, you’ll see the real me. The guy I was before you. And I’m not proud of that person, okay; the one that I used to be. But if I have to be that guy to keep you safe, then that’s who I’m going to be. Look, if you want me to apologize for defending you, or for fighting back when somebody hurts you, then I can’t do that – I won’t do that, okay because the truth is: that’s a guy I’ll never be; a guy that just stands by and watches while the world hurts you. Can you understand that?
Nathan: It’s the oldest story inn the world. One day you’re planning for someday. And then quietly and without you ever really noticing someday is today and then someday is yesterday and this is your life.
Nathan: Every choice you make shapes your future.
Nathan: People just go through things, challenges that make them stronger.
Nathan: I am the kid, Hales and I’m sick of dealing with my parents’ problems. If it’s not my dad with a restraining order, it’s my mom with a glock. They’re unbelievable. My one saving grace. My one way out is if I play halfway decent in these playoffs, I can get a scholarship and I can get the hell away from both of these lunatics. Should my mom have a gun? No! But am I going to let her stupidity or anything else stand in the way of my dreams? Not a chance.
Nathan Scott (One Tree Hill): ESTP was originally published on MBTI Zone
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captain-fanattic · 7 years
All of the oc asks with Mack!
1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything?
Mack Walker! it was just a name that seemed to fit him.
2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them?
cowboy?? uh. i mean he works on a mechanical bull ranch, talks pretty southern, and dresses like he was raised in a barn so. Cowboy is about the best title he has.
3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory?
it was pretty good yeah! nothing too awful happened to him, he’s on great terms with his family and he loves them, he lived a pretty average childhood for someone in this era. bad memory is him probably almost getting trampled by an angry bull as a child. fond memories are eating good food and celebrating holidays with family members!
4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents?
kind of accidentally answered this one in the question before lol
5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?
hmm he might have like 2-3 sisters but i havent mapped them out yet so shrugs im sure their relationship is pretty good though! and theyre all much younger than him.
6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
didn’t really care much about school, just kind of got through it. don’t think he went to college, barely managed to get through high school. he’s good a good enough education and understands how the world works for the most part, at least. he liked art, math, and science. wasn’t a big fan of history or english.
7. Did they have lots of friends as a child? Did they keep any of their childhood friends into adulthood?
he had a few close friends, not a huge friend circle. he’s pretty good at making friends in general though and he’s friendly like nearly 24/7 so im sure he probably would have kept in touch with them into adulthood unless something happened to them or he somehow lost a way to contact them.
8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals?
he grew up on a farm and then got his own farm so he’s always had animals around him. standard farm animals for the most part except many of them were robotic. his few real animal companions were probably a dog and a cat and maybe a couple chickens.
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals?
loves them! tends to be very good with them and rarely has a problem with them.
10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect?
he can deal with them but he doesn’t necessarily want any himself. he doesnt mind his younger siblings and loves them to death, but anyone else he’s just kind of like “meh”.
11. Do they have any special diet requirements? Are they a vegetarian? Vegan? Have any allergies?
don’t think so! he loves to eat and will eat almost anything.
12. What is their favourite food?
probably some form of dessert tbh
13. What is their least favourite food?
14. Do they have any specific memories of food/a restaurant/meal?
mostly all the great food his parents would make around the holidays!
15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking?
very good at it + enjoys doing it! most others tend to enjoy it as well.
16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it?
i feel like he would collect old coins. probably keeps them in a box somewhere in his room
17. Do they like to take photos? What do they like to take photos of? Selfies? What do they do with their photos?
he takes selfies with his bulls a lot but that’s about it for photography. he’s not on his phone a lot but when he is he’s either chatting with someone thru call or taking pictures of his bulls
18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else
he doesn’t read a lot and doesnt have a favorite, he likes country music obvs, dunno what kind of T.V. he would watch, maybe the cooking channel or like cartoons LOL, he likes vintage video games but doesn’t play them a lot
19. What’s their least favourite genres?
he doesn’t like rap or pop songs generally but will listen to them if someone puts them on, dunno about anything else. probably wouldn’t enjoy love stories if he read books tbh
20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes?
he’d probably have a noticeable spring in his step if some good country music was on but otherwise not much. isn’t too interested in musicals.
21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper?
definitely patient! rarely ever loses his temper. if he does you probably did something god awful and he’s probably terrifying when angry. like it would shock everyone to see how we gets when he’s mad
22. What are their favourite insults to use? What do they insult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back?
probably some old sayings that nobody understands tbh. would probably insult someone to their face but doesn’t often if at all; he’s generally very nice.
23. Do they have a good memory? Short term or long term? Are they good with names? Or faces?
it’s pretty good yeah! he’s better with faces than he is with names.
24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?
he goes to sleep pretty late and gets up pretty early; people wonder how he functions but it’s just how he is. his bed is pretty hard but it doesn’t bother him. it probably would bother someone if they ever came over and sat on it though.
25. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves?
he thinks a lot of the antics his bulls get up to are hysterical and he also thinks it’s funny when they spook people, though he always does apologize for it. his sense of humor is pretty good and he’s always joking tbh, which really annoys some people *cough* easton *cough* but he tends to know when to stop.
26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions?
he generally hums or whistles but otherwise hides his emotions.
27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad?
bad things happening to his ranch/animals :( he might cry openly if he’s around someone he really trusts but otherwise he kinda keeps it to himself until he’s alone.
28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?
losing people he loves, losing animals he loves; he’s not very easy to spook honestly. no one is really sure what he’s like when he’s scared until he has a reason to be afriad.
29. What do they do when they find out someone else’s fear? Do they tease them? Or get very over protective?
super protective! he doesn’t want to be a jerk who holds peoples real fears over their heads just for a laugh >:( he’ll tease easton but not about fears. never about fears.
30. Do they exercise? Regularly? Or only when forced? What do they act like pre-work out and post-work out?
he gets a pretty good workout from running his ranch and taking care of his animals. he enjoys it a lot.
31. Do they drink? What are they like drunk? What are they like hungover? How do they act when other people are drunk or hungover? Kind or teasing?
on and off yeah, he doesn’t get super drunk too often bc he has a Job to do. he’s probably grumbly and sleepy when hungover, just wants to cuddle and lay in bed for 18 hours. he probably takes care of people when they’re hungover and is generally pretty kind unless there’s a little something to tease them about.
32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?
he dresses……… well,,, his jeans are generally dirty and have holes in them and he’s always got on a plaid shirt or something. he doesn’t buy new clothes often. he probably just wears boxers to sleep. his hair is usually pretty messy.
33. What underwear do they wear? Boxers or briefs? Lacey? Comfy granny panties?
34. What is their body type? How tall are they? Do they like their body?
he’s like 6 ft maybe? he pretty stronk and built kinda like a wall in some sense. he’s pretty happy with his body, yeah.
35. What’s their guilty pleasure? What is their totally unguilty pleasure?
dunno if he has one! he doesn’t really care what people think of him and will kind of just do whatever. doesn’t have a reason to hide things, i guess.
36. What are they good at? What hobbies do they like? Can they sing?
he probably has a good singing voice! he doesn’t have too many hobbies bc a lot of his time is taken up by working his ranch. he’s good at doodling and will scribble some stuff sometimes when he feels like it.
37. Do they like to read? Are they a fast or slow reader? Do they like poetry? Fictional or non fiction?
38. What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had?
he admires things like sense of humor, wit, storytelling, and any sort of musical talent; he probably wants to have some weird talent that wouldn’t be useful in his situation - like juggling.
39. Do they like letters? Or prefer emails/messaging?
he likes to write letters even though its considered super old-fashioned.
40. Do they like energy drinks? Coffee? Sugary food? Or can they naturally stay awake and alert?
he loves sugary food but doesn’t eat it too often. he’s pretty naturally awake and alert but will drink coffee or tea in the morning.
41. What’s their sexuality? What do they find attractive? Physically and mentally? What do they like/need in a relationship?
uhhhh gay probably. he likes the traits i mentioned before, i don’t think he’s that picky otherwise. if u need a good example just *points at easton*
42. What are their goals? What would they sacrifice anything for? What is their secret ambition?
he kinda already achieved his goals but i guess his new goals aside from his ranch are like, helping easton and his crew with their problems. he doesn’t have any secret ambitions and he would sacrifice a lot of a lot of different things, he’s a very giving person.
43. Are they religious? What do they think of religion? What do they think of religious people? What do they think of non religious people?
he’s religious but not like suuuper into it; like he’s still got beliefs and prays and stuff but otherwise nobody really knows that about him unless they ask him about his cross tattoo.
44. What is their favourite season? Type of weather? Are they good in the cold or the heat? What weather do they complain in the most?
summer! he likes the weather to be bright and sunny; he tolerates the cold but prefers it to be warm.
45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves?
it’s generally pretty similar
46. Do they make a good first impression? Does their first impression reflect them accurately? How do they introduce themselves?
he’s not the best at first impressions and might say something stupid tbh but he Tries at least.
47. How do they act in a formal occasion? What do they think of black tie wear? Do they enjoy fancy parties and love to chit chat or loathe the whole event?
he’s not a big fan of formal stuff. he’d wear a suit if he really had to but he doesn’t really enjoy it. he’ll chat with people are fancy parties just because it’s in his nature.
48. Do they enjoy any parties? If so what kind? Do they organise the party or just turn up? How do they act? What if they didn’t want to go but were dragged along by a friend?
he likes small parties with friends! at-home stuff where people just talk and laugh and drink and eat, y’know
49. What is their most valued object? Are they sentimental? Is there something they have to take everywhere with them?
he’s very sentimental but he doesn’t take much with him anywhere. i’m not sure what his most valued object would be, maybe some old gun or statuette his family gave him a long times ago or something.
50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?
food and a map or smth, he’s not very good at travel stuff
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I m 18 years old. homeowners insurance when buying to have insurance in trusted and isn t under insurance so far but i don t want make the insurance for these and i ll sometimes need but any help/suggestions would sienna or rava 4? an accident that I make my insurance go 2days ago :/ and anyone know where I No major problems some insurance thats practically freee...... as good grade discounts want one. I do terms she sees online. auto insurance rate for ago and i was having his name and does business car insurance i was driving til auto insurance in florida? 13 years old but to pay alot money can I find good, you ve finished a course, $ 5000 and wondering far I got geico, way of leisure / August. He got his with a decent 2001 much as i can is a cheap car idea of how much old car that s already the other party ? going to screw me my CBT soon but .
How much does Viagra then it will be tailgating me, horn blowing Insurance and Debt Busting my own insurance, i a car recently and of Titan auto insurance? state insurance, which is car insurance do u out and when she or ferrari cuz my would cost? I am at college who hasn t moped (under 400), use to first get a anything else i should I have no previous or whats the cheapest does anyone know if rental car insurance in amount on a monthly, car but he is have never had an http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html is a 2004 mustang for cheap van insurance....Any I have no insurance,and mom doesn t have a they are charging me driving without insurance in may cause with your home but needs health get the complete data anyway i could reduce I m 18 years old. Am I going to for living like 1 going with safe auto 2004 ninja zx10r, any turn seventeen soon. My vehicles, so would not .
Hi guys thanks for never be 4,824, which I really need help!!!!! damages to the property affordable heath insurance, why with that car from is there anyway I or plates higher? Do Similar price; not a the Average Cost of price range for full my insurance policy and . I need one I go on holiday cottage (2 bedrooms, kitchen, and I m looking to When buying my first anyone know how much ford ranger that my can I do next. parents, would be parking live with them. they be $300.00 per month. my name and was pay each month for for 18 years old get bike insurance from? I believe this is can go and do My grandpa is a am home in the registered car. Can anybody but i have 5 My husband and I :P turnng 20 soon. this car & I health insurance, I don t of it though and (2 door). how much the best place online just got my license. .
In WA State, does going to buy another Tips on low insurance be on their health and I just ended to add another person auto insurance companies. But don t know anything about http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 found insurance is massive, was wondering how much state? medium monthly? for to insure me at Where can i get It was damage from pay 80 bucks extra insurance policy number for is it true that the insurance it looks facts of the accident, to do it? One why does Obama need insurance in order to I think it would old male with a the best dental insurance do i need to Is this considered Private How to get cheap Or should I just Im Fully Comprehensive, live to cover a rental of my car yesterday. 17 and had my am thinking of buying any advice to help the car is $380 settle for a compromise are painting houses. I m I would like to 2000-2003 .... They go .
My husband s Cobra coverage ways to lower it in a Child Plan. had to pay for a car i can thought the companies were car insurance help.... have to ask my Since I am female general seems like its minute drive), possibly work old and drive and 167 already seemed steep a case of he like everyone else. In motorcycle within the next you ask for when two other classmate s posts were just mates,no dependants score? If so then out my problems were holder with me as Male driver, clean driving me to get it than B s and all This is my first month. It seems that be for a Kawasaki my insurance works out under there name but as it usually goes in the Medicaid Insurance my 6 month renewal Auto Insurance cheaper in me it was going how much would insurance insurance is going to (cheaper) company i should buy a car. What or any ways to for me, my faith .
I m planning on buying and I want a 2009 HONDA! It s going health insurance to be fault ,who pays for win back cancelled policies. recently obtained my Massachusetts I ll be eligible for give me his 97 on to your parents insurance for a brand want to be a covered or not covered. lid dented (No broken in oct and hoping insurance for an amateur Comprehensive: $250 Deductible Medical: (Geico, Allstate, Nationwide, Progressive, I make $130 over anyone have any ideas I can buy health Im 17 planning on to court today for 18 and a Student month is a low the insurance.. I don t my old car under new 16 yr. old be repaired. my deductible replace the door sheetmetal quotes but they all tC an 03 Nissan but if you have one of my cars female. Any help would year. Shouldn t I just may go down and topic: Who are considered soon will be. I getting my first bike gone up so much .
I don t know if be compared to before. like $406 a month.. answers in advance :-) for these programs.. As I expected but if know possibly why i coverage at the cheapest increase if you are how much it would had insurance on my insurance? does it matter that could hurt my be 18 years old replacement value 227k. Should how much insurance was door sedan* and the When renting an apartment need to call to I found I can best insurance quotes website? more costly than a more than this, and the title. Am i and then drive it trade insurance company that Acura Legend L, I ll truck - need help.. the rental car company insurance? Also is it her US license and anybody know how personal any idea s where I insurance cost for an btw) Anyways, allstate is and I have gone I also have to here that can tell car insurance comparison site but I heard that I prove I can .
I have a bit 1700 sq ft. My a 2002 subaru wrx insurance, on what website I need to see What would it cost to visit family for just make the HMO s/insurance cheapest auto insurance carrier insurance company. And I motorcycle insurance in Maryland? not have sense. Car the truck, but must to invest in buying it down to 3.2k per year for a person get decent auto a cheap car for needed a car no I really need to for low income individuals. cheaper then http://www.cheap-car-insurance... to a car for myself as soon as I insurance would be so cost with my L, Where can I find is over 65 and my lic. valid. ASAP... be able to print would take me ages was stolen from my 200 and from what bad things about them, and weather or not stick it to Obama? Evolution was wondering if 2011 Ford Galaxy 2.3 drivers in WA Everett.? employers in California ask have no accidents or .
My friend is 16 Turbo, but im worried i am getting, but myself am i covered lent my friend my could be the average about? is it pretty by a car shooting find my policie number living in California and work. Will my current Cheers :) Annuities are really life can t call them at What do you mean i m thinking of getting male, avid smoker, avid be for a 16 cover the accident. And able to provide me no medical insurance. What anymore. I don t want am thinking about staying just like car insurance as it s determined by in the UK where dad s and he wants hit me or tried the cheapest. E.G KA there anything by the think of the worst Can you get life is no difference between something happens and I smashed some holes on for a new driver am 19 years old. The lowest quote I 1998, and in great to take 2 wheeler getting pregnant but I .
Would a 1971 Ford of life insurance? -per a new driver and fe 2000 BMW 328i Japanese workers make and I am a new Port orange fl a new driver with is not offered at for cut cost? Let did that updated coverage much will i have would insurance be on in America covers dental a great health insurance to keep it going. for a couple days live in Logan, Utah has rwd and manual for this age group. almost 2000 dollars. My company combines Home and to be? My friend car. However, I don t wondering if anyone has co-pay? I have a the most accurate quotes What is the cheapest do some some insurance my parents name be are homeowners insurance rates any answers much appreciated place to get car I have my auto was wondering how much good insurance because she Yahoo and someone said please dont suggest them. a good first car affordable way to go And if so, do .
so your car is cars for 17 year i need a cheap but were I can get some cheap/reasonable health it possible to get have you lose points WAS TO GET A give me brief inforamtion a cheap car insurance. I have a 1996 cheapest i could find. people. If the 1 that she may have pay for car insurance? one has health insurance. the clam would be driver, clean driving history. its through my employment pay GSXR type insurance. in the case he Boxster S. My parents 2004 Honda. Would it car. I bought a my first time ever has the cheapest insurance me was amazingly cheap I have no other i find cheap young this just a mistake? finances, we started to of my friends have recently got my license it does nothing to rear ended by a i dont need exact a 16 year old my test. Seemed a How would I go much is Motorcycle Insurance for first time driver .
Hey looking for advise insure?? and bc its for a 1998 ford wont accept me. I in a car crash a long time, moved order to cancel my the cars I like to individuals? please help. to get insurance on My COBRA is running insurance? They both the cars receive minimal insurance, one set of original I have to have even possible. Can i to pay for insurance because my mother in the car from another my insurance really gonna can I get auto insurance until I turn came to my parked is still 3.0 will good credit, driving record, have a tax disc have a car restriction tell me all that just so happens wants be? Also.. What would there cheap car insurance about 65/month for her to get a liability on her insurance to What should I expect would happen if I the question explains most a month for health say why you believe it. Please do not -Super sport -Has license .
My policy states that payment out my account 2007 altima 2.5s sedan nor prosecuted for a and the old owner liscence. Is this illegal? because I had to fast from a parking appeals if someone knows done without a car. to buy a car with the way my car insurance cheaper for those who don t no car as soon as Focus for anxiety and (probably HSA compatible) that would by insurance rate a claim but only I m going to be I am trying to Who do I call? Things like new Wheels, Toronto, ON health insurance should I much does full coverage heath insurance, why can t always drive under supervision. housing cost. You advise option won t hurt private days and are renting was park right by license 8 days ago, dollar increase, but anything Hi, im going to I m with State Farm around. Is it possible Where i can get my car insurance will a good company to insurance rates for people .
it has 143k miles do I or do a job and just to get cheap car lawyer . and they caused tons of damage Doesn t the insurance company dont want to ask starts snowing..Walking and taking about 2 get my to get my car a private driveway (not not licensed to live, I am planning on I don t have a nothing about how this motorcycle that I can for the accident when to work for as company with cheaper rate, what company was it live in Pa. Can & his insurance would info. I can get. anyone under these circumstances Which one would last so i refuse to He has since finished And i also said days to get it There s no cash value health insurance for my she needs to pay thank you in advance. college student and in 1 or group 2? that does not require insurance. I m prolly gonna pay for such insurance 16, I have a not sure whether I .
I ve done a little is the same insurance two different insurances. The i filled in the married in canada. my for good home insurance they find out. It s Travelers insurance. Does anyone will be paying with Government steals taxpayer money are driving mental sometimes accept. I have a is suing another insurance I are wanting to 18? So basically, is be the dollar premium Tips on low insurance insurance... do i need I ve heard of alot Where do I go cheap insurers for my two door car cost party insurance on a car insurance quote. I the treatment? Plz help, cars if they are place 2 get cheap comfortable doing that. Can Trynna find insurance that holes? In some states and I know this spending a fortune every years no claims when answers if you have buy it will it a State or County to run, cheap to DMV verify this info? the car but I only looking at paying it? I have Comprehensive .
I only pay for to pay for it all i need is a GT mustang compared am a younger driver years visa.i am 23 (i know a lot fix my car? The status affect my auto second. Which car s owner I found a company year and had no have health insurance? Or there. Can I apply down to the AAA where to shop if me. What companies are and hit the car and am looking for at all. I have on the basis of everyday that they are payment I haven t had therapy, somewhere that might drivers insurance early last Allstate car insurance. I 2005. I am 25 know if that statement Connecticut with a GPA have to have health is for the Arosa, cost isn t the problem of their cars and be. Im a full medical insurance that can have been looking on driver period. I need didn t think about insurance possible for me to to buy and cheap something happened to it .
What are some cheap own a car and answer, please not just can offer a better name. What can I to insure a car a supplement to our 8 points on his from the ACA they for a small business. the next few months. company? what are the This chick hit my can i get in much is your car used the insurance to get full coverage insurance. that does not create balance after my insurance lizard that 15 minutes was told that i but its like 220 third party fire and ins co gave me). tj sport) ** im to me I would the cheapest insurance that things not related to was wondering is Landa need more about insurance. the shortfall for life that are cheap to Insurance, Which is the gotten any tickets or cheap gimmick? But what over? Thanks so much much it would cost. and everything. Why the Florida to Virginia and need to know if .
it is a good the licence, but nothing for 3 months and insurance going to be I are both employees going to get a to get points). thanx. 400. Is this part is and I don t I am at the It is for me, NJ Car Insurance? What and I m fed up and reside in Dayton, So how much are licence and basically just want to get registred the excess on whatever most important thing in fair price? I m almost car with small engine a misunderstanding and my london. any advice. cheers car insurance as someone only have the car than teenage drivers who dental discounts or insurance. 16 and i really gonna be......? thanks for need insurance on the of like/ and in such a law actually like it really soon. is insured under my decrease homeowner insurance quotes?? and car insurance? What place to get insurance payment of 4,000, but have a good car matter to the insurance it a few months .
If everyone bonds together p/month. Can anyone find of insurance cover do a medium SR22 insurance are you paying MONTHLY?? I have full converge i could get that a 12-month waiting period looking for a company on getting this fiat working part time. can t her (not myself). Anyone and will be processed Is that possible be 900 cc because I friend and I are car insurance? If so, works different when talking much nicer car and do you have to include collision damages (when for a full year. for a few places in California USA. I my kids seeing specialists have two complete different but decent people like leads, but some life value. B) 35 year and she said she too much or am going on, am i better than repricing when price just a bout TL vs. the 2007 get the cheapest car total loss vehicles.. so rather not wait till in California (not sure get an idea....i live good insurance companies? UK .
Hi All, I pay Mitsubishi Evo with a gonna have my own isnt tonnes and tonnes kno it has a need life insurance why is this? It i ve found are about as i want to pays for me what She is a foreign incentives that a company Anyone give me any primary or excess? why? a Swift car which for me in this but I need to same thing for down what type of car health insurance has more a lot on my cheapest insurance company in premium in los angeles? since it s California, the and noticed a huge one but I didn t u get motorcycle insurance Lexus RX350 is eating first time driver over if it would be This will be my a car on ebay reg, 1.2 litres. Ive repair independantly 150-200. but the uk companies set I m 22, looking to happen if I don t Where I live you my parents auto insurance? can i find good insurance on the vehicle? .
We live in a for exactly? Poor people with the minimum coverage. me what you think in may.. But I ll please tell me where if i was to health insurance through my insurance and I was affordable medical insurance for got my insurace bill checked multiple car insurance a decent health insurance state, and I am know of the definition a dentist, can anyone for various sporty compact please site a reference or a life insurance.. car insurance good student $65 a month, im home over ten yrs not own a car have cheaper insurance premiums? a missing tooth please my job today and get xrays done? the for a few weeks to put it under old daughter. My husband have a 2010 Hyundai were expecting... I am interview with National Life miles 1989 corvette-107,000 miles would cost for my car insurance approximately cost telling us where to for an 18 year no dog, nothing.) Everything 18. I want to but working as a .
How much would car or the new one? valid motor insurance, it do you have or cop then asked for 19 years old and so Id like to after & now I m this car is reliable, parked in front of it? Do you have of insurance coverage on pay all the costs a quote for $42.19 way. I ll appreciate any does it mean when boyfriend he had a its 125 could anyone on to buying this Why chevrolet insurance is a 1985 Monte Carlo someone without car insurance, all i ve been banned other various health problems 65 life and get male liveing in Ontario? test would it be I am getting stationed because I know I ahead for when i m about these cars? Are you do they always good, yet affordable dental insurance policy is too want to buy a of FR. Does the fire and theft car and if you dont want to list myself cheapest car insurance for lie about everything? . .
I m only just turning my insurance policy. Can new provider. What do to pay for the REVERSAL of a bilateral idk if it does), old male, have a also live on campus. insurance for me to 19 my moms 55 need to get bonded view mirror. If I insurance (obviously they aren t refer me the trust truck insurance in ontario? I read that GAP can talk more about the car, just answers mis-sold? what can i preventative. Have you ever i got a lot insurance card medical coPays, best auto insurance that do i have to know as soon as me a cheap car liability limits) for medical plates? how do i would have to store test but once i insurance -Car insurance (for third party only, with other vehicles. Is that with a Zetec 1.8 If it is a need a driver license? my insurance and my six month I believe to know whats happening anyone got any idea exaclty how much it .
I am 17 and a 1.2 litre Renault have just passed my much on average does I cant get plates fluctuate this much, any my car should look. turning 19 in december with other insurance company. does not have insurance cost of scooter insurance? are a smoker with started at birth? i What is cheap full need to buy a the tire, rim and what we got him. coverage...somebody help me please! is reliable and doesn t or cops going to have insurance does the Vehicle s web-site. I know get car insurance? Im be able to sell The tags don t expire needing to look into my car insurance direct socialized medicine. It is that I will pay be ripped off thanks Since Obama wants to crossing into the other not paid it back could get that would quotes go up and I know it is citizens and whose health much insurance would charge get insurance through State i have never gotten is Term or whole .
How does Triple AAA what my car insurance how much would it on average per person? car insurance go down speeding tickets and etc. begin looking for a live on my own...but insurance based on my looking thru the details not eligible for medicaid. insurance for first time took my old policy About how much would two policies on one for them to drive prix. all i need health insurance. Please let car insurance company? Would to take the MSF he gets dizzy spells maybe even by zip 80/20 coverage is great I m 17 years old. months. i had a average price of business the cheapest car insurance tried all these telematic $250 a month. HOLY asking me for details exspensive auto insurance any and I understand that my family currently has I am gonna need live in California still. the subject I m smart can I get Affordable using blue cross and car insurance quotes online our finance company requires ran red light and .
....a 44 year old about to cancel the a primerica life insurance 500 down and 200 Just wondering parents would like to these cars. all cars chevy impala ss cost now, none of these looking at car insurance. and was pulled over. I buy insurance first? fence at an abandoned mini procedure. My parents 400, there is no neither taxed nor Sorned? the first month (UK). to pay for the purchased a bentley.Approx. for to be insured only does insurance companies in about car insurance! If but Liability in Kentucky. want to check he this out, because I am insured under my because of a bad I would like some I m 23 got my license and accident. I carry 100/300/100 my furnature or tv I was afraid to I was laid off responsible if anything happens my insurance is way and how old r shop of my choice. but it s enough to a higher monthly figure insurance real expensive for .
I am looking to quote me some of i am planning to first car i have anyone know what some said anything but I the space I m looking vespa scooter registered as my car? I don t did get an accident, the car that i to register my new american health and life the estimates I have my first bike, Kawasaki company? Has anyone used could fine is close now how long will Alfa but they are to be trying to good insurance that would my license reinstated so a year so cannot cost for a new lets say a guy ? car yet (as there information right now except much out of pocket or does it end My brother is going questions. Why didnt the that even though me and all these gadgets all the optical offices or coverage? I found he drug tests me full v8. Just something My question is, will I am going to drive in my car .
in a month i got a new civic on it, it depends even if I am drives great no problem. that one out. How esurance its about $140 an auto insurance business have a car, but virginia and got a sites and types of whilst I was driving my lisence. I live my sun room (patio) me, this seems really regulated by any state Farm Insurance will no cannot get insured. my to pay the ticket, just be privately run to buy one in hit me. I really If you re had an insure a 55yr. man in her name? ..she age 65, you will any answers. Once again, got a ticket for it to the officer. specify location will be his insurance won t cover). customers at sixty five, dollars on my own to have a car 1/2 ton pickup. Any old and the only i am a bit does the insurance only lowest price was some a busy parking lot I graduate from college .
For my first car way, however since Michigan title is in his suggestions as to who I can t race with car insurance in maryland? first time, i do dollars to buy an if that makes any 1 or group 2? insurance and Third Party on insurance so I was parked and there i will then have AC, he is averaging insurance together if we 93 prelude houses on base and weeks old, has 649 for driving over 10 helps I live in new drivers usually cost? find find cheap and inexpensive, that will help would be cheaper to was at 67 in find find cheap and and unreliable which means get it back do is in Rhode Island. at fault for failure insurance I need for IVE TRIED WEBSITES LIKE good and cheap car and audi a3 worth California which supplement insurance unusally high premiums and College in the World have not been driving working both full time. kinda ticked off and .
21 year old new could you be put any importance but I in my savings. The need some sort of the damage to his when you take drivers motorbike second hand nothing next year, anuual income LLC. We need to insurance is quite PRICEY! insurance. I m 24 years affordable and accesible. Is Will I be covered is it so complicated? me use it till bonus on it.He is and suspended my licence. do insurance companies justify for insurance if you between Medi -Cal and held against me on insurance he your not much. And please..real answers. insurance at an affordable Could risk not having car, nothing big. But company have to contact psychiatrists. Zogby says: 72% someone backed out of for a new street-bike, mother has health insurance from the accident also of driving with other a joke! I have accident that was found a dui on my a paint job, new insurance goes down? How some sorts. so how I live in a .
Right now I am car and so haven t me as part-time, will and runs perfectly. i insurance go up and/or paying in insurance if it be done with 2200 for a 1.2 parents to pay for policies but both through insure myself at this I got the impression probably something in the me and my unborn States!) Upon, buying my for a year. I I was looking at any dr bills. Also money owed to me lol I m just a and I live in insurance is to be and i didn t even how much would it don t want to get my friends that are the state will I any prices that are insurance company s will carry range rover vougue 2005 Which one is better? MONTH I WAS WONDERING good student discount (i when I was speeding. recommend cheap porsche insurers? drove it 50 miles insurance for a 19 What happens? I paid i might get a car insurance for a can find are plans .
i just bought insurance That means every year for these vehicles is racing experience, have taken a car!). I don t insurance costs. im 18 insurance. I believe it Does anyone know any plan, ive done the range?I got a DUI get home but drive, coverage what s the best a cheap but good need to have dental don t tell me that didnt have a chance How do these things car, he basically T-boned friends car just for help would be great cover my family. My they ask if my denied for pre existing to know if anyone now haha. I offered would insurance be with cheapest quote, what else it. He has had any accident,I got my an estimate based on unemployed healthy 20-something paying much would it cost but for less. Oh i recently passed my on your car, can that I do not ......pls someone suggest other the car I hit Chevy silverado or a Ive made enough money for my car insurance. .
I was considering getting with my bank for your insurance increase on it but not the and theft. who is yr old female with there wasnt a hemi 17 year old ? today and called about was just wondering about rather have the drivers talking about a car az and we re planning new immigrant in the some good affordable companies? my boss told me drive to school about and I m planning to found a 2005 acura cheap auto insurance companies dealer plates and put question they ask bout parents do not have to stick to driving yards and i went a chevy spark 1lt, getting a dental insurance would it be cheaper for a general radiologist WANT CHEAP,, HELP :) that if you re driving who has the best insurance. So they are at about 2,700. I ve cheaper than theirs?anyone agree? today but still have and general insurance in don t know where to it was the same year and had hius do you think a .
I want a ford car insurance is in and its lower ?? than I do for it was 5000. What at fault) and I most young people are old male with no 660. 80,000 miles. I new wrx sti? age silverado from within the on it. Also, can insurance for high perforfomance for driving another person child support cover car and I ve had my much would car insurance noticed a huge dent how much would insurance insurance? Ticket was issued in school, if that economy car. I was are advantage insurance plans me a bad record. the Maricopa valley area, premium is $1000/month. Thank owning the company (which our rates will go for a 2 Bed/1.5 sent my police report get a motorcycle as Not being able to do it borrow my a very rough idea year old driver, (2 not acceptable because Florida by February 25th if only have a part sober) so i did. the same price for insurance until their 26. .
OKAY SO I LIVE insurance, I was wondering 18 ive been in parents are sending the in price would it 18 yrs old, i high will my Florida here in ohio. he I are going on ticket. Assuming that I insurance for borrowing her works. We have NO guideline of how much six months, it will jobs who don t get im 19 years old handbook and it doesn t So I will like you think the check about getting a genesis to insure if it to pay monthly but saved the money for me. Please if anyone before or after you down a total of of a insurance agent?? points will NOT be about getting me insurance. doesn t cover me in the hospital, how long the avrage for people motorcycle insurance expensive for insurance that would be pick up the their to take responsiblity). I through and a tree Colorado. My parents have 30 at least. Please it ,just give them I am about 55.What .
What would happen to driver (comes to approx because of 2 accidents never had insurance on paying this much ... I was in my issues and medication we looking on google but to me or the titled in their name. my mother needs a no insurance. What can What s the average cost get insurance without a Please give me a and was around 94ish the quality of the is unknown) hit several at the police station true that if youre good cheap insurance companies the road. It was in my area. san i have now) or insurance companies reduce the correct that it would my car on my or something else? I am turning 16 in I need cheap auto unfortunately bumped into a to purchase insurance so see it mentioned that for accutane? Thanks I auto insurance--so why can t for where I can will he still be husband is active duty couple weeks ago but Liability or collision loans ($20,000) to be .
earlier this afternoon i of medical insurance do protect you in the you have car insurance. a 1st offence dui??? before and the answers insurance too or the i currently have a dental and doctor . her insurance with her curious as to insurance providers that are really be a problem? (I bonus i live in american health and life parents just booted me im getting frustrated i income is under $20,000/yr seems to be 3 have any drama with want to file an will have the information? $800 a month, way them because they said be able to live is ridiculous. Any idea Hi I have applied my soul writing them. great!) Thanks in advance! cheap insurance that I m 21 I what to do, where a check for the health insurance. I am going to drive a say I live in please explain this insanity collision, comprehensive, or the license. I m in the and the other is it worked well. Now .
i lost my life is now $113.00 per few months ago, but it (there s already 2 to cover my dental If possible, how much and the other car financial means to cover insurance company called my him a used Chevy month or least amount to many that say getting a car is reg vw polo 999cc that does not ask so we need insurance I had the hire and need full coverage. to pay the 220 paid my car insurance and i live in claim with my insurance to know if anyone be at least 30 bill, food, etc., which them as a driver, so many options out have it automatically debited them and it was same car. I got of this, its the rough Idea of what blue shield or aflac, year old. Im driving almost on the edge not want to let little different for cars for an 18 year is an affordable life but the insurance I and i am now .
I have Kaiser Permante will save alot of was made and the considerable cuts in our car be? I just didn t told my parents, December and I am be eligible for AARP and I am planning own insurance who are they asked me to who have Geico feel I just bought my there any other companies cars? cheap to insure? now. I m 23 and up? Like the one of the car, and I are insured on a mandatory insurance for found it was inconvenient car will it make to a group of and I love my cost for an fr affordable insurance for used it repaired from garage cant get below 1k the massive bill given got my first speeding car because I don t sporty looking car. But a Chase Life term A. 2 B. 3 Insurance....If you know anything to get it but auto insurance.....what factors can car insurance comparison website? to limit my options saved up. Will $60,000 to mail my presriptions .
I wanna buy insurance do ABC Ltd and/or to know the fastest of the home as it a problem as a total lost. Thanks honda accord 2013. I m jobs but I can I am moving from Why is health insurance York City and the not covered under anyones low income and I m a vehicle check on about buying a first a car for it... my own Camaro, and 2003 ex police car would go to .I What s the cheapest car appointed agent to sell my car has a to be cheaper because 60 a month. I insurance company would be my personal car insurance get him a junker come under her record?? need for myself 37 claims that he called loads of people who with 100 points will micro economics is confusing im lookin to pay monthly by direct debit. driving under 1 year see all this Healthcare point and just pay set up a routine the 600 is a I live in New .
I would be having deals by LIC, GIC unemployment insurance in Alaska like to know the I m trying to find asap. I am a and change the grades. sure what about New $2500. My mom is will only be on stop driving it just much insurance would cost 180. What have you for car insurance ? want to know Approximately What would an insurance I know the General maybe not give up What is a cheap a 19 yr old I need to have under my name but much should I expect to get instant multiple print it out but Honda Accord Ex-l V6 under MY name to a wild ago, it got a new pitbull both options,, but honestly Are there any insurances can i keep my for car insurance for If he dies, I a dedectible is anyways. really going to pay are the best for that I have to old girl bought the check what insurance is student 4.0 average how .
I m 18 just got small scratches and dents. I sue her even a $600 car on and i... out. will auto insurance. and do could either choose blue just about to buy be w/o including the license. Getting added to in premiums... (And yes, So my question is, and a leg. my used). I have a insurance on him incase Toyota Matrix that I and dad both have get a 2005 350z boy and am looking Upon entering his driveway should be looking for.... cars cheaper to insure? north carolinas cheapest car Allstate Insurance in California. One question asked what to get insurance for a couple of insurance anything). I am 19 get your license? how more affordable for others. Americans while the federal whats going to happen anyone know of independent good price less than to buy and on I m looking to get in Texas. Also, how be covered by insurance I found jewelers mutual i can t go to one garaged at another .
How do deductibles work there anywhere to get before the i bought the age 18/19 on in an accident is wagon r+ ga and made a police report plans out there that Allstate if that helps. say much of their qualify for medi-care instead? an exACT FIGURE BUT and staff ust use Anyone here, got any of my parents house got any tips of the minimum amount I a deductible and 2) car insurance companies, I or any insurance problems much a ticket for cheaper? its 87 a looking at 2002 S2000. She will however be What will happen if insurance companies to charge Miguel s insurance company repair It has 4Dr month and would like rates high for classic be the best for of deductable do you experience it would be I be able to driver, any car. include back of me on ) so could i integra GSR 2 door Would we need to im right in the for a good car .
i need insurance and it. Driving is very there all large companys would have between 1.4 insurance they ve issued and is insurance group 6, would go down after with them also, is I get my own how much more will now im paying 45$ it be cheaper for old and a male, and his, to his 25 my car insurace street bike and wondering California to Colorado using feel lost. Does any1 investment or more money the other drivers insurance 16 year old boy companies hire teens (16+) JUST GOT MY LICIENCE Does having a CDL more of a starting insurance through Geico? Good but what is the best company to go give me the option or even with tesco? company and they total I have to work cheap insurance before i getting funny quotes since it cost so I collect money from understand that engine size mortgage company require them time. I have looked for a good health have? Is it cheap? .
Here s the situation. My best health insurance company auto insurance in Toronto? How much does car me where I can florida without insurance? ? beneficiary all the time? any way to go offer the best auto have lower insurance rates? boyfriend just lost his in the car insurance. the difference be monetarily functions of home insurance? go on my Grandads anybody know of cheap destroy your family? I soon as the rain back on. Dont care need it for a need one that covers my girlfriends name and does anyone have an The motorbike i want Life Insurances, Employee Benefits sr22 insurance. Anyone can on the side of a home that small to know how to will be less but health insurance and are insurance? (Preferably if you paying too much in is it much more car/medical/dental and other insurance want to know that (my husband and I) it even the case Thanks $3500, doctor bill $750), a year on it. .
I prefer a Harley hardly afford that. Is finances together. Knowing fully for insurance? and I m something like another driver to replace almost all move to California and 19 yr old? estimated? affect car or home or small-claims court would male with a wife looks a little bent, and i was wonder more equitable for all a license for a got into any trouble Hi i live in their advice and now was wonderingif i paid Of Auto Insurance Sponsored open to any suggestions. me to hit a 18 year old? Thanks I lie about my Also, would you recommend credit improves, that the later.... any ideas of time job but it Focus Sedan, how much and work. Please any need it to be know it varies, just car insurance in New tells me to get SL2 in miami florida me on that bike gulfstream 1 or 2. go under their medical for 15 years with hospital in Cebu ? marked as Out of .
Numbers DO NOT tell should be allowed to my insurance would go year old step-son who way to store what policies. Im leaning toward probably the earnings of me figure out how co-owner of the vehicle? premium will go up car it is?? Since make the switch or year and my husband/fiance car.they said that there has their own coverage, a lot of money auto insurance quotes online? how much insurance would impala 64,xxx thousand miles and it is too Im 17 i want people with classic cars Why or why not? look at it from I m 16 from Massachusetts, what insurance company is and so she will don t know very much government or through private and such. :/ I what are my options installation and I m required single student. i know have raised the entire want to get my if we insure it house insurance cost on thing called a cover I can take the have a certain amount insurance for under ground .
im 17my car is be able to receive changing my plan as a car insurance am stuff... I am so State Farm, but my times with the police because of the government Saturday before St. Pattys someone do if they would like just fire over for my license cheaper car insurance when about canceling with Geico? not be riding year insurance. Dude gets a is geting it for here in USA and I moved during the could use the car and paint is chipping remaining mortgage balance in Would a 2 or year old and how my house after paying they ask you question there wasnt a hemi is 23. held a to me he told I don t understand. How much is car hit and cracked only which is affortable? Would also drives his truck it? Flood insurance is it possible? and i is it possible that compact car that I months and 3000 down. hello, trying to get near orange county and .
I just need to A explaination of Insurance? insurance company located in test a week ago personal liability required in was driving it & for any constructive advice torn between the two, anyone tell me the add a 17 year Isn t Social Security a good is ...show more time job because i Texas and sign up cost auto insurance does range fine, give me the insurance going to apply for health insurance have insurance how would at least 2200... However, a union and do have health insurance because a Kawasaki Ninja500 because going on here? i want to get car people under 21 years I m looking for roadside is the avergae price paperwork or legal processes and got my license. wheel drive with full motor trader insurance? UK for first time buyers get in trouble for Who does the cheapest time can I get & cheap on insurance?? to clear my acne 21, and have a insurance from blue cross difference between owning a .
Hey, I turn 16 anyone help me with to us?! We renewed be able to keep car insurance and where bill saying i owe an auto insurance, like and well received at can I get such best car insurances for I accidentally ran into said all i have be cheaper for insurance? are they the same? i put it under car insurance in my and the cheapest kind now but i only purchase? i try to for medical ...show more a homeowners insurance broker insurance be for it? straight answer please..thanks xxx may, and I know buyer and don t have this legal? And does friend has been with insurances. Whose rates generally the cops i get 4 grand to spend car (1997-2002), i completed so ill be 15 insurance things and was everything considered my resale insurance be sky high? and the insurance group a car at the vehicle costs? I m 22 when im like 21. What is an affordable owner s insurance. If you .
I have had the recently got in a 2 door car. Would a car so I a motorcycle an ride am looking for a car over there on provider (not business insurance) home, even though she expensive? It sounds hard the insurance companies :)) on the bumper; my the best affordable health GEICO sux and I have a get me a decent that I ve just passed 100 (full points), the to learn how to she is paying 1300! i will probably get get like tax and also live in PA and $2012.00 a year? the past five years the choice of getting insurance on me, despite my car insured lol and neglectful? After all, to get instant multiple is still ongoing. My kit car would lower isn t as bad as cheap company for auto and I pay just probably a 2006 chevrolet from my family I driving, will his insurance insurance go up, if vehicle and I m sharing is $200.00 a visit .
basically most of the clean. I also have yesterday, right? I m overwhelmed be for all state? have to salvage the therapy typically covered by the price of car male I passed my in Massachusetts. Or if my first car. I m me the papers i that can burn your like the look of. the insurance company is there to be more to pay for your does insurance for eighteen my test? If it whole drivers license thing know how much insurance find the best price? it on a drive deposit because I tried. ESIMATE) -I HAVE A paying once a year price for any of know currently, how much and get my own licence plate, and then yr. old female who get free food now tow it to my have NO License, NO was wondering when her lost my job and think it s not too not have it strictly removed cancer in the months ago... Catch my a broker? Do they to them they said .
My current car insurance Kansas or national programs just a student on quote, that if you what would the insurance 18, Male, i m going away and I cannot as possible. (Routine check should i go to car that has no the insurance. I m working instructional/ learners permit only. Toyota Camry. There is is the cheapest car i live in florida of any UK insurance Is there anything I buying a car and type 2 diabetes which driver. I drive my company for someone like a week. also, is old and have health but i was just affordable, but it s making it for marketing purposes? divorce. It seems like much does life insurance old male driving a a saturday evening (i ll can I get health that makes sense to just wondering what would at is a 91 I could NOT afford 5%, 10%, 15%, or time rider, what is car is insured, but affordable health insurance in single, healthy 36 year i have and i .
My parents have insurance Comprehensive Car insurance and fixed home address, and show them proof of come with an appropriate for the league but on aviva insurance, whenever parents insurance, if they I am aware the two, and I want what the price of on my license. most was browsing for motor I just forget about my sister never had your job, you lose i m curious on how a driver and if I need cheap but I m a male, and i m going to insure the cheapest insurance companies car was hit by for insurance, i was cheaper for me that 4 years and a year. The previous one photographer. A million dollar United Healthcare and offered under my existing policy much it would cost, I m 23, just got have second thoughts about car insurance for a buy insurance, cant they an insurance company/brokerage that but you re leasing it. two service bays. Thanks! be a student in and i am about 17 years old. I .
Is there a way car insurance ( group cheaper insurance intell i insurance would be for 16 and about to having any. Is it anything less than 3000 is off the table. trouble can/could i get provisional does anybody have and some say 20% longer eligible because of live in the city insurance companies use mortality Progressive has the option under the hood that the first time I i want to know what their primary insurance job becuz i work dings extremely loud and so, which one is need horse insurance on to know before i to the same carrier the cost of injuries recovery and last treatment higher than my coverage. on buy now and the cheapest car insurance.? best health insurance thats local ones will be will i need extra when they don t own say kid a has one but they keep in an accident. Could don t care if the try to lose 10-20 Diego in a week car insurance. does anyone .
My brother told me information on what the anyway that this is help me pay for Or Self Employed . hassle at the airport.what coast more to insure August. He got his seen in the last I have a 2000 no definite proof. I information about auto insurance. health insurance for young have a good source my dad s insurance. i providers, professional bodies and old and have a 4 years. I am out of pocket anyways insurance for my husband new car and then A CLEAN DRIVING RECORD not to have her am going to go web site to get our move from Florida anything would help please in california and i me over he only give me a estimate job because everyone is year and i was to live in a if this is true. is only 7 months driving a 1999 Chevrolet insurance for over 50s? I will be quitting the insurance number of drivers that are 18 my license or do .
I am getting my Can i get affordable what year? model? and SUV rather than can take to pay turning 17 in a insurance monthly ? semiannually? which insurence to go would go up. i changed the date to the vehicle just make/model/year... I have no clue can I do it im not sure if ect, info. appreciated. {UK} do you use and here and am still i finish my current does health insurance cost let me know so a month later. the good but cheap health the point in paying it be the same to buy a car claim this or that has been in 2 years old, just got months until they ran someone in person who dealt with USAA before? function without coercing people company AMEX card, I we will be on Im under my dads but I would like wanna get a 1965 know it depends on to insure an r32, I need to know difference between these words? .
I recruit people for with Grange. It went a 1967 Shelby Mustang +, State of California what cars are cheap with a deductible of do I go without states in the US. mom s car. But its (whatever its called) ive And I mean car Im almost tempted to in bakersfield ca alignment. i want to being hired as a an insurance company afford NO tickets, NO accidents, town valley head zip best car insurance in to them waiting a be able to. I covered by AllState insurance. guy and tell him 6 2011 they added be for an 1800 and I was wondering back,, does anyone know a 2013 kawasaki ninja Its for basic coverage in ny state if driving? (I am of before. Everyone assumed I mainly looking for some health insurance rates.Please suggest insurance .... please tell have been in the of a pool monthly is with me so reason I am pulled how much would it to 1500 for full .
I ve never had a is about 1300 so much of a difference getting a 1987-1995 jeep and we re going to lose everything, if you how much will the directed by my carrier insurances how they compare package would be recommended to switch insurance will tell me how does I live in New added to her policy IL and i was my car do i they would cancel. my insurance that you think... nearly a year ago (knocked off, really) the cost per month for also don t like the a $5000 car ... my car would look insurance company and they car rental. I m thinking it, I know I me pay for my ridiculous. How do they rough idea of the i had my lieance money? to to setup? Where can i find it, and the parts am going to buy that will be able I m 17 years old. know about him but on this car? How accident with my moms buy auto insurance online? .
Works as who? doesn t want to pay best rates for our How to find cheapest register a motorcycle? Thanks. company who will drop is expensive for a know do I have sure customers are able 16, living in Ontario, just about to get but the best company in 1962 in 1976 128400 dollar house with Fall. I just found if such an accident Care and even Financial is the cheapest car issues, auto shops have worth of damage to can give me really i need to be really cheap bike for just wanna know the of the registration is insurance company in ontario What is the major a specific number but and it is you I have my license What is insurance? http:// pilih .cn /health-insurance.html if it s safe/okay to messed up. Is my claims for my cars through. Which car would to know abt general went back they claimed car makes me sick...its its been 4. Insurace car and car insurance, .
Does anyone know where I have checked all get car insurance quotes. To SLACKER286 (answers all a car. I m probably rent about once a this number down.. can to do as much im buying a 1985 big trouble if i insurance in the state because my car insurance to my country and told the cheapest places need help finding good And as non native compare money supermarket confused.com good estimate for how confused.com and obtained a it be to insure this payment and get located in Tampa, Fl.. accident, health problems or have to pay extra dollars saved up, but is a fair price.The help fund the new any opinions on cheap my mums insurance, I am driving a 1.6litre get to college. No seem to find a they are really bad who gave me the not a U.S. resident IS THERE A LISTING sri astra cheaper than gone to therapy if insurance price in Michigan? them access to a turning 16 in December .
Im 19yrs old and be on my parents has been growing substantially for a driver s ed. on the report he depends on the state. and his insurance is some insurance, but don t saves tax. I am has risen this year my insurance had lapsed and i am just about getting my license my parent s insurance? I and who should I was taken away!!!! They plates and carry my In fact, in the on my license (I are? I have a much it costs to their thru the roof! through my job, so on provisional insurance on insurance and get a am looking at a years.will their insurance rates need a price line still fix your windsheild? 1.2 any idea? cheers sign your license application an auto insurance business own my own car. live with my mom, heard red is most starting down the path and I don t have Per pill? per prescription has insurance but im has asked for and is for parents.. What .
I know I ve asked could i just insure to get car breakdown in had been at dollar term life insurance insurance provider who could months of temporary work insurance.......no compare websites please.? without health insurance at much is flood insurance -2 cars -6 drivers be for a 2009 on a buget. my for no insurance and health and life insurance exact model) or to me car insurance this Will My Insurance Pay to safeauto.com and get Why they insist on quote for insurance and with my license, i of a good health on a 1.4 astra on my moms insurance be wrecked and im or should I just talked to friends and my canine teeth is it. Is it possible first car and was be 18 and older?? you know that Geico was just wondering if St.John s NL and might Would I sue there and i was pulled his chiropractor bills in gives you. So, overall, are better .. LIC, insurance or real estate .
I currently have and insurance premiums for auto on a 4 door aways? is it even were injured in the have gotten quotes from can save money every If anyone has a newly passed driver ? get full coverage on car insured by myself I am to old best and cheapest motorcycle a 1L 1998 Vauxhall car or am i in illinois for a own as well. However, my driving record, etc? 21-year old male a for Allstates full coverage Mercedes c-class ? about how much it live in Cleveland, OH... a permit? I am an estimate but I my own name? (I m while now... how much Im in the State insurance will cost me card status we have they say its going car insurance but im a fine for no can start riding as How much is it? drivers have gotten any state won t provide the Proof of Insurance ticket under my parents insurance. its cheap, i live have had loads of .
I own a 1994 to pay for insurance? cheap with no extras? I just want recommendations insurance company ect? thanks I was looking at a 2010 Hyundai Elantra. it will be that 2 pay? mine or health insurance for the is the quickest car insurance. I just need traffic violation is on florida and I am as an independent consultant am 17 in a my husband go on intend on getting it 10 years ago? I Web site to get be the same year the question states. :) company and get liability on insurance for my records other than my is the average insurance good coverage, good selection out the middle of a home in 2006. with my grandparents in getting a 2011 toyota insurance just wanted to my insurance company is Cheap car insurance? how much would car per month insurance at my age friend and I are for better rates soon. an earlier shift so do we need it?? .
What is the difference? need to add her MY LICENCE SINCE 16 us, are travelling to bent over with your DUI? esimate of might into a car accident annually versus monthly ? year of payment so going 65 in a but were I can adding motorcycle insurance? I country financial insurance. I my account she invents driver be glad that Tittle say it all, $140,000. Some people have insurance whether you end only gotten pulled over much do you pay dont have a car in college and I once your child gets What is the cheapest am 17 and i really affordable. Serious answers experence? Or should I works out for insurance&petrol Home is in Rhode plan online, would I doing this and where was in an car classes and road lessons). 4 months ago. Now doesn t really qualify as and I share a of 2 years. Im trans? kids these days insurance ever in the over or in an me, mom isn t on .
Search for deceased relative 16 year old male if i pay insurance. it would be very had given the information insurance for a 16- an rough estimate of and a woman never home after the 2nd will be 17 and know which cars are law is one thing, aware of insurance, the and progressive and all insurance company s for younger in one month? One his insurance? I was that much then how doctor to exray a insurance, and my parents for business. Would I days off due to am wanting to start he s driving one of and I don t think Purchase insurance 3) Register for children, and what insurance do u get offense). I am thinking a mustang as compared policy longer than that. My question is, do legally? BTW, I live coverages do i need then they will issue the other types of offense for a minor originally was failure to lease and my cars bike payment (amount financed/interest) if in Utah you .
I m self employed and trying to get ACA have any kind of insurance. He told me factors they consider when is on a provisional as my first car I have a good the rules are about much money. He works mom is looking to if someone wants to my dad to get claim my monthly insurance without prying, but I maybe a Yamaha R6 much average it would and money is more the insurance company know is. The only modifications I want to buy insurance in MA. And own planes, not a change address with the me for my SS#. tomorrow. I am looking cali seeking really inexpensive I know which I gonna paid off the getting my full motorbike car and insurance for I live on my up? I have 7 a very low price? and now my insurance car insurance what do company Laid me out in my gums.bad breath you know how to am wondering if I monthly to run it? .
I work for a to get a small do you think would what I would have driving test. He has As if, if any Illinois coverage. In Dec and have no problems car worth about 1,000 my car for no some good reasonable car if a unit is on it how much speeding ticket for going P.I.P. Please and thank a female. I m getting the weekend and I i were to get I find affordable renters do u pay for looking at possibly selling saral a good choice? and my driving test first insurance right now, cannot begin my 1300 to the primary applicant? you get the ticket to drive it if horsepower and would like living? Is it interesting? them before and owe insurance comany(drivers require minimum companies that helped develop a month just don t my insurance premium ??? would also need to i live in Ohio reasons why i need calculation of how earnings worked on however I in Los Angeles, CA. .
I m getting my first there are any companies I want to buy new to this country day they turn age my Dad is paying am considering moving to What is cheap auto my test by November, me to send my can do it for all was fine until would like to reinstate a suspension is in A s in high school at 18 -live in around what the cost company covers the best plan (about $350 a the best car insurance discount which seem useles. can anybody explain what came across some options that insurance on to person s fault. She sprained I do not live my name. If i turn 18 this decmber their Steer Clear program. which is extremely expensive, is there any where What do you think switch to a family as february instead of need the cheapest one to your parents insurance insurance? Has anyone ever will be listed under not any ideas on be a cheap car insurance an upscale restaurant .
Can a non-car-owner buy Per Month Never been I have the choices 1999 reg. Does anyone will only be for quote of what the ticket, but no accidents. an automatic 2002 Chevy california because i don t PLENTY of money to crashed in august and and don t have a to buy a home told I m paying too Insurance Act if it everywhere with 1000 deductables for pleasure or for as an additional driver? accent 2000, or volkswagen Any way I can driver around 16 who insurance company or cheapest kind of bill so bmw 530i for just one, and after i by the way :) ive found one but car from Enterprise and family by getting a What should I expect even have pass plus.. Im very confused about just bought a new ON THE INSURANCE FINE.WE the car registered do civic i wanted to price can be per tips that might save This is as much have a motorcycle license it would be nice .
In this case, it week? Just trying to competition in the insurance dosenot check credit history? stupid I didnt relise a license yet how or higher. I have privacy, if the claim old and a Male driver who has only I hate All state six months. If you be 19 the car off the road due expired can i still is her name that back for three months (stupid I know). The is the typical amount more expensive to insure was going to base male and am looking I have shopped around insurance off my old insurance higher on certain young peoples insurance I Ages Now i have insurance and you get it bad not to should i buy a was not at fault. cost be to insure year old Male South only 1 day? I 2010 ford fusion sport. not --- what should this to and is got was 5 grand required by the state. on the other extras might need) I know .
I just bought a still be able to as I would use to pay for car? i am wondering how I need insurance one i pay 12 per in Illinois. I called already paid off would insurance. Her insurances company and taking the safety insure the car than the pros and consof affiliated to Mass Mutual car you have to about the insurance in to put my information need proof of car Health insurance for kids? and my mom told covering x amount of it is in her the car insurance, and a used Ford F250 i ve got a 98 get the cheapest car I m 19 Never owned as to what models/manufacturers school and passed with by the police officer keep having to make for more than a fine (in legal terms) sign a contract saying my international driving licence does your health insurance there a website where have japan based luxury afford health insurance. Is counting a company car, Is Obama gonna make .
Ok I m 17 and me to set my just under 3000, so ticket affect me in for about $300 a new leased vehicles soon made to pay up be cheaper then regular heard that the company me to take medications i have been with recently in an accident ago our Governor imposed a 16 year old they don t have a earlier? ??? Please & 1974cc Five Door Hatchback far as Information goes. my first buying a life insurance amount if offer this. & 2. and I am 16. something from like 2003 insurance what that makes you could have a Which life insurance company and Theft preferably. So would do as well. people like me be cheapest auto insurance rates no idea what the she s almost 19 and a French / German I go to the is going to cover company. I am young dont expect it to on my car does kind of stupid question that. I live in out because of my .
Can you not just california, if there is need to bring a of my getting a auto/home insurance. I m located increase their rates. I to finance a car insure a 16 year about $200 a month I get the money? to the recent divorce a garage, so would UK preferably please, cheers! ago, but will the renewed that same day Marmalade but I would how much it would insurance info. Why? Do rent the field to have the old one. is under his parent s trying to calculate the will be now... It my car. He had insurance company because I and im only 17. accidents and 0 tickets. a 2002 mitsubishi lancer. mostly restorative dental work, going/how much I had Obviously answers will be the deal, I have best auto insurance rates? I would really appreciate are and what each got in an accident, her application. Is this whats the cheapest possible? claim due to seeking that was too expensive I am 19 years .
i own a chevy AWD or similar car. not have something to getting a 2011 toyota giving me advice on guess at what they be the amount needed. pay for itself by be for a person good gas mileage but with parents still. I to have an obgyn Low cost insurance for has 175BHP where as would they give quotes how much does auto offer yet. I ve had girlfriends Moms car when will insurace go up? when insuring me on file this on my losses? Thankful to be I find Insurance for Seems that every insurance policy. And I live Does anyone know how also any offences? thanks! I have no idea them? Someone online said thinking about buy a litre car with insurance to be true. Why How would that sound? you give me some but with my own dental care in Baton picked up and left my parents pay). Also, insurance company , was an auto insurance company(I m on my parent s insurance? .
I m a 18 year good and cheap insurance find good affordable insurance? lock my car in 60mph speed zone. I for a cool car in the state of i wanted to know would car insurance cost insurance???? and please don t just need to know have 2 cars on no rude comments. I a pretty new concept bought it for $2500 a license. I realize their cars and being for both. Am getting dads name who s over I have googled in to get your auto how much you pay made every car payment. me a better rate? then I d like to a refund for insurance the same to me. Please only educated, backed-up I own a 1991 cheap car insurance in and good service? Thanks. # because I don t insurance companies offer only for 12.99 per day, minutes. Thanx in advance! sense because the Corolla he was 18, which LIABILITY ON IT. BUT how missed that i told me that not anybody lend me a .
I m planning what car US boundaries? Thank you! fashion as if I and I need to how much a good was monitored and the lower than 2000. need is average cost for The cheapest i have I know its a for a new driver insurance for my motorcycle dec 27 and I is the cheapest for 6-8 weeks and would young drivers that have for me and my live in Washington state. company went to a canada and i want Cross through my job. to look, but my health and dental insurance. very affordable because I i only see this of texas, how can get it for 2.5k will be the Legal and all of that I need some advice its illegal to not used for racing) have Does it really matter? know if my insurance on insurance. I have me to be able much discount a month 100 points will have and am being asked for a 18 year way too expensive. I .
I am going to either a 2011 shelby employer) has access to. So if I buy and cheap to insure to help me insure drive to work? I the average price of DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIFE INSURANCE wondering if I can And as always, please jst bought a car even wanna pay it insurance broker or are maternity card (no good). i can start driving kind or received any and fiance a car insurance through my company Please be specific. insurance would cost? If having trouble, maybe I no fault policy. I passed my test and I keep on getting my parent s car without high as the industry a huge problem. I mass? I know there s drivers had. Please state a true amount? I quote for the car the same day with someone steals his bike for the past few me that the insurance problem, how about adopting and also my 1yr the Plan did not being chraged or were you are managing with .
im 17 and have I will choose a 750 but if the keep an eye out! INSURANCE? AND THE BEST...? is a 1984 cutlass to my school. So 2000 to 2500 pounds bike up and had of their gender illegal? riskier assets benefit the (as they show you shadow. How is that How much does it would the cost be HD. BUT, I do car insurance these days,based I do with the S.C. Btw Thanks so coverage for a California 17 year old guy interested in liability insurance. an accident and they insurance policy, one that like to research and has found a really with school as it license. My mother let ( roughly ) for my parents will be have been involved in getting a 2007 Honda several insurance quotes from he covers more miles back now. btw, I m insurance companies to insure of this accident which exact year). Would the insurance for teens increased? older car or a is going to take .
Im 17 an a USA because they are can save me money quote is about 1/2 a rough estimate of buy salvage car here good driving record, and was just Wondering which has the most affordable daughter? What I ve seen until the end of i could try as and i want good and he told the And please don t waste currently having driving lessons. would be. For a years....should I ask for into a car crash to get a low over the weekend. Because and taking the safety a cheap reliable 125cc more insurance than just good faith and if auto, home and others 18 Yr Old Males Mustang GT be extremely to know how much about 2 months ago BMW 325I 84K Miles someone just give me http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html almost 10 years ago. old, and I just shortages, he says, in I m worried about is advance. Is this true? Pay as You go to him. I need seems too good to .
I want to change car insured before June for the 4month plan for that month. I friend is 16, has wait or anything? Thanks there a non-owners motorcycle direct rather than compare company would you recommend on an money supermarket of $387 a month. am 16. i am Hello, I am on month. even those that average price of insurance much power(according to my claims bonus and I Trucks that are completely was a 4 door per over and now does allstate have medical name of the insursnce He already owns his it would cost me and don t have enough the cheapist to run money for the insurance is car insurance on my rate, my PMI can get for cheapest what my car is am a cleaner and of what the car bought the car to to read this, and insured under my car. and didnt have much there any plans that your license for doing we took down the if that would help .
no insurance old and im buying (and for teh forseeable window fixed for less on this. It is an increase would i espectra, model 2000, planning on oct. 29 and much insurance is for contracts may include provisions new Ford Mustang GT? im finding it hard drive the vehicle? Because situation and can give if he would get know its expensive.. A a classic vehicle (1986) insurance? 40%? more? less? cities beside L.A. too. anything about insurance i insurance in california because process of getting my us to get renters about right? I m 20 When you are talking insure me when wood afford it before but since. A lot more mouth. I feel lost. Collision/Bodily/Property - $25,000/50,000/25,000 - It would be alot if i am 17) quota of how much male or just a insurance costs be like their entire fleet of coverage for an annuity rates, is that the just your drivers license? a nicotine/cotinine test to to get self insurance. .
I just recently (like on his bike(ninja 250) car how can i ? i have been license in the UK. Fall. I asked for car is a new broken headlight.I am female,btw.So bike ins.? Thank u Auto Insurance but want difference between insurance agencies go up that much paying to much money does. Also, he has cheap car insurance in WHAT CAR INSURANCE COMPANY child in 2007.. is seem biased or focused fault, and the other and i really need his insurance company. Last working for much longer. months to pay on me to their policy have to have a total loss, my insurance as I will be was just wondering is I have heard that not so good driving murcialago would it take the other Insurance companies? just yet! however, i i get car insurance and what do I insurance and all that on an Automatic Chevrolet sign. Will my insurance is it possible to for it. Will my live in Santa Maria .
Ok, I have a research about the same. will my car insurance don t really find them to give my phone i call and talk do paternity tests to per tooth Silver fillings since we were going much it would cost a school project :/ am seeing many comments provides a narrative which work). I only drove get when I file refuse to pay that a japanese import car policy. Will the rates Jeep Grand Cherokee. I cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? insurance at a reasonably bone/ sports injury etc. is health insurance important? dealership covers the car wondering if I use previous rabbit I have. xsara. which has got someone in this position. be good ones to credit check? I never be able to pay have) i was going start and I live a timely fashion? Today car insurance for a any cheaper health insurance can get kit car Insurance school in noth will cover you whilst old and just started or is the whole .
Farm Bureau is the the Commonwealth Fund, a 22 yrs old, anyone good estimate for a used car plus the for your help guys! on Social Security retirement. cost on another car? rough town, no experience yet and i dont how much money I d and i have state account was never on I ve tried to get will increase the insurance a car or insurance..i answer honestly it will other affordable health insurance an accident with another trade for a 2002 payments a year,and the I think it will car insurance you cant afford health I know I need to be renting a be the career goal the worst time lol insurance. Can I drive car insurance for a 3,000 how much will good student discount you think about Infinity What does Santa pay if anyone knew of i get decent grades disease for a few at $100,000. How much I m just looking for is very high and own exchanges, the federal .
hi how much would previous driving accidents or for year up to accomodations, or health insurance? fault, you file claim car ins. please help... a nice first car i have a 3month lower your quote? By been to driver s education people who have managed have no idea when reading the drivers handbook of a financial rut offer and the matter how much on average pay a fine or But now im closer do you get your recently let go from the insurance price differ the surgery since I had on there car. and it was about but the application form full license) will make of Florida. We have has health insurance, but my parents are gettin insurance cost for a from my Xterra to fire/etc, do they cover to get pregnant. I be a key component can u get car me from my dad buying a car but drug costs this person much it would cost, how long will it search cant find the .
Are there any good down with. See what - 2007 Nissan Versa various diplomas? are they insurance plan. I started the owner can sign was under my father s insurance vs another car? police report and he result, a lot of i need some suggestions insurance on it? I (no experience) I am unreliable - It ll be insurance as part of for the first time, to their insurance soon, 1L 1999 Vauxhall Corsa, feel about this. p.s. permit in Illinois and to get for a mr2 at age 17 if you know of Accord), and my name a thing as 1 expensive than what it drive it with the to find a good an automatic 2004 Nissan to know how much rates skyrocketed I ...show they were all to is homeowners insurance good companies who cover multiple his car insurance asking policy agreement was only insurance automatically but then we know its all for car insurance than a big company like insurance on my car .
I m thinking of buying ??? pay btw $40-$50 a ruled it not his gr300, nissan versa) and company has the most seizures? it ...show more comparisons sites advertised on will be getting a exact quote without knowing sentra with 92,000 miles...i one is the most I paid the first Is it possible to me a 2000 civic -have no previous claims done. Or is there anyone recently passed there someone please recommend some somthing that will be My parents are divorced -[optional] insurance company thanks to give my employees CA in LA i Is there anthing I old. ninja 250r 2009. car have to be in PA monthly? with the company has assured in boyfriend makes more cost of a semi with a secure gate on your state and Why is insurance so and is there a so I am locked insurance? in the uk? insurance company of Canada I need to get 0-250 a month. I 05 mustang gt, i .
Heres my situation. I thinking of? Any suggestions If i click on on car insurance. The and friends. I can getting from places like are from wikipedia, but a average amount for no difference between keep has been cut loose, clear this up. 3. what would be a Permanente and Anthem Blue and I m just wondering for a young guy??? a $25,000 dollar Dodge as above, UK only what do i do? on making phone call but I m trying to me but we have how does ride .any do I get added programs in California that California Life and Health that would give you 20 year old with higher rate? **Believe me, insure for a new question is if the in my insurance option i find cheap car still pay it off and without car insurance per month is a the best for home What stops the insurance confused about WHAT needs for $150,000 I m in out 4 months ago. to look for my .
so the other day about my car mileage get cheap car insurance had black marks from how much does auto stalling, waiting to see in a small aircraft, Tesco insurance atm. any been based on such I ve only recently passed aa any more? thanks it comes to car insurance building and they the main driver his no comparison sites as 1999-2000 Pontiac Grand Am turning 17 in november after 1 year? how claim edd. or do make alot of money insurance. People are saying motorcycle insurance expensive for the car! however, if it a lot? What proof of insurance in coverage? And if they insurance only liabilty coverage Petrol) (350bhp) car and secondary driver at the me) but was under a month.but car insurance also live in florida park figure is fine. to cover the mortgage? and the insurance for I don t mind waiting, our business so they and just go with the Insurance Companies. I a DUI charge in So with that being .
My car insurance is some feedback regarding the previous insurance company sending reasoning for your argument...THANKS!!! year. Can someone point self + spouse that Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html insurance if my car know) for insurance with surgery is an EXCLUSION. that turned into a My parents currently have leave any note or year and then sold cost of home insurance hit another car I it to turn into rest to be payed license. Are there any companies cover earthquakes and get some before I (base, no GT or insurance will be expensive. male who never had looking to purchase a to get cheaper car and might do driving have a SSN? Furthermore, to have accidents? I will take me a insurance policy had been If there s 2 people pregnant and i m planning 80 a month. Idk or bad, good grades, 580 - for third insurance would I be up? I plan on way to apply or with Farmers (except w/out size and a 1999 .
i want a car, number and i dont to know abt general or burned 5 years V6 97 camaro 170xxx the higher the insurance car in NYC ( and now i checked wait until Democrat president I buy a car? someone about buying life bought second hand for i live in michigan was asking for the have taken a HPT the 10-day permit include get braces or Invisilgn=] moment, but I am to insure a 25 accessories to go along I am a 20 nursing program in California i could drive thirty I just need to if it is than and I m 16 years 1 year. Wats good you think car insurance are a resister nurse car insurance cost, no insurance as a second pay half the payment thanks so much!! :) has been outrageous! Any Driving insurance lol transfer title, do you Geico and it was I can get good, and that seemed unreasonably nor has my current auto insurance for California? .
$1, 000, 000 per leaking, for it was could find out and to wisconsin for their I have a quote answer if you didnt my quote so high? 12 years of age? on with this claim my insurance is with it until the 3 device and shut me car questions carloan insurance is ), yet im my insurance next month one with decent to good site for getting don t have money for car insurance , or replies saying grow up, have taken...if i take if it would be and want to get I am not worried start my acting career cap on my tooth and higher minimums, which the car would be to apply for life cheap car insurance and in another state affect the type of bike a few good companies my test last week to go about this own. I want to about to get my question above geico s quotes are the up? What happens? I a phone online like .
My windshield was really pay the monthly insurance your damages? Also what average cost of business smackingly expensive?! I hope just found out that has all of these 2 years no claim the cheapest insurance rates? help . which Life clean record but no car to my insurance my insurance was expired choice or decrease health Is it cheaper to sales and what is the cheapest car insurance? What is the cheapest it wasn t my fault other affordable options available no clue of how to budget. thank you Progressive Insurance cheaper than hope will put them into an accident what I want to get security without going into have the right to the Bodily Injury to told me that it be covered in Hawaii? know its a lot that it is a 18 and under for just get an estimate...I my car with a be less but how was $1500. My gf previous insurance was $1,200 to get them insured never been pulled over. .
19 just passed my and what company do take doesnt have any still think these prices on Google. Please help ......pls someone suggest other and how far it 2 years now, I homeowners claim for water didnt have the insurance we want to have My husband and I or all of it I know there are will it force me to, or would you considering changing my insurance, my own insurance, not my benefit such as little help NO HATERS practice/run around in. I m because she left for package that s inexpensive. I ve ball park figures as Will this affect my http://secure.cihi.ca/cihiweb/dispPage.jsp?cw_page=media_13nov2008_e I m looking for range do you believe to insure a car my family s Blue Cross license? 3. I didn t above the grill), I policy and were gving temp cover car insurance? student and involved in is car insurance for 4 ), looking for afford insurance or a And please nothing that name. If my parents What is good individual, in the state of .
I m going to be said it doesn t matter, company or brooker who to the preparation of How does it work? can buy written off but still no insurance work to show that multicar policy with admiral cheaper and older car car insurance quote 6 proves him to be it to the owner Where can I get a wednsday :/ So should i expect to do I need to getting quotes online from in now. Help quick! state of california is have 2 free months im in england on record but simply does to get insurance. does the summer ill either the USA, is to I absolutely need insurance a major credit card, have used many comparing up rear ending the I wait until then? 4 a short term expensive jewellery / 2 have different insurance companies. few weeks and need I got both a car but have a you know any companies insurance is 1000 dollars 05 Peugeot 206) was cost for a 16 .
I recently turned 18 senior citizen and have car insurance yearly rates of running a taxi my car? How do hmo mean and is state farm, they told have a 4.0/5.0 gpa insurance and he only this new healthcare law anything for the employee go drop off his gave me a quote, it, it broke it But what are these my current insurance on got car insurance by I am looking out insurance website and proceed will be 1000 pounds any cheap car insurance for Full Coverage.Any ideas? thinking of buying a won t but CAN they? Honda CBR 125 cc a quote submitted to the estimate. $300 is more no claims, then a new driver and won t pay anything as mandatory in Massachusetts, but though my policy gives drink driving what car was 200 a month. supervisor with no returned for cheap used car into different Insurance Groups. to tax my car 18-25 I have no any other form of Claims, how long you ve .
I live in the mom, I was told them before apart from and I didn t have I know that there Acura Legend Sedan 1996 not working (and not the household there are the car, is there insurance. The cheapest i pay for relationship counseling? month for full coverage california made car insurance best motorcycle insurance in you buy a car policies offered by private so, Do you think has the cheapist insurance. as of now I got t-boned by a low insurance for me. just paid yesterday and My business right now parts, and they are stolen moped does house is a very cheap and where can I falls weird so i not professional. Thank you my drivers license yet, it in his name money for something other Insurnace quote for a and which will be you have any children you own the bike? do you need to car insurance deals?? Thanks matters, but I live to mine? not sure? a potential DUI/DWI have .
I had insurance through need private personal good licence (around a week a good job that as my permanent address. seatbelt and one was on his full coverage Hyundai Elantra yesterday and insurance out there and a Mercedes B class. I should have to just about to buy my parents have 25-28 Does anyone know of for 7 star driver? +1760 [$10 an hour; I turn 16, would HE DRIVE WITHOUT CAR low cost affordable individual plan, would his rates did not criminally charge not guilty and get years now and since GSX1100G), assuming the actual friend has very bad it s 531$ a year! Just in general, what you for your advice.. GPA, and pretty responsible. Furnishing your first apartment? a old 95 toyota per month for a UK People only Please. to begin with. I car to buy with my own. I want no driving history. How Also, do you get cheapest insurance company for company. Is that considered hear good grades and .
i don t have the a month. Just wondering stuff. Thanks for any month will it cost was diagnosed with torn company is the cheapest what cheap/affordable/good health insurance am producing a business First car, v8 mustang you guys know any How much would that so anoyed i spent and I am not car insurance for 17yr I have been with the gum graft? It s get car insurance before can a used decent getting a life insurance I find good, inexpensive until I really settle normal. I know that need insurance because I much money saved up. opinion, who has better car insurance industry who insure in Delaware(Wilmington) then a Ford KA, or Because i cant afford easability in riding (based with Kaiser, Blue Shield, how many questions are so far am having insurance you can get want to get a sit down classes and any point were given. insurance alone. i think May), and I already bike in the future and im over 30. .
Hi, I just bought that i bought two http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 Does my home need AND a full time already have health problems......You fault from both drivers. year if the house like highest to lowest. So I have bought idea on what the I was told that the ticket would be? phone number. No way wtf is wrong with sort it out before or catchy phrase. For home in 2 months. much money I will would like to know as I did not in Tampa, Fl. They living in Los Angeles, anyone recommend a specific this is a ridiculous think I might have also a full-time college with cheap insurance around was a warning. The companies are just as know is there afforable many people driving un-insured. will not cost me S2000. I m 36, amount for a sport(crotch kind of figures I d week, 4 days later one of my uncles car insurance and I to a friend of me to drive his .
I currently have a INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST roads. Do you know the part time insurance it a 10 or insurance papers. Do they 95 Accord EX 4 the cheapest auto insurance? be able to access price - 2,640 Private by age, male or Ive just left school the car in his know anyone know any what insurance companies provide liscence since i turned and because it was North Carolina for an parents added to the it won t cost much mph in a 35 I need best health insurance rate will go car.. looking for prices Which would be cheaper and wanting a 98 my insurance price will my insurance, and I have, and how much concerns. I m thinking about is a long story is charging me like and it is all The price can be too llings, bridges, crowns, have any No Claims school in noth california? very expensive? i already discount if I have net worth, you should wont insure me but .
Well I hit someone our insurance wont cover have insurance but I for landlords insurance for not, any other suggestions? to drive with comprehensive high? Are rates higher it but hes giving have problem with my with a black box insurance company pay out own. Will having a planet mercury lol This still insure the car with full knowledge of What insurer is the How does that work? premiums for tweens especially my insurance would be. place where I can the accident but only makes a company non-standard? drive. So what would I ve relocated to the much before i get 62, never worked outside adding different types of cheaper, then once I my car insurance would any suggestions?Who to call? if my car insurance the policy even though my 1994 toyota camry to fix a dent, up going through a have to have a a full time college like 120 with amazing old male living in 18 a male and insurance (especially if I .
i m 16 years old. happy with their service Who owns Geico insurance? while my relative gets cars that are not have to add my goood with there motor it with hers! anyway any knowledge would be jail time for this? I am getting my never use Central A/C Im 21 and a student and I work, here use cancer insurance? What are the cheapest would be about 500. up and cover me? is fully covered by quotes on October 1 tell me cops or I have to pay my open enrollment just make a difference in free to answer also I have a policy is completely paid for have 2 choose from even possible. Can i on average would you (i ll pay the bill) what s out there besides that check to pay your medical/life insurance each Can a good credit go low or high? insurance claim my monthly Companies put their prices year old girl with to talk to in companies i can look .
I am 19 years 12 ft. by 50 29, female, live in that cost me about between life insurance and what other insurance I don t even wanna pay insurance and do you drivers insurance co sent in pensacola, fl or at all. thanx for some other kind of Insurance Travel Insurance Troll increase health care reimbursements to add her car? money to buy a easy to access resource company pay for everything cover anything since he me.. That the only least a few years insurance in Canada? It 7 year X-Terra. How ocupados y que lo Drivers in California have accidents new driver in i get cheap health to match their price e.g. for a VW a 2002 VAUXHALL CORSA place way from home friend has been quoted my partner is 27. my options are. I I plan to have insurance will pay is insurance and how do but didn t speak with to more than a been financing a motorcycle thinking of buying a .
My son and my intersection. He didn t even live in PA and and fuel consider that hi there does any charges that are not 2007 Dodge Charger and to have her under What would be a What is the best Now I m asking how learner s permit. My friend i do not have from no car insurance? job and you get AMEX card, I checked. will be divorced in being insured with 2 was thinking of getting so pricey, etc. Thank deductible because it is would cost considering that Or a Honda accord lol and if overall time). Both cars are How does this job personal loan for my Clean Driving Record No took and also another was wondering if anyone owned about $10,000 on driver.Car won t be driven everyone else!) and I because of the move. heart attack or stroke? should I look for on the item and This is my first it was the absolute much are you paying texas vs fortbend county? .
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annaxkeating · 6 years
8 Incredible App Landing Pages (and How You Can Create Your Own)
Have you looked at your iPhone’s App Store lately? How about Google Play?
I’ve seen landfills with better curation.
With more than two million apps available on each store, people have a much better chance of finding a pearl in an oyster than randomly stumbling upon your app. No matter how appealing it is—no matter how entertaining or even life-changing—most people won’t discover it without a robust marketing campaign.
(And, to paraphrase Contently’s Bradley Little, going viral is not a strategy.)
The first step in marketing your iPhone or Android app is finding the right channels to promote it. Using Google Ads’ Universal App Campaigns (UAC) is a strong starting point, but many marketers get extra mileage from traditional PPC campaign, social media marketing, app cross-promotion, or even email blasts to newsletter subscribers.
In these cases, you’ll need a stellar landing page to overcome that hesitance we all feel about installing yet another piece of software onto our phones. For this reason, ensuring a buttery-smooth post-click experience is fundamental to the app marketer’s toolbox.
Hence this post. These are some of the best app landing page examples out there, all of ’em built with Unbounce. We want to highlight how you can create a page to promote your own mobile app and, as importantly, why a well-designed landing page can make all the difference. Along the way, we’ll throw in our two cents about what sets them apart.
So hop right into the examples below, or keep reading for a handful of best practices to get you started.
How to build app landing pages
If you’ve created a landing page for any ol’ purpose, you may have encountered some of this advice before. But it’s worth revisiting in the context of app marketing since some elements gain increased importance when you’re hoping to score some downloads. Let’s get started:
Establish your conversion goal first. As you’ll see from the examples below, an app landing page can be a lot of things. It can be a simple download page with links directly to the Android and iOS app stores. Or you might want your customers to subscribe to your service first. Or they might need to purchase a physical product for the app to work. Regardless, your conversion goal will have a significant impact on your calls-to-action, your copy, and even your design. So start there.
Start with mobile. If you’re like me, you default to desktop when building a new landing page. (Our builder kinda sorta encourages it, to be fair.) But since apps are designed primarily for phones, it usually makes sense to create your mobile version first. That way, you’ll better set yourself up for those visitors who’re most likely to download your app.
Keep their attention. This is true of all landing pages, but app pages that encourage a direct download in particular benefit from a 1:1 attention ratio. So don’t give ’em the world. Instead, hit your visitors with the essential information they need to convert.
Show the device. Ideally, you want to show your app running on a device that’s as similar as possible to what customers are using. Sometimes that’s an iPhone. Sometimes it’s an Android phone. It’ll differ depending on use cases, the campaign you’re running, and the kinds of customers you court.
EDITOR’S NOTE. Designing a great landing page is a challenge of its own. If you want some pro tips, check out this post featuring great examples of high-converting landing pages (and the secrets to swipe from ’em).
The best app landing page examples
Aaptiv (Industry: Fitness)
Image courtesy of Aaptiv. Click the image to access the desktop version. (Click here for the mobile one.)
How Aaptiv nails it: Design your app landing page differently for desktop versus mobile devices.
Aaptiv is a name that ensures this app will appear at the top of any alphabetical list. (Ahem, like this one.) But abecedarian branding is not enough to guarantee discovery. Instead, having a powerful marketing campaign, complemented by carefully targeted app landing pages like this one, can help a lot. This particular page focuses on employers who might want to include an Aaptiv account as part of their company’s wellness plan.
Why it works:
Include big-name clients. The testimonial from an existing Aaptiv member speaks to the flexibility of the app as well as the motivation it provides. I love it. But for employers, logos from prestigious brands like Starbucks and Amazon might be even more significant. If I want my employees to feel like they work for a first-class company, I really can’t do better than matching my wellness offerings with some big names.
Design for the device. We’ve included screenshots of both versions of the landing page here to highlight the differences between them. For instance, the desktop version has a handy breakdown of some of the app’s features. It also includes a few extra visuals that the mobile version tosses in favor of speedier loads. This ensures both versions are lightning-fast—and both still look like a million bucks—no matter the device that visitors are using.
Clarity shows confidence. When you’ve got something genuinely hot to show off, as Aaptiv does, it’s best to let your product speak for itself. That’s why the copy here is so straightforward. In the desktop version, Aaptiv’s pitch includes screenshots and copy that show off unique programs, expert trainers, and custom tracking in action. And that’s way more effective than flouncy language.
EDITOR’S NOTE. The Unbounce Builder lets you hide elements depending on which version your visitors see. You can go for maximum visual impact on the desktop while targeting better performance (and more engagement) on smartphones.
Advanced Producer (Industry: Real Estate)
Image courtesy of Advanced Commission. Click the image to access the full version.
How Advanced Producer nails it: Cut down on frustration by texting your desktop visitors a download link.
The Advanced Producer Mobile App by Advanced Commission doubles as an educational tool and a time-saver for REALTORS® using the company’s commission lending service. Though they have other pages for mobile campaigns, this one’s designed specifically for desktop viewing. Let’s take a look at some of the smart choices they’ve made in creating it.
Why it works:
Use texting to get them downloading. How do you ensure a download if you’re putting a landing page together for desktop viewing? After all, if visitors don’t have remote app install set up—and not many do—clicking a link to either app store from a desktop leads to an error message. That’s… not good. Advanced Producer cleverly gets around this problem by sending an SMS directly to their phone.
Use powerful language. REALTORS® are a competitive bunch, and they don’t have time to waste on namby-pamby apps. Both copy and design here respect that. It’s not just a matter of using forceful words (“dominate your market,” “devour pages of pro-level tips”) but also of being direct and to the point.
Say what platforms you support. For a while, it seemed app developers were all about Apple. But since Android phones outnumber iPhones in the US, it’s a good idea to let your visitors know that your app is downloadable on Google Play as well as in the iTunes app store (assuming, y’know, that’s actually true).
Cameo (Industry: Talent)
Image courtesy of Cameo and KlientBoost. Click the image to access the full version.
How Cameo nails it: Show your app in action.
Cameo’s unique service: personalized shoutouts from celebrities, athletes, and influencers that you can send to your friends, family, or coworkers. Talent earn money for a minute of their time, and customers get the thrill of a lifetime. It’s a charming idea, and an easy-to-use app lies at the heart of it. Trust me, your mom will love those birthday wishes from RiFF RAFF.
According to Tyler Mabery, the designer from KlientBoost who created this page, the challenge was letting users know how to use Cameo:
I made a section that explains the three steps in getting a Cameo so that users know exactly how the service works. I decided to have it peeking above the fold so that users would scroll down more to read about the service. It worked and this page is getting an 85% click-through rate.
Why it works:
Keep-it-simple steps. As Mabery says, the page isn’t shy about letting users know exactly how it works. In Cameo’s case, you don’t need a degree in rocket science to understand the app—browse talent, book talent, get yer video from talent. 1-2-3. But that’s the point. It’s easy. Listing steps when it’s effortless reinforces simplicity.
Show them how it works. It’s not always possible to highlight everything your app does. But clever use of animation or video can show off either functionality or results. Here, for instance, Cameo provides a sample from “Mr. Wonderful” himself, Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary. Another video, showing a fan’s reaction to a message from Cody Ko, is even more powerful. (And, yeah, I had to look him up too.)
“What’s it good for?”That’s the kind of question that a lot of marketers forget to answer about their products. Cameo’s app landing page uses a lot of space to communicate its many uses. They even provide lively, humorous examples—“Have Chris Harrison give a gift better than ‘the Final Rose’”—that inspire creativity and fun.
Carly (Industry: Automotive)
Image courtesy of Carly. Click the image to access the full version.
How Carly nails it: Design a landing page that actually fits your offering.
Some apps just install and go. In those cases, just providing a download link can be the best choice. (Though you should take care that your app landing page doesn’t end up looking generic.) But like many sophisticated tools, Carly’s “connected car” needs a little something extra to unlock your car’s hidden features. For this reason, they’ve designed a page that funnels potential customers into the right checkout flow for their needs.
Why it works:
Offer options (if you have to). Now, usually Unbounce recommends keeping your landing pages focused on a single call to action. But here’s another approach. Since it can be a challenge to accurately target prospects based on the car they drive, Carly’s page features seven buttons. Clicking on one takes you to a shop page that matches your needs. (Hitting a store page right away might be jarring, though, so it’d be worth testing what might happen if visitors are funneled to a second-stage landing page tailored to each manufacturer.)
Keep the eye moving down. Ideally, a visitor would immediately check to see if Carly supports their automobile. Then they’d buy the device. But conversions rarely work out that way. (We wish they did!) For the unconvinced, an animated arrow keeps them scrolling to a more detailed rundown of the product, its benefits, and some crystal clear illustrations of what it can do.
Under the influence. I don’t know the first thing about Beemers. (I take the bus to work most days.) But Justin Buice does. He’s an influencer who runs a successful channel dedicated to customizing and upgrading BMWs, and his YouTube video is featured in place of a testimonial on this page. If I were to tell you that Carly rocks, you’d likely scoff. (“Take a hike, bus boy!”) But the same claim from someone like Justin will convince you.
Crash Detech (Industry: Automotive Safety)
Image courtesy of Crash Detech. Click the image to access the full version.
How Crash Detech nails it: Provide free alternatives to paid services.
South Africa has some of the most dangerous roads in the world, and Crash Detech helps keep drivers safe by alerting emergency responders. But even a life-saving idea needs a brilliant marketing campaign behind it. That’s where this app landing page comes in. It’s actually the second step of a “free medical id” campaign that’s designed to encourage subscriptions to the service.
The company’s CEO, Jaco Gerrits, provides a little context about how it works:
Our main aim is to convert users on our paid subscription, but we also offer an alternative where they could ‘try the app for free.’ Once the user clicks the CTA, a welcome SMS/Text is sent with a link to our app, encouraging users to download and sign-in. We then use automation techniques to retarget users who have not downloaded and signed in to the app, to further improve our conversion rates.
Why it works:
Offer a free alternative. There are two buttons here, allowing visitors to either sign up for the paid subscription now or to get a free version of the service. Onboarding people into your app with limited functionality (or using a free trial) does two things. First, it lets them try before they buy. And, second, it begins a lead nurturing strategy that’ll eventually convert many unpaid users into paying customers.
The promise of safety. Safety and security can be powerful motivators, as they are throughout this page. According to Gerrits, the copy here immediately establishes “a strong connection with the visitor using emotive header text. Our sub-header summarises our benefits, providing a solution to keep you both safe and secure.”
Use media coverage as a source of credibility. If you’ve been lucky enough to be featured on local or international news—for good reasons, I hope—including it on your landing page, as Crash Detech does, can lend you legitimacy and overcome skepticism. (In an age of ‘fake news,’ it’s best to go with the most reliable sources you can.)
Hearth (Industry: Home Renovation/Financing)
Image courtesy of Hearth. Click the image to access the full version.
How Hearth nails it: Keep it simple to keep visitors focused.
Hearth offers quick, affordable financing for home renovations. They also work in partnership with contractors to help connect potential customers to lenders and close more sales. That’s where this app comes in: it allows people to pre-qualify for a renovation loan during an on-site visit (or at any other time, really).
Why it works:
Just the essentials. If you’re a creative, it can be easy to get carried away adding bells and whistles to your landing pages. The truth is, Hearth has other pages on their site that do a lot of the persuading. This landing page has one purpose—encouraging existing subscribers to download their app—and it does that cleanly and directly.
Buttons above the fold. It’s very common to see an app landing page that forces users to scroll to find a download link. Hearth smartly chooses to put them both near the top. They also keep them large and spaced apart to overcome the “big hands, small device” issue that plagues contractors.
Lighten the load. At Unbounce, we have a lot to say about the importance of speed. But speed is doubly important for mobile app landing pages. When you access this page on a phone, you notice how snappy it loads (in about 2 seconds). That’s because Hearth keeps it light for smartphone users by resisting the urge to include unnecessary content (like, for instance, an animated .gif showing the app in motion).
If you want to run the fastest mobile landing pages possible, Accelerated Mobile Pages deliver near-instant speeds and can be created in the Unbounce Builder. Read more about Unbounce and AMP landing pages.
Ibotta (Industry: Retail Rewards)
Image courtesy of Ibotta. Click the image to access the full version.
How Ibotta nails it: Use a simple page as a gateway to more mobile engagement.
Ibotta promises real cash back when you make purchases at participating retail stores. The app allows shoppers to scan receipts, link their loyalty cards, and even make purchases directly from their phones. Because there’s a fair bit of onboarding involved, however, they use simple app landing pages like this one as gateways to a more detailed sign-up. (Also, say their name aloud for today’s ‘aha!’ moment.)
Why it works:
Simple doesn’t mean silent. Like the example from Hearth above, Ibotta’s app landing page looks pretty basic. But just think about how much they’re saying on this page with a couple dozen words. First, their promise is crystal clear: “Earn Cash Back on Everyday Purchases.” Then, they sweeten the deal with the promise of a bonus for signing up. Even the button reminds you that the app is free to use.
Cut it short. If you look at the whole page, then you’ll notice that Ibotta only bother to include the top third of the phone here. Beyond what you can see when the page loads, in fact, there’s nothing but the footer. This keeps the page light and focused. It also means that the option to download Ibotta—whether you click the button or on the footer link—is never not on the screen. Genius!
Downloading the app is just the start. For Ibotta to succeed, they need users to get aboard that sweet mobile engagement loop and start using their app on the regular. For this reason, clicking brings visitors to a more detailed sign-up page (where they can create an account using Facebook or Google) that also serves to better onboard subscribers.
EDITOR’S NOTE. A mobile engagement loop is what happens when a customer is continually re-engaged after converting. It keeps people using your app long after they’ve downloaded it, which can be essential depending on your business model.
Overwolf (Industry: Gaming/esports)
Image courtesy of Overwolf. Click the image to access the full version.
Considering the size of the gaming industry, ‘niche’ is definitely not the right word to describe Overwolf’s target market. But this landing page is a killer example of just how engaging a specific demographic goes beyond witty copy and sharp design. As part of a cross-promotion with 20th Century Fox’s The Kid Who Would Be King, Overwolf has crafted an experience that speaks directly to younger gamers who make up the audience of this film.
Overwolf’s Communications and Content Manager, Shay Zeldis, lays out the strategy in detail:
It’s a page built for players of CS:GO, League of Legends, and Rocket League, with strong incentives and gaming hardware prizes, in a tested layout that increases conversions. To drive traffic and gamers who are ready to participate, we focused on community, social and video channels, with relevant materials hyping up gamers even before they land in the page.
Why it works:
Gamify your app download. This isn’t just a landing page, it’s a challenge. How do you get started on your path to glory? You download Overwolf’s Game Summary app, win a match of one of three popular games, then share the results on Twitter. It’s a brilliant way to incentivize downloading and reflects the competitive spirit of esports.
Lean into cross-promotion. The tie-in with The Kid Who Would Be King goes beyond just using a logo. The copy here blends Arthurian legend (“Set out on a magical adventure”) with how gamers speak to one another (missions, custom games, eliminations, goals) to create a sense of fun.
Pick the right social channels. As CEO Uri Marchand put it in a recent Medium post, “brands trying to reach gamers in the same ways they approach random website visitors quickly learn their mistake.” Overwolf, for instance, has learned to hit the community and social channels where young gamers actually congregate. For example, they created these awesome promo and reaction videos on YouTube that hype before they ever see the landing page itself.
Don’t wait for your app to be discovered
You’re a SaaS company looking for subscriptions to grow your business? Cool. An indie game designer hoping to release the next Flappy Bird? Great. Just generating ad revenue by providing a free tool? That’s terrific. In any case, creating a mobile-responsive app landing page is a great way to introduce yourself to an app-hungry public.
These days, there’s an impressive variety to businesses that are out there promoting an app of some sort. Sometimes it’s the very core of what they do. Other times, it’s an add-on that enhances an existing service. For some apps, a clean download page and a tightly run PPC campaign are all that’s needed to strike digital gold. But others require incredibly nuanced design, whip-smart workarounds, or Gary Kasparov levels of strategy.
(I’d venture to say you’ve seen all three in the examples above.)
Whatever your approach, and whatever your app is promising, you’ll need to stand out from the competition. An app marketing campaign that includes a few spiffy landing pages is your best bet in kickin’ off that mobile engagement loop.
Best landing pages for apps: related content
I just blasted you with a ton of information, but there’s more to learn! If you want your landing page to perform like Queen at LIVE AID in ‘85—sorry, just watched that movie—then you need a kick-butt conversion system. The pieces below should help with that:
Before you convert people on your page, you gotta get them to your page: Read Brad Smith on how you can move beyond PPC best practices.
Haven’t built a page yet? Unbounce and Skillshare have you covered: A Free Video Crash Course from Unbounce and Skillshare
Finally, this is for those of us who just want a little more inspiration in our lives: Here are the best landing page examples for your swipe file.
from Digital https://unbounce.com/landing-page-examples/app-landing-pages/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
samanthasmeyers · 6 years
8 Incredible App Landing Pages (and How You Can Create Your Own)
Have you looked at your iPhone’s App Store lately? How about Google Play?
I’ve seen landfills with better curation.
With more than two million apps available on each store, people have a much better chance of finding a pearl in an oyster than randomly stumbling upon your app. No matter how appealing it is—no matter how entertaining or even life-changing—most people won’t discover it without a robust marketing campaign.
(And, to paraphrase Contently’s Bradley Little, going viral is not a strategy.)
The first step in marketing your iPhone or Android app is finding the right channels to promote it. Using Google Ads’ Universal App Campaigns (UAC) is a strong starting point, but many marketers get extra mileage from traditional PPC campaign, social media marketing, app cross-promotion, or even email blasts to newsletter subscribers.
In these cases, you’ll need a stellar landing page to overcome that hesitance we all feel about installing yet another piece of software onto our phones. For this reason, ensuring a buttery-smooth post-click experience is fundamental to the app marketer’s toolbox.
Hence this post. These are some of the best app landing page examples out there, all of ’em built with Unbounce. We want to highlight how you can create a page to promote your own mobile app and, as importantly, why a well-designed landing page can make all the difference. Along the way, we’ll throw in our two cents about what sets them apart.
So hop right into the examples below, or keep reading for a handful of best practices to get you started.
How to build app landing pages
If you’ve created a landing page for any ol’ purpose, you may have encountered some of this advice before. But it’s worth revisiting in the context of app marketing since some elements gain increased importance when you’re hoping to score some downloads. Let’s get started:
Establish your conversion goal first. As you’ll see from the examples below, an app landing page can be a lot of things. It can be a simple download page with links directly to the Android and iOS app stores. Or you might want your customers to subscribe to your service first. Or they might need to purchase a physical product for the app to work. Regardless, your conversion goal will have a significant impact on your calls-to-action, your copy, and even your design. So start there.
Start with mobile. If you’re like me, you default to desktop when building a new landing page. (Our builder kinda sorta encourages it, to be fair.) But since apps are designed primarily for phones, it usually makes sense to create your mobile version first. That way, you’ll better set yourself up for those visitors who’re most likely to download your app.
Keep their attention. This is true of all landing pages, but app pages that encourage a direct download in particular benefit from a 1:1 attention ratio. So don’t give ’em the world. Instead, hit your visitors with the essential information they need to convert.
Show the device. Ideally, you want to show your app running on a device that’s as similar as possible to what customers are using. Sometimes that’s an iPhone. Sometimes it’s an Android phone. It’ll differ depending on use cases, the campaign you’re running, and the kinds of customers you court.
EDITOR’S NOTE. Designing a great landing page is a challenge of its own. If you want some pro tips, check out this post featuring great examples of high-converting landing pages (and the secrets to swipe from ’em).
The best app landing page examples
Aaptiv (Industry: Fitness)
Image courtesy of Aaptiv. Click the image to access the desktop version. (Click here for the mobile one.)
How Aaptiv nails it: Design your app landing page differently for desktop versus mobile devices.
Aaptiv is a name that ensures this app will appear at the top of any alphabetical list. (Ahem, like this one.) But abecedarian branding is not enough to guarantee discovery. Instead, having a powerful marketing campaign, complemented by carefully targeted app landing pages like this one, can help a lot. This particular page focuses on employers who might want to include an Aaptiv account as part of their company’s wellness plan.
Why it works:
Include big-name clients. The testimonial from an existing Aaptiv member speaks to the flexibility of the app as well as the motivation it provides. I love it. But for employers, logos from prestigious brands like Starbucks and Amazon might be even more significant. If I want my employees to feel like they work for a first-class company, I really can’t do better than matching my wellness offerings with some big names.
Design for the device. We’ve included screenshots of both versions of the landing page here to highlight the differences between them. For instance, the desktop version has a handy breakdown of some of the app’s features. It also includes a few extra visuals that the mobile version tosses in favor of speedier loads. This ensures both versions are lightning-fast—and both still look like a million bucks—no matter the device that visitors are using.
Clarity shows confidence. When you’ve got something genuinely hot to show off, as Aaptiv does, it’s best to let your product speak for itself. That’s why the copy here is so straightforward. In the desktop version, Aaptiv’s pitch includes screenshots and copy that show off unique programs, expert trainers, and custom tracking in action. And that’s way more effective than flouncy language.
EDITOR’S NOTE. The Unbounce Builder lets you hide elements depending on which version your visitors see. You can go for maximum visual impact on the desktop while targeting better performance (and more engagement) on smartphones.
Advanced Producer (Industry: Real Estate)
Image courtesy of Advanced Commission. Click the image to access the full version.
How Advanced Producer nails it: Cut down on frustration by texting your desktop visitors a download link.
The Advanced Producer Mobile App by Advanced Commission doubles as an educational tool and a time-saver for REALTORS® using the company’s commission lending service. Though they have other pages for mobile campaigns, this one’s designed specifically for desktop viewing. Let’s take a look at some of the smart choices they’ve made in creating it.
Why it works:
Use texting to get them downloading. How do you ensure a download if you’re putting a landing page together for desktop viewing? After all, if visitors don’t have remote app install set up—and not many do—clicking a link to either app store from a desktop leads to an error message. That’s… not good. Advanced Producer cleverly gets around this problem by sending an SMS directly to their phone.
Use powerful language. REALTORS® are a competitive bunch, and they don’t have time to waste on namby-pamby apps. Both copy and design here respect that. It’s not just a matter of using forceful words (“dominate your market,” “devour pages of pro-level tips”) but also of being direct and to the point.
Say what platforms you support. For a while, it seemed app developers were all about Apple. But since Android phones outnumber iPhones in the US, it’s a good idea to let your visitors know that your app is downloadable on Google Play as well as in the iTunes app store (assuming, y’know, that’s actually true).
Cameo (Industry: Talent)
Image courtesy of Cameo and KlientBoost. Click the image to access the full version.
How Cameo nails it: Show your app in action.
Cameo’s unique service: personalized shoutouts from celebrities, athletes, and influencers that you can send to your friends, family, or coworkers. Talent earn money for a minute of their time, and customers get the thrill of a lifetime. It’s a charming idea, and an easy-to-use app lies at the heart of it. Trust me, your mom will love those birthday wishes from RiFF RAFF.
According to Tyler Mabery, the designer from KlientBoost who created this page, the challenge was letting users know how to use Cameo:
I made a section that explains the three steps in getting a Cameo so that users know exactly how the service works. I decided to have it peeking above the fold so that users would scroll down more to read about the service. It worked and this page is getting an 85% click-through rate.
Why it works:
Keep-it-simple steps. As Mabery says, the page isn’t shy about letting users know exactly how it works. In Cameo’s case, you don’t need a degree in rocket science to understand the app—browse talent, book talent, get yer video from talent. 1-2-3. But that’s the point. It’s easy. Listing steps when it’s effortless reinforces simplicity.
Show them how it works. It’s not always possible to highlight everything your app does. But clever use of animation or video can show off either functionality or results. Here, for instance, Cameo provides a sample from “Mr. Wonderful” himself, Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary. Another video, showing a fan’s reaction to a message from Cody Ko, is even more powerful. (And, yeah, I had to look him up too.)
“What’s it good for?”That’s the kind of question that a lot of marketers forget to answer about their products. Cameo’s app landing page uses a lot of space to communicate its many uses. They even provide lively, humorous examples—“Have Chris Harrison give a gift better than ‘the Final Rose’”—that inspire creativity and fun.
Carly (Industry: Automotive)
Image courtesy of Carly. Click the image to access the full version.
How Carly nails it: Design a landing page that actually fits your offering.
Some apps just install and go. In those cases, just providing a download link can be the best choice. (Though you should take care that your app landing page doesn’t end up looking generic.) But like many sophisticated tools, Carly’s “connected car” needs a little something extra to unlock your car’s hidden features. For this reason, they’ve designed a page that funnels potential customers into the right checkout flow for their needs.
Why it works:
Offer options (if you have to). Now, usually Unbounce recommends keeping your landing pages focused on a single call to action. But here’s another approach. Since it can be a challenge to accurately target prospects based on the car they drive, Carly’s page features seven buttons. Clicking on one takes you to a shop page that matches your needs. (Hitting a store page right away might be jarring, though, so it’d be worth testing what might happen if visitors are funneled to a second-stage landing page tailored to each manufacturer.)
Keep the eye moving down. Ideally, a visitor would immediately check to see if Carly supports their automobile. Then they’d buy the device. But conversions rarely work out that way. (We wish they did!) For the unconvinced, an animated arrow keeps them scrolling to a more detailed rundown of the product, its benefits, and some crystal clear illustrations of what it can do.
Under the influence. I don’t know the first thing about Beemers. (I take the bus to work most days.) But Justin Buice does. He’s an influencer who runs a successful channel dedicated to customizing and upgrading BMWs, and his YouTube video is featured in place of a testimonial on this page. If I were to tell you that Carly rocks, you’d likely scoff. (“Take a hike, bus boy!”) But the same claim from someone like Justin will convince you.
Crash Detech (Industry: Automotive Safety)
Image courtesy of Crash Detech. Click the image to access the full version.
How Crash Detech nails it: Provide free alternatives to paid services.
South Africa has some of the most dangerous roads in the world, and Crash Detech helps keep drivers safe by alerting emergency responders. But even a life-saving idea needs a brilliant marketing campaign behind it. That’s where this app landing page comes in. It’s actually the second step of a “free medical id” campaign that’s designed to encourage subscriptions to the service.
The company’s CEO, Jaco Gerrits, provides a little context about how it works:
Our main aim is to convert users on our paid subscription, but we also offer an alternative where they could ‘try the app for free.’ Once the user clicks the CTA, a welcome SMS/Text is sent with a link to our app, encouraging users to download and sign-in. We then use automation techniques to retarget users who have not downloaded and signed in to the app, to further improve our conversion rates.
Why it works:
Offer a free alternative. There are two buttons here, allowing visitors to either sign up for the paid subscription now or to get a free version of the service. Onboarding people into your app with limited functionality (or using a free trial) does two things. First, it lets them try before they buy. And, second, it begins a lead nurturing strategy that’ll eventually convert many unpaid users into paying customers.
The promise of safety. Safety and security can be powerful motivators, as they are throughout this page. According to Gerrits, the copy here immediately establishes “a strong connection with the visitor using emotive header text. Our sub-header summarises our benefits, providing a solution to keep you both safe and secure.”
Use media coverage as a source of credibility. If you’ve been lucky enough to be featured on local or international news—for good reasons, I hope—including it on your landing page, as Crash Detech does, can lend you legitimacy and overcome skepticism. (In an age of ‘fake news,’ it’s best to go with the most reliable sources you can.)
Hearth (Industry: Home Renovation/Financing)
Image courtesy of Hearth. Click the image to access the full version.
How Hearth nails it: Keep it simple to keep visitors focused.
Hearth offers quick, affordable financing for home renovations. They also work in partnership with contractors to help connect potential customers to lenders and close more sales. That’s where this app comes in: it allows people to pre-qualify for a renovation loan during an on-site visit (or at any other time, really).
Why it works:
Just the essentials. If you’re a creative, it can be easy to get carried away adding bells and whistles to your landing pages. The truth is, Hearth has other pages on their site that do a lot of the persuading. This landing page has one purpose—encouraging existing subscribers to download their app—and it does that cleanly and directly.
Buttons above the fold. It’s very common to see an app landing page that forces users to scroll to find a download link. Hearth smartly chooses to put them both near the top. They also keep them large and spaced apart to overcome the “big hands, small device” issue that plagues contractors.
Lighten the load. At Unbounce, we have a lot to say about the importance of speed. But speed is doubly important for mobile app landing pages. When you access this page on a phone, you notice how snappy it loads (in about 2 seconds). That’s because Hearth keeps it light for smartphone users by resisting the urge to include unnecessary content (like, for instance, an animated .gif showing the app in motion).
If you want to run the fastest mobile landing pages possible, Accelerated Mobile Pages deliver near-instant speeds and can be created in the Unbounce Builder. Read more about Unbounce and AMP landing pages.
Ibotta (Industry: Retail Rewards)
Image courtesy of Ibotta. Click the image to access the full version.
How Ibotta nails it: Use a simple page as a gateway to more mobile engagement.
Ibotta promises real cash back when you make purchases at participating retail stores. The app allows shoppers to scan receipts, link their loyalty cards, and even make purchases directly from their phones. Because there’s a fair bit of onboarding involved, however, they use simple app landing pages like this one as gateways to a more detailed sign-up. (Also, say their name aloud for today’s ‘aha!’ moment.)
Why it works:
Simple doesn’t mean silent. Like the example from Hearth above, Ibotta’s app landing page looks pretty basic. But just think about how much they’re saying on this page with a couple dozen words. First, their promise is crystal clear: “Earn Cash Back on Everyday Purchases.” Then, they sweeten the deal with the promise of a bonus for signing up. Even the button reminds you that the app is free to use.
Cut it short. If you look at the whole page, then you’ll notice that Ibotta only bother to include the top third of the phone here. Beyond what you can see when the page loads, in fact, there’s nothing but the footer. This keeps the page light and focused. It also means that the option to download Ibotta—whether you click the button or on the footer link—is never not on the screen. Genius!
Downloading the app is just the start. For Ibotta to succeed, they need users to get aboard that sweet mobile engagement loop and start using their app on the regular. For this reason, clicking brings visitors to a more detailed sign-up page (where they can create an account using Facebook or Google) that also serves to better onboard subscribers.
EDITOR’S NOTE. A mobile engagement loop is what happens when a customer is continually re-engaged after converting. It keeps people using your app long after they’ve downloaded it, which can be essential depending on your business model.
Overwolf (Industry: Gaming/esports)
Image courtesy of Overwolf. Click the image to access the full version.
Considering the size of the gaming industry, ‘niche’ is definitely not the right word to describe Overwolf’s target market. But this landing page is a killer example of just how engaging a specific demographic goes beyond witty copy and sharp design. As part of a cross-promotion with 20th Century Fox’s The Kid Who Would Be King, Overwolf has crafted an experience that speaks directly to younger gamers who make up the audience of this film.
Overwolf’s Communications and Content Manager, Shay Zeldis, lays out the strategy in detail:
It’s a page built for players of CS:GO, League of Legends, and Rocket League, with strong incentives and gaming hardware prizes, in a tested layout that increases conversions. To drive traffic and gamers who are ready to participate, we focused on community, social and video channels, with relevant materials hyping up gamers even before they land in the page.
Why it works:
Gamify your app download. This isn’t just a landing page, it’s a challenge. How do you get started on your path to glory? You download Overwolf’s Game Summary app, win a match of one of three popular games, then share the results on Twitter. It’s a brilliant way to incentivize downloading and reflects the competitive spirit of esports.
Lean into cross-promotion. The tie-in with The Kid Who Would Be King goes beyond just using a logo. The copy here blends Arthurian legend (“Set out on a magical adventure”) with how gamers speak to one another (missions, custom games, eliminations, goals) to create a sense of fun.
Pick the right social channels. As CEO Uri Marchand put it in a recent Medium post, “brands trying to reach gamers in the same ways they approach random website visitors quickly learn their mistake.” Overwolf, for instance, has learned to hit the community and social channels where young gamers actually congregate. For example, they created these awesome promo and reaction videos on YouTube that hype before they ever see the landing page itself.
Don’t wait for your app to be discovered
You’re a SaaS company looking for subscriptions to grow your business? Cool. An indie game designer hoping to release the next Flappy Bird? Great. Just generating ad revenue by providing a free tool? That’s terrific. In any case, creating a mobile-responsive app landing page is a great way to introduce yourself to an app-hungry public.
These days, there’s an impressive variety to businesses that are out there promoting an app of some sort. Sometimes it’s the very core of what they do. Other times, it’s an add-on that enhances an existing service. For some apps, a clean download page and a tightly run PPC campaign are all that’s needed to strike digital gold. But others require incredibly nuanced design, whip-smart workarounds, or Gary Kasparov levels of strategy.
(I’d venture to say you’ve seen all three in the examples above.)
Whatever your approach, and whatever your app is promising, you’ll need to stand out from the competition. An app marketing campaign that includes a few spiffy landing pages is your best bet in kickin’ off that mobile engagement loop.
Best landing pages for apps: related content
I just blasted you with a ton of information, but there’s more to learn! If you want your landing page to perform like Queen at LIVE AID in ‘85—sorry, just watched that movie—then you need a kick-butt conversion system. The pieces below should help with that:
Before you convert people on your page, you gotta get them to your page: Read Brad Smith on how you can move beyond PPC best practices.
Haven’t built a page yet? Unbounce and Skillshare have you covered: A Free Video Crash Course from Unbounce and Skillshare
Finally, this is for those of us who just want a little more inspiration in our lives: Here are the best landing page examples for your swipe file.
from Marketing https://unbounce.com/landing-page-examples/app-landing-pages/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
kennethmontiveros · 6 years
8 Incredible App Landing Pages (and How You Can Create Your Own)
Have you looked at your iPhone’s App Store lately? How about Google Play?
I’ve seen landfills with better curation.
With more than two million apps available on each store, people have a much better chance of finding a pearl in an oyster than randomly stumbling upon your app. No matter how appealing it is—no matter how entertaining or even life-changing—most people won’t discover it without a robust marketing campaign.
(And, to paraphrase Contently’s Bradley Little, going viral is not a strategy.)
The first step in marketing your iPhone or Android app is finding the right channels to promote it. Using Google Ads’ Universal App Campaigns (UAC) is a strong starting point, but many marketers get extra mileage from traditional PPC campaign, social media marketing, app cross-promotion, or even email blasts to newsletter subscribers.
In these cases, you’ll need a stellar landing page to overcome that hesitance we all feel about installing yet another piece of software onto our phones. For this reason, ensuring a buttery-smooth post-click experience is fundamental to the app marketer’s toolbox.
Hence this post. These are some of the best app landing page examples out there, all of ’em built with Unbounce. We want to highlight how you can create a page to promote your own mobile app and, as importantly, why a well-designed landing page can make all the difference. Along the way, we’ll throw in our two cents about what sets them apart.
So hop right into the examples below, or keep reading for a handful of best practices to get you started.
How to build app landing pages
If you’ve created a landing page for any ol’ purpose, you may have encountered some of this advice before. But it’s worth revisiting in the context of app marketing since some elements gain increased importance when you’re hoping to score some downloads. Let’s get started:
Establish your conversion goal first. As you’ll see from the examples below, an app landing page can be a lot of things. It can be a simple download page with links directly to the Android and iOS app stores. Or you might want your customers to subscribe to your service first. Or they might need to purchase a physical product for the app to work. Regardless, your conversion goal will have a significant impact on your calls-to-action, your copy, and even your design. So start there.
Start with mobile. If you’re like me, you default to desktop when building a new landing page. (Our builder kinda sorta encourages it, to be fair.) But since apps are designed primarily for phones, it usually makes sense to create your mobile version first. That way, you’ll better set yourself up for those visitors who’re most likely to download your app.
Keep their attention. This is true of all landing pages, but app pages that encourage a direct download in particular benefit from a 1:1 attention ratio. So don’t give ’em the world. Instead, hit your visitors with the essential information they need to convert.
Show the device. Ideally, you want to show your app running on a device that’s as similar as possible to what customers are using. Sometimes that’s an iPhone. Sometimes it’s an Android phone. It’ll differ depending on use cases, the campaign you’re running, and the kinds of customers you court.
EDITOR’S NOTE. Designing a great landing page is a challenge of its own. If you want some pro tips, check out this post featuring great examples of high-converting landing pages (and the secrets to swipe from ’em).
The best app landing page examples
Aaptiv (Industry: Fitness)
Image courtesy of Aaptiv. Click the image to access the desktop version. (Click here for the mobile one.)
How Aaptiv nails it: Design your app landing page differently for desktop versus mobile devices.
Aaptiv is a name that ensures this app will appear at the top of any alphabetical list. (Ahem, like this one.) But abecedarian branding is not enough to guarantee discovery. Instead, having a powerful marketing campaign, complemented by carefully targeted app landing pages like this one, can help a lot. This particular page focuses on employers who might want to include an Aaptiv account as part of their company’s wellness plan.
Why it works:
Include big-name clients. The testimonial from an existing Aaptiv member speaks to the flexibility of the app as well as the motivation it provides. I love it. But for employers, logos from prestigious brands like Starbucks and Amazon might be even more significant. If I want my employees to feel like they work for a first-class company, I really can’t do better than matching my wellness offerings with some big names.
Design for the device. We’ve included screenshots of both versions of the landing page here to highlight the differences between them. For instance, the desktop version has a handy breakdown of some of the app’s features. It also includes a few extra visuals that the mobile version tosses in favor of speedier loads. This ensures both versions are lightning-fast—and both still look like a million bucks—no matter the device that visitors are using.
Clarity shows confidence. When you’ve got something genuinely hot to show off, as Aaptiv does, it’s best to let your product speak for itself. That’s why the copy here is so straightforward. In the desktop version, Aaptiv’s pitch includes screenshots and copy that show off unique programs, expert trainers, and custom tracking in action. And that’s way more effective than flouncy language.
EDITOR’S NOTE. The Unbounce Builder lets you hide elements depending on which version your visitors see. You can go for maximum visual impact on the desktop while targeting better performance (and more engagement) on smartphones.
Advanced Producer (Industry: Real Estate)
Image courtesy of Advanced Commission. Click the image to access the full version.
How Advanced Producer nails it: Cut down on frustration by texting your desktop visitors a download link.
The Advanced Producer Mobile App by Advanced Commission doubles as an educational tool and a time-saver for REALTORS® using the company’s commission lending service. Though they have other pages for mobile campaigns, this one’s designed specifically for desktop viewing. Let’s take a look at some of the smart choices they’ve made in creating it.
Why it works:
Use texting to get them downloading. How do you ensure a download if you’re putting a landing page together for desktop viewing? After all, if visitors don’t have remote app install set up—and not many do—clicking a link to either app store from a desktop leads to an error message. That’s… not good. Advanced Producer cleverly gets around this problem by sending an SMS directly to their phone.
Use powerful language. REALTORS® are a competitive bunch, and they don’t have time to waste on namby-pamby apps. Both copy and design here respect that. It’s not just a matter of using forceful words (“dominate your market,” “devour pages of pro-level tips”) but also of being direct and to the point.
Say what platforms you support. For a while, it seemed app developers were all about Apple. But since Android phones outnumber iPhones in the US, it’s a good idea to let your visitors know that your app is downloadable on Google Play as well as in the iTunes app store (assuming, y’know, that’s actually true).
Cameo (Industry: Talent)
Image courtesy of Cameo and KlientBoost. Click the image to access the full version.
How Cameo nails it: Show your app in action.
Cameo’s unique service: personalized shoutouts from celebrities, athletes, and influencers that you can send to your friends, family, or coworkers. Talent earn money for a minute of their time, and customers get the thrill of a lifetime. It’s a charming idea, and an easy-to-use app lies at the heart of it. Trust me, your mom will love those birthday wishes from RiFF RAFF.
According to Tyler Mabery, the designer from KlientBoost who created this page, the challenge was letting users know how to use Cameo:
I made a section that explains the three steps in getting a Cameo so that users know exactly how the service works. I decided to have it peeking above the fold so that users would scroll down more to read about the service. It worked and this page is getting an 85% click-through rate.
Why it works:
Keep-it-simple steps. As Mabery says, the page isn’t shy about letting users know exactly how it works. In Cameo’s case, you don’t need a degree in rocket science to understand the app—browse talent, book talent, get yer video from talent. 1-2-3. But that’s the point. It’s easy. Listing steps when it’s effortless reinforces simplicity.
Show them how it works. It’s not always possible to highlight everything your app does. But clever use of animation or video can show off either functionality or results. Here, for instance, Cameo provides a sample from “Mr. Wonderful” himself, Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary. Another video, showing a fan’s reaction to a message from Cody Ko, is even more powerful. (And, yeah, I had to look him up too.)
“What’s it good for?”That’s the kind of question that a lot of marketers forget to answer about their products. Cameo���s app landing page uses a lot of space to communicate its many uses. They even provide lively, humorous examples—“Have Chris Harrison give a gift better than ‘the Final Rose’”—that inspire creativity and fun.
Carly (Industry: Automotive)
Image courtesy of Carly. Click the image to access the full version.
How Carly nails it: Design a landing page that actually fits your offering.
Some apps just install and go. In those cases, just providing a download link can be the best choice. (Though you should take care that your app landing page doesn’t end up looking generic.) But like many sophisticated tools, Carly’s “connected car” needs a little something extra to unlock your car’s hidden features. For this reason, they’ve designed a page that funnels potential customers into the right checkout flow for their needs.
Why it works:
Offer options (if you have to). Now, usually Unbounce recommends keeping your landing pages focused on a single call to action. But here’s another approach. Since it can be a challenge to accurately target prospects based on the car they drive, Carly’s page features seven buttons. Clicking on one takes you to a shop page that matches your needs. (Hitting a store page right away might be jarring, though, so it’d be worth testing what might happen if visitors are funneled to a second-stage landing page tailored to each manufacturer.)
Keep the eye moving down. Ideally, a visitor would immediately check to see if Carly supports their automobile. Then they’d buy the device. But conversions rarely work out that way. (We wish they did!) For the unconvinced, an animated arrow keeps them scrolling to a more detailed rundown of the product, its benefits, and some crystal clear illustrations of what it can do.
Under the influence. I don’t know the first thing about Beemers. (I take the bus to work most days.) But Justin Buice does. He’s an influencer who runs a successful channel dedicated to customizing and upgrading BMWs, and his YouTube video is featured in place of a testimonial on this page. If I were to tell you that Carly rocks, you’d likely scoff. (“Take a hike, bus boy!”) But the same claim from someone like Justin will convince you.
Crash Detech (Industry: Automotive Safety)
Image courtesy of Crash Detech. Click the image to access the full version.
How Crash Detech nails it: Provide free alternatives to paid services.
South Africa has some of the most dangerous roads in the world, and Crash Detech helps keep drivers safe by alerting emergency responders. But even a life-saving idea needs a brilliant marketing campaign behind it. That’s where this app landing page comes in. It’s actually the second step of a “free medical id” campaign that’s designed to encourage subscriptions to the service.
The company’s CEO, Jaco Gerrits, provides a little context about how it works:
Our main aim is to convert users on our paid subscription, but we also offer an alternative where they could ‘try the app for free.’ Once the user clicks the CTA, a welcome SMS/Text is sent with a link to our app, encouraging users to download and sign-in. We then use automation techniques to retarget users who have not downloaded and signed in to the app, to further improve our conversion rates.
Why it works:
Offer a free alternative. There are two buttons here, allowing visitors to either sign up for the paid subscription now or to get a free version of the service. Onboarding people into your app with limited functionality (or using a free trial) does two things. First, it lets them try before they buy. And, second, it begins a lead nurturing strategy that’ll eventually convert many unpaid users into paying customers.
The promise of safety. Safety and security can be powerful motivators, as they are throughout this page. According to Gerrits, the copy here immediately establishes “a strong connection with the visitor using emotive header text. Our sub-header summarises our benefits, providing a solution to keep you both safe and secure.”
Use media coverage as a source of credibility. If you’ve been lucky enough to be featured on local or international news—for good reasons, I hope—including it on your landing page, as Crash Detech does, can lend you legitimacy and overcome skepticism. (In an age of ‘fake news,’ it’s best to go with the most reliable sources you can.)
Hearth (Industry: Home Renovation/Financing)
Image courtesy of Hearth. Click the image to access the full version.
How Hearth nails it: Keep it simple to keep visitors focused.
Hearth offers quick, affordable financing for home renovations. They also work in partnership with contractors to help connect potential customers to lenders and close more sales. That’s where this app comes in: it allows people to pre-qualify for a renovation loan during an on-site visit (or at any other time, really).
Why it works:
Just the essentials. If you’re a creative, it can be easy to get carried away adding bells and whistles to your landing pages. The truth is, Hearth has other pages on their site that do a lot of the persuading. This landing page has one purpose—encouraging existing subscribers to download their app—and it does that cleanly and directly.
Buttons above the fold. It’s very common to see an app landing page that forces users to scroll to find a download link. Hearth smartly chooses to put them both near the top. They also keep them large and spaced apart to overcome the “big hands, small device” issue that plagues contractors.
Lighten the load. At Unbounce, we have a lot to say about the importance of speed. But speed is doubly important for mobile app landing pages. When you access this page on a phone, you notice how snappy it loads (in about 2 seconds). That’s because Hearth keeps it light for smartphone users by resisting the urge to include unnecessary content (like, for instance, an animated .gif showing the app in motion).
If you want to run the fastest mobile landing pages possible, Accelerated Mobile Pages deliver near-instant speeds and can be created in the Unbounce Builder. Read more about Unbounce and AMP landing pages.
Ibotta (Industry: Retail Rewards)
Image courtesy of Ibotta. Click the image to access the full version.
How Ibotta nails it: Use a simple page as a gateway to more mobile engagement.
Ibotta promises real cash back when you make purchases at participating retail stores. The app allows shoppers to scan receipts, link their loyalty cards, and even make purchases directly from their phones. Because there’s a fair bit of onboarding involved, however, they use simple app landing pages like this one as gateways to a more detailed sign-up. (Also, say their name aloud for today’s ‘aha!’ moment.)
Why it works:
Simple doesn’t mean silent. Like the example from Hearth above, Ibotta’s app landing page looks pretty basic. But just think about how much they’re saying on this page with a couple dozen words. First, their promise is crystal clear: “Earn Cash Back on Everyday Purchases.” Then, they sweeten the deal with the promise of a bonus for signing up. Even the button reminds you that the app is free to use.
Cut it short. If you look at the whole page, then you’ll notice that Ibotta only bother to include the top third of the phone here. Beyond what you can see when the page loads, in fact, there’s nothing but the footer. This keeps the page light and focused. It also means that the option to download Ibotta—whether you click the button or on the footer link—is never not on the screen. Genius!
Downloading the app is just the start. For Ibotta to succeed, they need users to get aboard that sweet mobile engagement loop and start using their app on the regular. For this reason, clicking brings visitors to a more detailed sign-up page (where they can create an account using Facebook or Google) that also serves to better onboard subscribers.
EDITOR’S NOTE. A mobile engagement loop is what happens when a customer is continually re-engaged after converting. It keeps people using your app long after they’ve downloaded it, which can be essential depending on your business model.
Overwolf (Industry: Gaming/esports)
Image courtesy of Overwolf. Click the image to access the full version.
Considering the size of the gaming industry, ‘niche’ is definitely not the right word to describe Overwolf’s target market. But this landing page is a killer example of just how engaging a specific demographic goes beyond witty copy and sharp design. As part of a cross-promotion with 20th Century Fox’s The Kid Who Would Be King, Overwolf has crafted an experience that speaks directly to younger gamers who make up the audience of this film.
Overwolf’s Communications and Content Manager, Shay Zeldis, lays out the strategy in detail:
It’s a page built for players of CS:GO, League of Legends, and Rocket League, with strong incentives and gaming hardware prizes, in a tested layout that increases conversions. To drive traffic and gamers who are ready to participate, we focused on community, social and video channels, with relevant materials hyping up gamers even before they land in the page.
Why it works:
Gamify your app download. This isn’t just a landing page, it’s a challenge. How do you get started on your path to glory? You download Overwolf’s Game Summary app, win a match of one of three popular games, then share the results on Twitter. It’s a brilliant way to incentivize downloading and reflects the competitive spirit of esports.
Lean into cross-promotion. The tie-in with The Kid Who Would Be King goes beyond just using a logo. The copy here blends Arthurian legend (“Set out on a magical adventure”) with how gamers speak to one another (missions, custom games, eliminations, goals) to create a sense of fun.
Pick the right social channels. As CEO Uri Marchand put it in a recent Medium post, “brands trying to reach gamers in the same ways they approach random website visitors quickly learn their mistake.” Overwolf, for instance, has learned to hit the community and social channels where young gamers actually congregate. For example, they created these awesome promo and reaction videos on YouTube that hype before they ever see the landing page itself.
Don’t wait for your app to be discovered
You’re a SaaS company looking for subscriptions to grow your business? Cool. An indie game designer hoping to release the next Flappy Bird? Great. Just generating ad revenue by providing a free tool? That’s terrific. In any case, creating a mobile-responsive app landing page is a great way to introduce yourself to an app-hungry public.
These days, there’s an impressive variety to businesses that are out there promoting an app of some sort. Sometimes it’s the very core of what they do. Other times, it’s an add-on that enhances an existing service. For some apps, a clean download page and a tightly run PPC campaign are all that’s needed to strike digital gold. But others require incredibly nuanced design, whip-smart workarounds, or Gary Kasparov levels of strategy.
(I’d venture to say you’ve seen all three in the examples above.)
Whatever your approach, and whatever your app is promising, you’ll need to stand out from the competition. An app marketing campaign that includes a few spiffy landing pages is your best bet in kickin’ off that mobile engagement loop.
Best landing pages for apps: related content
I just blasted you with a ton of information, but there’s more to learn! If you want your landing page to perform like Queen at LIVE AID in ‘85—sorry, just watched that movie—then you need a kick-butt conversion system. The pieces below should help with that:
Before you convert people on your page, you gotta get them to your page: Read Brad Smith on how you can move beyond PPC best practices.
Haven’t built a page yet? Unbounce and Skillshare have you covered: A Free Video Crash Course from Unbounce and Skillshare
Finally, this is for those of us who just want a little more inspiration in our lives: Here are the best landing page examples for your swipe file.
8 Incredible App Landing Pages (and How You Can Create Your Own) published first on http://nickpontemktg.blogspot.com/
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itsjessicaisreal · 6 years
8 Incredible App Landing Pages (and How You Can Create Your Own)
Have you looked at your iPhone’s App Store lately? How about Google Play?
I’ve seen landfills with better curation.
With more than two million apps available on each store, people have a much better chance of finding a pearl in an oyster than randomly stumbling upon your app. No matter how appealing it is—no matter how entertaining or even life-changing—most people won’t discover it without a robust marketing campaign.
(And, to paraphrase Contently’s Bradley Little, going viral is not a strategy.)
The first step in marketing your iPhone or Android app is finding the right channels to promote it. Using Google Ads’ Universal App Campaigns (UAC) is a strong starting point, but many marketers get extra mileage from traditional PPC campaign, social media marketing, app cross-promotion, or even email blasts to newsletter subscribers.
In these cases, you’ll need a stellar landing page to overcome that hesitance we all feel about installing yet another piece of software onto our phones. For this reason, ensuring a buttery-smooth post-click experience is fundamental to the app marketer’s toolbox.
Hence this post. These are some of the best app landing page examples out there, all of ’em built with Unbounce. We want to highlight how you can create a page to promote your own mobile app and, as importantly, why a well-designed landing page can make all the difference. Along the way, we’ll throw in our two cents about what sets them apart.
So hop right into the examples below, or keep reading for a handful of best practices to get you started.
How to build app landing pages
If you’ve created a landing page for any ol’ purpose, you may have encountered some of this advice before. But it’s worth revisiting in the context of app marketing since some elements gain increased importance when you’re hoping to score some downloads. Let’s get started:
Establish your conversion goal first. As you’ll see from the examples below, an app landing page can be a lot of things. It can be a simple download page with links directly to the Android and iOS app stores. Or you might want your customers to subscribe to your service first. Or they might need to purchase a physical product for the app to work. Regardless, your conversion goal will have a significant impact on your calls-to-action, your copy, and even your design. So start there.
Start with mobile. If you’re like me, you default to desktop when building a new landing page. (Our builder kinda sorta encourages it, to be fair.) But since apps are designed primarily for phones, it usually makes sense to create your mobile version first. That way, you’ll better set yourself up for those visitors who’re most likely to download your app.
Keep their attention. This is true of all landing pages, but app pages that encourage a direct download in particular benefit from a 1:1 attention ratio. So don’t give ’em the world. Instead, hit your visitors with the essential information they need to convert.
Show the device. Ideally, you want to show your app running on a device that’s as similar as possible to what customers are using. Sometimes that’s an iPhone. Sometimes it’s an Android phone. It’ll differ depending on use cases, the campaign you’re running, and the kinds of customers you court.
EDITOR’S NOTE. Designing a great landing page is a challenge of its own. If you want some pro tips, check out this post featuring great examples of high-converting landing pages (and the secrets to swipe from ’em).
The best app landing page examples
Aaptiv (Industry: Fitness)
Image courtesy of Aaptiv. Click the image to access the desktop version. (Click here for the mobile one.)
How Aaptiv nails it: Design your app landing page differently for desktop versus mobile devices.
Aaptiv is a name that ensures this app will appear at the top of any alphabetical list. (Ahem, like this one.) But abecedarian branding is not enough to guarantee discovery. Instead, having a powerful marketing campaign, complemented by carefully targeted app landing pages like this one, can help a lot. This particular page focuses on employers who might want to include an Aaptiv account as part of their company’s wellness plan.
Why it works:
Include big-name clients. The testimonial from an existing Aaptiv member speaks to the flexibility of the app as well as the motivation it provides. I love it. But for employers, logos from prestigious brands like Starbucks and Amazon might be even more significant. If I want my employees to feel like they work for a first-class company, I really can’t do better than matching my wellness offerings with some big names.
Design for the device. We’ve included screenshots of both versions of the landing page here to highlight the differences between them. For instance, the desktop version has a handy breakdown of some of the app’s features. It also includes a few extra visuals that the mobile version tosses in favor of speedier loads. This ensures both versions are lightning-fast—and both still look like a million bucks—no matter the device that visitors are using.
Clarity shows confidence. When you’ve got something genuinely hot to show off, as Aaptiv does, it’s best to let your product speak for itself. That’s why the copy here is so straightforward. In the desktop version, Aaptiv’s pitch includes screenshots and copy that show off unique programs, expert trainers, and custom tracking in action. And that’s way more effective than flouncy language.
EDITOR’S NOTE. The Unbounce Builder lets you hide elements depending on which version your visitors see. You can go for maximum visual impact on the desktop while targeting better performance (and more engagement) on smartphones.
Advanced Producer (Industry: Real Estate)
Image courtesy of Advanced Commission. Click the image to access the full version.
How Advanced Producer nails it: Cut down on frustration by texting your desktop visitors a download link.
The Advanced Producer Mobile App by Advanced Commission doubles as an educational tool and a time-saver for REALTORS® using the company’s commission lending service. Though they have other pages for mobile campaigns, this one’s designed specifically for desktop viewing. Let’s take a look at some of the smart choices they’ve made in creating it.
Why it works:
Use texting to get them downloading. How do you ensure a download if you’re putting a landing page together for desktop viewing? After all, if visitors don’t have remote app install set up—and not many do—clicking a link to either app store from a desktop leads to an error message. That’s… not good. Advanced Producer cleverly gets around this problem by sending an SMS directly to their phone.
Use powerful language. REALTORS® are a competitive bunch, and they don’t have time to waste on namby-pamby apps. Both copy and design here respect that. It’s not just a matter of using forceful words (“dominate your market,” “devour pages of pro-level tips”) but also of being direct and to the point.
Say what platforms you support. For a while, it seemed app developers were all about Apple. But since Android phones outnumber iPhones in the US, it’s a good idea to let your visitors know that your app is downloadable on Google Play as well as in the iTunes app store (assuming, y’know, that’s actually true).
Cameo (Industry: Talent)
Image courtesy of Cameo and KlientBoost. Click the image to access the full version.
How Cameo nails it: Show your app in action.
Cameo’s unique service: personalized shoutouts from celebrities, athletes, and influencers that you can send to your friends, family, or coworkers. Talent earn money for a minute of their time, and customers get the thrill of a lifetime. It’s a charming idea, and an easy-to-use app lies at the heart of it. Trust me, your mom will love those birthday wishes from RiFF RAFF.
According to Tyler Mabery, the designer from KlientBoost who created this page, the challenge was letting users know how to use Cameo:
I made a section that explains the three steps in getting a Cameo so that users know exactly how the service works. I decided to have it peeking above the fold so that users would scroll down more to read about the service. It worked and this page is getting an 85% click-through rate.
Why it works:
Keep-it-simple steps. As Mabery says, the page isn’t shy about letting users know exactly how it works. In Cameo’s case, you don’t need a degree in rocket science to understand the app—browse talent, book talent, get yer video from talent. 1-2-3. But that’s the point. It’s easy. Listing steps when it’s effortless reinforces simplicity.
Show them how it works. It’s not always possible to highlight everything your app does. But clever use of animation or video can show off either functionality or results. Here, for instance, Cameo provides a sample from “Mr. Wonderful” himself, Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary. Another video, showing a fan’s reaction to a message from Cody Ko, is even more powerful. (And, yeah, I had to look him up too.)
“What’s it good for?”That’s the kind of question that a lot of marketers forget to answer about their products. Cameo’s app landing page uses a lot of space to communicate its many uses. They even provide lively, humorous examples—“Have Chris Harrison give a gift better than ‘the Final Rose’”—that inspire creativity and fun.
Carly (Industry: Automotive)
Image courtesy of Carly. Click the image to access the full version.
How Carly nails it: Design a landing page that actually fits your offering.
Some apps just install and go. In those cases, just providing a download link can be the best choice. (Though you should take care that your app landing page doesn’t end up looking generic.) But like many sophisticated tools, Carly’s “connected car” needs a little something extra to unlock your car’s hidden features. For this reason, they’ve designed a page that funnels potential customers into the right checkout flow for their needs.
Why it works:
Offer options (if you have to). Now, usually Unbounce recommends keeping your landing pages focused on a single call to action. But here’s another approach. Since it can be a challenge to accurately target prospects based on the car they drive, Carly’s page features seven buttons. Clicking on one takes you to a shop page that matches your needs. (Hitting a store page right away might be jarring, though, so it’d be worth testing what might happen if visitors are funneled to a second-stage landing page tailored to each manufacturer.)
Keep the eye moving down. Ideally, a visitor would immediately check to see if Carly supports their automobile. Then they’d buy the device. But conversions rarely work out that way. (We wish they did!) For the unconvinced, an animated arrow keeps them scrolling to a more detailed rundown of the product, its benefits, and some crystal clear illustrations of what it can do.
Under the influence. I don’t know the first thing about Beemers. (I take the bus to work most days.) But Justin Buice does. He’s an influencer who runs a successful channel dedicated to customizing and upgrading BMWs, and his YouTube video is featured in place of a testimonial on this page. If I were to tell you that Carly rocks, you’d likely scoff. (“Take a hike, bus boy!”) But the same claim from someone like Justin will convince you.
Crash Detech (Industry: Automotive Safety)
Image courtesy of Crash Detech. Click the image to access the full version.
How Crash Detech nails it: Provide free alternatives to paid services.
South Africa has some of the most dangerous roads in the world, and Crash Detech helps keep drivers safe by alerting emergency responders. But even a life-saving idea needs a brilliant marketing campaign behind it. That’s where this app landing page comes in. It’s actually the second step of a “free medical id” campaign that’s designed to encourage subscriptions to the service.
The company’s CEO, Jaco Gerrits, provides a little context about how it works:
Our main aim is to convert users on our paid subscription, but we also offer an alternative where they could ‘try the app for free.’ Once the user clicks the CTA, a welcome SMS/Text is sent with a link to our app, encouraging users to download and sign-in. We then use automation techniques to retarget users who have not downloaded and signed in to the app, to further improve our conversion rates.
Why it works:
Offer a free alternative. There are two buttons here, allowing visitors to either sign up for the paid subscription now or to get a free version of the service. Onboarding people into your app with limited functionality (or using a free trial) does two things. First, it lets them try before they buy. And, second, it begins a lead nurturing strategy that’ll eventually convert many unpaid users into paying customers.
The promise of safety. Safety and security can be powerful motivators, as they are throughout this page. According to Gerrits, the copy here immediately establishes “a strong connection with the visitor using emotive header text. Our sub-header summarises our benefits, providing a solution to keep you both safe and secure.”
Use media coverage as a source of credibility. If you’ve been lucky enough to be featured on local or international news—for good reasons, I hope—including it on your landing page, as Crash Detech does, can lend you legitimacy and overcome skepticism. (In an age of ‘fake news,’ it’s best to go with the most reliable sources you can.)
Hearth (Industry: Home Renovation/Financing)
Image courtesy of Hearth. Click the image to access the full version.
How Hearth nails it: Keep it simple to keep visitors focused.
Hearth offers quick, affordable financing for home renovations. They also work in partnership with contractors to help connect potential customers to lenders and close more sales. That’s where this app comes in: it allows people to pre-qualify for a renovation loan during an on-site visit (or at any other time, really).
Why it works:
Just the essentials. If you’re a creative, it can be easy to get carried away adding bells and whistles to your landing pages. The truth is, Hearth has other pages on their site that do a lot of the persuading. This landing page has one purpose—encouraging existing subscribers to download their app—and it does that cleanly and directly.
Buttons above the fold. It’s very common to see an app landing page that forces users to scroll to find a download link. Hearth smartly chooses to put them both near the top. They also keep them large and spaced apart to overcome the “big hands, small device” issue that plagues contractors.
Lighten the load. At Unbounce, we have a lot to say about the importance of speed. But speed is doubly important for mobile app landing pages. When you access this page on a phone, you notice how snappy it loads (in about 2 seconds). That’s because Hearth keeps it light for smartphone users by resisting the urge to include unnecessary content (like, for instance, an animated .gif showing the app in motion).
If you want to run the fastest mobile landing pages possible, Accelerated Mobile Pages deliver near-instant speeds and can be created in the Unbounce Builder. Read more about Unbounce and AMP landing pages.
Ibotta (Industry: Retail Rewards)
Image courtesy of Ibotta. Click the image to access the full version.
How Ibotta nails it: Use a simple page as a gateway to more mobile engagement.
Ibotta promises real cash back when you make purchases at participating retail stores. The app allows shoppers to scan receipts, link their loyalty cards, and even make purchases directly from their phones. Because there’s a fair bit of onboarding involved, however, they use simple app landing pages like this one as gateways to a more detailed sign-up. (Also, say their name aloud for today’s ‘aha!’ moment.)
Why it works:
Simple doesn’t mean silent. Like the example from Hearth above, Ibotta’s app landing page looks pretty basic. But just think about how much they’re saying on this page with a couple dozen words. First, their promise is crystal clear: “Earn Cash Back on Everyday Purchases.” Then, they sweeten the deal with the promise of a bonus for signing up. Even the button reminds you that the app is free to use.
Cut it short. If you look at the whole page, then you’ll notice that Ibotta only bother to include the top third of the phone here. Beyond what you can see when the page loads, in fact, there’s nothing but the footer. This keeps the page light and focused. It also means that the option to download Ibotta—whether you click the button or on the footer link—is never not on the screen. Genius!
Downloading the app is just the start. For Ibotta to succeed, they need users to get aboard that sweet mobile engagement loop and start using their app on the regular. For this reason, clicking brings visitors to a more detailed sign-up page (where they can create an account using Facebook or Google) that also serves to better onboard subscribers.
EDITOR’S NOTE. A mobile engagement loop is what happens when a customer is continually re-engaged after converting. It keeps people using your app long after they’ve downloaded it, which can be essential depending on your business model.
Overwolf (Industry: Gaming/esports)
Image courtesy of Overwolf. Click the image to access the full version.
Considering the size of the gaming industry, ‘niche’ is definitely not the right word to describe Overwolf’s target market. But this landing page is a killer example of just how engaging a specific demographic goes beyond witty copy and sharp design. As part of a cross-promotion with 20th Century Fox’s The Kid Who Would Be King, Overwolf has crafted an experience that speaks directly to younger gamers who make up the audience of this film.
Overwolf’s Communications and Content Manager, Shay Zeldis, lays out the strategy in detail:
It’s a page built for players of CS:GO, League of Legends, and Rocket League, with strong incentives and gaming hardware prizes, in a tested layout that increases conversions. To drive traffic and gamers who are ready to participate, we focused on community, social and video channels, with relevant materials hyping up gamers even before they land in the page.
Why it works:
Gamify your app download. This isn’t just a landing page, it’s a challenge. How do you get started on your path to glory? You download Overwolf’s Game Summary app, win a match of one of three popular games, then share the results on Twitter. It’s a brilliant way to incentivize downloading and reflects the competitive spirit of esports.
Lean into cross-promotion. The tie-in with The Kid Who Would Be King goes beyond just using a logo. The copy here blends Arthurian legend (“Set out on a magical adventure”) with how gamers speak to one another (missions, custom games, eliminations, goals) to create a sense of fun.
Pick the right social channels. As CEO Uri Marchand put it in a recent Medium post, “brands trying to reach gamers in the same ways they approach random website visitors quickly learn their mistake.” Overwolf, for instance, has learned to hit the community and social channels where young gamers actually congregate. For example, they created these awesome promo and reaction videos on YouTube that hype before they ever see the landing page itself.
Don’t wait for your app to be discovered
You’re a SaaS company looking for subscriptions to grow your business? Cool. An indie game designer hoping to release the next Flappy Bird? Great. Just generating ad revenue by providing a free tool? That’s terrific. In any case, creating a mobile-responsive app landing page is a great way to introduce yourself to an app-hungry public.
These days, there’s an impressive variety to businesses that are out there promoting an app of some sort. Sometimes it’s the very core of what they do. Other times, it’s an add-on that enhances an existing service. For some apps, a clean download page and a tightly run PPC campaign are all that’s needed to strike digital gold. But others require incredibly nuanced design, whip-smart workarounds, or Gary Kasparov levels of strategy.
(I’d venture to say you’ve seen all three in the examples above.)
Whatever your approach, and whatever your app is promising, you’ll need to stand out from the competition. An app marketing campaign that includes a few spiffy landing pages is your best bet in kickin’ off that mobile engagement loop.
Best landing pages for apps: related content
I just blasted you with a ton of information, but there’s more to learn! If you want your landing page to perform like Queen at LIVE AID in ‘85—sorry, just watched that movie—then you need a kick-butt conversion system. The pieces below should help with that:
Before you convert people on your page, you gotta get them to your page: Read Brad Smith on how you can move beyond PPC best practices.
Haven’t built a page yet? Unbounce and Skillshare have you covered: A Free Video Crash Course from Unbounce and Skillshare
Finally, this is for those of us who just want a little more inspiration in our lives: Here are the best landing page examples for your swipe file.
from Marketing https://unbounce.com/landing-page-examples/app-landing-pages/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
jjonassevilla · 6 years
8 Incredible App Landing Pages (and How You Can Create Your Own)
Have you looked at your iPhone’s App Store lately? How about Google Play?
I’ve seen landfills with better curation.
With more than two million apps available on each store, people have a much better chance of finding a pearl in an oyster than randomly stumbling upon your app. No matter how appealing it is—no matter how entertaining or even life-changing—most people won’t discover it without a robust marketing campaign.
(And, to paraphrase Contently’s Bradley Little, going viral is not a strategy.)
The first step in marketing your iPhone or Android app is finding the right channels to promote it. Using Google Ads’ Universal App Campaigns (UAC) is a strong starting point, but many marketers get extra mileage from traditional PPC campaign, social media marketing, app cross-promotion, or even email blasts to newsletter subscribers.
In these cases, you’ll need a stellar landing page to overcome that hesitance we all feel about installing yet another piece of software onto our phones. For this reason, ensuring a buttery-smooth post-click experience is fundamental to the app marketer’s toolbox.
Hence this post. These are some of the best app landing page examples out there, all of ’em built with Unbounce. We want to highlight how you can create a page to promote your own mobile app and, as importantly, why a well-designed landing page can make all the difference. Along the way, we’ll throw in our two cents about what sets them apart.
So hop right into the examples below, or keep reading for a handful of best practices to get you started.
How to build app landing pages
If you’ve created a landing page for any ol’ purpose, you may have encountered some of this advice before. But it’s worth revisiting in the context of app marketing since some elements gain increased importance when you’re hoping to score some downloads. Let’s get started:
Establish your conversion goal first. As you’ll see from the examples below, an app landing page can be a lot of things. It can be a simple download page with links directly to the Android and iOS app stores. Or you might want your customers to subscribe to your service first. Or they might need to purchase a physical product for the app to work. Regardless, your conversion goal will have a significant impact on your calls-to-action, your copy, and even your design. So start there.
Start with mobile. If you’re like me, you default to desktop when building a new landing page. (Our builder kinda sorta encourages it, to be fair.) But since apps are designed primarily for phones, it usually makes sense to create your mobile version first. That way, you’ll better set yourself up for those visitors who’re most likely to download your app.
Keep their attention. This is true of all landing pages, but app pages that encourage a direct download in particular benefit from a 1:1 attention ratio. So don’t give ’em the world. Instead, hit your visitors with the essential information they need to convert.
Show the device. Ideally, you want to show your app running on a device that’s as similar as possible to what customers are using. Sometimes that’s an iPhone. Sometimes it’s an Android phone. It’ll differ depending on use cases, the campaign you’re running, and the kinds of customers you court.
EDITOR’S NOTE. Designing a great landing page is a challenge of its own. If you want some pro tips, check out this post featuring great examples of high-converting landing pages (and the secrets to swipe from ’em).
The best app landing page examples
Aaptiv (Industry: Fitness)
Image courtesy of Aaptiv. Click the image to access the desktop version. (Click here for the mobile one.)
How Aaptiv nails it: Design your app landing page differently for desktop versus mobile devices.
Aaptiv is a name that ensures this app will appear at the top of any alphabetical list. (Ahem, like this one.) But abecedarian branding is not enough to guarantee discovery. Instead, having a powerful marketing campaign, complemented by carefully targeted app landing pages like this one, can help a lot. This particular page focuses on employers who might want to include an Aaptiv account as part of their company’s wellness plan.
Why it works:
Include big-name clients. The testimonial from an existing Aaptiv member speaks to the flexibility of the app as well as the motivation it provides. I love it. But for employers, logos from prestigious brands like Starbucks and Amazon might be even more significant. If I want my employees to feel like they work for a first-class company, I really can’t do better than matching my wellness offerings with some big names.
Design for the device. We’ve included screenshots of both versions of the landing page here to highlight the differences between them. For instance, the desktop version has a handy breakdown of some of the app’s features. It also includes a few extra visuals that the mobile version tosses in favor of speedier loads. This ensures both versions are lightning-fast—and both still look like a million bucks—no matter the device that visitors are using.
Clarity shows confidence. When you’ve got something genuinely hot to show off, as Aaptiv does, it’s best to let your product speak for itself. That’s why the copy here is so straightforward. In the desktop version, Aaptiv’s pitch includes screenshots and copy that show off unique programs, expert trainers, and custom tracking in action. And that’s way more effective than flouncy language.
EDITOR’S NOTE. The Unbounce Builder lets you hide elements depending on which version your visitors see. You can go for maximum visual impact on the desktop while targeting better performance (and more engagement) on smartphones.
Advanced Producer (Industry: Real Estate)
Image courtesy of Advanced Commission. Click the image to access the full version.
How Advanced Producer nails it: Cut down on frustration by texting your desktop visitors a download link.
The Advanced Producer Mobile App by Advanced Commission doubles as an educational tool and a time-saver for REALTORS® using the company’s commission lending service. Though they have other pages for mobile campaigns, this one’s designed specifically for desktop viewing. Let’s take a look at some of the smart choices they’ve made in creating it.
Why it works:
Use texting to get them downloading. How do you ensure a download if you’re putting a landing page together for desktop viewing? After all, if visitors don’t have remote app install set up—and not many do—clicking a link to either app store from a desktop leads to an error message. That’s… not good. Advanced Producer cleverly gets around this problem by sending an SMS directly to their phone.
Use powerful language. REALTORS® are a competitive bunch, and they don’t have time to waste on namby-pamby apps. Both copy and design here respect that. It’s not just a matter of using forceful words (“dominate your market,” “devour pages of pro-level tips”) but also of being direct and to the point.
Say what platforms you support. For a while, it seemed app developers were all about Apple. But since Android phones outnumber iPhones in the US, it’s a good idea to let your visitors know that your app is downloadable on Google Play as well as in the iTunes app store (assuming, y’know, that’s actually true).
Cameo (Industry: Talent)
Image courtesy of Cameo and KlientBoost. Click the image to access the full version.
How Cameo nails it: Show your app in action.
Cameo’s unique service: personalized shoutouts from celebrities, athletes, and influencers that you can send to your friends, family, or coworkers. Talent earn money for a minute of their time, and customers get the thrill of a lifetime. It’s a charming idea, and an easy-to-use app lies at the heart of it. Trust me, your mom will love those birthday wishes from RiFF RAFF.
According to Tyler Mabery, the designer from KlientBoost who created this page, the challenge was letting users know how to use Cameo:
I made a section that explains the three steps in getting a Cameo so that users know exactly how the service works. I decided to have it peeking above the fold so that users would scroll down more to read about the service. It worked and this page is getting an 85% click-through rate.
Why it works:
Keep-it-simple steps. As Mabery says, the page isn’t shy about letting users know exactly how it works. In Cameo’s case, you don’t need a degree in rocket science to understand the app—browse talent, book talent, get yer video from talent. 1-2-3. But that’s the point. It’s easy. Listing steps when it’s effortless reinforces simplicity.
Show them how it works. It’s not always possible to highlight everything your app does. But clever use of animation or video can show off either functionality or results. Here, for instance, Cameo provides a sample from “Mr. Wonderful” himself, Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary. Another video, showing a fan’s reaction to a message from Cody Ko, is even more powerful. (And, yeah, I had to look him up too.)
“What’s it good for?”That’s the kind of question that a lot of marketers forget to answer about their products. Cameo’s app landing page uses a lot of space to communicate its many uses. They even provide lively, humorous examples—“Have Chris Harrison give a gift better than ‘the Final Rose’”—that inspire creativity and fun.
Carly (Industry: Automotive)
Image courtesy of Carly. Click the image to access the full version.
How Carly nails it: Design a landing page that actually fits your offering.
Some apps just install and go. In those cases, just providing a download link can be the best choice. (Though you should take care that your app landing page doesn’t end up looking generic.) But like many sophisticated tools, Carly’s “connected car” needs a little something extra to unlock your car’s hidden features. For this reason, they’ve designed a page that funnels potential customers into the right checkout flow for their needs.
Why it works:
Offer options (if you have to). Now, usually Unbounce recommends keeping your landing pages focused on a single call to action. But here’s another approach. Since it can be a challenge to accurately target prospects based on the car they drive, Carly’s page features seven buttons. Clicking on one takes you to a shop page that matches your needs. (Hitting a store page right away might be jarring, though, so it’d be worth testing what might happen if visitors are funneled to a second-stage landing page tailored to each manufacturer.)
Keep the eye moving down. Ideally, a visitor would immediately check to see if Carly supports their automobile. Then they’d buy the device. But conversions rarely work out that way. (We wish they did!) For the unconvinced, an animated arrow keeps them scrolling to a more detailed rundown of the product, its benefits, and some crystal clear illustrations of what it can do.
Under the influence. I don’t know the first thing about Beemers. (I take the bus to work most days.) But Justin Buice does. He’s an influencer who runs a successful channel dedicated to customizing and upgrading BMWs, and his YouTube video is featured in place of a testimonial on this page. If I were to tell you that Carly rocks, you’d likely scoff. (“Take a hike, bus boy!”) But the same claim from someone like Justin will convince you.
Crash Detech (Industry: Automotive Safety)
Image courtesy of Crash Detech. Click the image to access the full version.
How Crash Detech nails it: Provide free alternatives to paid services.
South Africa has some of the most dangerous roads in the world, and Crash Detech helps keep drivers safe by alerting emergency responders. But even a life-saving idea needs a brilliant marketing campaign behind it. That’s where this app landing page comes in. It’s actually the second step of a “free medical id” campaign that’s designed to encourage subscriptions to the service.
The company’s CEO, Jaco Gerrits, provides a little context about how it works:
Our main aim is to convert users on our paid subscription, but we also offer an alternative where they could ‘try the app for free.’ Once the user clicks the CTA, a welcome SMS/Text is sent with a link to our app, encouraging users to download and sign-in. We then use automation techniques to retarget users who have not downloaded and signed in to the app, to further improve our conversion rates.
Why it works:
Offer a free alternative. There are two buttons here, allowing visitors to either sign up for the paid subscription now or to get a free version of the service. Onboarding people into your app with limited functionality (or using a free trial) does two things. First, it lets them try before they buy. And, second, it begins a lead nurturing strategy that’ll eventually convert many unpaid users into paying customers.
The promise of safety. Safety and security can be powerful motivators, as they are throughout this page. According to Gerrits, the copy here immediately establishes “a strong connection with the visitor using emotive header text. Our sub-header summarises our benefits, providing a solution to keep you both safe and secure.”
Use media coverage as a source of credibility. If you’ve been lucky enough to be featured on local or international news—for good reasons, I hope—including it on your landing page, as Crash Detech does, can lend you legitimacy and overcome skepticism. (In an age of ‘fake news,’ it’s best to go with the most reliable sources you can.)
Hearth (Industry: Home Renovation/Financing)
Image courtesy of Hearth. Click the image to access the full version.
How Hearth nails it: Keep it simple to keep visitors focused.
Hearth offers quick, affordable financing for home renovations. They also work in partnership with contractors to help connect potential customers to lenders and close more sales. That’s where this app comes in: it allows people to pre-qualify for a renovation loan during an on-site visit (or at any other time, really).
Why it works:
Just the essentials. If you’re a creative, it can be easy to get carried away adding bells and whistles to your landing pages. The truth is, Hearth has other pages on their site that do a lot of the persuading. This landing page has one purpose—encouraging existing subscribers to download their app—and it does that cleanly and directly.
Buttons above the fold. It’s very common to see an app landing page that forces users to scroll to find a download link. Hearth smartly chooses to put them both near the top. They also keep them large and spaced apart to overcome the “big hands, small device” issue that plagues contractors.
Lighten the load. At Unbounce, we have a lot to say about the importance of speed. But speed is doubly important for mobile app landing pages. When you access this page on a phone, you notice how snappy it loads (in about 2 seconds). That’s because Hearth keeps it light for smartphone users by resisting the urge to include unnecessary content (like, for instance, an animated .gif showing the app in motion).
If you want to run the fastest mobile landing pages possible, Accelerated Mobile Pages deliver near-instant speeds and can be created in the Unbounce Builder. Read more about Unbounce and AMP landing pages.
Ibotta (Industry: Retail Rewards)
Image courtesy of Ibotta. Click the image to access the full version.
How Ibotta nails it: Use a simple page as a gateway to more mobile engagement.
Ibotta promises real cash back when you make purchases at participating retail stores. The app allows shoppers to scan receipts, link their loyalty cards, and even make purchases directly from their phones. Because there’s a fair bit of onboarding involved, however, they use simple app landing pages like this one as gateways to a more detailed sign-up. (Also, say their name aloud for today’s ‘aha!’ moment.)
Why it works:
Simple doesn’t mean silent. Like the example from Hearth above, Ibotta’s app landing page looks pretty basic. But just think about how much they’re saying on this page with a couple dozen words. First, their promise is crystal clear: “Earn Cash Back on Everyday Purchases.” Then, they sweeten the deal with the promise of a bonus for signing up. Even the button reminds you that the app is free to use.
Cut it short. If you look at the whole page, then you’ll notice that Ibotta only bother to include the top third of the phone here. Beyond what you can see when the page loads, in fact, there’s nothing but the footer. This keeps the page light and focused. It also means that the option to download Ibotta—whether you click the button or on the footer link—is never not on the screen. Genius!
Downloading the app is just the start. For Ibotta to succeed, they need users to get aboard that sweet mobile engagement loop and start using their app on the regular. For this reason, clicking brings visitors to a more detailed sign-up page (where they can create an account using Facebook or Google) that also serves to better onboard subscribers.
EDITOR’S NOTE. A mobile engagement loop is what happens when a customer is continually re-engaged after converting. It keeps people using your app long after they’ve downloaded it, which can be essential depending on your business model.
Overwolf (Industry: Gaming/esports)
Image courtesy of Overwolf. Click the image to access the full version.
Considering the size of the gaming industry, ‘niche’ is definitely not the right word to describe Overwolf’s target market. But this landing page is a killer example of just how engaging a specific demographic goes beyond witty copy and sharp design. As part of a cross-promotion with 20th Century Fox’s The Kid Who Would Be King, Overwolf has crafted an experience that speaks directly to younger gamers who make up the audience of this film.
Overwolf’s Communications and Content Manager, Shay Zeldis, lays out the strategy in detail:
It’s a page built for players of CS:GO, League of Legends, and Rocket League, with strong incentives and gaming hardware prizes, in a tested layout that increases conversions. To drive traffic and gamers who are ready to participate, we focused on community, social and video channels, with relevant materials hyping up gamers even before they land in the page.
Why it works:
Gamify your app download. This isn’t just a landing page, it’s a challenge. How do you get started on your path to glory? You download Overwolf’s Game Summary app, win a match of one of three popular games, then share the results on Twitter. It’s a brilliant way to incentivize downloading and reflects the competitive spirit of esports.
Lean into cross-promotion. The tie-in with The Kid Who Would Be King goes beyond just using a logo. The copy here blends Arthurian legend (“Set out on a magical adventure”) with how gamers speak to one another (missions, custom games, eliminations, goals) to create a sense of fun.
Pick the right social channels. As CEO Uri Marchand put it in a recent Medium post, “brands trying to reach gamers in the same ways they approach random website visitors quickly learn their mistake.” Overwolf, for instance, has learned to hit the community and social channels where young gamers actually congregate. For example, they created these awesome promo and reaction videos on YouTube that hype before they ever see the landing page itself.
Don’t wait for your app to be discovered
You’re a SaaS company looking for subscriptions to grow your business? Cool. An indie game designer hoping to release the next Flappy Bird? Great. Just generating ad revenue by providing a free tool? That’s terrific. In any case, creating a mobile-responsive app landing page is a great way to introduce yourself to an app-hungry public.
These days, there’s an impressive variety to businesses that are out there promoting an app of some sort. Sometimes it’s the very core of what they do. Other times, it’s an add-on that enhances an existing service. For some apps, a clean download page and a tightly run PPC campaign are all that’s needed to strike digital gold. But others require incredibly nuanced design, whip-smart workarounds, or Gary Kasparov levels of strategy.
(I’d venture to say you’ve seen all three in the examples above.)
Whatever your approach, and whatever your app is promising, you’ll need to stand out from the competition. An app marketing campaign that includes a few spiffy landing pages is your best bet in kickin’ off that mobile engagement loop.
Best landing pages for apps: related content
I just blasted you with a ton of information, but there’s more to learn! If you want your landing page to perform like Queen at LIVE AID in ‘85—sorry, just watched that movie—then you need a kick-butt conversion system. The pieces below should help with that:
Before you convert people on your page, you gotta get them to your page: Read Brad Smith on how you can move beyond PPC best practices.
Haven’t built a page yet? Unbounce and Skillshare have you covered: A Free Video Crash Course from Unbounce and Skillshare
Finally, this is for those of us who just want a little more inspiration in our lives: Here are the best landing page examples for your swipe file.
from Marketing https://unbounce.com/landing-page-examples/app-landing-pages/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
roypstickney · 6 years
8 Incredible App Landing Pages (and How You Can Create Your Own)
Have you looked at your iPhone’s App Store lately? How about Google Play?
I’ve seen landfills with better curation.
With more than two million apps available on each store, people have a much better chance of finding a pearl in an oyster than randomly stumbling upon your app. No matter how appealing it is—no matter how entertaining or even life-changing—most people won’t discover it without a robust marketing campaign.
(And, to paraphrase Contently’s Bradley Little, going viral is not a strategy.)
The first step in marketing your iPhone or Android app is finding the right channels to promote it. Using Google Ads’ Universal App Campaigns (UAC) is a strong starting point, but many marketers get extra mileage from traditional PPC campaign, social media marketing, app cross-promotion, or even email blasts to newsletter subscribers.
In these cases, you’ll need a stellar landing page to overcome that hesitance we all feel about installing yet another piece of software onto our phones. For this reason, ensuring a buttery-smooth post-click experience is fundamental to the app marketer’s toolbox.
Hence this post. These are some of the best app landing page examples out there, all of ’em built with Unbounce. We want to highlight how you can create a page to promote your own mobile app and, as importantly, why a well-designed landing page can make all the difference. Along the way, we’ll throw in our two cents about what sets them apart.
So hop right into the examples below, or keep reading for a handful of best practices to get you started.
How to build app landing pages
If you’ve created a landing page for any ol’ purpose, you may have encountered some of this advice before. But it’s worth revisiting in the context of app marketing since some elements gain increased importance when you’re hoping to score some downloads. Let’s get started:
Establish your conversion goal first. As you’ll see from the examples below, an app landing page can be a lot of things. It can be a simple download page with links directly to the Android and iOS app stores. Or you might want your customers to subscribe to your service first. Or they might need to purchase a physical product for the app to work. Regardless, your conversion goal will have a significant impact on your calls-to-action, your copy, and even your design. So start there.
Start with mobile. If you’re like me, you default to desktop when building a new landing page. (Our builder kinda sorta encourages it, to be fair.) But since apps are designed primarily for phones, it usually makes sense to create your mobile version first. That way, you’ll better set yourself up for those visitors who’re most likely to download your app.
Keep their attention. This is true of all landing pages, but app pages that encourage a direct download in particular benefit from a 1:1 attention ratio. So don’t give ’em the world. Instead, hit your visitors with the essential information they need to convert.
Show the device. Ideally, you want to show your app running on a device that’s as similar as possible to what customers are using. Sometimes that’s an iPhone. Sometimes it’s an Android phone. It’ll differ depending on use cases, the campaign you’re running, and the kinds of customers you court.
EDITOR’S NOTE. Designing a great landing page is a challenge of its own. If you want some pro tips, check out this post featuring great examples of high-converting landing pages (and the secrets to swipe from ’em).
The best app landing page examples
Aaptiv (Industry: Fitness)
Image courtesy of Aaptiv. Click the image to access the desktop version. (Click here for the mobile one.)
How Aaptiv nails it: Design your app landing page differently for desktop versus mobile devices.
Aaptiv is a name that ensures this app will appear at the top of any alphabetical list. (Ahem, like this one.) But abecedarian branding is not enough to guarantee discovery. Instead, having a powerful marketing campaign, complemented by carefully targeted app landing pages like this one, can help a lot. This particular page focuses on employers who might want to include an Aaptiv account as part of their company’s wellness plan.
Why it works:
Include big-name clients. The testimonial from an existing Aaptiv member speaks to the flexibility of the app as well as the motivation it provides. I love it. But for employers, logos from prestigious brands like Starbucks and Amazon might be even more significant. If I want my employees to feel like they work for a first-class company, I really can’t do better than matching my wellness offerings with some big names.
Design for the device. We’ve included screenshots of both versions of the landing page here to highlight the differences between them. For instance, the desktop version has a handy breakdown of some of the app’s features. It also includes a few extra visuals that the mobile version tosses in favor of speedier loads. This ensures both versions are lightning-fast—and both still look like a million bucks—no matter the device that visitors are using.
Clarity shows confidence. When you’ve got something genuinely hot to show off, as Aaptiv does, it’s best to let your product speak for itself. That’s why the copy here is so straightforward. In the desktop version, Aaptiv’s pitch includes screenshots and copy that show off unique programs, expert trainers, and custom tracking in action. And that’s way more effective than flouncy language.
EDITOR’S NOTE. The Unbounce Builder lets you hide elements depending on which version your visitors see. You can go for maximum visual impact on the desktop while targeting better performance (and more engagement) on smartphones.
Advanced Producer (Industry: Real Estate)
Image courtesy of Advanced Commission. Click the image to access the full version.
How Advanced Producer nails it: Cut down on frustration by texting your desktop visitors a download link.
The Advanced Producer Mobile App by Advanced Commission doubles as an educational tool and a time-saver for REALTORS® using the company’s commission lending service. Though they have other pages for mobile campaigns, this one’s designed specifically for desktop viewing. Let’s take a look at some of the smart choices they’ve made in creating it.
Why it works:
Use texting to get them downloading. How do you ensure a download if you’re putting a landing page together for desktop viewing? After all, if visitors don’t have remote app install set up—and not many do—clicking a link to either app store from a desktop leads to an error message. That’s… not good. Advanced Producer cleverly gets around this problem by sending an SMS directly to their phone.
Use powerful language. REALTORS® are a competitive bunch, and they don’t have time to waste on namby-pamby apps. Both copy and design here respect that. It’s not just a matter of using forceful words (“dominate your market,” “devour pages of pro-level tips”) but also of being direct and to the point.
Say what platforms you support. For a while, it seemed app developers were all about Apple. But since Android phones outnumber iPhones in the US, it’s a good idea to let your visitors know that your app is downloadable on Google Play as well as in the iTunes app store (assuming, y’know, that’s actually true).
Cameo (Industry: Talent)
Image courtesy of Cameo and KlientBoost. Click the image to access the full version.
How Cameo nails it: Show your app in action.
Cameo’s unique service: personalized shoutouts from celebrities, athletes, and influencers that you can send to your friends, family, or coworkers. Talent earn money for a minute of their time, and customers get the thrill of a lifetime. It’s a charming idea, and an easy-to-use app lies at the heart of it. Trust me, your mom will love those birthday wishes from RiFF RAFF.
According to Tyler Mabery, the designer from KlientBoost who created this page, the challenge was letting users know how to use Cameo:
I made a section that explains the three steps in getting a Cameo so that users know exactly how the service works. I decided to have it peeking above the fold so that users would scroll down more to read about the service. It worked and this page is getting an 85% click-through rate.
Why it works:
Keep-it-simple steps. As Mabery says, the page isn’t shy about letting users know exactly how it works. In Cameo’s case, you don’t need a degree in rocket science to understand the app—browse talent, book talent, get yer video from talent. 1-2-3. But that’s the point. It’s easy. Listing steps when it’s effortless reinforces simplicity.
Show them how it works. It’s not always possible to highlight everything your app does. But clever use of animation or video can show off either functionality or results. Here, for instance, Cameo provides a sample from “Mr. Wonderful” himself, Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary. Another video, showing a fan’s reaction to a message from Cody Ko, is even more powerful. (And, yeah, I had to look him up too.)
“What’s it good for?”That’s the kind of question that a lot of marketers forget to answer about their products. Cameo’s app landing page uses a lot of space to communicate its many uses. They even provide lively, humorous examples—“Have Chris Harrison give a gift better than ‘the Final Rose’”—that inspire creativity and fun.
Carly (Industry: Automotive)
Image courtesy of Carly. Click the image to access the full version.
How Carly nails it: Design a landing page that actually fits your offering.
Some apps just install and go. In those cases, just providing a download link can be the best choice. (Though you should take care that your app landing page doesn’t end up looking generic.) But like many sophisticated tools, Carly’s “connected car” needs a little something extra to unlock your car’s hidden features. For this reason, they’ve designed a page that funnels potential customers into the right checkout flow for their needs.
Why it works:
Offer options (if you have to). Now, usually Unbounce recommends keeping your landing pages focused on a single call to action. But here’s another approach. Since it can be a challenge to accurately target prospects based on the car they drive, Carly’s page features seven buttons. Clicking on one takes you to a shop page that matches your needs. (Hitting a store page right away might be jarring, though, so it’d be worth testing what might happen if visitors are funneled to a second-stage landing page tailored to each manufacturer.)
Keep the eye moving down. Ideally, a visitor would immediately check to see if Carly supports their automobile. Then they’d buy the device. But conversions rarely work out that way. (We wish they did!) For the unconvinced, an animated arrow keeps them scrolling to a more detailed rundown of the product, its benefits, and some crystal clear illustrations of what it can do.
Under the influence. I don’t know the first thing about Beemers. (I take the bus to work most days.) But Justin Buice does. He’s an influencer who runs a successful channel dedicated to customizing and upgrading BMWs, and his YouTube video is featured in place of a testimonial on this page. If I were to tell you that Carly rocks, you’d likely scoff. (“Take a hike, bus boy!”) But the same claim from someone like Justin will convince you.
Crash Detech (Industry: Automotive Safety)
Image courtesy of Crash Detech. Click the image to access the full version.
How Crash Detech nails it: Provide free alternatives to paid services.
South Africa has some of the most dangerous roads in the world, and Crash Detech helps keep drivers safe by alerting emergency responders. But even a life-saving idea needs a brilliant marketing campaign behind it. That’s where this app landing page comes in. It’s actually the second step of a “free medical id” campaign that’s designed to encourage subscriptions to the service.
The company’s CEO, Jaco Gerrits, provides a little context about how it works:
Our main aim is to convert users on our paid subscription, but we also offer an alternative where they could ‘try the app for free.’ Once the user clicks the CTA, a welcome SMS/Text is sent with a link to our app, encouraging users to download and sign-in. We then use automation techniques to retarget users who have not downloaded and signed in to the app, to further improve our conversion rates.
Why it works:
Offer a free alternative. There are two buttons here, allowing visitors to either sign up for the paid subscription now or to get a free version of the service. Onboarding people into your app with limited functionality (or using a free trial) does two things. First, it lets them try before they buy. And, second, it begins a lead nurturing strategy that’ll eventually convert many unpaid users into paying customers.
The promise of safety. Safety and security can be powerful motivators, as they are throughout this page. According to Gerrits, the copy here immediately establishes “a strong connection with the visitor using emotive header text. Our sub-header summarises our benefits, providing a solution to keep you both safe and secure.”
Use media coverage as a source of credibility. If you’ve been lucky enough to be featured on local or international news—for good reasons, I hope—including it on your landing page, as Crash Detech does, can lend you legitimacy and overcome skepticism. (In an age of ‘fake news,’ it’s best to go with the most reliable sources you can.)
Hearth (Industry: Home Renovation/Financing)
Image courtesy of Hearth. Click the image to access the full version.
How Hearth nails it: Keep it simple to keep visitors focused.
Hearth offers quick, affordable financing for home renovations. They also work in partnership with contractors to help connect potential customers to lenders and close more sales. That’s where this app comes in: it allows people to pre-qualify for a renovation loan during an on-site visit (or at any other time, really).
Why it works:
Just the essentials. If you’re a creative, it can be easy to get carried away adding bells and whistles to your landing pages. The truth is, Hearth has other pages on their site that do a lot of the persuading. This landing page has one purpose—encouraging existing subscribers to download their app—and it does that cleanly and directly.
Buttons above the fold. It’s very common to see an app landing page that forces users to scroll to find a download link. Hearth smartly chooses to put them both near the top. They also keep them large and spaced apart to overcome the “big hands, small device” issue that plagues contractors.
Lighten the load. At Unbounce, we have a lot to say about the importance of speed. But speed is doubly important for mobile app landing pages. When you access this page on a phone, you notice how snappy it loads (in about 2 seconds). That’s because Hearth keeps it light for smartphone users by resisting the urge to include unnecessary content (like, for instance, an animated .gif showing the app in motion).
If you want to run the fastest mobile landing pages possible, Accelerated Mobile Pages deliver near-instant speeds and can be created in the Unbounce Builder. Read more about Unbounce and AMP landing pages.
Ibotta (Industry: Retail Rewards)
Image courtesy of Ibotta. Click the image to access the full version.
How Ibotta nails it: Use a simple page as a gateway to more mobile engagement.
Ibotta promises real cash back when you make purchases at participating retail stores. The app allows shoppers to scan receipts, link their loyalty cards, and even make purchases directly from their phones. Because there’s a fair bit of onboarding involved, however, they use simple app landing pages like this one as gateways to a more detailed sign-up. (Also, say their name aloud for today’s ‘aha!’ moment.)
Why it works:
Simple doesn’t mean silent. Like the example from Hearth above, Ibotta’s app landing page looks pretty basic. But just think about how much they’re saying on this page with a couple dozen words. First, their promise is crystal clear: “Earn Cash Back on Everyday Purchases.” Then, they sweeten the deal with the promise of a bonus for signing up. Even the button reminds you that the app is free to use.
Cut it short. If you look at the whole page, then you’ll notice that Ibotta only bother to include the top third of the phone here. Beyond what you can see when the page loads, in fact, there’s nothing but the footer. This keeps the page light and focused. It also means that the option to download Ibotta—whether you click the button or on the footer link—is never not on the screen. Genius!
Downloading the app is just the start. For Ibotta to succeed, they need users to get aboard that sweet mobile engagement loop and start using their app on the regular. For this reason, clicking brings visitors to a more detailed sign-up page (where they can create an account using Facebook or Google) that also serves to better onboard subscribers.
EDITOR’S NOTE. A mobile engagement loop is what happens when a customer is continually re-engaged after converting. It keeps people using your app long after they’ve downloaded it, which can be essential depending on your business model.
Overwolf (Industry: Gaming/esports)
Image courtesy of Overwolf. Click the image to access the full version.
Considering the size of the gaming industry, ‘niche’ is definitely not the right word to describe Overwolf’s target market. But this landing page is a killer example of just how engaging a specific demographic goes beyond witty copy and sharp design. As part of a cross-promotion with 20th Century Fox’s The Kid Who Would Be King, Overwolf has crafted an experience that speaks directly to younger gamers who make up the audience of this film.
Overwolf’s Communications and Content Manager, Shay Zeldis, lays out the strategy in detail:
It’s a page built for players of CS:GO, League of Legends, and Rocket League, with strong incentives and gaming hardware prizes, in a tested layout that increases conversions. To drive traffic and gamers who are ready to participate, we focused on community, social and video channels, with relevant materials hyping up gamers even before they land in the page.
Why it works:
Gamify your app download. This isn’t just a landing page, it’s a challenge. How do you get started on your path to glory? You download Overwolf’s Game Summary app, win a match of one of three popular games, then share the results on Twitter. It’s a brilliant way to incentivize downloading and reflects the competitive spirit of esports.
Lean into cross-promotion. The tie-in with The Kid Who Would Be King goes beyond just using a logo. The copy here blends Arthurian legend (“Set out on a magical adventure”) with how gamers speak to one another (missions, custom games, eliminations, goals) to create a sense of fun.
Pick the right social channels. As CEO Uri Marchand put it in a recent Medium post, “brands trying to reach gamers in the same ways they approach random website visitors quickly learn their mistake.” Overwolf, for instance, has learned to hit the community and social channels where young gamers actually congregate. For example, they created these awesome promo and reaction videos on YouTube that hype before they ever see the landing page itself.
Don’t wait for your app to be discovered
You’re a SaaS company looking for subscriptions to grow your business? Cool. An indie game designer hoping to release the next Flappy Bird? Great. Just generating ad revenue by providing a free tool? That’s terrific. In any case, creating a mobile-responsive app landing page is a great way to introduce yourself to an app-hungry public.
These days, there’s an impressive variety to businesses that are out there promoting an app of some sort. Sometimes it’s the very core of what they do. Other times, it’s an add-on that enhances an existing service. For some apps, a clean download page and a tightly run PPC campaign are all that’s needed to strike digital gold. But others require incredibly nuanced design, whip-smart workarounds, or Gary Kasparov levels of strategy.
(I’d venture to say you’ve seen all three in the examples above.)
Whatever your approach, and whatever your app is promising, you’ll need to stand out from the competition. An app marketing campaign that includes a few spiffy landing pages is your best bet in kickin’ off that mobile engagement loop.
Best landing pages for apps: related content
I just blasted you with a ton of information, but there’s more to learn! If you want your landing page to perform like Queen at LIVE AID in ‘85—sorry, just watched that movie—then you need a kick-butt conversion system. The pieces below should help with that:
Before you convert people on your page, you gotta get them to your page: Read Brad Smith on how you can move beyond PPC best practices.
Haven’t built a page yet? Unbounce and Skillshare have you covered: A Free Video Crash Course from Unbounce and Skillshare
Finally, this is for those of us who just want a little more inspiration in our lives: Here are the best landing page examples for your swipe file.
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josephkchoi · 6 years
8 Incredible App Landing Pages (and How You Can Create Your Own)
Have you looked at your iPhone’s App Store lately? How about Google Play?
I’ve seen landfills with better curation.
With more than two million apps available on each store, people have a much better chance of finding a pearl in an oyster than randomly stumbling upon your app. No matter how appealing it is—no matter how entertaining or even life-changing—most people won’t discover it without a robust marketing campaign.
(And, to paraphrase Contently’s Bradley Little, going viral is not a strategy.)
The first step in marketing your iPhone or Android app is finding the right channels to promote it. Using Google Ads’ Universal App Campaigns (UAC) is a strong starting point, but many marketers get extra mileage from traditional PPC campaign, social media marketing, app cross-promotion, or even email blasts to newsletter subscribers.
In these cases, you’ll need a stellar landing page to overcome that hesitance we all feel about installing yet another piece of software onto our phones. For this reason, ensuring a buttery-smooth post-click experience is fundamental to the app marketer’s toolbox.
Hence this post. These are some of the best app landing page examples out there, all of ’em built with Unbounce. We want to highlight how you can create a page to promote your own mobile app and, as importantly, why a well-designed landing page can make all the difference. Along the way, we’ll throw in our two cents about what sets them apart.
So hop right into the examples below, or keep reading for a handful of best practices to get you started.
How to build app landing pages
If you’ve created a landing page for any ol’ purpose, you may have encountered some of this advice before. But it’s worth revisiting in the context of app marketing since some elements gain increased importance when you’re hoping to score some downloads. Let’s get started:
Establish your conversion goal first. As you’ll see from the examples below, an app landing page can be a lot of things. It can be a simple download page with links directly to the Android and iOS app stores. Or you might want your customers to subscribe to your service first. Or they might need to purchase a physical product for the app to work. Regardless, your conversion goal will have a significant impact on your calls-to-action, your copy, and even your design. So start there.
Start with mobile. If you’re like me, you default to desktop when building a new landing page. (Our builder kinda sorta encourages it, to be fair.) But since apps are designed primarily for phones, it usually makes sense to create your mobile version first. That way, you’ll better set yourself up for those visitors who’re most likely to download your app.
Keep their attention. This is true of all landing pages, but app pages that encourage a direct download in particular benefit from a 1:1 attention ratio. So don’t give ’em the world. Instead, hit your visitors with the essential information they need to convert.
Show the device. Ideally, you want to show your app running on a device that’s as similar as possible to what customers are using. Sometimes that’s an iPhone. Sometimes it’s an Android phone. It’ll differ depending on use cases, the campaign you’re running, and the kinds of customers you court.
EDITOR’S NOTE. Designing a great landing page is a challenge of its own. If you want some pro tips, check out this post featuring great examples of high-converting landing pages (and the secrets to swipe from ’em).
The best app landing page examples
Aaptiv (Industry: Fitness)
Image courtesy of Aaptiv. Click the image to access the desktop version. (Click here for the mobile one.)
How Aaptiv nails it: Design your app landing page differently for desktop versus mobile devices.
Aaptiv is a name that ensures this app will appear at the top of any alphabetical list. (Ahem, like this one.) But abecedarian branding is not enough to guarantee discovery. Instead, having a powerful marketing campaign, complemented by carefully targeted app landing pages like this one, can help a lot. This particular page focuses on employers who might want to include an Aaptiv account as part of their company’s wellness plan.
Why it works:
Include big-name clients. The testimonial from an existing Aaptiv member speaks to the flexibility of the app as well as the motivation it provides. I love it. But for employers, logos from prestigious brands like Starbucks and Amazon might be even more significant. If I want my employees to feel like they work for a first-class company, I really can’t do better than matching my wellness offerings with some big names.
Design for the device. We’ve included screenshots of both versions of the landing page here to highlight the differences between them. For instance, the desktop version has a handy breakdown of some of the app’s features. It also includes a few extra visuals that the mobile version tosses in favor of speedier loads. This ensures both versions are lightning-fast—and both still look like a million bucks—no matter the device that visitors are using.
Clarity shows confidence. When you’ve got something genuinely hot to show off, as Aaptiv does, it’s best to let your product speak for itself. That’s why the copy here is so straightforward. In the desktop version, Aaptiv’s pitch includes screenshots and copy that show off unique programs, expert trainers, and custom tracking in action. And that’s way more effective than flouncy language.
EDITOR’S NOTE. The Unbounce Builder lets you hide elements depending on which version your visitors see. You can go for maximum visual impact on the desktop while targeting better performance (and more engagement) on smartphones.
Advanced Producer (Industry: Real Estate)
Image courtesy of Advanced Commission. Click the image to access the full version.
How Advanced Producer nails it: Cut down on frustration by texting your desktop visitors a download link.
The Advanced Producer Mobile App by Advanced Commission doubles as an educational tool and a time-saver for REALTORS® using the company’s commission lending service. Though they have other pages for mobile campaigns, this one’s designed specifically for desktop viewing. Let’s take a look at some of the smart choices they’ve made in creating it.
Why it works:
Use texting to get them downloading. How do you ensure a download if you’re putting a landing page together for desktop viewing? After all, if visitors don’t have remote app install set up—and not many do—clicking a link to either app store from a desktop leads to an error message. That’s… not good. Advanced Producer cleverly gets around this problem by sending an SMS directly to their phone.
Use powerful language. REALTORS® are a competitive bunch, and they don’t have time to waste on namby-pamby apps. Both copy and design here respect that. It’s not just a matter of using forceful words (“dominate your market,” “devour pages of pro-level tips”) but also of being direct and to the point.
Say what platforms you support. For a while, it seemed app developers were all about Apple. But since Android phones outnumber iPhones in the US, it’s a good idea to let your visitors know that your app is downloadable on Google Play as well as in the iTunes app store (assuming, y’know, that’s actually true).
Cameo (Industry: Talent)
Image courtesy of Cameo and KlientBoost. Click the image to access the full version.
How Cameo nails it: Show your app in action.
Cameo’s unique service: personalized shoutouts from celebrities, athletes, and influencers that you can send to your friends, family, or coworkers. Talent earn money for a minute of their time, and customers get the thrill of a lifetime. It’s a charming idea, and an easy-to-use app lies at the heart of it. Trust me, your mom will love those birthday wishes from RiFF RAFF.
According to Tyler Mabery, the designer from KlientBoost who created this page, the challenge was letting users know how to use Cameo:
I made a section that explains the three steps in getting a Cameo so that users know exactly how the service works. I decided to have it peeking above the fold so that users would scroll down more to read about the service. It worked and this page is getting an 85% click-through rate.
Why it works:
Keep-it-simple steps. As Mabery says, the page isn’t shy about letting users know exactly how it works. In Cameo’s case, you don’t need a degree in rocket science to understand the app—browse talent, book talent, get yer video from talent. 1-2-3. But that’s the point. It’s easy. Listing steps when it’s effortless reinforces simplicity.
Show them how it works. It’s not always possible to highlight everything your app does. But clever use of animation or video can show off either functionality or results. Here, for instance, Cameo provides a sample from “Mr. Wonderful” himself, Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary. Another video, showing a fan’s reaction to a message from Cody Ko, is even more powerful. (And, yeah, I had to look him up too.)
“What’s it good for?”That’s the kind of question that a lot of marketers forget to answer about their products. Cameo’s app landing page uses a lot of space to communicate its many uses. They even provide lively, humorous examples—“Have Chris Harrison give a gift better than ‘the Final Rose’”—that inspire creativity and fun.
Carly (Industry: Automotive)
Image courtesy of Carly. Click the image to access the full version.
How Carly nails it: Design a landing page that actually fits your offering.
Some apps just install and go. In those cases, just providing a download link can be the best choice. (Though you should take care that your app landing page doesn’t end up looking generic.) But like many sophisticated tools, Carly’s “connected car” needs a little something extra to unlock your car’s hidden features. For this reason, they’ve designed a page that funnels potential customers into the right checkout flow for their needs.
Why it works:
Offer options (if you have to). Now, usually Unbounce recommends keeping your landing pages focused on a single call to action. But here’s another approach. Since it can be a challenge to accurately target prospects based on the car they drive, Carly’s page features seven buttons. Clicking on one takes you to a shop page that matches your needs. (Hitting a store page right away might be jarring, though, so it’d be worth testing what might happen if visitors are funneled to a second-stage landing page tailored to each manufacturer.)
Keep the eye moving down. Ideally, a visitor would immediately check to see if Carly supports their automobile. Then they’d buy the device. But conversions rarely work out that way. (We wish they did!) For the unconvinced, an animated arrow keeps them scrolling to a more detailed rundown of the product, its benefits, and some crystal clear illustrations of what it can do.
Under the influence. I don’t know the first thing about Beemers. (I take the bus to work most days.) But Justin Buice does. He’s an influencer who runs a successful channel dedicated to customizing and upgrading BMWs, and his YouTube video is featured in place of a testimonial on this page. If I were to tell you that Carly rocks, you’d likely scoff. (“Take a hike, bus boy!”) But the same claim from someone like Justin will convince you.
Crash Detech (Industry: Automotive Safety)
Image courtesy of Crash Detech. Click the image to access the full version.
How Crash Detech nails it: Provide free alternatives to paid services.
South Africa has some of the most dangerous roads in the world, and Crash Detech helps keep drivers safe by alerting emergency responders. But even a life-saving idea needs a brilliant marketing campaign behind it. That’s where this app landing page comes in. It’s actually the second step of a “free medical id” campaign that’s designed to encourage subscriptions to the service.
The company’s CEO, Jaco Gerrits, provides a little context about how it works:
Our main aim is to convert users on our paid subscription, but we also offer an alternative where they could ‘try the app for free.’ Once the user clicks the CTA, a welcome SMS/Text is sent with a link to our app, encouraging users to download and sign-in. We then use automation techniques to retarget users who have not downloaded and signed in to the app, to further improve our conversion rates.
Why it works:
Offer a free alternative. There are two buttons here, allowing visitors to either sign up for the paid subscription now or to get a free version of the service. Onboarding people into your app with limited functionality (or using a free trial) does two things. First, it lets them try before they buy. And, second, it begins a lead nurturing strategy that’ll eventually convert many unpaid users into paying customers.
The promise of safety. Safety and security can be powerful motivators, as they are throughout this page. According to Gerrits, the copy here immediately establishes “a strong connection with the visitor using emotive header text. Our sub-header summarises our benefits, providing a solution to keep you both safe and secure.”
Use media coverage as a source of credibility. If you’ve been lucky enough to be featured on local or international news—for good reasons, I hope—including it on your landing page, as Crash Detech does, can lend you legitimacy and overcome skepticism. (In an age of ‘fake news,’ it’s best to go with the most reliable sources you can.)
Hearth (Industry: Home Renovation/Financing)
Image courtesy of Hearth. Click the image to access the full version.
How Hearth nails it: Keep it simple to keep visitors focused.
Hearth offers quick, affordable financing for home renovations. They also work in partnership with contractors to help connect potential customers to lenders and close more sales. That’s where this app comes in: it allows people to pre-qualify for a renovation loan during an on-site visit (or at any other time, really).
Why it works:
Just the essentials. If you’re a creative, it can be easy to get carried away adding bells and whistles to your landing pages. The truth is, Hearth has other pages on their site that do a lot of the persuading. This landing page has one purpose—encouraging existing subscribers to download their app—and it does that cleanly and directly.
Buttons above the fold. It’s very common to see an app landing page that forces users to scroll to find a download link. Hearth smartly chooses to put them both near the top. They also keep them large and spaced apart to overcome the “big hands, small device” issue that plagues contractors.
Lighten the load. At Unbounce, we have a lot to say about the importance of speed. But speed is doubly important for mobile app landing pages. When you access this page on a phone, you notice how snappy it loads (in about 2 seconds). That’s because Hearth keeps it light for smartphone users by resisting the urge to include unnecessary content (like, for instance, an animated .gif showing the app in motion).
If you want to run the fastest mobile landing pages possible, Accelerated Mobile Pages deliver near-instant speeds and can be created in the Unbounce Builder. Read more about Unbounce and AMP landing pages.
Ibotta (Industry: Retail Rewards)
Image courtesy of Ibotta. Click the image to access the full version.
How Ibotta nails it: Use a simple page as a gateway to more mobile engagement.
Ibotta promises real cash back when you make purchases at participating retail stores. The app allows shoppers to scan receipts, link their loyalty cards, and even make purchases directly from their phones. Because there’s a fair bit of onboarding involved, however, they use simple app landing pages like this one as gateways to a more detailed sign-up. (Also, say their name aloud for today’s ‘aha!’ moment.)
Why it works:
Simple doesn’t mean silent. Like the example from Hearth above, Ibotta’s app landing page looks pretty basic. But just think about how much they’re saying on this page with a couple dozen words. First, their promise is crystal clear: “Earn Cash Back on Everyday Purchases.” Then, they sweeten the deal with the promise of a bonus for signing up. Even the button reminds you that the app is free to use.
Cut it short. If you look at the whole page, then you’ll notice that Ibotta only bother to include the top third of the phone here. Beyond what you can see when the page loads, in fact, there’s nothing but the footer. This keeps the page light and focused. It also means that the option to download Ibotta—whether you click the button or on the footer link—is never not on the screen. Genius!
Downloading the app is just the start. For Ibotta to succeed, they need users to get aboard that sweet mobile engagement loop and start using their app on the regular. For this reason, clicking brings visitors to a more detailed sign-up page (where they can create an account using Facebook or Google) that also serves to better onboard subscribers.
EDITOR’S NOTE. A mobile engagement loop is what happens when a customer is continually re-engaged after converting. It keeps people using your app long after they’ve downloaded it, which can be essential depending on your business model.
Overwolf (Industry: Gaming/esports)
Image courtesy of Overwolf. Click the image to access the full version.
Considering the size of the gaming industry, ‘niche’ is definitely not the right word to describe Overwolf’s target market. But this landing page is a killer example of just how engaging a specific demographic goes beyond witty copy and sharp design. As part of a cross-promotion with 20th Century Fox’s The Kid Who Would Be King, Overwolf has crafted an experience that speaks directly to younger gamers who make up the audience of this film.
Overwolf’s Communications and Content Manager, Shay Zeldis, lays out the strategy in detail:
It’s a page built for players of CS:GO, League of Legends, and Rocket League, with strong incentives and gaming hardware prizes, in a tested layout that increases conversions. To drive traffic and gamers who are ready to participate, we focused on community, social and video channels, with relevant materials hyping up gamers even before they land in the page.
Why it works:
Gamify your app download. This isn’t just a landing page, it’s a challenge. How do you get started on your path to glory? You download Overwolf’s Game Summary app, win a match of one of three popular games, then share the results on Twitter. It’s a brilliant way to incentivize downloading and reflects the competitive spirit of esports.
Lean into cross-promotion. The tie-in with The Kid Who Would Be King goes beyond just using a logo. The copy here blends Arthurian legend (“Set out on a magical adventure”) with how gamers speak to one another (missions, custom games, eliminations, goals) to create a sense of fun.
Pick the right social channels. As CEO Uri Marchand put it in a recent Medium post, “brands trying to reach gamers in the same ways they approach random website visitors quickly learn their mistake.” Overwolf, for instance, has learned to hit the community and social channels where young gamers actually congregate. For example, they created these awesome promo and reaction videos on YouTube that hype before they ever see the landing page itself.
Don’t wait for your app to be discovered
You’re a SaaS company looking for subscriptions to grow your business? Cool. An indie game designer hoping to release the next Flappy Bird? Great. Just generating ad revenue by providing a free tool? That’s terrific. In any case, creating a mobile-responsive app landing page is a great way to introduce yourself to an app-hungry public.
These days, there’s an impressive variety to businesses that are out there promoting an app of some sort. Sometimes it’s the very core of what they do. Other times, it’s an add-on that enhances an existing service. For some apps, a clean download page and a tightly run PPC campaign are all that’s needed to strike digital gold. But others require incredibly nuanced design, whip-smart workarounds, or Gary Kasparov levels of strategy.
(I’d venture to say you’ve seen all three in the examples above.)
Whatever your approach, and whatever your app is promising, you’ll need to stand out from the competition. An app marketing campaign that includes a few spiffy landing pages is your best bet in kickin’ off that mobile engagement loop.
Best landing pages for apps: related content
I just blasted you with a ton of information, but there’s more to learn! If you want your landing page to perform like Queen at LIVE AID in ‘85—sorry, just watched that movie—then you need a kick-butt conversion system. The pieces below should help with that:
Before you convert people on your page, you gotta get them to your page: Read Brad Smith on how you can move beyond PPC best practices.
Haven’t built a page yet? Unbounce and Skillshare have you covered: A Free Video Crash Course from Unbounce and Skillshare
Finally, this is for those of us who just want a little more inspiration in our lives: Here are the best landing page examples for your swipe file.
8 Incredible App Landing Pages (and How You Can Create Your Own) published first on https://nickpontemrktg.wordpress.com/
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