#soshi jessica
miraethepresent · 9 months
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kesujo · 3 months
Other Plans - Part 1 of 3
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Continuation of 'The Ifs and Buts of a Relationship'. If you don't want their innocent image to be destroyed, I would recommend steering clear ;D
I woke up to the feeling of the warm sun beating down on my eyelids. Something soft was resting on my cheek. My pillow?
Unwilling to wake up, I tried to lift my arm to block the sunlight, but found it was trapped by Jessi's arm.
I opened my eyes to see the white ceiling, blocked by strands of caramel-brown hair. This made me realize that during the night, she had crawled on top of me.
The hair blocking my vision also made me realize that the soft thing resting on my cheek wasn't my pillow, but her hair. How could her hair be so soft, even after not showering yesterday?
I lifted my head as much as I could to look at the clock. But when I noticed how the clock was different than the one I had at home, I suddenly remembered: we went to a karaoke place to celebrate my birthday yesterday, and had fallen asleep in a bed they provided for us.
However, the displayed time of 10:34 drained away all sleepiness I had. Oh no, I already wasted so much time just sleeping. Where's my laptop..? and then a sinking feeling in my stomach told me that I left it at home. Great, I thought and audibly groaned.
Since my arms and legs were trapped by Jessi's bear hug, I pondered what I could do to try and wake her up. Then, the realization hit me; we fell asleep around 1:30 yesterday, which means she only has slept for about 9 hours. I cringed at what her reaction might be when she wakes up, but started coming up with ideas anyway.
After debating with myself for a couple of minutes, I finally settling on one, I turned over to her face and pecked her cheek. "Jessi~" I cooed softly.
She didn't budge. I tried again, except this time planting a kiss right next to her eye. "Jessi~" I called to her once again. She stirred and made some kind of a noise, but otherwise, fell back asleep.
I sighed, thinking for sure that doing that would work. I really didn't want to go to my final resort; but I was willing and prepared to deal with anything, as long as I could get home quickly.
I lifted my head a little and planted a kiss right behind her ear. "Mph," Jessi groaned, turning us over so that I was on top of her now. I tried to escape, but her grip remained as hard as steel. I can't believe I'm actually doing this again, I thought as I lowered my head a little and planted another kiss right behind her ear, following it up by nibbling on her earlobe lightly "Mm," her groan turned into a soft moan.
I had learned of her magic spot while we were still a couple in high school. Don't ask me how I learned it, I just did.
"You haven't done that in forever," I heard Jessi's husky morning voice tell me.
I was a bit surprised Jessi didn't just hit me and fall back asleep again, like she usually did. Then again, I had never used this technique to wake her up before. I rolled off her, but this only caused us to switch our positions again. "Well, I really need to get back home so--"
She pecked me, cutting my words short. Why was she suddenly kissing me so much? Yesterday too, at the restaurant ...
"I had already planned something for today, but it's not until around 12," she informed me.
I whined. "I can't just ditch my research now, I--" but was cut off as she captured my lips again, making it last longer than last time.
When she pulled back, I looked at her with a confused expression. "Why are you kissing me so much recently?"
She pouted, which made my heart melt, despite her messy hair and her tired eyes. "Why can't I?"
"Well, because--" I tried to explain, but couldn't actually find a reason. "Because ... most best friends don't kiss each other?"
She gave me a gentle smile. "Well, we aren't 'most people', are we?"
I sighed, anticipating this response. "Yeah, I guess," I admitted in defeat.
"Plus, I'm practicing for something," she continued. I cocked my eyebrows.
"For what? Did you audition for a play recently that I wasn't aware of?"
She shook her head. "I signed us up for a recording of a porno," she told me calmly.
I almost gagged on the air I was breathing in. "Wh-What?" I asked, brain spinning with shock. Did Jessi seriously just say "porno"? And she signed us up for it? And how could she be so calm about it?
"So since there obviously will be a lot of kissing involved, I want us to get used to each other again," she continued, still calm. Before I could barrage her with questions, she opened her mouth again. "Oh yeah, and we're filming it with someone experienced, so there's no need to worry about her."
My brain was still spinning. Did she honestly expect me to have sex with her and her friend in front of a camera, where the producers would most likely post the video on some website and ruin my reputation? I know it seems selfish, especially if Jessi really wanted to do this and was just good at hiding her love for me or something, but the information I just received clouded my mind.
I half expected her to say "gotcha!" or something, but after a moment of silence, I realized she wasn't going to. I opened my mouth to speak, brain throwing around a million questions to ask her. "So you're going to get used to kissing me, but not actually having sex with me?"
I mentally facepalmed. Why did I have to ask that? Of all the things--
"Oh, that's a good point," she said, releasing her grip on me to place a finger on her lips in a thinking fashion. Although most people did this for the purpose of being cute, Jessi actually naturally did this, which made it all the cuter. "We should practice, shouldn't we?"
As she was reaching for the hem of her shirt, I scooted back. "No no no, I didn't mean--" but I was cut off as she reached a hand for my pants. Somehow, she managed to strip off her shirt and pants in the time I had said six words. "Wait," I said, grabbing her wrist. "We aren't honestly going to do this, are we?"
She looked at me. "Well, you don't want to be underprepared when we arrive, do you?"
"I mean, we aren't honestly going to be going to this recording of a porno, right?"
She looked at me in a sort of disbelieving fashion. "Why would I lie? I never lie," she pouted.
It was true; she never did lie. To me, at any rate.
"But--" I stammered, confused beyond belief. Why would Jessi do this? Did she honestly fall in love with me? She could have just told me instead of signing us up for something like this.
She took advantage of my confusion and grabbed a hold of the rim of my pajama pants and pulled down, leaving me only in my boxers, and her in her underwear. "Hey--" but once again was cut off when she climbed on top of me. It's not like I haven't seen Jessi in only her underwear, or that we have never been together without much clothing; heck, we sometimes took baths and showers together. But something in her eyes made me shudder: a glimmering hint of mischievousness.
"Jessi," I whined, causing her to smile. Just like her aegyo always made me smile, mine always made her smile. But otherwise, I hated using it with other people. It just made me feel awkward.
"Why did you sign us up for a recording of a porno again?" I finally managed to ask the question bugging me.
She sat on the space right below my groin. "Well, I found this website a week ago. On this website, you could share stories and read other people's stories," she explained. So this is why, in the past week, I sometimes found her focusing so hard on her computer screen sometimes. "And after reading some stories, I came across this story that contained a chapter of the characters having sex with each other." My face paled. I could see where this was going, but that's not why my face paled. The thought that came into my mind was so disturbing, I began praying to God that the one night where Jessi actually slept by herself wasn't because what I think it was. "So after reading that, I got really turned on and started searching for other smuts." Noticing my confused expression, she went on to explain. "Smuts are like stories or one-shots, which are basically short stories that last no more than one or two chapters, that contain sex." A mixture of an understanding and an even more disturbed expression came across my face.
Seeing my expression, Jessi giggled. "Your face is so cute right now," she cooed, completely breaking out of her serious explaining tone to rub her cheek on mine. I had flinched when she was lowering her face, thinking that she was going to kiss me again. Not that I didn't like her kisses, its just that right now, my innocent and pure image of Jessi was being destroyed right before my eyes. Or ears, I guess.
"Ok, so anyway," she went on, changing her tone in an instant. "So you know the one night a few days ago where I decided that I would sleep alone?" I nodded with eyes opened wide. Please, don't tell me she -- "I had done all my planning that night, including the sushi restaurant yesterday for dinner, karaoke yesterday night, and now the recording today. I figured you have been a virgin for too long, so I thought 'why not?' and signed us up," she said. I sighed a breath of relief. It wasn't what I thought it was, thank god.
She caught this and looked at me curiously. "What, did you think I was doing something else?"
I shook my head frantically, but still, she grinned. My stomach sank. "Did you think I was masturbating?"
I covered my face with my hands. I was unwilling to show my embarrassed face to her.
"Well, actually," she continued, causing my stomach to sink even further. Oh no ... she really did masturbate? "I did a little that night," she said, as if suddenly recalling. Seeing my pale face, she continued. "It was only so today wouldn't be my first time, because from the stories I read, the first time always hurt, and I didn't want to worry you with that."
Despite my completely destroyed image of her, I couldn't help but smile a bit. Even in a situation like that, she didn't stop thinking about others.
The moment was broken when she reached behind her back and undid her bra strap. "So are you ready?"
"No," I said, suddenly panicking as she threw her bra somewhere in the room and moved to removed her panties. Were we really going to have sex now? My best friend, whom I have known for about 20 years, and I were honestly going to do this right now?
"Why are you panicking so much?" she asked, looking down at me curiously after throwing her panties to join her bra.
"Well," I said, voice shaking. "I'm sorta about to get raped by my best friend--"
"Your hot best friend," she interrupted me, grinning. I felt something grab my arms, but I ignored it; I had to get an answer from her.
"Sure, hot best friend, someone I've known for the majority of my life. I mean, we aren't even a couple, and suddenly, we're about to have sex today. Who wouldn't be panicking?"
She rested her lower body on mine, supporting her upper body and her head with the arms, which were right next to my bare shoulders. "Me?"
The simple question suddenly created a question. "If you aren't in love with me, then how could she be so casual about this, as if this were normal?" I asked, accidentally speaking my mind.
Before I could hit myself for being so reckless, she answered. "Well, honestly, the smuts I have been reading made me realize how hot you actually are, and what it would be like to--"
"Ok, thanks," I cut her off, not wanting her to finish that sentence.
She grinned at me. "Aw, are you still shy about having sex with me?" she cooed, which was extremely strange because her cute voice saying the word "sex" completely threw off everything. "Well, its ok," she continued. "I'll make sure I get you horny enough," she said, once again smirking her mischievous smirk.
My eyes grew wide. Oh god, what was she going to do?
The whole conversation distracted me as I suddenly felt something cold attach itself to both my wrists. I looked up and was shocked to find that she had handcuffed my hands to the bedposts of the bed we were on.
She lowered herself onto me, pressing her breasts into my bare chest. I groaned, trying to wriggle out from under her, but to no avail. "And also," she breathed into my ear. "How do you know that I'm not in love with you?"
She didn't give me a chance to respond as she placed her mouth on my jaw, right under my left ear. The kiss sent electricity flying from that spot, causing my breath to quicken; it was my most sensitive spot, one that Jessi had discovered recently and always used to abuse me.
She nibbled the skin lightly, causing the electricity to intensify. "Jessi," I groaned, trying to bring my hands down to pull her off me. This did nothing except make a shackling sound, telling me that escaping from it was futile. I tried anyway, despite the small amount of pain I was beginning to feel from it.
"Jinnie, don't do that," she said in a worried tone, suddenly stopping and reaching her arms out to touch my wrists. However, this caused her body to stretch, causing her breasts to push more into me. I bit back another groan.
Her touch pacified my attempts of escape. When the shackling sound stopped, she looked back at me. "And by the way, this is your fault," she told me, moving her mouth right above mine.
"You nibbling my ear this morning really turned me on," she whispered. Frick, really? "And you're the one who suggested this," she whispered, attaching her mouth to my jaw again.
"Jessi," I groaned. "Stop..." I said softly, straining to escape my handcuffs again, but only filling the room with the sound of shackles shaking.
She ignored me and let her hands explore my body, running her hand across my pecs and my chiseled abs. The sexy aura she was giving off, from both her actions and the general atmosphere caused me to shiver; needless to say, her plan was working out quite well.
"Hmm," she hummed, moving her mouth off my jaw and onto my lips again. As she ran her hands down my sides sensually, her tongue licked at my lips, begging for entrance, which I denied. I was still trying to get over the fact that Jessi was doing this in the first place. And even more that I didn't mind, and that I might even like it.
Realizing I wasn't going to give her entrance, she started to attack my lips, trying to force her tongue inside. Concentrating all my attention on keeping her out, I didn't even realize she was pulling off my boxers until her bare skin made contact with mine.
"Mph!" I said in surprise, diverting my attention a bit, which was all Jessi needed to plunge her tongue into my mouth. Since when did she learn to be such a good multitasker? I wondered as she battled me for access to my mouth while grinding my hips with hers, creating extremely pleasurable friction. I closed my eyes, overwhelmed by this feeling.
"Mmm," we both moaned into each other's mouths. My attempt to escape the handcuffs became more frantic. Despite doing two things at once, Jessi managed to win the fight and was now deepening the kiss, only to have to separate for air after a few seconds.
I looked up at her wearily as she propped herself with her arms, this time resting on my chest. She smiled down at me. "Turned on yet?"
I raised my eyebrows. Was she honestly asking me that? Before I could answer, she dove down once again, this time aiming for my neck. "Hey--" but I was cut off as Jessi nipped at the skin on my neck. "What--" I started again, but once again was cut off as she grabbed more of my skin with her lips and brushed her teeth on it. Then, she bit down.
"Mm!" I mumbled in surprise, pain pinching my skin. "What--"
"I learned that people usually do that in the smuts I read," she informed me after coming back up.
I rolled my eyes. "Because everything you read online is true, right?" She pouted. I grinned at her. "I'm just teasing. But won't it leave a mark?" Her only answer was a nod, followed by a teasing smile. I frowned, which only caused her smile to trickle down to her mouth, showing off her perfectly straight, blindingly white teeth.
She bent down slightly and started to grind me again, placing kisses all across my chest. I squirmed, having already stopped trying to escape the handcuffs as I realized it was pointless. "Jess, what are you doing?" I asked while struggling under her.
"Shh," she told me, bringing her hand to my chest and tracing my abs. I shivered at her touch. Something in my lower region started to hurt a little, but I was distracted as she brought her mouth down to it and replace her finger with her tongue, using it to trace my abs instead. My breathing started to quicken again. Suddenly, Jessi stopped and laughed lightly. "Your little friend is trying to greet my thigh," she told me, giggling.
"What--?" then I realized what she meant by 'little friend' as I realized what the pain in my lower region was. I tried to hide my blush, but my hands were cuffed to the bedposts.
She noticed this and lit up right away. "Awww, your blushing!" she cooed, completely breaking out of the sexy character.
"Shut up," I told her softly, trying to hide my face.
"It's so cute!" she told me, smiling brightly and kissed my cheeks.
"Mmm," I groaned, trying to avoid her lips, but to no avail.
After she was finally done, she got back up to look at me. "Ok, so I was thinking we could cover two things at once," she told me, turning her body around so her legs her facing me. "So you know what to do, right?" she asked, scooting down and parting her legs as she got closer to my face.
"Um...?" I tried to look at her but was blocked by the sight of a pink muscle that seemed to part away from a slit, the muscle glistening from something. It was producing so much heat that I could feel it, even though I was about six inches away from it.
She stopped moving. "Wait, you don't?" she asked like it was the strangest thing in the world.
"Should I?" I asked back.
"69?" she tried to hint to me. The number rang a bell: my friends in high school and college would always use the number whenever possible. So one time, confused, I asked them what it meant. Then, I remembered: it was a sex position which involved both partners facing opposite directions, stimulating each other simultaneously. So that meant that I had to-- "I guess I'll tell you what to do," Jessi said, taking my silence as confusion, scooting down so the pink muscle was barely an inch away from my lips. "Ok, so first, kiss it," she told me.
Tentatively, I closed the gap and placed my lips on the glistening pink muscle in front of me. "Ng!" she moaned, bucking her hips into my face, causing the glistening thing to cover my face, which I discovered was sticky and somewhat sweet. Surprised by this action, I tried to back away, but her legs had already trapped my head.
"Mph!" I exclaimed in surprise as she pushed my face into her with her legs, causing my face to meet the sticky liquid once again, my nose brushing a stub.
"Ng!" she moaned again, pushing my face into the pink muscle again.
"Jessi!" I yelled, or tried to as my voice was slightly muffled, as my lips tasted the sweet liquid again. However, this seemed to catch her attention.
"O-Oh, sorry," she panted, releasing her grip on my head. All the moaning had intensified the pain, which I hoped to God Jessi didn't notice. "O-Ok, and I also have to practice giving you blowjobs," she told me.
Wait--! I thought as I felt something warm and wet wrap around my dick. "Unf," I groaned as she began taking more and more of my shaft into her mouth.
"Heh, ru habe tu du shumhing tu," she said, mouth still full. Realizing what she just said was incomprehensible, she released her grip on my dick with an audible pop! before speaking again. "You have to do something too," she told me, using her legs to push my head towards her vagina.
I reluctantly met the muscle with my lips, causing her to shiver as she took my member into her mouth again. The pleasure from the suction Jessi was providing was extremely distracting though, which left me doing nothing except making a sort of making out motion with it, licking the slit and the semi-sweet liquid coating it. However, she seemed to be enjoying it as her moans constantly vibrated down my shaft, in turn causing me to moan.
She began to take more of my shaft, moving down a little, and then moving back up, all they while licking it continuously. I held back a moan, releasing the sudden burst of pleasure by randomly inserting my tongue into her slit.
She didn't hold back as she let out a throaty moan, using her legs to push my tongue in more, desperate for more contact. I complied and pressed my mouth as far as I could against her labia and stuck my tongue as far as I could. "Nng!" she moaned, thrusting into my tongue. I tried to follow her thrust, but my tongue felt trapped in between some kind of walls inside. So instead of thrusting, I started to move it side to side, exploring anything I could. "Nnn..." she moaned once again before taking the whole of my shaft into her mouth. I was glad I had shaved my pubic hair, as she also took my balls into her mouth. I heard her gag a bit, but I was too distracted to what I was doing pay much attention to that, other than the fact that the immense amount of pleasure I was receiving from it occasionally caused me to send vibrations down into Jessi, causing her to squirm a bit more.
Before long, I started to feel pleasurable pressure build up near my stomach area that continued to build up as Jessi continued her menstruations. Feeling a rush of something, I increased my pace, desperate for the pressure to build up. We had both begun to sweat, the salty-ness of the sweat mixing in with the sweetness of Jessi's liquid. As I continued though, the muscles surrounding my tongue tightened even more, but this proved no problem to the rush of adrenaline/hormones I was experiencing right now.
The pressure started to become overwhelming, so overwhelming that I started to fight against the handcuffs again in a desire to push Jessi's head deeper onto my dick. Instead, I bucked up into her face, forcing her to gag a little. "Jessi..." I moaned again, once again sending vibrations inside Jessi. She squirmed even more, once again thrusting into my face, which was already sticky with the liquid pouring out of her slit.
"Nnngg, Jiinnnniiieee" she let out a drawn out moan, sending vibrations down my shaft. In response to the pleasure, I thrusted upwards into her mouth, desperate for more. The pace of her moving on my shaft also quickened, tongue frantically licking, flicking, and wrapping itself around my dick.
I continued to thrust, the pressure clouding all judgment, including the concern that I might be hurting her. "Hnn," I moaned again, not able to speak much as my brain had basically shut down at this point. "Hnn..." the pressure was reaching a climax. "HNnn ..." I felt the pressure become overwhelming. "HN ... "HN!" I thrusted one final time before releasing all the pressure that had built up in my stomach.
The release caused me to suddenly feel tired, which slowed down my thrusting into Jessi, but she took care of that as I could feel her coming to the same climax from her growingly louder and constant moans and quicker and harder thrusts. "Jinnie..." she moaned, mouth already off my dick. "Jin--Jin--JINNIE!" she screamed her high-pitched dolphin scream as a huge rush of the sticky liquid. Since my mouth was already situated at only exit, the liquid squirted into my mouth, some dribbling off my lips as I attempted to swallow it.
As I licked the last drops off my face, she turned herself around to face me again before resting her head on my chest. "Are we ready yet?" I asked her, exhausted.
"No, one more thing," she told me. "I just want to rest for now."
I remained passive at this news; I had initially thought that having sex with her would lead to awkwardness between us, but that clearly didn't happen.
After a minute or so, she reached for the cabinet next to the bed and reached for the top drawer, pulling out a key. She once again stretched against my body to reach the handcuffs, drawing a soft moan out of me.
Unfortunately, she heard this and stopped. "I should make sure you won't just run away huh," she said, almost to herself as she retreated her hand. Frick. Stupid mouth, I cursed my mouth as she placed the key on top of the cabinet.
"And how are you going to--Unf!" I was cut off as she had wrapped her silky legs around mine and started to hump me. "Jess," I moaned, starting to feel my breath quicken yet again. She placed her lips on my jawline again and started to nip at every inch of skin she could find. "Mmm," I hummed with pleasure, allowing my head to fully rest on the pillow as I closed my eyes. Before long, my little friend began to poke Jessi again.
She stopped when she felt it and reached for the key, but not before giving a sly grin to me. I groaned and facepalmed with the pillow. How could she still be so playful?
"Ok, aand," she said, straining against my body once again as she fumbled with the key and the handcuff. I bit my lips, holding back a moan. "Darn it," I heard her mumble as I heard the keys being dropped. She stretched even more to reach it, pressing her breasts more into my bare chest. I bit down harder, drawing a little bit of blood from my lips. "Ok, I got it," she mumbled to herself, raising herself again. But as soon as she grabbed the bedpost, her hand slipped, causing her to fall back down on the bed.
"Ng..." I moaned, unable to hold it back. "Jess, you're doing this on purpose," I accused her.
"No, why would I do that on purpose?" she asked innocently, but her shaking body said something else. Usually, when Jessi was suppressing his laugh, it usually was transferred into her body.
"Yah, you did that on purpose!" I told her, but was silenced when she humped me again, since her legs where still interlocked with mine.
"I won't unlock the handcuffs if you keep on complaining," she told me. I had already heard the key go in, but she had yet to turn it.
"What?" I whined, pulling against the handcuffs again, but was humped yet again by Jessi.
"I said shh," she told me, turning the key. As soon as she let my hands free, she caught them with her hands and pinned me to the bed. Then, she turned to look at me. "Now, are you going to do what I tell you to?" she asked me. I looked at her wearily, but after a few seconds of silence, I yelped as she humped me again.
"Ok ok," I said, submitting. I was the guy; why did she have so much power over me? I easily answered myself: I was extremely sensitive to this type of stimulation, which Jessi always abused to get what she wanted.
She smiled, releasing her grip on my hands and flipping us around, so I was on top now. "Ok, so I'm going to explain everything first, and then you do it, ok?" I nodded. "Ok, so first you place your mouth on my breast, doesn't matter which one, and start licking slash nipping slash whatever. Meanwhile, you use your finger to insert it into my pussy," she explained, still using a calm voice, despite the harsh language. Which I found amazing, to be honest.
I started to move down, but was stopped when Jessi touched my head lightly. "Oh yeah, and you don't want to be too quick about putting your finger into my pussy," she explained. "It makes it more exciting for me or something, I think," she told me.
Keeping the strange bit of info in mind, I moved down until I was level with her chest. I moved my right hand down and lowered my head, taking her right breast into my mouth. "Hn" she moaned when my lips touched her skin. I started to lick the smooth skin, running over a stub of some kind.
Apparently, this was a sensitive spot, as when I did, she moaned loudly and bucked her chest up. Unprepared for this, more of her breast entered my mouth, causing the nub, probably her nipple, to brush my tongue again. "Nn," she moaned, pushing my head down onto her breast, desperate for more. I had no choice but to accept it, breathing only from a small opening from my nose.
Meanwhile, my hands were occupied on Jessi's legs. I had remembered what she had said, and placed my hand on the inside of her thighs, a few inches away from her pussy. I had forgotten about it until she had pushed my head into her breast; realizing just putting it there wasn't achieving anything, I moved it a bit closer. I heard her gasp softly. I grinned in satisfaction and began to rub the spot where my hand stopped.
"Ung, Jinnie," she moaned, trying to maneuver herself down onto my fingers. I had already anticipated this and used my left hand and right leg to trap her hips, making sure she wouldn't be able to move. I moved my finger a little closer, continuing to rub her skin. "Hng," she moaned again, trying once again to buck into my fingers, but failing.
I flicked her nipple with my tongue a few times, earning a few more moans and another push downwards. Afterwards, I found a suitable pattern: lick, lick, swirl, lick, swirl, swirl, suck, swirl. I heard her breathing starting to quicken yet again.
I slowly inched my hand upward, starting to trace small circles inside her thigh along the way. As I got further up, I started to encounter more and more of the sticky liquid.
I stopped right before I reached her pussy lips. When I got here, I drew a line right outside the edge of the pink muscle. "Ng! Jinnie!" she moaned, bucking downwards again, but failing again. "Fuck..." she moaned, trying to close her legs, but was blocked by my own legs. "W-Why did I t-tell you to do this..." she said in short, ragged breaths. I responded by giving her nipple a light bite. "Un!" she screamed in pleasure, both bucking up and pushing my head down.
Deciding I had teased her enough, I put two of my fingers on her pussy lips, tracing the outline of the sopping wet muscle. She moaned, once again bucking, but once again being held in place. I switched breasts, placing my mouth on her left one.
While I was tracing the slit, I had brushed a nub, causing her to violently buck into my fingers, this time achieving what she had been trying to achieve for the last few minutes. "Hng," she moaned as I pushed my fingers into her, leaving only my knuckles outside of her.
Figuring I might as well continue, I started to push my fingers in and pull them back out. As I continued to pump, I felt the tight walls accommodate for the space my two fingers took. My thumb found itself resting on the nub, while my ring finger, being pressed into the outside of her pussy, almost accidently slipped in. The two events simultaneously happening caused her to let out a loud moan, bucking fiercely into my fingers, allowing my ring finger to easily go in, despite how tight she was.
While lightly biting her nipple yet again, I started to draw circles around the nub. "JINNIE!" she screamed, shaking as a torrent of sticky fluid rushing past my fingers and onto my hand, staining the bed a little.
When she finally calmed down, I released her breast and traveled down, licking up the fluid, and then pulling my fingers out, eliciting a groan from Jessi, licking the cum off my digits. When I was done, I crawled up and plopped myself next to her. "Are you sure you haven't done this before?" she asked in between breaths.
I looked at her. "Yeah, why?"
She turned her head to me, but started giggling when she saw me. I cocked my head to the side, curious as to what she was laughing to. "You have something on your lips," she explained, leaning forward and capturing them, licking my lips a little before pulling away. "There we go," she said happily.
I looked at the clock: 11:01. We had been doing this for about half an hour? "How long does it take to get there?"
"About 15 minutes from here by car," she said. Before I could tell her we didn't have a car, she said, "And about an hour minutes walking."
"Well if we want to be in time, we probably should go now."
She looked at the clock, then got up quickly. "Yeah, we should," she said hurriedly, putting on her clothes, including the dress she wore here.
I put on my clothes and waited by the door while she checked herself in the mirror, making sure her bed hair wasn't too crazy. "Ok, let's go," she said, grabbing my hand and leading me out the door. I had noticed she was carrying her heels in her other hand. Before I could ask, Jessi noticed this and explained, "Oh, this is so we can walk without the risk of me falling or something. I mean, you know how bad I am with walking in heels," she said.
I smiled and nodded; yesterday, just on the ten minute walk here, she almost fell about eleven times. I remember her panicking because there was a sudden lack of support, but luckily, each time, she was able to recover by holding onto me.
So after about an hour of walking and running, and me giving Jessi a piggyback while she relieved her sore feet, we had arrived at a rather ordinary looking building. It looked like just any other building: tall, lined with windows following a specific pattern all the way up to at least 20 floors, made of brown brick, and had a single door. The door lead to a flight of stairs, hallways on the right and left leading to more rooms. "Third floor, 3004" she told me. We sprinted up the stairs, Jessi not on my back anymore, turned left when we arrived at the floor, and arrived at the door labeled, with a golden plate above it, "3004".
Jessi stepped forward and knocked on the door.
Part 2 here.
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212-bbvox · 3 months
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soshisinhas · 11 months
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snsd icons
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bubblexly · 10 months
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cold-and-unsure · 6 months
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married-2-the-music · 3 months
Girls Generation Deep Dive #2/2: The Nation's Girl Group
Here are my credentials (again): So, I’m absolutely a fan of Girls’ Generation, although I’m in that weird space where I’m more than a casual one yet not quite a SONE (a full fan), but just like with Sunmi, I have a feeling that this deep dive will make me one. I’ve heard almost all of their title tracks, and a decent amount of b-sides, but since they have over 100 songs, I’m sure I’ll find some new ones to love too. I’m also a fan of both Taeyeon and Tiffany’s solo careers.
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pepperspoppies · 1 year
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Girls Generation Gee👖
Plastic Bead Pixel art by Moltenplastix
Inspired by the cyworld avatars
He also takes commissions!
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girlsgenertions · 1 year
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oh! 🩷
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shawolsos · 2 years
Thinking about how if Lee Soo Man wasn't such a little BITCH Sica wouldn't have been kicked out of SNSD and we would have had an OT9 15th Anniversary comeback.
AND if he didn't treat f(x) like trash Luna and Krystal would probably be killing it as members of GOT the Beat right about now.
God, why does Lee Soo Man keep robbing me?
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miraethepresent · 10 months
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kesujo · 3 months
Other Plans - Part 3 of 3
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Link to part 2 here.
Something warm was on my lips. It was moving against my mouth, as if it were trying to get a response from me. It felt good, so I did respond, moving in synch with it.
"Mmm," I heard a hum of satisfaction. I felt something wet move against my lips, so I granted it entrance. Just then, I realized what was happening.
"Mm!" I mumbled in surprise as Taeyeon's tongue invaded my mouth. I tried to move my hands, but they were still handcuffed to the bedpost above my head.
Her tongue immediately pinned mine down, and was now using the opportunity to explore my mouth. After struggling with the handcuffs for a bit, I realized that I wasn't about to escape them and instead focused on trying to force her tongue out of my mouth.
It was at this time that Taeyeon started to use her hips and grinded against mine. I squirmed, trying to hold back a moan building up in my throat.
I felt her hands grasp my head, preventing my head from moving from side to side. Only then did I realize I could have done that. I groaned in disappointment.
I started another tongue battle with her, but quickly lost, especially with the aided distraction of her grinding against me; recognizing defeat, I stopped resistance and let her do whatever she wanted.
Fortunately, she pulled away not long after, leaving a trail of saliva connecting our lips, which thinned out and disappeared. I took a desperately needed, long, deep breath before speaking. "Tae--" but I was cut off as she attacked my lips again. "MmmM," I whined in disappointment, feeling her tongue invading my mouth again. I began to try and fend her off, but she quickly pinned my tongue and continued forward, also starting to grind against me again. I started to squirm, doing my best to make it harder for her to continue so maybe she would eventually give up.
Right as I began doing so, I felt a pair of hands trap my body against the bed, pinning them in place. Jessi, my brain immediately deduced. I let out a groan of disappointment that quickly turned into a moan as she began to rub her breasts against my chest as well. I tried to move something, any part of my body, but found I was unable to. Am I being raped? Since when did girls rape guys?
I felt my little friend poke Taeyeon's leg. I mentally facepalmed myself in embarrassment; Taeyeon just smiled against my lips and peeled her lips off mine, sliding down my body a little. I shivered at the feeling of her soft skin gliding against mine.
Unlike in the scene we just shot, there was no foreplay; right when she got close, she closed the remaining distance quickly. "Un," I moaned, the slick walls pulsating around my member. Since Taeyeon's legs had already trapped mine, I had no chance of escape, which I definitely would have taken, by the way.
"Ohhh," I heard Taeyeon moan in satisfaction, sliding up and down my member, causing the slick walls to rub against my member. The sensation created an overwhelming sense of pleasure.
"Mmm," I moaned softly. I closed my eyes, resting my head back onto the pillow, unable to contain myself anymore. I felt a soft pair of lips land on mine, massaging my own. I tried to escape her, but her hands once again held my head in place, so I had no choice but to accept it, eventually letting her tongue to slip into my mouth again.
I felt Jessi releasing her grip on my body. Right as I noticed this, Taeyeon started to move her hips in a circular motion while still sliding up and down my shaft. The friction created in this action caused Taeyeon to moan in my mouth, pushing her tongue deeper into me.
"Wow, that's so hot," I heard Jessi comment on the side. Before I could tell her to shut up, Taeyeon suddenly increased her pace, causing me to groan in surprise.
She detached her mouth from mine and hovered her head about a foot above me. "T-Taeyeon, st-stop..." I tried to tell her, stuttering from the buildup moans forced down my throat. I opened my eyes and looked at her: her mouth was half open, tongue almost out of her mouth; her eyes were halfway closed, her whole chest heaving with each deep, but quick, breath she took.
She ignored me and continued riding me. "Uhhh, you're so big..." she moaned lustfully, getting up to sit on me. She started to use her hands to play with her own breasts, palming the silky skin, pinching and flicking her nipples. "Oh god, Alex..." her eyes were closed, head thrown back in ecstasy.
"W-Why...?" I panted, finally able to ask the question that was bugging me the whole time.
"So big..." she moaned, almost in response. "Oohhh my god, sooo good..."
"You guys are getting me really horny," I heard Jessi say, on my side. "That's not fair," she continued, whining.
"Y-You'll have your ch-chance in our sh-shooting..--oh god yes, yes o-oh," she told her, voice drawing out to an elongated moan. I felt the now familiar pressure build up in my lower region.
Taeyeon seemed to also be near, as she added another sudden burst in speed and force. "Hn!" I moaned in surprise, her walls tightening around my member. However, this did not slow her down as she continued to ram down with so much force that I could hear the bed shake slightly.
"Ung...ung..." she panted, hands placed on my hips for more leverage as she bounced up and down, breasts bouncing with her.
I felt the pressure accumulate in my shaft. "Taeyeon, I--un!" I groaned, the pressure, unable to be contained, released as I shot my load into her, shivering as I emptied myself out.
"Al--I'm close I'm close oh god--UNG!" she screamed, giving one final thrust downwards before collapsing on my body, shivering as her warm juices covered my shaft and ran down her leg. She rested her head in my neck again before intertwining our legs.
"I...pull out...?" I panted.
"No," she responded, tightening her grip on my legs, pushing my member deeper into her. "Ung," she moaned in response.
"H-Hey..." I panted, trying to shake her off. "We can't ... just sleep like this..." I tried to reason with her, still out of breath, while trying to get used to the feeling of Taeyeon's pulsating walls around my shaft.
"Why not?" she answered, having recovered more quickly than me. She pressed her mouth against my neck, snuggling in with me.
I opened my mouth to answer, but realized that I didn't have a response. My mind drew blanks as I searched for a reasonable response, but couldn't find one, so I shut my mouth.
Content with my silence, she smiled against my neck. "Now sleep," she told me.
"Do I honestly just have to masturbate then?" I heard Jessi whine. My eyes widened in shock, followed by my jaw dropping when I heard her sigh, and the sound of a soft slick and a moan. I shut my eyes tight and tried to ignore the sounds Jessi was giving off, but the simple act of hearing her moan started to turn me on, once again exciting my little friend. I felt Taeyeon smile against my neck, but I ignored it with a flushed face. Jessi cannot be doing this right now, I thought in disbelief.
"Oh, Jinnie..." she moaned, causing my ears to perk up. "Jinnieeee, oooohhhh..." she moaned my name once again. Wait, I wasn't doing anything though. "Yeah, right there Jinnie ung..." then, it clicked. She was masturbating to me.
I flushed even more and buried my head in Taeyeon's hair. "Yes yes oh god yes," she moaned again, her breath becoming ragged and more frequent. "Fuck, you're so good Jinnie."
And here I thought I knew everything there was to know about Jessi. Sometimes, she was a bit of a pervert, but most of the time, she was cute, adorable, and innocent. Well, at least around me; it was probably the same with most people, but I know quite a few people who are scared of her, for some reason. Anyways, today totally blew away all my images of innocent Jessi; not only have I seen her horny, had sex with her, and recorded a porno with her, I just heard her masturbate right next to me.
"Un! Oh god! I'm--AHH!" she screamed. Her spasm shook the bed covers a little. I breathed a sigh of relief, releasing the pressure I was putting on my eyes to shut them tight. However, my relief was short lived as I suddenly felt Jessi kiss my sensitive spot.
"H--" she cut me off by shoving her hand, covered with her own fluid, into my mouth. I let out a surprised sound as my tongue, having nowhere else to go, touched the sticky fluid.
"Can you lick it off for me?" she asked in her cute voice. Was she honestly using aegyo to ask me to lick cum off her hand? I tried to ignore how out of place everything was and licked it off her hands, having no other alternative anyways.
After a few more times, she finally stopped and cuddled up next to me, or as much as she could with Taeyeon on top of me. I eventually fell back asleep, even with the feeling of my shaft inside Taeyeon.
I woke up briefly to something being poured into my mouth. "Wh-what is that?" I asked groggily.
"Oh, you woke up," I heard Jessi say. She was feeding me something. I felt the spoon enter my mouth again, a liquid being poured into my mouth. I obediently swallowed.
Wait...it couldn't be... "Jessi, this isn't that kind of--" she cut me off by feeding me the liquid again. I obediently swallowed again, for some reason. "Wait--" but she interrupted me again.
She started giggling. I immediately remembered our 'date' at the sushi restaurant. "Hey--!" but she fed me another spoonful. I sighed and closed my mouth.
"Ok, done!" she told me happily. "And to answer your question, yes it is." I had expected myself to react with disgust, but no such emotion came up. "We can go back to sleep now," she told me, cuddling up with me again. "We have about another hour."
I nodded and closed my eyes again, noting that Taeyeon still had my legs stubbornly locked with her's. I drifted back to sleep.
Soon afterwards, I felt Taeyeon stirring. I opened my eyes to see that Taeyeon finally decided to take herself off of me. "Hey Al--oh you're awake," she said, smiling as she turned to wake up Jessi. "Sica, time to wake up~" she lightly shook her shoulders.
Jessi's eyes gradually opened. "Ok..." she said, bringing her arms out to stretch, yawning simultaneously. After rubbing her eyes a few times, she jumped off the bed. I immediately averted my eyes, realizing that we were all still naked.
I felt my handcuffs finally loosen. When Taeyeon unlocked them, I sat up and brought my hands level with my eyes, rubbing them. Jessi saw this and sat on the bed again, facing me. "Aw, does it need a kiss?"
I smiled. "Yes please," I told her. She smiled back and took my wrists, kissing them tenderly.
"There, all better," she said happily, releasing my wrists. Surprisingly, right after that, it did feel better.
"Clothes are right here by the way," Taeyeon told us. I looked over to her; she was pointing to two chairs, on them, neatly folded clothes.
We got dressed and headed to the same room. It had completely transformed, though.
Instead of looking like the cheesy high school classroom it used to, it looked like your average bedroom. Right as you walked in, you saw a working desk, with a swiveling chair in front, equipped with three cabinets on the right and three small shelves above those cabinets, a PC to the left of those shelves. The shelves were filled with books, pencils, notebooks, any school supplies you would need.
On the right, instead of the blackboard behind the teacher's desk, there was a poster of a popular Korean band, Girls' Generation, posing with huge smiles in clothes from the Gee era.
To the left was a portable closet, partially covering up the view of the bed. Above the bed were three bedposts: two on the sides, and one on the middle: these bedposts decorated three shelves just above the bed. Two bedposts stood on the bottom corners of the bed, as well.
The bed itself was quite big; at least king size. The blankets were pure white, which was contradicting in my mind since white usually was associated with purity and innocence. Then, I once again realized what I was about to do: no, I still wasn't used to it. I mean, who would, if one day, your best friend drags you to someplace and tells you that you're going to be featured in the shooting of a porno?
Taeyeon walked towards the nightstand, holding two cabinets below, and indicated Jessi to do the same to the other nightstand identical to it. It was tan colored, drawers dyed brown, and obviously made of wood. "Ok Alex," Taeyeon said, turning around. "You're going to start outside, and after a while, I'm going in the closet," she motioned towards the portable closet. How did I know it was portable? Well, you couldn't just erect a room inside another one within three hours. "And outside in the hall, there's a little light. It'll flash 20 times, then five times, more quickly. When it starts to flash quickly, you want to get ready to come in; and remember, you're totally clueless."
I nodded as solemnly as I could. I displayed a pretty good poker face, but inside, I was feeling adrenaline being injected into my blood. I was getting nervous again, anxiety building up in my stomach. "And how many times you mess up may or may not dictate how many times I'll punish you for it," Taeyeon added, giving me a very suggestive wink.
I gulped. Ok, I have to get this right the first time, I told myself. If I don't, I'm screwed ... literally.
"Oh, and remember: be casual when you walk in. You don't know what's happening, so when you see Jessi, start panicking," Taeyeon told me. I nodded.
"Ok, you guys will start in about a minute. Alex, you should start heading outside the room," Tiffany's voice said over the intercom.
I nodded, as if she could see me, and walked out. I heard Jessi and Taeyeon just on the other side of the door. They didn't seem to be nervous at all. Like always. "Thirty seconds," Tiffany warned them. I pressed my ear against the door eagerly, curious if they were discussing anything. Because past the overall summary I was given at the lunch meeting, I didn't know much else. However, they didn't seem to be talking at all about the upcoming scene; they were just giving words of encouragement to each other. Which I found sorta strange, but that's just me.
"Ten seconds."
I leaned in more, only to hear the doorknob turn. Just as I realized what was happening, I felt the door slam against my head. "Let's not be too impatient, Alex," I heard Taeyeon say smugly, closing the door.
"Five seconds."
"Ow..." I held my stinging ear.
I heard them walking away from the door. I immediately pressed other ear against the door, knowing that Taeyeon wouldn't risk messing the shot up just to hit me. "Aish, Lilly-ah, my situation with Jinnie isn't improving," I heard Jessi whine. Taeyeon's name was Lilly, and I was still Jinnie. Got it.
"Really, Rachel? And none of our previous plans worked?" Jessi's name was Rachel now, I told myself. I mustn't screw this up.
"No..." she continued. "He's always busy and every night, he comes in, plops down on the bed, and falls asleep right away. When I try to initiate it, he just apologizes for being so sleepy and promises he'll make it up the next morning, but you know how I am..."
Taeyeon/Lilly sighed. "Well, he's a busy guy. Can't help it." I heard them sit on the bed. Jessi sighed. "So are we up for this afternoon?"
"Yea--wait, actually..." Jessi said, trailing off as if she had a plan. She was a good actor; I swear, if she took the job of an actress, she would be pretty famous by now. "He's coming home soon. He said something about his boss being sick," she said, voice filled with excitement.
"Oh..." I heard Taeyeon say, voice equally excited. "So that means..."
"Yeah," Jessi answered. "We can finally act out our plan." I was pressing my ear more against the door now. Plan? What plan?
I recalled to our conversation. Something about sex toys?
My eyes widened. Oh god, Jessi-- "Uh!" I heard Jessi moan loudly.
I felt my pants tighten as my face started to burn. She was honestly-- "Ung!" she moaned again.
I stepped away from the door, and from the corner of my eye, I saw what Taeyeon was referring to: a little clear button-like thing. I walked over to it and tried to ignore all the sounds emitting from the room. It was hard, though, when Jessi's moans were almost so loud that they became screams. The pressure in my pants got so bad that I had to reach down and make sure it had enough room.
After a while, I finally noticed the button like thing begin to flash green. I paid close attention to it, determining that I would go to the door when it blinked seventeen times.
I began counting in my head, and on the seventeenth one, I walked to the door, eyes fixated on the button. If I mess, I reminded myself, Taeyeon would punish me. And I could have none of that.
After three more blinks, it began to blink faster, the light changing to red. On the fifth one, I walked in as casually as I could.
"Rachel?" I asked, trying to sound relieved as I walked in and looked to the left. When I did so, my eyes went wide. I wasn't acting, either: Jessi was stark naked, her mouth gagged with something that looked like panties, her hands handcuffed to the middle bedpost, her breasts covered with something blue, and some kind of blue pads to the immediate right and left of her stomach region, her legs also cuffed to the bedposts at the bottom of the bed, clearly showing her ... bottom area. Even though nothing was inside her, her legs glistened slightly.
"Oh god, Rachel?" I asked, running up to her. "Rachel, what happened?" I asked, looked at her with concern. She just looked at me with panicked eyes and motioned for me to take everything off. If I didn't know she was acting, I would've thought that she really was in danger.
First I undid the cuffs on her legs, then went up on her body. However, she stopped me by trapping me with her legs. I looked at her with a confused expression, so she just used her head to point to her lower region. When I kept my confused expression, she bucked her hips onto my leg; since I had pants on, I didn't feel anything, but I knew what she meant now.
She tilted her head back and moaned, and suddenly a rush of liquid stained the pants I was wearing. I started in surprise as my leg felt a sudden rush of warmth. My suspicions were right: there was something in ... there.
I reached down and hovered my hand over the source of the warmth, hesitant at first. When she made a noise of impatience, I quickly acquiesced and slid two fingers in.
She let out a throaty moan as my fingers went further into the slick, extremely wet entrance. I had admit, I was getting extremely turned on by this, but didn't show it. Eventually, I reached what I was supposed to get out: a small oval shaped object that was vibrating. As soon as I touched it though, it stopped.
Jessi was moaning like crazy, bucking into my fingers periodically. "Rachel, can you try to hold still for a moment? I can't get it out if you're forcing my fingers back in," I told her. She complied, stopping the thrusts. I curled my fingers around the object, causing her to moan loudly. I quickly shot out an arm to hold her in place, but it was unnecessary as she managed to contain herself.
It was a painfully slow process though. I would pull it a few centimeters, but my wet fingers, added with the object's smallness, made it hard to keep a good grip on it. So after pulling it a good centimeter or two, I would lose grip of it, forcing me to push my fingers a little further in, drawing a moan, and curling my fingers to grip the small oval again, drawing another moan, before being able to pull it out.
After a minute or so, I finally managed to pull it out. Right as I pulled out though, Jessi made an impatient sound and bucked down, but my fingers had already thrown away the sopping wet, pink oval. "What's wrong?" I asked her, looking back at her face. I noticed her eyes were tightly shut, her tongue slightly hanging out. I recognized this: she was close to release.
Reluctantly, I figured I shouldn't leave her hanging and plunged my fingers in again. She let out another loud moan as I began to pump at a fast pace. "HMG!" she let out a muffled scream as a rush of warm liquid coated my hands. I took off my shirt and wiped the liquid away with it before throwing that to the side.
I reached up and took the gag out, figuring it was a good idea. Frankly, I don't know why I didn't think of it earlier. Right as I did so, she moved her jaw around, probably a bit sore from having it forced open.
I went onto the blue thing coating her bra. I looked at it for a second before deducing that it wasn't harmful; however, Jessi stopped me. "The blue thing can only be removed with contact from saliva," she panted, back arched. "If you want to release my handcuffs, you'll have to put your knees on the pad," she explained. I moved to do so, but her panicked expression told me otherwise. "Andifyoudothebluethingwillactivate," she rapidly fired her words at me.
"..Oh, sorry," I apologized with a small smile. I moved to lick it off, but then I realized what I was doing. No, I have to stay in character, I reminded myself and began to lick the blue covering.
Apparently it was pretty thin as right as I did so, Jessi began to arch her back a little. When I licked her nipple, she jerked upwards. I moved my hand to remove the thin covering while moving to the other breast, wanting to waste as little time as possible.
However, the flim-like substance resisted at the point it was connected to the nipple. I had to stop licking and concentrate on pulling it off, eliciting a loud moan from Jessi, before it popped off. The same thing happened with the other one.
"There. Now place your knees on the pads and pull the handcuffs apart," she instructed me. I did so, almost straddling her with my knees and reaching over and prying the handcuffs apart.
Right as I did so, I breathed a sigh of relief, which was extremely short lived, as she flipped us around, locking my hands into the handcuffs. "Hey--" she cut me off when she attacked my lips.
She pressed her body against my bare chest, deepening the kiss by forcing her tongue into my mouth. I made a sound of protest, but she ignored it. I couldn't help but stare at her close eyelids, eyebrows just beginning to shine with perspiration.
Meanwhile, she reached down and pulled my pants down in one swift motion, using her knees and her legs to pull it the rest of the way. Once they were completely off, she kicked them off the bed, using her legs to wrap my legs in her's. She moaned in my mouth before starting to hump me.
"Mph!" I made another sound of protest as I squirmed. She broke away for air, which prompted me to catch my breath. I began to say something, but she gave me no such chance as she attacked my lips again, this time using her hands to hold my head in place. Soon after, I felt my member become stiff.
I felt her grin. I immediately widened my legs, trying to overpower her, but for some reason, I couldn't move them. Or rather, when I did, my ankles met cold metal. Then, I remembered the leg cuffs. How...? Taeyeon...?
I wasn't left much more room to ponder as Jessi broke away from me again. Eyes shining with excitement, she got up on her knees and hovered over my erect shaft. She grabbed it, eliciting a moan from me, and pushed it straight up before sitting on it.
I groaned as I felt my member wrapped around a wall of slick muscle. "Unng," Jessi moaned, bouncing on it. The sensation of her walls moving against mine caused me to lay my head back, completely overwhelming me.
She continued to moan as she repeated a process: slide up my member, followed by a quick motion downwards. "Hng ... -Rachel..." I moaned, straining against my cuffs. Right after I said that, she lowered herself, arms at my sides, breasts dangling right in front of my eyes. "Nng..." I moaned as she rode my cock at a quicker pace.
"Y-You ... have deprived me ... of sex ... for w-way too long..." she panted. "I--HNG!" she screamed as I lowered my head, taking a breast into my mouth. I began to suck at the skin, running my tongue over her nipple. "Oh my god that's good..." she moaned, eyelids fluttering shut. "Ye-es..."
She was pounding into me at this point. Her pussy walls were tightly wrapped around my member,  but it didn't even matter as she was using so much force that it slid easily inside of her.
It wasn't before long when I felt her clench. She was close.
She increased the pace even more, if possible. "Oh god ... I-I'm c-close..." she panted in between ragged breaths.
I felt pressure start to build up in my shaft. "R-Rachel, I-!" I was cut off as she screamed, shuddering as she released her load onto my shaft. The warm liquid quickly enveloped it, causing me to release as well. I followed suit, groaning one final time before releasing my own load into her. After she stopped thrusting, she landed on me.
Soon after, I felt a weight on the bed, which quickly disappeared, but was replaced by an added weight on Jessi. Taeyeon.
Jessi started to moan; I didn't realize what was happening until I felt three fingers rub my balls, and one finger joining my member, which was already inside Jessi. "So Rachel here has been telling me that you have been depriving her of sex recently," she said as she took the three fingers and inserted them inside Jessi, causing her to jolt. She then started to wrap them around my member, causing Jessi to moan incessantly as she began to pump my shaft that was already inside her.
"Ang! ..Ang!" Jessi half moaned half screamed with every thrust.
"See...how...tight...she has...gotten?" Taeyeon said in a scolding, but strained voice. Jessi's lips found mine again, attacking my mouth vigorously. I felt my exhaustion fade as I began to pump inside Jessi to match Taeyeon's fingers.
Jessi's loud moans continued as both Taeyeon and I increased our pace. "I-I'm...sorry..." I told her as I struggled to overcome how tight Jessi's was.
Her breasts were smooched up against my chest as she began to shake with the force I was putting inside her. Her muffled moans were still loud enough to fill the room, turning me on even more, giving me more power to put behind each thrust. And in return, each thrust caused her to moan with more need and more lust than the previous.
My mouth began to hurt at how vigorously she was attacking them, but I ignored it as best as I could and focused on thrusting inside Jessi, being stimulated by both Taeyeon's hand and by Jessi's moans.
It wasn't long before Jessi let out a deafening scream, shuddering violently as she released her cum onto Taeyeon's hand and my member. After about a minute or so, she finally stopped, but we hadn't yet.
I was still thrusting inside her as Taeyeon pumped my shaft. "G-Guys stop stop oh my god stop pull out oh god pull out PULL OUT!" she screamed as she shuddered violently again, releasing another wave of cum. Extremely turned on by her submissive screams, I felt the pressure in my member clench before being released, once again, inside Jessi.
I laid my head back on the pillow, Jessi laying her head on my chest, as Taeyeon pulled her hand out of Jessi.
However, we didn't get much of a break as Taeyeon pulled Jessi off me, replacing Jessi's body with her own. "Now, you," she said, looking at me, "need to return the favor and you," she said, looking back at Jessi, who was catching her breath on the side of the bed, "also need to return the favor." Jessi nodded, sitting up. Taeyeon flipped herself over so that she was facing the ceiling before positioning herself over my still erect member and plunged downwards.
She moaned as she began to thrust onto me. "W-Wait..." I said, trying to hold back a moan. "R-Rachel..." I tried to look for her, but just then, I felt an added weight on me once again.
"It's ok Jinnie," I heard Jessi say.
"But--" before I could continue, I felt Taeyeon arch her back as she moaned. Taking that as the cue to start, I began to thrust into Taeyeon.
"Unng..." she moaned, butt rubbing against my skin, this with the thought of Jessi licking Taeyeon off turning me on even more.
Her slick muscle walls rubbed against mine, pulsating as if it were calling me to go deeper. So I did. I thrusted into her as far as I could go, with so much force that the bed shook a little. "HNG!" she screamed. I pulled out and repeated the action, drawing out another moan, shaking the bed once again. I continued doing this, gradually increasing my pace, the bed shaking with a little more intensity each time.
"Fuck Jinnie you're so good oh god yes fuck," she swore violently as I felt her shake even more, her butt rubbing more against my skin, turning me on even more. I felt her walls begin to tighten, signifying that she was close. She began to match my thrusts with her own, confirming the fact.
I began to feel pressure build up in my member again, but before it built up much, Taeyeon screamed, shaking as she released her cum before calming down. Even though I wasn't satisfied, I pulled out.
They both rolled off me, Taeyeon uncuffing my legs while Jessi straddled me and unlocked the handcuffs. Right as this happened, I sprung up, missing Taeyeon, and turned us around, looking at Jessi hungrily.
Her eyes shone with excitement and anxiety, along with a little bit of fear. "So I have been depriving you of sex, huh?" I growled at her, lowering myself onto her. She whimpered in submission, turning me on further. "Well, I'm about to fill you up right now," I said right before thrusting into her, pounding her with full force.
She shut her eyes and screamed, laying her head on the pillow while gripping the bedsheets with both hands. I grinned as I observed the view below me: Jessi, completely naked, shaking with every one of my thrusts, breasts shaking invitingly. Eagerly taking the invitation, I dove down and captured her nipple with my mouth.
She arched her back, trying to get as much surface area from my mouth as I ran it all across her breast, focusing on her nipple.
I felt pressure begin to build up in my member again. Even though Jessi was tight, I could tell she wasn't close yet, so I decided to let her 'catch up': I moved my finger down and found her clit, pressing that roughly.
"AHH!" she screamed, bucking violently as the bed audibly shook, our combined force too much for the bed to handle. I fingered the nub aggressively, sucking on her nipple with my mouth. Her excessive, ear-piercing screams echoed across the room, her body spasming, as the pressure inside me built up, desperate for release. I held it in, unwilling it give in before Jessi.
"JINNIE I'M GOING TO--AHHH!" she exploded, shaking dangerously as she released a torrent of cum onto my member, so much that most escaped onto our legs and the bed. Finally satisfied, I gave her a grunt in warning before releasing my own load, also shaking with each rope of liquid that came out and into her.
"There, satisfied?" I asked, panting hard as I pulled out of her, getting on my knees and hovering over her.
"Mmm," she hummed happily. I leaned to the side, or at least tried to as I felt a firm pair of hands wrap around my stomach, pulling me backwards.
"Too bad you turned me on again," I heard Taeyeon whisper huskily into my ear. She motioned Jessi to come forward, which Jessi followed obediently. She turned me around and brought herself up to wrap her legs around my waist. "Jessi, stand behind him and give him a handjob," Taeyeon instructed. "And you, you finger me," she said, looking directly at me before leaning in, pressing her body against mine before kissing me.
I felt Jessi press her breasts into my back, the feeling of soft skin being pressed both in front and behind me causing my member to become stiff. She brought her arms around and wrapped her hands around my shaft. I felt her rub it, eliciting a moan from me as I brought my hands up and used one hand to grab Taeyeon's butt, using the other to stick three fingers inside her slit. She moaned hungrily too, along with an equally lust-filled moan from Jessi. I quickly deduced that Taeyeon was fingering Jessi.
I heard Jessi's breath hitch as she leaned down to suck on my neck, quickening her pace. Being more stimulated, I in turn quickened my pace, which caused Taeyeon to move at an equally urgent pace.
The room quickly filled with moans yet again as the cycle repeated itself. The mere idea of our threesome was helping in once again building up pressure inside me. After a minute or so of lustful moans and red marks on necks, we all laid down on the bed. "Regret skipping all our sex sessions now?" Jessi asked, tired.
"Mmm," I hummed, snuggling up closer to Jessi. I put my head into her neck and breathed air onto her ear, which caused her to giggle. Which, by the way, was the most amazing thing ever; it had this sort of bubbly affect to it, the kind that was truly contagious. Once someone hears it, a smile is bound to appear on his/her face.
"St-Stop, that t-tickles," she said, giggling. I smiled and nudged her ear with my nose affectionately. She giggled again.
I felt Taeyeon snuggle up to me. "Call me next time you lovebirds decide to go at it again, alright?"
Jessi laughed, for some reason, in response. "Yeah, sure thing Lily," she said. Taeyeon got off me and shuffled around the room before leaving the room.
I pulled the blanket out from under us and tucked us in before cuddling with her again before closing my eyes, figuring this was a good way to end. However, Jessi had different plans. She stuck out her butt into me, and quickly slid down, engulfing my member inside her again. "Unf," I groaned, closing my eyes and bending my head sideways and kissed her neck. "Rachel, I'm exhausted," I whined. "I can't..."
"It's ok," she whispered. "Me too. We can just sleep like this," she told me, pushing my member deeper into her before shifting a bit to get comfortable before relaxing her body. I followed suit.
"Cut!" I heard Tiffany's voice say. She stayed for that whole thing this time?
I pulled out of her, drawing an almost inaudible whine. "Did you just whine?" I teased her, grinning smugly.
I saw the tips of her ears turn a bit red. "Well, it feels warm and good and stuff, so yeah," she said defensively. I laughed in response. "Yah, what's so funny?" she pouted, bringing her arm around to smack me.
"Ow! Ok ok I'm sorry for laughing," I responded, still shaking a little from laughter. She noticed this, however, and turned around, but was interrupted when Taeyeon and Tiffany walked through the door.
When I saw them, especially when Tiffany turned bright red when she noticed that I saw her, I started. I just...with Jessi...and...camera... my thoughts ran rampant through my mind. Did I just honestly--since when did I lose myself? I remember everything clearly, but ...
"So Alex," Taeyeon said, standing next to the bed. Her hands were on her hips, and she was grinning ... mischievously? I immediately thought back to Taeyeon's threat. Oh god, did I miss up somewhere? "Good job on the shooting. You didn't make any obvious mistakes," she commented. I was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but then caught on to the full sentence. I began to panic: what had I done wrong? I didn't mess up anywhere, did I? Did I make some-- "But, you did make a mistake."
My heart sank. But not because of the consequence, but because I hated letting people down. And I had just let one of Jessi's best friends down. "O-Oh. Sorry," I said, bowing my head and lifting it back up.
Taeyeon, however, grinned. "There's nothing to be sorry about. It just gives us more of an excuse to have sex with you."
There's nothing to be sorry about? Doesn't that mean they have to re-film, or do editing or something? I sat there, trying to figure her words out when I realized, yet again, what she had fully said. My face paled as Taeyeon began taking off her shirt, pulling me out of bed.
Surprised, I almost stumbled out of bed, just realizing that I was still naked. I tried to get back under the covers, except Jessi blocked me. "You made a promise, might as well keep it," she said, voice with a hint of vengeance.
Tiffany distracted me though. Her eyes were wide with shock as she examined my body over and over, mouth semi open, cheeks deep, deep red. "Come on Tiffany, don't you want him?" I heard Taeyeon ask.
Her blush deepened, if possible. "U-Um...I-I...I..." she stammered, eyes deciding to fixate on my lower region. Uncomfortable, I sat down on the bed, fighting the push Jessi was giving me to get off the bed.
Taeyeon sighed. "I guess I have to start," she started walking towards me. I instinctively flinched, trying to push myself further back onto the bed, but Jessi blocked me. However, she stopped at Tiffany, pausing for a while before swiftly using one hand to lift her shirt, the other lowering her pants just far down enough so her legs could push Tiffany's pants the rest of the way down, followed by completely taking off her shirt and expertly undoing her bra, letting all the clothes fall basically simultaneously.
I couldn't help but check her out. Her skin was just as silky-white as Taeyeon's and Jessi's, her breasts more developed than Taeyeon's, but less than Jessi's. Her legs, though: those were to die for. They just ... seemed to be in the perfect shape. Words couldn't describe this.
I caught myself thinking these thoughts. I immediately averted my eyes, unwilling to let the liquid cloud my judgment. "Y-Yah! T-Taeyeon!" I heard Tiffany yell. I felt a wet piece of cloth hit my face. It smelled good ... and was slightly sticky.
Immediately realizing what it was, I picked it up and threw it to the side. "Let's not force Tiffany to do anything," I said worriedly, trying to scoot further back into the bed while staring at the space above the Girls' Generation poster. When I had originally averted my eyes, I had initially caught that: but considering my situation, and the stupid liquid I was forced to take, I immediately imagined stripping them, so I averted my eyes as quickly as possible to the wall above it.
After a while, I noticed there was a brief moment of silence. Before I could think much of it, Taeyeon broke the silence. "Don't worry, Tiffany wants this."
And with that, I felt Jessi pull me back as Tiffany yelped in surprise. I felt her land on me, her body pressing into mine. We both groaned at the contact.
"There. Now you two puppies have fun," Taeyeon said, walking away.
Tiffany shyly looked at me, face still beet red. I gave her a small grin, which made her face even redder. Her legs were just as I imagined: soft, smooth, and perfect.
I flipped us around and brought her legs onto the bed. Her eyes widened in surprise as she let out a small gasp. I made a shushing motion and lowered myself down, kissing her. I kept my eyes open to observe her reaction: her eyes were round, obviously reflecting shock. As I began to move my lips against her's, she gradually accepted it and let her eyelids flutter shut, responding to my kiss. I lowered the rest of my body onto her, earning a small moan from her.
I wrapped my legs around her's and started to grind her, finding that Taeyeon took the liberty of taking off her panties as well. I grinned and broke our kiss, sending light pecks down to her jaw, her neck, and collarbone, and finally, her breasts. Her breathing quickened when as I kissed the peak of her breast.
I engulfed a section of her breast with my mouth and started to lick it, nipping and flicking her nipple with my tongue periodically. She arched her back into my mouth, giving a throaty moan.
I slid my hands down her perfectly smooth skin and stopped at her legs. I used them to separate her legs slightly, then began rubbing her upper thigh. Her breathing hitched yet again.
I replaced one of my hands with my knee as I brought the free hand up to knead her breast, palming the areola, flicking, pinching, and squeezing the nipple, earning several lustful moans.
I traveled my hand upwards and stopped at right before my hand cupped her sex, feeling lots of heat radiating off of it. Curious, I used two fingers and experimentally slid them up her slid, causing her to yelp in surprise, bucking her hips down to meet my fingers. I had already pulled away, though. "You're so wet," I told her.
Her only response was a whimper. Her submissiveness was really turning me on. "Do you want me?" I looked up at her.
She nodded shyly, face extremely red. "Really? How badly?" I asked, humping her. She whimpered and gave a throaty moan. "Hm? I didn't hear anything," I prompted, pinching her nipple. She moaned more loudly this time, whimpering a bit more loudly. "I want you to beg."
I really wanted a louder volume. In fact, I almost told her to say it louder if her husky voice hadn't turned me on so much. "As you wish," I said, capturing her lips to muffle potential screams as I plunged my member into her.
"Ung!" she yelled. I felt a barriar of sorts break as I entered, which caused me to stop immediately.
"You're a virgin?"
"Please don't stop..."
I obeyed her wish and started to thrust inside of her; however, her pussy walls were extremely tight, and didn't allow for much movement. "You'd think that someone as sexy as you would have already had a nice boyfriend to have sex with..." I thought out loud, causing her to blush furiously. However, her eyes were still blurry with tears.
My heart strained at such a sight; even though I was already pulled out of the mysterious liquid's effects, I continued thrusting, knowing that the only way to overcome the pain was pleasure. However, this was not an easy task to accomplish: the walls pulsating around my shaft didn't even allow the whole of my member to enter her. I bent down to capture her lips, bringing one of my hands down to rub her breasts in an attempt to help relieve the pain. I determinedly pushed ahead, bringing it out a little, and thrusting back inside. She groaned into my mouth in pain.
However, with each thrust, her groans of pain were replaced with moans of pleasure, until eventually, when my whole member finally entered her completely, she was moaning purely from pleasure. I moved down to capture her breast in my mouth and began to lick the skin again, eliciting more moans from her.
"Unng, faster..." she breathed, matching my rhythm by thrusting downwards at the same time I thrusted into her. I tried to obey her command, but she was so tight that I found myself not able to go much faster. "Pl-Please..." she begged, using her husky voice once again.
Hearing her voice like that again prompted me to follow her command. I placed my knees on the side of her hips and used my free hand to grab onto her butt, which I found was just as smooth as her legs, but irresistibly more soft and squishy. I used this as leverage to pound into her harder, drawing out more ragged moans.
The feeling of her tight pussy walls against my member was amazing; it was different than Jessi and Taeyeon somehow. Either way, the sensation quickly built up the pressure in my groin.
At that time, just as I got enough momentum to keep a steady, but fast rhythm, I felt the slick walls begin to tighten. "Ung...Al-Alex, I'm cl-close..." she warned me, but I had already summoned more strength to finish us both off.
"Tiff-Tiffany, I'm going to c-cum," I warned her, giving her one final thrust before releasing ropes of hot semen into her. At that exact same moment, Tiffany arched her back and screamed as I gave the last powerful thrust, releasing her own cum onto my member.
I rode her out, making sure she stopped shaking before I pulled out.
After cleaning up, we put on our clothes and got out of the room. However, right as I got out, both Jessi and Taeyeon bombarded me, teasing me that Tiffany, the virgin outlasted me.
Tiffany didn't speak a word, standing in place and blushing furiously while I stammered and tried to explain why/make an excuse. But, as usual, I couldn't find one, so I just left it alone.
I changed back into the clothes I got here in and headed out.
"Bye Tiff!" Jessi called, waving back. "Bye Taengoo!"
While waiting for the elevator, Jessi spoke up. "That video isn't going to be released, by the way. I helped Tiffany pay for the equipment, but none of it will go public" she told me.
"What? Really?" I asked. On one hand, I was surprised; this was, as far as I could recall, the first time Jessi had lied to me. On the other hand, I was relieved. After thinking about it for a bit, I realized that it didn't make sense to have people who didn't have sex before to star in a pornographic video. "What about the staff and Taeyeon?"
"Oh, there were only 2 other people that were helping Tiffany out. Tiffany really is a director, but not usually for pornos. Taeyeon, on the other hand, is a porn star who agreed to do this after seeing a picture of you," Jessi explained.
I nodded, sighing a breath of relief. It would have been pretty disasterous for me if someone from my workplace had discovered that video.
"Bye!" they both called out to us as we departed. It was about 4:30 by the time we left.
As we were walking down the stairs, I felt the phone in my right pocket buzz. I pulled it out, seeing that I had a text.
I unlocked my phone and smiled: it was Tiffany, saying "I'm available at around 7:00 tomorrow. How's then? ;)"
"Who is that?" Jessi questioned, trying to look over my shoulder as she grasped my hand, walking back to our apartment.
I tried to pull my phone away, but she managed to grab it. "Oooh, so you made plans with Tiffany, huh?" she asked, giving me a huge, radiant smile.
I rubbed my neck. "Yeah," I responded sheepishly. I was supposed to keep it a secret for a while, but I guess that plan went out the window.
"See, I told you she'd be perfect for you," she said smugly, giving me my phone back.
"Yeah, I guess..." then, I realized what I said, but it was already too late. "I mean--!"
She laughed in response. "I had sex with you, why didn't I become your girlfriend?"
I ignored her and all her witty comments all the way back home.
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juanitasupreme · 9 months
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soshisinhas · 11 months
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snsd icons
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kaixcastiel27 · 1 year
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dallunatic · 1 year
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day dreaming, by my side like how I dreamt of you last night
credit to moonlight.
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