#soul mates felt like they weren't real
teathattast · 5 months
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i know you'll be by my side
while heaven and earth collide
we're sinking underwater, learning to fly
and we'll rise to the surface when it's over
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hunnyrants · 3 months
A/N: Quick drabble I wrote while listening to Ptolemaea by Ethel Cain.
Summary: After spending several days in the Night Court, Cadre!Reader has a nightmare triggered by their unfamiliar surroundings.
Pairing: Azriel X Cadre!Reader
Warnings: PTSD, trauma induced nightmares, mentions of dying, mental torture, dissociation, angst, fear of the dark
You thought it was real.
That the fire breathing bitch queen had saved you, that she had been real. It was nothing but something Maeve planted to tease you and then break you further.
You knew it.
The dream made freedom taste so real, the grass under your feet felt softer, the air was deliciously cold and fresh against your face. It smelled like snow.
But it was never real.
There is no fireheart. Maeve long since turned her to ash.
As you knelt once more before the dark queen's throne, your back aching with how long you had bowed. Utterly at her mercy. You knew Rowan was next to you, Fenrys on your right.
You knew they had the same delusions you were given. Fenrys was sobbing, he had always hated his oath and to be given a taste of freedom only to have it ripped away? And Rowan, how cruel to have to learn his true mate was not Lyria through a dream. But the savior? She died during the fall of Terrasen.
There is no escaping.
Your hands began trembling and the world started to crack and twist. Whips of darkness began cracking across your vision, and your friends began screaming.
There is no escaping.
Rowan Whitethorn was begging for his mate. His fireheart. The floor roiled underneath you and yet you could only kneel.
As Fenrys began to scream beside you, you forced your head up. Fighting against that unholy darkness that Maeve tortured you with for centuries.
Your last defiance was to look her in the eye, before the blood oath took everything from you.
But as you forced your eyes up and you caught a glimpse of violet eyes, everything shattered.
There was darkness all around you as you launched yourself from your bed, pulling your dagger with you from under your pillow.
You couldn't see.
Your magic thrashed in your veins. There were hands on your shoulders suddenly and a male's voice sounded nearby. The darkness cleared and you saw him, your fated.
There was something in his eyes that you couldn't place, but you didn't want to.
"Are you okay?" He sounded like he was underwater, and you weren't quite sure you weren't still dreaming until his scarred hands squeezed you.
You knew you were awake when you saw the other male out of the corner of your eye, Rhysand. Instincts told you to straighten your shoulders and make eye contact with the high lord- his eyes.
You couldn't do it.
He was trying to speak to you, but if Azriel sounded underwater, Rhysand might as well have been in another room entirely.
So you put your hands on your mates chest and pushed him away from you. Azriel hesitated, instincts likely bellowing at him to hold, to protect, to soothe.
You were beyond words.
Saying anything to either of them was too hard to even comprehend, dredging up the energy to pretend you were fine. The energy to pull yourself together and once again submit yourself to someone stronger than you made you want to bellow.
Blood curdling wrath hit you and your magic roared in answer, heating your wrecked soul. Not wrath directed at the males before you who were trying to speak to you.
You couldn't hear them anyway. You couldn't feel Azriel's hands back on your shoulders, shaking you before abruptly dropping you. You didn't register the pain in his eyes when he did either, or the magic that had erupted from you and cocooned around you.
You didn't notice that the dagger you had grabbed to desperately attempt to defend yourself from old ghosts fell from your hand and clattered to the ground.
You stared straight ahead and felt nothing at all. Until you felt Rhysand break through your mental shields.
Your very soul seemed to cave in when they fell. Rhysand felt it too, you knew. As he immediately began to pull back, knowing he pushed far too hard when your mind was this vulnerable. But as your memories and your pain swarmed to the surface? He saw it.
And Rhysand finally understood why you couldn't hold his eyes.
He saw it himself.
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utterlyotterlyx · 7 months
I love your writing. Could you write an Eris x Reader where she's known he's her mate but he didn't? And maybe they had a flirty thing going but nothing more Beron was recently overthrown and she finally felt safe to be more assertive about her feelings.
Oh my gosh, thank you!
A thousand times yes, let's go.
Dark Paradise
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Summary - Eris was the only person who truly saw you, the daughter of a Lord of the Day Court, but when the bond snaps and creates a one sided love, you have no other choice but to distance yourself or else face Beron's wrath.
Warnings - pining, angst, fluff, mentions of torture
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It had never been more than what it was, lingering looks of longing and what others would call harmless flirting, but to you, it meant the world.
Autumn wasn't exactly safe for you. Beron wasn't stupid enough to stand against Helion, even for the moment of satisfaction it would bring him to see you cowered and hurt. He'd made it clear he thought of it often.
You had moved to Autumn by the order of your High Lord, there was the potential that you could one day wed one of his sons since you were the daughter of a very powerful lord holed within the Court of Day. It had been two years since you had been moved into the Forest House, two years since you had met the Autumn Court heir and shrugged off attention from anyone else.
It had been a difficult adjustment, your Day Court attire was too revealing, too thin to protect you from the seasonal court you had found yourself within.
You knew Beron had no intention of wedding you to one of his sons, but you were a very lucrative card in his arsenal. Helion was like family, he'd to anything to ensure your safety, and Beron knew that fact well, like he'd thought about it more often that not.
But Eris. Mother above. Eris.
Hair the colour of hot embers, rich amber eyes, the cobalt jacket over a cream shirt with the top two buttons undone, brown leather pants, and the melody of the warm autumn forest as the sun slit its slumberous eye through the tree line mixed with smoked pinewood, enough to make you swoon.
Eris had grown to like you, he didn't speak to you much when you had first arrived, but after finding you with one of his sickly pups in the stables and where you began nursing her back to life did he know that you weren't in his home for any sinister reason.
From then, it had been long glances, insatiable flirting, small smirks that pulled at the edges of his lips when he saw you across the room, late night visits to the kitchens to eat pumpkin pie, and walks up the hills to catch the sunrise.
You were surprised it didn't happen sooner.
The snap that is.
When he had handed the now fully healthy and wriggling pup to you and told you to keep her, that her life continued because of you so she should be yours. It wouldn't be fair on her to be away from the being she had imprinted on.
The way his amber orbs brightened at the sight of her, Maple, wriggling around in your arms to douse your face in those sweet puppy breath kisses, the way he smiled at the sight was enough for your soul to sing. It was like he was the centre of gravity and all you wanted was to fall and allow him to pull you to where you needed to go.
But when the little gasp had left your lips, when he had looked at you with that furrowed brow of concern and asked, "What's wrong?" You knew that it was completely one sided.
Perhaps it wasn't a bad thing that he didn't know. If Beron had found out that the High Fae female he loathed was mated to his heir, he would surely do everything in his power to be rid of you before you could do any real damage. Helion' wrath or not, Beron would peel the skin from your body and relish in your cries.
So, you continued on seemingly unphased, raising Maple to be the most docile and beautiful creature, all whilst distancing yourself from Eris. No more morning walks. No more pumpkin pie after dark. Instead, his looks of longing turned into stares of concern, and the rife flirting had transformed into cornering you and asking if everything was alright to which you simply nodded to before scurrying away.
"Did my father say something to you?" Eris had pinned you to the wall by your rooms one evening, Beron was throwing some pompous dinner for the Lords of Autumn and you had done your duty as dictated by your title, wanting nothing more to leave the room and bury your face into Maple's fur until sleep consumed you.
"You're lying," Eris' eyes darkened, "You're my friend, Y/N. Tell me what I've done."
"I, I just," footsteps approached and you flinched from his grip, trying to stick to the shadows as the steps passed and faded into silence, "I think I forgot my place here," you told him in a hushed tone.
Eris examined you, rolling his eyes down your body before finding your face and waiting expectantly for you to continue. Autumn suited you, the colours complimented you perfectly, the deep hues of earth and the brightness of the day melting into pristine harmony. You stood before him in a velvet stress the colour of ripe plums, hair unbound and falling down your back, with two braids meeting to frame your face.
"You mean everything to me, you're the only person here who actually sees me," his gaze softened and he willed you to continue, he loved your candidness, your will to always be truthful but also be mindful of how you spoke so that you didn't upset others, "I'm afraid that Beron will mistake our friendship for something more. He hates me, he hates everything I stand for, and I'm sure he'd have no problem showing me just as much. I have to distance myself, I don't have a choice if I ever want to go home."
"So that's it?"
"It has to be, Eris. I'm sorry," your bottom lip wobbled, Eris knew how hard you had tried to fit in and make friends with the people in Autumn, but Autumn hated outsiders, and that was what you were. You were so lonely there, and Beron was too stubborn to let you go.
If only he knew how much you loved him, how much you yearned for that tether dancing in the autumn breeze to find something to bind itself to. If only he knew how you dreamt of a life with him and how he consumed your dreams, night and day, his face was there, he was there all of the time and you were suffocating.
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It had happened.
Beron was finally gone.
The news had spread around Forest House, the chatter so loud that it had awoken you that morning.
Maple was perched on the edge of your cream coloured comforter, tail wagging and ears pricked upward to the sky as if she was absorbing every bit of information that floated through the closed door.
Beron was gone. You were free.
But Eris. Poor Eris.
You knew that Eris loathed everything his father stood for, that he was already looking for a way to usurp the High Lord and take his place, to make the Autumn Court better for all. But his father had still died, his sire, the man who raised him.
Dressing quickly and calling Maple after you, you hurtled through the Forest House, squeezing through the haze of alarmed bodies that swarmed the foyers and halls, all muttering their shock, and some, delight.
Maple trotted alongside you happily, her ears flopping over her face as you raced toward his rooms, to only be stopped at his doors by two guards telling you that the new High Lord wished to be left alone. At the sound of your desperate voice, the doors behind them opened to reveal him.
Eris stood before you dishevelled, hair messy, bags under his eyes, swollen red cheeks, and clothes askew, he growled at the two guards before grabbing your wrist and pulling you inside, closing the door securely behind you.
Eris immediately fell into you, loud sobs soaring through his body, you supported his weight in your arms and worked your fingers into his hair, shushing him softly and holding him as closely as you could.
"I'm so sorry, Eris," you strained, threatening to join him in his sorrow, you swallowed it down and used the pads of your thumbs to wipe his tears away as his eyes scoured your face, like it was the last time he'd ever see it.
It took him a moment but he finally spoke, "I'm more upset about you leaving, is that bad?"
Eris swallowed thickly, water pooling at the corners of his eyes again as he held your forearms in his hands, tracing small circles into your skin and drowning in your scent.
The aroma of freshly brewed coffee clung to you, with a hint of honey and lavender, "He's gone, Y/N. You're free, you can go home."
Eris watched your face soften, he watched as you tried to contain your tears, he watched as you took a step closer to him and peered upward so that your eyes pierced through his soul, "I don't want to go, Eris."
Frowning, he asked, "Why? Beron was the only thing keeping you here-"
"Not the only thing," your voice was barely above a whisper, so quiet that he would have missed your words if it weren't for you standing directly under his nose. "You were right that night. I have been lying to you."
Eris said nothing and you continued with a shaky breath, "I'm sorry that I had to distance myself, that I had to stop being me with you. It was either be lonely or risk Beron hurting us, and I couldn't let him do that."
Sun filtered through the windows, cascading its glow over your bodies and spilling onto the floor, curling around you both to avoid interrupting the words flowing from your lips, "Seeing you was the best part of my day, no one looks at me here but not only do you look at me, you understand me, you see me for everything I am and accept it without hesitation. I couldn't be the reason you got hurt, I would sooner die than be the reason of any of your pain."
Eris looked down at you, etching the slope of your nose and curve of your lips to memory, the sun shone on you, making the bright specks of your eyes dance in its light and your skin glimmer softly like fine sand. It was your eyes he loved the most, pools of wonder and sadness, you spoke with your eyes, he had noticed, every single mood of your was clear as day when he looked into them.
Adoration was laced in them, elegant guarded adoration.
The glow felt brighter, and shimmers of gold tugged at his essence, enough to see you in a different world of light that wrapped around you both.
Eris was breathless, panting softly through his nose, "You're my mate," and as he said the word the bond came to life, that lonely tether dancing in the autumn breeze now finding the end it so craved to entwine itself with, "You knew?"
You nodded, "From the day you gave me Maple," you smiled sadly, that had been just over six months ago, and then it all made sense to him.
Eris had almost gone insane trying to figure out why you had suddenly cut him out of your life, but of course you were trying to protect yourself, to protect him from the evil that was Beron. The former High Lord would have brutalised you if he had known of it. You would have rather have been all alone than risk Beron unleashing his anger onto Eris.
"Why didn't you tell me? I could have done something, I would have gotten us out of here, I would have taken you away and kept you safe," his fingers brushed against your cheek and you leaned into his touch, fire skittering across your skin.
"I didn't want to put you in that position, I couldn't do that to you," tears fell from your eyes and Eris kissed them away, the salty drops coating his lips.
"You've been alone all this time because you didn't want put me in that position?" Eris' hands fell to your waist and he pulled you in closer, your chests meeting, he pressed his lips to your forehead, mumbling against your skin, "I would turn this court into ash if it meant that you were safe."
"No, let me talk," he held your face in his hands, willing you to meet his eye as he lowered his gaze, "You are my heaven and my hell, you are the morning sun that illuminates the world after a night of storms and darkness, you are the sandy shore that glistens in the moonlight, you are the first birdsong that cuts through the equinox. You are everything, and you are mine, really mine?"
Eris felt as though he was dreaming, or maybe he was stood in the middle of some cruel nightmare, but as you stood on your tip toes and brushed your lips against his, he knew that no pinch was necessary to wake him, your soft lips were certainly enough to remind him that you were there and real, and his until the moment he took his last breath.
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Authors Note
I really hope you like this! Thank you for the request, I love writing for Eris so much x
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velvetcloxds · 2 years
pairing: jasper hale x cullen!reader
word count: 2k
warning: friends in love but the one doesn't know it yet
summary: bella and edward's wedding day has you feeling somewhat envious of their love story
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You felt awful, upset with your heart for the way it ached, for the way it shouted shots of anger, of envy, it was not at all what you'd expect of it on such a happy day. Bella and Edward danced below on the makeshift dance floor the vampires had very reluctantly created while you sat crossed-legged on the roof of the Cullen mansion- grateful for the darkness for allowing you to get lost despite the endless eyes that would search for you.
You had a great love for your brother and his new mate, happy that despite years, decades, of such grim, such overpowering sadness he finally allowed himself such mundane emotions of happiness. Maybe that was what had your heart drawing in upon itself. You didn't think yourself possible of such selfishness, being tormented by pity, by jealousy that reformed your decayed cells in a way that made you nauseous. You hated how your insides twisted, begged yourself, and willed yourself to remember the joy that swerved about your lost soul while planning this day.
But you knew where it came from, what it meant. Those were your flowers that cascaded down from the trees, your dress that flowed from Bella's life-kissed figure, your flower petals that spread towards your altar, your day, your dream. Yet you weren't there, it was everything you wanted and yet it belonged to them, you gave it to them, your dream and now you sit alone, rewatching it from the outside.
“Careful,” someone warned from behind you and were it not a warning you’d heard countless times before you’d not have been able to pin its owner down so quickly, the blond vampire swinging down from a branch and sinking down beside you, giving a soft sigh as he adjusted his suit jacket, about as unhappy with the fancy ordeal as you were, for very different reasons. “You might think yourself into a mess you can’t get out of,” he explained and you almost smiled, habitually moving closer to him, letting your shoulders touch as he looked down to search for the reason for your foul mood.
“You know, Jas, I was trying to hide away in peace,” you reprimanded, though he didn’t believe you, your emotions always betraying you, shifting as soon as he was close, it was as if your heart, despite all the wrong it did you, felt safest with Jasper, freely giving away your secrets to him and his senses.
“What do you think I’m doing here?” he argued, he was speaking in that charming, kind tone, you’d be silly thinking he reserved it just for you when really you were just most accustomed to it, prompting it from him much like he prompted calmness from you, a natural reaction despite your unnatural, supernatural existence. “You thought I came here for you?” you didn’t need to answer, he knew you did, and you knew it was true even if he was trying to pretend otherwise. “Very presumptuous.”
“Oh, you know me, always thinking about myself,” your words had a bite to them, thinking the present situation was the perfect time to remind yourself and your heart that no matter how much you wished it was, this wasn’t your day, and you had no right to wish it was.
“Hey now,” he breathed, disapproving of his words being turned into a real reprimand when really he was trying to talk you out of your head, talk you up from that hole you’d dug yourself into, help you crawl back to the surface to enjoy the day, it was a happy day after all, for everyone, or at least it was supposed to be. “What’s messing with your heart today?” you didn’t want to admit it, your selfish feelings, but you also knew that if anyone would be able to help you make sense of it, it would be your best friend, he’d not judge you for your short-sighted and very much unplanned pity party.
“Actually, I think it’s the other way around, think it’s messing with me,” you sighed, stealing a quick glance at him, sure the sight of him all dressed up and perfect would’ve made you blush had the blood still traveled through your veins, instead you managed a little hum, head tilting to take him in before looking back down to the newlyweds. “Can you feel what they’re feeling?” a puzzling question, leaving much to the imagination since you were sure they felt more than just one thing on a day like today, but somehow, as he always does, Jasper knew what you meant.
“That’s not what you want to ask me,” you hated that he could make that statement so casually, so surely, you also didn’t hate it all, you merely hoped he’d answer the real question without making you ask again. “Go on then,” he pushed, you wanted to roll your eyes, lightly shoving your shoulder against his instead, not missing the way his lips begged to tilt into a smile. “Ask me.”
“Can you feel their love?” he scoffed, unsatisfied, you were nearly there, almost at the point, it was dancing on the tip of your tongue, begging for release but you were being stubborn, he decided to be kind.
“I can’t feel it, per sé, it’s not just one single emotion, doesn’t just add up to one thing you can express, as complicated as love is, feeling it is much the same.” His pause was a courtesy, one he offered due to the disappointment that dipped into the air, flooded from you, and surrounded you just as your emotions often do for as entirely as you feel everything, you felt this in your soul, another stab at your heart, another knife in your icy coffin of life. “I can’t make you feel it either, can’t show you what it’s like,” he breathed and you couldn’t deny him the little nod you managed, not even thinking before you leaned your head against his shoulder, one hand snaking around his arm, other hand searching for his fingers and claiming them in yours as if they were your own.  “I would if I could, darling, you know that, don’t you?”
“Of course, I do,” you squeezed his arm lightly, not wanting him to think he’d disappointed you somehow simply by not being able to do the impossible, it’s just that living as you do, being what you are, the concept of impossible seemed so unspecified, so mundane. You had always longed for it, wished for it at night, dreamed of it during every moment of the day, you’d wanted more than anything to feel loved in all possible meanings of the word- yet it seemed more likely that Jasper could create a counterfeit version of it with his gift than someone truly feeling that way for you, about you. “Maybe someday I could feel it, really feel it,” you nearly whispered, you willed the words to sound hopeful, but even if your voice could pretend, your heart certainly couldn’t.
“I’m almost certain that you will,” Jasper promised and you hummed when he kissed the top of your head, your eyes not leaving the sight it had been trained on, the couple in question finally moving away from the dancefloor and by the smell of it, Edward had a howling surprise in store for his new wife.
“Do you think it’ll be worth it?”
“Waiting,” you explained and you hadn’t noticed a rather lovely looking, yet slightly terrifyingly quiet Alice creeping up to join the pair of you. “Do you think he’ll be worth waiting for?”
“I certainly think so,” Alice sang, already making herself comfortable next to you, taking hold of your arm and gently forcing you onto her shoulder instead, pleased when the action earned her a little smile from your previously pouting lips. “Think you might not be waiting as long as you think,” she shrugged and you missed her eyes as they locked with Jasper’s, who was already looking at her, hope drowning his features as he fought his brows from furrowing.
“Don’t give me too much hope, Ali,” you said, happy that you had a distraction, her bracelets perfect to fiddle with as she let you move her hand into your lap, you were calming down, feelings simmered but uncertainty lingering, yet you were safe with your comfort people and though the love you shared with your family wasn’t what your heart wished for, it did fill most of the emptiness. “I love you guys,” you mumbled, smiling as Alice proceeded to pull you into a proper hug.
“We love you too,” Alice agreed and Jasper wished the moment would pass because Alice was many things but subtle was not one of them and the way she was looking at him was impossible to miss, even if you weren’t yourself right now. “Some more than others.”
“Oh, I know,” you agreed and when you pulled away to look at them you made sure to give Jasper an extra long smile, he was after all the one to try and make everything better first, even if it didn’t exactly work. “Jasper over here is a real softy for his best friend,” you giggled at that, loving the instant recoil at the words as he pulled you right back to him, being sure to hide the way he melted around you, so perfect, he found it awfully rude of his body to react so willingly to you when the chances of being with you were so slim, so impossible, but then again, just like you, he didn’t think impossible was all that big of an obstacle to overcome.
“That I am, darling,” he purred and with one last squeeze he let you go, already prepared to swoop you right off the roof and onto the dancefloor to take your mind off all that could be clouding it and remind your heart that love was already right there waiting for it, and he would be ready to show you- to tell you more about love and just how familiar he was with the feeling when you and your heart were ready.
“I won’t mind always being the bridesmaid if you’re the one walking down the aisle beside me,” you informed him, allowing him to guide you down from your hiding place, Alice made sure to leave a little space between herself and you two before following you down.
“You won’t always be the bridesmaid,” Jasper noted, not at all surprised when he looked down to where you were climbing the branches to find your shoes had long been abandoned, free hand trying to keep your dress out of the way.
“How do you know?” you demanded once settled on the ground, giving in to his fiddling as he tried to make your dress right, tilting his head slightly as he dusted the purple material of any dirt it might have picked up on your little adventure away from everyone.
“I have a feeling,” he was unnervingly charming as he smirked at you, happy that he could feel your nerves ease, all the horrid feelings that led him to search for you now masked by a sense of content and comfort- happiness, because of him. “Trust me,” you nodded, giving in to the mood of the party as you started dragging him to the very middle of the crowd, pleased that the song had changed pace and the bride and groom were away enjoying themselves in solace.
“I always do.” And you did, you knew him well enough to know he’d always tell the truth, always be honest, always bare his heart to yours, at least when he was ready to do so too.
Twilight taglist: @saintlike78 @scarlet-prey @cupids-crystals @venomsvl @esposamultifandom @itzliyalupin @alexxavicry @iambuckysbae @axen-gers @cauliflowertree
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yuri-is-online · 1 year
Hello Yuri!! Congrats on 500 followers!! You deserve it, your writing is amazing and makes me so happy whenever you post something new! (・∀・)
If it’s alright, could I request Ace Trappola, Ruggie Bucchi and Cater Diamond with prompt four if that’s okay? About the reader meeting someone at the ball and ranting to the boys about them.
Thank you so much in advance, and congratulations again!! ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
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4. You met someone really wonderful at the Masquerade Ball and have been ranting about how he was totally the love of your life to your abnormally quiet friend. Actually, wasn't he invited too? Maybe you should ask him how that went.
Hello Rhea! It's always a pleasure to see you in my notifications, though you did give me a bit of whiplash with how fast this request came in (;゙°´ω°´) It makes me very happy to hear I have managed to make you happy, I hope you like this post too. Also thank you very much for the kind words, they made me feel much better.
notes: they/them pronouns used for Yuu, I know the prompt says "quiet" but these three are sort of the chatty type so it's more like dodging the question (sorry), the other event requests can be found on my masterlist here. There's a movie reference hidden here (kind of) that if someone gets I'll probably scream idk.
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There is a god in some sort of heaven and he hates Ace Trappola. Well maybe not a god, maybe it's just Riddle, and he certainly doesn't hate him, Ace is just being dramatic. But there has to be some sort of rule Riddle is breaking here, seriously what beacon of morals and etiquette sits pretending to sip tea while obviously eve's dropping on what should be a terribly private conversation. It's a nightmare made substantially worse by just how long he has been wanting to have this talk.
"Honestly I wasn't expecting to have so much fun, I thought Crowley was just going to put on a cheap tacky formal, not an actual ball with proper costumes." You feel light headed with joy for a change, technically half of the things you've experienced in this world you never would have in yours but a real, fancy Masquerade somehow felt more surreal than the overblots or flying brooms. Maybe it was because you had seen pictures of real ball costumes and masks that made it feel more tangible, like this was something you really were meant to be a part of.
"The costuming was indeed very impressive." Riddle swirls his cup just gently enough to avoid spilling his precious tea whilst making sure to pour Ace's all over the Heartslabyul lounge. "I was surprised at how impossible it was to tell who was who."
"I know! That's the whole problem." You practically jump up from the couch, before remembering yourself and settling down again. Ace notices you still move subconsciously closer to him, even if your silly head doesn't know just who he is. Or would it be was?
"Is it really?" Ace really wishes you weren't so used to ignoring his whining. "The entire point of a Masquerade is to be anonymous, isn't that why you and Deuce thought it was 'romantic.'" He had wanted to have this talk in Ramshackle where it was guaranteed to be private- scratch that he wanted to have it last night while he was trying to imagine what your eyes looked like under your mask. What they would look like if he moved his aside and just said what he was trying to for once instead of flirting more with the subtext than you.
"Well yeah I guess." You mumble. Your chest has been tied up in funny knots and Ace's unenthusiastic tone isn't helping with the pain. "But it's driving me insane to think I could have met my soul mate and all I know about him is that he makes a really attractive clown." Riddle chokes, tea cup clanking onto it's saucer as he politely tries to pass off his laugh as a cough. "Well not just that..." you mumble, closing your eyes to conjure up the memory of the jester who had produced a rose from behind your ear and insisted on leaving it there for luck.
"What sort of luck?" He held onto the rose just a second too long for your poor heart to bear, you swear he could feel it if he pressed his fingers that much closer to your pulse point.
"Well mine of course, how else am I supposed to find you when this is over." It's odd not to see the man's lips, your heart tells you it suspects he's smiling but it won't confirm it.
"That's not luck!" You laugh. "That's cheating!" He shrugs, as if to say he knows, that's the whole point. As if to say it's worth it to break the rules where you're concerned. It's daring, the way he holds you as you dance, the way your heart is screaming for you to just-
"I should have kissed him." You groan, remembering how Grim had charged in between you and your date screaming about how he'd never approve or something dumb like that. Just who did he think he was anyway?
"Well then why don't you!" Ace cringes as he says it, neck beet red as you go to sass him back before the oddly serious nature of his tone and the implication of his syntax force you to stop. Riddle's exit barely registers as you stare each other down, Ace from the corner of his eye and you with the full force you can gather.
"Would you have let me?" You whisper. A familiar touch lights just behind your ear, pressing in this time to trace the speed of your heartbeat.
"Only one way to find out, prefect." You expect him to run. Make some sort of joke about how he was pranking you, or say kissing before marriage being against the rules. But he doesn't. He waits, perhaps in the way he has been since the first night he showed up at Ramshackle, collared and crabby, just waiting for you to close the gap.
And embrace you as you fall.
Ramshackle was closer to the main castle than Savanaclaw. That was the excuse Ruggie had used to get you to agree to let him crash there, in his mind anyway. Really, all he had needed to do was ask, but you know that's not exactly how he works. Your relationship has always been a series of scratches, offers of give and take that tend to be minor but offer just enough of a technicality for true feelings to remain hidden just out of sight. That doesn't change how surreal it is to see him here so late, or the sharp contrast between all the stiff collars and plaster faces you both had been drowning in just a moment ago and the worn gym clothes you both wear for pajamas.
"Man I'm beat." Ruggie says, sinking into the couch. You aren't in much better shape, if he wasn't taking up a part of it you would be sprawled face down across the length the couch. Instead, you satisfy yourself with curling up into the far corner. You have a dreamy smile on your face, content like how he usually looks when he eats a large meal, or when he thinks you aren't looking.
"I think I found your soul mate hanging around the buffet tables tonight." You lazily tease, tracing nonsensical shapes on the floor to amuse the nervous energy from your earlier encounter.
"Oh yeah?" Ruggie sounds vaguely intrigued, but he doesn't move much. If anything he settles his neck more firmly into the sofa back, eyes intentionally trained on the ceiling. "What makes you say that?"
"He was stealing all the apple fritters." You say, dreamy smile widening when Ruggie snorts. "Too bad I intend on stealing him from you."
"Do you now." He murmurs, head tilting back down into his palm. He rests his elbow on his knee, but he doesn't look at you, not immediately. Your well into your little rant before he does.
"Well at first I was just going to steal the food-" that was the whole reason he had wanted to stay here, the two of you had hatched a plan weeks ago to smuggle in some containers and smuggle out as much food from the banquet hall as possible and it just made more sense to take it to Ramshackle "but he offered to give it to me so long as I danced with him." There is a container of said fritters in between you both, sticky with caramelized sugar and a good reminder of just how expensive the Masquerade Ball must have been to throw. It's odd to have food last so long in Ramshackle, odder still with Ruggie so close.
"Nice try." You said. "But you won't trick me like that. My friend trained me well and I need to bring those back to him."
"Are you sure about that?" The man's voice is muffled by his mask, white plaster forming three faces obscuring any meaningful detail of his real looks. He's radiant, something about the way he's managing to thread the needle through the crowd despite his exaggerated mask is holding all your attention despite Ruggie's warnings. You're supposed to be competing to see who would bring the most food home, but instead you're dancing in the arms of someone else, laughing as he kisses your hand when he dips you in tune with the song. "Your friend is missing out, I have the best tasting thing in the ballroom right here."
"I'm sorry I was so distracted I only managed to snag a couple things. Did you get anything good?" You roll out of the corner closer to the center, just out of his reach but oh so obtainable.
"Nope~" he says, letting the word pop and looking away with more shame than you have seen on his face... ever now that you think about it. "I uhh. I may have... also.. gotten distracted." Both of you look at the single container of apple fritters, suddenly very much aware that neither of you actually brought anything else back to your dorm.
"Laugh with me." You try to protest but Ruggie has both your fingers up to your lips, his trademark smirk looks good on you, he wishes he could take a picture. "Embarrassed prefect? You shouldn't be so worried, I told you how I felt didn't I?"
"But you don't know how I taste!" You manage to wail and he finally cracks, shaking with laughter and letting you curl your blanket around you in a ball of embarrement. You stay like that for a good long while, trying to beat down the smile that twitches at the corner of your mouth until Ruggie reaches over to unwrap you casing and pull your head into his lap.
"Well then, maybe you should let me test you." He's wrong you think as your lips meet, Ruggie has got to taste much sweeter.
"Well someone looks like they had fun last night~" Cater says and you giggle in response. He allows himself to pause before he continues, Cater really hates the sound of his own voice. How anyone can stand him is beyond him, and he knows the conversation he's about to have has a pretty good chance- no.
It's going to destroy the carefully built illusion he's woven around your "friendship" even if you react positively. Losing you would be painful, but keeping you in the dark would be even worse. He has to play this smart, play you correctly so he can try and keep your eyes with him even if they only look at the superficial face he wears.
Yes, Cater has to play you carefully, but he is off to a bad start. You know before he sits down that something is wrong, it's written all over his face sewn into his unwashed hair and dark circles under his eyes.
"I want to say 'you too' but honestly you look exhausted Cater, you sure you want to be awake right now?" You don't want to press him in case that makes him run, but you also know Cater a bit better than he wants to acknowledge. You don't really think the bit of yourself you have to share will help soothe him, but he goes along with his script anyway.
"Seriously, you worry too much!" He can't say about me because he wants your worries, and he knows that denial would crack his mask. "Besides I've just been dying to hear about the dance, you seemed really excited to go!" There's a sparkle in your eyes, a flush to your cheeks that he desperately wishes he had put there.
"It went well." That’s all you can bring yourself to say as your hands go to fiddle absent mindedly with the sleeves of your blazer.
"That's good?" He tries to poke at the topic but you don't go further. "Or was is it not good and you just don't want to think about it?"
"No! No it's just. I met someone. Or I think I did anyway." Cater blinks. Once. Twice. Three times just for luck because he knows, or at least he thinks he knows, that he was the only one with you all night. What you're saying just can't be right, there's no way you didn't know it was him all night. "He was just so easy to talk to! I completely lost track of time and didn't meet up with anyone else..." Your little embarrassed smile confirms it, you didn't know. He laughs.
"Sorry," he doesn't mean that "you're just too cute Yuu." He pulls his phone from his pocket as you desperately stutter.
"Look I'm really sorry I know I said I'd look for you, Riddle, and Trey but I was just... I don't know, moonstruck?" He laughs more, practically chokes as he quickly types an apology to Trey and savors your embarrassment just a moment longer.
"Don't you mean starstruck?" He teases and you suddenly find a bit of your fight back and fiercely shake your head.
"No way! That's for famous people. Moonstruck is for when you're overcome with ridiculous love for someone even if you don't know them." You pout and Cater looks at his phone, not to do anything really just to center himself and his thoughts. He has a choice to make, and he doesn't know where either path will go.
"Are you alright?" Cater should have known you would find him, there should be something scary with how unconsciously in tune with him you are. He doesn't say anything, but that doesn't seem to discourage you. You settle yourself next to him, sitting quietly keeping him company until he's ready to speak.
"It's all just a bit too much." He gestures vaguely at the room, uncertain why he's decided to speak about this now and not run from it. "Everyone's here wearing masks and hiding themselves like it's a fun thing to do."
"It can be." You say calmly. "But always dressing like this would be a lot." You look over the crowd with the stranger, the conversation lulls, and you try to examine the man's costume for a hint of what might be best to say. "You know," your voice is uncertain, but the words that come to you aren't ones you don't believe in, "everyone wears a mask sometimes, especially when they're afraid or lonely." The man says nothing, but something about the way he sits suggests you still have his attention. "You're not obligated to remove those masks for anyone, it has to be done when you are ready to accept the consequences of how other people will see you."
Cater isn't ready. He somehow doubts he ever will be. He wishes there was a way to confess this with a guarantee that the consequences won't burn him.
"You weren't the only one moonstruck." You look hopeful almost, exactly like you did when you'd pulled him from his corner to dance. Exactly the same as when you had when he had teasingly pulled your mask aside to kiss you, the same cute look he would never be sorry to see on your face. "Say are you busy prefect? I think there's something I need to tell you."
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rejectedbunnyx · 4 months
This fanfiction I debated posting anywhere. 😭💀😭💀😭💀😅😅😅😅💙💙💙💙🩵🩵🩵☠️☠️
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MINORS DNI - 18+ Only!!!
Warnings: Sui Ideation and attempt, do not read if you're struggling mentally, some slight smut, Tomura is perverted of course, readers mental state gets worse through the fic, happy ending, alternate universe, no quirks, Tomura is a ghost, reader is a shut in, can be a comfort fic if this fic doesn't trigger you, Tomura is a jealous possessive guy in this of course, out of character Tomura I guess idek, I need to edit fics I write more ❤️ Whipped this up on my phone ❤️ Sorry if there are mistakes ☠️
~ Your Soul Mate Is a Ghost? ~
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Tomura haunts your house. He died not too long ago, before you moved in all alone. Tomura didn't have much of a life before, or any experience with women, so seeing you in his space made him nervous and excited. He felt like a creep for observing you, but he couldn't help it. He never experienced anything like it before. He was thankful you couldn't see him.
He quickly learnt everything about you. You were single, worked a mundane retail job, and had no friends. You weren't close with your family, and you didn't leave the house often. Tomura was thankful for this, as seeing you bring others to the house would make him enraged with jealousy.
He began to realize you were kind of a shut in, which surprised Tomura. He didn't know of many women who were like him. At least, when he was alive. You weren't messy like he was, but you spent your days online, watching anime, playing video games, and going to work. You'd come home exhausted, stumbling to your bed. Tomura would kneel next to your bed, petting you, wanting so badly to be there for you. Sometimes he'd even lay on your bed next to you, holding onto you. It wasn't the same as it would be if he were alive, but he still felt a sort of warmth radiate through his body. You would oddly feel a comforting presence when he did this, but you couldn't see anything, making you feel you were losing it.
You dealt with mental health issues. Tomura often read as you typed out your feelings online. He'd desperately try to reach you in any way he thought of, tapping you, hugging you, even throwing himself on you, but you never noticed him there. He'd cry with you as you cried yourself to sleep.
Tomura was shocked in some of the ways you'd cope. He often would read as you'd typed up smut, his eyes wide and cheeks flushed. He'd feel upset and jealous that you desired men who weren't him, but was thankful it was mostly anime characters. He couldn't have any real man taking you away from him. He'd often imagine himself in the male role of your smut, his cock throbbing, drool collecting in the corner of his mouth. He was so thankful you couldn't see him.
You had a daily masturbation schedule. It wasn't technically scheduled, but Tomura soon realized you'd always masturbate at a certain time, maybe without even realizing it. Tomura would feel anger if you got off to any sexual media, cock still a angry red in his hand as he'd pump himself. He adored the nights when you were too tired to search anything up. Your hand clumsily pinching at your nipples, fingers rubbing your little clit, and sometimes even your fingers deep in your tight juicy pussy. Tomura the whole time would be jacking off and cumming almost instantly, moaning your name passionately, cock tip positioned so if he were alive, his cum would be splattered all over your opening. You sometimes felt you'd hear your name after masturbating, panicking as you looked all over your house, feeling scared you were developing schizophrenia. This would stress Tomura out, but also make him happy that he finally reached you somehow. This fueled him to be as loud as possible when he'd speak, screaming almost, moaning loudly, all so you could hear him. Even if it made you feel you were losing it.
A male figure started popping up in your dreams ever since you moved into your new house, not knowing it was Tomura who was the mysterious man. You felt comfort by his presence, but also severe arousal to the point you'd wake up touching yourself, drenched. You slowly began piecing together his appearance, writing it out one day on a forum about dreams. His scars and rough skin didn't disturb you, but intruiged you. Tomura's heart almost stopped, reading the exact description of him. His heart sped up in joy, knowing you weren't disgusted by his appearance, but liked it.
Ever since you fully knew what your mysterious dream man looked like, you were convinced he was your soul mate. Tomura's heart rate would skyrocket, as you even began writing smut about your dream man, who was Tomura. You just didn't know it yet.
As time went on, the dreams of your dream man would turn somber, and you'd wake up crying every morning. You desired more than anything to be with him, and felt you were beginning to hallucinate seeing him in your day to day around your house. He'd dissappear as soon as you'd see him, and you'd spiral out of control, feeling the last bit of your sanity unravel. Tomura noticed you began not going to work, until you were eventually fired. Tomura worried for you, as you needed to pay rent still somehow, and he felt powerless on being able to help you. He didn't want to lose you. That would turn his heaven into hell.
Tomura slowly watched as you fell apart. You stopped showering, stopped eating, and was put on heavy antipychotics for your symptoms. You'd stumble out of bed if you ever needed anything, your body weak. Tomura soon realized that you really didn't have anyone, no friends or family who'd come rescue you. He felt depressed watching his soul mate fall apart, without him being able to do anything. He didn't want you to die just yet. He wanted you to have pleasures you could only have if you were alive. But all he could do was watch you wither away.
On one fateful night, your emotions were at their lowest. You grabbed all of your pills, your mind spiraling rapidly. You used to be afraid of death, but you thought anything would be better than your current existence. As you went to take the pills, a hand tugged at your wrist, flinging all of the pills all over the floor. You were shocked, eyes dilated and wide. The hand continued holding your wrist, and you looked over. Standing there, was your soul mate, crying and panicking as he looked at you. You were convinced you were dead, and that you had entered heaven, not being able to comprehend that you were alive. Tomura soon realized you could see him, and that he stopped you. He grabbed your trembling form, holding you as tight as possible as he continued to sob, your own tears trickling down your cheeks. You both just stood there for a while, time seeming to stand still, as you both held onto the moment together. You looked up, mind flooded with questions, but unable to speak.
"I'm Tomura Shigaraki.. I'm a ghost. I died in this house before you moved in. I've been here the whole time, trying to reach out to you.. I know you started dreaming of me without realizing it." Tomura said, nerves rattling him as he wondered if you'd believe him or if you had any touch with reality left.
"... T-Thank you..." You whispered, your body falling to the floor due to all the shock taking over your body. Tomura knelt down, squeezing you tightly as you passed out. He carried you to your bed, and held you close all night, making sure you were okay and still alive. He wondered if you'd be able to see him when you woke up, but accepted if you wouldn't be able to. As long as you were okay.
You woke up with a warm body wrapped around yours. You questioned if you were still asleep, rolling over to see your soul mate right next to you. You immediately pinched yourself, feeling you must be dreaming, but felt the pain from the pinch.
"You are not dreaming.. I don't know how much you remember... from l-last night..." Tomura stuttered awkwardly, rubbing his head. Your eyes grew wide as you began to remember everything from the night before. You just laid there shocked for a bit before practically tackling Tomura crying from happiness, shocking Tomura. You both squeezed each other, your passion soon turning into a passionate kiss. It was Tomura's first kiss, and he practically melted having you like this in his arms. It was the first of many firsts Tomura would have with you. You continued your life, now having the love of your life always by your side.
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Yet again enraptured with the image of an Eden who barely talks. An Eden who, for seemingly hours, can sit in his old chair and stare right at you with the fire illuminating his face. Those eyes of his the same as the wolves he hates so much: full of hunger and predatory intent.
You're frozen in the corner of the cabin - almost quite literally. Away from the flames, your skin pimples from the cold, your breath just degrees away from being visible. The cold isn't what keeps you still however. He is.
His jaw works, a herb of some kind being ground down between his molars. The hunter barely just break eye contact to smear the mushy paste he made on a small wound. A disinfectant, then. As soon as he finishes placing a band-aid over the wound, his eyes return to you, cowering in the dark.
Even when he picks up his gun; dismantles and cleans it, he keeps watching. Eden's cleaned it so many times he could do it in his sleep.
There's something unspoken in the air. A request - or a dare, maybe? Eden waits for you to do something, though he'll not tell you what it is himself. He'll just keep peering into your soul as though he can hear the panicked thoughts rushing through your head.
The further into the corner you sink in an attempt to hide away, the lower his brows seem to get. The brief moment you stretch out to stop your limbs from going stiff, a smile tugged at his lips. Your subsequent retreat brought the frown back with it.
You dont want to get too close. He could grab you. He can get you at any moment anyway - you're collared and chained, but these few hours of freedom from his gropes bring you a limited peace. Still, you can chance scooting forward a bit.
The hunter blinks a second before putting his cleaned gun away, returning to his chair with a book. You release a breath you weren't aware you were holding. He acts as though he isn't paying attention to you anymore, but you can still see him sneak glances every so often.
This is how it goes, night after night. You inch closer to the flame, desperate for just a touch more warmth. Eden had been keeping you in an old shirt of his. Just the shirt. Not even underwear. You can feel the draft on your skin, as well as the old wood of the floor on your thighs.
With every movement, you expect something from the man. A slap, perhaps. For doing something he didn't give you permission to do. Or maybe his libido would decide to rise before bed time and you'd be in for an early mating. Thankfully, he ingored you more and more.
It took a few weeks, with the winter progressing and the temperature falling even further, for you to be at the foot of his chair. The flames roar close enough to warm your bones now, with shifting done to get away from the heat when it felt too much on your skin. Turning around, so that your back got the same warmth as your front, and then turning again. Like a rotisserie chicken, you'd thought once. It was comforting to know you still had a semblance of humour.
Eden's eyes were now mostly on his books. Or his gun. Or whatever he picked up to entertain himself with for the evening. Mostly. He still glanced down at you from time to time. But you felt comfortable enough to stay where you were, at his feet. It was better than feeling like prey in the corner as icicles formed on your face.
There came a day where he did touch you. Eden touched you a lot - but not like this. You'd fallen asleep, your head resting against the arm of his chair. The hardwood wasn't all that comfortable, but he'd been making you do a lot through the day. Exhaustion got to you before sense could guide you to the bed.
When you'd awoken, fingers had been stroking your hair. Delicately, almost reverent in their caresses. Eden wasn't this. Eden was demanding, rough and (at times) clumsy when he tried for grace.
Curiosity and fear could both be reasons for why you'd pretended to sleep further. You were around Eden pretty much 24/7, yet with how little he communicated, how much did you really know him?
Keeping your body limp as you were carefully lifted from the floor was difficult. Alarm bells rang for you to roll out of his arms, to get away and return to your cold, dark corner until he came to drag you to bed. A natural reaction to being handled by your kidnapper. A rational one.
But you kept your breaths even. Kept them slow and steady as big, strong arms brought you into the hunter's lap. Your head was laid against his shoulder, his earthy scent filling your nose. Those big arms encircled your body, a bearded chin resting against your forehead.
Most days you go to bed hating Eden. Cursing him, privately demanding to know how he could take you but never being brave enough to utter the question. That night, when his lips pressed against the skin of your cheek and he whispered of your beauty, you felt the longing that had compelled him to do so.
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noroi1000 · 2 years
Hiii!! Hope you're having a good day! I really enjoy your work 💖
I'm curious about this...can I request a one shot, please uwu? from Suguru werewolf (Yandere soft), after of so many years he finally found his mate... she's a witch who is already engaged in marriage whit someone else, maybe a stupid sorcerer like Naoya (?) What will Suguru do to always have her by his side? maybe mate with her (NFSW) and kidnapped before the wedding...it's the only way to prove that she belongs to him.
Only if you want and if you like the idea 💡! If not it's ok. Have a good day, and thanks for your time.
The day you became his mate
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paring: werewolf!light yandere! Geto x reader
warnings: smut(breeding, rough sex, half-agreed sex), kidnapping.
Words: 3,8k
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Being lonely, it was hard to keep all your needs in check. Not having a partner for a werewolf is unbearable. Painful because there is no love in life. No hugging or kissing. There is no closeness of another person. Alpha would always miss an omega. The earth would miss water. The plants would miss the sun. He misses a partner.
He doesn't care if his partner is like him, a werewolf, or a different human. It does not matter. If his partner was a werewolf, it would have to be omega. Because he chose to be a loner. He lives alone, he has no partner. He doesn't stick to his relatives. He doesn't stick to his group. He's an alpha, werewolf, loner. He is independent and did not care whether someone is with him or whether he is alone. But still, the more and longer he lived like that, the more he felt the desire to have a mate. He was already 27 years old. And he never had a mate in his life. It never felt real. That's why he already wants to have someone in his life…    Werewolves aren't ugly. You knew it well. You, when you were learning about different ethnic types and different species, you knew that as a witch, as a female sorcerer, you had to learn more than what was written in the books.
You've met a few werewolves, you've seen them. Werewolves are not large dogs, as they are described. Werewolves were people. They just had more features that weren't originally human. Better senses, higher physical fitness, sometimes there may be a tail and ears on their body. But that's all. Only this. They don't have fur.
You've noticed that werewolves are really beautiful creatures. The men are tall and handsome. Muscled. Women are beautiful. Their eyes are soul piercing. Strong bodies, sharp teeth. In your opinion, they really are majestic. But their hormones scared you. their behavior because of it. Werewolves don't need a partner of their own species. It can also be an ordinary person. The only thing that matters to them is that they feel a partner in another person. Then their hormones will work on a human anyway. The alphas in their hierarchy choose a mate for themselves. Or rather, it is fate that chooses them. They feel that someone is made for them.
You've always been terrified of this behavior of alphas who feel omega. Werewolves are aggressive when they have to. They don't kill for no reason. But their aggression also shows up in moments of closeness to a partner. Even though the dominant partner doesn't want to hurt their mate. You heard about it, and you knew you wouldn't get the feeling. You could enjoy it, but also regret it. It would be nice to hear that you have been chosen as a life partner for someone, and they love you unconditionally. For ever.
But your partner is no werewolf. You're getting married soon. Even though it is a marriage of duty and coercion. Your husband will be a man. An ordinary sorcerer from an influential family. With him, you can do whatever you want. You will be able to live peacefully. You'll even be able to look at books, learn more. Watch to understand more. Read something interesting. Even though your life with this man may not be as nice as it could be if you loved him.
You know that there are people living in a relationship with a werewolf. Even though others think it's dangerous. It's the same risk as always when a human is with a non-human. People's bodies are different from their bodies. And that's why they consider it dangerous. But nature cannot be blocked. If a werewolf feels a life partner in a human, it should not be resisted. After all, a werewolf can only have one true partner.
Only one with whom he will be connected forever.
You walked through the small shop, looking through various books. You were looking for something you like. Some title or genre of the book. Even supernatural romances or something like that. Even werewolves. You were looking for anything to kill your slow, boring time.
That's where you met him.
Who would have thought that a small shop on a street corner would be something that would change your life so much.
There was a lot in this store, and you wondered what he really came for when he didn't seem interested in anything.
He appeared when you couldn't reach the book on the last, highest shelf. No matter how tall you were, you couldn't reach it. The shelf was just too high.
Leaning on the cupboard with your hands and chest, you extended one hand once more.
There was no staff to help you because sometimes they disappear into the back room, leaving the shop alone for a while. But why at a time like this if you need help now? Or you just need a stool or ladder to pick up the item you want…
You felt your fingertips run along the spine of the book. And you hoped this was the book you wanted.
You grabbed the bottom and slowly pulled it out. You still can't see what you're doing because it's still so high… Where are all the tall people to help you…
You felt the book begin to wobble under your fingers. You swallowed that shelf under your breath. You continued to pull the book lightly towards you, even if it might fall on your head.
You won't die from a book falling on you… You'll protect your head and you'll be fine.
But the moment the book fell off the shelf, you saw that it wasn't the book you wanted at all, and you closed your eyes in annoyance.
The book flew out of your fingers, but before it could fall on you, something stopped it.
You opened your eyes to see a man's hand holding the book.
You looked at him. He was definitely tall. This answers your question. Suddenly, a tall, handsome man appears next to you and saves you from the attacking book… How strange that sounds. Your knight in shining armor on a white horse who saved you from colliding your head with an angry, aggressive book that fall on you from the shelf…
What an unusual and strange meeting…
Besides, if he was normal, he wouldn't come here…
People just watch what happens to others, record it, and share it as funny mishap videos…
Or they just watch and don't care.
This man here was a little different because he approached you.
And his reflexes were amazing because he caught the falling book so quickly and accurately. By one hand.
It's amazing. You wonder how many people are with such reflexes?
Or is he not human at all? After all, there are so many non-humans in this world.
"are you okay?"
You looked at his face.
What if you were right about him not being human?
When you saw the piercing purple of his eyes, you felt like you were standing under a predator…
You felt as if you were overwhelmed by his aura alone…
Is this what it's like to be a victim? Is that what it feels like?
After a while you realized you had to answer.
"Yeah… Thanks…" you said uncertainly as you stared up at the sky.
Even though it might look silly to others, it was something else to you. You couldn't take your eyes off its beauty.
He was definitely not a knight in shining armor on a white horse…
It was a dark, mysterious but kind knight with piercing purple eyes that flooded your senses and you couldn't look at anything else but that.. His hair was half pinned up like a black wave floating down his back and shoulders.
Suddenly you saw his hand move and he handed you the book which was falling on you. Keep looking into your eyes. Watching your every move. Every breath that came out of your sweet lips.
It wasn't normal…
"Uhm… Excuse me, could you pass me the book that was next to this one?" You asked quietly, blushing a little in embarrassment.
It was embarrassing that he was saving you from the book. It was embarrassing that you even asked him to help you because you couldn't handle it.
It was embarrassing that he was so close, and he was looking at you like that…
He smiled slightly and moved closer to you, reaching for another book.
As soon as he entered the store, he felt different than usual. He felt something pulling him inside. Something that makes him stay inside.
His body led him to books and stationery where he looked at things, then looked at other things.
He didn't need anything from the store, but he felt he had to be there. He didn't know the reason. It was just a feeling…
But as he went to the other shelf, he saw one person a little further away.
When he saw you, his body made his pupils dilate.
When he saw you, his heart sped up.
His body started working differently.
For every werewolf, there is only one such moment in life…
The moment he meets his mate…
When he noticed that you needed help, he came over and helped you. He wanted to be nice and also to get close. He wanted to know if his senses were deceiving him.
When he grabbed that book and looked at you, he felt there was no mistake.
He was suddenly worried that you might be injured. That something could happen to you. That's why he looked and asked if you were okay.
He was so glad you were okay.
He had never felt such relief before.
Even when he doesn't know your name.
When you asked him if he would give you the book, he couldn't refuse.
When he could move closer, he was so pleased with it.
As he felt your scent even more in his nostrils, the instincts that werewolves have when they smell their mate awakened in him.
He immediately felt that he had to protect you. He felt he had to keep you by his side.
He felt he had to mark you.
The best way, and also the only way, is to mate with a partner.
He just met you, but he felt it was the right thing to do.
His rational thinking tells him he can't do it now… After all, it wouldn't be moral for you to mate by force.
He didn't want to do this to you.
Can you give him more time? Maybe you'd like to meet him?
Just a few meetings before that happens…
You think to be his…
You are his soul mate…
The only mate he'll ever have…
You are the chosen partner for him.
You must be his… No matter what happens… You must be his… As his partner, one of a kind.
You must be his because he wants you both to be the most important thing to you. He's waited too long to let go of this opportunity now…
You won't get away with this…
You have to because he wants it.
You must, because the world has decided so for you…
You will be partners forever….
Even if he doesn't know you're going to be involved with someone else soon… 
Your friend, your best friend, your protector, your soul mate, Geto Suguru.
None of you expected that your meetings after such an unusual meeting would be so frequent.
You agreed right away
And he proposed it.
Who would have thought that in less than a month you would become his friend.
He is your friend. You two get along perfectly. That's why you think you're soul mates. Even if that's not possible in humans.
However, it didn't even surprise you when he said he wasn't human… After all, he looked different from the others…
He was a werewolf.
Now you could be glad that your best friend is someone who isn't even human.
You saw how his behavior changed when you were near him.
You saw how his pupils changed shape.
To go from sharp and small to suddenly round and wider as he looked at you.
You don't know what that means for werewolves, but you do know that people's pupils dilate when they see something they like.
You wonder if your pupils are also dilated when you look at him.
You are happy to have him near you because he is your friend. Someone you can always trust.
But he acts weird sometimes…
Weird behavior that sends shivers down your spine…
He's possessive and the most jealous of any friend you've ever had…
No one can get close to you when he's around, because he's around.
His eyes then change. Then you see how his teeth are sharp. How his body looks like he's getting ready to attack any human… It wouldn't make sense if he was human… Unfortunately, he's a werewolf.
You knew werewolves were territorial and protected those who mattered to them.
But you didn't expect such a reaction when you told him you were inviting him to your wedding as your best friend.
Then you saw how his face changed. From cheerful to petrified. His eyebrow twitched. His eyes have changed. His aura was completely different. You were beginning to be afraid of him, of what he might do to you…
You still wonder why he is like this from the beginning… As if his feelings express something other than friendship.
"Suguru, is something wrong?" you asked seeing his serious face.
"Are you getting married?" he asked suddenly, in such a cold voice.
"…Yeah. In a few days…I want you to be my guest."
"Who are you marrying?! You love him?! Why?!"
You backed away a bit, knowing you had angered him. You don't know why, but he was angry. His voice was cold and dry. A cruel scream bursting from his throat as he couldn't control his emotions. Not now…
"I'm marrying him out of necessity, but I don't mind. You probably don't know him. Zenin Naoya. He is a sorcerer. I'm marrying him because he comes from a powerful family." You said as your smile faded.
"Are you marrying him even though you don't love him?!" he shouted suddenly standing up.
"If you don't want it, just don't do it… You think I'm going to let someone else have you…?!!"
"You think after so many years of being alone, I'm just going to let go of the person who's meant for me?! I won't let my mate go! No one will take you away… Even if I have to have you by force…"
He suddenly left.
Left you confused…
What did he say?
Are you his mate?
That's why he acted like that?
Are you made for him because you really are his soul mate?
Are you meant to be his partner?
He, as a werewolf, felt it, didn't he? But why didn't he tell you before?
You felt a bit scared after he said he would have you by force…
How can you not be afraid of this?
That's why he left.
He kept the last bit of his sanity, he left before he did anything he would regret…
If he had stayed there with you, his emotions would have made him hurt you.
That he would bond with you by force…
But is there anything wrong with binding you to him by force?
You have to be his anyway… That's why… Is there anything wrong with that?
You felt bad for the next few days.
It was your last night before your wedding…
You were supposed to enjoy. You were supposed to get ready and rest before this important day.
You wanted to see Suguru. You wanted him to come and support you on this day… as your best friend…
But you don't know what to think about it, since he told you something like this…
You are his mate…
Could something that was scary for you at times really be true?
It would be really nice to have someone who loves you always. No matter what. It doesn't matter what you look like. It doesn't matter who you turn into…
A werewolf's true love will never fade away. Because he will be with you forever.
You you were chosen for Suguru… Can you break his heart…?
If only you had a choice…
You'd like to apologize to him. Because there's nothing you can do alone to prevent this wedding…
You can apologize to him now…
You didn't want to hurt him… You didn't want to deprive him of love…
You didn't want to break his heart…
Combing your hair while I was sitting in the chair by the mirror, all you see is how your eyes have gotten darker. Lustreless. Your eyes didn't sparkle because you couldn't see Suguru's eyes.
Gently running the brush through your hair, all you thought was that a warm bath and going to bed might relax you.
  The moment the door to your room suddenly opened, you jumped, quickly getting up from your chair.
Holding the brush in front of you as if it were a knife.
Whatever defense you have with you.
You saw a familiar face and tall figure as he emerged from the hallway. Coming into your room. Closing the door behind him. Slamming them sharply against the doorframe in the wall.
"Suguru…" You grumbled as you put your brush down on the shelf and slowly walked over to him.
But you stopped the moment you saw him starting to take off his hoodie.
Staying in a black t-shirt.
"I knew that only one thing could keep us both together…"he said as he untied his hair. Letting them fall on his back completely.
"I knew from the beginning that you would be my partner forever… But for all this to happen, I'd have to do something… There's nothing wrong with forcibly marking you… Right?"
You took a step back when you saw his eyes.
Predator looking at prey.
"If you give up, it will be easier for me as well as for you." he said as he took off his shoes and then pulled his shirt over his head, showing you a muscular torso.
You blushed slightly and took a step back.
"It will be better for you if you approach me politely now and let me do whatever it takes."
You looked at him as he stopped.
"Because no matter what you do, you'll still be mine. Since we met. And since I walked into this room, there's no way you're leaving this house without being marked by me. I'll be softer if you come now."
Your body was paralyzed.
You couldn't move because of the stress. You knew what was about to happen…
You have no choice anyway…
He'll do it anyway… No matter what you choose…
You took one small step forward.
"I'll take that as a half answer. I'll be softer than I was meant to be…" he said as he suddenly appeared in front of you, pressing your lips hard against his.
Something happened that always scared you…
Alpha partner aggression towards omega partner…
Even though a partner doesn't want to hurt the other partner…
His body works like this…
He, feeling his partner's body, just couldn't help himself.
Something that used to scare you all the time is actually so good…
He's brutal, you have to admit it. But there's a subtlety to it. Also the way he kisses you and hugs you sometimes.
How he says sweet words to you as his hips hit yours.
With brute force, with hellish pace. Not allowing you to breathe normally.
His hands squeezing your hips and waist as he slammed his cock into your insides. Like it's about to tear you apart.
Tears flowed from your eyes, saliva flowed from your mouth. You cried through the overwhelming emotions and all the feeling.
A pain that fills you with such pleasure that you can't think straight.
The knowledge of the words suddenly disappeared from your mind, and all you could do was moan his name.
Your whole body was bitten and aching. Your wounds stung.
However, what was supposed to be painful and horrible was actually so good…
Your body reacted to it…
When you lay on your stomach with your ass up for him, you couldn't move. Your body was so soft. All the nerves in your body were burning with pleasure.
You don't know how long it lasts. But you know you're not going back to your normal life after all this.
You feel him entering you again and again. Feeling everything as he uses your body for pleasure. Giving you pleasure too. Letting you feel such an overwhelming feeling that it didn't feel like you were having normal sex.
So that's the point of their bodies not being the same as human ones…
His body can give you much more pleasure. And through it all, you're melting under his hips. Feeling hotter every time his hips hit your ass. As he entered you so deeply each time. So precisely hitting all sensitive points.
So much so that you came on his big cock, milking him, encouraging him to come inside you. Even though that's what he wanted to do with you.
Pour his semen deep into your womb and breed with you.
He wanted to mark you as his mate, forever.
With his length kissing your cervix every time, he was hugging you, and all he wanted was for you to moan his name.
What a sweet partner for him that he loves so much.
You will stay for him forever.
"Fuck… I love you… You're… You're mine…"
He wanted others to see that you were gone. He wanted others to see that you weren't in the room and that you weren't coming to the wedding.
Once you're marked as his, you won't go back to your old life because you're going with him.
With his cock moving in and out of your pussy again and again, you felt your body becoming so sensitive.
Until finally you felt even more hot as you wrapped yourself around him. As your body melted under his thrusts and kisses. In his arms.
He didn't mean to hurt you. And since your body was taking it so well… It's not bad for you.
You're his partner, That's why you won't leave his side.
You will live with it. You will not leave his house. You'll never come back.
He won't let him lose you.
His only partner. The person he loves. His mate.
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stillfrownyclownlol · 9 months
The writing is not writing so um
*Bursts into tears*
Aidlyn ship question thingy because they are the only thing keeping me alive at this point 🙃 BTW this thing is EXTREMELY long so be warned.
Questions from @jennystahl
1. How did they first meet?
On the school bus during their first day of freshmen year, obviously :)
2. What was their first impression of each other?
Ash: ... ... ...well. you know. she thought he was a creep- which, to be fair, is a little bit true. Annoying, pushy, borderline stalkerish...she also thought his contacts were weird.
Aiden: He thought she seemed really interesting :) he was very excited to talk to her and he thought that her sitting in front of them was a sign she wanted to start a conversation. Thought her hair was pretty.
3. Did any of their friends and family want to get them together?
Taylor thinks they are super cute together! So does Logan, one time he offered to check their star sign compatibility ^_^ Ben is totally supportive of whatever Aiden wants to do, will be his "wingman" if he asks. Tyler thinks they should just suck it up and get together already. Her parents...ehh...they trust her to make good decisions, even if they think Aiden is "eccentric" (they're still on good terms with him tho!), Jessica and Daniel are just happy he found somebody.
4. Who felt romantic feelings first?
Aiden aiden aiden aiden.
5. Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Hahaha hahaha. Yes! Of course- Aiden didn't think Ash would ever like him like that so he kinda just buried his feelings since he DEEPLY values his friendship with her. Ash is not really good at distinguishing her feelings between romantic and platonic so it took her a long time to realize. At the beginning she was kinda freaked out about it, but she accepted it pretty quickly.
6. If you had told one of them that the other would be their soul mate, what would they think?
Depends when, but I assume this means when they just met.
Ash: "what kind of sick joke is that?"
Aiden: I don't think the idea would bother him or anything. Would probably get a good laugh out of it though.
7. What would their lives be like if they had never met?
No phantom dimension at least, but Ashlyn would probably be coasting through life alone struggling to make connections, and Aiden would probably keep spiralling if he didn't make any real friends. I think he'd be a lot more unhappy than her.
1. Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
Ashlyn. She told him kind of bluntly that she had feelings for him and that she wanted to get that off her chest (Taylor gave her the advice). Aiden was ecstatica to say the least.
2. Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
Not really...they'd already hung out together alone so they just went out again and did what they usually did. They just like to go somewhere quiet like the graveyard and spend time together, Ash's love language is quality time <3
3. What was their first kiss like?
*kneels* Red...I'm praying rn because i hope this will happen in the webtoon...
Probably a heat of the moment kind of thing. Specially if it was Aiden that was injured. It takes a lot for Ash to take initiative lol. If they weren't dealing with the phantom dimension anymore, I think Aiden would just ask her if he could kiss her after a date or smth. Either way, it's probably very awkward on Ash's part lmao :"D they probably knocked their teeth together haha
4. Were they each other's first anything?
Aiden is pretty much Ash's first...everything. he's the first guy she's kissed, her first relationship, and, technically, her first friend. Ash is Aiden's first romantic relationship. He's had friends before tho and he's kissed some other people, but nothing serious.
5. Height difference? Age difference?
Aiden is 174 cm and Ashlyn is 155 cm, so...7ish inches? I don't know how to convert-
Aiden was born in October 2000, and Ash was born in June 2001, so they have about 8 months between them 👍🏽
6. What's their relationship with each other's families? Do they share a friend group?
Ofc they share a friend group lol.
Mike and Emma like Aiden ^_^ they're pretty close with all of Ash's friends, but when they found out they were dating they didn't spare him the "parent-boyfriend" talk lol. Ash's relationship with his parents is...pretty awkward, she doesn't like them all that much, but Aidens been working on their relationship so she doesn't say anything. Same with his aunt and uncle. She likes hanging out with Lily tho, even if she's awkward around kids :)
7. Who takes the lead in social situations?
Depends on the situation, but usually Aiden will, he basically has no filter when it comes to talking with people lol. Very much the "Excuse me sir, she asked for no pickles." Meme 🤡 (Ash would just be annoyed and scrape them off)
8. Who gets jealous easier?
Aiden absolutely. It's the BPD + ADHD rejection sensitivity. Can spiral into irrationality ngl. Thankfully he doesn't get aggressive or gives her the cold shoulder, if anything he gets clingier.
9. Who whispers unsuitable things in the others' ear?
Aiden 100% 🫠 will say the most out of pocket shit ever at the worst possible time and Ash just has to fight back her laugh because oh my god, this guy.
1. Who said "I love you" first?
Aiden. She got kinda awkward and couldn't say it back, but he didn't take it personally because she hugged him afterwards.
2. What are their primary love languages?
Ash is quality time as mentioned above. She doesn't need grand gestures, or gifts, or him reassuring her constantly, she just wants to...be around him.
Aiden is definitely touch. It's easy, it makes him feel good, and he feels like it expresses what he wants to say better than words. But he really likes it when Ash reassures him with words of affirmation anyways.
3. Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
Do you even have to ask? Aiden pretty much greets her with one every day and Ash still hasn't understood a single one. There's also like, a 25% chance he will forget the pick up line half way through delivering it so he'll just bungle the whoel thing up.
4. How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
Aiden kinda hovers around her in public so PDA is a given. She's got a pretty strict "no pda at school" rule tho. She's okay with him putting his arm around her or putting their heads together, but no kissing. Cuddling at home? That's fine, she likes napping with him.
5. Who initiates kisses?
Ash if it's on the mouth, Aiden if it's anywhere else.
6. Who's the big spoon and who's the little spoon?
Neither, they sleep facing each other. Aiden moves around in his sleep a lot which drives Ash nuts. They usually end up tangled together, to Ash's despair.
7. What are their favourite things to do together?
Ash isn't super picky, she generally prefers something they can do at home. She really likes watching documentaries about her special interests while they lie on the couch together.
Aiden likes doing puzzles with her, they get to talk together while doing one of his favourites activities :) he likes to go out too, but he doesn't want Ash to get overstimulated, so they'll usually go out to some deserted place at night.
8. Who's better at comforting the other?
They both suck at it lmao 💀 but Aiden calms down a lot faster than Ash does, so technically Ash is better.
9. Who's more protective?
They both are extremely protective. And like in a feral way ngl. They WILL choose violence lol.
10. Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
Ash likes physical affection because she doesn't really know how to respond to verbal affection. Aiden is fine with either, a cuddle or a compliment is good for him :) Slight preference towards physical touch tho, and verbal is like a little treat for him since Ash almost never does it.
11. What are some songs that apply to their relationship?
I let you go to Red's playlist for that :D (But I recommend "High on Life", good song that explains Aiden's view on Ash)
12. What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
Ash doesn't use nicknames a lot, she just calls him Aiden, or something like "stupid, idiot, dumbass, imbecile" when he's annoyed her. Mr. Durable is the closest thing to a pet name she will give him lol.
Aiden will call Ash every single freaking thing you can imagine. Baby, babe, Bae, my love if he's feeling dramatic, Red because he's obvious like that, "wifey" is he's feeling fearless lmao. And then there's the *weird* petnames; "my sweet ketchup packet", "my favourite little rubix cube", "my beautiful princess with a disorder". All of these make Ash want to rip her hair out.
13. Who remembers the little things?
Neither of them do in on purpose 🤡 Aiden will just hyperfixate on stuff Ash tells him and remember it for special occasions. Ash is more about the every day little things, reminds him to drink water, sends him food in case he forgot it, asks how he's sleeping.
1. If they get married, who proposes?
Aiden had a whole thing planned before Ash asked him for the tax benefits.
2. What's the wedding like? Who attends?
They prolly got married at city hall because they're not religious and also a big wedding in front of a lot of people stresses Ash out. The squad came and both sets of parents 👍🏽 They prolly had a small party afterwards to celebrate.
3. How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?
Probably just one...I think they'd either talk about it for a loooooong time or have one on accident haha
4. Do they have any pets?
A big rescue dog, breed undeterminable. :)
5. Who's the stricter parent?
Ash absolutely, somebody has gotta keep everybody in line! Not afraid to go into "Sargent mode" if necessary >:)
6. Who worries the most?
Aiden, but like in a private way where he can't even sleep. The BPD hits and he sees the world as very dangerous. Ash is better at rationalising her worries.
7. Who kills the bugs in the house?
Aiden, bugs don't really bother him, so he probably catches them if he's bored and finds one. Ash isn't afraid of bugs either, but she dislikes spiders. Too many legs :p
8. How do they celebrate holidays?
They'll usually meet up with the rest of the squad and their families! If they can't, Ash likes to keep it lowkey ^_^ Aiden WILL go all out for Halloween tho. And Christmas. And New Year's, and...yeah, they both have different ideas lol.
9. Who's more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
Aiden pretty much sleeps for like 4 hours every night and gets up at like 5 in the morning just to do crap, so if they don't need to do anything, Ash will call him back to cuddle for a bit. Helps him sleep <3
10. Who's the better cook?
Ash, her parents taught her the basics. She's not a master chef or anything, but she won't set the kitchen on fire like Aiden.
11. Who likes to dance?
Ash is way more passionate about dance (specifically ballet) than Aiden is, but they both like dancing. Sometimes they slow dance at home if they're feeling romantic :)
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ncityprincess · 2 years
the peeping jae
plot: perv loser jae listening to his jock roommate johnny and his hot cheerleader girlfriend fuck
MDNI!!! MATURE CONTENT this is extremely out of my comfort zone, but it's been sitting in the back of my mind. I love loser jae, you love loser jae, we ALL love loser jae. picture subway jaehyun and faster stage Johnny for reference. jae is a peeping tom in this story, just trying to listen in on some action. Johnny and OC are very mean to him, but it's somewhat deserved I guess? lots of degrading, voyerism, and overall smutty fun. but of course, NONE of this is reflective of how I think these men are in real life. this is just fiction. happy reading :)
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it wasn't supposed to be like this. you weren't supposed to find out.
jeong jaehyun was a star engineering major at NCIT. all of his professors adored him. he always listened attentively in his lectures, took thorough notes, and aced his exams with flying colors. he was surely on track to be the valedictorian of his class.
that being said, his niche knowledge of rollercoaster mechanics and his overall...vibe wasn't exactly a mate attractor. he wore khakis and collared tops that his mom would send him each semester. he didn't care for, nor know about the latest brand name shoes or clothes. he kept a handkerchief in his pocket in case his nervous sweat got out of control. needless to say, the inexperienced college student was far from a ladies man. the farthest he had gone was a kiss on a cheek from his neighbor next door senior year of high school. their moms thought it would be a good idea for them to go to the prom together. he thought his soul might leave his body when his date leaned over and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.
besides that and pleasuring himself to some good ole pornos, jeong jaehyun's sexual experiences were quite scarce. I guess it didn't bother him per say? I mean, did he want to know what sex was like? what boobs felt like in real life? how many licks it took to get a girl to squirt? of course! but the thought of actually talking to a girl makes his nervous sweat act up, cue his handkerchief drenched in sweat. so that's why he preferred keeping his head down, focusing on his studies, and staying out of the way.
that was until one particular Friday night came around.
you had always stayed over Johnny (and his) dorm thursday-saturday nights. Thursdays were party nights, and you being the darling cheer captain and THE Johnny Suh's girlfriend, it was customary that you two attend every huge NCIT rager. The handsome hockey captain and the gorgeous head cheerleader were never far apart from one another. of course, you couldn't bare to sleep away from your man in your clingy drunken state, which was why Thursday nights were a given. Friday and Saturday were spent simultaneously recovering from Thursday's events and loving up on one another.
the awkward engineering student usually stayed out of the way when you came over, not wanting to intrude on your couple time and possibly make the large athlete angry. jaehyun either spent his weekends back at home, or in his dorm room watching sci-fi movies. this weekend, he decided to stay on campus to get a head start on his engineering project for class.
after a few hours of setting up the blueprint for his rollercoaster design project, he made his way to the kitchen to get a glass of water. he had to walk past Johnny's room to get to the kitchen, but a certain sound made him stop in his tracks. it was a sound that shot straight to his downstairs area. a loud, drawn out moan ricocheted off the walls of their apartment style dorm. he instantly knew what you two were doing behind that door. his thirst was still there, but this time it was a different type of thirst he needed quenched.
he knew it was wrong. he knew he shouldn't have done it, but the second the thought entered his mind his feet moved faster than his brain. he tiptoed closer to johnny's door and gently put his ear up to it. blood rushed straight to his dick when he heard the sounds of you moaning and whining. he fantasized about what you two could've been doing in there right now.
were you getting fucked? were his fingers deep inside your tight little pussy? were you about to come? oh how he wished he could be a fly on the wall. he settled for being a fly outside of the door instead.
"mmm baby your tongue feels so gooood" you moaned out.
Johnny had his head buried under your skirt, his tongue making your sensitive bud feel so good. you were topless, letting your hands roam over your large breasts.
"oh yeah? how about my fingers? do they feel good too?" your boyfriend asked as he plunged two fingers into your pussy.
you squealed, rocking your hips against johnny's face, begging him for more.
jaehyun was so close to shoving his hand down his pants to relieve himself of the pressure, but he didn't want to go that far. it'd probably be best to savor these dirty sounds and store them in his memories for later tonight when he's all alone in the darkness of his room.
suddenly, the deliciously pornographic sound of you cumming broke him out of his thoughts, driving him absolutely insane. he wondered what it would be like having such a sexy girl like you in his bed, making those sounds all because of him. for now, he had to settle for being an outsider looking in.
"fuck, I gotta go grab a condom from my wallet, it's in the living room" Johnny said as he got up from underneath your skirt.
"um hello? don't we have plenty in the drawer right here" you asked, impatiently waiting for your boyfriend to stick his dick in you already.
"had–yuta snagged a couple during homecoming weekend, jungwoo and haechan took some for their camping trip with a few of your teammates, and besides… you KNOW we're not exactly prudes babe." he said wiggling his eyebrows.
you blushed, "whatever, just hurry up before I use my vibrator instead"
"only if I can watch"
you threw a pillow at him and he headed for the door
"alright alright, feisty"
Johnny opened the door and collided into a tall, lanky figure.
jaehyun jumped back and made a frightened, surprised sound.
you shrieked and covered your exposed chest with your discarded top.
"yo, what the fuck are you doing man!?" Johnny asked his suspicious roommate.
"uh I uh–I was just gonna–I–uhhh–" jaehyun frantically stuttered.
"were you just spying on my girlfriend and I, freak!?"
"n–n–no I was just"
"y–y–you were just WHAT jeong"
before jaehyun could come up with an answer Johnny grabbed him by the collar of his polo shirt and shoved him into the wall.
jaehyun's eyes went wide with fear, knowing he wouldn't be able to defend himself from the 6 foot 2 jock.
"baby! put him down." you said calmly
Johnny and jaehyun stopped and looked at you in shock, the latter also silently thanking you.
"what? this loser was probably getting off to us just now" Johnny said with anger evident in his voice.
you sat up on the bed, no longer bothering to cover your boobs.
"can't you see babe? jaehyun clearly liked what he heard. I mean, look at him"
Johnny snapped out of it a bit, and slowly released jaehyun from his hold. he stood back a bit and took in jaehyun's flustered form, and his very obvious hard on.
Johnny chuckled condescendingly "haha, you're right babe. the dork's got a raging boner. what's the matter jeong, huh? my pretty girlfriend's got your dick doing the thinking for ya?"
jaehyun felt his ears getting even more red, if it was even possible. he finally hung his head in shame and muffled out an apology.
"huh? what was that? couldn't hear you dork speak up" Johnny said
jaehyun took in a deep breath and finally lifted his head up to look Johnny in the eye.
"I said I'm sorry"
"hmph, sorry for what, loser?" Johnny replied, puffing his chest out and smirking
"I'm sorry for spying on you and your girlfriend. I shouldn't have done that" jaehyun wanted nothing more than to escape to his room and never come out again.
"ahem, where's MY apology?" you finally spoke up.
jaehyun looked at you from the doorway, trying painfully hard to not look at your exposed breasts.
"sorry y/n, I was wrong for listening to you guys"
"mmm, i'm not sure i'm convinced" you said with faux sadness.
jaehyun stuttered for a moment, not sure what else to say or do in this extremely uncomfortable moment.
"get on your knees and crawl to foot of the bed" you demanded in a soft voice
"uhhh, pardon?" jaehyun squeaked out
"she SAID, get on your knees and crawl to her. DONT make her tell you again" Johnny gritted in jaehyun's ear.
jaehyun immediately sank to his knees and made his way over to you, feeling even more shame than he felt before. once he made it to the foot of the bed you kneeled directly in front of him, breasts on full display.
"now, apologize again, like you mean it this time"
jaehyun could barely look you in the eye. shame and humiliation really setting in now.
"y/n, I swear it'll never happen again. I won't even look at you anymore please, I'm so so sorry for being a pervert. please."
you stared down at him for a few moments. you were disgusted by how creepy his behavior was. he barely so much as made eye contact with you whenever you came to johnny's place. where did he get the balls to do something so dirty all of a sudden?
but a part of you also felt a newfound sense of power. your boyfriend loved to call the shots and you loved letting him even more. but right now, you wanted a taste of that power. you wanted to show this peasant who the true king and queen were around here. you looked up at Johnny, who was still standing in the doorway watching this all go down. you two made deep eye contact, and the two of you instantly knew how the rest of the night was going to go.
you grabbed jaehyun's chin with your pink manicured nails. "listen you little freak, you like invading people's privacy huh? well now you're gonna sit here and watch my boyfriend rail the shit out of me all night long. and you're gonna sit there, be a good boy and keep your hands to yourself, do I make myself clear?"
the end💋
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hwabang · 1 year
your jungwon x older reader posts had me thinking: jealous jungwon vs older idol who has admitted to having a crush on reader and every knows (even reader lol). and they both end up being pitied against each other in a variety show game.
how do you think jealous jungwon would react / act during the variety show game?
bonus: reader is a guest mc for it and sees jealous jungwon
(whether jungwon and reader are in a public or private relationship is up to you)
A Little Push - Yang Jungwon
Genre: slight angst + fluff
Warnings: fem!reader, idol!reader x idol!jungwon, '03 reader, friends to lovers, sad jungwon, jealous jungwon, mentions of SKZ's LeeKnow, two mentions of ITZY's Ryujin, use of the word Noona, brief description of kiss scene, cursing, slight aggression from Jungwon's side
Author’s Note: IT'S SO MUCH PLOT I'M SORRY LMAOOO! but this is such a cute request, thank you for sending it in! feel free to send in more and i hope you like this one <3
Word Count: little less than 3k
(gif not mine!)
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There is not a single K-Pop fan in the world who doesn't know of Jungwon's crush on you.
They didn't even have to be a fan of your group or ENHYPEN's. Just being a K-pop fan, of any group, there are some industry things you know well. And this was one of them.
Jungwon had been basically infatuated with you since his I-LAND days. But he didn't act on it until this year, when he became an adult. Sure he's only a year younger than you, but he knew that if he wasn't also an adult when hitting on you, you wouldn't take him seriously.
However you were making it quite hard for Jungwon. Jungwon had confessed his undying love for you so many times in public; during lives, during variety shows, en o'clock; you name it. At first everyone thought it was a running joke between the two of you; maybe you guys just have that type of friendship. But that opinion was quickly changed when clips of Jungwon looking at you with love and adoration circled the internet.
Although he was constantly flirting with you and caring for you, Jungwon never outright confessed his feelings directly to you. Once, he said it during a variety show, but the whole point of the game was to raise your heartbeat. And so being the competitive person he is, he confessed to you on camera. But that definitely was no real confession that you'd accept.
You were always asked about this on variety shows or your own lives; whether you liked Jungwon back or not but you never gave a clear answer. You always said something along the lines of how much you appreciate Jungwon's attraction towards you, leaving your fans and ENGENES quite confused on your feelings. Sometimes you would comment how cute he is, or how hot he looks when watching some ENHYPEN related content for your lives, but that's about it. Nobody else knew how you felt for Jungwon.
Nobody except the one and only LeeKnow.
Being in a company where idols act like family, like in JYPE, you grew quite close to many idols and that includes the members of STRAYKIDS. As close as you were to your fellow label mates, you weren't planning on telling a single soul that you reciprocated Jungwon's love for, even if that single soul was one of your group member's.
You didn't plan on telling anyone, but that doesn't mean people couldn't figure it out.
Everyone who knew you well knew you had a thing for Jungwon. Did they know you liked him as much as he liked you? Well, some did. One of them being LeeKnow.
He was currently an MC for a newer variety show that was going crazy in Korea right now. His co-MC was Ryujin, but she got quite sick so he was scrambling to find a temporary MC for the upcoming episode and he remembered you were talking about wanting to try MC-ing for a while.
That, and this episode was gonna feature ENHYPEN.. and LeeKnow had a devilish plan.
You had joined him on set for a brief run-through of tomorrow's episode with ENHYPEN, when he told you his plan; he was gonna flirt with you and do everything in his power to make Jungwon jealous. "That sounds evil, Minho."
He nodded. "Yeah? It's my plan."
You shook your head, not believing the words coming out of this man, your sunbaenim's, mouth. "Well your plan has so many flaws. Why are we trying to purposely hurt Jungwon's feelings?"
"Because you like him?" he said matter of factly. "What better way to get a guy to confess to you than to push him to his limits? Sometimes a little push is all it takes y'know."
"... As much as I agree.. I don't wanna do that to Jungwon. And besides, who would I flirt with? If I flirt with his members, he's gonna be more hurt than jealous if anything."
"No no we won't stoop that low. You'll flirt with me."
You crossed your arms and giving him a look as if silently calling him crazy. "You're fucking kidding."
He rolled his eyes. "I'm in need of an MC, I ask the girl I'm close with even though she's never MCed a day in her life; why? Because I'm trying to spend more time with her! So I flirt with her! It's the perfect plot Y/N."
"You're not my type."
LeeKnow put a hand over his heart, feigning offense. "You're not my type either dipshit. Which is why it works perfectly. I pretend to flirt with you a bit, you fake shyness and play into it, you get the guy and our friendship stays the same."
"... I don't know..."
"Hey no pressure, but just think of it as some fun."
With a bit more coercion from your good friend, you agreed. And so you were just anticipating what would happen in a week from today, which came real soon.
It was now the filming day, and you were doing everything in your power to avoid ENHYPEN ever since they got here. You were busy and nervous for your first MC gig, yes, but also you were kinda avoiding Jungwon.
Not Jungwon, but the shift in his energy that would happen once Minho started "flirting" with you. But your tactics of avoiding him had come to an end.
You turned around and saw Jungwon cheekily smiling at you. He jogged over to you and stood right in front of you, looking down at you with a glitter in his eyes. "There you are. Hi," he said cutely.
"Hi," you returned with the same energy. You turned back to your desk and started picking up your cue cards. "What's up?"
"Nothing. I've been trying to greet you ever since I got here, but I feel like you're ignoring me."
You could hear the pout on his face so you turned around and your thought was confirmed. "Sorry Jungwon-ah.. I'm just nervous to be an MC."
"Don't be nervous Noona. You're an ace, you're good at everything you do. I'll give you encouragement throughout the filming, okay?"
You gave him a genuine smile, your heart jumping at how cute he was, but it didn't last long.
"Hey gorgeous."
Both yours and Jungwon's heads whipped to the side where you saw Minho coming towards you guys with a playful smirk on his lips.
He walked up to you and leaned in real close, still smirking. "You look really good."
You eyed Jungwon before responding, who had a very confused look on his face. "I-it's just my makeup artist.. did a really good job today."
Minho hummed, pretending to check you out. "Nah, it's all you beautiful." Minho wrapped an arm around your shoulder, something you gave him the okay for earlier, before he looked towards Jungwon. "Sorry Jungwon-ah, did I interrupt your conversation?"
He looked a bit taken back before quickly shaking his head, but the scowl on his face was still there. "N- No Hyung, you're good. I just came over..."
Jungwon trailed off seeing Minho's hand slid down to your waist and pull you in closer. "Alright. Well I'm gotta get my makeup fixed. You two finish your conversation." Minho then turned to you and winked. "See you out there sexy."
After Minho walked away there was awkward silence between you and Jungwon for a bit, before he looked down and scoffed, chuckling a little. "Didn't know Minho Hyung had a thing for you."
You were a bit flustered, not knowing how to answer since you didn't want to necessarily hurt Jungwon. "Yeah I uh, didn't know either..."
"You look good together," he admitted while clenching his jaw.
You shook your head. "Jungwon it's not–"
"No, I get it. He's good looking, smart, funny, talented; all around a good guy."
"You are too," you defended.
"But he's older than you."
"You like older guys, of course you do. Why would you like someone like m–"
"Jungwon!" You interrupted him by cupping his cheek. You stared into his eyes, hesitating before making your next move. "We'll talk about this later okay?" You softly kissed his cheek and moved back a little to see his reaction, which was priceless. His cheeks were blushing a pinkish rose color, his eyes had that sparkle again, and his lips were pursed as if he's trying to contain a huge smile. Your hand lingered on his cheek before giving it a little pat and then you walked away, getting ready to start filming.
The filming was going very well. All of ENHYPEN seemed to be enjoying and were quite comfortable filming with you and LeeKnow. As for you, you were actually a lot less nervous once the camera started rolling. Maybe it's the idol in you? Sure. Or maybe it's Jungwon giving you sly thumbs ups whenever he could, encouraging smiles, quick winks that he really attempted to do.
Jungwon's mood quickly dejected once the games started. A heartbeat monitor was hooked up to you and the objective of this game was to see which team of the two could get your heart beating the fastest. They were allowed to come close to you, say pick up lines, do aegyo; basically anything but touch you.
Since ENHYPEN are an odd number of people, LeeKnow joined the team with less people. So now you had Niki, Jay, Heeseung, and LeeKnow on one team. The other team was Jake, Sunghoon, Sunoo, and Jungwon.
For Team 1, Niki went first. Your heart rate didn't go up too much with him, although you were a little flustered at his attempt at flirting. However he was laughing too much which in the end made you laugh along.
Jake was up first for his team, which gave the 2nd team all the confidence they needed. As much as Jungwon didn't wanna admit it, Jake was an expert at flirting so he knew you'd get flustered easily which is an advantage for their team. True to his reputation Jake was able to get you flustered, much to Jungwon's dismay. He quickly suppressed the jealousy he felt and continued on enjoying the game.
It was a close tie now. Jay and Sunghoon were up against each other; Sunghoon was able to fluster you while Jay ended up bursting out laughing. Same thing happened with Heeseung and Sunoo; Heeseung easily flustering you.
Now it was Jungwon's turn; the one you were anticipating the most. He smirked slightly before coming up to you and crouching down, getting really close to your face. "Noona, why won't you date me."
Your heart was rapidly beating but your heart rate didn't go up, shocking everyone.
"Eh?!" Sunoo exclaimed. "How come?"
You stuck your tongue out at Jungwon. "Obviously, you made one grave mistake in that Jungwon-ah."
Everyone knew that Jungwon instantly could tell what the mistake was, but LeeKnow decided to let him know anyways with a snicker. "Yah Yang Jungwon, do you really like Y/N? If you did you would know she likes older guys!"
Jungwon didn't have a reaction, trying not to start something with his sunbae while filming. "Ani, Hyung, she likes younger guys too."
Minho nodded while still laughing. "Yeah, but not when the younger guys call her Noona." He stepped up to you, unconsciously shoving Jungwon aside. "Let me show you how it's done," he smirked.
He did the same thing Jungwon did, getting real close up to you still holding his signature smirk. "Hmm, baby, you have some hair covering your beautiful face. Can I move it for you?" Wordlessly you nodded and let LeeKnow tuck some strands of your hair behind your ear. After he was done he let out a sexy chuckle and whispered in your ear but the mic picked it up; "Good girl."
Every one watched the monitor as your heart rate shot from 84 to 105, indicating Team 1's win. Heeseung and Niki ran around the set screaming in excitement while Jay went to collect the prize. The other team was sulking except Jungwon. Jungwon's jaw was tightly clenched and he couldn't move his eyes away from where you and LeeKnow were now standing.
The rest of the filming went smoothly, accept it was clear Jungwon was out of it. Poor baby tried his best, but he couldn't get the results of the flustering you game out of his head; how your heart rate increased that much with a man that wasn't him.
After filming was done, everybody headed back to their respective spots where they were before filming had started. You were talking to LeeKnow about how the show went when you heard someone clear their throat behind you two. You turned around and were greeted by Jungwon, who had an unreadable expression on his face. "Excuse me Hyung, if you're done talking to Y/N Noona now, I'd like to speak with her."
LeeKnow tried not to smirk and nodded instead, turning back to you. "Well, my offer still stands Y/N-ah. Text me when you come up with a decision. I'll see around the company." He gave you a side hug and said goodbye to Jungwon before leaving you two be.
After he left you walked a bit further to a secluded area so nobody could hear you two talk; you had a feeling this conversation shouldn't be for all ears. "Yeah Jungwon, what is it?"
"I'm gonna call you by your name now. No more Noona. I didn't think you'd mind anyways. That's fine right?"
Still quite taken a back, you nodded. "Y-yeah, that's fine..."
"What are you playing at Y/N?" he questioned.
You tilted your head in confusion. "What do you mean?"
"I thought we had something!" he exclaimed. "Every time I flirt with you, you never reject it so I thought you felt the same way! Then I come here today and see LeeKnow Hyung flirting with you too! You kiss my cheek, and then turn and let him flirt with you again!" Jungwon let out a frustrated sigh, running a hand through his hair and speaking to you in a much more calmer tone. "It hurts okay? I've liked you– No, I-I've loved you.. for so long now. You never hit on me but you let me hit on you, so I thought this was going somewhere. And now to see someone else flirting with you.."
"No, let me finish. I'm afraid if I don't get this out now, it'll stay in me forever... I know I'm younger than you and you don't think I'm mature enough but I am! I can be exactly what you're looking for in a man. J-just tell me straight Y/N, please," he begged.
You felt absolutely terrible. What could you say now to make up for the trouble you put Jungwon through today? Nothing seemed to be enough in your head, so you decided to show him instead.
You were already by a wall, so you backed yourself into it and pulled Jungwon by his shirt into you, colliding your lips with his.
He was quite shocked but quickly recovered, closing his eyes and melting into the kiss. His left hand went on the wall next to your head and his right arm snaked around your waist, pulling you further into him.
After a few seconds of kissing you pulled away and rested your hands on Jungwon's shoulders. You looked straight into his blown out eyes, letting your gaze rest their for a bit.
"Y/N..." he breathed out.
"Why didn't you directly confessed to me before today, hmm?" you cooed.
"I-I don't know.. I think I just chicken out every time... y-you're too pretty and I can't handle it."
You giggled and cupped his cheek again just like last time. "Cute. I like you too Wonnie."
His eyes lit up at both the confession and the nickname falling from your lips. "You do? You actually do?"
You nodded. "Will you go on a–"
"Wait!" he interrupted with a bashful look on his face. "I-I wanna be the one to ask... Will you go on a date with– Actually no. Will you be my girlfriend Y/N?"
Your response was a kiss on his cheek before you wrapped your arms around him tightly.
Jungwon giggled and wrapped his arms around your waist too. You hugged for a moment before he pulled away. "Wait, what about LeeKnow Hyung?"
"Ah..." you blushed. "That "flirting" was an evil plan created by him to get you to confess to me?"
"Really!? So he doesn't like you?"
You shook your head in reassurance. "We don't have any feelings for each other, like at all. I promise."
"Then what was he telling you earlier? H-he wanted you to text him after coming up with a decision.. I thought he asked you out.."
You bursted out laughing at the absurdness. "God no! ITZY is going on tour soon and he needs an MC to replace Ryujin, so he was asking if I wanted to do it. That's it."
Jungwon sighed in relief and smiled, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. "Thank God.. hey are you free for the rest of the day?"
"Yeah why?"
"Let's go on a date today."
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rea-grimm · 4 months
The crow and the spider - House of Phantomhive pt 1
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Through the animus, you experience the life of your ancestor living in 19th century England. Your target is the family of Phantomhive and Trancy. However, their servants don't make your task as an assassin any easier. Nor does the red ribbon of fate that binds the demons to their soulmate.
The world was dominated by the legend of the red ribbon of fate, which bound soul mates together. But few knew it wasn't just a legend. It was real to demons and only these supernatural beings were able to see this ribbon. 
The mansion you lived in was consumed by flames to its foundations. You had nowhere to go... That wasn't really true. You had nowhere to go, but it was a perfect opportunity to get closer to your goal. 
So at the queen's request, you took shelter in Phantomhive House for a few days. The young earl provided you with a large room of your own, where you had every service. Moreover, he ordered his butler, Sebastian, to take proper care of you. After all, he couldn't disappoint Her Majesty, to whom your family was close. 
You could say you were not like other nobles. You had a mind of your own and liked to do things your way. That was true even when it came to washing and dressing. 
Sebastian filled your tub and wanted to help you wash and then dress. You refused to go around him naked and even though you knew that's what other noblewomen did, you refused. 
At first, you tried politely, but eventually, you ran out of patience and threw him out the door. You were pretty self-sufficient and you weren't going to change that. Why waste a servant when you could do it yourself? 
Sebastian was quite amused by your behaviour, as it was a challenge and such behaviour was unusual for ladies. Everyone wanted to be spoiled by him. He knew how to make a woman submit to him, only you were harder than the others. It was a challenge to tame you and subdue you. 
You explored the estate, as you had the impression that there was much more going on here than met the eye. 
Your unorthodox behaviour of treating the servants kindly and not like things made everyone take a liking to you. They were happy to serve their master, but you were a welcome change. As they tried to impress you, they made Sebastian's job harder. He had to drive them away from you and remind them of their work.
Ciel allowed you to use his vast library as you pleased. You felt most at home there, and the library became your base. You studied the maps, the letters and the movements of the Templars. From there, you sent encrypted letters and instructions to other assassins. 
You loved to sit on the roof of the mansion, where you had a beautiful view of the whole property and the surrounding woods. Plus, you had peace away from everyone. From the staff, from the butler you had a problem with, and from everything else. 
During your stay at Phantomhive House, you and the Earl received an invitation to the upcoming Trancy Family Ball. It was an excellent opportunity to find out more about this family, as they were on your list of suspects as well.
Ciel gave you a beautiful long dress with shoes and matching jewellery as a gift. After all, when your house burned down, so did your stuff. 
You were blown away by the dress and went to try it on. This time you didn't even mind Sebastian coming with you, since he had to lace it up in the back. The shoes were gorgeous too, but you had an opinion about them. You picked them up and went to show them to the Count. 
"If you want to kill me, do it the classic way. These shoes are a murder weapon," you said seriously, pointing to the high stiletto-like heels. 
The Count was not amused by your reaction, though you noticed a small smile from the butler. Unfortunately, you had no choice. If you wanted to attend the ball, you had to go in those "murder weapons." At worst, you could use them as a real weapon. 
You liked to wear heels but at a reasonable height. When you first tried on these shoes, you were afraid you'd break your foot. 
All of which led to Sebastian giving you dance lessons at his master's request and seeing to it that you learned to walk in those shoes by then. 
You liked those lessons with the butler. It was like he was someone else at that moment. He may have been strict and punished every misbehaviour, and he seemed to revel in punishment, but when you made progress he rewarded you accordingly. 
You danced close, and even though you were wearing heels, he was still taller than you. Many times during the dance you were lost in thought and in his eyes, which were an unnatural red color. The soft lips when he looked at you lustfully. 
One night you couldn't sleep and decided to get a glass of water. You didn't want to annoy the servants because of your vanity and maybe it would help you sleep. 
You were walking down the hall when you found a small kitten crouched in the corner next to the commode. 
You crouched down beside the kitten and took it in your arms. You planned to take him somewhere away, hide him from the Earl since you knew Ciel had allergies and didn't like them much. 
You grabbed a glass of milk instead of water in the kitchen and headed out with the kitten. You thought everyone was asleep when you got a chill down your spine and felt like you were being watched. 
You looked over your shoulder, but no one was there. When you turned back around, you jerked in shock as Sebastian stood a few steps in front of you. You couldn't read anything from his expression.
His gaze then focused on the kitten, wanting to take it from you. You hesitated to give it to him. You were worried he might hurt it. You knew how cruel and stern he could be on occasion. 
You refused to give him the kitten and instead scratched the creature's head. You were about to go around Sebastian and keep going when he stopped you. He wanted you to follow him because he wanted to show you something. 
You made it to his room where you could faintly hear meowing. You looked at him suspiciously. He just smiled at your reaction before he opened the door and you walked in. 
You couldn't believe your eyes. His room was full of cats crawling around him, begging for attention. Seeing this, you knew you could trust him with a kitten. You sat down on his bed and immediately the cats started cuddling with you. 
You were glad your ancestor didn't have a cat allergy like you do in modern times. You were content to cuddle with the cats. Sebastian sat down next to you and watched you contentedly. 
You had no idea when, but as you were surrounded by cats, you slowly laid down and before you could return to your bedroom, you fell asleep. 
From then on, Sebastian called you lost kitten or just kitten in private. You were as cute as the felines he took care of.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
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silenttale22 · 1 year
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Hoseok x Reader Genre: Angst, Lovers to Exes Warnings: Kinda toxic relationship, swearing Note: Hi Sweetheart, thank You for being here! This one means really a lot for me...and honestly while writing it I've been crying ugly...so yeah, hope you'll enjoy!
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You started it too fast and lost yourself in the moment instead of trying slowly. Instead of finding your souls, you just looked at the bodies, felt only superficial emotions- why?
It all seemed so innocent at first, you couldn't even think it would appear as something more than a friendship and emotions connected only on this level... How possibly you could predict that one meeting would change everything? That someone you've known for some time would make you feel so strongly, so different.
The conversation that day was smooth and extremely warm, your lips could not shut up because of the comfort his person evoked. His smile sticks together your pieces torn by life, a gentle voice bringing a state of relaxation.
The evening was cold, with chilly wind rubbing against your cheeks, and red noses yet still looking into the shining eyes as if you were meant to be. His smile charmed you in every possible way, and these two little dimples in his cheeks melted you truly. In literally four hours, your life was completely different and you couldn't understand whether it was because you were in love for the first time or because you were finally happy.
Yet love and happiness not always go together. But it wasn't on your mind then.
When his hands were around your waist, his lips were making tiny kisses on the cheeks, and you felt like you were drifting through the air. Everything he did seemed right for you at the time. Intoxicated by his presence, you blindly let yourself be rapt by an excess of feelings, only to be left with nothing. Overwhelmed with unfamiliar feelings, you didn't know you'd finally fall.
When, in the end of the meeting, you heard his plea;
"Please, never fall in love with me...."
For a long time, it was really hard for you to tell if what happened to you with a dark-haired boy could be called destiny. Even the idea of lost soul mates crossed your mind because you thought you were fitting in just the right way. It seemed to be the shelter and warmth you'd been looking for so long. It seemed like the kind of music you loved to play. He was like lines from your favorite books and poems that you quoted from memory. 
But was he the final step in making the choreography breathtaking and the whole performance ended with thunderous applause?
You weren't so sure. 
After an extraordinary walk, you heard the news that all this time - the boy who both promised and denied himself - had been taken by some other girl. He was in a relationship with someone, when you thought he was already yours. How would you have known they'd shift their behavior right after coming to know that you fill in the blanks about everything now?  Why his voice was now filled with sadness and anger?
During that time, you felt him slipping from your fingertips even though he was never yours, you saw your paths split. But eventually left with eyes filled with tears of shame and disappointment. Right person, the wrong time you could say. But was it really true?
You were furious, your blood boiling, and, to be totally honest, you were mad at yourself, not at him. Because you made yourself hopeful, ignoring the fact that it was caused by his actions towards you. You were mad that you couldn't keep someone with you yet again, but isn't it like if he really loved, he never would've done it?
One message can change everything, right? To give you a heart attack, to give you the best of serendipity, or to die. One message can lead you to a state of helplessness, hands trembling with fear, and a sudden surge of emotion will lead you to a real disaster.
You were on your way to work, and your mood was unusual - It all felt as if you were stuck. Didn't feel sadness, or joy either. In a way, you were filled with an emptiness that you couldn't pinpoint. Your heart was still longing for him, you missed his touch, his voice, him.
When the news that the boy broke up with someone because of you - getting information about it from the girl herself, made body snatched with fear. You couldn't breathe then, and your eyes were filled with tears because you felt guilty. Because you could only guess what pain the other person might be going through.
But you quickly lost yourself in empty words. Full of hope and selfishness. He broke up with her, assuring that he felt the same way about you as you do about him. That you seem to be the love of his life. That he'll try to stay with you forever.
It was a time when you could sleep at night. Where usually sleep could not come, and you had laid all night staring at the ceiling - that was the time when his evening calls, though maybe you could call them night calls because they were usually around 1:00 or 2:00 a. m. , when he ended the gaming season with his friends always remembering you and putting you to sleep with his calm voice. When you heard every night how much he missed you, how much he wanted to hold you, or how much he couldn't wait to hear your voice, happiness stretched out your chest. You felt so important to someone for the first time in your life.
Your college halls and the paths on which you walked to work were filled with endless happiness. The corners of your mouth raised on their own, your music became more upbeat and happy. It became simpler for people to make you laugh. Everyone noticed that you were acting almost oddly. Your clothes have changed from black to a wider range of hues as if you've thrown away a long-lasting grief that was extremely hard to let go of. Your calmness was surprising - you didn't get angry as often as you probably would have used to, and bothersome customers or an annoying manager couldn't ruin your 'perfect' humor. You turned into a totally different person in just a few days as if you switched personalities with a complete stranger overnight. And, after a while, the question came up: was it the real you, or just another version created for the particular occasion?
And that is how in such a short time, Hoseok became your anchor and your torture.
The very next day you could expect a text from him a short “Have a pleasant day, I love you”, making your heart beat faster and the smile couldn't come off your face. You were obsessively enchanted with him. His goofy but at the same time amusing, attention to detail. He remembered a lot about you, at least for the first few days, and such small gestures made your heart go crazy. When he leaned his forehead against yours and looked straight in the eye over and over again making sure it was you and only you. When he brushed your hair with affection because he loved to look at the pinkish cheeks. When he stood under your staircase for a few minutes because he didn’t want to go yet didn't want to let you go, to write you a few messages on his way home ‘thank you for the meeting and how amazing it was’. Writing ‘you're making me feel unique and the happiest person alive’. That you're the one who saved him.
But who was now to save you?
Evening walks under the stars, which you always dreamed of, became a reality, and he was intrigued by your knowledge of the constellations in the sky. A lot of times, you were sitting in the park, dressed in the warmest clothes, and all he could ask was the name of one or another of the star systems, and you were more than happy when he asked because you hoped he was really interested.
Slow walks down the river, you laughing, walking on the wall holding his hand that was supposed to prevent you from falling, even though you eventually fell into his arms drowning in the incredible shades of his eyes. His little finger intertwined with yours was like a permanent promise, a promise where he said he'd stick around after all. . . you wanted it to be true. When he asked about your favorite books because he wanted to buy you maybe one or two for your birthday. When he promised to play games together and after that maybe watch a movie with hot tea in your hands.
How you wanted it all to be true.
You could never stand physical contact, it made you dizzy and added extra stress you already had enough. You've never been able to calm your thoughts. They wandered as they wished, never giving you a moment's respite, bringing you to such a highly bad mental state that many times you thought you couldn't go on like this and it would all be over. He was like a switch to all these thoughts, and the touch was soothing - you felt like you were in a private heaven. . . how could you know it would turn into hell again?
He even blinded all your closest friends. Everyone said he seemed like the perfect candidate for a life together. After all, “he chose you, that must mean something. ”
“Maybe he's your little destiny?”
“He seems so great! I`m happy that you are happy!”
And you were blinded enough to spend less time with friends because you wanted to be with him. When your life was circling around him like he was someone you couldn't really breathe without.
Oh, how naive you were all. Like blinded by a fake smile and pretty words.
He became important too soon. Before you could see it all start to fall apart in front of your eyes. When the calls weren't regular, when the news got cold, and he started to drift away. You felt something was wrong, but for so long you were afraid to ask, because it hurt. Your thoughts started racing again, and your head was about to explode. It was all too beautiful, too real, and too much taken right off the pages of the book.
Nothing was possible to rescue.
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Love is one of the strongest feelings we experience. It can be as powerful as sadness or anger. It can be astonishing, insane. It can bring waves of happiness and glimpses of hope for a better tomorrow. It can kill, though.
And you could never think about someone as a coward, but how can you think about him differently now? When only one night (which was so unsure and filled with mixed emotions) made him change his mind? And if it wasn't only this night, then why did he behave the way he did? Why his eyes were still shiny and big while looking at you, why you still was able to hear how loud heart beats next to you? Is that stress? Is that fear? 
He promised to stay, saying that forever is a very long time but he was ready to try his best, so where is he now? When you're sitting alone, look at how the darkness appears when the sun hides behind so many clouds as if it had never been so high in the sky. Sitting here alone at your place, without the strength for tears, numbly looking at how lanterns are lighting up. And it hurts. The place where you promised everything will be okay, and the place where I exactly knew it was going to be over.
And now it only hurts, because he disappeared - leaving you with all the lies. The evenings when he said he cares so much, that his heart is so pure, and don't want to hurt anyone. Saying on repeat that he doesn't want to leave you here alone after all of this, with your thoughts, that you can count on him, even after the breakup - because yeah, he did break up with you. 
Calling one night, speaking up after a few quiet minutes before you yanked information from him that you might have guessed a long time ago.
“Sorry but, I still,  I am still attached to her. I think, think  I should make up with her. She`s important” and your heart was shattered again, because what about you?
You weren't important now?
You never were enough, were you?
“Yeah sure, I'll be fine” you responded with calmness in your voice but tears were already streaming down your cheeks.
“I really didn't mean to hurt you or anyone around me, but I'm fucked up enough to hurt everyone. I'm sorry I made you feel bad, I'm sorry I'm a jerk and a loser. But please, don't hate me.” You could barely stop yourself from a pathetic scoff. 
What wrong you did do, what you could have done to make things different, and why does it all have to end this way?
“You know what Hoseok, I'm not angry, I don't hate you, I can't find negative emotions towards you right now. I'm disappointed, though. Because I trusted you. Repeating over and over again that I'm afraid to enter into such relationships.” You said in a single breath, but everything was burning. "I'm feeling weak and ill with myself for letting myself feel any emotions." Saliva was hard to swallow, and the rising tension in the air was driving you crazy.
He could've just ended the conversation. Because what to explain something that is no longer there.
“You can say that you're not mad, you're not angry and I'm not saying I don't believe you but that's probably what's happening. That you're angry, disgusted and you hate me. I'm sorry that I violated your trust and that in a few hours, I put you in an awful place, and I really regret that.” and now you just scoffed, wishing to smash the phone against the wall in front of you
“I'm not angry, I'm not disgusted either. I couldn't hate you, okay? I'm just disappointed. . . that's all." you took a deep breath "There is no longer feel of sadness or pain, these emotions have already been smashed, worn out. It's a pity that the words spoken by you are now only empty words.” you took another deep breath to continue but it was so hard for you to do that properly. It was swallow and your throat hurts from dryness. “That your “I love you” has been just said like normal words without meaning. That I fell in love with you all, that I accepted everything you called faults. . . that everything I, I never thought that important may turn out to be nothing for you. That it was all for waste.
 Your voice was filled with disappointment and resignation, but there was still anger in the back of your head that you were trying to stop. Meanwhile, you managed to knock off his smelling blue hoodie and kick it into the farthest corner of your room.
“I never lied, and these were not empty words to me. Those days were wonderful, I felt special, and it was really a strong attraction, so strong that I turned everything upside down." he said quickly, making you bite your lips to blood. Screaming inside. "I felt different with you, my heart was beating, I wanted to spend time with you, I couldn't think about anything else. But in the end, all my emotions vanished and thoughts came in and I ruined everything.” You snorted, now walking around the room and punching the air because of this pathetic conversation. A loud ring in your ears made you fight for yourself for once.
“And you're lying to me again Hoseok! All I wanted from you was truth yet you still lying! ” You couldn't stop scream leaving your lips. Cheeks were burning, and the whole pillow you held for a moment, all soaked in tears, was lying on the ground.
“I am not. You will be important to me and I will remember you no matter what. You made me feel love for you.”
There was a loud silence after that. You couldn't explain what happened to you. Your frustration was rising, yet you believed everything was fine. But then your hands start shaking and loud sobs filled the dark room. The phone almost fell out of your hand. Before you clenched your fist and took a deep inhale, another bullet came out of your mouth.
“If you feel love, you'd never do that. It's not just feeling, and you can't, you can't just say 'felt' in the past tense! If it was love, you wouldn't have made that decision so fast.  Love, and emotional attachments are two different things. So think thoughtfully about where you sense only love in addition to the attachment. You're not over us and I don't know what you're trying to do… are you lying to me or to yourself now? Why won't you just admit you want love in a different way?” You felt like you were trying to glue it all back together without any effect. You were tired of saving every relationship that was on the line, yours or someone else's. You weren't a fucking psychologist or a therapist or anything. You've just had enough.
“What is a different way? I've backstabbed the people I care about. I apologize to you. I fail at every possible moment.” he said quieter, hearing how unstable your breath is again and again.
“I'm not the one to answer it. You have to compare the love you received and decided which one made u really you. And it's not only about happiness. Love means to hurt, but the one, when you feel like yourself, is the true one” you answered and ended the call.
Like ended everything around.
He left when you needed him the most. You were with him till the fucking end. As you promised. You supported him no matter what. You were there for him even when you exactly knew he was going to end it all. You hold him so tight, trying not to cry just to give him enough strength to fight. But a small part of you hoped he will fight for both of you, not for her. And the worst for you is now that you still cannot get over him. 
Months passed, and you often couldn't stop thinking. You've been having nightmares about him, even though your keeping in touch is practically gone. There was no message. There was no talk. The Hoseok once thought you knew was gone. He walked past pretending he didn't know you. Whenever there was a chance for you to meet, he would bring his girlfriend with him, who would drill a hole in your head every time, making you leave the room full of discomfort. 
You felt faded.
You still cannot give up on him this easily as he did on you. You don't want to admit to yourself that he left just like this. You cannot believe there wasn't a chance for both of you, you hoped that maybe if he really wanted to try… everything would be different. But he is a coward.
And you always thought it was you, but no, not this time…because you were ready to do a lot for him. And he maybe told you once, that it's too fast, that you can`t just fell that quick. And maybe he was right, maybe you never really fell for him. 
Now you don't even know what to think about it all. 
You're not mad because he left, that he broke up with you. You never wanted to take away his freedom, always wanted him to be happy, independent, and himself…but he decided to come back to her. Give her even more love because it was his fault that they couldn't make it last time.
Does she tell you what were you doing wrong? Or did she understand how wrong was she? Does she know how you felt every time she pulled you down? Does she understand now how much care you need and how much support you need? 
You gave him everything but he still left you with nothing.
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It will be the third year since you two split ways. Your heart is getting ready to let go. Simply because if he had been actually meant for you, he surely would've arrived long ago, but your hand was still alone in your pocket, and your fingertips were no longer intertwined with anyone else's. You often hoped that your endless chaos about him would fade, and you would be able to make an effort to open yourself up to new people and new experiences once more.
This, unfortunately, was not the case.
The inner being still missed him, the sorrow tearing through the chest and causing it to seem as if it was a fragment of the detached soul begging for his return. But you tucked your grief and sadness in your back pocket, putting on a cold expression to hide some type of paled-in color eyes that didn't sparkle like they used to. The dark clothes were put back on, and the old smile was barely seen on the lips.
Every tiniest brush of the edges of memories about him brought everything back. Since you couldn't move forward, cold sweat went down your back and your breath was constantly choking out your throat.
The walks you took became longer, the books you read ended up being sadder, and the poems you wrote for some time were tough on the gut.
How desperately you wished to be free of it.
You wanted to get rid of yourself more and more because the emptiness inside you was tearing you apart and you couldn't even bring your old self back. The one that came before the untrue assurances and fake 'I love you'. It felt as if you didn't exist, as if you were floating through the streets like the worst ghost, with all of your clear wounds and stabs.
Aggression was the only trait that showed up again. You reacted to situations very quickly, but it often wasn't an adequate reaction. Your lips were shooting out so many uncomfortable words in one minute that you were staring at the person in front of you with your eyes wide open at the end of your speech because you had no idea what had just come out of your mouth. Anger also expressed itself against you. Your knuckles were becoming more frequently bruised as you smashed a wall within fits of rage, numbly watching the blood trickle down your fingers.
You were growing frightened of who you were becoming.
You cried, cried another night when you couldn't stop the streams from falling down, making you feel like a miserable person. You heard that crying because of the urge is healing, that it is some kind of self-care, yet why you felt so bad because of that? Weeping like a child that wishes for something big, but eventually, you bumped your face against a high wall covered with the marks of your bloody claws, with which you tried to carve out a way through. Your screams and begs only echoed off the red bricks hitting you with redoubled force. It was like a repeating nightmare.
It's so dark here, and you were falling again. Is there even a slight brushstroke of significance on another painted picture? When all you can see is red and nothing seems to be understood. Everything over and over repainted with different shades, scarlet mixed with salty tears. It's like raising anger to just give up again hitting every possible obstacle. 
Your eyes are shining now, but it's not because of his light or his delightful figure. It's the malaise that torments you mercilessly not letting catch a breath. Who are you? Where is your soul? Where is the person you used to be? When all of this will be gone?
Another panic raise in your veins, do you have to cry to mollify the pain? Head is spinning, are you going to fall again? And again, and again - deeper and deeper when the dark hole seems like something endless. Nothing feels right, all you can feel is wrath. All you can ask yourself is why you let yourself fall.
Sitting in the middle of the park, taking up one of the benches after walking all the shared paths, the pain ripped you apart once again. It has been so long, so why is it still so unmercifully painful? What lessons do you still have to go through to free yourself from endless agony? What do you need to do to not feel his presence day in and day out by your side?
Hoseok was gone, so why couldn't you?
Why did his scent still linger in certain parts of your apartment, why did his voice still appear in your head? 
The trees swaying from the gentle wind put you in a dreamlike state, you watched them with emptiness in your eyes without feeling anything. The grayish world seemed, even more, depressed by the darkening sky and the lack of any light through the moon's miserly attempt to break through the layer of clouds. However, you still reached out with your eyes to the bright glow, thinking if, at least sometimes, shared memories also run through his head. Or does he sometimes visit common places, or occasionally smell your scent? 
The questions kept you guessing, and oh how you wished you could find a question for at least one.
"What the fuck did I do wrong" you snarled to yourself, grabbing your head and extracting your hair bobbing not wanting to believe that all this is really happening "I tried my best for you, I would had give everything… so where is this amazing empathetic boy I fell in love with".
"I assume he was just a regular jerk playing with your feelings." A quiet voice held your breath, and in a moment a pair of brown suede shoes stood right next to yours. Wide dark blue jeans half-covered them, and if it weren't for the fact that the voice seemed incredibly familiar, you might have complimented at least half of the outfit you saw.
Keeping your head from rising, the single tears continued to fall down your cheeks. That's because you felt as if you were losing yourself again in a moment that won't last. It's like endlessly running around in circles, looking for a rescue that isn't there, looking for a rope that was cut off long ago, and all the ladders pushed away from the edge over which you had been standing for several years wondering what it would be like to fall.
"He wasn't, don't you dare insult him," you hissed through your teeth, feeling the headache recur again and your hands clench painfully into fists
"How can you defend me after such a time" Once again a soft voice enters your ears, however, now you know why it seemed so familiar...
You lifted your head so that your eyes met those of the dark-haired boy. His face pulled down in fatigue, and his visible gray bags and hollow cheeks horrified you. The almost dead body of the man standing in front of you slumped heavily on the bench, not taking his eyes off you. You, however, could not speak up, were just watching him. There were so many things you wanted to do now, to scream, to re-explain, to punch at anything. Your emotions were tugging at you, yet you were still choking without being able to make a move. 
"Because you don't understand Hoseok," you muttered after a moment, and before you could add anything you wiped the blood from over-biting lips with your light sleeve, "You think that for me all this was some kind of joke...that everything I said was just something. I won't say that all of this broke my heart, it was more like killing it and making the pieces I thought you were putting together, rip apart even more. What I can't understand is why you gave in so quickly then? Because I won't believe that you just stopped to feel..." 
"I didn't stop, I never stopped though...fear, attachment..." the boy began to list, which only made you groan with nerves
"But your body language sold you when we saw each other for the last time. You know, the safest options are not always the best, and growth of your soul is never going to be easy. You have to understand that hurt is an absolutely normal emotion and no one can dodge it. Someone is going to be hurt yet please, one more time, choose yourself for once. Not everyone is around. Just you, just fucking you." you said with almost one breath, feeling yourself slowly running out of air in your lungs through the uneasy atmosphere
"But what if I want to choose you?" he stated so quietly that you could barely hear him, but when you carefully analyzed his words in your head, all that eventually came out of your mouth was a snort
"No. Because this will change nothing." you couldn't look at him, the stronger emotions kept disappearing long ago, and in some way you felt like breathing again "Everyone deserves their own lesson, and you're not mine anymore. I can hurt. But someday I'll learn to love myself, not what others pretend to love in me. I'll still love you, and you'll be a big part of me. But now we only need to draw conclusions"
"B-but, I love you," he added almost crying
"Shame it's not what I heard a few months ago," you said, standing up from the branch, looking for the last time at the boy's silhouette. “I tried to be honest, and you wanted to forget me. You were looking away when I talked and tried, I was there for you but where were you, huh? It's over. I am over.”
Saying this, the lump in your throat grew but your shoulders suddenly became lighter. The heavy feeling from your chest slowly began to disappear, and you were able to take a deeper-than-usual breath. You finally turned around and moved ahead, closing the door behind you, throwing away the key to never return to this again. 
Jung Hoseok was now your past, and although to some extent he had shown you that you were worthy of love and someone who would be there for you. However, the more important thing you learned is that eventually, everything goes away, when you finally learn to put periods and not commas life looks easier. Waking up from the dream was difficult for you, and forgiving everyone around you and yourself both was even worse, but eventually, the blood red began to brighten, forming a warm pink.
Your aggression, which turned out to be just a veil for your fear and sadness, slowly faded away. And it turned out that all you needed was time. It's time to finally leave the last farewell kiss to the dreads and move on ahead. Hoseok was your fear and love at the same time. You knew you had to let go so you could start a new path, and now you understood why it was so hard for you to move ahead. You needed that last meeting. Not a conversation - an argument over the phone. You needed to see how he reacts, to say the last words face-to-face.
It was like a final confession. 
Fear often cuts us off from who we really are, it's such a battle we have to fight every day. 
A fight to remember who we are. To remember why we started.
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marc0wave · 2 years
Fic丨RK900/Reader Soulmate AU
This time is Nines’ part of Soulmate AU💙 still a quick one-shot, so it can be taken as a short generalized stories, the pace of the plot is a bit fast.
please feel free to point out my grammar mistakes, I will try my best to learn English 🤣
Also posted on Amino
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RK900 (Nines)
- It was not until a long time later that Nines might have realized the fact that when your figure appeared at the door of DPD and he should have brushed past it, but was aware of the heat emanating from the meaningless line of words on the inside of his wrist, he felt in that moment that his consciousness had almost crossed the border of becoming a deviant. And he also realized at that moment that the world was playing a joke on him - asking him, an android, a machine, to comprehend random probability and fate's tricks and mess up his original program.
- Of course, you could be unprepared. You were startled by the heat of that name glowing in you. You've considered what kind of person's name the "Nines" written on your thigh might be, it's less formal, maybe just a nickname, but you had no idea you'd meet your soul mate on your first day of reassignment to DPD. An Android, or a state-of-the-art model. Well, Cyberlife is responsible for this, what exactly did they do to build such creations that they could even fool the order of the world into thinking they were living beings as well, thus allowing them to have soul mates like real humans too?
- You think that talking about this topic too early might get Nines into some turmoil as a result, so you just pretend that nothing has happened and invite him to be your guide on your first day of employment at DPD to lead you through your environment and your new colleagues. He quickly scans your physical condition, slight sweating, a little fast heartbeat, other than that everything is fine. Your disguise could fool the average person, but there was no way to fool an android. At that point, Nines found himself a little smug about it, at least you weren't really prepared to leave him out of the loop. Such a thought is too strange for Nines, isn't it? He's known for his precision, efficiency, and ruthlessness in DPD, yet so easily cares if you'll look him in the eye.
- A soul mate? He doesn't understand it, but he accepts it well. You are a respectable detective, experienced and friendly. He's completely unaware that he's already studying everything about you by the same standards he uses for his partner.
- "It's a miracle that android can wander off at work too?" Gavin sneered at Nines' side, he certainly saw the not-so-normal light flickering repeatedly between yellow and red, "I feel like your mind is going crazy, tin can. I can make a call to Cyberlife if you need repairs."
- It took some time for the RK900 to get the light on his temple to turn blue again. Cyberlife had for some reason adjusted the RK900's programming for this model so that his light rings wouldn't appear yellow and red too easily. But the presence of a soul mate still exceeded everyone's expectations. No one can blame Nines for this.
- Nines experienced many special feelings during his time with you, and the data felt like it was itching his processor, dulling his otherwise precise and efficient brain for a simple problem.
- You, you were just the source of some redundant data that he could have ignored and deleted, but what he did was to create a separate folder to neatly categorize the data generated about you. He quickly came to the conclusion that he was anxious because of you because you never showed a desire to talk about it when you met him even though you clearly knew he was your soul mate. Never.
- Nines is the pride of Cyberlife and one of the best members of the DPD, he has arrested many criminals, but he is still almost a child in his emotional perception. So when he saw you get hurt, his mind's command priorities clashed. You were an excellent detective who did not hesitate to meet a vicious criminal even when facing him alone after calling for backup and minimizing the damage. You forced the criminal and his accomplice to stay away from the crowd, which is why you fought in the secluded abandoned house. You shot one down and one got away.
- In the face of obvious logical facts, one voice wants Nines to do his job, to investigate the scene, to find the fugitive's trail, the rainstorm and the cold wind hiding all available evidence out of sight of human eyes, that's why he's here. Another voice asks him to care for you, even though you are already surrounded by EMTs, warpped in a warm blanket and moved to shelter from the rain. He sees blood flowing from your right arm, the gauze wrapped around the wound stained red with blood. He sees that there is also blood where you had originally fallen, and that the blood that had been exposed to the rain had been diluted to a confusing color by the water. Everything is fine, your life is not in danger, the ambulance is nearby, and you may be honored for your outstanding contribution right there on the scene. He is not needed where you are for the time being.
- Yes, he is not here for you, but for the pursuit of the fugitive. His partner was urging him on, but the command that didn't need to appear just came to him, forcing him to stop in his tracks.
- What a simple matter of priorities and trade-offs, it is hard to beat him, but there is something extra that makes his calculations difficult. Conflicting data is rushing before his eyes, and the heavy stormy days of Detroit turned blindingly red in his eyes at that moment. Too much red, he feels dizzy, feels the confusion and anxiety he had felt for so long turn into the bitterness and pungency that hovered over his tongue, and he felt angry for his program for no reason.
- He clenches his fists.
- You are fatigued from a partial loss of blood, and the cold rain slaps your cheek to keep you from falling into a coma-like sleep. You are sitting on a stretcher when Nines suddenly pushes through the crowd and reaches to your uninjured hand. You see the painful flash of red on his temple, and as his hand clasps yours, the bright light finally turns a calming blue. You vaguely guess what's happening, but you have no way of knowing just how ferocious a sea of conflicting instructions can set off in an android's head. For Nines, who is known for his precision, this could be disaster, but he does not fear it because he clearly knows that it does not expose him to death and pain. He has never seen freedom and love, but now, your presence allows him to step out of his old prison, and it is a disaster ...a catastrophic struggle for him. He knows you are worthy of him.
- "What are you waiting for, Nines?" you say, flashing him a smile as best you can without looking too weak.
- You see Nines's sleeve slipping slightly, his wrist exposed to your view, your name shining sunny gold on his skin.
- "I'll see you in the hospital soon, Detective." He says, "Wait for me. I think we need to talk."
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dotdashspace · 19 days
“I need to stop...
Long time listener, first time caller... joking is how I cope and deflect. Sorry. I just need to get this out. This feels like a safe place.
I need to stop. Several years, back and forth. We've been so close, but it never seemed to happen. Right place, wrong time?
I've known for years, it was always supposed to be you. I told myself I wasn't good enough for you, that I couldn't offer you enough or you deserve better than me. I convinced myself that the reason it didn't work last time was because I pushed away. Now I remember why. I felt like you weren't truly ready, so I pushed away before you could tell me no. It was easier to break my own heart than the possibility of us not working.
We lost contact, but we also didn't. Every time I fell apart or was crumbling, you sent me a little sign that I was still on your mind. You still do. I never understood how. So many times I wanted to reach out, but I couldn't bring myself to do it, not when I believed you were happy.
Just as I was about to reach out, just to say hi, you reached out first. We talked as though we had never stopped, going right back to the way things used to be. For a moment.
Things are back to being quiet. Occasional messages here and there. But, my gut tells me there's something else, something you're not telling me. It's not my place to ask or pry when it comes to certain parts of your life. So I'm not going to.
But I can't do the breadcrumbs anymore. I can't "wait around" for you. I want to. You're always on my mind, in my heart, and you will forever be.
I'm going to go back to focusing on me right now. Focus my life for a while. My soul tells me every day it will be you, one day. My mind is telling me to move on. To try to find what I'm looking for, while you figure your stuff out. My mind is telling me to prepare for this not to work.
TF are a shared soul. Maybe that's why we're so similar, in too many ways. But I also know, TF doesn't always mean Soul Mates. Maybe I'm still that stupid young girl, dreaming you'll be the boy who saves me.
I love you. I'll always love you, more than you know. I hope, wish, feel in my soul one day it will be. But, right now... I'm going to have to focus on myself & continue to grow on my own.
Right now, I just need to stop. But I don't know how.”
saw this post and some parts felt quite apt. I don’t think there’s anything on your end to figure out. neither is there on my end. it is what it is.
If it’s meant to be, love will find a way. but perhaps it was never meant to be. it was never real.
it’s time I should just settle down. fighting for love has gotten me nowhere. I don’t believe anymore.
0 notes
casspurrjoybell-32 · 7 months
Taken - Blue Moon Series - Chapter 11b
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*Warning Adult Content*
Elder Cyrus
'Something was off,' I thought as I watched Lakota sleep.
I looked at his hands as the middle of his palms were scabbed over with the wounds that he made with his fingers nails.
"What happened?" Gale demanded as he rushed forward, instantly noticing the wounds.
"I really couldn't tell you," I muttered.
I watched Gale grab Lakota's hands gently and inspect them closely.
"He did this," it wasn't a question but a statement.
I didn't even have to answer as he sighed and kissed our mates palms.
He growled.
"When I get my hands on that bitch... I'm going kill her."
Even though he sounded threatening I glanced up to see the sorrow in his soft brown eyes.
It wasn't like the night she stole Lakota's wolf.
He had been seething with rage then, his eyes a sharp silver.
Those fangs he kept hidden had extended to lethal points.
But I knew from personal experience that they weren't always dangerous.
They could bring you uncontrollable pleasure.
"What do we do?" Gale asked softly, bringing Lakota's hand up against his cheek.
The compassion he expressed for Lakota was heartwarming.
He was never embarrassed to show how he felt to those he cared about... I was starting to learn.
Everything he did or said was genuine, when he was angry, he got his vengeance, when he was happy he laughed with you and when he loved he did it wholeheartedly.
I didn't want to notice these things but they were hard to miss, even when your around him for only a few minutes you could tell.
Gale was as transparent as glass and it was his most endearing quality.
"We take care of him. We love him," I said, looking him deep in his brown eyes.
Slowly I watched them widen before closing and he nuzzled Lakota's hand again.
It has been almost a week and my soul is being crushed.
I stood in the door way of the sitting room watching Lakota as he sat in the window seat staring outside, with his knees drawn in and his arms wrapped around them.
He'd been like this for days.
Not saying a word, barely moving or eating.
No matter what Gale and I did he didn't respond.
It was beyond frustrating.
It tore me apart to see him like this.
And from the pained expression on Gale's face I see every time he looked at our mate I knew he felt the same.
Sighing, I dropped my head for a moment, before taking a deep breath and walking towards him.
Quietly I sat on the seat next to him, he showed no signs of acknowledgement.
Reaching out, I caressed my hand down his soft brown hair.
"Lakota?" I said softly.
"You can talk to me, you know that?" I whispered leaning down and nuzzling his neck.
"Tell me how you feel, complain, do something... please," I begged.
Lakota rubbed his cheek against my temple.
"I don't know how I feel... no... I don't know how to explain how I feel," he rasped.
Slowly I felt him move his cheek lower causing me to frown and move away to look at him.
It was then I felt his warm lips touch my skin.
They traveled down my cheek.
"Try," I gasped.
There were soft sparks following his lips down my skin.
"I feel.." he paused as his hand reached out towards my chest.
"I feel lonely Cyrus. I feel like I'm drowning."
"Drowning?" I questioned, with concern.
Lakota didn't answer he just shifted up to his knees and continued to caress his lips across my skin till he reached the corner of my mouth.
"I feel like if I don't feel something real and something good, I'll die."
"You won't die, I'd never let that happen," I growled.
"I feel like if you or Gale leave me, I'll drift away and become the nothing that I am," he breathed.
"Lakota, you're not nothing."
Quickly I pulled him to my chest and hugged him tight.
His face resting against my shoulder.
"You're everything to me. To Gale. You are my life, the air that I breathe. I can't live with out you. I wouldn't be able to function without you. So please don't talk about yourself like that."
I pulled away, so I could look into his big beautiful golden eyes.
"I can't take it," I finished.
"I'm not alright, Cyrus," he said suddenly.
"I know, sweetheart."
"No. I mean... I'm not alright... up here," he tapped the side of his head and I frown.
Slowly I watched him look down at his palms that were still scabbed over.
His wolf was gone and it just struck me that if he got hurt he would be just like a human, vulnerable and easily wounded.
"I think, I'm losing it."
My gaze traveled from his shaking hands to his scared eyes and my heart broke yet again.
My poor mate, he was so lost. What do I do?
"Come here," I gasp and quickly pull him all the way into my lap and held him tight.
"I'm here and I'm not going let anything happen to you ever again. You know that, right? You believe me?"
He nodded softly.
"Good," my voice wavered and I buried my face in his soft brown hair.
"How about we get out of here? Just out of this room and anywhere else."
I stood suddenly still holding him to me.
He wrapped his legs around my waist a sign he didn't want me to let go either and I smiled.
"I know, let's go find Gale. I bet that will make you happy."
I started walking out of the sitting room.
"Let's go mess with fang boy."
Lakota's arms tightened around my neck.
"I'd like that," he muffled into my shoulder
"I knew you would," I told him softly.
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