#soulmate!theo nott
suugarbabe · 11 months
Hey love, would you be open to doing a part 2 for soulmate Theo where reader actually fights someone that hurts him??
I know you have a lot of requests so no pressure or hurry (think this is like my 3rd in the last 2 weeks, im sorryy😭). Remember to look after you x
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part 1
You were not often an angry person, but maybe being soulmates with Theo changed something in you. You were essentially boring a hole in the stupid blonde's head that was sitting next to Theo.
You and Theo hadn't quite had the conversation of if you were 'boyfriend and girlfriend' yet, but you both knew you were soulmates and were very much happy with that situation.
While you two haven't directly advertised that you were soulmates, or nearly dating, you two spend every moment of free time together, went to parties together, were basically always seen together. So why this bimbo girl thought she had any chance with Theo whatsoever was beyond you.
Pansy had tried to tell you that it was no big deal, that Theo looked disinterested during class next to her anyway. But when you saw the blonde girl touch Theo's chest after class, all you could see was red.
Before anyone could stop you, you were on top of her, swinging at whatever you could connect with. You had to give her credit, she did try to fight back, pulling your hair and getting a good swing to your ribs.
But you had to give Theo some thanks later, because any contact she made with you felt like a child. You hadn't even noticed you'd broken her nose until you felt warm blood on your cheek after a second blow.
After that all you felt were two pair of arms yanking you upward and away from the girl, you doing your best to flail and fight against their grip before you realized it was Mattheo and Theo.
Once they set you down your huffed, crossing your arms, "Why did you do that, I was going to stop. She deserved at least three more good swings."
Mattheo couldn't help but laugh, "Princess, please. She was bleeding so much she was turning in to a red head."
You rolled your eyes, "Good, blonde definitely didn't suit her. Or did it, Theo?"
Theo was rubbing the back of his head, "What are you talking abou-, Ohh...did you do this because you were jealous?" A smirk appeared on his face before it turned to one of pain, "For fucks sake, did she have to pull your hair that hard? Swear to Merlin 've got a fucking migraine now."
You couldn't help but laugh, "Serves you right. Not only were you blatantly flirting with her in class, but now you get to see how it feels every time you get in a stupid fight with some random kid."
You reached up and poked him in the ribs where you knew she'd hit you. "Bloody hell, y/n, don't do that. Fucking shit," Theo grabbed his side, taking a step back. You jutted out your lip in a faux pout, "Awh, Teddy, does it hurt?"
Theo scowled playfully at you, "You know you're cute when you're jealous." You took a step forward, trying to poke his side again, "Keep it up and I'll find another girl just to make you in more pain."
Theo held his hands up in surrender, "Okay, okay. I'm done. I swear. Only under special circumstances and even then I'll make sure he doesn't touch me."
You smiled at him, grabbing his face with one hand and squishing his lips together. "Good boy," you playfully mocked before planting a big kiss to his squishy lips. Theo actively ignoring the teasing from Mattheo on the nickname you just used.
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obsessedwithceleste · 6 months
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Fighting Fate (It’s a losing battle)
Theodore Nott x gn!reader
Inspired by, and dedicated to @musingsofahufflepuff
Summary: soulmate!au in which everyone sees in black and white until they meet their soulmate. Bold of fate to assume it can tell you what to do.
word count: 3.1k
©️ obsessedwithceleste. all works posted here belong to me and should not be reposted or copied in any way or form.
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Ever since your first day at Hogwarts, you’d been told that you were lucky. A one in a million chance. Exceptional. Because as soon as you’d been sorted, and the sorting hat had been lifted up off of your head, your eyes had met his, and the world had burst into color.
It had been wildly disorientating at first- you almost fainted from the visual overload as the banners over each section of students burst into bright color. As you went to take your seat, you got strange looks from several students, but you never felt his eyes leave you.
You’d always thought it was rubbish. Even at the ripe old age of eleven. Your mother had first explained the idea of soulmates to you as a bedtime story. You remember her explaining how everything looked bland and colorless now because you hadn’t met your soulmate yet. But once you did, the world would come to life.
“When will I meet my soulmate?” You’d asked.
“Well, that’s the catch isn’t it? It’s different for everyone. Some meet their soulmate very young. At school even. But some, some will never meet their soulmate. They can be anywhere in the world, fate doesn’t discriminate.”
You’d scrunched your little nose up in distaste.
“That’s stupid. Why do I have to listen to fate?”
Your mother had only laughed, tucking you in and kissing your forehead goodnight. But the sentiment had remained as you grew up. How could someone really just be meant for you? Ridiculous.
Theo had known that you were going to be his soulmate before fate did. He’d watched silently from his seat on the train as you boarded, a nervous grin on your face as you waved goodbye to your family. You were perfect, and he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. At least until Mattheo swatted his arm.
“What’re you staring at, mate?” He’d asked loudly, gaining the attention of the other boys in the carriage.
“See them, there?” Theo asked, pointing to where you were boarding. “That’s going to be my soulmate.” He’d announced proudly.
“Yeah, okay mate,” the other boys had laughed, quickly moving on to the next topic.
But Theo didn’t take his eyes off of you until you disappeared through the train doors and off into some unknown compartment.
The next time he saw you was at the sorting ceremony. He watched as you confidently made your way up to the front, the smile never leaving your face as McGonagall lowered the hat onto your head. It only took a few moments of deliberation before the hat was being lifted off of your head and Theo’s eyes met yours.
It was like the wind was taken out of him as the room sprung to life, colors swirling around his vision as his eyes raced around the room in awe.
By the end of the night, all of Theo’s friends had been sorted into Slytherin with him. Mattheo, Enzo, Draco, Blaise. Even Crabbe and Goyle.
“I was right on the train. About them being my soulmate,” he’d announced proudly, pointing out different objects and describing the different colors to his friends who wondered in amazement.
You on the other hand, didn’t speak a word of it to anyone until you accidentally let it slip to your mother over break that you could see the pretty colored ornaments strung up on the tree.
She’d been thrilled of course, wanting to know every detail about this soulmate of yours. What did he look like? What house was he? Had the two of you spoken.
You answered each question with less enthusiasm than the one prior, and eventually she got the point and stopped asking.
As soon as the news slipped that Theodore Nott, a child of the sacred twenty-eight, and son of Tiberius Nott no less, could see in color however, it didn’t take long for people to start noticing you. Telling you how lucky you were to have found your soulmate. To be able to see color. As if you wanted a soulmate at eleven years old.
The first few years it was easy to avoid. Being only eleven or twelve, Theo was content admiring you from a far. Third year was when the boy finally got the courage to really try and talk to you for the first time. Sure he’d said hi a few times over the past couple years, but nothing you’d found particularly note worthy. Especially not for someone who was supposedly your soulmate.
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“Are you any good at charms?” A voice asks, startling you as you look up from the essay you had been finishing up in the court yard. It was a warm, cloudy day, with only a light breeze, so you’d thought it would be the perfect day to take your studies outside.
You stare up in surprise at the brunette boy in front of you, watching silently as he takes a seat across from you.
In the past, you'd played the avoiding game, quickly scurrying off if you saw the boy or his friends approaching. This year, you hadn't been taking the same precautions, and it seemed Theodore was taking full advantage.
“I’m alright,” you reply hesitantly.
That was a lie. Charms was your best subject, but you were hoping the boy might go away. He didn’t.
"I know that you're top of the class," he responds, staring intently at you with a sly smirk.
That afternoon you begrudgingly helped Theodore with his charms homework, and he happily helped you with your DADA essay. There wasn’t a whole lot of interaction between the two of you, but he wasn’t horrible you supposed. At least he had brain cells to rub together.
After that he kept popping up sporadically throughout your third year.
At quidditch tryouts he'd insisted on partnering with you for several of the drills. You both were offered a place on the team. In the Great Hall he'd seek you out to ask about the homework assignment he'd missed after skiving off of class with Mattheo. The fact that you gave him your notes each time meant nothing. Obviously. And every so often, between the shelves of books in the library, you'd see a flash of soft brown hair, and intense eyes gazing at you before they disappeared as if you were imagining it.
With each increasing encounter, the both of you made idle conversation as you kept the boy at an arms length. It was nothing personal really. In fact the more you thought about it, he seemed perfectly alright. But something in your stubborn thirteen year old self just wanted to stick it to fate. So you continued to ice the boy out.
Theodore however, was nothing if not determined. He knew from the moment he saw you that he was meant to be yours, and he’d be damned if he let you slip through his fingers. Thirteen year old Theodore was a stubborn bastard and he knew he was willing to play the long game.
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Things grew a bit more complicated in fourth year when you became friends with some of the Slytherin crowd.
It had been an accident really. You’d been reading down by the Black Lake when Daphne Greengrass had stumbled upon you, followed closely by Pansy Parkinson and Lorenzo Berkshire.
“Oh!” she’d said in delight, seeing the book in your hands, “I love that book!”
The two of you ended up talking enthusiastically about the novel for almost an entire hour with Pansy and Enzo butting in every so often to add their thoughts.
“Wait, you’re Theodore’s soulmate aren’t you?” Enzo asks, eventually recognizing you.
You eye the boy cautiously as you nod slowly, suddenly feeling self conscious.
Pansy just wrinkles her nose.
“Sorry you got stuck with such a tosser.” She says.
The four of you are quiet for a moment before your laughter breaks the silence, the other three following shortly after.
After that, you’re integrated into their little group seamlessly. You’d always been a bit of a loner. Sure people would wander up to you often enough to chatter about what it was like to see colors, but that was really all people wanted to know about you. Like it was some trivial party trick.
It was nice having your own friends to study with and wander about Hogsmeade with on the weekends. It was nice to have people who liked being around you simply for being you. Not because some magical force had decided to bind you to a whole other human and grant you the ability to see color.
It didn’t take long for Theo to notice you hanging about more frequently. How could he not? You were so pretty. So smart and witty. So perfect. He was just so happy to have you around more often. Even if it wasn’t to spend time with him specifically.
He reveled in any little morsel of information that he could scrape up from your friends. Your favorite color, your favorite sweets at Honeydukes, your class schedule. Theo was willing to admit the last one was a bit weird, but he was really just hungry to learn anything he could about his elusive soulmate.
Soon enough, it didn’t become unusual for Theodore and Mattheo to join the four of you on your little excursions. Popping up at the Black Lake, or meeting up with you at the Three Broomsticks. He was just always there. As if he was making a point of it. And begrudgingly you began to let him in.
A friend of your friends was okay you thought. Wouldn’t hurt to get to know him a bit. That wasn’t crossing any lines.
For Theo however, this was huge. He was finally getting somewhere. Even if you weren’t ready for any sort of romantic relationship, he was going to be the best damn friend you’d ever had.
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By fifth year, there was simply no denying it. Theodore Nott was your best friend. You weren’t really sure how it had happened. The two of you just fit so well together. He had truly wormed his way into your life.
It had started with the study sessions.
"Remember when you helped me with charms in third year?" He'd asked. "I got top marks on that assignment."
As those became more frequent, it had turned into afternoons by the lake with both of you deep in your own novels, but sharing the comfortable silence.
Then it had morphed into weekends at Hogsmeade. Your friends thought they were being subtle when they consistently slipped away, leaving you and Theo to wander about the village. You couldn't find it in yourself to mind though.
You’d tried to keep him at an arms length. You really had. But Enzo couldn’t make you laugh as hard as you did with Theo. And Daphne just wasn’t the intellectual match that Theo was. And Pansy always made sure you let loose sure, but being around Theo was just- freeing.
You still weren’t sold on the whole soulmate thing though. Sure Theo was great. Perfect even. But you just couldn’t shake the icky feeling of blindly trusting fate to decide your life.
Then it happened. No one was expecting it. Especially not Pansy. But you and Pansy and Draco and Theo had all been working late on a potions assignment before dinner, and on your way back up from the dungeons, Pansy ran smack into a certain platinum haired Ravenclaw. You’d later find out that her name was Luna Lovegood. As soon as their eyes met, Pansy stumbled, leaning into you for support. You already knew what was happening as her eyes darted around wildly.
“Oh. I suppose we’re soulmates then aren’t we?” The girl said, a dreamy look overtaking her.
It all seemed too easy for them after that. It was like a flip had switched and the two were just mad for each other. A picture perfect example of what soulmates should be.
You found it to be slightly horrifying how blindly trusting fate could severely change a person and their relationship with an essential stranger.
Theo however, couldn’t help but feel a tinge of jealousy. He had what? Almost five whole years on Pansy, and was lucky to get a friendly hug out of his soulmate. Yet Pansy and Luna were inseparable after only a few short weeks.
Not that Theo thought he was entitled to your affection necessarily. But it would be nice if you’d at least acknowledge the bond you two shared he thought.
“Why don’t you believe in soulmates?” Daphne asks one night.
It was one of those rare nights where it was only you, Daphne, Pansy, and Enzo huddled together wrapped in thick, warm blankets inside Daphne and Pansy’s dorm room. Salazar knows where Millicent was off spending her night. A bottle of shared fire whisky sat between you and packs of chocolate frogs littered the floor.
You blink in surprise at your friend’s question. You didn’t talk about soulmate stuff much.
“I do believe in them,” you say with a simple shrug.
“Yeah but you don’t really believe in them, ya know? Why?” She pushes.
You pause again, glancing at Pansy who was looking back at you intently.
“I don’t know. I guess I just don’t like the idea of someone deciding to be with me, just because they’re supposed to.” You say finally.
“I suppose I know what you mean.” Pansy murmurs after a moment.
You look at the girl in surprise and can tell the other two are shocked as well.
“Don’t get me wrong. I adore Luna. Really. I always tell her that I’m so glad that fate put us together. But then sometimes I wonder. If it weren’t for fate, would I have even given her a second glance that day I bumped into her in the corridor?”
There’s a silent lull as your group mulls over Pansy’s words before slowly drifting off to a new topic.
In another dorm, not so far off, Theo lay on his bed staring blankly up at the ceiling.
“Think they’ll come around soon?” Mattheo asks, sensing his roommate’s building tension.
“I dunno. But I’ll wait,” he replies, closing his eyes and letting images of you flood his mind. “They’re worth it.”
That night as you’re leaving to return to your dorm, Enzo catches your arm, pulling you off to the side.
“You can never tell Theo that I told you this, but the first time I met Theo, we were on the train waiting to leave for Hogwarts and he pointed out the window to a someone and said ‘they’re going to be my soulmate’. Then, at the sorting ceremony he got all dizzy all the sudden, and when we got to the common room, he said that he’d been right about who his soulmate would be. You. Just thought you should know.”
And with that, he’s gone.
It’s after that that you really begin to see Theo. You’d never really given him a fighting chance. But now, you kind of wanted to.
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It’s the beginning of sixth year when Theo finally notices the shift. Notices you actually seeking him out on purpose, not flinching away when your hands brush, eyes hovering on his lips a bit too long for it to be accidental. And to say that he is ecstatic.
Meanwhile you were silently kicking yourself for taking so long to get over your petty bullshit with fate. Sure you still didn’t love the idea of it all, but after spending enough time with Theo, you could really, truly see the appeal.
After that night in fifth year, you began noticing how Theodore was one of the only students who could keep up with your academic prowess. He could always sense when you were tired, or stressed, or simply in a mood, and always did his best to subtly cheer you up. He was always there. Even after all the years you had put him through the wringer, he remained by your side. And that’s what really convinced you.
It’s also what landed you here, at the top of the astronomy tower, with your head in Theodore’s lap as his fingers raked gently through your hair.
It had become a usual meeting spot for the both of you. Theo had brought you up here a week into the school year starting. It was his safe place. His getaway when everything got to be too much, or when he just needed space to think. When those words had left his mouth you had melted. He trusted you. You had meant so much to him for so long, and you couldn't be bothered to give him the time of day.
“I’m sorry,” you mumble, eyes gazing out at the swirling navy sky that seemed to stretch on forever.
“For what, amore?”
“Dunno. Making you feel like you weren’t good enough, or makin you feel like a bad soulmate.”
Theo looks down at you, and you meet his steady gaze.
“I knew I was good enough, amore. We wouldn’t be soulmates if we weren’t perfect for each other.” He replies.
You perk up at this. “You think I’m perfect?” You ask, a dopey smile appearing on your face.
Theo just rolls his eyes, shaking his head as he laughs. He'd grown used to your antics. Just another piece of you that he'd grown fond of.
“I said that we’re perfect together. But you’re perfect too I suppose.”
It hadn’t taken nearly as long as you had expected to reach this point. It seemed that Theo had just been waiting for the word to switch on boyfriend mode. All it took was one spontaneous, heated make out session in his dorm room, and you had the boy wrapped around your finger. (He already had been for years, but you didn’t need to know that.)
“Alright. Wrap it up love birds. You better be fully clothed,” Pansy calls, head peeping up from the top of the staircase leading up to the tower. “You two have been up here for hours, and you can’t have them all to yourself Theodore. They were our friend first.”
“Yeah! Time’s up lover boy!” You hear Enzo call.
Theo groans, head falling back as he rises lazily, offering you a hand up.
“I waited five years for this, can’t you guys let me have my moment?” He calls back.
“No!” The chorus replies.
With a laugh, you grab onto Theo’s hand, tugging him towards the stairs.
“C’mon. If we get Mattheo and Enzo drunk enough, they won’t notice if I spend the night,” you say with a cheeky wink.
“I heard that!” Enzo’s voice rings out.
“You wouldn’t say no to me anyway,” you shout back.
With a smile, Theo follows you down the stairs after your rowdy friends, hand wrapped tightly around yours. It had taken him five long years, and he certainly wasn’t going to let go anytime soon.
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I'm a sucker for soulmate aus
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nottyoursbutmine · 1 month
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you are in love | t.n
pairing: theodore nott x implied slytherin? best friend reader
the one where Y/N is convinced theo doesn’t have feelings for her, especially near valentine’s day
btw I did mention a bit of young sirius black in there oops time lapse idc- also! why are summaries so hard to write?
you are in love - taylor swift
One look, dark room, meant just for you
You’re sitting in the library with Theo, Pansy, and Draco studying for your upcoming Potions exam. Theo only invited you but Pansy overheard and then invited her boyfriend.
You’re sitting next to Theo, still wearing your short skirt uniform. His left hand is on your thigh, his pinky barely going underneath your skirt as he slightly moves his hand back and forth. You don’t even notice it because it’s become so routine. Especially with the weather, winter is approaching and you made the mistake of forgetting your coat. Theos’ hand was warming you up in the cold library.
You feel someone kick you and you look up to see the culprit, Pansy. She nods her eyebrows and points her eyes to where Theos’ hand is. You check the corner of your eye to make sure Theo isn’t looking. Once you determine he isn’t, you simply give Pansy a shrug. She scoffs and lifts her head to speak to the group, “Don’t you guys think it’s getting late?” She’s smiling but you can see what she’s doing. She wants to question the heck out of you as soon as possible, yet again.
Theo turns to you, waiting for your answer, as if his answer will be anything you decide. You have to admit, you are tired. “Yea, let’s head back.” Immediately Theo begins packing both of your things. You barely had time to process what he was doing before he was finished.
He grabs his and your bags when he says, “Let’s go.” You both stood up at the same time but he grabs you by the waist to stop you from walking away. “You can’t go out like that. It’s about to start raining and you’re wearing a skirt.” He grabs his coat from where he had placed it neatly behind him. As he’s wrapping his coat around you, he takes a few steps closer to you, enough to where you can feel his breath. He begins buttoning the coat and your eyes turn to look at his hands. You can tell he’s looking at your eyes but you’re afraid to look up.
“Geez get a room guys! Hurry up or we’re gonna leave you behind.” Dracos’ voice makes you take a step back and grab your bag off his shoulder. You speed walk towards Pansy and Theo hears something of an apology. He was left with his heart beating out of his chest all because the girl of his dreams was right in front of him and his Draco ruined it.
Theo is lying on you with his arms wrapped around your torso, his head below your neck. You’re playing with his hair as you listen to Blaise and Mattheo debate over you don’t know what.
You unintentionally make eye contact with Pansy. She raises her eyebrows and gives you a smirk. She’s the only one who knows about your feelings and constantly finds chances to subtly tease you. She always says he likes you too. However, you don’t see it. Theo and you are just friends, he will never have feelings for you.
You see that she’s in the exact same position as you are. Except nobody questions her because she and Draco are in a relationship. Your hand freezes on Theos’ hair and he looks up at you, “Are you okay?” His eyes piercing into yours.
You give him your most convincing smile, “Yea, I’m just tired.” You look away so he can’t see you’re lying to him.
He hugs you tighter for a second then says, “Okay let’s go to bed then.” He pulls away, getting off of you in the most gentlemanly manner. Once he’s off the couch he uses his left hand to hold yours and wraps his right hand around your waist as if you needed that extra support. “Guys we’re gonna go upstairs.” Theo announces their departure to the group.
Blaise gasps over-dramatically, “We’re going upstairs? Thank Merlin I’m tired!” He starts to fan himself, provoking Theo.
Theo narrows his eyes at the boy and shoves Blaise back down into his seat as the pair walk by hand in hand. “Not everyone ‘we’, ‘we’ as in Y/N and I. Goodnight.” He says without looking back, pulling you away from them.
Goodnight. He said goodnight. Implying you’ll be sleeping together, right? You’re pretty sure your face is a complete tomato. You turn around with a big smile, “Goodnight everybody, have a safe sleep!” Your voice echoes as you walk up the steps to Theos’ individual dorm.
What you didn’t get to hear is the conversation that continued in the common room.
“Safe? Who says have a safe sleep?”
“Not important Blaise.” Pansy rolls her eyes, “Did you guys see them? They are so annoying with the ‘They don’t like me back’ back and forth. We need to do something.”
They spend quite a bit of time coming up with a plan that would get one of you to confess your feelings to the other. They have too many to choose from, possibly too many that go too far. That would be Draco’s and Mattheo’s fault.
Upstairs in Theos’ dorm is a different story. He had lent you some of his shorts that he grew out of and a loose shirt, that was way oversized on you. You were lying in his bed waiting for him to exit the restroom. You two were just going to sleep, you knew that, but you couldn’t help all the scenarios that crossed through your mind.
You unconsciously played with the necklace Theo had gifted you for absolutely no reason at all. It was his initial with a note card reading, ‘Not because I own you, but because I know you.’ And you haven’t taken it off since.
You slightly open your eyes and you can tell it must be the middle of the night. You’re laying on Theos’ chest and look up to see him staring at you with a strange look on his face. He pauses, then says, “You're my best friend.” and you knew what it was, he is in love. At least you hope?
Valentine’s Day was coming up and so was the number of boys that were asking you to Hogsmeade. You were surprised that anybody at all was asking you out. Typically you just go with your friends to get a ButterBeer and walk around. For the past few years you’ve hoped Theo would ask you but he never has.
Due to the amount of second and third years asking you out, you assumed it was a prank. But then, Sirius Black asked you out and you found yourself saying yes to him with no hesitation. One conversation with him and your question of how does he get so many girls, is gone.
You’re doing homework in your dorm wearing your comfortable afterschool outfit. Someone knocks on your door, you get up from your bed and see that it’s Theo holding a small black present bag beautifully designed. Your mouth turns into that huge smile it does when you see him as you open the door. Immediately you wrap your arms around him to hug him, “Hi! Did we have plans?”
You let go once you realize he wasn’t hugging you back. In fact, he looked pissed. “Sirius Black? Do you know how many girls he’s been with? How many girls he’s made cry?” Okay so he found out.
You throw your head back in nervous laughter, “Theo, do you know how many girls you’ve been with?” You walk back into your room, Theo following you and closing the door behind him.
“Him and I are not the same person.” His eyes are piercing into yours. He’s two steps away from you and it feels like his skin is on yours. “I was going to ask you to Hogsmeade. I was going to ask you- you just needed to give me time. This is for you, for the day I was going to ask you.”
He’s holding out the small black present bag to you. It has a neatly set bow on the top, confirming that Pansy helped him with this gift. You open the bag and take out something inside, you see you two are dancing in a snow globe round’ and round’. Theo charmed the snowglobe so your figures would not only dance but play in the snow together, sit under a tree, swing on the swing set.
You gasp, it’s the most beautiful gift you’ve ever received. “Thank you thank you thank you!” You put the snowglobe down on your nightstand and give him the biggest hug, squeezing him as hard as you can. “I love it! I also got you a present…sort of.” You open your nightstand drawer and picking up the wrapped gift and handing it to Theo.
He chuckles, “Isn’t this just meant to be.” He whispers the last part mostly to himself but you softly smile having heard it. He rips the wrapping and sees it’s a gold frame with a photo of the two of you, he’s behind you with his chin on your head and his arms wrapped around your waist. Your hands are placed above his, securing they don’t leave. You both have a goofy smiles on your face.
“It’s for your nightstand, I don’t know I just thought it’d be cut-”
He interrupts you, “I love it. I absolutely love it.” He drags out his last word and now the silence is so loud. He has put down the gift and started staring at your necklace, the one he gave you for no reason at all.
The light reflects the chain on your neck. He sighs, taking a final step towards you, almost closing the space. He says, "Look up," and your shoulders brush. No proof, one touch. But you felt enough. He gently touches the necklace then smiles almost to himself. He meets your eyes, “I like you so so much Y/N. I have for years now and I can’t keep trying to forget you. I was going to ask you I promise. You just had to give me a little more time. I’ve spent my whole life trying to put this into words. It’s love, true love.”
He grabs your face and quickly presses his lips against yours, you waste no time kissing him back. This is finally happening, you never thought this would happen. You never thought you would be in this situation.
You’re the first to pull away and your foreheads are leaning on each other while you’re both breathing heavily. You give him a quick peck on the lips then a teasing smile when he pouts as you pull away. “I like you so so much too Theo.” He looks up in shock, quickly sitting on your bed and pulling you to straddle his waist.
He puts his hands dangerously low and attempts to pull you closer to him, you can tell it works when you see him take a deep breath and hard gulp. His eyes roam your body as he smirks, your face now in his hands, he says, “So you’re saying it’s love? True love?”
You throw your head back in laughter, “Yes, yes I’m saying it’s love. It’s true lov-.” With your final answer Theo interrupts you by feverishly placing his lips on yours. You don’t mind the interruption at all though.
okay I’m feeling a bit 7/10? I finally did 1989! hopefully next will be ttpd 🤞🏼
requests are open 🫶🏼
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lizzieolseniskinda · 5 days
TOM RIDDLE - soulmates don’t exist PT. 1
part one | two - x FEM!reader (POC!friendly)
(requests open)
SUMMARY: everything changes for you when snape gives you a certain memory. will you be able to do the task that dumbledore has given you?
GENRE: angst-ish (but not really)
CONTENT WARNING: soulmate & time travel au, english is not my first language
IB: people who used to make this wattpad stories, i used to ate those upppp🫣 & i love the tom hughes, tom riddle smmm
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the air was thick, it smelled like blood and burning wood everywhere. the echoes of the battle was ringing faintly in the distance. hidden away from the chaos, severus snape laid crumpled on the cold floor, his body slick with blood, life slipping away from him with each passing second.
voldemort left him to die, discarded like a broken tool. nagini’s venom coursed through his veins, its poison cruelly efficient, and yet snape’s eyes remained sharp. his gaze was fixated on harry, standing just a few steps away, his face pale with shock and confusion. snape’ focus wavered as he turned his eyes weakly, finding you - your form trembling as you knelt beside him, your heart shattering at the sight.
you might not have the best bond with a teacher like snape, but never would you wish death upon someone.
“take it.. you both..” snape rasped, his voice a whisper and urgent. deep within his cloak, he pulled out one small vial and one small potion-like bottle. his hands shook as he reached for his own tear-streaked face. slowly he collected the silvery drops that clung there, memories shimmering with an otherworldly glow.
harry kneeled down beside you now, watching in silence, his confusion giving way to a deeper understanding. snapes dark eyes locked into yours as he extended the vial towards you.
“you need to.. know the truth.”
tears of your own spilled down your cheeks as you took the vial from his trembling hand. “you… were meant to change it all.” he whispered hoarsely
“you can save him.. save everyone. but only if you understand what must be done. the sacrifices you’ll have to take."
the weight of the vial suddenly felt heavier than before, as you sat beside snape’s lifeless body. his final words were echoing in your mind.
harry’s face was pale and grief-stricken. his eyes met yours and for a moment, neither of you spoke.
“we have to go,” harry said, his voice hoarse, snapping you out of your daze. he looked down at the vial of silvery liquid in your hand. “the pensieve. we need to see what he left for us.”
“yeah,” was the only thing you could mutter out, your throat was tight with a mixture of fear and urgency. without another word, both of you scrambled to your feet.
fires flickered in the distance, casting eerie shadows across the grounds and hallways as the final battle raged on.
harry led the way, his steps quick with you right behind him, clutching the vial so tightly in your hand that you though it might shatter at any given moment.
“we have to hurry,” he urged over his shoulder. “whatever’s in these memories, it’s important. snape wouldn’t have-“ his voice was caught in his throat.
you only nodded, your mind spinning with snape's last words. “you can save him.. but only if you know what must be done.”
save who? harry? voldemort? was there a part of tom riddle still left inside the monster he had become? and how were you connected to him? why you in the first place?
you reached the stone gargoyle guarding the entrance to dumbledore's office. harry barely paused to spit out the password.
“sherbet lemon!”
the gargoyle sprang to life, and the two of you rushed up the spiral staircase, out of breath.
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dumbledore's office had a heavy scent of old parchment and burning candle wax filled in the air. you and harry stood side by side, breathing heavily from the sprint through the castle. the weight of the vial, now emptied, felt almost meaningless in your hands. your heart pounded in your chest.
harry held your gaze briefly, his eyes filled with an emotion you couldn't quite place. "let's do this," he said, his voice straining slightly. you nodded in return, your throat too tight to speak. together, you leaned over the pensieve, letting you be pulled into the swirling memories.
the world around you started shifting, and suddenly, you were in the same office, just a few things placed differently.
before you could take your surroundings in further, you noticed him - severus snape, somewhat younger, his dark hair still hanging around his face. you and harry exchanged a look. snape stood rigid before dumbledore's desk, his expression (as always) unreadable.
"this is madness, albus," snape spat, his voice low and venomous. "you're going to send her back in time, while you know she will not be able to return? she will be trapped there - forever. a time turner cannot help her."
dumbledore leaned back in his chair, in his hand a quill as he gazed at snape with a somber, almost mournful expression. "i understand your anger, severus, but there is no other way." you took note of how snape looked younger but not that much younger. you saw the gash in his leg, and guessed this would've taken place during first year
"she doesn't know, does she?" snape's voice cut off your train of thought. "no, she does not," albus replied softly. "and it is better that way, for now."
'she' - that was you. this memory was about you. you felt your heart skip a beat.
"you're asking her to do the impossible - to change him. tom riddle cannot be saved. he was already lost when you met him in the orphanage."
"perhaps," dumbledore replied. "but she must try. if there is even the smallest of chance to alter the course of his soul, it is through her."
snape gave a slight scoff. "if she is to succeed, she must know everything!" you never realised how much he cared for you and your friends. "but you told her nothing of this?"
dumbledore's eyes flicker towards the parchment in front of him. "when the time is right, she shall know what to do." dumbledore sighed, rising from his chair. "and do not worry, she will know, severus, but not before the right time."
snape's face twisted in frustration. "and if she fails? what then?"
"her connection to tom riddle is delicate, and should she go back into the past with full knowledge, it could endanger everything. the balance between them is fragile,' dumbledore explained.
harry's hand clenched beside you, his breath quickening. "go back in time?" he whispered, echoing the questions that were swirling in your own mind. snape turned sharply, "you're asking too much of her," he said through gritted teeth. "sending her back into time, to tom riddle's fifth year... if she doesn't succeed in making him-"
"-experience love," dumbledore finished saying. "love is the key, severus." you felt as though the ground had dropped out from beneath you. tom riddle - love? that would be impossible, is this what dumbledore had planned for you all along? to go back into the past, to love a young tom riddle before he became lord voldemort.
"how.. how could anyone make riddle love someone?" i whispered to harry.
"you are condemning her to live out her days in a time that's not her own! she won't even be able to return! you've bound her to the past," snape stressed.
the headmaster's gaze grew sharper, though there was still that calm weight behind it. "she is connected to tom riddle in ways we cannot fully understand. if there is hope for him, it lies in her hands - her influence. but no, severus, she cannot come back. the magic involved in sending her back is ... irreversible."
"you will send her to a monster! to a boy who will grow to become the dark lord," snape sneered. "what happens if she doesn't succeed in her task?"
dumbledore's eyes closed for a moment. "if she cannot reach him... if he's heart remains as closed as it is now, then yes, voldemort will rise like he did. and our fate is sealed."
snape looked up at him. "you truly believe she can save him?"
dumbledore's eyes glinted, the faintest trace of hope dancing behind them. "i believe she is the only one who can." his voice dropped to a whisper, "she will remain in that time, she will live there, bound to the past..."
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after the sensation finally stopped, you and harry found yourselves back in the present. the glow of the pensieve slowly faded, leaving only the silence of the room.
you stood frozen for a moment, trying to process what you had just witnessed - the conversation between snape and dumbledore. the weight of it hung heavy in the air, pressing down on you both.
"You stood frozen for a moment, trying to process what you had just witnessed — the conversation between Snape and Dumbledore. The weight of it hung heavy in the air, pressing down on you both.
"if you go, you can't come back," harry whispered , almost to himself, as thoug saying it out loud would make it reality. his face was pale, "once you go back into riddle's time... you're stuck there. forever."
"and if i fail..." your voice shook as the truth finally settled in. "if i can't change him, you'll have to battle him. harry, you'll die."
his eyes snapped to yours, and for a moment, he seemed as lost as you were. he ran a hand through his hair, pacing in front of dumbledore's desk. "i don't understand, dumbledore.. snape.. they planed all of this-" he stopped, turning to face you. "how are you supposed to change tom riddle?"
you shook your head, "i don't know, harry. i don't know how i'm supposed to make him love or.. stop him from becoming voldemort. what if i can't even do it?"
harry stepped toward you, his expression softening, though his own fear was palpable. "you've faced worse, right? you've fought death eaters. you survived this war with us, if anyone can do it, it's you," harry finished saying. "but i hate that it has to be you."
the weight of his words hung between the two of you.
"i don't- dumbledore said we were connected somehow, that we're soul-bound, basically... but what if that's not enough?"
harry's jaw tightened, frustration breaking through his calm. "its unfair! it's always unfair with him!" harry raised his arms. "he expects too much. first me, now you! he's always asking us to make these impossible choices."
you nodded, and your heart ached at harry's raw emotion. "i can't let you die, harry," you stated softly. "i can't stand by and watch that happen."
he shook his face fiercely, stepping closer so his hands gripped your shoulders. "and i can't let you go back in time, knowing you'll never come home."
for a moment, the two of you stood like that, caught between the devastating choice laid before you. you could feel the pull of what needed to be done.
"if this is the only way, then we'll find a way to make it work. we'll figure out how to change him, how to make him love. we'll do it together," harry nodded, sure of his plan.
you smiled through tears, "harry, once i go, i'll be alone."
his grip tightened on your shoulders. "you won't be alone. you've never been alone in this.you'll have everything we've ever fought for - the memories. and more than that.. you'll have hope."
tears were threatening to leave your eyes, but you swallowed them back. you nodded at harry.
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harry took the small potion out of his jacket pocket. the liquid inside was an ethereal, shimmering gold, glowing faintly in the dim of the room. the potion, the one that would send you back in time - and trap you there.
your hands shook as you took the potion from harry. the glass feeling cold in your palm, the moment had come, and it was terrifying. once you drank it, you knew there would be no turning back, no returning to the world and people you once knew. no more friends, no more future. only the past, that would become your future
harry shifted beside you, "are you sure about this?" he asked, his voice low. there was a plea in his words, though he wasn't trying to stop you. he couldn't. he knew as well as you did that this was the only way.
"i don't have a choice," you whispered back, your voice shaking. you gave him a small nod, though your heart still pounded in your chest. you uncorked the bottle the faint scent of something sweet filled the air. the liquid seemed almost alive, swirling around.
you took one last look at harry, locking the image of his face - strong, determined, your best friend.this might be the last time you'd ever see him.
"i'll miss you," you whispered, barely able to say the words. harry's eyes glistened, but he gave a small resolute nod. "i'll miss you too."
with a final breath, you raised the vial to your lips. the liquid was warm, surprisingly smooth as it slid down your throat. at first, it didn't feel like something was happening. but then the warmth began to spread, starting in your chest and slowly moving through your body.
the world around you started to blur, and a dizzying sensation took over. harry's voice was distant now, "its happening."
your vision blurred, you could feel time itself shifting, bending, pulling you away from the present and hurling you backwards, into the past.
it was overwhelming, as though your existence was being unraveled and re-made into a different planet. you feared you might lose yourself entirely.
and then, everything came to a hurtling stop. the warm feeling of the potion faded, replaced by a cool, crisp breeze against your skin. you opened your eyes, heart still pounding, and took in your surroundings.
it felt so familiar yet completely different. hogwarts stood tall, the grounds were more pristine, untouched by the war, by the battles you grew so accustomed to. the castle's windows shimmered, and the air smelled fresh.
at last, you were in the past.
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musingsofahufflepuff · 7 months
♡ reluctant soulmates theo and reader where he’s just so in love but you won’t give him the time of day.
♡ he follows you around like a lost puppy until you break and start talking to him.
♡ and he just thinks you’re so cool and so pretty and so funny, he’s absolutely smitten.
♡ you just refuse to believe in the whole soulmate thing until he shows you he likes you for you and not because fate destined them to be together.
♡ then it’s all over and y’all are attached at the hip.
we love an obsessed boy
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Letter from a loved one // T.N //
Theodore Nott X Reader
TW: angst?
Word Count: 842
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Today has gone by eerily slowly.
Classes have dragged on, the meals were too short. It's as if there's this underlying feeling of dread that is just floating in the air. Contaminating everyone in the castle. Even Peeves has been uncharastically rude. I have barely seen any of my friends and when I did, they were in a bad mood. Hell, even I was in a bad mood. After a long day, such as today, all I want to do is climb into bed with Theo and sleep until tomorrow, but with him nowhere to be found I must find solace alone.
Theo has been secretive all year. Disappearing for hours, even days, at a time. Telling me not to worry, that in the end everything will be okay. How can I not worry when my boyfriend of two years is missing constantly and keeping secrets from me?
The common room is as gloomy as the rest of the castle. Like everyone is waiting for something terrible to happen. When I finally make it to my dorm it is devoid of life, except for Pansy. Who looks to be on her way out.
“ Y/N.” She mumbles quietly. Stopping when she walks past me and is standing in the doorway. “I almost forgot, Theo stopped by, said he couldn't stay but he left a letter for you. I put it on your bed.” She tells me before giving me a weak smile, in which I give a similar one in return. She then turns walking out of the dorm leaving me alone, once again.
With shaky legs I sit on the bed, slowly grab the letter, pausing to admire the perfect script in which Theo wrote my name. I have always loved watching him write. There is something about the way his longer fingers wrap around his quill and guide the writing utensil with such precision, that makes me feel all warm inside.
Though, that's just Theo. He may seem cold, hard and sarcastic to everyone else, but to me he is the most caring and loving person I have ever met. He's the only person I ever told about my family. How they were killed and I was left to live with my aunt. He's been a constant light in my life ever since.
Taking a deep breath I unclasp the wax seal from the letter and open it. I read over the letter carefully, as my eyes welled up with tears. An overwhelming sadness courses through me as I try to understand the words that are written in front of me.
The tears are flowing freely now as I stand up on unsteady legs, letter still in hand, with every intention of searching for the brunette boy who stole my heart, and inevitably broke it into pieces. Before I can make it to the door I collapse in a heap of tears and heavy breathing, feeling as if the world is caving in on me, praying this is all some sick joke.
But knowing, for now at least, he's gone. I’m officially all alone.
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Me: the cheating trope is awful
Also me: These are two of my all time favourite fictional couples :)
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lady-rhaesnow · 26 days
Always mine
Story update!
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📒 Fandom: Harry Potter
📓Title: Always Mine
📗Author: Lady_RhaeSnow18
📘Pairings: Hermione Granger/ Theodore Nott
📕Category: F/M
📔Trigger warnings: language, smut, violence
📙Rating: (E) Explicit: only suitable for adults
📔Chapter2: Condemned Men
She had known from the start that it was not true love. Yet, she had married him anyway. Perhaps this was the fates punishing her - a lesson learned, wisdom gained and all that shit... so maybe that accounts for the cheating spouse (soon to be ex), the meddling in-laws, and a new magical bond to content with. But that new fluttering craziness with her heart every time she sees him? It’s not wholly new but in a way it is, now that everything is changing. Either way, her life is a little (a lot) of a mess right now. She can’t help but think the fates are enjoying this a little too much.
Ron and Hermione’s marriage comes to a startling and shattering end but her sassy, snarky lovely Slytherin’s don’t dare let her wallow in misery. They gently (and not so gently) help her heal and put back together her life, as a new bond is fighting to make itself known.
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A Study in Consequences
Post Battle of Hogwarts only Hermione testifies for Draco. She returns for 8th year at Hogwarts where things aren't smooth.
Years later after completing 2 Masteries, Kingsley calls Hermione and Draco home to work on the problem of the drastically low birthrate and high squib rate.
An 8th year fic, going onto a years later reunion rolled into a marriage law. Eventual Bill x Hermione. Many side-pairings.
M, English, Drama & Romance, chapters: 12, words: 32k+, favs: 16, follows: 35, updated: Jul 31 published: Jul 28, [Hermione G., Bill W.] Draco M., Theodore N.
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hp-soulmates · 1 year
💞 [FIC] In His Love Story 💞
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Title: In His Love Story
Giftee: @girl-with-goats
Author: ???
Ship: Luna Lovegood/Theodore Nott
Prompt #: 19
Word Count: 12,283
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Smut
Prompt #19
Soul mate, soul mate, soul mate
Won't you dance here with me while it grows late?
Put your head on my chest, that's your safe place
We'll fall deeper in love every day
From life unto life and for always
I'll be there when you need me around
When night finally comes and the leaves have fallen from the tree
Baby, you'll have me
Soul mate
Floura Cash- soulmate Special shout out to my beta, AmiaRay. Without your invaluable knowledge, I would have never understood how Lords and Ladies and titles worked. Thank you! 
Set in magical regency England, Lord Theodore Nott is in want of a wife, except he doesn't believe he will find a witch he could call his soulmate... until Lady Luna Lovegood made the Queen laugh.
Read on AO3!
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acciotheomione · 2 years
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If I Loved You Less by Lostinthenightrain
“I am a Death Eater’s son, and you are the brightest witch of our age, shining so brightly for the world to see. I will forever be cast in the shadows and I cannot drag you with me.”
Link to AO3
AO3 tags below the break
Archive Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationship(s): Hermione Granger/Theodore Nott
Additional Tag(s): Unrequited Love, Dark Acedemia, Studying, Soul Bound, Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Soulmates
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suugarbabe · 1 year
Hi, I hope you’re doing fine❤️ I love your fics! If it’s not a problem i would like to please request Theo Nott + soulmate trope where before the soulmates meet they sometimes throughout the day feel each other’s sensations (I don’t mean feeling, mostly just things like touch, pain, smell, taste) and Theo is kind of an annoying soulmate for the reader because he drinks black coffee all the time and the reader hates it and also he has all these quidditch practices and fights so she often wakes up with bruises and all that? But it’s all lighthearted and fluffy if it’s not a problem haha. Thanks ❤️
soulmate tropes are honestly one of my favorite because you can do so much with it, it's always a fun time.
You slouched in your seat next to Luna at breakfast as the sudden taste of straight black and bitter coffee consumed your senses. You nearly gagged, causing Luna's face to turn to one of soft concern.
"Black coffee again?" You nodded, "Yeah, and ribs are fucking killing me, I woke up with a huge purple bruise on the back of them and my jaw is sore. I swear to Merlin, whoever my soulmate is is about to get a howler from me because this is just ridiculous."
"Blaise and I think we know who it is if you'd like me to share it with you." Luna said it like she asked if you wanted to know who was on the cover of the Quibbler this month. Her ability to discuss anything like it was just normalcy and average never ceased to amaze you.
You stared at her and she just stared back, small smile on her face and a twinkle in her eyes. "Yes, Luna. Please tell me because I need to confront him."
Luna took a bite of her blueberry muffin, "Did you know that the reason why some blueberries are sweet and some are sour is because gnomes actually-"
"Oh, yes, right. It's Theodore Nott." She says it like it's obvious. Like you should have know this whole time. But now that you think about it, it makes perfect sense. The bruises, the soreness, the smell of broomstick wax that will assault your nose.
You looked toward the Slytherin table in search for sandy brown curls. "He already left for class," Luna's voice cut in to your inner thoughts. "Erm, right, thanks Luna. I'll see you at lunch?" She nodded, "The four of us can sit together. Have a good talk with Theodore."
You thanked her, setting off down the hall toward your first class. Your plan was to search for Theo during your free period, but as fate would have it, you spotted him down the corridor.
You pushed through the crowded hall until you had to practically crane your neck to look up at the man in front of you. You reached out, boldly grabbing his arm, "Theo, we need to talk."
He looked down, slight confusion on his face. "Go on, bruv. I'll see you in class," Blaise gave you a subtle wink before walking off.
You pulled Theo to the side, giving the illusion to yourself that you had some privacy. "Been smelling vanilla lately, Theo?" you crossed your arms as you leaned back against the corridor wall.
Theo quirked an eyebrow, "How did you now that?"
You sighed, "Because that's the scent of my shampoo." Theo placed a hand on the wall behind you, the other gently cupping your face as he leaned down, gently pressing his nose to the crown on your head.
"So what you're suggesting then is-"
"We're soulmates," you cut him off, "and I am seriously angry with you."
Theo scoffed, the hand that once cupped your face now placed on his own hip, "Why? What did I do?"
You lifted your school shirt high enough for Theo to see the deep purple bruise on your ribs. He quickly grabbed your hand, forcing your shirt back down and scanning the hall, making sure no one else was looking.
"Are you mental?" The slight protectiveness in Theo's tone made your stomach flutter. "Are you mental? What happened to you? Get in another fight? Because we're going to have a problem."
Theo chuckled softly, "Well the one you should have a problem with is Bole because he's the one who hit me with the bludger at practice yesterday."
You frowned, "I'll fight the git, where is he?"
Theo couldn't contain the look on his face, "Calm down, anima gemella, we can't both be fighters."
You looked up at his big blue eyes, "Oh, darling. You have no idea what you're in for."
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obsessedwithceleste · 7 months
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The Slytherin Boys
As Soulmate Tropes
Ft. Mattheo Riddle, Theodore Nott, Draco Malfoy, and Lorenzo Berkshire
©️ obsessedwithceleste. all works posted here belong to me and should not be reposted or copied in any way or form.
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Mattheo Riddle
The timer
Everyone has a timer on their wrist that counts down to the second you meet your soulmate
Matteo thinks it’s utter bullshit
He’s not really one to be told what to do
Especially not by something as silly as fate
Before he even begins at Hogwarts, he wraps his wrist in a leather cuff, never taking it off
A soulmate is only a weakness after all
Like his father said
When he finally makes his first friend, Theodore Nott, on the train to Hogwarts, the boy looks at his wrist curiously, but says nothing
The boy’s own timer reads something a bit over six years
He meets others, Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, all displaying their timers proudly out in the open
He would never want to be that vulnerable
Of course he’s tempted to look when he sees Lorenzo Berkshire’s timer run out in first year when they’re sorted into Slytherin with Daphne Greengrass
Still he doesn’t look
Over the years he watches his friends’ timers run out as they each meet their soulmate until it’s just him and Theodore left.
“You’ve really not looked?” Theo asks him one night as they share a smoke up in the astronomy tower
Matteo shakes his head no
It’s not until a bit over a year later when Theo’s timer runs out as he quite literally runs into his soulmate that Matteo even considers taking a small peak
That night, he lay in bed, eyes boring into the ceiling
Ever so slowly, his fingers wrap around the cuff, inching it off agonizingly
When he finally sees his timer, he blinks
He’d missed them
His head falls back against his pillow as the leather cuff returns to its place, securely around his wrist
He’d never wanted a soulmate anyway, he reasoned with himself
What he didn’t know, was he’d also missed all the stolen glances at him since third year
He makes it through four more sleepless nights before he tears the cuff off, throwing it against the wall, alarming Theo
“I missed them. I fucking missed them.” He says, staring blankly at the wall as Theo looks at his friend sadly
About a week later, it finally goes noticed that the leather cuff is gone
Matteo is sitting in the grass by the Black Lake when they approach
“They stopped sometime in third year. You bumped into me walking off the quidditch pitch.”
Matteo looks up, mouth gaping open as he takes in his soulmate for the first time
“Sorry I didn’t say anything sooner. Figured you didn’t want to know with the whole cuff thing and all.”
It takes him a moment to reply, but once he does, he will not stop apologizing
He looks at his soulmate as if they painted the sun in the sky
It’s slow going at first, Matteo never really believed in love
But once he’s in, he’s in deep
His friends are all shocked of course, but more so relieved that Matteo finally had someone that really clicked
Matteo never wanted a soulmate, but he’d be damned if his was ever torn away from him
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Theodore Nott
First Words
The first words one said to their soulmate are permanently scrawled across their other half’s skin
No matter how much someone tried, the words wouldn’t budge
Couldn’t be removed, couldn’t be changed, couldn’t be covered by anything other than clothing
Theo knew
He’d tried
“Fuck off, Nott”
Was permanently brandished across his collarbone
His mother had gasped when she saw it, rushing to cover the words
The epitome of romance Theo had thought dryly to himself on more than one occasion
He told himself he didn’t care
Maybe there was a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why his soulmate wanted him to fuck off despite never speaking to him before
He never let another soul see those words though
Not even when his friends went around, proudly showing off their own words
He didn’t believe in that shit, he’d told them
But it was hard not to believe it in third year when Matteo finally spoke to Daphne’s sister, Astoria, for the first time
Their words matched perfectly
And so did they
In his fourth year, Matteo finally discovered the blasted words after Theo ended up in the hospital wing
He was made fun of ruthlessly for the next several weeks
Not even his soulmate- as a stranger wanted anything to do with him
Maybe that was why, at fifteen, he began his flirtatious escapades
Flirting with anything really, that had a pulse
If his soulmate didn’t want him, surely someone else did
And that’s how he found himself where he was now
Leaning up against the cold stone wall, a comfortable buzz setting in from the drink in his hand as he chatted up some Ravenclaw
He was about to lean in when a hand appeared on his shoulder, pulling him back roughly
“Fuck off, Nott.” The voice said, a hint of agitation in their voice
Theo’s head snapped in the direction of the voice, eyes widening and mind suddenly alarmingly clear
He felt his heart beat speed up as he took in the sight
A moment passes, then two
Blinking, he tried to think of something- anything to say
“Salazar, you’re perfect.”
Theo watched the hairs on his soulmate’s neck prickle as they freeze, eyes slowly meeting his own
“That’s not funny Nott. Who told you to say that?” They ask warily as their friend watches in amused excitement
Tugging at the collar of his shirt, Theo finally shows his words, the black script bold against his tan skin
Theo had always wanted
Theo had always wanted to be wanted
And Theo’s soulmate made sure he always knew just how wanted he was
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Draco Malfoy
Hot and Cold
Draco remembered the first time his mother explained the soulmate stuff to him
He was only five when she tucked him into bed and explained
The closer you were to your soulmate, the hotter you felt
The further you were, the colder you felt
But once you were together, everything would feel right
Simple enough his young self had figured
Almost like a game of sorts
A game of fate
He always thought it was strange that his mother was constantly shivering despite his fathers tendency to run quite warm
They must prefer it that way
He himself however, grew up always a bit too cold for his liking
It was early on that he learned to bundle up in layers
His mother cast especially nice warming charms
As he grew older, it confused Draco that his parents ran at two very opposite temperatures, despite his mother’s words echoing in the back of his head
The whole soulmate thing must not be that perfect if “just right” meant one parent felt like a block of ice while the other was practically slick with sweat
He didn’t really understand until the summer before he was to leave for Hogwarts
That’s when his parents hosted a small going away gathering
His cousin Enzo was there
As were the Greengrass sisters
Draco watched Enzo begin to grow agitated, sweat beginning to form on his brow
When the boy looked up to see the older Greengrass sister though, it was as if a wave of calm had washed over him
The heat in his cousin’s cheeks faded as he made his way over to the girl
That’s when Draco finally realized
It didn’t go unnoticed by him then, when his father’s normally warm aura cooled considerably to a suspiciously comfortable level when the Nott family arrived
It was then that Draco determined that soulmates only lead to heartbreak
What was the point of it didn’t guarantee happiness?
Draco was on the train, surrounded by his friends when he first felt it
A small spark of heat, flaring up in his chest
He ignored it
He felt it again at the sorting ceremony, quickly rushing to sit with his new house mates
For once hoping to blend in
The dungeons of the Slytherin common room felt safe
The cool air of the stone walls enveloping him
Every so often, Draco felt a familiar warmth begin to overtake him, subconsciously leading him towards it
But he always did his best to fight it off
Lately however, the tingling feeling of warmth seemed to be chasing after him
Almost as if whoever was causing it was actively searching him out
Draco was sitting in the Three Broomsticks, butter beer in hand when it finally happened
He felt the heat wave first
Then the beads of sweat slowly forming on his head
His eyes flicked about frantically as his friends watched him with concern
When his eyes finally landed on the culprit, he knew
A wave of cool ran over him and for the first time in his life, Draco wasn’t shivering against a sweater, or sweating like a mad man
He felt
“Hi.” He says, dazed as he stares at his soulmate in awe
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Lorenzo Berkshire
The Red Strings of Fate
Enzo couldn’t remember a time when he couldn’t see the red strings twisting, knotting, winding around everyone he knew
They always started out the same
Tied in a neat bow around someone’s pinky before looping off into the distance
Occasionally, he’d see two people, their strings meeting, tying them together
Theirs always had a mesmerizing gold sheen
It fascinated him
His own parents’ strings trailed off in opposite directions
Not that he’d ever say anything about it
He knew there were others like him
People who could see the strings
Advertising their love matching services
Always able to tell if people were compatible or not
Enzo never said a word
At Hogwarts, Enzo often heard the Slytherin girls chatter about how romantic the idea was
Having a soulmate out there, tied to you forever
Enzo smiled, knowing that Pansy’s string was connected to one Blaise Zabini
And Astoria’s string lead to Matteo Riddle
In second year, he’d let out an unattractive snort, seeing his cousin Draco’s string connect to Hermione Granger
He’d almost let it slip right then and there
But still, he kept quiet, subtly leading his friends in the right direction
Even if it meant “accidentally” locking Draco and Hermione in the potions storeroom without their wands
It wasn’t until much later that Enzo realized he’d never really paid all that much attention to the string tied to his own finger
What if they didn’t believe in the strings?
What if they didn’t want to be found?
One night, when his dorm mates were asleep
He tugged on the red string, feeling the taunt pull on the other end
He didn’t really expect much
He’d seen people’s strings lead off over the horizon, end no where in sight
He knew it was totally plausible to never see his soulmate
But it would be nice
Sometimes at night, when his roommates were all asleep and he was still wide awake, he’d roam the halls, following the string
It always seemed to take him the same way, up the winding staircases until he found himself outside an ever familiar common room door
He wasn’t stupid
He knew his soulmate had to be in there, but still, he never searched beyond those quiet nights, the portraits on the walls looking on silently
It all changes though, the day he feels his pinky finger tug a bit as a stranger sits down next to him in potions
“You don’t mind, do you?” The breathy voice asks
Enzo is too busy staring at the string connecting their fingers, a familiar golden sheen glimmering between them, to answer
When he looks up, he finds pretty eyes looking back, a small smile tugging on pink lips
“The portraits are quite chatty you know. I wondered if you’d try to come find me, but figured it was best to take matters into my own hands.”
A soft blush rises to his cheeks as he looks sheepishly at his soulmate
“So should I lock us in a storage room without our wands now? Or can we skip that step?”
Enzo lets out bark of laughter before quickly getting a hold of himself
After years of following other people’s strings, he was glad someone had followed their string to him
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nottyoursbutmine · 2 months
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cruel summer | t.n
pairing: theodore nott x hufflepuff soulmate reader
the one where nott and Y/N never wanted a soulmate. so why can’t they stop thinking about each other after they agree to never talk about it again?
this is my first writing and you can totally tell. it’s super long for no reason so pls be nice. it has 3 OC in hufflepuff. totally wrote this overnight so I rushed the ending can you tell?
cruel summer - taylor swift
You’re listening to your best friend, Sophia, as you’re walking towards the Great Hall. For the past two weeks she has been ranting about the same thing, Blaise Zabini, her soulmate.
As she’s going on about the colors of trees, our uniforms, and flowers you can’t help but space off. They met while being paired up during Potions and spoke their first soulmate words to each other. She has always wanted to meet her soulmate and ever since then, she’s been happier than ever.
You have never wanted to meet your soulmate. The thought of being trapped down and having children will not be your future.
“Are you even listening to me?” Sophia asks.
“Oh, um…of course I was, Blaise is perfect, the sky is magical?” You say with uncertainty. You’re arriving at the Great Hall and approach your table to sit down.
She gives you a look and says, “No, you know exactly what I was saying…please Y/N!”
“Can I just ask why is this so important to you? I mean, it’s not as if we would have anything in common. Slytherin do not make friends with Hufflepuffs,” you say with a straight face. Compared to her always happy demeanor, you were the type of girl who looked at the glass half empty. Not to say you weren’t kind to everyone you met, but you were a realist.
“I have been trying to introduce you to Blaises’ friends since we met… please?” As she sits across from you at the table, she gives you her biggest smile, one that you can never say no to.
As you pick at your food, you finally give in. “Okay, fine but we have to invite the rest of the girls.”
She squeals, leans over the table and gives you a hug. You’ve never been one for physical contact but you’ve been friends with Sophia since diapers, so you do your best and pat her back.
You’re sitting on your bed with your curtains drawn staring at the words on your wrist, thinking about the power they hold. Your entire future is determined by your first words with a stranger. The words were harsh, feeding into your whole ‘wanting to be alone,’ thing. You wonder what their words say.
Seeing colors is something you have also always wondered about. What are the colors of your eyes and hair? What is the color green and why does it make nature look so beautiful? What about flowers? And the color of your clothes?
However, does spending forever with someone you didn’t get to choose sound worth it? You have heard stories of colors fading for people who have lost their soulmate or chosen to be alone, you wonder if that’s true.
You hear the door burst open and Sophia say, “Okay, get ready everyone! We’re going to the Slytherin common room.”
You pull your curtains back, then look at Violet and Ariana, Violet lets out a small laugh from her bed and says “What?”
“Yup! We are meeting Blaise, Riddle, Nott, Berkshire, and Malfoy in 1 hour,” Sophia says, “so you all better start getting ready.”
You all get up with a groan as you get up and all go into the bathroom to get ready. You decide to put on a warm sweatshirt/sweats set because it’s cold out and blowout your hair. You exit the bathroom and all make your way out of the Hufflepuff house.
Walking to the Slytherin common room seemed faster than it should have been. Sophia talked most of the way, assuring us that this will be fun. She always seemed to be the positive one in our group. She states that the guys are nicer in person and only look scary from afar or something like that.
As you get closer you see Zabini waiting outside. Sophia walked towards Blaise, greeting him with a kiss. “Blaise, these are my friends, Violet, Ariana and Y/N.”
He shakes Violet’s and Ariana’s hand, trying to make a good first impression on his soulmates friends and as he extends his hand towards you and Sophia stops him, “Y/N doesn’t touch.”
You feel your heart get warm, you didn’t know how you were going to get out of that awkward situation. She knows you so well, you just give her a small smile as a thank you.
He just chuckles and says, “Exactly like someone else I know. Okay, c’mon the guys are inside.” As you walk in you can’t help but look around, even though you can’t see colors, the Slytherin common room has always been famously talked about and you wanted to know what the fuss was about.
You see Berkshire sitting on an armchair, reading a book. Malfoy is sitting on the floor with his back to the couch and he’s doing homework on the table. Riddle laying on a couch and Nott laying on the couch across from him talking you think about Herbology.
“Girls, these are the guys, right there is Malfoy. Right there is Riddle, over there is Nott, and there is Berkshire.” Zabini says pointing over at them without looking, without caring. It made you internally laugh.
Your eyes glaze over the boys and you just give them a smile. The girls give the boys their biggest smile and say hello, Ariana even goes as far as to give her famous flirtatious hugs. Not that you are judging, these guys are attractive.
Nott and Riddle sit down on the couches to make room for you girls. You sit next at the end of the couch to the left of Violet, who’s in the middle sitting next to Riddle. Ariana is sitting across from you, to the right of Sophia. Sophia is sitting next to Zabini, who’s finally sitting next to Nott at the very left. Berkshire is hadn’t moved from his place in the arm chair and Malfoy had collected his homework, but was still sitting on the floor.
The usual topics come by, grades, hate for the teachers, holidays, and the usual family drama. “Okay let’s get real, has everyone here met their soulmate?” Ariana asks.
Berkshire begins to rant about his soulmate, one that everyone knew he had. It was nice to hear him say those sweet words about her.
Malfoy rolls his eyes and says, “Doesn’t everyone already know the answer to this question? It’s not as if this school doesn’t spread the word as soon as it happens.”
Riddle laughs looking over at him, “You’re just upset because Granger is mad at you right now.”
“I don’t know why you don’t go apologize to her like I’ve been saying, staying here isn’t going to help her forgive you,” Berkshire says.
“He’s right, you need to man up and go to her dorm,” Nott speaks up, “if you don’t she’ll be pissed forever man.”
Malfoy looks like he wants to kill all his friends as he gets up and storms out of the common room, assumingely on his way to the Gryffindor house.
Malfoy, Berkshire, and Zabini are the only ones in the group who have found their soulmates, leaving Riddle and Nott to find theirs.
As everyone but Nott and you answer the question, the tension shifts. “So Y/L/N, have you found your soulmate?” Riddle asks, a hint of suggestiveness in his voice.
All eyes fall on you, “Um...No, I haven’t, but I don’t want to either, so…” you say trailing off.
“You don’t want to? Sounds familiar. Can we ask why you don’t want to?” He pries while glancing to the side, at something or someone. You’re not sure if you imagine it but everyone leans in closer, except for Nott of course, who’s sitting against the couch, eyes not leaving you.
“Well, let’s just say, I’m not going to let some words, colors, and a stranger determine a future I have already envisioned for myself, one that does not have a soulmate,” you have the straightest face and you’re not sure if it’s just your natural face or if you’re just annoyed by all these questions.
The boys sit in silence as they all give each other looks to your answer, however Nott is just staring at you and for some reason you’re afraid to look his way.
It seems like the night has ended with what you said and you decide you need to leave to room immediately. “Okay well, if that’s all I’m going now…I have to go to the library to finish my homework.”
Violet and Ariana follow you out, Sophia stays behind to spend more time with Zabini. As you’re walking you feel eyes burning into the back of your head.
Heading back to your common room from the library alone before curfew was a usual trip for you. The dark, empty corridor never scared you, it actually brought you peace. Ariana was the only one who preferred to study with you, but today she wanted to rest.
Fever dream high in the quiet of the night
While turning a corner you trip over something you don’t see, hands wrap around torso preventing you from falling. You drop your books and loose papers on the ground. You immediately push yourself away from the person holding you up.
It’s so dark out, you can’t see the tall figure, however, as you bend over to pick up everything you dropped, his shoes look expensive.
And so you do what you do best, apologize,“Oh Merlin, I’m so sorry. Are you okay? Than-”
You feel the person slightly freeze but not enough for you to process it, “My god, what the hell is wrong with you?”
Now it’s your turn to freeze. You’re afraid to look up, you’re afraid to even move. All of a sudden everything is different, you understand what Sophia means when she says the lights are yellow and actually do light up the night. You look at your clothes and see your yellow set. Everything yellow.
You’re not even sure why but you thought you had more time to find them. You’ve collected all your things and you’re still there staring at the ground. How are you supposed to tell this guy you’re not interested?
As you stand up, you stare into the eyes of Theodore Nott and you’re not sure what you feel. His eyes are so brown, his hair is so brown and he looks so attractive in his Slytherin uniform.
You’re both just standing staring at each other and you’re not sure what to say to him. Should you rip the bandaid off?
“Okay so, I don’t want you and you don’t want me, right? Let’s just pretend this never happened,” he has the straightest face ever.
You’re grateful he said it first so you didn’t have to but you’re not sure why you’re heart skipped a beat, almost like his words hurt you. “Okay.”
You’re not sure what else to say and you’re also not sure why your heart is now beating so hard in your chest. The colors don’t even matter anymore, what only matters to you now is that he’s in front of you and that he was just in front of you a few hours earlier, yet you never spoke one word to each other.
You thought the conversation was over, you thought he would walk away. He clears his throat, “Okay well then, let’s shake on it,” he says as he extends his hand out to you without looking away from your eyes.
You look at his hand and in a beat place your hand in his, slowly shaking it. “So we agree to not tell anyone,” looking back in his eyes. Your heart starts beating faster and your mind starts racing. You pull your hand back and say, “Goodbye then,” you walk away and don’t look back.
Ariana wakes you up the next morning, saying something about almost being late for breakfast.
As you get up, enter the bathroom to get ready and put your uniform on, you curl your hair and put it in a ponytail with side pieces out.
As you exit the bathroom you see Sophia sitting on her bed. “What do you all say about sitting with Blaise and the boys for breakfast this morning?” she says with a grin.
Ariana claps her hands together, jumping up and down, “That would be so fun. Last night was so fun!” Throughout the night she became good friends with the boys by gossiping about the teachers and student drama in the school.
Violet gives Sophia a small smile, “I think that would be nice.”
All eyes turn to me, I roll eyes in sarcasm, “Okay, let’s just go or all the blueberry muffins will be gone and you know how I feel about that.”
You follow Sophia to the Slytherin table and as the boys see you all approach, you see Zabini say something to them, making them scoot over. Sophia casually sits next to Zabini at the end of the table. You sit down first, scooting over for Ariana and Violet. Riddle is to your right, Nott directly across from you, and Violet to your left.
You immediately begin looking around for a blueberry muffin but don’t see one, the only one you see is on Notts plate. So you go for the second best option, banana bread.
“Aw we were too late? I’m sorry hun. Tomorrow will be better,” Sophia says with her positive attitude. You give her a smile and try to not continue the conversation.
“Late for what?” Riddle asks with a mouth full of food.
“Y/N loves her blueberry muffin for breakfast,” Violet says as if it’s the biggest secret in the school. You shrug because it’s true, there’s nothing better to start your day off with.
“Here then.” Nott holds out his plate offering you his muffin. The guys give him a look as if he just told them he’s joining the circus.
“No, it’s yours,” you say, giving him the exact same look.
He pushes the plate closer to you, “Take the damn muffin if you’re going to be complaining about it.”
The energy has completely changed, “Woah man, what the hell?” Berkshire says, sitting to Notts left.
Your eyes narrow at him, push the plate away and in your calmest voice say, “I didn’t complain about any damn thing, you’re getting hysterical Nott. Why don’t you calm down?”
And with that, he storms out of the Great Hall leaving his friends to question exactly what happened.
You’re left staring at where he was sitting, hurt in your chest but you both made this decision. And if you bleed he’ll be the last to know.
It’s been two weeks since you have found Nott, two weeks since you’ve been trying your best to avoid him, and two weeks since you’ve been failing at it.
You’re sitting in the library with Cedric working on your project. You’ve been working for hours and for hours Nott and Berkshire have been sitting in your line of view doing ‘homework.’ You turn back to Cedric, this grade is more important than some boy.
For some reason, Nott can’t look away from you. His mind is going crazy knowing you’re avoiding him. He’s the one who made this decision, why can’t he get you off his mind?
He thinks about the first words you spoke to each other and regrets being so harsh towards you, he wonders if you hate him for that. He wonders if the words on your skin have taunted you forever and if that’s truly why you don’t want a soulmate.
Colors haven’t faded for him, probably because he keeps following you, trying to be close to you. The color of your hair and eyes, your after school outfits. Your smile and the way you tilt your head back when you laugh. He cannot look away from you.
Berkshire realizes Nott isn’t paying attention to him at all, turning around to see what he’s staring at. “Merlin, is she your soulmate or something?”
Notts heart skips a beat, “What are you talking about? O-Of course she’s not,” trying his best to play it off.
Berkshire gives Nott a look, “You constantly follow her around, you threatened Cedric to not make a move even though he has a soulmate, you always save a blueberry muffin at breakfast in case she sits with us, you always-”
“Are you a detective or something?” Nott says narrowing his eyes.
“Listen, I just think that, if you have something to say…you should say it before it’s too late. I should go, I’m meeting Olivia but…think about it,” he says as he gets up leaving to meet his soulmate, a glint in his eyes.
“Wait,” Nott stops Berkshire, “Don’t tell anyone.”
“I promise.”
As he sits there waiting for you to finish with Cedric, the words Berkshire said can’t leave his mind. Cedric’s soulmate walks up to the table with a smile greeting Y/N, his arrival makes Cedric get up and says goodbye to you.
Nott takes this opportunity to walk up to your table and simply sit down across from you, taking Cedric’s former seat. You simply stare at him, not knowing what to say. His eyes are so brown, his hair looks so soft, and his sweater looks so warm you just want to reach over and feel every part of him.
You’re both staring at each other in silence, both afraid to make the first move, your heart is beating so fast and you can’t think of a single thing to say to him.
He takes a deep breath, looks in your eyes and says, “I know you probably don’t want to talk to me right now but I can’t stop thinking about you and colors are brighter when you’re in the room, I need to see your smile and hear your laugh everyday or else I- I can’t think about anything else and you seem so okay but I-”
To say you’re in shock is an understatement, you’re afraid to open your mouth unsure of what will come out. You reach over the table and hold his hand in an attempt to calm him down, “I’m not okay,” you say looking down at your hands as he starts drawing circles, “I think about you all the time, it’s exhausting.”
“I never thought finding my soulmate would feel like this, I never thought choosing my own path would be the wrong option.” You give him your biggest smile and he stares at you with a glint in his eyes you’ve never seen before. “So, how should we go on about this? Do we tell everyone now?”
You let out a nervous chuckle, “How about we start to get to know each other first?”
“I already know everything about you. You love blueberry muffins, cats, you don’t have a favorite flower because they’re too hard to choose from, you don’t drink your drink until after you finish eating, you hate people who chew with their mouth open, you-”
“Okay! Wow, you really do know me. Have you been purposefully following me?” You say in a teasing tone, your heart warming at the fact that your soulmate knows you, the real you.
You see his cheeks heat up and his head lower, “What? No! Uh-no, I-”
“Nott,” you say pulling your hands back from his, giving him a small smile, “I’m just joking around.”
He grabs your hands back pulling them into his, the warmth of his hands helping with the cold of the library. “It’s Theo.”
Your cheeks warm up, ��It’s Y/N.”
It’s been a week since the conversation in the library and having a soulmate was better than you have ever heard. Theo and you haven’t gone further than holding hands in secret and sharing pecks on the cheeks and the corner of each other’s mouth. It has been excruciating holding back from kissing him, but you want him to make the first move.
For the past week, you woke up early in the morning to meet with Theo before breakfast. You told your friends you went to the library to get some extra study hours in. For some reason, they never questioned you and you never questioned that.
They don’t know you meet Theo in either The Room of Requirement or an empty classroom and just talk about anything and everything. Before it was blueberry muffins and now this is the best way to start your days.
This morning you’re laying on the couch in the Room of Requirement with him on top of you as you play with his hair in silence. “Can I admit something to you?”
“Of course you can,” you say furrowing your brows.
He looks up, grinning like a devil, causing you to stop playing with his hair. “I tripped you. When we met, I saw you walking, I saw you in your mind and for some reason I just wanted to…touch you. Which I knew I needed to do because I’ve never felt that way. I’ve never wanted to feel someone’s skin against mine. I don’t want to keep secrets just to keep you.” His voice getting deeper as he talks and your heart beating faster as the air grows thick with something you’re unfamiliar with.
You can’t look away and your skin is burning. Was it always so hot in here? You don’t know what to say. His eyes are so brown, the brown you love. You only have one thing to say, “Kiss me.”
He doesn’t hesitate, holding himself up with his right hand so you’re laying underneath him. He grabs your jaw with his left hand and immediately places his lips on yours. The kiss starts off gently, with you running your fingers through his hair, as you pull on it he immediately begins deepening the kiss, his left hand now cupping the back of your head pulling on your hair.
Typically when walking towards the Great Hall with Theo, you both arrive before anyone and walk to your separate tables, waiting for your friends without suspicion. However this time, with everything that happened, you two were a little late.
You both arrive at the Great Hall and see your friends sitting together, giving you both looks as if they’ve been expecting you. Now your mind is racing with probabilities. Is your shirt ruffled? Is your hair out of place? Are Theo’s buttons unbuttoned? Is Theo’s hair ruffled?
Theo and you sit down seats away from each other as casual as you can as if that would be less suspicious. You serve yourself breakfast, ignoring the silence and obvious topic you’re trying to avoid.
Riddle scoffs, “Okay, I’m tired of this, when are you two going to tell us?” He says looking only at Theo.
“What are you talking about?” Theo says, furrowing his brows feigning confusion.
Ariana speaks up, “Y/N, we really thought you would tell us if anything happened.”
“I understand why you wouldn’t but finding your soulmate is something massive that you needed time to process-”
You cut Sophia off, “Soulmate? So you all know then.”
“We know.” They all say in unison.
“Wait, how? Besides Berkshire who promised not to tell…” Theo said.
“Wait Berkshire figured it out?” You ask.
Berkshire nods his head as he says, “Oh c’mon it was so obvious. He was stalking her, obsessed with blueberry muffins, his mood would change when she was around, he switched seats to be near her, guys around her would suddenly not be-”
Theo narrows his eyes, “Okay, you could’ve stopped a long time ago. We get it.”
You look at your friends, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you guys, it was all just complicated.”
They all look at each other and Violet smiles, “We get it Y/N, we all noticed you’ve been happier too.”
Ariana adds in a teasing tone, “Plus you two weren’t that secretive walking back to the dorms before curfew. I must say though, you actually looked cute, his arm around your shoulder.”
Your cheeks warm up, the fact that they know and it’s now official, setting in.
You turn to Theo, finding him already staring at you. You immediately give him a smile and look into his eyes, his eyes are so brown, the brown you love. He smiles back and-
“Yuck! You two are disgusting, I’m trying to eat my breakfast here,” Malfoy says.
“Alright Theo, let go,” you say getting up from the table ready to get away, “we’ll see you guys later.”
“Theo?” All the boys say in unison.
Theo intertwines your fingers together, glad he doesn’t have to hide you two anymore. “Just keep walking,” he says. However as he leads you out of the Great Hall you don’t miss the teasing “Aw’s” coming from your friends.
He leads you out of the Great Hall, into an empty classroom. He closes the door after you enter and presses you up against the door. He holds your face in his hand, “Please tell me they didn’t scare you off.”
You tilt your head back while laughing, “Of course not.” You peck his lips and pull back too fast for his liking.
“Good because, for whatever it’s worth…I love you, ain’t that the worst thing you ever heard?” He says looking down at you with a shy smile.
You wrap your arms around his neck, shaking your head, “I love you,” pulling him down so your lips could meet.
You pull back and stare into his eyes, his brown eyes, the brown you love so much.
send any requests you would like thank you
I totally edited this after I posted
I know theo doesn’t have brown eyes btw it’s more of a reader(me) thing thanks
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beegomess · 2 months
How others see you as a couple || Slytherin boys
Summary: Just other people's impressions of you as a couple. Warmings: None. Requests are open!
masterlist here
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Blaise Zabini
You have a bond that everyone envies;
Everyone comments on how you are the definition of "soulmates";
You are the couple that inspires others to believe in true love;
Your friends ask you for love advice;
You have such a deep connection that it seems like you can read each other's minds.
Draco Malfoy
The affection between you was evident in every gesture;
The connection between you was palpable, even in silence;
It was impossible not to notice the undeniable chemistry between you;
Other people felt attracted to the energy you emanated together;
The trust you had when you were together was seemingly unshakable.
Lorenzo Berkshire
You were the example of genuine and pure love;
Everyone saw you as a dream couple;
Your happiness was contagious to those around you;
The simplicity of your love was charming to everyone;
The way you cared for each other was admirable.
Mattheo Riddle
You were always a recurring topic in the hallways;
The jealousy was evident, but no one could ignore the chemistrybetween you;
The most talked about and envied couple in school;
The teachers were often bothered by the intensity of your relationship;
No matter where you were, you always drew attention;
The gossip about the two of you was constant, but it never shook the relationship;
Disapproving looks from teachers who caught you in empty classrooms were also not uncommon.
Theodore Nott
Everyone noticed the intensity of the feeling between you
Many girls felt a pang of envy when they saw you together;
It was impossible not to notice how you completed each other;
The few times Theo showed joy, it was because of you;
Theo's smile was more frequent when you were around;
You were the couple that everyone talked about and admired.
Tom Riddle
You were watched with cautious, if discreet, eyes;
Dumbledore and other teachers showed a special interest in you, given your affinity for dark magic;
You rarely showed affection in public, maintaining an aura of mystery around your relationship;
To outside observers, you seemed indecipherable, hiding your true intentions and feelings.
xoxo, bee🫶🏼✨
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musingsofahufflepuff · 5 months
the urge to write but not actually write
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