#source pauls insta story
mariaforeverfangirl · 21 days
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pagetgram · 7 months
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John Gemberling, Corin Wells, Caroline Martin, Nicole Redford, Paul F. Tompkins, Bobby Moynihan, Patrick Cotnoir & Paget Brewster on stage after "Untitled Improv Project"
(via @we_create_here instastory)
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fivetrench · 6 months
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Repost of some stuff from my insta stories because I feel like almost every dano!riddler fan I come across ships riddlebat and it grosses me out.. (More below cut)
Like guys,, it’s ok. You can be involved in a fandom without shipping the characters. You don’t have to. You’re grasping at something that barely counts as straws.
If you have to pervert a character’s personality to the point where they’re unrecognizable compared to canon in order to make a ship work, maybe the ship doesn’t make sense????
Yall literally disembowel edward’s character & force his remains into a ‘yandere twink’ mold in order to make a relationship between him & bruce plausible. It’s so fucking disrespectful??
Not to mention so many riddlebat shippers completely strip edward of his defining physical features (prominent nose, round face, heavy body type, etc) in order to make him look ‘cute’ compared to bruce. Like guys maybe you just aren’t fucking attracted to him??? Maybe you don’t like his appearance or personality??? Maybe you need to stop headcanoning him to oblivion and realize that you don’t like the source material??
Sorry this is so ranty but I fucking love paul dano & his version of the riddler and the fanbase is just?? so fucking disrespectful to them???? Like you guys are forcing him into a frame he doesn’t fit and then falling in love with the frame. Like that’s not him. You literally made that up.
Ugh anyways sorry if this seems really aggressive but I love edward sm & I feel like most of his fans are unable to appreciate him for who he actually is.
Synopsis ⬇️
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Okay so i kinda do believe that Paul hooks up with a lot of women. I definitely don’t think that he like sleeps with like every single one of those deux moi ppl or anything. But he mostly follows women on insta, some random ones only he follows. And the men he follows are mostly, if not all, queer (especially his “friends” lol).
Or i might be wrong. We’re just speculating here, doesn’t mean it’s real. But i do believe that he might be a little bit of a whore. The “quiet”, “goody two shoes” always are. Good for him!
Oh yeah. No doubt he gets about and enjoys being hot, young and single. I believe the stories in the Streetcar era where he got about a lot and was a messer. Sources, I actually believe, have said he picked up a lot of women after shows and I believe it. Women ran with this era and now every woman in London claims to have riden him.
If we are speculating. I think his mental health dived a lot post-Phoebe and the stuff with his mum, and I think he expressed it in a certain way. Not sure if he is still doing this as the reports have dived.
I am not sure I think he's a whore because in his first years of being famous, he chose to be committed and in a serious relationship. The way he talks about relationships and love isn't really fuckboyish but maybe he's a good talker who can sell a movie.
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catholicartistsnyc · 4 years
Meet Theresa Ambat
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THERESA AMBAT is a music composer, producer, and sound designer based in Seattle, WA. [website]
From Theresa: 
I have my own personal music on Spotify and Apple Music and I just started doing freelance music production for film and video games. I also sometimes compose music using a programming language called SuperCollider. 
CATHOLIC ARTIST CONNECTION (CAC): Where are you from originally, and what brought you to Seattle?
THERESA AMBAT (TA): I was born in Japan and moved to Washington as a baby (dad was in the Navy). Lived in a small town for most of my life, then moved to Seattle to study Computer Music at the University of Washington. I now work for a parish in the greater-Seattle area!
CAC: How do understand your vocation as a Catholic artist? Do you call yourself a Catholic artist?
TA: I'd say that I'm a Catholic who is an artist. My vocation is to be a follower of Christ, and creating music is a major way for me to do that. I'm not a praise & worship artist and my work isn't always explicitly Christian, but my work is built on the foundation that is my faith and relationship with the Lord. Everything I create is for Jesus.
All I desire is to share truth, beauty, and goodness through my art. If someone can encounter Christ through my work -- whether that be by feelings of peace and solidarity, or something as incredible as conversion of the heart -- that brings me so much joy. 
CAC: Where in Seattle do you regularly find spiritual fulfillment?
TA: I was a part of a really wonderful Catholic community called the Prince of Peace Catholic Newman Center when I was in college. If you're a college student or young adult in the Seattle area, I'd highly recommend getting involved there! They've got Dominicans, tons of young people looking to explore their faith, awesome events, just overall an A+++ community. That place played a serious role in my relationship with Christ -- I don't know where I'd be without it. 
CAC: What is your daily spiritual practice?
TA: I've been struggling a little bit with daily prayer habits since starting full-time work--I guess I'm still trying to figure out a good routine. But since I work at a church I have the opportunity to do a holy hour and go to mass once a week which is great. Usually when I get home I pray a rosary with my family. I've also been reading "The Mystical Journey to Divine Union" by John Paul Thomas which is about St. John of the Cross.
I found my spiritual director Fr. Marcin during my senior year of college. At the time I was making a pretty big life decision about my future: to accept a position as a FOCUS missionary or stay in Washington to further my music career. Fr. Marcin was actually the person who kept telling me I needed to find a spiritual director, haha. We already had a good friendship by then so I just asked him! In the end, I discerned that the Lord was calling me to stay in Washington to live out mission in my job/music. 
CAC: Describe a recent day in which you were most completely living out your vocation as an artist.
TA: When in-person shows were still a thing, I performed for a SoFar Seattle show in January. It was my first paid gig ever and like, 20 of my friends (who are also Catholic) came. I think they filled up almost a third of the venue.
What's cool about SoFar shows is that the audience remains completely silent during your performances. No phones, no talking, people have to stay for the ENTIRE show, giving you the artist full-freedom to share your work without the fear of people not paying attention.
Before performing I talked about how I was Catholic, the ways the Lord was working in my life at the time, and how they related to my music. Being in secular Seattle, it was absolutely terrifying! But wow, I was received so well. After the show people started sharing with me how my story/music resonated with their own stories. If they were Catholic or not, I have no idea!
The Lord was SERIOUSLY present that night. All of my friends who came are incredible witnesses of Christ and it was just so cool to even see them interact with other people at the show and share Christ -- not by bible thumping or swinging around rosaries -- but simply by their presence and the joy that bleeds out of them.
Thinking back, yeah, I really wanted to share Christ with others through my music that night. But I'm now realizing how much of an impact my friends had on the show. Just imagine walking into a venue where THAT many people are striving for sainthood. The environment changes. I really felt like I was a part of the body of Christ that night.  
CAC: How do you financially support yourself as an artist?
TA: I currently have a full-time job at a really wonderful parish which is my main source of income. I only started freelancing maybe 2.5 months ago but to my surprise it's been flourishing well! Creating a personal website and demo reel made it really easy to share my work with others and I've found most of my gigs through the Catholic Creatives facebook group as well as Instagram.
The biggest piece of advice I have for finding work is to use social media as a tool. Document your process on instagram, create a demo reel and put it on the front page of your website, post on the Catholic Creatives facebook group! 
[Editor’s Note: Remember, you can also post in the Catholic Artist Connection Facebook group and send and find notices in the newsletter!] 
I know we all cringe at the idea of "networking" but if you think about it in the lens of evangelization, it's actually quite beautiful. No, I'm not saying that you need to "convert" people in your tweets and insta posts. But just remember that very interaction you have with a person is sacred and is an opportunity to love. Even in the digital world. When people see your joy and desire to serve, they can tell you're serious about your art and will want to work with you.
In the future (maybe 5ish years from now) I'd love to make freelance music production a full-time career. I still have quite a ways to go but I know the Lord is asking me to be patient and invest in the season that I'm in now. Transitioning out of college it's very easy to focus so heavily on the far future that we miss out on what's happening right in front of us. I'm really grateful for the opportunities the Lord has given me to serve now. 
CAC: What are your top 3 pieces of advice for Catholic artists post-graduation?
TA: 1. Post-graduation is REALLY hard. Especially during this COVID-19 pandemic. You're going to be told a lot of lies by Satan, but just remember that that's all he is. A liar.
Jesus? He is truth. So in response to each of those lies you might hear, just remember a truth that Jesus is telling you.
2. Invite God into your creative process! Make your work a prayer, write something in the adoration chapel, ask God what he thinks about your work, etc. I recorded my first album in front of the tabernacle and the Lord has blessed that piece of work in so many ways.
3. DO IT! Just do it. That thing you've been wanting to make for 72589247329 years, just start. It's never too late to just start. Stop letting your expectations for yourself get in the way. Stop waiting to get that "one piece of gear" that will make/break your project. God gave you a gift for a reason--to bring glory to his kingdom. Use it!
Let's be saints, together!
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oneoffoddities · 4 years
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Google Doc LINK @talon_simon (reposted from): with ways to support Mi’kmaq in Digby. (UPDATE) - Sept. 23 11:19am - List of Supplies Needed Updated, more news stories and sources updated When sending funds to the emails below, make sure to clarify that they are for food and supplies for people on the frontlines. - [email protected] - THE OFFICIAL 1752 MODERATE LIVELIHOOD - [email protected] - Tara Marie Francis - [email protected] - Chief Andrea Paul Supplies Needed (Food supplied well right now): Large bins, utensils, meal prep/disposable Tupperware & sharpy markers. For allies bring: Flashlights, First-Aid Kits, Blankets, Firewood on site at 60 Saulnierville Road, NS. - contact [email protected] with questions about this document (original creator) - @charlierosecon on Twitter - @charcon on Insta Typo at the bottom: Go to www.kukukwes.com #1752Treaty #TreatyRights #EastCoastLobsterStrong #Mikmaq (at One Off Oddities) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFgEcA6JDPf/?igshid=1m9pc9iiy3367
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pass-the-bechdel · 5 years
Marvel Cinematic Universe: Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
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Does it pass the Bechdel Test?
Yes, once.
How many female characters (with names and lines) are there?
Seven (30.43% of cast).
How many male characters (with names and lines) are there?
Positive Content Rating:
General Film Quality:
Significantly flawed, and well-known in fandom for it. Unpopular opinion? I still think it’s better than the first Avengers film.
MORE INFO (and potential spoilers) UNDER THE CUT:
Passing the Bechdel:
Natasha and Laura pass in a single-line trade. It’s sooo close to not counting.
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Female characters:
Natasha Romanoff.
Wanda Maximoff.
Maria Hill.
Helen Cho.
Peggy Carter.
Laura Barton.
Male characters:
Tony Stark.
Steve Rogers.
Clint Barton.
Pietro Maximoff.
Bruce Banner.
Sam Wilson.
James Rhodes.
Ulysses Klaue.
Nick Fury.
Erik Selvig.
Everyone talking about Strucker like we already know who he is...
The “Shit!”/”Language!” gag was funnier before they hung a lantern on it. Not least because it takes almost a full minute before Tony harks back to it (fifty seconds, actually. I checked). If you’re gonna make a Thing out of it, you gotta follow up immediately, not after fifty seconds of cutting around to different character intros and action shots and a whole lot of other dialogue. 
Urrgghh, ok, I’m going to break my standing rule about not discussing source material, because we gotta acknowledge the colossal wrongness of re-writing the Maximoff twins - canonically Jewish Romani - as willing volunteers in a Nazi science experiment. It gets worse the more you think about it. There are a few things about this movie which generated significant negative outcry, and this incredibly offensive decision is one of them.
Tony and Thor fighting over who has a better girlfriend does have a certain charm to it. If you’re gonna have a testosterone-off, it might as well be about how great your partner is.
I got a zero out of ten on this out-of-nowhere forced romance crap with Natasha and Bruce. We’ll come back to this later.
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“I will be reinstituting Prima Nocta,” Tony declares, as he prepares to lift Thor’s hammer and thereby theoretically take charge of the Nine Realms. Primae noctis (believed to in fact be a myth) refers to a supposed Dark-Ages law that granted lords the ‘right’ to take the virginity of any newlywed peasant woman who lived on their land. So, this is a wonderful little rape joke from Tony (or, y’know, not so little, since primae noctis in reality would make Tony a serial rapist). Ha ha ha ha. Hilarious. Good one.
I’m really mad about the parts here that are total garbage, because mostly, the revels sequence has a nice low-key quality to it, good solid team dynamics. 
I can’t fucking believe that they played the ‘and then Bruce falls with his face in Natasha’s cleavage!’ gag. I cannot believe it. Is this a disgusting frat-boy comedy from the nineties?
Honestly, Tony, just shut up and admit that you KNEW from the get-go that it was wrong to try and make Ultron happen (that is why you kept it secret from everyone else to begin with); don’t try to defend the decision now that you’ve got a ‘murderbot’ on your hands. Take responsibility for a bad choice instead of talking shit about how you had to and everyone else is just too short-sighted, damn it! 
Andy Serkis is delightful.
The Iron Man/Hulk fight absolutely KILLS the momentum of this film. It goes for way the fuck too long (eight minutes) and has no narrative significance at all. Pro tip for action scenes: they should always be driving the story somewhere. You can pull off eighty minutes of action so long as your plot is advancing alongside/within it.
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Also, Iron Man causes a huge amount of additional damage during this fight, in the service of the aforementioned pointless action. His efforts to minimise Hulk’s effects are extremely poor, and calling in his relief organisation to clean up after the fact does not negate that. 
Gotta love that throwing a wife and kids at Hawkeye at the same time as we suddenly start pushing this Natasha/Bruce thing. That’s not transparent at all. I also understand this to be a major deviation from Clint’s identity in the comics, and very unpopular with fans for that reason, but regardless; reinventing him as a family man to reset the romantic blather after baiting fans with the possibility of Clint/Natasha in the first Avengers movie is such a shitty move. I was not invested in the ship myself and would have loved to have them reinforce the just-friends relationship between Hawkeye and Black Widow, because there are not enough platonic friendships between compatible men and women in fiction, but 'they’re not interested in each other because they’re busy with someone else!’ is a weak reinforcement indeed. Less forced romances, and definitely less token wifey who exists for no other Goddamn reason at all. This comes out of nowhere, and not in a clever-surprise kind of way.
“You still think you’re the only monster on the team?” Natasha says, after telling Bruce about her sterilisation. This earned a HUGE backlash, and for good reason - despite all arguments about how what Natasha meant was that her being raised to be an assassin makes her a monster, the direct implication of her words as they are phrased and as the discussion is structured is that her inability to have children makes her monstrous, and that’s deeply offensive. It’s also completely in keeping with a narrative which is often played out against women, in which their value as people is attributed directly to their ability to produce offspring, so it’s not even like this outrageous implication of monstrosity - the corruption of what it means to be female! - is that unusual. It’s awful, but not unusual. Add on the fact that 1) Natasha’s nightmare-flashes specifically foregrounded her sterilisation over all other details of her training, supporting the idea that she believes that it’s what makes her irredeemable (instead of, y’know, all the murdering and stuff), and 2) this is Joss Whedon’s work and he is OBSESSED with highlighting the womanhood of his female characters and treating it like their defining trait while also variously punishing them for it, and you’ve got every reason to interpret this terrible fucking line as exactly the heinous thing it (presumably, unwittingly) seems to be. 
Steve ripping a log in half with his bare hands is the funniest thing in this whole movie.
Thor’s brief side-adventure with Erik Selvig is pretty out-of-place. He just...goes for a swim in a convenient magic pond that Selvig chances to know about. Seems normal.
Ultron is full of such boring, empty rhetoric. Reminds me of Loki in The Avengers, with all that sound-and-fury. 
I love Paul Bettany.
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Man, they sure do find Natasha instantly. It’s almost like making a damsel-in-distress of her who needs to be rescued by the team was completely meaningless...
Breaking my no-BTS rule (since I already have done for this movie at this point) because it’s well-known how Joss Whedon ordered Elizabeth Olsen not to show exertion or ‘ugly emotion’ on her face in this film, because God forbid she compromise her attractiveness by being human. Joss Whedon is not human; he’s fucking trash. 
The final fight sure does just, y’know, get to a point where it ends. They really did not ratchet up the tension over the course of the Sokovia conflict, it just goes along until it stops (also, they say Sokovia is a country, but then they never call the city anything else, it’s just Sokovia. Is the city conveniently named after the country (very confusing), or is it a city-country, like The Vatican? I kinda assume it’s option three, which is that no one bothered to care because it’s just some fake European placeholder anyway and we’re not supposed to notice such a dumb oversight).
“I was born yesterday.” This is the best quip in this whole thinks-it-is-way-wittier-than-it-is movie.
Helen Cho deserved better than to be a prop rapidly dismissed and then just trotted past at the end for an ‘oh, she survived, btw’. 
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Back when I reviewed the first Avengers movie, I said that I considered that film to be heavily overrated, so maybe it’s not such a surprise that I actually like this one better. The two primary problems I had with that first film were the overly simplistic plot, and the fact that most of the characters were OOC compared to previous films, and this movie does do better on both scores, so I feel more engaged by it, and less annoyed. That said...this movie has still got a lot of problems, and those include iffy characterisation and a plot with various holes, nonsensical complications, and conveniently ignored or smoothed-down dynamics. When I say I like this movie better than the first one, I mean just that: I like this better. That does not mean I am here to sing its praises. 
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The tacked-on romance is part of the problem - for Clint as well as Natasha (but especially for Natasha). After Hawkeye was so heavily under-used in the first film (and his slightly-ambiguous relationship with Black Widow was the only human element that made him a character instead of a prop), Age of Ultron attempts to compensate by giving Clint a personal life, in the form of a magically-appearing heavily-pregnant wife and a pair of nameless children. The function of this family appears to be 1) to give Clint a reason to not be interested in Natasha, and 2) to ‘humanise’ him by giving him something to fight for and get home to, because we all know nothing legitimises a character quite like some otherwise-irrelevant dependents. Want a man to seem lovable and important? Give him a pregnant wife. That’s what women are for, anyway, right? To enhance a man’s story? In this case, to provide a man whose purpose in the story has been contested with insta-personality, because ‘he’s secretly a family man, ooh, twist!’ is way better than having to spend time on giving him something to do in the plot that is actually meaningful in some way. Great logic. Makes Hawkeye super dynamic, right? 
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Natasha, unsurprisingly, is hit much, much harder. As the only female avenger and one of only two prominent female characters in a cast which has seven-to-nine male characters of equal or greater importance/screen time (YMMV on whether or not you think Fury and Vision count for that list), the pressure is already on for Natasha to be served up a quality narrative, because if she doesn’t get one, well...she doesn’t have six-to-eight alternative characters to pull the weight for her gender. The best solve for this problem would be to avoid the ‘Token Woman’ cliche in the first place, but since we missed that boat...not having the personal story of your only primary female character revolve completely around her womanhood and her catering to heteronormative expectations of a love interest would have been a good choice. This weird, forced, chemistry-free thing with Bruce Banner? Was the worst thing they could have used to define Natasha’s presence in the film. It sticks out like a sore thumb every time they have an awkward interaction, and it leads in to that atrocious ‘monstrous infertility’ element (though that particular egregious mistake could have been included with or without a romantic blunder, it...probably wouldn’t be, and we’d all be the better off). Even the Hulk-whisperer part of the relationship - while not awful on its own with all the unnecessary romance and Unresolved Sexual Not-Tension removed - serves to highlight Natasha’s female-ness by making her the soft maternal figure for the team, because God forbid one of the other male members of the team be asked to ASMR-speak to the Hulk while delicately caressing his hand. If Natasha’s presence in the first Avengers film leaned too heavily on her gender identity as a defining trait (and it did), this movie doesn’t fix that problem at all: it doubles down on it. 
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The good news for most of the excess of male characters is, they by-and-large don’t feel as OOC as they did in the first film. The boorish romantic entanglement aside, Bruce Banner is still a naturalistic character highlight (all credit to Mark Ruffalo, who probably doesn’t know how to turn in a bad performance in the first place), and Thor’s dialogue is way less ridiculous this time ‘round, so he lands a lot closer to his personality from previous films simply by virtue of sounding like the same guy (unfortunately, the plot does not have the faintest idea what it wants to do with him as a character). Steve Rogers is still being written as if being Captain America is his character, which is a fundamental misunderstanding of his identity, albeit one which conveniently allows him to behave in a stereotypical self-righteously bland manner, thus avoiding the need for any nuance in his perspective or actions. This borderline fanfic-flamer ‘Captain America is my least favourite character so I’m going to write him as a boring stick-in-the-mud and then hopefully no one else will like him either!’ approach doesn’t grate quite as badly as it did in the first Avengers, and it can’t cancel out the innate level-headed charm of Chris Evans, so as disappointing as the bias is, it’s still a better balance here than it was last time. The one character who is not so flatteringly handled, however? Also happens to be the one who was arguably handled best last time, and unfortunately, he’s the one who is essentially treated as the ‘lead’. 
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The big problem for Tony Stark is that this movie is not interested in digging in to the pathos of any character, it’s all-flash-no-substance on that front, and Tony really, really needed a less heavy-handed slathering of ‘afraid of what might come (feat. messiah complex)’ to motivate his actions and reactions in this film, because without any exploration he’s basically just a billionaire kid playing with matches. If this were an Iron Man film (either the first or third one, anyway), we’d get into some tasty deconstruction of Tony’s mental state and confront his hubris, etc, and - crucially, most crucial of all, it’s a mainstay of all his past stories in the MCU - Tony would own up to his mistakes, listen to the advice of those around him, and take contrite steps toward fixing the problem not just in the direct sense of ‘beating the bad guy’, but also in the personal and emotional sense of working on his own flaws and making amends with the people he hurt along the way. This movie offers none of that. To begin with, Tony’s ‘I know best and I will not be taking any questions’ approach to creating Ultron feels like a significant step backwards in his character development so far (Iron Man 3 was specifically about addressing his PTSD and associated tumultuous emotions surrounding the fear of imminent alien invasion, so his reactionary and secretive behaviour in this film feels particularly out-of-touch with a mental reality Tony has been explicitly working on for the past couple of years); Tony is actively aware that it’s a bad call and thus hides it from the other Avengers until it’s too late, and then he’s bizarrely unrepentant about his mistake. Worst of all, he actually attempts to repeat that mistake, only worse, late in the film (the fact that his idiotic ‘mad scientist’ pep talk actually convinces Bruce to help him again is the weakest character moment for Bruce outside of the aforementioned romance crap). The plot rewards Tony’s second, far worse mistake, in the creation of Vision, who turns out to be ‘worthy of wielding Thor’s Hammer’ and whatnot and conveniently provides every necessary skill to defeat Ultron in a deus ex machina so overt you could use it as a textbook example, so even though Tony had absolutely no way of knowing that he’d get a good result this time and almost every reason to believe he’d just compound the existing problem, his reckless disregard for the literal safety of the planet is treated like a good thing because it happens to work out this time, and they just kinda sweep under the rug the fact that Tony is playing God (and being uncharacteristically stupid and selfish about it - in other films, Tony is normally only reckless with his own safety, and it’s when his actions spill out into unintended consequences for others that he realises the error of his ways and cues up a positive learning curve; it’s what makes him palatable). At the end of the film, once Ultron is gone and Tony has thrown some dispassionate wads of cash into ‘relief efforts’, he strolls and quips and eventually drives off into the sunset in his expensive car, with nary a mention of, I dunno, maybe a little guilty conscience? Maybe a hint of having learned a valuable lesson? The closest he gets is just suggesting that it might be time he retires from Avenging, but neither he nor anyone else lets on that there’s a need for serious self-reflection. The Tony Stark in this movie is the nightmarish male-fantasy version of the character, the playboy with the cool tech and no limits who does whatever he wants and then...literally rides off into the sunset in the end, no muss, no fuss. He’s kinda like a complete reversion to his original self, pre-Iron Man, frittering money around and designing weapons of mass destruction while convincing himself he’s bringing peace to the world one explosion at a time, but that Tony has no business here, seven years of character development down the track.
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While we’re talking iffy characterisation, we should also segue into plot, and that’s something we can do easily enough by looking at our villain, Ultron. Calling Ultron an actual character feels...ambitious. He’s a CGI robot full of empty rhetoric and, you guessed it, more of those quips that this movie has in place of any meaningful dialogue. I’d call him self-fellating, but he ain’t got nothing to fellate, so instead he just blathers a lot in a manner that sounds vaguely poetically intelligent but is, upon a moment’s consideration, just vapid nonsense (much like Loki in the first Avengers, as noted above, but at least Loki had the benefit of a flesh-and-blood actor delivering his lines with conviction; James Spader does solid work as the voice of Ultron, but trying to make a CGI robot who spouts a school-kid’s attempt at edgy philosophy sound like a genuine menace is an uphill battle). Speaking of genuine menace, I assume the reason the film is called Age of Ultron is because A Couple of Days of Ultron Causing Disturbances in a Handful of Specific Locations was too much. For all the big talk (and there is..so much), Ultron doesn’t get up to all that much trouble, most notably in the sense that he apparently has his code all over the internet and yet he doesn’t bother stirring up a single ounce of chaos with that ungodly power. Why bother including this as an element of the character if it achieves zero story? Is it purely to make Ultron seem ~unstoppable~ because he keeps downloading into new robots? Because it didn’t really land, y’all. They try to play it like a big victory for the good guys when Vision burns Ultron out of the ‘net, but in context it’s meaningless because he didn’t do anything while he was there. Pretty much everything about Ultron was all talk, little to no action - even a whole bunch of the trouble he did cause happened off-screen, with Maria Hill just popping in to let us know that ‘there are reports of metal men stealing shit’. Cheers, cool. And you know, Ultron makes a song and dance about how he’s going to save the world by ‘ending the Avengers’, but then he...does not pursue that at all. He tries to make himself a pretty body, the Avengers thwart him, and then he enacts a doomsday machine to destroy all life on Earth. Like every other aspect of the character, the whole ‘end the Avengers’ schtick is just white noise, there’s no meaning in it. Ultron is just a same-old-same ‘What if Artificial Intelligence wants to WIPE US OUT?!’ cliche, and maybe that’s what he was in the comics too, I don’t know, but it’s the job of the film to tell that story in a dynamic way, and they had two and a half hours to do it. And yet.
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There should be more to this than a nondescript placeholder villain concept and a series of action set pieces that just kinda happen until they stop. At least the first Avengers had some variety in each of its action sequences, using the location and the different skills and weapons of its antagonists, whereas this one is just ‘there are robots and the good guys punched and shot them until they were all broken, the end’. Even making the city fly in the end doesn’t actually make it interesting, not least because the characters spend most of their time running around the (weirdly, perfectly stable) streets not having to deal with any consequences of being up in the air anyway, and the doomsday device is too nebulous to ratchet up any real tension about figuring out how to deal with it. The conflicts with the Maximoff twins have at least some spark of life in them, but the characters themselves are treated to an over-simplified and very contrived narrative arc that uses what they do and what they know more as plot devices than as details of actual people’s lives, leading to a cheap death for Pietro so that Wanda will be distracted enough to abandon the big ol’ doomsday button, and it’s just all so convenient. There’s no heart in any of it, and it makes the moments that try to have heart all the more embarrassing and out-of-place (don’t even get me started on what a prescribed attempt at tugging the heart-strings it is to have Hawkeye name his magnificently well-timed newborn after Pietro, because DAMN). When I said I liked this movie better than the first Avengers, I meant just that: I like this better. That’s not to suggest that it is significantly better in any sense, because it isn’t, and I can’t even argue that this one has a better story, because honestly, it doesn’t. The first film made more sense, it was just less interesting to watch, and the things about it that were contrived were contrived in different ways. The first film was weaker and more irritating on character, and character is always the most important part of a story for me, so as annoyed as I am by the major character blunders in Age of Ultron, I’m still not as annoyed as I was after The Avengers. That is damning with the faintest of praise; this is just not a particularly good movie, it makes a poor use of its cast at the best of times, delivers a sub-par action extravaganza, and the script is not half as witty as it gleefully convinces itself that it is. It comes as no surprise, I’m sure, that I am very glad a certain writer/director departed the franchise after disappointing everyone with this outing. I say I like this better than the first Avengers, but gee, it’s a close call.
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spidermaninlove · 5 years
okay here is my question, and thank you for running such a smooth, great tomdaya blog. One, you've explain how the secret is being kept. But does anybody find it kind of odd that nobody on any set has spilled or sold their story to tabloids? Not one person has blabbed, other than that young actress/Skye's mom? I mean caterers, guards, props, nobody has spilled the beans?? nope not an anti, just somebody astonished at this beautiful couple's well kept secret
1) Not everyone knows about them.  An actor visiting another actor on set in LA on occasion isn’t uncommon.  Paul Wesley recently visited his former costar, Nina Dobrev, on the set of Fam and she even ran to him and hugged him.  If I didn’t know Paul is married, that would have looked suspect to me.  I’m pretty sure Tom and Z don’t display PDA on set, and Tom isn’t in LA that often.  Now if Z showed up on set in AL, that would look suspect.
2) Did you not see the People article?  If not, I’ll post the link below.  Someone definitely sold them out.  Here’s an excerpt from that article:  “They started seeing each other while they were filming Spider-Man,” says the source. “They’ve been super careful to keep it private and out of the public eye but they’ve gone on vacations with each other and try and spend as much time as possible with one another.”  
3)  Noelle Devoe, who published an article in Seventeen, and who dubbed them Tomdaya, reported they had “insane chemistry” while doing The Hollywood Reporter photoshoot.  It was obvious to Noelle, the captain of our ship, and she said so!  
4)  Some people are careful to keep it private, but sometimes they slip.  It may be subtle and you have to look for it, but it happens.  For example, @ebe525 recently shared with me in DM that during Haz’s sister, Charlotte’s, live story on Insta, her friends were acting suspicious when talking about Z.  Let me see if I can find the DM. 
Harrison’s sister, Charlotte, is doing an insta live with her friends. It’s a mess but people keep asking about Tom and if he is single. Charlotte has been trying to just ignore those questions. It’s been going on for awhile. I’m listening to it while I clean.  She has only answered questions like saying yes she knows T and Tuwaine, and she said she had met Zendaya and Jake. One of her friends also said she met Zendaya then she made a funny look like “Oh, I shouldn’t have admitted that.”  The friends clearly were told not to talk about Z and T because you can see them readin the comments about them (not out loud) and then they look at each other like signaling to each other “don’t say anything” - being typical 15/16 year olds. 
Charlotte is good. She is good at just ignoring those comments, but her friends are making a lot of eye contact with each other. 
She said it under her breath (”Oh, I shouldn’t have admitted that”) but you could understand what she was saying. But their eye contact was cracking me up. Not very subtle. Someone even commented near the end of it that they thought Charlotte had warned her friend not to mention Tom or Zendaya on the live.  People have no chill on these lives. Like they kept asking if Tom was single over and over even though Charlotte was clearly ignoring those questions. I was impressed how good she was about ignoring those comments.  She could teach Deja and Kamil a thing or two.  It was her friends who acted a bit squirrelly at times.  
5)  Tom, himself, has slipped he’s in a relationship, and Z mentioned a relationship on her app.    
People article: https://people.com/movies/zendaya-dating-spider-man-costar-tom-holland/ 
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ayojalanterus · 3 years
Fofana Hingga Pogba Kibarkan Bendera Palestina, Pemain Israel Ubah dengan Bendera Negaranya
 Empat pesepak bola Muslim, membentangkan bendera Palestina, sebagai bentuk dukungan mereka untuk negara tersebut.
Dua di antaranya berasal dari Leicester City, yakni Hamza Choudhuri dan Wesley Fofana.
Sementara dua lainnya adalah Amad Diallo dan Paul Pogba, dari Manchester United.
Semakin menjadi perbincangan, karena salah satu pemain senior tim nasional Israel Eran Zahavi, mengubah potret mereka dengan menempelkan bendera negaranya.
Hamza dan Fofana
Leicester City berhasil menaklukkan Chelsea, dengan skor 1-0, pada partai final Piala FA, di Wembley, London, Sabtu (15/5) lalu.
Sebagai bentuk dukungan, di tengah selebrasi tim, Hamza dan Fofana, membentangkan bendera Palestina.
Namun, Zahavi justru menutupi bendera Palestina tersebut dengan bendera Israel.
Lalu, potret ini ia unggah di hari yang sama, Sabtu (15/5), pada Instagram Story-nya.
“Terima kasih atas dukungannya,” tulis Zahavi.
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Meskipun beberapa saat kemudian ia menghapusnya, tetapi unggahan tersebut sudah telanjur menyebar luas dan menuai kecaman.
Amad dan Pogba
Manchester United, memang harus puas dengan skor imbang 1-1, saat melawan Fulham [di pekan ke-37 Liga Primer Inggris], Selasa (18/5) malam waktu setempat.
Namun, hasil tersebut tak membuat Amad dan Pogba, mengurungkan niatnya untuk menyuarakan dukungan kepada Palestina.
Selesai bertanding di Old Trafford, keduanya membentangkan bendera Palestina.
Ketika mendekati tribun di belakang gawang, tiga orang suporter memanggil Pogba, sembari mengucap salam, “Assalamu’alaikum.”
Rupanya, mereka yang memberi bendera Palestina kepada Pogba, sebelum akhirnya ia bentangkan bersama Amad, di lapangan.
Meski posisi bendera terbalik, setidaknya, sikap Amad dan Pogba menjadi bukti semakin banyaknya pihak yang peduli dengan Palestina.
“Mari kita jaga bumi ini agar tetap aman dan bebas dari kekerasan. Berdoa for Palestina,” tulis Pogba, di akun Instagram-nya, @paulpogba.
Hal senada juga disampaikan Amad pada Instagram pribadinya, @amaddiallo19, “Berdoa untuk Palestina.”
Amad juga telah menyampaikan dukungan serta doanya untuk Palestina, sejak sepekan lalu.
“Doa saya untuk Palestina,” tegasnya.
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Namun, meski mendapat kecaman karena mengubah bendera Palestina dengan bendera Israel di foto Hamza dan Fofana, Zahavi, tetap mengulangi perbuatannya.
“Terima kasih teman-teman. Kami menghargai dukungan kalian di seluruh dunia,” tulisnya, juga pada Insta Story.
source https://www.ayojalanterus.com/2021/05/fofana-hingga-pogba-kibarkan-bendera.html
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pagetgram · 7 months
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John Gemberling, Corin Wells, Paul F. Tompkins, Gil Ozeri, Rachel Pegram, Nicole Redford, Caroline Martin & Paget Brewster on stage for "Untitled Improv Project"
(via @jazzylou92 instastory)
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definegodliness · 7 years
Writer Interview Tag Game
@gracebabcockwrites tagged me to do this fun interview, thank you!
1. What made you start writing for the first time?
There have been stories, songs, and poems in my head for as long as I can remember. Until high school I used to write them down in journals. Then came puberty with all its insecurities and I stopped writing because I deemed it not cool. 'Soft', emotional guys didn't get the girls in my experience, so I toughened up. Then, after a good fifteen years of being a hard-ass (but not myself, with all kinds of negative consequences) I found a really sweet girl and fell in love. Now, I had been shutting down all my emotions before I felt them, but this love -- this girl had such a big impact on me that the words just poured out. Love poems, love stories; a writer's resurrection. So what made me start writing first was experiencing the world in great emotional depth, and the need to express these emotions. What made me stop writing was the reluctancy to feel so deeply. Which drove me mad, honestly. What made me restart writing was a girl who made me feel so deeply I had no other choice than to express it.
2. If you could only write about the ocean, the forest, or the desert for the rest of your life, which one would you pick?
The forest. There is so much to see, and it lives and breathes with the seasons. And when the sunlight shimmers through the leaf canopy, I could not imagine a place more magical. A forest feels like home to me. Far more than the ocean, or the desert.
3. Would you ever write a memoir?
I leave bits and pieces of me in my writing, but I would never write down something that is blatantly solely about me.
4. Do you like writing by hand, or writing with a computer?
In Dutch I write by hand, in English I always write using my laptop. I like both.
5. Would you rather be popular among many readers, or unpopular, but loved by critics?
Shooting for popularity or professional recognition kills creativity.
6. Do you listen to music while you write? What is the best writing music?
Sometimes I do! but it does affect my writing. I think music is a great catalyst for poetry, as it simply evokes emotion. To me, there really isn't a music category I would call 'best writing music'. Out of the top of my head I've written to classical music, grunge, psychedelic rock, pop, techno, hip hop. Some songs I've written multiple poems to, playing them on insta-repeat. Examples are: The War Against Drugs - Red Eyes, and Paul Simon - Graceland.
7. Do people you’ve met find their way into your writing?
Well I do write about the people who I have met; communication is one of the greatest sources of inspiration. Besides, some people are just too fascinatingly beautiful not to write about. However, I do not know if I am answering this question correctly. If it is about people who I have met that will recognize themselves in what I have written about them, I highly doubt it. The people I write about are often far too humble to figure a poem is dedicated to them.
I will tag: @tafkas77, @poetbitesback, @madworlddiary, @phoenixheartsongrising, @aubriestar, @autumnsunshine10, @rarasworldbro if they haven’t been tagged and are in a talkative mood! 
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rainagreifer · 4 years
Our most crucial rehearsal that drove most of our creative decisions was where we decided to use Instagram and Instagram photos to structure our performance.  This decision was made and followed by us creating an online performance proposal outline linked below:
Much of our rehearsal process was independent in creating content and then regrouping to discuss and review the work we had done.  The workload was roughly divided by 4 different aspects of the show we had to complete. (1) Creating a collection of photos our characters would post before and throughout the piece, (2) A detailed script of what would happen and when, (3) The @o.z.brand instagram account and website and (4) DM conversations that would move the plot along.  Our process was documented through notes taken at every meeting and draft versions of our work. Examples are linked below:
Content drafts:
Meeting notes:
I think our biggest moments of difficulty related to making sure everyone was clear about what was going on.  We found meeting and communicating over video calls fairly difficult.  We are all in different time zones which meant we had small windows of time when it was convenient to meet, and experienced rough internet connections that made it difficult to hear and understand what people were saying.  Because of this, we relied on using shared documents through google drive to provide notes and feedback to each other, and used video to talk out things that had yet to be decided.  Another point of difficulty was managing the logistics of such a tech heavy show.  There are so many moving parts to get in order that it was really important to anticipate problems and stay organised.  Our extensive collection of notes and google docs came in handy.  The actual production faced very few roadblocks and I believe that is because of how detailed and organised our final script was. 
Evidence of our research is demonstrated in some of our book notes documents linked below, as well as mention of articles or tools to investigate in the draft timeline of events.  I also believe that our final product demonstrates significant research as we specifically recreate real life events and paid promotions that have been criticised (for example, our research led us to find the FitTea promotion from influencers that inspired the products @kevinoftheforest promotes).  Below is also a full bibliography of the sources we used to inspire the show.  
Book notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oJwKJA-4WMdFHhs3ZbrBad6rK9CSMWqdRyOuE2RhEKg/edit?usp=sharing
BIBLIOGRAPHY (**proper indented formatting was not compatible with tumblr formatting**): 
@such_tweets (2010) Such Tweet Sorrow Archive. Available at: http://www.bleysmaynard.net/suchtweet/ (accessed: 29 May 2020)
Baum, L. F. (1900) The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Chicago: George M. Hill Company.
Bearne, S. (2019) ‘Reality check: life behind Insta-glam image of ‘influencers’, The Guardian, Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/money/2019/mar/17/instagram-social-media-influencers-reality (accessed: 28 May 2020)
Chen, T. and McNeal, S. (2020) ‘The J.Crew Bankruptcy Has Exposed A Hard Truth About The Influencer Economy’, Buzzfeed, Available at: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/tanyachen/the-jcrew-bankruptcy-has-exposed-a-hard-truth-about-the (accessed: 28 May 2020)
Fastenau, J. (2018) ‘Under the Influence: The Power of Social Media Influencers’, Medium, Available at: https://medium.com/crobox/under-the-influence-the-power-of-social-media-influencers-5192571083c3 (accessed: 29 May 2020)
Harris, M. (2018) ‘These Super-talented Illustrators are Exploring our Obsession with Social Media’, Digital Arts, Available at:
https://www.digitalartsonline.co.uk/features/illustration/these-super-talented-illustrators-are-exploring-our-obsession-with-social-media/#2 (accessed: 28 May 2020)
Hausman, A. (2019) ‘THE RISE AND FALL OF THE SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCER’, Marketing Insider Group, Available at:
https://marketinginsidergroup.com/influencer-marketing/the-rise-and-fall-of-the-social-media-influencer/ (accessed: 28 May 2020)
Ingrid Goes West (2017) Directed by M. Spicer. [Feature film]. New York City: Neon.
Imgrund, M. (2018)  ‘Why I Hate Influencer Culture’, Eco Warrior Princess, Available at: https://ecowarriorprincess.net/2018/06/why-i-hate-influencer-culture/ (accessed: 28 May 2020)
Krishna, R. and Cho, K. (2018) ‘A Blogger Has Been Exposed For Stealing Photos For Her Popular Instagram Account’, Buzzfeed, Available at: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/krishrach/instagram-influencer-sadelle-yeung-photos (accessed: 28 May 2020)
Molly Soda (2011) Tween Dreams. 4 February.  Available at: https://vimeo.com/19566930 (accessed: 29 May 2020)
Olson, M. (no date) Marisa Olson.  Available at: http://marisaolson.com/ (accessed: 29 May 2020)
Plaugic, L. (2018) ‘PopSugar allegedly stole ‘millions’ of Instagram influencer photos — and made money with them’, The Verge, Available at: https://www.theverge.com/2018/4/19/17252196/popsugar-instagram-stolen-affiliate-links-photos-rewardstyle-shopstyle-response (accessed: 28 May 2020)
Puhak, J. (2018) ‘Instagram influencer slammed for 'fake traveling' photos’, Fox News, Available at: https://www.foxnews.com/travel/instagram-star-slammed-for-fake-traveling-photos (accessed: 28 May 2020)
Read, B. (2020) ‘Is This the Most Bizarre Influencer Scam Yet?’, The Cut, Available at: https://www.thecut.com/2020/01/paul-zimmer-or-troy-becker-is-the-craziest-influencer-scam.html (accessed: 29 May 2020)
Skelton, E. (2019) ‘Thomas’ exhibit examines ego in social media’, University Press, Available at: https://www.lamar.edu/university-press/2019/10/thomas-exhibit-examines-ego-in-social-media.php (accessed: 28 May 2020)
Soto, A. (no date) Molly Soda. Available at: https://mollysoda.exposed/ (accessed: 29 May 2020)
TFL (2018) ‘The Questionable Marketing of Instagram-Promoted “Weight Loss” Products’, The Fashion Law, Available at: https://www.thefashionlaw.com/the-questionable-marketing-of-the-instagram-promoted-weight-loss-teas/ (accessed: 28 May 2020)
Tsapovsky, F. (2020) ‘Could the Coronavirus Kill Influencer Culture?’, Wired, Available at: https://www.wired.com/story/coronavirus-covid-19-influencers/ (accessed: 29 May 2020)
Ulman, A. (2014) Excellences and Perfections [online exhibition]. Available at: https://www.newmuseum.org/exhibitions/view/amalia-ulman-excellences-perfections (accessed: 29 May 2020)
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What’s in my bag: my beloved fringed faux leather backpack. Knapsacks aren’t just for school anymore. They’re a fun, hands-free and super trendy way to carry my essentials.  I immediately liked its sleek design after lurking it up online for several weeks last year.  The fringe detailing also caught my attention. First thing I noticed when it arrived is that it is made out of the softest, most supple material. I absolutely love the slouchy look of it: it has a fun bucket bag element thanks to its tasseled drawstrings.  It’s easy to carry, opens and closes with a cinch (and my goodies stays secure thanks to its magnet snap). It is an excellent investment when you think of all the occasions & possibilities this bindle takes me to!  I can wear it on my back or in the crook of my arm handbag-style through its top handle. It’s the perfect catchall from work to play! And thought this puppy looks minuscule it has enough space for my whole entire life! Ok I think I gushed about it long enough. 
After filling it up with junk I had forgotten about the past few weeks I thought I’d share its content with you guys. Let’s dig in!  Oh! Little note: I didn’t add/remove anything just so it could look pretty. I literally flipped it over yesterday & snapped it! 
So here’s the content of my bookbag: •My *RF for Lowell (Montreal, represent!✊🏾) wallet. It contains a few coins, my ID and bank cards. I rarely have cash on me💸💳  •a cellphone bill from my mobile provider for this month (which I still haven’t opened to this day..) •my good ol’ Cover FX mirror. This contained my first foundation. My introductory makeup relationship 💏and my longest liaison❤️❤️❤️ •My FIT me pressed powder from Maybelline has shattered since my *profession of love* for it. It is completely gone but I can’t bring myself to part ways with it. There’s a mirror, though.. •my *Dynamite (MTL!🙌🏾) makeup pouch. It contains SYN my *Estée Lauder blotting solution, my nail polish of the moment 💅🏾(Sally Hansen Hard as Nails in 365 - Hard Bitten), my trusty L.A. Girl Pro Conceal HD concealer, my *Colour Riche gloss* from L'Oréal in scarlet concerto, along with a few products that needed their own spot, among them: •my beloved, my preciouuusss (in Gollum’s voice) KVD tattoo liner. I know that you know that you already know how amazing this is. So I’m just going to move right on.. •Nivea lip balm: this makes my pucker feel like butter 👌🏾 •my Bite Beauty agave lip mask. You ‘dolls already know the love I have for this (Insta Story fam, where you at?!). Whenever I go this puppy 🐶 follows..  •another lip product that was rolling around in the bottom of my bag that day was the *NARS Satin Lip Pencil in Rikugien which is a great everyday pink-y nude lipstick. •Gummy bears🐻I generally love them❤️ These, not so much (yuck🤢) •*Clean’s Warm Cashmere fragrance: This limited edition bouquet (back in September, sorry 😐) brings me back to the simple moments of comfort, sweater layering on a crisp fall day. To me, it is a vibrant and warm scent in a modern way 😌 •An American Apparel (RIP😪) scrunchie for when my hair mane won’t behave 💁🏾 •*crest strips: #notspon (I wish!) •My secret deodorant because..well..you gotta stay fresh👃🏾🙅🏾 •a vital, indispensable, quintessential; a prerequisite to me leaving the house: earphones because, well, miuzak ON; world OFF🎶😌🎵 •Another essential but for work: my cordless phone charger. A digital content creator’s bestie; •and when Bestie stops coming through, good ol’ Uncle Regular Phone Charger comes to the rescue and restricts me in a corner for a while🔌 •My phone (iPhone7 for those who care) : my personal assistant, my computer, my alarm, my watch, birthdays reminder, oh my! As Ja Rule once said, “Where would I be without youuuuuu?” •*Paul & Joe’s Moisturizing Hand cream. I honestly believe that there are unicorns tears 🦄 😭in this. Plus a dreamy fusion of floral and sweet notes of citrus 🍊, neroli (an essential oil distilled from the flowers of the Seville orange) and vanilla 😇(#notspon - see note #2) •my massive, gigantic, ginormous statement ring I thought I had lost but no, thanks to this post. •My Parisienne YSL perfume. I’ve clearly hit bottom. I have ONE drop left and I am devastated 😪 I still love the juicy, fruity (berries 🍓🍒& pear🍐) and floral (peonies🌸🌺) hint I get coming out of my handbag every now and then.. Parisienne, je t'aime ❤️ •a mini AGATHA Paris notebook for some blog articles ideas 💡 •a pen to lay down said ideas (this one is so sleek and chic!) •markers/highlighters for a very exciting project that I can’t quite talk babble on to you Rosedolls just yet 🙊😌 •this eos lotion container is empty but I *still like* how esthetically pleasing the package is. This Evolution Of Smooth hand cream was incredible, to put it simple. I really miss its pleasant cherry blossom smell. I guess I should repurchase now.. •a bill from my black & white Vans ol skool purchase. I know, they’re everywhere but.. I love 'em! 👟👟 •eyelashes fixative from *Duo (psst..apparently it’s the world’s best-selling lash adhesive brand. I believe it. *YouTube* told me so) •a pair of vintage earrings that I scored for 0.75$ at the thrift store (don’t worry I’ll wipe them with rubbing alcohol AND sanitizer before wearing them✋🏾and don’t knock the thrift store AND #dontjudgeme either) • I finally got around to start *Bossing Up* a few weeks ago and I haven’t been able to put it down since. In this book, a captivating memoir-slash-guide, Marketing maverick turned Success Coach *Samantha Kris* shares the story of her meteoric career ascension, earning 5 promotions in 5 years, doubling her salary and propelling her into the(sweet) life of an entrepreneur. She tips the reader off on being about that #boss life by setting precise goals and triumphantly achieving them. A very compelling read. •tweezers to accompany the Duo stickum if my lashes start to act up (I’m a novice at this) •two sachets of raw sugar that I must’ve had brought home from Starbies.
CONCLUSION - I love this bag for the high heavens❤️❤️❤️ CONCLUSION #2 - I tote a LOT of odds and ends around in this purse!
There you are Rosedolls! WANNA KNOW: what is the one thing that you can’t leave the house without? Comment below!
xoxo, Deb
DISCLAIMER (Note #2, I guess!): Items were purchased with my own coinTs, unless marked with a (*) then these are products that were gifted to me at events or sent my way for review without any pressure for analysis, evaluation, critique, assessments or commentary. Thoughts/opinions are, as usu, my own (how boring to take someone else’s ;P) 
SOURCES: goodreads.com
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