#source: avenged sevenfold
medjedrpresources · 1 year
Random Song Lyric Starters
I put one of my music playlists on shuffle and picked lyrics from the first 10 songs that came up. cw; infrequent profanity, drug references
"I try not to remember. No memories."
"I feel good in my loneliness."
"I'm looking for a new dimension, new life to live."
"If you're coming back to find me, you'd better have good aim."
"I need you in the picture, that's why I'm calling you."
"I don't want this isolation. See the state I'm in now?"
"If I pick it up when I know that it's broken, do I put it back?"
"Do I head out on to the lonesome trail and let you down?"
"They say I'll get hurt if I'm not like ice."
"I know I've got friends, I still get so lonely."
"If I look in your eyes, I'll want you to hold me."
"I over communicate and feel too much."
"Sick and tried of acting all tough."
"I'm hooked on all these feelings."
"This love asylum, like an island, just me and you."
"Caught up inside, both happy and lonely."
"Keep telling me lies, they're killing me slowly."
"I get too attached, they don't even know me."
"Why can't I relax? Why can't I relax!?"
"I'm sorry that I care."
"I think you know that tonight I just wanted to dance."
"I didn't wanna fight."
"Thought we could make it right."
"I saw that look on your face, like you were tired and bored."
"I don't wanna be turned away again."
"You've been stuck on the wall like a wallflower"
"Are you feeling afraid? 'Cause you look terrified."
"Nobody cares if you slip up and fall on your face."
"I see you watching me like you wanna be taking me home."
"I'm not waiting around for you to make a move."
"I'm waking up to fantasy."
"Times that are broken can often be one again."
"You're out of touch."
"I'm out of time."
"I'm out of my head when you're not around."
"Smoking guns hot to the touch would cool down if we didn't use them so much."
"I saw in you what life was missing."
"I'm not one for reminiscing but I'd trade it all for your sweet embrace."
"A thing of beauty will never fade away."
"I see your eyes, I know you see me."
"You're like a ghost how you're everywhere."
"Somehow I'll find a way."
"We'll never fade away."
"You won't take the sting out of these words before I say 'em."
"I don't give a damn what you think, I'm doing this for me."
"I'm not afraid to take a stand."
"But I think I'm still tying to figure this crap out."
"This fucking black cloud still follows me around."
"It was my decision to get clean, I did it for me."
"I'd shoot for the moon but I'm too busy gazing up at the stars."
"I get the same old dreams, same time every night."
"You can't know what you mean to me."
"Just goes to show you don't give a damn."
"Baby, you know you'll never do wrong."
"I knew right from the beginning that you would end up winning."
"I knew right from the start you'd put an arrow through my heart."
"With love we'll find a way, just give it time."
"We're gonna prove it tonight."
"Can you look at yourself now?"
"You can't win this fight."
"We all have emptiness inside."
"We all have answers to find."
"What's with the violent aggression?"
"Hey! Why won't you listen?"
"I need to warn you that there is no way to rationalize."
"So have you figured it out now?"
"I see you're a king who's been dethroned."
"Stand down. Place your weapon by your side."
"In the end, we'll surely lose but that's alright."
"You're not invited, so step aside."
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goatcheesecak3 · 11 months
HIII HI HI HI I LOVE YOUR WORKS AND I WANTED TI REQUEST SOMETHING WITH RODRICK?? okay so my idea is that rodrick and the reader are neighbors, aaand so one of them sneaks out to go to the others house (doesnt matter who tbh!) and they js cuddle fir a bit HLEP IDK IM BAD AT THIS anyways thats alll!!! sorry for the long ass thing 💔💔
Hello! I firstly, thank you so much for saying you enjoy my other stuff! And thank you for the suggestion :^) I'll admit, I've tweaked the idea ever so slightly, but it's still very much a cuddly Rodrick as your neighbour story, so I'm sure you'll enjoy :^)
Happy reading!
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It was a cold autumn evening, you had the house to yourself and the heating on full blast. Despite the bitter chill outside, the radiator in your room was enough to render heavy pjs useless, so instead you wore shorts and a tank top. The air was still and the house was quiet, it was the perfect opportunity to get some reading done. You reclined in your bed, far away in your own world - until the peace was disturbed. You became aware of a furious banging coming from outside, and upon looking out the window toward your neighbours house, it was revealed that the source of this disturbance was your neighbour, Rodrick. He was rapping on the door with a sense of urgency, occasionally blurting out "I'll remember my keys next time I swear".
You watched inquisitively, wondering where this would go, until a second noise caught your attention, that of an upstairs window flinging open. A man's head poked out, you recognised this man as Frank Heffley, the father of Rodrick. Frank began to shout down to him,
"I've told you a million times, bring your keys or you'll be locked out"
Then you heard Rodrick's protest
"I know, but you can't seriously expect me to stay outside all night, it's FREEZING"
"sleep in your van then"
And with that the window slammed shut.
You watched as Rodrick kicked the gravel in the driveway, as he made his way back to his van, head hung in a defeated sulk. You knew Rodrick quite well, he was pretty much the posterchild for the phrase "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity" - he was a couple sandwiches short of a picnic but he wasn't a bad guy. He got himself in trouble a lot, but it never really seemed to be intentional. You found yourself taking pity on him and before you knew what was happening you were opening your window and leaning out.
"Psssst! Rodrick, up here"
He turned on his feet, glancing around him with a bewildered expression until his eyes landed on you.
"What is it?" He asked
"Go to the door, I'll let you in"
He nodded.
You hesitantly opened the front door, in your thin pjs you felt the cold air smite you.
"Come in, quick, it's freezing"
Rodrick obliged.
"I saw what went down out there. Pretty rough"
"Yeah, " he grumbled, "sleep in your van" he mimicked his father, "can you believe that?"
All too suddenly you felt a nurturing instinct that you didn't know you had, and reached out to take Rodrick's frosty hands inbetween your own.
"Oh sweetpea, you're freezing! You can stay here tonight, come on let's get you warmed up."
Rodrick smiled as if to say thank you, and let himself be lead upstairs to your room. He watched curiously as you rummaged through a drawer, before emerging holding a pair of red checkered men's pyjamas bottoms.
"Lucky for you, I've always got some men's pjs knocking about somewhere, they're so much cheaper than women's" you chuckled, handing them to him
"Aw man, thank god for that. I really didn't feel like sleeping in skinny jeans, " he joked back.
You left the room to give him some privacy while he changed, and returned once he'd let you know he was decent.
Rodrick looked more than adorable in pyjamas, with his tatty little Avenged Sevenfold shirt and his sleepy eyes, hugging himself to try and warm up.
"Still cold?" You asked gently
Rodrick nodded shyly, "I was out there for about a good hour before I stopped calling and just started banging on the door."
"An hour?! Oh honey you must have caught a chill" you cooed, walking over until you were stood right in front of him. Staring affectionately into Rodrick's big brown eyes, which had seemed to triple in size as a result of your sympathy, you placed a warm hand on his cold red cheek.
Rodrick winced slightly, the warmth stinging his face
"Let's get you under a blanket okay sweetheart?"
"Yes please" he nodded with a sheepish smile.
You lifted up the duvet and patted the bed, inviting him to make himself at home.
He accepted the offer without hesitation, wrapping the duvet around himself and curling into a ball. You smiled at him, he looked so sweet all scrunched up with his messy hair. You gave his hair a gentle ruffle, and were about to leave him be and go sleep on the sofa, when you felt a hand grab your arm.
"Where are you goinggggg" whined Rodrick sleepily.
"You want me to stay?"
"Mhm" he mumbled, nodding his head without opening his eyes.
"Alright honey, I'll stay," you smiled, climbing into the bed with him.
Rodrick immediately shuffled over to you, nuzzling his face into your chest and making happy grumbling noises.
You draped an arm over him, tenderly rubbing his back just to generate a little bit of heat.
"Can you do that thing with my hair again please?" He murmured
"Of course baby" you replied, hearing the smile in your own voice.
As you lay there, softly stroking his unruly hair, Rodrick's sleepy hums gradually became quiet snores.
"Night, big guy" you whispered, even though you knew he wouldn't hear you.
And with that, you turned out your lamp and let the rhythm of Rodrick's breathing lull you to sleep.
A/n this is the first fic I've written in YEARS, so sorry if I'm a little rusty lol. Hope u enjoyed regardless :^)
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takami-takami · 3 months
Long, trauma dump vent (explicit, incl sui + drugs). Press da like button if u read. Okay to skip this!
I am so incredibly fucking bored of comfort fics. I am so incredibly numb to even fictional methods of comfort. I don't even think I'm really capable of feeling anything with anyone. I don't even think what I'm saying exists.
Who the fuck am I talking to? I don't actually fucking feel connected even about this stupid fucking fictional character and I can't make myself. That's not true, I'm having a lack of emotional permanence moment.
I'm in love with the thought of intimacy, of someone shouldering my burdens and swallowing my vomit. I'm in love with the melding of skin, of screaming into someone's shoulderskin instead of the bugs. I want to dig you up like I dug up the worm from the soil, but I don't want you to be sad like it was. I don't want you to wriggle on my living room floor. I buried it again, but I wonder where he is. I wonder if he still feels what I told him, when I thought he was the source of my trauma and I loved him. I wonder if that worm dug as deep as I thought he was before.
I remember a young girl saw me on the porch screaming at the bee. And I felt so guilty for scaring her like that, I went back inside and to my room in shame.
My therapist has been trying for over a year to get me to genuinely open up to him. He tells me to visualize him with me, carrying one strap of my backpack on his arm and I just blink at him. I want to let him in, I try, I visualize it really hard, I try looking at his eyes. I try to pretend I have an aura I'm letting him in, but I can't fucking do it. I don't even think I have one. I don't know what the fuck happened to it. I remember my mom held me after I tried to kill myself and I woke up with her in my bed before I stumbled in the fog of Xanax.
I miss when I'd tug on my parents arm and ask to be taken to the bathroom. One night, my dad got so mad at me for doing that he dragged me by my hair across the floor and threw me into the bathroom door while swearing at me under his breath, "fuckin" "you want this?" "that what you wanted" and I sniffled to myself on the toilet and reminded myself I'm stupid and I'm sorry. I was finally tall enough to reach the sink. I was very proud of myself that year.
I don't understand. I want what I had with that fic I read when I was 17 in the child's racecar bed, I want what I had with myself the first time I watched Don Hertzfeldt and ate swedish fish on the living room floor at night AND I'M NOT LISTENING TO FUCKING AVENGED SEVENFOLD WHILE IM CRYING BRO WHY DID THIS COME ON SHUFFLE EW ICK CRINGE SADGIRL MOMENT OVER BOOOOOOOO I'M BUSY CRYING 😑 breakdown over
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9haharharley1 · 1 month
30 & 32 ♥️
30. What inspires you to write?
I have... too many sources of inspiration lol. I get inspiration from movies, usually vague plot ideas that go nowhere, but I'll write them down and save for later (like the Kill Bill au I may or may not be still working on). I'll get an idea from prompt lists, and I have a list of prompts from asks that I'm trying to tackle.
Also art, notoriously at this point lmao. Gilly's work always sparks the creative juices for me, I vibe so much with their art and style of work! They create a situation and I am compelled to figure out how the characters get into that situation.
Hell, I'll be in the car thinking of a random thing and that leads to thinking of the character and wondering what they would do with such a thing (the Beetlejuice au from Halloween last year came about simply because I wonder what Pitch would look like in a 3-piece suit. I swear I'll finish that one someday!).
I want to write a Hannibal AU.
Also, I just saw Alien Romulus, and I may or may not have AU for that on the brain right now
32. Does music inspire you, or do you listen to music when you write? Bands/genre?
Yes and no. Music inspires me, definitely- it helps focus one part of my brain while the other comes up with ideas (too many of them involve Jack dancing on a pole to various glam rock songs). My brain is weird about it lately though- sometimes I can write while listening while other times I can't focus and need more static noise.
I listen to a wide variety of metal, alt, rock, pop, and punk artists, and my main playlist is a mix of all these. But if I'm listening to just one band's discography on iTunes then my go-tos are Ice Nine Kills, Ghost, Steam Powered Giraffe, Dethklok, Fall Out Boy, HIM, and Avenged Sevenfold (specifically their album The Stage), but I'm starting to add Starset to the list of bands I like.
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headmates-for-you · 1 month
Hi!! Can we get a mix of smiling dog and zalgo in the special temp?:)
interesting challenge!
Name(s): Saegen
Nickname(s): Sage
Last Name(s): none
Age(s): 200
Pronouns: it/its, he/him
Height: 7’
Zodiac: capricorn
Source(s): Creepypasta
~~~~~ ~~~~~ 01101110 01100101 01111000 01110100 ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Gender(s): male creature
Orientation(s): aroace
TransID(s): deathscentic, rotscentic
CisID(s): permasmile, virus, demon
~~~~~ ~~~~~ 01101110 01100101 01111000 01110100 ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Misc. Information
Paras: sadism, pyrophilia
Positive Trigger(s): fire, people in pain
Other Trigger(s): none
Role(s): semi-fictive, anger holder, prosecutor
Typing quirk: zalgo font with smiley faces
Ex: w̴̻̟͎̖̘̰̪̝̺̻̳̣̒͐̀́͐́̔͋̉̎͜͜o̶͔̦͕͌́ǹ̸̡̙̹̤̹̻̏̇͋͑̄̓̊̈́̋̈́̓͝d̵̜̗̪̤̮́̎̏͠͝ĕ̴̢̫͂̾̈͊͑́̒̿̕͝͠r̵͚̠̯͓̰̩̝͍̘̤̮͇̙̹͇̉̉̅͊̔̓͗̐̚͝͝͝͝f̷̠̯͔̈u̴̡̗̩̰͔̻̜̦̩̬̖̩̠̖͈͚͂̍̈͆͛͘͠ͅl̶̖͇̘͍̣̻̯̳͔̞̰͍̯̉̅̉̿̃͗̓͒̏͆̆͋͊̀̕̕ ̵̢̧̞̱̺̠̣̱̘̟̜̎̈́̈̓͂̈́̈̅̔̚s̴̛̰̥͚̞̙̠͖̯͕̬͇̺̽̀͐ę̴̨̛̜̰̮̮̪͇̅̃́͌̚͠ë̷͚̩̫̲̲̦́͗̽̉̀̓̅͗̓̓̾̎̑̉͊̕ͅi̸̘͗͌̔͐̇̎̊̽̓̇́̽̓ͅṋ̵̣̇̋̀̾̌͊̅̑̆̔́̋͒͊͠͝ğ̵̡̡̧̛̹̹̙͇̣̬̰͓̗͓̰̦͂̀̈́̌́̀͝ ̴̰͕͍̀̏̎̎̇̍͠y̸̨̢̤̞̳͇̠̭̫̣̐̀͒́̒̎̑̅̀̊͒̕̕͘ö̷̳͔̪̣͇̫̗͙͈͚̻͈́̎͐̊͑̓̋̾̿̀̍̈́̓̒͛ͅų̵͖̻̱̫̰͉͆́̔̂̀̀̏̀̋̋͐̚̚͠ͅ ̵̨̟͙̬̫̟̃̈͛̏̇͆̆̌͌̈͑̚ḩ̵̥̖̦̟̹͔̀̀͋͂̈́̃̊̔͋͠͝ȩ̶͍̭̣͕̘̞̣̝͍͕̼̬̜̘͔͌̎́̓̔̋͗͠͠ŗ̴̜͕̳͈̪̠̜͍̪̭̯̣͛e̵̱̝̔̽͌̀̓̓͗̔̅͠͠ ̷̢̲̰͆̂̎̿̑̂́͐͊͛̉̓͆̇̈́̚͜͝ͅ:̷̟̪̘̩̪͑)̸̰͙͛̒͒̊̈́̌͑̓̒̿͆͐͊̚̚
Emoji Signoff: 🔥🙂
~~~~~ ~~~~~ 01101110 01100101 01111000 01110100 ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Happy Face - Jagwar Twin
Hail to the King - Avenged Sevenfold
Control - Halsey
House Of 1000 Corpses - Rob Zombie
Devil in Your Heart - SiM
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gifsbysimplysonia · 1 year
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30 photos total at the source: PHOTOS: Avenged Sevenfold | 102.5 KZOK | Big Rig (iheart.com)
Photos by Bruce W. Neufeld
September 17, 2023 - Tampa, FL
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following-the-drum · 2 years
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In honor of the spoooooky season I am releasing the link to my ongoing Dread Realm’s inspired playlist. Feel free to listen to get into that oh so delicious tabletop setting mood. Some songs are inspired by realms others just give me those vibes from the heart of the Core (Barovia) to Falkovnia, Darkon to Lamordia, Kalikeri and Diementlieu and more!!! Can you survive the Realms of Terror, Dread, and Decay? Probably not… but you will die gloriously with these tunes sourced from the bards of all shapes and sizes!
Neoni, Rob Zombie, Ghost, Saliva, Within Temptation, Avenged Sevenfold, Voltaire, Aviators, In This Moment, Monster Magnet, and it goes on and on much like the Domains themselves… so before you get lost in the mist hit the link above and get haunted!
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Falling In Reverse live in Syracuse/NY, 9/12/2023
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On Sep 12, 2023 Falling In Reverse played in Syracuse, NY. It was a postponed show (from July, because of the wildfires' smoke), waited by the original audience plus a lot more people joining the show in the mean time. In total there were more than 10K people, which made this venue the biggest among all from Popular MonsTour.
Ronnie Radke mentioned it 2 times on Twitter:
"10,000 tickets in Syracuse New York last night on our headlining make up show. shits feeling different" "Last night was our biggest headline show to date with over 10k tickets sold. Thank you so much, Syracuse."
This video edit above shows the vibes of the event, it was something magical. Ronnie said they'll be there in Syracuse next year as well, which means we can probably expect the whole "Popular MonsTour" own headlining event in 2024 again.
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Falling In Reverse is preparing now to the big co-headlining tour with Avenged Sevenfold, between the dates Sep 16th and Oct. 15th. Tickets are pretty much sold out already, find HERE eventually.
In between the tour they will play at Louder Than Life festival on Sep 23, and right after the tour they will finish Popular MonsTour with another rescheduled show, the one in St. Augustine/FL, on Oct 17th.
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morgansmornings · 1 year
Source: byrneing
Tagged by: @mouthoftheocean​ Tagging: whoever wants to
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1)   a song you can listen to on repeat
Eric Zahn ~ The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets
2)   a song from one of your favorite albums
Seven Days to the Wolves ~ Nightwish (Dark Passion Play)
3)   a song you loved when you were a teenager or kid
Get off of My Back ~ Bryan Adams 
4)   a song that makes you feel strong
Kick in the Teeth ~ Papa Roach 
5)   a song that makes you sad 
Love Without End, Amen ~ George Strait  Remember When ~ Alan Jackson 
Both do but not for the usual reason. It’s a happy sadness?
6)   a song that cheers you up
Burn it to the Ground ~ Nickleback
7)   a song that reminds you of your friend(s)
Hot Patootie ~ Meatloaf
8)   a song that reminds you of an ex partner or crush
I Won’t Give Up on Us~ Peter Hollens cover 
9)   a song that reminds you of yourself
Redneck Woman ~ Gretchen Wilson
11)  a song that brings back good memories
Kickstart My Heart ~ Mötley Crüe 
12)  a song that grew on you
Human ~ Rag’N’Bone Man 
13)  a song from a musical
Music of the Night ~ Phantom of the Opera (Any version really)
14)  a song with a great music video
Wolf Totem ~ The Hu 
15)  a song that’s better as a cover
Dark Horse ~ Anthony Vincent Cover 
16)  a song that’s better acoustic
More that Words ~ Extreme  
17)  a song with great lyrics
 Danny Don’t You Know ~ Ninja Sex Party 
18)  a song for summer
I’m from the Country ~ Tracy Byrd
19)  a song for heartache
Call Me ~ Shinedown
20)  a song for car rides
Convoy ~ C. W. McCall
21)  a song for the rain
Drops of Jupiter ~ Train
22)  a song for dancing
Rasputin ~ Boney M. 
25)  a song from before you were born
Hunger Strike ~ Temple of the Dog 
26)  a song from a band that’s no longer together
It’s the End of the World ~ R.E.M. 
27)  a song you’ve seen live
Hail to the King ~ Avenged Sevenfold
28)  a song you want to see live
Mirror Mirror ~ Blind Guardian
29)  a song by a band you don’t usually like  
Rock What You Got ~ Superchick
30)  a song you recommend
I can’t pick just one. Because it depends on who I am talking to and about what kind of Genre we are discussing. Clearly I have a very... eclectic range of music and this is pretty tame for an average playlist.
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ghost-in-the-fog · 3 months
Y'all wanna read about some cringy shit I did, as a fifteen year old baby bat, ages ago?
-All my information came from online sources, probably written edgy teens themselves, who had no idea about where goth originated from in the 80's.
-One thing that kept popping up was that you HAD to have a goth name. After some careful thinking I chose mine. It was 'Darkness Eternal'. Yeah. I know. 🙃
-The really cringy part about it? We had to journal in two classes. And that's how I signed off, at the end of every. Single. One.
-I went around thinking Avenged Sevenfold was goth. And then I got into Cradle of Filth. (My older sister, who's ten years older and still goth-y to this day, was proud of me lol)
Note: I actually still like CoF, and so does my sister. But we both know it's not a goth rock or darkwave band. If anything, CoF introduced me to a different subgenre of metal.
-I'm sure you can guess where this is going, but I thought CoF was the gothiest band to ever goth. (And then I turned eighteen and discovered The Bauhaus and Virgin Prunes.) I walked around the school with my headphones blasting 'Dusk and Her Embrace' on the daily.
-I had the biggest crush on Dani Filth. (Still kinda do tbh. But Jonny Slut and Rozz Williams are the prettiest men in goth music, and y'all can fight me)
-One website said to keep a journal and to write goth poetry in it. So, I did. Half of it was Edgar Allan Poe inspired shit, the other was 'woe is me, I'm so sad.' There was at least one in there, where Dani Filth was my muse and how hot he was. A few years after I graduated, I found the notebook again, aND THREW IT IN THE TRASH.
-Another article I read, said 'you must not smile or laugh.' And my dumb, young ass really tried. I actually have a rather bad case of RBF.... But anybody who knows me, knows it is stupidly easy to get me to giggle. Throw the right Billy and Mandy or SpongeBob quote at me, for example, and yeeeeeah. 🙃😬
(I know you're reading this Meph, and you'd better keep those 'giggle goth' comments to yourself, darling!)
-I dressed as goth as I could but unfortunately, I was under the impression that you need expensive ass clothes and outfits, and we were- and still are- too poor for that bullshit. I absolutely love modding my own clothes these days, and go thrifting when I can. My sister taught me how to cut clothes and the handy nail clipper trick.
-I'm pretty sure I hissed at people once or twice. It runs in the family, apparently lol.
That's all I can think of for now. I eventually did discover actual music from when goth was starting out in the 80's, but it took a little while. I've dipped my toe into Industrial too but outside of NIN and Skinny Puppy, I don't really listen to Industrial as much. I mainly stick to Goth rock and Darkwave.
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scarletlizzard · 6 months
Yknow, I was about to beat your ass /j
But yes, I love their songs. My favorites are Chi, swallow and coming undone.
Do you have any favorites or any bands sorta like them that you listen to?
I like Coming Undone and Freak On A Leash!
It's not often, but occasionally, if I get in the mood, I'll listen to Korn, Slipknot, and Avenged Sevenfold!
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maripepa-art · 6 months
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Song for this chapter: Seize the day by Avenged Sevenfold
You are (not) The One by Maripepa Art
Art and dialogues by Maripepa Art
Backgrounds from My Hero Academia anime by Studio BONES and other sources.
My Hero Academia by Kohei Horikoshi
Follow on Instagram for more comics!
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:) Name - HABIT or ZMATEK (I'll let you figure that one out)
:) Alias - Mr. H/Mr. Z, Mr. HABIT/Mr. ZMATEK, HAB,
:) Age -
:) Height - That of host (evan: 5'3(current vessel: 5'5))
:) Pronouns - He/Him, It/Its, name pronouns (referring to me by name), any pronouns. Neopronouns: Axe/Axes/Blood/Bloods
:) Gender -
:) Sexuality - Unlabelled, Aliquaromamtic, Dreadromamtic, Asexual
:) Hobbies - Drawing, weapon collecting, messing around idk
:) Interests - True crime, death, crytptids, weapons, torture
Favourite shows/movies/series: Scream franchise, death proof, repo! the genetic opera, stranger things, south park, superstore
Music taste: Frank sinatra, motörhead, my chemical romance, tally hall/miracle musical, insane clown posse, avenged sevenfold, mindless self indulgence, they might be giants, animal collective, gorillaz, scissor sisters, playaphonk
Other things:
-I'm the co-host in a system. The hosts name is Alex (not from any slenderverse).
-I like the colours purple, black, red
-Jokes or talk about evans baby, or source death is fine. Just dont bring it up much as I have a Damsel/Steph friend here. And maybe there will be other people triggered by it.
-I'm learning how to play guitar
-I'm not gonna be able to remember every little detail from source. Suck it up
-Things from this iteration are different. Example: I'm not a n*zi here. Im decently kind. Ect, ect.
My flags in order:
-unlabeled (for things like gay, bisexual, ect)
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
We also have discord. If wanna add us you can. Just know its not always gonna be me or Evan. There's also a server as well. So if you want that you can dm. Have to already be mutuals or be a slenderverse/creepypasta enjoyer and or fictive/fictotype/ect.
Also have a spacehey: https://spacehey.com/spoogster
Host's tumblr: @spoogster
Okay. Bye, Rabbits :)
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tredingbeats · 2 years
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Source: https://craftedtracks.com/avenged-sevenfold-dear-god-official-music-video/ #bestmusic #bestsongs #discovermusic #newmusic #tracks
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raynes-musings · 5 years
       No mercy from the edge of the 𝙗𝙡𝙖𝙙𝙚.
                                      Dare escape                           And learn the price to be 𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘥.
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gifsbysimplysonia · 1 year
Part 2 - Avenged Sevenfold Tattoo Stories
Part 1 here: https://www.tumblr.com/gifsbysimplysonia/715501747545784320/part-1-avenged-sevenfold-on-tattoo-stories?source=share
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