#source: rainbow
medjedrpresources · 1 year
Random Song Lyric Starters
I put one of my music playlists on shuffle and picked lyrics from the first 10 songs that came up. cw; infrequent profanity, drug references
"I try not to remember. No memories."
"I feel good in my loneliness."
"I'm looking for a new dimension, new life to live."
"If you're coming back to find me, you'd better have good aim."
"I need you in the picture, that's why I'm calling you."
"I don't want this isolation. See the state I'm in now?"
"If I pick it up when I know that it's broken, do I put it back?"
"Do I head out on to the lonesome trail and let you down?"
"They say I'll get hurt if I'm not like ice."
"I know I've got friends, I still get so lonely."
"If I look in your eyes, I'll want you to hold me."
"I over communicate and feel too much."
"Sick and tried of acting all tough."
"I'm hooked on all these feelings."
"This love asylum, like an island, just me and you."
"Caught up inside, both happy and lonely."
"Keep telling me lies, they're killing me slowly."
"I get too attached, they don't even know me."
"Why can't I relax? Why can't I relax!?"
"I'm sorry that I care."
"I think you know that tonight I just wanted to dance."
"I didn't wanna fight."
"Thought we could make it right."
"I saw that look on your face, like you were tired and bored."
"I don't wanna be turned away again."
"You've been stuck on the wall like a wallflower"
"Are you feeling afraid? 'Cause you look terrified."
"Nobody cares if you slip up and fall on your face."
"I see you watching me like you wanna be taking me home."
"I'm not waiting around for you to make a move."
"I'm waking up to fantasy."
"Times that are broken can often be one again."
"You're out of touch."
"I'm out of time."
"I'm out of my head when you're not around."
"Smoking guns hot to the touch would cool down if we didn't use them so much."
"I saw in you what life was missing."
"I'm not one for reminiscing but I'd trade it all for your sweet embrace."
"A thing of beauty will never fade away."
"I see your eyes, I know you see me."
"You're like a ghost how you're everywhere."
"Somehow I'll find a way."
"We'll never fade away."
"You won't take the sting out of these words before I say 'em."
"I don't give a damn what you think, I'm doing this for me."
"I'm not afraid to take a stand."
"But I think I'm still tying to figure this crap out."
"This fucking black cloud still follows me around."
"It was my decision to get clean, I did it for me."
"I'd shoot for the moon but I'm too busy gazing up at the stars."
"I get the same old dreams, same time every night."
"You can't know what you mean to me."
"Just goes to show you don't give a damn."
"Baby, you know you'll never do wrong."
"I knew right from the beginning that you would end up winning."
"I knew right from the start you'd put an arrow through my heart."
"With love we'll find a way, just give it time."
"We're gonna prove it tonight."
"Can you look at yourself now?"
"You can't win this fight."
"We all have emptiness inside."
"We all have answers to find."
"What's with the violent aggression?"
"Hey! Why won't you listen?"
"I need to warn you that there is no way to rationalize."
"So have you figured it out now?"
"I see you're a king who's been dethroned."
"Stand down. Place your weapon by your side."
"In the end, we'll surely lose but that's alright."
"You're not invited, so step aside."
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dapper-lil-arts · 6 months
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Can you IMAGINE the terminal levels of girlsmell lmao This old meme lmao
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gingerbreadfrosting · 2 months
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cryptidlark · 30 days
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one of my favorite things about asoiaf is tyroshi hair dye
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Glowcore gifs that keep getting reuploaded and mis-credited Stimboard:
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Lematworks || Taffystims || MD-Arts
Judestims || Pascalstims || Nat-stimmy
Karmanistic || Sensorygif || Karmanistic
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calypsolemon · 5 months
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fly to you
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komisofi · 4 months
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  (ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)  ^^   𓈒    ’    ༝    ¹²³
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 ⌦  ピクセル  ⁺    ⁾⁾    🍭
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 🌈  ♪   colorful 。・☆ ・゚⁺ pixels ︵ ⊹ ₊
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sandwichhour · 2 years
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A few more @ponymagnets redraws since they're fun style imitation practise
. | . | .
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forsapphics · 4 months
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I find happiness in rainbows 🌈 (x)
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knickknackoftheday · 5 months
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balloon animal erasers
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ijustgotherebro · 3 months
Charlie: you know what would help me think? a little angle wings!
Vaggie: charlie
Charlie: cmon vaggie it'll clear my mind just a little hit their so fluffy
Vaggie: *smiling* fine *unfurls wings*
Charlie: *buries her face in wings* *muffled*oh yeah that's the stuff
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bonefall · 2 years
Herb Guide to HRT for Warrior Cats
Have a warrior OC you would like to show being on hormone replacement medication? I’ve gone through herbs historically associated with femininity/masculinity, as well as those with effects on sex hormones, that a wild cat could hypothetically find and use.
Of course, this would still require a bit of a leap as there’s no herb in nature that can replace our friend Spironolactone... but if you’d like some herbs with a grain of truth or history to them that wouldn’t poison a semi-realistic cat? Here you go!
Let’s identify what we’re looking for;
Hormone suppressing herbs = antigonadotropins Prevents production and recognition of present hormones. This is going to be big for an agender transition; but even in a binary one, they’re often taken with- 
Hormone producing herbs = estrogen/estradiol & testosterone/androgens Make sure your warrior doesn’t start on huge amounts! Smaller, controlled doses are more effective. Too much can cause the opposite effects and slow down transition.
Historical precedent = Just Cool If I find a cool story I’m just going to include it, but note that it doesn’t hold pharmacological basis.
I considered also including some thoughts on surgical treatments as well, but I’ve decided I’ll save that for a follow-up. This guide is purely focused on medication to stay SFW!
Hormone Suppressants
Lycopus (also known as Wolf’s Foot, Water Horehound, Bugleweed) is such a widespread species and has several other medical uses. Not only is it THE most well documented antigonadotropin I came across, but its different species have a wide variety of medical use, including treating anxiety, heart palpitations, stopping bleeding, and respiratory illness. This is also a mint that is not toxic to cats. Also it can be used as a dye.
THERE IS A CAVEAT; if Lycopus supplements suddenly stop or overdosed, it can cause thyroid enlargement. Keep this in mind if your trans warrior ever gave up their medication to a sick clanmate in leafbare!
Lithospermum ruderale (Aka western Stoneseed or Lemonweed) has similar suppression properties, but only in American fanclans, and not as many secondary uses.
Comfrey ROOT can also be used for this purpose, in addition to its canonical uses (funfact this plant is also called knitbone). But can cause liver failure in high doses.
Rosemary suppresses feminine hormones in the uterus, for warriors going from Female to Male. Additionally, it’s an excellent antifungal, smells great, and can be used as a cooking spice.
Molly to Tom (Female to Male)
Pine Pollen (particularly from the Scots Pine), can be added to water or foods and increase testosterone.
Stinging Nettle ROOT could also be taken for a transmasc warrior. The above ground plant can be processed for use with allergies, but the relevant part here is the root underground, which has no stinging hairs.
Sarsparilla ROOT is historically associated with testosterone, though modern studies haven’t held up the claims... but, it is a plant an American clan would have access to, and is also used to make root beer.
Tom to Molly (Male to Female) 
FENNEL?? AGAIN??? It’s true.
Through Fennel, all things are possible
It has estrogenic properties in all sexes and has been explored for the creation of synthetic estrogen since the 1930s. This can be used for a transgender warrior, as well as for a cisgender queen with a hormone issue. It must be remarked though; it looks alarmingly similar to poison hemlock, and should not be collected by untrained cats.
Hops (Humulus lupulus) is up next, but first I think this education is worthwhile; phytoestrogens aren’t exactly like true estrogens, but in high enough quantities (as in, much, much more than a plate of soybeans or a mug of beer) they can have estrogen-like affects.
Hops are the uncontested queen of these, and they grow wild in several continents. Hops can sometimes be toxic to cats, based on a genetic predisposition, and mostly to the ‘cone’ (female flower). For the best hormonal effect, the ‘flower‘ (male flower) would be dried and eaten.
Flax flowers don’t contain nearly as much phytoestrogen, but are safer for cats. Additionally, flax is extremely useful in construction, and can be used to make fabric or twine if your Clan is advanced enough.
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gingerbreadfrosting · 20 days
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日本三大瀑布 虹色に彩られた日光華厳の滝
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 3 months
JAKE: Look at how cute these pens are!
DIRK: Jake, that's gay.
JAKE: ...Dirk weve been dating-
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twink-between-worlds · 10 months
Wild: so if you're four people in one body, how do you make decisions? wouldn't that be kinda hard?
Four: we decide based on who wins a few rounds of rock paper scissors, obviously.
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baexywth · 1 year
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