#source: thrilling adventure hour
houselamentation · 9 months
MC: When we first met, we were the only two exchange students in detention. I asked what you were in for- THIRTEEN: And I said, "shooting dice" MC: I thought you meant, like, gambling. THIRTEEN: But I didn't. MC: No, you meant with a shotgun.
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pagetgram · 10 months
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Paget Brewster & Darsan Solomon picket Warner Brothers Studios for the 2023 Writers Guild Strike
@darsansolomon: Dave and Frankie. Striking Human Beings #sixseasonsandamovie #wgastrike #wgastrong
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villainessbian · 1 year
Concept: most aliens can get anxious, can get scared, can get fight-or-flight. What most aliens do not get, however, is stress. Stress is a weird thing even by human standards. It can build up over time or be something tied to a very limited situation. It can be caused by a lot of things, and it comes in a lot of different ways. But it's a core human reaction, when a situation is wrong, it causes stress until it is righted. And it even affects different people differently!
Cue Human Cassandra, on a ship with her friend and co-worker Human Pauline. The ship is crewed with a mix of species. It's a cargo ship - load up in a space port, unload in another, get news and supplies during their stops, and live as an ever-shifting family as some of the two dozen crew members, give or take, get replaced. Some leave come payday, and new ones come looking for the thrill of low-level adventure, experiencing warp drives across the safer roads of the known universe.
But getting the supplies you need, or want, in stops is never so easy. Humans are new to the galactic community, and their needs misunderstood. Most broad-edibility food is bland for them, but that's okay. A big enough bag of their condiments can last them years. But ADHD meds... now that's less easy to get, the further from Earth you are. And a contract too big for their captain to pass on came up, much farther than the two humans expected.
Cassandra's mood deteriorated, her work priorities out of order, her sleep schedule in disarray. Little by little, she grew restless, shifting moods and gears unpredictably. A few weeks in and she was a mess, barely able to keep up with the minimum her job doing maintenance and running safety diagnostics for the route charting team required of her. While Pauline could help with the mechanical aspects of keeping the ship running, picking up the "slack", the safety had to be double-checked by the charting and pilot teams. When the curves of asteroid probability reached beyond a certain level, several hundred simulations had to be run, time-consuming processes had to be used, to avoid any collision at speeds beyond speed c. Some truly exotic things happened to ships that experienced those, but none of them contained the words "surviving crew." A safe route avoided any probability of collision over .1% and when going faster than light, any choice of course required thinking in 3 dimensions plus relative time to navigate dangerous probability fields in one piece, finding time-specific corridors and accounting for a dozen variables at once.
After she had a breakdown over a path she would normally have been able to find in under a minute, Pauline spoke to a concerned pilot team member:
"You have to understand her, this is a stressful situation and she's doing her best..."
"What do you mean by 'stressful'?" Gabalt asked. The furry little creature stood on two arched legs, and barely reached up to Pauline's shoulder, opening three wide eyes with curiosity and concern in equal parts.
"Things are... getting difficult for her, and keep getting more difficult because she does not have medication to help her brain be efficient. It makes her tired, and inefficient, and as it goes on, she's less and less able to cope with the situation. The longer this goes on, the worse it gets, and that is stress. Getting more tired because it takes more energy to deal with the situation, and less efficient because she's more tired, and things get harder because she's less efficient, on and on until something can solve the problem and the stress goes away."
"That sounds... hard. Do all humans have to deal with this?"
"Well, everyone has sources of stress, but she's got a disability. Without her meds, she gets stressed all the time. Not a lot all at once, but it always adds up."
"Oh no! So she'll be stuck like that until we get closer to Earth?"
"Most likely, yes."
But the most momentous thing to happen this day was not her breakdown. Not an hour later, alarms blared up. The simulation holograms all displayed blinking red masses - the less-travelled "safe route" was not as well protected! An asteroid range had been detected cutting through the border field, and it was in their way!
Pauline froze up, not knowing what to do. Gabalt was too surprised to act fast. All the courses from the ship's library of regular manoeuvres suggested a crash chance of over 60%, and mere seconds to act before entering the field!
Before anyone could react, Cassandra came in running from her corner to the front of the bridge, slamming the warp drive shutdown button. Most holograms stuttered and collapsed, the exit from FTL essentially dividing one or several of their dimensions by zero.
Looking quickly at the few remaining ones and gazing at the screens showing the current outside situation like a large window would have - plus a few critical extra points of data - she adjusted the angles manually while everyone still shuddered from the gravitational and temporal whiplash of suddenly coming back into normal time. Unblinkingly, she spotted the asteroids on the route while the ship was still going, if not at relativistic speeds, still fast enough for a single pebble they met to vaporise the Whipple shields, the outer hull, the inner hull, the crew members, and the hull again coming out if they but grazed it. Confirming the angles visually, she played with the reaction wheels, the thrusters, the gravity drives, to divert the ship's course just enough to miss a collision while not risking any grave injury on board. There was no time to react - if anything showed up straight ahead on the "unaugmented" outside view screens, it was too late to not get splatted. After half the crew had had the time to get thrown to the side or on the ground due to the rough handling, she'd managed to avoid any crash.
Gabalt was reeling. While it was surely not impossible, these was the kind of moves experienced veterans would never wish to attempt, and the margins for error were ridiculously low! She'd saved the ship and everyone on it, whereas she'd been unable to do a simple safety run so soon before?
Pauline was white as a sheet, but this was nothing compared to Cassandra, shaking violently and breathing unevenly.
"Pauline? What is she doing?"
"That's... probably the adrenaline."
"What's it for?"
"It's from stress. When it comes it overcharges the body. It's like the traditional, 'fight or flight' instinct from survival in prey-predator paradigms, it lets you move fast but paralyses thought... it feels pretty bad after a lot of it is released though. Now she's crashing down, must be harrowing."
"How did she do that? And you said her thoughts were paralysed for precision manoeuvres?"
Cassandra's voice came, nearly a mutter: "I just... had to. do it."
Gabalt needed to understand what happened.
"What do you mean you had to? Someone had to do it, but why you?"
"It- it was very stressful, I saw you freeze, and so."
"But... but HOW did you do all that? That was extremely complicated, few pilots -whose main craft is directly piloting- would want to even try doing that when given a choice!?"
"I had to. do it, so I did. I couldn't. couldn't make a mistake."
"This makes absolutely no sense."
Pauline interrupted. "She just works like that. Lots of stress and when people freeze up, humans with her condition... sometimes, surprisingly, function better in the moment than others can."
"Ah. So it's a human thing. of course, it's a human thing. NOTHING MAKES ANY SENSE WITH YOUR ACCURSED SPECIES" the diminutive pilot pouted.
And so one more story of the humans doing the impossible spread around. Humans of a subtype, more easily harmed, sometimes unstable and needing help for the simplest things... accomplishing odd, unthinkable, borderline heroic feats under duress none could be expected to withstand - but only then. Cursed, blessed? No story-teller seemed too certain. But the "magical" species never stopped surprising all others. And a new proverb developed: "it's not over until the human says it is".
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felassan · 27 days
Thoughts on yesterday's companion blurbs:
Some of the descriptors were prior ones, some of the others were synonyms and variations of/expansions on existing themes ^^
Bellara has previously been described as "obsessed with uncovering ancient secrets" and "obsessed with uncovering the secrets of ancient Elvhenan"; no doubt this is an area of her hyper-focus :)
"Plucky" follows the theme of previous descriptions of her in articles and such as things like spunky and effervescent, and considering that the Veil Jumpers welcome those brave enough to face the reality-warping magic
In the original post of these blurbs, Bellara's family name was mis-spelled as "Lutara". After a few minutes a new version of the post went up with "Lutare"
Davrin: "Griffon dad" was so cute and wholesome, ough, my heart. The closeness between Davrin and Assan is evident from these mo-cap scenes, it's really nice to see :)
Emmrich's blurb reminded me of the time he was described as "friendly, scholarly, and sincerely proud of his companion, Manfred - a walking skeleton" [source]. The adjectives sincere and friendly make him sound so nice, like he'd be very considerate. I feel like he will be lovely to talk to in the game
Harding: I feel like the new bit here was that in addition to these things, she also loves fantasy stories. +5 cuteness points. Maybe her mom and dad read her fantasy books or told her stories when she was small? Avvar cultural tales aren't 'fantasy stories', but Harding's general interest in tales and stories comes up in Jaws of Hakkon if the Inquisitor asked her what she thinks about the Avvar. She says that when she was a little girl, a lady in their village used to tell her Avvar tales. "Being able to see their lives up close... it’s nothing like I thought"
If Lucanis is a workaholic, maybe he is treating his assassin role as more than a 9-5 job in terms of hours hh /lh? ^^ the descriptor (assassin-job-aholic) tracks; he maintains that death is his calling, and the training he received from Caterina when he was young was not kind, sometimes literally beaten into him. like she made him live a certain life
Socially awkward Lucanis
In Neve's line of work, in a place like Tevinter, when you're not of the ruling classes, you would 100% have to be clever and guarded. I imagine as well that a detective/investigator knows how to ask questions in order to gain information from other people, and that due to this, they be more considered/guarded in terms of what they say themselves (especially about themselves). I also love her character trait of having a guarded heart, but past her defenses, it's a heart of gold 🥺 In the release date reveal trailer, in the romance scene we see of her, she said "You and me, Rook. Maybe that's what scares me". like she'd started to let her guard down a little bit and was feeling a bit vulnerable 🥺
Taash: someone that lives for adventure, breathes fire, is a pirate-basically, and doesn't mind taking risks would totally be a thrill-seeker. and is there any greater thrill in Thedas than taking down a dragon? :D I like her combination of being headstrong and also very knowledgeable, it's nuanced :)
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queensharotto · 10 months
Brittle Doughie’s Cookie Run x Reader Masterlist (Part 1: Mid to Late 2022)
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A masterlist of @brittle-doughie’s Cookie Run stories organized by month, starting with August 2022.
Genre Emojis
😞 is for angst, 🎃 is for Halloween, 🎄 is for Christmas, 🍪 is for Cannibalism, 💗 is for Yandere, 💝 is for Valentine’s, 👻 is for Horror, 🎂 is for Birthday, 💚 is for Yandere!White Lily Cookie
The Indents are related to the featured cookies. If there are numerous cookies (Over 10 Cookies Featured), I’ll make a note on that as well. Additionally, I’ll categorize various cookies if they’re associated with a specific hobby, location, food etc.
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August 2022 🌅
• “Picnic Time” 💗
Featuring: Cherry Blossom Cookie
• “Pizza Time” 💗
Featuring: Pizza Cookie
September 2022 🍂
• “The Beloved of Duskgloom Sea” 💗
Featuring: Black Pearl Cookie
• “Heartbreak”
Featuring: Kumiho Cookie
• “The Apple in this Doctor’s Eye” 💗
Featuring: Dr Bones Cookie
• “The Incorrect Quote Cookie Jar #1”
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “The Time Balance Department’s Handycookie”
Featuring: The Time Balance Department
October 2022 🎃
• “Biggest Fans” 💗
Featuring: The Cherry Stars
• “The Idol and the DJ” 💗
Featuring: DJ Cookie
• “Time Travel, Woo!” 💗
Featuring: Croissant Cookie
• “Hollyberrian Marketplace Ruckus”
Featuring: Princess Cookie, Knight Cookie and the Hollyberrian Shopkeepers
• “The Spooky Cookie Tapes” 🎃💗
Featuring: Numerous cookies
• “The Thrill or the Peace”
Featuring: Adventurer Cookie and Blackberry Cookie
• “The Deal with Dragons” 💗
Featuring: The 5 Dragons
• “Baking for Them”
Featuring: Frost Queen Cookie, Sea Fairy Cookie and Black Pearl Cookie
• “The Face of the Future”
Featuring: Director Croissant Cookie, Stringy Gummy Cookie, and Ephemeral Flow Timekeeper Cookie
• “Missing You…” 😞
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “Sunrises”
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “Real Y/N Cookie Birthday Hours” 🎂
Featuring: Birthday Cake Cookie, Cheesecake Cookie, Truffle Cookie, Lotus Dragon Cookie, and Croissant Cookie
November 2022 🌾
• “A Tune for You”
Featuring: Vagabond Cookie
• “Let Me Be Your Relay Cookie”
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “A Phenomenal Photo”
Featuring: Chocolate Bonbon Cookie, Sour Belt Cookie, Shining Glitter Cookie, Scorpion Cookie, Orange Cookie, Cotton Candy Cookie, and Almond Cookie
• “Polar Opposites” 💗
Featuring: Timekeeper Cookie
December 2022 🎄
• “Bake It till You Make It” 🍪💗
Featuring: Captain Caviar Cookie, Caramel Arrow Cookie, Oyster Cookie, Affogato Cookie, Blackberry Cookie, Black Raisin Cookie, and Cocoa Cookie
• “The Deal with Ancients V1”
Featuring: Gingerbrave and Co, The Cookies of Darkness, The First 3 Playable Ancient Heroes and Cookies seen throughout Episodes 9 - 14
• “Yandere Cookie Team Ups” 💗
Featuring: Fire Spirit Cookie, Wind Archer Cookie, Croissant Cookie and Timekeeper Cookie
• “Speak of the Tree”
Featuring: Millennial Tree Cookie and Churro Cookie
• “For Their Majesty” 💗
Featuring: Amber Sugar Cookie
• “Spared No Expense” 💗
Featuring: Cheesecake Cookie
• “The Flipside” 😞
Featuring: Cocoa Cookie, Mint Choco Cookie, Croissant Cookie, Kumiho Cookie, Lilac Cookie, Pomegranate Cookie, Caramel Arrow Cookie
• “When the Jingle Bells Rock” 🎄
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “What If: In Your Name” 🍪
Featuring: St Pastry Order
• “Secretly Reading Your Diary”
Featuring: Rougefort Cookie, Licorice Cookie, Pomegranate Cookie, Strawberry Crepe Cookie and the Choco Chess Twins
• “From the Brink”
Featuring: Caramel Arrow Cookie, Pomegranate Cookie, Pastry Cookie and Milk Cookie
• “In a Heartbeat” 💗
Featuring: Pink Choco Cookie
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cherryrainn · 1 year
can you do triple s (sonic, shadow, silver)(separate) best friends with reader headcanons?
━━ ✧ 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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─ ✩ 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ; sonic + reader, shadow + reader, silver + reader (all platonic)
─ ✩ 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 ; i love all these new requests i'm getting! of course i can do this for you. here you go.
─ ✩ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ; none
─ ✩ 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆 ; none
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sonic notices when you're feeling down, even if you try to hide it. he stays up with you into the early hours of the morning, sitting with you in silence or letting you vent about what's bothering you.
on particularly tough days, sonic takes you for a high-speed run through green hill zone or other scenic spots. the rush of the wind and the beauty of the landscapes provide a brief escape from your troubles.
sonic opens up to you about his own challenges, reminding you that even heroes have their moments of doubt. he assures you that it's okay to feel vulnerable and that you're not alone in your struggles.
sonic and you embark on spontaneous adventures, exploring new zones and discovering hidden paths together. the laughter and thrill of the journey bond you even closer.
sonic treats you to his favorite chili dogs at a cozy corner in station square. the two of you chat, joke, and create new memories while enjoying the comfort food.
when you're in need of a mood boost, sonic teaches you some of his signature dance moves. the two of you end up laughing uncontrollably as you try to keep up with his lightning-fast footwork.
just remember, even the fastest hedgehog has days when he stumbles.
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shadow has a knack for picking up on your mood shifts, even when you're trying to hide them. he may not be the best with words, but he sits with you in silence, offering his presence as a source of comfort.
when you need space, shadow understands better than anyone. he doesn't push you to talk; instead, he joins you in your solitude, letting you know he's there without overwhelming you.
on your worst days, shadow leaves a simple note or a small gift by your side. these thoughtful gestures remind you that someone cares about your well-being.
despite his serious demeanor, shadow surprises you with spontaneous adventures. from racing through the fields to exploring hidden caves, these unexpected moments lead to some of your fondest memories.
you find solace in watching the stars together. shadow may not show it, but he enjoys these moments of quiet connection, where the vastness of the universe reminds you both of the bigger picture.
you discover that shadow has a dry, often sarcastic sense of humor. you share inside jokes and witty banter that only the two of you understand, creating moments of laughter amidst your adventures.
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silver has a strong sense of empathy and is quick to notice when you're feeling down. he approaches you gently, offering a kind ear and genuine concern, creating a safe space for you to open up.
when you're troubled, silver's psychic abilities sometimes pick up on your emotions. he visits you to share his visions of hope, assuring you that brighter days are ahead.
when you're feeling overwhelmed, silver uses his psychokinesis to create a soothing environment. the gentle movement of objects and calming energies help alleviate your stress.
silver takes you on journeys through different eras, giving you a firsthand look at the past and future. these trips create unforgettable memories and deepen your connection.
you and silver bond over shared interests, like stargazing or reading. learning about his love for constellations or his favorite books becomes a source of joy and understanding.
silver surprises you with lighthearted pranks using his psychic abilities. your laughter and camaraderie strengthen as you engage in good-natured tricks and friendly retaliation.
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I absolutely adore the chef/sommelier au and always find so much comfort in your writing. i have a few questions/prompts if you’re interested in any of these:
1) how did they meet? were they part of the same circles and crushing from afar until they finally had the chance to work together? or did they have a more classic meet cute?
2)Ava mentions that she knows Beatrice prefers to eat in the kitchen rather than the restaurant and I would be curious about any backstory behind how Ava came to learn this.
3) one of those foodie travel adventures where they eat their way through X city or cities
ok so this is no1 but has hints of the other two (which i love & will maybe write later!)
also i guess... this turned into platonic bea & lilith are in love. who knows lol
you've known beatrice for so long now, you really should've seen this coming.
for as annoying as she is, she's remarkably talented — something that had made you frustrated with her, and yourself, for years during culinary school. beatrice's food is true to who she is: wholly precise and quietly playful, elegant and creative, and really, really warm. thoughtful. surprisingly fun. you've always been able to tell: your technical skills are the best in the world, better than hers or anyone else you've ever met, and your palette is exquisite; you run a kitchen with quiet authority, and each dish comes out on time, exactly as it's supposed to. you are very good at your job. but beatrice makes food — elevated chinese and european fusion dishes, whatever she's most interested in at the moment — that makes you want to cry in its capacity to comfort. not that you would ever admit it, but you have stepped away to the bathroom on a handful of occasions to do just that.
she's more your sister than anything else — your little sister, you make sure to remind her — and so when chef superion had essentially ordered — encouragingly — beatrice into opening her own restaurant after five years of being chef de cuisine and, really, being the quiet driving force behind those three michelin stars, it hadn't even been a question to you that you would go with her. that you would help with the menu and everyday operations; the design and hours of operation; the sustainable sourcing for all of your dishes that she's always been so invested in. that part, while exhausting, had been fairly easy: mary and shannon, who own an urban farm, had been thrilled to partner, and you came up with a collaborative menu together. you were able to secure local seafood from a few suppliers, local ethical meat from your favorite butcher. camila, admittedly your favorite chef from superion's, young and absolutely kind, had agreed to come on and do pastry. you and beatrice had hired yasmine as your sous, trustworthy and smart.
you've been elbow-deep in planning — food, interior, front of house, all of it — for months. you're pretty sure beatrice works, like, twenty hours a day, and doesn't do anything but that. she eats takeout quickly in the kitchen, standing over a trashcan. every friday you barge into her condo and force her to eat greasy pizza and watch reality tv and share a joint. a year or so ago she had asked you to buzz her hair for her and you still do now, weekly, because she's neat and confident and loves efficiency and, according to many, many women unfortunately saying this to you directly whenever you drag her out for drinks, it's hot. she takes you to doctor's appointments and picks up your dry cleaning; she's the only person you let sharpen your knives for you, and the only person you'll share a bed with overnight if you're too drunk or stoned or tired to go home. she never says anything, never minds, just grumbles when her alarm goes off and grumbles sleepily in chinese while she makes herself an espresso.
and so, really, it's your fault. you should've known. you're not sure how you should've known, but you definitely should have.
'so,' you say, lowering yourself into the chair across from her immaculately neat desk in her office in the back, 'i think i found us a sommelier.'
your drinks menu is one of the last things you have to finalize, and beatrice has been so fucking picky about who to bring on to do so. cocktails hadn't been that hard; hans is competent and creative. but the wine pairings have been a pain in your ass: one sommelier was too old to have fresh, exciting ideas; one was a cis white man so beatrice automatically vetoed that, which, honestly, you didn't hate and definitely should've seen coming.
'and who is it?'
'ava silva,' you say, flick open your tablet to his profile: ava is young and renowned already, and has experience with local, natural wines and restaurants all over the world, especially europe, brazil, and east asia. she is, you realize later with a heartfelt deep annoyance, beautiful.
'ava silva,' beatrice repeats. she reads through ava's profile, her accomplishments and accolades and references. 'they worked with taian table.' beatrice hums. 'i've heard of them.'
'yeah.' you force yourself not to roll your eyes at her reluctance.
'ava is available to meet for a consult?'
'tomorrow, if you want. i can take care of the oyster tasting if that helps.'
she laughs, and you let yourself crack a smile. 'i don't even want to be a part of your oyster tasting, lilith.'
'just because i have fun —'
'sleeping with our supplier better not backfire on us, that's all i have to say.'
and maybe you should've realized right then, when beatrice's eyes lingered on ava's professional headshot on her website, on her impressive accolades. 'i am a consummate professional,' you tell beatrice.
she shakes her head, fondly, and leans back in her chair, runs a hand over her hair. 'fine,' she says, 'i'll take the meeting with ava.'
'great,' you say, relieved in the moment. 'what's the worst that can happen?'
very soon, unfortunately, you find out: beatrice is fucking insufferable. ava is even more insufferable, flirting with horrible humor and fond, relentless teasing. beatrice is, somehow, blushing and stumbling around like a schoolgirl, despite her attempts at being a serious, focused chef. she burns her hand on a pot, sets a towel on fire, and spills a red wine reduction all over her favorite apron the first time ava is coming to try a few dishes on the menu.
'jesus christ,' you say, maybe a little bit of a prayer, 'what the fuck, chef?'
beatrice groans. 'ava is... pretty.'
she says it reluctantly, like it's terrible to admit. ava is definitely annoying, but even you have eyes. 'yes, we all know after having to watch you fumble around during one meeting that you think ava is pretty.'
'and,' she says, a blush spreading across her cheeks and down her neck, 'he's smart, and funny, and has an amazing palette.'
'well, he better.' you deflate a little; it's disarming to see beatrice this nervous, especially when it has nothing to do with her food being reviewed or rated. 'listen, beatrice,' you say, trying your very hardest to be gentle, just this once, 'this menu is gorgeous. i came up with eighty percent of it —'
'— you did not —'
'— so i can assure you that ava will love it, and that we can pair wines that will be excellent. and don't tell anyone i said this, or i legitimately will kill you, but you're an... impressive person. you're a remarkable chef. ava would be a fool to not see that.'
beatrice lets out a big breath. 'okay.'
'plus, it's kind of fun to see you trip all over yourself because of a crush.'
'i'm going to go change now.'
'yes, because you spilled because of a crush.'
'see you later, lilith.'
'yeah, yeah,' you say. 'i'll make sure to overcook the egg noodles, just for you.'
it's your fault, for sure, because you said yes to doing the food at their wedding — to make it worse, excitedly. it's gorgeous and it's a huge pain in your ass because there's, like, every cool chef in the world there, and a ton of Wine People, and beatrice has been traveling with ava filming something, so you've been running the restaurant. but still, beatrice gives you a hug and ava, terribly, kisses your cheek. they're both beautiful, and their backyard is full of edible flowers and herbs and vines with wine grapes. at one point, beatrice snags you by the hand to dance with her, which you protest for posterity and eventually give up on, as you always would have anyway. as you always have.
'thank you,' she says, 'for this. it's the best meal i've ever eaten.'
'i'm certain that's not true.'
she shakes her head; she's tan and has more freckles than you've ever seen on her, stretching across her cheeks — they'd gotten to film in brazil, apparently, where ava is from. but here it is, really: the whole world, right there, and beatrice has chosen to love you. she's chosen to want you as her sister, and you have always chosen her back.
'i'm really glad you're happy.'
'thank you,' she says. 'i am so happy.'
you roll your eyes. 'i know. it's nauseating.'
'after all of this, i want two weeks off when you're back from your honeymoon.'
'well, a positive outcome, at the very least.'
she laughs.
'it's my fault, anyway. if i had just found a less beautiful, boring, straight sommelier...'
'i'm going to go dance with my wife now,' she says. 'love you.'
'yeah, yeah.' you squeeze her hand, linger for a moment in how softly she says wife, just because it's gentle and sweet and you don't hate seeing her this happy. 'love you too.'
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astrology-bf · 4 months
May DWC Day 2: Embrace
(Companion piece to Day 1's prompt, written from the other point of view.)
Ifan Kaleid was not having a good day.
The weight of recent events had taken an equally heavy toll. Every victory was bought at a steep price, and right at the moment where he seemed he might finally be granted a reprieve– 
Don’t think about it.
Ifan allowed himself a few tears in private, and spent longer than he usually did each day in prayer, but otherwise completely buried himself in work. Favors for Aymeric, tasks from Alphinaud, requests from Tataru; anything to keep his mind off the recent past, tense present, and uncertain future. Anything to feel like he was doing something.
Today, however, it seemed his usual sources of distraction had conspired together to deny him that outlet. All three refused him any work, and all three insisted he rest with palpable worry in their eyes and words. 
Rest means time to think. Don’t think about it.
So he’d simply smiled to hide his gritting teeth, then sought out Eloin at the levemetes. Frustratingly, that too proved fruitless - the flood of adventurers in the wake of Ishgard's recent opening had exhausted all but the most trivial or most dangerous assignments. Ifan managed to conceal his disappointment with a loud laugh, then bade the elezen farewell with the intention of stomping off to the Forgotten Knight and getting himself plastered.
As he turned to leave, Ifan locked eyes with an odd, armored man leaning against a nearby wall. He was staring.
Ifan sized the stranger up instinctively. A midlander; roughly his own height, likely a marauder or warrior judging by the ax slung across his back and the dark-plated armor he wore. Definitely easy on the eyes, at least by Ifan’s standards, but otherwise unremarkable save for the fact the man was openly gawking at him. The poor concealment of his fascination was matched only by the fumbling attempt at hiding his stare when he realized Ifan was looking back at him.
…Heh. Cute.
He wasn't sure what compelled him to walk over and introduce himself. The man's awkwardness was endearing, certainly, and Ifan felt a little bad at how embarrassed he looked. Or perhaps Ifan was just so desperate for a distraction that he'd approach a complete stranger for conversation. His name was Ardbert, it turned out. And he had eyes like the sky.
Ifan felt his frustration fade as his attention fixated on his new acquaintance. He could tell from his first glance that the other hyur himself was a man of many travels, but what struck Ifan the most was the weight Ardbert seemed to carry. It was as if he'd taken the mass of the whole world upon his shoulders.
It was an uncomfortably familiar burden. It pained Ifan to see another sharing it, especially as it reminded him of Ysa–
Don’t think about it.
So, entirely on a whim, Ifan teased the warrior. He saw the pall of that weight pull back a bit in Ardbert’s smile, just enough to hint at the man beneath; someone earnest, fun, and full of love. Ifan felt a thrill in his chest ease the pressure constricting it, and so he kept on doing it: teasing him. Sharing stories. Cracking jokes. Ifan watched Ardbert blush, grin, and laugh. And Ifan rewarded the warrior’s own good humor with a mirth he’d almost forgotten how to share, let alone enjoy himself. A mere three drinks ended up turning into several hours of lively conversation.
"No shit?" Ardbert exclaimed, staring in disbelief as Ifan described the grueling tasks he'd been made to undertake to earn the favor of the Company of Heroes. “All that, and the feast was for -you-?”
"Aye. Even today I still wonder if the food was actually worth the trouble!” Ifan laughed as he raised his tankard to his lips, finishing the last of his current drink. “Mm… Still though, I'd do it again just to see the glee on Shamani's face. It’s rather funny how a mere grape vine can spark so much happiness."   
Ardbert chuckled through his grin, gazing across the table at Ifan. The evening rush had largely dispersed, allowing them to lower their voices and enjoy a more sedate discussion. "Seems to be a common thread in these tales of yours; making people happy. I can see why Hydaelyn chose you." he remarked.
Though the warrior couldn’t possibly have intended it, the mention of the Mothercrystal was sufficient to bring Ifan back to reality. He felt his smile fade a little as he remembered that he wasn’t just another adventurer having a drink with a peer. Ifan hadn’t been one of those for a while now. Despite his efforts, Ardbert seemed to notice the shift in mood.
 "Ah... fuck." he muttered apologetically, rubbing the back of his head and giving Ifan a sheepish look. "Sorry. Didn't mean to spoil–."
"You didn't." Ifan interrupted. He gave Ardbert a firm look. "Trust me. I feel a lot better now than before we started talking, it's more..." He crossed his arms and leaned forward on the table, and his lips twisted as his eyes flicked to the candle sputtering between them. 
He chuckled humorlessly. "...Don't worry about it. We should talk about lighter things, hm?" He said as he looked up at Ardbert with a forced smile.
Ardbert didn't return it. Instead, he reached across the table and grasped Ifan’s hand. The mage blinked. "Ifan,” he said gently. "C'mon. Sitting on a problem just lets it fester. Mind you, I’m not saying you have to share it with me in particular… But I promise not to judge whatever it is that’s bugging you.”
The earnestness in Ardbert's voice made Ifan's breath catch in his throat. His fingers flexed under the warrior's, and he shifted a little where he leaned. Suddenly he felt rather shy.
Don’t you dare.
"I..." he started, looking off to the side rather than meet Ardbert's gaze. He swallowed. There was a trembling silence. "It keeps happening." Ifan said hesitantly."People keep dying or sacrificing themselves, and I just have to watch. I don't know if I'm doing it right. Being... whatever I am. A hero? A weapon? I just–" 
Stop it. Don’t put this on him. 
Ifan caught himself with a sigh. He shook his head, regretting speaking. It was too weighty a problem to expect Ardbert to have any answer for.
But then he felt Ardbert's grip tighten in a squeeze, and Ifan closed his eyes without realizing he was squeezing back. "Well... from where I'm standing..." said Ardbert slowly, "You look like a man to me.”
Ifan opened his eyes. Ardbert was smiling now. The mage couldn’t sustain his frown upon seeing it.
“A good one, at that. Just in a bad place.” Ardbert continued. “Can't say if you're doing all the other stuff right, but... You impress me, Ifan. For whatever that's worth."
There was a long pause. "...It's worth a lot, Ardbert. Thanks." Ifan answered in a thin voice. 
The pair leaned against the bar table together in silence, Ardbert's hand atop Ifan's. Once more, the mage found himself lost in the color of the warrior's eyes.
They’re so bright…
The sound of clattering crockery brought them back to reality. 
Ifan blinked and looked over at the server who'd nearly dropped a stack of plates, while Ardbert noticed that he'd been holding Ifan's hand and withdrew his fingers with an awkward clearing of his throat. "...Gods. What hour is it?" Ardbert asked with a weary laugh that was met by a smile.
"Too late, I think." Ifan replied as he stood upright and stretched. "A few more than three drinks, I daresay. But not a moment of it wasted, if you ask me."
"Likewise." Ardbert said, straightening up himself and rolling a shoulder before downing the last of his own tankard. "Let me walk you home. You said you were staying higher up in the city, right?"
"Walk me home?" Ifan asked, surprised. "You don't have to."
"You're right, I don’t. I'm offering because I want to." Ardbert replied confidently. 
Ifan knew he was lying. It was a poorly concealed excuse to make sure the mage didn't have a chance to mope. "...Alright. Didn't realize you were such a gentleman." Ifan teased. He smirked as Ardbert's cheeks reddened.
"Pff. Tch. Feh..." Ardbert rubbed the back of his head again and issued a series of nonverbal admissions of bashfulness.
Even so, he still smiled.
The walk home was quiet, in contrast to the vigor of their earlier conversation. Ifan pointed out a few of the sights on the way to the upper tiers, but otherwise he and Ardbert seemed content to savor each others' company in gentle silence. They took a detour as they ascended to the Pillars, heading to the overlook near Fortemps manor to take advantage of the view offered by a clear night. Only when wind picked up with a faintly bitter chill did either speak again. 
"...Thank you, Ardbert. Really. Tonight has been..." Ifan began, then hummed as he failed to find the words. "Good. It's been good."
"Really good." Ardbert agreed, giving Ifan another smile. "I needed this too, believe it or not. And I'm glad to have met you, Ifan. Even if I've made an utter ass of myself the whole night." he added awkwardly.
Ifan laughed. "You weren't that bad. No more than I usually am." he replied. "But I'll see you around, aye? Take care, Ardbert."
Ardbert nodded. He reached up with a grin, extending his fist towards Ifan for a little bump. "You too. See you around, hero."  
Ifan returned the fistbump with a grin of his own, then turned towards the manor. He took a step, then another, hearing the clicks of Ardbert's boots on the stones as he walked away.
*Clink*. *Clink.* *...*
Ifan was already hesitating in his third step when he noticed the absence of the warrior’s footfalls. He turned… and Ardbert was staring back at him with near perfect synchronicity, as if Ifan was looking through some sort of mirror. Both sported a look of hesitation on their face, as neither seemed to be willing to be the first to leave.
One moment passed. Then two.
Ifan felt himself grinning. Then he was laughing, as was Ardbert. They laughed, pouring each of their frustrations into the raucous melody until both of them were in tears.
"...Nophica's tits..." Ifan cursed and chuckled as he wiped his eyes. "Guess you were right about me being strange."
"No... No. You're alright." Ardbert managed through the aftershocks of his own laughter. He walked forward towards Ifan with a sad, weary smile on his lips. "Bit strange myself. And I reckon we're just both a bit more wound up than we care to admit, yeah?"
Ifan nodded and took a deep breath in an effort to compose himself. He looked up at Ardbert, matching the warrior's expression as his fingers threaded together in front of him. Ardbert's smile widened further as he gazed down at the mage. ThenIfan felt a brush of cool leather on his cheek; Ardbert had raised a hand to sweep aside a few strands of ash brown hair that had fallen in front of Ifan’s eyes, and his knuckles were lingering on his face. Ifan's cheeks burned despite the chill. His eyes went to Ardbert’s lips.
The warrior seemed to snap out of his fancy, blinking at the realization of where his hand was. His own face reddened, and he made to pull away apologetically.
"...Sorry, I--" 
His hand had barely left Ifan's cheek before the mage had closed the gap between them and pressed his lips to Ardbert's. The warrior's apology was lost, and the wide-eyed shock at the sudden contact lingered only moments before instinct took over. Ifan felt Ardbert's hands grip his back as the other hyur returned the kiss, and he let himself relax into the warrior’s arms.
You’re in mourning. You’ll regret this.
Ifan ignored his misgivings and pressed himself up against Ardbert’s bulk. He tasted like the ale they’d been throwing back, of course, but Ifan kissed him until he could commit what was unique about the other man to memory. There was a faint saltiness, like a coastal breeze. A slight hardness, like iron. It amazed him how soft Ardbert’s lips were. The warrior clearly wasn't experienced with kissing, but more than made up for it with enthusiasm; more than that, Ifan found the slight bashfulness that was present even in the most insistent lashes of the Ardbert’s tongue beyond endearing.
Ardbert gasped as their lips parted. His face was flushed a deep scarlet, and Ifan could feel his heart pounding through the fingers that hand unconsciously crept up to caress Ardbert’s neck beneath his gorget. "Ifan…" he breathed.
“Ardbert…” Ifan echoed, gnawing on his lower lip as he gazed up into Ardbert’s eyes.
"Ifan." The warrior repeated, gloves curling into the fabric of Ifan's clothes. Ardbert’s fingers were trembling. "Do you, uh… Mind if we...?" 
After a moment’s pause, Ifan hummed. “It’s funny…” he said, leaning forward for another kiss as he did so. “I was about to ask you the same thing.”
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satoshi-mochida · 10 months
Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition announced
Gematsu Source
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Ubisoft has announced Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition. It will launch in early 2024. While platforms were not announced, it is expected to be available for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC.
Beyond Good & Evil first launched for PlayStation 2 on November 11, 2003, followed by PC on November 19, Xbox on December 2, and GameCube on December 11. A remastered version of the game, Beyond Good & Evil HD, launched for Xbox 360 on March 2, 2011 and PlayStation 3 on June 8, 2011.
An “early development version” of Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition was mistakenly released to some Ubisoft+ subscribers on Xbox platforms during the evening hours of November 28. According to Ubisoft, “this version is not indicative of the final game.”
Here is an overview of the 20th Anniversary Edition, via Ubisoft:
Swoop into the marvelous world of Hillys as action-reporter Jade to investigate the mysterious DomZ alien attacks alongside colorful characters, like her adoptive uncle Pey’j or the valiant Double H. Embark on this epic adventure in up to 4K, 60 frames per second with improved graphics, controls, and audio, along with brand-new autosave and cross-save features. Enjoy exclusive new rewards as you explore the planet and discover more about Jade’s past in a new treasure hunt throughout Hillys. Put your skills to the test thanks to the new speedrun mode and updated achievements, and learn more about the game’s development and secrets in the anniversary gallery! Armed with her dai-jo and faithful camera, Jade’s adventure will get you to freely explore Hillys, combat creatures large and small, infiltrate dangerous areas, solve enigmatic puzzles, play addictive mini-games, race the best hovercraft pilots, and take pictures of the whole experience. Be ready to dive into a trailblazing blend of action gameplay and thrilling emotional cutscenes!
View the first screenshots at the gallery.
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dragongod800 · 18 days
The Forgotten Route
Emma had always been drawn to her grandmother’s attic, a dimly lit, cluttered space where time seemed to stand still. On this particular afternoon, as the sun dipped low and golden rays streamed through the small, grimy window, she began her usual exploration of dusty trunks and neglected boxes. Her fingers brushed against something crisp and unfamiliar.
She unearthed a faded, leather-bound map. Its surface was cracked and yellowed with age, the edges frayed and worn from years of neglect. Unfolding it gently, Emma’s eyes widened at the intricate hand-drawn routes leading to a location marked with an elaborate X. The name at the end was a jumble of symbols and letters she couldn't recognize, adding an air of mystery to the already strange artifact.
Her grandmother had never mentioned any hidden places or secret routes. The map seemed to point to a location deep in the Appalachian Mountains—a region known for its rugged beauty, dense forests, and rich history. Emma felt a thrill of adventure. Could this be an old family secret?
Determined to uncover the mystery, Emma packed essentials for her journey—a flashlight, a first-aid kit, and plenty of water—and set out the following morning. The crisp air of the Appalachian Mountains greeted her as she entered the forest, the trail becoming increasingly overgrown and less maintained.
The forest was dense, with towering trees whose branches intertwined like ancient, skeletal fingers. The sunlight barely penetrated the thick canopy above, casting eerie shadows that seemed to flicker and move in the corner of her vision. Emma followed the landmarks on the map—a twisted oak with gnarled roots, a stream with a fallen log across it—but everything seemed more ancient, more foreboding than she had expected.
As the hours passed, the forest grew quieter. The usual sounds of birds and rustling leaves fell into a profound silence. The temperature began to drop, and an oppressive mist rolled in, swirling around her feet as she walked. The sense of being watched grew strong, a prickling sensation on the back of her neck, as though unseen eyes were tracking her every move.
By late afternoon, Emma reached the edge of a steep cliff overlooking a hidden valley. The map indicated she was close to the destination, but the only thing visible was the thick mist that swallowed the valley below. The sun was setting, casting long, distorted shadows across the landscape.
Emma set up her camp on the cliff’s edge, her heart pounding with a mix of excitement and unease. As dusk fell, the fog thickened, and the forest below was obscured by a ghostly veil. Her flashlight flickered erratically, casting strange, wavering patterns on the ground.
A soft, whispering sound began to drift up from the valley, barely audible over the silence of the evening. Emma strained to listen, her breath catching in her throat. The whispering seemed to come from all directions, weaving through the mist, but she could not discern its source.
As night fully descended, Emma tried to sleep in her tent, but the unsettling feeling of being watched grew more intense. The mist outside seemed to thicken, pressing in against the tent walls. She unrolled the map to check her progress, but to her shock, it was now blank. The detailed routes and symbols had vanished, leaving only an empty piece of parchment.
Her unease grew into full-blown anxiety. She packed up quickly, the eerie whispers still lingering in her ears. The forest, now shrouded in darkness, seemed to close in around her. The trees looked more twisted and sinister, their shadows stretching out like grasping hands.
Navigating back was difficult. Landmarks that had been clear on her way in were now indistinguishable from one another. The familiar path seemed to shift and change, as if the forest itself were alive and deliberately misleading her. The mist grew thicker, clinging to her clothes and obscuring her vision.
When Emma finally emerged from the forest, she found herself on a road she didn’t recognize. The landscape was markedly different—more open and flat—though the Appalachian Mountains still loomed in the distance. The road stretched out, unfamiliar and desolate.
Emma glanced back at the forest, her heart pounding with a mix of relief and dread. The map was gone, the destination unreachable, and the unsettling feeling of being watched lingered. She had ventured into the unknown and returned to a place that felt strangely altered, with only the eerie memory of the mist and whispers to remind her of the secrets she had brushed against.
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houselamentation · 2 years
Diavolo: My heart's desire was and is and ever shall be whatever your heart desires. MC: Aww, what a thoughtful wish, darling. I only got you cufflinks. Diavolo: Oh! I adore shirt-jewelry!
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pagetgram · 10 months
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Cast of the Thrilling Adventure Hour for exclusive Picket Day at Warner Brothers Studios
@zachcartoonist: I did a thing!! @writersguildwest #wgastrike #wgastrong
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thistransient · 1 year
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Thoughts on my visa run to Tokyo: not to be a complainer (I'm gonna complain), but taking into consideration that it was a last-minute decision with minimal planning, I was a bit underwhelmed. I have fond memories of walking around Naha, Okinawa some years ago with great delight at simply being there, but perhaps a certain percentage of that was "first time in Japan" thrill (or I was so fed up with my circumstances at home that the break was particularly welcome). It could also be that enduring life with recently sprained ribs took my focus off the sights somewhat (there was a hefty price to be paid for forgetting to hold in sneezes). As such I didn't press myself to go to too many places: I stayed at a hostel in a traditional house in Asakusa, and spent the most time walking around Yanaka and Koenji with a brief foray into Shinjuku (albeit late enough that my feet hurt and it was very crowded on the streets, so this did not last long). There were so many foreign tourists in Asakusa that I felt rather as if I were in that Japan-themed part of Disney World, and I found myself gravitating inevitably to the riverside (pictured above).
If anything I felt self-conscious that said tourist contingent appeared to be having the time of their lives, whereas I had come here somewhat on a whim and kept being told "wrong ticket!" by the metro staff almost every time I made at attempt at transferring
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(In addition to not buying a SIM card I also didn't bother with a metro card because I figured individual tickets couldn't be that hard, could they? Ahahaha.)
But for all these woes, I do love looking at Japanese buildings (a treat for my niche interest in external fire escape stairs), the bakery offerings were excellent, and I decided eventually to forgive myself for my restaurant anxiety and just eat onigiri in the cemetery such that I was at least ingesting something. I'd go back to Japan (to other cities), but I'd like to do it with company, and more planning.
Coming back was in fact the real adventure, with the flight diversion to Macao, the jaunt in the wee hours of the morning with my hotel roommate, and eventual return to Taipei. The immigration process has really been streamlined, there's an online arrival card now, and the line moved so fast I just managed to fill it out before it was my turn. The agent barely glanced at me before stamping me in (I had actually been practicing my speech justifying flying in and out of the country every 90 days, and even printed out a bank statement, but the online form required one to list an exit flight, which evidently preempted any interrogation).
In the moment I was extremely relieved! But now I find myself bereft of my regular activities either on account of my ribs (watching shibari is not half as fun as being on the receiving end, and I really miss biking) or because I've become disillusioned with a couple of my former sources of regular socialisation. I feel increasingly like I don't actually have much in common with the people at the trans group beyond us all being trans, and my presence (or lack thereof, last time I had a bit of a panic episode and ran away without saying anything) at their events is pretty meaningless as far as 'volunteering' goes. I also abruptly lost interest in a friend I'd spent a lot of time with in the past year, which bothered me quite a bit (how could I feel so heartless towards someone who had bought me a thoughtful birthday gift) until I did enough writing and figured it out, but that still hasn't rekindled any desire to hang out again, except perhaps out of guilt (not the best motivation). In the face of these things (amongst others), and the fact that I've done my 3rd visa run this year with no apparent plan to stop living in 3 month increments, I think it's time...time to go back to therapy.
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tayfabe75 · 9 months
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What keeps you up at night? It's a momentary glimmer of distraction. The tiniest notion of reminiscent thought that wanders off into wondering, the spark that lights a tinderbox of fixation. And now it is irreversible. The flame has caught. You're wide awake. Maybe it's that one urgent question you meant to ask someone years ago but didn't. Someone that slipped through the cracks in your history, and they're too far gone now anyway. All the ghost ships that have sailed and sailed away, but at this hour, they've anchored in your harbor. They sit with flags waving, bright and beautiful. And it's almost like it's real. Sometimes sleep is as evasive as happiness. Isn't it mystifying how quickly we vacillate between self love and loathing at this hour? One moment, your life looks like a night sky of gleaming stars. The next, the fog has descended. Suddenly you're in the town you left behind all those years ago. The trees of your youth with the phantom memory echoes of your belly laughter, and the rope indentations of your old tire swing still on the branch. All the phone numbers you still know by heart but never call anymore. The boy's devastated face as he peeled out of your driveway. The family man he is now. What must they all think of you. Why can't you sleep? Maybe you lie awake in the aftershock of falling headlong into a connection that feels like some surreal cataclysmic event. Like spontaneous combustion, or seeing snow falling on a tropical beach. A lavender haze crush that feels like the crash of a wave. Or was tonight the night you realized how solitary, how alone you really are, no matter how high you climb. The elevation just makes it colder. Some midnights, you're out and you're buzzing with electric current — an adventurer in pursuit of rapturous thrill. Music blaring from speakers and the reckless intimacy of dancing with strangers. Something in this shadowy room to make you feel shiny again. On these nights, you know that there are facets of you that only glow in the dark. Why are you still up at this hour? Because you're cosplaying vengeance fantasies, where the bad bad man is hauled away in handcuffs and you get to watch it happen. You laugh into the mirror with a red wine snarl. You look positively deranged. Maybe you were trying to mastermind matters of the heart again. You've gotten lost in the labyrinth of your head, where the fear wraps its claws around the fragile throat of true love. Will you be able to save it in time? Save it from who? Well, it's obvious. From you. We lie in love and in fear and in turmoil and in tears. We stare at walls and drink until they speak back. We twist in our self-made cages and pray that we aren't — right this minute — about to make some fateful life-altering mistake. This is a collection of music written in the middle of the night, a journey through terrors and sweet dreams. The floors we pace and the demons we face. For all of us who have tossed and turned and decided to keep the lanterns lit and go searching. Hoping that just maybe, when the clock strikes twelve…we'll meet ourselves. See you there. Midnight sharp. Taylor
October 21, 2022: Taylor releases Midnights, outlining the concept of the album in its prologue. (source)
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nsewell · 8 months
10-20 for Sadie Ava teehee
otp asks.
10. describe their first date.
hmm idk how things are going to play out in canon but in all likelihood i could see it being a mission they go on together after comitting to their feelings and coming out of it just. super invigorated by their synergy and success and seeing each other use their skills in their element and sadie being like, 'you call that a date?' and ava raising a brow and hitting her back with 'if you like.' and then they just always refer to it as their first date. i love you battle couples.
11. do either try to hide their emotions if upset? Can the other still tell?
they can both read each other implicitly, ava bc of her hypersenses and sadie bc she just comes to know ava's body language extremely well so suppression when it does happen is pretty futile. doesn't stop them from trying though, and i think a lot of the source of their tension is knowing that the other is affected while trying to pretend everything's fine.
12. do they have many heated arguments? how do they smooth things over?
heated arguments are the foundation of planet ava and sadie but really only in the begining when it came from a lack of understanding each other. they do have their petty spats and disagreements still but, and i'm outting them here, they definetely both enjoy it. in a hanleia back and forth way for sure, they get a weird sexual thrill so you can imagine how they resolve things.
13. who’s the bigger tease?
sadie!!!!!!!! more intentionally so, it's her 9 to 5 to work ava up but sometimes ava will rise to the occasion with a reverse uno sly reply or innuendo that has sadie flustered and speechless
14. how do their personalities compliment each other? how do they clash?
in them is this mutual drive to give their best for people even if they approach it at different angles. sadie has a hero save as many as i can complex whereas ava is tempered by sacrifice the few to save the many mentality so there's a lot of butting heads there. sadie is the passionate spitfire to ava's cool composure. they both have an adventurous spirit, both enjoy physical activity and doing things with their hands, being in nature, enjoying the fruits of their labor etc etc.
15. do they always say 'i love you' before leaving?
no they don't really need to. once they reach that mutual understanding it's an unspoken thing that neither of them question or need constant reassurance of
16. can they stay up all night just talking?
i don't think ava has enough words in her to fill that many hours but they can stay up all night doing parallel activities with occassional intercessions or one wandering over to check on the other with a forehead kiss or brushing a hand to a neck
17. who's more likely to pull the other in by the waist and kiss them passionately?
i think ava can have startling bursts of passionate intimacy that trump even sadie's flirtations because of how much she contains and holds in, whereas sadie just lets everything lose so yeah. she would go for the big shows of affection out of nowhere whereas sadie likes to lure you to her
18. how likely are they to have fur babies? How many and what kind?
sadie comes with a fur baby already in her hairless cat that she calls the sheriff, and he takes to ava even more than sadie to the point sadie starts calling him ava's cat. she'll get random wordless texts of pictures throughout the day if ava is working on reports from home featuring the sheriff cuddled up with her, she loves that evil little cat
19. how do they feel about PDA?
neither of them are particularly keen on it, sadie might do a see ya babe cheek peck when they're parting around a group, or a quick kiss in greeting. 90% of their PDA tbh is staring across a room at each other and playing psychosexual mindgames nobody around them can even begin to understand.
20. choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship.
but not kiss by faye webster
i want to sleep in your arms but not kiss / i long for your touch but don't miss / don't want to regret any of this
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sunniebelle · 1 year
A First For Everything
Mia , Tentoo x Rose
Mia is determined to prove to herself and to her parents just how grown up she is!
AO3, TSP (to be added), FF.net
YAY!! I finally broke through my writer's block!!!
I am gifting this story to @metacrisisdoctor with many thanks for allowing me to borrow your absolutely brilliant headcanon for a little while! I hope you enjoy it! *waves shyly* (My inspiration for this story: https://www.tumblr.com/metacrisisdoctor/715092017567465472/one-of-my-favorite-headcanons-is-that-when-mia-is?source=share )
Mia Jacqueline Susan Tyler-Noble sneaked through the silent back garden, hidden by the darkness of the midnight hour and lack of moonlight. She had tried to sleep, honestly she had, but her thoughts just wouldn’t quiet enough to let her. What she was planning to do was certainly dangerous and could very well end with her being in severe trouble, but she didn’t know what else to do.
She had been raised on the stories of her parent’s adventures together and the brilliant escapades they had together. Traveling through time and space, righting wrongs and taking down monsters and evil dictators hell-bent on destruction; helping the helpless and saving civilizations on the brink of collapse! That was the kind of life she wanted, adventure and danger and excitement, and occasionally, running for your life!
But what did she get? The safe route.
While she had been on a few adventures with them—and it was always fantastic fun, so thrilling and exciting to see new places, to meet new people and experience different cultures and ways of living—her dad flatly refused to take her into dangerous situations. If there was even a whiff of danger, her dad would pack her off back to the TARDIS. And the one time she had managed to sneak out and follow them, he had been so...she didn’t know exactly how to describe the look of horror and panic that came over his face. He’d managed to convince her mum that he could handle the situation alone and Rose should take her back to the TARDIS and stay with her. Like she was some toddler or something!
They still saw her as a child that needed to be coddled and protected and wrapped up in cotton wool! It was infuriating!
So tonight, she had decided to do something about it. One way or another, she was going to make her overprotective parents trust her and see that she was grownup enough to handle their adventurous lifestyle. She didn’t need their hand to hold, or their permission for seemingly everything she did.
Now that she had reached the shed, she hesitated momentarily. Shaking off her doubts, she unlocked and stepped purposefully through the door, closing it softly behind her.
She smiled as she saw the lovely dark blue hue of the police box that was the TARDIS. She loved the sentient time and space ship, and she knew the opinionated ship loved her, too. Mia felt sure she could talk Her into taking a trip without her parents.
Brushing a hand along the wood of the door, Mia felt the mental brush of warmth as the ship greeted her. She grasped the key she been given several years ago, fiddling nervously with the chain necklace from which it was hanging—the beautiful, braided gold chain had been a gift from her grandparents the week before, at her sixteenth birthday party. That thought steeled her resolve; she was sixteen now. By all accounts, she was a very young Time Lady, but a Time Lady all the same.
Mia slipped the key into the lock and turned it, smiling a little at the satisfying click it made, before the door squeaked on its hinges as she pushed it open to enter. She glanced guiltily at the shed door once more, imagining her dad and mom rushing through it to stop her.
All was silent. Grinning she slipped into the TARDIS, ready to have her first solo adventure.
“Doctor. Doctor, wake up!”
A hand was shaking his shoulder and drawing him from the depths of sleep. Moaning slightly at the interruption to the few hours of sleep he needed a night, his eyes opened to slits to see Rose’s familiar night shirt, or rather, his shirt.
“What’s’it, love” he mumbled, sleep making his voice deep and a little gruff. Closing his eyes again, his hand found her arm and trailed up till it reached her neck, where he let his fingers glide over her shoulder and rub soothing circles on her back.
“It’s Mia.” Those words made his eyes pop open and his sleep-numbed brain awaken a little more. “S-she’s missing. I can’t find her anywhere.”
Hearing the panicked voice coming from his wife of nineteen years, made him sit up in bed and focus fully on what she had just told him.
“Please tell me you’re joking.” He regretted the sentence the moment the words left his mouth.
“Why would you think I would joke about our daughter going missing!” she shrieked at him, her panic abating and anger taking its place.
He winced and apologized as he slid his hand over her shoulder, down her arm and grasped her hand, squeezing it reassuringly. Looking past her, he noticed the light of early morning seeping through the sheer curtains of the windows on the far wall. His time senses, while significantly reduced in his part-human body, informed him it was half-past eight.
Reaching to turn on the lamp, the Doctor hurriedly dressed, listening intently to Rose recount how she’d been headed to start breakfast but first ducked into Mia’s room to get her up. They had planned to surprise their daughter with a trip to the Gamma Quadrant of Senon Three.
When she shakily told of finding Mia’s bed empty and unable to find her anywhere in the house, he tried to reassure her that she had to be around somewhere. She would have none of it, quickly stating all the places she had checked, her voice strained as she struggled to remain calm and rational. Then a thought came to him and he wanted to smack his head for not thinking of it earlier.
“Rose, did you check the TARDIS yet? You know how fond she is of wandering the halls of the ship.”
Not waiting to hear her answer, he quickly moved toward the rear door of the house, heading toward the shed where they kept the ship parked.
“I looked in the shed but the TARDIS wasn’t there.”
He jolted to a stop, whirling around to face her in the same motion.
“What!?” he gasped in shock and surprise. His brain froze for all of 2.57 seconds before it started again, fear and worry swirling through his mind, making him dizzy. His thoughts sped faster than his feet, racing through scenarios of what could have happened, each one worse than before. His stomach twisting into knots, he scrambled to unlock the door to the shed; he was unnerved to find it already unlocked. He opened it forcefully enough that it bounced off the wall with a dull thud.
Rose was not far behind him, yelling that she assumed he had moved the TARDIS, and had woken him to see if he had indeed moved it.
She found him standing still as a statue, staring wide-eyed at the corner where they kept the ship. It was at times like this that Rose tried not to let panic and fear take over her body, but she was failing now as she watched the Doctor standing so still and breathing hard.
Shaking his head, he seemed to pull himself out of whatever trance he had been in and ran purposefully over to the computers on the far side of the shed. His fingers began flying fast and sure on the keys. She watched in silence as words flashed across the screen. Small boxes that she recognized as security footage windows popped up and disappeared, but too fast for her to make out any solid details. She didn’t bother peppering him with questions because she knew if he had any idea of what had happened, he would have told her already.
After a few moments, he stopped abruptly, having searched through several different security camera angles and stopped on one that showed the interior of the shed.
They watched the video on a loop, staring in shock and disbelief as their daughter entered the TARDIS. Their hearts sank as they saw it disappear moments later.
Mia laughed heartily as she slammed the door shut on the six foot tall Ecralarian guards outside. Breathing heavily as she leaned on the doors, she grinned to herself, pride and happiness filling her. She had done what she set out to do. Prove to her parents that she was old enough to take care of herself and have her own—or at the very least join in on their—adventures.
She had even escaped jail and the guards all by herself! She was thankful she’d worn her bracelet, which was conveniently bio-locked to her DNA only, preventing the jewelry from being confiscated by her jailors. When the guards had been distracted, she’d pulled her sonic pen from within the bigger-on-the-inside bracelet and used it to unlock the doors—she didn’t let herself think about what she would have done if they had used deadlock seals.
The night had not been all ‘running for her life’ and escaping from danger. She had enjoyed the attention her blond hair and blue eyes had afforded her. The locals of Ecralar were tall humanoids with pale blue skin and dark green eyes. There must not have been many off worlders to this region of the planet, since people with features such as hers were evidently rare; she had told several people she met, who had been interested in the origins of her fair skin, eyes and hair, that she had inherited her mother’s blond hair and her father’s blue eyes— although she withheld the fact that it was a past incarnation of her father, from whom she inherited the blue color.
Things had gone pear-shaped when she said something that offended one of the local vendors; though, for the life of her she couldn’t understand why. Bananas were the best fruit in the universe, it was a simple fact. She knew her dad would agree wholeheartedly. She had been making her case for bananas and their versatility in cuisine and various other uses, when the vendor she had been talking to suddenly stalked away and rang an alarm bell.
Before she knew it she had been escorted to the local prison, where she was to be held for trial the following day, charged with disturbing the peace. She had tried to explain the situation, but apparently it was falling on deaf ears, since her pleas of innocence were promptly ignored. She had taken to using one of her dad’s tricks—annoy the guard enough that they want to go away, or make you shut up. Luckily, this one had walked away to get a bit of hush and she had taken advantage of the opportunity to sonic the lock and slip out unnoticed.
She wasn’t sure if she had tripped an alarm or had been seen by someone, but she was suddenly making a mad dash back to the TARDIS, half a dozen armed guards on her heels.
Skipping up the ramp, she grinned widely as she danced around the console, setting dials and turning knobs, just as her parents taught her. Giggling in prideful joy at her accomplishments, she left the angry pounding of the guards behind. She watched the viewscreen in amusement when they backed off in fear and wonder as the box disappeared. Moments later she felt the ship settle in the vortex.
Her happiness was tempered a little when the TARDIS would not allow her to set the controls to any place other than Earth. No matter what she did, the controls reset themselves to Earth the day she left, seven minutes after she left. With a frustrated huff, she gave in to the temperamental ship, turning to pull the dematerialization lever; she was unaware that, as she turned away, the date and time had changed.
Knowing that her adventure was over, but unwilling to let the joy and happiness of her successful solo adventure be ruined, she laughed as the ship jolted to a stop, setting down with a hard thump, causing her to fall back onto the metal grating. Laughing, she pulled herself up and ran over to the doors, not bothering to check the viewscreen. Her parents should still be asleep and would be none the wiser about her actions. She’d just have to choose her timing carefully before telling them about her trip.
Therefore, she was unprepared to see her dad standing only a few feet away when she exited the TARDIS.
Unable to help it, she gulped, knowing she was in trouble. She couldn’t remember her dad ever looking at her like he was now; angry, for sure, but his messy clothes and drooping, unwashed hair was a surprise, as was his taut and pale face. The worst part, making her flinch slightly, was the severe look of disappointment in his eyes.
They stood there for several moments, neither talking nor moving. She could almost feel the tension in the air. Her dad was standing rigidly across from her, his breathing exaggeratedly slow, as though he was trying to hold some great emotion inside.
He broke the silence first, asking in an unnervingly calm voice, “Where were you?”
Mia swallowed nervously, then wondered why she was behaving like a scared little girl. She was an adult now, a Time Lady. She traveled in a TARDIS by herself, gotten into and out of a bad situation all without help and traveled back safely. He should be applauding her!
Standing tall and raising her chin proudly, she declared, “I went on an adventure.”
Swept up in her excitement, she missed the slight twitch under the Doctor’s eye that told of his struggle to hold in his anger and fear, and countless other emotions.
“It was brilliant, Dad! There were these guards that—”
“Do you have any idea the ramifications of what you have done?” His still calm voice disconcerting her, Mia barely held back her retort at his interrupting her.
She started to answer, but she didn’t get the chance.
“Your mother and I have been frantic, looking for you. We didn’t have any idea where or when you went. You left no note, nothing to tell us where you were going or when, not to mention if, you were coming back.”
Her jaw dropped and eyes widened as she heard her dad’s assumption that she may not come back, shocking her into silence. Then her brain kicked in and she stated her only defense.
“But I was only gone for seven minutes! I set the TARDIS to come back to seven minutes after I left!” she argued, her anger with her dad rising.
He broke eye contact with her only a few seconds, sending a glare to the ship that would rival a glacial iceberg for coldness, then trapping her in his gaze once again. The pain in his eyes made her anger cool slightly, and confused her.
“Seven days.”
Mia stilled, her breath catching as those words and their meaning sunk in.
“You were gone seven days. You had your mother and I worried out of our minds for seven whole days. Anything could have happened to you, or the TARDIS, and we would have never known.”
Mia stayed silent, thinking it wise to hold off telling him what happened on Ecralar for now.
Looking more tired and weary than she had ever seen her dad, he spoke and brought her whole world to a standstill.
“Give me your key.”
When she hesitated, he firmly repeated himself. Her heart sank as she slowly removed the precious item from her necklace and set the key in his hand. She thought that would be the end of it.
She was wrong.
“You are not allowed to go forward or backward in time, or off planet, for any reason, without my express permission until further notice.” Her dad said in a flat tone, his voice still eerily calm.
Her jaw dropped as she heard the conditions of her punishment go on, in detail and severity, for nearly a solid minute. She was now restricted to the house, school, her grandparents and home, and her key to the TARDIS was confiscated until who knew when.
She was so shocked and angry that he could not see how utterly unfair this was, that the words escaped without thinking. She shrieked at her dad, “That’s not fair!”
Her dad’s calm facade suddenly melted away.
“Don’t tell me what is or is not fair, young lady,” he all but growled at her.
“Do you think it was fair that your mother and I spent a solid week, twisted up in fear and worry that something had happened to you? Was it fair that we had no way of reaching you or knowing when or where you were?”
His voice had steadily risen in a shout of anger. He had never spoken to her that way before.
“Was it fair that your mother spent every night crying herself to sleep in my arms, both of us worried sick, wondering if we would ever see you again?” With those last words, her dad’s voice broke, the words no longer shouted, but whispered.
He hid his face in his hands, still as a statue except for the slightest of movements of his shoulders.
Mia was in shock, frozen and unable to move or speak even if she wanted to. She had seen her dad angry before, even heard him yell. She had heard countless stories of enemies cringing in fear as the Doctor released the fury of the Oncoming Storm on them; but never before had he shouted at her. Ever.
So shocked was she that it took several moments for her to understand what he had said, and to grasp the severity of what she had done. Hitting her like a punch to the gut, Mia was suddenly filled with shame and remorse, seeing how much she had scared and hurt her parents with her actions.
Tears she had been struggling to hold back were now burning behind her eyes and making her throat tight and uncomfortable. She watched, through her blurry vision, as her dad dragged his hands down his face, exhaling slowly and staring at the ceiling.
“I’m sorry, Dad” she whimpered, swallowing harshly against the tightness in her throat. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t think of any of that. I just wanted to show you and Mum that I could handle the dangerous stuff right along side you.”
She was still trying to hold back the tears, her breathing erratic as she pushed back the sobs that were trying to break free; that is, until their eyes met and she saw the redness and glistening in his eyes that betrayed his own tears. Her shoulders hunched and her face crumpled as the tears poured unchecked down her reddening cheeks.
With a deep breath and long, slow exhale, the Doctor’s shoulders slumped as he saw his daughter try to explain her actions, while fighting a losing battle with her tears in the face of his righteous fury.
Unable to hold himself back from her any longer, two quick strides brought him close enough to fold her within the safety of his arms. As soon as he had her wrapped in his embrace the dam burst and her sobs came in great heaving gasps as she buried her face in his chest and clung to him.
Her voice was muffled and indistinct, but he could make out the repeated apologies coming from her. He rocked his little girl and shushed her, one hand soothing her hair while the other held her to him with fierce protectiveness.
Words of comfort and forgiveness were whispered in her ear as he calmed her, while also calming himself with her presence.
He had not meant to scare her, and he knew that later, when they were both calm, he would apologize for his anger and for yelling at her. But no matter what, the conditions would stay in place for a while. He would also be having a very stern talk with his ship soon; then he’d be putting safety measures and controls into place, to prevent something like this from happening in the future.
For days he had been frantically cobbling together a device to try and communicate with and, hopefully, locate the time and space coordinates of the TARDIS; but 21st century technology had hindered him greatly, and frustrated him to no end.
He had even considered trying to send a message through to the Doctor in the other universe, to get help in finding Mia; but Rose had asked him to save that as a very last resort. No need to rub his happy life with Rose and Mia in the other Doctor’s face. He was just so glad he had decided to work at home today, rather than go to his office at Torchwood.
He recalled the long talk he had yesterday with Jackie, both consoling her and being consoled by her. He’d finally given her a true apology for the mess he’d created so long ago, when he brought Rose back a year late. He had been given a glimpse of the heartache and suffering he had unnecessarily put the woman through. It was the first real smile he had seen on Jackie’s face in days, as she hugged him and told him she had forgiven him a long time ago.
It took several minutes for Mia to calm down enough to stop crying, the occasional sniffle and shuddering breath being the only noises from her.
As she stepped back from him, her face red and puffy from crying, he produced a handkerchief from his pockets and handed it to her, smiling slightly when she released a wet and shaky laugh.
Just then, he heard the sound of a car door slamming shut and Rose’s voice call out for him from across the yard. By the sounds of it, she was headed their way. He hadn’t had an opportunity to contact her yet, and rubbed the back of his neck in nervousness as he considered that he probably should have done that when he heard the TARDIS materializing.
“Doctor! I felt the TARDIS—” Rose began, her words faltering as she entered the shed, stopping at the entrance only long enough to see her daughter standing there, before rushing forward to crush her in a hug.
Both mother and daughter were sobbing as Rose ran her hands over her daughter, checking for injuries and affirming that she was really here.
Several minutes later, the Doctor had guided his family into the house and started heating water for tea, while Mia sat tucked into her mother’s side in the lounge. It took several cups of tea, and a lot of patience, but they heard their daughter’s tale of her independent adventure in the TARDIS. He saw the excitement and joy on his daughter’s face as she recounted how she had outsmarted the jailor and guards, and made a run for the ship.
It was then that he realized, his little girl was no longer a little girl. His breath caught and he could’ve sworn his heart stopped momentarily.
He knew there were still going to be growing pains and learning curves as they traveled the road of Mia gaining more independence—once her restrictions were lifted, at least—but he knew he had to let go, to give her more freedom and trust her to know when to ask for help or guidance.
He figured it was time he tell Mia about her sister, Jenny, and her sacrifice for him; no matter how hard it was for him to think or talk about. Even now, he could still see his amazing daughter stepping in front of him, taking the bullet that was meant for him. Mia was old enough to understand the pain that shattered his scarred and wounded hearts, as he both gained and lost a daughter in the same day. And perhaps, he reluctantly admitted to himself, it was time she knew more about the Time War. Maybe not the full details, not yet; but enough to understand his fears of losing her and his reasons for going to such extremes to keep her safe.
He sighed as he felt Mia cuddle closer into his side, Rose already asleep on the other side of her.
For tonight, she was still his little girl, and in his heart she always would be. Kissing her forehead, he let his head rest against his daughter’s. Finally feeling calm and at peace, he joined his family in the first peaceful sleep he’d had in days.
This is the first time I've written Mia, or really any kid!fic, and since I have no children of my own, I floundered a little with how to keep Mia and the Doctor in character. I can only hope I succeeded! I welcome comments with open arms, but would ask that you be gentle too, please 😊 *runs and hides*
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