#sp Chaos Returns
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not beating the allegations
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sp-chaos-returns · 9 months
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Bark bark
AHHHH THANK YOU MY LOVELY CANADIEN PAL!! THIS IS AMAZING!!! (sorry I didn't respond immediately, I've been really caught up with all this stupid fake-trey political drama)
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clarityroses · 9 months
It’s not gay if they have socks on
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Chaos returns style scene #1! (They’ve taken over my brain)
I’ll do Ken and butters eventually :>
Just gotta finish the rest of these lmao
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Expect more later :D
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craigwouldbesooohappy · 10 months
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Sorry guys! You have me confused! I think butters was a twerpy little loser kid whose parents didn’t love him. My names Vic! Vic Chaos!
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thewulf · 2 months
Bulletproof Bonds || Aaron Hotchner
Summary: Request - Maybe a husband!Aaron x Long Time BAU!wife and how there’s a new member to the BAU and she keeps trying to flirt with Aaron but he keeps turning her down🥲 but the new member doesn’t know that Aaron and reader are married, and new member just thinks of reader as competition to get with Aaron, eventually leading to reader getting really mad cause new member does something really stupid on a case that leads to reader almost getting seriously injured??... Read Rest Here
A/N: Really loved writing this one. Hope you all enjoy! Thank you for the request @viscade !
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Female Reader,
Word Count: 3.1k
TW: Yelling, gunshot (non wounded)
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In the bustling chaos of the BAU bullpen, Aaron Hotchner sat at his desk, his brow furrowed in concentration as he sifted through the multitude of case files scattered before him. A usual sight for the unit chief. The harsh fluorescent lights cast stark shadows across his features, accentuating the lines of exhaustion etched into his face by years of chasing monsters in the dark.
You sat by his side, a silent sentinel amidst the whirlwind of activity. Your own workspace dedicated beside him cluttered with documents and crime scene photos. The faint aroma of stale coffee hung in the air as you both delved into the intricate web of clues left behind by the latest serial killer to plague the streets. It was always so easy with him, your husband. The way the two of you were able to bounce ideas off each other was like none seen before.
The tension in the room was palpable, a heavy weight pressing down on everyone present as they grappled with the enormity of the task at hand. Each unsolved case seemed to loom over them like a specter, a constant reminder of the lives lost and the justice yet to be served. Amidst all the usual chaos, Agent Sarah Miller made her presence known. Her arrival heralded by the soft click of her heels against the linoleum floor. She moved with a confidence that bordered on arrogance, her youthful exuberance a stark contrast to the world-weary countenances of her colleagues. She had no idea what she was getting herself into.
Sarah's eyes lingered on Aaron as she sauntered past his open aired desk, a knowing smirk playing at the corners of her lips. She was young, ambitious, and hungry for success. Her gaze fixed on the formidable figure of the BAU's leader like a moth drawn to a flame.
Despite Aaron's cold indifference, she persisted in her attempts at flirtation, undeterred by his lack of response. Her tactics were shamelessly transparent, her words dripping with false sweetness as she sought to capture his attention. Agent Sarah Miller yet again walked past Aaron's desk, her gaze lingering on him for a moment too long before she turned her attention to you. There was a subtle flicker of annoyance in her eyes as she took in your presence, her lips curling into a barely concealed sneer.
"Hey, Hotch," she purred, leaning against the edge of his desk with practiced ease. "You must be tired of staring at all those files. Why don't you take a break and grab a coffee with me?" Her eyes kept looking back to you in brief flashes to gauge your reaction. You decided early on after her brazen attempts that you would give her none. A layer of disgust masked on top of the doe eyes she was attempting to give your husband was meant for you. She was very forward, you had to give her that one.
Aaron's response was polite but firm, his tone devoid of any warmth. "I'm sorry, Agent Miller, but I have work to do," he replied, his eyes never leaving the papers in front of him.
Undeterred, Sarah flashed him a flirtatious smile, her gaze lingering on him expectantly. "Maybe some other time, then," she said, her voice dripping with false sweetness before she finally strolled away.
You couldn't help but roll your eyes at her blatant display of interest, the subtle scoff escaping your lips as you returned your focus to the files sprawled across your desk. "Some profiler she is," you muttered under your breath, the sarcasm dripping from your words like venom. It was a small act of defiance, a way to vent the frustration bubbling just beneath the surface as you watched Sarah's failed attempts at seduction.
Your comment earned a small smirk from Aaron, his lips quirking up in amusement as he glanced up from his work. His eyes met yours, a silent acknowledgment passing between you, a shared understanding of the absurdity of the situation. In that fleeting moment, you found solace in the unspoken reassurance that he was not blind to Sarah's antics, nor was he unaffected by them.
As the tension in the room continued to get heavier, you exchanged a knowing glance with Aaron, the unspoken bond between you speaking volumes. It was a silent reminder of the unbreakable connection that bound you together, a tether grounding you amidst the disarray swirling around you. In that moment, you drew strength from the knowledge that no amount of flirtation from the new agent could ever hope to rival the deep-seated love and loyalty that defined your marriage.
But beneath the surface, resentment simmered, fueled by the blatant disrespect for the boundaries of your marriage. Each lingering glance, each flirtatious comment served as a reminder of the fragile line Sarah was treading, unaware of the storm brewing beneath the calm facade. Yet, as frustrating as her antics were, you knew that the true test of your marriage lay not in her misguided advances but in the unwavering trust and devotion you shared with Aaron. A bond that would withstand any challenge thrown your way.
You had to give the girl credit. She certainly didn’t stop. It was not even an hour later that the girl came crawling right back to him. In the dimly lit bullpen of the BAU, the seasoned agents huddled together, their eyes darting furtively around the room as they exchanged knowing glances. Reid, Garcia, Morgan, and Prentiss stood in a tight circle. Their voices hushed as they leaned in conspiratorially.
"So, who's going to crack first?" Garcia whispered, her eyes sparkling mischievously behind her glasses.
Prentiss smirked, crossing her arms over her chest. "My money's on Y/N. She's got that poker face down pat."
Reid nodded in agreement, adjusting his glasses. "And she's got a wicked sense of humor. I don't think she's sweating it."
Just then, Morgan, ever the observant one, interjected with a grin. "You know what, I'm with both of you on this one. Y/N's handling this like a pro. She's probably just waiting for the perfect moment to drop a witty comeback."
The others turned to look at you, noticing your bemused expression as you observed the scene unfolding with a mixture of amusement and annoyance. The new agent, eager to impress, leaned in a little too close to Hotch, her voice dropping to a suggestive whisper. "So, Hotch, any plans for dinner tonight?"
Hotch glanced up from his paperwork, his expression remaining impassive. "Just finishing up some reports, Agent. Nothing planned."
Undeterred, the new agent persisted, fluttering her eyelashes coyly. "Well, if you change your mind, I know this great Italian place down the street."
Hotch merely nodded, returning his attention to the file in front of him. "I'll keep that in mind. Thank you, Agent."
Behind his back, the BAU members couldn't contain their laughter, stifling their giggles as they watched the new agent's attempts fall flat. It was clear that Hotch was immune to her charms, his focus unwavering even in the face of relentless flirting.
As Sarah retreated, finally somewhat defeated, the BAU members exchanged triumphant looks, their silent bet settled. Hotch may have been unflappable in the field, but when it came to dodging unwanted advances, he was truly a master of his craft. And you, well, you were just enjoying the show, your amused smile barely masking your annoyance as you watched the scene unfold.
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The breaking point came during a particularly intense case, where the unsub's erratic behavior had everyone on edge. You felt the adrenaline coursing through your veins as you moved cautiously through the dimly lit corridors of an abandoned warehouse, every nerve on high alert.
In the heat of the pursuit, Sarah's impulsive decision shattered the fragile equilibrium you had struggled to maintain with your team. Ignoring protocol and disregarding the safety of the team, she charged ahead recklessly, her actions sending shockwaves rippling through your ranks. Bullets flew past you like angry hornets, the deafening roar of gunfire echoing off the walls as chaos descended upon you.
It happened in the blink of an eye, a split-second decision with far-reaching consequences. A bullet sliced through the air like a deadly whisper, its trajectory aimed straight for your chest. But thanks to the protective barrier of your bulletproof vest, the impact was nothing more than a forceful shove, the fabric absorbing the blow with a sickening thud. The impact knocked the wind out of you, pain searing through your body as you stumbled backward, clutching your chest.
As the adrenaline faded and the reality of what could have been sunk in, fury ignited like a wildfire within you. You rounded on Sarah, your voice a crescendo of anger as you unleashed the pent-up frustration that had been building for weeks. Each word was a dagger aimed straight at her heart. Your tone laced with a venomous ferocity that mirrored the intensity of the emotions raging within you.
Coughing up blood, your vision blurred as you struggled to make sense of what had just happened. Anger surged through you like a tidal wave, drowning out the pain as you staggered to your feet. With a primal roar, you lunged at Sarah, grabbing her by the collar with a strength born of desperation.
"What the fuck was that?" you yelled, louder than you ever had before. And certainly not in front of the team. Your voice raw with fury. Each word was a thunderclap, reverberating through the warehouse like a warning shot. "You could have killed me! Or them! Do you even realize what you've done?"
But Sarah's response was a defiant sneer, her gaze unwavering in the face of your righteous indignation. "I did what needed to be done," she spat, her voice laced with arrogance. "I'm not afraid to take risks to get the job done."
The words were like a slap to the face, a cruel reminder of the recklessness that had nearly cost you everything. With all your rage, you shoved her away, your hands trembling with anger as you struggled to contain the tempest raging within you.
"You're a liability," you growled, your voice a low, dangerous whisper. "And if you ever put my life, their lives,” You pointed to Spencer and Emily behind you, “in danger again, I won't hesitate to take you down myself."
As you stood there, trembling with fury and pain, the rest of the team made their way over. You still hasn’t seen Aaron yet but the rest of them looked on in shock and disbelief. Derek surged forward, his strong arms wrapping around you as he pulled you back from the confrontation. "Easy there Y/N," he said, his voice low and soothing as he tried to calm the storm raging within you. "Cool off."
Emily and JJ exchanged worried glances. Finally, Aaron found you after too many moments of losing it in front of everyone. His eyes widened in alarm as he took in the sight of blood staining your lips, his heart clenching with fear at the sight. "What happened?" he demanded. His usually calm voice was laced with urgency as he reached out to gently touch your arm. His fingers trembled against your skin, his touch a comforting anchor in the swirling chaos of the moment.
Still reeling from the confrontation and the shock of narrowly escaping serious injury, Spencer stepped forward, his voice calm but tinged with urgency. "Aaron, Sarah made a nearly fatal mistake," he said, his words cutting through the tension like a knife. "Her impulsive actions endangered everyone on the team, especially Y/N." You were thankful he was willing to step in because you weren’t quite sure if you had the right words.
Aaron's eyes narrowed, his jaw clenching with barely contained fury as he turned his gaze on Sarah. The air around him crackled with palpable anger, his protective instincts kicking into overdrive. "Is this true?" he demanded, his voice cold and steely as he pinned her with a hard stare.
Sarah shifted uncomfortably under his intense scrutiny, her bravado faltering in the face of his unwavering gaze. "I...I was just trying to apprehend the unsub," she stammered, her voice wavering with uncertainty.
But Aaron's patience had worn thin, his temper flaring like a raging inferno. "You made a reckless decision that put the entire team at risk," he snapped, his voice echoing off the walls of the warehouse. "Until you can prove that you're capable of following protocol and putting the safety of your teammates above all else, you will not be back in the field."
The weight of his words hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the consequences of her actions. Sarah's expression fell, her defiance crumbling under the weight of his judgment. It was a harsh lesson, but one that she would need to learn if she ever hoped to earn back the trust of her colleagues and prove herself worthy of wearing the badge.
As Aaron turned away, his attention returning to you with a renewed sense of protectiveness, you couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for the unwavering support of your team leader and husband. But as you tried to catch your breath, a sudden coughing fit wracked your body, drawing Aaron's attention back to you. Concern flashed across his features, his eyes narrowing with worry as he stepped closer, his hand reaching out to steady you.
"Hey sweetheart," he murmured softly, his voice a gentle caress against your ear as he brushed a strand of hair away from your forehead. "Let's get you checked out, alright?"
You attempted to speak, but the coughing fit continued, leaving you gasping for air. So, you shook your head in protest. You were fine and you knew it, but the damn bullet hit you right in the lung leaving you gasping for air. Aaron's worry deepened, his brow furrowing with concern as he knelt down beside you, his hands hovering anxiously over your shoulders.
"Honey, just breathe," he urged, his voice filled with tenderness as he placed a comforting hand on your back. "We'll get you to the hospital, and they'll take care of you. I promise." It wasn’t usual that he dropped those sweet terms of endearment to you in front of the team, but he couldn’t really care. Not when he could’ve lost you.
Despite your protests, Aaron's determination remained steadfast. With gentle insistence, he scooped you up in his arms, cradling you against his chest with a strength born of love and concern. "You're going to the hospital," he declared, his voice unwavering as he carried you towards his SUV. “I’m not taking no for an answer sweetheart."
As Aaron settled into the driver's seat beside you, his eyes flickered with concern as he stole glances, his hand reaching out to brush against yours in a silent gesture of reassurance. But despite his unwavering determination to get you to the hospital, you couldn't help but feel a stubborn sense of resistance bubbling within you.
"I'm fine, Aaron," you insisted, your tone tinged with frustration as you crossed your arms over your chest. "This is incredibly dramatic. You’ve been hit in your gear too."
Aaron's expression softened at your words, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Maybe I am," he admitted with a chuckle. "I also know what it feels like honey. I’d rather be safe than sorry."
You shot him a playful glare, unable to suppress the teasing smile that danced on your lips. He cared for you, truly. Every inch of himself loved you more deeply than even you could have fathomed. You also knew that love bore stubbornness and there was no talking him out of what he knew he had to do. You were just along for the ride now. "You just can't resist playing the hero, can you?" You spoke up after a moment of silence between the two of you.
Aaron chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he glanced over at you. "Guilty as charged," he replied. "Always remind me never to get on your bad side," Aaron quipped, a lighthearted smile playing on his lips as he attempted to alleviate the tension that hung heavy in the air.
You managed a weak laugh trying your hardest to hide the pain radiating from your chest. However, so grateful for his attempt to lighten the mood. "You looked like you were about to take matters into your own hands back there," he teased gently, his voice laced with affection.
The image of you, ready to throw down with the new agent, brought a genuine laugh bubbling up from deep within you this time. "Well, she did have it coming," you admitted with a mischievous grin. "But I guess I'll let you handle the heroics this time."
As the laughter subsided, Aaron's expression turned more serious, a hint of regret flickering in his eyes. "I'm sorry things got so heated," he said softly, his voice tinged with sincerity. "I should have stepped in sooner. I thought she was harmless. Dealt with her type so many times before." He sighed, running a hand through his hair before finding your hand and lacing his fingers within yours.
You squeezed his hand, a warm smile spreading across your face. "It’s not your fault you’re such a silver fox," Tossing him a wink you couldn’t help but to tease him right on back. It’s how you knew everything was going to be just fine. The two of you had dealt with so much worse and come out even stronger, this would be nothing but a minor blip on your journey together.
Aaron laughed at your playful comment, a warmth spreading in his chest at your familiar banter. "Ah, so you're saying my charm is both a blessing and a curse," he retorted with a grin, his gaze softening as he looked at you.
You nodded, a fond smile playing on your lips. "Something like that," you agreed, feeling a surge of gratitude for the ease with which you could navigate even the toughest moments with Aaron by your side.
As the car glided through the streets towards the hospital, a comfortable silence settled between you, punctuated only by the gentle hum of the engine. Despite the events that had unfolded, you found solace in the quiet intimacy of the moment, knowing that whatever challenges lay ahead, you would face them together. With each passing mile, you felt the weight of the day begin to lift from your shoulders, replaced by a sense of reassurance that only Aaron could provide. His unwavering love and support was everything you needed. He guided you through the darkness, illuminating the path forward with hope and determination.
As you arrived at the hospital and Aaron helped you out of the car, you knew that this was just another chapter in your life together. You couldn't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude for the man beside you, your literal partner in crime, your rock, your everything. Together, you were truly unstoppable.
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Aaron Hotchner/Criminal Minds: Permanent Taglist (If you'd like to be added to any or all works please fill out the form here: (Taglist Sign Up) @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @buckylov3r @taygrls @ah-blossom @daily-evanstan @hardballoonlove @14buddy22 @rosiahills22 @djs8891 @mrs-ssa-hotch @panandinpain0 @viscade @kreepja @il0vebeingdelulu @hiireadstuff @kajjaka @guacam011y
Request Taglist: @michasia24 @alicexvrose @samsgoddess @octoavia @agustdpeach @nescavaneck @casualpruneranchfire @sebastiansstanswhore @kaysolai @samron15 @lillianacristina @ryswritingrecord @bitterest-taste
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writeshite · 1 year
....okay hear me out, Geralt helping Reader escape being a virgin sacrifice by ah....helping him get rid of the virgin part 👀
Geralt doesn’t like the sorcerer who greets the two of you. Yvad Vassird, he’d introduced himself. Yvad is a relatively young sorcerer, conniving, condescending, and an ass to boot - his dark hair is neatly combed back and cropped to the sides, and his robes are a rich blue with silver detailing. The so-called temple is no better - more so a fortress, with sigils carved into every brick of the building, with a rotating guard of sorcerers watching over anything and anyone that walks in and out. He doesn’t like how they stare at you with something sinister, shrugging off the looks of disgust they throw at him.
“...your bravery is admirable, dear boy, to surrender yourself to the forces of Order for the betterment of the Continent, truly a feat.” Geralt catches the tail end of Yvad’s speech and rolls his eyes. Thankfully, the man leaves once you’re escorted to your temporary resting chambers; the room has a bed and enough magic to keep it comfortable enough. Geralt paces and checks every corner for any sort of traps, and you have to call him away from the windows when he growls at something and draws the curtains closed.
“Darling, you can glare violently at the people outside,” you quip, patting the place on the bed beside you. He reluctantly comes to sit, leaning his head against yours, thumbs rubbing circles on your hands. He helps you change into the required clothing, kissing your skin whenever he can - it’s not even clothing really, but instead a loose tunic that lays over your body. When Yvad returns, he’s accompanied by masked sorcerers, and no amount of convincing can deter Geralt from seeing you to your final moments. 
You’re led to the central altar high in the building - a massive mirror hangs above the room, and multiple other mirrors are positioned around the ceiling - when Geralt crosses the threshold, he feels his bones twist, the magic in the air is conflicting, and he wonders how you, Yvad and the other sorcerers stand without trouble. The room appears clean, but Geralt can smell the old blood as strong as it would have been the day it was spilled. Yvad has Geralt remain on the outskirts of the altar as he leads you by the hand to the altar itself, stood under the large mirror. The masked sorcerers begin to chant, raising their hands; Chaos bleeds from their fingertips, striking the smaller mirrors, darting around before coming together to the large mirror and being reflected down to you. 
The floor closest to you lights up with sigils; you glance at Geralt before runes dot your skin, and you fall to your knees. Yvad claps his hands, and the smaller mirrors tilt, focusing more Chaos onto you; your own begins to bleed from you, growing more violent as it’s pulled and pushed. Geralt is acutely aware of your screaming but is stopped by Yvad’s pinning gaze, “Interfere, and you might kill him, witcher.”
“You’re already doing that,” he hisses, proven right when you cough up blood. 
“It’s necessary,” Yvad responds. The chanting becomes quieter as Yvad takes over, hands drawing in the air; the Chaos turns into what Geralt must assume is Order. The sigils glow brighter, and your body contorts, floating in the air before a violent burst of energy is released. “FUCK! Keep it controlled!” Yvad yells.
One masked sorcerer is knocked through the window by the next wave; his screams go uncared for by Yvad. The man rolls his eyes when the others flinch, “Stay focused!” When the next wave hits more of them, you crumple to the ground, struggling to lift your head as your screams become sobs. 
Burnt flesh wafts through the air, and Geralt’s resolve breaks - the spell is already unstable with one masked sorcerer gone, so Geralt gets rid of another - the sigils flicker, and the ground shakes. Yvad turns to him, fury in his face; Geralt dodges an attack and rushes to you - surmising the focus of the spell must be well protected; he’s proven right yet again when Yvad’s magic bounces back. He alternates between shaking you lightly and patting your cheek, “Come on. Come on. Come on.”
Your skin is warm, and when your eyes flutter open, Geralt feels as though he’s staring into a flame. Geralt…?” It takes you a moment before your mind catches on, and you spring to grab his shoulders, “....you stupid, stupid man!”
“You can insult me later; now, we need to get out of here.”
Yvad laughs, “You’re going nowhere, witcher.” Yvad’s voice is close to his ear; Geralt turns and is thrown far from you and through a window, hanging off the edge. Two things happen. One - Yvad takes two steps toward him, ready to have him fall to his death - two - the sorcerer flies past him as a loud ‘NO’ echoes, and the other windows shatter. Geralt crawls back in to find whoever’s left a pile of blood and bones.
You stand at the center, hand held out, and Geralt catches you before you can topple over again, “We need to get you out of here before the others find their way up here.” You nod, steeling yourself; a portal crackles to life, leading you to Roach as the other sorcerers' steps grow closer, you open another, and Geralt has Roach gallop through with you first before following. The portal led to a safehouse you’d cobbled from a dead peer - having invested what little free time you had to ensure it remained far from the Brotherhood - Geralt catches you before you slump off Roach, and you wake hours later to him sat by your bedside.
“Geralt? I’m…I’m alive?”
“Yeah, I promised, didn’t I? We’re far from everyone else,” he replies, hand coming to caress your face, “and, considering the whole sacrifice thing fell through—”
You drag him forward before he can finish, lips slotting against his to ensure this is real and that you hadn’t died and gone to some dream amid your death. Geralt holds you, pulling you closer; you laugh with relief when you part, leaning your head against his. “I’m alive,” you sigh. “Please, never ever, do what you did back there again.”
“Hmm, no promises.” He kisses you again, leaning further into your space and laying you back on the bed. Sliding between your legs as he pushes the tunic up, his fingers stretch your ass - the Brotherhood had believed, gods know why, that virgins made for better sacrifices - you’d resolved to kiss Geralt when you could, but now? Now, you strived to be fucked.
Geralt must deem you prepared as his cock replaces his fingers - it’s an adjustment, to say the least - you wince, and he halts his movements, “Is it too much?”
“Give me…just a minute,” you groan, clenching around him, “ok…you….move again,” you mumble. He wants to move slowly for your sake, but you protest, encouraging him to move faster; you sob enthusiastically when Geralt thrusts faster, the bed creaks, and you're certain it comes close to snapping. His teeth drag across your skin, and your own senses feel elevated, ears buzzing as Geralt slams into you with more and more force. When he cums, your eyes screw shut as something, or rather a lot of somethings, crash.
Geralt chuckles, "We can replace that later." You don't ask what it is, instead chuckling alongside him.
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
So, I had a dream that I fully credit to reading your blog Ray. AN there is the mention of a letter mistaken as a suicide note.
Fem!Ichigo is Chuuya’s mother and Urahara is his father. The story goes like this:
Ichigo has been abandoned by everyone during those long, awful 17 months. During a festival she gets drunk and comes across a drunk Urahara and they end up sleeping together at the Shoten. Ichigo wakes up first, cleans up, and leaves. When Urahara wakes up with a truly horrible hangover he thinks he had another of those dreams, you know, since he’s a dirty old man, and precedes to go back to his lab.
Ichigo after a truly horrible fight with her sperm donor, decides that she’s going to graduate early and move out. This later causes a big fight between the sisters, horrible things are said, and Ichigo leaves in the middle of the night to a hotel.
After this fight she finds out that she’s pregnant. She worries about what the shinigami might do to her baby, she’s not stupid she knows she might have ended up in a cell next to Aizen if she hadn’t lost her powers, and decides she has to leave. It breaks her heart to leave her sisters but they have Goat Face and he would never let anything happen to them, they’re the children he wanted not the weapon he had to have, and her baby only has her. She’s leaves them and letter sneaks into the house to get some of Masaki’s things and leaves.
The letter when found cause mass panic because it could come across as a suicide note so everyone gathers to search for Ichigo but she’s long gone. SS is alerted and everyone loses their minds. It also comes out the Isshin is Ichigo’s father and that just adds to the chaos. Evidently Isshin is Yamamoto’s grandson through Kyoraku. (Yamamoto is Kyoraku’s father but he has his mothers name, not sure why my subconscious didn’t enlighten me on that. Kyoraku and Ukitake are together, have been for centuries, but every once in a while like to add a third to spice things up. The added Isshin’s Shiba mother, who was clan head and Kaien’s grandmother, and nine months later here came Isshin.) Anyway, C46 does something(again my subconscious didn’t enlighten me) and Yamamoto decided that they have outlived their usefulness and they are all killed and C46 disbanded.
Meanwhile Ichigo makes her way to Yokohama, goes through her mother’s things and finds out she was a Quincy. This just reinforces the idea of her leaving and no contact being the right choice. Her pregnancy kicks starts her powers to return and eventually darling baby Chuuya is born.
Ichigo and her spirts are all untied when it comes to protecting the baby and she trains like a maniac and becomes C46’s worst nightmare(if y’know they were still alive).
Things start to get blurry here. I know the Quincy’s come and she kills Yhwach and all his horrible plans come out and many Sternritters turn on his and name her the Quincy Queen(Ishida was not involved yet). She releases Harribel and gets her back to Los Noches and meets up with the other living arrancar. The Quincies(sp?) eventually end up helping rebuild Los Noches as war reparations. Ichigo, the quincies, and the arrancar all eventually end up becoming friends. SS is none the wiser.
SS does eventually get a clue about Yhawch and decide cutting off the 3 world from each other is the best thing to do. So the Kurosakis, Karakura Gang, Shoten Crew, and remaining Visored all end up living in SS so they can eventually face the Quincy threat. As fate would have it the Quincies and Arrancar end up stuck in Hueco Mundo while Ichigo and Chuuya are in the Yokohama. Fast forward a few years and Ichigo is in an accident protecting Chuuya and then Chuuya ends up on the streets. Things proceed as canon from there. Chuuya vaguely remembers Ichigo but not enough to seek her out. Proceeds as canon from there.
Hueco Mundo and SS eventually make contact and everything comes out. Urahara goes nuclear(he’s kind of Yandere here) and immediately goes to find Ichigo and his son. Because they’re his and he refuses to be separated for a moment more that necessary. Yamamoto approves of a marriage between them because he wants all of his family back in SS and everyone else agrees they want her back in SS because they thought she was dead for over a decade. So Ichigo would be forced back regardless of her wishes. They eventually find her while she’s still in her coma but no Chuuya. This sets Urahara off because, his son, his baby, who he never even got the chance to meet is missing. My dream ended with Urahara unleashing himself on Yokohama to find his missing son.
I woke up with the thought that evidently mother and son have the same taste in men and that I wanted to see what overprotective assassin daddy Urahara would do to the people that abandoned or hurt his son. It would be glorious, horribly bloody but glorious. Chuuya deserves good things in life and as much as I love Dazai I’ve always been of the opinion he could do with being out maneuvered sometimes. In this case by Urahara.
I need you to write this out. I need it desperately. This is beyond fantastic I swear to all the gods
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cocogrrrl · 11 months
you had grown up liking kyle from a comfortable distance, never thinking about making possible wounds. you, however, only just figured that out right now. unfortunately, you're overcome with the hanahaki disease likely because of it
kyle x stan's twin + gn!reader (hanahaki disease au) cw: major character death (kind of?), not necessarily an ed but mentions of struggles with eating, hospitalization, implied floater friend behavior if it makes anyone uncomfortable wc: 5121
an: this is part of an sp au where different versions of the reader has hanahaki and is in love with the main three! read the other two parts here!
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Hanahaki is a disease something that affects many daily. From a small seed in your lungs, you’ll experience petals and flowers coming out from your mouth. It could take days, weeks, months, or even years to develop. Many hypothesize that it happens because of a love not returned, a love waiting on a bench. 
Fortunately, it isn’t something that everyone will experience in their lifetime, although it is common. For those who catch the illness, you only have a few choices to pick from.
First, the sickness doesn’t last because the affection is returned. Many of those who survive this still need to receive medical attention for the healing process, depending on how severe the sickness had become. Many of these people who experience this are bound to live a happy life, though.
Second, you undergo a safe medical procedure that, while cures you, makes you devoid of any sense of love anymore. These operations usually do not pose many health risks, and the survival rate is high.
Lastly, you could just bear the pain, although you will suffocate to death.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Growing up in the Marsh household was no easy task. Existing there was tiring because of the constant chaos that was your father, sometimes even mother to an extent. You grew up spending time in other people’s houses because of this, finding more comfort in others’ families than that in your own.
Luckily, you did still have a member of your family you knew you could always trust. That person was your twin brother, Stan Marsh. You two had always been connected to the hip. Sure, you two always bickered and picked on each other, but you were siblings. It was a regular occurrence.
You found yourself hopping from friend group to friend group growing up, unlike Stan, who had always stayed strong with just one—although you did catch him hanging out with the goth kids a few times. It felt a little bit lonely, being known by nearly everyone but not really being that liked to have a steady friendship with someone. You were on good terms with everyone, but at what cost?
That’s what makes you grateful to be so close to Stan, though. He often invited you to hang out with his friends whenever he noticed you were alone. He knew you preferred to be surrounded by people than be alone, so even if his friends could be pieces of shit sometimes, he welcomed you to his group.
It didn’t happen all the time, but whenever it did, you found yourself often wanting to be close to Kyle. You didn’t know why you were so drawn to him. I mean, he seemed like a pretty respectful guy, being the voice of reason in his respective group, but that wasn’t the sole basis of your feelings.
Maybe it’s because he was thoughtful and kind? You remember that there was this one time he, Stan, and you were out playing. Stan and Kyle were on their bikes, and you were on a skateboard. For shits and giggles, you thought it’d be fun to hang on to the back of Kyle’s bike, so you held on to the pillion of his bike. You lost balance, though, falling off your board and scraping your knee really bad.
While Stan was telling you off for being irresponsible and reckless, being the protective brother he is, Kyle laughed it off and pulled out his handkerchief to wrap it around your wound. You viscerally remember Stan proceeding to joke about how Kyle blew his nose into that handkerchief earlier.
To add onto his thoughtfulness, for the following few days after the incident, whenever Kyle was at your place—which was most of the time—he’d always check up on how your wound was. Perhaps he felt bad, freely letting you hang onto the back of his bike like that. It was the consequence of your own stupidity, though.
That was back in middle school, though. You had only ever realized your feelings for Kyle during your junior year of high school.
As cute as it sounded, it really wasn’t. Recently, after your shocking revelation, you began to take notice of flowers bubbling up in your chest. Quite literally. From time to time, you’ll find a few petals, sometimes even a flower, being coughed out of your mouth. How unlucky you were to be the selected few to experience this.
You should’ve expected it, though. Ever since you were a kid, you would start coughing up small petals whenever you were a kid. Although those instances were rare, that didn’t mean they didn’t happen.
You were cooped up in your own room, facing your own mortality. You knew Kyle probably didn’t like you. No way. He’s had a few girlfriends over the years, you being none of them, obviously. Wouldn’t he have already asked you out if he liked you? Besides, you often spotted him at school seemingly interested in other girls.
So now, there were only two solutions to your problem, it was either to face death itself or to get surgery. On the one hand, you could embrace a life of love and immaturity but ultimately meet your demise earlier than it should. On the other hand, you could live longer and have a shot of being successful but sacrificing all the wonderful colors of your life. Luckily, you weren’t knee-deep in the stages of your condition yet, giving you plenty of time to think. 
Your train of thought was put to a halt as you heard a knock on the door.  “YN, sweetie, dinner’s ready.” Your mom said, opening the door just enough for her to send her message clearly. 
“Alright, Mom. I’ll just fix my things.” You said in reply. As she sweetly nodded and closed the door, you checked the petals that littered your bed—white, daffodil petals and flowers. You cleaned your mess up, holding in a deep breath as you made your way downstairs.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Luckily, dinner was pretty uneventful. It was pretty uncomfortable with your food, though. You could intensely feel the flowers rustling in your chest as your food passed through your throat. How fun.
Once more, you heard a knocking on your door.
“Come in,” you called. The door opened wide, your brother leaning on the door frame.
“Hey, uh,” he paused, retracing his words and thinking of what to say. “Me and the guys are gonna hang out tomorrow. If you aren’t busy and want to come along, no one’s gonna stop you.”
Whenever Stan asked you to hang out with him, it made you smile. It was a thoughtful action for him to invite you to come with his friends since he knew you desperately needed some sense of a stable friendship in your life. You still struggled with the same things you’ve always had trouble with as a child, and he was always there to help you out whenever you needed it.
With a smile, you nodded. “Sure, I’ll come. Where will you guys be?”
“Kyle’s place around noon. You can come with me if you wake up early enough.” He said, critiquing your fabulous sleep schedule before he closed the door and left you on your own.
You were definitely going tomorrow.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
As you and Stan stood in front of the door, he rang the doorbell. Sheila opened the door and happily welcomed you two. You found your spot in the room by the left side of the couch, Stan sitting beside you and Kyle sitting on the very right. Soon enough, Cartman and Kenny had come over as well.
Whenever you spent time with Stan and his friends, you kind of just basked in the atmosphere, even if it is often just a bunch of sweaty guys screaming over some video game.
It’s not a bad thing, though—you actually find it comfortable to be standing by the sidelines. You saw the energy between the guys, and you were just happy to experience sharing a moment with them, even if it felt like you were in another room listening to their conversation.
“Hey, I’m gonna go get some water. Do you guys need anything?” You asked, getting up and looking at them. Cartman ordered you to get a bag of Cheesy Poofs and a glass of Coca-Cola, while Stan, Kenny, and Kyle just asked for water.
You headed into the kitchen, grabbing five glass cups. You filled four of them with water. Now, just Cartman’s Cheesy Poofs and Coke. 
Cartman asking for such was nothing new that's why you knew he needed a straw to go with his coke. You check the refrigerator for any Coke. In your favor, there was. You poured some of the soft drink into the glass, filling it just right. Seeing how there were some straws in a tall container, you got one and placed it in the drink.
Lastly was the bag of Cheesy Poofs. You look inside the cupboards, hoping there was some. Sheila was strict with what children ate, so there was a chance that there wasn’t any. You were looking around the kitchen, but no Cheesy Poofs to be found. You were about to take the drinks back when you were interrupted.
“Here’s his Cheesy Poofs.” A voice said behind you. It was Kyle’s. “Mom recently found out that they may not be kosher after all, so she completely banned Ike and me from eating them.”
“So why do you still have some lying around then?” You raised a brow, confused.
“I keep an extra just for Cartman.”
“I thought you hated him.”
“I do, for sure, but I have to be a good host to my guests as well.”
You chuckled. He seemed to have sacrificed his money and good hiding spots just to let Cartman have it his way. ‘He’s a really thoughtful guy,’ you thought.
“What are you doing here, though? I thought you were trying to be a good host—playing with them and all.” You said a little mindlessly, not really thinking before you spoke first.
“I could be an even better host by helping you out and giving Cartman his Cheesy Poofs that he might’ve never gotten.”
“Oh, well, thank you. What a nice host you are.” You smiled.
He shared a grin back, and you shared a moment of silence. For a second, you wanted to lean in. That was until you were attacked with a violent coughing fit. Kyle quickly rushed to your side as you were hunched over, patting your back.
“Are you okay?” He said worriedly.
“Yeah, don’t sweat it.” You said, catching the petals that fell out of your mouth as you stuffed them in your pocket. 
“Is everything alright?” You heard Stan call out from the other room.
“Yeah, don’t worry!” You yelled back, straightening your back to look back at Kyle. His eyes were on you, flickering to your lips. However, as his eyes landed there, he suddenly looked more concerned than he was just a moment ago.
“You have some blood on your lips. Are you sure you’re okay?” He asked, pointing to where the blood was.
“Oh, shit. Yeah, I think I should get it checked soon.” You were lying. You knew what was the problem. You felt guilty because, even if he wasn’t doing anything, he was contributing to probable demise. “Just… don’t tell Stan.”
You were worried. If Stan found out you had Hanahaki, he would find out that you had a huge crush on his best friend. There was a chance that he would push you to confess to him, and it would be absolutely crushing to hear him tell you that he didn’t like you back.
“Why not?”
“Whenever he tries to protect me, he always just ends up getting on my nerves.” You felt guilty for lying again. Although what you said was true, that was definitely not the reason why you didn’t want him to find out. “I know he means well, but it’s exhausting sometimes.”
“Oh, well,” you pleaded in your head for him not to tell. “Your secret’s safe with me. Just make sure to get checked soon, okay?” He said worriedly, putting a hand on your shoulder.
“Alright.” You nodded. 
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Right now, you were in history. It wasn’t something you were necessarily good at, but it wasn’t something you struggled most with either. You were given free time to finish remaining projects, do homework for other subjects, and study for upcoming tests currently.
For now, you were catching up on a project worth 45% of your grade. As you typed on your laptop to plan out the structure of your project, you felt someone slide right beside you. You take a look to see who it was—Kyle.
“Hey, YN.” He greeted.
“Hello, Kyle.” You returned, your tone a little confused.
“About the thing the other day,” he said. Right now, it was two days after the coughing fit of your life, so you were sure that Kyle was going to ask you about it. “Have you gotten it checked yet?”
Honestly, no. You didn’t care enough to have it checked. It’s not like there was an antibiotic to have it go away. “Ah, yeah. The doctor said it was a chest infection.”
“Why are you here then? Shouldn’t you be at home? What if the infection worsens?”
“Oh, my doctor said it wasn’t that serious, so he just prescribed me some antibiotics.”
“Alright,” he smiled at you. “You really scared me, YN. You seemed so pale that I thought you were about to pass out.” He sighed, distraught.
“I’m so sorry.” The guilt chipped through the cracks of your brain. You felt bad for making him worry so much. 
“It’s not your fault. I just get worried easily whenever someone’s sick.” 
“Ahh, thank you,” you said, staring everywhere else than at Kyle. You couldn’t look at his face. Not at least when you’re lying to him like this.
“Hey,” his voice caused your head to snap back at him. “Uh, I know it’s usually Stan’s place to ask you this, but he and I are gonna head to the arcade later afternoon. Do you wanna come?”
“Cartman and Kenny aren’t coming?”
“Kenny is currently chaperoning his little sister somewhere,” he explained. “Cartman’s… doing Cartman stuff.” You two shared a laugh amongst yourselves, knowing the type of insane things your schoolmate can get himself into—even up to now.
“So what do you say? You wanna come?” He asked. “You know, for old times’ sake, I guess.”
Your mind clicked back to your middle school days when it was often just the three of you. You became closest to him during those days, but high school slowly drew you apart. You were sure why either.
“Let’s see—I’ll think about it.” You returned a polite grin.
“Alright.” He nodded. “See you later, or not.” He got up and made his way across the classroom.
Your eyes were glued to him as he chatted with Bebe. She immediately put his arms around him as she leaned into a kiss. Apparently, he seemed to be embarrassed by PDA, seeing how he gently pushed her back—looking around his surroundings to see if anyone saw them.
Huh. I guess you really didn’t have a chance with him. Should you go to the arcade? You would love to, but perhaps it’s best not to come if you feel like you were going to just sulk all day.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Days turned into two weeks, and it seemed like you weren’t getting better anytime soon.
Eating became the most rigorous activity ever. Breathing was difficult because of the flowers clogging up your chest. You wore masks to lessen the likeliness of the petals falling out of your mouth. The lie about your chest infection had spread all around town. Everyone believed you, even your parents too.
No one knew a single thing about this—until today.
“YN, can I talk to you?” Stan asked, peering through your door.
You had your mask on still, saying you didn’t want to infect anyone as much as possible. You even ate your food in the comfort of your own room. You only ever went outside your room when you needed to use the restroom, go to school, or buy something you needed.
“Sure,” you replied nonchalantly, slipping on your mask and shoveling the flowers into a trash can.
Your twin brother slowly closed the door before sitting beside you on your bed, a look more worried than you’ve ever seen. “Dude, I’m just gonna get straight to the point—what the fuck is going on with you?” He was extremely upset. You could hear it in his voice.
At this point, you had already made your mind up. You knew what route you wanted to take, and you were going to tell Stan today. Fortunately enough, he was the first one to approach you.
“I,” you paused, thinking of any other way of breaking the news. Taking a deep breath, you continued, “I think I may have Hanahaki Disease.”
“Huh? That shit’s real?” He asked. He didn’t seem like he was judging you. He seemed more so confused.
“Yeah,” you said, pulling your mask down. Your speech was distorted because of the amount of flowers in your mouth. You could hardly move your mouth. You pulled some petals out of your mouth to make yourself more intelligible, tossing them to the side.
All Stan could do was watch in shock. “For how long now?”
“I guess ever since I was a little kid, but—”
“Then why didn’t you tell me?! Or even better, why didn’t you tell Mom?”
“You know how stupid the adults are here! Besides, it wasn’t that serious until recently.”
“YN, coughing up flowers is not not fucking serious. Are you joking yourse—”
“Stan,” you called his name as calmly as you could, although you were starting to get pissed off. “Let me explain… Please.”
He sat there, rolling his arms as he was ready to listen.
“I only got worse when,” you hesitated, saying his name. “When I realized I liked Kyle, which was about a few weeks ago.”
“Wait, wait, wait. You like Kyle? Like, Kyle Broflovski? My best friend Kyle? You like like him?”
“Ever since we were kids, I guess.” You were embarrassed. “When we were younger, I started coughing up petals already. I never thought it was a big deal because a bunch of weird shit happens here anyway. I thought it would just pass.
“That was when, as I said, I realized I liked Kyle. Ever since then, I’ve just gotten worse and worse.”
There was a long pause between you two. You could feel his eyes tearing you apart. You knew he was upset and angry with you. Who wouldn’t feel the same way? A somber  “What will you do now?” was all he said, though.
“I want to get surgery.”
One beat.
“Haven’t you even thought of confessing?”
“Stan, you and I just know for a fact that Kyle doesn’t like me.”
“Don’t put yourself down like that-”
“Has he ever mentioned me whenever you two are together?” Stan shook his head. “You’ve noticed him and Bebe recently as well, right?” He seemed a little confused.
“Your logic is so stupid.”
“Wouldn’t you do the exam the same thing if you were in my position?”
“No. if I were you, I would ask Kyle if he liked me first.”
“I just think I should go with the surgery.” You sighed. “I know I’ll become a completely different person, but I can at least still be able to continue with life, you know? Be able to do something worthwhile in my life.”
“You know what happens when you get surgery, though, right?”
“I’ll become devoid of any emotion whatsoever.” You rolled your eyes, exasperated. ”Yes, Stan, you think I haven’t thought this through?”
“You’re my twin! I don’t want you to become a hollow piece of shit!” 
“Would you rather have a dead man of a sibling or someone you can still talk to?”
“I’d be talking to a literal robot, YN. Both of the choices fucking suck. I’ll still mourn you either way.”
“Those are the only decisions I have. Who are you to decide for me anyway? This is my life, Stan. I’ve already made my decision.”
“Well then, I hate your decision,” Stan pouted as he pulled you into a tight hug.
You felt warm tears fall on your shoulder. You didn’t know what came over you, but you started to cry with him as well. In the back of your mind, you knew that this would be the last few special moments you’ll have with him.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
It took your parents some convincing, but now you were seated in a worn-out, faded hospital room. You quickly grew weak in the span of a week, unfortunately. You found it difficult to hold your body weight up. Eating became so difficult and uncomfortable that you simply just survived on heavy liquids.
Many people were bidding you their goodbyes, all of them of which you cried. It was like you were about truly die.
Even if you’ll still hold the memories of your past, everyone will just see you as a living reminder of what could’ve been. You will become nothing more than a living statue, something that symbolized something.
Despite all this, there was one goodbye, though, that was more painful than most.
Kyle entered the room, holding a bouquet of flowers for you. “Hey, YN. I hope you like these.” He said, handing you the flowers as he took a seat.
The second he stepped inside your room, your heart broke. He seemed exhausted. You didn’t bring it up, though. It’s no good to make people more upset than they already are.
“They’re beautiful, Kyle. Thank you very much.” You said, cuddling the bouquet instead of setting it aside with all the other flowers you had gotten—funnily enough.
There was a haunting silence that fell over you two. He was the one person you regretted lying to most since you specifically told him that you’d go to the doctor and try to get better. You knew it was a lie you’d never be able to get yourself out of, so why did you say it anyway?
“I hate to ask, but,” he said remorsefully. “The thing at my house, where we were joking about me being a good host and all, then you got into a coughing fit—did you already know back then?”
A few beats passed before you spoke. “Yeah.” Guilt nipped at your brain. “I’m so sorry, Kyle. I thought everything would’ve been resolved already by then.”
“Don’t blame yourself. It’s not your fault as to why that person didn’t like you back or anything.” He sighed, giving you a hopeful little smile. How ironic.
You returned the gesture for what would most likely be the last time. “Hey, Kyle?”
“I’m just curious, and I know is it’s kinda out of nowhere, but are you and Bebe together?” You wanted to ask just to solidify your assumptions. You were at your end anyway—why not be blunt for once?
“Huh? No.” He seemed confused. “Where’d you get that?” He lightheartedly chuckled. It in no way eased your entire situation, but it did make you a little happier. How selfish of you.
“Oh, I thought I saw Bebe kiss you once.”
His face turned red as he facepalmed himself. “The one a few weeks ago? Yeah, no. She liked me. I’m not into her at all, so I pushed her back, rejecting her.”
Now this time you felt embarrassed, covering your face in your hands. “Sorry…” You quietly muttered.
“It’s fine.” He patted your head.
Silence fell between you two, but you decided to break it. “Thanks, Kyle. I’ll miss you a lot. Even if we never became super close or anything, I’d still consider you to be one of my best friends.”
You suddenly felt a force push behind you. Next thing you know, your face was right against his chest. You could feel your hair get wet, feeling teardrops like rain fall upon you. You were holding tears before this, and feeling him sob on top of you just broke you as well.
You two stood there, crying until your heads burst from pain. You had many discoveries as people bid you their goodbyes—this was no different as well.
You were at your end, that’s for sure. The moment you step out of that surgery room, it will be over for you. The surgery was a dream-crushing procedure, literally. You still had morals in the end, but you wouldn’t really have a personal driving force within you.
You hated that. You wouldn’t experience heartbreak and anxiety anymore, sure, but you’ll never experience happiness and love as well.
You’ll miss how your brother invited you to hang out with his friend. You’ll miss how your mom took care of you whenever you caught a bad cold. You’ll miss sneaking out at night to do a bunch of things you’ll regret the morning after. You’ll miss squealing over a mundane text that Kyle sent. You’ll miss it all.
You didn’t want to kill the person you are right now to escape your pain. You would keep the person you are currently if you could. However, that wasn’t a choice. Will it be worth it? Who’s to say? At least you still have a chance to pay your parents the money you owe them. At least it was the more logical thing to do as well, you figured.
One of you pulled back—you weren’t sure who it was since your head was all dizzy. You couldn’t look at him in the face and believed he thought the same thing as well since you saw in the peripherals that he couldn’t look down at you.
“Before you go,” you muttered, reaching behind you and pulling out a letter, handing it to him. “This is yours.”
The letter was all of the things you wish you could’ve told him. You couldn’t leave him at such an abrupt ending. You cared about him too much for that. So you told him everything you needed to in this letter. You even included your biggest mistake in the letter: liking him.
“Oh.” he was taken aback as he read the back of the envelope. It read, ‘Open me after surgery, thanks!’ He smiled at the thought of receiving a letter, hoping it would lighten the mood. “Thank you, YN.”
Moments later, he wiped his eyes and made his way to the door. “I’ll see you soon, alright?” You nodded, not being able to trust your own voice much more.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
“Kyle. Sharon just called me,” Sheila said to Kyle, opening his door. “She said that YN’s doing better now. She told me that they should be out of the hospital in a few days from now. You should visit them.”
“I will, Mom. Thanks.” He smiled. Sheila then left, closing the door right after.
YN’s note sat by his desk. He hadn’t checked it yet. He wasn’t exactly sure why. Seeing how they had gotten out of surgery, though, he should probably check it right now. He felt a sense of dread the closer he inched to his desk, to YN’s letter. He picked it up, letting out a breath he didn’t know he was even holding.
The envelope was decorated neatly. There were cute stickers plastered pretty much everywhere, except for the dead center, where the words ‘Open me after surgery, thanks!’ were written.
Hi, Kyle.
Hopefully, you’re reading this after my surgery. If not, come back later! It’s not fun to watch a movie knowing the big twist. Although, that does sound fucked up in this context, lol. 
Now, you should be back right now. After my surgery, yeah? I don’t know where I should start.
Actually, maybe I do. To start off, you’re the only one I gave a letter to. Now don’t feel bad—I did tell everyone what I wanted to tell them before I got my surgery. It’s just you who didn’t get their full message. Sorry.
I think meeting you was my greatest mistake. If I didn’t take up Stan’s many invitations to hang out with you guys, I wouldn’t be in this predicament. Of course, he was just being a good person, but I guess you could also blame him for all this mess as well. Kidding.
I really like you, though, Kyle. I know that you don’t like me back. There’s no need to say it. Even if you are reading this post-surgery, there’s no way to tell me that. It’s such a shame, though. I have to throw all my hopes and dreams like this just because I find you cute, witty, and charming.
It’s not your fault, though. I’m sure you know that. You’re a pretty smart and sensible guy. If you blame yourself for this, I think I’m gonna fall out of love with you.
I know I’ve been joking around in this letter, and while everything I have said is true for the most part, I’ll be genuine for a second.
It’s quite pathetic this disease is. Imagine dying because this person you like doesn’t like you back. It’s really fucking stupid. I wish I never liked you just so I could be with you right now. That seems a tad bit too paradoxical to be true, no?
I have and never will love anyone like I loved you. I thought it was a small crush. It was something more, after all. This is probably what I’m meant to be.
Sometimes, I wonder if you became embarrassed of me, seeing how you started to grow more distant from me when became a little older. I don’t know. I hope I’m just reading between the lines a bit too much.
It feels so embarrassing to admit this all to you. I hope you won’t treat me differently after I get the surgery. 
I hope that there is another universe that is straight out of the dreams I made of you and me. Where we’d live happily together and cook pies or something. I’m sure, that if we were living together, you would make even the most mundane and tedious things worthwhile.
I’m gonna bury the person I am right now into a daydream with you that’ll last forever.
Yours in every way possible,
He stood in the dark of his room. Mind blank. He didn’t know how to react. 
There was only thought in his mind, though: he could’ve saved you if he simply told you how he felt as well.
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Monster Spotlight: Cetus
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CR 13
Chaotic Neutral Colossal Dragon
Bestiary 5, pg. 54
Among the cruelest creatures a DM could send after their players, the Cetus (I prefer to think it’s a singular, legendary creature rather than a species) makes for an excellent quest objective or even BBEG for a seaside campaign, its impossible power making it essentially unassailable by sea and capable of harassing an entire city on its own, and its only weakness difficult for some parties to take advantage of (or even know about, if treated as a singular legendary creature). Players may have to go on an entire separate quest to gain a weapon capable of harming the Cetus, and all the while the dim-witted but demanding dragon is free to take tithes from terrified townsfolk in the form of food, gold, or even sacrifices if it’s feeling particularly peckish or lazy.
But so long as the people within its territory keep up their side of the lopsided bargain, they see some benefit, however indirect. With Control Weather available to it 1/day, the divine serpent may gift its chosen beneficial and beautiful weather, free of storms or chaos. Cities protected/tyrannized by the Cetus is also all but invincible from the ocean, because the serpent has Quickened Control Water at will, letting it create an endless number of ship-swallowing whirlpools and destructive water spouts of truly tremendous size. If that weren’t enough, then an at-will Control Winds allows the beast to create cyclones 600ft wide to obliterate entire fleets at once and render it all but immune to ranged attacks, even those launched from cannons. With a caster level of 15, that gives the serpent just enough juice to raise the winds from Strong to Tornado-Force (or lower them by the same amount in case it wishes to protect its home from a storm), the 200 MPH winds reducing all but the largest of ships to toothpicks impaling screaming sailors. Or, should the beast be offended, wiping entire sections of its chosen city off the map. 
The “protection” offered by the Cetus is ephemeral at best, granted only to those who show it utter supplication, and its rage is downright apocalyptic. Thankfully, the creature’s gravely low Intelligence (7) and lack of any ranks in Sense Motive make it incredibly easy to trick and mislead, one of the few means a clever party (or desperate NPC) will have of defying the beasts and giving them time enough to find a way to beat it. This creates a tense time limit to gather the materials needed to combat it, because a straight-up brute force fight with the Cetus is nearly impossible.
The oceanic tyrant is practically built to thwart just about everything players can do. Its total control of wind and water makes assaults with war machines and heavy ships useless. It has Deflect Arrows for whatever reason, just in case something manages to sneak through its walls of wind. Its 30ft space and 30ft reach combine with its 120ft swim speed to give it a tremendous threat radius, nearly unmatched in the underwater combat the party will have to grapple with if they want to fight it toe to toe. And if you try to come at it from above? It has a unique ability called Impossible Leap, allowing it to use a full-round action to stretch its body to 1200ft and make a bite attack against any creature within that radius before returning to its former space. Yes, this creature can go from sea level to kissing the top of the Empire State Building in six seconds!
I hope whatever means you were using to stay aloft weren’t magical, either, because the Cetus is hard-coded to disrespect every method of flight and freedom. Its Dispelling Bite automatically targets any effect which would allow a creature to avoid being grappled or which would allow them to fly or hover. While this, thankfully, doesn’t strip creatures of their ability to swim, breathe underwater, or walk on water, that’s of little comfort to the unfortunate creature that just plummeted 100+ feet straight into the ocean.
But I’ve spoken of its ability to bite and what happens if it bites you without describing the bite itself! What does that look like? 6d6+27 plus Grab. That’s only when it’s swatting flies with Impossible Leap and striking fleeing foes with its Combat Reflexes, though; on its turn, its bite damage is actually 24d6+27 because it has Greater Vital Strike and literally no reason not to use it, so its average damage per round is hovering around 105, which is eyebrow-raising on its own even if it DIDN’T have extra bells and whistles. At the level a party can combat the tyrant serpent, that’s typically enough to knock a d8 Hit Dice haver from full to 0 unless they have some level of protection. Though it has 24 Spell Resistance, it has no status immunities aside from paralysis and sleep, so slapping it with as many debuffs as one can to drag down its otherwise monstrous +28 to attack rolls is one perfectly viable way to cut down its extreme DPS. With only one attack each round, if it misses that intimidating pile of d6s goes to waste.
if it hits, though? Whoof. Not only are victims potentially grappled, but the Cetus can Constrict such poor souls for 6d6+27 damage each round, and if that wasn’t enough? It can Rake grappled victims as a free action with its little arms for a not-so-little 4d6+18 damage. This is, of course, if it doesn’t simply Fast Swallow them into its gullet for 8d6+24 damage. Greater Vital Strike into a Grab to trigger Constrict, then Rake to follow up... Well that’s uh... That’s a very demoralizing number.
38d6+90 damage, or 230 on average, well over enough for a Cetus to kill even d12 Hit Dice owners.
It would be fine if the Cetus were a glass cannon, but it’s not. It has insurmountable DR 5, 28 AC, high saves for its level, and everyone within its 30ft reach is subject to Mariner’s Misfortune, a terrifying and terrifically powerful aura that forces every non-aquatic creature inside it to make a DC 26 Will save every round... which they must roll twice and take the lower result on. If they succeed, they cannot be afflicted by the aura for a full day, but if they fail? Oh god, if they fail? That’s disadvantage on ALL d20 rolls. Attacks, saves, skill checks, all of them. And this effect lasts for a full minute! And rounding off its defenses? Regeneration 10 that cannot be suppressed by any form of damage, making it unkillable even if the party managed to fight through its aura.
Thankfully, its Regeneration has a very specific weakness. Remember what I said about having to go on another quest to defeat this creature? I meant it. Much like its mythical namesake, the easiest way to beat the Cetus isn’t to fight it, but to kill it instantly. It has no resistance to instant-death effects or Polymorph effects, but more importantly it’s Vulnerable to Petrification. It takes a -4 penalty to any save to avoid being petrified, and even if it succeeds its saving throw it takes 1d4 Dexterity damage. What’s more, whether it passes or fails its save, it Regeneration shuts off for a full minute, allowing a party with the means to fight it on even terms and survive its damage 
Though its CR is low in comparison to heavy shakers like the demigods, the Kaiju, the Spawn of Rovagug, and others, it nonetheless shares the same role as an almost epic, ‘setpiece’ style monster one must go on special quest to find a means of defeating. Discovering the weakness is extremely hard on its own (especially, again, if you play the Cetus as a unique creature), likely requiring some form of divination or bargaining with a knowledgeable force, but then there’s finding the right weapon! Preferably one which can bypass its SR to assure there’s no room for failure. The head (or cooperation) of a Medusa, a tamed Gorgon, the gaze of a Basilisk, scrolls or other means to cast Flesh to Stone if desperate... or perhaps supplications to the extremely powerful Euryale are all means a DM could have players face off against the Cetus, possibly after the party found out the hard way just how hard it is to harm the thing in the first place, let alone kill it.
It is, however, endlessly amusing to me that this great and powerful serpent, blessed and protected by the ocean itself, can either be a nightmarish, down-to-the-wire DPS race against a foe that counters every reliable player tactic... or have the epic fight end in a single round, if the party caster guesses correctly with Flesh to Stone.
You can read more about it here.
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valeriasdream · 2 months
I'm not giving them their own pages because I'm lazy so... anyway!! I changed their heights to a little taller... because I wanted to.
Also if anyone is a MBTI dork like me and knows that they're typed differently on PDB... well that's because they're typed wrong on PDB imo. If you disagree with that then idk, argue with the wall. 😜
Also this is really long, I'm just really detailed. 😭 I left a bunch out to try to keep it less... insanely detailed. But it's a lot.
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Name: Dan Heng/Dan Heng Imbibitor Lunae Nicknames: Moon (I am the only one who calls him this), Cold Dragon Young, my dragon wife <3
Age: Physically 25 (Actual age ???)
Height: 185cm/6'1"
Race: Vidyadhara, disguises himself to look human 90% of the time.
MBTI: INTJ 5w6 514 so/sp
Personality: Stoic, reserved and seems quite cold, he's very intelligent and very good at remembering information and facts about stuff. But when he opens up, he's very gentle, kind hearted, and patient. He can be very sarcastic and direct in how he interacts with people sometimes, he often makes a lot of really funny sarcastic burns against people (especially March). He can seem bossy sometimes, and often will berate me, March or even sometimes Stelle for our reckless behavior but he's also very protective and kind of just goes along with whatever chaos the rest of us are getting up to.
Path: The Hunt/Destruction
Element: Wind/Imaginary
Weapon: Cloud Piercer
Background: The guard and archivist for the data archives on the Astral Express. He was born in the shackling prison and is the reincarnation of the previous high elder of the vidyadhara, Dan Feng. He joined the Astral Express as a means of escaping his past and became one of the Nameless, joining the path of the trailblazer. He manages the data archives on the Astral Express, and after a few months of us traveling together on the express, we started dating.
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Name: Blade/Yingxing Nicknames: Bladie mostly by Silver Wolf and Kafka, Old Man/Grandpa (I call him this as a joke)
Age: Physically late 20s (actual age 750+ but not completely sure on exact age)
Height: 191-192cm/6'3"
Race: Human - Mara Struck
MBTI: ISTP 6w5 648 or 684 sx/sp I'm not really 100% on his tritype tbh
Personality: Quiet, anti-social, but also quite sarcastic and funny. He seems like he would be a real dick but he's actually very sweet in his own way! He doesn't say much to most people around him, especially in the Stellaron Hunters, but he's very smart and he knows a lot about very specific things. (Especially weapons) He can be really caring, protective in his own way... But he will never ever admit this to anyone's face ever. When the mara's influence takes over his mind, he becomes violent and consumed by his hatred/rage from his past, during these moments only Kafka or myself are able to calm down the mara's influence on his mind and return him to a calmer mental state.
Path: Destruction
Weapon: Shard Sword - A sword forged by Yingxing for his friend Jingliu, the sword was forged from the remnants of a star and is said to be very heavy to lift. The sword is now also heavily cracked, as it's meant to be a reflection on his mental state.
Background: A mysterious member of the Stellaron Hunters and in some instances a "villain". He has been chasing down Dan Heng for many many years because they have a connected past together. His real name is Yingxing and he was a member of the High Cloud Quintet and closest with Dan Feng (they were married/lovers in my DR). A bunch of shit happened and Dan Feng turned Yingxing into a mara struck beast before Dan Feng was forced to undergo molting rebirth and imprisoned in the shackling prison. Yingxing was taken by Jingliu to a distant planet/star and she broke his mind (I won't get into details, it's hella sad) so his memories are very fragmented. He also cannot die and because of the mara struck, he was pretty much "reborn" into a younger body from an old man. When he joined the Stellaron Hunters, Kafka gave him the name "Blade" as he abandoned his old identity of Yingxing, though he told me I'm allowed to call him Yingxing in private. <3
Relationship Info:
So we're poly... I started dating Dan Heng first because I knew him first, and Yingxing came after... It's very complicated. Obviously Blade and DH have a past together that seems very toxic at times, but there's also still lingering feelings between them both because of Dan Heng's previous life married to Yingxing and Blade's former identity being Yingxing... I meet Blade on the Xianzhou Luofu when Dan Heng and I leave the Express to track him down because Dan Heng was worried that Stelle, March and Mr. Yang would be in danger. After we leave the Xianzhou Luofu and head to Penacony, I don't see him again for awhile... but we eventually meet up again. I do get separated from the Express (which is divergent from the canon storyline from the game) and end up being "rescued" by Blade, and that's kind of how we connect.
To add an extra layer of complication, I knew Dan Feng and Yingxing about 700+ years ago before YX became mara struck and before Dan Feng died and was reborn as Dan Heng. They had come to my kingdom kind of as delegates (Dan Feng was a delegate along with Jing Yuan, Yingxing just went with them even though he kinda wasn't supposed to lol) to try to help my father, the emperor, deal with the heretics that worship the aeons Yaoshi and Nanuck but it didn't really go to plan... DF and YX both showed an interest in me at the time and that was originally how all of us met, but then my kingdom went into major turmoil and they thought I had died because I disappeared. I wasn't reunited with either of them until WAY after Dan Feng was reborn as Dan Heng and Yingxing became Blade... Dan Heng also doesn't fully remember me other than through dreams as part of some Vidyadhara customs involving his past life as DF as he dreams about both me and Blade sometimes.
We are meant to represent the sun (me), moon (Dan Heng) and stars (Yingxing). Blade is the star because his real name Yingxing has the Chinese character for star in it, Dan Heng is the moon because Imbibitor Lunae is moon drinker (Yinyue Jun) and I am the sun bc Ming Xia translates roughly to “bright glow” like the sun.
There's a bunch more about our relationship but this is already so long so... I'm gonna leave it at that. 😭
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Re: Chaos Returns, I've literally read it twice already and check my e-mail every day because I have it bookmarked and want to see if it updated. Please keep going!! 🌑
gosh!!! thank you for the support dude... im in a sticky spot of writers block right now, but i fully intend to keep the fic going!!
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sp-chaos-returns · 10 months
Hello! This Blog is a Q&A/Interactive story blog for the Chaos Returns AU on AO3! The fic is in progress, and I know some of you are patiently (or impatiently) waiting for an update. This account, hopefully, will help! You can ask any Character in the story any question you would like, as long as it's pg-13. You can also ask me anything, though I can't promise that I, or the Characters will have a good answer. (I can't be spoiling things. So if you ask something too on the nose, I might pull a Neil Gaiman "wait and see.") I hope you like story, and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEEEE send asks. It's what makes this blog run. Main blog is here. Have a great day! I love you! <3
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The Subtle Art of Subterfuge
The relentless pressures of command and the weight of unspoken burdens push General Kirigan to the brink of collapse. To safeguard their leader’s well-being, Ivan and Fedyor must navigate their own concerns, master the delicate balance of loyalty and tactical overstepping, and, quite incidentally, mislead the Tsar himself to ensure Kirigan gets some much-needed rest. Amidst the chaos of war, a story of loyalty, duty, and quiet moments of humanity unfolds, revealing the cost of responsibility and the strength found in vulnerability.
This story is an AU. It takes place before Alina turns up. Kirigan is not the villain he will be later in the series. Please note that English is not my first language, but I did my best to find most mistakes. (Feel free to point them out to me!). I took certain creative liberties, particularly with respect to Ivans view of the Tsar and the characterization of the main characters but I hope, you will just roll with it. And now have fun! And thank you for reading.
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The campaign tent in Kribirsk, battered by the relentless winds, mirrored the week's unyielding pressures. Outside, the gales threatened to rip the canvas from its moorings, while inside, General Kirigan sat hunched over a desk that served as the command centre for his strategic planning. Maps of troop movements and supply lines were spread out before him, an extensive compilation of data that demanded his attention. The weak light of a lantern flickered, struggling against the gloom of the day, casting long shadows over the documents that held the key to future manoeuvres. The air was bitterly cold, the kind that clawed at your flesh and settled deep within your bones. The sky, a blanket of unyielding greys, promised nothing but the continuation of the dreary cold. Kirigan, however, seemed detached from the world around him, his focus solely on sifting through and organizing the intelligence, his occasional coughs stifled in the crook of his arm when he thought no one was watching.
Outside, the restless shifting of horses and the sound of hooves stamping impatiently against the ground filled the air, as Ivan and Fedyor had prepared them for departure at Kirigan's earlier command. Having returned to the tent, they found Kirigan still deeply engrossed in prioritizing the information for his report to the tsar, oblivious to their presence and the readiness of the horses. "He looks like death," Ivan muttered under his breath, as Kirigan massaged his temples, a gesture betraying a weariness that seemed too profound for one man to bear. Fedyor's nod, almost imperceptible, came as a silent agreement to his grim assessment.
Their voices were a hushed murmur, barely audible over the howl of the wind and the occasional snort of the horses outside. They stood at the edge of the tent, their eyes never straying from Kirigan, who seemed to have sunken further into his chair, another quiet sign of his waning strength. Ivan's mind replayed the morning's decisions, the subtle signs of Kirigan's decline that he had failed to recognize. Regret gnawed at him as he recalled the healers' departure, a move that seemed prudent amidst the chaos at the front lines and the multitude of wounded there. Now, witnessing Kirigan's deteriorating condition, Ivan couldn't shake the feeling that he should have insisted on keeping at least one healer in the camp. And yet, there was a part of him that knew Kirigan too well, the pride that would not allow weakness to be displayed, the same pride that now left Ivan questioning whether any of them could have seen through the façade.
"We can't let him ride like this," Fedyor breathed, his words just about reaching Ivan's ears over the snapping of the tent’s fabric in the fierce wind. "He's barely holding on."
With a furrowed brow, Ivan’s thoughts whirled with potential solutions. Then, inspiration struck. “We’ll warn him of a brewing storm,” he murmured, the idea crystallizing as he spoke, “and suggest that taking the carriage is merely a precaution against the weather.” He was certain Kirigan would reject any notion of rest, but he might be persuaded to seek shelter from a storm for practical reasons. As another cough racked Kirigan's frame, this time his face half-shielded by both hands in a vain attempt to stifle the sound, his companions knew it was time to act. Exchanging a resolute glance, they nodded to each other, a silent accord reached. Without a word, they began to implement their hastily formed plan, each move deliberate, their resolve unwavering.
With determined steps, they approached their general, their faces etched with solemnity. "General, the weather is turning," Ivan began, his voice cutting through the mournful tune of the wind against the canvas. "A blizzard is coming. It would be unwise to travel on horseback."
Kirigan’s eyes, clouded with fatigue, lifted to meet theirs. A subtle crease formed between his brows, a brief sign of his bewilderment. “The report,” he stated, his voice hoarse, “You do realize I must deliver it to the Tsar this evening.” "And it will be delivered," Fedyor assured him, standing close but careful not to overstep boundaries. "If we set out now, we will arrive in time. The carriage ride will offer you the quiet needed to finalize it. It's better to have it ready upon arrival than to rush through it before presenting yourself to the Tsar." For a moment, Kirigan’s gaze lingered on the maps scattered across the desk, lost in silent contemplation of the journey ahead. Then, with a weary resolve, he gave a tired nod, too spent to notice the fabricated tale of the impending storm - or maybe simply too spent to argue. With a deep breath, he began the methodical process of gathering the carefully selected documents, ensuring that each piece of intelligence was ready to form the basis of his report to the Tsar. Meanwhile, Fedyor slipped out of the tent, no doubt making the necessary arrangements for the carriage and their departure.
By the time Kirigan had completed his preparations, Fedyor had returned. They exchanged a look of relief, a mutual understanding that they had successfully diverted their general from a dangerous course.
As the carriage trundled away from the camp, Kirigan delved into the pages before him with a concentration that defied his evident exhaustion. He pored over the reports, annotated and corrected with a meticulous hand.
Yet, as the afternoon progressed, Ivan could see the toll it was taking on him. His once precise movements over the papers became sluggish, and his intense focus seemed to drift. A subtle shift in Fedyor’s stance told him that his partner had also noticed Kirigan’s waning alertness. As if in response, the shadows within the carriage seemed to deepen, casting a pall over Kirigan’s features, mirroring the fatigue that was slowly closing his eyes.  And finally, the inevitable happened; Kirigan’s head nodded forward, succumbing to the exhaustion that overpowered even his formidable spirit. Fedyor, his gaze lingering on the now peaceful face of his general, allowed a rare, soft sigh to escape—a sound that resonated with Ivan’s own sense of relief. He was quick to secure the reports before they could scatter across the carriage floor, all the while feeling like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders at the sight of his superior finally surrendering to much-needed sleep. Catching Fedyor’s eye, Ivan allowed himself a brief, shared glance of satisfaction, before he set to work, mirroring the general’s earlier meticulousness. Yet, despite the focus the task demanded, Ivan’s gaze continually returned to Kirigan, vigilantly monitoring for any signs of his condition worsening.
The carriage’s movements were subtle yet unyielding, each bump in the road nudging Kirigan’s form. His body, limp in his exhaustion, shifted incrementally with the carriage’s rhythm, inching ever closer to the cold, unforgiving wall. Fedyor, observing the subtle movement, leapt from his seat and reached Kirigan just as his body began to lean perilously to the side. With a deft movement, Fedyor stopped his descent, his arms wrapping around the general with practiced ease. He then maneuvered himself into the corner, his repositioning allowing Kirigan to recline securely against him, his head now resting against Fedyor’s chest.
His worry deepened as Ivan watched how his partner adjusted his hold on the sick man, ensuring he was securely anchored against him. The fact that Kirigan did not react to being moved that way spoke volumes of his condition, revealing an exhaustion so profound it verged on unconsciousness. With the weight of concern pressing on his chest, Ivan’s hands resumed their task over the reports, continuing the work that the general could no longer manage. The carriage’s rhythmic sway became a backdrop to his focused task, each line of text a step towards completion, building upon the substantial groundwork laid by Kirigan before succumbing to fatigue. The General’s breaths were shallow, and despite Fedyor’s efforts to steady him, his body was occasionally wracked with coughs that threatened to dislodge him from his protective embrace. Then, in the moments of calm between the spasms, a new problem made itself known. Kirigan’s form began to tremble, a visible shudder that spoke of a fever’s encroaching grip. Fedyor’s hand moved to Kirigan’s forehead, his touch confirming the heat that was rising from within. “He’s burning up,” he whispered, his voice a soft echo in the close confines of the carriage.
In response, Ivan gently draped his thick, red cloak over Kirigan's trembling form. The rich color of the fabric stood out vividly against the general's pale complexion. He arranged the cloak with a practiced ease, ensuring every shiver was met with a layer of warmth. As his Heartrender abilities allowed him to perceive the changes in the General’s condition, he was acutely aware of how rapid the rhythm of Kirigan’s pulse had become, an invisible yet palpable sign of the fever raging within. He also noticed each subtle hint of energy as Fedyor intervened, gently coaxing the pulse to slow when respiratory distress tightened Kirigan’s breath or when he began to shift restlessly, striving to maintain a semblance of calm and afford Kirigan whatever measure of rest he could amidst the bouts of coughing.
After Ivan finally had finished the report for the tsar, he leaned back in his seat, his gaze lingering on the face of his leader. The dark circles under Kirigan's eyes were not just signs of his acute illness but also of the relentless days and sleepless nights of the last weeks. His features, though drawn and reflecting a weight loss that his slender frame could ill afford, did not convey frailty but rather an unsettling delicacy. It was as if the hardships had sculpted away any excess, leaving behind the essence of a man who bore his burdens with an unwavering resolve.
Kirigan's face, unusually soft in his deep state of exhaustion, appeared youthful, almost disarmingly so. It seemed out of place with the heavy responsibilities he carried—a stark contrast to the power and command he wielded. Ivan felt a twinge of something akin to protectiveness, a desire to shield this man who, in these quiet moments, seemed too burdened for his years.
The carriage wheels spun a steady rhythm against the cobblestones, the sound a constant undercurrent to the General's labored breathing. As the Little Palace neared, Ivan caught Fedyor's eye, a silent signal passing between them. It was time to wake Kirigan, to give him a moment to gather himself before they rolled into the courtyard. Fedyor leaned in, his voice a low murmur, "General, we're nearing the Palace." The words were a gentle summons, pulling Kirigan from the depths of his fevered rest.
Kirigan's response was a mere flutter of eyelids, a slow drift back into consciousness. His eyes, normally so clear and commanding, now were glassy with unspoken suffering. His skin was pale, almost translucent, and his body seemed weakened, as if the strength that once defined him was now but a whisper of what it had been. Ivan caught the subtle shift in Kirigan’s expression, a hint of realization dawning as he apparently became aware of the protective embrace encircling him. As he slowly turned his head, his gaze found Fedyor’s. There was no surprise in his eyes, only the weary acceptance of a man too tired to question the comfort offered. He did not comment, nor did he need to; their years of camaraderie spoke in the silence between them. Then, gathering the remnants of his strength, Kirigan attempted to rise, his movements tentative and slow. But his effort to sit up was a struggle; his body seemingly resisted every command. Fedyor, perceptive to his General’s plight, stepped in. With a firm yet careful grip, he aided Kirigan to an upright position, providing the support his weakened state demanded.
"You need the healers," Ivan's voice was a gentle yet firm declaration, cutting through the silence of the carriage’s shadowed confines. In the briefest of pauses, a shadow of awareness seemed to pass over Kirigan’s features, hinting at the pressing responsibilities that lay in wait. “The report for the Tsar…” he began, his voice barely above a whisper, the effort to speak visibly taxing him. Ivan interjected softly, ‘It’s completed, General. I’ve seen to its finish, and I’ll ensure it’s delivered to His Majesty.’ He placed a reassuring hand on Kirigan’s shoulder, feeling the fever’s heat radiating through his Kefta. ‘Your well-being is paramount now. Let us take care of you.’ In the dim light, Kirigan's eyes became a battleground. In a fleeting moment there was a clash of pride against the stark reality of his physical limits, a duel between the ingrained sense of duty that defined him and the creeping exhaustion that threatened to overpower his will.
The struggle within was evident, yet, beneath the surface, there was a weariness, a fatigue so profound it seemed to echo in the very air around him.
Ivan watched, his heart heavy with a mix of respect and concern, as Kirigan's resolve wavered, his eyes closing wearily in a moment of exhaustion. And then, with a slow, almost imperceptible nod, Kirigan conceded, an admission of his humanity that Ivan had seldom seen.
As the carriage came to a halt in the sparsely populated courtyard of the Little Palace, the murmur within ceased, drawing curious glances from a few Grisha scattered around. Ivan opened the carriage door, his gaze briefly sweeping over the onlookers before fixating intently on Kirigan, who was next to disembark. The General, looking more vulnerable than ever, emerged into the evening light, his body swaying perilously. To the untrained eye, his movements might have seemed deliberate, a mere adjustment to stepping onto solid ground after a long carriage ride. The General’s face, however, told a different story. Already pale, it now turned a ghastly shade of white. Kirigan’s lips, usually set in a firm line, faded within seconds into two bloodless streaks. Tiny beads of sweat erupted across his forehead, and his hand gripped the carriage’s frame with a trembling strength. It was a rapid transformation, one that laid bare the severity of his condition to those who knew him best. Fedyor, who had swiftly exited the carriage as well, was quick to offer support, sliding Kirigan’s arm around his shoulder in a firm yet gentle hold. Ivan, recognizing the action as a stark highlight of the General’s poor condition, was slightly shocked by Fedyor’s forwardness. He himself would have never dared to expose the General’s weakness so openly. But surprisingly, Kirigan simply acknowledged the need for support in front of his subordinates and leaned exhausted into the strength provided by his loyal companion.
The few onlookers’ expressions morphed from casual interest to stark alarm as they witnessed their usually indomitable leader falter. A gasp rippled through the crowd, and an observant guard immediately stepped forward, her gaze meeting Kirigan’s for a fleeting moment, a silent question hanging between them. With a weary nod, Kirigan granted permission, and she carefully placed his other arm over her shoulder, mirroring Fedyor’s supportive stance. Together, the trio began their measured procession towards the infirmary, Fedyor and the guard synchronizing their steps, moving with deliberate care to match the General’s weakened pace. The door guard, having kept a watchful eye on the unfolding scene, seamlessly swung the palace doors open just as the trio set into motion. His actions were a quiet echo of the shared concern for the General, and as they moved toward the infirmary, it was clear that others within the palace were equally ready to provide aid, their actions reflecting a collective sense of care for their leader. Ivan watched them leave, appreciating as Kirigan permitted himself to be helped. To admit vulnerability was not a sign of weakness but a testament to true strength, and Ivan knew that in allowing himself to be cared for, Kirigan only garnered more sympathy and solidarity from those around him. With the knowledge that his General was in good hands, Ivan turned his attention to the task ahead. Though the prospect of addressing the Tsar was a necessary evil, the loyalty he held for Kirigan outweighed his personal contempt. Standing before the throne on behalf of his leader was a duty he accepted without hesitation, but driven by loyalty to Kirigan alone, rather than any reverence for the man who wore the crown. With the report clutched securely under his arm, Ivan’s stride was purposeful as he entered the throne room. The Tsar, ensconced upon his grand throne, looked up with a flicker of annoyance, his brow furrowing in a frown. ‘Where is Kirigan?’ he demanded, his voice echoing off the high walls.
“Circumstances necessitated his immediate conveyance to the healers, Your Majesty," Ivan began, his voice laden with the gravity of the situation. "Ravaged by a fever of vehement intensity, he was found to be without consciousness for a significant portion of our journey. It was imperative that he receive medical attention forthwith.” Ivan’s declaration, filled with a solemnity that bordered on the sepulchral, left the Tsar with no room for doubt about the direness of the General’s condition, effectively forestalling any thoughts of summoning him, despite his illness.
Ivan’s carefully chosen words had the desired effect, and he could see that his strategic embellishment had achieved precisely what he intended. A sense of satisfaction began to settle within him as he noted the softened expression of the sovereign. "In all these years, this has never happened," the Tsar murmured, his initial irritation giving way to a look of profound concern. "He must indeed be gravely ill." Just as Ivan was about to bask in the success of his ruse, the Tsar continued. "I trust you will serve as his proxy in the coming week until he has fully recovered.” The voice of authority resonated with a clear expectation of duty. “I appreciate your diligence in this matter.” Ivan could barely keep a straight face as the Tsar’s words sank in, internally berating himself for the corner he’d painted himself into. Yet, he quickly regained his composure. “The General would surely honour Your Majesty’s concern with great esteem,” he mustered. “Now, if I may, I shall relay the particulars of his report.” He then proceeded to deliver the details contained within the documents, his presentation precise and thorough. As he concluded, the Tsar nodded, a gesture of satisfaction at the information provided, and with a dismissive wave, he signalled Ivan’s leave. The casual flick of the wrist, as if swatting away an annoyance, gave Ivan ample reason to suppress a disdainful sigh. But with a final respectful bow, he excused himself, successfully suppressing the urge to roll his eyes in exasperation as he maintained a dignified exit. Once beyond the Tsar’s scrutiny, the formalities of the court faded into irrelevance, and he quickened his pace, eager to make his way to the healing quarters.
The infirmary was a sanctuary of serenity. The healers, with their practiced quietude, moved like shadows, their presence felt more in the gentle touch and the soft rustle of fabric than in any spoken word. They guided Ivan with subtle gestures, a tilt of the head or a slight wave of the hand, directing him to a secluded corner where General Kirigan lay resting.
There, in the dimming light, Kirigan’s form was a still silhouette against the crisp linens of the infirmary bed. The healers had divested him of his Kefta and tunic, the heavy garments replaced by the comfort of soft, thick blankets that had been tucked around him with meticulous care. His sleep was deep and undisturbed, the kind that only comes after exhaustion has wrung every last drop of wakefulness from the body. Though his features remained pale and drawn, the feverish sheen had left his skin, and the terrible cough that had racked him these last hours was now absent, replaced by the steady rhythm of peaceful breaths.
Fedyor, ever the vigilant guardian, had pulled a chair close to the bedside. His posture, usually so rigid and alert, now betrayed a hint of weariness, the tension of the long journey ebbing away in the tranquillity of the room. Yet, his eyes remained fixed on Kirigan, a silent promise of protection that had been upheld throughout their arduous trek. Upon Ivan’s arrival at the bedside, Fedyor’s gaze lifted from Kirigan to his partner. His eyes narrowed slightly, a mix of curiosity and concern. "Is everything alright?" he whispered, the question barely more than a breath.
Ivan's smile wavered, a hint of sheepish guilt flickering across his features. "Let's just say the General has been granted a few days of... enforced rest," he murmured back, his voice tinged with a mix of satisfaction and apprehension.
"What did you do?" Fedyor's tone was half-amused, half-astonished, as he leaned in closer.
Ivan recounted the tale in hushed tones, a subtle smile playing on his lips as he detailed the slight liberties he had taken with the truth—his delivery so convincing that the Tsar was genuinely alarmed for Kirigan’s well-being, compelling Ivan to step in for the entire following week. A silent chuckle shook Fedyor's frame, and he reached out to pat Ivan's arm affectionately. "Well, you'll have quite the story to share with him once he's awake," he said, his voice a soft murmur of amusement. "Good luck explaining this one."
Ivan's smile deepened, not only from the humor of the situation, but from the relief that Kirigan was finally at peace, the harsh cough and feverish delirium replaced by the gentle rise and fall of his chest in sleep. There was no regret in Ivan’s heart, only the certainty that it was right to lift some of the burdens from this exhausted man.
So he settled into the quiet vigil beside Fedyor, the two men again united in their silent watch over their General. The evening’s calm enveloped the room, the candlelight casting a gentle glow. Outside, the wind, once a roaring force, now murmured a tranquil respite, echoing the day’s earlier turmoil yet soothing in its current hush. In this secluded space, only the steady breathing of the resting General filled the air. The world outside continued its restless dance, but within these walls, there was a shared moment of peace, a quiet affirmation of the enduring spirit that bound them together through every trial.
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redmanifesting · 3 months
Hey guys!!
I don't think I've talked about it here yet (?) If I have already spoken please forgive me, but I think that, even though I have spoken, I have not yet given any necessary details.
Well, to summarize, I lost interest in my SP a long time ago. Yes, the flame went out. Forever? I don't know. I've been looking for a spark of everything I felt for her inside me, either she's gone or she's too small. So small that I can't find it or feel it.
What resulted in this? We have problems, a lot. At the time we started I was... Well, obsessed. My anxiety was on high, my mind was in chaos, I would live confused and full of anxiety about millions of things. And she didn't help me. I know, eiypo. I am partly to blame for this. (talking about manifestation and other things)
Also, soon after I entered a troubled time with my best friend. In that, once again, I felt very bad when our friendship ended. However, this affair with my best friend also made me very angry with the way everything was going, I had lost control of my reality and I could not be more angry with myself.
So, I decided to take some time for myself, without anyone, without liking anyone, this obsession, I needed this more than ever. I couldn't let myself miss that way again.
Time has passed and so my feelings for my SP. I still feel attracted to her, but it's not like before, not even near him. In the last few weeks I started wanting this, I wanted to want her. It didn't make sense to me to get so obsessed with her all those years and now he disappears. She made many mistakes and contributed to this. However, is that enough?
And I miss my best friend more than her. And I feel bad about that.
I decided to leave that part of my life in automatic control. At the beginning of the year I promised myself that I would not enter into any relationship this year. That I would not search for anyone and would learn to function alone again.
I think I said this with such conviction that it erased a lot inside me.
I think it was necessary for me to say this here, because my page was focused on this and well, we can say that I am without inspiration. I still like to consume yandere content and do not plan to stop writing about it. However, this tends to decrease because there is no one in my life today that makes my heart burn. So I found it necessary to tell here (and also needed to vent) fortunately, always feel free to talk and write about various things here.
And well, it's still possible my feelings for her eventually returned or I meet someone else. Let's see what happens.
And also seize the moment. I still have quite a success story! I don't talk much about it here because I've made a lot of friends who know the law and don't know about this page, so I'm a little afraid that one of them might find me.
And I'm keeping it for my biggest dreams! So be patient with me.
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amporella · 1 year
what are your pet headcanons for the sp characters? like what animals would they own if they did?
THIS IS SUCH A GOOD QUESTION... HERE ARE MY THOUGHTS (though a few of them are canon):
Stan: He is SUCH a dog person. Like, he's an animal lover all the way, but dogs are definitely his favorite. His dream house has like five dogs in it. And while he loves all kinds of dogs, he's definitely more of a large dog breed kind of person. He wants to come home to his big Lab or German Shephard or whatever getting up and putting its paws on his shoulders and licking his face. He just loves his dogs!!
Kyle: THIS IS AN INTERESTING ONE. I think that he is definitely more of a cat person than a dog person (both by personality and that dogs are generally a little messier), but I can't imagine that he'd be thrilled with constantly vacuuming hair from his couch. He would deal with it because he loves his cats, but I can also see him dodging the issue entirely and getting hairless/hypoallergenic cats that don't tend to shed a lot. Either way, he would definitely spend a LOT of time thinking before he ever made the leap to getting one.
Kenny: RATS! I know he had Mr. Possy in Phone Destroyer, but possums don't make very good pets, so I think he would probably settle for leaving food outside for them instead of actually owning them. BUT he would own rats. They're such clever little quirky guys, and they're low maintenance enough that a busy guy like Kenny could have some and still keep them happy. He also strikes me as being able to bond with rats over also often being misunderstood but actually very very smart.
Butters: He would get a budgie!!! A little parakeet. They're very social and affectionate birds and Butters would return ALL of that tenfold. He would just casually talk to his bird a lot, and he would be very very good at teaching it phrases. The Chaos Hamsters are good, but his parakeet can actually say 'chaos' and that was like the best day of his life. His budgie would really be his constant companion.
Craig: He is a guinea pig guy for his whole life. If he had to choose another pet it would be a cat, but I don't think he'd vary from guinea pigs if he didn't have to. He likes his pets cute and inherently fairly low maintenance, BUT he turns it into a really high maintenance job because he would dote over those guinea pigs like it's his job. When TFBW said guinea pigs were one of the two things Craig cared about they weren't kidding; those guinea pigs live a life of absolute luxury. He names all of them Stripe.
Tweek: FERRETS. I asked a friend about this one and I didn't even consider ferrets but now I know they're correct. They're cute and mischievous, and generally very charming in a very Tweek-like way. Them being super curious and playful would just bring a lot of light to his home, and would probably help him destress! They would definitely try and steal and hide his Legos, though. Hermit crabs and/or fish are also options for him! He loves watching them move. They're just so fun. He would like their fun shells.
Clyde: He is also SUCH a dog guy. He owns a huge dog and it sits on his lap all the time and he's totally cool with it. He's the kind of guy to have a bumper sticker talking about his dog and to mention his dog first in his Tinder profile. He is basically a puppy boy himself so there is no reason for him not to own a dog!!
Tolkien: Owns the most spoiled cat on the face of the Earth, BUT would also own a very regal looking dog. And could possibly own a bird too. He has a LOT of room for pets and I don't think he would stick to only one!! He's very smart about biting off only as much as he can chew in terms of pet amount, but he also owns a bunch of different pets throughout his life.
Jimmy: HE ALSO GIVES ME BIRD VIBES. A cockatoo in particular! He's very talkative, and so is his pet. He would practice his comedy routines on it and teach it to laugh when he finishes a joke. It's basically his comedy wingman. He'd devote so much time into teaching his bird new words and he'd definitely love every second of it.
Wendy: Definitely a cat person and pretty similar to Kyle with her reasoning, but generally a little less concerned about the hair. And regardless of what pet she ended up getting, she would definitely train it. She leans towards very clever breeds of cat and probably somehow manages to teach them to read. She could also get a bird! She's very capable no matter what pet she has.
Bebe: Also a dog person as opposed to a cat person! Would go on a lot of jogs with her dog. However, if she didn't have a dog, she would get chinchillas instead! They can be very playful and active, and they're pretty enough that she'd be content chilling with them until she gains their trust.
Nichole: She would get reptiles and nobody would expect it!!! She has the most beautiful elegant ball python that just chills on her shoulder when it's out of its cage, and she's so unbothered by it. She is extremely fearless and Stan is literally terrified. Ball pythons live super long too if you take good care of them, so she has this one python for ages and loves it very dearly.
Heidi: Honestly, I can see her as a horse girl. She strikes me as the type for whatever reason!! Alternatively, she could also have a few cute mice that are just very snuggly with her. She needs to either have a huge pet or a very very tiny pet.
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especiallykenny · 1 year
South Park WOWOW Japanese dub
I remember someone asking years ago if there was a place to watch the Japanese dub of SP, so here's a masterpost of all the episodes I've found so far. Links go to NicoNico Douga, the quality isn't the best but this is the only place I've found them.
SP has three Japanese dubs, from what I can see: the WOWOW dub (seasons 1 - 7), the Fox Japan dub (season 8), and the Netflix dub (seasons 15 - 23). If I find any more, I'll update the post!
S1 Cartman Gets An Anal Probe Volcano Weight Gain 4000 Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig Death Pinkeye Damien Starvin' Marvin Mr Hankey the Christmas Poo Tom's Rhinoplasty Mecha-Streisand Cartman's Mom is a Dirty Slut
S2 Terrance and Phillip in Not Without My Anus Cartman's Mom is Still a Dirty Slut Ike's Wee Wee Conjoined Fetus Lady The Mexican Staring Frog of Southern Sri Lanka Chef's Chocolate Salty Balls Clubhouses Chef Aid Prehistoric Ice Man
S3 Tweek vs. Craig Cat Orgy Two Guys Naked in a Hot Tub Jewbilee Korn's Groovy Pirate Ghost Mystery The Red Badge of Gayness Rainforest Shmainforest Spontaneous Combustion
S4 Chef Goes Nanners: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30705955 Fourth Grade: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30929504 Trapper Keeper: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30348936 Wacky Molestation Adventure: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30349143 A Very Crappy Christmas: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm31008074 Fat Camp: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30516034 Quintuplets: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30356271
S5 It Hits the Fan: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30124613 Terrance and Phillip Behind the Blow: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30083139 How to Eat with Your Butt: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30921495 The Entity: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm29808088 Cripple Fight: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30018362 Super Best Friends: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30617392 Cartmanland: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30538922 Kenny Dies: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm28735933 Butters' Very Own Episode: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30090561
S6 Jared Has Aides: ?? Asspen: ?? Freak Strike: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30920499 Fun with Veal: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30462646 The New Terrance and Phillip Movie Trailer: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30920999 Professor Chaos: ?? The Simpsons Already Did It: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30920542 Red Hot Catholic Love: ?? Free Hat: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30929378 Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society: ?? Child Abduction is Not Funny: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30645677 The Return of the Fellowship of the Ring to the Two Towers: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30931754 Death Camp of Tolerance: ?? My Future Self n Me: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30092199 The Biggest Douche in the Universe: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm31201541 Red Sleigh Down: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30124798
S7 Cancelled: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm28743918 Krazy Kripples: ?? Toilet Paper: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm31201795 I'm A Little Bit Country: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm26685470 Fat Butt and Pancake Head: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm29870596 Li'l Crime Stoppers: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm31201694 Red Man's Greed: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm31201849 South Park Is Gay: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm29808088 Christian Rock Hard: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30392155 Grey Dawn: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30068528 Casa Bonita: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm31201759 Butt Out: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30110514 All About Mormons: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30648800 Raisins: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30414330 It's Christmas In Canada: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm29872351
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