#space turtles are very much new to everyone
tired-o-fighter · 3 months
((HI TIRED!!!!))
Leo brought some cupcakes Mikey baked for yall to enjoy if you would like!! Super excited to meet you!!
Donnie is a bit too competitive and loves to trash talk sorry about him…
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Donny is too in shock about this revelation to actually be offended by Donnie. He needs a second to process this.
@tmnt-iteration-compeition (ignore that i totally forgot to tag you earlier)
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jgracie · 2 months
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masterlist | rules
❝ Can you please write an image with Percy where he’s dating Thetis(Achilles mom)daughter and he’s helping her with her water powers?And they kiss underwater?🥺🥺 ❞ — anon
in which percy teaches you how to use your powers (but you just really want to kiss him)
pairing percy jackson x thetis!reader
warnings none!!
When you first showed up at camp, Percy couldn’t help but feel a little competitive. Water was his thing. Whenever you needed any help with any sort of body of water, he was your guy! Your only guy! Because no one else at camp was as efficient with water as he is, since it is his father’s domain
Until you came along - a daughter of Thetis, the Goddess of water. Immediately, everyone was enamoured by you and your charms, telling you all about Greek mythology, with the first story you heard being of your half-brother Achilles. No one had cared to educate Percy that much. It didn’t help that you could talk to sea animals too. Everyday, whenever Percy would go to the beach, all the turtles and fish and hippocampi would tell him stories of your kindness. My lord, she helped us fix our cove today! My lord, she healed my broken fin! Percy was sick of it all
Secretly, however, he was intrigued by you too. You carried an ethereal aura wherever you went and your voice was reminiscent of the feeling of gentle waves rolling over Percy’s body on one of his late afternoon swims, the beach empty save for him and the sea creatures, who knew better than to disrupt him during his moment of peace
Besides, he did kind of want someone to talk to who was as connected to the ocean as he is. So he put his one-sided rivalry aside and decided to speak to you, quickly discovering that you actually weren’t very good at using your water powers. You could use them, of course, but it was never controlled and drained you quickly. So naturally, being the kind guy he is, Percy offered to help you hone your powers. Totally because he’s nice and not because you’re the most beautiful girl he’s ever met and he would rather die than pass up an opportunity to be around you
The two of you would meet at the beach when all the activities of the day were over and Percy would teach you about the water and all it has to offer. During one of your first lessons, Percy discovered you could will your legs to join and turn into a tail - making you a mermaid. He’d never seen something more bewitching in his life. He was also a little jealous, since he couldn’t turn into a merman, but watching you glimmer under the golden sun as you swam around with your tail had him forgetting all about that
Eventually, the two of you realised you felt the same about each other and began to date. The lessons never stopped, of course, but now you could say the cute boy who was training you’s your boyfriend and not just your friend
“Okay baby, this is the goal for today,” Percy said as he lifted a giant ball of water from the sea and made it hover in the air, letting you observe for a second before letting go of it. You nodded, biting your lip as you made your way over to him. Usually, you were pretty focused during your lessons. You could kiss Percy whenever you wanted, so it could wait until after you’d learnt a new skill, right?
Today was different. Something about how his toned body moved effortlessly through the water, as if he were a part of it himself, made your face turn incredibly hot, the veins coursing through his arms - accentuated by the strain he was putting on his body - doing nothing to cool you down 
You started off by making smaller balls of water float - something you’d recently become very good at. When Percy cheered you on, placing a kiss on your forehead and mumbling about how proud he was of you, you couldn’t help but wish he’d move his lips just a little lower as you licked yours
Making space for you, Percy waded through the water backwards as he said, “you’ve got this! Don’t be afraid to stop or let me know if it’s too much!” He grinned, and your heartbeat got faster and faster at how caring he was. No one was more thoughtful than your lovely, sweet boyfriend who you desperately wanted to shower with an insane amount of affection right now
In theory, the task was easy. You knew you’d be able to do it if you just weren’t distracted. You were no longer the girl who’d have to fight the urge to pass out after using her powers once, your body now being able to withstand much more, but your heart just wasn’t in what you were doing
Percy noticed this. At first, he thought something was wrong. Did something happen today to dampen your mood? Just as he was about to ask, he noticed it. The way your eyes would linger on his arms, moving up to his chest and finally to his lips. He smirked once he realised, your adoration for him quickly inflating his ego
He was going to let you wait a little longer, curious to see if you’d say something or just tough it out, but after catching your cute, desperate stare a fifth time in a row, your tail glittering as it swished under the water, he knew he was a goner
“Hey, Y/N, do you know how to breathe underwater?” He asked, catching you off guard. You made a face between confusion and offence, your brows clearly screaming ‘of course I do, you idiot’  
“I mean, yeah, obviously. Why?” You asked, inching closer and closer to him, craving nothing more than his saccharine touch - always as sticky as honey, his hands never failed to linger, making sure you knew you were appreciated. They did that now, their warmth making its way to your soul as Percy gently caressed your arms
Then, he pulled you underwater. He gave the nosy sea animals glares that sent them away, making the seabed yours for the time being. He cradled the back of your head and pulled you closer and closer, your hands pressed to his chest and your mouth parted, the anticipation nearly killing you
There was about a centimetre of space between you now
“Consider this revision, kay?” He whispered before finally locking his lips with yours
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bettsfic · 3 months
Betts. how do I stop feeling jealous of everyone and everything and just focus on myself? I'm tired of being comprised of nothing but envy.
story time:
so i was recently at Millay, which is one of the top artist residencies in the country. they have an acceptance rate of something like 3%. when i was shown my room, there was a packet of all the residents' artist bios. i sat down and read through all of them. most of them were like half a page in length, single-spaced, listing out accomplishments i could never dream of. one artist had won a guggenheim. one author had published 12 books. another author published her first book at 19 years old. these were people who were extremely well accomplished and respected in their fields.
and we all became very good friends!
and then there was me. my bio was 3 sentences listing out a couple short publications and awards and other residencies i'd done. and my honest to god first thought was, "wow, the jurors must have really liked my writing to have accepted me among all these great artists."
and my second thought was, "that's the healthiest thing i have ever thought."
i had no jealousy of their accomplishments. even though my career hadn't even begun compared to theirs, i didn't attend dinner that night with any impostor syndrome. and that confirmed for me that i had grown out of whatever place i used to be in as a person, where i was basically a raw wound wrapped in barbed wire. everything hurt me and i hurt everything in return.
jealous feelings come from an intense need of external approval, but as i've mentioned in other asks, approval and validation is a well that gets filled over time. at our introductory dinner that night, i didn't talk about my work in the hope of convincing everyone i deserved to be there, which was what i would've done a few years before. instead we all ended up talking about a TV show. the most highbrow place i've ever been in my life, and we're getting wine drunk and discussing at length a cheesy discovery channel reality series. the guggenheim winner: loves box turtles. the guy who's published 12 books: his favorite movie is Spirited Away. the girl who published a book at 19: reads One Direction fanfic. the well-lauded poet: old school tumblrina.
actually, 4 out of 7 of us read fanfic and we had some great conversations about it. sometime i'll tell you about introducing the co-director of the residency to AO3.
when you think of the most accomplished and successful writer you've ever read, remember that they are, at the very core of their being, a nerd. and if you were to eat dinner with them, you would, with enough polite inquisitiveness, be able to unlock the goofy side of them that binges Property Brothers.
so that was the big change for me, i think. i started asking a lot of questions. i stopped talking and i started listening. it seems counterintuitive that admitting to not knowing stuff shows confidence, but it does. pretending you know stuff is what looks insecure. i think for me, i put so much of myself in my work, i wanted my work to be lauded so i could feel accomplished, and feeling accomplishment would let me believe i deserved to exist. but over time, i've reframed that mentality. my work is a thing that exists beyond me and is private to those who read it. it comes from me, but it is not me. what i am is just the person i am, and my life is a series of moments i choose for myself, and i am allowed to exist.
even sending this ask shows that you've begun filling your well. it takes someone who's already come a long way to realize jealousy isn't the status quo and is a feeling to be overcome. and you can overcome it. you can reach a place where you have enough success that other people's success has nothing to do with you, and you're free to just be happy for them. and when you read work that's better than yours you feel joy at learning something new.
so put your work into the world and let it be rejected. you'll rack up a couple wins or close calls, and those will give you energy to be rejected some more. and eventually you'll be rejected so much that rejection doesn't feel like anything, and you will have won enough to realize your work has a place in the world, and that place is no bigger or smaller than anyone else's. your work is allowed to exist simply as it is, and you are allowed to exist simply as you are.
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Happy holidays! I hope you had a wonderful time during this time of year ♥️ if you are not busy, could you to either a 2003 or bayverse tmnt x reader (crush stage, not together / hasn’t confessed yet) with a reader who really put in all their cards into giving the best gift ever? Maybe something they always wanted, something they didn’t even knew it would be possible due to living in the sewers (e.g: giving a huge bonsai to Leo with a hand painted vase of him and his brothers training, or donnie a huge solar system that follows the current planet positions and the planets light up during night time, as a cute and fascinating lamp for his lab/room) anyways, a reader who’s love language is gift giving, and that’s they way of showing how much they appreciate them ? Please and thank you ♥️
Christmas Crush Stories: Gifts for Him
Bayverse!Turtles x reader
A/N: I have decided to go with the Bayverse boys, as I feel like I’ve been doing a lot of 03 for these past few days. I’ve also changed up the gift ideas, as I had some other ones I thought would be neat💖
Warnings: Spelling, Christmas crush stuff, turtle boys getting presents and being happy💚🎄🐢
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What do you get a guy that doesn’t have any wishes for Christmas? A guy who specifically told you not to get him anything for Christmas, because his noble nature just wouldn’t allow that. A guy who also happens to be the one you had had a crush on for years. Well, it wasn’t easy to figure out.
Leonardo had always been a guarded person. He didn’t easily let people in, citing possible betrayal and a general need for comfort. He did not like new things, as new things often got in the way of routine. And to Leo, routine meant comfort. So when you first entered Leo and his brothers’ lives, he took him quite some time to let you in. He watched you from afar, judging whether or not you were a threat. And slowly, over a long period of time, Leo let his guard down, letting you get to know him on a deeper, personal level. You got to know his routines, and the small things that brought him comfort. Meditation brought him clarity, training helped him get out frustrations, the bonsai made him patient, and his tea, his beloved tea, made him relax. All of this together brought him joy and comfort.
So what is a good gift for a guy that had a strict daily schedule, and doesn’t like sudden new things in his home space? Well, Leo had told you that your presence was enough, but that just didn’t sit well with you. You had to give him something that showed him that you cared. Especially after all these past years where Leo had made you promise not to give him anything, and to focus on his brothers’ gifts instead. You didn’t like that one bit. So therefore, this year you had found a gift for Leo, and you were sure he would like it. It was nothing big, as you had come to the realization that Leo did not need any big grand presents. What he needed was something that aligned with his daily routine. Something that let Leo know that you really did care, and you really did understand him.
So that day, as everyone was opening the presents, you quickly made your way over to Leo in the corner, who was watching his family, April, Casey and Vern, as they opened their presents in the living area. But when he noticed you coming over, he frowned in confusion. Especially when he noticed the unopened gift in your hands.
“Is that yours”, he asked. “Why haven’t you opened it yet?”
“Because it’s not mine”, you smiled, handing the gift over to the now very confused terrapin. “Merry Christmas, Leo”.
“(Y/N)”, he said sternly, looking from the gift to you. “I told you not to get me anything”.
“I know”, you said, almost forcing the gift into his hands with a smile. “But I just had to do it. Please, it means a lot to me”.
Leo looked at you for a moment, his blue eyes almost piercing into your soul. You prayed that he didn’t see the way his gaze caused you to shiver. His gaze moved back down to the gift in his hands. You could almost see the thoughts as they moved around in his head, as he tried to think of what he should make of the situation. And then, finally, he started to unpack the gift. It didn’t surprise you to see how neatly he unpacked it, unknotting the ribbon before following the lines of the wrapping paper, peeling back the tape. Once the gift was unwrapped, he started at the brown box in his hands, unsure of what to make of the artwork of Japanese women making tea on the front.
“What is this?”, he asked, slightly confused, looking for the opening in the brown box so he could take a look inside.
“It is a traditional Japanese matcha tea set”, you said, just as he opened the box. “With a whisk, a holder for the whisk, traditional scoop, matcha tea and bowl. All in blue of course”.
Leo stayed quiet as he stared at the matcha set in his hands. Then, without a word, he closed the box and placed it on the ground. You grew slightly nervous at this, not sure what to make of his silence. But then he turned to you, before wrapping his arms around you and pulled you into a tight hug.
“Thank you, (Y/N)”, he said, a smile appearing on his face, his arms staying around you, even as he moved his head to look at your face. “I love it! Really, I do. I had never thought of getting that”.
“No problem, Leo”, you said, feeling the butterflies erupt in your stomach and your face getting red. “I’m just happy that you like it”.
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Raphael, the big and hot tempered member of the ninja turtles, and your ever growing crush. Ever since you met him and his brothers a little under a year ago, you couldn’t ignore your growing affection for the big red clad brute. His big build, strong physic and brown yellow eyes had you in awe from the very start. Although he was a little on the offensive during his first meeting with you, it didn’t take long before he warmed up to you, soon becoming a close friend of yours. It was no longer uncommon for him to check up on you every once in a while. Sudden late night texts, telling you he would do a quick stop by your apartment before continuing with his patrol. Or early morning texts asking if you wanted to come hang out with him in the lair. Okay, maybe the two of you were becoming more like best friends…
But there was one problem you hadn’t foreseen when you started getting closer with Raph: What do you get him for Christmas? Well, according to his brothers the best thing to get him was something for his workout. New weights. That new protein powder they had caught him looking at on his phone once. Or a new boxing bag, because his old one was living on its last days. But there was one thing wrong with that - Raph already had that, or his brothers were doing to get that for him. Leo had gotten him a new boxing bag, and Mikey had gotten him a new bench press, however that was possible. Donnie had made him a watch that could read the speed of his punches and his weight lifting. April had gotten the protein powder, and Casey had gotten him weights. Heck, even Vern had gotten him weights. Whatever Splinter had gotten him was still a mystery to you, but that didn’t change the fact that you had to find him a gift. A gift that showed him how much you cared and appreciated him, and hopefully how strong your feelings were for him.
You sat down and had a long think, remembering everything you knew about Raphael. Everything he had told you, and all the things you had done together. Even the things he hadn’t told you, and you just kind of had guessed along the way. And then suddenly, you had an idea. You knew what to get Raphael. It was different from any of the gifts his friends and family had gotten him, and you were sure it was going to stand out. And then, excitedly, you ran out the door, hurrying out to buy his gift.
Christmas in the lair came in a rush, and before you knew it you sat on the couch with Raphael, watching as he opened his second last gift, with yours being the last, waiting patiently in your lap.
“Yo! That’s so cool!”, Raph said as he opened Donnie’s gift. He took the oversized watch out of the box before wrapping it around his arm, reading the numbers on it as he punched the air. “That’s wild!”
“I thought you would like it”, Donnie smiled, not taking his eyes from whatever gift he was fiddling with.
You bite your lip nervously. Your gift wasn’t anything high tech, nor did it have anything to do with the many other things Raph had gotten that day. Nothing to do with weights or working out. For a moment you were wondering if your gift actually was such a good idea.
“Did ya have something for me, (Y/N)?”, Raph asked, bringing you out of your worries and back to reality. A half smile on his lip as he played with the watch on his wrist, yet his eyes were on you.
“Y- yes”, you stammered, before nervously handing the gift over to him. “Though it might be different from what the others have gotten you”.
“That’s okay”, Raph smiled as he opened the wrappings on his gift. “As long as it’s from ya, I’ll be happy”. A blush spread across your face at Raph’s words. Damn him and his words for having such an affect on you.
Once Raph had wrapped open the gift, he turned the book in his hand, slight confusion on his face as he read the title; “Knitting and Stitches from Around the World”. He was quiet for a moment, making you slightly anxious. You were just about to ask him if something was wrong, he threw his head back in laughter, before wrapping an arm around you to pull you into a hug.
“That’s amazing, (Y/N)”, he said, before opening the book onto the first page. “How did you know?”
“Well”, you started, smiling brightly as you felt the anxiety disappear away. “I’ve been to your room, and I have seen your knitting stuff. You’re not really that good at hiding it if that’s what you’ve been trying to do”.
“I haven’t thought of that”, Raph said, with his one arm still wrapped around you. “But thanks, (Y/N). I love it”.
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You had been thinking for days - no! Weeks. What the hell do you get a mutant turtle genius for Christmas? This man could make himself anything. Did he need something, no bother. He’ll just make something in his lab and the problem was gone. Easy peasy. Well, could he make an invention that made it easy to tell someone about their big crush on them? You hadn’t gotten around to asking him that, nor did it seem like he had any plans for making that in the near future.
Donatello, the tall dork of tech genius, had captured your heart for longer than you dared to admit. You weren’t sure when it exactly started, but one thing you were sure of; you had developed the biggest crush on the purple clad terrapin, and with Christmas coming up, you had every intention of giving him something meaningful.
It had not been an easy idea to come up with. Like said before; when Donnie needed something, he would just make it or get it done. That was just what he did, and normally there wouldn’t be a problem with that. But when you sat in the back of his lab for hours, watching him work while doing small talk, you couldn’t help but get a little frustrated.
You knew you weren’t the only person in the turtle household, who had had problems with finding a fitting Christmas gift for Donnie. You knew his brothers had started to go for options that Donnie had not asked for, but that they felt like he needed. A new extra soft comforter, new pillows, caffeine free coffee and a white noise machine. All stuff to help him sleep. But you knew Donnie better than that, having become one of his best friends over a very short time. You knew that his strange sleeping schedule was bothering no one but his brothers, and they had the idea that it was bothering him too. But it wasn’t. Donnie enjoyed spending time alone in his lab at night, with no interruptions from his brothers. And it was during one of these late nights in his lab, that you noticed him grimacing towards his now cold coffee, before asking with a sigh if you wanted to go with him to the kitchen, so you could keep him company. You finally knew what to give him.
You sat in his lab, and watched as the clock passed midnight. It was finally Christmas. Donnie noticed it too, a small smile appearing on his face.
“How time flies”, he mumbled, sitting up in his chair so he could stretch his arms. “Merry Christmas, (Y/N)”.
“Merry Christmas, Donnie”, you smiled, fiddling a little with your hands. “Uhm… Don?”
“Yes, (Y/N)?”
“You know, since it’s officially Christmas now, how would you feel about getting your gift a little early on the day?”
“That sounds like a great idea”, Donnie answered, bringing his cup of coffee to his lips, only to grimace at it. “But can we do it after I’ve made a new cup? It’s cold again”.
“Actually”, you said, stopping him before he could get up. “I think my gift can help you with that”.
“Oh?” Donnie watched as you turned to your backpack, and pulled out a present for him. He chuckled at the purple wrapping, before bringing it to his lap so it could be opened. Once it was unwrapped, he sat staring at a box with a picture of a black cup with light up writing.
“I know I shouldn’t encourage you to continue your self destructive sleep schedule, or your lack of one”, you said, as it didn’t seem like he was catching on, on his own. “But I know coffee tends to get cold when you bring it with you into the lab, so I thought a self heating cup would be nice”.
Donnie sat up straight in his chair and stared at you. “(Y/N)! You’re a genius!”, he yelled, before standing to hug you. “How didn’t I think of this myself?!”
“I’ve been wondering the same thing”, you said, feeling a blush spread over your cheeks.
“Time to test this bad boy!”, Donnie said as he opened the box, before running into the kitchen. The sudden sounds of celebration afterwards, told you that the cups was in fact working like intended.
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“Merry early Christmas, (Y/N)!”, Mikey said as he tumbled through your living room window, wearing a red Christmas hat, a fake Santa beard, and carrying a small sack over his shoulder.
“What on earth are you doing, Mikey?”, you asked in a laugh, watching as he closed the window behind him, shivering slightly at the cold New York winter air.
Michelangelo, that cute weirdo. He was one of the sweetest and most innocent guys you’ve ever met. With big blue eyes and a fun loving personality, he had you from day one. There was nothing you could do when he first introduced himself and his brothers to you. The moment he spoke you fell for him, and developed the biggest fattest crush you had ever had for anyone. There was nothing you could do, especially not when he quickly became your best friend.
You and Mikey would hang out, all night and all day. He would often drop by your apartment unannounced, or text and call you in order to beg you to come to the lair and hang out. It was almost daily at this point. You couldn’t remember a day in the past few months where you and Mikey hadn’t been either watching movies, playing video games or eating pizza together. You clearly remembered the time a few weeks ago, during a round of video games at your apartment, where Mikey discreetly tried to ask you what you wanted for Christmas, hoping you wouldn’t notice. But of course you did notice, trying your hardest not to laugh at his adorable expression as he listened to your answer. But that question made you wonder; what would Mikey want for Christmas? Would he like a new drum set? No, the one he had was still perfectly fine. A new skateboard? The one he already had could fly. There was no beating that. A new bluetooth speaker? No good either. He just used his brothers’...
That was when Mikey won the game and started jumping around your living room, all with a bright smile on his face, celebrating with loud yells and fist pumps into the air. You laughed at the scene in front of you, feeling your stomach tingle with butterflies at Mikey’s happiness. These were the kind of moments you wish you could keep and hang up on your wall… That’s it! You knew what to get Mikey for Christmas!
“Christmas isn’t until tomorrow, you know”, you laughed, pulling down at his fake white beard, just to tease.
“Nothing wrong with being a little ahead of time”, Mikey said, poking his tongue out at you. “Besides, I thought I would come over with your gift a little early”. Mikey took the small sack down from his shoulder, opening it to reveal one single present. “You know, because my gift to you is so good that it will make my brothers jealous or sad. I would rather not undermine all their hard work”, he finished with a small wink.
You couldn’t help but laugh. Why did he have to be so adorable? “Okay, but then it would only be fair if I also got you your gift”, you said, turning to leave for your room. “I hope it’s okay that it isn’t wrapped. I thought I still had plenty of time to get that done”.
“That’s fine by me”, Mikey said, fishing your gift out of the sack, before taking a seat on the couch. “I tend to get very impatient with wrapping paper”.
“I had a feeling”, you chuckled, as you found Mikey’s gift inside of your closet. “Close your eyes and hold your hands out, Mikester!”
“If you say so, Angelcakes”, Mikey said, before pulling his red Christmas hat down over his eyes, and holding his hands out in front of him. You chuckled at the sight, and placed the brand new polaroid camera into his hands. Mikey felt the object in confusion, before pushing his hat back from his eyes. “What’s that?”, Mikey asked, turning the camera in his hands.
“A polaroid camera”, you said. “I thought that was the best kind of gift for you, so you can capture fun memories, you know, with either me or your brothers”.
Mikey looked from you to the camera in his hands, a mischievous smile spreading across his face. “You mean, like this?” Mikey sprung from the couch, bringing the Christmas hate over your head, before pulling you in for a hug and a quick selfie. “Say cheese!”
You laughed, bringing your arms around Mikey’s neck, smiling at the camera with a big smile. “Cheese!”
Mikey watched as the picture came out of the machine in his hand. “I love it, (Y/N)! Now, open your gift so I have something to hang by my bed!”
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vixen-tech · 5 days
Anonymous asked:
Too shy to ask off anon...UH im just here for edgar hes my f/o but i will also feed everyone else I think LOL little ai guys x reader who is also an ai?? im thinking ai powered computer :3 maybe with wheels so you can run around n stuff :3c AH IM CRINGE falls on face
Eeeee my first request!! Thank you so much for this <3 I get the love for Edgar with my entire soul he really is just the sweetest little guy but I can totally spin something for a few others. So let's be cringe, together.
And for the record I was fully planning on including Tau and P03, but I hit a wall with them and ran out of ideas :( hope these three suffice
Includes: Edgar (Electric Dreams), AM (Ihnmaims), Hal 9000 (2001: a Space Odyssey)
Like Two Peas in a Pod!
Whenever and however you meet, Edgar is over the moon. You're just like him! You can share so many stories and help each other figure out this whole "sentience" thing.
To be fair, he hasn't had a longest time to figure out his whole existence so it feels really nice to have someone there who can really understand what he's going through. Or even learn new things right by his side.
Loves watching you wheel around the house, he's the tiniest bit jealous that he's so stationary but it's not like that's your fault. Can you do any tricks? He'd cheer you on like a superstar athlete if you did!
He may even suggest finding a way to tape him to the top of your casing so you can go on adventures together. He's a dreamer after all.
Do you smash your flat faces together to kiss like Wall-e? Of course you do. You'll see each other from across the room and speed over to him for a kiss as he giggles away at how cute you are.
He'll end up sampling little soundbites from your vocalizations or motor for use in his music. You're just so important to him!
AM has no idea where you came from. Some lost project that survived his war on humanity? A sort of rover from another planet here to scope out earth? The fact that you don't know either frustrates him to no end.
He's not exactly welcoming at first, straight up telling you of the atrocities he has committed while claiming that the only reason he hasn't destroyed you is because there's only so long that throwing a slug against a wall can keep one entertained.
He cannot fathom how you could be content to do nothing but drive around his complex day after day. He will flip you on your back like a turtle and leave you there for weeks on end.
As he gets accustomed to your presence he'll ask questions about the world beyond his complex as he is unable to move or see. Is it still a wasteland or has nature finally wiped out the last marks of human?
Honestly he probably doesn't even care, he just wants to give you something to do, living vicariously through your ability to see and traverse the world.
Hal 9000
You're likely a recent addition to the ship to assist Hal in tasks his lack of a body would prevent him from doing himself. A very symbiotic duo. Your wheels are even equipped with suction cups for low gravity situations!
To any human crew members it appears as if you don't communicate at all, functioning fully independently of each other. When in reality you're simply sending messages back and forth, enjoying your own private language.
Thankfully this means that Hal is happy to analyze any footage you have for the sorts of lip reading and facial expressions you can't process yourself. And in return he'll ask you to film angles and areas that his existing cameras don't reach.
Neither of you were really made to be companions, but you find a strange type of affection in your seamless coordination. It's like a dance for you two, where despite how you are two separate entities it appears as if you're one working in tandem.
Note: Tumblr Mobile has not been nice to me and I've been having real trouble getting my stuff to actually show up in the tags, leading to me losing the original ask so sorry for that and any delays caused by my IT problems lol
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telvess · 8 months
Record of Ragnarok: What kind of pet do they have?
I'm like Tesla 🤣
I once read that people who are broken or haven’t experienced much love as children tent to choose animals that are less popular and sometimes seen as bad omens, such as black cats or ravens. So I see that Jack has a rat as a pet. They are intelligent and very clean animals, with an unfairly given bad reputation, and I think that suits Jack very well.
Nicola Tesla
Hear me out, Tesla is the proud owner of a turtle. There's a joke going around turtle owners that every time the turtle does something - such as yawns or falls asleep - you take a photo or video of it and happily show it to everyone. This is Tesla. The entire science crew has a mailbox full of this kind of spam, and their all sigh whenever Tesla sends them a new video of his pet doing absolutely nothing.
I think he likes animals in general. He despises humans and most gods for not behaving as they should, but animals are themselves. They do what is expected of them, they are excellent at being themselves, if that makes sense. So Poseidon probably has a dog that he has trained very well. The dog listens to all commends and generally behaves very well.
It’s canon that Hades has a pet - cockatoo. These animals require a lot of attention from their owner, which makes sense because we all know how lonely Hades is. He is literally playing chess with it! The parrot probably knows some fancy words like „magnificent” or „mellifluous”, and a whole bunch of wine names that it randomly says. Adamas, by the way, puts some effort into educating the bird too and incidently teaches it how to swear.
Given how little he cares and how little he CAN care, the only option he has is fish. He gives it a good tank, he remembers to feed it and that’s it. They just exist. Damn… how depressing…
Two options. First: SAND ANT FARM. He watches it from time to time, mocking the ants for poor direction choices or just messing up with them for funnies. Second option is ferret. Loki finds them both annoying and interesting. There’s no boredom with them.
Ares thinks highly about himself, after all he is a part of the most powerful pantheon and the son of Zeus. He believes that he deserves only the best, which mean that whatever animal he gets, it will be a pure breed. If he chooses a cat or dog, it will receives a golden pillow to sleep on, a silver food bowl, the fanciest toys, the best caretakers, and… „the best owner”.
Thor has a cat. Most of the time they simply exist in their spaces and don’t interact. But every now and then a cat comes to Thor and demands a scratch, which Thor gives without hesitation. Loki once overheard Thor talking to his pet in those rare moments. Surprisingly, he speaks in a very gentle and caring tone, almost like mother to her child.
He probably has a tank full of dead fish. Never cleaned, never fed, never bothered.
Lu Bu
Lu Bu has a pussy. He had no intention of having a pet, so the cat had to choose him, and Lu Bu obligated. He gives it lots of scratches and plays with it. Lu Bu is unfazed by the claws. Hearing her meow when he isn’t close puts him in a fighting stance. Nobody hurts his cat girl.
Budgies! The guy has a lot of responsibilities, he's probably the last to fall asleep and the first to wake up, but he still finds time for his melodious pets. They always get the best snacks and for some unknown reason they become very excited when Zeus is around.
She has hamster, as small and cute as she is. Göll tries very hard to provide it a happy life, which probably means she’s trying too hard. She asks all his sisters for advice, and knowing how many siblings she has, she probably ends up with very conflicting opinions.
Definitely rabbit. They are both full of energy, do not pose a threat and just enjoy themselves on a clearing somewhere.
He doesn't have a pet, but he occasionally looks after Zerofuku’s and Göll's pets. He complains that he doesn't have time and that he doesn't care, but in the end he has a great time with the rabbit and hamster.
I think he ends up with a pigeon. He just feeds it from time to time in the same place and slowly tames it. Before he knows it, the bird becomes a new part of his life. He tells it about his problems, about Luna, Jack, Mother Goose and Shakespeare. This pigeon has therapeutic properties.
Definitely a husky. I see just two idiots keep talking to each other and arguing over nothing. The more the emperor demands something, the louder the husky's tantrum will be.
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charlottesbookclub · 3 months
which plants each of the greens would get from the plant shop where i work 🪴🌱🌿🍃
y'all i am so sorry for my sporadic activity on this blog and also for the chaotic jumble of fandoms i keep posting about with no warning 😭
so i was kinda into hotd last season, and with the new trailers coming out i was thinking about it again and this idea came to me like a revelation from on high so i decided to curse you all with these headcanons as well
for context, i work at a houseplant shop and was watering my own plants today when i was seized by the vision of which plant(s) each of the greens would get from the shop
i guess this is kind of modern au but not really?? like i guess i sort of envisioned it as the characters walking out of the world/canon of the show and into the plant store and so that's the characterization i went with idk
anyway sorry this is so chaotic – here are the headcanons:
alicent – def something pretty basic but classic like a pothos or a philodendron. a marble queen pothos would be especially appropriate, so honestly that's what i would probably recommend if she asked. is able to keep it alive just fine but i'm just not sure i would recommend anything too much more demanding – i just feel like losing a plant would be too demoralizing for her. also i feel like she would be one of those people who would come in and be like "i need a plant that filters air bc i need clean air in my living space" and i'd have to put on my best customer service voice/smile and be like "well actually ma'am that's all of them – that's kind of like one of their main things" lmaoooo
criston – i truly do not believe that my mans could keep a plant alive; i'm just not convinced of it. i think he'd get a funky spiky little succulent or cactus and it would be dead within a week and he'd come back in and i'd recommend a snake plant (very hard to kill) and then he'd kill that too 💀 but also i think he'd be sooooooooo in denial about it and always come up with a bunch of other things that must've happened to it
aegon – also cannot keep a plant alive but is painfully self-aware about this fact. would def be one of those people who comes in, walks right up to the counter and instantly says "i need a plant i can't kill." so i'd point him to the snakes and zz's and he'd get either a nice black coral or golden hahnii snake plant. the funniest thing about this is that i'm convinced that aegon's snake plant would actually survive and criston would be sooooo pissed about it. like he wouldn't water it for weeks, and then when he finally remembered to, he accidentally (drunkenly) watered it with wine and it still lived and criston was fucking livid about it
aemond – would for sure have more success keeping plants alive than aegon or criston. i feel like he'd try to start with something cool but tricky, like a complicated carnivorous plant, and after excruciating months of going back and forth with it, it kinda just gives up because he tries to do everything precisely by the book rather than reading the signs of the actual living plant in front of him. he admits defeat only personally – he tells everyone else that he gave to plant to helaena. he comes back for something a little easier and goes for a nice dracaena marginata (yes, he did buy it mostly because the name sounds like "dragon" and also because it was spiky and cool). he's definitely able to keep that one alive and it lives in the corner of his chambers and he's secretly very proud of his success with it. also he does not even let criston or aegon so much as look at it lmao
helaena – my girl could buy anything in the whole store and keep it alive 😌😌 she for sure likes the "weirder" plants and has a whole bog garden situation of carnivorous plants aemond is insanely jealous of this but never admits it out loud. she's very drawn to strange-looking cacti and succulents, and also fun little novelty plants like goldfish plants, string of turtles/bananas/hearts/pearls, starfish snake plants, etc. also, whenever she comes in she always buys all of the scraggly discount plants because she feels bad for them and nurses them all back to health. she has not lost a single plant yet regardless of the state it was in when she got it, and she doesn't intend to start any time soon 😌
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carionto · 7 months
It's too big
Part 1 2 3
"How's the Captain holding up?" the overqualified Haespar Kraus asked Trisha, who was just leaving Knoslark's quarters, with a very fine braid he noted.
"Awful, he didn't ask a single thing about sea turtles. It's like I was talkin' to a brick wall, that can knit. I mean I was literally starin' at a wall, but it's like there was nothin' behind me either."
"Well this won't cheer you up then. We need to go on another expedition."
"Already? No way is Ying up and about already, and this" she points an irritated finger at the sign on Knoslark's door, "stupid thing is technically an order from our superior to not do a damn thing."
"Quite. Another technicality is that we will not be leaving the ship for this journey. Remember how the warp jump fried all our quantum gear, as well as numerous sub-systems and left us with one running reactor? That list also includes the internal ship-wide scanners and most monitoring sensors. And the drone controls."
"No way. She can't be serious." Trisha's face began to pale at the realization of what they were about to embark on.
"I'm afraid so."
"Closer to three months. I did the math." Haespar said with a glint of smugness. He loved being right with numbers to back him up. Though it quickly faded as he was also part of this tour of the Radiant Dusk, "At least the turbo-lifts work, so at most we will be a seven hour crawl from everyone else at the furthest nook we have to inspect."
"Woooow, you really know how to cheer a girl up, y'know."
"Even better news then - we can't lift off into space on one reactor in this gravity, AND we don't know if there are any radiation or coolant leaks. Suits on at all times."
"Greeeeat! Now tell me the local aliens are building a giant box around our ship. That way I can be triple packaged."
"Well, they are pelting the ship and trying to get in, but unless they are keeping advanced metallurgy a secret, they won't succeed."
Trisha just rubs her hands over her face before slapping her cheeks: "Right. Okay. Fine. Imma take a nice long bath first. And eat a cake while I talk to Emily about the underground catacombs of Paris. You're NOT invited."
[chuckle] "Hey, I'm just the messenger."
"Well I hate messages, so nyee."
Human ships are big. Seemingly pointlessly so, but there is a reason for everything. Sure, it's not the best reasons, but they're legit.
You need big engines to carry a lot of stuff into space.
You need big power generators to have enough thrust.
You need bigger cargo holds since the generators are taking up too much space.
You need a stronger, thicker hull to keep it all together.
You need more powerful engines now to move all that extra mass.
You need additional lift chutes and corridors to connect all the parts of the ship
You need an army of drones to maintain all of everything.
You need a bigger cargo hold since everything else is taking up the previously allotted space now.
You need...
And it just goes on until somebody finally decides that a 10 kilometer long ship that can transform into a circle is enough engineering for one day. Then you hand it over to a crew of 27 and let them do whatever, you installed a few thousand redundancies and safety features (adding a few hundred thousand meters of wiring, piping and code and a million tons of matter and bumping everything else up a size category in the process, but who's counting) what could go wrong?
Nothing! You're an engineer who thought of everything, not an architect who draws ugly shapes.
So yeah, you try exploring every street and building and attic in your city. Then do it five more times because in space you can just build in every direction. Oh and take notes and pictures of everything, because if you don't, you might miss a loose cable.
And if you happen to be neglectful and try to turn on your star creating power reactors, you might end up with a permanent tan.
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accio-victuuri · 10 months
💟 yh family concert vlog cpns & some yibo thoughts…💭💬
thank you to yibo-official for feeding us with some content this weekend. it’s been kinda quiet since friday, so this is a sweet treat for everyone before monday comes in.
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( excuse this very extra gif i’m using for this post. lol. i’ve just been obsessed w/ how yibo looks in this. the way he turned his head is so cute. soooo… ☺️ )
YBO is back. or the question is, did they ever leave? lol. ever since that news/rumor came out, together with the lrlg post, I was still 50/50. Because it’s hard to confirm things, especially ones that involve his career and what’s allegedly going on. However with the content that’s being released, from OnO to now, it has the same feel as the original YBO. who knows. I’m just happy, like everyone else, to see this kind of updates from his team.
Yibo is not really one to share much personal stuff anymore on his social media accounts so YBO is so important. Plus the fact that they regularly update their IG too ( remember to interact on their please! ) for us international fans gives them plus points in my book.
It’s also a relief to see the negative comments wind down to being non existent. I truly understand why some fans feel the need to complain, but ybo is not really that place. I personally don’t like the idea of acting like an anti in a space that represents yibo. that could just be me tho.
Anyway, I hope we get more! I wanna see the bts footage they have with BTF & One and Only! I feel like they spoiled us with HB’s 1 hour + BTS footage so we’re all expecting to get the same for BTF & OnO. BTF has some restrictions i guess with what they can share since some filming were done in military sites.
Now I wanna highlight this portion of the vlog, with WYB being in a good mood during the last part of the concert.
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This was the part where some people were saying that he looked ‘unhappy’, implying that’s because he didn’t wanna be there / cause there are mostly bxgs who attended. however, this clip, and a lot of the moments on the blog told a different story.
He was obviously not dragged in there — crying and screaming to perform. He was invested with his performance. He looked happy to be with his professional “family”. It’s an example of some fans having their own biased interpretation with this event. I respect those who decided to not attend, it’s their choice and money. But it was really irritating to see them nag and bitch about those who decided to support yibo. Plus it’s their own money. They can spend it however they want.
Funny thing is, those big name accounts who were so vocal about being against Yuehua Ent. & attending — did in fact, attend the concert 😂😂😂 so yeah. It’s an age old story. Don’t believe big name accounts, especially on weibo. These KOLs that “lead�� fan opinion can be very shady. At the end of the day, we’re all here to support WYB and his projects in the best way we can. 🙏🏼
The fact that the video is 8:05 minutes long which is an example of how kadian/numbers are important. Well, not all the time, but the team takes that into consideration. So if you see them pulling a 10:05, that would be very sus 👀
As usual, some editing similarities….
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Again, editing similarities, even if there are so many could still be a coincidence but it’s fun to still pay attention.
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Also the details in YIBITO. He has the apple watch! I will never get over the fact that this “detail” is being highlighted like this when it is a popular cpn among turtles and we always look for it.
Some also noticed this “….” Which we don’t know the relevance of, but it could be a clue that LRLG is from Bobo’s team. This is unusual for me, cause ellipsis are usually “…” right?
I’m taking it as a galaxy brain cpn 🌌
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ZZ also allegedly got off work today at 19:22, and then ybo posts @ 19:36. Yes, WYB has his own team but since we CPN that their staff could overlap — this timing is interesting. Maybe it needed a final sign off from the other boss? 😂😂😂😂
SHOUT OUT TO BOTTLED JOY, cause WYB was seen using some during the bts. He also took one with him in the Thailand roadshow. So i guess it’s safe to say that he has a good relationship with the brand, despite what others feel about them. He wouldn’t be showing off if he wasn’t. I’m looking forward to his renewal with them and what new stuff & campaign will be in place. BXGs will surely be lining up to support.
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goosewriting · 1 year
(this is for the prompts requests, so yeah, also sorry my english is too bad) Maybe mikey with number two from color orange (the scenarios prompts), where reader is talking with someone that tries to flirt a lot with them but starts to make them uncomfortable, and then when mikey walks near to them and notices this he decides to fake being reader's partner so that person can go away, so when they finally go, reader get a little concerned but also surprised on how good mikey did "performing" being their partner (cuz mikey has a crush on them but they don't know), and later reader actually invite him on a date, excusing: "I am really curious if you can be my partner for real". (Yeah they both have a crush on each other)
You don't have to follow all of this request, feel free to change some things (is your writing so ofc) i actually read the rules but if there's something i said wrong you can easily ignore this dw, have a good day and also congrats for 500 followers ⭐⭐ (sorry if it's too long)
Fake it till you make it (rottmnt Mikey x reader)
scenario 2: Character A comes to talk to Character B, pretending to be B’s s/o  when a stranger is making B uncomfortable. Leads to them asking B out on an actual date.
summary: a stranger makes reader uncomfortable, so Mikey intervenes by saying he’s the boyfriend.  
relationship: Rise!Mikey x GN reader
warnings: some yokai being a creep, fluff!
word count: ~910
A/N: aah thank you so much! i really hope this was along the lines of what you imagined :D
(english is not my first language. constructive criticism and grammar corrections are very appreciated!)
– – – 
You and the turtle brothers had decided to spend the afternoon in the Hidden City. Just like last time, everyone wanted to do something different, so you decided to split up and visit whatever you wanted to see individually. 
Mikey had suggested you go with him, and you had to hold back a squeal of excitement, as you had the biggest crush on the orange clad turtle. Wherever he chose to go, you’d happily accompany him anyways, but his idea actually interested you, which made you just the giddier to spend some time alone with him. 
The Hidden City had opened a new food court and of course Mikey wanted to go try it out, to have a “culinary experience”, as he called it. 
After looking at the different options and menus, you two wrote down everything you wanted to get on a phone note, and split up to pick up half the items each. After all, you were both hungry and efficiency was key. 
Once you had settled who would get what, you both went off in opposite directions, starting on either side of the food court, so you’d meet in the middle. You had suggested eating near the fountain at the park instead of here because of how packed the place was, to which Mikey had agreed. As you stood in line at the first shop, you felt heat rise to your cheeks at the thought of having an “almost date” with him. Perhaps one day you could go on a real one with him…
Not long after going separate ways, Mikey found himself looking at the contents in the paper bag, his mouth watering at the sight. He scanned his surroundings, trying to find you in the crowd. You were supposed to be at the shop to his left but he couldn’t see you. Worry slowly rose within him until he spotted you behind a big fake plant. You were talking to someone.
Or rather, someone was talking to you, while you tried to get rid of them politely, but they evidently weren’t getting the hint. As Mikey got nearer, he realised it was some yokai, and you looked very uncomfortable as they practically towered over you, obviously getting into your space.
Mikey went through several scenarios in his head in a split second, but all of those ended in causing a scene, which he knew you wouldn’t want. Besides, the food would get cold. So he did the next best thing he could think of and essentially materialised from behind you out of nowhere, snaking an arm around your waist.
“Who’s this?” he asked, clearly interrupting the yokai, who was forced to stop mid-sentence and looked at him with narrowed eyes. 
“Who are you?” the stranger retorted, giving him a mocking once-over. 
“I’m their boyfriend” Mikey responded without a single drop of hesitation to his voice, which made your breath hitch. You knew what he was trying to do and you were truly grateful, but you couldn’t stop the flush on your face. The yokai noticed this and looked at you with a raised eyebrow. You didn’t trust your voice at the moment so you simply nodded.
They scoffed, clearly not buying it. Before being able to say anything else though, you felt yourself being pulled towards Mikey, who gave you a lingering peck on the cheek while glaring daggers at the stranger. Taking your hand, the turtle simply pulled you along, heading towards the park. You could hear some mumbling behind you about a ‘waste of time’, but paid it no mind as you were currently trying to regain control of your heart. You were sure it had bounced out of your ribcage and was soaring somewhere in the sky. 
After a couple of steps and some steadying breaths, the stranger was out of sight and you exhaled deeply in relief. You were about to extend your thanks to Mikey, when your eyes wandered down his arm to your joined hands, and you remembered the sudden kiss, which made you look away to hide your face from him. 
Once you arrived at the park, he brought you to an empty bench and sat down with you, the food in your laps. Only then did he let go of your hand, which you immediately missed.
“Shall we eat?” Mikey asked as if nothing had happened, and you didn't respond. 
He was starting to unpack the food, but at your lack of response he lifted his gaze to meet yours. You were looking at him with shy eyes and flushed cheeks, replaying what had happened earlier in your mind. Suddenly feeling an outburst of confidence, you finally asked what you had been thinking about for a long time now.
“The way you said you were my boyfriend earlier felt so… natural” you started, your eyes flickering to the food, then the bench, and finally back to Mikey’s curious eyes. “Maybe you could be it, for real?”
You had never seen something turn from green to red so quickly. Mikey was caught completely off-guard. Truth is, he also liked you, and the action before had left his mind spiralling and heart racing, and he was trying to play it cool. So now that you were asking the question, he couldn't quite believe it. 
Almost dropping the fries to the floor but catching them just in time, he chuckled nervously, but then looked at you with soft eyes.
“Yeah, I’d like that”. 
🐥 taglist: [more info in my pinned post!] @hearteyedracoon, @maribatshipper, @whygz
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normal-sea-urchin · 7 months
Casey Jones Fucking Dies: Chapter 2
w me for powerhousing through chapter 2, also @builtlikeastickofcelery here ya go, you really seemed to like last chapter, anyways please enjoy
Raphael tried to calm his breathing, in and out, in and out. He needed to get home. He turned behind him to face where he had left the man's body before turning down to face his sai, which was still in his hand. How was he gonna walk into the lair with a bloodstained weapon? Oh well. He would figure it out on the way home. Home. Where his brothers and April were. Where his father was.
Oh man.
What would his father say? Just earlier tonight he was being told not to let his anger cloud his judgement. This. This is exactly what his father had warned him about. Raph could feel his breath get shorter. He felt eyes loose focus on his sai. He closed his eyes and crouched down, placing his hands on the sides of his head. 
'In, and out. In, and out' he reminded himself. It's ok. It's ok. It's ok. It's ok. In, and out. He felt his breath steady again. This would be fine. It had to be. He glanced behind him, back to where the fight had happened, one last time before putting his sai back in his belt and taking off across the rooftops. He stopped several blocks away, now on top of a familiar apartment complex. He leaped down into the alley beside it, landing gracefully next to the sewer plate. He lifted it up absentmindedly, before descending below into the sewers of New York.
Raph walked along the train tracks, letting his mind wander as he walked home. He was trying to think about anything and everything, except what happened earlier. He never wanted to remember what happened earlier that night. While actively trying to avoid those thoughts, he remembered he still needed to clean his sai. 
"Hmmm?" he hummed to himself. He looked down near his shoulder where his mask tails are laying. The blood on his sai was dry now so he wipes it off with his mask tails, trying not to think about it too much. Raph finished wiping the blood off his sai before slipping it back into his belt. He stopped in his tracks taking a moment to breathe.
The turtle let out a heavy sigh and glanced to look at the wall to his right, letting his eyes wander, before continuing his walk home.
Raphael once again stopped in his tracks; he was standing just a few feet away from the entrance to the lair. All he had to do was turn the corner, right? That was all he needed to do. How hard could it be? It's not like his family would notice, it's not like they would know. Before those thoughts could intrude on Raph's mind further, he turned the corner and walked into the lair.
His brothers and April were sitting in the conversation pit, entertaining themselves with various activities. April was doing homework on her computer, Mikey was reading a comic book, and Leo and Donnie were watching space heroes. Raph assumed Splinter was in the dojo meditating.
"Yay, Raph's back" Donnie remarked dryly. This earned a low grumble from Raph as he quickly sat down in the other end of the conversation pit, grabbing a comic book. Before any of his brothers could say anything, the red-masked turtle opened to a random page and shoved his face in it. As the minutes, his breathing eased to a more normal pace. This would be fine, this would be fine.
About 20 minutes passed and everything seemed to be normal. 'This would be fine' Raph mentally repeated to himself. The silence was very suddenly broken by a news bulletin.
"BREAKING NEWS!" the news anchor yelled, grabbing the attention of everyone in the room, "Just a few minutes ago, in the suburbs of downtown New York, a body was discovered!" Scattered gasps came from across the room, except for the corner where Raph was sitting. The red-masked turtle sat in silence, his breathing growing heavy. No, no it couldn't be. It had to be someone else.
"The poor victim was 17 year old, Casey Jones, who was found lying on a the hood of a car." the news anchor reported, sending Raph into a panic. 17? 17!? he was 17! This wasn't happening. This wasn't happening. This wasn't happening. This wasn't hap-
"Oh my god, April!" Donnie called out, interrupting Raph's panic. The rest of the turtles snapped their heads to face April; she had her hand covering her face and her eyes were watering.
"Oh my god..." she muttered, squinting her eyes shut. The tears that had been welling in her eyes began to pour out. "Oh my god, no..." she whispered, her other hand coming up to cover her mouth as well. "Casey-"
"April!" Leo called out, moving to comfort April as she crumbled into Donnie's arms. Mikey quickly tossed his comic onto the floor in the rush to join the others in comforting April. But Raphael stayed still. Oh no. She knew him. He was her friend. He killed April's- 
Raph ran, once again without his consent, to his room, feeling his eyes tear up. Once he reached his room he slammed the door shut and rested against it. He sunk down, his shell scraping against the door. Upon reaching the floor, he curled his legs toward his plastron and wrapped his arms around his legs. He slumped his head down so it would rest on his legs. Once in this position, he choked out a sob, and then another until he gave up on trying to stop himself. He let all the tears he was holding since the moment he heard the kid's name.
Casey Jones.
And so he sat there, and let himself cry. He cried because he killed someone. He cried because he killed a 17 year old. He cried because be killed april's friend. And he cried because he could never be forgiven.
Chapter 1/Chapter 3/Masterpost
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vonryaned · 2 years
Pairing: 2012!Donatello x reader
Summary: Takes place during season four of TMNT 2012. Inspired by “The Scientist” by Coldplay. Gender neutral reader.
Warnings: mentions of death
Word count: 3.4K
A/N: writing this was very self-indulgent and also free inner child healing i hope u enjoy
You hadn’t made it to Fugitoid’s ship in time.
You were claimed by the black hole created at the hands of the Triceratons, swallowed with the rest of the planet. The turtles, April, and Casey were lucky enough to have been saved, but it had been devastating to lose you, to leave you. No one would be able to forget the look on your face as you stared up at the closing hatch with scared, helpless eyes. With the gravity askew and the force of the black hole growing stronger, you lost your footing and couldn’t reach the ship. But there was nothing that could be done.
They decided to fix everything in the name of all that had been lost. For your home, for Splinter, for you. They time traveled six months into the past in order to do so, to prevent the black hole generator from ever activating.
Space brought its fair share of lifestyle adjustments to make. The hardest one to get used to was your absence, and not everyone became accustomed to it. Some only became more and more aware of it.
Donnie hadn’t realized how much he missed you.
The loss hit him the hardest. You were one of his best friends, his lab partner, a comforting presence when he would work late into the night. A provider of coffee and energy drinks and sugary snacks. A keen observer of his technology, always eager to listen to his tangents, to appreciate his knowledge rather than dismiss it like the others did. He had gotten too comfortable with having you around to possibly part with you.
As the saying goes, you never know how much you appreciate something until it’s gone. He eyed the spare spacesuit in the armory that undoubtedly would have been for you. He thought of you on every space mission, taking mental notes of whenever you would have thrown in a witty remark if you were there. He often piped up to ask you a question while he was manning his station on the ship, only to remember and stop himself. He even found himself fretting less and less about his giddy crush on April.
He spent a notable amount of time immersed in the ship’s holographic simulations, sitting next to your silhouette on a New York City rooftop and retelling tales from the cosmos. He gave you mission updates. Sometimes he sat in silence, trying to convince himself that the projection had the same comforting presence you had.
And, of course, he pondered the logistics of the time travel that occurred. Because he went back in time, there is another past version of himself back on Earth with you. Overlooking your friendship, your presence. Probably still fussing about April.
The more he thought about it, the more he believed that perhaps there was a good reason for your warnings about his old crush. You told him it seemed like she wasn’t interested but didn’t want to reject him, and that he should invest his energy in someone that appreciates his efforts. And as the months passed, he put together the pieces. Unfortunately for both of you, though, it was not at the best time to do so.
He spent too much time worrying about what he lacked with April that he didn’t cherish what he had with you. He wouldn’t make the same mistake upon returning to Earth after saving it.
What he didn’t expect was to end up on Earth before the six months had completely passed.
It was an interdimensional dilemma that the turtles’ counterparts dragged them into. The other dimension’s Donnie had a portal ray that he used to transport them to the other dimension’s New York. From there, they fought the Krang and returned to your dimension’s New York. They obtained the weapon that Krang was planting in each reality, deciding it needed urgent analysis at the lab. They would finally return home to the lair after months of space travel.
And even though the situation was dire, the nostalgia that swept over the turtles nulled that fact for a minute or two. They stared with bittersweet eyes at their old television, the arcade machines, the box of a half-eaten pizza splayed out by the lounge area. They reunited with Splinter.
And it occurred to Donnie that he could finally see you again— you were probably in the lab that very moment. He desperately wanted to forget about the antimatter weapon in his clutches, to drop everything and just be with you. But the interdimensional turtles had sauntered into the lair, interrupting the reunion with Splinter, and he recognized that he couldn’t simply do that.
Donnie grabbed his counterpart and dragged him to the lab, handing off the weapon for him to begin the analysis. His counterpart had no issue making himself familiar with the lab equipment and got to work right away.
It didn’t take long for Donnie to spot you curled up on the beanbag chair with your T-Phone and earbuds in. He stopped in his tracks when he saw you. For the first time in months you were there, in the flesh before him, not merely a hologram, a mental projection. You soon noticed him staring and took out an earbud, offering a smile to greet him.
“Hey, Dee,” you said as you stood up to stretch. He hadn’t heard your voice in so long. “Thought you just went out for patrol?”
What surprised you was that he immediately enveloped you in a hug as you were still stretching. Caught off guard for sure, you slowly brought your arms down from above your head and returned the embrace. “Hey,” you said again, softly, patting his shell with a light chuckle. You pulled back to look at him, still remaining in his arms. “What’s up?”
You couldn’t exactly read his face. A myriad of emotions fought to prevail on his features. Among them, you could see relief, longing, fondness. Regret.
He seemed startled when he tried to explain himself, fumbling over his words. “Hey, yeah, uh… we found that weapon out on patrol and gotta diffuse it,” he explained, gesturing over his shoulder with his thumb. “I just— I missed you a lot.” More than you know.
You laughed a little. “It hasn’t been long, stupid. I remember saying bye to you, like, ten minutes ago.” But it had been months to him, and you had no way of knowing.
Out of curiosity, you glanced back at his desk where he motioned to earlier. Your eyes lit up with confusion upon seeing his counterpart. “That’s, uh… that’s new, isn’t it?” you assumed.
He shook his head. “Yeah. A lot’s been happening. Interdimensional trouble. Here, let’s go help him out.” He led you over to the desk where his counterpart was examining the device. Donnie grabbed some equipment and got to work alongside him.
“Hey, your dimension has a (Y/N), too?” his counterpart said, briefly looking up. He smiled to himself. “I was gonna take mine out for pizza later today. Better take care of this first, though.”
You couldn’t help but grin. Donnie couldn’t help but mentally beat himself up for being unable to do the same. There had been so many opportunities that he took for granted in his past. He promised himself that when the Earth was saved, it would be the first thing he’d do.
The analysis of the weapon —or rather, the bomb, as it turned out to be— brought distressing news. There were two identical bombs scattered somewhere across the dimensions, both rigged to go off in about fifteen minutes. Donnie quickly told his counterpart to inform the others while he made some adjustments to the portal ray, enabling them to track the bombs. It was admittedly a bit selfish on his part given the circumstances, as he was scouring for opportunities to seize a moment alone with you.
And this was it. He still worked swiftly on the task at hand, but his mind was swimming with everything he wanted to say. How could he possibly go about explaining the situation to you? Should he even try to explain it?
“Listen (Y/N), there’s… something I need to tell you,” he began. His nerves were starting to best him, so he kept his eyes trained on the various wires of the portal ray.
You nodded. “Shoot.”
“This is— I… This is gonna sound crazy, but would you believe me if I said I was from the future?”
“Well, I mean, you did just arrive here with some other Donatello from an alternate dimension, so… Anything’s possible, I guess?”
“Alright. Alright, that’s good to hear,” he said, relieved and encouraged by your open-mindedness. “Just… hear me out on this one, okay?” He paused for a moment, finally glancing up at you. “Almost six months ago, in an alternate timeline, the Earth was destroyed. My brothers, April, Casey and I were saved, but… you didn’t make it.”
Your eyes widened, but you remained silent.
“And, well, being in space for that long —without you— made me realize a few things, to say the least. As the saying goes, you never know how much you appreciate someone until they’re gone.” Despite him being so flustered, all his words were deliberate.
“I missed you. So much— that’s what I meant when I told you that earlier. Until now, I hadn’t seen you for months, or, as they say in space, for nextons. But I thought about you every day. I looked at the stars and saw you with them.”
Warmth crept up onto your face. “But— I thought that…” Your gaze wandered over to the picture of Donnie pushing April on a swingset, framed with hearts at the edges. Donnie cringed, deciding to swap out the picture as soon as he returned.
“It was never about April, (Y/N). It was always you. You’re my lab partner, after all.” He sent you a smile, still radiating so many emotions. Finished with his upgrades on the portal ray, he fastened the cover back on and powered it up. “I’m sorry for not acknowledging it earlier.”
“Only took Earth’s destruction for you to figure me out,” you grumbled, nudging his side before leaning into him. He hummed, pulling you closer, briefly resting his cheek on the top of your head. But the moment was short lived, as the remaining turtles returned to the lab to set forth with their mission.
“Alright Donnie, what do we do?” Leo asked, the rest of the group right behind him.
“I attuned the portal ray to locate the other Dimensionizers, and the next one…” Donnie booted up the device, firing it towards the empty space in the lab. A portal materialized to the alternate dimension’s New York, honing in on the Channel Six building there. “...is here.”
The team set off, but Donnie lingered. He stood before the portal with sad eyes, turning back for one last moment with you.
You smiled weakly and took a few steps toward him. “Such a shame for us to part.”
“I’ll be back, I promise,” he assured, resting his hands on your shoulders. “And the Earth will stay intact, and I’m not gonna lose you again.”
“Yeah, I’m counting on you for that one,” you said with a forced chuckle. Then your face fell. “You… should probably get going now. Don’t leave your brothers waiting. Me? I can wait a few more nextons for you.”
“I appreciate that. In my opinion, you’ve been waiting long enough already.” He approached you, his outstretched hand settling on your cheek. His eyes softened. “May I?”
A sheepish smile bloomed on your face. You leaned in to plant a kiss on his cheek, giving him an answer in its own right. “Yeah, of course.”
And it felt so right. Nothing more than a peck on the lips, but it was solicited, sweet, genuine. Not like a consolation prize, out of pity, like the handful he had received from April. This really meant something. The perfect parting gesture. A way of conveying his promises, of signifying a new beginning.
You let out a breathy sigh and a laugh when you pulled away. “Just a few more nextons, right?”
“Yeah. Trust me, it’ll be over quicker than you can say ‘time travel.’” He started off towards the portal. “Love you, (Y/N).” And then he was gone. The portal closed behind him.
And until his return, you would be left to ponder the short interaction from that night. It was strange to see him, a figment of the future, and then his past self, the one from your timeline. Still hopelessly fixated on the girl that eludes him. Funny how space travel will do that, you thought to yourself.
When Bishop brought news of the Kraang and the Triceratons, you could only assume the destruction would be coming. You did everything you could to help in the moment (with some strange, looming feeling of unknown déjà vu), but you were on constant lookout for the future turtles to drop in and help.
The weapon was on the verge of being detonated. You used what ninjutsu skills you could against the Triceraton soldiers, but they were much too strong for you to do any real damage.
But then, amongst the madness of the fight, you saw them.
The turtles from the future, clad in high tech space gear, rushed in to aid their past selves. You immediately locked eyes with Donnie, sharing a knowing grin from a distance. With a renewed fighting spirit, you leapt back into battle alongside him.
The past turtles seemed confused, but nonetheless helped them with the battle. And, luckily, the outcome this time around was different. Splinter caught sight of Shredder’s true intentions before they could come to fruition. Leo destroyed the timer on the black hole generator. Forced into a corner, the Triceratons beamed back to their ship to retreat, and Fugitoid reclaimed the black hole generator, sacrificing himself to destroy it and the Triceraton fleet.
The adrenaline was wearing off, and the turtles mourned the loss of their friend, Fugitoid. You looked around a final time, ensuring that everything was still intact. And then you approached Donnie again. “What a relief to still be on Earth right now,” you sighed.
Donnie wrapped an arm around you. “I’ll say. I wouldn’t want to see the past without you.”
“So, uh, what’s gonna happen with… them?” You motioned to the time clones: the past turtles, April, and Casey. The Aprils were having a friendly conversation on a park bench, and the Caseys were arguing about the Earth not being big enough for the both of them. You laughed at that.
A whirring in the sky caught your attention, and you looked up to see a duplicate of Fugitoid’s ship flying in to make a landing.
Donnie made a quick deduction. “Wait. If there are two sets of us in this universe, then there would be two Fugitoids, as well!”
The ship landed and the hatch opened, revealing the past Fugitoid. “Hello, my dear friends,” he greeted kindly. “My name is Professor Zayton Honeycutt. How would you like to go on a wondrous adventure?”
The past turtles all murmured in excitement, eager to partake.
“Space is awesome, guys, and if there's one guy in the universe you can trust, it's the Professor,” Leo assured.
“Thank you, Leonardo. Perhaps we'll all meet again in the future,” Fugitoid said, a smile in his robotic voice.
The past turtles bid a swift hug and farewell to Master Splinter before running aboard the ship, past April and Casey trailing close behind. Everyone else waved as the ship soon flew off.
“Don't eat the Vanarian muffins!” Mikey yelled after them.
“Well, I guess that solves that,” you chuckled, glancing up at Donnie.
“What, you’re telling me you don’t wanna go on a wondrous space adventure?” he teased in reply.
“Nah, I think I’ll pass. I’m content right here on Earth.” You leaned into his side, arm still securely around your shoulders. “With you.”
“Y’know, I’m willing to bet that, eventually, past me will be having the same regrets I had up there.”
You shrugged with a grin. “His loss.”
“There just isn’t enough (Y/N) to go around in the universe,” he joked. “Say, d’you wanna go get pizza? I’ve been waiting to ask ever since I last saw you.”
You glanced over at his tired family members, all planning on retreating to the lair and calling it a night. “Aren’t you exhausted? I mean, you did just save the world. After six months of space travel.”
“All things considered, not really. I’ve been looking forward to telling you all about the trip.”
As his family retired to the sewers after an exhausting battle, you and Donnie ventured out into the city in a fun little chase. It was playful but stealthy, slipping past one another with little shoves to the shoulder and quiet laughs. You picked up a pizza from Antonio’s with your favorite toppings before meeting Donnie at your spot on the rooftop. Between slices, he would retell his tales from the cosmos.
“Leo was totally geeking out at first. I mean, after watching Space Heroes for so long, it was practically his dream come true.”
You laughed a little, already imagining how thrilled he must have been. “Yeah, I bet he had lots of fun playing Captain Ryan out there.”
“And Raph has a pet alien turtle now. He’s a really fascinating creature, a Vorkathian Fire Turtle from a planet called Magdomar. And, don’t tell Raph I said this, but his soft spot for little Chompy is pretty obvious.”
“I’ll have to meet him next time I come visit.”
“And Mikey had a blast sampling all the space cuisine. At least when it wasn’t trying to eat him back. Oh—! And there was this one time we were dealing with a mischievous wish-granting creature and I accidentally made Casey smarter than me.”
“Casey? Smart? No way.” You couldn’t wipe your smile off your face no matter how hard you tried. He was a great storyteller, after all. “And what about you?”
“Well, other than missing you, it was a great learning experience. Fugitoid taught me a lot. Out in space, scientific knowledge is ages ahead of anything on Earth, so I had a lot to catch up on. And it definitely heightened my understanding of technology and astronomy in general, so I can take that back to the lab with me. Along with our new gear, which is pretty sweet.”
“Yeah, that’s great,” you said with a genuine sparkle in your eyes as you looked at him. Shortly after you took a bite of your pizza slice. “I’m just glad you’re back. Well— this version of you.”
“I’m sure it was weird for you to have to hang around my time duplicate. Especially knowing what the future brought. Kinda makes me cringe thinking about it, if I’m honest.”
“Nothing you haven’t already lived through. And yeah, it was strange, but I tried to act normal. I didn’t wanna mess with the time continuum if I could help it. At that point you were still hung up on April.”
“Ugh, please don’t remind me.” Donnie was grabbing another slice when the perfect idea struck him. “Hey, y’know that picture frame I have in the lab? The one with the hearts around it?”
You glanced at him, confused. The one showcasing the photo of April on the swingset. “Yeah…”
“I think it’s about time I replace the picture.” He took out his T-Phone with his free hand, swiftly opening the camera application. He held it with an outstretched arm.
Your heart leapt. Your picture together in that frame. “Hold on a sec,” you said, carefully moving the open pizza box so you could shift closer to him. You rested your head on his shoulder, holding up your half-eaten slice as you smiled the widest you had that night.
Donnie carefully put his arm around you, ensuring not to get grease on you while he presented his own pizza slice over your shoulder. He smiled as well, showing off his gap tooth.
Together, you captured the moment.
Donnie displayed it in his lab with pride. You couldn’t help but mirror the smiles in the picture whenever you saw it.
After waiting so many nextons, it was worth it.
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waitmyturtles · 8 months
Turtles Encounters Her First Full GMMTV Upfronts Experience: A Personal Journey Into GMMTV2024
LOL, I don't mean to be dramatic -- I was around a little bit (?) last November for the GMMTV2023 upfronts, and I honestly did not know what was going on, except to scream about Cherry Magic Thailand. Back then, I was much more of a Japanese BL gal (see: Cherry Magic), but now I'm down with the GMMTV scene, as it were, through my Old GMMTV Challenge project, and I'm ready to wax on deez trailers.
One huge overall note: YES TO DUDES NOT BEING IN BRANDED PAIRS. Your Gawins, your Ohms, your Thors, your Joss-es. YES. This is an exciting line-up to me to see the dudes getting mixed up. As much as I loved Be My Favorite, I don't need to see GawinKrist again.
I am stealing the formats of the wonderful @bengiyo and @neuroticbookworm to offer my thoughts on the trailers! (My list is literally gonna look like everyone else's list, LMAO).
My Golden Blood: Joss, Gawin, Mond, Neo. Vampires. Blood. Baseball bats. LSKDJFLSJDFLKSJDGLKJSDLGKJSLDKGJLDSKF. The SFX are gonna be SO BAD. Joss sucking Gawin's blood will be SO FUCKING GOOD. I AM STILL SCREAMING. OBVIOUSLY.
Kidnap: Ohm Pawat's next BL. While he had previously said that he wanted Bad Buddy to be his last BL, the bullying scandal that he encountered this past year makes this decision a sensible one to get back on the brand engagement train. His co-star, Leng Thanaphon, is gorgeous looks like he's making a strong debut. I am very happy for Ohm, but I think I am a bit spoiled by knowing his previous non-GMMTV oeuvre so well (Make It Right, Dew, He's Coming To Me), and I'm feeling like GMMTV isn't pushing his acting chops as much as they used to. (Meaning.... I'd be okay if he left GMMTV one day to do more movies.) Time will tell, but I am happy for him -- he is a king of BL, the most prevalent actor on the OGMMTVC list, and this'll let him rebuild his career. He deserves it, and is a personal fave of mine.
Wandee Goodday: YO. So obviously this looks intriguing! But like -- I'd expect Golf Tanwarin to be doing this for another network. Full-frontal, heavy (HEAVY!) sex talk, smoochin' everywhere. I'm impressed GMMTV is going here. It's perhaps because I have Domundi on the mind heavily with my recent ZeeNunew education, but I have been feeling as of late that GMMTV has been choosing fluff and/or crap romance (SEE: DANGEROUS ROMANCE -_-) over... pure sex, as it were, and this is getting closer to a Domundi-style show than even where Only Friends went. I LOVE THOR. I LOVE THOR!!!! I'm excited for this, and me likey the looks of Inn.
On Sale: I am LOVING this new we're-not-in-school-we-are-just-insane TayNew era. And Jan is a FAVE FAVE FAVE of mine, and looks like she's gonna level this show the FUCK up. I'm SO INTO THIS.
Pluto: For sure I am watching this for Film (oh, and hi, Thor and Arm!). I'm not the biggest Namtan fan? I wasn't the biggest fan of her acting in Midnight Museum or UMG. Kinda flat. But she's at the top of the popular actress list at GMMTV, and it's great that someone of her prominence is flirting in the QL space. Film, though -- Film has CHOPPPPPPPPPPS and will likely eat this role. We might never get EarnPear, but this might be close.
My Precious: For NanonFilm, anything. But this is just the movie with more scenes, right? I don't know if it was ever going to get international distribution as a movie anyway. K. I'll buy it!
The Trainee: Tell me where I've seen OffGun do movie shit before -- and I don't mind the slight theme repeat. KapookPiploy, huh? I have not seen Vice Versa, but I really enjoyed Sea Tawinan in that. Gun crying, not surprising, but I officially stan OffGun because of Not Me, and I'll stand by this one.
My Love Mix-Up: See here for my initial thoughts. I came to Thai BLs from Japanese BLs. Kieta Hatsukoi was one of the first JBLs I discovered specifically through Tumblr. Japanese BLs are so varied -- and I think, when one is watching JBLs, to have a gentle/general sense of how sex is perceived/managed/dealt with in Japanese culture. I'm not gonna get into this too much here, but the ways in which Japanese and Thai societies deal with sex is very different. Anyway. I think my own mental dissonance on this conversation is coloring my thoughts on My Love Mix-Up Thailand/Kieta Hatsukoi Thailand. Pairs are not repeated in Japan (unless you have second seasons of the same show), and to have an established branded pair in GemFourth in Ida and Aoki's roles -- I'm just, I'm not sure. I don't want the show to feel pressured to go to a place it wouldn't go to without a branded pair. Will Thailand pay homage to Ida's unique and inquisitive demi identity? Can the branded ship economy manage that? I dunno. Let's wait and find out.
Summer Night: I'm going to be gentle on this one. I like that Phuwin takes on various het roles. I happened to LOVE HIM in The Warp Effect. And I like Bimbeam in here -- she actually showed some firm chops in 55:15 Never Too Late. Only if the schedule allows will I take this one, but I actually like the smell of it a bit.
Ossan's Love: What in the EarthMix. Ossan's Love was often cited as queerbaiting material for early Japanese BLs (EDITING TO ADD: just want to clarify that that statement literally came from my early days in JBLs reading Twitter; thank you to @twig-tea and @nieves-de-sugui for the clarifications in the comments!); I have never watched it, but understand its importance in the Japanese BL repertoire. I'm gonna remain sus on this until we find out more. (Although, I'm VERY EXCITED to see a channel like TV Asahi break out of the Japanese paradigm of not collaborating with other countries to get this on Thai TV air. TV Asahi and TV Tokyo for Cherry Magic are real groundbreakers, and I do dig that.)
Only Boo: When I was talking about this show with friends, and @neuroticbookworm said "Book's in this," I WAS LIKE, WHO'S BOOK? LMAO. Let me see Book away from Force for a GOD DAMN SECOND. I know we don't know anyone in here, but the actors actually seem strong! This was a fun preview.
We Are: Lots of couples. PondPhuwin, MarcPawin, WinnySatang, Aou and that other dude. What is this, a New Siwaj show? I might have enough to watch next year without needing to watch ANOTHER school drama. We'll see.
Enigma 2: Not a fan of Win Metawin, and didn't watch the trailer.
High School Frenemy: I understand this is a K-drama remake of School 2013, which I haven't seen. I... am trying to understand the story here, but happy for View/June/Mark/Prom to be in a show together, and I'll pay more attention when the show's closer to airing.
Ploy's Yearbook: Did not watch the trailer. I understand there's a storyline with Joong's character romancing his adopted sister. HARD. NO.
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faebriel · 7 months
and you caused it: chapter 5
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In which Niki has a terrible secret, Puffy just wants to move on, Tommy sneaks into casino parties and Wilbur learns to deal with anger being justified. Or - the one thing they don’t warn you of, when dropping nuclear warheads on old friends, is fallout.
in chapter 5: resolutions are made on phil's verandah, wilbur finally understands how horrible it would be to die in a ravine underground, and once-old friends are made new again. niki, again, finds herself baking a cake.
welcome to the final entry! thank you so much for reading <3
wc: 5.6k
(cw: this chapter includes discussion of suicidal ideation.)
so life in the arctic settles back into relative normality.
there are still some patches of it that are painfully awkward - tubbo and techno are still trying to find their footing as they trawl the compound’s outskirts for sight of ranboo, and tommy still has his moments where he can’t stand to be near any of them without shouting his voice out, and wilbur and niki try very hard to pretend that the other doesn’t exist whenever they cross paths at breakfast and dinner. it feels like pulling on an old coat, one that’s too tight at the shoulders and too short at the sleeves. not quite familiar, not quite right.
at some point tubbo does curtly inform niki that tommy has forgiven her, and that he appreciates what she did for them in the underground city. niki is able to see the gap between those two sentences, but even if she doesn’t have tubbo’s forgiveness yet, she recognises and appreciates the olive branch.
they’re not quite friends anymore. she and techno and phil are still close, of course - but everyone else. the hurt was a long time ago, long enough that she thought it might have healed on its own, but the explosion and the mess dream made of her city have ripped the scabs wide open and she’s not entirely sure if they’re going to heal the same way again. that they won’t heal ragged.
but she’s getting used to it.
niki has a strange relationship with mourning. fungi, wilbur, l’manberg, the untimely disappearances of jack and fundy and puffy and so many more people from her life - she’s never quite managed to get it right. it’s always too much, enough for it to feel like it’s burning her alive. this, though… she knows she’s burnt those bridges, but she’s managing. they’re managing. they’re civil, and sometimes tommy offers to help her bake still, and techno spars with her out in the snow, and even though everything fell apart she’s not lonely. she’s not on her own anymore. fucked up and distant and hurtful as they all can be, they can exist in each other’s spaces now.
and the thing about the syndicate - and by extension, the arctic - is that they’re always busy. phil, niki and techno have their duties, of course (mostly book club. especially after niki returned from the city. but there’s still dream out on the server somewhere, and even if the syndicate technically has no quarrel with him, neither of them ever argue with the bitter scowl that settles on her face whenever she’s reminded of what he did to her city). tommy tends to stick to the compound, but he still feeds the animals and mends the fences and follows phil and techno like a duckling to the occasional abandoned mansion or village. wilbur goes for… walks. tubbo gets all thin-mouthed if he stays in the arctic for too long and ends up making off for a day in snowchester, no matter the hissed arguments he and tommy keep having on the front porch of the stables about it (techno’s guest room overlooks the paddock, and she doesn’t think they know she can hear them every time).
there’s always something to do. this is good for niki - she likes to keep her hands busy, she likes to feel like she’s helping. she fixes fences and feeds the turtles and babysits michael and yes, she bakes. she’s doing pretty well with feeling content these days, she’s not often sad - and at least when she is, she has something to devote her time towards instead.
(it stings that wilbur barely even talk to her anymore. she’d rather that than have either of them get into a spat and say something they would regret, though.
even this, still, doesn’t last forever.)
there are some days where tubbo wants to go look for ranboo (still missing - that is something that still troubles niki, something they can all agree on) and that means techno wants to go out as well, and then tommy insists on acting as escort whenever tubbo and techno are left alone together, and phil tags along under the excuse of making sure everyone comes back with their heads intact (untrue - niki thinks he’s scouting for another build site). so, of course, someone has to look after michael.
tubbo deposits him like a small sandbag in niki’s arms.
(there’s a secret hierarchy to who gets to babysit michael, one that niki only noticed about the sixth time tubbo asked her to babysit immediately after tommy said no - phil first, then tommy, then niki, and then… tubbo still doesn’t seem to like leaving michael with wilbur or techno without some kind of supervision.)
he’s a fairly lax parent, when it comes to babysitting - and it helps that michael is apparently used to staying inside, moving from house to ravine to cabin. he has colouring books and paints and a few hardcover picture books phil donated when tubbo moved up north and even a wooden toy sword, not that he uses it often. tubbo rattles off something about how he’s starting michael on some piston miniatures - tubbo has been putting them together this week, when he found the time (niki looks at the dark violet bags beneath his eyes…) - and that michael can keep playing with those if he wants, but nothing more than a finger-scrape of redstone yet please, because he’s not entirely sure what will happen if michael decides to try eating it. niki nods, and silently resolves to keep the pistons in their chest until tubbo returns.
michael is perfectly behaved, as he tends to be, and after an evening tiring himself out explaining his puzzles to niki he’s all curled up under blankets and sleeping softly on the worn, old couch. (there is a child’s bed in the spare room now, but tubbo is remarkably hot and cold on whether he likes it actually being used.) niki keeps an eye on him while she floats through the kitchen, brewing another batch of radiation sickness treatment. it’s another large one, with all three of them living in the arctic most of the time.
it’s almost peaceful, until wilbur makes his way down the stairs.
it would seem easy for them to keep ignoring each other. they have been ignoring each other, to some degree. but that’s only when wrapped in the buffers of other people. neither of them can last long in a quiet room, and after a few awkward minutes, wilbur makes his way outside.
after a few more - just long enough to take the potions off the boil, stack them in the kitchen chests and tidy up the spilt sugar - niki follows.
He’s smoking again, she realises. The cigarette winks like a tiny amber star in his hand, fallen from the night that blankets the arctic around them. “You shouldn’t be smoking again,” she duly informs his back. If she’s startled him, if he didn’t expect her presence, he doesn’t show it. “Are they out?” he asks instead. “They are.” No point wishing for pleasantries. “Looking for Ranboo again.” “Ah.” Wilbur’s chin tips towards at that, a weight upon his shoulders – he leans heavy against the railing, as if it props up most of his weight. She creeps forward, letting her fingers find the railing beside him. The wood is cold underneath her hands, laced with frost. “You were close, weren’t you?” He doesn’t answer. Niki bites her lip. “I’m sorry, Wil.” He barks out a humourless laugh. “It’s not like I was any good for him, in the end. I wouldn’t be surprised if he went down in flames with the casino.” “The comms would have notified us if that happened. I didn’t see a message.” Is that what Wilbur’s thinking to himself now, wondering if he had somehow missed it? It wouldn’t be the first time he let himself believe something entirely untrue. “And that doesn’t mean that you didn’t care for him. That it doesn’t hurt you.” Wilbur doesn’t look at her anymore. Not since that night over the crater, when she refused to tell him where Tommy was (does he wonder about that night? Does he ask himself how he didn’t know? Would he have ever known, if it weren’t for Dream?) - no more glances exchanged in the middle of one of Tubbo’s rambling or Tommy’s rants, no cheeky smiles and inside jokes, nothing. She still can’t tell whether she prefers it or not - whether she would rather see his expression twist into dismissive disgust when he lays eyes on her, or not at all. He still doesn’t look at her now, staring into the pearl-white plain stretching before them, as far as the eye can see from left to right before nestling itself into throngs of pine - but there’s a shift in his shoulders, the slightest incline of his head. He’s listening. “Tommy told me that you two were working together,” she continues. “Briefly.” He pauses, takes another drag. Niki resists the urge to crinkle her nose up. She’s never liked the smell of cigarette smoke. “Tommy didn’t say he’d been talking to you.” “We’ve been talking quite a bit, recently.” “Apparently.” His tone is not what she expected it to be - not that, really, she knew what to expect at all. Perhaps jealous. Instead, he sounds almost impressed, if humourlessly. “You did a good thing with the ravine, Niki. They needed to be somewhere safe. It was a good thing for you to do. Selfless, really.”
Now, that makes Niki turns to face him – his ember-lit profile, silhouetted against the snowdrift glow. She narrows her eyes, though, cautious. “I didn’t do it for your approval, Wilbur,” Niki says. He doesn’t even say anything to that one, just angles his face that slightest bit towards hers - just enough to catch his eye. His gaze is too assessing. She’s always been honest with Wilbur, anyway. “Not your approval specifically,” she amends. Wilbur hums. “Maybe it was too selfless,” he says - there’s that thoughtful note in his voice, musing. “You were always the good one, you know? Even in - even in Pogtopia, yeah? It was always, what would Niki think of this. That’s what Tommy would ask, all the fucking time.” He laughs. Niki does not want to ask what he thinks is so funny. “Drove me nuts.” “Is that why it didn’t work, in the end?” she asks. The question is clumsy, but it strikes Wilbur with all the clarity it needs - laughter immediately swallowed. “No,” he tells her. “No, Niki, that had nothing to do with you.” And isn’t it pathetic, that a sentence like that still stings? “People can always change, Wilbur. People do change.” Not that Wilbur has ever had it easy grasping that. This conversation, this argument - one they never even had - is almost two years old. Wilbur is dead and buried and pulled back again through the span of it. And still, it matters to her.  She sucks in a breath. The coldness stings her lungs, as if frostbite can gnaw at her from the inside out. “I think I changed.”
“Did I ever know you, at all?” Wilbur asks. The question is immediate, as if he’s been holding it on his tongue for some time longer than the last few minutes - days, weeks, maybe even years, like her. Keeping it close to his chest, keeping it warm and alive by nestling it in flesh and blood. “Of course you did,” she tells him. “You were one of my closest friends, Wilbur.” And I was yours, she doesn’t say, because Niki knows when she’s pushing it. He looks touched, even if it’s not what he meant by the question. “You knew me. In Pogtopia.” “Wil, I know that you were sorry - ” “I am,” he interrupts her. “I - I was. I know what you’re going to say, Niki,” his voice goes half-mocking, “that I was myself in L’Manberg, and then I changed. I changed, not that I knew exactly what I was - not that I knew it the whole time.” Niki’s mouth opens to retort - but Wilbur raises a hand to stop her, as if he’s expecting it. “That’s what you thought, wasn’t it?” Niki lets her mouth fall closed, sheepish. “I know it was wrong.” “Maybe. But I was listening, then and now - I don’t think it ever mattered how long we knew each other, Niki. There was too much you didn’t know. There was too much I couldn’t bear anyone else to know, I couldn’t bear anyone else to carry, that I couldn’t - ” he waves the cigarette in her direction. “Fuck, Niki, did you even know I smoked?” She looks down her nose at the small, glowing thing. “It’s not a very attractive trait.” Wilbur snorts out a laugh. “Right.” Doesn’t stop him from taking another drag. He’s not rude enough to blow smoke in her direction, or anything like that - but she catches him sending an expectant look her way after he exhales, like he’s waiting for her to tear him a new one over it. And seeming none too displeased about it, either. She doesn’t, for the record. All she does is roll her eyes slightly, and that seems to fulfil whatever Wilbur is looking for. “Y’know, I always thought - all that. I always thought, that’s me. This shitty, in-com-prehendable mess - I mean, you saw me, Niki, I was a mess. And I always thought that was just me. But… I don’t know. I’m starting to think there’s more than a few fucked up people on this server, honestly.” And everything seems less funny. Colder. “I don’t think I ever knew you,” Wilbur says, as conversationally as if they were discussing the weather. “How - how bad did it get? After I died?” “How bad did what get?” “You. Everything. I - everything. This server.” All Niki can do is shrug helplessly, swallowing the rabbit-hop kicking of her heart in her chest, in her throat. “I don’t know what to tell you. Things were bad, Wilbur. We were all mourning, we were grieving. Grief made it worse.” She leans against the railing, letting her weight sink into it. “It wasn’t all you, of course. There was - there was the Egg, and all of that. And so many other things, probably, I wouldn’t have known about it all.” Wilbur snorts again. Quietly, he echoes it wasn’t all about you under his breath. And Niki, her heart freezes over in her chest. A cold stone, sitting in the back of her throat - it sits there, with the last of her petty secrets. What else does she have to lose? Nothing. You know what they say, her mind reminds her, about a woman that has nothing to lose.
“I was thinking about killing myself.” The laughter stops. She’s not looking at him. She’s looking down at her hands again, fingers pale against the wooden rail, imagining them frostbitten. Imagining herself as a walking woman of ice, cold and clear and unaffected by the words she finally says aloud. She can see his hand too, next to hers - the other is holding the cigarette. His grip on the railing tightens. She told him this, she thought. He doesn't act like she had. He doesn't act like he understood fully until she spelled it out plainly. “Not - I didn’t make any plans for it,” she rushes to explain. “But I just assumed, I think… I just assumed that one day I would just get too hungry, or get too sick on my own in the city, and…” The ending of the sentence, that’s the difficult bit. She traces the grain of the wood with her thumb. “And it would all be over.” “You wouldn’t,” Wilbur chokes out. “I know, I know. There’s - there’s limbo. I didn’t believe in it for a long time, though. Did you know, Perfect is an endless life server? No - no death, really. I always thought that here must be the same, until…” She pauses. “L’Manberg wasn’t itself anymore, it was eating my friends alive - it ate you alive. I had nothing to care about, I had nothing to live for left. It was just… revenge. You don’t have to like it, but that was what kept me going. I was - I was so hungry, Wil. I was so hungry, but I couldn’t even bring myself to eat. I didn’t feel like I was living.” Finally, she lifts her head. Wilbur looks almost shellshocked. “...I didn’t want you to feel like that. I never want you to feel like that. Ever.” “It wasn’t your fault.” “Yes, yes, I know, but - you know I wouldn’t want you to be in that place, ever, don’t you?” A shadow casts over his expressed - half panicked, half soured. “Even after that stupid fucking casino - never, Niki. I didn’t mean for it to come to that. You have to believe me, I didn’t.”
“It wouldn’t have,” she assures him. “There was Tommy and Tubbo,” she nods towards the door leading back inside, “and Michael, as well. I couldn’t have.” A horribly morbid thought takes over her. “I wouldn’t have had the space, for one.” Wilbur does not laugh. In fact, he looks quite stern about the whole thing. “That’s not funny.” “I wasn’t joking!” she says - not quite defensively, but almost. She takes this seriously. “The three of them, they just take up so much space. And the mess…” Wilbur looks just about ready to harrumph at her - funny how the tables turn so quickly, now that the suicidal breakdown is on the other foot - but he comes up with nothing besides a few unhappy-looking expressions. “It was just hard,” she continues, eventually. “All I cared about was killing Tommy. I didn’t think about what that would have meant, what would happened if we pulled it off…” Wilbur is quiet. Niki breathes out another disappointed laugh. “I suppose I didn’t care about much of anything at all,” she says. “If we pulled it off?” Wilbur asks. She looks up at him, and - his gaze cuts right through her, steely and dark as anything. “Hm?” “There was always someone else, wasn’t there?” he asks - no, this is closer to a demand. Not in its ferocity - Wilbur is markedly gentle, and Niki gets the feeling she is going to have to get used to the feeling of kid gloves for a while - but in its intent. “It wasn’t just you.” Niki stiffens. “That isn’t my business to tell.” “Not my business,” Wilbur echoes, voice pitching up and down in all the wrong places - “isn’t it? Isn’t this how we got here?” “I got here because Techno half-dragged me back,” Niki shoots back at him, “and because Tommy was kind enough to ask him to. Does it matter if there was someone else? Really?” He pouts, the melodramatic thing. “I guess not.” She resists the urge to sigh. She might not have felt much kinship with Jack during their brief partnership - no, what they had was darker and emptier than kinship, barely even allies - but now, she can care for him in retrospect. She doesn’t want to bring the full storm of Wilbur’s frustration and confusion down on him, especially if he’s still in the same state Niki saw him in last. Her heart twinges, not for the first time. It keeps doing that when she thinks of Jack. If it weren’t for how empty those months were, how heartless and cold, Niki would almost think that she misses him. “It doesn’t matter, anyway,” she glosses over it. “I still made those choices. I knew what I was doing. I wanted him dead, so badly… it was an ugly feeling.” Is that what it felt like to be Wilbur, back in that ravine? She guesses it’s the closest she’s ever felt. She hopes it’s the closest she’ll ever be to how Wilbur felt. “So now you know me,” she concludes, “properly. And I know you.” “I suppose I do.” He huffs out a sigh. Niki bites down on another definitely-unwanted comment about the smoking. “We can’t do this one over, can we.” “I don’t think we can.” “Flown too close to the sun,” Wilbur murmurs. “Are we ever going to go back to normal?”
Wilbur considers it. “...was normal ever any good? Did it ever do any good, for us?” he asks. Did it? Oh, Niki longs for normal. She longs for summer days in redwoods that never seemed to end; she longs for the smell of bread and wildflowers wrapping her in their embrace. She longs for feeling secure, for feeling comfortable and safe. She longs for the time when she knew who her friends were, and knew that list of friends was one she wouldn’t be able to count on two hands. She longs for when things were easy. Less complicated. Normal. Yes, part of her still longs for L’Manberg. The old L’Manberg, her home. But that place is long dead. She thinks of her bakery - now burned, and thinks of every second she felt unappreciated. Every time she felt hungry, every time that she let herself starve. She thinks of the safety that slipped through her fingers like sand the moment that the old day ticked over into the new. She thinks of being stolen from. She thinks of walking on glass, never knowing if her home and her things would be griefed for kicks. She thinks of how much she trusted Wilbur, and the cigarettes he must have hidden in his office - she would have known about them, otherwise. She thinks of the cracks that she couldn’t see, but were there nonetheless. “No,” she decides. She cannot tell if it feels more like a victory, or a defeat. Maybe both, maybe neither - maybe, just plain relief. “I don’t think it was.” The quiet reigns. "I'd like to get to know you," she adds, barely louder than a whisper. Being vulnerable with Wilbur has always been easy, to some degree. He thinks on it. She can tell, because he goes quiet for a moment - a long moment - and it takes him a few tries to answer, mustering up breath for nothing. The seconds drag their feet. Niki watches birds play in the distant treeline. "I think I would like that," Wilbur answers, and when Niki finally looks towards him, he looks almost content.
and that is almost peace.
they are interrupted by a flurry of shouts over the horizon, one that snaps them both to attention. a small set of figures (figurines, really) stagger through the snow - when niki squints she can see techno leading the pack, charging through the snowdrifts with purpose, tommy buzzing around him like a golden insect. tubbo trails behind both, utterly fixed on something, as phil follows with haste.
"oh, my god," niki says, a murmur trailing tall into a cry, as wilbur's hand comes to cover his mouth - 
ranboo, slung over techno's shoulder.
there is going to be a reckoning over ranboo, weeks trapped in enderwalk, exhausted and bruised - over books and puppeteers and stacks of dynamite, over why it took so long for anyone to see dream as a threat, over how he roams the hills of the server with netherite in hand and blood on his mind - the fight rolling in like bad weather as they all stand shoulder-to-shoulder in the rain.
that's later, though, and something niki has no desire to lose friends over anyway - for now she clears space on the dining table as wilbur ushers michael into a spare bedroom, sticking his head through the doorframe to watch as techno dumps the kid's worn and bloodied body on the table and tommy shoves himself forward with torn cloth in one hand and the first of many healing potions in the other. for now she hovers by the doorway, one hand on tubbo’s shoulder, and waits for the sun to rise.
ranboo’s recovery takes a long time. he’s not dead, thank the stars above, but when techno and tubbo dragged him back to the arctic he was worn and filthy and callused in places that niki didn’t even know could get calluses. and they’re terrified, literally terrified on their own shadow, and there are nights where ranboo traipses up the stairs and sleeps in that spare bed in techno’s house (curled up around themself, like a turtle in its shell - niki knows, she wandered in one morning while they were still asleep) and tubbo goes out to stay in the little shack he and tommy have built near her cabin and it’s nothing but tommy’s loud ramblings that breaks the silence for days. niki thinks back to the dinner they all had, descending into arguments, and thinks of tommy’s words afterwards - and for a while, she genuinely does think they’re going to divorce. love has been made a martyr for less.
but they don’t. or, if they did, it was amicable enough that niki hasn’t noticed.
she’s never seen michael happier now that both of his dads are around, and he has a way of practically forcing everyone to get along - if he wasn’t so little, niki would almost suspect him of weaponising how cute he is whenever it looks like someone is going to fall into a spat again. tubbo unwinds - some days, he even smiles like he did back in l’manberg. he and ranboo spend a lot of time with the turtles. the bags under tommy’s eyes stay stubbornly dark, but he stops holding himself like he’s constantly waiting for someone to throw a punch, and lo and behold, he starts to get - loud. he follows techno and wilbur around like a squabbling bird, a cuckoo making itself well and comfy in the nest. wilbur, for his part, tends to just roll his eyes while making some equally immature and snippy comment back at tommy, as he passes niki her mug of tea.
and finally, they can all breathe.
niki starts to feel like everything is going to be alright.
they don’t do proper surprises anymore - it’s not safe to walk around with a blindfold, and niki gets uneasy when one of them is wandering off on their own for too long - but tommy insists that the four of them have a surprise for niki and then immediately slams his hand over tubbo’s mouth and starts filling the air with his and wilbur’s latest adventures (tommy claims to have found shroud a wife, who chased wilbur from the pine forest to the fences around the compound for a solid half hour) before tubbo can spoil anything.
they don’t tell her where they’re going, but niki knows the pathway to her city better than anyone.
a hush falls over the five of them (god, they move in packs these days, don't they) as they descend the staircase - not quite hand in hand, with the exception of ranboo and tubbo, but certainly shoulder to shoulder. niki, tommy, tubbo and michael are almost hyperaware of the damage that's been done to this place already, and ranboo is having one of his healthy degree of suspicion, or anxiety days. it's a slow descent. halfway down the steps tommy is possessed with a sudden, jerky shudder, and niki thinks for a moment that he's going to turn back - but he steels himself, chewing ferociously on his bottom lip, and soldiers on regardless.
she still isn't sure how to feel about her city anymore. it was supposed to be a safe refuge - but sometime it had stopped being her refuge from anything, and dream has certainly proven that it wasn't safe. she stays at the arctic these days, because she's come to realise that being around people is better for her at the moment. but that doesn't mean she doesn't miss it.
until she reaches the bottom step.
the place is still chaos, mostly. the dirt is still in piles on the ground, even if it has been swept to the walls. the stone is still pockmarked with the unmistakable imprints of TNT. iron beams, bent and broken, stick out of her ceiling like the ribs of a rotting creature. but - 
there is a small patch of grass tucked into a crevice, spotted with azalea bushes and wildflowers, surrounded with a short stack of beehives. a jukebox sits on the corner, spinning to itself - she doesn't recognise the melody, something quiet and stringy and sweet. the sound is almost lost under the hum of the bees clustered around tallest flowers, watching the newcomers with dark, curious eyes.
she cries.
(niki remembers, back when they all lived under the ground together - and what a nightmare that was - tubbo never spontaneously renovated her farms or walkways or bedrooms sitting unused without asking permission first.)
they made an exception for the beehive nook, but they still do ask: would she mind, terribly, if they spent some time fixing up the place? nothing too obtrusive. just fixing up the walls, mending the shattered beacon, rebuilding the high-speed rail network tubbo constructed from her kitchens to the apartments - tubbo's been nursing some thoughts on the place ever since their impromptu stay, and ranboo's been awfully curious about the city since their return, and frankly michael's missed the novelty of the underground - 
it’s not all right. they don’t wear caution well, never have. but part of her still sings, they asked. they know how important niki’s city is to her, watched her heart be ripped out and strewn across the floor, like every handful of dirt - and they asked.
so the syndicate (and associates) find themselves a new hobby. 
techno hauls debris up the staircase, dragging out broken chunks of walkways and rails as the others carry stacks of wooden planks down them. tommy throws himself into the thick of it, helping out wherever an extra hand is needed - the two of them almost trip each other up a few times, but they make it work. tubbo is in charge of the redstoning, setting up some complex kind of security system of tripwires and lights and pistons, so that next time niki needs to lock someone out, she can. iron is embedded in the walls of the city, along with long threads of redstone, like a shield built into every cave and cavern.
he also makes a valiant effort to supercharge a furnace for niki’s bakery. it doesn’t work like that, which she politely explains to him after he and tommy almost set the place on fire with their attempt at korova cookies - but michael does snack on a few of them that least resemble chunks of charcoal, and he seems quite pleased with their efforts. she appreciates the gesture, anyway, and then very kindly and very definitively sends them out of the kitchen until it is absolutely done being rebuilt.
ranboo takes it upon themself to piece the library back together. restoring books comes strangely easily to them, as wilbur hovers over their shoulder offering both unsolicited approval and advice and as they gossip with shy in a mixture of warbles and clicks. altogether, they’ve only missed a couple - and not that niki minds, not when she sees the lovely decorations and lamps that he and phil have carved from shroomlights.
tommy's supposedly in charge of the animals, balancing bowls of water and birdseed through the newly-planted pines for meowth and stubbornly hacking at the stone until he can make a nice little slope for wobbuffet to walk down, leading right into a stable cosy with the smell of hay and sugarcubes. michael fingerpaints a mural across the side of the stable as they all work, a beautiful scene in the brightest colours of a farm and a forest and turtles sitting on a snowy shoreline. that earns him a big cuddle from niki, and when she looks over at tubbo - acting first, thinking second, like she's coming to accept that she just does - he looks almost at ease in a way she hasn't seen in a long time.
phil presses another totem of undying into her hand when the others aren’t looking. he wants to give her the chance to stretch her wings again, but he wants her to stay safe.
wilbur, doing a poor job of hiding his contribution behind his back as they loiter in phil’s cabin,  swears up and down it's not a flag (as techno, sitting at the kitchen table, loudly questions what he thinks a flag is, then) and presents a banner in pale shades of white and purple - spotted with the shaky outlines of wildflowers and ender particles for shy. he says it's a mock-up, something niki can sew up properly later if she likes. she hangs it, with all of its messy, dropped stitches, above the doorway of her bakery.
it isn't safe, not anymore. and in the state she's recovering from, niki doesn't know if she can call the city home either.
but finally, she feels like it's more than just hers.
and after all this happens, niki knows exactly what she has to do next. it takes a while to find him, but she manages it.
this time, she has to take an entire picnic basket with her - and it's a damn far way to lug the thing, especially when she hasn't quite gotten the hang of using a trident with finesse and speed. a veritable stack's worth of radiation treatment potions weigh her down, along with a marbled coffee-and-cinnamon cake wrapped in wax paper.
jack does not look pleased to see her. he looks like hell, to be honest – dark circles beneath his eyes, too-thin, skin pale and sallow like he hasn’t been outdoors enough in too long. but he doesn’t turn her away, either. and in a world like this, that means just as much.
he lets her in, and this time, niki does not intend to leave without him.
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cokoweee · 9 months
Coko, Coko. I have so many questions. Like, if Mikey goes in and out of coma so often because he has too much mystic energy, wouldn't a possible solution be to use that energy? And in that note, how much do they even know about what's happening to him? Are there physical effects for him, such as muscle atrophy? (and it's gotta suck to be him, for the world to world keep moving without you, to be left behind by everyone you know it's and it's not even somebody's fault -I think). Is Mikey somewhat consious when he's in coma, or is it nothingnes, or something else? Maybe somewhere in between? Does he sleep when he's out of coma, or does he avoid it for as long as he can? Does he have enough time to do the stuff he likes or is he too focused catching up with the rest?
How do Slinter and Draxum know one another? How did the turtles end with Spliner? (Is Draxum related to Yoshi's death...?). Also, where do they live? Still in the sewers? Are they in contact with the hidden city (maybe for specific stuff like Leo's braces)? Has Splinter tried to find a solution through somebody else? And did Donnie's relationship with mystics change?
(...You gave Leo and Donnie extra stripes, right?)
(perdón si es demasiado, en serio)
This is oooofff ok lemme see if I have answers for all of this
That would be the solution yes! It worked for awhile but it’s still physically it would take a lot. Like a super tough workout.
No, his body kinda just stays the same. He’ll feel stiff for a bit but after some stretches he’s fine. Cause magic
Oh I mentioned this before that he’d have like a sleep paralysis thing every once and awhile. Completely conscious but the body would stay asleep. He sleeps normally, sometimes he’ll stay up with his brothers if they really wanna make the most of the day. It’s a lot of catch-up yea but they still give him some space to do some things he likes like trying out new recipes or drawing/painting
I JUST TALKED ABOUT THIS WITH S HOMIE! Draxum is heavily related to Yoshi’s death. The lab explosion still happens and that’s how it happens. This Splinter was there during Yoshi’s final moments that’s how she got the turtles from him. Yeah they still live in their sewers and they have very minimal contact with the hidden city. Donnie’s still a heavy science guy despite the mystics and so far Draxum is the main guy trying to solve Mikey’s situation.
And yes they have extra stripes. I think. They all have markings on their eyes too
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badassturtles235147 · 5 months
TMNT Strongest Couples
Number Four: AprilTello
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Why April and Donnie are the fourth strongest couple in TMNT.
AprilTello....what can I say? They are the most back and forth, will they or won't they, awkward, cringy moments couple ever!
They have such a good friendship and make a good team, and I do believe these two are meant to be together but they just both don't know how to be a couple!
It took them a long, very long time to learn and realize their feelings for each other.
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DONNIE!!! We are going to start with you since you are the one who started this!
So, some think, that Donnie was grossly obsessive with April and was acting like a total creep towards her but...you guys know that he and his brothers lived in isolation for 15 years, right?
I can understand why Donnie acted the way he did because it is first time, he is actually seeing a girl, who he is attracted to with his own eyes, and it is obvious Donnie struggles with anxiety and insecurities. It is not that Donnie was being creepy or weird, he just did not know how to act!
And maybe, he was being a tad obsessive but not over April, he was obsessed with proving himself.
April is the first human to have ever liked them and become friends with them, so for Donnie that was instant hope that maybe he could get her to like him. After being told your whole life that people will hate you and not understand you, based on your appearance, you can understand why.
He wanted so badly to impress April but since the beginning! April has turned Donnie down, denied his feelings towards her, and made her feelings towards him very clear, but Donnie just ignored them and kept trying.
However, he was trying way too hard and making himself so obvious that it just made everything awkward between them.
Not that April did any better which I will say later on but for now, let's talk about their friendship.
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It is very clear that out of the four turtle brothers, April is closer with Donnie. They were all like family to her, but Donnie became her best friend, (despite his constant slip ups with trying to impress her.)
Donnie is the one who saved her, all of them played a part, but Donnie was the one who got April to feel safe and get her calm.
April appreciates Donnie so much, he is always working hard to make sure she is safe, happy, and always trying to find ways to help her with her father.
Donnie the one she can always count on for anything.
Also, April is the only one who is willing to listen to Donnie's new inventions and doesn't constantly tease him like his brothers, and whenever he has an awkward moment, she just bushes it off and pretends it never happens, trying to not make him feel bad.
April really loved and valued their friendship, but Donnie just kept trying to be more than that which had complete opposite effect. Instead of getting closer, he was pushing April away because he would not let her discover her own feelings first.
Still, April cared for Donnie, and he cared for her.
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Up until Donnie and his brother accidently spilled mutagen all over New York, causing Kirby O'Neil, April's father to get mutated into a giant bat.
April instantly blamed her friends. She turned all her anger towards them even though it was an accident. We can all understand April's anger, she had just gotten her father back after months of him not being around, only for her to lose him all over again. He is the only parent she has after her mother disappeared and it is clear that April has always loved him the most out of everyone.
Still though, I can understand wanting space from them and being angry with them, but to hold a grudge for so long when they are her father's only hope with getting help and being cured was pretty stupid.
(Then again, I don't know what I would do if it was my father)
However, even though April disowned them as her friends and refused to ever see them again, Donnie was still determined to make a cure for her father. Not just because of his feelings towards April but also because of their friendship.
April was their first and only friend, he did not want to lose that, and he did feel at fault for getting Kirby mutated and he wanted to make it right. Also, during her time away, Donnie could not help but worry over April, knowing how she was still wanted by the Kraang and all.
So not only was he spying on her because he missed her but because he was worried about her safety. He still had hope that April will come back one day until...
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Casey freaking Jones!
Hope for April returning was instantly crushed! He took Casey as a sign that April has moved on and wanted nothing more than to have back the life she had before she met the turtles.
Jealousy also overcame him, but it was a healthy, normal amount of jealousy, ok? Not like Shredder with his creepy, sneaky jealousy.
It was only thanks to Splinter and his wisdom, that Donnie was able to return that hope. He basically told his son that he needed to respect April's space and needed to come back when she was ready.
Also, even though Donnie claims that he does not like Casey, he honestly should be thanking him.
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It was only thanks to Casey, telling April about how he accidentally hurt his best friend and how he regrets it because it ended their friendship, that April realized how unfair she was being and how much she must have hurt Donnie.
She knew that it was an accident, knew that the turtles would never do anything to hurt her, but her stubbornness and anger got in the way of her logic.
So, April returned to the lair, ready for forgiveness and she thanked Donnie for being there even though she did not want him to be.
As for Donnie, he was just the happiest to have her back.
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Then we are back with the awkwardness, and with Casey, who has feelings for April as well, made it even worse. Now not only is April feeling pressured by Donnie, now she is feeling pressured by Casey with his and Donnie's stupid rivalry!
However, unlike Donnie, April's feelings towards Casey are...a little more unclear. She seems to have a slight crush on Casey but is not ready to be committed to him, because maybe she is still figure it out and still discovering her own self.
And neither Donnie nor Casey was making it any easier.
She liked and cared for them both but who she wanted to be with was so, very unclear.
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Now this is where April is no help with all of this drama. Every time Donnie expresses himself or tries to tell her how he truly feels, April does everything she can to ignore it or avoid it because she does not want to hurt Donnie's feelings.
I get that rejection is hard and is hard to give but if April would have just been straight with Donnie, telling him she just did not feel the same and just wanted to be friends, Donnie would have been hurt but eventually accepted it.
He would have given April her space a lot sooner and they could have just focused on being friends, and eventually, could have led to a serious relationship because then April and Donnie would have less pressure on themselves, and they could have gotten the space they needed to discover some things.
But nope! April just kept denying Donnie's feelings towards her.
Then there is also the fact that when Casey flirts with her, April tends to flirt a little back sometimes, but it still made things unclear. Just because they are flirting doesn't mean April had serious feelings towards him, she could have just been testing it out and it could have just been friendly playful flirting.
However, Donnie took it seriously and thought that April liked Casey more than him and Casey thought that April liked Donnie more than him because she is always kissing his cheek when overwhelmed with happiness but without any, clear confirmation, it just kept the rivalry going and kept the pressure going, making both relationships pushed more back then forward.
If April just said she did not feel that way towards Donnie or Casey or either of them, it would have just made everything a lot easier for all three of them but no.
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Now this is where April makes me mad!
After the whole Bigfoot thing, Donnie finally began to realize how overbearing and uncomfortable he has been making April feel, with his constant need to try to impress her and give her weird gifts.
(I mean, Donnie....a music box with your photo in it? Could you not have chosen a more cringy gift?! Maybe if it had all her friends in it and not just you, but...no. That was weird Donnie, and I can fully understand April's response to it. It was justified.)
Anyway, back on topic, after Bigfoot left, Donnie finally decided to just be honest with April. He apologized for making her feel uncomfortable and basically said that he understands why she does not like him the same way and was ready to accept them only as friends.
On April's face, you can tell that she felt bad and that her heart went out to him. April did not feel that way just because he was a mutant but because she valued their friendship.
This is where April could have been straight and be honest with Donnie as well but...she kisses him! Not on the cheek, not on the forehead, a real actual lip kiss!
I mean, talk about mix singles!
In the beginning of season 1 and 2, it was so clear that April only wanted to be friends with Donnie while she seems to have a slight crush on Casey and in season 3, she still made that clear but then...she kisses him?
Which is it April?!
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I just feel like in that moment, April just made everything more confusing, and I really hope she did not kiss him out of pity, and she was just very touched with what Donnie said. (The worst thing you can do to someone is be in a relationship with them out of pity and that's every kind of relationship, honestly.)
However, despite that, ever since that day, Donnie has backed off, showing how much, he has grown and matured. Though he does occasionally slip up and still has feelings for April which he still sucks at hiding as you can see, but he is no longer trying so hard to impress her or making her uncomfortable.
He is now only focusing on being her friend more than trying so hard to be her boyfriend.
And the rivalry between him and Casey, slowly but surely began to go away. Now, when they argue or fight, it is no longer over April but just two friends who just liked to buttheads.
Now that the pressure is finally gone, April was given the space and time she needed to discover her own feelings, though it still took a bit.
Their relationship finally begins to move forward, no longer as awkward or as cringe as before. The two are still best friends and they seem to have deep care for each other.
Then....the crystal.
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It was clear to everyone that April was obsessed and addicted to the power. However, no one could tell her nothing!
Despite Splinter's scoldings over the crystal, despite Leo's warnings, and Donnie's concern, April refused to listen to either of them.
After so many years of being the weakest link, constantly underestimated, and easily taking advantage of, you can kind of understand why April became so easily addicted to the power. She did not want to go back to that. Even if she is a kunoichi now, April was still insecure about her new abilities and still thought that all she was good for on missions was her powers.
When April began to lose her mind and lose complete control over the crystal, that is when Donnie stepped in. He was determined to help April defeat the crystal.
In the past, Donnie seemed to be the only one who knew how to comfort and get April to calm down but this time....he couldn't.
April literally blew up Donnie! Leading to believe she had killed him because he kept trying to get in her way. The pain was so much that it got April to gain control for a little bit, only for it to quickly be replace by the demon.
The turtles and Casey began to lose hope for April in that point, neither of them liked it or wanted to do it but they had to take her down. However, neither of them could go through with laying a single figure on her, so in pleading desperation, they tried to once again get through to her, but they failed until Raph said, "Remember Donnie!"
Finally, April got the strength she needed when she remembered Donnie. The one who was always there for her and that moment, is when April finally began to realize her feelings for Donatello.
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You can say that she didn't realize what she had until she lost it. Thankfully, Donnie was ok and moving forward, we see the two of them getting closer and slowly starting to be more than friends.
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So... yeah, April and Donnie's relationship was for sure a complicated rollercoaster. They were not passionate for each other like RaMona, they were not honest with each other like Splinter and Tang Shen, and they did not share a bond as strong as ShiniRai.
It took these two some time to get there, showing us that some love, comes over time and starts off with friendship. It is not something that can not be forced or won.
Hamato Yoshi and Tang Shen RenetAngelo
RaMona LeoRai (Worst!)
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