#sparklecare fanfiction
ieatratsforlunch · 5 months
What in the Reeses peanut butter fuck is going on with "radqueers"?? This is kinda out of the blue considering I was just talking about fanfiction a while ago but here's a little heads up;
If you are a "radqueer" than kindly get the fuck off of my page. Most of the people in your stupid community are non disabled white teenagers who think being disabled will make them seem cooler.
Especially those dumbass flags. "Trans ED"?? Hey buddy, just an FYI; EDs aren't fucking fun! They're not something people do for the "aesthetic" and they're not some sort of accessory! Tons of people deal with living life underweight and you're practically mocking them, especially all those bastards basically giving instructions to people on how to starve themselves or get used to starving themselves. The queer community is never gonna accept you, you're just people who want to identify with a label without considering the actual pain some of the people with these conditions go through.
Sorry for the rant, I'm just pissed. SC fanfiction is still underway if the poll turns out positive!! Have a great day and stay safe, remember to drink water and eat something <3
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maddiedoggiereal · 1 year
Jessie x Uni Cometcare part 1 :O
So, the (not so) little story I have is that Jessie is passing through East Eroid while on a road trip one day, but suddenly, her car breaks down near the town. She goes into town, looking for someone to help fix her car when she notices Uni while passing one of the shops and looked through one of the windows. Jessie, flustered, is too afraid to approach Uni, worried she won't be recognized. She also noticed that Uni has a family now, which makes her even more reluctant as she doesn't want to interrupt her family life, and also jealous that she never got to raise a family as she struggles with relationships. Jessie spends the night at a motel, as it will take several days to repair the car as the local mechanic needs to ship in new replacement parts. Jessie decides this might be the perfect opportunity to at least catch up with her first love all the way back from when they went to school together. The following morning, Jessie goes into town to get breakfast when she encounters Uni, this time it was more direct than a simple pass by as they were actually in the same shop this time. While waiting for their coffee at the café, Jessie sat quietly but had a really anxious look on her face. She would gaze over at Uni and look away whenever she was looking in her general direction. Uni eventually noticed that there was a new face in town and came over to check on them. Uni comes over to Jessie's table, and asks "Hey, are you the new person in town? I noticed you were a bit down, is everything alright?" as she sits next to her, not recognizing Jessie at first. "Uni.... i-is that you?" she nervously stammered out. "Huh?" asked Uni, confused. Jessie, realizing Uni doesn't recognize her after her transition, decided to show Uni one thing she would remember from her childhood best friend, a hug. Jessie gave Uni a hug, and afterward, the memories started flooding back to her as she could never forget those warm hugs. "Jeff?" Uni asked. "Yeah.... it's me... I go by Jessie now. It's just been so long since I've-" Jessie responded before being interrupted with another hug from Uni. "Oh my gosh!!! Jessie!! It's... it's really you!!!" Uni exclaimed. "I missed you so, so much.." Jessie whimpered out as she began to cry. "You- you..." was all Jessie could muster to say before bursting into tears. Uni began to blush, she missed her friend too. She held Jessie close as she comforted Jessie, both out of love and to not make too much of a scene at the café.
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diseaseriddencube · 9 months
i keep going back to read sparklecare thinking i'll like it but i just...don't
maybe i'm silly but it feels very flat? I still have no real grasp on the characters or attachment to them, I have vague ideas of a few of their main traits but not much else. I'm aware the entire comic is basically vent art, it does just read like a child's fanfic though..not to be insulting to fanfiction, but it does have a certain style or writing or joking to it. I don't dislike it either, but the writing and characters just don't vibe with me, i don't have the words to adequately explain why though
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zlugbugs · 1 year
I may as well introduce myself as well, since I haven't made a proper introduction.
Hey!! My name is Maxim (pronounced max-um) or you can call me Max!!
I use he/him exclusively, please do not use they/them.
I am AroAce and Pan, but I am taken by my wonderful girlfriend @d00msdaydevice !! (She's very lovely, I suggest you drop by and tell her hi!! <3)
I'm a small, mainly traditional artist as well as a fanfiction writer!! And I mostly draw fanart, so don't expect much OC centered art.
- Feel free to make suggestions on what I should draw, but do not expect me to fulfill said suggestion. If you would like something drawn, feel free to take a look at my commission information on my carrd (which will be linked below). Also, please please PLEASE don't suggest any proship type shit, it makes me uncomfortable.
- Don't be weird. I'm a minor and I don't give a shit about your opinion on me, I'm just here to post art.
- Please don't repost my art without proper credit and/or trying to claim it as your own. Have some fuckin morals, please.
- Do not interact with my account if you are under thirteen, are an active Vivziepop fan, or publicly post and endorse proship. I have had a few terrible artists reblog my art, and it genuinely makes me uncomfortable that my art is on their profiles.
- Don't bargain my commission prices. Just don't. You're embarrassing yourself.
Undertale, Sparklecare Hospital, Welcome Home, Eddsworld, Homestuck, Steven Universe, Johnny The Homicidal Maniac, Invader Zim, and (some) Danganronpa.
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doctoratecuddles · 1 month
Right off the bat I'm just gonna say I don't really interact with Sparklecare that much anymore outside of the crit blogs and the main comics, but I still hold many complaints about Sparklecare anyways. Most of my complaints have already been said by other people and phrased way better than I ever could, but there's still things I need to get off my chest. Something that I disliked when I still followed Sparklecare's main blog was that the AUs were being shoved down my throat (I might be exaggerating here because my memory sucks, but oh well). While I did manage to at least escape some of it by blocking the tags, I wasn't able to avoid the untagged stuff. I don't hate Cometcare, or any of the AUs for that matter (Are there other AUs outside of Cometcare? Idk, but I think there are), but I'm just not interested in them, and would rather not see them on the main blog, or at least, see them untagged. I personally think that Cometcare stuff should be kept to the Cometcare blog, etc etc. This is probably full of errors, contradictions, and horrible wording, as I do tend to get excited rambling and get things incorrect, but this is just my personal take on it. Anyways, I might not post a lot of my opinions, but I would like to be 🎲🎰 anon (You can also refer to me as gamblingnon)!
Half of the aus aren't even good gamblngnon. Like Cometcare is literally just some forced "all's well that ends well" fanfiction full of characters I won't ever care for, plus it feels like it's a forced way for KC to shove herself into a story and be "likable" (if you can even call it that). You know that one loud house fanfiction that's like 15 million words long and half of them are just rewritten episodes with the fanfic creator shoved in somewhere? That's Cometcare
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aceknee · 4 years
Bro, you wanna hold my hand?
Barry was always a closed person. He always hated germs, too, that he never wanted to shake hands with anyone. Or even touch them at all (not in that way, you're disgusting). But with Uni, it was an opposite situation. He trusts him alot, he always tells him anything.. or, well, tries to. He always gets a warm, fuzzy feeling when he's around Uni. He trusts him. Does he know why? Nope. Not one bit.
Uni was laying on his bed, playing on his Bintendo Cistem™. The hospital wasn't as chaotic today, so it automatically makes it boring for everyone else. Barry likes it quiet and peaceful. Barry tried to strike up a conversation, but he didn't want to say anything dumb. He knew Uni wouldn't mind and he'd just laugh if he did so, but he was still scared. He ended up staring at a wall, thinking about his wonderful friend (is he even just a friend to him anymore?), until Uni walked over to his side of the room.
„Bro? Are you alright?“ Uni asks, raising a brow in concern.
Barry jumped, making Uni laugh. „Uh- yeah- wait- What're you laughing at?!“ He asked with an annoyed look.
„Bro, you just- jumped- like a scaredy *cat*!“
„ …That was a terrible pun.“ Barry says.
„Wait, I just made a pun?“ Uni asked. Then he realized. „Oh, ahah- sorry, bro. But anyway, are you okay, bro? You kinda just stared at the wall.“
„Yes, I'm absolutely fine. Just.. thinking.. yeah.“ Barry broke a sweat, knowing he probably didn't pull it off so easily.
„I dunno bro, you seem kinda sus, bro.“ Uni says as he walks over to Barry's bed and sits next to him.
„Um, well,“ He paused and glanced at Uni, „frick- heck- Well, I mean.. uhm-„
Uni chuckled, „Bro, just spill it! Even if it's embarrassing- I mean, hell! I've so many embarrassing things aswell.“
That did not help Barry. Oh well. „Well, Cornelius.. I- could we try and.. hold.. hands..? I just wanna test if I still freak out or not. N-Nothing too personal here!“ He forced a nervous smile, lightly blushing.
Uni took a few seconds to proccess what he said. Then blinked at Barry. „Bro, do you-„
„I DO NOT!! I said I just wanted to test it out!“ Well, that was partially true. He wanted to hold his hand to test it out AND because he wants to know how it feels. Especially with someone so wonderful and sweet.
Uni laughed. „Well, okay!“ He lightly blushed and wagged his tail out of happiness, taking Barry's hand and booping snoots with him. He smiled.
Barry was shocked. He didn't mind the hand holding. But he didn't expect the boop- „Cornelius! I didn't say you could-„ He looked at him, he was very clearly happy. „..Nevermind.“ He rolled his eyes, smiling back.
"See, it's not so bad bro!" Uni said. He was right, but Barry couldn't help his fear of germs.
"I.. I guess." Barry said, blandly. All he could focus on was Uni. His smile. His happiness. Why does it feel so nice to see your.. friend so happy? Doing a relationship-like thing? With you? Who knows.
haha hey fuckers i actually wrote something do you like it
im not the best writer, but i tried :'D
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sparklecarehospital · 2 years
Can we send fanfiction of Sparklecare Hospital we wrote with the submission function?
I think it would be better to put fanfic on a site like ao3 and make a Tumblr post that links to it and @ me in it. Sometimes fanfics can get pretty long and it might make it hard to scroll through the blog if it's a submission!!!
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Welcome to your-fave-killed-cringe-culture!
We are collectively responsible for the murder of cringe culture and for the desecration of its grave! Send characters that did this deed to my asks or submissions!
What's cringe culture?
In simple words, cringe culture is the mockery of harmless interests. It frequently targets young folk and neurodivergent people. It marks interests as "cringe," making people feel bad for harmless media they consume or create (such as sparkledog ocs, My Little Pony, fanfictions, etc!)
-Canon characters from media are cool and good!
-OCs are also welcome! PLEASE only submit OCs through submissions and include a picture of the OC, with a transparent background is preferred. Please don't send art of them you don't have permission to use!
-Everything must be sfw!
-NO real people/personalities (celebrities, Tumblr/Twitter/etc users, YouTubers, etc). Just to be safe!
-The following sources are blacklisted for personal reasons. I will not do them. Please respect my personal boundaries, I am only human.
Friday Night Funkin'
Sparklecare Hospital
-P*d*philes, z**philes, "pro-shippers"/"Anti-Antis", ableists, LGBTQA+phobes, TERFs, truscums/transmeds, anti-neopronouns/anti-neogenders, racists, sexists, ALM/Blue Lives Matter supporters, Trump supporters, and trans/gay/etc fetishizers are NOT welcome on this blog. Piss off.
About the mod
My name is Hal/Sammy! I'm 21 years old. My pronouns are it/he/they/ink - I'm a guy and also identify under a good handful of neogenders. Check out my main at @doryphorey I post art and fandom stuff there :]
The flags
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silverheartsystem · 5 years
Singing SU songs while writing sparklecare fanfiction, what more could I possibly want in life?
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puppycorngirldick · 5 years
Me at 3:30 am, with a final tomorrow morning: ah yes the perfect time to reread sparklecare and then write BarrUni fanfiction :3
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cuppykin · 7 years
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A bust of my sparklecare oc, Nurse Princesswings
She uses she/they pronouns, and is the one nurse at the hospital who does jack shit. She sits around on a computer and draws weird muscle growth artwork and writes self insert fanfiction about her skinsona and their adventures with various burly muscly skinnies she makes as ocs or obsesses about on online forums.
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ieatratsforlunch · 4 months
SMALL Intros to some of my Sparklecare OCs because I'm so normal about them
All of these guys are gonna be in the fanfic plus some others!! I can't currently make any doodles of them but you may see some art in the future!! I'll be explaining their appearances in the fanfic
Jinkles G. Jangle - Species: Mudi Dog - Trans boy, He/Him pronouns - Pansexual - Allotpun: "Jingle Jangle" - Ringleader and Clown of the Sparklecircus
Super ecstatic and excitable guy!! Speech patterns include many marks (Ex: "What???!!!!" "Awww!!!!")
Despite his sweet nature, he is not to be trusted. Shows no remorse for his cruel actions towards his "customers", doesn't seem to see why what he does is wrong
Very buddy-buddy with Cuddles, somehow genuinely likes that guy as a person; nobody knows how
Acts friendly to patients as if he hasn't hurt them multiple times, generally gives a lot of mixed singles as a person
Big fan of things others would deem disturbing, such as movies or flash series with very dark themes. He's genuinely very desensitized to those sorts of things (For reasons you will later learn)
Harvey U.N. Plug, "Professor Plug" - Species: Fruit/Vampire Bat - Agender, He/They/It pronouns - Achillean - Allotpun: "Unplug, Hardly Unplugged" - In charge of media propaganda of Sparklecare
Very easily irritated, snappy towards those it doesn't know
Very annoyed by most of the more cheerful staff members, VERY annoyed by Jinkles due to his "partnership" with Cuddles
Actually a very good actor; they have a love for theatre and movies, some of his favorites include Turklet(Hamlet) and Tiny Store Of Terrors (Little Shop Of Horrors)
Dislikes bright lights, wears glasses not due to bad eyesight, but to keep lights out of its eyes. His office is constantly very dim, though it does keep some small lights on in case others come inside; there have been many issues with people walking in and knocking things over in the darkness
Loves attention, but finds it easy to get stressed out from it; he has an inflated ego, but holds those close to them higher than itself
Bree Kein Heartz - Species: Rabbit/Bear - Non-Binary, She/It pronouns - Ace Sapphic - Allotpun: "Breaking Hearts" - Mortician of Sparklecare
Very quiet and secluded person, pessimistic as well. It's very up-front about things in conversations, usually not caring if she comes off as rude, especially if it's towards Cuddles
Usually she finds energetic people tiring due to its own low energy, but she has quite a soft spot for doctor Puppy
Has a deep, androgynous voice that is hard to read the tone of. Paired with its usual blank expression, it's extremely hard to read its emotions
She genuinely has a talent for what she does, she takes good care of the bodies inside the hospital, and handles them with respect
It doesn't like what happens at the hospital, but it cannot get a job elsewhere due to her questionable family history (which you will learn more of)
Well, this sure was a long post! Hope you guys will enjoy these dudes as much as I do once the first chapter is out! You can also send me asks about them if you wanna :3
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ieatratsforlunch · 4 months
Sparklecare Oneshots lets gooo
Okay, so while I work on the actual fanfic, I figured I'd want to write some Oneshots as well because the amount of fanfiction this fandom has is CRIMINAL. So yeah vote for which one you wanna see the most! I'm also open to suggestions as well of course, in case there's something else you wanna read!! (Note that Jinkles, Plug, and Bree are all ocs of mine)
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ieatratsforlunch · 4 months
heard you were looking for an excuse to infodump mayhaps ? :3
Okay, so, Jinkles is the one I'm gonna talk about because honestly he has the most fleshed out backstory and personality! He's both the ringmaster and clown of a circus that specializes in doing "acts" for the patients at Sparklecare, which don't usually end up with all the patients participating going back to their rooms without a scratch. I'm still working on the other circus members, but I can say that one is an aardwolf and another is a maned wolf! Generally speaking the circus is mainly made up of canines, considering Jinkles himself is a mudi dog!
He's good "friends" with Cuddles and has known him since childhood, around about middle school! Jinkles didn't have the best parents, so he grew up watching and doing stuff he probably shouldn't have been. This in turn ended up with him believing that violence and other not so legal things were fine to do, because he didn't have really any guidance from any good sources :(
Cuddles (Or Cutta/Cuts, as Jinkles calls him) was really the first person to show Jinkles any form of attention or care, so Jinkles is extremely attached to him and would do anything to make him happy. He really REALLY cares about Cuddles but isn't really sure if Cuddles feels the same way.
In other smaller notes, Jinkles is like 5'11 and nobody knows what age he really is, just that it's over 20. He's trans male and panromantic, as well as demisexual! You'll know a lot more details about why his parents weren't really around because there's actually gonna be a special chapter in the Sparklecare fanfiction I'm writing that's going to be focused on his middle school years and how he came to meet Cuddles in the first place!
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ieatratsforlunch · 4 months
Hiii little update for the fanfiction!! I'm a bit busy at this moment as well as not feeling too good so the wait might be a bit longer :(
On the bright side, I think I'm gonna do some drawings of canon sparklecare characters for pride month, along with my ocs!!
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ieatratsforlunch · 4 months
Okay so, I'm like really bored so I'm gonna make a masterpost of basic info for my ocs. There's gonna be some serious stuff talked about on here so please understand that :) This one includes Bree, Plug, and Jinkles. I'll later make a masterpost for basic info about their families (the physical build is just notable things for me to remember when drawing/describing them)
Jinkles G Jangle
Allotpun: Jingle Jangle
Species: Mudi Dog
Identity: Transmasc (ftm) Panromantic Demisexual - He/Him pronouns
Mental disabilities/disorders: Separation anxiety (trauma induced), maladaptive daydreaming (trauma induced), Autism, disassociation (anxiety induced), low empathy (trauma and self induced)
Physical disabilities/disorders: Disordered eating (caused by stress; his parents were in the show industry and Jinkles has been told repeatedly that keeping skinny is the only way people will like him. He also just generally forgets to eat as he doesn't feel hunger much anymore)
Physical build: Generally underweight and lanky; 5'11. He has both claws and sharp teeth, claws are not retractable but not insanely sharp either. He does have paw pads. Fur is typically brushed through neatly unless he is visible stressed; the fur on the tan marking on his face and muzzle is shorter than the rest. His cheek fur droops slightly when he is upset/disappointed, whereas his fur visibly spikes if he is stressed/shocked/angry. Teeth are typically bared if he is agitated (normal dog behavior). He has self inflicted scars on his upper legs which are hardly ever visible, as well as small marks on his fingers and knuckles from chewing on them. He has top scars as well
Age: unknown (he is over 20)
Role: Clown and Ringmaster of Sparklecircus
Speech patterns: Typically has more sentence points than usual, never end a sentence with only one !/? Unless he is shocked or upset
Voice: Bubbly moderate masc voice, has a natural playful tune to it (think of Wonder from Wonder Over Yonder)
Harvey U.N Plug
Allotpun: Hardly Unplugged
Species: Fruit/Vampire bat
Identity: Agender and Achillean - He/They/It Pronouns
Mental disabilities/disorders: Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), depression (trauma induced), generalized anxiety (trauma induced), Pyrophobia (Trauma induced)
Physical disabilities/disorders: overly sensitive hearing and sight, near and far sighted, Strabismus (it is crossed eyed without their glasses). Due to being half vampire, he has the urge to consume the blood of other anthries but not the need to. They are not burned by light, but ARE very sensitive to it and therefore try to only go out a night/stay in dark places if possible.
Physical build: moderately healthy weight, tall (6'2) and stocky. His fangs protrude out of its mouth, whereas the rest of their teeth are also sharpened. Has three freckles on either side of its face. Wings are connected to the underside of his arms, with slits down the side of their sleeves to comfortably keep them there. Unable to fly long distances because of this, it can keep itself in the air for a few minutes at best. Claws are small but very sharp, and are on both their hands and feet. Burn marks are visible on his hands, legs, and parts of his wings, though they are faded.
Age: 29
Role: In charge of all Sparklecare propaganda (internet ads, brochures, commercials, etc)
Speech patterns: more likely to use "-", because most of his sentences usually end in a pause
Voice: raspy, androgynous though slightly masc leaning voice. A tad bit louder than most, though not as loud as Dooms. Sounds demanding
Bree Kein Heartz
Allotpun: Breaking Hearts
Species: Rabbit/Bear hybrid (Rabbit from mothers side, bear from parents side)
Identity: Non-binary sapphic - she/it pronouns
Mental disabilities/disorders: Depression (somewhat trauma induced), low empathy and emotions (trauma induced), social anxiety, OCD, Dermatillomania (anxiety and OCD induced)
Physical disabilities/disorders: Chronic Fatigue (she usually sits during her job, including when it is inspecting bodies. It gets help from other staff members such as Dr. Nya to help move the bodies into the morgue, while she uses a chair with basic wheels to quickly move from one place to another inside the morgue, which has a small main room so it can easily get around. The hallway leading to where the bodies are actually stored long-term is long, but she usually gets staff to help her store them)
Physical build: short and stocky (4'5) with small claws on both its hands and feet. Fur is short, though she has small spiked tufts on her cheeks and long fur on the top of its head that is usually held up during work. Mouth is connected to its nose and is a permanent upside down V. All teeth inside her mouth are extremely sharp and slightly jagged, though aren't visible at all unless she opens her mouth extremely wide. Mouth barely opens when it speaks. Tail is fluffy but very short. Her right ear is maimed at the bottom and has multiple light pink scars across it. Her hands have scars on them, especially around its nails; they will sometimes bleed, as she regularly picks at them (the scars are originally caused by her dermatillomania)
Age: 27
Role: Mortician of Sparklecare
Speech patterns: No capital letters unless it's I/I've or if she is quite literally enraged (ex: "could you perhaps help me move this?")
Voice: quiet, mumbly androgynous voice. Not exactly whispering, but quieter and much calmer than usual. Voice does not get louder unless it is VERY upset
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