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The way he looks at Crowley will never not drive me insane
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ieatratsforlunch · 1 month
SMALL Intros to some of my Sparklecare OCs because I'm so normal about them
All of these guys are gonna be in the fanfic plus some others!! I can't currently make any doodles of them but you may see some art in the future!! I'll be explaining their appearances in the fanfic
Jinkles G. Jangle - Species: Mudi Dog - Trans boy, He/Him pronouns - Pansexual - Allotpun: "Jingle Jangle" - Ringleader and Clown of the Sparklecircus
Super ecstatic and excitable guy!! Speech patterns include many marks (Ex: "What???!!!!" "Awww!!!!")
Despite his sweet nature, he is not to be trusted. Shows no remorse for his cruel actions towards his "customers", doesn't seem to see why what he does is wrong
Very buddy-buddy with Cuddles, somehow genuinely likes that guy as a person; nobody knows how
Acts friendly to patients as if he hasn't hurt them multiple times, generally gives a lot of mixed singles as a person
Big fan of things others would deem disturbing, such as movies or flash series with very dark themes. He's genuinely very desensitized to those sorts of things (For reasons you will later learn)
Harvey U.N. Plug, "Professor Plug" - Species: Fruit/Vampire Bat - Agender, He/They/It pronouns - Achillean - Allotpun: "Unplug, Hardly Unplugged" - In charge of media propaganda of Sparklecare
Very easily irritated, snappy towards those it doesn't know
Very annoyed by most of the more cheerful staff members, VERY annoyed by Jinkles due to his "partnership" with Cuddles
Actually a very good actor; they have a love for theatre and movies, some of his favorites include Turklet(Hamlet) and Tiny Store Of Terrors (Little Shop Of Horrors)
Dislikes bright lights, wears glasses not due to bad eyesight, but to keep lights out of its eyes. His office is constantly very dim, though it does keep some small lights on in case others come inside; there have been many issues with people walking in and knocking things over in the darkness
Loves attention, but finds it easy to get stressed out from it; he has an inflated ego, but holds those close to them higher than itself
Bree Kein Heartz - Species: Rabbit/Bear - Non-Binary, She/It pronouns - Ace Sapphic - Allotpun: "Breaking Hearts" - Mortician of Sparklecare
Very quiet and secluded person, pessimistic as well. It's very up-front about things in conversations, usually not caring if she comes off as rude, especially if it's towards Cuddles
Usually she finds energetic people tiring due to its own low energy, but she has quite a soft spot for doctor Puppy
Has a deep, androgynous voice that is hard to read the tone of. Paired with its usual blank expression, it's extremely hard to read its emotions
She genuinely has a talent for what she does, she takes good care of the bodies inside the hospital, and handles them with respect
It doesn't like what happens at the hospital, but it cannot get a job elsewhere due to her questionable family history (which you will learn more of)
Well, this sure was a long post! Hope you guys will enjoy these dudes as much as I do once the first chapter is out! You can also send me asks about them if you wanna :3
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gubbygoober · 3 months
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primate sketches and scribbles
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i-suc-at-art · 2 months
Ummm.. I really love this fic
*hands @basilf1res this gently*
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Any ways go read project “GH05T” it’s really good :)
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anonymouscheeses · 8 days
I saw the new redesigns and, firs toffee I love them, second off
Imagine vaggie starts gaining a bit of chub and gets insecure at first cause, traumaaaa, and Charlie reassures her she's perfect the way she is and that there is more of her to cuddle now is all and stuff
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YES. FINALLY. im sorry it took forever to get to your request. im jst getting the motivation to get around to all them! But yes this is my favorite request so far omfg thank you it was so fun to draw this genuinely 💜💜
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sodacrackpop · 10 days
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Someone call Caine
Context: Jax tied balloons around Pomni's waist so now she is FLYING AWAY
(This took 10 hours I will lose it)
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eskiinox · 10 months
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zhinchino · 5 months
A short animatic featuring Fowlham 🫶🥰‼️
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kizukiti · 8 months
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sillies (shh... hushes my finger over your mouth... pretend it's not november rn)
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acutecowboy · 5 months
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fle4floves · 8 months
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Starin’ <3
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charmac · 4 months
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anchor-naut · 12 days
Pitmedden Worldbuilding Rambles; here I am, creating a fictitious town in Maine that got snatched up by a bunch of 'cryptids' (They're more-so personified themes/ideas) and created a fantastical playground for themselves untouchable to the US Government (Yes that was their main problem) This eventually splits into weird Eldrich politics as they try to figure out what a moral compass is, if being malicious towards humans is wrong, etc etc Has it's own stories within the world itself (I've written 2 short stories for it so far) And is constantly developing its own magic system and intertwines with real-world mythology from anywhere and everywhere... And the main cast I choose to focus on is a Polycule of 20 somethings where three of them; (Passionate musician would be film major (Billie), Insomniac forest ranger that's being stalked by a coyote (Teddy), and a weird bug guy that tagged along one day and never left (Cricket).) are in a Garage rock, sorta punk, who the fuck cares genre Band. and the fourth is a paranoid Amalthea Kinnie. (Pluto) They are all stupid and in love and eventually go on scooby do missions together because they're very supportive of their partner Pluto.
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lordboo · 3 months
i’m madly i love with him and i think Ember is too (not projecting AT ALL)
@caramelizedgutz he’s a cutie patootie :3
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anonymouscheeses · 5 days
Charlie showing Husk a Mocktail option menu for the bar!
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Thanks for the request! I love these little meow meows so much! Their dynamic needs to be explored, actually i think ALL their dynamics need to be focused on. The hotel doesnt feel like a family yet and idk I think the found family trope would fit perfectly :(
(+ an excited Angel fuck)
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Some more random dndads hcs. (the gaysss) Part something:
Terry Jr: Ace-spec biromantic. Also they/he
Sparrow: Transfem (a fandom hc tbh) Aroace-spec. (does that thought make sense?) She/Her. Also I woke up one morning and thought sparrow and terry having a qpr.
Lark: SHE/HIM (thank you @lex-the-lesbiann, I think you were the one who put it in my brain) Genderqueer or just plays around w/ her gender expression (in a happier timeline) Bisexual and aroallo (but when it comes to nark it changes up a bit)
Nicky: Transmasc Pansexual (?). He/Him. Not much to say except he wears eyeliner
(I have nothing to say about Grant im so sorry)
Taylor: Transfem/Bigender. He/She. AlloAro Bisexual. (Maybe she uses neopronouns :0?)
Scary: Demigirl! She/they/skull (I think she’d find it cool to have skull/skullself pronouns tbh) BISEXUAL IT’S CANON (kinda but shhh)
Linc: 👏Genderfluid👏 Any/all pronouns. I feel like they wear super long skirts but its hard for her to play soccer in them so he doesn’t wear them often. Sapphic sapphic sapphicccc
Normal: bisexual :] He/Him transmasc. I feel like he found out he was bisexual by finding out he liked girls as well. He thought he was gay before hand.
Hermie: She/he/any. Very genderqueer to me. Pansexual. (Aro-spec to me for some reason)
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