#sparrow hcs
fantasyfiction-net · 2 years
Being Marcus Hargreeves' Daughter HCs
man is worried that an enemy would hurt you or like fans would bombard you
so automatically
ben being that uncle who pretends they despise you but would do anything for you
alphonso and jayme being the favorite aunt and uncle of yours
fei being the sassy aunt
meeting the umbrellas
AND FIVE?! or who aunt jayme calls "the little jumpy kid"
sparrows try to keep you away from them
crying when your dad goes missing
triple blow when alphonso and jayme dies
so your fave aunt no.2 (now no.1) a.k.a sloane hargreeves took care of you
while the others hatch a plan
time skip
grandpa is dead
klaus sort of adopts you and y'all go with luther to look for auntie sloane
the end
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macksartblock · 3 months
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i want juice but there's none in this damn house
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keepin-it-on-the-d-l · 9 months
Kiddads Lineup! Aka the designs for them that I promised and never posted!
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Heights: Grant is 5’11, Terry is 6’6 (tall mf), Lark and Sparrow are 5’8, and Nicky is 5’6 (short king)
Close ups under the cut:
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marsbotz · 1 year
can you even call urself a real ninjago fan if you dont have at least one side character ur weirdly obsessed abt…
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aiscapades · 4 months
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obviously this smell is ais ("cloaked in the scent of smoke and blood") which many people have already noticed
but do you guys think. ais was there when mc was there. do you think ais already saw mc's hands. that's why he didn't actually care to see them later at the seaspring but brought them up anyway as a means to intimidate mc?? because he already knows??
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manitapaleta · 1 year
GASP ✨manni sketch requests✨ - can't get better than that. If I'm still in time, maybe nick making the biggest hearteyes at lark while lark does something unbelievably stupid/reckless? <3
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Every good “boys night” has to end with a trip to the ER 😤😤😎🔥💯✌️💁‍♀️💀⚠️
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nolassolace · 4 months
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Same-man-but-twice Sunday💕
Oak boys go where angels fear to tread ✨
These two will be the death of me I struggle so much with drawing them.
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No because I’m actually going to cry about this. Not to make this about Sparrow but let’s put Rebecca’s death into context of other characters and their storyline because there’s next to nothing we even know about her. If I could write something about her I would but we haven’t seen her often enough.
Sparrow has been shown to do everything in her power to keep her family safe. It’s to the point of condemning an entire reality to eldritch horror, many of the people living there being people she knew and arguably cared about. But not as much as her family. Everything she did was to protect them.
Now all she can do is just sit there, writhing in agony at the hands of the man who ruined her and all her loved ones’ lives. All she can do is watch as she fails at the one goal she’s torn herself apart for for most of her life. Watch as that man kills her wife right in front of her.
And once again she’s helpless. She’s not a little kid anymore, wondering when her dad will get there and save her from Castle Ravenloft. He wasn’t a king in that castle, but now this man is God, and there’s nothing she can do anymore to stop him.
She’s in Heaven right now, but this is her Hell.
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cerealforkart · 1 year
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coolattas · 6 months
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a man and his handshake (s1ep1 !!!) lineup for kiddads SOON. constructive crit welcome + wip + id in alt text + etc etc. if you're mean to me you'll go to hell forever and ever.
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tortelloniboi · 2 years
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normal oak
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deargodwtf · 2 months
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I see alot of heavy medic art with robins and doves which is cool but have you considered doves and sparrows
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ithinkdogshouldvote2 · 9 months
Dndads Headcanons, season 2 kiddads and teens (appearance based)
the order of the kiddads from tallest to shortest is: terry jr, sparrow (by like half an inch), lark, grant, nick (but none of them are really all that short)
Lark, sparrow, and nick all have their ears pierced but sparrows holes closed up and he didn't wanna relive the traumatic experience of re-piercing them, while larks have gotten infected so many times he just stopped trying.
Terry dresses like a substitute teacher literally every day of this fucking life.
Sparrow is almost always wearing a bathrobe or a comfy cardigan. He dresses like a mixture of a female therapist and a deranged housewife.
Lark dresses like he's in the walking dead
Nick has a frankly absurd amount of Christmas sweaters and it's VERY obvious which ones are from Glenn.
Grant has curly hair.
both lark and sparrow need glasses. sparrow wears his when he needs them, but Lark never wears them because they make him look like henry.
terry jr also wears glasses and started wearing rons after he died.
scary was born with blonde hair, but it's gotten darker as she got older. right now, it's a light brown/sandy blonde. when her mom and terry Jr. got engaged, he tried to bond with scary by pointing out that their hair was almost the same color. she dyed it black the next day.
on the topic of hair dye, taylor tried to dye his hair electric blue when he was in middle school and had to buzz it all off cause he destroyed it with bleach. he cried for 2 weeks.
both scary and taylor regularly paint their nails. normal TRIES to paint his nails but then gets annoyed that now they taste gross and ends up picking off all the nail polish before its even finished drying
btw normals nails are so fucked up. just absolutely destroyed. theyre so bad. he has never cut them hes only ever bitten them off.
on the other hand Lincolns nails are really well kept. he pushes back his cuticles and everything.
the only non-sportswear type clothing that lincoln owns are garfield t-shirts. he has alot of them
Scary is taller than Taylor, but only when she's wearing her combat boots, which add like 2 inches to her height.
Lincoln is only taller than Terry jr by an inch (and 6 feet lmaooo)
Everyone's taller than normal.
Lark and sparrow both have a dimple on one of their cheeks but it's the opposite side of the others.
Normal has dimples on both cheeks!
Taylor only has horns when he's using magic or really angry and they're very small. When he saw them for the first time he got pissed cause they're nothing like his trollsonas.
Taylor totally has an ahegao hoodie.
Taylor has a t-shirt that's just a written apology to women for his ahegao hoodie
Normal has a lot of nasa hoodies that he keeps stealing from hero to piss her off
Scary stole one of Terry jr cardigans, dyed it back, and ripped it up to make it goth cause she THOUGHT it would piss him off. But it backfired, and terry started wearing it around the house to be supportive.
Scary also secretly stole one of Terry Jr's old band t-shirts for herself cause she thought it was cool. Terry knows she has it but will not say a goddamn word cause he thinks it's so sweet.
Grant has a picture of baby Lincolns face on a t-shirt next to the titanic that says "I survived the titanic and all I got was this stupid baby" given to him by nick that he has never worn because it's mean but it's collecting dust in a closet somewhere in the house. Lincoln found it once but didn't understand it cause he never saw the titanic, so he just didn't say anything.
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"listen. hear me out. i don’t have an explanation but just. look at her" - Anonymous
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aiscapades · 2 months
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