#maybe I should do this for the other spouses lol
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lilacstro · 4 months
Astro observations pt 1
Hey y'all this is my very first post :) Please take it with a grain of salt. These are just my interpretations and observations and a placement could mean million different things on how its being viewed and understood and nothing is sure on how it manifests for you in your chart.
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Jupiter in 8th house can mean many things, one of them being your spouse would bring transformative experiences into your life.
2. Scorpio mercuries may have a tendency to over analyze what is being said or always wanting to read between the lines
3. I have seen Pluto in 5th house of all the people who's mothers were dominated. Though this can mean the other way around too, and could be that the mother was dominating.
4. I think other than most people saying Pluto 1st housers go a massive change in appearance, I think it could actually mean that their personality and persona goes a massive change at some point in their life, or its constantly being evolved through learning experiences
5. Venus in 1st house people, are extremely beautiful.
6. Check Asteroid fama (408) and industria(389) if any of these positively aspect your venus, you could get fame for your beauty or work within the beauty industry.
7. Most women with major scorpio/capricorn placements appear intimidating even though it might not be so...but they indeed hold themselves to high regards mostly
8. Having an earth rising in your SR can indicate having a calmer and a predictable year. Nothing chaotic or major. I had Taurus Rising in my SR and I had lost a lot of toxic/chaotic people in my life and things were stable and peaceful throughout. I was on a gap year so I did not make friends either hahaha
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9. Having sun/moon in 10th house synastry or 10th house stellium could mean you both together are quite talked about or people are aware towards your feelings towards one another visibly. Sometimes it could also mean, you two's business isnt as private as you think lmao and people are aware on whats happening.
10. Having moon in 10th house in SR can indicate your emotions being extremely visible to everyone, even if you tend to hide them.
11. Libra mars people, might not come off as too masculine but rather a little more in tune with their feminine side (thats cool imo)
12. I think Moon in Gemini people often tend to say "I never said that" when they absolutely said that or "What do you mean" even when its clear what is being talked about lmao.
13. Leo women are usually very outgoing, charismatic and fun imo. Leo anywhere in the big 3 can mean that this side exists to the native though it might be overshadowed by other aspects in the chart. The types to dance at the empty dance floor and then suddenly everyone wants to dance lol
14. I was watching Nat Geo a long time ago and saw how lioness protect their children from the Lions and often go hunting. I think all mothers are protective of their children but for Leo women, its on another level lol. Also, they might like taking pride in their children and providing for their children. Not as in boasting, but just genuinely taking pride.
15. Cancer men and the love for their mothers. NEVER met a single cancer guy who did not have a lot of love for their mother.
16. Sag placements usually Sun and risings usually have a very comforting presence. Even it maybe like you met them for the first time, they can make you feel grounded and comfortable. Very non judgmental too.
17.If you have Saturn in 6th house, please try having a routine even if you might dread it lol
18. Capricorn moon men usually have very traditional or maybe orthodox beliefs about how women should be. I have seen that a lot.
20. Taurus Mars may like slow recreational activities like cooking.
21. Wanna know how you would react during a break up? See your moon+8th house sign. Example, a Leo moon with 8th house in cancer would be extremely emotional and everybody would know.
22. Girls with Libra Sun, Rising or MC may really like makeup and have good fashion sense.
23. Having your moon sign same like your mothers sun sign may indicate some kind of special connection between two of you. It could be that you understand her much better or could be that you don't get along at all too? idk there is something much special about it.
24. Sun in 10th house could mean your dad had a status in society. Could also mean, your birth could bring him luck in his career.
25. Jupiter in second house people usually come from wealth or hold potential to create generational wealth.
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That's it :) I hope it resonated with you all :)
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starvail · 3 months
you just lost the game
narumi gen / gn!spouse!reader
synopsis : he’s made a recent discovery that for some reason, when you're the one doing his gacha pulls, his account wins the 50/50, so of course he's gonna abuse your luck for all it's worth.
content : only crack, gender neutral reader, reader works in jakdf, jenshin = genshin btw, narumi should have his own warning, narumi and reader are married (to the chagrin of the defence force), brief mentions of gambling, brief mentions of divorce.
words : 1k
a/n : sorry if you expected longer lol, think of this as a lil warm up before we really get into this series. also apologies for the one day delay, i came home from a surprise bottomless brunch and ahahaha...... i think we all can imagine how that ended up....
part one of 'a cheers to our youth'
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It’s not until the time reaches two-thirty in the afternoon do you think to yourself that maybe it will be another peaceful day in Japan.
That is until rapid thumping of footsteps can be heard making their way to the Operations Room before someone slams both of the doors open, almost hitting a few operators that were unfortunate enough to be going on their break.
It was Captain Narumi Gen of the First Division in all his... very sweaty glory.
Hair sticking to his forehead with sweat, he’s frantic in the way that he repeatedly yells for your name and demands where you are.
Something in the pit of your stomach is telling you that something is wrong. But for some reason, it’s not the familiarity of dread that twists your insides with foreboding.
Something is definitely up.
You make your presence known and stand in front of him, hands in your lab coat pockets as you watch Narumi gasp for air, his back hunched over and hands on knees. You look down at him with a side eye, there is no way that one of the top protectors of Japan is out of breath running from where you assume is his 'claimed room' in HQ to Operations.
He grabs your shoulders with the kind of desperation that makes something crawl up your spine. "Thank God you're here!"
Okay, maybe this idiot is actually being serious for once.
"Is there an emergency meeting that we need to attend?” You shift his weight so that he has his right arm slung around the back of your neck.
You're rubbing soothing circles up and down his spine and he shakes his head for a no. By now, the entire room is listening in on the conversation.
“A kaiju attack that our sensors haven't picked up? Infiltration of the base? What's the damage? C'mon, work with me here, Stupid."
"Even worse..."
Narumi finally lifts his head up to look at you, red eyes peaking through his black and silver bangs. Anticipation rises and someone in the room gulps loudly.
You hope that the General Commander has sent out a few platoons already to assess the problem.
Has a kaiju alarm been sent out already? Are the civilians going to be okay? Why is this dumbass not changing into his-
"This limited character in Jenshin is leaving in five minutes, I need you to do my pulls for me!"
Narumi pulls his phone out of his pocket and shoves it right in your face.
You smack his arm away so that you don't go cross-eyed and you can only stare at the screen in disbelief.
He flicks some of his hair back. "Y'see, thanks to my spectacular observation skills and analytic abilities..."
As per usual, you drown him out.
There is no way that this guy is being genuine right now.
There is no way he barged in here just to gamble, on company time, no less.
"...coincides with the times that you do my pulls..."
You look away from the screen to observe him.
Narumi is animatedly flapping his free arm around like those inflatable tube men outside car dealerships, while the other keeps the phone steady.
"...not a coincidence, therefore you, my dearest..."
You look back at the phone.
The game character is staring at you, hauntingly.
He's being dead serious.
"...extremely lucky!"
Your eye twitches and you grit your teeth. 'This guy sure does love listening to the sound of his own voice...'
Next thing you know, his phone finds its way to the palms of your hands, and him ushering for you to start.
Still too flabbergasted, too appalled, too dismayed to even comprehend what you were doing, your finger mindlessly presses a button that says '10x Draws', and a golden glow flashbangs your vision.
Is this what your life has come to now?
Being used, being taken advantage of, all for your luck?
Narumi takes the phone back and sends you a triumphant look, as if he didn't just send all personnel in the room into a crippling mental spiral a few seconds ago, and is quick to gaze admiringly at the new character displayed on his screen, as if hyper focused.
"Thanks, Babe. You're a real life saver, y'know?"
It infuriates you how he sounds giddy, but you don't say that aloud, deciding to stew in your internal displeasure.
You mirror his smile and Narumi stays none the wiser to the flashing images behind your eyes of the numerous ways you can dispose of his body.
"See, this is why it's so great being married to someone as lucky as you. Pfft, and those old geezers say marriage is hard." At that moment, as if some higher being wanted to personally laugh in your face, Narumi readjusts his grip on his device and his wedding band shines from reflected light coming from the control monitors .
Your own ring burns at the realisation: you're legally stuck with that for the foreseeable future.
s n a p .
("I'm not the only one that heard that, right?" "Did that sound come from the Head?" "Nah, I definitely heard something too." "If Captain doesn't leave now, Head is gonna force us to help them erase the evidence...")
"Anyways, imma bounce. Gotta grind out the rest of their weapon mats." He carelessly throws up a peace sign without so much as a glance at anybody else, let alone you, and the operations room stays quiet when their Captain leaves with a newfound skip to his step, whistling in tune with the game's music.
Everyone watches on as you take a few deep breaths and walk back to your control panel, landing harshly into your swivel chair with your brows furrowed and a frown that could rival the General Commander's.
Those close enough can hear your muttered curses, "I'll show him. 'Japan's Strongest Anti-Kaiju Combatant', to hell with that! I'll show how hard marriage can really be. 'Another peaceful day in Japan', I should have kept my damn mouth shut."
Your fingers type against the keyboard with a new-found aggression, and soon enough, documents are displayed on the big screen of your monitor. They read 'Divorce Application and Proceedings', in bold font.
'Good luck, Captain Narumi,' the operators all think in unison.
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kalims · 8 months
kiss your best friend | diasomnia
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kiss your best friend and see how they react!
parts. one , two , three , four , five , six , seven
characters. malleus, lilia, sebek, silver
content. gender neutral reader as usual, mentions of murder by lilia's cooking, someone faints lol
note. finally last part after ten years /j
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goes absolutely silent but his surprise is definitely there -> eyes widen, brows raise on a miniscule scale. you'd think the guy would be all lowkey about his joy but five seconds later and there are comical sparkles surrounding his face.
I mean. you had to formally confirm that you two were friends before, and you had off-handedly linked his name and best friend in the same sentence a few months later (he was bursting for like a week.) and now all that?
thrown away, nu-uh. you two are NOT friends no more, he doesn’t have a single care in the world. he's throwing the friends label off a cliff with his foot and skipping off with joy cause you just got upgraded to the next ruler of briar valley wink wonk.
or perhaps you'd like being referred to as his consort? he can always make the people refer to you as both.
if you're wondering why he's so silent all of a sudden; malleus: already thinking of how he'd decorate the castle when you move in with him. maybe... he can break down the wall to link your two bedrooms together—wait no he'd very much like to share the same room instead..
"child of man, do you prefer violet or green?"
"uh... green...?"
"excellent choice, you have my gratitude."
the thing you should be asking is 'why' because it's either the main color theme of your wedding or the gem he'd engrave on your ring (he's very happy it's green though, since it'd be a constant reminder of him.. oh he knows! he should get his a color of your eyes too—)
someone stop him.
spiderman kisses spiderman kisses spiderman kisses spiderman kisses
more knowledgeable than malleus about the level up of relationships so he doesn't jump from best friends to newlyweds immediately. actually he doesn't even need a label, if you're going around kissing him he's just gonna act like you two are a married couple without a confirmation on your status'
"darling, could you hand me the sugar?"
"lilia, I hope you know that you're supposed to use salt for the sauce not sugar." <- *passes the right bottle*
ignoring lilia's attempts on lives he acts pretty normal.
ahem, besides the fact that your first kiss on him has made him come to the conclusion that he can now incorporate kisses in your daily routine since you've already done it, so apparently that means he can too.
kiss him once, he kisses you thrice I guess. it's either the occasional jumpscare from the ceiling since he felt like reminding you of his love through a pack or the times you blink and feel a sensation against your lips without seeing anything cause his affection can be silent as it is loud you suppose.
pov student you were speaking to who definitely saw that but you didn't midst your blink: 😨—
"lilia are we dating."
"i suppose it would make us more official like you humans like, so of course~"
he just accepts it without any complaints, just announce you're spouses and he'll accept that too probably.
if we have spiderman kisses surely we can have the sleeping beauty kiss?
sleeping beauty kisses sleeping beauty kisses sleeping beauty kisses sleeping beauty kisses
I reckon he would be a pretty light sleeper though the quantity of his sleep is more often than not so even though he accidentally passes out a lot he's really easy to wake. trained to be vigilant and all, courtesy of his murderous father (well, murderous through food?)
he knows the weight of certain things. a blanket draped over him, the feeling of something squirming on his shoulder—a squirrel, most likely. something on his head, a bird or some other critter. but this?
a light press on his lips, gone as quickly as it came. that, he isn't sure of. the animals don't tend to linger around his face so the unknown origin of it has curiosity opening his eyes.
and boy, he is trying to find every reason to not believe that you didn't peck him.
perhaps they touched it? he furrows his brows lightly, attempting hard at trying to avoid your gaze because he feels guilty at his first assumption, you're his best friend! you wouldn't do such a thing..
"did you touch my lips?"
"nah, is it fine that I kissed you?"
*passes out*
is he dreaming?
in what scenario will sebek even let you near him? hmmm.. I suppose being 'best friends' (he calls you self proclaimed, and that you guys aren't that close but still rages over someone and hits them with an essay why you're so much better than their insults) makes you more tolerable around to be closer.
totally not the fact that he might have a crush on you, which can't be right cause he can't be capable of having feelings for a *gasp* human!
scandalous. he knows.
raises a brow when you do anything but be discrete with your intentions of shuffling closer but he doesn't really double back, okay. he's getting a little concerned now when you continue getting closer, he takes a step back not because you're near or anything but this behavior is... just strange.
you're in his face already and before he can question (loudly) what in the seven's name you're doing before you just casually peck him on the lips?
stiffens up immediately, his face looks like it's holding in a yell. maybe that's why it's getting so red? he's just standing there with shoulders so tense he looks like he's trying to seem big.
"why are you so quiet."
if only you knew.
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11cupids-tarot11 · 5 months
How would your future spouse treat you on your moon cycle? <3
I was having such bad cramps when this question suddenly hit me and I figured we'd all love to know, right? Even though I get very cranky and like to be alone during my time of the month hehe.
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1 -> 2
3 -> 4
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Pile 1- Wheel of fortune, queen of wands, queen of swords.
So this person will literally try to pamper you, whatever that may look like for you. I'm hearing they'll respect all of your boundaries and will grant all of your wishes, they're very supportive. I'm hearing they don't like seeing you in pain and they understand how uncomfortable this time frame is for you.
I think this person is naturally caring and easily can read human emotions and they're giving therapists vibes tbh like they could work in that field or maybe for some I'm picking up on massage therapists, this person just seems like they know humans enough like maybe they studied it or it could just means they've studied you so well they know what you need (I said 'want' at first but was directed to switch it to 'need'. Someone's fs here likes being in charge lol) . Either way, I think they'd love to be your massage therapist around this time. I'm hearing anything to make you feel good.
I'm hearing for some, around your moon cycle you get mood swings maybe? Your entire energy changes enough for this person to catch on and they'll know before/when you're on your period because of this. Maybe you're usually very chill and calm and around this time you're just more cranky than usual like me lol and your person will try very hard to just make sure your okay and not taking their head off? Lol, the way your person talks is very funny, they're very funny and so so sweet!
I think this person will treat you so well simply because they love you, you're their baby and they respect you so much. You're literally their queen. They love you so so much 😍 they want me to leave this rose emoji for you 🌹 (I think they're very giving, it's just in their nature 😭)
Other messages- my sweet girl, lots of chocolate and warm towels, hugs and I'm picking up on those who would rather be left alone for moments at a time they understand, they'll check up on you occasionally and will still be very affectionate (u can't refuse their hugs I'm hearing no escape lol 🤣😭 they're very cute. I think they like compliments? They might blush and smile a lot?) The type to randomly kiss ur forehead or cheek when ur literally just ✨chillin✨ just because.
Let me know how it resonates in the comments below! Leave a suggestion for the next pick a pile!
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Pile 2- Ace of swords, temperance, the fool and the hermit.
So I think this person actually doesn't know much about a women's cycle, I think for a specific few they're the only child or maybe they just didn't grow up around a lot of feminine energy so this just isn't their field but I'm hearing they'd try damn hard to make sure everything's okay!
They'd follow your lead on this, like they prefer to maybe watch you from afar during this time? Like sometimes they don't know if they should bother or if they could help at all so they'll probably just straight up ask if there's anything they can do. This person isn't immature about it, but they do feel a bit awkward during those days? (I'm actually dying at ur person, they hardly know how to describe anything?)
Okay, for example, say you're having very bad stomach cramps and you've been in bed all day complaining, they would probably let you stay in bed as long as you'd like and would peek their head in the doorway to silently check up on you because they don't know if they should disturb you or not.
I think they'd love it if you just told them or ask for anything you need, I think they'd rather you rest and use them as a servant 😜 (ur person wanted me to add that, they felt very serious until now? I'm dying) until you feel better, they'll try different approaches tho, I don't think it'll always be this awkward. I think when you two have been together for awhile they'll pick up. I think then they'd mix up their own home remedies, and their own strategies by now, they're not very specific on what this could be or what it could look like because I think this person doesn't really want you to know?
They really want you to feel cared for and like they're there for you as much as possible so they're constantly thinking of new ideas for you!
This is not an 18+ reading and take it how it resonates but I think a very selective few wouldn't mind having intercourse on their moon cycle? 👀
Let me know how it resonates in the comments below! Leave a suggestion for the next pick a pile!
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Pile 3- Death, Ace of coins, The tower, Page of wands
This pile feels different, I was getting the energy of your person being shy and excited to have their turn for the reading 🤣 maybe this person isn't someone who you see romantically at first, could be a roommate a friend but you do know this person or they will come into your life at some point and you guys will have some kind of friendship from the start. It's giving secret admirer tho.
With the death card I'm thinking y'all could've just made it official, it feels like this is something new to them. Maybe it makes them feel a step closer to you? They think it's very cool you're trusting them enough at a time like this. They really value it.
I think they'll be the type to really go all in, ask you probably 20x a day "What do you need?" I saw that scene from Aladdin, when the genie is explaining how tired he is of being in the lamp and he's like "What do you need?Poof! What do you need? Poof!"
This person is trying to charm you and maybe show you they really care for you by doing this, I'm hearing 365 days a year they'll be like this tho, not only when you're on your moon cycle. I think they want you to be vulnerable with them or can't wait to see more vulnerable sides of you.
Let me know how it resonates in the comments below! Leave a suggestion for the next pick a pile!
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Pile 4- The moon, Kight of coins, Temperance, Kight of swords.
My pile 4's energy is different, I think this person could be older than you? This person overall isn't someone who's very cuddly or could even be very hard to read so moments like these really show that side of them in their own way?
For example, say you ran out of pads but your stomach hurts too bad to go get them yourself, your person wouldn't be thrilled to shop in the women's section but for YOU they will, they'll go get your pads and make sure they're the right size and everything (I'm hearing he'll literally call you and ask what size he should get).
They're very serious when it comes to you, they have dedication and it shows in the oddest ways possible.
So for your time of the month they'd be very chill about, the other piles felt all jittery and nervous like they were scared to mess up but your person is smart, he'll break down those walls for you, if you just want to cuddle in bed they'll hold you as long as you like. I'm hearing they're actually kind of "softer" at the right times (I'm sorry I can't think of a better word right now)
You'll love how this person will treat you and your needs and I'm hearing symptoms as well, they're very comfortable and reliable. He's like your big giant teddy bear! 🧸
Let me know how it resonates in the comments below! Leave a suggestion for the next pick a pile!
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sleepynoons · 16 days
diluc x gn!reader, sfw
cw: n/a
notes: cross-posted from my ao3. diluc is the og husband, and i need to be married to him methinks. also i love domestic bliss fics, so i here's my attempt at it from a few years ago lol reader has ear piercings + hair, should be no other descriptors otherwise
WHEN YOU imagined married life with diluc, you thought of sleepy morning kisses, late-night conversations with glasses full of grape cider, and trips to foreign nations. in reality, you got a king-sized bed all to yourself and your spouse’s growing pile of wrinkled button-ups in the laundry hamper.
you feel conflicted. on one hand, you aren’t surprised, having married mondstadt’s chief wine tycoon and renowned darknight hero. one of your vows to diluc is to be patient with him, to understand that having a “normal” relationship would be difficult. on the other, is it wrong for you to miss diluc? you never want to be a burden, but you do want diluc to make time for your relationship.
so you decide to communicate your concerns to him. the only glaring problem is finding time to do so in diluc’s overwhelming schedule.
“good morning! would you like to eat breakfast in bed or downstairs?”
looking up from a pile of forms and customer complaints, you smile as adelinde stands outside of your office doorway.
“downstairs will be fine, thank you,” and before the maid can leave, you slip in a whisper, “and, um, adelinde. do you perhaps know master diluc’s schedule for the day?”
the housemaid ponders for a second before a teasing smile graces her lips. “trouble in paradise?” you can only purse your lips and fidget like a child under her gaze. “i believe angel’s share is closing early today. maybe you can catch him there!”
heeding adelinde’s suggestion, you confirm the bar’s early close with elzer before making your daily rounds throughout the city.
as diluc’s partner, one of your main responsibilities is to aid in dawn winery’s operations. your primary job is to collaborate with the warehouse manager, ernest, and the primary winemaker, connor, to manage dawn winery’s wine production. if there are any stock or manufacturing issues, it is up to you to meet with the necessary partners to resolve such concerns.
therefore, you spend the day conversing with local grocers and addressing the customer complaints you read in the morning. at one point, you catch a glance of diluc entering the lobby of the goth grand hotel, and just the sight of his red locks makes you warm with expectation and excitement.
and when night falls, you wrap up the last of your conversations and head to angel’s share. the silence and almost lonely atmosphere around the bar is rare, but you know you are not alone when you catch a glimpse of a person underneath the backlights.
you enter the bar with loud shuffles, careful not to alert diluc.
“we’re closed!” he yells from the backroom.
“it’s me,” you reply. at the sound of your voice, the backroom door clicks shut, and diluc appears in a high ponytail and rolled up sleeves.
without saying a word, diluc walks up to you and pulls you into a warm embrace. he mumbles into your neck. “it’s really good to see you.”
you stroke his hair, smoothing out jutting strands and untangling knots. “i haven’t seen you in a while. anything i can help with?”
“no, i have the weekend off.” you perk up, but your smile quickly morphs into a frown.
“but the weekends are usually the busiest.”
“a little bird nagged me all day long that i was neglecting my spouse.” diluc stands up straight. “and i want to make time for us. i apologize for my absence.”
“i understand –”
“but you’re not without fault either.”
you quirk a brow at your husband. you know you have been performing your duties as expected, and based on what you know, you have not done anything to peeve him.
as you wrack through your memory, diluc stares at you. your cheeks and the tips of your ears are still warm from spending the day under the sun. the collar of your top is slightly upturned, and a few strands of your hair are entangled with the earrings he gave you for your second anniversary. when his gaze dips down to your collarbones, he smiles at the chain hanging around your neck.
“what are you smiling at?” you say.
“your wedding ring.” instinctively, you clutch at your chain.
“you’re not actually mad at me, are you?”
diluc leans down and kisses your fingertips that are wrapped around the ring. “next time,” he mutters, “tell me you want me. no matter what.” nodding, you leave a kiss on the crown of his head.
“i want us to go home together.”
without another word, diluc wraps an arm around your waist and leads you out of angel’s share.
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pleasantangelpaper · 1 month
Knight In Shining Glasses (Ford Pines x Reader)
Chapter 1: Raspberries, Royalty, and Rock Bottom
Okay so. I love Stanford Pines, but there's not a lot of fanfiction for him, and I think there should be! Anyways, probably won't write smut for this because I want to maintain the gender neutral reader, but I may do oneshots with this vision of Ford.
Also this is probably bad. I'm not an amazing writer. lol. I also had no clue how to start this. Anyways silly little twist ending, but this fic is still for Ford, just wait.
As I came to my senses, I felt the cold hard earth pulling me to the ground, and a strange sensation on my face, almost like something wet was caressing my face... is that a pig "EUGH," I jumped up in fear as the seemingly harmless creature stared into my soul with its beady eyes. "Oh Waddles, there you are, you've almost missed your tea party with- Oh! Hey y/n!" A small girl with a very colorful sweater spoke quickly and excitedly. I immediately recognized her as Mabel Pines, grand niece of Stanford... or well Stanley Pines of the Mystery Shack. I still haven't met the real Stanford I suppose. "Mabelllll are you almost ready for this tea party thing, I want to go play D&D& more D with Grunkle Fo- oh hey y/n" The other mystery twin ran out of the shack, clearly annoyed with the tea party ordeal. "Uh, kids, could you ask an adult in your house if I can come in and use your phone?" I asked, still not remembering how I got to the mystery shack. Maybe if I called a taxi, I could go home and retrace my thoughts. "Oh, the shack's open right now, you can go ask Soos," Dipper stated as he pointed at the sign that said 'Mystery Hack'. I thanked him and Mabel and ran to the door of the shack. How could I have ended up at the mystery shack? Before I could finish my train of thought, I ran into a strong force. "Heh.. gotta look where you're goin kid," the older gentleman said. I recognized him as Stanfo... Stanley Pines. "Sorry Mr. Pines, it's just, can I use your phone?" I begged and hoped the man wouldn't ask for money in return. "Depends... do you want to buy anything..." The man squinted his eyes at me. I reached in my pockets and pulled out all of the cash that I had, 5.76$....oh.... This can't get me a phone call, let alone a cab. I looked at the man in despair as I turned around. As I began walking to town, I started thinking of how I got here. It all started when I left Greasy's diner. I was holding some leftover raspberry pie that my friend Lazy Susan had given me. Walking towards my house, I remember feeling watched. The feeling grew more and more intense, until I turned around and realized I was being followed.... by GNOMES??? "Hello ma'am, I'm Jeff, and on behalf of all gnomekind, I'm gonna have to ask you to hand over that pie," the little man stared so intensely, I didn't feel like fighting, so I handed him the box of pie. He opened the box, inspecting it. "This is heavenly, how would you feel about becoming gnome royalty... is that look of fear on your face a yes... I feel like I'm getting a yes," With the shock on my face apparent, I screamed and ran the opposite direction. "Get them!! Soon we will have our spouse!" "SCHMEBULOCK!" "WHAT HE SAID" The gnomes all yelled out different things as I ran for the hills. I prayed that gnomes wouldn't be able to hurt me, but I also knew there were powers in numbers, so I continued to run until I got to a clearing in the woods. Exhausted, I sat down on a stump to catch my breath, but when I looked up, I knew I should have kept running. A giant mass of gnomes towered over me with Jeff as their leader. I took what I thought would be my last breath as I prepared to succumb to the darkness, "Stay back gnomes! What have I told you about harassing random people to be your monarch," A masculine voice sounded through the woods. I was in such a state of shock I passed out, but before I did, I saw a glimpse of the man that saved me, gray hair, glasses, and a familiar face... Stan?
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daydreamerwoah · 18 days
Hard Time
I had this crazy ass dream last night and well...................... idk lol if it sucks, then I'm sorry yall lmao!
Notes: I have no knowledge on how military police procedures are. Again this just popped in my dream last night for some weird reason that I have no idea of.
Summary: You're married to Simon, and you're trying to take lunch up to his job for him and the rest of 141. But a new MP (Military Police) causes huge drama for you
You had a day off from work, so you decided to make lunch - sandwiches - for your husband, Simon, and the rest of 141. You even decided to make a sandwich for the lady who worked at the front desk in their building. She was an older woman (maybe in her 50s), retired from the military, and had been doing admin duties such as filing paperwork and such for 141 for a long time.
You and Simon lived off base. His decision when you two got married as he always wanted to keep his personal life and work life separated as much as possible. It wasn't that he was ashamed of you or anything, but him being the infamous Ghost came with the fact that he cared more about your safety than anything in this world. Only maybe a handful of people even knew you were married. Whenever you visited him on base, it was more of what you were doing at that moment - taking him lunch and leaving soon after. No one had ever really seen you with him on base, and they did, Price, Gaz, or Soap was also there so it seemed more of just a friendly conversation you were having.
As you pulled up to the gate and rolled down your window, a young MP walked up to your window and asked for your ID; standard procedure. He scanned it with his device, but as he looked at the screen, his eyebrows drew together. He glanced at you and then back at your ID several times.
"Everything alright?" you asked.
He scanned the ID once more, looking at the screen in confusion, "Ma'am, are you military personnel?"
You furrowed your eyebrows, "I'm sorry?"
"This is a dependent ID card no?"
You nodded. Of course it was your dependent ID. Every spouse, child, or parent of soldiers' who had as a dependent in the system had an ID.
But something was wrong. The MP continued to look at you as if you were lying. "Your ID is not showing the proper identification. I need you to pull over to the side-"
"What?" you cut him off.
What did he mean the proper identification?
"Ma'am.. please pull over to the side now." He said again, a little bit more forceful.
You didn't argue. You knew better to argue. You immediately pulled over to the side lane, the MP walking towards your window again.
"Why isn't your ID showing who your soldier is?" he demanded.
"I'm sorry?" you asked, utterly confused.
"When I scan your ID, it only shows your name and that y're a dependent. It should show more info.... Now who is your soldier?"
You really didn't know what he was talking about. You had come on base plenty of times before in the past, and no other MP had questioned you. You were at a lost for words as he continued to eye you. You tried explaining to him that you were the wife of a soldier who worked on base, but you never said who it was. That was the number one rule; never tell them the name of your husband.
Luck must have been on your side as another MP who was checking IDs yelled at the one at your car what the hold up was. When he yelled back about the ID, the MP rolled his eyes and told him to let you through if the screen approved it. Scoffing, the guy handed you back the card and let you through the gate, not without giving you the deadliest glare.
You had never been put in a situation like that before, but ultimately brushed it off as you wanted to get lunch to the boys before the sandwiches got soggy. You pulled into a parking spot in front of the building and grabbed the bag you put the food in, getting out and heading up the steps to the doors.
What you didn't realize, was the MP who had given you a hard time at the gate, had followed you in his cruiser.
Before your hand touched the handle, he yelled out to you. "Ma'am!" You turned your head, eyes widening as you looked at him. Why the fuck was he following you. "I need to see what you have in your bag."
"Excuse me?" you yelled out. "What's your problem?"
"Calm down miss-"
"No why are you following me?"
"All IDs show certain information. Yours doesn't. If you're a spouse, then why doesn't it show who the soldier is that you're married to? Now I need to see what's in your bag."
You rolled your eyes. Why did he keep bringing that up?
What you didn't know, was that high alerts had been put out the day before as discussions were floating around about the threat of a terrorist organization inching closer to military bases in the UK. The MP, while really doing his job with questioning things, had never seen your type of ID before - he had just been transferred a week prior. But Ghost wasn't just any soldier... there was a reason your ID didn't show all of the information.
"It's food. Now leave me the hell alone," you spat before attempting to reach the door handle again.
Before you knew it, the MP had tried to grab your bag. In reflex, you yanked your arm from him. Everything happened too quickly. Next thing you knew, your hands were behind your back, the MP calling over his comms that he was bringing a possible threat to the station. You questioned him multiple times about what the fuck was he doing but gave up when handcuffs were placed on you and you were being pulled toward the back of his cruiser.
Hilda, the lady who worked at the front desk, just happened to be walking back to her desk when she saw you being placed in the back of the cruiser. Her eyes could have popped out of her head when she saw the scene. She ran out the doors, yelling at MP to tell her what was going on, but he brushed her off, telling her to get back inside the building. She saw the look on your face; terrified.
She rushed back inside just in time to see Soap and Gaz. "Oh thank goodness you're here!" she exclaimed, making the two look at her confused. "Where's Ghost?"
"In a meetin' with Price and that Colonel from the base in London. What's goin' on Hilda?" Gaz asked. It looked like she'd seen a real ghost.
"Y/n was just taken by an MP."
"What?" Soap yelled.
She nodded, and rushed back to her desk to look for something; anything to figure out what the hell was going on.
"Hilda y'sure?" Gaz asked.
Gaz and Soap immediately turned and rushed down the hallway to Price's office. They knew the meeting was important, and debated on how to get Simon out of the meeting without interrupting. This meeting was extremely important as they had been discussing the mission the guys would be sent off to stop the terrorists.
Soap tried texting Simon; not specifically saying what it was but that he needed him to step out in the hall. When 10 minutes passed, they realized he probably didn't have his phone on him.
"Bloody hell," Gaz sighed.
Soap sighed as well before deciding they would go to the base's police station to sort everything out.
You had been seated in a chair next to the desk where the MP sat. Several other personnel were in the building, yet none of them had paid attention to you. The MP had pulled the contents out of your bag, examining the food like it was poison. He claimed that he would run tests on the food, making sure you weren't trying to give it to someone.
"It's very interesting you were goin' to the building where some of our SAS soldiers are," he commented, eyebrow raised as he glanced at you.
You wanted to scream in frustration. If this was going to happen each time you tried going on base, you'd tell Simon to cut up that damn ID tonight.
A few minutes passed before you heard two voices yelling. They sounded very familiar; the Scottish accent echoing in the building as he demanded where you were. The MP shot out his chair and walked to the front, leaving you in your spot. You heard more yelling from Soap and Gaz; a laugh bubbling up in your chest as they demanded for you to be let go.
When the Police Captain - the man in charge - walked out of his office to the front, he could have yanked the head of the young MP. An SAS soldier's wife was placed in handcuffs.. on his watch? He screamed at the young MP to get the fuck out of the building and go back to his station at the gate, before escorting you to Soap and Gaz; not without apologizing over and over again about the entire situation.
After the three of you made it back to the building, you found yourself tearing up; the whole thing made you feel embarrassed. You only wanted to bring lunch for them, yet the sandwiches were ruined. You tried to forget about the few people who glanced at you in passing while you got put in the back of the cruiser, wondering what was going on.
"We're not lettin 'em get away with this Y/n." Soap said, anger laced in his voice.
Gaz and Hilda were no better as they chimed in about how they'd make sure the MP would pay for what he did. But you weren't concerned about what they wanted to do.... you were more worried about Simon's reaction when you told him.
The last time a soldier gave you a hard time, Simon damn near knocked the soldier out. And it was just because you accidentally bumped into him and the soldier hissed at you to 'watch it'. Simon was walking behind you and witnessed the entire thing. But this? You had no idea what the hell he'd do.
Three voices came around the corner, one you immediately recognized. You knew his voice, and the mere thought of what was about to come made you tear up again. You glanced at Hilda who gave you an encouraging, yet sad smile. She even knew how Simon was.
You quickly wiped your cheeks from the stains as Price, Simon, and the Colonel walked passed you. Simon, surprised to even see you there, immediately noticed your demeanor and face. He was about to stop when the Colonel asked a question as they continued to walk out of the building.
"Don't worry lass. We'll try to make sure he won't kill 'em." Soap said.
It was a joke, but you didn't laugh. Gaz elbowed his rib, getting a wince from him. It wasn't a full minute when Simon marched right back into the building and grabbed your arm, gently guiding you to his office. As soon as the door close he didn't even hesitate.
"What happened?"
You stuttered, "Uh.. okay d-don't get mad Si-"
Fuck. You weren't talking to Simon at the moment. You were speaking to Ghost, the L.T., the soldier who killed people for a living.
You proceeded to tell him everything that had happened, and you weren't even halfway into the sentence of when you got placed in the cruiser when he turned around and marched out of his office. You knew exactly where he was going, and you only hoped that Price, Soap, Gaz, and Hilda could calm him down before he killed the MP.
This is so shit omg lol!
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shima-draws · 7 months
OK, so thinking about a Sanlu au where Luffy is a Pirate King who gets so many marriage requests but does not want to get married. And so he instead insists that he gets to choose his partner through a contest where all the princes and princesses of like the countries around them or other pirates can like bring him a meal and if he likes it, you get married. The problem is that whenever people bring him food he'll just eat it and move on.
And so obviously the vinsmokes are like. Oh s***, we should get in on that. New Ally? And so they try with some of Sanji's others brothers, but none of them like work because they just made their cooks make their meals and everything.
Then eventually sanji, who wants to escape hears about this. And he knows that he can cook so he makes this amazing meat dish He is ready to present his meal towards the Prince in hopes of like maybe escaping his country and living there with Luffy. But like as he's on the way there, there's like this little girl who's starving, and so he gives her the meal instead. It was a one in a million shot anyway.
Anyway, either Luffy sees him doing this or if this was like the true test for kindness for all his partners, and sanji passes the test. Luffy's like get bring this man to me! So sanji goes before him, and luffy asks if he has a meal for him. All sanji has is like, this old sandwhich that he made for himself for the journey here, and sanji tells luffy that. Luffy tells him to bring it to him anyway, and after a lot of protests, he does. Luffy finally eats it and says that its delicious. He and sanji definitely get married.
Sorry for dumping this on you, but your artwork made me literally fall in love with sanlu so I wanted to share this middle of the night idea with you lol.
SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP ANON THIS IS EVERYTHING.......I'm a SUCKER for AUs like this, ones that kinda give off that Cinderella vibe? The whole 'Well if I have to get married to a random stranger I'm gonna do it my way' trope is always so fun to explore
Luffy's one requirement for a spouse being that they have to cook well is SO on brand for him tbh. I feel like that's something that would be canon too. (Thinks about a situation like that in canon where Luffy's like well nobody can cook better than Sanji so I'll just marry Sanji! And Sanji double takes like wait what hold on a second--)
Even funnier would be if Luffy just met Sanji's brothers and was like. I don't like their vibes they seem mean. And all three of them being SO offended at that lmao
SANJI GIVING HIS DISH TO A STARVING GIRL THO AAAHGFHFHF THAT'S SO. CLENCHES MY TEETH he's so selfless and giving he would absolutely give up all of his dreams just to make sure someone doesn't go hungry I am GOING to cry. And Luffy immediately noticing that, pointing at Sanji and going "Him. I want that one" AGHHH 😭😭😭
ALSO YES THE CALLBACK TO WCI with Sanji's little lunch basket...the food is a total mess it's been rained on and dropped and looks awful but Luffy eats it anyway and says it's delicious...and Sanji's like oh oh oh I think I'm in love with him. Uh-oh.
DON'T APOLOGIZE THIS IS SOOO ADORABLE I'm so glad I got you hooked on Sanlu they are so underrated!!! Going slightly off topic here but I think it's really funny how predictable I am when it comes to getting into new media. Step 1 I watch a show and slowly discover who my Favorites are. Step 2 I end up shipping those favorites together. Step 3 I make that everybody else's problem. Also that ship almost always ends up being the less popular one for some reason?? Which is SO funny to me. Looks at Trustedpartner/Diode, Yujikiri and Tododeku as the most obvious examples of this along with Sanlu
ANYWAY anon I really want to write this can I write this. No guarantees to me actually finishing a full blown fic but oh my godddd this is such a cute idea and is so in character for both of them I'm weeping real tears
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libraincarnate · 2 years
astrology notes: 9 🐰𖤣𖥧.𖡼.⚘
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quick note: i'm absolutely not an astrologer. these are just a collection of some observations, thoughts, theories, and personal experiences. with that being said, i'm still learning along the way & i may come back to edit this post to make corrections. above all this is just for fun. lastly, keep in mind that i’m not reading your birth chart and i know nothing about you. these are just some possibilities that may or may not apply to you. enjoy!
𓍊𓋼𓍊 i feel like aries & sag mars are the types to do extreme sports like skateboarding, surfing, mountain climbing, snowboarding, bungee jumping, bmx, etc.
𓋼𓍊 moon conjunct/trine/sextile neptune: those with these aspects may be good actors or have some of the qualities & abilities needed for good acting. i feel like they know how to fake cry. they could purposely & easily evoke a memory or experience that triggers an emotional response. there’s this ability to manipulate their feelings but also the feelings of others. the ability to couple their emotional intelligence & creativity and combine them with reality & illusion. they make it believable. with that being said they can also be good liars too. and remember neptune is associated with tv/film.
^ moon-mercury aspects is another aspect that i feel is beneficial for acting because actors also needs to convey emotion with their words & it needs to sound convincing. it should make sense and be in accord with their facial and physical expressions, it needs to fit the script. especially for voice acting.
𓍊𓋼𓍊 geminis & virgos: do yourself a favor and tidy up the notes in your notes app. it’ll declutter your mind, phone, and to-do list lol. plus it may be fun for the virgos who like to organize. perhaps gemini too. i wouldn’t say gems like to organize and arrange things like virgo but it may be mentally stimulating for them kind of like a puzzle, figuring where to put what.
𓋼𓍊 sag, capricorn, aries, scorpio, and aquarius are some of the most straightforward and direct individuals. they’re honest and if they hold back their words then it’s for your sake. may have an “it’s not how you say it but it’s what you say that matters” mindset. they may be perceived as harsh or as assholes because of how candid they can be. plus they’re super sarcastic.
𓍊𓋼𓍊 your big 3 making harsh aspects to each other: hard to be yourself or accept yourself for who you are. doesn’t mean you don’t like yourself or your personality but beneath it all there may be a part of you that finds it difficult to feel comfortable with the real you as a whole.
this doesn’t need to be discouraging. having difficult placements, aspects, etc. doesn’t equal inaction on your part. you still have control over yourself & you can make changes, improvements. sort out your strengths/weaknesses according to your big 3 & try finding a balance between them, figuring out ways to make them work together. take the difficulties/challenges & turn then into a greater sense of confidence and personal power.
𓋼𓍊 taurus/libra absolutely hate being rushed but libras are also big on manners so they respect punctuality.
𓍊𓋼𓍊 moon in the 10th house: may be in a position where you explain/express your feelings to the public. whether it be as an artist or maybe you have a large following on social media, you connect to your followers on an emotional level, or you’re just open with your emotions & speak about it publicly. of course some moon signs are more reserved but if you have a gemini moon or moon at 3°, 15°, or 27° you might end up saying more than you’d like.
𓋼𓍊 venus-jupiter aspects: these natives probably gamble or make bets often. playing the lottery, watching/playing poker, betting on sports, going to the casino, etc. both venus & jupiter are associated with wealth, jupiter with favorable opportunities & expansion, and venus (more so taurus) is associated with monetary possessions.
𓍊𓋼𓍊 7th house ruler in the 12th house: your lover, future spouse, enemies, or people you should/shouldn’t connect with may be revealed to you in your dreams.
𓋼𓍊 if sun-moon aspects can reveal things about your parents’ relationship (like sun square moon may indicate divorce, incompatibility, etc.), mercury-venus/mars aspects may reveal things about your relationship with your siblings.
the first house that mercury rules is the 3rd house, and the 3rd house is associated with siblings.
venus represents females and feminine relationships, or the sister in this case.
mars represents males and masculine relationships, or the brother in this case.
no or few aspects between mercury-venus/mars may behave like an empty third house meaning there isn’t really much of a relationship or not a strong one. it may not be a prominent relationship in your life. you guys may be cool with each other and have each other's backs but there isn’t that close sibling bond. of course if you have 3rd house placements but no or few mercury-venus/mars aspects, or vice versa, results vary & there may be a relationship.
harmonious aspects = possibly/likely a harmonious relationship with your sibling(s).
disharmonious aspects = possibly/likely a disharmonious relationship with your sibling(s).
a conjunction may go either way.
𓍊𓋼𓍊 12th house placements may belittle their suffering and traumatic experiences. they may be detached from those experiences even though they have clearly affected them and their lives. plus, with the 12th house being mysterious there is a lack of understanding. there’s a lack of structure. things feel amorphous & difficult to grasp so it’s pushed aside to the subconscious. for these reasons it may be difficult for them to thoroughly heal from those experiences. but the healing is definitely possible & i wish that for all of you.
𓋼𓍊 retrograde planets in your birth chart: the house in which those retrograde planets fall may show you the things or areas of life you struggle with accepting. you might not want to do things that are related to the themes of that house, they may make you uncomfortable. there’s friction, a bit of fear, reluctance, or insecurity.
for example,
saturn retrograde in the 5th house - difficulty accepting pleasure and failure, extra pressure to be productive instead of having fun, uncomfortable with expressing yourself, maybe you don’t get a long with children well and don’t want any of your own.
neptune retrograde in the 1st house - a lack of self-awareness, confusion about who you are, difficulty accepting the way you look, uncomfortable with introspection. fear of the new, shying away from leadership positions or taking initiative.
pluto retrograde in the 12th house - a fear of the unknown or the dark, difficulty accepting your dark side, your past & obsessing over it, discomfort in solitude, resisting & battling restriction.
mercury retrograde in the 10th house - fear of public speaking/stage fright, confusion regarding your career, difficulty executing your plans, discomfort with accepting fame or popularity, insecure with making long-term goals, constantly making changes, shunning responsibility.
mars retrograde in the 7th house - difficulty establishing relationships, fear of commitment, shying away from marriage, a lack of confidence when connecting to others, discomfort with being vulnerable.
𓍊𓋼𓍊 your moon persona chart can give you a deeper understanding of how you navigate your emotions & how you handle emotions in general, not just yours. also, you may relate to the placement of chiron in your moon persona chart more than its placement in your natal chart. it can reveal another layer of some of your deepest emotional wounds. you might look at this chart and think "oh, that makes sense."
𓋼𓍊 jupiter retrograde in the 8th house (synastry): 8th house person may find the jupiter person untrustworthy. stolen opportunity, theft in general, ruining credit, negatively affecting finances. jupiter person may be a source of pain & suffering to the 8th house person.
𓍊𓋼𓍊 exposing my fellow air signs here: when it comes to air signs geminis have been called liars/2 faced, libras have been called a gossip/people pleaser, aquarius have been said to have a god complex.
but when is someone gunna talk about how aquarius also can play victim and they always have an excuse??? if gems are good at lying on the spot, aquarius is good at making excuses. lol if scorpios (not an air sign, i know) would rather die than say sorry, aquarius would rather die than accept blame. surely if there’s a god complex then one of the greatest offenses to an aquarius is being accused of some wrong doing, pointing out their flaws. after all, how can a god commit error or be flawed?
libras can lowkey be all bark and no bite. they can talk about you behind your back but they also tend to avoid confrontation.
& because geminis are so curious they can be so damn nosy it’s unbelievable lmfao
𓋼𓍊 leo has great leadership qualities and they know how to use those qualities to guide themselves. they have a good sense of direction, they attract opportunity like a magnet but they also know how to create it too. they let no opportunity go to waste and they know how to maximize the opportunities that are available to them.
𓍊𓋼𓍊 i've seen some astro observations say that virgos tend to really like cats. but how many of you virgos have some kind of bird as one of your favorite animals? it's a pattern i've been starting to notice an i'd like further confirmation. 
if you read this until the end i hope you enjoyed it & thank you so much for reading. ♥︎♥︎♥︎, those hearts are for you.
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where do eden black wolf and great hawk fit into all of this
I haven't interacted with Black wolf yet, and Eden would absolutely join Bailey and Remy. I bet Bailey tells him if they get to successfully raid the farm Eden can have PC all to himself. That's what I think from my experience with Eden. He might even attempt to kidnap PC himself between raids.
The Great Hawk though, I think he'd eventually come to accept that his spouse have to go back to her society and she cannot produce any offspring with him (yet) . He has a kind and gentle soul. As long as PC come to the tower for visit once in a while, he might even accept her children as his own, maybe?
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I still think it's complicated to explain to other human LIs about the Hawk, so we should think more about it lol
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platinumrosetail · 8 months
Ok weighter block and request block is Killin me so I thought about this ask
Can you do any 5 ships from any fandom you do x female half spider baby reader
Like reader is in her egg and the egg falls into one of the ships hands and then they say the reader there's now please and thank you
Ooooh interesting. Also everyone who reads this If you don’t like any of the ships I ship then either skip that ship or move on from this post as I don’t care if you don’t like it that’s your opinion and I’m not going to just stop shipping them because you guys don’t like it as it’s my opinion and we all have different opinions and different ships so do take that into consideration before you go wild and comment something you shouldn’t as I’ll just delete it anyway, this is your first and last warning, thank you.
Warning: noob author, female child reader, platonic yandere characters, and others.
Characters: sinbad x jafar (magi), tighnari x cyno (genshin impact), muzan x yoriichi (demon slayer),
Magi!sinbad x jafar:
Drakon found an egg while out picnicking with his wife, he believes the egg was either abandoned or something happened terrible happened to the egg’s parents.
(Remember that she said half so the spouse could be female and the spider half could be male or we could go the male x male route as magic does exist and it could help make that happen and maybe even without magic.)
He decided to bring you to his king and his wife so that they could decide on what should happen next.
Sinbad was curious on why one of his oldest friend brought an egg to him and his wife until he heard the reason.
Jafar decided to take care of the egg as if the egg is in the wrong hands like kou empire then danger will soon come with whatever is inside the egg becoming a weapon of sorts and didn’t want that to happen again like it did with him.
(It’s been a long while since I last seen magi sinbad so I could be remembering it wrong or something but I think that kinda happened with jafar like he was turned into a weapon until he met sinbad and all I could be wrong.)
Sinbad was onboard as he was thinking of having a child with jafar, he wouldn’t mind if the first one wasn’t from both him and jafar as it would help them get started on how parents should act.
When you hatched you were nothing like sinbad, jafar, and the generals were thinking you’d be, it would seem you’re arachnes what with the spider features you have but there’s also some other creatures feature they can see but it’s less than your spider half of what they can see.
Your spider half allows you to climb on walls (unless the other half is also something that can climb on walls then ignore that lol) so you’re a troublemaker if you want to do something but your parents, uncles and aunts won’t allow you, though jafar seems to always be able to get you down whether it’s by coaxing you, getting you down with his strings or using his weapon on his strings to climb up there and get you himself. You mostly get this influence from watching sinbad and what with sinbad teaching you some things you shouldn’t know which gets him in trouble, the two wouldn’t have it any other way.
Genshin!tighnari x cyno:
Collei found an egg while scouting with some of the other rangers she described to bring it home as she could tell by the state of the nest that the parents are no more.
Tighnari was surprised to see collei carrying a fairly large egg after getting back from routine scouting to make sure the forest is in check.
Once she explained what she saw tighnari decided to raise the egg as there was no telling what could happen to it once it hatch especially with the fatui and their experiments that they do on people and creatures.
Cyno was surprised like tighnari first was at the egg being in his shared home with tighnari, though he soon understood when both tighnari and collei explained what she had seen and the possible outcome of the parents along with what might happen if the egg falls in the wrong hand seeing as how they don’t know what could be inside the egg until it hatch’s.
They took care of you until the day you hatched, making sure you were warm and such, there were a few scares but thankfully nothing bad has happened as far as they know.
The day you finally hatched was when it was thundering outside making tighnari, collei, and cyno plus the others in the small village stay inside so as to now get soaked and sick.
You were a hybrid, with your spider half being the most noticeable feature than you other half. Thankfully all his equipment to do a check up on you were inside the house so he can give you a check up after you hatched instead of going out in the rain which would most likely get him sick and that won’t be good especially with you just hatching the same day as the storm and you can get sick as well if he does, you were checked up and the results came out fine as you’re healthy like any other baby born.
Demon slayer!muzan x yoriichi:
Yoriichi had found an egg while scouting for any demons that would come that night but all he found was the egg.
Yoriich brought you to muzan and suggested that they adopt the egg and care for it.
Muzan out of fear of angering yoruichi and having his end by him agreed, not knowing that he will also get the same parental instinct to take care of you.
Muzan made sure that the upper and lower moons are to take care of the new demon heir and if harm should come to the egg then he would gladly make them wished they protected the egg better.
Muzan kept the egg away from Douma as he knew that the rainbow-eyed upper moon is unpredictable what with him having no emotion and to make sure that the egg is safe he leaves it with kokoshibo and akaza as he knows those two are more responsible than Douma.
Though sadly the two usual babysitter had to be unavailable as they were on a mission to find the blue spider lily and the rest of the upper and lower moon wasn’t really trustworthy to take care of you except maybe nakime but she is busy as well, so muzan sadly left the egg in Douma’s care not without giving Douma a warning that he should not bring danger to the egg and protect it at all cost or else consequences will happen.
You had hatched in douma’s care a little before muzan had arrived so while waiting for muzan douma began telling stories about muzan even though only he understood himself as your still just a baby and too young to understand him talking, all you knew is that this male with the rainbow eyes is not your mother who you heard through your egg all the time in the past. Muzan arrived a minute or so later expecting to see his child still in a egg but is shocked to see that there is a baby with spider like feature surrounded by egg shells, he immediately knew that you had hatched as he can see the slime that is usually in a egg on your small spider hybrid like form who is giving a bored look at Douma who still is telling stories about muzan. Muzan quickly left with you after rewarding Douma with more of his blood and went to his home to introduce you to yoriichi.
(A/n: hope y’all like it! I sadly couldn’t do 5 fandoms as it was hard to find two other fandoms that could go with this but I still hope y’all like it 😁 anyway I think that’s it so hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!)
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vaspider · 3 months
Hey I saw on a reblog you made on a post, you said you had two wives! Bro I almost cried, I'm 20 (almost 21) and I've just flunked out of school, I'm getting my first full time job and I'm getting an apartment with my boyfriend and my other boyfriend had to stay home with his overbearing father. But he was going to join us in the apartment.
I didn't look at much else about your blog, so I don't know much else. My boyfriends aren't dating each other, but idk how I got so lucky for them to be instant best friends. I'm on the cusp of telling my parents, I don't think it'll be a huge deal, a sigh of overwhelming concern for my sake from my mother, and just plain confusion but "I'll accept and support you because that's what a good liberal father like myself is supposed to do" on my dad's end.
I was just excited to see other polyam people who might have a similar set up as me. Funny enough, the only issue between the three of us is that when it comes to eventually getting married, they both want to be my legal spouse. I live in the United States, so that's simply not possible. One of my boyfriends is a gay transman, and the other a straight cisman. I'm collecting every bi label possible (bisexual, biromantic, bigender, bicyclist) but I mostly identify as a woman and it's a strong part of my personhood. I look like a girl, I act like a girl, I was born a girl, etc. I've only been with both of them a handful of months now. They both really want to raise children and do a good job doing it, they both wanna live in the same part of the state I grew up in, I met them both on their way to well-paying job fields and they're both determined to take care of me like their Italian father's taught them a man should do. I came from a mother of a strong women lineage with a father who resented every ounce of his Italian upbringing. All three of us have mental health concerns and issues, trans gay bf has a list of mental illnesses and practically confirmed nurodivergencies. I'm very likely ADHD. The straight bf is a thick boned adrenaline junkie who doesn't understand what pain is (aka a masochist. the other doesn't understand what cold is 🙄😖. So maybe it's a good thing they both chose a little know-it-all who constantly nags them to make sure they're taking care of themselves, and somehow they don't really mind it.) is probably ADHD too, and struggles with depression.
My apologies for the absolute vent. Respond or don't respond however you will. Ig this is my first time interacting with a polyam person who might have a vaguely similar situation. I suppose I was just looking to connect with others. Thank you for your time to even read all for this lol.
Kynthia (idk let's just go with that online name lol)
Well, we are a triad - an equilateral triangle - and not a V, but I'm glad us existing made you happy. :)
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celticcrossanon · 4 months
Hello Celta,
My feeling on those tarot card readers is that they see a disruption in the energy between the couple PPOW and interpret it as a divorce. And the advice you gave was spot on. Give them time and space to heal themselves and their family and wait for a signal from universe to let you when the time is right. Also this particular tarot card reader who I won’t name, is not particularly accurate. She failed to see what the real issue was between them which was cancer. The devastating feeling William was experiencing was the risk of losing his life partner.
A bit of a snark here maybe they should have read on Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck marriage and divorce. A blind tarot card reader could see that coming. And it would add to their credibility. lol.
Hi AnonymousRetired,
I never like commenting on other tarot readers and what they say, because everyone interprets the cards slightly differently, people can misread things (myself included), and it just seems wrong to judge another person's reading by anything other than the real life events that follow.
That being said, I have had at least one other tarot reader say to me privately that they never thought of the stress that a serious illness places on a marriage when they looked at the cards, so it is possible that someone could be seeing the stress that is on the marriage from the outside at the moment and be interpreting it as stress between the couple.
Unless you have lived through someone close to you having a serious illness, it is hard to comprehend how it affects every facet of daily life.
People also seem to find it hard to comprehend that relationships are not static - they grow and change and evolve over time. There are times when you feel madly 'in love' with your spouse and times when you don't, although you will still feel affection for them. There are times when you like them and times when they exasperate you. All that has nothing to do with the strength of the marriage. It is just the everyday reality of living with another person.
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wings-of-ink · 4 months
Hello! I got a semi spicy? Ask?
Idk if you got this ask before but I had a thought- Dancer MC, like how would the RO’s react? Because although Shakira doesn’t exist in this world I like to believe that she somehow lives through my MC. I just imagine a scenario where the team needs a distraction and MC steps up and just has everyone mesmerized. (Part of me thinks Oswin may or may not implode idk)
For a fluffier twist how would the ROs react to a Tangled scenario? Like at a rest stop MC somehow gets people to start dancing until the whole town is just dancing and happy together. Maybe the ROs get pulled in👀
Have a lovely day!
You know, I think the spirit of Shakira exists everywhere, maybe she's floating around somewhere in this fantasy world, lol. Maybe she's inhabiting the spirit of your MC, maybe she's the goddess of honest hips, who knows? My spouse and I frequently (more than anyone should) belt out the lyrics to She Wolf, it's our jam - the silly little howls included.
Anyway, a dancing MC will be very distracting to a crowd and to the ROs! These aren't spicy, really, they may need to have privacy and minimal pressing things going on for the spice to kick in - not that they don't really enjoy the view.
Oswin:  Knows he is supposed to be concentrating on his mission, but it is almost impossible. MC's hips are just…so…
–in a Tangled scenario, he's going to be very stiff and resistant to this impromptu flashmob.
Zahn:  That looks like so much fun, MC makes it look so good too. Could they look like that for MC? Maybe they'd teach Zahn how to move like that…
–in a Tangled scenario, they are diving right in. They're pretty observant and learn fast enough, doesn't matter if they can't get the steps right.
Duri:  Jealous of the crowd, they're going to ask for a private dance later. 
–in a Tangled scenario, NOPE, waaaay too many people around - they are overstimulated.
Rune:  Carries about their business, but their eyes betray them. They keep bungling the job because they can't keep focused for more than a few seconds.
–in a Tangled scenario, "No…no…I said no, don't give me the sad eyes….fine."
???:  Why should he stay back when there's 4 other idiots here to do the job for him while he dances with MC? Just means double the distraction, right?
–in a Tangled scenario, he's already leading a group of dancing villagers.
Thank you for the ask, my dear! ^_^
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11cupids-tarot11 · 3 months
A Letter From Your Future Spouse
1 -> 4
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- Cupid 𖥔 ࣪ ᥫ᭡ꗃ⋆࣪.
︻デ═一 ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
Pile 1- Four of Wands, The Fool, Page of Swords, Nine of Cups, Page of Wands, The Wheel of Fortune.
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"Hi you! I've been sleeping a lot, can't seem to do anything else lately because of how tired I've been. Finally. I can sleep as much as I want to now because of a situation that just so happened to end recently. Death.
What now? See, I've been wondering the same thing. But let's not even worry about it, let's just sleep as much as we want to because we finally can, even if it's only a little nap time out of your day do it because I gotta see you one last time later, I've got a message for you in your dreams. Spirit will tell you, don't worry about missing it or when <3
Resting so much so when I do have to work, you know, find that balance again between work and fun, I can focus on what's so important to me a lot better, I mean really give it my all... You know? Lol
Sorry, I dream a lot, you might notice my head is always in the clouds. I have very air energy like a Gemini.
Things are finally clearing up for me! I feel at peace, maybe we mirror each other and things are also getting better for you too? You have to let me know, okay? I feel like I can finally breathe again, be optimistic without being scared the rug is going to get snatched from underneath.
I've been working so so hard on my craft, putting in so much love and effort into my work and I feel really hopeful that all of my productivity will pay off soon, consistency is key, right?
I really like the color yellow, 😄 talk again soon!"
Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to do the poll below 👇🏾 ✨
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
Pile 2- Knight of Wands, I forgot to write down the rest of the cards I'm so sorry 😞
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"I have no problem with putting in hard work for anything I want, even you, you know? If you don't want me the moment we catch eyes I'll make you ;)
The moment I catch you I'm going to make sure I never stop loving you, I'll make sure every day is beautiful, even on our bad days we'll kiss each other good night before bed still. I love you!
Why do you keep worrying yourself? All of that doubt in that pretty little head of yours isn't good, you should lay it all to rest before you make yourself sick baby. Sleep more, practice some self care before you run yourself crazy, okay?
I'm so proud of you, you know, for whatever amazing things you've accomplished lately. I believe in you, I'll always be your #1 cheerleader!
You should go out and celebrate! Enjoy the sun, you deserve it my angel! Promise me you won't let this go by like it's just not that big and you'll go out and do something? Pinky promise?
Stay focused! You're on the right path, you're doing amazing! I promise you, all of this will be worth it, it's worth our future 💓 keep going, I know you can do it! 🎉"
Hope you enjoy!!☺️ Don't forget to do the poll below!!
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
Pile 3- Queen of Cups, Justice, Four of Cups, The Moon, Three of Swords, The Star.
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" Hi my love, you know I don't talk a lot haha, so I'll make this quick as usual and get out of your hair so you can go on.
I just want to remind you, you're my queen, my favorite, my whole world ❤️ I think red looks really pretty on you btw but anyway, I love and miss you like crazy at times like these.
I am going through something right now, a legal situation, a situation I wish would come to an end right now because it's so heavy on me, it's hurting me but I know at the same time it's happening to me because it's part of my karma, something that's forcing me to look so closely at myself, at every shadow because I think it leads me to you. My everything. We're going to get married, I'm so sure of it.
I'm keeping hope alive, I'm hanging on to every thread of it I've got. I'm working on everything right now, I'll catch up with you soon sweetheart 💋 I'm going to kiss you when I do, you won't be able to get rid of me. ;) "
Hope you enjoy! Don't forget to do the poll below!!
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
Pile 4- Ace of Cups, The Hanged Man, King of Wands, Nine of Cups, Knight of Cups, Nine of Wands.
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"I want to come to you with amazing news but I can't, I'm sorry to say, I've taken a turn for the worst right now. Don't worry, it's temporary.
I am slowly building myself back up, that's what I'm doing right now if you're wondering what I've been doing all this time. I'm healing day by day and I hope you are too sweetheart. I might be a bit stuck and tangled up right now, but I'm clearing through it!
I'm the kind of guy who will pursue you with nothing but kindness until I make you fall for me with your charm, I'm cute, I know I am, you'll love me, I have curly light hair, and a really cute smile. You'll think I'm so adorable.
I want to offer my heart to you, fully, 100%. You have me, all of me as long as you give me you in return, I hope you do, I can't be without you once I know you.
Take care my love ❤️."
Hope you enjoyed ❤️ Don't forget to do the poll below!!
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