#speaking of plot holes...
angermango · 13 days
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"Oh, I know very well. How the puzzles beckon so sweetly...
As expected of you, Layton.
Only an honest death will cure you now."
expanding on that Lady Maria vibe for Descole from the first Laytonborne post, and that famous boss intro.
Descole would make a hellish boss fight, i know it. i mean have you SEEN how he moved during Eternal Diva and with that big ass sword? now imagine that with Soulsborne-scale strength and possible other additional powers.
plus his theme could be pretty easily adapted into a Bloodborne boss style piece I think, just add more orchestra heavy brass and cellos and some ominous Latin chanting choir and presto. that organ goes so hard too.
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jesncin · 3 months
After having to deal with season 1 of MAWS' squeamishness to anything with a fraction of political bite (don't talk to me about MAWS season 2 please) it's honestly really refreshing going into Young Justice season 1-2 where the writing readily doesn't flinch about getting political (even if it's imperfect). I'm not saying their representation is amazing or anything, but like that little touch where Asami Koizumi is speaking in Japanese and has an intense language barrier among her runaway crew of kids (feeling isolated culturally because of it) and then Lex comes in and just talks to her in Japanese so casually like?? Of course she'd feel comfortable in wanting to trust someone who was willing to cross that barrier. There are alien languages, there are Earth languages, and they're not afraid to show the affects it has on these characters. It makes the world feel more whole.
Like MAWS had that stupid Native Lois hologram with a feather on her head (in the League of Lois's multiverse episode) and ended on Thanksgiving anyway. Meanwhile Tye Longshadow on Young Justice feels like a more earnest step in Native representation. It doesn't have the same performative energy MAWS had.
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karouvas · 2 months
18 for trc? 🥺
A plot hole that makes me want to tear my hair out
I honestly consider myself a pretty laid back person when it comes to plot holes for most media and especially for trc; plot holes on their own I’m usually fine to gloss over they only bother me if they coincide with something character related or thematic that I dislike, then I’ll bitch about them, but other times they are simply not my priority compared to other things. And TRC & TD3 are extremely character driven so that’s especially true regarding it, I’m sure there are more major plot holes but the ones that actually bother me would be: 
not addressing in Greywaren when all the magical or dreamt creatures go into a coma because the ley line energies are dead, that Gansey is also a ley line powered creature and should be fully dead rn… like… if we’re going to jump through so many hoops to not bring in or address what’s going on with Gansey Blue and Henry, I feel like you should just address it and/or bring someone in… 
This is more a dropped thread (I was actually making a list of plot holes that borrowed me in trcverse and then realized most of them are actually dropped plotlines so only addressing the two that are kind of both) than a plot hole but the fact the tapestry of women with Blue’s faces never gets brought back beyond that tidbit about it being a sweet metal which isn’t even related back to Blue and her plot line so I don’t think that’s satisfying enough. Part of me wonders if there was going to be a Blue is related to Gwenllian and therefore Glendower thread, or something about other mirror women in Gwenllian’s time. Also think it’s possible this was Mstief playing with the concept of adding clones to the verse before she’d really fleshed that out and committed to what she’d eventually do with the Hennessy girls. Women having to be reflections of the world around them or other people is such an interesting theme to explore and it is sort of a through line in the verse between the Blue as a mirror, the Blue and Gwenllian stuff in BLLB and the Jordan/Hennessy and Aurora/Mor dichtomities (which also gives Blue’s Extreme Distaste for Aurora and more ambivalent discomfort with Gwenllian interesting connotations imo), but it’s only really properly explored with Jordanessy and then not even to it’s full potential. And the red hands… okay I need to save some of this for when I get to taking BLLB notes which will be real soon. But I have many thoughts on how it was not used to it’s full potential at all which includes the lack of explanation
This is also like partially plot hole partially just dropped storyline but the lack of follow through on the thread in MI about Ronan’s fear about Adam being bonded to him because of Cabeswater not being followed through on is sooo odd. Like yes that’s more about his self esteem + abandonment stuff and it’s obviously not true but the fact we never witness a conversation where Adam is like “no your wrong because I made the deal with Cabeswater of my own volition, it was separate from you etc.’ I won’t go into all my thoughts on this am planning to have it come up in my Reading TRB fic as a conversation between them to deal with some of my own gripes… I think td3 on some level is meant to address the consequences of the sacrifices deals choices etc. of trc for Ronan and Adam but it’s also very adamant about not engaging with huge chunks of trc canon like the other chars or dynamics or locations or magic … and like there’s certainly a way to flop as a spin off from trying to be too closely tied to the og series so if she was trying to avoid that I get that impulse, but the desire for the series to be about thematic consequences of the first series while also having nothing to do with the first series and it’s themes…. resulted in some truly bizarre choices imo. So this is an individual example that brings out a lot of my frustrations with this lmao. Also with my gripes about how Pynch’s arc and conflict is handled in td3 but I feel like I’ve spoken on that enough I don’t have to go into it here.
There are things about TRK I’m sure count and Gansey’s resurrection might count but I can’t really articulate my thoughts there rn well say what I have to say on this reread.  thank you
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venbetta · 3 months
I'm just gonna explain the oc cameos in the recent episode cuz I rarely talk about them anymore
and I miss them, I don't draw them a lot
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First off we got Henry (16), he's the only dude there. He showed up before in Ch 2 ep 9 as a cameo. I've made a few post about him in the past, but he's one of my favorite ocs (..I also gave him a lot of trauma in his backstory for my original stories and stuff)
In fnaf equivalent aus tho, he's pretty much an enthusiast. Bonnie (most iterations) is his favorite animatronic. He can be a jerk sometimes intentionally or not. Him gushing about it in the episode was my favorite bit. I love Henry, sorry for the trauma tho, buddy.
Then we got Hazel (15), she's technically the youngest there. She's another oc I kinda beat up with lore and trauma a little bit in my original stories, but here, she's sweet as usual. She's also an enthusiast alongside Henry. Freddy's her favorite character.
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Also, I've always paired her and Henry together because I ship them. They're the couple in my original works. I gushed about them all the time back before fnaf sucked me back in.
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Next, we got Helen (15), second youngest, few months older than Hazel. They're half siblings.
Helen doesn't know jack about the fazbear brand in this au, and is just chilling with the group. In my original works, she's laid back and is often pretty blunt/impulsive (...most of them are neurodivergent-coded, i unconsciously made them this way). She teases Hazel maliciously.
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Lastly, we got Ema (18), and she's the oldest of everyone there. In the original series, she's friends with Henry, and Helen's role model. She's pretty high up academically, and obviously a bit more mature. She also has some complicated lore that I won't touch on but yeah.
They don't talk much, and when they do, it's at Henry's expense (they love to make fun of him). I don't know why, but I like the idea of Ema liking Sun, especially since he's all bright and whimsical. I like it when aesthetics clash. She's probably not much of an enthusiast like Henry, but she'll let him talk her ear off.
Those are my oc cameos, they're my silly little blorbos. I've neglected them for a bit... and I feel bad. Oh well, back to the storage they go.
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writerfae · 2 months
Things I know about the challenge Aiden has to face to get the Aldersword
it’s him against Morena, both participating in the test
they both get help from their “groups”
the test is supposed to test your bravery but also, though that doesn’t seem clear at first, nobleness
Aiden wins not cause he’s the bravest but cause he’s the more noble person
Things I don’t know about the challenge Aiden has to face to get the Aldersword
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legendary-cookies · 7 months
Well in Ovenbreak it doesn't show Princess and Tiger Lily as family in relationship chart even though they're canonly sisters.
Ohh that's a good point
And they technically didn't reveal that until Kingdom (I think?)
I'm pretty sure they hinted at it somewhere, but it wasn't expressly canon until Kingdom
I think
So maybe it is just for dramatic effect and they'll reveal it later lmao
I'm still waiting impatiently for that Wind update so you never know
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spaghetticat3899 · 28 days
When you absolutely despise something a lot of people like, and no matter what way you look at it you cannot see the appeal, but you know you can’t talk about it in public or else you’ll get dogpiled to hell and back, so you just kinda sit there frothing at the mouth like this
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#spaghetti speaks#minor blood#I know this image is typically used in positive contexts but it felt fitting here too#Also you probably know what I’m talking about if you’ve spoken to me before#The AM speech but aimed toward this one particular series because the rage it causes is GRAHH#it had so much potential#it could’ve been so so good#YOU COULD'VE KEPT THE PILOT PLOT INSTEAD OF INSTANTLY ABANDONING IT IN FAVOR FOR ONE OF THE WORST ROUTES A STORY CAN GO IN#I’m so mad because I WISH I could like it#I WISH I could make art for it- the character designs are fun to draw#but I’m not a fan of it#I have a visceral hatred of the series and its creator#but I’m alone in the opinion#minus my friends who agree with me#but I just#I don’t understand#I feel like if it was made by a bigger studio- people would hate it as much as me#Steven Universe was written significantly better than it- I’m sorry#SU got so much shit for years- this is praised everywhere I see#I could explain every single problem I have with this series and people will defend it#it’s so popular despite nothing being resolved or making sense#The people behind the studio were revealed to be shitty to employees but no one cares because this series got a new episode#GRRRRRGHGGHH#I hate the characters- I hate the nonsensical plot- I hate the plot holes- I hate the villain- I hate the wasted potential#I’d hijack this series and make a Snoot Game type thing if I could- my autistic ass will make this better#I'm not arrogant I’m just saying the writing is on the floor and it doesn’t take much to just fix it up and make it pretty#I’m ranting#sorry#I’m very passionate about things like this#Inorganic killers
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sourtomatola · 4 months
Moana 2 trailer spoilers
"Why didn't you bring the pig last time?" -Maui
I'll tell you why
Cause the pig was BORING!! The pig is every other Disney princess sidekick that's cute but otherwise forgettable. I cheered internally SO HARD when the chicken came with her instead!
I had a chicken like Hei hei, so this was an amazing addition. An arrow is shot at him, *curiously and comically pecks at it*
What would have the pig done? The boring logical thing of squeal and hide Probably. He's cute, but predictable and dull. Would have added nothing to the trip other than an extra face.
Leave the pig at home, or give it an actual purpose. The chicken was at least comedy relief.
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scattered-winter · 7 months
sometimes......my fucked up horror dreams.....are for the better.........
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shockingshinx12-shinx · 5 months
In the authors notes for your fic "a dog's breakfast" you mentioned that you have a lot of opinions about Clockwork's involvement in TUE. I am curious what your opinions are, cause I've got some of my own, and I wonder how much they align.
I spent several hours typing up a response to this earlier and I hit something and tumblr DELETED IT WHILE I WAS MID-WAY THROUGH!!!!! SO I HAD TO RESTART AGAIN JHGDFGHGDF sorry for the delay o7
BUT BOY HOWDY DO IT, A LOT IN FACT!! I already dragged 2 of my friends to watch the ep. so I could give them the full rundown of what I'm talking about, so thank you for enabling me cause I love talking about this! Buckle in cause I have ADHD and tend to word vomit, so I hope this all makes sense
I'm sure you've seen a million bajillion people say this already (plus your own thoughts, opinions, and observations) so this may all be stuff you know, but the OG ep is filled with several time paradoxes that make absolutely no sense, which can probably be attributed to the writers not really caring about the logistics of a kids show time-travel ep. But if you wanna look at it from an in-universe standpoint,Clockwork is directly responsible for the events of TUE in both Dan and Danny’s timeline
Let’s start with what we know: (Also, sorry for the crunchy screenshots, I work with what I got)
CW sends Box-Lunch back in time to fight Danny, which causes the Nasty burger to be condemned/abandoned for several days
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CW sends Skulk-Tech back in time, which causes the heating element to start heating up the vats of Nasty sauce
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Danny and Co. beat Skulk-Tech which transports them to CW’s lair and forces them to flee to the future to escape his “wrath”, which then gives Dan a chance to escape to the past to recreate the NB explosion and ensure his continued existence
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OK SO! These are the key points!
Dan Mentions during one of his Spiels to Danny that his loved ones died in an explosion at the Nasty burger, which is reinforced by Vlad when Danny goes to him for help. Similar enough events to what we see in the episode.
The Nasty Burger explosion wouldn’t have happened if Clockwork hadn’t sent Box-Lunch and Skulk-tech to the past. Their direct influence on the present-timeline is what set up those dominoes. This means that CW interfered and fucked Dan over intentionally in his timeline and didn’t do anything to change, or fix what he caused.
The heating element wouldn’t have been left on and unattended if Danny didn’t have to fight Box-Lunch, and the sauce wouldn’t have exploded if Skulk-Tech hadn’t crashed and pushed the element towards the vats.
There’s something to be said about leaving dangerous equipment unattended, so even if Skulk-Tech hadn’t crashed into the kitchen, there’s a chance something else in there could’ve caught fire and triggered an explosion, but it would’ve been at a completely different time, and could’ve potentially been caught and stopped by repair crews (potentially). Skulk-Tech’s involvement ensured the explosion happened sooner. You could also argue that Danny’s fights take him all over the city, and you’d be correct. There’s a possibility that, if Box-Lunch hadn’t been sent back and Danny was fighting one of his other present-day rogue’s, they could’ve accidentally gone crashing through the NB as well; but it’s not guaranteed to have the same result as the Box-Lunch fight. All his Rogue’s are vastly different, with different strengths, weaknesses, fighting styles, and reactions. For example, there’s no guarantee that if Johnny 13 and Shadow went flying through the NB, they’d stay long enough for Danny to think of using the sauce as a weapon against them. Not only that, but it's not guaranteed he'd fight more than one ghost that day. From what we see, none of his usual rogue's bug him during that specific day, so there's a chance he doesn't even fight anyone at all.
If it could be done by anyone else, CW wouldn't have gone through the trouble of pulling ghosts from the future. We also know Dan has met CW before and knows what he does, very specifically stating “Clockwork! Meddling again". So clearly he knows what Clockwork's done, at least to some degree.
Not to mention, Clockwork seems like a chaotic neutral character at BEST. Why would he see fit to completely ruin Danny’s life in the first place? Him going out of his way to do such a thing just doesn’t make sense to me, I can’t see him doing that on purpose, but the events ONLY happen due to his interference. Clockwork is initially shown as only intervening and sending Box-Lunch back because the Observant's ask him to, but if that’s the case, what caused the Nasty burger explosion in Dan’s timeline? Sure, Clockwork is mischievous like anyone else, we see it in the way he slams Danny repeatedly into a bell, but he’s not outright malevolent.
Also quick side-note, Valerie outright blames Phantom for causing the explosion but we know for a fact that Danny didn’t want that to happen, he was literally heartbroken. This could be interpreted a couple different ways I suppose; -One being: that Danny was flying around as Phantom post-explosion while trying to find his family in the rubble and the public wrongfully blamed him again. But that can’t be possible because Danny Fenton WAS found at the scene of the explosion. The paper outright says he was the lone survivor, so if Phantom was flying around, no one would've been able to find "Fenton" at the scene. -Or two being: a different future evil version of Phantom caused the explosion in Dan’s timeline just like Dan did in Danny’s timeline, which is just as impossible as the first option, but more in line with the canon we're given. If he did, Dan would’ve known he was going to lose and would've done things differently, accounted for his previous versions mistakes, not to mention he says Danny shouldn’t get the ghostly wail for 10 more years, plus his surprise that Jazz knew about his secret. If Dan really did have to face a jerky version of himself in his timeline before the explosion, he would’ve acquired the wail long ago and seen Jazz's note. Not to mention present-timeline Danny is grossed out by the idea of having his humanity ripped out. I’d apply that same “grossed-out” feeling to Dan, even if he is mega-depressed after moving to Vlad’s. But also, Dan is only created due to Skulk-Tech and Box-Lunches intervention in the past, who only come into creation due to Dan's rampages in the future. This option would also mean there’s an infinite amount of Phantom’s being displaced in time, constantly, but Clockwork only has the one thermos.
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That also brings up another issue.
The Observants make it seem like this is a “first”, but  if the explosion only happens cause of Clockwork’s interference with ST and BL in the past, which causes Dan’s creation, then in some timeline before Dan’s- Danny had to become evil to enable the right conditions for each of those “new” ghosts to exist. This means Dan was doomed from the start, the cards were stacked against him, and this loop has been going on for an indeterminate/indefinite amount of time. (Idk if that makes sense, I’m really bad at explaining my thoughts in ways people understand so I made a diagram. Hope this makes the point I’m trying to make clear?)
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Ok with the ghosts out of the way, what about the answer booklet? Danny wouldn’t have obtained the answers to the CAT if he hadn’t gone flying through Mr. Lancer’s briefcase at the NB.
This next part contradicts my statement that Dan’s timeline is partially a circle that feeds itself, but bear with me. I attack this from different angles (cause technically both these angles may or may not co-exist at the same time cause this whole ep. Is a mess and we already have an incursion that conflicts with other stated facts of canon JHGDHGJFGHFD this also treads a little more into headcanon area, so I guess take it with a grain of salt if you feel I'm reaching)
Danny seemed genuinely surprised the booklet was there, and his eyes went wide at the prospect that he even could study the answers, like it hadn’t even crossed his mind before that moment. I’d like to think that he wouldn’t have even thought about that being an option till after the test, in a comedic “Man, I’m surprised you didn’t just steal the answers” comment from Tucker which would have caused Danny to facepalm so hard.
 We’re never actually given the reason why in Dan’s timeline, he and his loved ones were at the Nasty Burger. Clockwork just says “He turns evil? ‘Cause he’s under pressure from some ‘test’?” which isn’t really a confirmation of anything other than he’s “stressed”, and Sam and Tucker just assume that Danny cheating is the cause with no further evidence than that. Sure, Dan cheats to lure everyone to the Nasty Burger, but that’s because he knows it’ll work. I have reason to believe that in his OG timeline, that’s not exactly how events went down, that he was framed.
This little assumption of mine is based on a few context clues we’re given: First; Danny seems genuinely concerned about doing a good job on this test. He’s actually trying to study for it, he’s putting in the effort, even if he says he quits just before Box-Lunch's assault.
Second; Why were Tucker and Sam at a parent teacher conference that was meant to be between the Fenton’s and Mr. Lancer?
Third; We have the line Lancer says to Jazz when she mentions he has no proof Danny stole the cheat sheet, “Fair enough. He has up until the test to return the answers. BUT! If he cheats, I won’t just fail him, I’ll DESTROY his future!” This shows Lancer has already cemented in his mind that Danny has stolen them, and nothing can convince him otherwise. Cause Jazz is right, Lancer has no proof Danny stole the answers. Sure, he overheard Tucker say something to Danny about not cheating, and when he looked in his case they were gone, but that’s not really grounds for anything. The operative word in Tucker’s statement was “thinking”, which should've cued anyone who was eavesdropping in that Danny hadn’t done anything yet. (IK he has the answers at this time in the ep, but that’s besides the point I’m making here) (Also, the specific quote Tucker says that Lancer overhears is: “Yeahh, you’re right. You’re not thinking of cheating on a test that you’re convinced will determine your future.”) Anyway, despite not having proper proof, he’s already hellbent on ruining Danny’s life no matter what the truth might be.
Fourth; No one gives us specific details about what happened in Dan’s timeline, they’re all based on vague details, assumptions, and jumped conclusion. 
I wanna say in Dan’s OG timeline he never actually steals the answers. Lancer was literally walking around everywhere with that briefcase, It’s got a giant target painted on it due to him hand-cuffing it to his wrist. Now I’m not gonna say I know the logistics of stealing shit, but from what I’ve seen of irl lockpicking videos, and the fact that while the briefcase has 2 locks, Lancer only needed to use his key to unlock 1 side, it would be stupidly easy to open his briefcase, anyone could’ve done it. It’s just a matter of distracting him long enough to get it open.
If someone else stole the answers Dan probably would’ve still been Lancer’s main suspect, due to his grades, attendance, running out mid-lesson, and all that other jazz (pun intended), as well as the fact that we already know Lancer shows favoritism towards some students, so he wouldn’t suspect them right away, if at all. It makes Dan the perfect scapegoat in that situation, a bad student, woefully unprepared for the exam of a lifetime, trying to ensure he doesn’t fail, that gets into mischief all the time. 
It’d explain why he and his family were called to the Nasty Burger, as well as why Sam and Tucker might be there. They could’ve been trying to defend him from the accusations, trying to build Danny’s case, and demand or plead that Lancer not do anything rash. 
The explosion still would’ve had to be caused by CW’s intervention of sending ghosts from the future, which I know doesn’t make sense with how Danny gets the CAT answers, but this idea that Dan’s innocent plays with the fact that no one makes it seem like Danny actually cheated in Dan’s OG timeline. This headcanon makes no sense and I’m well aware of that, but for all intents and purposes, I never saw Dan as being guilty of cheating, it's all flimsy here-say. Not to mention him losing all his friends and family for such a thing is an unjustly cruel punishment for everyone involved, and is extremely stupid. (That being said, I'm not saying Danny ISN'T capable of cheating, I'm just stating he wouldn't cheat here specifically)
He was just painted in a bad light, wrongfully blamed for something he didn’t do, and he’s just a kid who went through something awful. Everyone has it out for him in this scenario, and everyone keeps telling him he’s a monster. Valerie spends 10 years of their future supposedly blaming Phantom for the death of his own friends and family, so if that’s all he’s ever told, of course he sees that as being the only way. (Now I'm not saying Dan's innocent of murder and shit, just that he didn't do what was accused of him before and immediately after the NB explosion)
Anyway, my conclusion to the above is a restatement from earlier, and the TLDR is; none of it makes any goddamn sense, and none of it should’ve happened. Clockwork doesn’t seem like an outwardly malignant ghost, so him going and messing with Danny doesn’t make sense, but TUE only occurs because he crafted that series of events. Also the fact that Danny turned into Dan in a countless number of repeating realities/timelines before Clockwork was forced to stop it by the observants. (And also my headcanon I guess that he didn’t ACTUALLY cheat). 
I got a bunch more opinions on other stuff tho. Like about the Nasty burger, the logistics of Dan going to the past the way he did, Danny’s ghost half being ripped from his human half and why phantom did what he did afterwards HJGFDGFGD but this post’s already kinda long so I’ll leave it for another day if you wanna hear about it!! I love talking about this sorta thing so feel free to ask away
Hope you enjoyed my little rant!! And I desperately hope it makes sense HGDFGFJHD
WAIT EDIT: ALSO ALSO, IK everyone loves to depict CW as a mentor figure to Danny whose caring, but that is not the vibe I get from him at ALL. As I said, I think he's a chaotic neutral character at best
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incesthemes · 7 months
it is utterly miserable for a mediocre show to have a really good plot or make god tier parallels or connections because you're like well this show isn't good and the writing is flimsy and there are so many holes and bland storylines, but they paralleled the season finale to an earlier season finale and then made the weight of that decision foundational to the next season so now my every waking thought is consumed by it
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tehrisa · 1 year
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went to the free! 10th anniversary event today, and I’m still in shock that this series has consumed a literal decade of my life
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vampyrles · 2 years
If Louis really was the one to cut Lestat, but Claudia’s diary held true with Lestat still saying Louis’ name 50 times and begging him to put him in his coffin, then I really really wanna see Louis put that damn man in his coffin. I wanna see him crying over the body and then carrying it bridal style to the coffin he has specifically designed and ordered for them. Heck I wanna see him kiss that stupid stupid blonde vampire on the forehead before he shuts the lid. Like “ok mon cher have a nice nap I’ll see you later xoxo” That’s some Wuthering Heights shit and it’s all I’m asking for.
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yoichist · 2 months
watching gossip girl knowing who gossip girl is… side eye!!!
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emeraldbabygirl · 3 months
I hate it here. Not like tumblr but ya’know. I miss when I was a kid and only thought about how long I had to play with my toys because I was carefree and not of age yet to worry about adult stuff. I want time to just stop. I want it to stop I’m tired of everything I want off this ride and the only way I know how to make it all stop is forbidden. I just want to stay in bed forever and pretend I’m a kid playing with my toys again without a care in the world because I am a kid.
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writerfae · 8 months
I went through my story notes yesterday cause I finally had the smart idea to maybe save these notes somewhere else and not solely on my tablet.
And I think one of the funniest scenes I found while doing so is the one where Aiden meets Henry again and Talon walks in on them.
Cause Talon is bowing to Henry and Aiden is like “wtf that’s my brother” and Talon is like “uh no? That’s the king’s husband” and then Henry goes “actually 👉👈 I am both”.
My story is actually part comedy. I’m kidding
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