#special forces training program s
rheiple · 9 months
Attention Seeker
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▪︎SUMMARY↦ Why is he following and helping you around with every chance he gets?
▪︎WARNING/s↦ None
▪︎CHARACTER/s↦ Eclipse, Reader
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▪︎AUTHOR'S NOTE↦ Gago ang tagal ko nang hindi nagsusulat,, well anyways this the Eclipse wanting reader's attention, the first thing I needed to do at the poll.
I'm not really satisfied with the out come, but I wanted to post it not instead of letting it rot in my notes, and also I might not do the other fics I've planned at the poll, if i did write them then its gonna be for a long time
I've noticed that whenever i write, when I'm passionate about something I noticed that my writing looks good(?)
But when I force myself to write its basically shit, and this Fic is probably one of the few sjit fics I've written
So yea I hope you don't mind
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“…It’s really dark in here.. Mind if you shine your eye lights over here bud?”
The sound of metal clinking represents the movement of your very tall and lanky companion.  With it’s big bright eyes, you’re able to be see the injured Helpy trying to move it’s way towards a vent.
Here in the storage room, it’s very hard to move and see with how many piled stuff are stored in this small room. You’re surprised that He managed to cramp himself inside here.
Eclipse, your ‘new' friend has been tagging along with you ever since your shift has started.
You don’t really know why- or maybe you do. Perhaps it’s because he’s still new with his surroundings in this Pizza Plex. Couldn’t really blame him, and it’s not like you mind his company anyways. You just found it a little strange.. and maybe cute.
You went to carry the small bear in your arms, you heard a little hiss coming from the taller one. You eyed him as you put Helpy on a table.
Noticing you making eye contact with him, he grinned from ear to ear, he lets out a creepy glitchy giggle. It’s like he’s drunk on something.
Honestly though, you want to have a taste with whatever he’s drunk with. It’d be a good stress reliever for at the moment. But oh well, no matter, you have at least 30 minutes until it’s your break time. You could pull this through.
Just like what you keep saying to yourself for the previous days.
Holding the hammer up high, you gave Helpy a little warning. Knowing he’s been given the ability to feel pain and all. It’s creepy and sad knowing this bot's cursed ability is used to train newbies. You also wondered how on earth are they able to program that.
“All right Helpy, I’m not gonna sugarcoat this and tell you it’s gonna hurt just a little. It’s actually gonna hurt really bad but I need you to be brave for me ok?”
He's shaking, but he nodded his head.
“…Ok, on the count of one… two…”
You aimed the hammer a little close to his knee.
Eclipse hold the back of the hammer.
“Wha- Eclipse? What’s wrong?”
He gently took the hammer out of your hand. His other hand softly patting your head.
And immediately slammed it on baby bear bear's knee.
While Helpy screamed because of the sudden pain, you screamed in fright because of how loud and painful Helpy's scream is. Eclipse took care of the situation by putting some kind of mask that emits special smoke to calm him down, and put a bandaid on his knee.
His other hand went to give him a lollipop.
You only looked at him flabbergasted. And he only smiled at you.
“Work is over.. Break now..”
One of his hands took yours and led you to the cafeteria.
Well this is humiliating.
You ignore the stares of your co-workers, glaring at them if they ever so much as chuckled at your current predicament.
He held the spoon filled with fried rice and chicken, the lunch you packed for yourself and tried to feed you. He’s making you look like a baby god dammit! You glared right up at him and gently smacked away the spoon. “Eclipse, you’re kinda making me look like a fool here…”
The celestial robotic tilted its head, he slowly brought back the spoon close to your mouth. His other hand  holding your chin, trying to pry your mouth open. “…ahh”
You took a grip on his hand and lowered it down where he couldn’t reach your chin once again. He didn’t seem to mind, as he gladly took your hand and intertwined it with his slim fingers instead. He began to rub your hand with his thumb as best as he could.
With a sigh, you took the spoon and placed it on your lunch box. You look at Eclipse and hold his other hand. His rays slowly started moving at the initiated contact. “Look man..” You start off, letting out your thoughts and feelings was really hard for you. You’ve never thought you’d even do it to someone like Eclipse, considering he probably doesn’t know the most of what your saying unless you explained it but.. At least he had sympathy, you wouldn’t be able to find that in most people nowadays. That’s probably why you feel safe sharing your thoughts and feelings to him.
“Eclipse…You know I really really appreciate you helping me around stuff n all but. I kind of feel like you’re just… Babying me at this point.”
He emits a low mechanical whine, you could feel the slight tightness of his hands. “…Not intentional.. wanted to help you… get work done…”
“Awwe, thanks buddy.” You gently squeezed his hands and did the same thing Eclipse did with your hand earlier. “…But are you sure that’s the only reason? I noticed that.. You’ve been a little passive aggressive with the other bots.. Whenever I focus on them instead of you.”
With your confrontation, he looks to the side and whistled out some playful toons.
You confirmed that being rough with Helpy earlier was intentional on his part.
You let go of his hands to put yours on your hips. Giving him the all knowing stare, you called to him in a accusing manner. He only grinned widely at the mention of his name. You guessed that scaring a robot wouldn’t really work considering with looks alone, he’s the scary one than you.
“…Are you jealous?”
“You’re lying.”
“Not lying… only fibbing.”
You scratched your head and raised a brow. “But why? Why are you jealous?”
The tall robot leaned in to hug you. You went to sit on his lap. His faceplate rotated from left to right. “…love your eyes. Better on me.. than on them..”
You snickered and brought a hand up to your face. “Oh my god.. you wanted my attention?” You  seem to get the memo as he purred in delight at your question. “..Oh Eclipse.”
You pry yourself off to stand and look at him, cupping his face with your small hands. As expected he leaned in to your touch. “You didn’t have to go through all that way just to get my attention you know that?” Seriously, he really shouldn’t have.
He caused hell to the other bots, he’s scary when he’s jealous.
“If you wanted my attention, you could’ve just asked! You know I wouldn’t say no..”
He took a hold of your hand with his, and looked at you with bright purple eyes.
“May I… have your eyes on me?” You grinned and kissed his teeth. “Of course..”
He began to stand up, surprising you by picking you up. You didn’t know where your going, but you assumed in one of the dark places where no one could find you. You’re glad you play a vital role at your job, or else you would’ve been fired with the amount of time you’ve went missing during your working hours.
You didn’t noticed, but Eclipse surely did, of a certain robot hanging from the ceiling observing him with envy.
The moon themed animatronic crossed his arms. “…So this is what our star has been wasting their time on..”
‘No fair, no fair! Why spend time with a bootleg version of us?!'
It’s as if Eclipse heard their thoughts, one of his hands gave them the rude gesture from behind.
Moon clicked his tongue. “So…that’s how you want to play…”
He’s been playing unfair for the past few days! Always sabotaging their plans so he could have you in his arms! They tried so, so many times to get your attention. Like making so many messes in the Daycare for you to help them clean it, they made gifts so they could see your flustered face, and they even broke themselves for you to fix them.
Not only did the metal prick cleaned the Daycare, fixed them instead of you- which they much rather prefer,  he stole their gifts, lying to you that he was the one who made it instead of them! He is such a big fat liar! A phoney!!
He could imagine his Sunny counter part walking around and huffing in annoyance. ‘Oh the nerve of him to do that! When I get my hands on our star once again he’ll be begging us to let him see her! And even then it’d be over my shut downed body if he ever thought I’d agree!'
The lunar jester is pretty sure the Eclipse would just control their minds to scrap themselves up, before they could even think of hiding away their star.. As much as he wanted to, he and Sun knew it’d just make you sad if you found out they’re not on good terms.
So they’re the ones who tried to give them the time he needed with you but, they’re just abusing their kindness at this point. They need to hatch up a plan to have you back in their arms sooner of later.
The moon slowly backed away by crawling. “…Hoping to see that soon…” He went back to his patrols for now.
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todaysdocument · 3 months
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Position Description for Mercury Astronaut
Record Group 255: Records of the National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationSeries: Reference Files of the Special Assistant
[underline] SS - 6.3 [/underline] [Stamped: Space Task Group] B
TELEPHONE: EXecutive 3-3260, TW: WA 755
[manuscript] 3
[underline] S S- 6.3 [/underline]
SP - 2.6 [/manuscript]
Lt. Paul P. Bennett, Jr.
BuPers - A3122
Arlington Annex, Rm. 2603
Washington 25, D. C.
Dear Lt. Bennett:
In accordance with our telephone conversation of June 15 the following is a resume of the position description for the Mercury Astronauts.
[underline] Position Title [/underline]: Mercury Astronaut
[underline] Duties [/underline]: Participates in indoctrination, developmental research, and pre-flight training programs under conditions simulating flight profiles of the type expected to be encountered with Project Mercury. Operates and/or observes fixed-base and moving-base simulator tests, serves as subject-under-test, and assists in the analysis of data for the evaluation and development of various boosters and of communication telemetry, display, vehicle-contol, envirornmental-control and other systems involved in launch, atmospheric escape, orbital flight, re-entry, landing and recovery. Participates in specialized training exercises such as centrifuge programs to build up tolerances to motions and forces associated with launch, flight without gravity, and atmospheric reentry, and to develop proficiency and confidence for vehicle operation under such conditions.
Sincerely yours,
Clotaire Wood
Technical Assistant to the Deputy Administrator
[Stamped Routing List]
JOHNSON [initialed: lwj]
[strikethrough] TAYLOR [/strikethrough] [initialed: G]
AERO MED [initialed: HBf]
[initials: ATS]
[manuscript] COPIES TO:
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workersolidarity · 3 months
[ 📹 A Palestinian family is besieged in their home by the Zionist occupation army, while occupation tanks and warplanes fire shells and bomb the surrounding neighborhood, terrorizing the remaining residents as Israeli drones buzz overhead. ]
🇮🇱⚔️🇵🇸 🚀🏘️💥🚑 🚨
On 266th day of the Israeli occupation's ongoing special genocide operation in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) committed a total of 3 new massacres of Palestinian families, resulting in the deaths of no less than 47 Palestinian civilians, mostly women and children, while another 52 others were wounded over the previous 24-hours.
It should be noted that as a result of the constant Israeli bombardment of Gaza's healthcare system, infrastructure, residential and commercial buildings, local paramedic and civil defense crews are unable to recover countless hundreds, even thousands, of victims who remain trapped under the rubble, or who's bodies remain strewn across the streets of Gaza.
This leaves the official death toll vastly undercounted as Gaza's healthcare officials are unable to accurately tally those killed and maimed in this genocide, which must be kept in mind when considering the scale of the mass murder.
The Zionist entity's Defense Minister, Yoav Gallant, has discussed plans for the "day after" the war in Gaza ends, speaking with his American counterparts to present a new plan that would see the besieged Gaza Strip divided into 24 districts and occupied by a number of Arab countries, to will be directed by the United States.
Gallant 's plan looks to form a committee staffed by the United States and "moderate" Arab countries, who would oversee an international occupying force including soldiers from Egypt, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, and Morrocco.
The Arab-American occupying forces would be overseen by the United States, who would be responsible for security in the Gaza Strip, including logistics, as well as command and control, while gradually, a Palestinian force would inherit responsibility for the security of Gaza.
Gallant has supposedly worked out an agreement with the Americans that would see Palestinian security forces undergo special training through a U.S. aid program.
The plan reflects the current position of the Israeli occupation's security establishment, despite occupation Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu's, public statements rejecting the idea.
Gallant 's plan would be implemented in several stages, beginning with the northern Gaza Strip and working its way south as conditions allow.
"Galant envisions 24 active administrative districts in Gaza," reporting in the Washington Post writes, "however, in the US, they are pessimistic about the possibility that the program will soon expand to many regions."
American officials say they support Gallant 's "day after" plan, but Arab countries have rejected the idea unless the Palestinian Authority is directly involved, an idea previously rejected by the Occupation's Prime Minister.
The participating Arab states also say they want a "political horizon" for the establishment of a Palestinian state, which has also been rejected in Netanyahu's public statements.
In other news today, Friday, June 28th, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine (UNRWA) is once again warning that Palestinian citizens of the Gaza Strip are in "dire need of healthcare", explaining how only a small number of health centers are currently operating in the Palestinian enclave.
A recent post by UNRWA to the social media platform X cautioned that a shortage of fuel and medicine is taking a severe toll on emergency services, stressing that safe and sustainable access to aid can be delayed no longer.
Similarly, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has raised concerns over the lack of security in Gaza, while Israeli military movements and attacks in Gaza's south remain a major obstacle to humanitarian operations, adding that several Israeli attacks have targeted the Al-Mawasi area of central Gaza, where thousands of Palestinian families have saught shelter.
OCHA says its partners working on the ground in Gaza have warned of power outages due to fuel shortages, which continue to endanger the lives of critically ill and wounded Palestinians, and also hampers efforts to respond to the multitude of crises in the Strip.
The UN humanitarian agency also said it continues working to respond to the crises in potable drinking water supplies, which continue to shrink under the relentless attacks of the Israeli occupation army on Gaza's infrastructure, including water wells.
The Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) has also issued dire warnings that 18 ambulances have now been put out of service, a full 36% of their fleet, as a result of the Israeli occupation's ongoing closure of the Rafah and Karm Abu Salem border crossings, leading to a lack of fuel and rendering PRCS's ambulances inoperable.
In a statement published on Thursday, PRCS said that it "has not received its daily share of gasoline through the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) for about eight days, which covered only 6% of the operating capacity of ambulances, due to the Israeli occupation preventing the entry of fuel into the Strip."
"Before receiving the amount of gasoline allocated to the association stopped, the amount received had declined to reach only 3% of the daily need for ambulances," the statement added.
PRCS also warned of a decline in its ability to provide ambulance and emergency services in the coming days due to the fuel shortage, while the Israeli occupation continues its closure of the southern border crossings, ongoing for the last 52 days, explaining that "the quantities of fuel entering through the Kerem Abu Salem crossing do not meet the needs of the medical and relief sectors."
The Palestinian Red Crescent Society went on to appeal to the international community for "urgent intervention" to reopen the Rafah crossing, and to allow the free flow of humanitarian aid, and fuel in particular. With the hope being to avert a complete collapse of Gaza's health system as hospital electricity generators stop working, and as ambulances run out of fuel, and while water desalinization plants and drainage networks fail.
Meanwhile, in other news, the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) continued its genocide in the Gaza Strip, advancing into the Al-Shujaiya neighborhood of Gaza City, while occupation bombing and shelling hammers residential homes, public infrastructure, tents of the displaced, and civilians in the streets.
On Friday, June 28th, neighborhoods east, southeast and southwest of Gaza City suffered under extreme bombardment, while intense clashes between the Palestinian resistance forces and the occupation army raged in the city, and as occupation forces intensified their bombing and shelling of sites in the city.
The violent clashes and endless bombardment meant that local paramedic and civil defense crews were unable to reach the sites of dead and wounded Palestinians, leaving them trapped under the rubble with their injuries to die.
Resistance forces with the Al-Quds Brigades, belonging to Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), confirmed they detonated an Israeli military vehicle with explosives, while ambushing and engaging Zionist forces on Talat al-Muntar and its surroundings, east of the Al-Shujaiya neighborhood.
The Israeli occupation army announced the injection of the 98th Division into the Al-Shujaiya neighborhood, where the forces carried out a military operation in the east of Gaza City over the last day, while Israeli military aircraft conducted continuous airstrikes in conjunction with the occupation's ongoing artillery shelling.
The Zionist army also continues its targeting of the Al-Shujaiya neighborhood, east of Gaza City, using armored vehicles and Merkava tanks to shell citizen's homes, in conjunction with the bombing of Israeli fighter jets.
As the Israeli occupation forces advanced with tanks and armored vehicles into Al-Shujaiya, the Israeli air forces bombed ahead of their ground forces, causing several massacres.
Local medical sources in Gaza reported receiving the bodies of dozens of civilians who were killed, along with others who were wounded, in the bombardment of Al-Shujaiya after several raids of the neighborhood.
The Palestinian Red Crescent reported that its crews had responded to more than 30 wounded citizens, declaring the majority of victims to be women and children.
Another assault by Israeli drones and aircraft targeted residential buildings in the Al-Daraj neighborhood, also east of Gaza City, along with the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, southeast of the city, resulting in several casualties.
According to local civil defense and paramedic crews, the bodies of at least 7 Palestinians have been recovered since dawn in the Al-Shujaiya neighborhood of Gaza City, while the decomposing bodies of four citizens were recovered from the Nabulsi area of the Sheikh Ajlin neighborhood, southwest of the city.
One citizen was also killed when a Zionist drone targeted a clinic in the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, southeast of Gaza City.
At the same time, the Israeli occupation forces launched attacks on the tents of displaced Palestinian families in the Rafah Governate, resulting large numbers of casualties.
According to Anadolu News Agency, at least 11 Palestinian civilians were killed, and more than 40 others wounded, after the Israeli warplanes bombed the tents of the displaced in the Al-Mawasi area, west of the city of Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip.
The Israeli occupation's war crimes continued when a Zionist army drone bombed various locations near the Al-Shawka municipality, east of Rafah, killing two Palestinian citizens and wounding a number of others.
Simultaneously, Israeli soldiers fired live bullets towards a gathering of civilians on Al-Rashid Al-Sahili Street, west of the Nuseirat Camp, in the central Gaza Strip, resulting in the deaths of two Palestinians and wounding several others. The dead and wounded were transported to Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in the city of Deir al-Balah.
North of Gaza, Zionist artillery detatchments shelled the Sheikh Ajlin neighborhood, southwest of Gaza City, with no casualties reported in the strike.
Israeli fighter jets bombarded, at dawn today, residential homes in the central Gaza Strip, while also bombing civilian tents west of Rafah, killing 4 Palestinian citizens, include a woman and a child.
In another atrocity, Zionist warplanes bombed a residential house belonging to the Abu Qunais family during raids on Deir al-Balah, in the central Gaza Strip, after which, local residents and civil defense crews managed to recover the bodies of three citizens, including a child, from under the rubble of their home.
Several Palestinians were also wounded after occupation artillery shelling pummeled the regional junction, southwest of the city of Khan Yunis, south of Gaza.
Meanwhile, Israeli occupation aircraft bombed residential buildings in the Nuseirat Camp, in the central Gaza Strip, killing four civilians and wounding at least 16 others who were taken to Al-Awda Hospital in Al-Nuseirat.
Further bombing by occupation fighter jets targeted the town of Al-Zawaida, in central Gaza, killing a number of Palestinians and wounding even more, while a young man was killed, and another wounded, after Zionist sniper fire targeted the men in the vicinity of Al-Alam roundabout, west of Rafah City.
IOF fighter jets also bombed a residential house in the vicinity of the Al-Baraka area in the city of Deir al-Balah, in central Gaza, leading to the deaths of two civilians, including one child, while two others were killed in a bombing of a house on Al-Bi'ah Street in the same city.
In yet another war crime, Israeli occupation forces directly targeted Civil Defense personnel in their workplace in the Nuseirat Camp, in the central Gaza Strip, killing three employees and wounding a number of others.
As a result of the Israeli occupation's ongoing war of extermination in the Gaza Strip, the infinitely rising death toll stands at 37'765 Palestinians killed, including at least 10'000 women and over 15'000 children, while another 86'429 others have been wounded since the start of the current round of Zionist aggression, beginning with the events of October 7th, 2023.
June 28th, 2024
(Death toll and figures for June 27th, 2024; No updated figures for death toll were provided on today's date.)
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fanfic-obsessed · 1 year
Kaminoans Save
I was thinking this morning about the Kamioans. Specifically the Kaminoans as businessbeings and that their business is cloning. Also on their isolation and the implications that they do not have the knowledge base to understand sentients that are not Kaminoan. Two parts of that, of course, the likelihood that their business is built on cloning non sentients (so they are used to providing for the physical requirements of different species but are not used to the increased psychological needs of so called sentient species) and the sheer timeframe of the GAR cloning project (most projects have their clones sent to their clients in their infancy, thus the psychological needs fall on the clients). From these musings an AU was born. 
We do have to start with the understanding that the Kaminoans in this do not know about Operation Knightfall or Order 66. This project was sold to them as a straight contract (even the chips were provided as an addendum in the contract. The Kaminoans believe that it serves as a way to tell who is a Force User-which technically it does) by the Jedi.  They believe that special dispensation has been granted by the Republic to clone sentients with the aim of potentially changing the law (provided that the Kaminoans can prove that there is an ethical way to clone sentients), which would serve to triple or quadruple their business. 
From that perspective not only do the Kaminoans want the clones to be seen as sentient, they want them to be as individual as possible within the contract (They have still been contracted to grow an army, which does come with restrictions on both individuality and agency). They want the clones to be different from Jango Fett, to prove that what they do is more than a copy.   They are still assigned numbers at birth, but the clones are taught from a young age by the Kaminoans that it is so the clones themselves can find their own names. There is still the double aging through childhood but it is in he best interest of the Kaminoans for it to slow down to regular, or even slower, once the Clones reach peak physical and mental maturity (roughly mid to late 20’s)
Now it is not all sunshine and roses in this universe for the Clones. As the Kaminoans know little about human psychology and the needs of growing humans, Jango Fett (as the genetic progenitor) is contracted to find trainers for the clone army.  Jango Fett is very much on board with Operation knightfall and Order 66. He and most of his trainers see the clones as the meat droids they plan for them to be. There is still decommissioning even if not as frequent(there is no reconditioning, though as that required tech from the Kaminoans, who want to encourage uniqueness for business reasons). The Kaminoans do not realize that the training program and the way that the Clones are treated by the trainers are unusual or abusive for humans for years.  
They are primarily scientists, however, and many begin to notice that Boba Fett was treated significantly differently than the other clones, even taking into account that he does not age as fast (When he is five, he is not being treated like the physically five year olds for instance). At first there are attempts to get answers from the trainers and Jango Fett, who shut all inquiries down.  Like all scientists who are presented with a puzzle (the difference in treatment between Boba and the other clones, and -once they noticed it- how some trainers seem to be treating the clones differently), as a people they start to research human psychology and child rearing. The more business minded of the species like the idea that the next time they get a project like this they will not have to outsource these parts, as it would be cheaper.
The results horrify them, from the research it is clear that the trainers are going to ruin the clones. This was the Kaminoans' livelihood, their reputation.  The clones were their finest creations; each one unique, adaptable, and self aware enough to find solutions for their own shortcomings. The Kaminoans were damned proud of the clones, and did not want to be held responsible for the, clearly, substandard training they were receiving. 
They did not even try to correct Jango Fett or the Trainers. Instead Lama Su reached out to the Jedi, not the Jedi that contracted them of the ‘Jedi’ that they had been dealing with, but the High Council in 977 ARR (23BBY, or a year the clone wars would have started. I need it to be specifically then for Codywan reasons. If Cody is aging double than in 977 ARR, he would be physically and mentally 18, though to me the CodyWan would still not happen for a few years, I personally would be a bit uncomfortable with them meeting much earlier than that; but that is a personal preference). He sends an official complaint that the methods of the trainers ‘hired by the Jedi’ were going to ruin their order. The High Council, confused but feeling like they should not admit it, arranges for a small group to travel to Kamino to ‘discuss the matter and take appropriate action’.  They ask that the Kaminoan not speak of their arrival to the trainers, just in case. 
This group includes Mace Windu, Ki Adi Mundi, Obi Wan Kenobi (as it is generally accepted that his missions go weird and he is one of the best equipped to deal with weird), Anakin Skywalker (as Obi Wan’s Padawan), and Healer Stass Allie. 
The Jedi meet with Lama Su. They ask for him to tell them what is happening ‘as if they did not know about the contract’ to make sure they are not missing any information.  Lama Su does, going over the entire contract, producing the signed waivers (including several that appeared to be signed by the chancellor himself), the contract, who they had made the contract with (Master Sifo-Dyas, in the last days of his tenure on the High Council-where he did have the authority to put in the order for he Clones without telling anyone), who they had been dealing with for the last few year (‘Master’ Tyranus- the Fallen Yan Dooku),  and what the payment was to be (as they were to be paid on delivery). Then what the trainers are doing to the clones and how they(the Kaminoans) had just discovered the damage to their work (As they not only prided themselves on their work but also hoped that this would open up a new industry for them, they take that seriously).
At the end, Mace Windu is quiet for a really long moment before going “It’s clear the contract you signed was made in good faith on your end. However, Master Sifo-Dyas did not make this contract in good faith, and we have no record of Master Tyranus. We will honor the deal you made, you will get paid for the entire amount you were promised. There are going to be some changes, though, because we did not know about this project. I have no doubt about your process, but it is clear that someone wants to sabotage your efforts”
Anakin pipes up before they can go any further, his eyes distant. “They should be paid now, so that no one else can claim the clones belong to them.”
Lama Su is assuaged that they will get paid at least (the cost will drain the Jedi’s discretionary fund and mean that Mace will be sending a dozen Jedi to gamble to refill it again) and willing to make the changes the client suggests. 
Windu asks about the not yet decanted, can the process be paused while the Jedi evaluate.  Once the growth process has started, it cannot be stopped without harming the children in the tubes. Windu nods, and says to finish the growth process for any Tubes that have already been started but to not start any more and that the healer Allie Stass will be remaining to learn their process for decanting (When the chips are mentioned, along with their purported purpose Windu makes it clear that the chips should not be implanted in any more clones, and they would like a sample of the chip to study to see if they needed to remove it from already decanted clones). Military training was to cease immediately, as the Jedi are not legally allowed to have an army.  Instead the Council would be giving some aptitude and interest tests so they can start figuring out how to best assist the clone in finding what they want to do. The Jedi Order would be taking custody of all of the clones, decanted and not, and bringing them to the temple on Coruscant but it would take time to arrange. In the meantime Windu and Obi Wan would be going to bond with the current set of trainers. Obi Wan and Anakin would be staying as part of an oversight process and starting to prepare the clones to move off of Kamino. 
Just before leaving Mundi asks permission to get the Kaminoan in touch with his people. They have no way of knowing if the sentient cloning could continue (Frankly they have no idea how many of those waivers were legitimate, though they did believe Kaminoans believed them to be legitimate). But by nature the Kaminoans were superb geneticists and there had been too few males born to his people for generations. 
So the Kaminoans did end up getting more business after all.
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Judd Legum at Popular Information:
Project 2025 is a radical blueprint for a potential second Trump administration, spearheaded by the right-wing Heritage Foundation. The plan calls for withdrawing approval for the abortion pill, banning pornography, slashing corporate taxes, abolishing the Department of Education, replacing thousands of experienced federal workers with political appointees, imposing a "biblically based… definition of marriage and families," and placing the Justice Department and other independent agencies under the direct control of the president.  These and other provisions of Project 2025 are quite unpopular. As Project 2025 has gained notoriety — thanks to actor Taraji P. Henson and others — Trump has sought to distance himself from the effort. On July 5, Trump posted on Truth Social that he knows "nothing about Project 2025," has "no idea who is behind it," and has "nothing to do with them." 
This is false.  The co-editors of Project 2025, Paul Dans and Steven Groves, both held high-ranking positions in the Trump administration. Under Trump, Dans served as Chief of Staff at the Office of Personnel Management, the agency responsible for staffing the federal government, and was a senior advisor at the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Groves served Trump in the White House as Deputy Press Secretary and Assistant Special Counsel.  Project 2025's two associate directors, Spencer Chretien and Troup Hemenway, are also tightly connected with Trump. Chretien was Special Assistant to President Donald J. Trump and Associate Director of Presidential Personnel, "helping to identify, recruit, and place hundreds of political appointees at all levels of government." Previously, Trump appointed Chretien to a position at HUD. Hemenway also served as an Associate Director of Presidential Personnel and previously worked on Trump's 2016 campaign and Trump's 2016 transition team.  
Project 2025's 922-page policy agenda has 30 chapters and 34 authors. Twenty-five of Project 2025's authors served as members of the Trump administration. Another Project 2025 author, Stephen Moore, was nominated by Trump to the Federal Reserve but forced to withdraw "over his past inflammatory writings about women." Further, William Walton, the co-author of the chapter on the Department of the Treasury, was a key member of Trump's transition team.  All told, of the 38 people responsible for writing and editing Project 2025, 31 were appointed or nominated to positions in the Trump administration and transition. In other words, while Trump claims he has "nothing to do" with the people who created Project 2025, over 81% had formal roles in his first administration. 
Here is the complete list of the 31 authors and editors of Project 2025 that have formal connections to the Trump administration. 
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In addition to a detailed policy agenda, Project 2025 also involves the training and recruitment of political appointees for a potential second Trump administration. One key component of this effort is the "Presidential Administration Academy," which Heritage bills as "a one-of-a-kind educational and skill-building program designed to prepare and equip future political appointees now to be ready on Day One of the next conservative Administration."  Among the program instructors is Karoline Leavitt, the national press secretary for the 2024 Trump campaign and an assistant press secretary during the Trump administration. Leavitt co-teaches a video course on "The Art of Professionalism." She also appears in a promotional video for the academy. 
Also appearing in the video is top Trump advisor Stephen Miller. Despite his role in the academy, Miller claims he has "never been involved with Project 2025." Miller's organization, America First Legal, is a member of the Project 2025 advisory board. 
Popular Information exposes Donald Trump's deranged lie that he has "nothing to do with them", as 31 of the 38 authors of Project 2025 were in the Trump Administration in some capacity, including Paul Dans, Peter Navarro, Stephen Moore, Ken Cuccinelli, and Russ Vought.
See Also:
Right Wing Watch: Trump Team Lies About Project 2025 Reveal its Potential to Cost Him the Election
MMFA: Donald Trump on Heritage’s Kevin Roberts, who oversees Project 2025: “He’s going to be so incredible”
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projectantivirus · 8 months
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In 2022, a new united effort to rehabilitate and weaponize high profile threats was secretly established. Organizations from around the world  make a collective push for the successful transition of the use of B.O.Ws and mutates to fight future incidents. The best of the best agents and scientists  have been selected for this program in order to handle, train and utilize these biological weapons.   These subjects are being repurposed into anti-viral and anti-terrorist combatants. Agents and subjects have been moved to the undisclosed to the public, Kingfisher. This a remote island in Sweden serves as both  base of operations and their new home until the experiment is either terminated or, successfully concluded.
As of November 18th, 2023, the Project went public with "ANTIVIRUS SPECIAL FORCES", via promotional footage. This unit made up of rehabbed Bioweapons, who's purpose was detailed as "defense against terror". it depicted prominent figures such as Albert Wesker, Osmund Saddler, Jake Muller and several previously unknown mutates, working alongside veteran agents such as Sheva Alomar, Leon S. Kennedy and Ethan Winters (though the last two agents' were faceless ) against several enemy Bioweapons. What does the glorified use of Bioweapons from beloved organizations mean for the rest of the world? Do you have hope enough to stand with them, or will it only lead to more fear?
Project Antivirus is a literate, laid back and 18+, Resident Evil discord rp open to characters from the RE universe both villain and hero or civilian! This primarily sandbox RP, with a contributing over arching plot, began in 2022 after the village incident, and has now been brought into real time. This plot is loosely based on the B.S.A.A’s use of B.O.Ws for combat. We accept OCs, and crossover canons with an RE verse.
Lore: A.V Roleplay Handbook Character Masterlist
Join  rules Taken Canons Taken Crossovers Wanted Characters
Banned Characters Twitter/X account
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shotofstress · 8 months
Sebastián Piñera, criminal internationally known for been the president of Chile two times as well for been a clown, is death and all over the world, but especially in Chile, his image is gonna be wash of all the blood. He not only robbed a bank and was a fugitive, he also was corrupt as fuck and did money laundry, scammed, trafficked babies, children and teens for upper class adoption from foreign europeans, gringos and other places, but also for sexual abuse as well for Organ Trafficking, he even had as his right hand an "ex" mossad agent, Hinzpeter who helped him to bring literal tons of cocaine to the country and then keep the traffic and micro traffic working and use south american emigrants that were in extreme poverty to traffic so then he could blame them of been the responsables of the huge drug addictions and narco violence here. He also allowed false flag terrorism to keep the occupation of Mapuche territory, their killings and stealing of lands and resources. Between his political assassinations we can count beloved upper class TV face and show host Felipe Camiroaga, who had said on TV during student protests movement (for food on schools and free education and stop the corruption at educational institutions) that if the youth was protesting, Piñera had the obligation to hear them bc the people was right and was his duty as president. Under Piñera's orders Hinzpeter killed Camiroaga with other 20 people on board of an helicopter, a C-212 Aviocar of the Chile's Air Force, that was heading to help people of the Robinson Crusoe Island in the Juan Fernández Archipelago because the destruction cause by the infamous 2010's massive earthquake that moved the Earth from her axis. Piñera even let Hinzpeter to inform the crime as an accident and this fucked even paraphrased in the live media TV and radio the words that Camiroaga said to Piñera on his program calling him to be a good president, putting together phrases to mock and refer to his death.
And if u think that he already was a monster for this, let me tell u that in Octuber 18th of 2019 and the next months se did a dictatorship in which he declared on national transmission that the state (he) was in war against the people (who were literally just people, civilians all with no weapons bc here we dont own weapons), and the military and police went to the street and houses to kill. The motive Piñera had to begin this? That school teens evaded the payment in the subway as a form of protest for the constant rise of the ticket price in a country in which most of us are poor and the using transportation for 1 month cost at least 1/3 of the minimum wage.
They police and the military murdered, wounded and did systematic mutilation and torture as psychological warfare learned by training with Israeli military and mossad. They practiced beforehand shooting to students in the university of professors here, they (as always) go inside with no order nor justification to shoot us with shotguns to the face with war weapons like teargas cans and special bullets. Piñera sent the police and military to pillaged the supermarkets and burn them and blame the people and the left, they even use the burning buildings to hide the corpses of people they killed, probably there were alive ppl too. They tortured, raped and mutilated people not just in their police and military quarters, they also used underground stations/subway stations as torture houses, something that they are familiar with bc Pinochet's dictatorship. The Piñera dictatorship had never been called dictatorship in anyplace, specially in the TV bc he and all his family and friends own the media (all the TV channels and 99% of news paper like El Mercurio, La Nación, Las últimas Noticias, The Clinic, etc etc). We still have Disappeared detainees and they are not recognised as such, and also not every torture survivors is recognised as such, we have tons of people that lost their ocular globes partially in sight, totally, or the globe was totally destroyed and they are not recognised as victims of the genocide attempt. Piñera wasn't destitute as president, he didn't even faced justice, nor the national justice nor the international one, even when there was hundreds of pictures, videos, audios and other evidences of his crimes, he wasn't even called criminal, dictator or anything. He was accused of Crimes against Humanity and yet national and international law did NOTHING. His crimes in Chile were so many that representative (diputado) Jaime Naranjo read 1300 pages of some of Piñera's crimes for 15 hours straight and had a full live streaming.
So when your media and journalist tell you that Piñera was a good president, please remember this post (that don't even have all his crimes nor in detail) and remember that he was a monster that die without a thing to worry about in his life that face zero justice and that all the world let him go out scot-free. Don't belive in news nor even in chileans or other south americans that tell you that Piñera was good and that "the left" were terrorists and shit like that bc we here barely have something like a left wing and even if we had, no one did a shit to stopped the massacre.
Don't believe that Chile and Piñera are lovely, here is just full of blood thanks to right wing and the stupidly of the left and the liberal bourgeoisie.
Likes don't help to spread this post, ppl. REBLOG IT FOR FUCK SAKE
And if u are a boot licker the the fuck out of my blog and if u comment some bullshit I'm gonna block u and report u. Fascists, specially chilean fascists DNI.
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usafphantom2 · 8 months
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Russia's large stealth attack drone, Okhotnik, is expected to go into mass production in 2024
The S-70 is designated as the 'loyal wing' of the fifth-generation Su-57 Felon fighter
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 01/31/2024 - 16:00in Military, UAV - UAV
According to information shared on Russian social networks on January 29, 2024, Russia is expected to start serial production of the S-70 'Okhotnik' (Hunter) strategic bomber later this year in the Novosibirsk region.
Lieutenant Governor Sergei Semka announced that the Novosibirsk Aviation Factory, a subsidiary of Rostec's Sukhoi Company, is preparing to start serial production of the Okhotnik heavy unmanned aerial vehicle in the second half of 2024.
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Sukhoi Company has been diligently developing Russia's inaugural heavy attack drone, the S-70 Okhotnik, since 2011. The project reached a milestone with the first experimental prototype flying on August 3, 2019, followed by a subsequent model with a flat jet nozzle, designed to reduce the radar signature, emerging from the Novosibirsk aircraft factory in December 2021.
Series production will focus on the heavy reconnaissance and attack UAV, designated as the S-70 "Okhotnik-B". Several prototypes are currently in the final stages of comprehensive testing, with particular emphasis on optimizing the weapons control system software. Production models are expected to have a narrow section nozzle, aiming to achieve a reduction of 2 to 2.5 times in the infrared signature and a marginal decrease in the effective reflective surface at the back of the UAV.
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All S-70 vehicles are programmed to be equipped with terminals for the exchange of tactical information and telecode information through secure radio communication channels of the KDL-I type (0.96 - 1.25 GHz). This technology is designed to allow the operation of UAVs under the control of Su-30SM2 and Su-57 crews. The range of the communication channel is projected between 350 and 450 km, allowing these multifunctional fighter crews to deploy the S-70 as "unmanned wings" without the need for manned vehicles to enter the enemy's anti-access/anti-aircraft (A2/D2) zones and the fighter maneuver zones.
The S-70 Okhotnik, with a 14-meter fuselage and a 19-meter wingspan, is comparable to the MiG-29, has a take-off weight of up to 25 tons, including combat load of up to 3 tons.
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Although the composition of the 3-ton combat cargo remains uncertain, the initial studies of the project suggested a wide range of guided aerial weapons, from anti-aircraft missiles to tactical aviation cruise missiles. The aircraft allegedly has internal weapon compartments similar to those of the Su-57 fighter, allowing the use of weapons beyond the visual range, including R-77M air-to-air missiles and Kh-59MK2 air-surface missiles capable of avoiding radar detection. However, at the end of 2020, Russia announced plans to use Okhotnik to launch unguided aerial bombs.
Tags: Military AviationRussiaS-70 OkhotnikUCAV
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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quirkwizard · 1 year
how would quirks change the media?? you have the internet, broadcasting, publishing, etc. i’m sure the news channels would be all over every villain attack and the paparazzis would be following proheroes everywhere
So I do want to talk about these, the Internet would be certainly fun to talk about, but I'm sticking to broadcasting on this one to keep things focused on one topic. And I've already talked about changes in movies, a lot of which is going to apply here.
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As far as the news goes, I doubt that much would change, at least as far as what is actually shown. Heroes fighting villains is pretty standard. Most villain attacks are met with the same annoyance of the train being late and are taken care of just as quickly. Unless it was a particularly big event, such as the villain attack at the USJ or Number 6's attack at the Tokyo Sky Egg, I doubt much would be said about it. That being said, I do think that there would be a lot of coverage of heroes in general. Given how in the public eye heroes are, I could see stations dedicating entire segments to heroes, like changes in the rankings or latest gossip. The paparazzi, on the other hand, would likely be just as bad as it is in real life, as seen with their constant following of heroes like Captain Celebrity. Though, considering how powerful heroes are and how dangerous their work is, I can only imagine how dedicated any member of the paparazzi would be to try and catch pictures of them.
I do believe that there would be a lot of media based around real heroes as well. I could see entire shows or even channels dedicated to featuring programming related to heroes given how big they are. They could have documentaries about retired heroes, shows discussing the current rise or fall of certain heroes, and analyses of how certain heroes are doing. I could easily see there being reality shows about them, like ones that show the days in the life of these heroes or are focused around certain agencies as they do their work. Though one I believe would happen above all others is cartoons. Considering figures like Chuck Norris, Mr. T, and Jackie Chan have all had their own cartoons, real heroes would easily translate in similar shows. I am certain All Might would have his own cartoon, and it would be total nonsense. It would have nothing to do with anything All Might is doing. It's probably going to be about him as part of a special task force with his special animal sidekick, Mighty Mutt.
As for any other kind of programming, I think a lot of it would remain the same. It's just that a lot would refocus and adjust around the evolution of Quirks, like tying it back into Quirks or heroes since those are such prevalent parts of people's lives now. Things like doing a special broadcast about the history of the world before Quirks. And since hero schools are a thing, I can only imagine someone making a CW or Disney-style show all about their lives. Occupational dramas would probably see the biggest change, at least in their concepts and plots. Things like medical dramas where certain Quirks can be the cause or solution of any number of medical complications, legal dramas that have episodes dealing with hero work, and entire shows about fictionalized heroes similar to police dramas. Which isn't even getting into the potential of stories where the protagonist has a certain Quirk. What I am saying is that if any of you have written an occupation-based alternative universe, chances are that it could have been a real show.
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dosesofcommonsense · 1 month
From the Election Wizard Telegram channel
SPECIAL REPORT: Pres. Trump’s Election Integrity Program at the RNC has:
-Engaged in about 100 lawsuits in 25 states
-Stopped 800k non-citizens from voting in New York City.
-Caught Appleton, Wisconsin not hiring Republicans as Poll Workers to assist voters in nursing homes (Special Voting Deputies) and forced them to do so by suing.
-Sued and won after catching Michigan’s Democrat Secretary giving election officials illegal instructions in secret to ignore mail ballot protections. Now MI must verify that signatures on mail ballots are accurate.
- Protected mail ballot safeguards in Pennsylvania.
- Sued the Biden-Harris admin for using tax tax dollars for partisan voter registration.
- Had 90,000 inactive voters removed from the rolls in Clark County, Nevada.
- Fought and won Georgia’s ballot application deadline, which is 11 days before the election.
-Vigorously defended Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, Florida, and Georgia’s election integrity laws through multiple lawsuits in each state.
-Hired election integrity staff in 18 states.
-Recruited tens of thousands of poll watchers, poll workers, and lawyers.
-Hosted numerous training sessions for poll watchers and poll workers in the swing states.
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lboogie1906 · 7 months
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Chief Petty Officer David Goggins (born February 17, 1975) is an ultramarathon runner, ultra-distance cyclist, triathlete, public speaker, and author. He is a retired Navy SEAL member who served in the Iraq War. His first memoir, Can’t Hurt Me, was released in 2019 and a sequel Never Finished in 2022.
He was born to Trunnis and Jackie Goggins. In the gap between his discharge from the Air Force and enlisting in the Navy, he worked as a pest control fumigator.
He applied to join the Air Force Pararescue and was accepted into training after failing his ASVAB twice. He had been diagnosed with sickle cell trait and was removed from training. He then completed Air Force Tactical Air Control Party training, and worked as a TACP, when he left the Air Force.
He graduated from BUD/S training. He received the NEC 5326 as a Combatant Swimmer (SEAL), entitled to wear the Special Warfare insignia also known as “SEAL Trident”. He was assigned to SEAL Team 5. In his 20-year military career, he served in Iraq and Afghanistan.
He entered the San Diego One Day, a 24-hour ultramarathon. He completed the Las Vegas Marathon in a time that qualified him for the Boston Marathon. He entered the Hurt-100 in Hawaii. He was invited to the 2006 Badwater-135, where he finished 5th overall.
He competed in the Ultraman World Championships Triathlon. He participated in the Furnace Creek 508.
He achieved his best finish at the Badwater-135 by placing 3rd overall. He competed in the Badwater-135 in 2013 and finished 18th. He competed in another 14 ultra-endurance races, with top-five finishes in nine of them. He set a course record at the 48-hour national championships.
He was named a “Hero of Running” by Runner’s World. He won the Infinitus 88k in 12 hours. He won the Music City Ultra 50k and Strolling Jim 40 Miler. He ran the Moab 240 ultramarathon, placing 2nd.
He is the only person to ever complete Army Ranger School, Air Force Tactical Control Party Training, and Navy Seal Training. Each of these training programs is nearly impossible to complete. He is a Guinness World Record holder. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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12-cluh · 9 months
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Name: Calvin Lucien
Age: 39
Sex/Gender: Male
Country of Origin: The United States of America
Occupation: Special Agent of the Chaos Insurgency
Physical Appearance
Eye color: Brown
Skin color: White
Hair color: Brown
Height: 6’ 1
Weight: 190 lbs
Body type: Athletic
Fitness level: High
Tattoos: Chaos Insurgency Logo on the right shoulder, as is common with Chaos Insurgency personnel.
Scars/Birthmarks: Scar on the left cheek, running from the bottom of the left eye to the left side of his jaw
Disabilities: N/a
Clothing: Black and red plaid jacket, black long-sleeved shirt, black combat pants, black combat boots, black leather fingerless gloves.
Accessories: Nothing of note.
Birth date: November 15, 1985
Place of birth: Wisconsin, USA
Key family members:
Uncle: O5 councilman Gabriel Lucien, aka The Blackbird.
Affiliations: SCP Foundation (former), Chaos Insurgency (current)
Psychological Traits
Personality type: ISTJ
Personality traits: Reserved, Calculating, Adaptable
Temperament: Melancholic
Introvert/Extrovert: Introverted
Mannerisms: Observant, speaks deliberately
Educational background: Graduate of Foundation Task Force Training Program
Intelligence: High
Self-esteem: Mid
Hobbies: Cryptography, Chess, Mixed Martial Arts
Skills/talents: Hand-to-hand combat, High Strategical Intelligence 
Morals/Virtues: Sacrifice for a greater good.
Phobias/Fears: Atychiphobia
Flaws: Emotionally Distant, Trust Issues, Vulnerable to Emotional Manipulation
Languages known: English, Russian, Japanese, Polish
Accent: Neutral American
Pitch: Moderate and Controlled 
Laughter: Subdued Chuckle
Smile: Reserved
Strengths, Weaknesses, and Abilities
Physical strengths: Exceptional Agility and Reflexes
Physical weaknesses: Susceptible to Overexertion, Tends to Push Limits
Intellectual strengths: High Strategic Intelligence
Intellectual weaknesses: Tends to Overthink
Interpersonal Strengths: A Good Leader
Interpersonal weaknesses: Prefers Working Alone
Magical abilities: N/a
Lover(s): N/a
Jonathan Lucien (Father)[deceased]
Elizabeth Lucien (Mother)[deceased]
Children: N/a
Edward Lucien (Grandfather)[deceased]
Evelyn Lucien (Grandmother)[deceased]
Grandchildren: N/a
Pets: N/a
Friends: Few if Any
Enemies: SCP Foundation, Three Moons Initiative, Serpents Hand, Global Occult Coalition
Special Agent “Specter”
Special Agent “Whisper”
Inspiration: The Punisher
Character archetype: Anti-Hero
Core values: His Version of Justice, Revenge
Goals: To murder the O5 Council
Motivations: To avenge his family’s murder at the hands of the O5 Council.
Additional Information
Calvin Lucien is a high threat to the Foundation and its goals. As a boy, nearly his entire family was murdered by the O5 Council due to learning confidential secrets. The only ones not confirmed dead were Calvin and his grandmother Evelyn, with his younger sister Eliza said to be missing. His grandmother raised him until her death when Calvin was 12. For the following years, Calvin switched between several foster homes, eventually becoming curious about the occult. When he was 18, he joined the military, excelling particularly at all physical programs. After another few years, he was nominated to join Mobile Task Force Alpha 1, aka the Red Right Hand.
However, on one mission, Calvin was kidnapped by the Chaos Insurgency, once a group comprised of ex-Red Right-Hand members that had grown exponentially. There was when Calvin learned the truth of his family’s murder, that the O5 Council had them slaughtered to preserve secrecy. Enraged, Calvin left the Foundation right then and joined the Chaos Insurgency as both military personnel and Foundation intelligence.
Addendum 1
Recent information has revealed that Calvin and close associates have been planning a visit to Iraq. As nearly all in the Foundation know, the major anomaly located in that area is The Gate Guardian. However, as nearly none know, it is also where ᗩᕲᗩᘻ ᒪᓰᐺᘿS the former O5-12 went missing. After ᕼᘿ ᘺᗩS Sᘿᗩᒪᘿᕲ ᗩᘺᗩᖻ his retirement, he was never seen again, though there is strong speculation that he retreated to the area in which The Gate Guardian protects. It is also theorized that the reason for Calvin’s increased specialty training is for some “Hail Mary” against the foundation.
"Let it be known that whoever is leaking classified information in these documents will be found and subject to immediate termination." -The Administrator
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tobiasdrake · 1 year
Something I like about the cast of Danganronpa V3 is how needlessly over-the-top they can be.
Like. Okay. What sets this group of characters apart is that they were not created in good faith.
What I mean by that is, the casts of previous Danganronpa games often had an interesting backstory to justify how they came to be Ultimates. Some were tragic, some were thought-provoking, but they generally felt like... Like, yeah, okay, this is a fairly believable sort of background that could create a person whose personality is hyper-specialized around this or that activity.
As I said before, the more you get to know these Ultimate Students, the more you realize that this is just a collection of neurodivergent kids and their myriad collections of rocks. Sure, there's a secret clan of detectives or a Fist of the North Star fanfic here or there.
But most of them are just things like. "My grandpa's failings taught me that I should work hard." "I learned about medicine because I was beaten a lot." "My heart disease could kill me at any moment so I devoted my life to inspiring others to live well." "I started programming on my dad's computer and got really good at it."
Most of the DR cast feel like people who could exist right now.
But V3's characters are way over-the-top, and that's by design. As part of V3's commentary on fact and fiction, these characters are created as over-designed, over-complex messes.
Nearly all of V3 characters are like, "I lied about my age to get into the astronaut program but then I was so good at astronaut that they let me stay in the program even though they found out my secret, and also I'm suffering from a lethal space virus that could kill me at any moment but I'm hanging in there so that I can see space."
"I come from a long line of magicians who are secret mages and I trained in magic under an ancient magician master, but my secret magician talents were so great that I surpassed my master. It's all real magic, by the way."
"I was lost in the wilderness as a child and then raised by wolves who inspired me to become the ultimate gentleman and be interested in insects."
"I was an orphan with extremely aggressive habits who was taken in by monks. The head monk trained me in aikido, ironically a martial art predicated on non-aggression but we invented a super secret ultimate aggressive version of it. Then we became a crime-fighting duo, battling the forces of evil to protect women everywhere!"
With just a few exceptions, they're all like this.
Danganronpa V3 characters read like someone who wrote a novel-length backstory for their D&D character before the campaign began, because they didn't understand that the plot was supposed to be what happens right here, in the game.
But. Like. That is exactly what they are. So that dynamic actually fits really well. These are not Danganronpa characters created in good faith; They're actors LARPing their fanfiction OCs. And they read like it.
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cienie-isengardu · 11 months
Do you have any theories or explanations on why cyborgs in MK lore are plain useless? In MK9 and MK11 it's shown that to defeat a cyber ninja covered in armor and a lot of advanced weaponry you don't need much force (like Kitana easily decapitating them with her fan) and Sektor is pretty much a useless jobber who lost all his fights, same as Cyrax who in MK9 lost every encounter after being turned into a cyborg.
The easiest explanation of course is game mechanics which simply doesn’t allow them to win, and Cyber Sektor (alongside with Noob Saibot) is the victim of this at least since MK9 (2011). At the same time, the same game mechanics allow a relative normal human to defeat a powerful god(s) and for context, the last time Shinnok was beaten down happened when the Elder Gods battled him eons ago. So yeah, the MK universe doesn’t really follow sensible logic when it comes to fighting abilities. 
As for in-universe explanation, I would go with this reasoning:
The first matter is that members of Lin Kuei weren’t intended to fight in an honorable one on one specifically. Bi-Han was one of the best but his specializations, as we were told in Sub-Zero: Mythologies, was assassination and theft. Of course, Bi-Han was a skilled fighter, otherwise he wouldn’t be hired to take part in the Mortal Kombat Tournament, the same as Cyrax and Sektor. However in his line of job, he was trained to steal and kill from hiding and by any necessary means. The clan’s original motto says We are the Lin Kuei, more stealthful than the night, more deadly than the dawn! putting emphasis on stealth and even MK1’s Lin Kuei, though no longer an assassin clan but still definitely a special forces/ black ops in service of Earthrealm, as before favors this tactic on their missions. 
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"Stealth is the only tactic I need!" [Scorpion/Kuai Liang vs Shang Tsung character intro]
The C.I. project was meant to perfect members of Lin Kuei by erasing human flaws, but that does not necessarily mean their original purpose (assassination and theft) changed. Frankly, the Lin Kuei cyborg were effective when it comes down to stealth, as in MK9 they twice successfully managed to approach and catch their target without anyone noticing their presence, as was seen with Smoke (saved only by Raiden’s intervention)
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and younger Sub-Zero.
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For the record, Cyber Lin Kuei managed to sneak up into Colosseum full of guards, people with special powers including two excellent sorcerer (Shang Tsung and Quan Chi) and Emperor himself. Granted, everyone was focused on Tournament and Kuai Liang’s attempt at murder but that is the point isn’t? Cyborg Lin Kuei had means and experiences with using that kind situation for their benefit.
And let’s not forget Cyber Lin Kuei and Sindel's attack on the heroes. Only Cyber Sub-Zero managed to detect other cyborgs before their attack - most likely due being one of them. Now let’s compare it to Sindel’s attack, when the Earthrealms were warned about by Kitana who senses her mother’s presence. So the Cyborg Lin Kuei  ambush did not fail due to Lin Kuei’s lack of skills but because Earthrealm luckily had a cyborg on their side before they could sneak up and assassinate humans.
Additionally, older source material like Cyrax's bio and ending specifically point out that lack of the soul makes a cyborg undetected:
Mortal Kombat 3: "Cyrax is unit LK-4D4, the second of three prototype cybernetic ninjas built by the Lin Kuei. Like his counterparts, his last program is to find and terminate the rogue ninja Sub-Zero. Without a soul, Cyrax goes undetected by Shao Kahn and remains a possible threat against his occupation of Earth."
Mortal Kombat 3: "Cyrax is captured by Sub-Zero and reprogrammed with new orders: Destroy Shao Kahn. With Kahn unable to detect the assassin's soulless presence, Cyrax delivers a successful sneak attack. But, after eliminating Kahn and saving Earth, Cyrax awaits new orders from his Lin Kuei headquarters. The orders never come and Cyrax malfunctions. He ends up stranded in the middle of a vast desert, blindly heading towards his base."
Also thing worth to keep in mind: Cyber Sektor and Cyrax may lost their fight in MK9, but Cyber Sub-Zero defeated both Goro and Kintaro, Kano and Noob Saibot in almost one go and none of those fighters, especially not Prince Goro, the Champion of Mortal Kombat Tournament, could be called a weakling.
So, one of things constituting the problem may be that Lin Kuei were the most adapted at stealth and ambush attack but once they lost the element of surprise they could lose the fight against more experienced warriors. The clan may have great individual fighters like Sub-Zero brother, Smoke, Cyrax and Sektor, but the average member not necessary must be on the same level as those named warriors (additionally, even those named characters worked in pair for most of time, with Bi-Han being the biggest exception in games however in some older comics he too had a partner, Hydro).
The other disadvantage the cyborgs face is definitely the existence of magic and generally speaking a different “reality” laws between realms, for example - earthrealm technology does not work properly on Shang Tsung’s Island (the best example comes from MK film 1995, in which Sonya’s radio and compass stopped working once she has arrived there but of course, this aspecy varies between sources). The Lin Kuei, as a clan familiar with magic and super powers for ages, probably took into account such a problem, however even the best calculation can’t compare to first hand experiences, so there is a chance in some settings the cyborg technology will be affected by specific factors and maybe even a place itself - here is a good moment to wonder if Kitana’s fans are enhanced by some sort of magic that gives the control over weapon  “against the  laws of physics” during her fatalities? Whether introduced as Shao Kahn or Empress Sindel’s daughter, she is a princess so it is very likely her gear is of the best quality and may be made of either magic material or magically improved when crafted. Such a weapon combined with her skills honed for hundreds of years make her a very dangerous enemy to face. 
Another matters connected to cyborg technology is that MK lore proved 
A) programming may be prone to corruption which definitely affects the cyborgs abilities. This is especially seen with Sektor in original timeline:
Tournament Edition: "Sektor's programming had become corrupted during his many violent battles with Outworld Forces [...].
Bio Kard: "One of the original cyborgs manufactured by the Lin Kuei clan, Sektor has grown more and more corrupt over the years. As his programming deteriorates, he becomes a bigger threat than ever. He may prove to be a danger to all, regardless of their alignment.
B) the cyborgization could improve Lin Kuei warriors’ skills yet the programming may as well kill their natural assassin predispositions and human’s ability to adapt. Which is something that Cyrax feared: "I am among those speaking out against the Grand Master's plan. Surgically transform the Lin Kuei into glorified robots? It kills our intuition, our instincts." [MK9] Since some clan members were forced into C.I. Project against their will, their units requested a slave protocol to keep them under control. The survivors of said program or those who managed to elusive the change attempted to destroy Cyber Lin Kuei (and whenever Cyber Cyrax regained control over himself he turned against the robotic Lin Kuei and that happened on a few different occasions). The threat of rebellion forced Cyber Sektor to limitate subordinates’ autonomy, which in result definitely redacted their primal efficiency. This is best seen in Mortal Kombat X comics series, as cloned cyborgs can’t function independently and need a central master to operate.
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and would stop working properly if central master (Sektor) was eliminated until they found the replacement
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(and there is something to say about Cyber Sektor’s own programing that was supposed to transcend humanity yet he pathologically kept Cyrax around as his second-in-command despite the danger Cyrax poses).
Another matter worth taking into account about events of MK11 (2019) is how the misplaced through time Cyber Lin Kuei needed to update their technology (“The Cyber Lin Kuei factory is modified to your specifications. Production exceeds projections.”), however I feel only once they were used truly in line with their main advantage - stealth. And that most likely happened during the attack on Lin Kuei Temple, as the game made it clear Cyborgs managed to capture Kuai Liang’s men and change into robots. In all other events, like during the attack on the Special Force’s base or the final battle between allied heroes and Kronika’s army? The Cyber Lin Kuei were treated like cannon fodder and it was their number that mattered, not quality. Which I guess adds to the feeling of their incompetence.
So if I was looking for an in-universe explanation why Cyber Lin Kuei is not effective despite the advanced technology, the most sounding answer for me is the mix of above presented reasons. Their main advantage is stealth and lack of souls make them undetectable however this is rarely used these days to fullest while Cyber Sektor’s fear of losing control handicapped their efficiency from within. The less autonomy the cyborgs have, the less capable they are of adapting to the situation (and turning it to their favor). But also, the named fighters that faced the machines are not novice and each are experienced, dedicated to their cause and skilled - in some cases, also equipped with either magic or special powers including controlling elements like electricity, ice and fire that easily can disrupt cyber technology. But the biggest fault definitely lies with how cyber programming limits their natural instincts in favor of maintaining control over enslaved people/machines.
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ftbrainrot · 1 year
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Why were children and young teenagers allowed to join magic guilds in the first place?
Many things that predate the start of the story are only visible through flashbacks centred around specific characters which makes it difficult to tell how common situations were, but we do know that ten years prior to the first chapter, the demon Deliora was wreaking havoc and orphaning four named characters that are explicitly stated to have lost their families and homes to the demon: Gray, Sherry, Tobi and Yuuka. We also know from the backstory of Erza and other characters such as Kagura that the group behind the Tower of Heaven was kidnapping and murdering. As Rosemary Village was a village, one can make the guess that the targeted areas were rural in nature.
One of the kidnapped people was a seasoned member of the Fairy Tail guild, Rob. Little is known about Rob beyond that he was a fire mage and that he was, in younger years, a teammate of Makarov’s. While we do not learn how he was captured, we do know that Rob and Porlyusica are the only two members of their old team who did not go on to become guild masters. As Makarov has been shown to be a very powerful mage, it can be assumed that all members of his old team were S-class level mages. Meaning: Rob would not have been an easy mark. Still—he got captured and he lost his life in the Tower.
And with the second known death from that time period—that of the Ice Mage Ur who had been Gray’s teacher—this puts together a puzzle: that even very powerful mages (according to Siegrain / Jellal, Ur was on the level of a wizard saint) were not safe. It can be extrapolated that all guilds were losing members during this time period—to death and (quite possibly) to retirement as the stakes were very high.
This period of unrest and danger also created many, many orphans. Almost every character who is shown to have joined Fairy Tail at a young age did so after having lost their family. And while the majority of orphans—remember, the percentage of mages in the population of Fiore is 10%—likely had only two options: growing up in an orphanage or adoption / a foster family, the mage orphans did have another option: to join a mage guild.
This is speculation, but in a time where—due to the overall unsafe situation—hundreds of children were left without parents and in need of care from the government the existing orphanages were likely filled to the brim. Adequate care was likely difficult to come by, and with mage orphans being in the minority and them being ‘special’ as they had the spark required to do magic, alternative solutions had to be found as non-magical orphanage workers might have been ill-equipped to handle magically empowered children who lived through the trauma of having lost their families.
Guilds were possibly an easy enough solution. Legal Guilds are affiliated with the Magic Council—the government body for mages—and possibly get funds from the Council. They already were places for mages to cooperate and train with each other. This of course ignores that they were usually places for adult mages, not for children and that these spaces that had previously been made for and by adults did not change to accommodate the children and their needs as in guilds like Fairy Tail, the adults were conducting themselves as they had before around the children.
The guilds could not be forced to take in children, but they were encouraged to help with the unfolding situation as there were legitimate concerns for the safety of the children. How the guilds fulfilled their responsibility in particular differs from guild to guild as each guild is unique in what they can offer, some might have put in place mentorship programs rather than allow seven year old children to join, but there is no denying that the overall situation at the time did allow guilds to essentially have the first pick when it comes to recruiting members of the next generation of mages.
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uwukillmenowowo · 4 months
𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐓𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥 [Tokyo Debunker X F!Reader]
[ 6 | Cursed] 『😈』
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Key's for the story: Insert - Narrative - And then she stared at her reflection in the mirror [Insert] - Author speaking - [Eyyy there- wazzup readers] "Insert" - Talking - "Hey there!" [But can also be air quotes] 'Insert' - Thinking - 'Dame he's cute...' "Insert" - Whispering - "I- I messed up..." [But can also be an emphasis on a word/phrase, or flashback] (Insert) - Inner mind..? - (Deadass doesn't know how to explain it here) *Insert* - Action - *Sighs with their head down*[INSERT] - Magic - [OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!] or [IGGNAIM!]
𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫: [ 5 | Quiz] 『❓』
[Book 0] The Academy of Ghouls
[Chapter 6] I've Really Been Cursed..?
{Your POV}
"I-In one year... I'm going to die?" I asked, shocked and not believing it. "At this rate, yes." The chancellor slumped his shoulders, then laid a pamphlet on the desk. Darkwick Academy is known as Japan's most elite educational institution. But that's just on the surface. This is our true form." He flipped the pamphlet over. "The Anomalous Investigation Institute...?" I read.
"Yes. This is an educational facility managed by the Anomalous Investigation Institute. For many years, we have nurtured extraordinary talents here to protect the world from the threat o anomalies." I bit my lip. "But no one knows about that... right?" The chancellor nodded. "Of course not. Only those associated with the Institute. If the public leaned of the existence of anomalies, society would descend into unnecessary chaos." I flipped through the pamphlet, mind racing. 
"Our Mission... To face the unknown and the arcane without fear, and preserve world peace." 'Is this real..? I've really been cursed..?' I felt as though all the blood was draining from my body. I swallowed, but my throat was bone dry. I finally squeezed out a few words. "I was just taking the train home..." The chancellor gave me a sympathetic look. "Yes, terrible business, really. That anomaly is very troublesome... That's why we chose Hoshibami, one of the more aggressive ghouls, to handle it. But he failed to capture or even defeat it. What's the point of ghoul students if they can't do what's on the tin?"
"Ghouls..?" I questioned. "Yes, ghouls are not ordinary humans. They are physically tougher and possess certain special abilities. There's something in the pamphlet about them... ah yes, here!" The chancellor turned the Pamphlet and I read. "In addition to general admissions students, Darkwick has a special admissions program. Participants in this program must be ghouls to qualify..?" The chancellor explained, "Only ghouls can become special admissions students, so they're usually referred to as ghoul students."
"S-so they're not human..?" I asked unsure. "What defines a human is a hotly debated topic within the Institute.. There are many different viewpoints... Oh, don't get me started! We'll be here until the cows come home! Anyways, ghouls are kind of like the Darkwick special forces. Day and night, they risk their loves to preserve public peace... or they're supposed to, at least... It seems that this time, they were a little too late..." A wave of sympathy washed over the chancellor's face. It seemed my unfortunate incident was an exception. "Ordinarily, we would not be able to discuss these things with an outsider such as yourself. But the Mesmer Matches didn't on you, did they?"
The chancellor held out a small, familiar bottle. "Apparently not..." I responded. "Hmm... Perhaps the curse is canceling them out. If the matches worked, then she wouldn't be cursed anymore, after all." I sighed before taking in a deep breath again. "H-Have I... really been cursed..?" The chancellor didn't answer. "i-It's just a little hard to swallow."
The chancellor nodded. "It's true, I'm afraid." The chancellor smiled sadly at me, then reached forward and rang a little bell on his desk. Seconds later, a cat bounded down the spiral staircase adn rubbed itself against the chancellor's legs. "Ha ha, that tickles! Always after pats, aren't you?" The cat meowed and the chancellor asked the cat to get professor Nicolas. 
'That can't be... Am I really going to die..? Just like that?' I thought before the chancellor spoke, "There's one more thing I must tell you." The chancellor's expression became suddenly grim. "We place all cursed persons under surveillance so we can observe the progression of the curse. This is to prevent more victims like you- and most importantly, it's for your own sake. We must study your curse in order to find a cure." I bit my lip, knowing what that means.
"By surveillance... do you mean..?" "Until your curse has been broken, you cannot leave this academy." Just then, Professor Nicolas came. "Chancellor? It's Nicolas." "Ah! There you are! Excellent timing! I was just explaining her curse and the detention process." I bit my lip harder, flinching at the word "detention". "Right... How are you doing, [Y/n]?" Professor Nicolas's voice was kind, but I couldn't bring myself to respond. Countless possibilities flashed through m mind, but trying to understand just made me more confused. "You're quite pale... Chancellor, do you mind if we stop by the treatment room before admitting her?"
The chancellor nodded. "That's fine. But Professor Nicolas... Please take care that she doesn't escape." ".....yes, I understand." "Ah, yes. We will need to check your belongings, so please leave everything here." I groaned and looked up at Professor Nicolas signaling to him that I wasn't going to hand over my wand. He just nodded and reluctantly I dropped everything else on the tray presented before me.
My phone, wallet, and my bag with Che'nya's keychain. What hurt me though is that some of my gifts from RSA were in my bag. "Let's go, shall we?" Professor Nicolas said. I nodded, stood up and started to follow him out. "Don't let yourself be too disheartened, [Y/n]. I hope you get some rest." I didn't answer him. Assisted by Professor Nicolas, I exited the room, still in confusion.
"Are you able to walk?" the professor asked me. I nodded. "I'm sorry. The treatment room is in Mortkranken, so it's a bit of a walk from here." "Umm... Professor Nicolas?" I called. "Yes?" I sucked in a breath. "The chancellor told me I was going to die in a year..." "Darkwick is on the cutting edge of anomalous research. Unfortunately, that means your diagnosis... is likely quite accurate." I sighed. "So it's true?" "We dedicate ourselves day and night to anomalous research to ensure that people everywhere can live in peace. That includes reserching ways to lift curses like the one affecting you. We will do our utmost to help you. Let's overcome this challenge together, okay?"
I narrowed by brow. "But why can't I leave exactly? I know curse research but can't it be like I stay home and inform you of new changes?" The professor sent me a sad look. "I'm sorry. This is Institute policy." I sighed and shoved my face into my hands. When suddenly, Professor Nicolas's phone rang. "Sorry, that's me. Could you hold on a moment? I need to take this." Professor Nicolas turned around, at that moment I thought of the worst.
'If I let Professor Nicolas take me wherever it is he's taking me, I won't be able to leave...' I took a slow step back. 'Now that I'm paying attention to my body, I can feel part of my magic being sealed. It's just a portion but still...' I then took another step back. 'If I stay here, I won't be able to find my actual way home.' I started taking more steps back, making sure that Professor Nicolas didn't hear me. When I got far enough, I started running.
'I refused to be a part of this!'
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𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫: [ 7 | Run] 『🏃‍♀️』
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