#special mogekos
kagamikoi · 2 years
Currently not at home so I can only update some old works and i'm still in love with my human design for specials mogekos ❤
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the-acid-pear · 10 months
I honestly don't get how Mogekos on their own can be a threat. They're like 50 cm tall girl just punt them in the face.
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ponikopuffy · 4 months
babe wakes up, new ringo special interest just dropped
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also i drew mogeko and Rectangular Businessman becuese i love them
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pb-s-corner · 2 months
I saw there are still people who think Mogeko Castle Gaiden never had any progress or is cancelled, so I searched for any behind the scenes content and...
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She was ACTUALLY WORKING ON IT, before the project went on a hiatus.
ALL OF THIS PICTURES ARE PUBLIC, THEY ARE NOT BEHIND ANY PAYWALL, you just need to search correctly on her ci-en.
I'm specially intrigued with this one
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I don't know japanese, but I'm sure the general is in somekind of mogeko heaven, also, hi Hasu!
(Reblog are apreciated, not much people know this info I don't want more fans to belive this game never made any progress, because from what I gathered, it looked like it already had the structure)
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bloodfueledsundial · 8 months
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(PT: about me!)
hello!! i go by GF, but you can also call me MO, radi or radiance! i use she/hx/any pronouns including it/its with no preference!
im intersex and use the labels transfemmasc, transmascfem & transneufemmasc interchangeably for myself! im also non-human/otherkin.
i am an adhdtistic DID system/syshost. i have NPD, BPD & ASPD + a bunch of other stuff that's mostly none of anyone's business.
funkin' (base game) special interest of 3 years & counting! (need more fnf moots plsplspls...)
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(PT: dni list)
basic DNI criteria, proshippers/comshippers/profics etc, funamusea/DSP/mogeko supporters, radfems, xenosatanists, pro-c & pro-abuse paras, narc abuse believers, anti-recovery blogs, singlets who use system/plural terms, if you believe selfxself is inherently harmful and fits into the category of proshipping (obvious exceptions being when it's portrayed as incest), FtMs who use the fb-slur, if you use TMA/TME terminology for any reason other than self-identification.
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(PT: byi / byf!)
i very often reblog mogaiblr stuff as well as disability awareness posts, anything cluster B related and rentry/carrd resources!
i don't get involved in syscourse and don't care if you're endogenic, pro-endo or anti-endo. i am anti-misinformation and anti-harassment regarding my syscourse stance.
i don't get involved in label discourse either and don't have a wish to do so. i don't mind/care if you use contradictory labels and decide to follow this blog, that's none of my business.
proshippers, darkshippers and alike - please do not follow this blog! i am a trauma survivor and severely antiship as a result. i don't care if you like/rb my stuff though.
thank you for reading!!
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ungojirasapiente · 1 year
Colder Days (Mogeko March 2023 Day 10)
Rocma was used to death, it was a part of life, after all, everyone someday has to kick the bucket, she knew that, really well, she was a predator after all, bringing death to her prey was the entire purpose of her life, eat or be eaten, the unbreakable law of nature, the weak succumb and the strong prevail, she believed completely in that rule, her entire philosophy of life orbited around that belief, that’s why she was so disgusted by Shirogane and Yukisada, the mere concept of somebody else helping somebody as weak and pathetic as that wolf was something completely unimaginable to her, she didn’t make exceptions to that rule, not even for her own family, when she had to kill her own brother to prove her superiority, she did it without hesitation, without regret, her brother was weaker and she was stronger, therefore she survived and he didn’t, easy as that… then why?... why was she feeling like this?
It all started with a small cough, Rocma heard Mafuyu cough a bit, not that strange, while seals could withstand the cold quite easily, being artic animals that spent almost the entire part of their life on the freezing waters, Mafuyu was barely a pup, so it wasn’t that strange for her to get a cold or a small flu, specially in the harsher winter months, but then, her coughing became more frequent, hoarser, like it came straight from her lungs, rather than just her throat, it started to affect her life, the poor kid couldn’t go a few seconds without emitting a loud, harsh cough from her little mouth, of course, being her mother, Rocma took the little seal to Yukisada, the only doctor in the island, the snowy owl did a check up on the young seal, he said that it was probably a small infection in her lungs, nothing to worry about, Mafuyu just needed to rest for a week or two, have some medicine, and by the end of those weeks, she would have been completely cured… what a big lie that was…
Rocma remembered seeing the little seal lying in bed, saddened by the fact she couldn’t play in the snow with Peraco and her siblings, the polar bear would pat the little seal in her head, telling her that soon she’ll be able to play all day long again, then she would give her daughter her medicine and let the small seal sleep, the first week passed, but things didn’t get better, the poor seal developed a fever, a high one, the few times the little seal left the bed, she could barely stand from how weak she was, not helped by the fact that her cough just kept getting worse, her fever getting higher, by that time, the poor seal was completely bed ridden, doing nothing but lay down, cough her poor lungs out and sleep, and everytime she coughed, thick phlegm would come out, Rocma didn’t like to admit it, she liked to put a cold and serious front, but she was scared, but why?... why would somebody that believes wholeheartedly in the laws of nature be so worried, after all, the weak…
Rocma remembers that day , even the exact time, 16:30, she had to go hunting, although Mafuyu didn’t exactly have an apetite, what with her condition and all, she still needed to feed herself, but the poor seal wasn’t giving up, “I’m going to get better mommy, I’m going to be strong, like you!” the little seal weakly, between coughs, but with a palpable determination, fueled by the sorts of dreams only a child could have, this made Rocma smile, genuinely smile, one of the few people who ever saw her smile, pride in someone else also wasn’t something Rocma felt often, but she was so proud of her little seal. Before leaving, she had told Yukisada to take care of Mafuyu, since he was the doctor it should have been easy for him to help the young seal with her affliction, when she went out, she noticed that Shirogane had walked into the orca danger zone again, and gotten attacked by Idate, again, Rocma fought the orca, it was quite the battle, this time Rocma had the upper hand, she clawed at the cetacean, causing him some pretty serious injuries, while the Orca barely left a few bruises, realizing the severity of the situation, Idate left, not before sending some lewd remarks to the polar bear, how disgusting… Rocma then confronted the wolf, a being as pathetic as him didn’t deserve to live, if he couldn’t survive on his own, then it was better for him to just die, to stop being a waste of air, pretty harsh words, especially since she was tired and angered by the fight with the orca, but still, she believed her words to be true, she was just reciting what the world had taught her, that the weak perish and the strong prevail…
She finally arrived home, Yukisada was standing in the front door, his head hung down, looking at the floor, Rocma stepped closer, wondering why the owl was outside when he was supposed to take care of her daughter, Yukisada looked eye-to-eye at the polar bear, his face had a sad, mournful expression, almost as if his whole heart had shattered, this already made Rocma slightly unnerved, Yukisada was usually a happy-go-lucky sort of person, someone kind that always tried to give a smile, even when things seemed to be at their worse, personally, she found that trait more annoying than endearing, nobody could be happy all the time, it had to be just a façade, but still, seeing his face made the polar bear worry, then the owl spoke…
“Mafuyu… Mafuyu has passed … her lungs where filled with fluid and… I tried to do everything I could but… I’m sorry… I’m… sorry” the owl choked up, barely managing to contain his tears.
Rocma simply remained silent for a solid minute, no words, not a single emotion on her face, she just stepped inside, going to her daughters room, there she was, laying in bed, her little eyes closed, as if asleep, like she could just jump out of her bed at any second and go hug her mother, and she would reciprocate, the two sharing a two sharing a moment, a bond only a parent with their child could have, a happy feeling Rocma loved to feel, the only moment she’ll let her guard down and let somebody else approach her this closely, the only person Rocma really cared about… and she was gone…
Rocma remembered hugging the body of her daughter, no longer a person, a living being, just… an object, a corpse, then she started crying, she could feel the warm tears falling out of her eyes, rolling down her cheeks, she truly was crying, it hurt, it really hurt, not like being punched or injured during hunting or in a fight, it was a different type of pain, much deeper inside, much more painful, it wasn’t even in just a single part of her body, she felt it everywhere, down to her very core, down to her soul, she hugged the body tightly, she wanted Mafuyu to wake up, for her daughter to open her eyes and hug her again, to feel that love only a child could give, the love for their parent, but there was no response, the body just stayed there, between what was once its mother, limp, cold… dead…
Rocma screamed, out of sorrow, out of misery, out of the single greatest pain a parent could go through, a pain so great that even Rocma, probably the strongest person in the iceberg, and cold and hard as it was, couldn’t escape it… but it was the rules of nature, wasn’t it? The weak perish, the strong survive, but this time, for the very first time in her life, in her years of surviving, through the toughest winters, through the harshest blizzards, through the injuries, the sickness, the broken limbs, through every pain she went through, for the first time in her entire life, she wished she wasn’t strong, she wished she could die right there, just drop dead, away from the pain, from the misery, and forever with Mafuyu, she wished that had happened, but of course, the weak succumb, the strong survive, that’s how the world worked…
Rocma was alone, again, it wasn’t like she was used to being alone, her species where solitary animals, but, it still hurt, she wasn’t used to it, not anymore, she always hunted extra food, expecting to feed another mouth other than hers, expecting to find snowmen or some other weird structure made with snow in the path to her house, entering her home and expecting to step on littered toys, to trip on a yarn ball, to find scattered papers filled with crude drawings made with crayon, only to find the floor completely clean, as she had left it before leaving, expecting to hear the sound of her daughter, running out of her room, ecstatic that she had returned, expecting the adorable sound of her laughter, expecting the warmest of hugs from the little seal, expecting the cold day to be warmed, even if barely, but nothing of the sort came, of course, there wasn’t anyone there to do those things, not anymore, making those cold days, even colder…
well... this was pretty fucking sad, wasn't it :D nothing better than causing pain to my favourite characters, isn't it wonderful! also, sorry if there were any errors or if it isn't as good as other stuff i've written, i kinda rushed this one out, hope you guys still enjoyed it.
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kandyrezi · 2 years
Nothing special just question, out of all 3 mogeko games what characters you like the most (including genderbend)?
my favorite characters from each game??? wellll................
Mogeko Castle: moge-ko, king mogeko, yonaka
WATGBS: lobco, chlomaki, fukami
TGG: yosafire, froze, ivlis, poemi
the latter doesn't appear in any of them, but my favorite genderswaps are probably fem!idate & fem!fumus........
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maraevantree · 1 month
LIVE NOW WITH A SPECIAL GUEST https://twitter.com/LudmilaVT_! Streaming Mogeko Castle! Figured I'd play this before monetization because funamusea doesn't like their content monetized i think and we RESPECT BOUNDARIES!
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divinescannibalism · 8 months
Would Mogeko Castle NPTs be okay (It was The Wife's special interest for a long time and pup understands if it's too uncomfy though!/g)
of course! just a question...
a specific character(s) or just general npt's for the game?
(pd; as someone with many MANY autistic traits (i haven't got diagnosed, yet) i can easily understand having "weird" interests so don't worry at all!)
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cherriipeachcreme · 5 years
To My S/I: Idate + Siralos
Siralos, Idate,
I know I don’t support many things you guys do, because I need to stand up against violence and injustice. But to be honest... I was afraid of realizing my feelings for you in the past. Having a crush on two violent jerks wasn’t something I would have accepted.
But now that I do admit my feelings, I feel much happier since I can spend time with you both without being embarrassed or confused. I love traveling with you and seeing many different places, and I’m so glad to be yours.
I love you, Idate and Siralos, and thank you for being with me.
~ Megumi
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peerless-soshi · 6 years
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What’s done is done  You can’t turn back  the hands of time 
Meikai, Old & Tatsumiya; omake
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sullivansays · 6 years
autism is unfortunate because i know way too much about this thing that I hate .
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miamstix · 7 years
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Why was this game so creepy
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Mogeko Castle - Yandere Headcanons
Defect Mogeko
* Mogeko is a protective yandere. He is different from everyone, and because of that, he wasn't going to allow anyone to hurt you. You were special to him. You saved him and trusted him. You did something that might have put you into danger. He really appreciated that. He adored having you near him. He was going to kill anyone he needed to protect you.
* If you broke up with Mogeko, he would lose his mind. He loved you so much and you decided to leave him? Who do you think you are?! He couldn't believe you would do something like that to him.
Mogekov Hashasky
* Mogekov is very controlling. From the way that you interact to others, to the way you sleep, Mogekov needs to control everything in your life. Without that control, Mogekov feels like you are slipping from his fingers and that would be the last thing that he would ever want. He wants you to be his, and he will do anything to make that happen. Even force you.
* If you break up with Mogekov, he would be absolutely enraged. Who are you to tell him that you don't love him anymore? only reason you're alive is because of him. You better stop saying stupid things like that.
Shinya Kurai
* Shinya is a manipulative yandere. He is very close to you. He adores you more than anything and is willing to do everything in his power to manage and get you all to himself. He will even kill you if it means that you will never look at anyone else. He would rather have you dead, than in the arms of someone else.
* If you would break up with Shinya, he would completely close his mind, and end up murdering you, while saying that he is doing this to save your relationship with him.
Yonaka Kurai
* Yonaka is a clingy yandere. From the moment that she had laid her eyes on you, she knew that you were perfect for her. She would cry whenever you try to leave her and she would guilt trip you into staying with her. She would keep reminding you that without you she would be completely alone in the world, even if that was not true at all.
* If you would break up with Yonaka, she would threaten to take her own life, and she would do a fake attempt too, to scare you. She would hurt herself and be sent to the hospital, but nothing enough to actually kill her.
* Moge-mov is a possessive yandere. Moge-kov repsects you a lot. She sees you as someone strong. Someone that she should look up to. She is willing to kill anyone who would show you any sort of direspect. She is also willing to kidnap you, if she would think that you are putting yourself in needless danger.
* If you try to break up with Moge-kov, she would without a second thought, kidnap you. You were clearly not in your right mind. She needed to keep you and protect you.
* Moge-ko is a sadistic yandere. She absolutely loves to break you and put you back together over and over again. She adores you more than anything in this world, and the way she shows her love is through endless pain that she gives you. She hopes that you can understand. And if you can't.. Well, you can't escape.
* If you would try to break up with moge-ko, she would laugh at you, saying you were funny and would return to acting like always. That is, until you try to kill yourself. That's when moge-ko would realize how dangerous you were to yourself. Time to take those pesky legs and arms off..
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cinnamonest · 3 years
I have no idea what mogeko castle is but I googled it and I'm....a bit.. Intrigued?
YEEEEE special semi obscure interest time
Deep Sea Prisoner/Funamusea makes games, like those old rpgmaker horror type games. Mogeko Castle is about a girl lost in... A castle, filled with these creatures called mogekos that look like this
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Cute, right? Here is their official description:
Mogeko (モゲコ) are creatures that make up part of the central antagonists of Mogeko Castle. They are perverted, violent creatures that chase after Yonaka Kurai during her time in the castle.
So yeah. It's wildly perverted and fucked up and FUN.
Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea is about a sea witch girl. It actually is cool bc the first half of the game is actually pretty light-hearted? And then holy fuck it takes a very rapid turn into fucked up territory in the blink of an eye. The ultimate antagonist is a plot twist and it's just *chefs kiss* beautiful. There's a manga, too. But the game has a scene where poor Wadanohara just gets fucked up in every sense by the antagonist, right in front of her pseudo-boyfriend who can't help her, and she mindbreaks. All the good shit.
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kazewhara · 2 years
OH MAN,, i remember the good old days of me just pirating a bunch of rpg maker games on my mom’s pc cuz i didn’t have money to buy them on steam 😭😭
OKAY BUT IF YOU’VE PLAYED MOGEKO CASTLE have u played wadanohara?? since it’s by the same creator and all! that game was mostly cutesy and all of a sudden just traumatised me with the bad ending 😀
other than that, ‘Forest of Drizzling Rain’ has a special place in my heart cuz it’s the first rpg maker game an old friend recommended to me<3
i never played forest of drizzling rain! i'm definitely gonna check that one out asap 🥰 i wanna get wadanohara again and play it ohhh my god, i hope i have the time to do that this summer 🥺
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