#specially dbd fans here
bakuhoes-dumbass · 2 years
In the midst of all this insanity you shouldn't even have to think about promising more abberation chapters. I'd love a new chapter as much as anyone else, but with so much shit happening in real life if you're still getting badgered about abberation updates I'm going to be in shock.. I hope you stay safe and that you're doing okay (or at least, okayish) with all this crap happening
No one is necessarily demanding but I've definitely had some msgs 😅 yeah there's a lot goin on right now, it's crazy. 💜
I know I haven't been too active on here lately, not been on social media too much in general. If you guys would like to, I run a discord that's a bit more active. You can join Here. (Just made sure you're 18+ and read the rules ^^)
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deadbydangit · 11 months
HI idk when this was made but this is a godsend, especially considering the new dbd comic out. me, a rabid legion (frank) fan……. wonders
killers when they get to share in the campfire with you? just you and them sitting by the survivors campfire and taking in the area thats usually reserved for survivors
Aww, that's cute. I have to get ahold of those comics! I decided to make it a campfire party with the Legion.
Hanging out with them at the campfire.
Legion members: Frank, Julie, Joey, Susie
He's the one bringing the party!
And by that I mean the booze.
Yeah, lots of it.
"Hey guys, watch me do a back flip."
Literally the life of the party.
He does kind of try to show off.
He wants you to see how cool he is.
It might not always be safe.
"Five bucks says I can jump over the fire."
There is no money in the realm.
He's kind of drunk.
He gets drunk really fast.
He's the drunk who does really stupid shit.
Then picks a fight with the largest person there.
Then is their best friend.
Has no idea what happened the night before.
But he has a ton of bruises.
He's just glad he got to have fun with you and the others.
She's bringing booze too.
Except she brings more exotic things.
Special things she can only get from doing really well in trials.
Frank likes cheap beer.
Julie likes her fancy champagne.
All the things you would find at a fancy party.
But she drinks it right out of the bottle so...
Kind of defeats the purpose.
But look at her expensive taste.
Look how mature she is.
She really wants to impress you.
Liquid courage.
She's a real flirt.
She leans on you.
Arm around your shoulder.
Cheesy pick up lines.
The works.
But you're worth it.
Joey is bringing weed.
He's a chill guy.
Sure, he'll have a drink.
But he'd rather just smoke some weed and chill.
"Wanna take a hit?"
If you do, they be aware.
He has the strongest stuff.
If not, no problem.
He won't judge you for it.
But he still wants you to have a good time.
Relax a little.
No one's here to kill anyone.
We're just chilling.
He's the one who will lay on the floor, just vibing.
He'll lean you on his chest.
Start talking about the most random things.
"Do you think butterflies know they only live a month?"
He's trying to be philosophical and impress you.
He sounds really stupid.
But he's trying so hard.
It's almost comical.
He just wants to seem cool in front of you.
Is that such a bad thing?
"Guys! I brought snacks!"
She brought snacks.
Not just a bag of chips.
All the snacks.
Candy bars?
Got up.
Sticks for making s'mores?
All ready.
Hell, she even has hot dogs to roast over the fire.
And every condiment you could ever want.
Where did she get all this?
And how did she store it in such a small bag?
The only thing she doesn't have is healthy foods.
She's got a bad sweet tooth.
But, who can really judge her.
Call it childish, but several of the other killers and survivors are partaking in her little feast too.
She's going to show you all the crazy combinations she's made.
"Ever had worms in dirt?"
She'll show you.
Pudding, Oreos, gummy worms.
She'll make you anything you want.
She just loves sweets.
That's why she loves you so much.
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mara-xx217 · 4 months
Hi! If it's okay, can we ask something for our favorite doctor, Herman Carter? Sprinkle in some (LEGAL) age gap, power dynamic and maybe some dubcon as well? Could be in the dbd universe or modern au, I'm not picky with that. I'm so obsessed with him and your writing is so good I wish I could inject it into my veins omg
I've got some similar stuff to this on the Doctor's masterlist here!~
But why not have something a little different?
Warnings: Dead Dove Do Not Eat, Dubcon that crosses into Noncon territory, Toxic Ideations, Fucked-up Relationship, Delusions, Torture, Betrayal, Canon Typical Death and Violence
What were you expecting?
Who were you but a mere stranger?
What were you other than a mere annoyance?
A parasite.
A fraud.
How could you expect anything in return when you were nothing but a unoriginal thief?
An imbecile.
You had dedicated the majority of your teenage and adult life to studying Herman Carter. THE Doctor. At first, it was genuine, innocent curiosity.
What teenager didn't find the macabre fascinating?
It was easy to fall down the rabbit hole but it was much, much more difficult to claw your way back out of it. You didn't even want to get out. Why would you when you thought you had it all figured out and that you actually found something akin to an understanding in one of the most infamous men in all of U.S. medical history?
Such a silly little child...
What were you thinking when you were transported to the Fog? What did you feel when you saw the halls of the once great Léry's Memorial Institute? Where you terrified?
You were a sick little thing that needed help. Didn't you understand that? The truly sick do not know they are ill, that much is true, which is exactly why the Doctor decided to see you in the first place.
How strange it was to be face with someone that truly seemed not to know better. What was wrong with you? Where others were fleeing from his overwhelming presence, you actively sought it out. It was enough to give the Doctor pause, a genuine head tilt as he observed your demeanor, less like a prey animal in front of a starving predator and more akin to a star-struck fan faced with their idol.
How utterly pathetic.
The Doctor only need to snap his fingers and you would do anything that he asked. An exam of your person? Why, you were already undressed and waiting for him, even in spite of him not even asking to to bare yourself to him. An experiment? Even in spite of the pain, you eagerly took part, as though fascinated by your own pain. Perhaps you were a bit of a kindred spirit, one that was both masochistic and sadistic, as you would even willingly offer up your fellow survivors to 'your' Doctor.
How quaint that you though he actually gave a damn about you.
He pushed you to your limits, never minding how you would cry or how you would beg for relief. You think you made a mistake, that you weren't ready for this? Too bad. There are no 'take-backsies' in the Doctor's office. It didn't matter if you said 'no' after the fact, if you said 'stop, please, I can't take it'. Unfortunately for you, there were no safe words in his diction.
He would hold you down and electrocute you over and over and over again as he tested the limits of both your body, mind and spirit. You could take a lot of punishment, much, much more than most, but you would break. They all would break eventually. Why did you think you were so special, that THE Herman Carter, THE Doctor, wouldn't do to you what he had done to everyone else, including himself? It was ridiculous on your part, no, more than that, it was idiotic.
You were an imbecile, just like the rest of them were.
Your cries were ear piercing but so, so sweet. You had screamed so much for so long that your throat was bleeding. Raw. You thought that you could take it but you couldn't. It was too much. It all was too much for you but there was no turning back. No amount of pleading would save you now. All you could do was take it, tears streaming down your eyes and your body screaming in pain.
You were bleeding. You were dying. Dying as he was overtop of you and doing whatever he pleased with your broken body. Every time your heart would stop, he would restart it, ensuring that you wouldn't die until he gave you permission to do so. If he had his way, you would never die, but you were so weak that you would ultimately succumb to even the most basic of 'therapeutic' measures. How disappointing.
You were disappointing.
Barely worthy of a footnote in the mass that was his life's research.
@prettycutebunny, @infinitewhore, @kennbb, @slutwithadegree, @dead-bxxxtch-walking, @space-arsonist, @pink-soft-shadow, @sinlessdesire, @hoemine, @memoryofheather, @horny-3
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zeynatura · 2 years
This is my review of Hooked on You also known as the Dead by Daylight Dating Sim and may contain some spoilers
I know most people here are DBD players/fans and i am too but i am also a dating sim enthusiast so i will be giving my honest review based on that.
First all the things i liked:
Love the story and the little mysteries in it, love that the dbd lore seems to apply to this one as well, love the characters both datables and npcs, while the datables can be categorized in stereotypes and may not be everyone’s cup of tea it is mine, we love predictable romanceable options to follow the desired route and get the ending we want. Love the puns, the narrator and the ocean, all of that is a type of humour i like so much askhfabngafjksfn i love a game that doesn’t take itselft too seriously and break the 4th walls and whatnot (that doesn’t not mean i am okay with the company not taking the game seriously while making it tho)
Now the things i didn’t like:
Doesn't have a LOG option or a way to back up in case of a miss click so instead you end up missing dialogue.
Has no options to hide the text box so we are unable to appreciate fully the art of the enviroments and the character models.
There is no Gallery option to view the unlockable ending illustrations, meaning they are a one time only thing, if you're lucky and saved before, you can see it again otherwise there is no in-game option to do so.
Tumblr media
Surprised? NO, I AM FURIOUS!
Why is he not a dateable!? xD the amount of times i screamed, no actually i screamed everytime he appeared, i am so sad, why is he the main antagonist but not romanceable, please i beg u x’D
I honestly hope they add more characters into the game, dateables specially, i understand if they don’t add the IP ones tho they made a lot of jokes hinting about another island *eye emoji*, i won’t ask for the impossible i understand, i am asking for Trickster, Plague, Legion, Hag, Billy... c:
You may think i'm just nitpicking but i'm not, most dating sim/visual novels have all these options and more such as quick save/load option, more unlockables, various illustrations or characters profiles; they are basically a must because we the people who play those games regularly are used to those features so it is dissappointing when a game doesn't have them, even small indie games have them how come a game from a company like Behaviour doesn't!? 
To me that just meanst they didn't do their research on the genre when it comes to making this game. It feels a little disrespectful to the genre, if even old flash games had the features your new 2022 game doesn't even when you have more tools and budget what does that say about you?
This is not a DBD DLC, it is it's own separate game and so should be treated as such.
I am a visual novel/dating sim lover before i am a dbd fan, not only because of antiquity but because of the amount of joy i get from those kind of games compared to dbd a game i can't play anymore because of my potato pc.
Don’t get me wrong i enjoyed the game, i actually love the game, and for it’s price it is a great game, there is just room for improvement and i blame Behaviour because i have a feeling that the team who worked on the game could have done more if they were given the money and time 
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polyghostfacehours · 2 years
hi! quick question but do you take requests for male readers? since it's not stated in ur about me im not sure:}
Heeeya bby. So as of rn, I only write for female, gender neutral, or non-binary Readers that are afab. I write what I'm interested in reading, and I have no connection to the male identity, so I just don't have motivation to write stuff I don't read myself. I've done it a few times for moots I adore, but it was a special thing for them rather than stuff I regularly write.
That being said, I default to afab!GN!Reader unless specified female, and I never place any descriptors or use female coded language (tits, curves, etc. etc.) when I do, and I do this intentionally.
BUT if youre looking, here are some dope ass blogs that write for Scream/DBD/slashers and I know do male readers, some exclusively!
@bisexual-horror-fan takes fic requests for EVERYONE. Every gender and sexual identity under the sun. She has the motivation to do literally anything. She's a smut blog yet she even has a whole polyghostface series with and asexual Reader. It's wild, she does it all.
@thirsting4slashers is an absolute god mode Billy, Stu, and poly ghostface writer and she also takes amab and masc Reader requests!
@feelin-woozy idk if they're taking requests ATM, but they're transmasc, and do male and gender neutral reader stuff and their writing is godly and anytime they post anything ghostface related ever I nut.
@hooman4ever I think specializes in male reader fics, and they love Ghostface so check their stuff out, its great! They also do GN Stuff.
@bubble-tea-bee writes exclusively for male, nb, and gn Readers! They're also a big advocate for x male!Reader and will probably have even more recs for authors than I do.
@yolkidolki and @gatorbites-imagines also write exclusively for MLM and NBLM Readers!
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stitcheswashere13 · 2 years
Can you maybe do a reaction to bubba Sawyer S/O being missing but after a whole year they come back talking about them being taken to the realms from dbd becoming a survivor sorry if you don't understand what i mean 😅
This is a really cool idea! lol, I think you mean dead by daylight by dbd if not then I'm so sorry.
Warnings: this is kinda short, not really proofread, Happy tears from Bubba.
Side notes: I made it a comedy- romance (Rom-Com fans here's your story, lol!) I also made a scene where it was kinda like a play convo- (ex. Lily: Hi, Jimmy: hello)
Drugs maybe?
(you hop out of a portal by the sawyer house) "OMG! Im Home! BUBBA!" you yell so happy to be back in your dimension. You run inside to see the sawyer family sitting at the table. "Y/nnnnnnnn!" Bubba yells with happy tears in his eyes. He nearly tackles you to the floor with his hug, kissing you all over your face. "where were you?! I missed you so much, are you ok!?" Bubba says while sitting you at the table. "I'm good just a few cuts and bruises, I switched Dimensions!" you say while looking at Bubba.
Drayton: Psst, hey. Choptop! did you give them something? Be honest if you gave them something because I want some of what there on.
Chop top: I didn't do anything this time-
Y/n: Huh?! No, There was a big tall guy, like really big! He had like a cheese grater on his head! He killed some guy and a girl, I Have a Cut on my arm from that thing!
Bubba: Y/n did you hit your head? Come here and take some meds!
Drayton: Bubba. Did you give them drugs? Like whatever they took I want, I would like to meet a muscular cheese man.
Bubba: I didn't give y/n nothing. Plus their back.
Chop top: YEAH! And high as shit
Bubba then took you to the Kitchen to get you bandaged up, making little happy noises here and there. He kissed your face before speaking again. "Please try not to leave me like that again... and just in case, don't eat/take nothing that chop top gave you." You giggle at his response, You have never really heard Bubba talk, and when he did it wasn't this much, but you were glad he was talking more. "Promise!" You say to him before giving him a kiss on his forehead, happy to be back.
End Note! Thank you for the request! Request are open! Got a tiny bit of bad news for yall, the 100 follower special is canceled/ delayed till 150-200. It's just so I have more time to work on it because there are 2 long stories/imagines and 10 head cannons for each slasher I write for, plus the Q and A. Don't worry it still will come out! Have a lovely day! check out my pinned post for info. Later today, when I get off of work and I'm not on my break, Im Going to change my update/ Masterlist! And thank you all for the love on my post! ok, Now have A Lovely day!
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kyotakumrau · 3 years
A thread with the 1st slot report from azifxxx, Zepp Tokyo with Kyo and Shinya
F: Hello everyone at Zepp Tokyo! I'm DIR's manager Fujieda.
T: I'm manager Takabayashi.
F: today in Tokyo it's the last day (...) now I'd like to invite two band members to start the talk event! Give them applause!
Shinya arrives, then Kyo.
Kyo wore a black beret and big glasses, blackish grey jacket, some yellow badge on the left side? and grey denim. Shinya (Yamo-chan) wore all black, double jacket? it looked very soft. When entering the stage Kyo did 'Fujifuji pose' to F...
F: today Kyo and Shinya came to the event! How are you doing, the two of you?
S: I'm always fine. 24h a day. Just got bit foolish in Sendai due to snow...
K: yeah... I'm also good...
F: for both of you it's your second time, going straight to the point what's the most impactful/memorable thing in 2020 for you?
S: not COVID?
F: from the band's point of view it is.
S: it didn't feel like being in a band. There were no concerts at all.
F: for you, Kyo? (pretending to eat)
K: PS5.
S: I see.
K: I couldn't get it. That's all I can think about.
S: I want it too, but not that much... can you play Dead by Daylight on PS5? having ps4 edition?
K: you can.
S: then I want it. I also applied for it, but as I wasn't contacted I don't think I won.
F: there's nothing besides PS5?
K: the fan who said in the message they're getting it next day, they are probably playing right now..  I get angry again when I think about it. And not just a bit....(F: what would you do if after you got PS5?) Eh? I have to say it each time?💢 (makes dissatisfied sound and turns away, for a while stays silent) 
F passes them the merch items.
S&K: ... (silently checking the items)
When prompted to say something
S: mini water bottle.. is for when you go out for a bit...
K: is that a pig?
S: it's a bear
But it has 3 fingers? The hoofs? 
S: a bear isn't like that? 
K: but only 3 fingers?! 
K: you draw 3 or 4 fingers for a bear! A horse gets 2! is the claw here (between the fingers?)? the claws come out here (pointing back of the hand)? 
S: there are no fingers there (in the back of the hand) 
K: and it is listening standing in front of the speaker? Its ears will get bad! Listening to such loud sound in front of the speaker! you will go nuts! 
F: so Kyo, you were praising the choker a lot in Osaka. 
K: ... (looks at the choker) ...(starts to tie the choker)...(puts the choker in front of F) 
F: it can be tied up? Is that a good point? Ah, you mean that it can be displayed like this? It's a very popular item so everyone please get one! 
Today there are only two tables, on the right (kamite) sits Shinya with Takabayashi, on the left (shimote) Fujieda with Kyo 
F: any no-no topics for the questions? (S says nothing) I hope it’ going to be interesting... what kind of outfit are you wearing today? 
S: I’m wearing black... the hood is...(hesitates) like Penyu 
K: (smiling😊) 
S: I realized today that it’s like Penyu. Not because Kyo came today as well. 
K: suddenly getting closer, feels bad 
F: Kyo... today you’re also wearing a total outfit idea? 
K: you think there’s a theme? 
F: a bit... like in an older coffee shop.... cafe... like sitting in a coffee shop... 
K: it’s monochrome checkers! 
F who got told it's checkers went 'i see~'
K: what, so today's theme is let's have a smoke or let's go to a cafe?
The usual atmosphere... like Kyo who always corners F until he's lost what to say
Ta chooses a question: 'what's the memorable small (v-kei) venue for the band members?'
S: Area or Cyber recently got closed, right? I really don't remember... didn't we only play at Rock-may-kan? I think no small venues [we played at] are left in Kansai? only Cowboy or Muse Hall.
K: I guess only Rock-may-kan.
Ta: how about for Shibere Bajiru?
K: with going straight to Shibire (like paying too much attention?), is that a shoulder pad. No? I wanted to see~
F: Cyber, Area is a very sad news... K, you don't have any [venues]?
K: not really...
Ta: 'what's the book you've recently read or a movie you've seen?'
S: ehm... nothing much... I also don't really read manga. But I've seen Demon Slayer. I got into it after watching anime.
K: heh, about Demon Slayer, I ordered the comics to be delivered, but only volumes 4~8 came. Am I supposed to start from vol 4? Wouldn't it be horrible? don't wanna start there
K: there's this thing I have, only get into it after it stops being so popular. I also didn't watch yesterday.
F: what kind of books do you read?
K: I read various things ... but I'm really excited about the new story from the Innocent.
Ta: 'what's your kanji of the year?'
S: 心・kokoro from 心夜・Shinya
Ta: isn't that the same every year?
K: for me... nothing really.
Ta: what was it this year (officially)?
S: 密・mitsu・crowd/carefulness, right?
K: (still trying to think) ...nothing really.
F: 'if you were to play on a different position in a band?'
S: by elimination only the guitar is left.
K: not the vocals? You're going for the guitar??
S: I'm not going for the vocals...
K: but you sing in karaoke?
S: I can't sing...
K: there's emotional singing! You're often angry!
S: I haven't gotten angry in 10+ years
K: but you sing the chorus!
S: but there's only short phrase with the chorus...
K: but you're doing lotsa of choruses
S: well... I'm practicing...but vocals are the most impossible for me...
'If you done something else than vocals?'
K: Takumi's position is good, watching the band members from the side, if it's something else than vocals then from the side is good.
S: but you like bass? That's the only idea I have for you.
K: that's only when song writing though!?
S: but you've been playing everywhere, right?
K: where everywhere? I haven't!
S: you have that time... (=sukekiyo)
Ta: aren't we going fast today? 'is there any country you'd like to visit?'
S: if possible I don't want to go...
K: but you're always going somewhere alone. To play board games etc
S: it only happened because I was already going.
Ta: Kyo doesn't want to go like "I'm!Not!Going!"
K: I'm playing a bit online games (Fortnite), but I'm told I suck at it. When you suck at something it's usually better to quit, I'm told so, many times, why is this guy going that way or is he going to the enemy's site on purpose? I'm told things like that from 6:30 in the morning sometimes.
K: if I (my heart) get broken by that how should I continue living?
S: I'm being told 'how are you living?'. I'm using the pig character but it feels like I'm living like a pig. I can block out the talk, but I'd rather hear those terrible opinions.
K: but it's hard
S: it is really hard.
K: when I played with Fujieda it was going well! He told me, get down or make your nose bigger
S: it also went well when we played, don't go there, let's go there and so on.
K: but the fights take about 20 mins in DbD, right? I'm dead in Fortnite in about 10 seconds
Ta: 'what do you like about F?'
S: he's always full of energy and almost never gets sad
K: his nose? Doesn't it get bigger as you look at it?
F: is that a praise?
K: it's easy to breathe and the mask stays on. Hands down it's your nose.
F: 'what song would you like to listen to very loudly?'
S: I'm not good with loud sounds... I prefer to listen quietly.
F: what do you listen to nowadays?
S: our new song(s)
K: I also don't want to listen (loudly), not really...
F: how about a song to listen quietly?
K: nothing special
F: Fujifuji!x
K: (ignoring him) (removes invisible dust from his shoulder)
Ta: 'what would you ask Santa for?'
S: it would be PS5?
K: Me? After all of that, I don't need it anymore, don't come. How does he get inside? There is no chimney. Is he picking a lock? Is Santa like a cockroach? Pretending to be dead when they're not... but maybe Santa is fine with all of that.
K: in the past, when I was in elementary school I was happy when Santa came, but then at some point he stopped coming. Wasn't that a crime (Santa's visits)? and parents also don't know how he comes in, isn't that scary? And from that time he doest come. I don't want him to come anymore.
'What song do you want to play when you can do concerts again?'
S: And Zero. I saod that in Sendai as well, but if it's not mode of Arche we probably won't...
Kyo: I don't really have one..
F: Do you want to play new songs?
K: I haven't listen to it (them). Isn't it how it is that you listen to them even when you weren't planning to? you dot feel like listening so much to the song you made yourself, no?
S: I also haven't listened to the new song(s) much.
Ta: Fujieda is listening to new songs a lot, in a car.
K: isn't that a bit narcissistic?
F: you don't want to perform new songs?
S: I already did while filming the music videos... doesn't that count?
'what time you go to bed and wake up?'
S: I go to bed at 6 and wake up at 1pm. It's my cycle.
K: I go to sleep at 1 and wake up around half nine. Should be around then? So there's someone who wants to know information like this?
F: they want to imagine (their lives)
K: and for what? Even if they know the time they don't know what we do
K: what time you wake up and then what time do you make coffee, make a toast, I don't understand why asking that, what's the point?
F: Shinya, is there something you'd like to know about Kyo?
S: I want to know everything.
K: I hate it that this person is called a doctor.
F: when the band has just started you two have met as first, right? What was your impression then?
S: I thought he's a really good person.
K: ...Oh?
F: And did you hit it off/became friends?
K: he didn't speak like this then. He spoke one or two things a day. He had long black hair and earrings.
S: You've bleached that black hair for me.
K: and, he said 'thank you' but... he said his kanji of the year is 心・heart, but he's the one without one. For over 20 years all band members are saying that he's like a robot or humanoid. When you go to his house he will reply with 'what is it?' with the chain on the door.
S: this is because when a certain member came some things happened...
K: But when I came over I was nice! I want to  visit! Remodel stuff! (with enthusiasm)
S: remodeling... (like the certain member) there are issues like that and that's why you're banned...
'is it weird if your mother comes to the concerts?'
K: isn't it okay?
S: and brings dad...
K: I'd love to see mother headbanging. The deep one when you start from waist!
F: do your parents come to the shows?
S: mine often come.
F: your parents as well, Kyo?
K: sometimes.
F: is it something you welcome?
K: yeah.
And then F asked when they came last time but probably T said nlt to ask something like that
About the avatar Music Clip for the 12/31 stream.
S: the video looks like PS2 game..
K: like that from Virtua Fighter.
The last comments
Shinya: Thank you for today. I think we won't be able to meet for a while, but there will be the nye stream and also a knot calendars, I hope you will spend the next year using them. Let's meet again.
Kyo: We couldn't meet at all this year, but after this long time seeing everyone's faces I calm down. I think it's a good thing. Everyone knows through social media what others are doing, but it is important to meet in person. We will be looking into concert plans, hope you stay tuned and thank you.
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henrycavbsc · 3 years
Well Merry Christmas. Who are your favorite TF writers?
This is always such a difficult question because I’m terrified of leaving people out but here we go...
@brandedx2 - his patreon is a work of delight! he’s done a fair few request stories for me over the year or so i’ve been pledged and they’re all so well written and he’s such a creative dude and honestly... we stan
@thegreatstoryteller - you know i love my bosa bro! again, we talk through so many ideas and we just vibe and he’s great and i love his work 
@jw-ripley - IMAGINE IF HE WROTE MORE. tf bestie. that’s all there is to say.
@bizzhideaway - awoke my inanimate kink lol
@megachiraztfs - really creative ideas and really appeals to my inner potter fan lol, also just really nice to talk to
@writer-ofstuff - has done so many great commissions for me and always keeps me updated on dbd special offers <3
@tfxtime - another person i’ve loved getting to know and so great seeing new writers dive in and really give it their all
@exploratorytfs @bodyhopper-files @transformhim @inanimatetffantasies @soul-controls - only discovered these blogs recently but again, producing great iconic new content so go off
im sorry to anyone i missed off, these are the first names that came to mind <3 
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Oh! What are some of your favorite fandoms, outside of mlp?
LOVE THIS ASK ohmygosh ok SO. i love fnaf, warrior cats, lps, animal crossing, dexter, im a furry as well! and i love the content creators jerma, markiplier, tv girl, alex g, and uhh. yeah i think thats it! i also have a large interest in animals! and fashion in general ^_^ - mod twilight<3
Thank you for the ask! I really like Pokémon, Dorohedoro, Machine Girl, Animal Crossing, Jerma, Pretty Cure, and Minecraft (not DSMP or anyone affiliated)! -mod starcatcher
Hey there! I love fnaf, warrior cats, dexter, house md, and minecraft yt, especially redstone content! (no DSMP affiliation for me either dw) There’s also my non-fandom special interests of science/biology, beekeeping, education, and cooking : 3 - mod applejack
dbd, touhou, vocaloid, markiplier, pjo. thank you for asking :D! - mod button mash
omg ok.. I tend not to be into fandoms BUT I am a huge Sally Face fan, along with My Chemical Romance, Animal Crossing, Gravity Falls, and a lot more! I really like video games and kids shows in general <3 -Mod Rainbowdash
teen titans specifically is my main thing, but i also just generally like dc comics !! but i also like she-ra, bella sara, studio ghibli, otgw, and i think otherkin counts here ? i also have a big interest in occultism, herbalism, and vulture culture, which have some very nice online communities :> - mod luna
I love bee and puppycat, steven universe, bravest warriors, umbrella academy, and others that i cant remember but nothing has stuck in the same way tbh -mod big mac
im not in very many fandoms but i love beastars and the furry fandom!!! - mod braeburn
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demansiabites · 2 years
I've been thinking about Friday the 13th: The Game again, and how much I really miss what it used to be. All in all, I don't think I can describe the game itself as something particularly special even at its best, because it was just a love letter to F13 fans such as myself. At its worst, it was a buggy nightmare that didn't work well for both sides.
My God though, that wasn't what I loved. The whole reason I put so much time into F13 after it came out is because of how much more personable the game was. Proximity voice chat for both the counselors AND Jason meant that at any given moment you and the other players could suddenly have a conversation of some sort.
Some of my fondest memories with this game is just based on that, the fact that there was such an ability to develop friendships with these people unlike any other game I've ever played. Sure, there were assholes, but there always would be. But if you and another person are both locked in a building, and Jason appeared, suddenly you weren't two strangers, you were two best friends ensuring the other survived. Or maybe, one of you thought that way and the other was being opportunistic, and would use you to buy time. Who knows?
But even further than that was, when you played as long as me, you developed reputations among people who knew you. In Dead by Daylight you can do the same, but I don't think it's quite to the extent of F13. In DBD there's no killer side to these reputations unless they're a popular streamer or something. The killer is an addition to the lobby that the survivors don't bring with. In F13, 8 people joined a lobby and one was selected to be Jason. That meant sometimes people knew what you were like as Jason.
So for some context, Friday the 13th: The Game has a variety of weapons that can be used against Jason. Baseball bats, wrenches, pipes, firepokers, flare guns, etc. All of them stun Jason with varying degrees of success rate, but the almighty was the Shotgun. A max of I believe two shotguns would spawn in any game. One would spawn randomly around the map, and one would spawn with a player who respawned as Tommy Jarvis. For a long time, until friendly fire was turned off in public lobbies, the shotgun was also the only weapon capable of oneshotting another counselor. You shoot them, they die, you lose experience points for "betraying" someone.
For more context, the way Jason worked, for those who don't know, was that he had a left click attack and a right click attack. The left click would swing his weapon and deal damage, and would eventually kill the counselor. The right click would grab the counselor and allow you to use one of 4 kills you selected in your loadout, or any of the environmental kills you were close enough to. Grabbing counselors is essentially the only thing Jason players did, they wanted the cool kill animations, and if you were lucky it was faster and harder to avoid than swinging your weapon. However, two things. One, grabbing a counselor locked you into a short animation where you lost control for a second. Two, if Jason currently had someone in his grip and another counselor hit him with a weapon, the counselor would be dropped. Even better if you stunned him, but there was no guarantee, unless you were using one of the two guns.
Here's where reputation comes in. See, the shotgun had a wide spread, and you only barely needed to hit someone for it to register as a hit. This meant that some counselors would try to rescue people from Jason's grasp with the shotgun, which was doable, but risky. You didn't want to hit your friend. I caught on. The easiest way to stun Jason was to shoot his center of mass because he was BIG. But he held counselors in front of his torso so they were a bit above his eye level, so you had to be to his side or behind him. Anytime I thought a counselor wanted to shotgun rescue, I'd always do the same fucking thing. It never failed.
This culminated in one time I was playing Jason. Most of us were friends, but we didn't have 8 people so we also had some randos. I had one of my friends in my grip, the one I probably tormented the most, and in comes Rando the Brave, here to save the day with her shotgun. My friend sees them, immediately yells "NAME DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE-", but he's cut off. I had to. He knew that. The moment the grab animation ends, I turn toward the shotgun savior, using my friend as a human shield. I still get stunned, but what I drop was no longer my friend. It was what remained of him. I open the score menu with tab. Next to his name it says "BETRAYED". He knew what I was going to do the moment a shotgun got involved, but what could he have done? The random didn't know my game, nor that they were a part of it.
I have a multitude of stories about this game, but a lot of it is just, it was so easy to make friends in F13.
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ziracona · 3 years
If it's ok to ask, do you have any crackships or just ships that are unpopular but have potential
Huh, somehow ‘crackships’ isn’t a word I’ve heard in forever--what a blast from the past. I don’t think I’ve ever had any for dbd. Uhhh, I probably have rarepairs though--I’m not sure they’re /un/popular, as in like, unliked, but I have some that just don’t get much attention. I like Claudette x Quentin / Medics^2 quite a bit. MegSie / SusieMeg is a great ship with almost unlimited potential. I like Quentin with Nancy a lot too, but on second thought I guess that one’s actually kind of popular. I ship Quentin with like, four people, and all of them except QuenDette/Medics^2 is decently popular at least (Nancy, Joey, David). Which is unfair because Medics^2 is god tier. I will die on that hill. Uhhhhhh, let me think. I would have considered Vigojomo / Philip x Vigo a rare ship before two weeks ago, but like, a genuinely /weird/ number of people picked that as favorite Philip ship when they took my quiz--like way more than could possibly be my friends or mutuals. So. Maybe there’s something I don’t know??? That if it still is a rare pair. It’s also god-tier. Mmmmm. I like Laurie-David, which I think is a rarepair. Or at least medium rare (I feel like I’m talking about steaks rip). 
I will never ship a Dwight ship more than I ship Parkfield, but I do feel like Dwight x Adiris has some real potential and kinda dig it, or the three of them as a polyamorous relationship? I also like Parkfield with Adam or Claudette as a trio. And don’t really ever see those. There’s almost unlimited potential here. I think David-Laurie-Kate also has potential as a trio. And Kate-Joey has potential, as does Kate-Joey-Quentin. I like Ace with Tapp, either of them with Jane. Mostly I just feel like a lot of people have potential with a lot of other people, and this fandom really limits itself by not realizing multishipping is the ideal human experience. Like, come on fam. We’re well past considering romance as the peak form of any connection as a species. It’s seethrough that some of you see  that as ‘winning’ or being most special, so you ship your faves and only your exact faves. It’s so much better if you consider people as having wild potential to be happy and well in many different combinations, and none of them are zero-sum games. They’re just...different routes. That can all be meaningful and inclusive and full of love, for whoever ends up friend or romantic partner or wherever, so long as they’re important in other characters’ life. God bless multishippers. I see some of you out there and I want you to know I love you.
Uhhhh, also I like people if they have an established relationship, being allowed to keep it and still enjoyed as a character? Like, I like Nancy-Quentin a lot. Because it’s a good ship. I ship Quentin with other people too, and I have no issue with other people who do. Same with Nancy and Jonathan. Or with Felix and his gf. He’s in a committed relationship, and I like him with his future wife he wants to raise a kid with. I don’t mind people who ship him with someone else. But I do get really side-eyes-harshly when I see characters like that where fans are only capable of being interested in that character if it is in the context of making them sexually available to someone else in the realm. Which isn’t the same thing as just like, shipping them w someone there. But like, if that’s the only way you can enjoy the character and it’s necessary for you to break off an existing connection & throw them into a sexual relationship with someone else in order for them to be in a relationship and thus existing in a context you consider worth caring about/makes them worth caring about? I am judging you very harshly. -- and I guess that’s rare? Nancy-Quentin is decently popular, but I basically never see people reflecting on Nancy and Jonathan, or developing Felix’s long term girlfriend into a full character and exploring that loss and pain? So since those all interest me, maybe that counts?
As far as like, unpopular goes? I think the only ship I’ve ever been into people were like ‘ew’ at was Ace x Adam. Which I still think could be very full of potential, and I’m really mad that that one got shot down over age when Ace x Felix has become a very popular ship, and that’s basically the same age difference. The hypocrisy. >.> (This isn’t a reflection on Felix - Ace as a ship, this is a statement of dislike against the unequal treatment & implicit racism to it.) That’s the only one I can think of offhand though. They’re phenomenal as friends, but they could be cute as romantic partners I think (Ace and Adam). Just all depends on how their lives flow in that timestream. That’s about all I can think of though.
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bloody-oath · 5 years
Long ago, before Mortal Kombat and DBD featured slashers, there was this gem. Unpolished, but entertaining, nonetheless. I remember having fun playing it.
Here’s some information from its Wiki page:
‘Terrordrome: Rise of the Boogeymen is a fan-made 2D fighting game by Huracan Studio for the PC. The game features the most iconic horror movie characters, such as Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger, Leatherface and Michael Myers etc, fighting against each other. It also features stages and environments based on the movies they are from.
Gameplay includes:
Story Mode
Versus Mode
Story mode follows 14 chapters in which can be done in any order you like, however, if you want to play the story mode in the correct order then you must play these characters in this order...
Chapter 1 - Ghostface
Chapter 2 - Leatherface
Chapter 3 - Michael Myers
Chapter 4 - Tall Man
Chapter 5 - Matt Cordell
Chapter 6 - Ash
Chapter 7 - Pumpkinhead
Chapter 8 - Herbert West
Chapter 9 - Undead Jason Voorhees
Chapter 10 - Classic Jason Voorhees
Chapter 11 - Chucky
Chapter 12 - Freddy Krueger
Chapter 13 - Candyman
Chapter 14 - Pinhead
Each character has 7 abilities, these are:
Basic Attacks
Special Moves
Helper Attacks
Unleashed Moves
The player fights opponents in an arcade ladder-type fashion.
After the final battle, the player is shown their character's end story and then the credits will play.’
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myupostsheadcanons · 5 years
I know you @highwayham asked about DBD headcanons on another blog... I’ll get to that soon.... I was working on this one for you the past week....  So I am quite ahead of the game.
My personal headcanons for all the DBD killers.
(gets a bit fanfic-ish in places, but damn my fan fic writers soul. (i haven’t done the final proofing, but go me) )....
  The Doctor
The Anti-Freddy.
Herman’s madness and electro-shocks automatically wake people up/take people out of Freddy’s dream realm.
It is nearly physically impossible for him to go to sleep.
Water is his weakness. Submerging him in enough water would burn out his own powers. It will put him in a coma if he is fully charged when submerged.
Herman didn’t think Freddy was real for the longest time. He thought Freddy was some made up joke the others were pulling on him. Or some Invisible Man that the others were putting too much stock in.
When he isn’t driving through crazy town, he’s generally snobby, rude, haughty, and uptight. He has this air of acting “better than you” that drives most of the other killers bonkers.
OCD... the only killer that manages to keep his whites mostly clean on a trial.
Herman and Myers especially don’t get along. His madness powers would make The Shape’s voice in Myers head louder and angrier. And The Doctor being a Psychiatrist rather than a Medical doctor didn’t help either.
Herman and Evan often fight over who’s in charge. Evan is loud and violent, and easy to ignore. The Doctor is more demanding and a perfectionist, on top of being sadistic, so more people still side with Evan.
The Nurse
Sally doesn’t like that her “role” among the group is being the nanny.
The Trapper will call her “The Nanny” instead of “The Nurse” (she makes sure to give him extra scares by casually hiding behind corners on him)
In fact, The Trapper is perhaps her most frequent patient.... for stepping in his own bear traps.
The Nurse and The Doctor kind of get along. She was so use to having to deal with asshole men doctors while she was alive... what’s one more now that she’s dead?
Her, The Doctor, The Hag, and The Clown handle most of the medical needs among the group. (The Hag knows Apothecary, The Clown has some understanding in that field as well and helps the two women make any meds. The Doctor has enough knowledge through his experiments on humans and medical school to help, but isn’t as skilled/knowledgeable as The Nurse)
The Spirit
Rin didn’t understand English when she first arrived. Julie (The Legion) knew some Japanese because of being a massive weeb, and tried to help translate pieces of what was being said to the others. (often just fucked up on the translation completely.. basically think Lopez from RVB. or Peggy Hill levels of bad)
Rin is polarizing. One moment she is calm, collective, and interested in being around people... the next she’s screaming at everybody, even those that did nothing, and would even attack other killers.
The Spirit often hangs around The Nurse, neither talking to one another. If she’s not creeping on other people in the group.
Work is too much.... work.... When it comes to doing chores or requests, she would suddenly vanish or be last in line.
Rin tends to creep on Myers the most. She likes that Myers doesn’t talk, or give a shit... and she saw him without his mask a few times.... so...  long siiigh.... (he’s just confused by her)
She fucking hates Freddy... He grabbed her inappropriately only once and she kicked his ass... he’s been leaving her alone now.
She doesn’t like The Doctor either. Outside of being pushy and treats her like a pest: his powers make her even more unstable and volatile.
The Wraith
Unless the killer is a colossal Asshat, he’ll get along with them. (Basically, The Doctor, Freddy, The Legion, and The Spirit are among his “doesn’t get along with” list)
He’s been around The Trapper the longest out of the killers so he’s use to Evan’s brand of Asshattery.
Him and Amanda tend to casually hang around with each other the most. He knows where the best stuff in the scrap yard is and they have similar interests in tinkering. (mlm and wlw solidarity)
Bubba, Max, and Evan come to Phil and Amanda whenever their equipment needs to be fixed.
Phil also likes to spend time with The Hag. He talks to her about the magic he learned from his homeland and helps her gather herbs.
He really just wants to be useful.
The Hag
Lisa knows the most about herbs and plants. Which ones are safe to eat, or what effects they cause when ingested. The Clown likes to get her advice when making new potions.
The Hag, The Huntress, Bubba and The Hillbilly are in charge of the Homestead end of things. (Farming and Cultivating... growing food, animal husbandry and butchering... Actual cooking the meals is on rotate among all the killers (at least those that at minimum know how to boil water)).
Lisa knows Rune Crafting, and recognizes that Myers has a spell/curse placed on him. She doesn’t tell any of the other killers she knows this.
Her Teleport spell can pull Freddy out of the dreamworld... if she has hold of him when she activates it. She almost did it twice, but he managed to break her grip and is staying away from her now.
The Nurse, being a super natural creature, is more accepting of The Hag’s witchcraft, apothecary, and homeopathy than The Doctor is.
The Hag and The Doctor get in frequent arguments based on their different world views.
The Trapper
The “Bad Boss” of the group.
Is an ass to anybody that doesn’t do what he wants.  (One part, Biff Tannon, One Part Al Bundy)
The other killers often forget that he is book-smart (came from a rich family, actually went to collage) because of how big of a douche bag he acts.
Evan relies too much on the few people that know what they are doing to do everything (The Nurse, especially)
Evan’s orders are easier to shirk/get around, because they are often bad orders that make no sense. It also doesn’t take much to “suck up” to him and get him to forget about something they’ve did wrong. Which is mainly why people side with him over The Doctor. 
His “cronies” are The Hillbilly and The Clown, and (with some arm twisting) The Wraith and Bubba.
He’s mainly buddy-buddy with The Clown because Kenny makes the best fucking bathtub gen in the realm.
He becomes a CHAD-DORK around Amanda (She knows this, is not interested in him, but gets him to do whatever she wants).
He is very particular when it comes to self-grooming. When he is not “working” / killing he likes to keep himself clean. He showers twice a day, and spends a lot of time shaving... to the point he’s practically bald all over his body.
He uses a straight razor to shave, a very sharp one.
He gets annoyed when the other killers don’t groom themselves on a regular basis. He understands it is dirty work, but there is a time and place to be dirty. (zombies and undead not withstanding, being dead/rotting can’t be helped).
The Huntress
She’s the most “efficient” of the non-magical killers.... all aside from:
Her near-constant singing and talking would annoy some of the Killers (who believe silence was the key), until they saw her sling a hatchet and down a survivor. 
She has no personal-space bubble. Will kiss people on the cheek/mouth in greeting (if they don’t flinch/push away from her)... it surprises most of the others that first time because it isn’t a common practice in America, where most of the killers are from, nor in modern society outside of one’s actual family.
Doesn’t shave.  She thought it was an odd grooming custom when she was watching Amanda shaving her legs and armpits in the bath. Men only shave/trim their beards cleanliness. She sees no reason for a woman to shave.
Anna goes out of the way to talk to the “outliers” of the Killer Group. (The Spirit, Myers, The Legion, and Bubba). Even if it is just to say “Hello.” and get no response in return.
Anna has child-like interests. Likes to talk about fairy tales and folk legends. Collects odd knickknacks (buttons, paper clips, caps off pens, pieces of ribbon, beads, rocks...). Play dress up with other Killer’s clothes (try on their masks and play with their weapons). She jumps in mud puddles and catches bugs/small animals with her bare hands to show others.
She first caught Bubba and Myers attention by showing them a frog she caught and pulled its legs off in front of them (Bubba then ate the frog). Myers was just...enthralled...  he was going to kill the frog if she handed it to him and she just did it.
From then on Bubba liked to join her on any weird quests she would have (like as if he was her little big-brother). The Wraith would follow to make sure they aren’t getting into trouble.
The Huntress got pretty good at guessing what Bubba is saying. It helped that when she first came here she didn’t know English and had to often pantomime what she wanted to the others as well.
She wants to be a helper, but her brand of help tends to lean towards “s-mothering”....
The Hag, The Clown, The Wraith, The Nurse, The Pig, and The Doctor are the ones she actually treats like her elders....
The Trapper and The Hillbilly are on “peer” level with her. Myers was... until she realized he was a walking disaster, and actually knew the least out of the whole group.
So... The Legion, Myers, Bubba.... she latched onto them as her special “projects”
(The Spirit and Freddy are in the “no” zone)
The Hillbilly
Is a slow talker and mumbler, but not dumb (actually he’s rather average, just uneducated. he believes he is stupid because he was told he was his whole life)
He can’t hear out of one ear because of his deformities and the loud chainsaw. People often have to repeat things because of that.
Max could be found either at The Trapper’s side, or at the homestead in the barn with the goats and pigs (he feels safe in there)
He makes Amanda new pig masks when ever they get old or damaged.
The Hag watches his back, making sure the others don’t treat him poorly. 
Max and Bubba do get along, even though it is difficult for Max to understand what Bubba wants.
The Legion tend to antagonize him and Bubba at the same time with their trivial prattling about Max being a “rip off”.
The Clown
Is the actual “boss” of the group, but doesn’t claim to be. Even though he knows damn well he is.
Kenny would hear what the Trapper wants done, and often tweak the orders to be more feasible when relaying them to the others.
Kenny’s big loud personality stood out. He was better at working a crowd than Herman and Evan.  
He can get the more “outlying” killers to listen to him.
He got where he was because he showed up rather late in the game. Nothing was getting done, there was little to no cohesion among the factions. Half the team barely listened to The Trapper, the other Half tended to do whatever the hell they wanted.
He managed to get The Legion to act less like little shits to the rest of the killers all the fucking time.
Myers would trail behind Kenny, or low-key stalk him. The Clown could never manage to pin him down to confront him about it. The others told him not to bother. After The Legion came, Susie eventually told him it was because Myers really liked clowns as a kid. Kenny began to think of Myers as a  “stray cat.”
The only killer that Freddy actually kind of likes and would take “requests” from. They both have a dark sense of humor and are practical jokers. The Clown’s potions also make people easier to put asleep. (Kenny just knows not to be a total dick to your “coworkers” or you’ll be spinning your wheels in the mud the whole time)
The Legion
For the longest time the four of them stuck together, not interacting with the other killers outside of being trolls or antagonists to them.
Frank and Julie were the “spokes persons” whenever they had to make “demands” to the other killers.
They did not to approach any of the killers alone.
The Spirit was the first of the killers to hang around with them as a “friend”. They were close to her age (of death) and as condescending as she was. They also helped her with her English.... kind of.
Myers and Freddy had tried to “pick them off”....
With Myers, they over stepped their boundaries when it came to his comfort zone and he wanted to get rid of them. He knocked Frank unconscious, broke Joey’s arm, and was about to moire Julia before Anna and Bubba were able to pull him away (Susie ran to get help).
Freddy did so for his own sadistic pleasure. After several days of sleep deprivation, and Susie needing to be waken from a coma:  The Doctor and The Nurse eventually stepped in to get Freddy to leave them alone.
The Huntress and The Clown took responsibility of The Legion after the attacks (Along with Myers, Bubba, and The Spirit... all those in need of “special attention” or those that are in the habit of isolating themselves (it is also why Kenny became “frenemies” with Freddy, to keep him from completely turning on the group))
The Legion’s love of Slasher Movies made them experts on Lore regarding Bubba, Myers, OG Freddy.... only up until the mid-90′s.... they never got to see the Halloween reboots: H20/Res, or even the RZ remakes, nor FvJ, Jason X or the Remakes of F13 and Elm Street. They think Amanda was another one of the “in house” killers like The Trapper, The Wraith, and The Nurse.
They never been in a Hot Topic. Because there wasn’t one where they lived.  Most of their gear was stolen from concerts, bikers, and sports supplies stores.
The Internet was barely functional in the 90′s... to hear Amanda talk about modern technology and smart phones in the 2010′s, it is moon speak to them. (it is moon speak to most of the killers)
The Plague
“Avoid like The Plague” became serious business.
She only speaks Ancient Mesopotamian. Refuses to lower herself to speak the tongue language of these barbarians.
Freddy’s the only one that can communicate with her due to conversations in the “mind/dream” realm being more mental-emotion based than literal-verbal language based.
She still treats him like he is a worm and a viper. Does not trust anything he tells her.
Prolong exposure to her presence will cause sickness and wounds to become infected more easily.
She was banned from being around their social/common spaces, and food and water sources by the other killers due to her infectious presence.
Spends most of her time at the killer camp encased in a tomb in isolation.
Best cook (don’t question the mystery meat...)
Anna is like the cool sister he always wanted. She’s nice to him, looks after him, and can skin a whole dear in under 20min.
Bubba doesn’t like The Legion. They would tease him more than the others. It doesn’t take much for him to go into a tantrum, or run off and cry, so they saw an easy target. (They knew when the fucked up when Anna has to get involved.... we’re sorry team mom.)
The Nurse and The Spirit scare him. He gets the heebie-geebies every time they look at him. Freddy is the worst.
Amanda has a crush on Anna, but Anna is so obvious.
She tried to be nice to The Legion when they first arrived, but they were too immature and antagonistic.
The Wraith’s cloaking is about the extent of “supernatural” she could handle. It took her a long time not to freak out over The Nurse and The Spirit still creeps her out. Freddy... lives up to his name as The Nightmare.
At least most of the killers are just big men... she could handle dealing with men.
She is aware that there is a rivalry over her between some of the men. Phil, she’s pretty sure he’s gay, even if he won’t say it... But Evan, Max, and Herman are always trying to do favors for her...  (she suspects it is because she’s the most ‘normal’ adult woman among the sausage party)
She stays clear of Myers out of principle. She watched the Halloween movies, knows what he is capable of and that reason rarely worked with him. If she had him in a proper trap-house, he’d be at her mercy, but roaming free like this? no.
Her and The Clown only sort of get along. He’s too loud and handzy, like an old drunk at a bar. She put his arm in a trap that he couldn’t break free of. He had it on for three days before he apologized to her.
The best scout... rarely does it though.
Freddy was better at avoiding any chores around the compound than Rin and Myers... until The Legion let slip that Freddy was a gardener/grounds keeper in his past life...
He used his powers on all the killers, at least once, just to test their reactions or to see what was inside their minds. Those with traumatic pasts were easy to get to.
Those that couldn’t fight back he stayed on them longer.
Until they started grouping up against him.
The Nurse, The Spirit, and The Doctor became the “vanguard” against his meddling. They could either physically attack him in the dream world or cancel out his powers all together. (The Doctor could even pull people out of a coma)
He isn’t friends with any of the killers. The Clown is the closest, and that’ll be an associate/coworker at best.
Freddy knows what The Clown is doing, and his dislike of The Doctor and the incompetence of The Trapper made him more willing to follow along with Kenny setting himself up as a back-door boss.
Was the last of the killers to “crack” and come into the group (stalking and observing didn’t count)
Nobody knew what his name was until Amanda showed up. He was just “The Shape” to them. “Holy shit! That’s Michael Myers!” 
Nobody knew his Middle-Name until The Legion wouldn’t stop calling him “Audrey”
He ignores Evan and Herman, more so when they get into cockfights over leadership. They both tried to “appeal” to him at some point to join their side.
Within the first two nights of coming to the realm, he got into a fist-fight with Evan, they both ended up rather bloody and beaten out of it. They even managed to pull their masks off in the fight. At the end of it, Evan was all “You’re just some punk kid. You ain’t worth my time.” and left Myers to his isolation after that.
Herman showed up in the realm after Myers. He introduced himself, got nowhere with the questions, and began to preach at him about “dissociative disorders”.... things Myers heard far too much about from the doctors at Smiths Grove. But this doctor was dangerous, and he only had to be hit once by the doctors madness effect to realize not not to start a fight with him and to keep his distance if possible.
There was something about The Hag’s magic that sends him on edge. It makes the hairs prickle the back of his neck whenever she activates a teleport (he didn’t even have to hear or see it go off... he’d just know) . There was a lot of things about The Hag that The Shape part of his brain responds to, like they knew one another somehow....
When all the killers go on team missions, The Clown would be assigned to keep an eye on Michael (not necessarily to work as a team, but for buddy-system safety reasons). Kenny would often address him as “My Boy” instead of his name or “The Shape” ... Michael doesn’t mind it too much.
They first tried teaming The Spirit up with Myers, but he would refuse to work with her and she took every opportunity to shirk responsibilities (she basically reminded him too much of Judith)... so nothing got done.
Freddy once attempted to put Myers to sleep, it only put the “Michael” part to sleep, but The Shape fully took over and went into berserker mode. (The Trapper, The Hillbilly, The Doctor, The Nurse, and The Huntress were needed just to pin him down and they had to lock him up until he passed out)
Myers almost drowned once (the survivors had a water trap made for The Doctor, when they set it off it dropped half the killers into a lake along with it. The Doctor managed to get a hold of The Hag and Teleport out of the way). Anna had to drag him out of the water and give him mouth-to-mouth. She was then determined to teach him how to swim. (after he got over the pneumonia from having his lungs full of dirty pond water). He found the whole thing embarrassing... especially the lessons, having to be half necked in the water with Anna, who only had a pair of shorts on and had her arms around him....ffffff.... not to mention The Spirit was watching....fml.
Because of that, Anna was the first person he said something to in 15 years (even if it is 90% “yes” and “no”... everybody (besides The Legion) thought he was mute, but when Anna asked “can you breathe?” and he gagged out a “yes” it surprised them all.)
She convinced him to eat meals around the others more often after that. He stuck close to Anna, Bubba, and Kenny the most. He didn’t mind The Wraith that much either... Still don’t like The Spirit. And he only goes around The Nurse if he has to  (after a week being sick and in Sally’s care... he’s just done with ghosts.... Rin, Sally, Freddy.... gtf away)
He would be one of the better killers, if he didn’t play around so much with his kills. Anna showed him how to kill people/animals faster... it actually made him play with them even more because he then knew what to do to prolong the process.
Myers and Anna are both Bi-Ace.... love and friendship isn’t in Myers vocabulary... they got stuck in an endless “repay a favor” loop after her rescuing him and giving him lessons.
They have to work around each other when on a hunt. He personally thinks she is too noisy and annoying on a hunt, and she thinks he takes too long fooling around. (he often has to change his killing style to go around hers, which he does not like to do).
When they are paired together on a mission, they would eventually start fighting with each other... it startled the survivors when they heard Myers tell her to “Shut. the. FUCK. UP!” about the singing and telling him to hurry up.  She then got so mad she was cursing him out in Russian... The Survivors still joke about them being an old married couple.... to their faces even. Laurie especially).
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benyavin · 6 years
your favorite breaking benjamin album!!
MARIA!!! How dare you??? (I love this I love you but w h y would you EVER ASK ME?? TO C H O O S E ?????? Between ALL SIX (((SIX!! There’s a new one!!))) BEAUTIFUL BREAKING BENJAMIN ALBUMS WHEN LITERALLY ALL OF THEM ARE SO BEAUTIFUL WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME)
Clearly you must have known you were asking for an essay on Breaking Benjamin albums. So I shall humor you, as there is nothing I love to talk about more.
Saturate - 2002Okay okay okay if I had to pick a /least/ favorite it’s probably this one. BUT THAT DOES NOT MEAN I DO NOT LOVE IT OR THAT IT ISN’T AMAZING. Ahem. Disclaimer over. This was the first album, figuring stuff out and getting their name out there. It doesn’t have the polish of more recent recording techniques or the wisdom from years of experience of what’s going to resonate with people. It’s young. It’s raw. It’s reckless and edgy in that I’m-in-my-early-20’s-and-trying-to-be-grown-up way. It’s mouthy and sexual at times (Shallow Bay, No Games). It’s strange and weird at some points. (Skin, Sugarcoat, Natural Life, Polyamorous, I’m looking at all of you). But it has a lot of strength. From | out of the ground, I rise to grace; nobody knows it’s just a phase | to | come and take my breath away, look me straight in the face | to | what I want from this world, what I want to resolve: well, I want you to stay, so I want you to wait | to | you said you’d love to see the end; the long, hard road that I have been | to that soaring triumph at the close of shallow bay, | you live, you learn, you’ll live | as the guitars fade and the strings sing for the last few seconds. The building rumble and screeches and melody of Natural Life. The long slow hand drum intro to Phase. The cheery pace and melody of Skin. The stripped back, questioning, Forever. There’s a lot of bright moments and beautiful details, but the biggest thing about it is all the potential it reeks of. It’s a solid album and deserves more love. 7/10
We Are Not Alone - 2004FORGET IT!!!! EVERYONE STOP WHAT YOU’RE DOING AND GO LISTEN TO IT IT’S SO BEAUTIFUL!!!A more than satisfying successor to Saturate’s potential, WANA showcases the maturity Ben’s songwriting has achieved in just two short years. Every song was written with the same amount of intent - he doesn’t write singles and then filler, he writes every song to be single-worthy and then cherry picks the singles out of the bunch, and the quality-centric approach is evident. The cold selfish rage of Believe, the detached broken-heartedness of Break My Fall, Sooner Or Later, Away, the soft folded up sadness in Forget It and Rain, the driving desperation of So Cold, the self-deprecation of Firefly….| Cold am I; I’m beside myself because there’s no one else | | I’ll be there for you till my heart is black and blue | | is it you I want, or just the notion of a heart to wrap around so I can find my way around? || and now I find you’ve left me behind, I don’t know what to say, so never mind || never mind, forget it, there’s nothing to lose but my mind and all the things I wanted |It’s very good and very solid. A lovely album. Not quite through with it’s mouthiness, the sexual edges toned down a bit more, everyone knew they were going places with this album. As a whole it has a coldness to it. It’s a dark picture of life it paints, but it does so in beautiful, if sometimes somewhat sloppy, strokes. And, well. To be human is to be messy. WANA is, at its heart, a very human album. 9/10
Phobia - 2006Their big break!! The album most fans discovered them through, many of whom swear they never have and never will top it. Phobia begins a recurring theme of touching on mythical ideas, sprinkling angels (evil ones, in this case) and the devil as characters in the familiar, gritty, determined narrative. Driving and melodic music and snappy drum tracks carry some of Ben’s best vocals yet along on a sweet sweet ride. It’s not as dark as WANA or as immature as Saturate, displaying a bit more hopefulness and intention to carry on despite the difficulty and pain, and the last bits of overtly sexual themes play themselves out in Topless, a song from 2002 that never made it onto previous records. It’s gripping and cohesive and sonically just a pleasure. The iconic The Diary of Jane and Breath, the steadfast Until the End and Unknown Soldier, the rage of Had Enough, the brokenness of Here We Are, You, and You Fight Me, the desperation of Evil Angel and Dance With the Devil. It’s a wonderful album and deserves all the love. | forgive me, my love; I stand here all alone and I can see the bottom | | hiding, betrayal, driving the nail, hoping to find a savior || so clever, whatever, I’m done with these endeavors || flat on my lonely face I fell, finding in the end, I live well || it only hurts just once; they’re only broken bones || I believe in you; I can show you that I can see right through all your empty lies |Fantastic 9/10
Dear Agony - 2009IT’S MY ALBUM!!! MY BIRTHDAY ALBUM, MY LOVE LIKE NO OTHER!!! (Okay so yes you could make an argument that this is indeed my favorite. And I would probably agree, but I’d feel really bad about it because all of them are good!!! Most flat out fantastic!!!! DA just holds a really special place in my heart that nothing can ever displace.)It’s tight, it’s sound, it’s cohesive and raw and all the growth of the previous albums honed to perfection. It’s a masterpiece. It’s beauty, rage, and heartbreak. It’s so cold and emotional. From the sharp anger of Crawl, Lights Out, and What Lies Beneath, to the hopelessness of Hopeless (hehe) and Fade Away and Dear Agony, the grief of Anthem of the Angels and Give Me a Sign, the indomitable will of I Will Not Bow and Into the Nothing, the catharsis and mourning of Without You. This one has it all.| falling forever, chasing dreams; I brought you to life so I can hear you scream || all in all, you’re no good; you don’t cry like you should || days go on forever, but I have not left your side; we can chase the dark together, if you go then so will I || stay with me, you’re all I have left, I know we can make it out alive || now you wanna take me down, as if I even care; I am the monster in your head ||no longer the lost, no longer the same || holding the hand that holds me down; I forgive you, forget you, the end | | carry me to heavens arms, light the way and let me go, take the time to take my breath, I will end where I began |In conclusion, go buy it and force it in your ears right now 11/10
Dark Before Dawn - 2015I waited FIVE YEARS for this. FIVE Y E A R S. And it was worth every minute. DBD has huge nostalgia/dream come true status for me that it will never lose. I was there for this one. I experienced everything going on around it and there’s nothing like the first time. It’s a solid album, the theme of the title played out wonderfully with the intro and outro tracks, Dark and Dawn respectively. This album incorporates a new element, a feeling in the music I can’t think of any other way to describe than as spiritual/uplifting. This element even gets lyrical recognition in the marked departure from their usual style, Ashes of Eden, as well as in The Great Divide and Defeated. The anthemic Failure, Angels Fall, and Never Again, the brokenness of Hollow and Close To Heaven, the pain of Bury Me Alive and the clunky, bright Breaking the Silence. It’s a lovely album given cohesion by the fine details. The intro track is a compelling slow song into soft moans and a trademark roar over echoey tapes of a man describing the human response to rage, fear, and pain. The outro track starts with the soft pattering of a recording of his infant son’s heartbeat, followed by gentle vocalization from Ben and his wife. The album art is a solar eclipse against an ocean, a tiny island barely visible in the crashing water; in the clouds in the dark where the moon blocks out the sun, you can see the outline of Ben’s son’s sonogram. It begins in a dark place and ends in bliss. It’s the happy ending we’ve all been dreaming of after a life of struggle. It’s full of love and beauty for all the pain in the music itself. It’s a precious thing.| I’m coming home; release me, my love | | we bury the sunlight || I’m chasing the righteous, becoming a part of you || never surrender, out of the embers, save a space inside for me || are you with me after all? Why can’t I hear you? || stay alive; heaven holds a place for us tonight | | divided, I will stand, and I will let this end || leave all the lost souls behind; show us we’re worth forsaking |Absolutely incredible 10/10
Ember - 2018Okay so I wasn’t so excited about this album for a number of reasons. One being I have been way too busy to pay a lot of attention and the songs they released before the album as a whole were good but not quite what I was hoping for, another being the betrayal and loss of a close friend and the association of her with the thing we both loved and became friends because of. So I judged it rather unfairly at first. BUT on hearing the album as a whole the first time all that was blown out of the water. It’s absolutely beautiful and it both breaks my heart and makes me stronger. The heartbreaking out of left field piano and thunder track, The Dark of You, moved me near to tears. Tourniquet and Down fill me up with rage and determination to conquer the things that have held me down these last months. The sheer desolation of Feed the Wolf and Red Cold River, the strangely optimistic Torn In Two, Psycho, and Open Your Eyes, the self-destructive Blood. Some people complain that it’s too repetitive in terms of things they’ve done before but I would like to again remind everyone that there are now, with this album, four people who are not Benjamin who are trying to write Breaking Benjamin songs. Of course they’re drawing off older themes. They’re trying to be true to the sound and they’ve done an amazing job and honestly all of you need to shut up and stop being so ungrateful. Give them some time to figure out how to be more “original” while keeping in line with the core of what Breaking Benjamin is. This album is still amazing and is one for the books.| and now the weak that fall, return to ash, defeated after all || I will fight this war for you, and let the dawn of love survive | | I can’t feel anything at all; this love has led me to the end || carry me o’er the ground, heavy won’t hold me down || love will tie the tourniquet and suffocate me || I am the warm embracing || and all that I regret, I have before, I will again || with my dying breath, I keep this prayer alive |Go buy it RIGHT NOW!!?!! 10/10
In conclusion: *screams endlessly into the void* I’M A MESS AND CANNOT MAKE DECISIONS. EVERYTHING IS AMAZING I AM JUST OVERWHELMED BY ALL OF IT. NEVER ASK ME THIS QUESTION AGAIN (unless you want another rant/review post, in which case, please do!)
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nekopalace · 6 years
My Favorite Video Games - Salem
Hiya, everyone! Hope you're having a fantastic day. Recently a game came out that I've been waiting to release for a couple years, and after playing it I was inspired to list and talk about a few of my favorite games and why they're so special to me. So, in no particular order, let's begin.
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#1 Detroit: Become Human This game just came out on the 25th of last month I believe and it's already one of if not my absolute favorite game of all time. Quantic Dream has made some of my favorite games of all time (another one of which you'll see later on) and they really introduced to me how you could have a video game that gives you the same emotional impact as a book or film, only with the added element of directly involving you into the story. DBH follows the stories of Markus, Kara, and Connor, all androids navigating the world they were created to hopefully better. They each have beautifully rich stories and you become deeply invested into these characters and want to do your best to achieve the best outcomes for all of them within each of their storylines.
#2 Life is Strange This 2015 Don't nod title explores the life of Max Caulfield after returning to Arcadia Bay to attend Blackwell Academy. Then some stuff goes down and BOOM she can rewind time! You then follow her trying to figure out her rewind power with her best friend Chloe, who I love dearly, as odd things start happening in the town. This is another game with a big focus on choices, though done in a different way than Quantic Dream and more like another game we will discuss later. Your choices and how you interact with others can have consequences immediately or way later in the game. Lots of twists and turns and lots of emotional turmoil.
#3 Telltale's The Walking Dead series Ever wanted to feel your soul be forcefully ripped out of you and stomped into the ground as you sob? Then welcome to The Walking Dead by Telltale. The choices in this game are similar to how they work in Life is Strange where there's usually two main options which will impact the story, but it does stay mainly linear. Telltale has a lot of amazing series so if zombies aren't your things I'd recommend their Game of Thrones game, The Wolf Among Us, or their Batman series. But as for The Walking Dead, you start off with a man by the name of Lee Everett in the back of a cop car on his way to jail when suddenly you get into a crash. Upon getting out you see the cop who was driving has turned into a zombie as you are introduced to what the world is becoming. You stumble upon a house where you find a little girl named Clementine and the rest of the game follows your journey together trying to figure out how to navigate this new world with friends you'll meet along the way.
#4 Heavy Rain The first Quantic Dream game I ever played and has definitely shaped the kind of games I seek out to enjoy. You play as 4 characters by the names of Norman Jayden, Scott Shelby, Ethan Mars, and Madison Paige. The main plotline follows Ethan searching for his son who has been kidnapped by the Origami Killer, and seeing how far you will go to save your son. Unlike Detroit, this game has none of the futuristic element and just focuses around this serial killer and everyone trying to find Ethan's son Jason. There are a lot of very interesting character plots and dynamics and lots of twists and turns that make this game fun each time you return to it. I definitely recommend going into this game with a blind eye and not reading up on it so you can have the best initial experience possible.
#5 Vampire: The Masquerade-Bloodlines I very recently purchased this game after watching part of a walkthrough of it online and immediately wanted to play it. Fortunately for me a couple weeks later the Steam Summer sale came around and it was on sale and I immediately purchased it and have been loving it ever since. You get the option to play as one of 7 different types of vampires each with different interactions and ways of going through the game, giving a lot of replay value. While this game did come out awhile ago and there are quite a few bugs with it, with the patches fans have continued making the game runs decently smoothly so there's not as much issue. It's definitely a bunch of fun and I highly recommend it.
#6 Dead by Daylight Unlike the rest of the games so far, DBD is a multiplayer survival game where 4 players are survivors and one player is the killer. I've enjoyed playing this game for awhile now as it's just fun and there's a bit of different play styles with the different characters and perks/abilities you can assign those characters. You can play it casually from time to time like I do or you can continue to rank up until you become a top rank killer or survivor. Plus, if you have other friends with the game you can bring them in as well and go into matches together or have games with just a bunch of friends with no one else. Definitely a lot of fun and I would recommend people trying it out.
#7 Nancy Drew PC games Okay so this is a bit more general as I'm a fan of the majority of the games in this series. I started playing these games when I was about 12 or 13 with my sister and have continued since as I just genuinely like them a lot. You play as Nancy Drew, amateur detective extraordinaire. If you're familiar with the Nancy Drew book series there are two games based on books, Secret of the Old Clock and The Secret of Shadow Ranch. Whereas the rest of the games are then their own separate thing, with Nancy often travelling around the world to solve mysteries. I genuinely love a bunch of the games but some recommendations would be Warnings at Waverly Academy, Danger by Design, and Shadow at the Water's Edge, all of which are available on Steam.
#8 The Last of Us Want a rich storyline but also really creepy zombies out to kill you around every turn? Then The Last of Us is for you. I get quite spooked by this game as the clickers are some of the actual creepiest things I've seen in my entire life, but it makes it more challenging which overall I enjoy. You play as Joel who once again is just trying to survive this new world when he ends up coming along Ellie who he is told he has to smuggle away for reasons he is not immediately made aware of. The scenery in this game is gorgeous and all of the characters are nicely well rounded. Overall definitely recommend.
#9 World of Warcraft WoW is something I've been playing since I was a child though of course back then I mainly just ran around as a Night Elf not really doing anything I was told. Now I generally play Alliance as I tend to play as a Worgen druid and mainly just play up to level 20 and if I'm in the mood to continue with that character I'll buy a subscription but I tend to only focus on one game at a time so I haven't gotten super high level in anything yet but I hope to get more into it.
#10 Resident Evil/Biohazard This game is a little different to the others as I haven't really played that much of it myself but I have really fond memories of watching my sister play it on Game Cube and thinking it was so cool but was way too scared to actually play it by myself for a long period of time. I ended up as I got older watching people online play it and it's just a story line I really like and the atmosphere is super cool. I watch the Game Grumps playthrough of it and Silent Hill Shattered Memories all the time when I'm really stressed out or in a bad place and it just has a lot of positive memories and connections for me.
I hope you guys enjoyed this little list of games, of course I couldn't include everything as we'd be here forever so I just did a handful. If there are any games that mean a lot to you or you just love a lot be sure to leave them in the comments and let me know! -Salem
from Neko Palace - Articles https://ift.tt/2tQ2hCI
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geekydice · 4 years
Dead By Daylight Fan-made DLC: Royal Blood
Introducing: “The Usurper” A Fan Made Killer for DBD
Name: Lyra Tenebris
Age: 40
Difficulty: Hard
Ethnicity: Romanian
Realm: Romanesque Castle, Romania
Weapon: Bladed Scepter
Speed: 100%
Terror Radius: 32 meters
Lore: Lyra Tenebris was the true heir to the dukedom, or so she believed. Her mother worked as a maid for Duke Marius Romanesque. She wasn’t very good at her job and had a sense of entitlement which she passed on to her daughter. The Duke’s alleged Bastard. She was a social climber who had a pregnancy out of wedlock and decided to claim the duke as the father, hoping that he would leave his wife for her or at least become a mistress. She could remove the wife later. Sadly it was not to be and she was still stuck as a maid albeit on a very tight leash. When her daughter was born she decided that she would help her rise to power telling young Lyra that her father was the Duke and as such she was royalty and that they were in hiding as staff to protect them for those who would harm them. Lyra beloved every word her mother had said and tried to learn to become royalty. After all she was the only heir. Until IT came. Sophia Romanesque. The Duke’s other daughter and claimed rightful heir. Lyra was angry. She was older she should have been the heir. Nope. She was stuck as the brat’s maid. She asked her mother for an ideas and was advised to be their friend. That way she would learn all the things the child would be taught and look for ways to arrange accidents without suspicion.
So Lyra took the task to heart, learning all she could and trying to off her competition. She was unable to kill her but due to her diligence in watching the heiress she began to gain some popularity among the court. Seeing that she was getting supporters she began to spread that she was the duke’s bastard and should be the rightful heir. She also informed others not to tell the girl as she didn’t need the stress. For a time her plan worked. She spread doubt among the court and gathered some supporters as well as some money. It’s not a crime, it’s rightfully hers. However the duke still refused to acknowledge their relation. So she decided to gain her birth certificate to show him. They can’t deny it then. What she saw them she was shocked.
She wasn’t related to him at all. Her life was a lie. She couldn’t believe it. The documents had to be faked. She is the rightful heir and she will not be stopped. That’s when she found a mysterious card was addressed to her. It said she could be the ruler with their help she just had to meet them. She agreed and  met with them. They said that they were a group that protects the royal family and because she was a “part” of the royal family they would give her the throne. They just needed a few concessions for their work. She agreed and together they started a coup, murdering everyone in the castle except there supporters and the princess who had managed to escape. No matter she will be taken care of soon enough. She has a kingdom to rule.
She was a Tyrant hated by the people but too feared to be taken out. She published books that showed her as a lovely Duchess and executed anyone who said anywise. The people lost their livelihoods to her tributes and spending. All hope was lost until the rebels appeared. Claiming to have the Rightful Princess Sophia inspired hope to fight against the Tyrant Tenebris. She would not have it. She sent out her agents to destroy the rebels and capture Sophia. The public would no longer defy here when their precious little princess is hung from the gallows. However it was not as easy as it should be. Captured rebels would die before giving up important information and the population was begin to revolt. She was the Duchess they should not be defying her. It’s all Sophia’s fault. If she would just come out of hiding and die like she was supposed to then this wouldn’t be happening. She just needed to find her. While she was fuming to herself in her castle a strange being appeared planting visions of hooks into her mind. Hooks she could hang Sophia from and any others who defied her. The strange being beckoned her forward with each step implanting more vision and power into Lyra who eagerly accepted. Long Live the Entity. Long Live Duchess Lyra Tenebris.
Lyra Tenebris is medium height with pale skin and a dancer’s build. She has dark green eyes and long black hair in an elegant low bun. She has dark red lipstick on and a light pink blush. She wears a red Tudor dress with mysterious dark splotches and black heals hidden under her dress. She wears a garish gold crown with an emerald necklace around her neck and carries a bloody bladed gold scepter in her hand.
The Usurper’s Power: Hired Help
You can’t do everything yourself.
Using the alternate action key will cause the Usurper to summon shadow beings to do her bidding. These shadow being each have their own terror radius and will search for survivors screaming when they find one to alert the killer. The effect last for 30 seconds with a 15 second cool down period.
Mori (Killer PoV) - (First person camera) You stand above the dying survivor, looking down on them as you hold your scepter like a croquet mallet and swiftly aim at their head. You laugh as they scream and continue until they become quiet. You turn the scepter so the blade is pointing down towards the survivor and slice their head of. You flick away the blood and spit on the corpse.
Mori (Survivor PoV) - (Worms Eye View) The Usurper will stand above the dying survivor, looking down of them as he hits their head with their scepter like a mallet. Their harrowing laugh mixing with your screams with each blow. When you go quiet the scepter’s blade comes down and you know no more.
Her personal perks, Tyrant, Revision and Hex: Tribute allow her to gain special bonuses to hunt down any who dares to threaten her reign.
Tyrant - You have to be strong and ruthless to destroy anyone who tries to oppose you. The usurper’s terror radius will increase by 10 meters and all nearby survivors actions will slow by 10%.
“My Word is law.”
Unique to The Usurper until Level 30, at which point its Teachable version can then be learned and taught to the other Killers
Revision- History is told by the Victors. When you use a melee attack on a survivor you inflict the oblivious status ailment on them.
“I am a noble, kind-hearted queen who prevented that little bitch from taking the throne and have driven this kingdom into prosperity. Now write that down and make sure everyone knows it by heart.”
Unique to The Usurper until Level 35, at which point its Teachable version can then be learned and taught to the other Killers
Hex: Tribute - Its only fair your subjects reward you for all you’ve done for them.
A Hex rooting its power in greed and forced devotion. Each time a totem is destroyed get a token. 2 Tokens: Increase speed by 10%. 3 Tokens: Cool Down is reduced by 5%. 4 Tokens: Survivors gain the Broken Ailment. 5 Tokens; Survivors gain the Deep Wounds ailment.
“If I want that you will give it to me; or else i’ll take it from your grave.”
”Unique to The Usurper until Level 40, at which point its Teachable version can then be learned and taught to the other Killers
Example Addons:
Crown - The symbol of royalty. It looks great on you. Increase your speed by 5% for a short period (15 seconds).
“One day it will be yours”
Gold Coin - It’s not much but it’s yours. Slightly decrease the stun duration if a survivor escapes your power. (1 second)
Fancy Gown- A beautiful gown befitting your status. Forget about its previous owner. Slightly decrease the skill check size of your power for survivors. (10%)
Calling Card- A card from a group that wants to help you. Your powers’ charge decreases by .25 seconds.
Maid Uniform - Your mother used to wear this. Your power lasts longer. Any boosts you have are further increased by 5%.
“Mommy if i’m the daughter of the duke why are you a maid instead of a noble?.”
Jewelry Box- A small box filled jewels. It’s no less than what you deserve. Skills check speed is rescued for you by 15%. Skill check speed for survivors are increased by 25%.
Very Rare:
Propaganda Poster- A poster made by the rebels to inspire a revolt against you. Increases your terror radius by 7 meters.
Ultra Rare:
Birth Certificate - A birth certificate that disproves everything you believe to be true. You want to destroy it but can’t bring yourself to do so.  Choose a random survior. That survivor becomes your obsession. Whenever your obsession performs an action their skill check speed is decreased by 5/10/15%. If they fail their action their speed is decreased by 15/20/25% for all repair, healing and sabotage actions.
“It holds the truth.”
Royal Portrait - A portrait you had commissioned once you took the throne. It’s a tradition of the Romanesque family. The memories of your journey fill you with tremendous potential. Your actions no longer involve skill checks and survivors automatically take 1 stage of damage when successfully grabbed.
“Hang it in the hall with the rest of my families.”
Introducing: Sophia Romanesque  
DLC: Royal Blood
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Role: Rightful Heir
Ethnicity: Romanian
Difficulty: Intermediate
Sophia Romanesque never imagined her life would turn out like this. Hiding in the shadows of the kingdom she was supposed to rule, helping the resistance against her alleged half-sister and keeping out of sight in order to live to see another day. When she was young she wanted for nothing but always put others first like it had been ingrained in her since childhood. That’s probably why she kept around her former personal servant who constantly tried to kill her. She knew she shouldn’t but she was always told to help others even at her own expense so she was nice and kind to her. No longer. Her loyalty is to the rebellion and all those who would see the usurper overthrown, and today should be the day. She wandered around the empty corridors she had used to traverse, headed toward the throne room and where her target lied but the corridors seemed to twist and turn with every step she took, but she would not let this deter her. Too many people counted on her killing the usurper for her to give up due to some vertigo and flashing lights. She kept traveling even as the corridors seemed to end and trees began to emerge. She saw a campfire in the distance and kept going. Maybe whoever is there can help her.
Sophia’s perks, Keep to the Shadows, Nobility, and For My people help her escape the wrath of the false ruler.
Keep to the Shadows - You’ll always be safe in the shadows. When crouching  the killer’s aura reading abilities towards you are disrupted. If you stop crouching the perk ends.
“The shadows will protect me.”
Unique to Sophia Romanesque until Level 30, at which point its Teachable version can then be learned and taught to the other Survivors
Nobility - Nobility is not just a title. When you assist another survivor their aura becomes hidden for 4/5/6 seconds.
“A noble must always act noble, remember that Sophia.”
Unique to Sophia Romanesque until Level 35, at which point its Teachable version can then be learned and taught to the other Survivors
For My People - If it means they’ll live i don’t care if I don’t. If you are near a survivor and struck by the killer you become the killers obsession. Once the killer’s obsession your speed and healing is increased by 10%.
“My People need me and I shall not fail them.”
Unique to Sophia Romanesque until Level 40, at which point its Teachable version can then be learned and taught to the other Survivors
Sophia Romanesque is tall and fragile with pale skin. She has dark hazel eyes and choppy short brown hair. She wears skin-tight black tights, worn brown boots and a loose midnight blue blouse. She wears a dark grey scarf around her neck.
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