#specifically based on giornos style
m00dysunflower · 2 years
13, 14, and 29 for the JJBA ask game!!
13. Fave thing about the Jojo fandom?
Is it sad that it's a little hard to do because the fandom itself I'm so iffy on? But I like small, specific pockets of the fandom... aka my friends lol. But fr the self-ship community has been pretty nice as well as a bunch of the fic creators, very supportive, great parts of the fandom.
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14. Fave thing about the Jojo series?
Honestly it's the music references, I think it's such a fun and unique part. The art style is also so distinct, which I think is very important for anything.
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29. Rank your order, favourite to least favourite of: All the Jojos
I feel... I might... get some backlash... I will not be ranking Johnny or Gappy because I don't know that much about them. And tbh... if I was to rank Johnny based on what I know... I don't think he's going anywhere near the top as far as my personal tastes go.
6. Giorno: I don't dislike him at all, I do like Giorno a lot, but I think he was the least interesting in his part's cast, so that brought his score down for me.
5. Joseph: Look... yes he's a dick+cheated on Suzi, but I don't like DIU anyways. He at least had an active presence in his own part and I have a soft spot for SDC Joseph.
4. Jotaro: I feel like Jotaro's just too likeable. He's quiet like Giorno, but he doesn't take a back seat in his own story and we do see him appear the most in the series, so he's always present in our minds. He's like the bridge between the older and younger Jojos.
3. Josuke: Another case of taking a back seat in his own story, but when Josuke's on screen, he had such personality you forget that there were eps where he wasn't in the spotlight. I really wanted to see more of him and his adventures, maybe I would've liked DIU more.
2. Jonathan: I can't imagine the series without Jonathan. He was so resilient and kind, he was the blueprint from the Jojos. I always have a soft spot for the first of anything I watch. Iconic design, OP, and villain.
1. Jolyne: She broke her family's curse and achieved ultimate peace to do what she wanted. Amazing design and design progression, you see her grow and learn with her stand more than any other Jojo, she was a breath of fresh air for the series.
Like with the OPs, I might go more in depth on my ranking selection in a separate post and why I think my brain has ranked them like this.
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wwhatisstutorials · 5 years
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My favorite thing ever is doing JoJo inspired makeup. It's just too fun.
Main inspiration was Giorno Giovanna
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moonbeamwritings · 4 years
Imagine a scenario based off a dream I had, modern AU where DIO is like 28 a single father, Lawyer to the Stars on the Coast of California with little 7 year old Giorno.
The Reader, Tired- maybe coming off an over night shift, half asleep is casually walking down the busy sidewalk, catches sight of a distracted Giorno not waiting at the cross walk (on his Gameboy or something) and in an instantly the reader pulls Giogio out of the way of an on passing car.
Boom. Dio saw it all and starts scolding Gio. I woke up after that bit.
Point is... I wonder what would have happened next 🤔😕😳
this is cool as hell, anon. cool. as. hell. i’m here for it and i will definitely try to deliver !! it got very out of hand, but i hope you enjoy!! 
part 2
Your day had been long, having worked open to close at the coffee shop down the street from your apartment. As your shift came to an end, you blearily worked through the closer checklist, puttering around the store as you cleaned and closed everything down. With one last turn of a key, you finally, finally, began your trek home.
As you came up to the crosswalk, you noticed a little boy toddling along, gaming system in hand as he went. He was so wrapped up in his game that he barely gave the busy street a second thought as he stepped a foot off the curb.
It was like you were watching the situation in slow motion, his foot moving at a snail’s pace right in front of a moving car. Acting on adrenaline alone, suddenly far more awake than you’d ever felt in your life, you gripped the handle of his backpack to yank him up and into your arms.
With him back on the sidewalk, you placed him back on his feet as you knelt in front of him. “Jeez kiddo, you alright? You have to pay better attention around here.”
As the small boy opened his mouth to say something, a man with a thick british accent came hustling over. “Giorno! How many times do I have to tell you to put that thing away when you’re walking?”
The man, who you could only assume was his father, pulled the device from the boy’s hand before lifting him up into his arms. “Don’t do that again.”
His son nodded meekly, eyes shifting down to his father’s shoes.
“I’m sorry about him. I thought he was right next to me.”
You waved the man off as your gaze finally moved to meet his. He was handsome, like something out of a fairytale, all muscle with perfectly styled blond hair and an impeccable, no doubt expensive, suit. In the back of your mind, you felt as if you’d seen him before, but, being unable to place it, you brushed the thought away.
Saving yourself the embarrassment of ogling at the man for too much longer, you excused yourself. “It’s no problem. Have a nice night you two.”
With the situation over with, you continued your walk home.
Upon your arrival, you did everything you could to decompress: showering, changing, and situating yourself on your couch to watch mindless television. As you flicked through channel after channel, you finally landed on a celebrity gossip station, half listening as the host worked through this week’s hot topics.
You rolled your eyes.
She went on to describe yet another celebrity’s messy divorce, among other criminal charges apparently. Your attention was quickly piqued, though, when a familiar face flashed onto your screen. There he was a perfect combination of muscle, confidence, and style.
Dio Brando.
The man whose child you’d saved, who you’d embarrassingly checked out in a tired stupor, was Dio Brando. It took everything in you not to bring a hand up to smack at your own forehead. No wonder you’d recognized him, he was any celebrity’s dream lawyer and had his own fair share of scandals and nonsense. 
With one final look at the man in question, you changed the channel, hardly able to bear the gritty details of a court case you didn’t care about.
The whole incident with him and his son became nothing more than a blip in your day-to-day life, telling a few work friends and leaving it at that. Did you sometimes check Dio’s Instagram out of what you explained away as genuine curiosity? Well, yeah, but you were only human after all.
The weekend after your run-in with the famous lawyer, you were tasked with another long shift slaving over coffee orders and dealing with rude customers. The moment the morning rush ended, you jumped at the chance to take your lunch break, situating yourself in a corner of the café. You watched as only a few customers filtered in and out, thankful that the worst of the day was now over.
Losing yourself in your Twitter feed, you mindlessly sipped at a cup of tea as the remaining time of your break ticked away, only snapping back to reality at the sound of a familiar voice.
“Mind if I join you?” Looking up from your phone, you locked eyes with Dio. 
“Oh! Uh, sure!”
You watched as he delicately sat himself in the chair across from you, ankle perched on his knee as he shot you an unwavering smirk. As he got situated, he stuck a hand in your direction.
“Dio Brando.”
Biting back a snarky quip about how narcissistic his introduction alone made him seem, you gently placed your hand in his as you gave him your name.
“I wanted to thank you again for what you did for my son.”
“It’s really no problem. I think anyone would have done the same.”
He eyed you carefully, fingers dancing against the mug in front of him. “So, what do you want?”
“Excuse me?”
“As repayment.” He explained like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Do you want money?” Dio leaned across the table to mumble, “Sex, maybe? I don’t like leaving debts unpaid.”
A look of disgust crossed your face as you put both your phone and drink down on the table, moving to sit on your hands to resist the urge to smack him upside the head. “What are you talking about? I don’t want anything. I was being nice. You don’t need to pay anyone off for being nice.”
“Hmm,” He seemed deep in thought, eyes drifting up and down your face, lingering on your lips for only a split second, “nothing at all? You do know who I am, don’t you?”
With your break coming to an end and your patience wearing thin, you started to collect your things. “Look, pretty boy, I don’t really care who you are. You’re honestly kind of insufferable. I helped your son because he was in trouble. I don’t want your money and I don’t want to have sex with you.”
You hadn’t meant to be quite that biting, but you couldn’t help yourself. How dare he come into your work, assume that he owed you something, and then have the audacity to tease you about it? What the fuck?
“Pretty boy?”
“I need to get back to work. I’d really appreciate it if you didn't come back in here if you’re just going to pull more of this shit.”
Without sparing him a second glance, you made your way back behind the counter, placing your stuff in the back before returning to your place at the register. By the time you returned, he was gone. Good riddance.
You could only assume how warped his worldview was if he genuinely thought he needed to pay you off for helping his son. A creeping feeling of sympathy worked its way into your brain, but was quickly swatted away by the image of his smug smile.
You didn’t see him again for another week, this time armed with a grin that was a little less playful and a little more genuine, almost sheepish.
Taking his order with little fuss, you got to work pouring his coffee and adding specific ingredients. He attempted to make idle conversation with you, asking about your day and how you’d been doing with work. You humored him, if only to be polite, answering his questions with little enthusiasm.
Days passed much the same way. Dio would come in, make small talk, and then leave. No further incidents like that first meeting, no more overt attempts at getting in your pants. Nothing.
It was all… strange, to put it simply. It was like dealing with two different people: the overconfident, well-dressed Dio Brando versus the charming single dad Dio. You were left conflicted, wrestling the two images in your mind to decide how you truly saw Dio.
One night, he’d offered to walk you home after another of your late shifts with the promise that he’d get up to no funny business, as you’d put it. The conversation had lulled as you both became enraptured with the noises of the city, your faces bathed in warm neon lights. The silence was nice, welcomed even, as you thought about how to phrase your feelings.
You’d come to like Dio, in your own silly little way. You had memorized his order, knew more about his job and his son, knew him more intimately than you had ever expected to, but one question remained. One question loomed in your brain, clouding any positive thoughts you may otherwise have: Why? Why did he suddenly come into your work? Why did he take such a liking to you? Was it all a ruse, a sick way of finally repaying you?
“You look like you’re about to throw up.” He commented lightly, watching as a crease formed between your eyebrows, as your face twisted in discomfort.
“I-” You took a deep breath, looking anywhere but at him in order to actually get the question out. “Dio, can I ask you something?”
“Of course.” He spoke earnestly, eyes still tracing over your side profile.
“Why what? You’re going to need to be more specific.”
“Why would you keep coming into the store after I told you off? I just can’t shake this feeling that you’re still… ugh,” you groaned as the words left your mouth, deciding that this was actually a very bad idea, “I don’t know, buttering me up. Like this is all some dream where I’ll wake up to you laughing in my face, telling me that you were only being nice to me to repay me or sleep with me or something.”
Wordlessly, Dio grasped your arm and led you under the awning of a nearby business, not really wanting to stop sidewalk traffic with whatever confession he may find himself making. He looked deathly serious, like you’d just promised to ruin his entire life. Maybe, with all of your questioning, you had.
“Look,” he sighed, “Did I initially come in with the intention of repaying you by whatever means necessary? Yes and I think we both know that, but it’s different now.”
He paused, clearly choosing his next words very carefully. “You’re one of the only people to actually try to put me in my place, to show me that I was being an asshole. It’s different with you. Hell, you kept me up that night. I couldn’t get you out of my head. It was like you were haunting me, driving me crazy. I had to get to the bottom of why I was so taken with you.”
You felt your mouth drop open at his admission, feeling as though your feet were swept right out from under you, sending you tumbling, “Oh.”
“Oh.” Dio mimicked, his voice lilting up to tease you. “Does that answer your question?”
“Uh, I-... Yeah, I guess it does.”
“Good then let’s go.” He tugged you along, guiding you back out onto the sidewalk and towards your apartment. Dio’s hand didn’t leave yours until you arrived at your doorstep.
“Goodnight.” It was quick, uttered as soon as his hand left yours as he moved to turn around and make his own way home.
“Wait, where are you going?”
“Home. I have a kid, remember?”
“Well, of course I remember, but don’t you want to hear what I have to say?”
The smile that graced his face was nothing short of teasing, a small quirk of his lips as he looked you up and down. “Only if it’s interesting.”
“Ugh,” you grumbled, stomping down the stairs of your apartment complex to come face-to-face with Dio, “you’re relentless.”
“So I’ve been told.” He watches as your lip twitches in annoyance. God, did he love to push your buttons. “Spit it out, then. What’s still on your mind? Eager to ask me more questions?”
In lieu of a verbal retort, you took his face in your hands and all but yanked him down to connect your lips with his, eager to finally shut him up. His response was immediate, moving his lips against yours as a hand weaved around your waist, another resting just above your ass.
As you moved to break away, his lips followed yours, pressing another needy kiss to your mouth. Finally satiated, he pulled back to take in the dazed expression on your face.
“I do have one question.”
Dio let out a barking laugh that had him pulling you closer, gripping at your waist, “What is it?”
“Is sex off the table now that you’re not trying to repay me or-?”
He rolled his eyes, leaning in so his lips barely touched yours as he spoke. “I’m sure we can figure something out.”
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homicidal-lagamorph · 4 years
[Reposting as a separate post] 
Some additions to the Part 5 hcs, the last few are gonna be bruabba related hcs. Like intentionally meant to be seen in a non-platonic way.
When Fugo told Bruno about his difficulty sleeping/nightmares after getting Purple Haze, Bruno created a little zipper pocket thing that he could easily open to reassure Fugo (eventually when the nightmares went away he stopped for Fugo’s sake)
Narancia was the first one to ever accidentally refer to Bruno as “mom”, to which Bruno openly embraced the title.
Abbacchio does yoga. After Bruno spoke with him about Fugo’s temperamental problems Abbacchio introduced it to him. Yoga hasn’t really changed the qualities of his temper but it definitely helps him to calm down and to relax. (Sorry if this isn’t super agreeable, this is kind of a hc based off my own personal experiences with my own anger problems)
Giorno really likes talking about frogs. He just thinks their neat.
Additional: Giorno has a very random array of knowledge. He’s the go to guy if you want some cool fun facts (same here I have a lot)
After a few years, Abbacchio finally let’s Giorno braid his hair.
Whenever Bruno’s hair gets too long for his normal style, but too short to get it cut, he pulls it back into a low ponytail, and Abba thinks it’s very pretty :)
Mista likes chocolate. (it just feels right)
Narancia can drink 3 caprisuns at once.
Abbacchio likes sunsets.
Fugo enjoys bird-watching. He thinks it’s kinda cool how birds jsut adapt to civilization and say “fuck it, my nest is going in this specific sign.”
Mista owned a ferret at one point in his life.
Giorno’s donut curls are either 1. clip ons. or 2. super duper long strands of hair.
Mista is either bald or Has really long hair but hides it all in his hat (like Finn from Adventure Time)
Bruno is one of those people who is really big on smells. And Abbacchio has an array of candles for when things get very stressful. (I don’t have a very good sense of smell so ig favourite candle is up to interpertation)
Abbacchio can play guitar really well and he likes to play tunes for Bruno (not like love song tunes, he just shows him what cool new thing he discovered he can do and Bruno gets very excited for him because he thinks that Abbacchio finding something he’s passionate about is adorable and it makes him happy)
Whenever Abbacchio doing a hobby of his or a casual activity he enjoys (i.e. playing guitar/figuring out new chords, reading, napping, listening to music, etc.) Bruno ALWAYS plays with his hair. At this point it’s more of an instinct to Bruno then a choice. (Abbacchio doesn’t mind tho he loves the affection)
Bruno has a gondolier license (passed down from his father) and sometimes he rents a gondola for him and abba for little dates.
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neroesecuzioni · 5 years
watching your devil side
The sun blazed through the large airport windows and the soft, hazy morning mist descended upon Naples. You hadn’t been in the since your last photo shoot for some jewellery line two years ago but you heard news about an old friend while preparing a home base for your art exploits in Europe.
The little kid you once saved from a beating after a pick-pocketing incident in Naples when he was ten and still had black hair was now the Don of the Passione and blond if your sources were right. You had meant to visit him two years ago but he was a hard kid to track down and meet within a time span of three days. However, now, you had all the time in the world with your current job as an artist and you were going to buy him an espresso like you promised all those years ago.
You tapped the screen of your phone and hummed.
I didn’t know you turned blond, you sent a text message and signed it with your typical Devil Yin attached to let him know it was you.
Your luggage trembled as you traversed through the bustling airport, looking for a sign with your name on it. The private driver you hired had given you explicit instructions. 
A tall man with silvery hair and in his fifties stood among the small crowds waiting for other passengers but held a small sign with your name written boldly in black. You shot him a friendly smile and waved. He bowed his head and tucked away the sign, gesturing for you to follow him.
“Hello, sir. You weren’t waiting long, were you?”
“Not at all, young miss,” he answered as he led you to a black car, “please, hand me your luggage. I trust your flight went well?”
“As well as any fourteen hour flight can go,” you replied wryly.
He opened the door for you and you slipped into the backseat, crossing your legs. The silky fabric of your pants pressed into your skin and you itched to get out of them to let your body breath after the stale plane air.
“Still the villa in Napoli, miss?”
“Yes, take your time. I still need to decompress from the trip and car rides are perfect for that.”
Your phone buzzed in your pocket and you pulled it out.
How did you know that?
You smiled and typed out quickly. I just do. Remember that espresso I promised you six years ago? You’re old enough to drink one now, don’t you think?
I accept your offer. Where are you staying? I’ll send a car over.
You texted him the address to your villa and told him to meet you at lunch. That would give you enough time to decompress, get ready, and unpack half of your things. You were staying in Italy for a while, after all.
A black sedan with a polite but distant driver picked you up thirty minutes before noon and deposited you in front of a little cafe tucked in between a bakery and a bookstore. You walked in, the sharp but comforting scent of espresso wafted and curled around you.
A blond head of dramatic curls peeked out from a booth along with a shock of black-blue hair. 
“I, Giorno Giovanna, will be a Gangstar!” The kid proclaimed.
That looked enough like a dramatic Gangstar to you.
“Giorno Giovanna?” you asked.
The boy turned around and sharp turquoise eyes landed on you. “It’s really you, Yin.”
“The one and only.” Your gaze slid to the man sitting beside him and you blinked. “Bruno Buccellati?”
“Devil Yin,” he greeted, a welcoming smile on his face. “It’s been a while.”
“...well, it seems like I’m caught as a disadvantage,” you said, “may I sit?”
“Yes, of course.” Giorno waved his hand. “Actually, you decided to visit at a good time.”
You sat down across from them and scrutinised the two. They were well put together with expensive suits, styled hair, and gleaming jewellery. “I’ve heard. Don of the Passione at sixteen is quite a feat. You really did become a Gangstar. Congratulations.”
Giorno smiled. “Thank you, but that’s not why your visit is...fortunate.”
“I assume the reason is why you’re here as well, signore Buccellati,” you said, guarded.
Buccellati smiled. “Perhaps Bruno would be best, signorina Yin.”
That wasn’t actually your name but you didn’t comment further, scanning the cafe. A red-patterned hat caught your eye, peeking out from another booth, and another booth with a familiar looking man with long silver hair caught your eye.
The presence of the Capo of Squadra Guardie del corpo along with his team was either a very good thing or a very bad thing and you sure hoped it was the former. You did not want to get shot at when you were trying to buy an espresso for a brat you met six years ago. You didn’t even know if this was a good idea considering the pendulum could swing any way and you wouldn’t know it.
“Hello!” A waitress swanned in, smiling prettily. “Is there anything I can get for you today?”
“A caffè lungo,” you said, staring at the two men across from you.
Giorno smiled charmingly at the waitress. “The same as her.”
“A caffè macchiato,” Bruno said.
You narrowed your eyes at them when the waitress disappeared with your orders.
“Now, why is Leone Abbacchio, signore Buccellati’s right hand man, and some strange teenager with a stand also in this cafe?” You leaned back. “I guess this isn’t the casual meeting I proposed?”
Giorno and Bruno exchanged glances and a smile cracked the blond’s facade.
“Still as perceptive as ever,” he said.
“And that’s not an answer.”
Bruno leaned forward, hands brace on the table. “We have a proposal for you, signorina Yin.”
“Listen, I’m just here to buy Giorno the espresso I promised he could have when he turned sixteen the last time we met. Not for any business with the Passione.”
He smiled, amused and infinitely a softer charm compared to the teenager beside him. 
“Come work for me in the Passione as an assassin,” Giorno said lowly. Calm, steady, and self-assured, and the turquoise eyes intense as he stared at you.
You looked at the waitress reappearing with your drinks, waiting for her to set them down and leave their presence once more. She probably knew they were the mafia with how quickly she scurried away.
“No,” you said and pushed Giorno’s drink at him while sliding the macchiato towards Bruno. The man accepted it graciously but your gaze didn’t leave Giorno’s unchanging expression. 
“No?” he asked calmly. 
“I quit the business, Giorno.” You shook your head and slid your phone across the table towards him with one of your galleries from Seattle, Washington. “I’m a painter and model now with a lot of money in stocks. I can’t go around assassinating people without drawing attention to myself. I put that life behind me for a reason.”
"We need someone of your calibre especially after the power change," he insisted. "Our assassination team lost two members before the change in power. They need a new but experienced hand and with your skills, their repertoire would expand. The amount of missions would increase for them."
You tilted your head. “...I’ll give you twenty minutes to give me the full story and another five to convince me.”
He smirked.
You cradled your empty cup, staring into the ceramic.
“That’s a ride,” you finally said. “A very, very long ride with too many lane changes and things going downhill but I don’t see what this has to do with you wanting me to become an assassin.”
“La Squadra Esecuzoni were being underutilised by Diavolo and we don’t want them to feel the same as they had beneath him,” Bruno explained.
“You’re afraid they’ll rebel.” You set down the cup. “And that’s not something you can afford right now. Aren’t they satisfied with the territory you’ve given them?”
“No,” Giorno said, leaning forward on folded hands. “They want more after helping us overthrow Diavolo.”
“I won’t become an assassin again,” you said.
Giorno’s expression furrowed and Bruno’s shoulders tensed, ever so slightly, but they wouldn’t force you to bend to their will. They were too nice for that.
“But... I think there’s a way I can help you.”
“Without becoming an assassin?” Bruno asked.
"I have a job in mind for them. How do they feel about being bodyguards?" You set your hands on the table between you. “I might need some while I’m here.”
“Bodyguards?” Giorno blinked.
“Did you know I was held hostage a few months ago by some pirates in the Indian Ocean? None of my friends answered my texts for two weeks. It really hurt my feelings.”
The two men in front of you exchanged looks.
It was rare for Risotto to call a team meeting nowadays. The last time had been hunting down Diavolo with Buccellati's squad but he was dead and Giorno hadn’t done anything yet.
Risotto sat at the head of their conference table in their new headquarters.
"The Boss has a new mission for us,” he announced. Red eyes surveyed their reactions. “As bodyguards to an important client.”
"What the fuck?" Ghiaccio said. "We're fucking assassins and he's sending us as bodyguards? Who the fuck does he think he is? Is he downgrading us?"
“Buccellati’s squad can’t handle it?” Prosciutto raised an eyebrow.
"We have no choice but to accept." Risotto slid a document into the centre of the table. “It’s a long term contract. Two of us at all times. Cash salary.”
“Di molto,” Melone breathed, eyes wide. “That’s a lot of money.”
“Holy shit.” Formaggio leaned forward to look closer at the papers. “Who the fuck are we protecting? A princess?”
“Is that a clause for vacation pay?” Illuso asked, incredulous. “They’re offering hitmen vacation pay?”
Prosciutto ran his fingers over the numbers, brows furrowed. “How did Giovanna secure something like this?”
Pesci’s eyes flickered between the other members then his black eyes landing on his mentor and asked nervously, “This is good... right, bro?”
Prosciutto didn’t answer, deep in thought as he leafed through the papers.
“Why the fuck is he giving us this mission instead of Buccellati’s squad? They’re meant for guarding. What’s Giovanna planning?” Ghiaccio scowled, arms crossed. “He would not give us something like this without leverage.”
“Giovanna said the client specifically requested us.” Risotto’s deep voice interrupted him before he could fall into a rant.
Ghiaccio adjusted his red glasses and smoothed his blue curls.
“Giorno said the client wants us to meet them at Passione headquarters.” Risotto folded his hands over the table, the black sclera of his eyes emphasised the red of his gaze. The resolve in his eyes silencing the rest of the members’ protests. “I will take Prosciutto and Illuso with me.”
“This is a hard offer to turn down,” Melone said.
“Do you have to say something we already know?” Illuso sighed.
Summary: La Squadra Esecuzioni ends up helping Bruno’s squad defeat Diavolo and everyone lives but the journey hasn’t even begun. Giorno becomes Don of the Passione and revolutionises the mafia but La Squadra finds themselves underutilized despite the new territory they've been given. At least, until you, an old friend of Giorno’s, takes a trip back to Naples. What they never expect is that you're a whirlwind in disguise and they can't help but get caught in your restless winds.
This entire storyline takes place in the year 2020 and everyone is alive. I can’t write a story without modern day technology or memes. Yes, this is a shitty first chapter. It might get better from here on out but we’re trying to establish a snappy first base for the zero attention span squad (me, that squad is me.)
(ao3 link)
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abri-chan · 4 years
So, if Proscuitto isn't your favorite, then which one is? And I don't necessarily mean La Squadra, or in terms of writing potential. What I mean is, which character out of Vento Aureo is your favorite, in terms of anything from personality (even if everyone's morally grey) to best/most interesting to write about to most interesting to analyze as a character?
I like Prosciutto lol. The joke was I'm not attracted to him as in a character I'd like to fucc or a character that is my type. I realized some fans have strong crushes on characters and can only write for them that way. Imagine a bit like self-inserts or OTPs, which I don't strongly have.
I also don't tend to write for my favorite characters only, because to me writing comes as having a story idea and what characters would fit it best. As a result I'm very ship or character agnostic in writing, and can end up writing on anyone.
For example, no other Vento character would fit the backstory I gave Prosciutto, bc in my head the story was best told through him. I feel Prosciutto is the big brother type, and that's a popular trope for a reason imo: it's a very comforting and versatile trope bc a big brother character easily interacts with others.
Basically my writing is detached from the characters I like and more about what stories I can tell or what ideas I can explore, especially if it's a story that would surprise someone. I will write for any characters that fit that story; some character tropes are easier for me to write about than others but I'll explore whatever characters the story needs. I also like to write cross-genre a lot, so it is really about coming up with cool stories (admittedly I get frustrated when my writing skills don't match up my ideas, but I'm a DIY writer and using fanfiction to grow as one). Sometimes my favorites don't get the coolest stories either haha. (In my drafts and I have too many, Formaggio gets my favorite backstory, and he's not a character I particularly like). Sometimes I grow to like a character as I write about them; the more you understand of someone the more you love them. (That happened to me with Ghiaccio)
As a general rule of thumb in characters I like to write about: the otherly. It really fascinates me. In stories this can take various shapes: aliens, artificial intelligence or robots, misfits... so anything that is different from you bc the fun is in exploring what that means and what it tells us about ourselves. If you liked any of my fics, I'd recommend to read Object of Desire... I plan to rewrite it one day as multichapter/novel style but it is a clear example of how I love the otherly and how I realize that in stories. (You are welcome to come back and tell me who the otherly was haha-- I also experimented with writing styles, prose and poetry).
Now for my favorite character in Vento; it's Melone. Mostly because his stand is an artificial intelligence stand and a highly sentient one. Stands have usually been like a shadow; more like limbs to a character than actual realizable characters themselves. In Vento we see two exceptions in BabyFace (I suppose the juniors) and Mista's Sex Pistols. The thing is Babyface Jr causes no damage to Melone if the stand offspring dies (unless that very specific case with Giorno returning the bit of the stand back to him); while if Mista's case if the stand gets hurt so does he. It begs the question if BabyFace could survive with a dead Melone? So BabyFace is the only stand so far fully autonomous, with a will that can overrule the user requests (he goes against Melone a lot) and overly sentient. And it's a stand that learns based on experience (it is machine learning if you will based on data, be it Melone's , the mother, or experiences it has in the world). It's the coolest stand I've seen in JoJo, and it makes me wonder how can someone like Melone get the only stand to be fully autonomous and so intelligent (imagine if you found sentient alien life)? If I were a Speedwagon Foundation scientist, it'd be the stand to study; the stand to end all stands. (Followed by Valentine's stand in part 7).
Stand aside, again I love otherly, Melone fits into the psychotic pretty boy trope; which I also like: he's attractive (even though I prefer more muscular Melone from fanarts) and very smart and very quirky, and multi-layered (he's all sorts of fucked up and beyond redemption but makes for good psychological exploration). It's a bit like where our minds break that's something interesting to learn there, and that's why messed up or unhinged characters like Melone or Cioccolata are interesting in fiction.
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alexthegamingboy · 5 years
Toonami Weekly Recap 11/09/2019 (The Forge Edition, Week 1)
My Hero Academia Shie Hassaikai Arc Season 4 EP#64 (01) - The Scoop on U.A. Class 1-A: Freelance journalist Taneo gets an exclusive with Class 1-A in hopes of uncovering the new Symbol of Peace after the retirement of All Might.
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind EP#03 - Meet the Gangster Behind the Wall: Bucciarati agrees to introduce Giorno into the Passione organization, but he has to be evaluated by Polpo, a morbidly obese capo. Giorno visits him in prison and realizes that he is a Stand user. Polpo tasks him with keeping the flame on a cigarette lighter burning for 24 hours as a test of his trust. Giorno arrives back at his dorm with the lighter, but he is forced to evade Koichi, who has come looking for his passport. The lighter is accidentally doused by a janitor; the janitor reignites the lighter, causing Polpo's Stand Black Sabbath to appear. Black Sabbath kills the janitor by grabbing his soul and piercing an arrow through it, then turns to attack Giorno.
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba EP#05 - My Own Steel: The demon's body disintegrates and the souls of Urokodaki's students he killed depart to the afterlife. As the demon dies, he remembers when he was turned into a demon as a young boy and even after his transformation, had always been longing for a warm hand to hold, specifically that of his older brother's. Tanjiro smells sadness from its body and holds its hand, causing the demon to cry. For the next week, Tanjiro continues to survive, asking every demon for a method to turn a demon into a human again, though none answer. At the end of Final Selection, Tanjiro and three others are the only survivors, all of whom are assigned the lowest of 10 ranks, Mizunoto, as well as a Kasugai crow to help in communication. They are also give uniforms and allowed to chose the ore of their personal Nichirin Blades. Tanjiro returns to the cabin bruised and exhausted, as Nezuko arrives to greet him, having awoken from her year-and-a-half long slumber. Urokodaki deduces that Nezuko is making up for not eating humans by sleeping to gain strength. 15 days later, Tanjiro's sword is delivered by Haganezuka, the swordsmith. As Nichirin Blades change colour depending on the wielder, his turns black, a rare colour that superstitions make out to be unlucky. Now having a sword, Tanjiro's Kasugai crow delivers his first mission: to head to a town in the northwest where young girls have been vanishing nightly, and kill the demon responsible.
One-Punch Man 2 EP#05 (17) - The Martial Arts Tournament: Metal Knight tries to defeat Elder Centipede, but fails to even scratch the behemoth monster. After a lengthy battle Garou defeats Metal Bat, but grudgingly admits that Metal Bat would have won if he managed to hit him even once. Metal Bat gets up and nearly kills Garou when Garou's back is turned, but stops when his younger sister, Zenko, finds him. Garou counterattacks, but Zenko gets between them and orders them to stop fighting. Garou relents (having a soft spot for kids) and walks away to find Watchdog Man. Metal Bat tries again to go after Elder Centipede, but collapses due to too much damage from his battles with Elder Centipede and Garou after Zenko slaps him back down to get him to stop. The two C Class heroes (Pineapple and Mohican) who have Narinki and Waganma are confronted by Rhino Wrestler and are swiftly defeated, which causes the monsters to capture Waganma. Two Monsters named Phoenix Man and Sludge Jellyfish try to persuade Garou to join the Monster Association, but Garou refuses. Phoenix Man promises Garou that they will meet again if Garou will continue to hunt for heroes, and tells Elder Centipede and the rest of the monsters to retreat, with Metal Knight following them. Bang and Bomb continue to try to find Garou, and Bang lets out his frustration on a Demon-level monster named Boxing Demon, killing him violently with a ruthless barrage of blows. Many monsters of different disaster levels (Martial Gorilla, Do-S, Hundred Eyes Octopus, Pure-Blood, and Make Plasma) start attacking heroes, which worries the Hero Association. Before Do-S can kill Dynamite Man (her power being that if she whips someone, they will be under her control) with her mind controlled heroes, Fubuki stops her attack. Meanwhile, in the Fight Tournament Saitama is introduced to Bakuzan, Suiryu, Lightning Max, Ring Ring, Hamukichi, Choze, Zakkos and Snek, with Genos watching in the crowd. Suiryu notices Bakuzan's bloodlust toward him, and is only after the prize money, although Suiryu wishes he could have fought against WolfMan (Garou in disguise). After Lightning Max defeats Ring Ring, Zakkos reveals that the fighters are often paired up based on their looks. Saitama deduces that Zakkos is weak since he's paired up with Saitama (Saitama being sorted due to him appearing "weak.") which angers Zakkos. In the post credit scene, Saitama slaps Zakkos, defeating him in one hit, much to Saitama's annoyance. Suiryu notices Saitama's strength and is excited to face him in the finals.
Dr. Stone Kingdom of Science Arc EP#12 - Buddies Back to Back: The silver spear made by Senku is revealed to be a sensor to detect poisonous gases coming from a pool of sulfuric acid, which they need for the antibiotic. Knowing the risks involved, Senku offers to teach Chrome everything he knows about science on the off-chance that he dies, but Chrome refuses, instead proposing a tag-team style approach. While gathering the acid using special gas masks, Chrome nearly falls into the pool but is saved by Ginro, who overcomes his fear and helps the duo obtain a bottle of the acid.
Fire Force EP#15 - The Blacksmith's Dream: Knights of the Ashen Flame, Yona and Arrow, report Shinra's Adolla burst to their commander, Sho Kusakabe, Shira's brother. Meanwhile, forensic scientist, Viktor Licht, is assigned to Company 8 and Shinra is selected to take Arthur and Iris to recruit the crackerjack engineer, Vulcan. He has an intense dislike for Haijima and the Fire Force, but at his junkyard workshop they meet Vulcan's apprentice, Yu, who agrees to take them inside. Vulcan explains his a dream of recreating animal life on the planet. While there, Captain Dr. Giovanni from Company 3 arrives to ask Vulcan to join him, but he refuses even though Giovanni has stopped supplies getting through to Vulcan's workshop. Vulcan's assistants, Lisa and Yu, explain that Giovanni was one of Vulcan's grandfather's two apprentices, who joined Haijima after the other two died suspiciously. Meanwhile nearby, Giovanni prepares to kill Vulcan, however Shira detects his presence.
Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma EP#18 - The Karaage of Youth: Noting that the shopping district focuses more on walk-and-eat food, as opposed to Mozuya's packaged approach, Soma shifts his focus towards creating a karaage that can be enjoyed straight out of the fryer. Opting to go with chicken thigh meat with a chilli-based marinade, Soma gets inspiration from a bento shop owner and decides to serve his karaage in rice flour wraps with salad, providing enhanced flavor, portability, and appeal all at once. This brings a large amount of business, which in turns helps the rest of the shopping district come back to life, and Nakamozu has no choice but to admit defeat. Afterwards, Soma puts Mayu in charge of helping with the karaage's sales, having noticed her good qualities. Returning to the academy, Soma is brought before Mozuya's puppetmaster, Etsuya Eizan, the ninth seat of the Elite Ten, who informs him that he has been chosen for the Autumn Elections.
Lupin the 3rd Part 5 Enzo Bron Arc EP#21 - An Outdated Master Thief: Enzo Bron, the president of the global IT company Shake Handz, officially presents his company's new app called PeopleLog, a service linking facial recognition with global databases to create publicly accessible personal profiles. Lupin and company soon find that PeopleLog has become widely used to check people's identities, making it impossible for them to appear in public and easy for the police and Lupin's enemies to track his movements. Also, the apparent reliability of PeopleLog easily sways public opinion, and the world's governments become concerned that the app may cause political control to slip from their hands. As Lupin and Jigen head to rejoin Goemon, who has retreated into the mountains, they encounter Zenigata, who tells them that Fujiko has been captured by Enzo.
Black Clover: Elf Tribe Reincarnation Arc EP#94 - New Future: Yami attacks but is too late to stop Licht retrieving the stones and disappearing through a portal. Rhya activates his self-destruct spell to kill Mereoleona. Asta, having seen the same spell used by Vetto and Fana, nullifies it. Asta demands to know why the Midnight Sun hates humans when they themselves appear human. He also insists on trying to understand the Midnight Suns motives and making peace with them, echoing the Wizard Kings wishes. Rhya realises Asta sounds exactly like Licht used to. Julius realises that Licht had enough power by himself to kill everyone in the kingdom; therefore the stones must have another purpose. Julius entrusts his dream of a better world to Yami and all the other magic knights before finally dying. Yuno approaches the mage, who has the ears of an elf. He also notices another black sword nearby. Licht betrays Rades, Sally and Valtos, revealing his total contempt for their human greed and selfishness and also that the stones will not grant them greater magic power but will in fact use them as sacrifices to fuel the resurrection. As he places the stones in the tablet light covers the entire kingdom. Rhya reveals the resurrection has begun as he transforms into an elf. The elf in the sphere of light suddenly awakens while Yuno also begins to transform into an elf.
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sonicasura · 5 years
Ninja Stars
Hey everyone. If you don't know, some of the things I do in my spare time is writing stories mainly crossovers. Just the idea of taking two completely different franchises and fusing it together just entice me. I decided to show you one of my latest works.
Growing up, one of the cartoons I loved watching from my childhood was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles specifically the 2003 incarnation. The characters, story, humor, adventures and even the times when things went dark never took the smile off my face watching it.
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So I decided to take this wonderful incarnation and mix it with something I got into last year...
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Yep. I mixed it with Jojo's Bizarre Adventure of all things. Am I crazy? Yes. Do I regret writing this? No. The big star for this particular fic is none other than our favorite toilet licking wielder of the Chariot card...Jean Pierre Polnareff!
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Without further ado, I present to you guys... Ninja Stars!
He didn't know what he unintentionally signed up for when deciding to live in New York with his friends in the Joestar Family. Jean Pierre Polnareff was a Noble Frenchman who owned a nice estate in his home country of France after his father passed away. He used to have two younger siblings that he loved dearly. His sister Sherry Polnareff and the youngest sister Fleur Marie De Polnareff. Sadly his sisters' fates weren't as good as his.
Sherry was defiled and murdered when he was preparing a meal once she got out of school. For Fleur, she vanished when a terrible storm had hit the land by their estate and she disappeared with it before even turning a year old. Fleur was declared dead since her body was never found and Sherry never got the chance to be a big sister since it was robbed before she turned 5. Tragedy always liked to mess with his family while distrust amongst parents harassed the Joestar Family.
He felt sympathy for his friends Jotaro and Joseph along with their siblings. Their father George having an affair with multiple women before his wife died and said women having children being Giorno, Josuke, Johnny, Josefumi or Gappy and Jolyne. George didn't even know about them until he caught word of multiple teens having their family's birthmark! Giorno's mother and stepfather were abusive, Jolyne's foster parents neglectful and untrusting, Johnny's foster father was abusive and Jotaro's foster father never being there for him. The only ones who honestly had a good parent were the twins Josuke and Gappy though it was hard for Tomoko to care for their needs and herself at times.
George was even harder on Jonathan and Joseph often cruel enforcing manners through starvation or hitting them at times! Even their step siblings Dio and Diego Brando who have shaky relationships with the Joestar siblings at best didn't have much faith in George, and their father was worse than him! It didn't take long for George to be declared not capable to care for his children and was lawfully removed from caring for them. He lost his title to the estate and fortune which went to the siblings so they could live and get the things they needed to live off of.
They were placed in William Zeppeli's care alongside his two sons Caesar and Gyro. Anyway… Joseph figuring France was just digging up old wounds had offered Polnareff to stay at their home in New York until he felt ready to move on. Kakyoin, Avdol and Iggy were also going to be living there so it wasn't going to be that bad. Who was he kidding? When were things ever easy or normal?
The plane from France had finally landed in New York's National Airport. A tall and buff Frenchmen with tall silver hair that reached seven inches high wearing a black one strap shirt, beige pants, broken heart earrings and black expensive Italian boots had walked through the crowded airport with luggage in hand. "Now, where are they? Joseph did say they were here 30 minutes before my plane landed." The Frenchman asked to himself as he looked around the building.
His eyes then landed on a sign that read Jean Pierre Polnareff, his name, in the arms of buff and tall young man with messy brown hair, green eyes and light peach skin wearing a green crop top, fingerless gloves, a scarf, blue jeans and brown boots around his height which was 6'5. Next to him was a teen who despite being around the brunette's height was a bit younger and looked to have some Japanese blood from the narrowed aquamarine eyes and slightly darker skin. He wore a black modified gakuran with a gold chain, black hat torn in the back with two gold pins, purple shirt, expensive black slacks and black boots.
"Over here Polnareff!" The brunette shouted as Polnareff ran over to them. "Hey Joseph! Good to see you too Jotaro. You didn't have to swing that sign like you were advertising a restaurant Joseph." Polnareff teased as Joseph merely chuckled. "I wanted to make sure you don't lose yourself in the crowd. Things have been a bit crazy in New York as of late." Joseph explained as Polnareff raised his eyebrow.
"What do you mean by that? Is something going on in the city?" The Frenchman questioned earning a nod from Jotaro. "Purple Dragons?" Polnareff questioned his two friends. They had taken Joseph's car after leaving the airport and the two brothers took the opportunity to fill Polnareff in on current events. "Yeah. They're a street gang that has been causing trouble around the city. Muggings, threatening people, burning down stores, break ins and a whole mess of trouble. A bunch of annoying pissants but dangerous ones at that." Jotaro spoke blowing smoke from his lit cigarette.
"Johnathan's friend Speedwagon and his gang, the Street Ogres, have been trying to get rid of them but these dragon bastards are relentless." Joseph explained making a hard turn through the city. "You told me about the Street Ogres on the phone. That they were powerful just as they were dangerous since the gang used to be based in Europe's own Ogre Street, a personal grave for intruders. Until Johnathan defeated their leader and they followed him here to serve as his protectors. The fact these Purple Dragons can match one of Europe's most dangerous gangs is just terrifying." Polnareff said.
"There is also a new rumor going about. People are saying ninjas had been spotted in New York. Good grief." Jotaro spoke with a hint of annoyance in his voice. "Eh?! Ninjas? Since when?!" Honestly this trip was getting weirder by the second. "A few days ago, a bunch of Purple Dragons were found hanging from a street lamp by their waists. Near the scene were shurikens, a Japanese throwing star and one of the tools a ninja uses. It was embedded into the brick wall and some in the concrete floor!" Joseph exclaimed surprising the Frenchman.
"Damn. Things really have been crazy here. I bet Dio and Diego aren't exactly happy with this nonsense." The silverette questioned as Jotaro let out an amused snort. "Considering Josuke took home one of the shurikens and his recent binge watching on ninja related shows, Dio nearly had the World strangle the dumbass and Diego almost using Scary Monsters just to chew up all his DVDs. Jolyne even chased him around the house with Gappy's pet turtle Joshuu just to get him to shut up." Jotaro spoke sounding smug from his tone.
"I bet Johnathan wasn't happy with that and Johnny locked himself in his room watching his spaghetti westerns to avoid the mayhem. What about Giorno and Gappy?" He questioned as Joseph raised an eyebrow. "I forgot how brotherly you could be. Giorno is keeping an eye out for any trouble reaching home while Gappy isn't really bothered about the mayhem like the Zeppelis. Kakyoin, Iggy and Avdol are already at the estate and were filled in about the stuff as well." Joseph explained. Clearly satisfied with his answer, Polnareff remained quiet for the remainder of the drive.
The Joestar Estate was huge rivalling the size of an actual town hall though considering who previously owned it being a holder of a massive amount of riches it was too be expected. "Can I just say your dad was too crazy with his money spending?" Polnareff said as both brothers shrugged. "Stay away from my hair Iggy!" Shouted a young rowdy male voice as a purple pompadour wearing young teenage male ran past Polnareff with a little black and white Boston Terrier following close behind. "Ahahaha! Looks like the little rascal found a new victim! Looks like Iggy hasn't changed a bit. Is he still giving the dog catchers hell?" Polnareff chuckled patting his hair.
"Yep. They even have $100 dollar bet going on about who will catch Iggy first. Tried getting Johnathan to take the bet but you know him and dogs." Joseph stated. "That's right. He's working as a part-time veterinarian since his archaeology research hit rock bottom when that cave in came out of nowhere. I still think it was a Stand related incident since the ground was guaranteed to be fully stable, diagnostics and all." Polnareff exclaimed remembering the particular incident.
A lot of people got hurt during the incident and Johnathan was nearly decapitated from collapsing debris on surface that had no pockets of any kind inside of it done naturally or not. "There is also that creep who came in a bit earlier. A guy named Baxter Stockman had an appointment with old man Zeppeli about a project to take care of New York's rat problem." Jotaro stated as they sat down on the couch and the delinquent pulled up the tape.
The video showed a large empty rat maze and an African American scientist with almost a buzz cut style dark hair, rimmed glasses and hints of madness deep within those brown orbs he called eyes. He had to agree with Jotaro that despite the man not saying a word, the madness is this eyes screamed bad news. The man Baxter Stockman soon unveiled an object that was covered in sheet just as the video began.
It revealed to be some kind of robot that screamed raptor to the Frenchman on how it's design nearly matched the prehistoric predator if this one wasn't made of metal, had huge jaws, and a single light to serve as an eye. The inventor's assistant, a young woman with crimson hair and the kindest eyes Polnareff ever seen unlike her boss named April O' Neil, had released a bunch of rats into the maze. Then Stockman let loose his invention which he named Mouser. And what happened next after the Mouser found a rat…
Polnareff was glad he hadn't eaten any food or his friends would see what he had earlier. "Holy shit. This guy really offered these as a solution to a rat problem?! A killer robot that can eat through walls?! Sure, I don't want a rat in my house but at least I have a humane trap to use than that!" The Frenchman exclaimed. "That's what I was thinking! Even that April chick looked like she didn't want to be there! Everyone on the house agreed to turn this guy down including Dio! And Dio is the type of guy to practically fry up live rodents and laugh while watching them burn before feeding them to his pet bird!" Joseph shouted as Jotaro smacked him.
"Shut up! I'm sitting right next to you, dumbass! Don't need to yell in my ear. Anyway… Gappy is looking into Stockman's background since something about that Mouser seemed off. The robot bastard also somehow seemed to creep Johnathan out too and the man has been around all types of machinery considering Gappy's profession. From what's been happening in New York as of late, this an omen for an absolute shit storm." Jotaro said before walking away. They couldn't agree more.
Later… Polnareff had finished unpacking all his stuff into his room. William was kind enough to give the man a nice large room with its own bathroom, closet and a small fridge that easily reminded the Frenchman of a 3 star hotel suite. He didn't pack any extra stuff that wasn't clothes or necessities like health products but there were some things he couldn't part with. His practice rapier, the portable toilet he bought considering the bathroom mishaps from that one road trip involving him, Jotaro, Joseph, Iggy, Avdol and Kakyoin and a few photos including the one of him, his sister Sherry and their newborn sister Fleur.
He looked sorrowfully at the picture of a young boy, a red haired girl and a small baby girl with a tuft of silver hair and a slash like birthmark on her neck with all three smiling or happy in Fleur's case. Polnareff rubbed his eyes so no tears would fall down. It felt wrong for a grown man to cry even for something as sad and important as this. He heard someone knocking on his door. "Come in!" Polnareff called as the door opened to reveal two people were at the door.
One was Jotaro and the other was a young man just as tall and as Jotaro but a bit older with soft blue eyes, wild blue hair and wore a purple sleeveless shirt, gray jeans, brown shoes, black fingerless gloves and what looked like a cast around his ankle. "Hey Jotaro and same to you Johnathan. I guess your leg isn't fully healed yet. I'm surprised you haven't let Josuke or Giorno heal you." Polnareff spoke as the blue Man Johnathan let out a soft chuckle.
"I don't want to rely on them all the time. Plus it's just a simple sprain so I figured to let time and my Hamon heal it instead. Anyway, I was wondering if you want to go to the store with me? I forgot to pick up a few things and also want to do a bit of grocery shopping while I'm at it." Johnathan asked while Polnareff turned to Jotaro. "I'm coming with him so he doesn't get himself hurt again. Plus I need to pick up some more cigarettes." Jotaro said as Polnareff merely shrugged and decided to join along. What was the worst that could happen?
Apparently the worst could happen was the street caving in from underneath your feet. Around halfway to the store, the ground beneath them had suddenly gave way dropping the trio of men down into the sewers below. Jotaro and Johnathan landed on the walkway while Polnareff fell into the sewer water. "Eww!!!" Polnareff shouted spitting the dirty water out of his mouth and getting to the walkway. "This is fucking ridiculous. How the hell can a street just fall apart like that?!" Jotaro hissed dusting himself off.
"It's just like the dig all over again. Now I believe it was no mere accident. Look at the walls." Johnathan said pointing to a wall of pipes behind him. They had been torn to create a large tunnel and the way the tunnel was made being all too familiar. "Are those...bite marks? The only thing that can do this…" Polnareff said only for Jotaro to finish his sentence. "Mousers. Stockman's little rat project tried to kill us!" The delinquent growled clenching his fists in rage.
The sound of clanking metal had grabbed their attention quickly as what appeared to be a squadron of Mousers heading their way. It was more terrifying seeing blood on some of their jaws knowing the poor rodents they must had devoured or an unlucky sap who ran into them. "I ain't taking this shit lying down! Silver Chariot!!" The Frenchman cried out as something came out of his body. It was a knight in a heavy silver suit of armor, a silver helm covering the head except for yellow eyes with blue iris, spiked shoulder pads and wielded a rapier as it gently hovered in the air.
"Pierce them Chariot!" He called as the silver knight let loose a barrage of sword swipes faster than the eye could see. The Mousers took multiple slashes with resistance but when the first was decapitated and went offline, Silver Chariot used it to his advantage. Soon a pile of Mouser heads and parts laid before their feet. "Good job Chariot. We should find a way out. Who knows how many of those menaces are down here?" Polnareff stated.
A loud feminine scream echoed through the sewers. "I recognize that scream. That's Stockman's assistant April! Come on! It came from down here." Johnathan called as the group took off deeper into the sewers. They ran as the sounds of fighting could be heard around them and grew louder the closer they were. It soon quieted as the three men turned the corner to find an unbelievable scene. Tons of Mousers destroyed and scattered across the ground, April unconscious in the hands of a man sized humanoid green turtle.
That's right. A man sized turtle wearing an orange bandanna, brown arm and leg straps, belt and orange wrapped nunchucks. To make it weirder, there were three more of them with one having a purple bandanna and held a Bo staff, blue bandanna and twin swords and red bandanna with twin sai. A clicking sound of a gun made everyone froze. "Hold still. Move and Showdown Bandit Aeon will put a hole right through blue haired pretty boy's head." A cold feminine voice spoke from behind Polnareff and Jotaro.
The voice sounded young around Jotaro's age maybe a year younger. The 4 turtles turned to see the group and looked nervous at the female holding Johnathan, Jotaro and Polnareff hostage. "Oh… Hehe. Hey big sister, lovely night for a stroll in the sewers and not hunting Mousers." The turtle in orange spoke only to get slapped on the back of his head by the turtle in red. 'My Lord! They can talk too! Fascinating.' Johnathan thought despite the clear hostage situation.
"Michelango, Leonardo, Donatello and Raphael, what did father Splinter say about running off? Not only did you disobey his orders but also got discovered by more humans. You know he's going to punish you four." The voice spoke as all four looked nervous. 'Seriously? A family dispute in a goddamn sewer? Good grief.' Jotaro thought with irritation. It was becoming awkward for the Frenchman and his two friends from how the situation was turning out. "Sorry big sister Fleur." All 4 spoke as Polnareff's eyes widened greatly.
It couldn't be… Could it? He slowly turned his head around to look at their captor. It was a young woman around Jotaro's age with wild silver hair and sharp blue eyes, she wore a headband with demon horns, a green bandanna, a red and black traditional ninja suit, purple shoulder pads, orange hakamaki sash, blue boots, an accessory silver tail with a gold hoop, two short katanas on her back, fingerless brown gloves and a gold hilted blue blade katana on the small of her back sideways but what grabbed him was the familiar mark on her neck and the red streaks under her eyes.
The spirit or Stand beside her had the appearance of a demonic grey skinned cowboy, a single red eye amongst the shadow of his red horned cowboy hat while the other covered by his purple bangs, a bandanna shaped like an opened fanged mouth on his face, peculiar red ribbons near the neck, a black outlined gold poncho over a gold shirt and brown vest, brown gun belt with red fabric by the empty gun holsters, a black tail with 5 hooks at the end ranging from orange to red, yellow jeans and on them were gray leg straps with red blades, brown and orange cowboy boots with large blades spurs, white arms with the right pointing an orange, black and gold gun at Johnathan's head and the other a giant black, orange, and red gauntlet with golden blades for fingers and three orange nozzles on the center fingers.
"Little Fleur… You're alive." Polnareff spoke with a shaky voice. "You speak as if your familiar with me when I never met you before in my life. Who are you?" Fleur questioned. "You are Fleur Marie De Polnareff, third child of Jaune Reyn Polnareff and Charlotte Maria. Mother named you Fleur because you were as beautiful as a field of blossoming flowers when you were born." Polnareff spoke as he looked at the little sister he lost.
"Wait a minute. How do you know so much about her?" The turtle in red questioned angrily. "Because she is my long lost little sister. My name is Jean Pierre Polnareff, her older brother." He spoke taking out the picture of him and his siblings when they were younger. The gasps in the room from seeing the photo was enough for Fleur to have a look for herself. Her eyes widened upon seeing the familiar mark on the baby's neck in the exact shape and place as hers. "We're taking them back to the lair. Father needs to hear about this." Fleur spoke walking off while her Stand followed.
The walk through the sewers was silent as no human or turtle decides to talk. It was too uncomfortable and awkward for everybody. Fleur led them to a wall with a strange blue pattern on it. The wall pulled apart revealing it to be a secret entrance and the inside blew all three men's minds. It was a secret lair with tons of room, wall of TV's, couch, workbenches, pinball machines and basically all kinds of stuff perfect for a comfortable living. "Incredible. All of this has been under New York for this whole time. Despite all the technology and items here, the walls and layout are much much older." Johnathan spoke practically breath taken.
"You are very observant young man. My sons and daughter, may I have an explanation on how we ended up with 4 guests?" An aged and soft male voice spoke as they turned to see a human sized anthropomorphic gray rat with brown eyes, a small goatee, white bushy eyebrows and leaning on a brown wooden cane wearing an orange and dark brown kimono. "Good grief. Things gotten really bizarre." Jotaro sighed at the weirdness they found themselves in.
One explanation from Polnareff later… The group were sitting down and gathered at the front while April who had woken up earlier after fainting again joined in. "So that explains it. Fleur was separated from you because that terrible storm had washed her away. It makes sense for her not to recognize you since she was a baby before disappearing." The turtle in purple spoke. "Though my question is, who or what are you guys? How did you even find her without being caught on the surface?" April questioned.
"That is a very long story. We weren't always like this. We used to be what you once called normal. I used to be an ordinary pet rat whose owner was a kind martial artist named Hamato Yoshi. On a trip to France, my master and I had came across Fleur crying by the edge of a river. The only clue to her name was a flower tied in her hair. A few years later, the home of my master was caught in a nasty blaze. I was able to get out with Fleur through my Master's sacrifice.
I hid Fleur in a safe place within the sewers and scavenge for food to keep her alive. On one of those scavenging days, I saw the beginning of an accident. A child had walked out of the pet store carrying four baby turtles. *That was us! From the orange bandanna turtle* Don't interrupt Michelangelo. Where was I? An elderly blind man was walking the street unaware of a massive truck heading straight towards him. A man near the child lunged to shove the elder out of harm's way yet accidentally sending the tank holding the four turtles near the sewer were they were gently swept down below.
The truck had flung open wide enough for a mysterious canister to jump out and went down the sewer bursting open and covering the four turtles in a glowing green ooze. I followed them down and took pity on them. I gathered all four and safely put them in an empty coffee can though one decided to shake himself and got the ooze on me too. I took them back to my den where Fleur laid sleeping.
The next morning, I woke up. All four had doubled in size and I was changed too. The ooze had affected us in many peculiar ways from enhancing our intelligence and strength along with affecting our growth. Then one day, one of the young turtles had spoken my name. Fleur manifested her own peculiarity in the form of a spirit that same day. I knew then that it was my duty to protect and raise them as my own.
To each I taught them the ways of Ninjutsu and to harness their new form and power. Fleur named her spirit Showdown Bandit Aeon after one of the tarot cards, the Aeon Arcana. For the four turtles, using a book on the Italian Renaissance Arts, I gave them their names. Leonardo(blue), Donatello(purple), Raphael(red) and Michelangelo(orange). That is our story." Splinter told finishing his tale.
"Yep! We're unbelievable!" Shouted Michelango who they could clearly tell was the goofball of the four. "Where's your off switch?" Raphael questioned as Jotaro snorted amused. "Been asking the same thing myself about our little brother Josuke." Jotaro said. "It's still incredible that you have a Stand Fleur combined with the fact that your family could see them." Polnareff said as that got the makeshift family's attention. It was enough for Aeon to manifest with a curious glint in his eyes. "Speak of the cowboy, hey Aeon." Michelangelo said as April looked confused.
"Stand? I don't see anything." April spoke clueless. "Only Stand Users can see Stands. Stands are the manifestation of a person's fighting Spirit with their own set of abilities based on their user. They are called Stands because they always stand beside you." Jotaro explained. "Maybe not for long. I came up with something that I've been dying to try out." Donatello said heading to a cabinet and took something out.
He came back with a pair of glasses with green half lenses. "I made this when I found out Fleur had a Stand. Using a bullet Aeon supplied me with, I created these beauties. The Spirit Lens. I didn't know if one day we would lose the ability to see or hear Aeon so I made these just in case. Aeon is considered the fifth brother of the bunch since we played and trained with each other from childhood. Try the Spirit Lens on, April." Donatello explained surprising the male trio.
'Glasses that can see Stands!?' Went through their heads as April put on the glasses before turning to suddenly scream. "Oh my gosh! There's a demon cowboy right in my face! Is this Aeon???" April questioned nervously as Jotaro, Polnareff and Johnathan's eyes widened. "Yeeehaw!!!! Looks like your little doodad was a success Donnie! The lassie can see me!" A young raspy and wild male voice came out from Aeon as he twirled his hat. Donatello chuckled at the Stand's obvious happiness.
"Oh. It's rude to leave a family member out of a reunion. Jotaro, Johnathan and I are also Stand Users. Come out Silver Chariot!" Polnareff called as Silver Chariot manifested. "Wow! An actual knight in shining armor! And that rapier looks fantastic!" Leonardo stated as he couldn't help but admire the craftsmanship of Silver Chariot's blade. "The elder Knight and young bandit. Very interesting. The Chariot is the tarot card for conquest and absolute victory. Quite fitting for a knight or crusader." Splinter spoke as both Stands approached each other.
"Aw shucks. Thanks. I had Silver Chariot with me since birth and both of us keep each other in fighting shape." Polnareff said scratching his head sheepishly. Both of the Stands eyed each other before Aeon decided to just give Chariot a big hug as his tail wagged wildly like a happy dog. "Aww. They look so cute! Someone take a picture!" Michelangelo said. "Wish I brought my camera." Johnathan mumbled.
"Let's get back to business. April, why were those Mousers chasing you?" Fleur questioned getting everyone back on topic. "I decided to spy on my former boss since it was too suspicious to build so many of something like the Mousers for a city rat problem. I discovered that he was using the Mousers to rob banks and jewelry stores of their valuables. One of the test runs even brought down an archaeological dig!" April explained as Johnathan's breath hitched.
"Dear god. Those things were the reason nearly everyone at my digsite was almost killed. To think the same man who pitched those awful things to us were responsible for the pain of so many." Johnathan spoke clenching his fists angrily. "Now I recognize you! You are Johnathan Joestar, the eldest son of George Joestar and heir to the Joestar and Zeppeli Corporation! Oh shell! I read a few of your books on ancient civilizations and they were really excellent. To meet one of my favorite authors is astounding!" Donatello explained as Johnathan couldn't help but smile.
"Well it's nice to meet a fan of my work. I would love to discuss about it later but I think it's best if we deal with Stockman first. He caused too much pain for a lot of people and must be stopped before he could do further harm." Johnathan said. "Yeah. That jerk destroyed our old home and those pieces of scrap metal try to make a meal out of our Sensei!" Raphael stated taking out his sai.
 "I agree. My sons and my daughter, I ask of you to assist April in stopping Stockman before he could do even further harm. Jotaro and Jean, I ask of you to accompany them on this mission. I know my sons and daughter can protect themselves but it'll be good to have someone capable of protecting Miss O' Neil. Though Johnathan, I ask of you to stay here. The injury on your ankle needs to be checked and wounds like that on a battlefield can put you and others in grave danger." Splinter explained.
No one objected the elder rat's words for it obviously made sense. Even Jotaro silently agreed despite being known to be against any type of authority. "It's not going to be easy. Stocktronics has the latest top of the line security system. It'll be tough to get in without being spotted." April spoke only for Fleur to giggle. "We've got that problem already handled." The kunoichi said.
"May I present you our technologic master turtle, Donatello!" Michaelango said pointing at Donatello. "You're too kind." Donatello chuckled. "Can we go already? Please!" Shouted Raphael.  "Follow us. We know these sewers like the back of our hand." Fleur spoke walking off. The group of 8 quietly walked through New York's Sewer system. April had stopped them to point a small security system.
"Seriously? Security systems in the sewer? This Stockman guy is really paranoid." Michaelango whispered only to be smacked by Jotaro. "Thanks big guy." Raphael silently chuckled. "Get a room you two." Michaelango spoke only to get shushed by Donatello. "Be quiet. April and I are busy! This is delicate work!" Donatello whispered annoyed as he dismantled the system. "*sigh* Little brothers…" Fleur muttered.
The system was soon broken allowing the group to travel to the building through the ducts. Using his sai, Raphael had opened the vent after the guards left. "Alright. The terminal is over there. If I can access it, I can make blank spots in the security for you guys to travel undetected." April whispered. "Let me do it. Star Platinum." Jotaro spoke manifesting his Stand.
It looked like a big purple Aztec warrior just as tall as Jotaro but buffer, had long black flowing hair, sharp teal eyes, gold wavy lines going down his body and wore gold shoulder pads with spirals, red scarf, gold circlet headband, black fingerless gloves with gold studs, black knee boots and a long white loin cloth. April had to hide her blush. "Oh shell. He's huge. Looks like you got a fellow purple lover." Raphael joked as Donatello rolled his eyes.
"Star Finger." Jotaro whispered as Star Platinum's middle and index finger thin and lengthen before using it to pick the lock open. Jotaro called Star back as the group got out of the duct and followed April into terminal room. "Nice lock picking Jotaro. When did you learn to do that?" Leonardo questioned the raven. "Jotaro has a crazy fanclub that follows him everyday at school. He picks the roof door lock to escape since students aren't allowed up there." Polnareff answered the blue mask turtle.
"Alright. I'm blanking the cameras in 10 second intervals. You guys have to keep moving and don't stop if you don't want to get caught." April warned. "Got it. We'll be back." Fleur spoke as the 5 ninjas disappeared without a sound to three clueless people until the Frenchman turned around. "They're gone! That Splinter can teach!" Polnareff stated as he couldn't help but feel proud at his little sister and a bit for her brothers.
The kunoichi and her four shelled siblings outran the cameras as they raced through the halls. Walking into a completely dark room, all 5 siblings were on guard. "It's quiet, too quiet." Leonardo warned pulling out his weapons like the others. Fleur kept her third blade on her back as she kept an eye out for danger. "Guys, my turtle sense is tingling." Michelangelo joked nervously. Suddenly the lights flashed on to reveal Stockman high above in a control room and there were manufacturing guns found above in high-tech factories, the type that fire beams of extreme heat.
"You really think I would be so lax in thinking to not anticipate intruders! Did you come here for my secrets because it wouldn't matter. None of you are leaving out alive." Stockman threatened looking at the thermal images of the 5 shinobi only to be disturbed by 4 non human shaped blurs. "What are you? I guess I have to dissect you to find out." Stockman spoke as the ceiling guns shifted to face the group before the ninja found themselves under fire.
It didn't take them a second to take cover behind the pillars. "Showdown Bandit Aeon!" Fleur cried out summoning her Stand. "This is quite a shootout but these pieces of scrap can't outshot me!" The devilish cowboy laughed aiming his gun and began firing bullets. Each bullet sniped into each barrel causing each laser gun to explode from its own blast. "Donnie!" Leonardo called as the turtle in purple came over. Donatello tossed Leonardo into the air so he could slice the guns in half with his katana blades.
Donatello using his staff, pole vaulted to one of the guns before turning it to shoot at the others and then finished by sabotaging it to explode. "Mikey! Hammer throw!" Raphael called Michelangelo ran over to the turtle in red. Michaelango jumped over Raphael as the red masked turtle kicked out his feet to launch his fellow turtle to the control room glass and break open an entry to Stockman's terror.
Fleur and the others quickly followed up there blocking Stockman as their friends walked in from the other side. "April! You're alive." Stockman said shocked. "And kicking. My friends here helped me out and get me to you. It's over Stockman, I have enough evidence to land you in jail for a very long time." April spoke only for Stockman to laugh and pull out a remote with a single button. He pressed it before Michaelango could grab him.
"It's too late! I called back all my Mousers. They'll be here to rip you to shreds!" Stockman chuckled as the group could see the beginnings of a swarm of the malicious robots surround them. Stockman had used their distraction to escape. "Guys! Stockman got away!" Michelangelo shouted. "We have bigger problems. We have thousands of things heading our way! Stockman must have made even more before robbing those banks earlier!" Donatello panicked as both him and April got to the control panel before trying to hack it.
Mousers began to come in the room from all around them as Jotaro, Polnareff and Fleur got their stands ready. Suddenly all the small killer robots stopped as their single eye began blinking. "April, what did you do?" Fleur questioned as Michelangelo picked up one of the Mousers. "I couldn't shut them down so I had to reroute their programming to overload." April warned as the orange masked turtle dropped the Mouser in panic. "Let's get the shell out of here! This place is going to blow!" Fleur cried as it didn't take a single second for all of them to scramble out of the building and down into the sewers.
Back at the lair… the news played the burning scene of the Stocktronics building as the group watched. "What are you going to do now April? I'm pretty sure you're out of a job." Splinter questioned. "We can help her get back on her feet. She did help us stop Stockman." Fleur offered as Polnareff couldn't help but smile. "Splinter, I want to thank you and your master for caring for my little sister. She has turned into a wonderful woman with your guidance." Polnareff spoke.
"It was an honor. Though it'll take time for Fleur to adjust knowing she has a living relative. You and your friends are welcomed back here. The boys still need some guidance that I can't provide." Splinter spoke as Polnareff smiled. "Wait, if Polnareff is Fleur's older brother and Splinter adopted Fleur, doesn't that make Polnareff our big brother in some way?" Michelangelo questioned as everyone looked at the Frenchman.
"I believe it does since Splinter is her parental guardian. Looks like Polnareff has gotten another chance at being a big brother again." Johnathan chuckled as the Frenchman looked ready to cry. Today was just an insane day for Jean Pierre Polnareff. Moving to New York for a new start had gotten him into a crazy adventure. Now not only did he have his little sister Fleur back but also has 4 teenage mutant ninja turtles to guide like a big brother should. It was going to be strange but he wouldn't trade it for the world. And this time he was going to protect them!
That's it folks. I honestly thought Polnareff deserved another chance at the big brother role because it just suits him perfectly in my opinion. Here is a drawing of Fleur and her Stand Aeon though his name on the picture is different since I drew it before writing this.
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recentanimenews · 6 years
Is That Another JoJo Reference?! JoJo's Bizarre Adventure References in Non-Anime Media!
In our previous article, we took a look at the many ways that various anime have paid homage to JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, from small sight-gags to extended visual parodies, the amount of creators who felt some love for the series was easy to find! But what about in non-anime media? It isn’t always easy to make a JoJo pose seem tonally correct in your video game, music video, live action  TV show, comic, or other media after all, but these creators we found had more creative and interesting ways of paying homage back to Hirohiko Araki and his amazing series. Much like our first article, we’ll be keeping these reference sightings up to Part 5 only to avoid spoiling any of the future fun, and do be warned that some of these references might be spoilers for past JoJo seasons. Overall, the range of these references varies from minor cameos and callbacks to characters and situations being developed with JoJo characters in mind, so let’s get right into it and take a look at the various non-anime JoJo references we’ve found!
It probably comes as no surprise, but musicians and JoJo go together pretty well. Many of the original names and influences for the series come from Araki’s love of various types of musical genres and artists, and it seems that they love him right back! Numerous singers and even idol groups in Japan have given the nod to their favorite JoJo poses and characters, with some even going as far as reaching out to meet Araki as superfans themselves. Hello! Project’s ANGERME and Iikubo Haruna have done various JoJo inspired poses in their blogs and choreography, even recreating the infamous “Go Go Go” SFX with their arms! The iconic Kyary Pamyu Pamyu is a huge fan of the JoJo series, often making JoJo poses in her own videos, such as in "PONPONPON," and even wearing JoJo themed merchandise, going so far as to even name one of her pet dogs JoJo.
Perhaps one of the most famous idols, Shoko Nakagawa (AKA Shokotan) is a notoriously huge fan of the JoJo series, busting out JoJo poses so often that she even injured herself doing Narancia’s pose on stage, breaking her tailbone! Her devotion has paid off, however, as Shokotan got to meet Araki to interview him! Shoko’s interview even lead to Araki making a special stand, Love Note, with an interesting origin involving... Shokotan and Jotaro’s child?! Outside of Japan, the group Starbomb included Giorno’s “I have a dream” pose in their video for “SMASH!,” with Luigi of all characters striking the iconic pose!
  Some of the most interesting homages to JoJo pop up in various video games, with some being blatantly obvious, and others needing developers to pull back the curtain and reveal their true intentions! Given the nature of JoJo’s storyline of vampires and supernatural powers, it might not be surprising at all to learn that the Castlevania series has featured numerous nods to the JoJo series throughout its legendary run. Castlevania Symphony of the Night features a Stone Mask, and it makes another appearance in Curse of Darkness. There are a few “Ora ora ora” references laced throughout various Castlevania equipments and attacks, and Dawn of Sorrow features a fight at a clock tower against an enemy named Zephyr who can stop time and throws knives… Now, where have we heard of someone like that before?
    Speaking of stopped time, the DOTA 2 hero Faceless Void seems to have some JoJo influenced nods to everyone’s favorite vampire. His ultimate ability, Chronosphere, stops time for anyone caught in it but himself for a few seconds, sure seems coincidental, but his model also adopts a similar pose to DIO’s classic WRYYYYYY! pose while casting it. In a recent update to the game, Phantom Assassin got a new splash image featuring her in Jonathan’s pose for her unique cosmetic set, the Bloodroot Guard. In Persona 5, the main character is given a choice to answer the question “What is the name of the phenomenon where the second hand looks like it stops moving?,” with one of the choices being “The World.” And in the fighting game Skullgirls, DIO is referenced numerous times between characters Valentine, Peacock, and Eliza. Valentine can stop time, Peacock drops a steamroller on her foes, and Eliza features an obvious color palette reference to DIO’s classic Part 3 outfit! The game also features Big Band, a character who has a move where he shouts “Tuba Tuba Tuba,” similar to “ora ora ora” or “muda muda muda,” depending on how you hear that in your head. Night Warriors: Darkstalker’s Revenge has a few nods to DIO as well, with a design sketch of Donovan by Takenori Kimoto posing like DIO in one of the art books; more interesting, Donovan, known for his ability to summon various spirits to aid him in battle, also has a sketch where he summons Abbachio’s Moody Jazz!
    In a series already filled with lots of crazy references and homages to other anime and video games, it probably comes as no surprise that the Danganronpa series has numerous JoJo references throughout its titles. Some of these appear in both the games and anime, such as Junko posing as DIO and her penchant for quoting “Muda muda muda,” while others are specific to the games, such as Super Danganronpa 2’s Hanamura saying he can taste if people are lying, Monokuma using a Heaven’s Door like ability, and there’s even a reference to the Bow & Arrow, called the Meteorite Arrowhead. Some other fun references include Mondo, whose hairstyle (and attitude regarding it) seem like they might be related to Josuke, a reference cemented in place when players learn that his biker gang is called Crazy Diamond! These JoJo references likely don’t come as much surprise, considering Naegi’s initial introductory comments about not having a Stand, but the dedication to weaving them into the various games, and in somewhat natural ways, is pretty impressive!
    Speaking of Polnareff, video game designers must have loved him, because aside from poses and thematic references, Polnareff’s mere existence may have had the most influence on game design of the entire JoJo series! Katsuhiro Harada, the director of the Tekken series, directly cites Polnareff as inspiration for series mainstay Paul Phoenix’s iconic hairstyle and first name. Tekken features a few other nods to JoJo, with Jin and Kazuya having gloves similar to Star Platinum’s, and Tekken 7’s newcomer Claudio not only poses like DIO, but can even equip an “Ancient Mask.” In the King of Fighters series, Benimaru Nikaido is another clear homage to Polnareff, again sporting a unique and reminscient hair style and style of dress, and in fact, Benimaru looks so much like Polnareff that developers of the game referred to him internally as “Polnareff!”
    A few other references pop up in King of Fighters, with Leona Heidern’s Earring Bomb 2: Heart Attack special move is an homage to Yoshikage Kira’s Heart Attack. Leona can either wait for the bomb to explode, or detonate it on her own, much like Kira’s Deadly Queen, and Leona’s voice line upon detonation, “You’ve lost in the end,” is similar Kira’s “You’ve lost in death” line. Another King of Fighter character, Mian, has an attack called Rangurenbu that has her shouting “Ariariariariari,” just like Bucciarati! Finally, Street Fighter’s Guile owes his creation to Polnareff, who started as the base model for the character, according to producer Noritaka Funamizu. Ironically, a dev decided to play with Guile’s sprite, and his hair spread to look a bit more like Stroeheim’s, which stuck! The name “Guile” is even a reference to “J. Geil,” Polnareff’s archenemy! Street Fighter has quite a few obvious nods, most notably Rose, who wears a nearly identical outfit to Lisa Lisa, who also hails from Venice.
    There are many more one-off references to be found in various games. Persona Q has a quick segment where the Persona 4 cast pose as various JoJo characters. The original Ninja Gaiden game decorates a stage with Stone Masks and Pillar Men, while Senran Kagura 2 has a few clothing options for Mirai that directly reference Star Platinum and The World. Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey has a reference to the Sword of Anubis with the equipment Cursed Sarai, stating that it is the “Sword of Anubis that drives victims mad,” and an attack ability called Bites the Dust, which inflicts Bomb status on a target who then explodes during their next activation!
  The Touhou Project games have numerous soft references to JoJo sprinkled throughout, with characters such as Remilia and Yuugi making a few references to the series, but the most obvious is Sakuya Izayoi. Sakuya has the ability to stop time, and throw knives! Other references might be quick and hard to miss, such as Yakuza 0’s quick and cheeky nod to the JoJo series: During a fight with a secret boss whose first name is simply “Jo,” Goro Majima (the best boy in Yakuza, by the way), thinks to himself afterwards what that “Jo” guy’s deal was and what a “bizarre adventure” it was to fight him.
  When you move away from video games and music, it’s interesting to see where JoJo references might pop up; after all, many of these mentioned were still developed by Japanese teams and artists, meaning that JoJo likely played a big part in entertaining them growing up or while they worked. But if you were to look towards American comics, you might find some odd homages! Now, one of the most infamous is a comic known as Diesel, which isn’t so much an homage as it was an adaptation (for lack of a better term; it really just takes the entire plot and renames and Americanized people and locations) of the Fool and Iggy storylines of Part 3. The comic was pretty obscure, but got attention in 2016 when the Stardust Crusaders anime hit, and became a source of some odd laughs and memes.
  For an actual homage, X-Man Annual has a page where the Hulk gains some very unique yellow armor, making him look like The World! In the Archie Comics’ Sonic the Hedgehog comics, quite a few little references found their way into the Off Panel section in the back of the book. In issue 270, Sonic and Knuckles face off (with Sonic as Kenshiro and Knuckles dressed as Jotaro) in “manliest anime” challenge, and in the first issue of Sonic Boom’s spin off comic, another Off Panel segment features Knuckles posing like Joseph, complete with a green scarf!
  Western television and web shows have also made a few nods to the series. Adult Swim’s anime inspired Ballmasterz:9009 character Chimpendale strikes Jonathan’s pose at one point. One of the most overt and direct references to the series happens in NBC’s Heroes, with Hiro Nakamura writing in his blog that he wants to “Be like JoJo and go on adventures,” with Part 3 being his favorite. Beyond a few mentions to other JoJo characters in his blog throughout the series run, Hiro’s superpower shares quite a few similarities to that of DIO and Jotaro, as Hiro is able to stop time! Even the grim, dark future of the 41st Millenium of Warhammer 40,000 isn’t safe from JoJo references, as the popular parody series If the Emperor Had a Text to Speech Device by Bruva Alfabusa on Youtube features three characters called the “The Fabulous Custodes,” who look suspiciously like a few half-naked superhumans!
    It seems that JoJo fever is worldwide, with creators from all over the world, in various media and genres, have all worked in ways to pay respect to Hirohiko Araki’s unique and wonderful series. As JoJo's Bizarre Adventure continue through Part 5 and gain more and more followers, we can only assume that these fun nods to Araki’s world will continue; we even left a few off because they’d spoil some of the fun of Part 5, so consider this just a small taste of the influence Araki has had. So while you’re enjoying the new season of JoJo, keep your eyes peeled for other references in shows you’re watching, games you’re playing, and even music you’re listening to; you never know where a JoJo reference might pop-up!
Know any other JoJo references you flipped for? Let us know in the comments!
Nicole is a features and a social video script writer for Crunchyroll. Known to profess her love of otome games over at her blog, Figuratively Speaking. When she has the time, she also streams some games. Follow her on Twitter: @ellyberries 
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wazafam · 3 years
Smashing onto the scene as a contender for a place at the head of the shounen-battle-anime table in Fall 2020, Jujutsu Kaisen's meteoric rise in popularity shows no signs of slowing down now that the first season has ended.
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Following protagonist Itadori Yuji as he accidentally finds himself entangled in the politics and dangers of a world filled with sorcerers and cursed spirits, the anime dazzles viewers with incredibly animated fight scenes, interesting and strategic powers, and lovable characters who effortlessly shift between comedic gags and moments fraught with anxiety and tension. While waiting for more Jujutsu Kaisen content, fans may be interested in exploring other anime that feature Itadori's voice actor, Junya Enoki.
10 Boogiepop And Others: Masami Saotome
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An anime filled to the brim with twists and turns that are further complicated by a chronologically fragmented narrative, Boogiepop and Others is strange in the most entertaining and enigmatic ways.
Although viewers are likely to be perpetually challenged as they struggle to understand not only what is happening, but when it happened, fans find the supernatural and philosophical mysteries worth the effort. Blending in among the students of Shinyo Academy is Masami Saotome, an emotionally detached, death-seeking sadist hiding beneath the veneer of an average pupil.
9 Cardfight!! Vanguard G: Shion Kiba
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Cardfight!! Vanguard G features a society dominated by card games, particularly one known as "Vanguard." Fans of the card game that the anime is based on have praised the show's decision to depict rules and cards with a level of realism lacking in similar shows such as Yu-Gi-Oh!, though there are liberties taken for the sake of entertainment. In the anime, players astral project to the magical "Planet Cray" and wage battles with their decks.
Acting as a friendly rival and foil to the main character, Chrono Shindou, Shion Kiba is a gentlemanly heir to a wildly wealthy family. Rather than acting privileged, Shion is kind and considerate, though his outward persona is challenged as he grows alongside his Royal Paladin deck.
8 Digimon Adventure Tri: Takeru Takaishi
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Taking place years after the events of the original series, Digimon Adventure tri returns the narrative focus to the DigiDestined fans grew up with. Mirroring the more mature nature of the high school environment, both the themes and animation style of the anime are a departure from the children-friendly origins—an alteration that further invokes the show's reflections on nostalgia.
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As one of the younger heroes, Takeru Takaishi, known as "T.K." in the English dub, possessed a pure and naive nature. Often relying on the protection of his older brother Yamoto Ishida during the original series, Takeru has grown into an intelligent and responsible teenager with a tendency for looking after those he cares about.
7 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind: Pannacotta Fugo
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In the fifth iteration of the beloved anime, JoJo's Bizzare Adventure: Golden Wind chronicles the rise of Giorno Giovanna—the son of Dio Brando–and the fellow members of his gang as they attempt to gain control of a large criminal organization from within.
Giorno's squad is led by the charismatic and capable Bruno Bucciarati and made up of other "stand users," people capable of manifesting their fighting spirit into a form capable of using otherworldly powers. Possessing one of the most powerful but volatile stands, Purple Haze, the carrier of an indiscriminate killer virus, Pannacotta Fugo, is loyal to Bucciarati and his friends but is more hesitant to supplant their organization's "boss."
6 Koikimo: Kai Tamaru
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Although the premise of Koikimo is polarizing—a man in his late twenties is romantically interested in his little sister's high school friend—the anime's early episodes have been full of charming slice-of-life comedy.
RELATED: Haikyuu!!: 7 Saddest Things About Tobio Kageyama
Ryo Amakusa's infatuation with Ichika Arima is played for laughs and is consistently called out for its absurdity, though there seem to be signs that his efforts are working to some degree. Kai Tamaru, a more age-appropriate potential love interest, has been shown to share hobbies with Arima, and he certainly represents the route of a more "normal" high school romance.
5 Kono Oto Tomare! Sounds of Life: Kurata Takezo
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While an anime focused on members of a high school Koto club, the Koto is the national instrument of Japan, might not grab potential viewers' attention based on the premise, the narrative's focus on the relationships and growth of the members reveals the complexity of the show. Kurata Takezo, the club's president and a third-year student, struggles to find confidence in himself and to express his thoughts due to his timidity.
As his final year in high school begins, his beloved club is in danger of being disbanded due to a lack of members; quiet and shy, finding the requisite members to keep the club alive is a daunting task. When Chika Kudo, a delinquent known to have destroyed his father's koto shop, wishes to join, Takezo's reservations are challenged and his—and Chika's—evolution begins.
4 Mobile Suit Gundam Narrative: Jona Basta
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Taking place just one year after the events of Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn, the film Mobile Suit Gundam Narrative deals with the major revelations that occurred in the previous series while also showcasing the difficulties societies face when attempting to implement major changes.
RELATED: Attack on Titan: 10 Saddest Things About Levi
As one of three "miracle children" that predicted and avoided a great calamity, Jona Basta's life has been one full of trials and tribulations. Serving under the Earth Federation, Jona is part of a squad tasked with locating the mysterious Phenex Gundam—a mobile suit built in relation to the Unicorn Gundam and the Banshee Gundam.
3 ID: INVADED: Kazuo Wakashika
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In the thrilling ID: INVADED, science fiction meets detective fiction as the anime explores the futuristic investigation of cognitions via the use of a machine interface. Through the use of advanced technology, cognitive landscapes known as "id wells" are constructed utilizing particles given off by the unconscious desire to kill.
Investigators that meet a specific set of requirements are able to enter the id wells through a "Great Detective" persona, which then investigates and gathers evidence. The Kura, an enigmatic policing institution, monitors these investigations—Kazuo Wakashika is a member of Kura and develops criminal theories and discerns a potential murderer's motives from his position as an observer.
2 Cells At Work! CODE BLACK: Red Blood Cell Sekkekkyuu AA2153
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Cells at Work! CODE BLACK personifies cells as they work within a bodily society. Complete with personalities, hopes, and dreams, the eponymous cells dedicate themselves to their various jobs. What differentiates the original Cells at Work series from CODE BLACK is the degraded and terrible health of the body inhabited in the latter.
Sekkekkyuu AA2153 is a rookie red blood cell that possesses naive and hopeful expectations begins employment within the lungs. He—as are the viewers—is shocked to find the incredibly disheartening and toxic work environment that has resulted from years of bad habits, vices, and various illnesses.
1 Beastars: Jack
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While anthropomorphic animals are generally portrayed in entertainment catering to children, Beastars completely subverts this preconception. Exploring a society in which carnivorous and herbivorous species coexist, the anime delves deep into the faultlines and cracks within the cohabitation and showcases the frightening, fetishistic underworld that lies just beneath the surface.
Jack, a golden retriever, occupies a grey zone; as a dog, he is a carnivore, but his nature is less predatory than animals like the gray wolf protagonist Legoshi. As a childhood friend of Legoshi's, Jack is fiercely loyal and protective of his mild-tempered but often misunderstood friend.
NEXT: Horimiya: 10 Anime Starring Izumi Miyamura's Voice Actor Kouki Uchiyama
Jujutsu Kaisen: 10 Anime Starring Yuji Itadori's Voice Actor Junya Enoki from https://ift.tt/3sZmcvN
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llheadcanons-blog · 8 years
Asdgj i love your writing im so glad reqs are open aaa. Ok ok um - can i req the passione gang (or just gio, bruno and fugo) seeing their crush in maid costume (mission/infiltration idk) and when they end reuniting with the group theyre embarassed and as they try to escape they slam onto them boi - and are like "pls hide me" - i mean whatever u write ill love so
MY AESTHETIC TBH. I’ll only do the three you requested so that the headcanons can be long because I’m a lazy person!—————————–
While Giorno knew everyone in the group had their own roles to fill during this infiltration mission, the set up for this mission had been so rushed that he didn’t get the chance to ask Bruno what everyone was going to be.
So imagine his surprise (and redden cheeks) when weeks later he sees you approach him in your disguise. You were dressed in a beautiful french maid uniform, of which had been sewn to accentuate the most appealing parts of your body. The matching black stockings and collar themed choker certainly didn’t help his ever growing blush.
This poor, normally composed Don would have his tongue completely caught in his throat. He’d try and say your name, but all he can manage is a stutter of the first syllable. While it was clear that you had been nervous too over the outfit, seeing him so out of character had managed to get a small laugh out of you, which had completely broke him.
Giorno would have to take a deep breath before trying to talk again, but he wouldn’t even get the chance. Just as he was about to speak, the two of you turned toward the sound of glass shattering, followed by a very loud Narancia yelling everyone to scatter. Needless to say, that meant that it was time to run.
With everything a complete mess, especially after the sound of bullets reverberating in the ballroom, Giorno would immediately grab you and pull you close to him. Depending on the situation, he might even have to pick you up bridal style and carry you out of the area.
After it’s all over, and everyone in the group has managed to escape from the nearly ruined mission, you and Giorno would be left alone together. While Giorno (very obviously) enjoyed the sight of you in your uniform, he’d quickly remove his coat and wrap you in it.
“I’m sure it must have been hard for you, having to wear that everyday…” his hand lightly brushed the collar on your neck “…Especially this.” As quickly as he could, the collar on your neck would be turn into vines, weaved together with a single Forget-me-not.
Naturally, since he’s the one who would be planning the entire mission, Bruno knew exactly what you’d have to do. Even as he wished other wise, Bruno would approach you and instruct you to become a maid for the target, as he needed someone on the inside to give him information He told you it’d be easy, since the target didn’t really choose his maids based on their cleaning abilities. Of course, he’d never do this if he didn’t know 100% that you’d be safe.
But the day would eventually come when it was finally time for the rest of the group to find their way inside of the mansion. When it happens, Bruno’s first instinct is to find you and check on assignment’s status, but the sight before him will leave him completely speechless.
You had looked absolutely beautiful in your maid uniform. Dressed from head to toe in shinning black silk, your outfit left very little to the imagination with how perfectly it fit your body. Still, even with your figure being shown off well, the bright whites of your chest and bottom of your skirt were made purposefully made to attract the eyes to what be considered by most ‘the best parts’.
And attract his eyes they did before he recomposed himself as quickly as possible. Bruno would never be able to forgive himself if he had blown the mission purely over how beautiful you looked. Still wasn’t easy though.
With his composure returned, Bruno was just about to ask you about the details he needed before he noticed the target entering the room. Not risking being caught, Bruno immediately grabbed onto your hand and had you both move to the hallway, where he hurriedly asked you where the nearest place to hide would be.
Unfortunately (or not so unfortunately) for you both, the nearest hiding place was a very tight broom closet, forcing the two of you to press as tightly together as possible. While Bruno had wanted to take this chance to ask you about mission, he’d find himself distracted once again, specifically over the feeling of your hands on his chest and your breath on his neck.
Please. Help him. He can only take so much.
Fugo, like Giorno, would have no clue what your role was, as he was quickly forced into his own. As Bruno instructed, Fugo was to enter the mansion as a new butler, since the target liked to partner up what they considered their play dolls. As to what that meant, he was about to find out.
Already feeling the rage boil up inside him, even mantras of ‘do it for the mission’ were doing little to placate when it came to the target’s attitude. His only wish was to punch the living daylights out of the target and finish this mission earlier than planned.
That all ceased to be a problem the moment his eyes landed on you.
Your uniform looked beautiful, if not a little inappropriate. While seemingly modest in the way it covered most of your chest, a small sliver of cleavage would make itself show. But that modesty was none existent towards the skirt. It had been barely long enough to pass what needed to be covered, and the stockings were short enough to leave a section of skin exposed.
The target immediately began to laugh at Fugo’s expense, as the blush that covered Fugo’s cheeks could easily be seen from a mile away. While this had concerned you, given Fugo’s anger issues, he was far too captivated by you to even notice.
From that point on, you and Fugo had been paired up for entertainment purposes. After all, the fated romance of two 'strangers’, brought together by the target was just what the target had always wanted. Because of this, the two of you were forced into some awkward situations, such as being forced to not only share the same room but also the same bed.
Even so, Fugo would be very gentlemanly to you and offer to do things like sleep on the floor or not be under the same blanket as you so you can sleep peacefully. After all, he knew better than anyone at this point that good rest is going to be the only thing to keep the two of you sane with all of the target’s antics.
In the end, after Narancia’s abrupt glass shattering and screaming, Fugo would immediately run to your side and carry you out of the ballroom. He was going to just carry you out of the ballroom, but he refused to pass up the chance to give the target a quick blow to the stomach before Mista takes the final shot.
40 notes · View notes
italianbark · 7 years
After sharing with you my small bathoom makover, today I’m telling you how about my living room restyling.
The living room remodel was for sure easier than the bathroom makeover because it was just about changing the floor, re-painting and changing the furniture layout, plus having fun in adding accessories. But I’m really happy with the result if compared with the before, and most of all I’m happy because I was able to do a massive decluttering. Getting rid of those things you do not want anymore is good for the interior space but above all for the soul.
I’m telling a bit about the design choices, then I’ll show you the living room before and after with all the specifications.
PS: this blog will have a restyling too…see you in a week with a new dress and lots of news ^_^
[ ITA ]
Dopo avervi mostrato il restyling della stanza bagno oggi vi racconto come ho trasformato il soggiorno di casa. 
Il restyling del living è stato decisamente più semplice rispetto a quello del bagno perché si è trattato solamente di cambiare pavimento, ridipingere e cambiare la disposizione dei mobili: il risultato però, paragonato al prima, mi ha davvero dato soddisfazione. La cosa più bella poi è che finalmente mi sono liberata di un sacco di cose che non volevo più: il decluttering fa davvero bene agli spazi, ma soprattutto allo spirito. 
Vi racconto prima un po’ del progetto, poi vi mostro le foto del prima e del dopo con tutte le specifiche.
PS: il restyling riguarderà anche le pagine di questo blog. Ci rivediamo tra qualche giorno con un bel po’ di novità ^_^
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Living Room Remodel | Moodboard 
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As I told you in this post, the goal was to make the living more spacious and brighter. I wanted a cosy and light space and I chose natural colors, as whites, wood, green, few accents in black.
There were several things I didn’t like about my previous living, because I actually never planned the design. There were definitely too many things, furnishings and accessories, in a small space. I was also tired about the colors and did not like the floor, definitely too dark and cold.
The moodboard brings together Scandinavian mood, natural green, some quotes and random things I like – an old photo at Serralves Park in Porto, a Tokyo map, and casual and comfortable outfits.
. Come vi raccontavo in questo post, l’ obiettivo era quello di rendere lo spazio luminoso e più grande. Volevo uno spazio accogliente, chiaro, dove possa essere un po’ sempre estate. Per questo, ho scelto tonalità del bianco, del beige, del legno naturale, del verde, solo qualche piccolo accento in nero.
Del mio living non mi piacevano molte cose perché in realtà l’avevamo arredato con l’idea di starci un periodo breve in questa casa…e invece, sono trascorsi anni. Intanto, c’erano decisamente troppe cose, tra arredi e oggetti, in uno spazio limitato. Mi avevano stancato inoltre i colori e non amavo il pavimento, decisamente troppo scuro e freddo
La moodboard di progetto mette insieme atmosfere scandinave, verde naturale, frasi , ricordi ed ispirazioni. Una mia foto al parco Serralves a Porto, una mappa di Tokyo, outfit casual e confortevoli. Insomma, tutto quello che volevo per il mio living.
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Living Room Remodel | Layout
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After the decluttering, I changed the furniture layout: I just turned the sofa with the back to the kitchen to gain more space for the sitting corner, without closing the kitchenette. The couch is the one we had in the basement, maybe we’ll change it in the nearest future.
I then turned the table I already had to get more space in front of the staircase, using an old recovered bench instead than the chairs.
Actually, the only furniture I bought were the TV cabinet (IKEA PS) and the small coffee tables/stools, so we can say this was again another makeover in a budget!
Dopo il decluttering, ho cambiato la disposizione dei mobili: girando semplicemente il divano con lo schienale verso la cucina ho guadagnato spazio per l’angolo soggiorno, mentre la cucina è rimasta comunque parzialmente aperta. Il divano è di recupero (ce l’avevamo in taverna!), magari lo cambierò tra un po’.
Ho poi girato il tavolo che avevo in modo da liberare anche l’angolo davanti alla scala (che porta in taverna), recuperando una vecchia panca che occupa meno spazio rispetto alle sedie.
Gli unici arredi nuovi sono il mobile tv (IKEA PS) e i vari tavolini, insomma anche questo è stato un restyling a basso costo!
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Living Room Remodel | Finishes and Materials
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The new materials and finishes really makes the difference in the remodel and in the whole feeling, now the living looks bigger and brighter thanks to:
New flooring:
For the flooring I chose an oak wood ListofloorGarbelotto Gold, thickness 1 cm, color Tre Cime painted wax effect (actually it looks raw and supernatural, as I was looking for)
In the kitchenette I preferred to cover the wood with a vinyl flooring, just layed over not glued. In this way it protects the wood, it decorates the kitchenette but also it can be removed or changed whenever I want and cleaned super easily. I chose Moor di Atrafloor
Wall Paints:
After years of bright colors I want now to enjoy this clear and clean space, maybe in the future can add some pop of color again, probably in the hallway. On the walls I chose two neutrals by Farrow &Ball: 
Wevet n°273: a white with a bit of gray
Cornforth White n°228: despite the name, it is a light gray with some beige inside, changing a lot according to the different daylight
as we did in the bathroom, we painted the windows and the doors
on the exposed bricks I used a simple white paint
The fun part of course was the decorating one. I worked by different corners: tv wall, dining corner, staircase wall, sitting corner.
Enjoy now the before, after and all the specs ^_^
Le nuove finiture hanno fatto davvero la differenza nella luminosità e nella percezione dello spazio.
Per il pavimento ho scelto un legno in rovere Listofloor di Garbelotto Gold, spessore 1 cm, colore Tre Cime verniciato effetto cera (in pratica sembra grezzo e supernaturale, ovvero l’effetto che cercavo io )
Nell’angolo cottura ho preferito coprire il legno con un vinile semplicemente appoggiato a terra, che posso togliere quando voglio ma protegge e allo stesso tempo caratterizza l’angolo cucina. E superfacile da pulire. Ho scelto Moor di Atrafloor
Dopo anni di colori accesi mi voglio godere questo spazio chiaro e pulito, magari tra un po’ penserò ad integrare qualche colore, ad esempio nel disimpegno. Alle pareti ho alternato perciò due colori neutri di Farrow &Ball: 
Wevet n°273: un bianco con una punta di grigio
Cornforth White n°228: nonostante il nome è un grigio chiaro con una punta di beige, e cambia molto in base alla luce 
anche qui, come in bagno, abbiamo dipinto noi gli infissi e le porte
sulle colonne in mattoni a vista ho usato un semplice bianco lavabile
La parte più divertente è stata però ovviamente quella della scelta degli accessori e dell’allestimento delle pareti, che ho fatto procedendo per angoli: parete tv, angolo pranzo, parete scala e angolo soggiorno. 
Vi lascio con le foto del prima, del dopo e con i vari dettagli. Enjoy ^_^
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living room before
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living room after
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Tv Corner || Wall Prints: Canvas Pop, Vissevasse, The Posterclub; Vases holder: IKEA Satsumas; TV Cabinet: IKEA PS; Table lamp: Kundalini
Dining Corner || Wall lamp: Sklum; Hook: Muuto; Bench pillows: IKEA + 1kertaa2; Boxes IKEA; Hanged Frame: MOEBE ; Chair Cover: Luxzura
Staircase Corner || Table: Sklum; Table lamp: My Cinema Lightbox;  Wall Prints: Mapiful, Vissevasse, Grafomap
Sitting Corner || Rug: Sukhi; Lamp: IKEA Sinnerlig; Large Print: The Posterclub; Wall lamp: Creative Cables; Pillows: IKEA + Maisns du Monde; Coffee table: IKEA Ypperlig
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living work in progress
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After ph Aurora Scuderi
Special Thanks to all the brands which took part in the project :
Garbelotto | Farrow&Ball | Sklum | The Posterclub | Mapiful | Grafomap | SukhiRugs
#myhomerestyling | Enjoy the bathroom before after here
  #MYHOMERESTYLING | LIVING BEFORE & AFTER After sharing with you my small bathoom makover, today I'm telling you how about my living room restyling.
0 notes
irmabeall4909-blog · 7 years
5 Little Yet Essential Points To Observe In group.
Seven Horrendous Ideas For Your group.
Exactly what do these firms share, Southwest Airlines, Neiman Marcus, Marriot, Disney, as well as Enterprise Car Rental? Concentrate on giving data based performance responses to the group including the impact of current efficiency both corrective and positive. The main training school goes to the FIGC headquarters in Coverciano, Florence, and also the interplay their house matches at different arenas throughout Italy. Constant questions into exactly how just recently educated staff member are proceeding and also responses will assist them proceed practicing exactly what they have discovered. Offer support as well as training to help people recognize each various other and also their different styles of functioning as well as to establish efficient communication, group coaching, working and feedback, and also collective issue fixing abilities. Visit this site for info on how you can develop the sort of website Google LOVES, while constructing your authority, visibility and also influence. This must be considered the central goal and leaders need to get the assistance of all staff member to influence them to do things that they need to do. While one team member might be very good at analytical abilities, the various other might have the ability to look at as well as organize details as well as information systems security (visit this web page link) in a cohesive way. In thinking of ways to be an effective team leader, remember your people are mosting likely to watch just what you state, as well as extra importantly, exactly what you do. Complimenti ad Alessandro Malaguti da tutto lo personnel CTA - Train Group Aide! Mancano poco più di 2 settimane al Memorial Mauro Pilotto (8 Giungno) e le iscrizioni sono già aperte! Angling or browsing, you just might fall in love with cruising if you're currently into a lot more active pastimes or maritime activities such as scuba diving. He has made this group one of the very best in the ACC and a contender for the title. The team is being familiar with each other, and they are coming to be much more comfy with their respective duties. One person has to be the Dream Team leader - they have to have the vision to bring the team with each other. Assisting them to understand team characteristics will certainly lead to effective career management and also duty. A cylinder or power team is the urged kind of vacuum cleanser if your home has stairways. Some firms as well as sports teams make use of the words team effort or team to explain exactly how their company works. Le iscrizioni si chiuderanno entro le ore 12:00 del giorno 8 luglio 2017; Tuttavia sarà possibile iscriversi entro le 08:30 del 9 luglio 2 direttamente in through della Vittoria a Castel del Monte. Establishing a group of experts can be a taxing initiative needing comprehensive search and screening.
Learn From These Mistakes Before You Learn team.
Company group building, as the term suggests, builds on a common sense of area and also objective: you remain in it together! In these setting, his major activities were leading a team of organic consultants as well as supplying practical recommend to traditional farmers, specifically in the range of soil renovation. The leader who recognizes as well as understands this plainly and closely deals with both Senior citizen Administration Strategic Preparation team and also extremely carefully works with Recruiting, Human Resources as well as working with supervisors, are the leaders with the top executing, very best, dynamic firms, leading down and also bottom up. For instance Software program's categorizes Individual A as a Programmer using his tasks and the type's documents he is accessing when he begins to frequently access server division data, the software considers this as unauthorized and creates a sharp to the worried team leads. Bill's wisdom of the science of inspiration, efficiency training, group structure as well as the advancement of organisational society has been used by business organisations, support pressures, schools, local government, and elite showing off programs throughout the world.
5 group Tips You Had to Learn Currently.
Some examples of some exercises for team building consist of parachute video games, the human knot game, relay races, team tag, and also several others. Each team has the opportunity to play on among the webcasted areas during their tournament (weather condition allowing). Smith and also Taylor haven't been able to collaborate with Mariota as much as the team would certainly like as the quarterback works his back from a broken leg, yet with each succeeding practice, it comes to be extra evident that the Titans passing game ought to be significantly improved in 2017. If the employee have actually been with each other for some amount of time they'll have some concept of other participants' abilities, experience, actions, duties, strengths, weak points, likes, disapproval, and so on Create and plainly verbalize a group vision, worths, and team and private goals as well as responsibilities-with single point liabilities. Testing suggestions should be carried out in a useful and thoughtful way so as not to inhibit employee from being open and creative. An actually efficient powerful group is a group of individuals who settle on a details efficiency objective as well as hold themselves collectively accountable for achieving it.
0 notes
madcandysdiary · 7 years
PinkyParadise Review ✿
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[ITA ✿]
☆*:. Premessa .:*☆
Salve a tutti! oggi sono quì per parlarvi di due nuove paia di lenti a contatto sposorizzate da #PinkyParadise !  ♥
Non avevo mai provato i loro prodotti ma devo dire che sono rimasta contentissima, tutto di alta qualità e sopratutto gentilezza e professionalità! 
ma andiamo a vedere più nel dettaglio  ♥
[ENG ✿]
☆*:. Premise .:*☆
Hello guys! today I am here to talk you of two new pairs of contact lenses sposored from #PinkyParadise! ♥ 
Had never tried their products but must say that have been happy, everything of high quality, gentleness and professionalism! but we go to see more in the detail  ♥
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[ITA ✿]
☆*:. Spedizione .:*☆
Il pacco è stato spedito con ChinaPost dalla Cina all’Italia e in Italia con Posteitaliane (quindi presumo siano le spedizioni più economiche), nonostante ciò il pacco è stato tracciato per tutto il tempo fino all’arrivo a casa mia! 
i tempi di spedizione non sono stati molto lunghi ma comunque ci hanno impiegato 20 giorni, quindi se dovete comprare delle lenti per un giorno preciso (tipo una fiera) e non volete spendere molto di spedizioni vi consiglio di ordinarle un bel pò prima! Se invece volete che il vostro ordine arrivi subito, nessuno problema! esistono comunque spedizioni con corriere più veloci ma anche meno economiche  ♥
l’ Imballaggio era perfetto, arriva tutto in un grazioso involucro rosa, tutto perfettamente accurato per farsì che non si rompesse nulla all’interno! oltre alle lenti a contatto è arrivato anche un bellissimo portalenti a forma di orsetto! ( molto resistente  (♥ó㉨ò)ノ )
e non solo: anche un regalino dallo staff ma non ho ancora ben capito a cosa serva  (._.) ... credo sia un fermaglio per mantenere l’asciugamano (??)
[ENG ✿]
☆*:. Shipping .:*☆
The package has been delivered with ChinaPost from China to Italy, where it’s commited to Posteitaliane (then I suppose is the cheapest way of shipment ), despite this the package has been traced for the whole time up to the delivery to my house!
The times of shipment have not been very long but however have taken about 20 days, therefore if you want to buy some lenses for a specific day (type a -Con), and you don't want to spend a lot of shipment, I recommend you to order them a little bit before! If instead you want your order immediately arrives, don’t worry about that! Exist some ways to get your order faster: Fast courier, however they are more expansive.
The Packing was perfect, everything arrive in a sweetie pink wrap, everything perfectly accurate to make that nothing didn't break to the inside!
Furthermore PinkyParadise gift a beautiful lenses case! (very resistant (♥ó㉨ò)ノ ) 
and it’s not overyet: there is also a another gift from the staff but I don't have understand yet (._.) I think it’s a little clip for towels (??)
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[ITA ✿]
☆*:.Vassen Winky (Lollipop) Grey.:*☆ 
 (A destra)
Cliccando sul titolo è possibile accedere al sito di PinkyParadise dove potrete scegliere la graduazione più adatta a voi e leggere tutte le caratteristiche!
 sono ideali per  cosplay o outfit alternativi che devono far sembrare l’occhio dolce e carino,poichè lo rendono molto stile “dolly”.
Nonostante io abbia l’occhio marrone ( e quindi molto scuro), lo hanno coperto completamente e il la pupilla risultava davvero grigia\azzurra! 
bellissime le sfumature che sembrano marroni\grigio ma che una volta indossate cambia in base alla luce.
Le ho indossate per più di un’ora e sembrava di non averle!
non le consiglio per outfit giornalieri o cosplay di personaggi con l’occhio molto piccolo e stretto!
[ENG ✿]
Click on the title! You can access to the site of PinkyParadise where you can choose the graduation that best suits you and read all features! Positive side:
Are ideal for cosplay or alternative outfits thet should make the look sweetie and cutie, as they make it very “dolly” style.
Although i have brown eyes (and therefore very dark), they have covered it completely and the pupil was really gray / blue!
Beautiful shades that look brown \ gray but that when worn it changes according to light.
I wore them for over an hour and did not seem to have them!
Negative Side:
Do not recommend for day-to-day outfits or cosplay of characters with very small and narrow eyes!
☆*:.EOS new Adult Brown.:*☆
[ITA ✿]
(a sinistra)
Cliccando sul titolo è possibile accedere al sito di PinkyParadise dove potrete scegliere la graduazione più adatta a voi e leggere tutte le caratteristiche!
ideale per outfit gionralieri, cosplay dall’aspetto più “semplice e naturale” o semplicemente da indossare quando si ha voglia ! 
sugli occhi marroni come i miei non fanno altro che arricchirlo di sfumature dorate, cangianti in base alla luce solare
Le ho indossate per più di un’ora e sembrava di non averle!
non adatte allo stile “dolly” ma come già detto nei "vantaggi”adatte a chi vuole delle lenti carine che esaltino un makeup semplice! 
[ENG ✿]
Click on the title! You can access to the site of PinkyParadise where you can choose the graduation that best suits you and read all features!
Positive side:
Ideal for everyday outfits,cosplay loking more simple and natural or just to wear when you want!
On brown eyes like mine do nothing but enrich it with golden nuances, changing on the basis of sunlight
I wore them for over an hour and did not seem to have them!
Negative Side:
Not suitable for the "dolly" style but as mentioned in the "positive sides" suitable for those who want cute lenses that exalt a simple makeup!
[ITA ✿]
Grazie per aver letto la mia recensione per PinkyParadise! mi raccomando date un’occhiata al loro sito, io dopo questa esperienza me ne sono innamorata! alla prossima  ✿
[ENG ✿]
Thanks for reading my review for PinkyParadise! I recommend you take a look at their site, after this experience I fell in love with it! To the next ✿
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recentanimenews · 6 years
Is that... a JoJo's Reference?! JoJo's Bizarre Adventure References in Anime!
When you hear the title “JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure,” you probably start to think of some of your favorite classic scenes and moments, poses, or quotes! You aren’t alone; JoJo is a really popular series across the world, and throughout the history of the series, many other creators have given nods of respect to Hirohiko Araki’s classic work. Whether it’s characters repeating famous lines, recreating poses, or copying key scenes for comedic effect, Araki is a popular well for homages to return to! We’ll be taking a look at JoJo references in anime, but what are we classifying as a “reference?” For the sake of this article, we’ll be looking at good faith, direct references, rather than plagiarism or “borrowed” ideas. We’ll also take a look at the following specific areas: posing, quotes, and recreated sequences/scenes. And for the sake of spoilers, we won’t include any references that go beyond where Golden Wind has currently reached!
    It probably goes without saying, but the most popular styles of reference in anime revolve around poses and quotes. Recreating the visual style of famous JoJo poses provides a fun non-sequitur gags, while also drawing upon shared cultural memories of pop-cultural knowledge; while many of the titles that make JoJo references are comedies, many more utilize them in cut-away gags in places that one might not expect to see them. Common targets for pose-based references are Jonathan’s classic hand over his face pose, Jotaro’s pointing pose, Joseph’s numerous poses and mannerisms from Part 2, and of course, DIO! JoJo’s poses are some of its most iconic visual representations, so it makes sense that people looking to give a nod to the series would pull from them more than other areas. Classic JoJo poses have shown up in countless anime, but some of our favorites include Karamatsu recreating Jonathan’s pose in Mr. Osomatsu, the Serinuma family of Kiss Him, Not Me posing as a group, OniAi’s group pose, My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU’s Giorno homage, and the MEGANEBU! JoJo posing competition! There are plenty more, we’re sure, probably almost too many to mention! One thing is for sure: Jonathan’s pose seems to be the most iconic, showing up in Gintama, Show By Rock!!, and many more! Even the Pokémon anime has gotten in on the references, where in episode 860, Meowth poses like Jonathan and Joseph while making references to Dio’s classic “useless” lines; sadly, only the poses made it into the dubbed version of XY.
Aside from posing directly, there are a few times in which JoJo-styled aesthetics are used in anime to reference the manga and styling. Fairy Tail’s Lamy has a few JoJo inspired moments in episode 238, where she makes a particular pose (and it even appears in the animation for the theme song NEVER-END TALE!). No Game No Life features numerous posing and other JoJo themed segments, but for us one of the best, and easily overlooked, comes from THE IDOLM@STER anime. In episode 6, “The Decision to Move Forward,” Kotori has a brief moment where she imagines the 765 Pro girls opening up a Tamatebako from the Japanese myth of Urashima Taro. During her fantasy, the anime shifts into a black and white manga aesthetic, with the characters being depicted in Hirohiko Araki’s unique style! The sequence is short and easy to miss, but features lovingly rendered details like speed lines, sound effects, and facial expressions that look straight out of the JoJo manga itself!
    When it comes to references, sometimes series take things to the extremes, especially gag series. In these cases, characters shift and change to look like the thing they’re referencing, and there are two clear winners in this regard: No Game No Life and Good Luck Girl! “Araki faces” are a common gag joke, but these two series make consistent, stylistic changes where characters adapt the mannerisms, poses, and aesthetics of the characters they’re referencing. These take the idea of pose references and “JoJo” style to a new level, fitting for gag series in which the laws of physics and logic don’t always have to make sense. Interestingly, both No Game No Life and Good Luck Girl heavily reference Diamond is Unbreakable, with NGNL’s Sora calling upon Rohan Kishibe numerous times, and GLG’s Ichiko makes numerous references to Josuke, even appearing in a Josuke pose wearing his uniform and even sporting his pompadour on top of her own hair!
    Visual references and sight gags are only one of the ways in which anime can make references to other media, but since anime is a moving media, that means it can also recreate whole scenes and sequences. To this end, it might not surprise you that DIO is a source of popular reference material, particularly the infamous Road Roller scene! To this end, Hackadoll the Animation takes the cake with its amazing Road Roller gag: Hacka Doll v.4 tries to gift a man a car, leading to her recreating the Road Roller scene before hurling her gift at him! No Game No Life and Kiss Him, Not Me make reference to DIO’s WRYYYYYY in a similar fashions; overall, DIO is perhaps one of the most popular visual and referential gag targets, with numerous series drawing on his classic moments for a quick gag!
An even more recent reference came in the form of a callback to both Polnareff and Dr. Slump, where the joke originated in HANEBADO! When Connie reappears in episode 9, she stands above the rest of the girls to announce her arrival, to which Ayano responds with a classic set of hand signals to let Connie know that she can see maybe a bit more than her sister anticipated. The original gag stems from Polnareff, making the same set of motions during the fight with the High Priestess, but Polnareff’s use of the gag is itself a reference to Akira Toriyama’s Dr. Slump, where Arale makes the same joke. Now that’s a reference within a reference!
    While the human characters of JoJo might seem like the most obvious targets for references, Stands are equally popular, popping up in numerous series. Ai-Mai-Mi features a nod to Avdol’s Magician’s Red when Mi evokes an odd looking bird spirit behind her in a show of her “courage,” while Gintama features a similar gag where Gintoki defines a Stand, causing a Star Platinum lookalike to appear behind him. MONSTER MUSUME EVERYDAY LIFE WITH MONSTER GIRLS makes a joke about Stands appearing behind their users when Centorea monologues about the valiant and dashing nature of the centaur species, causing Kimihito to jokingly ask if the knights behind her are Stands. In Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG, the show regularly featured gag shorts featuring the lovable Tachikoma tanks; in one of these Tachikomatic Days segments, the art style suddenly becomes very “Araki-like,” and the Tachikoma seemingly summons a Stand, “Reset the World,” which can stop time!
    While many of these are clear references, parodies, and homages, sometimes it can be easy to miss them if you aren’t looking. One of the most common references is the use of JoJo’s traditionally thick, ominous on screen sound effects. Others draw upon events and famous sequences in JoJo storylines for reference material; in Baka & Test - Summon the Beasts, Akihisa gets dragged into the darkness by a set of ominous hands, much like Yoshikage Kira’s eventual fate! DENKI-GAI references the “Taste of a liar” scene from Golden Wind, and Nyarko-san: Another Crawling Chaos is filled with constant references to less common JoJo characters and scenes, from Stroheim to Bucciarati!
    With the modern David Productions anime adaptations working their way through the JoJo’s storylines, it seems like we’ll very likely see references to the show and various storylines pop up all over the place in the anime that we watch. JoJo is a popular and important series in manga and anime, and the popularity of the series has helped cement its trademark style, poses, quotes, and scenes into anime pop-culture history.
Know of any JoJo references in anime that we missed? What's your favorite of JoJo reference? Let us know in the comments!
Nicole is a features and a social video script writer for Crunchyroll. Known to profess her love of otome games over at her blog, Figuratively Speaking. When she has the time, she also streams some games. Follow her on Twitter: @ellyberries 
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