#speech therapy specialist
nupalcdc · 26 days
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Pediatric speech therapy is vital for children with speech and language challenges. It addresses issues like articulation, fluency, language comprehension, and social communication skills. Discover how it fosters communication development.
Read more at https://tinyurl.com/nhfvjudk
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subhambiswas287 · 2 days
Speak Up for Success: Navigating Speech Disorders in Academic and Professional Worlds
The impact of speech disorders on academic and professional opportunities can be significant, but with the right strategies, these challenges can be mitigated. Early intervention is crucial. Engaging in speech therapy as soon as a disorder is recognized helps minimize long-term impacts and improves speech fluency and confidence. Tailored therapy plans that focus on individual needs and goals can prepare children and adults for specific academic or professional communication demands.
Another effective strategy is the use of assistive technology, such as speech-to-text software, which can help in both educational settings and workplaces, ensuring that individuals can participate fully and effectively despite their speech disorder.
Educational and workplace accommodations are also vital. Advocating for these can ensure that individuals with speech disorders are given the fair opportunity to demonstrate their capabilities and achieve their potential.
For those concerned about future opportunities, accessing specialized speech therapy in Kolkata can provide the support and skills needed to thrive academically and professionally, opening doors to successful futures.
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Speak with Confidence: Transform Your Speech Journey with World Stop Stuttering 🌟🗣️
At World Stop Stuttering, we are passionate about helping you find your voice! 🎤✨ Our team consists of certified stuttering experts 👩‍⚕️👨‍⚕️ who are dedicated to providing top-notch support and personalized care. With our proven techniques and compassionate approach, we aim to empower individuals to speak with confidence and ease. 🗣️💪
Why choose World Stop Stuttering? Here are a few reasons:
✅ Expert Team: Our specialists are certified and experienced in treating stuttering effectively.
✅ Personalized Programs: We tailor our therapy plans to meet your unique needs and goals.
✅ Innovative Techniques: We utilize the latest, evidence-based methods to ensure the best outcomes.
✅ Supportive Environment: Our warm and welcoming atmosphere fosters growth and confidence.
🌍 Join our global community and take the first step towards fluent speech today! Whether you're looking for one-on-one sessions, group therapy, or online resources, World Stop Stuttering has got you covered. 👫🌐
Speak freely, live confidently, and let your voice be heard with World Stop Stuttering. Contact us now to book your consultation and start your journey to fluency. 📞✨
World Stop Stuttering – Your trusted partner in overcoming stuttering. 🌟🔑
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Unlocking Clear Communication: The Power of Speech Therapy
Have you ever found yourself stumbling over words or feeling self-conscious about your speech? Misarticulation, the challenge of pronouncing sounds correctly, is a widespread issue that affects both children and adults. Don't underestimate its impact on your communication and social interactions. This article delves into the significance of speech therapy for misarticulation, a powerful tool for honing your communication skills. Misarticulation Unveiled
Misarticulation is a speech disorder marked by struggles in articulating sounds and words accurately. It can stem from factors like hearing impairment, developmental delays, neurological issues, or structural anomalies in the mouth and throat. The consequences are profound, as it can impede the clarity, comprehensibility, and fluency of your speech, hindering others' ability to grasp your words.
The Four Faces of Misarticulation
Substitution: Replacing one sound with another, like saying "wabbit" instead of "rabbit." Omission: Skipping a sound or syllable, leading to "ca" instead of "cat." Distortion: Twisting a sound incorrectly, turning "thip" into "ship." Addition: Introducing extra sounds or syllables, causing "buh-lue" instead of "blue." While misarticulation frequently emerges in young children as they learn to speak, it can persist into adulthood. If this challenge lingers beyond the ages of 5 or 6, seeking professional intervention becomes crucial. Discover how speech therapy can empower you to articulate with confidence and clarity.
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raagadubai · 1 year
Speech and Language Therapy – Unlocking a World of Communication
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Hearing loss is a common condition that affects children, with estimates suggesting that up to three in every 1000 newborns have a hearing impairment. For parents of children with hearing loss, it can be challenging to know how to support their child’s communication and language development. Speech and language therapy is the best option offered in special education schools in Dubai which can help children with hearing loss develop the skills they need to communicate effectively.
Understanding Hearing Loss
It is a condition in which an individual’s ability to hear sounds is impaired. It can be caused by a range of factors, including genetics, infections, exposure to loud noise, and head trauma. Hearing loss can range from mild to profound, and it can affect one or both ears. For children, hearing loss can be particularly challenging as it impacts their language development and communication.
Benefits of Speech Therapy for Kids
Speech therapy for hearing-impaired children not only focuses on improving their ability to speak but also covers various facets of communication, including listening, understanding, and even non-verbal cues. By targeting these areas, speech therapy enables children to communicate effectively with others, fostering socialization, and boosting self-esteem. It also helps them become more independent in their daily lives and supports their academic achievements.
Role of a Speech Language Therapist in Treatment
Speech pathologists, also known as speech therapists, are professionals trained to support individuals with communication and language difficulties. They work with children who have a range of conditions, including hearing loss, to help them develop the skills they need to communicate effectively. For children with hearing loss, speech pathologists can help in several ways. They can assess a child’s communication skills and identify any areas of difficulty. They can also provide interventions to help a child develop their speech and language skills, such as teaching them how to use visual cues to support their communication by using sign language.
Choosing the Right special education schools in Dubai for your Child
When choosing the Best Speech therapy for kids in Dubai, it is vital to consider their unique needs and circumstances. Talk to our expert to better understand your child’s specific requirements. Ultimately, the well-being and progress of your child should be the primary focus when making such an important decision.
In Dubai, finding best speech therapy services for children has become easier than ever. Raaga Speech Therapy Centre is a well maintained among special education schools in Dubai to offer comprehensive programs staffed by experienced and qualified speech therapists. These experts are trained to work with hearing-impaired children, using evidence-based techniques and strategies to help them develop essential communication skills.
In conclusion, hearing loss can have a significant impact on a child’s language development and communication skills. At Raaga, we have the best speech language therapist in Dubai for developing skills for children with hearing loss which they need to communicate effectively.
Is your children showing signs they may have hearing loss? Book your appointment with RAAGA Special Education Schools in Dubai Today!
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auditonein · 2 years
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bestenthospital · 2 years
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year
Words You Can't Use (According to Language Police)
System: System is a medical term that only applies to DID systems and can only be used by them. Ignore Internal Family Systems therapy, or top DID specialists referring to some voices in psychotic disorders as parts of a system. Only dissociative disorders!
Multiple: This came from the multiplicity community, and the only way to be multiple is to have a dissociative disorder. (No! Don't look at the boundary with normality in the ICD-11)
Plural: This means the same thing as multiple. Still can't use it.
Alter: A medical term that only applies to DID systems.
Headmate: Means the same thing as alter, and you can't have a headmate unless you have DID. But also, DID systems can't use this because it's not a medical term. (I've seriously seen someone attacking the Plural Association for using the word headmate instead of alter. Oh, wait. That was the same system claiming endogenic is offensive. That tracks!)
Introject: This is a medical term with a specific meaning that can only apply to DID systems. It's not like introjection is a common psychological process, and any headmate created through introjection would logically be considered an introject.
Fictive and factive: Non-traumagenic systems can't use this because it means the same thing as introject and non-traumagenic systems can't have introjects. But also, traumagenic systems can't use it because it was coined by endogenic systems.
Tulpa: You can't use this because its etymology is derived from another language, and anything with a foreign origin is apparently appropriation.
Thoughtform: This is also related to the tulpa, and you can't use it either. Try something more invalidating like "imaginary friend."
Imagian plural: Psych! Actually, we decided that if you identify your headmate as imaginary friend but call yourself plural, you're comparing alters to imaginary friends which is super ableist.
Spiritual plural: We also decided that literally every culture that ever experienced nonpathological possession states is closed, and identifying any of your headmates as being spiritual is racist. We don't know who it's racist against, but it's against someone. Trust us.
Sysmed: This uses the same suffix as transmeds, and It's actually transphobic for transgender systems to compare how a hate group has harmed them through an ideology that pathologizes all transness to how another has harmed them through an ideology that pathologizes all multiplicity. It's the same way it would be homophobic for other groups to use the "phobic" suffix. Oh... wait...
Natural: By calling something natural, you're inherently calling everyone else's experiences unnatural, which sounds bad. Why do you think disabled people are unnatural? Don't think about the fact that nature in psychology generally refers to genetics and the more common opposite in this context would be more akin to "environmental."
Endogenic: Well.... umm... you see... it sounds kind of like iatrogenic... or maybe endogenous... and endogenous is a common word used to refer to something internal... and there was some debate about whether DID was endogenous or exogenous... so that's why other groups can't use the word, and using the word makes you ableist? And... umm... Freud?
It's funny how anti-endos keep insisting that literally every word is harmful, and demand we take their assertions super seriously when they claim that all they want is for us to change the language we use.
If you still think this language discourse is legitimate and in good faith, you haven't been paying attention.
If anti-endos feel we're not taking their criticisms seriously... it's because we're not.
It's because when every term is treated as contentious, it becomes obvious that you don't care about language as much you care about using attacks on language to silence speech.
I have said for a while that the attacks on terms like "tulpa" and others aren't in good faith. That we would be attacked no matter what terms we use because anti-endos hate us for what we are, and only target our language as an excuse to spread hate against us.
I have said for a while that nothing would satisfy them.
I sincerely hope that most people watching these latest attacks play out can see the truth in this now.
The endogenic and plural community is done apologizing for our existence, and we're done apologizing for the language we use.
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nupalcdc · 1 month
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Searching for the best pediatric speech therapist near me? Ensure your child gets top-notch care and support for their communication skills with highly recommended specialists in your area.
Book your appointment today! https://tinyurl.com/4a2a6dbw
🤙Call us at +91 9910388103
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subhambiswas287 · 10 days
Breaking Barriers: Overcoming Stigma in Speech Therapy in Kolkata
Stigma surrounding speech disorders can significantly impact an individual's willingness to seek help and persist with therapy. To combat this, creating an environment of understanding and support is essential. Education plays a crucial role here—informing friends, family, and educators about the nature of speech disorders can foster empathy and patience, which are vital for someone's therapy journey.
Another powerful strategy is to highlight successful figures who have managed similar challenges. For example, many celebrities and public figures who have thrived despite their speech disorders can serve as inspiring role models.
Support groups and therapy sessions that encourage group interactions can also reduce feelings of isolation and stigma. Seeing peers in similar situations can reassure individuals that they are not alone and that their challenges are manageable with the right support.
For those seeking speech therapy in Kolkata, it's important to choose clinics that emphasize confidentiality and a personalized approach, ensuring that individuals feel safe and supported throughout their therapy journey. Overcoming stigma starts with understanding and is propelled by community support and professional care.
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the-au-thor · 5 months
hi !
if you’re still taking blurbs how about a spencer x tall!reader where reader is insecure about their height but spencer finds it attractive and likes that their taller and reassures them
love ya <3
Dear one; thanks for your request, I am the smallest person I know tho. But I tried my best cause I understand what someone feels when they're being judge all the time by their height and how it is to feel so self conscious about it.
I hope you like this one. Is dedicate to all the tall ones; you are so freaking amazing, you are stars and you should never feel embarrassed. Stand tall and proud my loves!
On my Knees | Spencer Reid x tall!reader
Word: 1k.
"And well? What do you think?" You asked, stepping out of the store's fitting room.
Spencer saw you and almost lost his breath. You looked stunning; you were choosing the outfit you would wear that night at David's party.
Annually, Rossi orchestrated one of the best parties at the BAU. He invited technicians, analysts, and agents from the office who had worked with them throughout the year, along with their families. You were his, so it was natural for you to accompany him tonight.
Normally, Spencer felt somewhat awkward at parties; the only thing that helped him endure was his friends who always managed to convince him to eventually dance with them. This time would be different, and he sensed it because he had you. He had never had someone to bring to parties, never had many parties to attend to, and even in college, he was too young to be taken into account for it.
"You look fabulous," he finally spoke, taking a step closer to you just in time for you to turn around, giving him your back and studying yourself in the mirror. You stretched the fabric of your clothes and looked at yourself with doubt while nervously bending your legs. Spencer could see the discomfort in your expression and furrowed his brow in concern.
"What if I don't go? Would I be an asshole for it? Yes. Don't answer. Sorry"
Spencer sighed.
You interrupted him, "It's just that I don't know everyone, just your team. What if the rest don't like me? What if, I don't know, I embarrass you because everyone is too brilliant?" You asked, biting your lips.
Spencer raised his eyebrows surprised. "I can assure you that everyone there will love you, and besides, really? You're in charge of the speech and language pathology department, specializing in rehabilitation and therapy. What brilliance do they have that you don't?"
You looked at him through the mirror skeptically.
Once, a bomb exploded two meters away from Spencer; they were chasing a serial bomber who wanted to explode the Capitol. Upon reaching the emergency room, the specialist noticed damage to his eardrum, gave him treatment, and suggested rehabilitation with the best speech therapist in the hospital: you.
Spencer never thought he would meet the love of his life in a hospital, but there he was. Frustrated because he couldn't work or communicate normally with people. He couldn't hear, he wasn't very patient, was grumpy and pessimistic, but you were kind enough to help him through it and put him in his place in sign language when you discovered that he was fluent in that language.
It was a matter of time before Spencer asked you out, it took a lot of courage on his part and a lot of confidence on your part. But they had made it work perfectly for the last year and a half.
"I do not lock up psychopaths with speech therapy" Spencer hugged you slowly from behind, wrapping his arms around your waist and leaning a little to rest his chin on your shoulders. He felt you lower your shoulders slightly.
"No, but you make the world better by helping people" he replied softly, kissing your shoulder tenderly. "What's wrong? I know it's not about this, love; tell me," he pleaded.
You looked at him through the mirror and then turned to face him because the truth was that there was no one else you could look directly in the eyes when you felt vulnerable other than Spencer.
"Don't laugh," you asked, even though you knew Spencer wasn't cruel. "I know there are much worse things, believe me, I'm aware, but..."
"Dear, I won't judge you, just tell me," he asked, taking your hands in his to give you confidence.
You saw him hesitate but finally mustered the courage to be honest with him.
"Do you know why I am specializing in pediatric rehabilitation now?"
"You love children."
Another thing you and Spencer shared.
"Yes, that's true because children don't judge. If they say something, it's not out of malice or bad intention. They are pure and pleasant, and usually, if there's anything wrong with them, it's probably because of the adults around them," you clarified, looking at him embarrassed through your lashes. Spencer frowned somewhat disoriented; he still couldn't grasp your point.
"Why would you feel defective?"
You looked at him somewhat impatiently and sighed.
"Look at me," you whispered, "I've always seen people from above. I always have to bend down to get on a bus, a car or even to walk through a door, and I was usually excluded from dances because my height made people uncomfortable."
Spencer still frowned when you gave that explanation. He looked you up and down without understanding how being tall could be considered a defect. To him, you were a unique blend of strength and grace, not damaged or something like it. His face changed with realization.
"Is that why you always slouch with your hair over your face?"
You bit your inner cheek uncomfortably and nodded.
"I know there are more significant tragedies. That others have a much harder life, but I grew up with people around me who loved to remind me every moment how different I was just because of that, as if I were not aware and needed others to tell me. I couldn't date because who would want get on their tiptoes to give me a kiss? It was embarrassing and tiresome, and basically, I just... isolated myself."
Spencer let you speak; he knew you needed to get it out of your system because never for a moment was the topic of your height an issue for him. Nor had it been a discussion, and for him, the fact that you felt bad about it is news. He knew you were taller and he didn't care he was shorter, he was on his knees for you anyway. He had never noticed how insecure you felt about your height though, and he regretted not noticing it earlier to give you the help you needed.
"You have no idea of the prejudices and clichés that come with this. Always being the tallest in class; everyone assumed I must be athletic and sturdy because my height was a blessing," you added, rolling your eyes, "or my mother's friends telling her how great it would be if I joined modeling classes because I shouldn't waste my height," you grunted, recalling years of pigeonholing and hearing opinions that others felt free to say about your body, "Everyone had something to say, and they always made me think that my decisions should revolve around my physique as if I didn't have other valuable things about me, I don't know, emotional qualities or intelligence."
When you let out all your frustration, you seemed more relieved. Spencer nodded, trying to think carefully about his words before saying them.
"Normally, I would say something interesting about the benefits of being tall, but the truth is, I can't think of any," he finally said, causing you to lift your gaze to him, taking your chin. He smiled at you, "And it's because a person is not their height; I've met wonderful people whom I have never, even for a second, categorized by how much or how little they measure. It's ridiculous that they do that, and all those people who tried to pigeonhole you just because of your height are stupid. And you've proven to each and every one of them that they were wrong, that you are without a doubt much more than your height, and I'm glad. Anyone who doesn't see how wonderful you are just because of something like your height doesn't deserve your time or concern."
You frowned embarrassed.
"But that's you; others are not equally considerate."
"True, but I can promise you that no one at tonight's party will care about your height or how much or little I have to stand on tiptoes to kiss you," he whispered the last part with tenderness, cradling your face, "You should never bend for anyone, not even for me. I love you, my love, I love you with my life, and I know you're worth whatever height I need to reach for you, and every effort will be enough."
You closed your eyes, moved. Spencer loved you, and he truly showed it; any insecurity you felt was because he didn't stop trying to convince you every day that you were precious to him. With him, everything felt possible because he loved you.
"I love you too, very much," you reminded him of the words you had told him countless times but that never felt like enough, "Seriously, it doesn't bother you?" You furrowed your brow with a final hint of concern.
Spencer rubbed his nose against yours, shaking his head and smiling.
"Not at all, to me, you'll always be the most wonderful person in the world, no matter what."
You opened your eyes and nodded, expecting him to kiss you. This time, you didn't bend, and you waited for Spencer to press his lips to yours briefly, giving you the courage you needed.
"So, Do you really like this one?" You turned to look at yourself in the mirror again, and Spencer observed you once more. Now, you also wore your smile, and it was the best outfit you could have chosen because it was honest. He saw you with appreciation and love, and you knew you couldn't isolate yourself anymore; you had your perfect date, someone who wouldn't be ashamed of you and was secure enough not to be intimidated by something like your height.
"Darling, if everyone stares when we enter Rossi's house tonight, it's because they'll know I've won the jackpot, and there's no way I'm letting you go tonight or any other night" Your cheeks flushed, and you felt warmth inside you.
"You know Spence, I could definitely bend down to kiss you" you said with a smile.
Spencer smiled back
"Let's meet in the middle"
Oh, you loved him so much.
You stood tall, caressing the fabric of your clothes, and nodded confidently.
"I'm buying this "
Spencer smiled proudly. It didn't matter what you wore. He knew you would look good. What mattered, in fact, was that he would be the lucky one taking you to the party tonight and back home afterward.
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Trusted Speech Specialist in Gurgaon | Ayush Speech & Hearing Clinic
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Ayush Speech & Hearing Clinic stands as the trusted destination for individuals seeking top-notch speech specialist services in Gurgaon. With a dedicated team of experienced professionals, we are committed to enhancing your communication skills and ensuring that you achieve clear, confident, and effective speech. Our clinic provides comprehensive speech therapy solutions tailored to the unique needs of each individual, regardless of age or communication challenges. We understand the importance of effective communication in personal, academic, and professional life, and our specialists are here to guide you through your speech improvement journey. Whether you or your loved one is dealing with speech disorders, articulation issues, or language difficulties, our speech specialists utilize evidence-based techniques and cutting-edge technology to help you achieve your communication goals. Choose Ayush Speech & Hearing Clinic as your partner in Gurgaon for trusted speech therapy services that empower your voice and transform your life. Contact Ayush Speech & Hearing Clinic today at 9667731272 to schedule a free consultation and learn more about how we can help your child reach their full potential.
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heardatmedschool · 5 months
A quick guide on what different titles mean in my posts
(Since education AND healthcare systems vary around the world).
Medical Student (4.5-5 years)
You can get into medical school straight out of high school. College degrees do exist, but they are not the norm, not for medicine, and not for any career, tbh.
You fist 2-3 years are mostly theory. Calculus, chemistry, biology, anatomy, histology, embriology, physiology, pathology, physiopathology, microbiology, pharmacology…. That period end with semiology, and you get a Bachelor’s Degree in Medical Science.
Then, for the next 2 years, you have your clinicals, in which you spend half of the day in the hospital, with patients, and half the day in class, but definitely more focused on patient care and management.
Med student in clinicals = baby of the team (most of the time).
When you finish, you get your Academic Degree, Licenciate in Medicine.
Medical Intern (1.5-2 years)
No longer a student, you are now in your professional practice. Although you are technically still in med school in your university, you can say goodbye to classes, since you’re now a worker.
Probably bottom of the food chain, and probably does all the paperwork that nobody wants to do, but it’s a period where you gain a lot of independence and knowledge through work.
When you finish, you get your Professional Title, Médico Cirujano, but also need to pass a national test (EUNACOM) in order to be able to work.
Once you are a Doctor, you can work with that, or you can specialize.
Resident Doctor
A doctor, who is both working and studying towards a specialty.
Doctor who is on charge of a team. Tends to be an specialist.
Other titles that may cause confusion:
CNA: I use CNA to refer to TENS (Técnico de Enfermería de Nivel Superior). Technical degree (2.5 years). Takes care of patient’s basic needs, vital signs, may administer non-prescription medications.
Scrub tech: An specialized TENS. Takes care of the surgical instrumental and the sterile field in the OR.
Other TENS specializations: (that aren’t shared with other workers) Ambulance paramedic, anesthesia tech, trauma tech (takes care of plasters).
Medical Technologist: University degree (5Y). In charge of handling the machines and advanced technology equipment. They have 5 sub-specialties: ENT, ophthalmology, morphophysiopathology, blood bank and radiology.
Kinesiologist: University degree (5Y). They encapsulate both Physical Therapy and Respiratory Therapy.
Midwife: University Degree (5Y). Kind of like L&D nurses. Also in charge of reproductive health (i.e inserts IUDs, tests for STIs). Can assist births without a doctor if uncomplicated.
Other professionals that may not need further explanation:
Speech therapy.
Occupational therapy.
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lavampira · 15 days
actually so stressed about my voice issues because it’s been going on a couple months since it worked ‘normal’ (and even longer since it was actually normal) and consistently, and I went through so many hoops trying to schedule a vocal therapy appointment, only to find out that they don’t have an opening until late july, and then that my insurance isn’t going to cover it, which. I can’t afford to pay even a down payment for a consultation. lmao. so. it’s just me and the youtube at home speech therapy videos from the ENT specialist and me for now until I figure something out 🤪
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searchingwardrobes · 9 months
I'm Back . . .
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If you missed my post about my problems with my hand, you can read it here. Basically, I was in a hand brace for a month, and I couldn't type or write by hand or do my hand embroidery. It was very sad for me without my favorite hobbies! Even scrolling online was painful and difficult. "Why don't you just dictate your writing?" People would ask. Yeah, no. I am nowhere near as eloquent in speech as in writing. It just doesn't work for me.
Anyways, long story short, the hand specialist said I had tendonitis in my thumb from overuse. By the time I was cleared from the hand brace, I left for a week's vacation with my kids. Now I'm back, brace free! However, I'm also doing physical therapy to ensure this doesn't happen again. I have some soreness today from the exercises she's having me do, but the pain is nowhere what it was before.
I also have to pace myself with anything that uses my hands. No more marathon writing sessions or embroidering for hours while everyone else watches a football game. Pooh. So, I will be updating my fics and (hopefully) posting some new stuff, but it will be slow. (Slower than before, you ask? Haha, unfortunately, yes.) I also will be back tomorrow posting my songs. Those don't take a lot of effort.
Tagging people who may care? lol
@snowbellewells @jrob64 @kmomof4 @whimsicallyenchantedrose @teamhook @spartanguard @fantasylover4ever @djlbg @optomisticgirl @ohmakemeahercules @kwistowee @jonesfandomfanatic @bethacaciakay @reynoldsreads
Also, if you want to buy my latest book, Here in the Middle, click here. If you've already read it, do me a solid and leave a review!
Love ya'll!
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