davidsperring · 1 year
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Lizzy And The Palm
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royalarchivist · 7 months
Phil: [Chayanne] is a bit upset, he's a bit upset. He watched "Primary Protector" die. And Duck-shell was meant to protect Primary Protector.
Creation: Primary protector cannot die.
Phil: D'you wanna go see his corpse? Follow me. Hop in. Should probably take Sunny, I think. Do you wanna take Sunny?
Creation: Protector is not alive to begin with.
Phil: Excuse me???
Creation: Take me to the data, please.
Phil: Ok... Do you want to pick up Sunny like a Pokemon, or like... Or like what? Just hop in the boat, get some fresh air. Get in the boat. Creation, get in the boat, I will take you to the data.
Creation: [To Tallulah] Goodbye, trauma shell.
Phil: [Laughs] Nahhhh, that's fcked. [Wheezes] What do you mean, trauma shell?
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5h0w1sh · 5 months
can i just say i love the way you color?? its pastel but dark(?)/gray(?) and it's so unique- and the way it contrasts the white background and the pink in the mouth is just. amazing. i love looking at your art, it makes me feel nice.
AWHH OMG TYSM!!!! My coloring style really happened cause i wanted my art to be colorful but also desaturated so here we are!!!
Whenever I first got this ask- I was feeling down about how terrible my art has been recently but seeing this cheered me up!!!
Again supes sorry that it has taken me so long to respond but tysm!!! As a consolation prize have this sneak peak of tomorrow's art!!!
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queer-ragnelle · 29 days
He has arrived
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leahcee · 2 years
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nebunulcusentimente · 20 days
“N-ai nicio greșeală, cum poți fi așa corectă?
Îți iubesc defectele, adică ești perfectă.”
- Sper că ești bine - Sami G
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directorul: multi copii vin in scoala noastra special pentru doamnele A și H
restul: adica doamna imi-insusesc-munca-altora si doamna rupta-de-realitate
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qutiepai · 14 days
muie ctp
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prosperous-ow · 18 days
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A silly little Genjo doodle I felt like sharing
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cel mai mișto lucru atunci când trăiești in romania e sa auzi veșnicul fiaaaree veechi, fiaaareee looommm
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davidsperring · 1 year
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Lizzy And The Palm
0 notes
m-0-ths · 1 year
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mihai-florescu · 9 months
The “being awake” part is mostly due to my messed up sleep schedule that makes me wake up at ungodly hours of the night, and the reason why I see your posts so fast is that I have the notifications turned on for your blog, because checking your posts is more important than whatever I have to do in real life (in cazul de fata m-am trezit la patru dimineața să-mi fac tema la meditații, dar edit-ul cu izuleo e mult mai fascinant și important decât analiza poeziilor lui Bacovia)
I see! I expected you had blog notifs on, was just very surprised by the sleep schedule. Sper ca poti sa folosesti editul izuleo pentru analiza de bac lmao... am o prietena care, cand eram noi in a 12a, a scris un eseu in timpul liber despre cum harap alb exemplifica ceva procedeu sau simbol din homestuck, sunt sigura ca merge si cu de-ale noastre. La mort si plumb...
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queer-ragnelle · 28 days
I’ve officially dropped The Book of Gaheris by Kari Sperring about half way through chapter 4.
The weirdness with young Lamorak pining for much older Gaheris and much much older Morgause was bad enough but the out of pocket racism toward Safir was the final straw.
The book is full of typos, difficult to follow for lack of dialogue tags and excessive use of nicknames, and where the hell are the women?? Give the Orkney wives some dialogue for pity’s sake.
I could already tell early they were setting up Agravaine as Morgause’s killer which I loathe. If you wanna make Gaheris a good guy that’s great but just let Morgause live. It’s not rocket science.
Don’t recommend it.
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nox-scrie · 1 year
Tanjesti si tu dupa experienta curselor auto de cand te-ai uitat la filmul "Turbo"? Ti se pare ca potentialul Otiliei Marculescu nu a fost realizat de Calinescu?
Atunci trebuie sa citesti noua mea poveste, cu Y/N x Otilia Marculescu. Y/N a venit in Bucuresti pentru Facultatea de Medicina dar a ramas pentru cel mai bun prieten al sau, Felix Sima, care i-a prezentat lumea secreta a car racing-ului din capitala. Ce se va intampla oare cand in viata lui Y/N apare cineva nou, care va schimba tot ceea ce inseamna acest sport?
Acum, pe AO3.
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part 4 of twilight ladies as zendaya ✨️
Reconnaissance when she's older
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Edythe looking over her shoulder at Beau in the cafeteria
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Rachel listening to Jake explain why punching Paul is therapeutic and she shouldn't be mad at him
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Carine about to witness her children do some dumb shit
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Eleanor showing off ™️
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Renee completely fucking clueless and carefree in FL
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Jessamine suffering ™️
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Kim as passenger princess on her date w Jared
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Julie Black ready to steal hearts
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Our girl Leah THRIVING in college and looking cute on her first date in a long time
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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