#spill out the darkness i want to see you ( emil. )
miengsol · 3 months
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dcwnrisen-aa · 1 year
"SHOTO! SHOTO- GET THE FUCK OFF ME! I SAID LET ME FUCKING GO- THAT'S MY SON! THAT'S MY BOY!" she wants to see red. she wants to murder every last soul in the mile radius around them. they're all at fault. this is because of them. if they weren't here he'd never have tried to stand up to that fucking bastard. they would be better off dead. dead because the fucker who did this wasn't even caught. he escaped. because of them. because of the chaos that ensued when the only hero was struck down.
she all but shoves the emt away from him, breaking his shoulder in the process. it would stun him and everyone around them. cause them to shrink back from a 5' tall woman who could do the same amount of damage that a fall could cause. did he deserve the injury? deep down the answer from even her would be no, but she couldn't care less about that now. hell. she'd kill him just to feel. a little better in the moment and deal with that guilt at another time.
"baby, baby look at me. look at mom. we're going to take you to dennis and emile, okay? they'll fix you up and make you feel better. you can't sleep though, okay? I need you to stay awake until we get to them." carefully she lifts his battered frame, cradling him close as though he were a mere toddler. "don't worry, baby. mom is gonna make it all better. just hold on for me, hold on and do everything you can to keep your eyes open. you can rest in a bit, just stay awake... please, sho. please."
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he'd once told midoriya that it was okay to cry when you felt hurt, when the emotions became to overwhelming to make sense of them and crying was a good outlet. it didn't make you weak. shoto wants to cry now, his brain attempting to sift through the pain he was feeling. it was agonizing and every part of him hurt. he could hear noise in the background, flashes of ice spires around him and blood, his vision is red.
aizawa would no doubt have scolded him for his reckless -- throwing himself into the frey when he knew he couldn't have handled the perp alone. and shoto thrived on teamwork, it's something ua had taught him and taught him well, but standing around in a panicked crowd who didn't know their ass from the sky hadn't helped things. he remembers bits and pieces, but mostly how the crowd hasn't helped him in the winning part of this battle. if they had listened to instruction, he wouldn't have had to make such reckless moves, and he wouldn't have twisted his ankle. he only remembers now because it throbs incessantly.
darkness inches at the edge of his vision and he's sure there's a severe concusion, he's familiar with those. there's shouting, someone's angry but he can't make out why the voice is so familiar. a pained groan leaves him, and he tries to shift but only manages to whimper in pain, his breath wheezing out of him. cracked ribs, another familiarity. it goes dark for several moments. then he's being cradled so gently even though the movement brings great pain.
he knows this smell…..mom. its his mom. tears spill over at the gentle touch, realizing that he must make a helluva picture. even in the glimpse he saw of himself in one of the shop windows before he went through it, the cuts on his face were plentiful, and the cut on his forehead would explain the blood in his eyes. even with the blood, the torn clothing, the bruises he's sure are cropping up beneath his singed, civilian clothing, he's so grateful that she's here. but…he can't feel his right arm, it hurts yes, but he can't move it. a fracture?
❝ ━ m…mom, ❞ he croaks hoarsely, eyes blinking blearily before they slide shut, and she's telling him to stay awake, right? but he's so tired. ❝ ━ can't…i can't feel it. hurts. 'm sleepy….let me sleep. ❞ his words slur, lashes falling shut once more before blinking open as he hears her voice again. the darkness was there again at the edge of his vision and it was, it was taking over and he wants to promise that he'll stay awake. when she lifts him, shoto cries out in pain, becoming far too aware of the pain his body was in now that the adrenaline was wearing off.
frost creeps up his limbs, covering his cheek and he wheezes, attempting to curl into her warmth, ❝ ━ c-can't. can't…..sleepy, mom. s'sleepy. ❞ his head lolls back, lashes feathering over his gaze as his chest heaves with exertion, ❝ ━ mom…mom…. ❞ tears flow freely down his cheeks, into ivory strands, breath rattling from blood-stained lips. ❝ ━ s-stay? you….❞ his words trail off, unconsciousness slowly ebbing and flowing. ❝ ━ please stay with me, mom. i'm scared.❞
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lizzygrantarchives · 12 years
ASCAP, March 16, 2012
ASCAP chanteuse Lana Del Rey is inescapable. Half a year before she released her breakthrough album Born to Die on January 31st, newspapers and websites were raving about her riveting single "Video Games." Now she graces the covers of magazines, teens profess their love for her online by the thousands and bloggers parse the authenticity of her image and the role that femininity plays in her music. Del Rey's woozy, noirish pop is clearly connecting – Born to Die sold 800,000 copies worldwide in its debut week, and hit #1 on the iTunes album chart. But despite all the digital ink spilled about Del Rey, precious little attention has focused on her approach to songwriting. We spoke with her about just that.
Have you always co-written songs? Was the writing process fairly effortless on Born to Die, or were there some songs that went through birth pains?
I've written every word except for two lines on this record. What I usually need my producers to do is to act like composers and soundscapers to enhance the beauty of my lyrics and glamorize the atmosphere around my voice. The writing process for me is always effortless but often slow. My muse comes rarely but when she does, she whispers words clearly and loudly into my ear.
How did you meet Emile Haynie? What about him convinced you to choose him as a producer on nearly every track of Born to Die?
Before I signed to Interscope, John Ehmann, who was an A&R man there, wanted me to meet Emile. When we met we knew quickly that we were musical soulmates, just like when [Born to Die co-writer] Justin Parker and I met. An example of how I work with Emile: I bring him a song that I've already written and I say to him "When you hear this song, I want you to feel like you can see 16-year-old girls sneaking out in the middle of the night in Miami." Then he would start to lace the track with samples of car alarms blaring and cicadas chirping like they do on a hot summer night. Then he would replace whatever drums were there with heavier, more dangerous beats – he knew I needed those to emphasize how dark things used to be for me. He knew how to translate that in a fresh and sexy way.
I hear Born to Die as way more consistent in tone and style than the first album. Was that intentional?
Born to Die is definitely not more consistent in tone or style. In fact my first record was a concept album about living back and forth between New Jersey and Coney Island, and was an exact documentation of my life up until that point. My only intention ever is to write exactly what happened.
Is there a song from Born to Die that you feel best captures who you are as a woman? What about as an artist?
I don't know about as a woman, but as a person the song "Born to Die" best represents me. I felt I lived most of my life divided into two states of either fear or love, and the change of mood between the verse and the chorus represents those two worlds merging together. In the verses, I'm begging myself not to give up and working through my confusion of being alive. But in the choruses, I let go and start talking to him and playing with him, saying "Come and take a walk on the wild side / Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain."
There are a lot of themes that pop up again and again in your music, but the one I’m most curious about is "The Star-Spangled Banner." You’ve got a song called “Oh Say Can You See” on your first album; you make reference to the National Anthem on “Mermaid Motel,” and of course you’ve got a song called “National Anthem” on the new album. What interests you so much about "The Star-Spangled Banner?"
We used to live in Kate Smith's old house called Camp Sunshine on Lake Placid lake. For a decade, she was the most famous singer in the world and she sang our nation’s theme song, "God Bless America." She broadcasted her popular radio show out of the top of that house. Referencing "The Star-Spangled Banner" is my homage to her.
Do you think of your music as dark?
Who is the ideal audience for your music? Has that changed over the years?
I wouldn't really know. I never had an audience before except for the people I talked to on MySpace from 2005 onward and the people who came to hear me sing on the downtown scene. From what I remember, we were definitely a darker group of characters who all lived life very untraditionally.
Your songs and image seem so informed by the glamor of classic movie stars. Have you considered acting yourself?
My music is not informed by the glamor of classic movie stars at all – it’s informed only by what I've been through as well as my visions for the future. I put clips of the occasional star in my video montages if I can relate to how alone they look. And "No" to the latter.
What sort of music do you think Elvis would be making if he were alive today?
Beautiful music – he'll always be the king to me.
Originally published on ascap.com with the headline The National Anthem of Lana Del Rey.
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muppenthings · 3 years
hm... Do you want to write a bit from Remy's perspective in the mythical au? Maybe him going to a coffee shop instead of seeing where Virgil's gone, or one of the tines he took Virgil out to get Big, or something?
I made a combination of the two kinda! You get a bonus Emile! ;)
Warnings: Food and coffee
Word count: 530
It was the perfect time and place for a second cup of coffee. The early morning rush for caffeine had died down, leaving only a few customers in Remy’s favorite coffee shop. It was nice and calm.
Remy closed his eyes as he took a long sniff of his freshly made pumpkin spice latte.
It was a treasured moment that couldn’t be spoiled by anything.
Except maybe the look Emile Picani was giving him across the table.
“… Do you want a different cookie?”
Emile sighed and lightly shook his head while pushing the offered chocolate chip cookie, still in its wrappings, away from himself. It was Emile’s day off, so he had dropped by the coffee shop for some breakfast. He had spotted the salamander sitting snugly in the couch group, latte in hand. A place he knew his colleague was not scheduled to be in at this hour…
“I thought you were supposed to take Virgil out of town?”
“I am. Soonish.” The salamander confirmed as he rather loudly slurped on his coffee.
“Where is he?” the witch asked.
Remy glanced towards the windows, not that Emile could tell where he was looking behind the dark shades. He couldn’t tell even if he wasn’t wearing the shades, with his black sclera and irises.
“My car.” Remy replied without missing a beat.
The witch made an affronted noise, oversized glasses sliding down his nose.
“You’re making him wait in the car?!”
“Look I’m gonna be stuck with him for hours later alright? I deserve this.” Remy tapped a finger on the side of the latte’s container to emphasize.
Emile corrected his glasses as he leveled the salamander with another look, not saying anything. His silence making Remy slightly squirm in his seat.
“He can handle a little waiting!” Remy exclaimed when Emile raised an eyebrow. “He’s not a kid-”
A loud drawn-out car horn blared from outside, effectively cutting Remy off.
A second, equally long blare was unleashed. Customers and workers inside the coffee shop turned to look outside, wondering what the fuss was about.
The car horn kept blasting, each signal effectively pushing Remy’s button just a little bit more.
“… But he is a brat.” Remy all but growled, a thin wisp of smoke curling from his lips.
Emile didn’t bother trying to hold back his amused chuckle. Remy let out a string of curses before getting up from the couch, tail swishing in irritation behind him. Outside the car horn blasted away.
“You want that?” the salamander gestured to the cookie; the witch smiled and shook his head again saying the angry troll in the car might be appeased by it.
Remy snorted and collected his things, cookie included, and bid his colleague adieu before marching towards the exit. The annoying sound of the car horn spilled into the shop as the door opened only to abruptly stop once Remy stepped outside the building; Emile guessed the troll could see Remy’s expression from there.
Emile followed Remy’s quick strides towards his parked car, thin smoke trailing him. Was this how the two usually got along? Maybe he should offer to take the troll out next time…
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midnight-nears · 2 years
Remembered Hello’s
Just a happy little reunion for my favourite characters. Rami x Hero and Hero/Leto brothers. I will do more chaotic/domestic kind of fics but this i really just needed to do. So what if its crappy?? its only me and @emile-hides reading it hahaha....[cries].
Taken/followed directly from pg. 348 “...Claire squeezed his hand, and ahead of them the sea crested into stacks, familiar and deep and infinitely wider than the Unwritten Wing had been. Horizon to horizon, stories swept like a flood into the Dust Wing, vibrant and alive. “It’s time we became a real library, don’t you think?”...
Just then, before Hero’s response even began to form on his lips, he could already see the faded edges of Claire disappearing. He wanted to say so much more, even if he couldn’t think of words to describe it, he wanted to say goodbye, but he didn’t, he didn’t want to let go, and he could already feel her presence slipping. Her warmth was being smoothed into the background and her voice became a gust of wind. Blinding, impossible light reached out for him, and the only thing he could do was shield his eyes. 
“You were always a good warden…” he whispered into the nothingness, and even though she had melted away, he heard her laugh.
 It was so bright. And he was so tired. Squinting through the light did nothing but hurt, so he gave in and gently closed his eyes to wait. He was good at waiting now.
  He tried to say something, anything, but as the scratch of an unused throat started to fade, he realised that the light did too. It was almost silent here. The prickle of his beard didn’t seem to be as painful and his calloused hands didn’t hurt so much anymore, and as the weight of a hundred eyes slid gently from his shoulders, the smell of loneliness and yearning dissipated into the air. Replacing it came not the scent of anise and ash, but of English Breakfast and the warmth of sunshine.
 He opened his eyes with a quiver. The living, beating heart in his chest pounded so loud that he wondered if he held every story within it now. The Librarians desk glitched into a halt in front of him and huge stacks grew around it. The Librarians Log sat innocently on top. 
 A question. Another question. Asked so timidly, so scared of what the answer might be. The same one he had heard only a second ago, by a different person.
But this time he knew how to answer it.
 “Y..Yes?…Ramiel? Brevity!” Tears fell before he could even fully turn around. 
The rest of the library's shelves and books were lost in a blur as he faced the almost hundred of The Library's inhabitants. Duat, Bjorn and every other Librarian stood back besides further stacks with mouths hanging speechless or solemn. He didn't even spare a glance for them as his slow, exhausted legs started sprinting toward his friends. His family.
 Hero didn’t think he had run that far, but when Rami’s arms surrounded him, it was all he could do to collapse into them. “Ramiel? Rami? Is that…is it you?” Tears spilled down into a feather coat as his voice wobbled, and he buried his face into his lover's neck. 
 “Hero, it’s me, it’s me, Hero, you’re safe,” Rami’s breathless laugh caught in his ears and played over and over again, knees weakening with emotion.
 Hero pulled away, taking in the olive skin and dark cropped hair, the silver eyes full of gentle unyielding love, the small tear gliding down his tender face, the slightly rough look around his eyes. 
God, if he looks like that only after a couple hours, how am I going to look after years? would have been the normal Hero response to something like this. But, instead, he simply grabbed that gorgeous face and slammed it into his own.
 When they pulled away, Hero croaked, laughed and sobbed breathlessly as they kissed again and again. He could still taste him on the edge of his tongue, with his hands gripping his jaw and foreheads pressed together he opened his mouth to say something but quickly Rami interrupted him.
“I love you, Hero,”
 Hero’s eyes snapped open and the laughter drained away. Suddenly, it felt like only them in the world. He couldn’t even think of a witty response as he stared into those eyes.
“I told you, Watcher, I told you I’d come back.”
  A tear stained burst of colour slammed into them and Hero was knocked back in surprise. “Hero!” He found a hold on the Librarian as he stumbled backward and desperately squeezed her into a hug. 
“I was told that I was only gone for a couple hours,” he managed to get through- although he got no answer.
The warmth of her arms engulfed him- especially when Rami decided to join too- and he wasn’t able to let go until Brevity pulled back to look him up and down with a bemused smile. She reached up to his beard.
“W…What is this?” 
 Hero chuckled and wiped a burning tear away, almost feeling the eye bags beneath them.
“What? You don’t like it?”
 It was good to hear their laugh again. 
  Eventually, the need to hold each other as if they would disappear again faded, and so did the last drop of adrenaline in Hero. 
 “Now, if you don’t mind,” he sighed, “I would like to sleep for a week straight.”
 “Oh!” Brevity gasped, pushing away from him- completely ignoring his request, mind you- her face flushed with lilac and glittering tears. “There's someone who you have to see.”
“Brev, as much as I’m excited to ‘meet new people’ I’m not really in the mood for-” Hero fell short. His heart stopped, and for the fifth time today he felt as if it was caught in his throat.
 Someone in a loose, tidy suit came into view, the edges of him slightly faded. And what memory of that little, timid teenage boy Hero had obtained, suddenly changed. It was replaced with a boy who had grown enough to pull his shoulders straight against the back of his jacket, to eyes filled with confidence and a homely knowledge, to someone who, even though they had spent time so far away, knew what home looked like. Hero knew this boy. Hero knew that feeling.
 Time slowed as Hero stepped forward. 
“Leto…You’ve changed.”
“I…Hero…” Leto’s voice didn’t sound as uncertain as he remembered, but there was still that touch of question as he looked at him. 
“Welcome home, my boy,” Hero whispered, to keep his voice from breaking. It still managed to quiver on the last word. 
He reached out to gently but firmly pull him into a hug, hands gripping Leto’s back as he gave it a firm pat, and immediately pulled him tighter. For a second he tried to desperately remember that lost feeling of having a father in his book…or even a brother. Owen was as close as it got, but even that warmth had faded into an almost forgotten memory. 
 Now, Hero could feel Leto’s hands clutching his back and the place in his heart where his story had once been became whole again. 
 A tear dropped down his cheek as the others arms pressed in on them.
 A world. A home. A family.
 “Thank you,” Leto croaked, as they eventually began to make their way back to the damsel's suite for a well needed rest.
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alfredosauce50 · 3 years
Ghost of jealousy [Possessive! America x reader]
Wordcount: 5,545 Synopsis: Alfred gets upset when he finds you hanging around Mathias during his Halloween party. You tell him he’s your friend, but everything escalates into an argument, so he takes it outside to his car. He regrets everything he’s done, but you refuse to talk to him while he drives off to find some lodging for the night—an old inn. While you avoid him by staying in a separate room, it becomes apparent there’s something very off about this place. Something otherworldly. Will he make it up to you by saving you before something terrible happens? 
(I was inspired by this song by Michael Jackson, “Ghosts”) The reader is referred to as she/her.
It didn’t bother you that Alfred always disappeared during his parties. He was the host, after all, and you were merely another attendee, boyfriend or not. There were guests to interact with, excitement to arouse, and the general gist of event-running. So while he was off doing his business, you loitered around in the kitchen with one of your friends. You were dressed as a mermaid, with a seashell bra and all, while Mathias was in his pirate get-up.
Here away from the incessant pounding of Halloween classics and chatter, you could actually hear him talk. "I think it’s cute that we’re matching! Are you sure you didn’t wear this on purpose just so we could look like a couple?" He grinned, earning a small gasp from you.
"Hey! It’s not my problem you wear the same thing every year, Mathias. I—on the other hand, change it up." You gloated a little at that, giving his hip a light bump. He had been sipping a cup of punch, but spilled some as a result. "Ah! Jeez.” Because it was so dark, with only jack-o-lanterns and fairy lights to illuminate the house, you never even realized.
"What’s wrong?”
"Why don’t you smell my coat to find out?” He hummed mischievously. Cupping a hand around your head, he pulled you in and pressed your face against a mysterious wet patch.
"Ew! What was that?!" You pulled away and rubbed your cheek as he exploded into a fit of laughter.
"... Juice?"
"That’s right, min prinsesse. And it’s all your fault." Leaning in with his hands on his hips, he tapped your nose. A dash of guilt was present in your eyes, so he quickly added this. "Don’t look so stressed, (F/N)! I always forgive what you do to me. Mostly. This time, if you wanna make up for it, you’ll have to go to our after-party for once!"
You blinked. "After-party? You mean with just you and Lukas and everyone?" He nodded excitedly. The question was innocent enough, but really, you had another concern in the back of your mind. Every year, you and Alfred would spend a night together after the festivities. You could only imagine how upset he’d get if that didn’t happen. He always valued the time together with you, even to the point of being a little excessive. "Mm... I don’t know. Alfred and I usually do something afterward. I’ll ask him."
His wide grin faltered a touch. Alfred this, Alfred that. Mathias couldn’t exactly say he was jealous—though he’d joke about it, a lot—but wasn’t he a little controlling sometimes? "Mm, mm. Not good enough. I won’t take no for an answer!" Scooping you up in a bridal style carry, you let out a small yelp and reached out for his neck to stabilize yourself. "Let the King of Scandinavia save you from the evil clutches of American capitalism!"
"Mathias, you idiot!" You hissed through a flustered expression, but you couldn’t deny you were enjoying yourself. While he laughed away, bouncing you in his arms, you bonked him on the head numerous times. "Put. Me. Down!"
"Ow. Ah! Okay, okay, stop hitting me!" The Dane was as big of a goofball as your boyfriend, but just less serious most of the time. That was right. As your relationship with Alfred progressed, he was less easy-going than he initially seemed. More stubborn. Argumentative. And you never imagined how soon you would see this side of him.
"What’s this about saving (F/N) from the evil clutches of American capitalism?"
The chorus of you and Mathias’s laughter came to an abrupt end. Uh oh. Turning to the voice, you found yourself staring at none other than your boyfriend, dressed in a long orange coat with a Jason Vorhee's mask on the side of his head. And his arms were crossed with an unamused expression. Only then did you feel yourself get set down to the floor. Great. "Alfred, hey! We were just talking about his after-party. You know, the one where they have a lego-building contest?"
"Mhm. Sounds fun. But we’re doing something even better." Reaching out to your hand, he pulled you away from your friend, much to your displeasure. Mathias didn’t look all too happy either. Alfred then managed a small smile, but it was a little strained. "So c’mon, babe. Most of the party’s events are ending, anyway. Let’s go to my car." He squeezed you in his grip and turned to leave, all with you in tow.
But you weren’t having it. Couldn’t he at least let you explain yourself a little better, considering how upset he seemed already? You stopped, the action pulling on his arm so he would too. "Wait, Al. He asked if I wanted to go, and I kinda want to. Just this one time, please? Lukas, Berwald, Tino, and Emil are gonna be there too—" The fact that you were listing all these names only made it blatantly obvious who was in right, and who was in the wrong.
All you were asking for was some time with your friends. But he played the jealous boyfriend role all too well.
He turned to you with a frown. It was annoying enough to see Mathias carrying you like that. But going to a sleepover with him? He couldn’t be any less enthusiastic. "No, (F/N). Halloween is our thing. We’re supposed to spend the night together like we always do." Reaching out to your cheek, he caressed it gently. "You can hang out with them any other day of the year. Just not today."
Unlike other times, you didn’t give in. He already showed up with an attitude, so sweet-talking wasn’t going to cut it. Especially when you felt Mathias’s hand on your shoulder. The thought that he was behind you and trying to calm you down only egged you on to stand your ground. "Any other day? You’d have to exclude Valentine’s Day, Christmas, New Year’s, and St. Patty’s as well. I never get to celebrate them with my friends, either, so can’t you let me go this one time?"
The room fell silent. Even with the Dane’s friends present, nobody spoke a word. And nobody had to because they all shared one thought.
Alfred was being way too controlling.
Almost as if he could read their minds, he felt himself crumble under their scrutiny. "I’m not talking about this here with you." Without another word, he pulled you out of the house against your will.
"And why not? Is it because Mathias is here?" You retorted, feeling bile rise in your throat.
Once you and he disappeared out the door, Lukas made a brief comment.
"... He really has to stop doing that." 
“Yep. Man, I wish he’d just step on a lego." The blonde heaved out a sigh. 
"Fair enough."
Once Alfred managed to get you outside his car, he turned to you to finally give you an answer. "And what if it is because he’s there, (F/N)?" He exasperated, already feeling his tongue start slipping now that he was alone with you. And his words only held more impact against the deafening silence of the night. "The reason why I don’t want you hanging out with them on special occasions is cuz’ he’s in the group.”
“Why? Do you hate him or something? But that’s got nothing to do with me!" You ripped your hand from his grip to see his eyes widen with shock. This was the first time you ever lashed out, so he could already feel the inklings of regret well in his chest. He should’ve just shut his trap and let you go.
But something told him he would’ve never let that happen.
"They’re my friends, Alfred! You can’t expect me to pass on every invite they give me just because you don’t like someone!"
He dug his hands through his sandy locks of hair stressfully. 
"That’s the thing! Mathias obviously doesn’t just wanna be friends with you! He likes you, I can tell!" He yelled. 
The cat was finally out of the bag now. What had been plaguing his mind for months was this—competition. And he hoped that admitting it would somehow get you to understand his behavior, no matter how uncalled for it had been.
But you didn’t. You refused to.
Your jaw dropped, but not out of surprise. Instead, it was pure disappointment. "Even if he did, are you saying you don’t trust me with him?" You scoffed, folding your arms at him.
At this point, Alfred knew how bad he fucked up.
"No, that’s not what I—" His brows knitted together, and his cerulean blue eyes welled with moisture. "I’m sorry, that’s not what I meant. I just..." But it was.
Wasn’t it?
Otherwise, why else was he so possessive of you?
"It’s exactly what you meant. If it wasn’t, you’d be defending yourself by now." A small smile curled up at your lips, and it was from anything but mirth. It was your defense mechanism to keep the waterworks at bay, but even that had failed you. The tears finally came spilling over the rim, streaming down your face as he watched on with guilt.
"Even if you hate him, he’s not what you think he is. It wouldn’t matter if he loved me. He wouldn’t do anything because he respects me." Reaching up to your eyes, you rubbed them, but the effort was in vain as you let out a sob. "If you’re so quick to doubt me, then maybe..." You struggled to string together the words as you continued to cry. "Maybe we shouldn’t..."
Maybe we shouldn’t be together anymore. 
Alfred froze. Anything but that. And yet, you had all the right in the world to think of ending things. But his heart couldn’t take it.
"No, no, no... Don’t you finish that sentence..." You would probably hate him after this, but kissing you was what he first thought of. The connection between his and your lips managed to silence you, and the close proximity let you feel the waves of heat radiating from his face. And he continued to kiss you, gently, for as long as you let him until you decided to shove him away.
"Don’t." You whispered faintly, albeit firmly. Leaving his side to get into the passenger seat of his car, you buckled yourself up and turned to the window.
He breathed out a sigh, but joined you in the driver’s seat. Facing you with remorse so deep, it made his eyes droop. "You know I love you, right?"
You were still crying, and you never spared him so little as a single glance.
He royally screwed up, for sure. 
The engine purred to life. Now, to find a place to stay for the night. Hopefully, he could make up with you before lights out. But his gut told him it wouldn’t be so simple. The car began to move, crushing sticks and leaves under the wheels as he drove on a dirt path deep in the woods. He picked this cabin for the ominous ambiance, but he was beginning to regret his choices. The same could be said for everything he did tonight, hell, the same could be said for how he acted all these months.
He was the jealous, insecure, shitty boyfriend.
And the whole time, he never realized how kind you were to put up with him.
He wanted to tell you he trusted you. To pull you into his arms and apologize a million times. But what could he say to convince you when he’d come off as a liar? Even he didn’t know if he could be honest. Why did Mathias’s presence get him to feel like this, anyway? He boiled it down to how similar he was to him. Like you always said, he and Mathias were two of the same person. Loud, fun, and obnoxious sweethearts. So of course he started comparing himself to him.
And he was doing it right now. He couldn’t imagine Mathias ever having these kinds of problems if he dated you. Fuck. Aside from self-loathing and bitter regret, he was beginning to feel the beginnings of ugly jealousy all over again.
Are you serious right now, Alfred? He thought. 
Narrowing his eyes on the road that seemed to disappear, he slowed to a stop. Was it just him losing concentration over these thoughts, or did he really lose his way? Perhaps. But at least he found something. He peered around his windshield to see a few rooftops resembling an old, vintage villa in the distance. Could that possibly be a motel?
He sped up and drove closer and closer until he reached a clearing. Climbing out of his car with you trailing close behind, he made his way to the entrance of the establishment. There was an open lawn in front of the building, and in one of the gardens stood a wooden sign with "The Aura Inn" inscribed into it. Neither of you thought much of it, let alone read the little sub-paragraph of text below it.
"Let’s go." Looking at you over his shoulder, he held out a hand for you to take. You just brushed past him and kept walking. Right. He forgot for a second that you were mad at him.
The only thing that concerned you was having somewhere to stay the night, so the reception was the first stop. Making up with him could come later.
Upon arriving, you were greeted by nothing but an empty room. There was no furniture besides a wooden counter, and even then, it was lacking quite a few amenities. There was no receptionist here either, and yet, the lights were on. That could only mean one thing. Somebody was here, just not in a way you liked. But you were just overthinking, weren’t you? Needless to say, this inn was starting to feel a little off to you.
Gripping the scales of your mermaid dress, you turned to Alfred with a nervous glance. Immediately, he responded with a reassuring smile.
"You okay, babe?"
Hold on. Did he just call you babe? Your mood went sour when you felt yourself nearly give in to him. What he did couldn’t be forgiven so easily, otherwise, how could he take your feelings seriously? So you forced yourself to lie.
"Yes." You murmured. "I’m perfectly fine."
He knew you were lying, but he couldn’t blame you.
"Okay. I’ll just... Get us a room. I think this is an Airbnb." He pulled out his phone.
The thought of sleeping in the same bed as him irked you, to say the least. After the stunt he pulled today, which effectively stopped you from going to Mathias’s after-party, you needed some space. That was right. How come after all these years, you’ve never been to one of his infamous after-parties? Even though you were a close friend of his? It was simple. Because Alfred never let you go. God, thinking about it just made you relive the anger all over again. 
So before he finished the booking, you reached out for his arm.
"Wait. I don’t want to be in the same room as you."
He paused, and you saw sadness flash in his eyes. And once again, you found yourself tempted to cave. But you didn’t. You couldn’t.
"... Oh. Sure." Alfred finished with the online forms and walked you to your room. The halls were long, winding, and dimly-lit. You would’ve thanked him for accompanying you in this unsettling place, but you couldn’t bring yourself to. Once you managed to open the door, which wasn’t locked, he gave you a reluctant goodbye. Resting his arms against the doorframe, he gazed down at you with a bittersweet smile. "Night, babe. I’ll see you in the morning—"
The door slammed in his face and he cringed.
"... Love you too." He murmured, clenching his fists against the door. This was by far the worst argument he’s ever had with you, and it was all his fault.
Pressing your back against the door, you felt blood rush up to your face after hearing what he said. He nearly had you. But you managed to seal yourself away in the safety of your room. It hurt to push him away, but you had to. He couldn’t keep having his way. Alfred needed to accept the consequences of his actions, and you needed to be strong enough for that to happen. 
And plus, he needed to get used to not having you around him all the time. But the boy was excessively clingy, and you let this carry on for far too long. 
Unpacking your things on the bed, you got your things ready for a shower. As you melted into the hot embrace of the water, your concerns of this inn melted away too. It was just Halloween jitters, wasn’t it? Turning off the faucet, you dried yourself off with a towel before getting dressed. When you exited the bathroom, your room was plunged into almost pitch-black darkness. But you never turned off the lights.
Perhaps this was an energy-saving function. 
Well, it saved you from the effort of going to the light switch, anyhow. 
Before you moved from your spot, you shuddered at the feeling of a cold draft blowing against your body. Looking over to the source, you were shocked to see that the door was wide open, letting the dim halls stare back at you. 
There was probably a little wind tonight, and somehow, you didn’t shut the door properly. Making your way to close it again, you made sure you heard a little click. When you did, you didn’t feel any wind from outside at all, not even a gentle breeze. 
Setting your things down on the bedside table, you climbed into bed and tucked yourself in. While you made yourself comfortable, you faced the entirety of the room, which had a small wall-mounted TV, rocking chair, and desk. Of course there was a rocking chair. And you somehow couldn’t tear your gaze away from its faint outline in the dark. 
Then, it began to rock. 
Forwards and backward as if an invisible entity was sitting in it. 
“!” Your blood ran cold and you buried your head underneath the blanket. Something was in the room with you. Unlike before, you couldn’t blame it on the wind because you just closed the door. As you came to terms with that reality, the icy hands of fear gripped around your heart. Your breathing grew ragged and uneven. There was something behind you. Someone behind you. 
You could practically feel their presence creeping towards you. Closer and closer to your bed as the carpet compressed under its footsteps. Your chest constricted when you felt the bed dip under a weight. 
Then, it began to crawl. 
But you were too terrified to scream, let alone move. 
In that moment, you never regretted your decisions this much in your life. And you never wished more for Alfred to be with you.  
Unbeknownst to him as he finished up with his own shower in his room, you were left paralyzed in bed. If he’d known what was happening, he would have run to you as fast as he could. But he didn’t. He only assumed you were busy brooding over him, and maybe even second-guessing your relationship with him. The thought was reasonable, and that upset him to no end. Throwing his towel to a random spot in the room, he fell on his back onto the bed. 
Reaching out to the ceiling to stare at his arm, he sighed. 
“I’m so sorry...” He murmured, lowering his hands to cover his face with them.
If he was lucky, he’d be able to make up with you by the end of tomorrow. But for now, he was burdened with uncertainty. But his attention was quickly diverted to something else. A laugh. Your laugh. Sitting up with visible confusion, he listened in to the muffled sounds of your voice down the hall. 
The walls here were thin, so it didn’t surprise him he could hear you so clearly. 
But what did was what he heard next. Another voice talking, and it belonged to a boy. His heart sank to the pit of his stomach as he registered it as someone he knew. Mathias. Wait a second, what the hell was he doing here? But there was no way he could be, right? Didn’t he have an after-party to be at? The longer he eavesdropped on the conversation, the more obvious it became that it was Mathias. And they were talking about him. 
“I’m sorry I couldn’t come this year. Again. But you know how Alfred gets.”
“Yeah... Don’t worry about it. This can be our own little after-party. Just as long as he doesn’t find out, you’ll be fine!” 
Wait, what? 
From what he heard, it sounded like you really had moved on. But you never had the decency to tell him, and that was what filled him to the brim with betrayal--it broke his heart. Was this why you wanted to be in a separate room tonight? Sliding himself off the bed, he stormed out the door to find you. His glasses were already fogging up, but he never bothered to clear them as he marched down the empty halls. 
Your voices grew louder and louder, all until he came to a stop outside a room he never booked. That was right. He applied for one with a single bed. He could only imagine what you were doing with Mathias in a room with a double bed. 
The laughing continued behind the door. 
“You know these walls are thin, right?” He began lowly. Swinging open the door, the noises disappeared along with the people inside. The room was completely dark, and when he flicked on the lights, you and Mathias were nowhere in sight. Not a soul was in here. 
“... What the fuck.” He grumbled.
He swore he heard you both giggling away like school children. Did you two hear him coming and hide somewhere? He was skeptical, but he checked around nonetheless. In the wardrobe, then under the bed. There was no sign of either of you. The shower, maybe? Stepping into the bathroom and pulling open the curtains, he was prepared to catch you red-handed. But there was nothing there except for a porcelain white tub.  A defeated sigh fell from his lips. What the hell was going on? Alfred was completely sober, a miracle considering he usually drank at his parties. So he had a terrible feeling he wasn’t just hearing things. That only pointed towards one explanation. 
This inn was totally haunted. 
And whoever, or whatever that haunted it was toying with him.
He swallowed thickly and turned to the mirror, only to jump at what he saw. The reflection revealed a figure standing behind him. 
It was Mathias, except his face was twisted in a sick smile. 
“Holy shit--!” Alfred paled as he stared face to face with the entity. As he lost himself in its soulless, blue eyes, he was overcome with dread, almost as if the spirit was forcing fear into him. Reminding him of his failures, insecurities, and the uncertainty of his relationship. All of his faults flashed in his mind again and again so incessantly, he thought he would break down on the spot. 
Where is (F/N)? 
She doesn’t want you anymore. 
You should just give up. 
And the deeper in he spiraled into these self-destructive thoughts, the wider the entity smiled, its lips stretching to impossible lengths it became grotesque. Darting his wide eyes around the reflection in his bout of panic, he saw its hand reach out to his shoulder in the mirror. He didn’t know how he managed to do this, but he spun around quickly to defend himself. And there was nobody there.
In his brief moment of disorientation, the spirit shot out two arms, breaking the barrier of the glass. Tightening its hands around his neck, Alfred was pulled back against the mirror and choked. “Gh--!” His airway was completely constricted by the iron grip, and he was forced to struggle a few inches above the ground. 
Digging his fingernails into the hands, he never felt them loosen. 
So he did the unthinkable--he started to smash his fist against the mirror. It hurt like hell and left his knuckles bruised and raw, but the thought of you in danger kept him going. That was right. There was no saying if you weren’t being choked, attacked, or worst. Punching the glass again and again, it finally shattered, and the grip around his neck loosened. 
The mirror was reduced to shards and fell into the sink.
Falling to the ground in a loud thump, he stood up while coughing violently. 
The arms disappeared, and so did the entity. 
And Alfred had a feeling it had to do with the mirror it was in. 
Leaving the bathroom with heavy breaths, he ran back to his room and picked up his chainsaw. Halloween had the perks of carrying around dangerous tools, and he was never this glad that he took it with him instead of leaving it in his car unattended. Too bad he was out of costume, though. But a white tank and boxers would do. Holding it above his chest, he revved his chainsaw and ran out the door. 
It was time to fuck shit up. 
You were still stuck in bed, but the spirit managed to remove your blanket. A soft whimper fell from your lips as your only form of protection was stripped away. If you thought you were terrified, then you would prove yourself wrong with a whole new level of fear as two arms wrapped around your neck from behind. No way. Was it going to choke you? One of its legs was thrown over yours, so you were completely enveloped by its limbs. 
As you trembled away in the dark, you let out a soft cry when you felt its warm breath tickle your ear. 
“I missed you. Why didn’t you wanna stay in a room with me?” It cooed, the voice sending shivers down your spine. It sounded strangely similar to Alfred’s, and what he said was exactly what he would’ve said too, except it wasn’t him. You never saw him come in, and the last time you checked, he wasn’t invisible. 
“... W-What... What are you?” You stammered, feeling a hand glide down your bare thigh. “Stop--” 
“I’m his desire, sweetheart.” It began in a low and alluring voice. “Every feeling in the Aura inn festers into a semi-physical form. That’s why I’m here right now. Because he wants you.” 
You screwed your eyes shut. Just what the hell kind of place was this inn? A magical hut that personified emotions? “... Can you please let me go? I don’t like the way how you’re... Hugging me.” You pleaded, only to feel the entity tighten itself around you. 
“But I don’t want to. He doesn’t want to.” It responded with a hum. “I reflect everything he wants. And currently, he wants to see you more than anything. Especially when he’s dealing with jealousy... And having a hard time at that.” 
“Jealousy?” It wasn’t shocking, per se, but he had you curious. If desire festered into a sultry form of someone and hugged their object of affections, what did jealousy turn into?  “... I knew he was jealous of Mathias. But that’s not the problem here. We’ll sort it out later. If you’re desire, then what’s jealousy like?” 
It let out a deep, foreboding laugh. “Depends. If it’s only a little bit of envy, he’ll start hearing things that hit his nerves. Nothing but... Harmless fun.” You felt yourself get rolled onto your back, and you were caught off guard by what loomed over you. It was Alfred himself, or more accurately put, his personified desire, but this time, you could see him. “But if his jealousy gets mixed in with insecurity, that’s when things get pretty ugly...” 
You furrowed your brows with concern. “Ugly? How so? Is he gonna be okay?” 
It craned his head from side to side. “Who knows.” 
“But I’ll tell you a few things that I do know. Jealousy tends to be pretty sneaky. It’ll snoop around in mirrors and attack him.” You tensed up all over. “So Alfred will have to smash every mirror in the inn to get it to come out. And when it does, all he needs to do is be with you to send it away.”
Loud chainsaw noises were heard down the halls, silencing both you and the entity. Following that was the shattering of glass. 
“... Hm. Looks like he already figured it out.” 
Joy filled you to the brim and you smiled wide. “He really did! I’m so glad!” Reaching out to hug the entity around its chest, you pulled away and slid yourself off the bed. 
“Thank you, um, Alfred’s desire! I’m gonna go find him now!” 
He laid on his side and watched you run off. “You can just call me Alfred.” 
“Okay, Alfred!” 
While you exited the room to stand in the halls, you found yourself staring at a number of doors that were wide open, and the lights on inside. You assumed those were the rooms he already cleared, which meant he still had quite a bit to do. But he was fast. Appearing out of one room, he continued tearing down door after door to smash every single mirror and window in the inn. And soon, he managed to reduce every piece of glass present into shards. 
Once the chainsaw revs came to a stop, you called out his name. 
He jerked up at the sound, then glanced around. “(F/N)!?” While he was on the first floor in the courtyard, you were on the second in the mezzanine, so he had to glance up to see you. “Oh God, I was so worried! Are you okay?” He shouted. 
“Yes!” You called back. “This place is... Super haunted. Let’s get out of here!”
“You called it. I nearly got murdered!” 
Running down the stairs to meet with him, you practically jumped onto him after he dropped his chainsaw to the ground. Embracing you with his strong arms, he pressed kiss after kiss all over your face. While he did, you spotted another figure standing by the stairs. Was that Mathias? You couldn’t take a better look at him before he disappeared into thin air. “Oh my fucking god. I missed you so much.” He exasperated, setting you down on your feet. “You won’t believe what happened. I’ll explain everything in the car.”
As he led you out of the Godforsaken inn, he gripped you tight with his hand. And you squeezed right back. “Let me guess. You were attacked by something in the mirror so you shattered every single one here. I know.” 
At this point, you and him had arrived outside his car.
Turning to you with shock, he placed his hands on his hips. 
“And how the hell did you know? I thought it was original enough that you wouldn’t be able to guess!” He exclaimed, much to your amusement. 
“Mm... Not really. With how many horror movies you’ve watched, I wouldn’t put it past you to come up with a solution like that.” Giving him an affectionate pinch on the cheek, he rubbed the spot with a light pout. You considered telling him the truth, but you already wanted to forget tonight. If he didn’t know about it, then moving on yourself would be so much easier. 
“Now, I think you have some apologizing to do.” 
He softened his gaze. “Yeah... I really do. Sorry for everything. Sorry for being a dick. And not just... For today.” Pulling you into another hug, he nestled his chin into your shoulder. God, did it feel good to have you in his arms again. “I’m gonna be real. I never hated Mathias. He’s my friend. But seeing him with you gets me... Really jealous. And it’s not cuz’ I don’t trust you, it’s because I’m...” His cheeks grew rosy. “I don’t know. I just feel...”
You knew he’d get stuck at this part, so you helped him. 
“Because you feel insecure?” 
“... Yeah.” 
“You idiot...” A soft, content sigh was heard from your end. “It doesn’t matter how similar you are to him. You don’t have to try to make any changes or keep him away from me for me to choose you.” 
His heart fluttered as he released you with a sheepish smile. 
“I really needed to hear that. So, thanks.” Alfred murmured, reaching out to cup your cheek. “Kinda lame of me to put you through that. I should’ve just talked it out with you.” 
“Yeah, you dumbass.” You grumbled, but it was on an affectionate note. 
“So, do you think we’ll make it in time to the party for me to carpool with Mathias back to his place? I wanna see what they’re building this year!”
He frowned, but his expression was short-lived as a smile began creeping onto his lips. “Are you serious right now?” 
“I’m kidding!” 
🎶 Tell me, are you the ghost of jealousy?
This is a request. Thank you for requesting.
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stillebesat · 4 years
The Sweater
Cartoon Therapy: Emile Sanders Shorts: Remy (Sleep)  Sanders Sides: Janus  Blurb: Emile had said he was making a sweater for a friend. Only he neglected to tell Remy that this friend wasn’t exactly...well...human. Fic Type: General, NotQuiteHuman!AU, Kid!Janus Overall Fic Warnings: Extra Limbs, Implied Child Abandonment Taglist in Reblog 
“You didn’t have to come.”
Remy flinched at the unexpected rumble from the towering man walking next to him. After three days spent with Emile, he was sure that he would have such a reaction under control sooner rather than later...so long as the dude stopped speaking up out of the blue like this that is. 
Emile licked his lips, adjusting his glasses as he held the tissue wrapped package closer to his chest. “Really.” 
Remy took a sip from his Starbucks cup, savoring the warmth of the hot chocolate in the chill evening air, glad that the snow had stopped falling for a glacier minute. “Gurl.” He looked up over the rims of his sunglasses and smirked, again trying to not take it to heart that this guy was a good hulking foot taller than him. “I soo did. With all the blood, sweat, and tears I put into helping you--you owe me this at least.”
It wasn’t everyday that he walked into the room reserved for teaching beginners how to be dressmakers in search of an extra spool of green thread to find this unexpectedly gentle giant awkwardly hunched over the sewing machine attempting to make….something.
He’d heard the term bull in a china shop before, but Remy had never felt the term applicable to anyone until he saw Emile. He’d been sure one wrong twitch of his dinner plate sized hands would mean bye bye sewing machine. 
Of course, after getting the big guy to spill the beans and admit that he’d been trying to make a sweater for a ‘friend’ by threatening to kick him out of the sewing lab for being there outside hours; Remy had learned that just like the Mythbusters had proven, despite Emile’s wrestling sized figure, he was just as delicate as the bull in the episode had been. His large fingers were far more dexterous -if prone to being pricked by needles- than Remy had expected of the guy who could probably crush a watermelon with his bare hands. 
But that didn’t mean he’d leave this amateur to his own devices. No Ma’am! Not after he’d seen the pitiful first attempt of something that could have been a sweater fit for a large teddy bear or maybe a small child, Remy had delegated himself as Emile’s pseudo teacher if only to ensure no sewing machines ended up crushed into teacups. 
He needn’t have worried though. Emile had a soft touch. 
The big guy bit his lip, keeping his eyes firmly straight ahead in a way that told Remy he didn’t want to make eye contact. 
That was probably wise for him because Remy could pull a mean puppy dog look when he wanted to. He’d received more than his fair share of drinks on the house from it and he could and would use those eyes against Emile if he thought it would help his case.
Emile exhaled, pushing his glasses up his nose. “I just--I don’t know if--if Stitch will like...well...strangers. He’s very shy.” 
Stitch. Like the alien from that kids movie. 
Kids movies that Emile was rather obsessed with once he opened that particular can of gummy worms though Remy was sure he was only beginning to uncover that massive iceberg of an interest. This intimidating mountain of a man had morphed into quite the giant nerdy softie when it came to him talking about his cartoons.  
Maybe that was why the sweater had been comically small. Of course, getting the proper sizing for this gift from Emile had been rather...like pulling teeth. It had taken a full hour of wheedling before Emile had admitted that he was only guessing at the size he needed for this...friend.  
“Sugarbee.” Remy shook his head. “If he likes you I don’t see how little--” and it galled him that he had to call himself little because he was a good five foot eleven inches thank you very much. “Old me would frighten him away.” 
Emile shrugged a shoulder, fingers brushing the string on the package. “He’s just...I don’t want to scare him. I barely have any trust with him as it is and if I bring someone new--” 
Remy rolled his eyes, flexing his fingers around his cooling cup. It was like the guy was talking about a feral dog and not a person. “Trust me, babes. I ain’t gonna scare him.”
The sweater on the other hand?
That was less certain.
Because it had to be the strangest one ever created. 
Like Remy had seen his fair share of Ugly Sweaters over the years.
But this one would probably take the cake if only for the fact that Emile had insisted that said sweater have six arms.
After having to figure out the logistics of that particular snag, and after doing most of the sewing of those extra arms himself, there was no way Remy wasn’t seeing the reaction of this ‘Stitch’ kid to this particular present.
Maybe the dude just liked pretending to be the alien and Emile was humoring him. 
Regardless, Remy wanted to make sure that said monstrosity actually fit. It was a good eighty-two percent of his work after all and he prided himself on his garments fitting perfectly. 
Emile exhaled, still avoiding eye contact. “Just...stay behind me okay?” 
Remy gulped the last of his hot chocolate, tossing the cup into a nearby trash can as he followed Emile around the corner into a tree filled snow covered park. “Three steps back. Got it, Princess.” 
Though seriously, if Stitch wasn’t afraid of Emile, towering giant that he was, he highly doubted his presence would be an issue.
Remy shoved his hands into his pockets, letting the big guy move ahead to cut a swath through the untouched snow like a snowplow on a highway towards a huge pine tree in an out of the way corner that had branches all the way down to the ground, hiding the trunk completely from view. It was an odd spot to meet a ‘friend.’ Especially since said friend had apparently not arrived yet. 
Remy exhaled, hunching his shoulders. “Looks like we’re early.” He commented, glancing around the park, seeing no one else. Which made sense. It was nearly sunset. It was cold. The sky had a dark enough overcast that he was sure it would start snowing again any second. Who in their right mind would be out right now?
“We’re not.” Emile said, glancing over his shoulder. “Remember. Stay back.” He again cautioned before he knelt, letting out a soft three pitch whistle. “Stitch?” He called softly. “Hey buddy, it’s me, Emile. I--I brought you something.” 
Remy frowned, staring at the silent tree. “Did you actually have me help you make a sweater for a mutant squirrel?” That or Emile had a screw loose and he’d just spent three days making a monstrosity of a sweater for an imaginary friend. “Shh!” Emile hissed before again whistling at the tree. “Stitch? It’s okay. This is Remy. He’s a…”
Remy raised an eyebrow as Emile bit his lip, glancing back at him. 
“He’s a friend, he won’t hurt you.” The big guy edged another foot closer, hand brushing the tips of the pine needles sending snow showering down off the branches. “Please come out? I--we brought you something.” 
The pine tree remained silent.
Remy shoved his hands deeper in his pockets, regretting more that he’d drunk all his hot chocolate. “Maybe he’s not home.” Everyone who was anyone in their right mind would be anywhere but outside in this weather.
“Maybe you’re scaring him.” Emile snapped back before wincing. “Ah...could you like...kneel down? Please.” 
Remy scoffed. Him? Scaring the imaginary friend? If Emile wasn’t scary then Remy definitely wasn’t scary either. “And freeze to death?” He asked, awkwardly crouching on his heels. His designer shoes were already feeling the damp chill of the snow working its way in to soak his socks, there was no way he would allow his knees to experience the same torment. 
“Stitch?” Emile pleaded, again whistling as he edged closer. “Stitch.” 
They were gonna be out here until midnight at this point. “Come on, Stitcharoo.” He said ignoring the big guy’s frantic hissing to shut up. “I’m friendly. Emile is friendly. We’re all friendily freezing here so how about you come out an--” Remy cut off as the branches rustled. 
A single yellow eye peered out at them, glinting in the fading sunlight. 
Okay. Imaginary friend out. Mutant feral squirrel back in.
“Meal?” A shaky voice asked. A young shaky voice.
Ooohhh Goodie. Remy pressed his lips together, fighting the way his heart had jumped into his throat. Freaking talking mutant feral squirrel. It had better be a mutant squirrel because if there was a freaking child living in this tree in the middle of a freaking snow storm--
Emile visibly sagged with relief. “Hey Stitch, buddy. You okay?” 
The eye gave a slow blink. “C-c-cold.” 
“Aren’t we all.” Remy muttered, glad that his sunglasses protected him from whatever baleful glare the creature was casting on him now. He gave a two fingered wave. “I’m freezing too, buckaroo.” 
Emile gave him the patented Will you shut up look that would have made any mother proud. 
Remy made a face. “You never said I couldn’t talk.” He was still behind him wasn’t he? He was crouching in the freaking snow freezing his toes off. He should be allowed to talk to the glowing eye that had better not be a child living in the tree in the middle of winter! 
Emile exhaled, before pulling off the string on the present, unwrapping the black and yellow sweater. “Remy and I made you this, Stitch. To help with the cold.” He said, holding it out in all its six-armed glory. 
A soft gasp came from the tree as the yellow eye opened wide. “Me?” 
“Yah, kiddo.” Emile said, nodding. “Can I help you put it on?”
The branches shifted, the yellow eye glancing to Remy before vanishing. 
Sugarbee hadn’t been kidding when he said his friend was shy. 
“C-cold.” The voice whispered from somewhere within the tree. “Meal. Safe?” 
Remy fought the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose, anger burning in his chest. They’d be out here all night at this rate. “Yah, honeysuckle, you’re safe. Let Emile put the sweater on you okay? I’ll stay right here.” There was no one else in the park. Who would leave a child out here alone! One that had apparently been out here for a while if previous conversations with Emile were anything to go by. 
The branches didn’t move.
“Stitch.” Emile whispered, slowly lowering the sweater, stretching out a hand to the branches. “Please? You’re cold, let me help you this time.”
Remy frowned again, poking Emile in the back. “This time?”
Emile flinched. “He--ah...he hasn’t actually let me...touch him? Before. This is the closest I’ve gotten.” 
Oh for the love of! Remy shot to his feet. “Gurl!” 
The big guy was there, a plate sized hand on his chest holding him back and radiating heat like the sun, before he could take a step. “I said he was shy.” Emile said, eyes wide and pleading. “Don’t. Scare. Him.”
Ah huh. And in the process of not scaring him they were just going to have this mysterious friend freeze to death because there would be no way a simple sweater would help the kid survive the night! Remy growled trying to move around Emile, but it was like trying to move around a mountain. “The sound of that voice tells me that’s a child, Sugarbee. A FREAKING CHILD and you’re just letting him stay here.”
“He doesn’t trust humans!” 
That pulled him up short. “Humans.” Remy repeated, lowering his sunglasses. “HUMANS? Is he not human, Emile?” If this was an actual real life Stitch then--then!! 
Emile had the grace to look embarrassed. “I--I---uhh--” 
Remy threw up his hands. He would burn that particular bridge when he got there, But right now, he needed to see this ‘not human’ child and make sure he was safe. Remy ducked under Emile’s arm, scooping up the sweater in the process. “Hey Stitcharoo.” He said crouching at the base of the tree branches, ignoring the frantic warnings hissing like a teapot behind him as he pulled off his sunglasses, hanging them from the collar of his jacket. “It’s gonna snow again, tonight. You know. Get colder? Freeze. And my buddy here is like this giant heating blanket and wants to keep you warm. You’ll like the warm. I promise it’s--”
He froze as a child’s pale hand, nearly tinged blue, popped out of the tree, visibly shaking as it poked his cheek before jerking back out of sight. 
“It’s--it’s--I uhh Hi?” Remy stuttered out, brain trying to process what had just happened as he rubbed the spot the child had touched. 
Surely. Surely, he hadn’t seen what he thought he’d seen. There hadn’t been glittering scales on that hand. No. No trick of the light. Maybe it was cosmetic? Part of a costume?
The branches rustled before two hands, two scaled covered left hands, parted them, revealing a child’s face half covered in scales, peering back at him. “Hi.” The kid said, eyes -one golden, one a regular brown- shifting to Emile as he knelt down next to Remy before focusing on Remy himself. “Safe?”
“I--” Remy blinked before nodding dumbly as a third hand, a right hand with no scales on the pale skin this time, reached out to Emile’s ginormous hand. 
Suddenly Emile’s insistence that there needed to be six arms made a lot more sense. If Remy had already seen three hands, surely that could mean that there were three more still hidden out of sight. 
“You’re safe.” Emile said, gently taking the boy’s hand and squeezing it. 
The boy bit his lip before he surged forward straight into Emile’s chest. “Wa-warm.” He whispered, multiple hands gripping onto his coat as snow from the branches above showered down on top of them.
Remy tsked, quickly shaking off the white powder, heart pounding like a drum as he took in the ragged state of the kid’s clothes, the so called ‘sweater’ he currently wore was barely worth the name, only having two proper arms and four more holes in the sides for the--for the, Gee Manetti, the kid actually had six arms!!!! as Emile pulled open his tent of a jacket to wrap around the boy. 
“I got you. I got you.” Emile soothed as he scooped Stitch--Remy really hoped that wasn’t his actual name--into his lap, getting his bare feet out of the snow. 
The boy visibly shivered, tucking his toes -normal human toes beyond the left set being more scaled- into the crease between Emile’s shirt and pants. 
Remy bit back a growl. No shoes. Barely any clothes. Some welcome to Earth this kid got. Just because he had six freaking arms didn’t mean that the boy deserved to be abandoned! Even Superman had had a willing farm couple to look after him! 
“I hope you know he is not staying here.” Remy softly scolded, moving cautiously closer. Despite his misgivings about exposing the boy to the weather, he pulled Emile’s coat away so he could get his divine gift of a sweater onto the kid, a difficult feat as Stitch had practically glued himself against Emile’s side. 
The boy made a sound of protest, but didn’t fight him, eyes barely open as he watched Remy finagle the sweater over the rags he currently wore. 
It was pathetic. The boy was practically skin and bones! Remy could feel each individual rib as he tugged the fabric over him for crying out loud! Not to mention the arms themselves were practically sticks! This kid had been neglected for some time. It was--it was---Remy did growl. No one should have to live like this! 
“If you aren’t taking him home with you, by golly I will bring him to my place.” He said, pulling each sleeve over the boy’s ice cold hands. “Crofters! Emile, he needs another three sweaters, new pants, socks, SHOES, mittens--no no gloves. Probably gloves. This isn’t RIGHT!” The boy was COLD. His scales were like ice. How he wasn’t dead yet from hypothermia or frostbite was a mystery but No Ma’am was the kid gonna spend another night out here. “He needs soup, hot chocolate, a warm water bottle, a heated blanket a--”
“I know.” 
Remy jerked his head up at Emile’s quiet words. “Well. Good.” He pulled off his coat so he could slip his own sweater over his head and use it to create some temporary pants for the kid, until he could find something better. At least the boy had two normal legs so he could stuff one into each sleeve. 
“Do--” Emile cleared his throat, keeping his eyes firmly on Stitch’s hair. “Do you...have a place for him?”
Remy blinked as he slipped his own coat back on. “Do I---of course I do--do you not?!” What had he been planning to do once he got the boy to trust him? Leave him here?
Emile flushed, ducking his head.
Okay. Okay. He took a calming breath as the boy dropped two of his hands down to grab one of Remy’s in a tight grip, golden eye practically glowing as it flickered between him and Emile. “Rephrase. Do you have a place to stay yourself, Em?” 
“Not one safe for him.” Came the soft response. “I...it’s barely safe for me.” 
Barely safe for a guy who could feasibly dead lift a car? Punch a hole in concrete? He’d have to unpack the meaning of that particular admission some other time. Right after he had time to process that this kid had six freaking arms and was either an actual alien or escaped mutant experiment of some sort. 
“Right.” Remy exhaled, running his free hand through his hair. “Right. First. We get you both back to my place. Second. Get him warm and fed.” Maybe to a doctor--did he even know any doctors who could handle this?! “Third. Figure out living arrangements. Capiche?” Oh and Fourth. Figure out the boy’s actual name or give him a cooler one because no way would he be continuing to call him Stitch. 
That was a simple enough list right? Just four things. Nothing complicated about that. 
Emile blinked, adjusting his glasses. “But you don’t know me.”
Remy scoffed, squeezing the boy’s hands. Sure three days haraunanging the guy on how to properly thread a bobbin wasn’t a normal way to invite someone to be your roommate, but it wasn’t the worst way either. “I don’t know the kid either, Em. But I do know that he needs a home and if you need one too then you’ve got one with me.” The dude had a good heart. He’d been attempting to make a sweater instead of buying one and poking holes in it for crying out loud. 
“I--uh--” Emile cleared his throat. “Thanks.” 
“Don’t mention it.” At least not until he got them all out of the cold. Then they could talk.
The kid shivered again, tightening his grip on their hands. “Safe?” He whispered, resting his head against Emile’s chest, eyes flickering between them both. 
Safe? There was no question about it. Not with another snowstorm coming. Not when Remy desperately itched to pull out all his extra fabric from his sewing closet to throw onto the kid just to give him a proper, better fitting outfit. “Of course, honeysuckle.” He said, pulling the tent of a coat that Emile wore back over the boy to protect him from the cold. “We’ll keep you safe.” He looked up, meeting Emile’s eyes, smirking as he found acceptance there. “We promise.”
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Delightful, chapter five
Previously : Chapter one, Chapter two, Chapter three, Chapter four
In the wake of your break-up, your friend Martha decided it was time for you to go out and let loose, just so you could forget both about James and about Javier. Though you weren’t sold on the idea, you let her drag you out. It’d been months, after all. Time to move on, especially because somehow, after James broke up with you, Javier disappeared from your life again. The bastard.
That’s how you found yourself getting a refill at the counter of a small place you both liked to hang out at. As you turned your head, scanning the crowd while the bartender was making your drinks, you spotted the man. Javier was sitting at a table a bit in the dark, in very good company. He was whispering something in the ear of a very very pretty woman, the kind who looked like she could be on the cover of some magasine. So much for forgetting about Javier Peña tonight.
The wave of bitterness wasn’t unexpected but still unwelcome : you didn’t see him anymore but here he was, very much alive and very much not working. So you turned your head around, paid the bartender, took the drinks and went back to your table, determined not to let the man ruin your night. Your brain obviously disagreed, though, because as soon as you sat down, your mouth, almost on its own volition, spat :
‘He’s here.’
‘James ?’
You shook your head.
After a beat, she asked :
‘Where is he sitting ?’
‘Other side of the room.’ You mumbled.
She took a look, trying to spot him even though she’d never seen him.
‘Let me guess : moustache guy.’
You grumbled in answer.
‘Nice. I see the appeal. But listen, he’s all the way over there, you got your back to him, there’s no reason to bump into him at all. Just … take the long way round to go to the bathroom, you know.’
Martha was right. The was no reason for you to get all worked up. You were friends, he’d probably been busy and he had every right to relax with some pretty lady after your ex broke up with you because of him. That wasn’t on him, that was on you. He didn’t even know about that.
So you had fun, and pointedly turned your back to Javier every time it was your turn to get drinks. You sensed someone sit down right next to you at some point but didn’t think much of it.
‘Nice dress. Trying to get lucky ?’
‘Hey, Javier.’
You didn’t bother pretending to be surprised, sensing he’d see right through it.
‘Why didn’t you come say hi ?’
You shrugged, and made up an excuse :
‘You have company and we’re having a girls’ night.’
He leaned to take a look at our table and waived at Martha, whom you turned to see with her eyebrows raised, clearly ready to get you out of here.
‘We never got a chance to talk about what happened.’ He suddenly said, and added as he saw how confused you were : ‘With James.’
‘Nothing to talk about.’
‘Something must have happened.’
You glanced at his table, seeing the woman he was with patiently waiting. He caught you, and filled in :
‘She knows I’m catching up with a friend. Maybe your pal and her could keep each other company.’
He said the word ‘friend’ with what seemed like mockery, as a hand went casually to your shoulder, like he was trying to keep you here. The asshole.
‘So, James ?’
You understood, then, he wouldn’t let go. You chose your next words carefully, choosing the safest option : not quite a lie, not quite the truth.
‘He was thinking of proposing.’
The hand on your shoulder squeezed and you relished in the fact that Javier was a bit thrown off by that.
‘And you didn’t want him to ? Why ?’
You shrugged and thanked the bartender as he handed you your drinks. The pressure on your shoulder grew insistant.
‘You’re lying to me.’ You heard Javier say. ‘Tell me the truth. That man was head over heels for you. Gave me a fucking speech once when you went to the bathroom, telling my how he didn’t really understand our relationship but respected the bond we shared. He would have accepted it if you didn’t want to propose. What happened ?’
There was so much to unpack there you were stunned for a minute. The way Javier said the word bond, the same way he’d said the word friends before, the fact James had talked to Javier at some point …
You turned sharply towards him, and snapped :
‘What did you tell him, Javier ? What did you tell him that day ?’
He leaned in.
‘Nothing. Should I have said something ?’
You hated how good he was looking, right now, you hated the tension in the air, the way the bartender was obviously listening, out of curiosity, or maybe, trying to assess if he should intervene.
‘What do you want, Javier ?’
‘I want to know why you broke up with him. The real reason.’
‘I didn’t. He broke up with me.’
You didn’t even feel bad for the glee that filled you at the pure astonishment that showed on his face at that.
‘It’s true. And I gave him a good reason for that.’
Javier had been an asshole in the past, had made some sharp comments about your sex life, but you would never have thought to hear from him the words he said next :
‘What ? Got you bored in bed so you went to have a little fun elsewhere ?’
The comment stunned you so much you didn’t stop to think about Javier would never push that far. He wasn’t mean like that. You quickly got up, and the hand on your shoulder dropped to your belly, the gesture out of place. You smacked his hand away.
‘Don’t touch me. How dare you ? Just because you have to fuck a different woman every night, and … Just because you can’t settle or be faithful to someone … Fuck you. Don’t ever show your face at my house again. Find another couch to sleep on. I’m done with you.’
Two weeks later, Javier showed up at the bar, took a seat, and stayed until closing time. You spent the night on edge, spilling drinks all over and messing up orders. Javier made no move to get out when you announced it was time to go home. By the time it was only him, Emil and you inside, you could wut the tension with a knife. Emil hurriedly left and you didn’t blame him.
‘I’m gonna lock you in, Peña.’
He just looked at you for a few seconds, his gaze unwavering, and explained :
‘I wanted you to be angry at me.’
You closed your eyes, just to compose yourself. You should throw him out, you knew that. But you still walked over to him, and sat on a barstool next to him. You didn’t answer, though. You weren’t ’t going to talk first. What left his mouth then took you by surprise.
‘I left a woman at the altar, once.’
Fuck, you were going to need alcohol for that. You got up, grabbed a bottle of whisky for him, and poured yourself a glass of vodka before coming back to sit down.
‘I did something bad. Told you that before.’ He started, lighting a cigarette, fire casting a yellow shadow on his face, as most of the lights were off in the bar. ‘That’s what got me sent home.’
A moment of silence, and then :
‘I worked with Los Pepes, to get Escobar.’
You remembered Los Pepes, you remembered what they had done. You didn’t say anything, though. When he understood you weren’t going to talk, he went on :
‘When I was working with them, I thought it was best to not come see you. You never know what can happen, and things were escalating pretty quickly.’
You remembered that too. Vividly. You also remembered the phone calls from your parents, frantically asking you please come home.
‘That woman, the one I left I mean … I saw her again, back home. She basically told me she was glad we never got married. You’d think I’d be relieved. I wasn’t. Kept thinking about how much of an asshole I was. And the worst part was everyone thought I was a hero. So when I came back here, I just …’
He paused, took a drag.
‘Listen, I was surprised. You had this nice guy with you. That wasn’t the issue. The problem was that, before, you were the one to give me shit when I was an asshole, okay ? And ever since I’ve been back into your life, you haven’t even asked. You waited ‘till I talked. You were being too fucking nice, giving me space and shit, never questioning why I never called you, never blaming me for anything. That wasn’t what I expected, or what I needed. Add James to the mix and I thought I’d lost you, for good. I thought I’d fucked up so bad you didn’t even care enough to get angry at me, and that somehow you let me sleep on your couch and hang out out of pity. So I just … I wanted you to be angry at me. I wanted to know you cared.’
‘That’s fucked up, Javier.’
‘I know. The look on your face the other day, I never want to see that again.’
‘You hurt me.’
‘I’m sorry, babe.’
One of his hand shot on your knee, just resting there. With his other hand, he poured himself another drink, the cigarette now in the ashtray. You took a moment to define what you were feeling, to put the right words in the right order. Carefully, you eventually explained :
‘I’ve been really angry at you. You had no right to say what you said, to assume …’
‘I didn’t mean it.’ He cut you off. ‘I didn’t mean any of that shit. You were in this bar, and you were ignoring me and I couldn’t stand it. I’m sorry.’
The silence lingered, as his thumb started tracing random patterns on the side of your knee. After a while, looking at your glass, you repeated :
‘You hurt me.’
That stilled his hand.
‘You think … You think you can forgive me ?’
You pretended to ponder the question carefully, even though you knew the answer already. At the end of the day, you cared too much about Javier Peña to lose him because of some dumb remark made in the heat of the moment. You settled with :
‘You’re not off the hook yet.’
You were smiling at him, though. Something tiny and timid, but that spurred him on. He jumped off the barstool and set himself right between your legs, both hands on your knees, now, and whispered :
‘That’s my girl.’
And then, quieter, and shy, he added :
‘I missed you.’
Having him that close was overwhelming, the heat from his body a pleasant invitation to lean in. Except you shouldn’t. He wasn’t off the hook yet. You whispered back, though :
‘I missed you too.’
Both of his thumbs were drawing circles on the inside of your knees and you closed your eyes for a bit, still feeling his on your face. You let your head drop on his shoulder, despite your best intentions. He stepped even closer to you, as his hands started moving a little bit up and down your thighs.
‘I’m here, now, babe. And I’m never pulling that kind of shit again.’
He didn’t hesitate :
‘I promise. Can’t afford to lose my best girl again, especially not to some teacher who’s gonna woo you with books.’
You stopped breathing at his hidden admission.
‘Javier …’
You voice was wavering, the weight of the situation crashing down on you, pining you here.
‘If you’re gonna tell me to fuck off, I will. But I’m pretty confident in my odds, here. We could be so good together, you know that.’
Your hands went to his hair. He hummed in satisfaction.
‘James knew.’ You admitted quietly. ‘That’s why he let me go.’
Javier’s hands jerked on your thighs, and he urgently asked :
‘Wait, did he think you cheated on him with me ?’
You raised your head and reassured him.
‘No, no, nothing like that. But he knew he was my second choice.’
Javier smiled at that.
‘Yeah ?’ He asked, as his hands slowly traveled to the inside of your thighs. You put your forehead to his temple, sinking into him. You hadn’t realized how wet you were.
Javier’s hands stopped, and squeezed.
‘Please tell me you want this as much as I do.’ He almost begged.
You wanted it, so much.
You whispered a breathy yes and his hands went back to work. You pressed against him and whispered :
‘Javier, we’re in a bar.’
‘It’s closed. Lights are mostly off. There’s no one in the streets. ’ He quipped back, a finger tugging at your underwear.
He slightly grazed your clit, then, making you gasp. He asked :
‘You want this ?’
One of your hands left his hair and grasped his neck as you breathed :
He put a finger into you. One, and then two, a thumb on your clit. You felt so good you didn’t know what to do with yourself. And then Javier started mumbling nonsense into you ear, about how much he’d missed you, about how wet you were, about how much he’d wanted that to happen.
You came when his mouth finally found yours.
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@pedritobalmando @amidjarin @ajeff855 @justpedropascal @sara-alonso @sarahjkl82-blog @amidjarin @sara-alonso @justpedropascal
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1nsomniacwriter · 3 years
Remus gets everyone a pet as a thank you
Part 6 of my Intrulogical Library au
Let me know if you want to be tagged.
Remus finds out that the others got him accepted so he congers pets for them as a thank you.
Logan was waiting for Remus after his appointment. The others were waiting around the corner. Remus walked out looking like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. He threw himself into Logan’s arms and thanked him for convincing him to go to therapy. Logan laughed at this and hugged Remus back. Mortuus had walked off to go see Virgil and Janus.
“I take  it the session went well?” Logan said.
“I went wonderfully and you were right by the way,” Remus said.
“Me not being able to work everything out on my own.”
“Ahh. Do you feel comfortable talking to me about what you two disused?”
“Not yet. Eventually I’m sure I will but not today.”
“I understand. So something happened while you were talking to Emile.”
“What happened? Is everyone okay?”
“What happened is good Remus.”
“Really? Then spill.”
“Thomas accepted you.”
Remus froze.
“Please don’t be joking.”
“I am not. Patton decided to talk to Thomas about accepting you. That’s why he needed to talk to all of us. We all went and talked to Thomas about everything and you have been accepted.”
“Oh my god! Thank you!”
The next moment Remus tackled Logan to the ground and was crying.
“I didn’t think this would ever happen. Thank you so much. All of you.”
“Wah? How?” Roman said as everyone came around the corner.
“If I had known how much it would mean to you we would have talked to Thomas sooner,” Patton said.
“Welcome to the light sides Re,” Janus said.
“We aren’t really light or dark anymore are we,” Logan said.
“No, we're just sides,” Remus saids with a grin.
“We did it. We all got accepted,” Virgil said.
Esatic laughter came from all three ex-dark sides. Janus and Virgil pulled Remus into a group hug as they jumped up and down chanting ‘We did it! We did it! We did it!’ shocking the ex-light sides. Just how much did being accepted mean to them. 
“I’ve gotta go make you guys gifts. I’ll be back by dinner,” Remus yelled and ran off.
Remus threw open his door holding it open for Mortuus who had gone running after her owner. Remus pet the marsupial and set to work after all they deserved the best for giving him the best gift possible. He created the carriers first. After all he couldn’t have the animals running around now could he.
Since Virgil already had a spider, Parva which was Latin for small, Remus made a snow white ferret with red eyes he named Nix which was Latin for snow. After all what better pet for the not so secretly mischievous sides. Next was Janus’ who would be getting a speckled king snake named Sibium which is Latin for hissing. Next up was two parakeets for Roman one purple and one green. The colors chosen to represent who Roman cared for most or at least in the green ones case he hoped he cared for the most. The purple one was named Apollo and the green one Avis which is the word bird in Latin. Next was a crow for Logan named Corvus because what is better than a raven named raven. Last was a small hedgehog named Acuta which just so happened to be sharp in Latin.
Worn out from creating the animals Remus passed out on his bed after eating a slice of lemon bread he now kept in his room and drinking a small glass of lemon juice. He woke up ten minutes before dinner and gathered up the carriers. The others were in the living room waiting for Patton to finish dinner. All heads turned to Remus as he walked in.
“Can you all come here for a minute?” Remus asked.
Everyone gathered around Remus and jumped when Avis let out a loud chirp.
“Remus what did you make us?” Janus asked.
“Pets,” Remus chirped.
“Are you serious?” Janus said.
“Yep. Now first up Patton,” Remus said opening the carrier and holding out Acute, “A hedgehog because you won’t be allergic. As long as she doesn’t get mad she makes for an awesome cuddle buddy. I named her Acute.”
“Thank you Remus. I love her,” Patton said, taking her.
“Next we have Apollo and Avis for Roman. I’m not taking them out because parakeets are hard to catch,” Remus said holding out the carrier.
“Oh my god I’m teaching them disney songs,” Roman said, taking the birds.
“Next we have Virgil the Virgil with Nix the ferret,” Remus said holding out the white ferret.
“Oh my god Remus thank you,” Virgil said as Nix draped herself over his shoulders.
“Now we have Logan with Corvus the Raven,” Remus said, letting the bird out.
He landed on Logan’s shoulder, “Thank you Remus.”
“Lastly we have JanJan. I made you a speckled king snake named Sibium,” Remus said, taking the snake out and allowing it to wrap around his neck, “None will attack each other either.
“Remus,” Patton said, petting Acuta, “Thank you.”
“It’s nothing compared to what you did for me Patty-cakes,” Remus said with a grin.
“This is quite thought full Remus,” Logan said.
“Do you like her?” Remus asked nodding towards the raven.
“She will make a wonderful companion. Thank you Remus,” Logan said.
“And you Jay? What do you think of Sibium?” Remus asked.
“I don’t love him,” Janus said.
“I’m glad,” Remus said.
“I love Nix Re,” Virgil said.
“I’m glad and Ro?” Remus asked.
“They are beautiful,” Roman said.
“I’m so glad you like them,” Remus said with joy written across his face.
“How about we watch a couple episodes of Young Justice and play with our new pets?” Logan suggested.
“Please?” Remus cried.
“Why not,” Virgil said, grabbing the remote and moving to the couch .
“Fun fact: our digestive tract is nine foot long and connected from our mouth to our annus which we actually developed from,” Remus chirped out of nowhere.
“Why do you know that?” Virgil asked.
“Fucked if I know but I think it’s cool,” Remus said flopping down next to him and Mortuus curled up in his lap.
“Care to elaborate on the last bit?” Logan asked.
“Sure красавчик (pretty boy, Russian). So when an embryo cell starts developing your ass forms first. When an embryo develops deuterostomes a mouth called blastopore and that ultimately becomes your ass,” Remus explained.
“I’m going to ask again why the ever loving fuck do you know this?” Virgil asked.
“I don’t know it was in a textbook a read awhile back,” Remus said.
“How about we just watch Young Justice?” Patton asked.
“Of course Padre,” Roman said, taking the remote from Virgil and pushing play on the first episode.
A few minutes in Remus muttered along with Robin, “You're overwhelmed. Freeze was underwhelmed. Why isn't anyone ever just whelmed?”
Logan smiled fondly at the DC nerd.
“I forgot dinner!” Patton cried and leapt up to go turn off the stove.
Everyone laughed and Janus went to help Patton plate the, thankfully, unburned food and bring it to everyone in the living room. It was the perfect end to a wonderful day.
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El amanecer (The Sunrise)
Soulmate September: Day 1 - Your Soulmate’s name is written on your wrist or palm. @tsshipmonth2020
Pairing: DLAMP
Summary: Logan works in his mamá’s coffee shop, El amanecer, and there he meets quite a few people. But, on a particular Saturday, he meets some of the most important people: his soulmates
Summary 2: Patton spills his horchata, Roman is late to work, Virgil brings an umbrella, Logan does his job, and Janus is Remy’s coffee boy
Patton scanned over the menu one more time before practically skipping up to the counter. Once he got there, a middle aged woman smiled warmly at him and positioned herself behind the cash register.
“!Buenos días! Welcome to El amanecer. What can I get you?”
The woman’s smile was contagious, and even though he was half-asleep and slightly cranky, Patton couldn't help but return it. “Hi! Can I get a mango horchata, please?”
The woman nodded and went a little farther down the counter to prepare the drink, leaving Patton fiddling with the many bracelets decorated along his wrist.
“So, young man,” The woman looked up at the high-schooler before focusing on the drink again. “how did you hear about my shop? Me and my son have been trying to figure out how to spread the word more quickly. Especially since we just opened up last month.”
Patton’s smile grew as he recalled how his friend Emile recommended this coffee shop to him a week ago. The two were in math class and Emile had mentioned that she had passed by the new shop on her way to school. She had wanted to go with Patton, but her debate team had rescheduled their meeting to today.
“Well…” Pat smiled to himself, “I heard about it through a friend.” The woman nodded and handed him the horchata. After paying, he left a five dollar bill in the jar labelled: TIPS next to the register and turned to leave before looking back. “Thank you Miss...?”
She laughed. “Please, call me Quetzali! No need for formalities.” Patton nodded with a grin. “Well then thank you, Quetzali. I needed a nice drink to wake me up! I have a project due in a week and I’m afraid I’ve been procrastinating it longer than I should have.” He smiled sheepishly and then waved goodbye.
“Good luck with the project! And hopefully I will see you soon.” She winked.
And as Patton closed the door, he heard Quetzali shout, “!Mi amor! Come take over the front, I need to—”
Assuming she wasn’t talking to him, Patton took another sip as he walked down the street. He was so busy brainstorming ideas for his science project that he didn’t notice a mop of red hair running straight at him.
The two collided, knocking both boys off their feet.
Patton groaned as he rubbed his head, trying to soothe the growing throb. “I am so so sorry! Are you okay?” The redhead helped Patton up.
“Oh uh…” He glanced down to see his spilled horchata a few feet away, “Well I’m okay kiddo! But my drink sure isn’t…” He trailed off with a small pout.
The stranger grimaced. “Gosh I really am sorry about that. I’m running late for work and I do not want to be late for the second day in a row!”
The two were so engrossed in one another that neither of them noticed how it had started to lightly drizzle.
“It’s alright! No harm done—uh...what’s your name kiddo?”
The redhead laughed, “I’m pretty sure I’m older than you.”
He held out a hand to Patton, “Name’s Adams, Roman Adams. And I think you fell for me.” He winked.
And neither noticed the purple-haired teen walking up to them.
Patton’s hand froze mid-handshake. “Um, what?” Did he hear that right?
Not expecting that reaction, Roman quickly dropped his hand to his side, “Oh. Sorry, I can be a bit too forward sometimes.”
“No! No, don't worry kid—Uh, Roman. I just…” Patton trailed off not really believing that he finally met one of his soulmates. “Um, I’m Patton.”
Unfortunately Roman was quick to worry, and he felt as though he made things weird. He wanted nothing more than to leave the (in Roman’s opinion) awkward situation. 
Until Patton’s name clicked.
“Wait. Your name...? You’re Patton?”
The two looked at each other in awe. Roman swiftly pulled up his long sleeves, ignoring the rain running down his now exposed arm, while Patton pushed up the bracelets that covered his soulmates’ names.
And sure enough, starting from his inner wrist, Roman’s soulmarks read: Patton Virgil Logan Janus in a variety of colors.
Patton gasped as Roman read over his soulmate's arm, the colors for each name matching: Roman Virgil Logan Janus
Roman made eye contact with Patton’s teary eyes and the two quickly engulfed each other in a hug. “We found each other! Oh my goodness gracious!!!”
With a joyous laugh Roman looked up at Patton, “I’m sorry about your drink.”
“Roman! I would spill a thousand drinks if it meant I got to meet one of my soulmates!”
It was then that the two finally noticed that it was raining. And for some reason, they were no longer getting wet.
“Uh...what if you met another soulmate?” Patton looked sideways to see someone about his and Roman’s age, holding a big umbrella over all of them.
Roman gave the new stranger a small grin, “Do you mean..?”
The stranger shuffled awkwardly before gesturing to his arm not holding the jet black umbrella. “You can check for yourselves. I’m Virgil.”
Patton eased out of Roman’s hug and gently lifted Virgil’s grey jacket sleeve. He stopped once all of the names were visible: Roman Patton Logan Janus once again, the soulmarks were in an array of colors
Patton squealed in happiness and Roman lightly smirked, “How lovely it is to meet you, Dark and Stormy Night.”
Virgil couldn’t help the small smile that grew the longer they looked at each other. “Wow, Princey. Wonder where you came up with that one?” He muttered sarcastically.
Which Roman was quick to return with a playful scoff, “Well seeing as you have saved Patton and I from the rain, I think it fits perfectly.”
Patton smiled as two of his soulmates laughed, he bounced closer to Virgil and held his arms out in a hug. “Hug time?” He asked excitedly.
Virgil’s smile dropped. “I don’t…” He fidgeted with the end of his jacket, he didn't want to be rude to his soulmate. Especially as they had just met.
Patton let his arms drop. “You can say no, Virgil.” His warm smile calmed the purple haired boy down a bit.
“Are you sure…?”
Roman smiled. “Of course! We would never force you to do anything you don’t want to.”
 “Thank you.” Virgil’s whisper was returned with a nod and a smile.
“Now Princey...I think you owe Pat here a new drink.” The trio glanced at the spilled horchata laying on the sidewalk.
Roman was quick to bow deeply, “I would be honored to accompany my soulmates to retrieve Patton’s desired drink!”
“Wait! Don’t you have work, Roman?”
Roman waved off Patton’s concern. “I just met two of my soulmates! I’m sure Thomas will understand if I called in explaining the situation.”
“Well if you’re sure…”
With that the three walked back to El amanecer. All the while talking about their lives, and joking around with each other.
Janus groaned as his phone rang for the third time. He didn’t even have to look at the caller ID. “What do you want now, Remy?” He snapped.
“Chill babes. Geez, can’t a BFF call xir friend to say hello?”
Janus sighed in frustration, “Remy, if you don’t tell me your new order in five seconds, I am hanging up and not getting your stupid coffee. Everyone knows you could use less caffeine anyway.”
“Five seconds~”
“Okay! Okay, geez.”
“Four seconds~”
“Sooo, I made up my mind and I just want a plain cappuccino!”
Janus stopped walking. “You, what?”
“Plain cappuccino.”
Janus felt an eye twitch, “Remy. You had me memorize an entire order with a whole bunch of extra syrups and toppings twice and now you’re telling me to forget all of that!?”
“Listen babes, I don’t choose the coffee. The coffee chooses me.”
“You know what? Fine. You’re lucky I care about you.”
“Awww does Jan-Jan actually have a heart?” Remy teased through the phone. Xe knew Janus only cared about a select few people, but the few he does care for, he cares for deeply.
“Oh, would you look at that! I’m already at El amanecer! Bye Remy.” He hung up on Remy’s cackling laughter.
Janus opened the door as a ghost of a smile appeared, “What a lunatic.”
He got in line behind a rather attractive redhead, and he couldn’t help but tune into the redhead and the cute barista’s conversation. What? He was bored, sue him.
“Salutations, welcome to El amanecer. What would you like?” Despite being flustered by the redheaded customer, Logan kept his voice neutral and ensured he had an air of professionalism around him. Well...as much professionalism as a 16 year-old boy could muster.
“Hey there! Um, can I get one mango horchata, one vanilla bean frappuccino, and a strawberry agua—Uh, agua...fresca, please?” Roman cringed a little at his slip up.
Logan totaled up the order and gave a small nod. “Of course. Wait one moment please.” He went to prepare the drinks, and Roman saw this as the perfect opportunity to make some small chat with the dashing blonde barista.
“Today’s been a crazy day. I was late to work, and in rushing to get to my bus stop I ran into this guy. Turns out, he’s my soulmate!”
Logan didn’t look Roman in the eyes, “Oh?” He replied, seemingly disinterested. But really, he was a bit dejected that the redhead had already found his soulmate.
“Yeah! And after we found out, another guy walked up to us and we found out that he was another one of our soulmates!”
Logan’s shock was hidden by him turning his head away from Roman. “Oh, wow. The odds of that are infinitesimal.”
Logan placed the horchata and agua fresca in front of Roman before turning away again. “Infinitesimal. It means really small.”
Roman nodded, “Oh, cool. So...what’s your name? I’m Roman.”
Logan’s grip on the frappuccino faltered and the coffee crashed to the floor. He jumped, startled, and hurried to clean it up. 
Logan looked up, his face flushed when Roman exclaimed, “Oh! Sorry if I’m distracting you.”
The blonde shook his head. “No, no. You’re fine...Roman. I was uh, surprised is all.”
“Why?” The confusion in his eyes was too adorable for the barista to handle.
Logan looked away, focusing on cleaning up the rest of the spilled coffee. “My name is Logan.” He figured if they were soulmates, Roman would have a similar reaction. And if he had no reaction, then Logan could forget this embarrassing moment ever happened.
He stood up and looked hesitantly in Roman’s eyes. But the hesitance was quickly replaced with hope, as a wide smile lit up the redhead’s face.
“You mean we’re…?”
“Soulmates.” Logan confirmed.
The two rolled up their sleeves and on Logan’s arm were brightly colored soulmarks: Roman Janus Patton Virgil
“Wow.” Roman let out a breathy laugh. “Three soulmates in one day?”
Logan sent him a small smile. “By any chance, are any of the other names on my arm the two people you met?”
“Yep!” Roman beamed, “Virgil and Patton are over there.” He pointed to the far left corner of the coffee shop where a bubbly, black haired teen sat in a round table laughing with a purple haired boy.
The words; “They’re beautiful.” slipped out.
Logan wanted to smack himself. 
Thankfully though, Roman only smiled. “Yeah, they are.”
After preparing the vanilla bean frappuccino again, Logan nodded in thanks as Roman left a tip.
The two stared at each other, both not knowing what to say, until the sound of someone clearing their throat caused them to jump.
An amused looking brunette laughed at their startled expressions. “My apologies. But I couldn’t help but overhear…” The stranger shifted uncomfortably before cautiously rolling up his sleeve, his tan skin clearly showed: Roman Logan Patton Virgil
“I’m Janus.” The brunette gave them a small smile.
“¡Ay Dios mío!” Logan exclaimed quietly.
Roman was smiling widely at this point, “We all met on the same day!”
“Well,” Janus glanced at the table in the far-left corner. “We haven’t all met.”
Logan nodded enthusiastically, “But we will. After I take your order Janus, I’m sure mamá will give me the day off.”
Janus shrugged, “Don’t worry about it. I only came here to get my friend Remy a cappuccino. And with how much xe pesters me about my soulmates, I’m sure xe will understand why I didn’t deliver it to xem.”
Roman bounced happily, eager for all of his soulmates to meet one another.
With a small nod at Janus, Logan turned away from his soulmates. “¡Mamá! Necesito el día libre por favor.”
Quetzali came out of the back of the shop, looking questioningly at her son. “¿Por qué?”
Logan smiled as he gestured to the two boys in front of the counter. “Porque mamá, quiero conocer a mis almas gemelas.”
Quetzali’s face morphed from concern to pure happiness in the span of a few seconds. “Wow! It’s nice to meet you boys!”
Roman and Janus smiled, giving Quetzali a nod of respect. “Y usted, señora.”
All three of them looked at Janus in surprise.
“What?” Janus huffed, “I didn’t take three years of spanish for nothing.”
They all laughed and Quetzali ushered her son out from behind the counter. “Go meet them, mi amor. Have some fun.” Logan hugged her before joining Janus and Roman in walking up to their other soulmates.
Virgil groaned as he spotted Roman. “Finally! Did you get lost on your way across the shop?”
“Nope!” Roman stepped aside, letting Janus and Logan into view. “However, I did get lost in our soulmates eyes.”
Patton jumped up excitedly while Virgil eyed the new boys. “Hi! I’m Patton!!!”
Logan held out a hand which Pat shook vigorously, “I am Logan.” He nodded at Virgil who sent a peace sign in return. “Sup I’m Virgil.”
Janus took Patton’s hand from Logan and pressed a small kiss to the back of it. “Hello Patton, it is a pleasure to meet you.” He turned to Virgil with a smile, “You as well Virgil.”
With a blushing face Patton offered them all a seat.
“So...this is kind of crazy huh.”
The purple haired boy snorted, “It’s more than crazy, Pat. But...I’m glad to finally meet all of you.”
Roman nodded, his eyes constantly drifting to each of his soulmates.
“Indeed,” Logan adjusted his glasses. “I have never heard of multiple soulmates all meeting on the same day before. The chances that we did are—”
“Infinitesimal.” Janus interrupted.
Logan’s face went aflame. “You actually heard Roman’s and I entire conversation?”
“You have a nice voice Lo.” Janus winked, causing the barista’s blush to deepen.
Virgil pretended to gag, “If all of you are going to be this mushy, I gotta go.”
They all laughed and spent the entire day getting to know one another. The chances of them meeting the way they did? Infinitesimal. Their love for one another? Infinite and unmeasurable, especially as the years went by.
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babysizedfics · 3 years
the first time vee regressed in therapy (and meeting michael after)
NOTE: this is almost 2k words... so it continues under the cut. No TWs!
for the first few sessions of vees therapy with dr picani, patton is in the room with them because of vee's selective mutism, so patton hung around to help translate for vee during seasions until she is able to speak for herself, and thru these firsts sessions emile sees how attached the two are to each other
and after about three or four weeks, once vee can reliably talk for herself, patton stil sits in the waiting room so if vee needs him he's there
im their first session without patton, emile actually prompts vee to tell him what she calls her uncle patton. she says "patton" but emile is like do u not call him uncle? and she hesitates bc she definitely doesnt call him uncle but she hates lying
and emile smiles knowing that she doesnt. then he asks "are there any other names you call your uncle, vee?" because unbeknown to vee, emile actually heard her call patton "dad" one day in the waiting room
she is made rlly nervous by this question but emile assures her he isnt trying to trick her or anything, he just wants her to be honest. and after some more coaxing she whispers that she calls patton "dad" and emile is like thats lovely
and suddenly vee is teary and panicky because shes scared emile is being sacastic or will quiz her about it, but he insists that its very nice that she is comfy calling patton that and that they are so close and it makes vee feel a lot safer
but that prompts emile to start asking her about her biological father, janus. has she ever called him dad or was he always janus? does she know why that is?
vee really tries her best to stay calm and answer, but the questions suddenly get too much and before she knows it virgil goes non-verbal bc she realises she is starting to regress
emile notices vee's distress and changes his voice like softer and more clear. he asks what is wrong, he assures her they dont need to talk about anything vee doesnt want to talk about. Can you breathe with me? Good thank you, can you talk? No thats alright you dont have to. Is there anything he can do to make her feel safe?
and the soft caring words just push vee compeltely into half regression and she starts fully crying, tears spilling down her cheeks and shaky breaths and little squeaks and sniffles and tightly cuddling her softie she took with her (a lilac octopus, dr violet)
after a couple minutes of just crying and emile givinf her some space to let it out, the tears arent slowing down. so she cries " i w-wan pa-p-p-..." giving up after she realises her voice is definitely little now
"what do you want, vee?" emile prompts so so kindly that it just makes vee's chest ache
she whimpers "w-wan papa" and trails off in sobs
and emile instantly knows she means patton. he very easily rolls with this infantile behaviour, being a child therapist a lot of the time. he just sees her acting like a toddler and he immediately thinks okay time to turn on the toddler therapy, no questions asked
emile stands up carefully and speaks clear and gentle "okay vee. dr picani is leaving for just a moment to get your papa, okay? I'll be back very soon" and vee just squeaks through her tears, so he hurries out to the waiting room to fetch patton
pat literally jumps from his seat when emile calls him in saying vee is upset and practically runs through the corridor and into the office. he immediately pulls her into a one armed cuddle on the couch while emile just closes the door rlly gentle for privacy and hands a box of tissues to patton. so patton softly shushes his baby and wipes her tears away while emile takes quick notes in his book
patton is rlly quietly shushing her and comforting her, trying to be discreet. emile notices that this is obviously a common occurence, and also notices that patton seems to be holding back something
so when patton looks up briefly and catches emiles gaze, emile just smiles and speaks softly "do you know what age regression is, patton?"
and patton breathes a massive sigh of relief and hugs vee tighter "yeah... yeah we do"
and emile nods and smiles a little sympathetic looking back at vee and patton jumps right back to comforting her, not trying to be discreet this time, going full papa mode now that he has the confirmation that emile knows about regression
patton lifts a still crying vee into his lap and cuddles her to his chest and rocks her. "its alright, baby, shh shhh, papas got you" (vee still crying and grabbing pattons shirt tightly) "i know i know, baby, youre ok"
then emile adds in softly "youre doing very well vee" and patton smiles at him then repeats for vee "did you hear dr picani? he said youre doing sooo well! youre so so brave, hunnybunny"
and eventually when vee is comforted enough and the tears have stopped, emile raises his eyebrows questioningly at patton and pat talks to vee: "vee, are you ready to talk to dr picani again?"
she whimpers and grips patton tighter. "its okay babygirl, papas not going anywhere..." patton hesitstes and looks up at emile a little worried "uh, as long as thats alright with dr picani"
emile nods and smiles softly when vee peeks over her softie at him "of course. you can do whatever you want vee, if having your dad - or your papa here makes you feel safer then of course he can stay. would you like patton to stay so you can feel safer?"
vee doesnt respond but frowns and hides behind dr violet again, and emile looks to patton
patton explains gently "we need simpler language than that for her when she's regressed."
"oh my apologies..." emile starts, then tries again. "Vee?" he waits for vee to lower her softie from her eyes again to show shes listening. "Do you still want your papa?"
vees shoulders are tensed and shes hugging her softie so tight, still hiding partially behind it, but she nods a little
and so they continue with patton in the room
throughout the session she is REALLY shy of emile in this headspace but emile is just rly gentle and treats her like an actual young child while she sits in pattons lap and tries to interact with him, so emile manages to coax some stuff from her. and is shocked to find that this seems to be a headspace that actuslly allows vee to be more open and honest with him even if her language is limited
he asks her how does she feel right now? its okay if she doesnt know. is she scared? thats okay, it is very scary. she's being so brave. but is papas lap soft and warm? thats very nice! does it make her feel safe? does it help her tears go away? well thats good to hear, we dint want you to be sad. do you love papa? Can you show me how much? Woah that's a lot!!
and once vee has calmed down a lot and giggled a little at how nice dr picani is being to her, emile sees vee start to suck her thumb
unfortunately its not sanitary for her to suck her thumb in oublic since she must have touched surfaces, and pat brings her thumb away and desperately apologizes when vee whines and starts tearing up when papa wont let her suck her thumb. she dorsnt have her pretty paci so what else is she meant to do!
then emile announces in a very babytak voice. "vee, can you guess what I have in my desk drawer? Haha No, not frogs. Look!" and he pulls out a handful of lollipops! all different colours! and vee starts bouncign a little on papas lap and smiling
with a quick check that she has no allergies (egg, but there aint no egge in lollipops) emile lets her pick a flavor/color then givs it to her to suck on
patton needs to hold it for her though in case she accidentally swallows it, so her lil hands are just holdin gently on papas hand as he holds the lollipop for her and her legs are swingin, dangling down from papas lap bc she happy stims when she is eatin sweets by kicking her feet!
nearing the end of the session emile tells vee how good ahe's been answering al his questions and being well behaved for her papa. so he lets her pick a sticker to prove how good she was today!
but she doesn't want to touch the sticky or have it one her pretty dress, so patton asks her to point to her favourite and papa can pick it up for her. but shes too shy to pick one
so papa chooses one for her, a puffy pink kitty, then puts it on his nose to make her giggle. shes shy abt giggling in front of emile and buries her face on papas shoulder and patton cradles her head and coos and emile just watches all of this rly softly
and then their time is up and patton smiles and pats vee's leg and asks if she wants to be carried and she shakes her head with a proud smile. patton gasps "are you gonna be a big girl and walk on your own?"
then vees smile drops and she whines and grabs pats hand and patton giggles "no no not completely on your own. paps gonna hold your hand baby" so she nods and they get up with patton holding her hand
then patton says goodbye to emile and thanks him for being so kind to vee, and emile says "my pleasure. i'll see you next week vee!"
vee squeezes her papas hand and shuffles behind him a little. but she waves her softies tentacle at emile to say goodbye and emile smiles and waves to them "byebye dr violet, make sure you keep vee safe and happy this week!" and vee giggles and patton leads her outside
in the waiting room vee is much more closed off because theres the receptionist and a couple other clients in there so she just keeps her eyes down while papa signs them out - then she hears a slightly deep voice say "oh, I really like your stuffie"
vee doesnt really know how to react, she looks up a little and sees dark blue jeans and thick legs and vans sneakers but then quickly tugs pattons hand and steps behind him to hide from the stranger
"Thank you! It was a 'well done for going to therapy' gift from me" patton says cheerfully, and vee starts stroking his fingers as a comfort stim
"aw that's sweet!" the stranger says just as joyful as patton... so vee feels okay looking up now that she knows this stranger wasnt trying to make fun of her
she only catches some shaggy brown hair and a tshirt with what looks like a horror film image on it that she doesnt recognise. she doesnt dare make eye contact but she can tell the stranger is smiling at her
and she cant talk, shes too little, but shes not little enough to not understand whats happening. so she lets go of pattons hand bruefly to sign "thank you" then quickly grabs his hand again, feeling her cheeks warm and looking back to the ground
"you're welcome!" the stranger says, still happy, so vee smiles a little, then tugs pattons hand and looks up at him pleadingly
patton is beaming, his cheeks bunched in the biggest smile. "ready to go, sweetie?" vee nods "okay, here we go. It was lovely meeting you..."
"michael" patton smiles and holds out his other hand to shake michaels hand. "im patton and this is vee! have a good night!"
"you too, patton!" michael bids as patton and vee start walking away. then the voice soeaks again "bye vee!"
vee doesnt respond but she smiles and pulls dr violet up to hide it
patton leads her out to the parking lot and as he buckles her seatbelt for her he presses a big kiss to her cheek "im so so proud of you, babygirl"
and the whole ride home patton speaks softly and recaps what was good about theraoy this week. he does it to reinforce with vee that this is a good thing to do.
he talks about how lovely dr picani was and how he already knew what regression was. he talks about how funny his jokes were and how much she giggled. and her lollipop and her sticker - which they just realised was still on pattons nose and laughed about. and he talked about the lovely boy in the waiting room who liked vee's softie!
and the whole time vee is smiling and giggling and blushing and getting closer to full regression so that when they get home vee is just a bouncy wiggly giggly baby all night
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logan-is-noggin · 3 years
Anxious beauty- Part 1
word count: 1512
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Roman opened the microwave door and pulled out the bag of popcorn and poured the buttery contents into a large bowl. Along with a bag of chips he grabbed the two bowls and walked into the kitchen to see Patton hunched in front of the TV.
" padre, why isn't the DVD in yet?" Patton turned around " it is, but the DVD player doesn't seem to want to turn on, it's also not letting me take it out, it's stuck. Sorry Roman."
In dramatic princely fashion Roman fell to his knees, Patton caught the snacks out of his hands.
" how will we have movie night now?"
" I can grab my laptop and my copy of the movie." Roman shrugged " it just won't be the same, we can't appreciate the epic battle scenes from the tininess of a laptop."
Patton then snapped his fingers " what if I tell the story, like one of those old fashion storytellers"
"I still don't know..." Roman said unsure.
" you can be Prince Phillip." Patton bargained.
No sooner than said Roman was on the couch, a handful of popcorn in his mouth. " start from the beginning."
" no better place to start" Patton laughed.
there once were two kings from opposite kingdoms across the water. the two monarchs, king Thomas and king Emile were the best of allies and friends. they dreamed of the day that they could unite their kingdoms as one.
happily, a prince and heir was born to Thomas. soon a celebration and holiday was named in honor of young prince Virgil. many royals and nobles traveled to pay homage. many bringing gifts for the new royal. among the attendees, king Emile and the five year old prince roman.
Thomas stood before his throne and commanded the rooms attention. " honored guests. on this day of my sons dedication, let it be known that my son and young prince roman are here-forth betrothed. when they come of age they shall wed and unite my and king Emile's kingdoms."
the audience celebrated at the news. a fanfare sounded throughout the room and from the light shining down through the stain glass window sparkles twinkled and soon formed into three creatures cloaked in green, blue and yellow. when they touched down they bowed to the kings. the yellow fairy spoke for the group. "we each have come to bestow upon the prince with a gift that will help aid him through his life."
Janus, the yellow fairy  approached the gray bassinet where the prince slept. he pulled his wand from his pocket and waved it. golden sparks flew from the tip. " young prince. my gift to you is great wisdom and wit. when you ascend to the throne may you rule with the knowledge as your father did before you" the prince blinked and yawned as he awoke as Remus, the green fairy peered over. "Little royal, my gift is the gift of great boldness and cunning in battle! may you lead your armies into many victories and success follow all your days."
the blue fairy stepped forward and reached a hand in and tickled the babies tummy, making him giggle. " sweet prince, my gift is.."
but Patton was stopped by the explosion of the double doors slamming open and a large gale sweeping through extinguishing all the candles on the chandeliers. when the smoke cleared enough they saw the dark fairy Logan.
" why am I the villain in the story Patton?" Roman bit back a scream , throwing the mostly empty popcorn bowl into the air. "Do not creep up on me like that!" Roman demanded
" I've been standing here listing for the last five minutes. And I ask again, why did you make me the villain?"
C'mon Logan, maleficent is the most powerful being in the story, and I'm sure you wouldn't rather be one of the fairies taking care of the baby in the movie."
He nodded to himself " that is a fair point. Carry on Patton." He said taking a seat next to Roman on the couch.
Logan held onto a staff with a swirling blue orb on the top of it. Thomas stepped forward. " w-what brings you here Logan?" The fairy slowly strolled around the room. " I had just been in the area and heard all the celebration. Upon closer inspection I see that those three were invited to give the Prince a gift. To be honest your highness, I was hurt that I too hadn't been invited."
"You weren't wanted" Remus called out. Janus clapped his hand over the green ones mouth.
Thomas quivered " an over sight I can assure you Logan. If I had known you wanted to come of course I would have invited you. It's just in the past I know you aren't the type for large crowds of people."
" I accept your apology. And to prove it, I too shall give a gift to your son." Logan stretched his arms out and slammed his staff down with a loud crash.
" listen well. the gifts given to the benevolent prince thus far are all well and good. but hear me. Virgil shall spend all his days haunted by a lingering fear wherever he shall go. he will never truly be able to rule with a mighty hand. and he will only escape this fear by the kiss of death!"
Thomas had scooped his son into his arms as he shouted for the sorcerer to be arrested for threatening his sons life. but Logan waved his staff and more smoke and lightning emitted from the end as he used his magic to make his escape.
hours later, all the guests had left a Thomas's request. leaving the fairies alone with the monarch.  Thomas, still holding his son in his arms, paced back and forth.
" isn't there something your powers can do to annul this curse?"
"I'm afraid not sire." Janus spoke. " he's much stronger than us because he has trained for much longer and he possesses dark magic. he's not afraid to break the rules or even write his own."
Remus smoothed his mustache on his lip " but, there could be a way to help."
"how?" Thomas asked. the others looked over as if asking the same.
" little blue here never got a chance to bestow his gift to the little sprite. maybe there's something you can do."
"I cant undo Logan's spell," he said sadly. " not undo it, but perhaps find a way to make it bearable. find a loophole."
Patton sighed a deep breath and approached the king, he held his arms out, a request. Thomas transferred Virgil into his arms. with his wand, he showered the baby with light harmless sparkles that he reached out and tried to grab.
"  little prince" Patton cooed. " while the wicked Logan had decreed one fate for you, i decree another path. yes while fear may follow you, it will be so you air on the side of caution in all you do. you will be happy and comfortable where you feel safe, with those you are familiar with. and instead of death freeing you from fear. you will fall into a deep sleep where the only thing to wake you shall be true love's kiss."
the following days the fairies tarried at the palace, Patton was often found with the baby in his arms, rocking and entertaining the prince to keep him happy.  even with pattons addendum to the curse, the king still feared for his young son. one time after handing Virgil to the wet nurse, Patton rushed off in search of his compatriots. he found them leaning against one of the balconies overlooking a courtyard. they noticed their friend behind them, out of breath from running, leaning forward to rest his hands on his knees.
" slow down blue, what's the rush? are the king and prince okay?" Patton nodded furiously as he calmed his breathing. " it's nothing like that. I just had an idea about how to keep the prince safer!" he shared excitedly. Remus smiled as he shoved Patton playfully " don't keep us in suspense baby blue? spill."
once they were safely tucked away in a corner, Patton told them his plan. at first, Janus was hesitant. " really Patton? stealing a baby? especially the prince! I'm pretty sure that's treason."
" no, obviously we have to get his highness's approval first. and it's not forever obviously. just until after his sixteenth birthday so the curse is void. once his plans are foiled he- won't be able to intrude on Virgil's life and he can live it the way he was meant to."
" but blue, we don't know anything about raising a baby," Remus commented. Patton assured them " that's what I'm here for. I can teach you both easily. so, will you help me?"
Janus and Remus exchanged glances then back at Patton more sure. " we're in."
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vindicatedvirgil · 4 years
only fools rush in / part one: two parties and a lot of crushes
this first part is kind of all over the place. basically i just wanted to establish the dynamics going on here and i figured the best way to do so would be through group hang outs and stuff like that. it feels like i cover a lot here, but future installments will be more focused on one couple or group! sorry for the kind of wackiness and yeah.
i don’t think that there’s anything that i need to tag for this, but this part includes: QPP loceit, Remus making jokes, Roman crushing hard, Emile and Remy very briefly.
if you want to be tagged when i update, please send me an ask/reply/reblog and i’ll be sure to add you for the next part! 
read to the end for the title and a small teaser for part two!
next update will be on: Sunday, July 19.
“Wait, you have a twin?” Patton looked at Roman in deep disbelief. “Why didn’t you get an apartment with him?” Roman just shrugged, unloading one of his boxes, hanging up his shirts. “Lo, did you know about this?”
“Yes. He’s one of Janus’ new roommates,” the man in the tie said, leaning against the wall, eyes focused on the phone in his hand as he typed quickly. Patton’s jaw dropped, and he crossed his arms, frowning. 
“Yeah, he’s moving in with Virgil Cloud, too,” Roman said, eyes focused forward, but he couldn’t hide the light dusting of pink that appeared on his cheeks. Virgil was the techie for the last school production, and Roman couldn’t help but fall for the embodiment of a dark and stormy night, with his black nail polish and purple fringe and–
“Earth to Roman,” Patton was waving a hand in front of his face. Roman blinked, then smiled awkwardly at his pastel-clad roommate. “You should invite them all to a party tonight! Logan, will you tell Jan to bring his roommates?”
“I- we were gonna…” Logan sighed, then nodded, head hanging in front of him, “I guess so.” He didn’t have the heart to tell his roommates that he and his partner had other plans for the evening, so he texted Janus quickly about the change.
Roman and Patton want you to bring your roommates over for a party tonight. We can leave early, though. -Logan
A party could be fun, Lo. Besides, I think that Virgil has a crush on Roman. ~Janus
I believe that it’s mutual. I don’t really want to stick my nose into their business, though. -Logan
Logan opened the door to the apartment to see Janus, Remus, and Virgil standing there. Remus was holding a twelve-pack of beer, Janus had a bottle of wine, and Virgil kept his eyes down on the floor, not acknowledging anything as the three stepped into the apartment. Logan kept the door open since it was already warm in the apartment with the three of them; the end of summer was always unbearably hot in their town. Roman immediately gravitated towards Virgil as the others went over to the kitchen counter to open their drinks.
“Hi Virgil,” Roman said, smiling brightly. “I don’t know if you remember me–”
“Of course I do,” Virgil muttered, leaning against a wall awkwardly. “You were the lead in the play last term.” Roman stammered over his words, his cheeks once again dusted with pink.
“Oh, yeah, yeah, that…” he chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. “You uh, did a really great job as one of the tech guys. It was… awesome.”
“Thanks.” Virgil stuffed his hands into his jacket pockets, and he still hadn’t looked up at Roman.
“Can I uh… get you a drink or something? Or…” Roman’s words trailed off, he wished that Virgil would just look up at him and meet his eyes and then maybe they’d fall in love–
“Hey there!” Emile stepped in through the open front door, carrying a plate full of baked goods. “I just wanted to welcome you… oh, looks like somebody’s having a party!” Roman grumbled then went up to the man in the sweater, wondering how he could cope in the heat. “Hi there! I’m Emile Picani, I live downstairs!” “Nice to meet you. I’m Roman, and my roommates Patton and Logan are… somewhere,” he said, sticking his hand out. Emile giggled and brought the tall man in for a hug. “Oh, uh…”
“Sorry, I’m a bit of a hugger!” Emile laughed, setting the cookies down on a table. “You all go to the university? I’m working on my psychology doctorate there.” At this, Virgil perked up and came over, and Emile held his arms out for a hug.
“Please don’t,” Virgil muttered, and Emile backed up a little, giving a toothy smile. “Uh… you study psychology? I’m majoring in that…” He said shyly, and Emile pulled him by his wrist to sit down on one of the couches.
“Okay, I’m your mentor now! Let’s chat,” The two went to go sit down on the couch, and Roman frowned. Of course Virgil would be interested in chatting with someone in his field of study, but… he really wanted to talk to Virgil, maybe ask him on a date. He stuffed one of the cookies that Emile made into his mouth and groaned at how delicious they were. Of course he could bake. He’d probably be able to steal Virgil away, too.
Remus was watching this from his spot against one of the walls, and noticed his twin’s distraught demeanor. He thought about saying something, but out of the corner of his eye he saw Patton smiling brightly at something that Janus said, his sweater sleeves pushed up to his elbows, exposing colorful floral tattoos on his forearms, and that was it: Remus was smitten. He didn’t hesitate to approach the trio talking at the kitchen counter, Janus and Logan sharing a bar stool, Patton resting his chin on his hands as he listened to the pair recall how they decided to become partners over the summer break. Remus settled into a chair next to Patton, and silence fell over the table.
“I don’t believe we’ve met, cutie pie,” Remus said, raising an eyebrow at the small man. Janus and Logan exchanged a look and got up to go chat with Roman, and Patton turned his attention to focus directly on Remus.
“You must be Remus!” Patton exclaimed suddenly, eyes bright as his smile beamed at the curly-haired man, and Remus suddenly wished that he was wearing sunglasses. “I can’t believe I didn’t know that Ro had a twin!”
“Ah, you must be Patton,” Remus said, realizing that this was the roommate he didn’t know. Patton nodded excitedly. Remus stretched his hand out and grazed his fingers against the floral tattoos, and Patton shivered. “These are beautiful, though not as gorgeous as you, flower.”
“T-thank you,” Patton said, his face bright red at the fact that he was complimented and given a nickname. “Do you have tattoos?” Remus nodded and rolled up one of his jacket sleeves, revealing a morning star.
“I minor in medieval history. Weaponry is so fascinating,” he mused, and Patton nodded, brushing his short fingers over the tattoo. “I have a few more, but they’re in… unique places… Maybe I can show you someday, flower.”
“O-oh, uhm…” Patton stammered over his words, the blush spreading down to his neck and to his ears. “M-maybe…” Remus smirked, leaning closer to the small man.
“If I’m making you uncomfortable, please tell me,” He whispered, and Patton shook his head quickly, which made Remus smile. Patton wasn’t exactly Remus’ usual type; soft boys never paid much attention to those with piercings and a menacing glare, but Remus quickly realized that Patton wasn’t like the others.
“Y-You’re not…” Patton’s face was so red and warm that he felt like he could explode. No one like Remus had ever paid him this much attention. He was always taunted by jocks and punks because of his softness, but Remus? The dark makeup, the piercings, the tattoos, and the leather jacket, it all made him feel… dangerous. And Patton secretly loved danger.
Roman was leaning against the wall, watching as everyone else had someone to talk to. His twin was hitting it off with Patton, Janus and Logan were sitting on one of the couches, looking at something on Logan’s phone, and Emile and Virgil were on another couch, talking about psychology. He had never felt left out from any situation in his life before, but here he was, alone in a room full of people.
He couldn’t help but focus on Virgil, who had lit up as he talked about things that Roman knew nothing about. Roman was, of course, happy that Virgil was smiling, but he wished he was the one making the very tall man smile. Emile seemed nice enough, but… something about him irked Roman to no end.
“Oh, hang on,” Emile’s phone was ringing, the tune to a cartoon that Roman vaguely remembered blasting out loudly. He answered the phone, and Roman listened carefully. “Oh, sorry baby! I’m upstairs welcoming our new neighbors. I’ll be right there. Okay, bye.” He hung up and glanced around. “Sorry, that was my boyfriend Remy, I have to go!” He gave a hug to Virgil who waved goodbye awkwardly, then went around hugging everyone, and then left the apartment, closing the front door behind him. Virgil looked like he was going to melt into the couch, and Roman took this as his moment. He sat down next to the tall man and gave him a warm smile.
“So, uh, what do you think the production will be for this term?” Roman asked, and Virgil shrugged. “I’m hoping for a musical, but I’m not much of a dancer…”
“I kind of want something that allows me to experiment with fog on the stage, you know?” Virgil said, glancing down. “I’m not brave enough to audition for any roles on the stage, but I really like working behind the scenes…” Roman frowned, watching Virgil carefully.
“Well, when they announce the production and if there’s a role that interests you, I could help you… practice, maybe? To build up your confidence,” he suggested, but Virgil just shook his head. “I used to get stage fright really bad. But… if it’s something you love doing… then it’s worth all of that anxiety, right?”
“Is it?” Virgil’s voice was shaky. “In one of my school plays as a kid I fell on my face in front of everybody during my solo. Afterwards, I found out that someone purposely spilled water where they knew I’d be walking.” He twisted his fingers together, and Roman frowned. “Ever since, I haven’t wanted to be on stage in front of others.”
“No one would do that here,” Roman said reassuringly. “If they did, I’d beat them up until they fell on the ground, too,” his face was firm, resolved, and it made Virgil laugh a little. “I think… you should try. I’d love to perform with you.”
“Yeah… maybe,” Virgil looked down at him finally, and Roman thought he would melt into a puddle on the floor. “Thanks, Roman.”
“Remus is so cool, you know? And he’s so sweet,” Patton was blabbering. It was a few weeks after the party, and the three roommates were playing Mario Kart in the living room. In the time since that first party, the semester had started and they were all buried in school work, and had only seen the other three in passing or going out to dinner as a group. “N-not that you’re not cool, Roman, it’s just… he’s on a different level!”
“Yeah, a dangerous level,” Roman muttered so that Patton couldn’t hear, but Logan did, and he sighed. Roman didn’t want to reveal his fraught relationship with his brother to Patton, but he also wanted to protect the soft, small man. But… Patton was so enthralled, and Roman had never seen him that way. He seemed happier since meeting Remus, and had a confidence that didn’t exist in him before. But Roman definitely had a surge of concern for the other man.
“Do you think we should invite them all over today?” Patton suggested as he finally rolled over the finish line, in second to last place. Logan had gotten first, of course, and Roman a close second. This was the usual for their games. 
“I actually have plans with Janus–” Logan started, but then his phone rang. He answered it. “Hello? Oh, hi Janus… what? But we were…” he sighed, then covered the receiver while he looked at the two others. “Remus wants to invite us all to their place for a movie night or something.”
“Yes!!” Patton exclaimed happily. “Oh, I should figure out what to wear. What time, Lo?” He asked, his excitement bubbling over. It was contagious. Roman could practically see the cogs in Patton’s mind moving as he thought about what to wear and how to do his makeup.
“Eight, apparently,” Logan responded, his lips pulled into a taut line. He brought the receiver back towards his mouth. “I guess we will be there. Yeah, see you later. Bye.” He hung up, a frown on his face. Roman wondered if he should dress nice, too, since he’d be seeing Virgil.
“Dibs on the first shower!” Roman exclaimed, dropping his controller and running off to the bathroom. Three guys and one bathroom wasn’t ideal, but it was what they had to deal with.
By the time all three of them had gotten ready, it was almost 7:30. Roman went with his usual attire, as opposed to Patton, who went a little overboard (probably to try and impress Remus): he was wearing a pale green sweater and some shorts, knee-high socks, and his converse, his makeup bright and colorful, the emphasis on his lips and eyes. Logan was wearing his usual attire as well, but had slipped into a coat since they’d be walking to the other building. It was only a few blocks away, but things always got sidetracked when Roman and Patton were involved.
Once Patton slung his messenger bag over his shoulder, the three set out to the others’ apartment. On their way down, they passed Emile, who was walking into the building with another man, their fingers intertwined.
“Hey kiddos!” Emile said cheerfully, waving his free hand at them. “Remy, these are the new neighbors I told you about!” The man called Remy raised his eyebrows then nodded in greeting.
“Hey babes,” he said. 
“Where are you all going together?” Emile asked, and Roman thought it was a bit nosy to ask of them, but he said nothing.
“Oh, we’re going to Roman’s twin brother’s apartment–”
“Yes, and we really should get going now. Goodbye Emile, nice to meet you Remy,” Roman began to nudge Patton along the sidewalk, and Logan shot the couple an apologetic glance. 
“Ugh, this movie is booooooring!” Remus yelled, startling the others. He had thrown his arms up in frustration. Logan and Janus were on the couch, trying to wait for the right moment to leave since they had their own plans. Remus, Roman, and Patton were on the floor or on cushions, eating the pizza they’d ordered, and Virgil was on the lounge chair, just observing.
“You’re the one who suggested a movie, idiot,” Virgil muttered, crossing his arms. Remus frowned, then finished off his bottle of beer. He made a soft hmmm noise, then began speaking again.
“This empty bottle gives me an idea. Spin the bottle, anyone? Or perhaps… truth or dare with spin the bottle?” He suggested, eyebrows wiggling. Patton’s face turned bright red, and some of the others all mumbled their disagreement.
“Isn’t that game for high schoolers, Re?” Roman asked, rolling his eyes. He glanced at Virgil, though, and wondered what it would be like to kiss him tonight. Not that he’d ever do that, Virgil hadn’t shown any interest in him, but…
“Sounds like fun,” Janus said, smirking from his spot next to Logan, who pouted. Janus noticed this and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. “Oh, come now, Lolo, just a round or two and then we can go, okay? You know how much I love truth or dare.” Logan sighed, then nodded.
“Fine, a few rounds.”
The group moved the coffee table out of the way and sat in a circle, the empty beer bottle laying in the middle of all of them. “Alright, rule time,” Remus started. “The spinner asks the person it lands on for truth or dare, and then must ask them. The person who last did the thing spins it next. Capiche?” Roman shrugged and then pat Remus on the shoulder.
“You spin first, bro,” he said, settling in as he sat cross-legged on the floor. Remus shrugged and leaned forward, spinning the bottle. It pointed towards Logan, who sighed. Remus smirked, crossing his arms, deep in thought.
“Truth or dare?” Remus asked finally, meeting Logan’s eyes. It was silent for a few moments as Logan pondered his options. Janus leaned over and whispered something in Logan’s ear, and his partner nodded.
“Truth,” Logan said confidently, and Remus raised an eyebrow. 
“Would you wear your best friend’s used underwear if you went camping and ran out?” Remus asked, and Patton giggled, covering his mouth to prevent spit from flying everywhere.
“Uh…” Logan glanced at Janus, who was trying to hide his laughter at the audacity of the question. “Yeah, I would? I’ve worn Janus’ underwear before–”
“Whoah, whoah, too much info, stop,” Virgil waved his hands, groaning. Patton pouted a little, frowning at Logan and Janus.
“I thought I was your best friend, Lo?” He asked, and Logan hit his forehead with his hand. 
“You- Pat, ugh,” Logan was exasperated, and he glanced at Patton carefully. “You’re both my best friends, okay?” Patton seemed pleased with this answer, a smile crossing his features again. Logan leaned forward to spin the bottle, and it landed on Remus. “Uh…”
“I mean, if it’s just you two who get to play, that’s fine,” Virgil commented, leaning his back on the lounge chair behind him.
“Maybe if it lands on Logan again, though, you respin?” Patton suggested, and everyone else nodded in agreement. Remus shrugged, and then nodded to Logan.
“Dare me, Lodaddy,” he cackled, and Janus rolled his eyes, but still slid his hand over to rest on Logan’s thigh, a protective glare directed at Remus.
“I dare you to get an A in one of your courses this semester,” Logan smirked, adjusting his glasses. A few of the others grumbled about how that wasn’t fair, but Remus nodded in acceptance and held out his hand to shake Logan’s.
“Dealio!” He spun the bottle again and it landed on Roman. “Alright, twinny twin, truth or dare?” He waggled his eyebrows at his twin.
“I know better than for you to ask me a truth. So, dare,” Roman said, confident with his decision. An evil look crossed Remus’ eyes only briefly as he glanced between Roman and Virgil.
“Kiss the back of Virgil’s knee,” he said simply, and Roman nearly choked on his own saliva. Virgil buried his face in his hands, grumbling a little. Patton started to defend the two.
“Now, Virgil, you don’t have to–”
“Yes I do, it’s a fucking dare,” Virgil mumbled, standing up. He rolled one of his pant legs up and turned around so the back of his leg was facing Roman, whose face was bright red and who felt like his breath was being stolen from him. “Just make it quick, Princey.” Roman turned more red at the nickname, which probably stemmed from his role in the production from the previous semester. He scooted over to Virgil and pressed his lips to the bend between Virgil’s thigh and calf, and then scooted back, saying nothing. The tall man rolled his pant leg back down and sat down, explicitly not looking at Roman. His pale face was lightly pink.
After a few awkward beats, Roman leaned forward and spun the battle. It landed on Patton, who looked to be in deep thought. “Truth or dare, Pat?”
“Hmmm. I think truth is safer,” Patton admitted, and Roman thought a little. He hoped that his plan would work, but was concerned over what could come from a question like this. He really did want happiness for Patton, even if his brother was involved.
“What are three things you first noticed when you met your crush, if you have one?” Roman asked, and Patton glanced down at his fingers, twisting them together, his face dusted with a pale blush. Remus perked up a little, listening carefully to the answer the small man gave.
“U-um… well… I noticed that he has gray in his hair, that he has a lot of piercings, and that he has a cute smile,” Patton said this so quietly that everyone had to lean in to hear it. Patton’s face was bright red by the time he finished listing off the attributes, and everyone’s eyes trailed over to Remus, who was smirking. Patton quietly excused himself and practically ran to the restroom, grabbing his bag along the way, leaving the rest of the group in an awkward silence.
“Fuck, that’s on me,” Roman said, standing up. “I’ll go… check on him,” he said, and he followed Patton to the bathroom, knocking on the door once. “Pat, it’s me Roman, are you okay?”
“Why did you ask me that?” Patton asked from the other side of the door. It sounded like he was crying, since he was sniffling a little bit. “You know I like him, but I wasn’t ready to say anything, Ro.”
“I’m sorry, Patton, I just… I saw that you liked him and figured a little nudge could help…” Roman explained, then sighed. Maybe he had overstepped a little. “Do you wanna go home?”
“Roman,” a voice came from behind him. It was Remus. “Is he okay?” Concern was etched on his face, and he had crossed his arms. Roman was surprised to see this much care coming from his twin.
“Is that Remus? Oh god, hang on,” Patton sounded like he was panicking. “Where are my makeup remover wipes–” A clattering of things falling out of his messenger bag could be heard. “Shoot!” Remus and Roman exchanged a look as the noises of Patton being flustered echoed into the hallway. “I can’t believe… such a fool… dang it… stop crying, idiot…”
“Patton,” Remus stepped past Roman to knock on the door. “Patton, it’s okay… I uh…” He cleared his throat, “my first impressions of my crush were that he has really awesome floral tattoos, his pink hair is awesome, and he dresses in a really cute way.” He admitted. Roman started to back up, but saw Patton open the door and peek out.
“R-really…?” He asked. It was obvious he had been crying, his eyes were red and his eyeliner had smudged, but he had wiped the majority of it off. “Um…”
“Patton, do you wanna go on a date with me next weekend?”
Roman scooted out of earshot, and stepped back into the living room, but not before he heard Patton squeak out an affirmation. Janus and Logan had disappeared, maybe off to go and do whatever their plans were, and Virgil was scrolling on his phone.
“Sorry about Remus’ dare. If I’d have known about what he’d ask me to do, I would’ve gone with a truth instead,” Roman admitted. Virgil’s face hardened, but the theater major didn’t notice this. “I’d hate to make you uncomfortable.”
“Uh, it’s okay…” Virgil didn’t meet Roman’s eyes, though, as he sat down beside him on the couch. “Actually, um. I was looking at the roles for this next production? Have you looked yet?” Of course Roman had looked. They were going to be doing a production of Wicked, and Roman was absolutely stoked for it.
“Yeah, I’m planning on auditioning for Fiyero…” Roman mused, then remembered the conversation he had with Virgil a few weeks ago. “Is there a role you’re interested in, Virgil?”
“Um, actually, I’ve always loved Boq, but… I don’t know if I’m talented enough for that,” he admitted, twisting his fingers together. “Plus I’m a little tall to play a Munchkin.” Roman sighed, then smiled encouragingly at the taller man.
“Well, I can help you practice for the audition, if you’d like!” Roman said, and Virgil nodded. “I don’t think your height will affect anything, it’s all about talent!”
“Oh. Yeah… I’d uh… really appreciate that, actually.” Virgil responded, still looking down at his hands. “I just… auditioning is really scary, you know?” Roman shrugged, then set his hand on Virgil’s shoulder.
“Maybe they’ll let us audition together, so that way you’ve got a familiar face on stage,” he suggested. Virgil nodded, a small smile appearing on his face. “Hey, don’t worry, Virge. I think you’re gonna do great.”
teaser for part two: a botanical garden and some deep conversations
“I’ve never seen you so panicked over a first date, so I think that means that this is… real for you. You’re going to take this one seriously.”
“I want someone who understands how special I can be… but also someone who I can pamper and love with all of my heart.”
part two | part three | part four | part five | part six | part seven | part eight | part nine | part ten
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lilith-lovett · 3 years
Found Families - Home is Where the Hart is - Chapter Twenty Five
I have been excited to write this chapter for ages and now it is finally here. I may be procrastinating on my uni essays but at least I have a new chapter. I hope you enjoy. Stay safe x
Summary: 3 am trauma sessions 
Word Count: 4502
Warnings: Past child abuse, panic attack, child abuse, physical abuse, gun mention, fire mention, swearing, psychological/emotional abuse, scars mention, death mention, suicide, anxiety, self-deprecation, infidelity, nightmare, flashback mention, food mention  (This one is really dark) (If I have missed anything please let me know)
Patton awoke slowly to light streaming into the room, providing a pleasant warm morning glow to the otherwise darkened room. Dee’s hair tickled his nostrils as he breathed in and hugged him close to his chest as Virgil softly snored, the peaceful expression so drastically different from the pain-fuelled one from the night before brought a smile to Patton’s face. He hadn’t planned to fall asleep but he was glad he did. Last nights nightmare and panic attack was so severe, it had been a while since his last one, especially one so bad. Virgil had told him previously that Patton’s presence was comforting for him, particularly in the aftermath of a panic attack or flashback, so he usually stayed until Virgil fell asleep and would then return to his own room for the remainder of the night, leaving all of the emotional conversations for the following day. However, last nights breakdown required special attention and Patton felt more comfortable staying close to Virgil in case he had another nightmare.
These nights Virgil’s past trauma reared its ugly head were horrible. Nights when his mind took a hold of him and forced him to relive his most painful memories. When all of the anger and hurt he held inside his tiny ten year old body spilled out in an explosion of all of the emotions he tried to desperately to suppress. Patton couldn’t help feeling useless during these moments, there was only so much he could to combat the immediate problems and help Virgil through it in the moment. He had learned most of Virgil’s triggers and how he responded to certain types of touch, support and consolation, however, Virgil’s mental health was often unpredictable. Emile had taught him how to respond appropriately in specific situations but he constantly had to adapt his methods depending on the circumstances, Virgil’s moods and his tolerance for physical touch in the moment. They were lucky his panic attack hadn’t progressed any further and he had managed to sleep through the rest of the night.
Patton lifted his head to see Virgil and Dee curled up in each others arms, he smiled. Patton adored their closeness, they had a horrible upbringing but always had each other. Virgil was fiercely protective of Dee and Dee was attached to him at the hip, during Virgil’s flashbacks and panic attack he needed to be able to see Dee at all times to ensure himself that he was still here. It was the most effective way to calming him down by physically showing him that Dee was safe and here. Once Patton made sure they were both sound asleep and laid his head back down, allowing himself to be taken by sleep once again. Until he jolted upwards. What time was it?
Patton quickly glanced at the alarm clock. 7:45. Sugar! They had missed the school bus. They were going to be so late. Patton leapt up, shaking both Virgil and Dee awake.
“Hey, kiddos, wake up” Patton said with a sense of urgency in his voice as he roused them both from their slumber. “We all slept him, quickly get dressed,”.
Once Patton had ensured both Virgil and Dee were awake and getting dressed, he bolted out of Virgil’s room and narrowly avoided tripping over both Roman and Roman’s blanket, who was awoken abruptly by Patton’s yelp in surprise. He knew of Roman’s habit of waiting by Virgil’s door until Patton left, he had carried him to bed on one too many occasions after he fell asleep in the hallway.
“Dad?” Roman said his voice still heavy with sleep as he rubbed his eyes.
“Sorry, Roman, it looks like we all slept in, quickly go and get dressed then come downstairs for breakfast,” Patton explained as he knocked on Logan’s door before rushing off his own room to get himself dressed.
After throwing on the first pieces of clothes he could, culminating in a rather odd array of colours and pattern but he didn’t have time to worry about that now. As he left his room to begin preparing a quick breakfast - he noticed something strange. Logan’s door was still closed. Patton hadn’t heard it while he was getting it and it was entirely out of character for Logan to have slept in also. He knocked on the door. No response. He tried again. Silence. Roman, Virgil and Dee were exiting their own rooms now fully dressed.
“Logan, are you awake? Patton called out, not simply wanting to barge in, however, following another period of silence his nerves over came him and he opened the door.
The room was empty. Bed made pristinely as if nobody had ever slept there, the rest of the room was just as orderly. Logan was obsessed with routine. Perhaps, he had woken at his usual time but wanted to avoid waking anyone else despite the time and had been waiting downstairs for them. Patton, followed by Roman, Virgil and Dee all headed downstairs but as he reached the centre of the stairs a sweet smell entered his nostrils. It was the smell of…pancakes. He sped up, rushing towards the kitchen and the direction of the smell. As he entered the kitchen, he saw Logan standing over the sink on top of a step (so he would be able to reach it) cleaning a variety of dishes; pans, utensils and bowls, with a stack of slightly misshapen pancakes sitting on the table.
“Logan?” Patton said in surprise. He had no idea what to think? Should he be proud? Logan had prepared breakfast of them. Upset? What if something had happened while he was asleep? What if the kitchen had caught fire? What if Logan had gotten hurt and he had no idea?
“Good morning, I noticed you were still asleep so I decided to prepare breakfast to allow you time to rest,” Logan explained as he finished the last of the dishes, piling them onto the drying rack.
“Sweet!” Roman explained as he, Virgil and Dee sat at the table, digging into breakfast.
“Where did you learn to cook, Logan?” Patton asked choosing to discuss why Logan shouldn’t be cooking without supervision after breakfast. Sitting down at the table.
“I only know how to prepare pancakes, Maggie taught me the basic steps and from observing you I have memorised the process,” Logan explained as he continued cleaning instead of sitting down to eat with the rest of them.
Once they had all finished, Patton checked the time. 7:55. He had already resounded to his fate that they were going to be late. Patton urged Roman to finish getting ready, Virgil and Dee disappeared upstairs also as Patton helped Logan finish the cleaning.
“Hey, Logan, thank you for cooking breakfast but…next time you want to cook something please let me know,” Patton said. “What if something had happened or you got hurt?”.
“I-I’m sorry,” Logan responded quietly, head down as he dried the dishes. Patton knew Logan didn’t consider his own safety and was only thinking about the benefit to everyone else.
“I am not getting you into trouble but I just want you to be a little more careful, cooking can be dangerous especially while you are unsupervised. Promise me will you ask me for help if you ever need it,” Patton urged placing a hand on Logan’s shoulder and taking the dish cloth from him.
“I-I promise…I apologise Patton, I wasn’t thinking,”Logan admitted as he allowed Patton to take over drying the dishes while he sat down to finally eat his own breakfast.
“It is alright Logan, I know you had good intentions and you really helped me out this morning. But maybe next time, lets cook together, okay?” Patton said as he finished up the dishes, sent a quick text message to Emile, asking him to watch over Logan, Dee and Virgil - he explained the situation of the previous night - and a phone call to the school, explaining they would likely be late and Virgil wouldn’t be attending today. He was light on the details but they had the necessary information in his file so it required very little explanation for him to be allowed to take a mental health day. “Do you mind if you keep Virgil company for me Logan? Emile will be over in a little while and I’ll be home as soon as I can,”.
“Of course,” Logan responded as he dissected his singular pancake.
“Thank you, kiddo,” Patton said as Roman, Virgil and Dee appeared a short while later. “All right, you ready Roman? Virge, Emile will be over soon, you just take it easy today,”.
Virgil had hardly spoken at all this morning which wasn’t unusual but the expression on his face yanked at Patton’s heartstrings, his under eye circles were significantly darker than usual, his mouth was down-turned, eyes lifeless. He looked so tired. Panic attacks, especially one as severe as last night drain a lot of energy. Virgil usually slept the entire following day to recover. Today seemed like it would be no different. Virgil curled up on the sofa with Dee, drifting in and out of consciousness. Patton covered him with a blanket, pressing a chaste kiss to his forehead.
“Okay, we really need to go now,” Patton said, he hated to leave Virgil, during a moment like this but Emile would be here shortly, he would be able to provide Virgil the support he needed until Patton returned. “I’ll see you later kiddos, I love you,”.
“Bye, dad,” Virgil mumbled his soft voice hoarse and broken. Patton’s smiled. He was going to be okay. They were going to be okay.
Bang…The shot rang out. He ran…He ran and ran and ran. The fire blazed around him. The air hot and the smoke thick. Coughing and stumbling as it entered his lungs, his vision blurred and his chest burned. He nearly allowed himself to be taken by the darkness. Until he heard it. A cry. No…No…No. Not him…Don’t hurt him…Where is he? He forced himself up, fighting through the burning pain. He ran…He ran and ran and ran. It was him. His father. Big, ugly, terrifying. His face blank. Gun hanging limply from his hand. He stood motionless over the screaming child before grabbing him. He screamed. “PLEASE…PLEASE…DON’T HURT HIM…HURT ME INSTEAD…STOP PLEASE!” His father did not listen. Only kept walking. Ignoring his pleading and begging.The fire had spread. Raging all around them. Burning hot and fierce. His father stop. His brother squirming in his hands holding him out over the flames. “NO…NO…NO…STOP…STOP…DON’T HURT HIM!”. He let go.
Virgil jolted awake. Sinking his teeth into his blanket to prevent him from screaming. His chest burned as all of the oxygen was painfully squeezed out of his lungs. He tried to focus his gaze on Dee, sound asleep in his bed, reminding himself he was still here. He was still here. Not there. He was here. Alive. He was alive. Virgil pressed his hands to his chest, feeling the rapid beating of his heart beneath his palms, he counted through the breathing pattern Uncle Emile had taught him until the pained ease and his breathing slowed. He picked up his stuffed eeyore, hugging it tight to his chest as he lay back. He knew he likely wouldn’t be returning to sleep any time soon. On nights like these Patton used to stay awake with him, just talking or sitting in silence, his presence was comforting in those moment. However, Virgil had already disturbed Patton today, forced him awake to deal with his issues, made them late for school, forcing him to call Emile just to watch him. He shouldn’t disturb him. He was fine. Fine. All good.
Okay, maybe he wasn’t fine. His hands were trembling and his throat and chest still burned as if he had inhaled a lung full of ash. Virgil glanced towards his alarm clock. 3:25am. Virgil decided to go down stairs to get a drink of water. Before leaving he checked on Dee, stroking his cheek as he mumbled in his sleep. He was still here. He made sure the window was still securely locked before quietly leaving, carefully not to wake any one else as he went downstairs. However, Virgil wasn’t alone. As he descended the stairs, a soft light caught his attention. It was Logan. Curled up on the armchair. Book in one hand, flash-lighting the other. Shining it on the pages as he flipped through them. Why was he awake? Logan hadn’t slept in like the rest of them. Why was he up at three in morning?
Virgil inched forward, careful not to disturb Logan. He looked so tired. The beginnings of purple bruises had appeared under his eyes. He looked nothing like the usual pristine, put together Logan. His hair was unruly. He was dressed in his oversized pyjamas and his mask was slipping. They really were the same. They were doing the exact same thing. Both were plagued by nightmares yet refused to accept Patton’s support like he urged them to, out of the fear they were bothering him. Leading to them sitting alone, in the dark, the thoughts circling again and again and again. They were the same.
“You’re up late,” Virgil called out. Logan flinched, startled by the sudden intrusion, evidently not expecting any company at this hour.
“Virgil…Why are you awake?” Logan asked closing his book and allowing the flash-light to illuminate more of the room.
“Same reason as you,” Virgil responded as he clambered over the back of the sofa, collapsing in the centre of it.
“I…I don’t know what you are talking about,” Logan stammered averting his gaze back to his book.
“Sure, keep telling yourself that,” Virgil answered sarcasm thick in his words.
Logan’s mask was slipping. Virgil could see right through him. The tension he held in his body. The watery eyes. How he trembled despite his desperate efforts to stop. Logan was exhausted. Virgil was exhausted simply watching him fight against himself. He had returned to reading his book, attempting to ignore Virgil’s presence by not acknowledging his existence. Virgil stood, walking over to where Patton stored the extra blankets, picked out two. Wrapping one around his shoulders and the other he tossed across Logan’s lap, on top of his book and flash-light.
“Here,” Virgil said before returning his seat, creating a blanket cocoon for himself.
“Thank you,” Logan grumbled manoeuvring the blanket around his shoulders and then silence fell over them.
After a period of silence, Logan closed his book, rubbing his temples as a pained expression came over his face. It was so sad. He looked so tired. Virgil had been where he was. Holding everything inside, until it attacked. He had Patton, Roman, Dee, Emile, Dot and Larry. Logan had nobody. He was alone. Dealing with everything on his own. Refusing to open up and accept any help. Maybe, Virgil was being hypocritical. He was currently ignoring his own problems but this was about Logan. The pain would only worsen. Building and building and building until he broke. Virgil knew he hadn’t told Patton about his past yet and from his behaviour it didn’t seem like he would any time soon. Logan wouldn’t be able to keep it all inside for much longer. Virgil had tried. It never ended well. He had to do something.
“I had a another nightmare…the anniversary of my parent’s death is coming up,” Virgil said. So, he was doing this now. Logan head snapped towards him.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Logan responded presumably believing he had offended Virgil in some way.
“Don’t be…they-they were not good people,” Virgil admitted he sunk his teeth into his bottom lip, Logan was still giving him his full attention as if urging him to continue.
“He…my dad…my bio dad…he hurt me. He drank a lot because of my mum, she was never really there, she was always out with different men, he knew but he directed all of his anger on me. I took it. I took all of it so he wouldn’t hurt Dee,” Virgil said picking at his fingers nails. “My dad hated Dee, he found out he wasn’t his kid and everything got worse. I had to take care to Dee, mum was always out and dad was always drinking, she used to give me money for food and I used all of it for formula and stuff for Dee. I needed him to be safe. He was just a baby. I didn’t care what happened to me. He was safe,”.
Virgil hadn’t told anyone this in ages. It took him months to confess everything to Patton and then another six months to talk about it with Uncle Emile in therapy yet here he was bearing to all to Logan.
“Everything got worse…Dad…he came home early from drinking and found my mum in bed with another man. He shot him. He…he killed me. He was going to kill her to. I-I stood in front of her. I couldn’t let him hurt her. I thought he was going to sh-shoot me…He pressed the g-gun to my head…I thought…he was…going to…k-kill me. I sometimes wish he did!” Virgil exclaimed breathing growing faster and more erratic. “But he didn’t. He knocked me down and set the house on fire. I had to get Dee out but when I am found him…My dad was already there…He grabbed him and started carrying him away...I was screaming at him to stop…b-but…h-he wouldn’t listen,”,
Logan had moved from the armchair to the sofa, right next to Virgil. He hadn’t noticed he had moved at all.
“He c-carried him away. I-I kept screaming and begging him…B-but he wouldn’t stop. He c-carried…him…to the fire…He let him go…just…let him fall,” Virgil was openly sobbing now, tears stung his eyes, his entire body was trembling as he beginning to descend into hyperventilation. “I-I managed…managed to get him out but he got burned…really b-badly…My dad just stood there…he just stood there. I-I started screaming at him. Why? Why would he do that? He didn’t answer…He-he raised the…gun to…his head…He shot himself…Right in front of me…I was fucking seven…I was a fucking kid,”.
“I got out with Dee. My mum died because of the smoke and the house collapsed because of the fire…I-I was a kid…A fucking kid,” Virgil panted his breathing short and raspy, his hands burned with the memories of the flames searing his skin as the tears continued to fall. Why was he like this?
“Virgil, I believe you are in the beginning stages of a panic attack, I would like to help you if you would allow me to,” Logan asked inching closer however Virgil knew he wouldn’t reach out with explicit consent, he would laugh is he could. He had done this to try and get Logan to open up but here he was being comforted by him.
Virgil merely nodded, reaching his hands out, allowing Logan to take them and direct them in the correct position as he counted through the breathing routine. In for 4, hold for 7, out for 8. Virgil assumed Patton must have taught him. After several cycles his breathing began to even out but then the laughter burst out of him.
“Um…Virgil…are you alright?” Logan asked having retreated to the other side of the sofa once Virgil’s panic attack had passed, his confusion present on his face from Virgil strange reaction.
“Yeah, yeah…jesus…I thought sharing all of my trauma would help you feel comfortable to open up but in the end you ended up comforting me,” Virgil chuckled wrapping his blanket tighter around himself.
“I appreciate the sentiment Virgil, I’m fine,” Logan replied averting his gaze. Clearly a lie.
“No your not, I can tell,” Virgil stated.
“I-I…okay…okay…I had a nightmare,” Logan admitted. “My parents were also not nice people, they were obsessed with control and perfection which included me. I needed to be perfect for them. They would…punish me…if I wasn’t. Small things; food taken away, more studying…other things. H-horrible things…I-I…” Logan trailed off, hand hovering over a specific spot on his chest which was hidden by the fabric of his jumper.
“It’s okay Logan, you don’t need to show me,” Virgil’s voice softened. Logan who appeared so strong and unbothered by everything was terrified. Terrified by what his parents had done to him. He looked so small and frail, trembling as he recalled the painful memories.
“Its pathetic. So pathetic,” Logan repeated. “Why can’t I do it? Your scars were as a result of you saving your brother’s life, mine are only from my own cowardice. I let them do this to me. I let them. I did nothing to stop it!”.
“You can’t blame yourself,” Virgil urged.
“Why not? It’s my fault. I didn’t fight back. I did nothing. Its pathetic,” Logan exclaimed. Virgil could see the tears welling up in his eyes.
“No, it isn’t,” A voice called out. Both Virgil and Logan jumped at the sudden intrusion, turning towards the direction of the voice. It was Patton. Still dressed in his baby blue pyjamas. “I had a feeling I would find the two of you here,”.
Patton sat on the sofa, urging Virgil and Logan to sit on either side on him, neither had spoken since they were caught. Virgil only wrapped the blanket tighter around himself as Logan stared at his hands, twisting them in the fabric of his pyjama pants.
“I heard a lot of what you both said, I am not upset but I want you…both of you…to know I would never be upset with you for waking me up if you need me. It hurts me more to know you are suffering in silence. I am your dad. I will be here for you at all hours of the night. You kiddos are my top priority. I am here for you,” Patton said his usual goofy and bubbly personality replaced with what Virgil and Roman referred to as Patton’s serious mode. Virgil had heard the same speech on numerous occasions but he still struggled to belief him. This brain wouldn’t allow him to. “You can come to me, I want you too, there isn’t anything we can’t work through as a family. Now who wants a hug?”.
Virgil almost threw himself into Patton’s arms, revelling in the almost instant relief it provided him, as if Patton’s aura of comfort and safety dispelled all the evil from his body. Logan took a little more convincing but soon enough he was also wrapped in Patton’s embrace, Virgil took a hold of Logan’s sleeve. He wasn’t sure why he did. Maybe to prevent Logan from pulling away? Or just to remind him that Virgil he was for him? But he didn’t resist, allowing himself to be enveloped in Patton’s arms. Virgil didn’t know how long they sat there, curled up in each others arms. Logan had fallen asleep a short while ago and Virgil would likely be following him soon.
“Let’s get you two to bed,” Patton said softly, moving carefully so not to wake Logan, lifting him with ease in order to carry him to bed. Virgil staggered groggily behind him. Once Logan was put to bed, Patton entered Virgil’s room. “How are you doing Virge?”.
“Fine,” Virgil mumbled sleepily, curling up beneath his weighted blanket as Patton sat on the edge of his bed, picking up his eeyore toy, tucking it besides him underneath his covers.
“Are you sure? Today has been a difficult day for you,” Patton said running his fingers through Virgil’s fringe.
“I’m worried about Logan,” Virgil admitted, burrowing further beneath his covers.
“I know, I am too but I’ll talk to him tomorrow,” Patton said Virgil felt a little more at ease. Logan would be okay. Patton would help him. “Okay kiddo, you get to sleep now, it is late,”.
“Night, dad,” Virgil mumbled as Patton pressed a kiss to his forehead.
“Goodnight Virgil, I love you,” Patton whispered before closing the door silently.
Virgil closed his eyes, slipping into a peaceful and dreamless sleep. The weight and pain easing. Maybe he would be okay.  
Taglist: @i-do-not-dislike-fudge @poems-art-darkness-n-more @skylark-cain @amber1594 @darkrainbow333 @falseh0od @lovingcreatorstrawberry @gr3ml1n-loser @callboxkat @tacochippy @angelgrace003 @comicsimpson @themischievous-one  @cobythinks @whatschooldoesntteachyou @fandomkitty8 @coloursintheblur @read-write-inspire-repeat @clinicalawesomeness @janus-sanders-deserves-better @scared-ghosthunter @silverstarlinedart @winterrose42 @dumbgayemo @imthatgrace2 @glitchybina @quietwords-loudthoughts @vanilla-rose-swirl @laurabrand
If you have any requests or questions about to series or want to be added to the taglist please do not hesitate to send me an ask. Thanks.  
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kieraswriting · 4 years
Coffin Chapter Fourteen
It was almost as if the world froze when the phone rang. It was Patton’s phone. The instant it started chiming out the song Patton froze, his face paling. Logan and Roman both had horrified looks on their faces. Virgil was standing near Patton, and looked at the screen, before also going pale.
“What is it?” Thomas asked.
“It’s my dad,” Patton said in a hushed whisper.
The phone continued to ring. No one moved.
“Just let it ring, tell him later it went dead or something,” Roman suggested.
“Patton has never failed to answer the phone for his dad in the whole time I’ve known him.” Logan countered. “It wouldn’t be believable.”
The phone was still ringing.
Patton reached for it where it was sitting on the table. His hand was trembling. He picked it up.
“Hi, dad!” He said, but his voice was strained.
“No, I’m doing better. Not quite. I’ve just had to spend a lot of time in bed.” There was a brief silence, and Patton’s face turned bright red. “I-I’m a friend’s house. You probably haven’t met him. No, it’s because they thought I might have gotten sick partially because of my location, like an allergy. I didn’t want to tell you, cause I was worried it would hurt your feelings.” There was another pause. “Y-yeah,” Patton squeaked. “I can. Maybe tomorrow? Ok. I love you too.”
Patton dropped the phone, burying his head in his arms and letting out a long groan.
“His dad came to their house,” Virgil said. “He wants Patton to see him tomorrow.”
“It’s worse than that!” Patton whined into his hands. “He doesn’t believe me. I just know he doesn’t. I can’t—I don’t know what I’m supposed to do about this!”
Roman scooped Patton up in a bridal carry. “First of all, you’re going to calm down. After that we‘ll plan.”
Virgil hovered awkwardly, like he wanted to help but didn’t know how. Roman carried Patton to the living room and sat down with him on the couch, starting a movie.
“Hey, if you need, I could be the friend,” Thomas offered to Logan. “He’s been around my house before, I’m a hunter, it would be reasonable.”
Logan nodded. “Thank you. That may be very useful.”
Logan also went into the living room, offering Patton comfort by his presence.
Thomas was going with Patton. He was driving, and Patton was chewing his fingernails to the quick in the passenger seat.
Patton let out a squeak as Thomas turned. “We’re close now. I haven’t been scared of my dad in years. What if I can’t do it?”
“Patton, you’ll do fine. And if not, there’s two of us, and only one of him.”
Patton shook his head, but Thomas was now pulling into the driveway. Patton squeezed his eyes shut, his whole face going tight. When the car stopped he opened his eyes, and plastered a smile over his face.
“Ok! I’m ready!” His voice was a good imitation of happy, so good Thomas wondered how many times he’d been taken in by it himself.
The door opened before they’d reached it, and a man came out, smiling and with his arms open wide. “Pat!”
“Hi, Dad!”
Patton was swept up in a bear hug.
“Who’s this?” Patton’s dad asked.
“This is Thomas, he’s my friend. He’s been letting me stay with him. Thomas, this is my dad.”
He stuck out his hand. “Liam Hart. Nice to meet you, Thomas.”
Thomas shook his hand, slightly stumbling over the ‘nice to meet you too.’ Patton’s dad looked so— normal. He was stronger than most people his age Thomas had seen, but his face was just as round as Patton’s, though without the freckles, and his smile appeared just as genuine. His hair was kept shorter than Patton’s, but it was clear that Patton got his curls from his dad.
“Well, come inside! I’ve got coffee, and I’m sure we can work out something for lunch in a little bit.”
Soon they were sitting in a cozy living room, cups of coffee in hand, with Patton and his dad both smiling  and Thomas feeling rather uncomfortable.
“So what’s been going on?” Liam asked. “Last I knew, you were headed to the hospital, and since then I’ve heard nothing from you.”
“Yeah…” Patton gave an embarrassed smile. “I was told that it’s some kind of allergy in the area, that because I had that virus a while ago it affected me more strongly, and maybe it was brought on by the cold snap. I didn’t want you to feel bad, since you gave us the house, and it would probably be here too.”
“Well, are you ok to be here then?”
“For a little bit. I shouldn’t stay much longer than an hour. I did take the medicine though, so I should be fine for a little bit.”
Liam nodded, rubbing at his chin. “Well, I understand, but really, Pat, I’m not upset at you. You can’t control an allergy.” He chuckled. “Cats, at least, prove that one.”
Patton laughed.
“But you could still call me to say hi. There’s no reason you couldn’t call.”
Patton nodded. “Yeah, I’m sorry. I just didn’t want it to slip out on accident. I just didn’t want you to feel bad about it.”
Liam nodded. “That’s very kind of you, Pat. But it’s also a lie.”
Patton paled.
Thomas gripped the arm of his chair tightly, ready to jump up and grab Patton if needed.
“And who is this?” Liam asked, gesturing towards Thomas. “I haven’t heard a word about him, and now you’re living in his house secretly? And he comes with you to talk to me? Did you get a secret boyfriend?”
Patton flushed bright red. “What? No! Dad!”
“Then who is he?”
“He’s a friend, I met him a few weeks ago.”
“You’re staying in someone’s house that you only met a few weeks ago? Pat, I can get you somewhere to stay.”
“I offered,” Thomas spoke up.
Patton’s dad turned to him. Not angry exactly, but with a kind of intensity that was hard to argue with. “Look, Thomas, thank you for letting Patton stay with you, and for driving him here. But I would like to speak with my son now, alone.”
Thomas looked at Patton, who gave him a slight nod, though he was pale again.
Patton’s dad stood up, and Thomas scrambled out of the chair and let himself be escorted out of the house.
He couldn’t help but feel as if he should have stayed.
Emile hung up the phone. “He won’t be back for a few days.”
Roman groaned. “Then what are we supposed to do about the guard? We should’ve dealt with him first.”
“For the moment, I suggest we take him lunch.”
Roman sighed. “Yeah. I just feel terrible about keeping him locked up like this.”
Emile raised an eyebrow, and Roman could see the question written all over his face. ‘And what about all the vampires you’ve kept captive or killed?’
Roman walked away, ignoring the unspoken question. He made a sandwich and grabbed a bottle of Gatorade, and went downstairs.
There was a quick shuffling as Roman opened the door, and the man tried to hide his cuffed hand behind him.
The room they were keeping him in had no windows, and they had cuffed one of his hands to the bedpost and kept the door locked. Roman’s eyes narrowed, and he put on a stiff exterior.
“What are you doing?”
The man glared.
Roman glared right back. “I’ve got a dozen vampires out there. Even if you make it out of the room, you won’t get out of the house alive.”
The man paled, but his glare didn’t fade in the slightest. “You may think you’re smarter than the hunters, but you aren’t! There’s more hunters in high places than you could ever imagine! Your pitiful operation will be crushed.”
Roman rolled his eyes and set the food down within reach. “I know more about hunters than you’d guess.”
The man sneered. “Whatever you think you know, I promise it’s so much more than that.”
Roman sighed. “I’ll warn you again, you don’t want to find out what happens if you don’t stay put.”
Roman left, ignoring the thump as the bottle was thrown at the door.
It was much later in the evening when Roman heard a cry, and then a scream. He ran back to the room the guard was in, and saw Emile, clutching his head, and a plate of spilled food on the ground. Virgil had the guard pinned to the ground, and was hissing with bared teeth.
“Dude, I just warned you.” Roman said, exasperated. “Hold him, Virgil, I’ll go get new cuffs.”
“Don’t leave me with a vampire!” The man yelled, half aggressive and half terrified.
Roman just walked out. He got some cuffs and came back.
The man had shifted fully to scared, and was trembling under Virgil, who still hissed at any movement. Roman easily cuffed his hands together and used a second pair of cuffs to connect him to the bedpost yet again.
“Alright, you can let him go now.”
Virgil backed off, still glaring intensely.
Emile walked back into the room, holding an ice pack to his head. He set a hand on Virgil, who visibly calmed.
“I’m fine. Why don’t we go get him another plate of dinner.”
Virgil bristled, but a soft squeeze of Emile’s hand made his protests die before they were spoken.
Roman started cleaning up the spilled plate. “You’re lucky he’s here, you know.” He scooped the majority of the food onto the plate. “But you’re really, really unlucky that you chose him to hit. Virgil might not kill you, but if Remy gets back and there’s still a mark, you’re going to wish he had.”
The man was pale and trembling. He hadn’t moved except to curl in on himself at the threat.
Roman dumped the food and came back with a rag to wipe up the floor. “I would advise that you behave when they come back.”
The man nodded.
Roman slumped on the couch in the living room. He didn’t like this. He wished that they were better organized. That they had a leader. He didn’t like keeping the guy captive, much less scaring the wits out of him, but if they let him go they’d be hours away from annihilation.
It was fully dark when Patton emerged from the house. He was kind of slumped over. Thomas cranked the car and waited for him to get in.
“Are you alright?”
Patton nodded. “I didn’t tell him anything.”
“Patton, while I do appreciate that, it’s not at all what I’m worried about right now.”
Patton’s face twitched with a hint of a smile, before going back to profound tiredness. “I will be alright. Just not right now.”
Thomas nodded, concerned, but not knowing what to do about it. He drove along in silence for a minute, and then a sign caught his eye.
“Would ice cream make things better?”
Patton gave a huff that didn’t really resemble a laugh, but he had a tiny crooked smile. “Ice cream always makes things better.”
Roman had looked depressed ever since they’d given the guard dinner. Virgil was sitting on the couch, sandwiched between him and Emile, and they were watching cartoons again.
The door opened. “Hi,” Thomas said tiredly.
Dee appeared suddenly to stand next to Thomas, and lead him away.
“I need a hug,” Patton said, and Roman was happy to oblige, scooping him up and carrying him to the couch.
Virgil moved closer to Emile to make room, and Emile tucked him under his arm.
Virgil didn’t realize he’d fallen asleep until he was woken by Emile trying to get up.
“Sorry, sorry.”
“Come on, Virge, Patton’s going to bed now too.” Roman was successfully standing with a sleeping Patton in his arms.
Virgil blearily followed, laying down on the far end of the bed from where Roman had put Patton.
By the time he woke the next morning, Patton was using him as a teddy bear again, and Virgil found that he didn’t mind at all.
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stillebesat · 4 years
Stille’s Sanders Sides Master Post (Updated September 9th, 2022)
Here’s my official Master Post of my Sanders Sides Fics! 
All of them can also be found on my Ao3 account NikaylaSarae. ^^;;
For Tumblr, the links to all my stories are below the cut. <3
The Brilliant 3 A.M. Idea  -Roman gets an Idea at 3am and must tell Thomas. -Inspired from Image posted by: organisoitukaaosteoria, Fic request: darude-sanderstorm
The Nest -Patton misplaces his cardigan and finds it in an unexpected spot. Inspired from series of text posts by: the-zebra-dragon and arc852, Fic request: sidewritings
That’s How You Know -Roman is feeling low after not getting a part he auditioned for and desperately wanted. The others step in to cheer him up. Song!Fic -That’s How You Know from Enchanted
Out There: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 -Logan finds himself alone in the apartment. So he does something he usually doesn’t do. Sing. Song!Fic -Out There from Hunchback of Notre Dame
Deep Heart: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 -When Logan leaves the others in Patton’s room, Virgil takes matters into his own hands and ends up revealing a secret Patton wanted to keep hidden. (takes place at the end of Moving On ½) Inspiration from This Post Courage, Braveheart: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 -Virgil had known since he was young that his chances for living long were slim. Still, he had hoped to have lived a little bit longer.
A Sweet Discovery -It’s 2 a.m. and Tiny!Logan is on the prowl for sweets. Tiny!Sides
It Takes Two -When Logan can’t convince Thomas to not give into peer pressure in a potentially dangerous situation, he turns to the Side he thought he’d never go to for help. Virgil.
Found in the Glitter -Working backstage is not always the easiest, especially when Virgil manages to get on the new guy’s nerves. Theatre AU
A Rainbow Connection -Roman’s on the run, desperate to escape the man who’s been able to control his entire life just by looking into his eyes. Hopping from airport to airport, Roman unexpectedly runs into the person who gave him the key to slipping from the Cobra’s mental control; Thomas Sanders.   Song!Fic
Shades of Truth: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 - -Everyone has secrets, Roman knows this. But after dealing with Deceit in the most recent video and discovering that Virgil doesn’t like liars…he decides to come clean with a secret he’s been hiding from the other Sides.
Meeting Einstein -It’d been a horrible no good very bad and awful day, and all Patton wanted was to play with the puppies in the local pet store to cheer himself up. Instead he finds something completely different.
True Colors  -There’s a place in the mindscape that Roman only goes to as a last resort when the criticism from the others becomes too much. Unfortunately, it’s becoming an all too frequent occurrence.
A Work of Art -After a rough night of public humiliation at the hands of his old rival, Roman just wants to take a shower and get some sleep. His roommate has something else in mind though.
Contained-Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 -You know what they say about Creativity. It’s best if it’s locked away.
FreeFalling- Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 -Sometimes you just need to take a leap of faith. Winged!AU
The Butterfly Effect- Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Chapter 5  Chapter 6  Chapter 7  Chapter 8  Chapter 9  Chapter 10  Chapter 11  Chapter 12  Chapter 13  Chapter 14  Chapter 15  Chapter 16  Chapter 17  Chapter 18  Chapter 19  Chapter 20  Chapter 21  Chapter 22  Chapter 23  Chapter 24  Chapter 25  Chapter 26  -Roman has three chances to change his life for the better. Three chances to fix past mistakes. Three chances to totally screw it all up. But who said life is worth living unless one takes a little risk?
The Training Program-It’s five a.m.. Virgil hasn’t yet slept and Thomas is summoning him. That couldn’t be good.
A Hero’s Rescue Part 1  Part 2 -After being defeated in battle, the last thing Roman expects is to have a soaking wet hero show up at his doorstep.
The Beginning -Creativity has an idea. A wonderful, awesome idea. Now…if only Creativity could focus enough to make the idea a reality.
Little Lies - Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  -All he’d been looking for when he’d revealed himself to Thomas was a little less work. One less secret to hide. One less thing to keep Thomas from knowing because his host didn’t want to know. To say it had backfired for Deceit was a bit of an understatement.
White Lies - Part 1  Part 2  Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 -Sequel to Little Lies -Deceit has been stuck in his ‘role’ as Dilyn for almost a year now. It’s about time he changed that.
CatScratch - Virgil’s learned to expect a lot of things helping the police solve murders, but he never thought that they’d actually find something that could crack his own unsolved case.
The Finish Line - After years of training, Logan Star is finally going to accomplish the one goal he’s had since his first High School track meet. Beat Roman Prince.
Growing Pains -Part 1  Part 2  Part 3 -For the past year Logan has been fighting to keep a part of himself hidden. Only now, thanks to Roman, he’s been compromised.
The Grade -Patton: I’m sorry I graded your tests in magic marker, but I just felt like it.
Seeking Warmth -If he’d known he’d be spending the rest of eternity freezing to death on Earth, Deceit would never have left Hell in the first place.
Spilled Milk -Logan never expected to get in the middle of a fight while at the self-checkout of a grocery store.
Egg-stenuating Circumstances -Why is it that the simplest of quests for Roman always end up more complicated than they should be?
The Rise of Deceit -With the Dragonwitch destroying the kingdom, the Crown Prince has a difficult choice to make.
Tattered -Part 1  Part 2 -Left to fend for himself, Roman can’t trust anyone…right?
Raindrops and Cookies -Most people would only be focused on getting themselves out of the rain. Patton isn’t most people.
A Special Delivery -Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  - “The stork brings the baby to deserving parents.” He whispered, quoting the words from memory. “All the lost, forgotten, and alone.”
In These Tangled Webs: Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11 -It should be easy admitting to your roommates that you’re not entirely human. Only in Logan’s case it’s not. Not when he discovers that Patton is afraid of Spiders.
The Old Hoodie - 2 sentence prompt –Thomas glared at Virgil, eyes filled with hate, and held out Virgil’s old hoodie, obviously expecting him to take it and go back to who he used to be. “I don’t trust Dark Sides.“
I Miss The King: Part 1  Part 2 -2 sentence prompt -“I miss you… I miss the King” a sigh “Apparently, it’s the same for me.”
Infinitesimal -Logan isn’t quite sure why Roman thinks he needs his help at three in the morning.
To Break A Curse: 2 sentence prompt -Logan looked at Roman, eyes dark. “I need you to really think about what you’re saying, because you’re going to hurt Virgil even more if you do not.“  
Shutting Down -Having your phone die shouldn’t be that big of a deal…right?
Anxious to Touch - Virgil ca’t be around the others without hurting them, so he has to stay away. Only Deceit won’t let him do that.
The Path: A Tale of Trick or Treating - Remus(1) Patton(2) Emile(3) Remy(4) ???(5) Logan(6) Roman(7) Virgil(8) Diva(9) Duke(10) Prince(11) Picani(12) Logic(13)  Deceit(14) ???(15)  -2nd person pov. -You’ve been trick or treating at the Sanders Side’s homes for as long as you can remember, but this year things get a bit more…complicated.
The Interview: Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4 Part 5 -A normal day at StoryTime! Inc. takes an unexpected turn when Logan goes to investigate why his coworkers have made a bet using Crofters as the prize.
Virgil’s Interview: -It’d been his dream to work for StoryTime! since he was a kid, and now finally, Virgil may be able to make it come true. Note: Virgil’s pov of Chapter 3 in The Interview.
The Olive Branch -They used to celebrate Christmas Eve without Anxiety there to ruin things. But this year Roman plans to change that.
These Black Wings -An hour ago Patton had been loved, wanted, celebrated. Now? He’s on the run for his life thanks to the large black wings that sprouted from his back.
Chimney Sweep -Sure. It’s great to be able to see visions of missing children…but being able to find them still alive is another thing entirely.
Meeting Romeo -A Prequel to A Work of Art. -It was unfortunate really, but someone had to tell the Romeo standing on the street that his Juliet he’d come to listen to day after day no longer lived in the apartment complex. It might as well be Virgil.
Dance with Me -Patton’s never had a father figure to bring to his ballet class for Valentine’s Day like all the other kids before. But this year…he might.
A Midnight Conversation -All Virgil expected when he stepped out onto the balcony was to have a quiet moment to himself. Note: Virgil’s pov of ch 2 of White Lies.
Warm Fuzzies -Two Sentence Prompt: Remy thought that he didn’t deserve love, not after everything he’s done. But, when Emile walked through the door to room 127, Remy’s heart skipped an unexpected beat.
A Shadowling’s Happiness  -Two Sentence Prompt: “Where the hell are you going!?” “To the subconscious,  and you can’t stop me.”
Scales- Prologue  Chapter 1   Chapter 2   Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Chapter 5  Epilogue -Deceit hadn’t expected his absence from the Mindscape to be noticed by the others…until Logic knocked on his door.
Mother’s Day -Janus has never liked Mother’s Day.
Wanted -Remus knew one thing for sure. No one would ever want to Want him.
To The Moon - A Vague AU Prompt. -This wasn’t at all how Patton expected their wedding night to go.
The New Hire- Roman has never known his brother, Logan, to break a promise. Until now. Note: Roman’s pov of Chapter 4 in The Interview. 
Be My Dad- A Vague AU Prompt -Janus has no interest in being a parental figure to a kid, but trying to convince the universe of that is another thing entirely.
Moonshot-  Was it too much for Logan to ask to have just one date not revolve around sports talk?
The Sweater- Emile had said he was making a sweater for a friend. Only he neglected to tell Remy that this friend wasn’t exactly…well…human.
October ThirST -After seventy years of searching for his Soulblood, Virgil is highly doubtful he’ll find them tonight.
Lemon Drops -Patton just wanted to go somewhere where he wouldn’t be judged, wouldn’t disappoint…wouldn’t…screw up another relationship. (Takes place after SvS Redux)
The Path: A Promise Kept -sequel to The Path: A Tale of Trick or Treating -Trick or Treating may be cancelled this year, but that won’t stop you from keeping a Promise.
The Chaos Twins -prequel moment to The Sweater -Everyone has their hobbies, though Emile wishes his roommates’ hobbies were a little less…explosive.
On the Run -prequel moment to the Sweater -When life gives you an escape attempt, you run as fast and as far as you can to get away.
Nitemear -It’s not considered running away if you’re merely trying to find a more defensible position.
The Key is Confidence -Confidence. That was the key, his father had told him, to getting away with anything.
Among the Branches -Getting woken up at the crack of dawn by your landlord can’t be a good thing. Fractured Trust- Trust is a tender thing, easily made…and just as easily broken. Written for the Two sentence prompt -"Why don't you trust me Roman?" Patton asked tightening his grip on Roman's shirt. "P-Patton I-" Roman stuttered out fearfully.
A Mini’s Pep Talk -It shouldn’t surprise Roman, at this point, that on top of an already no good really really bad day he ends up getting attacked by another Side’s Mini-Me while looking for his own. (Takes place after SVS Redux)
The (K)nightmare -They say that the brain uses Dreams to help understand and solve problems one faces in the waking world.
Demon Comfort -Part 1  Part 2  Part 3 -Lurking under a Human’s bed should be downright dull for a Demon of Logan’s rank. And yet…he can’t help but be intrigued by his human charge.
First Contact - Things would be so much easier if only their human, Virgil, would talk to them.
Meeting Virgil (5x1) - Part 1  Part 2  Part 3 -Five times Remy tried to give Virgil a child and the one time he succeeded. A Special Delivery Prequel. 
Catch Me (If You Can) - Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 -Remy would not allow himself to be seen as needy and helpless in front of the general masses. He had an image to uphold. One of perfect health, snarky comebacks, and general sassiness. He didn’t get sick.
Beneath the Moon - Part 1  Part 2 Part 3 -After all the research he’d done, after all the signs he’d been experiencing. Logan needed someone to tell him he wasn’t crazy. And Roman…Roman had always been the one most likely to believe in the fantastical, the impossible, the…supernatural.
Hello Darkness (My Old ... Friend?) - Part 1  -Is it possible to search for something…for someone…when you don’t even remember that they’re missing?
Dance Break! -Roman suddenly jumped up, a sparkle in his eyes, as he turned, seeking out the first person he can find and holding out his hand. “Dance with me!” (Written with @kieraelieson)​
Christmas Eve -Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5 -Of all the barriers that Janus expected to have to overcome in order to get his son a pet for Christmas, encountering his Ex, Roman, working in the pet store had never once crossed his mind.
Code: Blanket -Part 1  Part 2 -A friendship doesn’t stop just because one person decides to act like a dick. Especially when said dick is obviously in trouble.
An Unconventional Defeat -Patton knew that heroes started out young, far younger than villains ever did. But this young?
Into the Fray -It wasn’t like he shouldn’t have expected this. It seemed like any plan involving him and Virgil had a tendency to well…go astray.
No Longer Alone -Growing up in isolation away from people has been all that Virgil’s ever known. That changes today.
A Restless Christmas Eve -Even if it had been five years since he’d appeared in the real world, this still felt like it should have been a Virgil problem and not a Deceit one. He’d never had issues staying asleep before. Let alone ending up wide awake, feeling like he needed to–to–just move. Get out. Because of a stupid storm.
Out Camping - Part 1  Part 2 -A Father and Son Camping Trip.
Sanders Sides Art Portals AU-  Deceit  Roman  Patton Logan  Virgil
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