underthevenadahl · 23 days
So I've made lists of what all herbs i need to fully upgrade my potions and stuff in DAI, cuz tbh its confusing, and there. Are. So. Many. It's insane. Did you know that in total to upgrade all of the categories you need 256 blood lotus? 256??
That's over 2 and a half stacks!
So yea, I guess rn just currently picturing the Inquisitor constantly wading through water for blood lotus of all things.
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exhausted-archivist · 2 years
Cut Content: Plants
I'm slowly making my way through my Herbalist's Handbook project and through the process I've been yanking out references of all fauna in dai, cut or final. So, I thought I'd share some of the cut plants/fungi I've found. They fall into three categories: Cut but Canon through other sources, Cut but Canon - different design, or Cut Entirely.
Personally, I enjoy finding the remnants of such assets in the game files, there is a bittersweet joy in it. Knowing that BioWare did consider adding in the elements and variety I craved but also knowing they likely got cut due to time, scope, or mechanic limitations. I really hope they continue to add new flora for us, and I hope to discover even more in the next game. I'll be interested to see if any of these make an appearance later and if they'll have any of the uses I'm outlining in my herb project.
For more plant posts see: Flora of Thedas Real Plants in Thedas
**Edit - changed the language because tumblr decided to post the image arrangement differently than I had it.**
Cut, but Canon Plants
These first two are actually the same plant- or rather fungus. On the left is a weird one that technically falls into the cut but canon - different design but wanted them side by side.
This is spongeroot. A little surface mushroom that we only know by name thanks to the World of Thedas (WoT) vol. 2 book and by the file names. The left is the cut design, the right is the final design (sans colouration) that we actually see in WoT. It's found in the Trespasser DLC files.
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The second is called ghoul's mushroom. This is a deep mushroom codex. It is one of the most commonly used mushroom by herbalists. [source] Other then that we don't know much about them, but they're found in the base game Inquisition files. Given that they have garden cards, we can presume they were at the very least harvestable at one point.
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Cut, but Canon - Different Design
From top to bottom we have the cut designs of Ghoul's Beard - Short, Blightcap, and Spindleweed - Landform.
Ghoul's Beard Short This has no real difference from the final game version other than it is stockier and bushier than what we see in-game. Personally, I enjoy the exploration into such a simple variation as it would be rather common to have differences in length.
Blighcap This is another common deep mushroom used by herbalists in Thedas. We also see mention of blightcap in WoT vol. 2: "Flat-capped and gray that grows in clay: Blightcap, the hunter's bane." Given the image is stylized, I can't tell accurately the colours, but it isn't flat-capped and thus why it's placed here.
Spindleweed - Landform Interestingly, DA2 had a similar model for when it introduced spindleweed. Though the leaves here are only a single lobe instead of three lobes on the DA2 spindleweed. This is an interesting variation to me because it would lend more variety in the spindleweed family but it would also explain how people could grow spindleweed in their garden away from water.
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Cut Entirely
From top to bottom we have blade lotus, desert bloom, and desert rose. There is no information on either as they seem to be completely new plants that were intended to be introduced into Inquisition's base game.
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quibbs · 1 year
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replaying a little game from 10 years ago
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tahopo · 1 month
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little surana ❤️‍🩹
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new-austin · 2 years
I would take freshwater spindleweed and make a salad with balsamic vinegar if I was in dragon age
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anneapocalypse · 2 years
Feel free to add your own!
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theluckywizard · 20 days
Kiss Me Moonstruck, Ch. 3: Curiosity
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Gif by @okhotshots
Chapter Summary: With Garrett Hawke off dealing with some kind of street fight and the mothers busy catching up on a few decades of gossip, Rose decides to acquaint herself with the Hawke Estate. A little snooping never hurt anyone.
Fic Summary: Smashed together in a matchmaking scheme cooked up by their enterprising mothers, Garrett Hawke and Rose Trevelyan are forced to endure one another for a whole week over Satinalia at the Hawke Estate. Rose hears he’s a swashbuckling treasure hunter, as wild as he is handsome and as ill-bred as he is rich. Garrett suspects she’s a brat of an ingenue with a string of rejected marriage proposals behind her. Determined to prove to the other that they could not be less compatible, they quickly find their mothers’ plot might be working better than they thought.
Excerpt under the cut 👇
Rose stands abruptly, tired of waiting at the fringes of this conversation for something that actually interests her and declares that she’d like to stretch her legs after such a long carriage ride.
“Of course! Please. Our home is yours,” says Leandra. “Bodahn and Orana will be about if you need anything.”
Alsatia eyes her daughter with the barest hint of suspicion which Rose blithely ignores, slipping out of the drawing room. Rose doesn’t suppose that Leandra actually meant she could have free reign of the place, but it would be easy enough to beg forgiveness and her mother assures her that there are few people as accommodating as their hostess.
The home is quiet save for the snapping of the enormous fire in the grand foyer, the muffled chatter that continues behind her and the soft snuffling of the family’s Mabari who lifts his head in interest as she descends the stairs. Rose relishes in her soundless footsteps, honed in hunting lessons with the gamekeeper and nights spent sneaking around and out of her family’s estate in Fenwick. She holds an impish finger to her lips as she passes the great hunk of canine muscle watching from his spot by the fire and enters the vestibule. 
One side of the room is essentially an armory. Rose wonders why a man ‘richer than the Maker’ would have so many battered, sad-looking shields and chipped swords, but they hang in an imposing row along the wall. Perhaps they are trophies. Or memories. How many people have been cut down by those blades? The number begins small and then inflates rapidly as her imagination takes wing. But the man had seemed so unpretentious and affable after tripping his way through their introduction. It doesn’t seem to square with all this weaponry, but it must. Somehow. 
Closer to the foyer is a number of armor stands with sets of lightweight leather armor and splintmail. She pleases herself identifying the various components, knowledge she’d gleaned sifting through pages on the floor of her father’s library rather than any real experience. In a closet beyond is an extra hauberk and an assortment of gambesons and maintenance tools and equipment. Awls and oil. Garrett’s finery from earlier hangs on a hook. Feeling venturesome and more than a little nosy, Rose leans in to get a whiff of this man she’s meant to like enough to marry.
Peppermint, obviously. Camphor. Herbs she can’t quite distinguish. Elfroot probably. Rashvine and spindleweed perhaps. And buried beneath those is the indescribable scent of what she assumes must be him. It's unexpectedly cozy, like hints of a busy kitchen at dawn. Rose startles at a sudden contact between her thighs, stumbling back from her insolent task to discover Garrett Hawke’s Mabari has an equally insolent interest in her.
She shoves him back gingerly and with placating tones, unsure if a war dog would be friendly toward an interloper like herself. He’s three times the size and heft of any of her hunting hounds, and his undocked tail lashes and whips with enthusiasm when she scratches behind his ears.
“Well aren’t you persistent,” she mutters, attending to the short fur of his broad white chest. She carefully avoids the precarious string of slobber that dangles from his maw and returns to the foyer hoping the creature will settle down by the fire again. He doesn’t. Enthralled by the attention, he stays at her heels, following her over to an apparent writing desk.
Read the rest here! Start the fic here!
DAFF Crew 💖
@about2dance | @exalted-dawn-drabbles | @blarrghe | @delicatefade | @leggywillow
@ir0n-angel | @inquisimer | @crackinglamb | @agentkatie | @oxygenforthewicked
@breninarthur | @ar-lath-ma-cully | @dreadfutures | @plisuu | @hekaerges
@warpedlegacy | @rakshadow | @rosella-writes | @effelants | @bluewren
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lagunapoint · 2 days
Inquisitor Tag Game
Thanks to @karpowskaja for tagging me ♡ I was supposed to create my Inquisitor on picrew and share three facts, but I got carried away. It's such a cute editor! Here’s my Inquisitor Ellana Lavellan during the early days of the Inquisition, and... now) after parting ways with Solas.
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Ellana has a younger sister. When her sister was 10, she showed magical abilities, and shortly after, she was sent to another nomadic clan to train under a Keeper. Since then, they’ve been separated and never saw each other again. After becoming the Inquisitor and traveling to different places, Ellana continued to hope she would encounter her sister's clan.
Ellana knows Isabela. Once, Varric convinced her to throw a banquet and invite a few friends- acquaintances-business partners to celebrate her new house - a gift from him - in Kirkwall. But what started in Kirkwall continued aboard Isabela’s ship, where she owed Hawke a favor for something that happened between them in the past. Since then, Ellana finally understood why Dorian dislikes the sea so much.
She’s allergic to Spindleweed.
I tag @beardedladyqueen @seffie-jade @kcwriter-blog  @maharellasa @lavellaned and @blackorredrose and anyone else who wants to do this! 🫶🏼
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Codex Entry #40: A Healer's Notes at the Crossroads
Low on elfroot. Send girl out tomorrow to gather more. Send village boy with her. Fighting closer. Redcliffe closed gates. Refugees staying by crossroads now.
Treated refugees. Illness and stomach trouble from eating spoiled food. Burn marks consistent with magic attacks. One elderly refugee had bone-sickness, made worse by fleeing village when apostates attacked.
More refugee arrivals. Elfroot, spindleweed low. Treated slash wounds, contusions, internal bleeding. Six treated, two eased to Maker. Reported templars attacked them as suspected apostates.
Treated frost-cough at crossroads. Sent letter to Redcliffe asking for blankets. No response. Widow Taine passed in sleep.
Treated hunger shivers at crossroads. More refugees. Burns and contusions, severe bleeding. Caught in fighting between apostates and templars. Amputated arm to save girl. Will die without more elfroot anyway, but too dangerous to gather more.
Girl running high fever. Refugees found merchant wagon burning on way to crossroads. Matched Old Vinn's wagon. No bodies, but everything in wagon taken. No more supplies coming.
Think girl will make it. Used last of elfroot. Making poultices from whatever I can find. Telling refugees to boil anything they eat or drink. Too many sick. Giselle came, said Inquisition help is not far behind.
Fighting outside. Sounds like templars and mages both. Refugees scattered. Someone outside, screaming. Have to help.
—From a journal belonging to the old healer who lived at the Redcliffe crossroads and was believed to be killed in the fighting
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breninarthur · 8 months
almost - an'da/kallian
rated g, 1048 words. awkwardness, embarrassment, sickfic (kinda).
for oc kiss week! an'da eolasa belongs to @about2dance - i hope you like it <3
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It had been almost three weeks since Kallian fell ill. Almost three weeks of nobody knowing what exactly was wrong with her. 
She’d been bedridden, delirious, experiencing hot and cold flashes, waking up in cold sweats and screaming from pernicious nightmares… and the pain. Each day was a countdown to when her next migraine would hit, or her knee would lock up, or her skin felt as though it had been sunburned twice over.
And each day, An’da would come.
She tried every remedy she knew, and when they ran out, she invented new ones. Though they hadn’t gotten to the bottom of Kallian’s illness yet, An’da always knew how to alleviate the pain. Spindleweed for the intermittent fevers, Prophet’s Laurel leaves for the headaches, an elfroot salve for the skin, heat for the joints when ice didn’t work… it was endless, but the only thing that felt like a chore was the not knowing. It was frustrating, caring for someone without being able to make the hurt go away permanently.
But she was working on it.
“An’da,” Kallian grinned as the healer walked into the room that would likely have a permanent medicinal scent to it after all the herbs she’d used.
“How are you feeling?” she asked with a warm smile. Her friend looked much better than she had. Pale, but lucid and not screaming crying, which was an incredible improvement.
“Better,” Kallian said, sighing happily. “A little bored, maybe. I was thinking I could probably pop down to the training grounds, help the newer recruits with—”
“Absolutely not,” An’da cut across, raising an eyebrow. There was no heat to her words, just as there had been no sincerity in Kallian’s. She was merely pushing her luck, as usual.
“Fine.” Kallian sighed dramatically, slumping back and rolling her eyes, a faint smile still tugging at her lips. “I suppose you’ll just have to keep me entertained, then.”
An’da chuckled. “And how should I do that?”
Kallian seemed to falter at that. Her eyes flicked back and widened just a fraction. She looked as though she wanted to say something, but changed her mind at the last minute.
“Oh, it looks like your flush is back,” An’da muttered, leaning closer to inspect the red in her cheeks and gently touch her forehead.
“No, it’s just…” Kallian laughed weakly, trailing off. Her eyes darted between An’da’s for a moment, wide and panicking for some reason.
“Are you alright?” An’da asked her quietly, furrowing her brow as she searched Kallian’s face.
“Yes!” she yelped, brushing her hand away suddenly and bolting upright. “You know what, I think I just need to get moving. Could you help me up, please?”
An’da tried to protest, but Kallian was already on the move, swinging her legs out of bed with grunts of effort and gritted teeth. An’da’s hands shot out to hold her steady, cupping her elbows as Kallian swayed on her feet and clutched at her friend’s shoulders.
“Maker…” Kallian whispered, squeezing her eyes shut. “I’m sorry.”
“What? What for?”
“I was just trying to get away from you,” she muttered, shaking her head.
An’da blinked in surprise and hurt, taking a step back. Had she done something wrong? Was she being too overbearing? Maybe the Warden wanted to heal on her own terms, or—
“Not like that!” Kallian blurted out, her eyes snapping open again. “It’s… I just… I’m… ugh!”
She held An’da tighter, and looked into her eyes as if that was enough, as if the words wouldn’t come any other way. But An’da looked lost. Kallian sighed.
“These past few weeks… well, before that, really, this just sort of… look, I’m just trying to say… I-I think you’re amazing, An’da. You’re kind, and talented, and beautiful, and…”
An’da’s mind went blank. Her cheeks flooded with heat and her mouth opened wordlessly. When she’d decided to take care of Kallian, she’d considered the possible outcomes. The Grey Warden was notoriously stubborn, she seemed the type to refuse treatment and bedrest. People said she was grumpy, and not the type to follow orders, especially when those orders were to do nothing.
This had never been on the cards.
“Am I mental?” she continued. “Or do you… I don’t know, see something in me too?”
Did she? Memories rapidly flicked through An’da’s mind. Kallian laughing hysterically at one of Varric’s jokes, tears streaming down her cheeks. Kallian crying, helplessly clinging to An’da as her body was wracked with pain. Kallian’s ferocity on the battlefield, grinning with blood on her teeth. Kallian and the softness she’d only showed her dog, until recently.
What was she supposed to say? Yes? Was that even the truth?
Kallian nudged forwards, ever so slightly.
An’da was frozen.
Kallian’s eyes darted down to her lips and back. She waited, as though she were asking permission but hadn’t the bravery to voice her intentions.
An’da didn’t know what to say, couldn’t say anything, but found herself paying attention to how Kallian’s tongue darted out for a split second before she was leaning in again.
Closer, closer, and An’da’s eyes fluttered shut.
Their noses brushed, and that was enough.
This was wrong.
“I can’t,” An’da said sternly, stepping back while making sure the other elf wasn’t about to topple over. “You aren’t well, Kallian. It… wouldn’t be appropriate.”
To say the least.
Kallian nodded weakly. “Right… sorry.”
“No, you’re right, you’re right. Creators, that was bold, wasn’t it?” she laughed, feeble and forced. She wouldn’t meet her eyes. “Maybe I really do need rest.”
An’da smiled gently as Kallian nervously twisted the ring on her finger. “We can talk properly when you’re feeling better.”
She helped the Warden back into bed, who kept apologising profusely despite An’da’s assurances that it was alright.
“I’ll see you later,” the healer murmured, as she shut the door behind her.
She paused for a minute as she processed everything that happened. It was… confusing, and too much to think about all in one go. Besides, though Kallian seemed better, there was no guarantee that whatever had been ailing her was gone. There was still work to do.
As An’da set off towards the herb gardens, she couldn’t help but smile at the muffled groan of embarrassment that came from Kallian’s room.
[divider credit]
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delicatefade · 10 months
(WIP Wed/Whenever) kissy kissy Dalish elves
What if I actually posted on tumblr instead of just reblogging art? I've been writing a Dragon Age fanfic with no canon characters because I am a clown. It's a love story told in three four stories between my OC Eilan Lavellan and @bluewren's OC Lex Lavellan. They are twenty years old. Here is a fluffy little love snippet. (for any familiar with my main Eilan/Solas story, this is an AU for Eilan.)
Context: Lex and Eilan have been dating in secret for 8 months. Eilan insisted on keeping it secret because she didn't want to be the center of gossip. Lex didn't care if everyone knew but went along with Eilan's secretive nature. Their cover was just blown and everyone at Clan Lavellan now knows. CW: sex implied, nudity word count: 653
Eilan was surprised by how much she enjoyed having her secret exposed. That everyone knew she and Lex belonged to each other made her feel proud, even smug. Surely she had the envy of every other young woman — who better a catch than Lex? And who would have expected him to fall for Eilan, who was pretty enough but a bit odd, a loner who lived too far in her own head and practiced strange hobbies like elven calligraphy and writing. Being recognized as a couple had its practical benefits as well. They no longer had to invent ruses to explain their absences. They could disappear together, hand in hand, in plain view of their clan. Though Lex and Eilan had never named what had grown between them, in the eyes of the others they were clearly now a committed couple. Eilan was inclined to adopt their view.
To disappear together was as far as she dared express herself in public. When they were at camp Eilan preferred not to kiss or touch unnecessarily. Lex, she suspected, would have preferred to flaunt their relationship. He had sat close to her by the fire and rested his hand on her knee. The following day he swam out to where she bathed in the shallow sea just to hold her, the two of them weightless in the water. She reciprocated with a quick kiss, a small touch or a shy embrace, enough to make sure he never felt rejected, but invariably she would cut short his sweet affections, whispering to him that someone could see. He did not seem to mind. Or if he did, he never said. It helped that they often found time to be alone together. They each had daily duties, everyone in the clan did, but Eilan had found a way to pawn off some her chores onto a much younger cousin by baiting the girl with unfair bets. “I bet that when I drop this quill it will fall upwind,” Eilan said, knowing full well she could tip the quill with a sleight of hand. “Bet you can’t blow out all these candles in a single breath,” she said after having coated two wicks in essence of wyvern’s breath so that they would burn more stubbornly. The girl was only twelve, an apprentice healer of an agreeable and shy nature. By the fourth bet Eilan suspected that the girl had caught on, but was so thoroughly enjoying Eilan’s attention that she was willing to spend the day de-stemming spindleweed in Eilan’s stead. On those days Eilan would meet Lex in the forest where it was his duty to tend to wild gardens, thought admittedly when Eilan was there he tended to little but her. “Hold on. One second. I should check on the peppers,” Lex said as he disentangled himself from Eilan and stood up from the ground. They had just made love on a patch of summer squash. Fat bright leaves clung to Eilan’s bare back as she sat up to watch Lex move, his nude body gorgeous in the dappled sunlight. He pulled free a pepper from a nearby plant and screwed up his nose at it. It was a runty thing, curled in on itself like an angry cashew, bright red and gnarled. Lex raised a bewildered brow. “…the fuck?” Eilan repressed a laugh, her whole body shaking, tears in her eyes, lips twitching as she covered her mouth. “Oh yea?” Lex grinned, trying not to laugh. “You think it’s funny?” He tossed the sad pepper behind him and dove towards her, nipping at her neck as he guided her back into the cushy leaves. She shrieked with delight. “It’s all your fault,” he teased. “You’re the… what’s that word again? The title of your play? The Saboteur.” Eilan gasped. “You remembered the title of my play!” Lex wagged his brows cockily as if to say ‘duh.’
Tagging: @monocytogenes, @crackinglamb, @about2dance, @nirikeehan, @theluckywizard, @oxygenforthewicked @melisusthewee @rosella-writes and anyone else who might want to share their WIPs!
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exhausted-archivist · 2 years
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Flora of Thedas Master List
Master list of all the flora in Thedas, mentioned or seen.
Additional notes on certain items will be listed at the bottom, for items marked with asterisks, see the key below for a brief explanation and the Game assets and Additional Notes and Trivia section at the bottom. Sources are listed at the very end and this time linked.
For other lists here are posts for: Real Plants in Thedas
Key: * - Name comes from the asset file name ** - Name not provided but identified based on the textures used on the asset. *** - See Additional Notes and Trivia.
General Flora: Flowers and Foliage
Acacia*: Black Wood*
Andraste's Grace
Ardent Blossom
Banyan Tree*
Beech Tree
Birch: White Birch*
Cactus: Pear Cactus*
Cedar: Red Cedar
Clover: Forest Clover*
Crape Myrtle
Cypress: Italian Cypress*, Topiary Cypress*
Daisy: Marguerite
Elephant Ear*
Fade Berry*
Felicidus Aria
Fern: Red Fern*, Sword Fern*
Harlot's Blush
Hero Tree*
Lichen: Glowing Lichen
Lily: Calla Lily**, Water Lily
Moss: Oakmoss, Redmoss, Tree-Moss
Northern Prickleweed
Oak: Serault Oak
Palm Tree: Curly Palm*, Fan Palm*
Pine: Chir Pine*, Stone Pine
Ponga Tree*
Rose: Climbing Rose
Sugar Cane
Walnut: Black Walnut
Wilds Flower
Apple: Applewood Apple, Green Apple, Golden Apple, Red Apple
Berries: Blackberry, Blueberry, Bramble Berry, Cranberry, Elderberry, Raspberry, Strawberry
Coco, Chocolate
Currants: Black Currant
Nuts: Almonds, Chestnut, Hognut, Peanuts
Orange: Sweet Orange
Palm Fruit: Date
Passion Fruit
Pear: Bradford Pear*
Beans: Bush Bean, Green Bean, Pale Bean, White Bean
Bell Peppers: Red Bell Peppers
Daikon Radish*
Onion: Red Onion, Sweet Onion, White Onion
Peppers: Antivan Pepper, Green Pepper, Hot Pepper, Hot Red Pepper, Sweet Pepper
Squash: Baby Pumpkin, Marrow Squash, Pumpkin, String Squash
Fungus of Thedas
Deep Mushrooms
Bleeding Russula
Blighted Morel
Brimstone Mushroom
Deep Mushroom
Destroying Spirit
Ghoul's Mushroom
Unnamed Mushroom Ortan Thaig
Surface Mushrooms
Beetle Spore
Field Mushroom
Sponge Root***
Unnamed Glowing Mushroom***
Unnamed Mushroom***
Antivan Cord-Seed
Cumin, Cumin Seed
Dill, Dill Seed
Pepper: Black Pepper
Peppercorn: Black Peppercorn
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Herbs of Thedas
Herbs count as anything that Dragon Age has classified as an herb (whether technically correct or not), plants that are used as herbs in real life. These do not include mushrooms, fungi, or deep mushrooms simply for ease of organization.
Amrita Vein
Andraste's Mantle
Arbor Blessing
Crystal Grace
Deathroot: Arcanist Deathroot, Lunatic's Deathroot
Elfroot/Canavaris: Bitter Elfroot, Gossamer Elfroot, Royal Elfroot
Embrium: Dark Embrium, Salubrious Embrium
Ghoul's Beard
Lotus: Black Lotus, Blood Lotus, Dawn Lotus
Mint: Anderfel's Mint, Foxmint, Peppermint
Mintroot - Not a true mint based on its description and the fact that it grows on trees.
Prophet's Laurel
Rashvine Nettle
Spindleweed: Verdant Spindleweed
Vandal Aria
Star Anise
Game Assets Notes
These are plants shown in Dragon Age but aren't named in universe, just in their model files or through identification of the textures. Since most filler plant textures are just that of real world plants.
**NOTE:** When I mention they are not the known name of any plant, this comes with the caveat of being popular common names. Common names are highly variable and inconsistent. They depend on regional knowledge and association. Some travel farther than others. Common names are also not reliable identifiers.
Acacia: Black Wood ~ Note: Black Wood is a type of acacia. Both acacia and black wood are named assets.
Artichoke ~ Note: Identification comes from asset name, the artichoke flower is used as ornamentation of a box.
Banyan Tree
Boxwood ~ A type of shrub, identification comes from asset name.
Bradford Pear ~ Their fruits are edible, however their flowers are known to emit a smell akin to rotting meat. Identification comes from asset name.
Calla Lily ~ Note: Not named but identified by the texture used. It is seen in Val Royeaux planters.
Cattail ~ Note: Seen through out DAO and DAI, identification comes from asset name.
Coleus ~ Note: Not named but identified by the texture used. It is seen in Val Royeaux planters and in the Frostback Basin.
Crape Myrtle
Cypress: Italian Cypress, Topiary Cypress ~ Note: In terms of the Italian Cypress, in world it wouldl likely be called the "Antivan Cypress" given that Antiva is pulling from Italian culture, food, environments, and other inspirational elements. Cypress is a plant that is named in canon.
Daikon Radish ~ Note: Found on Dennet's farm, identification comes from asset name.
Elephant Ear ~ Note: Foliage found in the Frostback Basin, identification comes from asset name.
Fade Berry
Fern: Red Fern, Sword Fern ~ Note: The red fern isn't a real plant and therefore can be considered unique to Thedas. In contrast the sword fern is a real plant. Identification comes from the asset name for both of these ferns.
Forest Clover
Foxleaf ~ Note: This is another plant that is not real, no plant has this common name as far as I could find.
Gasbloom ~ Note: Seen in the Arbor Wilds, the Frostback Basin some elven ruins, and the elven ruins of multiplayer levels. Their identification comes from the asset name. There are two versions of the texture the "fixed" version is used in JoH dlc and thus explains the difference in appearance. This is not the name of a known mushroom.
Hero Tree
Palm: Curly Palm, Fan Palm ~ Note: Both palms are seen in the Frostback Basin, both are identified by their named assets.
Pear Cactus ~ Note: Found in the Frostback Basin, identification comes from the asset name.
Pine: Chir Pine
Ponga Tree ~ Note: Also known as the 'Tree Fern'. This is the tree you see in Val Royeaux garden as coming from Par Vollen, and throughout the Arbor Wilds.
Redwood ~ Note: Identified by the name of the file asset. Found in the Winter Palace, Exalted Plains, and on multiplayer maps.
Waterweed ~ Note: In real life this is an entire genus not one particular plant. Though the six plants in this genus do share the common name of waterweed.
White Birch
Additional Notes and Trivia
Ironwood - Unclear if this is an alternative name, the actual name of the plant, or both.
Morel - This mushroom is inferred due to the existence of Blighted Morel. However it is not explicitly specified there is a non-blighted morel.
Sponge Root - Though canonical as it is mentioned and shown in World of Thedas vol. 2 on pg. 138 with a collection of deep mushroom and surface mushroom illustrations. This mushroom was cut twice from Inquisition. It was cut from the base game as a craftable, it had a much different appearance from its final design, and then it was cut again from Trespasser. It does however still make an appearance in Inquisition as the inventory icon for Crystal Grace.
Unnamed Glowing Mushroom Is mentioned in multiplayer when there are two Lukas playing.
Unnamed Mushroom These brown mushrooms are seen in the Fallow Mire and the Frostback Basin. They are shown in two different sizes ranging from shorter than a dwarf to taller than one.
There is one unlisted mushroom, its assets is named "red mushroom" and thus is identified by textures. These is not a canon name but is included for completeness. Amanita Muscaria: More commonly know as fly agaric or fly amanita, the red top with white spots is an iconic in its imagery. You will find large swaths of these mushrooms in the Frostback Basin. Their assets is named "Red Mushroom".
Winterberry is a real plant. However, from what we see in DA2, it does not the same as the plant we have in the real world, just a shared common name.
Wormroot is another real plant name. However, due to the description in The Calling, it does not seem to be the same plant. In The Calling it is used to treat the venom of a giant spider. The real world plant is used to treat parasites in the gut and does not seem to hold any shared uses in folk lore, folk medicine, or western medicine practices.
Dragon Age Origins + DLCs Dragon Age 2 Dragon Age Last Court Dragon Age Inquisition + DLCs Dragon Age TTRPG Core Rulebook Dragon Age TTRPG Blood of Ferelden Dragon Age TTRPG: Creatures of Thedas: Wyvern
World of Thedas Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne Dragon Age: The Calling Dragon Age: The Masked Empire Dragon Age: Last Flight Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights Short Story: Paying the Ferryman Short Story: Riddle in the Truth Short Story: The Wake
Origins Andraste's Grace Codex: The Bercillian Forest Codex: Falon'Din: Friend of the Dead, the Guide Codex: Feast Day Fish Codex: The History of Soldier's Peak: Chapter 3 Codex: Ironbark Codex: A Note from the Honnleath Village Council Codex: Sylaise: The Hearthkeeper Codex: Sylvan Codex: A Tattered Shopping List Item: Concentrator Agent Item: Deep Mushroom Item: Figurine Item: Madcap Bulb Item: Rare Antivan Brandy Item: Rashvine Nettle Item: Spirit Charm Item: Spirit Cord Item: Sugar Cake Item: Swift Salve Item: West Hill Brandy Item: Wilds Flower
DA 2 Ambrosia Bianca (Crossbow) Ironwood Clearing Codex: Deathroot Codex: Deep Mushroom Codex: Embrium Codex: Felandaris Codex: The Hedge Witch Codex: Spindleweed Item: Carved Ironwood Buttons Item: Harlot's Blush Quest: Hard to Stomach Quest: The Long Road Quest: Tranquility Weapon: The Celebrant Weapon: Ironwood Shield Weapon: Ironwood Warblade
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hochmvt · 5 days
                    ⸻ continuation of [א] with my love @verflcht
“Quite the romantic, huh?” Isaiah chuckled and smiled even happier, gently kissing the Sundawner's lips and loosing himself in the witcher's eyes. Ever since they'd met in Sundawn less than a year ago (and Jemma had unassumingly stopped by Spindleweed's to buy tea for her grandma and while the Brit had fallen in love with the owner, Isaiah had fallen in love with the trinkets; and yet, after some time, all the trinkets, teas, nightwalkers and gloomsprites in the world suddenly had no value when Zeev looked at him. Instead, there were daisies blossoming across the green glade of the clearing in the middle of Sundawn Woods, the world's most boring social game [mind you, according to Evie and Arwen] and staying awake until late at night so neither the day nor the kisses would end), Zeev's eyes had become more awake. There was an entire world waiting to be explored by him and for Isaiah, there was no place he'd rather be than right by his boyfriend's side, to explore what the world (and everything beyond) had in store for them. In the sun, they sometimes looked amber-colored, as if the sun was in them. He looked like a kid on Christmas; believing in all the magic within the world and eager to make best use of the gifts he was given.
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“What a coincidence,” the podcast host commented wryly, starting the engine of his car, pulling out of the gas station driveway, continuing down the highway and following the road towards Seattle. His hand rested on Zeev's thigh while he stroked him the fabric of his pants, shaking his head no upon his question. “Never been much of a hiker. Always wanted to hike the Appalachians, Brown Mountain in North Carolina, being born around there and all but- have you looked at me? I'd probably just fall down somewhere and die. Flat terrain is a real challenge for me already. If you add slopes and boulders to that, my chances of survival are probably reduced to zero. Ain't really wanna be featured in one of those 'Dumb Ways To Die' episodes.” Zeev had witnessed Isaiah's physical clumsiness more than enough (and Jemma's affectionate nickname lanky boy must've summed it up for the witcher, too), especially when he was excited or had his mind committed to a particular goal. “We don't have to stay in Seattle for vacation though. Anywhere you wanna go? We can go somewhere abroad if you'd rather go somewhere else.” Isaiah hesitated for a second and smiled. “And at some point we'll have a house, which is certainly a great place to vacation. Work on the road and vacation at home... Sounds good, if you ask me. Of course, the sun's gotta shining though, that's our only and most important condition.” A second, brief moment of hesitation, then a follow-up question. “If you could choose, what'd your house look like?”  
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tahopo · 1 month
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anons asked me how my cousland and surana knew each other: she was his childhood friend/healer/…… bully! lol
actual explanation under.
cousland was born very sick. it was generally thought he was housebound in highever and his grandfather’s bannorn at the storm coast because of the abundance of spindleweed there.
in truth, he was suffering from an illness that ran through his maternal line, rooted in the sanguinarian reaver culture fearchar and his ancestors heavily partook in. cousland’s assured infant death was prevented by a blood mage sworn to fealty and secrecy. he subsequently lived and grew up alongside the mage’s daughter, surana, who farmed spindleweed and was learned in healing.
surana was cousland’s only friend during his entire time in ferelden. surana herself was selectively mute. she could not speak to her own enraged, severe mother but was able to around cousland. much of this stifled expression and redirected anxiety was exhibited in their dynamic, with surana often domineering and tormenting him to maintain his attention. while their connection was fond, surana could not count on it to be unconditional. this was a very scared girl who saw time and time again his kind fail her kind. the story goes a little more complex but ultimately what happened was this: surana gave herself up to the circle, her mother was found dead, and cousland recovered.
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roquenxnar · 6 months
"Me? Oh I ain't no one important. Just a guy stuck tryin' to stop some batshit crazy darkspawn magister who thinks he can become a god is all." - from Tal @quiisquiliae
The world still shimmered as the ancient elf opened his eyes, still too bright to focus on much— aside from the raging headache that still pounded in his skull, like a war-drum. The question had slipped from his lips before he could even see the people who'd saved him— at least, the people he thought had saved him. Memories came in flashes— greeting red-clad pilgrims, a burst of magic, the sickening scent of lyrium on the breeze. And a club coming down upon his helmeted head. He'd felt himself being dragged, of course, but he'd been in no state to fight back.
Myndilon shifted to try to get a better look at the stranger; he was young, from the sound of him, with no accent he recognized; probably some youth from the north. The old elf grunted as he shifted again to try to sit up, and the world spun around him— he could only thank his lucky stars that he hadn't yet had his daily meal before the attack. "What in the All-Mother's name are you talking about, child? We have no magisters here." he muttered, eyes narrowing as he finally found Tal's face; though his irritation soon turned to churning dread, and fear. This was no elf— no pilgrim, certainly. Wearing armor he'd never seen in his long, long life.
"What are you doing here?" he barked, looking around desperately for something, anything, to defend himself with, eventually settling on grabbing a nearby satchel of what smelled like spindleweed. "Are you here to finish off what those… those horrors could not?"
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plisuu · 6 months
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6. Providence
Connor wakes, and the Breach still swirls.
Rating: M | Category: M/M | Words: 1,900 [15,400] | Chapters: 6/30 Read on Ao3 | Start from the beginning
Connor was not expecting to see a simple thatched roof over his head, nor feel coarse wool blankets beneath him when he awoke. Though he hadn’t been entirely sure what would happen after the demon fell and the rift was closed—once his task had been completed and the need for the magic that marked him ended—he was almost certain that a warm bed was not among the things one would find in a prison cell.
He set the thought aside, instead taking stock of his injuries, noting that most of them had been tended to… yet another surprise that was not indicative of the crimes for which he was accused. His considerations were interrupted by a gust of cold wind and harsh midday light that streamed in from the doorway. The man that entered looked irritated, muttering under his breath.
“Blasted Seeker. It’s not as if I can make heads or tails of this either,” he grunted, irritation sharp in his tone as he dropped what sounded like a bag of supplies. “Why don’t they get that mage to come tend him? Since he knows so much.”
He rifled through the bag’s contents, the distinct clinking of glass joining the sound of his continued grumbling. A cork was yanked off one of the bottles with a distinct pop, and the bitter green scent of elfroot and spindleweed filled the room.
“It’s all wasted effort anyway. Why even bother if they’re just going to ship him off to be executed? All this work for some tranquil that’s just going to end up dead if we heal him and dead if we don’t.”
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