punkitt-is-here · 1 year
omg ok so i saw the ask you answered about bluey a couple weeks ago bc i was gonna ask and i saw your reasoning for not watching it and actually when the creators were asked if the show was "secretly for adults" they answered both yes and no. it doesnt have nearly the "baby show" kind of qualities it looks like, it actually conveys some really valuable life lessons for both kids and adults and for me is so genuinely healing. i watch a few episodes any time im feeling down and its such a pick me up. i hadnt watched kids cartoons in a long time up until i started watching bluey because ive gotten older and they didnt appeal to me much anymore, but this does. if you ever wanna give it a try i highly recommend!
my boyfriends really into it!! :D i think its wonderful that so many people are finding a show that brings them joy. im certainly in no place to judge as a huge MLP fan, haha! it might be a little too young leaning for me, but i can still appreciate what its going for and i do think its really adorable. i might give a shot one day if my gf convinces me too! (he probably will tbh). plus I used to REALLY want to watch Mofy because that artstyle is fucking adorable i need to find somewhere to indulge myself and watch it
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look at how fucking cute this is. i wanna watch it so bad even tho its for literal toddlers.
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fictionkinfessions · 11 months
if i had a nickel for every time that, completely independently of awakening my kintype, that my favorite character in a piece of media was a female character that i had romantic feelings for in some capacity, i would have
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kalosbian · 1 year
yo i agree with ur problem with question 8 the perfect temperature is for sure between 15-23°c. a nice 63 with a clear sky would be the best day ever
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you. you get me you are so right
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✿ ✿ ✿ ✿
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etherealdemon · 2 years
❓+ arabella — do you have a dream role, any role you wish you could/could have played?
i wish i could’ve played carrie white from carrie. i believe that the character is such an icon when it comes to female characters in horror and would’ve loved to originate the role. another character i would’ve loved to play is cecilia tallis from atonement. aside from horror films, i’m also known for period dramas and i think that i would’ve been amazing in this role. i’ve got the range. i also know that i would look great in that green dress. i’ve worn it to a halloween party before and everyone’s attention was on me the entire night, especially samuel’s. unfortunately for me, i was never in the running when it came down to casting these roles. i was only ten when atonement came out and wasn’t even born when carrie was released.
send me a ❓ + a question for one of my ocs and they will answer it!
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magpiepills · 2 months
Not For Nothing
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Pairing: Ezra x f reader
Word count: 1.6
Summary: Ezra remembers his girl.
Warnings: Smut! Unprotected PIV, little dirty talk, creampie, male masturbation, murder! I think that’s it.
A word from the author: this is a repost! Nothing crazy, I really just needed an excuse to make Ezra jerk off.
Ezra clung to you that last night. Quieter and slower than usual, gentler, more purposeful in his touch, like he could drink you into his body by touch alone. You didn’t mind, it felt like it was important to him to take his time.
He stayed on top of you, braced on his forearm with your legs wound over his hips, he murmured against your neck, nose scrunched as he dragged it under your jaw and over your pulse before kissing you there, wet and tender, trying to make it stick.
You called his name as he rocked into you, so warm and wet and like he was meant to be there, like your bodies should be joined this way forever, like you shared a single pulse. “Our heart.” He said, splaying his hand over your chest, ever a romantic, or full of shit that he thought might sound nice. At any rate, tonight he fucked you slow and deep, making you feel every thick, throbbing inch of him, every beat of his heart through the rush of blood to his turgid member. You breathed, whined, met his thrusts, felt your whole body tighten as you came around him. All the while he soothed you, just above a whisper he coaxed you on. “Yes, yes, give it all to me, let me feel it. Come on, come on, come on.” Soon thereafter he had fixed his glassy eyes on yours and spilled inside your clenching warmth.
You slept, wrapped in his sheets as he finished packing in the dim light of the little Puzu lamp beside the bed. In the morning you helped him zip into his environmental suit for a last check of his filter. He let you fuss with the snaps, tighten the straps, and try in vain to adjust the too-big helmet over his head before sighing and letting it slouch over his head.
He didn’t let you go with him to the freighter. He kissed you at the door of the little apartment you shared, promised an expedient return, and you tucked a little envelope in his pocket. “Something for later.” You explained. You didn’t cry, didn’t fuss, didn’t fret over his safety. He’s a big boy, he can take care of himself.
Ezra had scanned the boards daily, looking for the right crew in the right expedition for the right reward. He rubbed the heel of his hand across his forehead, a moment of contemplation, a courtesy. He knew he would go. Bakhroma wanted taming and he wanted satisfaction. A perfect pair. One last stand, he vowed. One more chance to plunder the greedy verdant moon, before it was all but abandoned, given up as a lost cause. Too remote, too inhospitable, too hard to navigate. It was just what he was after.
That was cycles ago. Many cycles. Far more than he had ever been away before. Where he is now you could only guess. If he died on The Green you’d never know. There was no one to send word, comms didn’t work that far out, his crew was best described as unsavory, and it would be best if Ezra didn’t mention you to them. With the BG line shutting down, no rescue or recovery missions could be launched.
If he had found the fortune he was after, he could have easily skipped out on you, went to his brother in Spiria, taken a new name and parked himself on Lao, precious little chance you’d find him there even if you could find a way to get to it. So you waited. Cleaning and re-cleaning the apartment, waving off questions from your mother about his whereabouts, his intentions. You didn’t need her judgment. You were either despondent and aching in your chest, praying that his death was quick and Kevva would accept his soul, or cursing his name, regretting the day you’d laid eyes on his good-for-nothing lying hide. You hoped he would drown, get robbed, shot, stabbed, something. Anything.
As cycles passed, your desperation grew. Rent was due again. More than you could afford as a clerk. Ezra, for all his faults, was always able to come up with the rent some way. You knew better than to ask how. There was no option but to pack up and rent a single occupancy room on the other side of Central. Wake up earlier, go to work, come home later, convince yourself that Ezra may one day reappear.
You kept his clothes.
Your mother quit asking about him.
Thirty two cycles.
Ezra counted each one and marked it in his dog-eared and now useless log book.
What good is a log book without a ship? It was barely four cycles before things turned tense with his crew, a surly, pugnacious bunch of returners. A quarrel over navigation turned to fisticuffs, turned to murder. A body was laid to rest near a copse of trees with wide canopies and limbs that dipped down low. It was customary, they said. No rare occurrence.
The aurelac they were after wasn’t as abundant as the touted source had promised it would be. A meager pull split up 5 ways served only to rile the men more and, as they say, words and metal flew.
Ezra kept a handy side arm and dispatched two more of the no-account bastards before the struggle was through. He kept a gem case, but he was without a coach. No way to get home, and no one but a taciturn companion to help him deplete the stash of Bits Bars. Number two was silent but violent. Ezra gave him a wide berth, and while The Mule, as Ezra had taken to calling him, stood in seemingly endless watch, Ezra retreated into the shabby little tent.
For maybe the hundredth time he opened the little envelope, looking quickly over his shoulder before pulling out the treat you sent. Pictures. Of you. One of you smiling, bright and winsome, making his heart twist with self pity. Maybe he would never see you again. Maybe he didn’t deserve to.
The second picture was risqué. You’d unbuttoned your blouse, smiled deviously as you covered your nipple with your fingertips. Ezra squinted, hoping to find a hint of the forbidden skin in the soft blur of the picture. His cock stirred in his environmental suit as he thought of you taking these pictures. Taking them for him. He thought of you fiddling with the buttons, thought of you touching yourself, playing with your nipples the way he knew you loved, the way he preferred to do for you. He tore off his gloves and unzipped his suit just enough to shove his hand inside, gently tugging at his half hard cock, reaching down to cup his balls in his hand. He closed his eyes and thought of you as he felt himself swell.
The third picture was the one that made his heart race. His cock throbbed at the tawdriness. There you were, bare ass framed by the shirt you’d hiked up, and your fingers, shining with arousal, stuffed into your pussy.
Ezra’s eyes glazed as his mind took over, transforming the still photo into one where you moved. He saw your hips rocking back and forth as you slid your fingers through your folds, parting your swollen lips, dragging slick from your hole to your clit and back. He could hear your soft mewling, how you whined his name to torment him when you wouldn’t let him touch.
His jaw fell slack as he stroked his cock, trying to match the tightness of his fist to your sweet little cunt. He pulled the zipper open further, spat into his hand and worked it over his length, a poor substitute for your soft hand.
In his mind he felt the warmth radiating from your cunt, drawing him in, begging him to fill you up and never leave. He thought he smelled you in his mustache and on his hands, the soft, indescribable scent of an aroused woman that made his mouth water and his cock throb and he increased the tempo of his fist.
Ezra remembered the way your tits bounced, tight nipples so sensitive when he sucked them hard, making you gasp and squeal. He loved making you make all those sounds. Loved it when you forgot yourself and were loud, quivered when you came on his cock, the rhythmic squeezing of your cunt. It was like you were here, almost. The ghost of you with him in the loathsome tent where he jerked himself to completion into a rag. Wasting cum that should have been inside you.
Nobody cries on The Green. There’s no place for it. So he doesn’t. He tucks himself back into his suit instead and steps out of the tent, frowning at the relentless dust. A short whistle and nod call Number Two to follow. Ezra scans the ground looking for signs of aurelac deposits and Two keeps watch. Ezra talks, mostly to himself, since his partner never bothers to interject. A soliloquy is better than silence. The only indication that Number Two isn’t dead is the snap of his head at the sound of another voice in the distance. “…curious.”
The sky is gray, the pavement is gray, even the people passing you on the street were a gray blur. You imagined you must be gray, too. The trudge to your apartment was long. Longer even when you were exhausted and hungry. You thought of the leftovers you would have for dinner before going to bed and you kept on, up six blocks, down an alley, up three flights of stairs, and to your door.
A cruel mirage awaits you. An apparition, pale and tall and familiar. Slumped on the floor against your door, legs akimbo. When you could see his face, he smiled up at you.
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shirley-fennes · 5 months
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To you, who has the kindest Spiria I've ever known
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vanillaxoshi · 28 days
So here's the Gang that I made in the Spiritual Dynasty AU
(well I can't make Yue Sadly cause she's a Spiria Orb 😭😭-)
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From Left to Right: Botan, Yìzé, Zhi, Xuan, and Daiyu
(All in Age 9-10)
Ngl im suprised
Even as genderbend
They look very very different from their well og selves?? To say the least, especially Gopal/Botan, and Ying/Xuan
How does Yue look exactly? With creativity, you can surely make her in gacha life 2!
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satoshi-mochida · 2 months
Horror visual novel Horrific Xanatorium launches April 26 for PS5, Xbox Series, PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC
From Gematsu
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Publisher Kemco and Japanese developer Pageretta will release horror visual novel Horrific Xanatorium will launch for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC via Steam on April 26, the companies announced.
Here is an overview of the game, via its Steam page:
A world where Spilia, a virus that causes delusions and hallucinations, has become epidemic. A horror visual novel game set in a hospital where patients are isolated. As a bonus, a beach episode with Mone and Riza has been added! You may have a wonderful time with the two of them!
A world where Spiria, a virus that causes delusions and hallucinations, has become an epidemic. The protagonist, Rui Genzaki, unfortunately gets infected with Spiria and begins to have hallucinations. His younger sister, Mone, takes him to Kamikawa Sanatorium Hospital. There he encounters his first love, Riza, the suspicious director, Anri, and strange monsters. Is the world you see reality? Or is it delusion?
Watch a new trailer below.
Official Trailer
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sonobringer · 1 month
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OC: Spiria
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popomocco · 1 year
deSPIRIA's plot with and without major spoilers
deSPIRIA's basic plot line, without major spoilers:
The game is set in 2092, in Osaka [now named CENTRAL], 22 years after the great war.
Allure Valentine has been born and raised in the church. She possesses mind powers and can control MINDs, which allows her to read people's minds, erase their memories and also partake in mind battles. She is considered one of the church's most powerful MIND users and thus is often sent on missions to eliminate heretics under their orders.
After coming back from the incident in the railway, she is tasked to investigate the children disappearances that have been occurring at CENTRAL. Left with more questions than answers she decides she must go to SOUTH to investigate further.
There she learns about a new type of drug that is being spread through the black market called SPIRIA, which is made out of people's memories.
Some say SPIRIA is the key to heaven, something to be used to save those who ail. Others say it is made out of the suffering of innocent people, that it is something which makes those who use it mutate into monsters.
Allure must carve her own path to find the whole truth behind SPIRIA, a substance that is much more than a simple drug.
deSPIRIA's full plot with every possible major spoiler:
Humanity was suffering as a result of the ongoing war. The biological and chemical weapons used caused a big decrease in the population number. Doctors of all fields gathered to be able to find a cure for humanity's ailments and as a result they managed to create something that could be considered akin to immortality. But what was supposed to be humanity's salvation, put an even bigger strain on it. Children were being born without hearts [the part which generates emotions, not the organ] and had no will to live, causing further decrease in population numbers.
That is when thirty years ago, a man called Victor Lazarus appeared. He called himself the engineer of life. He was the head chief in the creation of a pseudo life-form which would enable those children without hearts to be able to have emotions. Those pseudo life-forms are the MINDs. After concluding this research he said that the playtime was over, and that he would initiate treatment on life itself. He secluded himself in an abandoned clinic with his daughter Menow and continued with his experiments. Initially it was thought that his experiment had failed, but everything was going as he planned.
Throughout the years he and Menow have been showing themselves as spectrums for the residents of Eden, calling them over so they would be absorbed into the clinic, now called Clinic of no return. He managed to attain immortality through SPIRIA. SPIRIA is the synthesized form of one's memory, and with a drop of it he could transfer his existence to any type of receptacle any number of times. Through this method he created Vi Rutherford, the man who caused the accident in the railway, and Doc, the man in charge of the SPIRIA research.
SPIRIA could be made with anyone's memories, but in his research he learnt that the SPIRIA made from the memories of children under 10 years of age were the purest and the strongest. With it, he could refine the other not so pure SPIRIA. The children used in these experiments have been kidnapped from all kinds of places. They had their memories extracted of them until they were left as empty shells, and were discarded like preserved food in package bags. The church helped him with his research, as they intended to use SPIRIA as a means to convert everyone under its will, but Doc mentioned that his plan wasn't to make SPIRIA, but what to do with it once he accomplished his desired final result.
His ultimate goal was to transform all people into SPIRIA, so he could absorb them through the cybernetic system he created called AGATE, which allowed all these people's memories to become his. All people would become immortal because they would turn into his own thoughts, thus making him into a God. Throughout the years he connected the clinic of no return with different locations so these places and people would be connected to AGATE, Allure interferece wasn't within his plans but her arrival wasn't unwelcome, that because he could absorb the memories that Allure had collected thus far, which would further the strength of his power and envelop the world in darkness.
As Allure defeats him she takes his place and becomes the new Goddess of the world. It is never explicitly said in the game, but it is implied that Victor Lazarus' influence has been to some degree shaping the world itself, probably through the connections he created with the external world through AGATE. As Allure takes his place she is able to cause changes throughout their world, improving the lives of the people who live in it.
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fantrolldex · 11 months
Fantrolldex Round-Up #5
These trolls were submitted a couple days ago, but the mod has only just gotten around to adding them to the blog as they've been busy. Apologies for the wait!
Today, we had 1 new contributor and 5 new submissions, bringing our total up to 27 Poketrolls!
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Currently, we have seen 27 total poketrolls, and catalogued 26 unique poketrolls.
The most popular pokemon to be fantrollified at the moment is Hisuian Zoroark, with 2 entries!
The most popular type at the moment is still normal, with 6 poketrolls. However, dark is very close behind with 5 entries!
The most popular generation at the moment is now generation 6 (Kalos), with 5 poketrolls. Sinnoh has finally been overthrown after 19 days of being the most popular generation! The Fantrolldex is now officially Fr*nch.
Currently 1/27 poketrolls catalogued are shiny, or ~3.7%.
Finally, we have also now completed 2 evolution lines! All members of the Munchlax and Pancham evolution lines now have a poketroll equivalent catalogued.
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Today's Submissions
A list of all poketrolls submitted today will be under the cut. Thanks again to all our contributors!:
From @astrumocs we have Paswon Fichun, a Pancham troll; Marlox Amphra, a Mareep troll; Excirz Seieze, an Aurorus troll; Manlma "Null" Dresul, a Malamar troll; and Mahsha Spiria, a Marshadow troll! The art for Null is drawn by @apolloablaze and the art for Mahsha is drawn by @seraphicveins!
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
Hello, Twilight!!! Great to see you again!
I've actually got a really good answer for this one! And y'know what, I'm off anon because I like being able to link to your posts too much, anonymity be damned.
In my Kagerou Project canon, The Heat-Haze left scars. Not all of us died of physical injuries, but there were lasting physical marks on all of us from it. Some of them were pretty straightforward of course. Kano had a stab wound in his stomach, Marry had marks all over her body, I had burn scars all over. Some were... less so. I think a lot of it had more to do with what happened to us in the Heat-Haze than what killed us, especially for the ones that didn't cause any wounds. I remember Takane having these chemical burn-looking scars on her lower legs, and Momo had these... almost wave-like patterns across her body. It's strange to me to see myself depicted without any burn scars, honestly, since I was really self-conscious about them and that's part of why I always kept myself covered up with my hoodie. It always throws me off that those things were never canon.
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hotarutheconscience · 8 months
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Continuing OCposting and posting older sketches with Catachan Commissar Clementine "Trinket" Spiria. More under cut!
Clemetine Spiria 4"10 ft tall, 24 y.o concentrated wrath of the Emperor, addicted to caffeine
Clementine does not look threatening: petite, fragile and not really experinced. But when you see her in action, you quickly realize that jugdging the book by its cover is a grave mistake. Clementine is a talented and energetic commander. An incredibly stubborn person, arguing with her is like trying to stop a Baneblade with a stick.
Quickly learns new things, easily adapts to rapidly changing conditions. In the darkness of the future, she is one of those who tries to stay positive even in the most desperate situations.
She was severely bullied in Schola Progenium for her height and the Abbots were sure she won't be a good fit for... anything. The were mistaken. Clementine was a warrior by nature, ready to challenge any threat, to find a way to survive in any conditions. The strong spirit of a girl who will endure everything and survive everywhere was noted only after graduation. So her mission was to investigate the death of her predecessor. Clementine hated her regiment and mission as much as the Catachans despised her. Loud, gigner-haired and wearing black uniform. They nicknamed her Trinket behind her back.
But they... got used to each other with time. Even though commissar, it seems, still sleeps hugging her bolt-pistol, just in case.
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itsspiria · 1 year
im fucking crazy but im free 
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yra gyvenime situacijų, kuriose nėra užslėpta jokia pamoka ar moralas. kartais dievas tiesiog spiria tau į kiaušus ir juokiasi
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