theresomeone1 · 7 months
Human Embryo as an elite dish
This article is an explanation of the symbol in the book "Ingredient". In the book, customers eat, order the “Forbidden Fruit” - it is this symbol that will be discussed.
Eating an Embryo is not a dinner, it is a Rite, and now I will explain everything to you about the ritual in the “underground” restaurant, the restaurant itself does not exist, everyone has their own “underground”, the entrance to the restaurant is only for crazy people.
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Traditional Chinese medicine relies mainly on the healing properties of natural remedies, but some of its recipes can greatly shock civilized Europeans.
In a conversation with media representatives, Mr. Cheng, a businessman from Hong Kong, said that he consumed soup made from aborted human embryos for 6 months. The man learned about the healing properties of the soup from his old friends in Shenzhen. According to him, good connections and bribed employees of medical institutions on the mainland helped him obtain embryos. “Of course, it was all very unpleasant at first, but the doctors gradually convinced me that eating aborted fetuses would help get rid of my asthma. Believe it or not, my asthma is almost gone,” Cheng said.
However, I personally do not know anything about whether this is practiced in modern China, or whether these are all just common gossip and urban legends based on forgotten legends of days long past. As for the nutritional value of the human embryo, it can be a good source of proteins, fats and minerals.”
According to available information, currently in China the “healing” dish is served only in closed restaurants (by prior agreement with the administration of the establishment). The exact cost of the soup is unknown: different sources give different figures — from several thousand yuan to several thousand US dollars. Traditionally, the basis for preparing the dish is aborted female fetuses 3–5 months old. First-born boys are held in high esteem by Chinese “gourmets,” but they are very difficult to get, and the cost of the soup will be many times higher.
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(This photo is just the work of a photographer, art artist from Beijing, Ju Yu) — ALL the photographs presented are not real — it’s just a silicone doll.
At one time, the Hong Kong monthly magazine Next Magazine published an article in which it was said that soup made from aborted embryos had become a rather popular delicacy among the Chinese rich. The main material for the article was the terrifying revelations of a woman who served banquets for a successful Taiwanese businessman. She said that the corpses of babies, as well as fetuses obtained as a result of abortions, are very popular among wealthy Chinese, who sincerely believe that eating tender baby meat can have a beneficial effect on health. However, such dishes are not available to everyone — those who do not have the necessary amount and connections in certain circles have to sign up on long lists in anticipation of embryos.
And let’s not forget about cases from Russian tourists: several years ago information leaked online that in one of the closed restaurants in China, Russian tourists were offered special delicacies — embryo soup. Or baby soup, as the Chinese themselves call it. Then the news The Chinese do not believe in the miraculous targeted properties of embryos that can get rid of any disease. They begin to move from any facts.
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It is now generally accepted that the Chinese, if they prepare “children’s soup,” do so exclusively from aborted embryos, the fate of which in any case will be unenviable. In the last century, Chinese mercenaries, taking advantage of the connivance of the Soviet government, could pamper themselves with newly born babies, because only an experienced expert could distinguish them after cooking. However, getting both an aborted embryo and a newborn baby was not very difficult then. For a certain bribe, the Chinese were given the forcibly aborted fetuses of women sentenced to death. They were also supplied with babies who, unfortunately, were born behind bars. There are known cases when the Chinese ate aborted human embryos that came straight from hospitals — bribed employees of medical institutions informed the expectant mother during the examination that her fetus was dead, and thereby provoked her to have an abortion. Sometimes even newborn babies from parents sympathizing with the Soviet regime ended up in restaurants, who were told by greedy doctors that their child was stillborn. Meanwhile, the “dead” children were already in the hands of Chinese chefs, who were trying to pamper their compatriots with tasty and healthy food.
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Of course, there are rumors that many honest clinics perform abortions illegally and without warning women - clients - who want to get rid of the fetus, so their fetus is sent to the hospital as food. (or miscarriage, parents tell you that you had a miscarriage, and the dead baby is already delivered to the restaurant). How do they say emboiron or dead children you hear in the book Ingredient.
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Naturally, this is all just “urban legends” But someone actually believes in the truth and claims that such delicacies from embryos exist — in closed, underground establishments… but it was this myth that I used to create my book, the book can be read for free here https://getinkspired.com/ru/story/375405/ingredient/
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Abstract to the book. Emmanuel is the manager of a closed establishment for the elite, where the main dish is not only the various delicacies served on the table, but the human SOUL. You will learn about all this in detail from the manager of the establishment.
Finding and Preparation of the SOUL.
“Underground” is not a specific place. Entrance to the Underground restaurant is only for crazy people.
“…. “There have always been people dissatisfied with the dominants of conscious life. The hero of the book had to understand that his experience of “NIGREDO”, the first stage of work, which in alchemy was felt as “MELANCHOLIA” and now corresponds to a collision with the shadow in psychotherapy.” The main character of the novel, Emmanuel, has to pay in a very sensitive way — he is less and less able to understand himself. He does not see that, with all his rationality and all his skill, he is guided by uncontrollable “forces”. His gods and demons did not disappear at all, they received new names. And his life is a new place — the Underground. Irrepressibility, vague premonitions, psychological complications, an insatiable craving for pills, alcohol, tobacco, food and, above all, a lot of neuroses — do not give him any rest.”…
“Parole parole” (from Italian — “Words, words”) everything in the book is just “meaningless words” that drive the hero crazy — The absurdity of the hero’s life, all the “words” mean nothing, like life, the hero, like This whole book is stupid! Throughout the book, the hero meets only psychos, the girl is a fucking drug addict, and all the heroes are also schizos — but everything is fine with the hero, he just has a difficult fate, he is weak, poor, he is forced to work (work is a synonym for neurosis and schizo), a beggar is doomed to survive, the hero is completely conditioned by circumstances (determined from the outside), the Hero will have to become infected with schizo from others — in order to free himself from schiza (go through schizophrenia), to emerge from his psychosis into reality…
- I, of course, also borrowed a lot of philosophy, since the hero and the clients love to talk about life and death at the table… all the dialogues are conducted at the table when the clients place an order “forbidden fruit”, the hero just does nothing but idle, but the money is given with great difficulty, poverty is not a sentence to give up on life, the hero is a nihilist-atheist, an egoist who is obsessed with mass consumption, but this only causes him pain and loneliness, he must go through his own path of knowledge and establish relationships with the world of his existence, From many Wisdom has much sorrow, and he who increases knowledge increases sorrow. WE must try and fight for Joy as the Lord Jesus Christ did.
“Everything returns to its place: everything came from dust, and everything will return to dust. Everything goes back there: everything came from the dust of the earth and everything returns to dust. And everyone has the same fate: they came from dust and will return to dust. The body of an animal and the human body equally comes from the earth and goes back into the earth.” Ecclesiastes 3 verse 20
“not all people have a Soul, it still needs to be earned — which a hero can do,” but why? It’s an Ingredient! “
That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit. John 3:6
I, of course, also borrowed a lot of philosophy, since the hero and clients love to talk at the table about life and death… “not all people have a Soul, it still needs to be earned — which the hero can do” but why? It’s an Ingredient!
“Truly I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, there will be no life in you.” Gospel of John 6:53.
READ FREE https://getinkspired.com/ru/story/375405/ingredient/
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Lady Gaga on #spiritcooking Marina Abramovic
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its-feena · 3 years
#Repost @_spiritualx @download.ins --- #Cloning #HipHopExposed #Industry #Wutang #HipHopAgenda #SpiritCooking https://www.instagram.com/p/CN4hDxlg-UT/?igshid=qsp499c8i7zf
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angelopiunno · 4 years
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Spirit Cooking:
Mezclar leche materna con semen fresco. Beber en noches de terremoto. De rodillas, limpia el suelo con tu aliento. Inhala el polvo. Con un cuchillo filoso corta profundamente dentro del dedo medio de tu mano izquierda. Comete el dolor. Consumir cinco pimientos rojos picantes de frente hacia la pared. Tomar trece hojas de col verde sin cortar, con trece mil gramos de celos. Vaporizar durante mucho tiempo en una olla de hierro profunda hasta que toda el agua se evapore. Cómelas justo antes del ataque. Espolvorear orina fresca de la mañana sobre las pesadillas. Gira sobre tu eje hasta perder la conciencia. Intenta comer toda las preguntas del día. Una gota de vergüenza mezclada con una gota de agua, ingerir una pequeña cantidad antes de llorar.
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Down the rabbit hole...
It's all so plain to see... There's so many dots
Yet people just par it off as conspiracy or put their blinkers on and just pretend it isn't happening...
A literal cult of cannibalistic nonces; plain as day...
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therealafrikantruth · 5 years
♻️•Thoughts?#PrinceAndrew blinked 10 times in 10 seconds during his response to a question about whether he had sex with an underage girl who had been trafficked by #JeffreyEpstein. During a BBC interview, the #DukeofYork was asked about #VirginiaRobertsGiuffre, who was pictured with and claimed she had sex with Prince Andrew when she was 17-years-old. “I have no recollection of ever meeting this lady, none whatsoever,” said the Duke. “You don’t remember meeting her?” he was then asked. “No,” responded Prince Andrew. During his answer, the Duke blinked no less than 10 times in the space of just 10 seconds. According to numerous scientific studies, including one published by the Journal of Non-verbal Behaviour, rapid blinking is a reliable indicator that a person is lying. Indeed, that study found that when the subject is being asked a question, “the blink rate in the liars went down.” While Prince Andrew was listening to the question, he didn’t blink once. The study found that after the question was asked, “the blink rate of the liars increased rapidly,” which is exactly what happened during Prince Andrew’s interview. Again, this is just a coincidence and suggests absolutely nothing untoward. Elsewhere in the interview, the Duke of York said he believes palling around with and staying at the house of a convicted sex offender two years after Epstein was charged with having sex with minors was at the time “the honorable and right thing to do.” Again, nothing out of the ordinary there. Claims he couldn’t sweat due to medical condition, but numerous photos show otherwise. Photos of a ‘sweaty’ Prince Andrew appear to contradict claims made by the royal during a BBC interview that was roundly condemned as a PR disaster. The Duke of York was attempting to rebut allegations that his relationship with convicted #sexoffender Jeffrey Epstein included the provision of trafficked underage girls, including #VictoriaRoberts-Giuffre who was 17 at the time she alleges Prince Andrew had sex with her. #PedoGate #PizzaGate #SpiritCooking #LolitaExpress #LittleStJamesIsland #StopHumanTrafficking https://www.instagram.com/p/B5BwBMLlnI8/?igshid=1bg82rpzc8zis
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floatuniverse · 4 years
Me stoned to the bone on Instagram live @sheeplemagazine ・・・ Made me think of @floatuniverse 😂😂 . 🔵 🔴 👁‍🗨 🔵 🔴 👁‍🗨 🔵 🔴 👁‍🗨 🔵 🔴 👁‍🗨 🔵 🔴 👁‍🗨 🔵 🔴 👁‍🗨 🔵 🔴 #operationmockingbird #mkultra #trump2020 #adrenochrome #greatawakening #chemtrails #5gtowers #qanon #outofshadows #biden2020 #jefferyepstein #bohemiangrove #anonymous #ufo #spiritcooking #newworldorder #globalism #billgates #creepy #facts #blacklivesmatter #alllivesmatter #georgefloyd #georgesoros #endhumantrafficking #clintonbodycount #epsteindidntkillhimself #hisnamewassethrich #conspiracy #conspiracytheories https://www.instagram.com/p/CBN14eoDA7x/?igshid=t1bqztnmbx8i
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robbialy · 4 years
From • @makode_public ... first time I get meme-fied...and now bitch is taking credit for MY cakegina 💁🏾‍♀️.... To promote planned parenthood ... and the republican cause... 😬 I believe we covered most interpretations of this piece now, so let’s take this next level 💁🏾‍♀️ #racist #cakewoman goes to space, #blackface #cakegina performs #phantom_hysterectomy through your 5G device... add some parallel time lines and an infinite set of parallel #cakevaginiverses.... endless possibilities Have a nice week! #Repost @qtip75 with @get_repost ・・・ WARNING - GRAPHIC It’s called #SpiritCooking What do you think of this, #BlackLivesMatter ? Black people are being played by the Democrats! I used to be a Democrat a long time ago. #Democrats BIGGEST FEAR is that black people will find out. Look up the origins to #PlannedParenthood. Everyone needs to look that up. PP founder, #MargaretSanger use Planned Parenthood as a front to try and depopulate the black population. Don’t believe me? Look it up! Doesn’t that make you angry, #BlackoutTuesday people? #ThesePeopleAreSICK #BlackFace If you are a Democrat you need to join the #WalkawayMovement NOW. #Walkaway Someday you’ll figure out that Trump tried to save you from pure evil. #QAnon #WWG1WGA #DarkToLight #GodWinsInTheEnd #Trump2020 https://www.instagram.com/p/CBwQ49bp6m_Wdck32OthB257-uYwQCwUisDkFw0/?igshid=wbfg2vzgs7uh
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stevegronka · 5 years
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#Repost @caliconservative530 ・・・ #Repost @realkchardaway with @get_repost ・・・ We're just educating liberals out here Reposted from @building_the_truth This may be a shocking fact to liberals. But then they ignore facts anyway. ALL PRAISES BE TO GOD Ten Commandments list 1. You shall have no other gods before Me. 2. You shall make no idols. 3. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. 4. Keep the Sabbath day holy. 5. Honor your father and your mother. 6. You shall not murder. 7. You shall not commit adultery. 8. You shall not steal. 9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. 10. You shall not covet. #q #qanon #maga #wwg1wga #thegreatawakening #darktolight #painiscoming #disclosure #secretspaceprogram #ssp #solarwarden #clintonbodycount #panicindc #spiritcooking #epsteinisland #wakeupsheep #qthewakeup #abovemajestic #pedowood #digitalarmy #stopthecoup #alpha45 https://www.instagram.com/p/B9fYaxjFq4D/?igshid=19lil0va4tz9
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alienconstruct · 5 years
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Who else tho?
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serpentenet · 3 years
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MMXI. Quando a Lady Gaga e a Marina Abramović começaram a fazer Spirit Cooking já nós íamos na sobremesa.
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its-feena · 4 years
#Repost @nexterageneration @download.ins --- the mysterious suicide of #aaronhernandez this is the sh*t @netflix doesn’t show. #illuminati #sacrifice #GreatAwakening #JeffreyEpstein #Adrenochrome #PEDOGATE #DeepState #FRAZZLEDRIP #Pedowood #SpiritCooking #WeinersLaptop #LolitaExpress #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonEmails #PodestaEmails #ObamaGate #PizzaGate #SaveTheChildren https://www.instagram.com/p/CExTJ1yHQYf/?igshid=1o70mx0be0pzd
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adeeti2812 · 4 years
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. . . . . . . . . . #expandingconsciousness #raisingconsciousness #spiritcooking #freespiritedbrides #freespiritfabrics #freespirit #mindfulness #5thdimension #thirdeyeopen #mindfulnesstraining #mindfulnessteacher #starseedwisdom #starseedsunite #wisdoms #wisdomgoals #occultism #plantwisdom #divinewisdom #spiritualcommunity #occult #spiritualmemes https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ30194rVBa/?igshid=16jpp9yj4kyez
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pittylover728 · 4 years
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Actions speak louder than words. Posted @withregram • @herre_jess CoViD iS rEaL 🤡, NO THE SPIRITUAL WAR IS REAL 👁 DEAR PEDOWOOD AND DEMONKKRATS STOP SEX TRAFFICKING, EATING, RAPING, TORTURING, AND SACRIFICING THE CHILDREN. #GODWINS #STAYWOKE #jeffreyepsteindidntkillhimself #obamagate #DEFUNDSATAN #defunddemocrats #DEFUNDHOLLYWOOD #satanicritual #spiritcooking #adrenochrome DEMONKKKRATS, PEDOWOOD are SEX TRAFFICKING KIDS #PIZZAGATE #KILLUMINATI #fallofthecabal #draintheswamp #hollywood #hollyweird #hollyweirdisevil #democrats #factsoverfeelings #redpill #covidisahoax #blm #greatawakening #ageofaquarius #truthhurts #makecaliforniaredagain #wwg1wga #jfkjr #qanan 👁🕳🐇🐸☕️ https://www.instagram.com/p/CC_OTb1g3jd/?igshid=17c5wm0ktoc6p
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sutrala · 4 years
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Child rapist. Child murdering pedophiles. Adrenochrome consumers. Blood drinking Satanic, evil, evil people. Some, you have praised. Know them by name. By face, and action and deed. Swift Justice. Fast and speedy trials. Severe punishment. Capital punishment. Death. #CanabalClub #PedoGate #Wayfairgate #PizzaGate #FrazzleDrip #GwenSteffani #WillFarrell #JeffEpstein #Adrenochrome #MarinaAbramovic #CardieB #SpiritCooking #LolitaExpress #FlightLog #Hollywood #ModernDayPagons #Babylon2020 #Canaan2020 https://www.instagram.com/p/CCwW2vZhsua/?igshid=sczrek9rslr5
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