#spirulina precautions
trendingarticles · 1 year
Is Spirulina Good for You? Exploring It's Health Benefits and Potential Side Effects
Spirulina have potential health benefits, due to its rich nutritional content and antioxidant properties. can be a beneficial addition to a well-balanced diet. Consume it with appropriate amounts and with necessary precautions.
What is Spirulina? Spirulina is a type of microscopic blue-green algae, scientifically known as Arthrospira platensis or Spirulina platensis. It is a spiral-shaped, filamentous cyanobacterium that grows naturally in various freshwater environments, including alkaline lakes, ponds, and rivers. Spirulina is rich in nutrients and has gained popularity as a superfood due to its potential health…
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Unlock the Power of Lost Superfoods for Your Health!
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Have you heard of Lost Superfoods? These age-old nutritional powerhouses have gained popularity in recent years, and for good reason! Lost Superfoods are known for their potential health benefits, from boosting immunity to supporting brain health.
If you're looking to improve your overall well-being, incorporating Lost Superfoods into your diet might be the answer. But what exactly are Lost Superfoods? And how can you add them to your meals?
Key Takeaways:
Lost Superfoods offer numerous health benefits
They have gained popularity in recent years
Incorporating Lost Superfoods into your meals can improve your overall well-being
But be sure to understand the potential risks and precautions before consuming them
Stay tuned to learn more about Lost Superfoods and how they can enhance your health
What are Lost Superfoods?
Lost Superfoods are a group of nutrient-dense foods that have been largely forgotten or overlooked in modern times. These foods have been consumed by ancient cultures for centuries and have been revered for their powerful health benefits. Lost Superfoods include a wide range of plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains, and seeds that are rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
However, the term Lost Superfoods has gained recent popularity due to the rediscovery of these nutritional powerhouses as people increasingly seek to improve their diets and overall health. These foods are now being integrated into modern diets, and people are starting to recognize their numerous health benefits.
What are Lost Superfoods?
Lost Superfoods have been consumed by indigenous cultures for centuries and were an essential part of their diets. These foods were often considered sacred and were used for their medicinal properties and ability to promote overall well-being. Some of the most popular Lost Superfoods include: Superfood Description Acai berries A small, purple fruit from South America that is rich in antioxidants. Maca root A root vegetable from Peru that is believed to enhance energy, stamina, and fertility. Spirulina A blue-green algae that is high in protein and a wide range of essential nutrients. Goji berries A small, red fruit from China that is packed with antioxidants and immune-boosting properties.
These are just a few examples of the wide variety of Lost Superfoods that are available.
The Health Benefits of Lost Superfoods
Lost Superfoods are not just a fad, they provide numerous health benefits that can enhance your overall well-being. Incorporating these superfoods into your diet can help you achieve optimal health, both physically and mentally.
One of the main health benefits of Lost Superfoods is their ability to boost immunity. Many of these superfoods are rich in antioxidants, which can strengthen your immune system and protect your body from harmful molecules called free radicals.
Lost Superfoods are also known for their ability to support brain health. They contain essential nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, which are crucial for brain function and development. These superfoods can also improve your cognitive abilities, mood, and memory.
Another significant benefit of Lost Superfoods is their ability to reduce inflammation. Chronic inflammation in the body can contribute to the development of many diseases, including cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Lost Superfoods are rich in anti-inflammatory compounds that can help combat inflammation in the body.
Furthermore, Lost Superfoods are beneficial for weight management. Many of these superfoods are low in calories and high in fiber, which can help you feel full for longer periods and aid in weight loss efforts. They can also positively impact your metabolism, which can help you burn more calories throughout the day.
Overall, incorporating Lost Superfoods into your diet can provide numerous health benefits and improve your overall quality of life. From boosting immunity to reducing inflammation, these nutritional powerhouses offer a variety of health benefits that you do not want to miss out on.
How to Incorporate Lost Superfoods into Your Meals
Incorporating Lost Superfoods into your meals is easier than you think. Here are some practical tips and creative ways to make the most of the nutritional benefits of these superfoods in your everyday cooking:
1. Start Your Day with a Superfood Smoothie
Smoothies are an excellent way to incorporate Lost Superfoods into your diet. Blend a mix of superfoods, such as acai, goji berries, and chia seeds, with your favorite fruits and veggies for a delicious and nutritious breakfast. You can also add protein powder for an extra boost.
2. Add Superfoods to Your Salads
Top your salads with a handful of blueberries or sliced almonds for a boost of antioxidants and healthy fats. You can also add some spirulina powder or hemp seeds to your salad dressing for an extra dose of nutrients.
3. Snack on Superfood Trail Mix
Make your own superfood trail mix by combining nuts, dried fruits, and seeds. Add some cacao nibs or maca powder for an energy boost. Keep a bag of this healthy snack with you when you're on the go.
4. Upgrade Your Baking with Superfoods
Add some superfoods to your baked goods for a healthy twist. You can add pumpkin seeds or flaxseeds to your muffin batter or sprinkle some cacao powder on your pancakes. You can also substitute white flour with almond or coconut flour for a gluten-free option.
By incorporating Lost Superfoods into your meals, you can enjoy delicious and healthy dishes that can help improve your overall well-being. So, start experimenting with these nutritional powerhouses in your kitchen today!
Lost Superfoods and Weight Loss
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When it comes to weight loss, incorporating Lost Superfoods into your diet can be a game-changer. These superfoods not only provide essential nutrients but can also aid in weight management by boosting metabolism and promoting satiety.
One of the most popular Lost Superfoods for weight loss is acai berries. These small, purple berries are packed with antioxidants, fiber, and healthy fats that can help regulate blood sugar levels and reduce cravings.
Another Lost Superfood that can aid in weight loss is spirulina. This blue-green algae is rich in protein, which can help increase feelings of fullness and reduce overall calorie intake. Additionally, spirulina has been shown to improve lipid metabolism and reduce inflammation, which can help support weight loss goals.
Chia seeds are another popular Lost Superfood that can aid in weight management. These tiny seeds are loaded with fiber, which can absorb water and expand in the stomach, leading to feelings of fullness and reduced calorie intake. Chia seeds are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have been linked to improved weight loss outcomes.
While Lost Superfoods can offer numerous benefits for weight loss, it's important to remember that they are not a magic solution. Weight loss requires a balanced diet, regular exercise, and a healthy lifestyle. Incorporating Lost Superfoods into your meals can be a helpful tool in achieving your weight loss goals, but it's important to consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet.
Popular Lost Superfoods to Try
If you are ready to explore the world of Lost Superfoods, here are some popular options to start with:SuperfoodNutritional BenefitsAcai BerriesRich in antioxidants, fiber, and healthy fatsSpirulinaHigh in protein, vitamins, and minerals, with anti-inflammatory propertiesChia SeedsLoaded with fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and calciumMoringaHigh in iron, calcium, and vitamin C, with anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic properties
Other popular Lost Superfoods include maca root, goji berries, and cacao. Each superfood has its own unique nutritional profile and potential health benefits, so don't be afraid to try something new and incorporate it into your meals.
The Potential Risks and Precautions of Lost Superfoods
While Lost Superfoods offer numerous health benefits, it's important to be aware of potential risks and precautions when consuming them.
Firstly, some people may be allergic to certain Lost Superfoods, such as goji berries or bee pollen, so it's crucial to pay attention to any adverse reactions and consult a doctor if necessary.
Additionally, some Lost Superfoods may interact with certain medications such as blood thinners, so it's important to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating them into your diet.
It's also essential to consume Lost Superfoods in moderation. Some superfoods, such as maca powder or cacao nibs, can be high in calories and may contribute to weight gain if consumed excessively.
Finally, it's important to ensure that Lost Superfoods are sourced from reputable suppliers and are free from contaminants such as heavy metals or pesticides.
By being aware of these potential risks and taking necessary precautions, Lost Superfoods can be safely incorporated into a healthy and balanced diet, providing a wealth of nutritional benefits.
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In conclusion, incorporating Lost Superfoods into your diet can be a great way to improve your overall health and wellness. These powerful foods provide a wide variety of health benefits, from boosting immunity to aiding in weight management.
By learning about the different types of Lost Superfoods and how to incorporate them into your meals, you can experience the full range of benefits they offer. Plus, with so many creative and delicious ways to enjoy these superfoods, it's easy to make them a regular part of your diet.
Start Small and Explore
If you're new to Lost Superfoods, don't be intimidated! Start small by trying a few different types and experimenting with different recipes. As you become more familiar with these superfoods, you can start incorporating them into more meals and snacks.
Always Be Mindful of Risks and Precautions
While Lost Superfoods can be incredibly beneficial, it's important to always be mindful of potential risks and precautions. Be sure to do your research and speak with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns about consuming certain types of superfoods.
Overall, Lost Superfoods offer a world of potential health benefits that are just waiting to be unlocked. So why not start exploring these nutritional powerhouses today and discover a new level of wellness and vitality?
Q: What are Lost Superfoods?
A: Lost Superfoods are nutritional powerhouses that have gained popularity in recent years. They are highly nutritious foods that have been "lost" or forgotten over time but are now being rediscovered for their health benefits.
Q: What are the health benefits of Lost Superfoods?
A: Lost Superfoods offer numerous health benefits. They can boost immunity, support brain health, improve digestion, enhance energy levels, and promote overall well-being.
Q: How can I incorporate Lost Superfoods into my meals?
A: There are many creative ways to incorporate Lost Superfoods into your meals. You can add them to smoothies, salads, soups, sauces, or use them as toppings for yogurts or desserts. The possibilities are endless!
Q: Can Lost Superfoods help with weight loss?
A: Yes, certain Lost Superfoods can aid in weight loss. They can support metabolism, increase satiety, and provide essential nutrients while being low in calories. However, it's important to maintain a balanced diet and exercise for effective weight loss.
Q: What are some popular Lost Superfoods to try?
A: There are many popular Lost Superfoods to explore. Some examples include acai berries, spirulina, maca, chia seeds, and moringa. Each of these superfoods offers unique nutritional profiles and potential health benefits.
Q: Are there any risks or precautions associated with consuming Lost Superfoods?
A: While Lost Superfoods are generally safe to consume, it's important to be aware of potential risks and precautions. Some superfoods may interact with certain medications or allergies. It's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating them into your diet.
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dharamgajera-blog · 1 year
Who can take spirulina tablets
Spirulina tablets are generally safe for most individuals to consume. However, specific considerations and precautions should be taken into account. Here's a general overview of who can take spirulina tablets:
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Adults: Spirulina tablets capsule  are commonly consumed by adults of various ages to supplement their nutritional intake and support overall health.
Vegetarians and Vegans: Spirulina tablets are a valuable source of plant-based protein and iron, making them particularly beneficial for individuals following vegetarian or vegan diets that may be lacking in these nutrients.
Individuals Seeking Nutritional Support: Spirulina tablets green food can be beneficial for individuals who have dietary restrictions, limited food choices, or inadequate nutrient intake. They provide a concentrated source of essential nutrients, including protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
Those Looking for Immune Support: Spirulina tablets contain nutrients and antioxidants that can support a healthy immune system. They may be helpful for individuals looking to enhance their immune function and reduce the risk of infections.
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Individuals with Fatigue or Low Energy Levels: Best Spirulina tablets are often used by individuals experiencing fatigue or seeking a natural energy boost. The combination of nutrients, such as B vitamins and iron, can help support energy metabolism and combat tiredness.
Those Interested in Detoxification: Spirulina tablets are believed to have detoxifying properties that assist in eliminating toxins from the body. They can be consumed by individuals interested in supporting their natural detoxification processes and promoting a healthy digestive system.
Adults Engaged in Weight Management: Spirulina tablets are sometimes used as part of weight management programs. The high protein content in spirulina can increase satiety and reduce appetite, potentially supporting weight loss efforts when combined with a balanced diet and regular exercise.
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Despite the general safety of spirulina tablets, it is important to note that individual responses and sensitivities may vary. It's recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian before starting any new supplement, particularly if you have underlying health conditions, are pregnant or breastfeeding, or are taking medications. They can provide personalized advice based on your specific health status and needs. Additionally, it's important to follow the recommended dosage guidelines provided by the manufacturer when taking spirulina tablets.
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Moringa and Spirulina: Mini Review on their use against COVID-19
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The world woke up in 2020 with a new virus called coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). The virus spread easily from Wuhan, a western province in China to the whole world and caused a pandemic situation. Some preventive measures such as wearing of face masks and the use of alcohol-based sanitizers have been prescribed by the World Health Organization (WHO). All these measures could not effectively handle the virus, and the world started to search for a new solution by using herbal medicines. This mini-review discusses the use of Moringa and spirulina to combat COVID-19.
Keywords: Moringa; Spirulina; covid-19; Herbal medicines
Discovered in 1965 by Tyrrell and Bynoe, human coronaviruses are group of viruses that display crown like spikes on their surface [1]. There are several types of coronaviruses (four sub groups) in the world; namely alpha, beta, gamma and delta. Six of them including alpha coronaviruses (229E and NL63) [2,3], two types of beta coronaviruses (OC43 and HKU1) [3,4] were explored before 2019. These alpha-coronaviruses and the two types of beta-coronaviruses are common, but they do not cause severe biological damage in humans. Some of the coronaviruses can cause middle east respiratory syndrome called MERS-Cov [5, 6]. Another beta coronavirus was able to induce severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and was labelled as SARS-Cov [5,6]. In 2019, a new form of SARS-Cov came out with a severe pandemic impact. The name SARS-Cov 2 or COVID-19 was given to this new virus [7]. The COVID-19 identified in Wuhan (a Western China province) had spread quickly to other parts of the world. This situation resulted in locking down the world and its economy, akin to the 2008 economic crunch. Some prevention methods like the use of alcoholic or gel-based sanitizers were firstly prescribed, and the use of face masks to prevent the spread of viruses in the air. These two methods could help protect against the viruses; however, they do not get rid of the spread completely. In the middle of 2020, the idea of developing a vaccine had emerged. Some pharmaceutical research industries investigated and came out with some vaccines, which have already been given out in many countries All these precautions do not rapidly eliminate the spread of the virus completely. Moreover, the virus keeps on mutating, and new variants have been identified, which are more dangerous than the earlier types (delta). In middle of this, the population in many parts of the world went back to explore nature by using herbal medicines that could potentially control the virus. Among these herbal medicines are Moringa oleifera and Spirulina, which have been used by some herbal practitioners to treat COVID-19. In this mini review we seek to discuss how this could happen for these two old nutraceutical medicines to help combat the virus amidst the pandemic.
Spirulina and Covid-19
Spirulina, a microalgae used as a diet worldwide is rich in protein, vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, vitamin B3, copper and iron [8]. It is an aquatic organism which needs the presence of salt and fresh water to grow by photosynthesis. It is well-known that spirulina is the best candidate for nutritional supplement for different disease such as cancer and HIV [9-13]. A lot of researchers have proven that spirulina can be used as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent; it helps to lower bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels, thereby controlling type 2 diabetes [14,15]. Spirulina has been explored to reduce blood pressure and has been confirmed to be efficacious against anemia. With the presence of protein and vitamins, spirulina has been consumed to strengthen muscles and improve performance by endurance. Since the appearance of covid-19, there have been 7 research publications that have reported the consumption of spirulina for the control of this virus. Carbone et al., showed that by their antiviral activities, microalgae such as spirulina could help to boost immunity [16]. By the strength of their immunity, the person affected or a healthy person can control the virus, however, the authors did not define the quantity of spirulina to take. The mechanism by which spirulina can act as an antiviral agent was not well-established. In fact, all these research papers suggested that, spirulina may down regulate anti-inflammatory signal by the presence of phycocyanobilin in its components [17-20]. The stimulation of the immune system by increasing phagocytic activity of macrophage which are recruited to fight against the virus have also been reported by Ferreira et al., and Ratha et al., [21,22]. Tzachor et al. [23] had published original work which showed the different effects of spirulina against covid-19 is dependent on the type of spirulina. As was mentioned in the beginning, the growth of spirulina nutriment is photosynthesis-dependent. They compared the effect of solar and light-emitting diode (LED) on the photosynthesis of spirulina. They found that LED spirulina had more anti-inflammatory effect than solar spirulina due the presence of bioactive components like sorbitol, adenosine derivates and C-phycocyanin (CPC) [20]. After extraction, the authors stated that the amount of all these components were significantly increased by using LED as compared to solar [23]. Covid-19 has an acute inflammatory part, and as such by using spirulina, especially LED spirulina extract, it could interfere with tumor necrosis factor (TNFα), which might help to control the inflammatory aspect of covid-19 disease [23]. All these researches demonstrated the case and the importance of spirulina in the apprehension of covid-19 disease.
Moringa and Covid-19
Moringa oleifera, a plant widely used as a supplement nutrition is rich in vitamin C, potassium, calcium, protein, iron, and amino acid [24,25]. These nutrients are responsible for building of muscles after the consumption of M. oleifera. A lot of research reported that M. oleifera could act as antioxidant, immune system booster, lower blood pressure and reduce fat in blood and body [26]. Some research emphasized its use on rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, cancer, and memory loss [27]. Hamza et al., by using molecular peptide docking proved the effect of M. oleifera on covid-19. They found the presence of flavonoid which may interact with 15 peptides of SARS Cov 2 and reduce the activity of the virus. Their findings revealed that the antiviral activity of M. oleifera is due to the presence of those flavonoids [28]. Moreover, Mathpal et al. [29] used computational approaches to screen the potential of the compounds in M. oleifera on SARS-Cov 2. Among 294 phytochemicals compounds of M. oleifera they found that two of them (Kaempfenol-3-o-rutinoside and vitexin) showed good stability and high binding to the SARS-CoV-2 receptors [29]. These compounds are also flavonoids, and further confirmed the findings by Hamza et al. [28]. Sen et al [30]., demonstrated that the antiviral activity of M. oleifera was dependent on the presence of three flavonoids in the plant. These three flavonoids are isorhamnetin, kaempferol and apigenin. They displayed good binding by virtual screening and dynamic simulations [30]. In addition, Muhammad et al. [31], confirmed the antiviral activity of M. oleifera on covid-19 by performing in silico molecular docking and dynamic studies. According to these authors, the presence of ellagic acid and apigenin is responsible for the antiviral activity of M. oleifera. They evaluated the pharmacokinetics and toxicology profiles of these compounds and revealed the safety of the plant. The molecular docking of these compounds showed clearly their druggability [31].
Shaji et al. [32] investigated the binding properties between covid-19 (the main protease (Mpro)) and several compounds of M. oleifera by performing protein-ligand docking. 12 compounds (morphine, kaempferol, quercetin, pterygospermin, benzoic acid, gallic acid, benzyl isothiocyanate, niazirin, niaziminin, niazinin, o-ethyl-carbamothionate and niazirinin) found in M. oleifera were evaluated. After docking, the result demonstrated that only niaziminin bound strongly to the Mpro, probably by it OH groups. Niaziminin could form hydrogen bonds with the sequences Glu 166 and Phe 140 of the Mpro of covid-19 [32]. This was confirmed by Ullah and Ullah, who also evaluated the binding of natural and synthetic inhibitors to Mpro as promising vaccine strategies against covid-19 [33]. Sundhari et al. [34] have also encapsulated M. oleifera in electrospum nanofiber and evaluated its effect on covid-19. The nanofibers were able to control the viruses’ particles and they developed a new face mask to protect safe and sick people [34]. Usually, researchers assume that old medicines cannot work on new diseases. These two well used natural drugs showed promising efficacy against covid-19 [35,36]. This still confirmed that natural product work as combination strategies to enhance the activity of each component. This review encourages the use of these two products (spirulina and M. oleifera) to boost immunity of healthy people and re-boost the immunity of sick people under this covid-19 pandemic. Further research may help to investigate the combination of spirulina and M. oleifera on covid-19.
The promotion of the consumption of these two herbal medicines is welcome to combat the Covid-19. By interacting with the receptor of this virus, Moringa and spirulina helps to control the inflammation part of the covid-19. These two products can boost the immunity of healthy and sick patients, thereby giving a protection against covid-19. These products might be used by the world population in this pandemic situation. Further research needs to be conducted to evaluate the impact of this combination.
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e3liveca · 2 years
Spirulina for Diabetes: Keeping Your Blood Sugar Levels In Check
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Spirulina for diabetes may help keep your blood sugar levels in check. If you are one of the millions of people who suffer from diabetes, you know how important it is to maintain it at an acceptable level. Diabetes is a chronic condition in which the body struggles to regulate blood sugar levels. Eating certain foods, like Spirulina, can help manage symptoms and improve overall health.
Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae that has been shown to have some amazing health benefits. For example, Spirulina for men have been shown to be beneficial in areas of prostate health and testosterone levels. In this blog post, we will discuss the science behind Spirulina for diabetes, as well as provide some tips on how to incorporate this into your diet.
Spirulina has been shown to have a positive impact on blood sugar levels in both diabetic and non-diabetic individuals. In a study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food, participants with type 2 diabetes who took Spirulina supplements for three months experienced significant decreases in their fasting blood glucose levels and HbA1c (a marker for long-term blood sugar control). Another study saw improvements in insulin resistance and glycemic control in non-diabetic participants who took Spirulina supplements.
These effects may be attributed to Spirulina’s high antioxidant content and phycocyanin compounds, both of which have the ability to reduce inflammation and enhance insulin sensitivity which can aid in sugar regulation.
Additionally, maintaining a balanced diet and regular exercise are important components of managing your sugar. In addition to its blood sugar regulating properties, Spirulina is also rich in protein, iron, and essential amino acids, making it a great addition to any diabetic’s diet. It can be easily added to smoothies or salads, or even taken as a supplement in capsule form.
While more research is needed to fully understand the role of Spirulina for diabetes, it may be worth incorporating into a healthy diet and lifestyle plan for diabetics. However, precaution should also be taken for those taking sugar-lowering medications, as Spirulina may enhance their effects and lead to hypoglycemia (dangerously low blood sugar levels). Additionally, some people may experience stomach discomfort or nausea when taking Spirulina. As with any supplement, it is important to start with a low dosage and increase gradually to monitor for side effects. Be sure to follow dosage guidelines and not exceed recommended amounts. If any adverse reactions occur, discontinue use and speak with a healthcare provider.
It is important to note that Spirulina for diabetes should not be used as a substitute for prescribed medications and blood sugar monitoring should always be closely monitored. Additionally, individuals with severe kidney or liver disease may experience worsened symptoms with Spirulina supplementation and should avoid use. As always, it is best to consult with a healthcare professional before beginning any new supplement regimen.
Since not all Spirulina for diabetes products are created equal – it’s important to look for high-quality sources that do not contain additives, contaminants, and toxins. As always, make sure to purchase high quality Spirulina from a reputable source.
Here at E3Live Canada, to ensure that everything we offer is of the highest and purest quality, we take a highly proactive approach in testing and monitoring our products and environment. Since 2001, OTCO (Oregon Tilth Certified Organic) has certified E3Live’s facilities and products as organic. OTCO also conducts annual on-site inspections of the Upper Klamath Lake watershed. We are OTCO certified because Oregon Tilth is the most reputable name in organic certification. E3Live has been certified by OTCO to the Canada Organic Regulation and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Organic Program (NOP).
Don’t let blood sugar levels control your life – adding Spirulina may be a simple and beneficial solution. In addition to supplementing with Spirulina for diabetes, adopting a healthy lifestyle including regular physical activity and a balanced diet can also aid. Together, these strategies can help you effectively manage your condition and live a happy, fulfilled life. Give Spirulina for diabetes a try and see how it can improve your overall health and well-being.
The blog post Spirulina for Diabetes: Keeping Your Blood Sugar Levels In Check first appeared on E3Live Canada
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aartichede08 · 2 years
Spirulina Market Demand, Industry Trends, Business Opportunities, And Forecast 2028
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Spirulina is a multicellular, filamentous blue-green microalgae that naturally grows in warm regions in the alkaline waters of lakes, ponds and rivers. These microalgae is harvested and processed easily and have significantly high macro- and micronutrient contents. The increasing consumer awareness on health and wellness and their growing interest to adopt spirulina as a natural food color instead of synthetic colors is fueling the market growth. It appears guarantee as a malignant growth precaution operator and in the treatment of tumors. Spirulina appears to have widespread cardiovascular benefits, including improvement of blood lipid profiles, atherosclerosis aversion and hypertension control. Moreover, Spirulina appears to have extensive potential for development, especially as a small-scale crop for nutritional enhancement, livelihood development and environmental mitigation. In particular, the production and use of spirulina has major advantages like its production occupies in small environmental footprint, with considerable efficiencies in terms of water use, land occupation compared to traditional terrestrial crops. Also has the potential for integration with rural organic waste treatment processes to improve both environmental conditions and improve energy transfer efficiencies.
To know the scope of our report get a sample on https://www.axiommrc.com/request-for-sample/10969-spirulina-market-report
The rising awareness among the population regarding health benefits of spirulina and wide application is the major factor propelling the growth of the spirulina market. Spirulina is gaining popularity due to several benefits associated includes high anti-oxidant, hypolipidemic, beta-carotene, and anti-inflammatory properties. The growing application in cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries is further expected to drive tremendous growth to this market during the forecast period. Further, the use of spirulina as protein supplement has gained considerable popularity in the human health food industry and in many developing countries, where there is prevalence of malnutrition which is fueling the market growth.
The exclusive COVID 19 impact analysis report by Axiom MRC provides a 360 degree analysis of micro and macro-economic factors on the Spirulina market. In addition, complete analysis of changes on the Spirulina expenditure, economic and international policies on supply and demand side. The report also studies the impact of pandemic on global economies, international trade, business investments, GDP and marketing strategies of key players present in the market.  The COVID-19 impact on spirulina market was moderate as Spirulina is extremely rich in vitamin C and minerals these products were recommended in pandemic for strengthening immunity at great level. Production and supply chain disruption however affected the market growth for few months in pandemic.
The Spirulina market is segmented based on by type, by drug formulation, by application and geography.
The Spirulina are available in market according to different types like arthrospira platensis, arthrospira maxima.
The Arthrospira Platensis type was the major contributor in the global spirulina market growth owing to different factors such as surge in healthcare awareness and incorporation of spirulina in diets as super food globally. Spirulina Platensis gives enormous and incredible medical benefits to malnourished children, particularly under the age of five. Spirulina shows strong invulnerable animating impacts, shows antiviral movement against an assortment of hurtful infections. It is generally utilized as a Nutraceuticals nourishment supplement around the world which further fuels the market growth.
Depending on drug formulation Spirulina is accessible in powder, tablet & capsule, liquid, granule & gelling agent.
Powder segment holds a dominant position in drug formulation due to ease of application as compared to liquid forms. The spirulina powder market is expected to gain pace owing to government support encouraging production. Further, manufacturers are introducing new and exclusive products that attract consumers which in turn are likely to remain indispensable to the growth of the spirulina powder sector. The consumption and production of spirulina powder is increasing rapidly. Furthermore, tablet and capsule is expected to be the second largest segment during the forecast period.
Spirulina market finds its major application in nutraceuticals, cosmetic & personal care, food & beverages, animal feed, bio-fuel
Nutraceuticals application accounts the significant market share owing to rise in concern regarding health and nutrition and preference for natural organic alternative to traditional pharmaceutical products. Spirulina acts as food supplement with low or negligible side effects. One such Nutraceuticals is blue green algae, spirulina which is been used as part of human diet. The highly diverse nutritive nature of spirulina in Nutraceuticals provided with antioxidant and protective health benefits have been utilized in various health related problems. Furthermore, in cosmetic & personal care application spirulina has its major used in cosmetic formulators to promote healthy sunscreen protection, to treat skin pigmentation disorders and to heal wounds. Most of commercial cosmetics includes large range of spirulina properties, including antioxidant, revitalizing, demineralizing, moisturizing, protecting alongside cleansing and shining action, hydration, acts skin barrier function and oil control both for hair and for skin.
Geographically the global Spirulina market is studied for the following region North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and LAMEA
North America is the leading market in the global spirulina market owing to increasing demand naturally derived food coloring agents in the regions. On the other hand Asia Pacific is anticipated to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period owing to robust economic growth in food industry as it offers lucrative opportunities to market players for launch innovative products. Furthermore rising urbanization and increasing middle class population is further fueling the regional growth. Also, increasing demand for spirulina powder among vegetarian consumer is another key factor driving the region growth in global spirulina market. Moreover, rapid growing aquaculture and extensive consumption of spirulina in aquatic farming and hatchery is expected to boost the spirulina market.
The major players in Spirulina market are Cyanotech Corporation, DIC Corporation, Chr. Hansen Holding A/S, Dongtai City Spirulina Bio-engineering Co., Ltd., Algenol Biofuels Inc., Prolgae, Sensient Technologies Corporation, Parry Neutraceuticals, DDW Inc., Naturex S.A., Algatec., Fuqing King Dnarmsa Spirulina Co., Ltd., GNC Holdings, Inc. , GNT Holding B.V. and Now Health Group Inc. among others.
October 2020: Lubrizol life science had launched advanced, natural nutraceuticals solution to support mental agility. The product name Astagile microcapsules, new sustainable, organic-certified, astaxanthin (Haematococcus pluvialis), microencapsulated with spirulina. The two ingredients have been uniquely combined in a patent-pending product designed to promote mental agility and support healthy ageing for young and senior adults.
June 2020: DIC had launched small-volume (100 grams) bottled liquid version of Linablue natural blue food coloring. The natural plan derived pigment extracted from DIC Spirulina, Linablue continues to attract global attention and is used widely not only by overseas food product manufacturers concerned about food safety, but also by prominent domestic manufacturers, including the producer of a famous soda-flavored frozen confectionery.
Buy now Spirulina Market Report https://www.axiommrc.com/buy_now/10969-spirulina-market-report
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skytagbioteq · 2 years
Know About Vitamin B and Spirulina
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We all know that Vitamins are a much-needed resource for good health & energy. One of the most well-known vitamins category is Vitamin B-Complex. Maybe because they have been one of the most prescribed tablets over the past few generations with a typical effect that changes the colour of urine to a golden yellow, which gives people that feeling that, ’Oh yes…It’s working’.
But are you aware that the Vitamin B-Complex is a compilation of a total of 8 B-Vitamins. All having different functions when consumed. The B-Vitamins are a water-soluble vitamin, which means that the body is unable to store them permanently & they need to be supplemented on a daily basis. This is a very good property because this helps to avoid a condition known as ‘Hypervitaminosis’ wherein certain ‘fat soluble’ vitamins like Vitamin-A or E get accumulated in the body & lead to a different set of unwanted health issues when consumed irrationally. But the B-Vitamins are a very safe & effective category.
The majority of the time, we associate supplements with either male or female multivitamin tablets. Men tend to look for all-in-one solutions, such as multivitamin tablets, but women are typically more interested in iron and folic acid tablets or calcium and vitamin D3 tablets.
B-Vitamins are best found in the regular diet that we consume daily. No wonder a well-balanced diet is the best way to supplement your body with B-Vitamins. One of the most important B-Vitamins is Vitamin B6 also known as ‘Pyridoxine’. As per a study published in the reputed medical encyclopedia Medline Plus, Vitamin B6 helps to create & maintain antibodies in our body. These antibodies are needed to fight many diseases, viruses and several other diseases. It is known to improve the number of WBC’s also known as White Blood Corpuscles which provide the disease fighting ability to our body. Studies suggest that a low level of Vitamin B6 can result in weakening & impairment of the body’s immune system
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Vitamin B6 is a free source Vitamin, found abundantly in meat sources like chicken, mutton, fish, poultry etc. Starchy food like potatoes, are also a rich source of B6. Citrus fruits however do not contain significant amount of B6. Bananas, papaya & dark leafy vegetables are also known to be a rich source of B6.
Present foods due to the cash crop culture prevalent have been losing their known nutritional value over the years. Breakfast Cereals now a days are fortified with vitamins to preserve their nutritional values. And everyone is unable to afford long-term. With limitations of Vegetarian Vs Non-Vegetarian debate becoming more and more vocal, one of the best & safest options to maintain your B6 levels is Organic Spirulina.
Rich in all other B-Vitamins, Spirulina is a very powerful & safe source of B6. Just one tablet of 500 MG daily is enough to maintain your daily requirement of B6. Spirulina contains 1.5 times more B6 unlike various forms of meats, making it the best source of natural B6. Not only this, Spirulina is also loaded with all the essential amino acids, so essential to maintain all body functions at peak levels which being loaded with iron content richer by 8 times than Spinach.
With all these advantages, Spirulina is the finest & riches source of Vitamin B6 in vegan form to keep your immunity levels strong and in perfect condition.
Read More: Korean Ginseng Benefits | Where to Buy Red Ginseng
Spirulina is available in several forms. However, being cultivated over water, it needs several measures to maintain it safety & protect it from pollutants or toxic elements which can harm the body more than benefiting it. It is best to prefer 100% Organic & Pure Spirulina in Tablet form. Organic Spirulina tablets in 500 MG are a safe and effective natural supplement to provide your body with the perfect and balanced dose of Vitamin B6 also known as Pyridoxine.
The best way to consume Organic Spirulina Tablets is 1 Tablet of 500 MG daily 30 minutes before breakfast with water. You will start noticing the positive effects of Spirulina 2 to 3 weeks after starting with your daily supplementation. Alternatively if you experience some gastric discomfort, you can also consume organic Spirulina 30 minutes after breakfast with water. Natural health supplements work best if consumed over a long period consistently. So choose your timing as per your comfort which can support long term compliance. Setting up a daily alarm on your mobile is a simple. But effective method of ensuring continuity for your regular medicines or supplements.
Organic Spirulina Vs Calcium Vitamin D3
Organic spirulina is a beautiful, all-natural product that is perfectly balanced and has all the necessary nutrients. Spirulina has approximately 26 times the calcium in milk, making it a fantastic natural alternative for strong bones, both for growth and maintenance, While we continue to search for calcium tablets, vitamins for bones, vitamin D3 capsules or tablet, iron and folic acid, etc. Compared to yoghurt or veggies, this calcium content is significantly higher.
Additionally, spirulina contains a significant amount of folic acid, often known as vitamin B12. It supports healthy iron levels in the body and adds to excellent bone health in a natural, non-synthetic manner.
Coming to precautions, if you are on prescription medicines, suffering from some medical condition, pregnant or lactating. It is best and always advisable to start any supplement only after consultation with your treating physician.
Hope you found the article informative & interesting. So now that you know how to build a strong immunity naturally, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and search for the perfect brand of 100% Organic & Pure Spirulina Tablets Online, look for all the certifications to ensure the safety & highest quality and start with making yourself stronger every day.
Read More: Do Height Growth Pills Work?
Stay Healthy, Stay Happy.
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Through some kind of magic, the pillarmen have turned into anthropomorphic animals, how would they react?
Fantasy AU. Engage. im going all in.
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- A concoction gone terribly right. Well, to him at least.
- It was a successful feat, Kars had managed to manifest bird-like properties from extracts of several different species.
- But, there was a problem. The potion had only some effect on his body, physically. He was aiming for the sight of a hawk, and the keen swimming power of a duck, and a resistance to cold weather like penguins. Hell he even got peacock dna. But he was very disappointed from the results of the potion only confusing certain parts of his body.
- He thinks the flamingo blood caused the change in the potion. Their high amount of spirulina in their bacteria must have made his body resist most of the transformation, allowing the cells to morph with half his body.
- The process of the evolution was interrupted making only his arms and legs morphed. His limbs became similar to the birds he used for his concoction.
- His arms first began to prick with sharp needle stabbing pain as darkly colored feathers began to grow from his shoulders to his finger tips morphing his bones and joints into wings that reflected a purple like hue. His legs shedded their skin, making a mess of gore on the ground as his body made huge flamingo-like legs, the shade of red the same as blood. The same soft feathers on his arms running from his knees to his waist, and the most embarrassing yet elegant part of him, his tail. A white peacock tail that flowed elegantly behind him.
- Kars took the results of the potions effect into his books and made some adjustments, but he cursed himself for jumping straight into testing without precaution, and with no antidote to reverse the effects. So he decides to wait and see if it wears out.
- Surprised but not impressed by the results, his wings leave no room for grabbing, and his legs can’t do much besides grab small animals, pens and paper fall from them. His tail, though, leaves for a good look on his person.
- But he can’t help but think of all the chicken jokes Esidisi will make out of him. And the mess he is going to make of the shedding feathers.
- Today, Kars wanted to test something rare, legendary even. He had gotten his hands on some scales and blood of a dragon. The ooze he made was far from a potion as he tested it on plants. The intensity of the mix would turn the organisms to ash in seconds, making the ‘potion’ a one way sip to death.
- But the concept of ‘don’t drink this’ and death don’t apply to Esidisi. He doesn’t even know how to spell it(ha. joke). Kars needed to go out to find an ingredient to make the ooze safer and more compatible to drink, leaving Esidisi in charge of watching over it to make sure it didn’t explode.
- While he was out, Esidisi thought what the harm is about trying just a small sip of it. He only heard about how dangerously hot it was, plus, he likes spicy things. But if the red to white burning at the bottom of the cauldron and the bubbling color of the ooze the same as lava wasn’t a good enough warning, he had to have a taste.
- The spoon itself burned at the touch of it as he dipped it in and his lips were scorched as he took a sip. He dropped the spoon as his mouth burned from the drop hitting his tongue. Shortly after he started to burn with an intensifying heat. Next his body started to reek of heat. As if a fever x10 was burning him from the inside out.
- His skin began to harden and crack in the form of scales from his chest to his arms and legs. His back gave way to wings beginning to form skin and hard bone, flexing and breaking off ash and asphalt. A scaly tail began to protrude from his rear, shaking off sparks of fire. His mouth began to pool with thick black smoke as he clawed at his chest heaving for fresh air from the heat.
- When the transformation is over, Kars comes back with what he needs but drops it on sight of Esidisi and his new form. Esidisi was thrilled about his new dragon-like form, his wings, claws, and chest glowing with new temperatures, but Kars, he was not as thrilled. Pretty soon Kars is lecturing Esidisi about how his newest creation could’ve killed him or worse, but seeing how successful it mutated his form, Kars tosses aside his ingredient to add caution to the mix and will continue to under-go the ooze the way it is.
- Another magical mishap, but this time, Wamuu has taken on the study of spells.
- He was practicing the art of transformation from one of Kars's books he, well, was ‘borrowing’. Totally didn’t take it from his studies without asking because he is such a good boy.
- Always on the drive to be just like his successors, he wants to be just as great and powerful and will take any risks to make it to where they are.
- Though he bit off more than he can chew when he underestimated the spells difficulty level and the classic Kars Warning NOT to use magic he forbids them until they are older. But Wamuu being Wamuu, has a thirst for power.
- At first, nothing happened. He didn’t feel any different aside from the stomach cramps and attack of growing pains in his legs, all in all he didn’t see any transformations. Figuring he just put himself up to the painful failure(literally) of the transformation he decided to take some medicine to get rid of his pain and sleep on it.
- He slept like a rock, and when he woke up, his bed was crushed and he was flat on the floor. Well, on his side, I don’t think a half human half horse can fall flat on their stomachs… maybe their backs? Who knows, more importantly, Wamuu has yet to fully process the situation.
- You know how horses freak out when they fall? Wamuu did just that, scrambling about in excitement and confusion at how his spell worked, except it didn’t make it up his whole body seeming to stop at the bottom of his torso. His horse half was a rich shade of copper colored fur with a short blonde tail, his legs have just as much muscle as he had before and his torso seemed to be thin yet just as muscular. Though, the spell was incomplete, never making it from his feet to his head to his realization, and to that info he cursed himself for not searching for a second one to complete the first(it’s one of those step 1 to step 2 except you skip 2 and go to 3 situations).
- But still, it’s fascinating to him and he can’t wait to do more. After this lecture from Kars, of course.
- Once again Santana is sneaking through everyone's things to complete this potion or question he needs.
- Same time as Wamuu, they both are rummaging through Kars’s quarters. Finding anything that they need, Santana going first then Wamuu following close behind being convinced that Santana will take the blame for sneaking in(he lied. he’s totally not going to hear it from Kars again).
- As Wamuu found the book he needed, Santana was still rummaging through Kars’s many mini self-made(Kars patented, Esidisi approves lol) potion ingredients he uses for curses. Just when he finds the one he needs, reaching in the far back, Wamuu whispers loudly behind him he’s ready to go but starts Santana by the sudden boom of his voice, causing his body to jump and his arm knock some of Kars’s potions off his shelf.
- They fall onto the floor at Santana's feet creating a cloud of purple and red gas that’s as heavy as smoke from a campfire. The gas reaches up to his head as he grabs the mini potion and backs out of the fog. Wamuu then grabbed him by the wrist and rushed out before their masters could investigate the noise.
- He began asking if Santana was fine, of course, he said don’t worry about it and walked off like nothing happened, so Wamuu let him be while he returned to studying his own magic. As Santana enters his room he suddenly starts to feel itchy on his head, scratching near his horns he sets the potion he took on his desk and begins to scratch with both hands. Suddenly the worst headache appeared, like his head got slammed into a wall.
- Head becoming itchy he begins to scratch until strands of hair are starting to fall out and the pain of his head starts to move to his horns. He’s felt his horns grow before but he never thought they could ever be this irritating. Looking into a nearby mirror he watches as his horns expand longer, more rounded and rugged, just goat horns. After his horns were finished, his legs started to itch. Resisting the urge to satisfy the itch he rips off his pants only to see black fur begin to grow on from his waist down to his… hooves? Since when did he get hooves? Then, when he thought it was all over, he felt his tailbone shift uncomfortably. Turning around in the mirror he watches his rear as a small fluffy tail sprouts from his butt.
- Remembering the gas he accidentally made while taking Kars’s potion makes him think, oh great, not this again. He isn’t very thrilled with his new form, never wanting to test this sort of magic. But, he can’t help but admire how good his horns look.
“I heard most potions taste like sea water.” - Von
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Scientific Names: Microcystis aeruginosa, M. wesenbergii, and other Microcystis species, Spirulina maxima, S. platensis, and other Spirulina species; Anabaena species; Lyngbya wollei; Aphanizomenon flos-aquae Other Common Names: AFA, BGA, blue green algae, cyanobacteria, Klamath blue/green algae Overall Safety: 😐
Therapeutic Efficacy and Considerations:
Bronchial Asthma: 🙁 The one small trial conducted demonstrated no difference from placebo. Spirulina is not recommended for this indication.
Oral Leukoplakia: 😊 Due to spirulina’s high carotenoids (found to have benefit in healing precancerous lesions) content, a trial examined efficacy of S. fusiformis for treatment of leukopenia and demonstrated complete regression of homogenous lesions in 57% of patients. Because this precancerous condition requires close monitoring and treatment, it is recommended that spirulina not be used as monotherapy, but only as an adjunct to conventional treatments under a healthcare provider’s supervision. Dose: no more than 1 gm/day.
Kidney Disease-Associated Hyperlipidemia: 😐 Although preliminary evidence demonstrates that spirulina may have effects to lower cholesterol in patients with patients with kidney disease, at this time evidence is not sufficient to recommend use for this indication. Dose: 1-5 gm per day.
Hyperlipidemia and Hyperglycemia Associated with Type II Diabetes: 😐 Small, preliminary trials demonstrate that spirulina may have benefit in lowering cholesterol and fasting blood sugar. At this time, evidence is not sufficient to recommend use. Dose: no more than 1 gm BID.
Note: In general, although in vitro and preliminary tests have found many beneficial activities, spirulina can, with the possible exception of prevention of leukopenia progression, be considered to be a very expensive source of trace minerals. Patients who wish to take spirulina because of its gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) content, should be directed toward less expensive sources, such as evening primrose oil.
Chemistry/Pharmacology: Spirulina has high concentrations of B vitamins and vitamin B analogs, approximately 60-70% crude protein, vitamin A, carotenoids, iron, 25-30% gamma-linolenic acid, phenylalanine, and many trace minerals. The B vitamins in spirulina are thought to be analogs of vitamin B12, but are nutritionally insignificant and probably not bioactive. The iron in spirulina has high bioavailability: as much as 1.5-2 mg of iron can be absorbed from 10 grams of spirulina. The phenylalanine content is thought to reduce appetite and cause weight loss, although an FDA review found no data to support a claim for weight loss. One study has shown increased excretion of stored arsenic when used with zinc. Constituents of spirulina have been found to have anti-inflammatory actions, immunostimulatory and immunomodulatory effects, antiplatelet actions, and lipid-lowering activities. Because of the risk of heavy metal and pesticide contamination with wild-harvested spirulina, only vat-grown spirulina can be recommended.
Drug Interactions: Theoretically, may increase hypoglycemic effects of insulin and oral hypoglycemics and may alter effects of anticoagulants. Monitor closely.
Contraindications/Precautions: Phenylketonuria (due to phenylalanine content), pregnancy/lactation (due to unknown effects), pemphigus vulgaris (due to possible stimulation of flare); and patients at risk of heavy metal poisoning.
Adverse Effects: Contamination with Microcystis aeruginosa, a producer of hepatotoxins, is possible. This can cause jaundice, GI distress and vomiting, weakness, severe thirst, shock, and death, within one-half-24 hours after ingestion. Children are more sensitive to these hepatotoxins than adults. Increases in lever enzymes and serum calcium, possible worsening of autoimmune disorders (due to immune-stimulating effects).
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ligayagardener · 3 years
Spirulina try #3 update
The Spirulina tank is still building momentum. This is batch #3. It’s green and it’s gooey. Here’s the precautions I’m taking this time – This time, I’m taking all the precautions. I sterilized a different tank, got a new air pump and hose and sterilized that with alcohol. I even sterilized the heater. The water that I add for the nutrient mix is mains tap water with the water…
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spirulinawiki · 4 years
Spirulina Wiki Announces Availability of E3Live BrainON Supplements On Their Website
E3Live BrainOn Supplement, one of the frequently bought superfoods produced by the company E3Live, is now available at the Spirulina Wiki website. A comprehensive review of this type of blue green algae extract (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae) can be seen at their website.
Spirulina Wiki highlights the fact that E3Live has been producing premium and high-quality blue green algae supplements such as E3Live BrainOn since 1995. They claim they are 100% safe, organic, kosher certified, vegan, and chemical-free. This particular type of spirulina has also won “Best Non-Liquid Supplement” during the 2014 Annual Best of Raw Awards.
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E3Live BrainON is a popular blue green algae product with more concentrated extracts of PEA (Phenylethylamine) and Phycocyanin. Spirulina Wiki claims that the company, E3Live, harvests their spirulina at the Upper Klamath Lake located at the southernmost part of Oregon. The lake is believed to be where the world's richest strain of certified organic and wild-harvested AFA can be found.
Spirulina Wiki claims that based on research, PEA is a natural antidepressant that may help improve your mood. The other active ingredient, Phycocyanin, may also contribute to enhancing brain function. With these combined benefits, the website claims the E3Live BrainOn supplement may be perfect for people working at a fast paced environment - get the much needed nutrition, feel energized, think clearly, enhance mood effect, and manage everyday stress effectively.
Moreover, research claims that regular intake of blue green algae that are rich in PEA such as the E3Live BrainON supplement can be a safer alternative treatment to depression. It may also help diagnose and manage ADHD, as well as create “Runner’s High”, a euphoric feeling mostly experienced after intense physical activity such as running or exercising.
The E3Live BrainON supplement can be purchased in various forms depending on your personal preference. Spirulina Wiki highlights they are available in powdered form, capsule form, and fresh frozen liquid form. The capsule form has a dosage of 400mg and is available in three variations – 60 c, 120 ct, and 240 ct. E3Live recommends taking 2 caps per day. The powdered form, however, is available only in weights of 50 grams. You may also buy a box of singles containing 30sticks (1g/stick).
The fresh frozen liquid form of BrainON is also one of a kind. Spirulina Wiki claims E3Live is the only company to offer this blue green algae (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA)) in this form, the closest to its natural high-energy state found in nature. It is available in a 16oz bottle and in .5oz stick (32ct). Since blue green algae products are known to have a fishy smell and taste, an apple/lemon flavored (16oz/bottle) option gives it a refreshing citrus taste, not overwhelming, nor too sweet. And for those who really need that extra brain boost, Spirulina Wiki recommends the fresh frozen liquid BrainON supreme. They claim it is packed with 4x the amount of brain support extracts and is an ideal choice for students where increased concentration is required for dealing with projects and exams.
Spirulina Wiki also highlights how to use the E3Live BrainON supplement. For the powdered form, they recommend to take 1 scoop of powder 1-2 times per day before you do any activity that needs increased mental function. For the capsule form, you may take 1-2 caps per day. As for the fresh frozen liquid form, the bottle needs to be kept frozen until ready to use. With a shelf life of approximately 7-10 days, the website highly recommends to consume 1 bottle per week for optimum results. A special precaution is also highlighted especially for pregnant or nursing mothers to consult their primary health care provider before starting on this supplement.
Those interested can check out the various resources of the Spirulina Wiki website for a more comprehensive review on E3Live BrainON supplement, as well as other blue green algae spirulina products such as E3Live Blue Majik Spirulina.
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pet4food · 4 years
Top 5 Best Fish Foods Reviews and Buying Guides 2020 | Pet Food
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Top 5 Best Fish Foods Reviews Seeing your fish thriving is important. The right fish foods makes for happy fish. Of course, you want your fish to have the best food available. You may find so many choices that you don’t know where to start. That’s our job. Here are 10 of the best fish foods for you to consider. We want you to have peace of mind that your fish is getting the best inside, as well as out.
5. Kaytee Koi's Choice Premium Fish Foods
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Kaytee Koi's
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The ideal fish food includes compatibility with every kind. It is surprisingly the cheapest when compared to other fish food with these features. This product is one of the best in fish food category. It is highly digestible and leaves least waste behind which can easily be consumed by the cleaner fishes. It contains both animal and vegetable proteins for best aqua life diet. The pellets are made with density to float on water and are easily cleanable. Its usage is suitable for all seasons and all pond fish, gold fish and Koi fish.
Key Benefits
Nutritionally balanced, all-purpose floating pellets that are ideal for everyday feedingWith 35% protein, fish meal is the first ingredient and supports tissue and muscle developmentPellets are easy to digest for less waste and won’t result in cloudy waterKaytee Koi's Choice Premium Fish Food is suitable to feed for all seasonsFish oil, wheat germ meal and alfalfa meal to enhance eye, heart and cognitive functions
Manufactured in a facility that processes peanuts and tree nuts. Not intended for human consumption.
4. TetraMin Tropical Flakes Fish Foods
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TetraMin Tropical
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A classic mixture of snack and nutritionally balanced diet for the tropical fishes is this one. This fish food is prepared with a patented technology and keeps health enhancing pro care ingredients. The pellets are designed to float for easier cleaning. It also helps the fish develop good resistance against diseases and stress. The coloring in the fish food pellets is completely digestible and does not harm the fishes. Even the waste products coming out of purely this food consumption float on water. It comes in a lot of variants like flakes, granules, crisps, tablets and wafers to keep the snack style varied for your fish.
Key Benefits
Complete and balancedMade with patented ProCare vitamin blendThe classic, nutritionally balanced staple diet with ProCare for tropical freshwater aquarium fishEasy-to-digest "Clean and Clear Water Formula" flakes means less waste for cleaner aquarium waterPrecise blend of immunostimulants, vitamins, biotin and Omega-3 fatty acids enhance fish health
3. New Life Spectrum Naturox Marine 1mm Sinking Pellet Fish Foods
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New Life Spectrum Naturox Marine
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The newer version in the market with high growth in sales made this product the best seller on amazon.com. These fish food products are made with priority to safety and health of the fish. The size of the pellets is kept consistent to allow easier swallowing for the fish. The extensive quality endurance of this product raises the price of this product a little. The food is designed to provide simple and easily digestible nutrients to avoid bloating.
Key Benefits
Packed with nutrients from real squid and krill as the top ingredients and formulated in convenient pellets that sink.It provides essential nutrients to enhance your fish's color spectrum and boosts the immune system to prevent parasites.Perfect for all marine fish, from the veggie lovers to the meat-eaters and everyone in between.It contains no soybean, fillers, or hormone additives for maximum nutrition and minimum waste.The color-enhancing formula is proudly made in the USA and designed to be fed twice a day for the best results.
2. Ocean Nutrition Formula One Marine Small Pellet Fish Foods
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Ocean Nutrition Formula
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If you want to distinguish your fish among carnivorous and vegetarian fishes, these products help a lot. The food results in the highest color enhancements for both omnivorous and carnivorous fishes. They are cheap and last longer than the other preservative products. The food dissolving speed is highly rapid to let the food get distributed in the tank. The pellets do not float and sink to the bottom slowly reaching every fish in the tank. It is most suitable for the fishes which stay mostly at the bottom of the tank.
Key Benefits
Palatable and highly digestible pellets offer herbivorous and omnivorous marine fish the nutrition they need. Crafted with real ingredients you can recognize like shrimp, fish fillets, krill, marine fish eggs, squid, spirulina, garlic and more.  Packed with vitamins and minerals to support your pets’ overall health and well-being. Pellets are rich in marine protein to fuel your finned friends.Helps stimulate appetite and coloration. 
1. Hikari Gold Koi Fish Foods
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Hikari Gold Koi
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Hikari is a brand which focuses the most on color enhancements of the Koi fish. It is the best pond fish food till now. However, aquarium users also use it because of the high nutrition value of the products. This food provides a boost in the immune system of the fishes. With years of study and surveys, it has been proved that this fish food promotes longer life for the fishes. The pellets float on the surface to allow easy monitoring of the food eaten. Pellet color or orientation does not cloud the water at all.
Key Benefits
Superior nutrition has been scientifically proven by decades of research to meet the dietary needs of all types of koi, including pure shoji, as well as other pond fish.Floating pellets help fish receive the nutrition they need to thrive while allowing you to easily monitor food intake and prevent over-feeding.Formulated with carotene and other natural color enhancers that promote vibrant coloration and reduces fading.Includes stabilized vitamin C to support overall immune strength and long, healthy life.Protein-rich, nutrient-dense formula helps improve growth rate and keeps koi looking and feeling their best. Read the full article
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iamkellyadams · 5 years
5 Benefits of Doing a Quick Juicing Cleanse
With the holiday season upon us there’s a good chance you are looking for quick fixes to get your body ready (or to recover from) the excess you are likely about to indulge in.
Try as we might, the holidays are the most difficult time for anyone to diet or maintain their healthy eating lifestyle.
Why? Well, you sit down at a large table covered in food and you are surrounded by your loved ones who are piling their plates up as if it’s the last meal they will ever have. It’s difficult not to follow suit.
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Pro Tip: Crush food cravings with “Odd” 5 Sec Water Hack (Video)
You may find a quick juice cleanse is the ideal way to mitigate the consequences of overdoing it this holiday season. Look at these benefits.
Juicing Fights Inflammation
According to the Huffington Post, while fiber is an important aspect of your diet, your digestive system can become inflamed and upset.
This is especially true if you’ve been overdoing it with roast potatoes, lashings of gravy, and extra meat.
A juice cleanse means you’re giving your body no fiber, thus less work to do.
This gives your digestive system a chance to recover and return to its normal, productive self.
Juicing For Toxin Break
Another health benefit is that your body is getting a break from all of the toxins you’ve been plying it with.
From rich desserts and too much alcohol, it’s no wonder we get so sick during the winter season.
It isn’t just the excess germs flying around, it’s a shoddy immune system selling you out.
Your body takes care of detoxing naturally, thanks to the liver, however, a juice cleanse provides your liver with a much-needed rest and a boost in its ability to properly detox the body.
Therefore, it’s the liver you’re supporting with your juice cleanse as opposed to the juice being the reason for the purging of toxins.
Juicing Will Make You Feel Great
You may initially feel fatigue due to the withdrawal symptoms that come from cutting out all of the nasties your body has become accustomed to.
However, you will soon feel fantastic as your body craves healthy snacks and foods rather than the ones that are literally killing you.
Once you start feeling better, you will find it easier to motivate yourself to hit the gym for regular exercise.
Healthy eating and regular exercise fuel each other and will motivate you to keep it up long after the juice cleanse is over.
Juicing Helps Detect Food Sensitivities
This is probably the best time possible for you to discover any food sensitivities you may have.
Following your cleanse you should slowly introduce certain foods you may suspect of being the guilty party.
This allows you to track your body’s response to them and rule out foods that may not be the cause of your issues.
Don’t be tempted to try too many at once, though, as this will defeat the purpose and make it more difficult to narrow things down.
Juicing Gives The Jump Start You Need
The Mayo Clinic advises that you should think of a juice cleanse as the jump start to your new healthy life.
Don’t just let it all go once you’ve finished, keep it going.
You’ll lose water weight during this period and you will likely find a change in your bowel movements, don’t ruin all that good work by diving back into a life of excess.
Just ensure you are following a responsible cleanse and taking the necessary precautions to protect your health.
There are plenty of benefits to juice cleanses and the beauty of them is that there are so many different options available to you. Your body gets all of the vitamins and minerals that it needs while it enjoys a bit of recovery time.
In just 30 Seconds a Day, You Can Supercharge Your Life, Restore Glowing Good Health and Feel Decades Younger!
With gently dried superfood ingredients like Moringa, Chlorella, Spirulina, Mint, Beets, Matcha Green Tea, Ashwagandha, Wheatgrass, Turmeric, Lemon, & Coconut Water. We recommend Organifi Green Juice for your daily juicing needs.
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The post 5 Benefits of Doing a Quick Juicing Cleanse appeared first on Food, Health & You.
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infofit · 5 years
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What Exactly is Spirulina? What Nutrients Does It Offer? What About Quality? Which One Should I Choose? Choose Spirulina that is grown in controlled conditions in fresh water and avoid those grown in a more natural setting where they are more likely to be contaminated by bacteria and heavy metals. Make sure the one you choose has been tested and found free of contamination. Avoid those from Japan and China due to radiation and heavy metal contamination risks respectively. Spirulina Can Be Beneficial for Several Conditions & Treatments Spirulina is used as a source of protein, B-vitamins, and iron for vegetarians and vegans. It is also used for weight loss, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (due to the high concentration of Omega 3 & 6 fatty acids), hay fever, diabetes, stress, fatigue, anxiety, depression, premenstrual syndrome(PMS). It increases energy and metabolism, boosts the immune system, heals wounds, and improves memory. Spirulina has also been used to treat precancerous growths in the mouth, prevent heart disease, improve digestion and bowel health, reduce swelling (inflammation), and help with viral infections. Spirulina has been shown to significantly lower cholesterol levels. In one study (7), serum low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) was decreased by 26.4% to 41.2% after 8 weeks of intake in rabbits. In addition, high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) was markedly increased. These results suggest that Spirulina intake may reduce “bad” cholesterol and plague build-up. Side Effects and Precautions People with auto-immune diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS), lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), pemphigus vulgaris (a skin condition), and others, should avoid taking Spriulina. Spirulina causes the immune system to become more active, which may increase these disease symptoms. Along this same concept, those individuals taking medications that decrease the immune system (Immunosuppressants), should also avoid using spirulina so to reduce the risk of over-stimulating the immune system. Learn more with the full article https://ift.tt/2JraPYw https://ift.tt/2XAGFMn
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labellacavalla-blog · 5 years
Spectacular Spirulina!
Have you heard of spirulina? It may be hard to pronounce, but it’s easy to see the magnitude of uses for this superfood!
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A type of blue-green algae (BGA), spirulina has been waiting for thousands of years for us to discover its benefits. This naturally occurring, nearly microscopic plant grows in fresh water, salt water and is now being “farmed” for harvest. Despite its tiny size, spirulina packs a huge nutritional punch. It is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants. Components include a host of B vitamins, vitamins A, C, E & K, beta-carotene, biotin, manganese, zinc, copper, iron, selenium and essential fatty acids. No wonder it’s touted as a “superfood!”
Studies indicate that spirulina helps to regulate the immune system. In cases where an overactive immune system needs to be calmed, spirulina inhibits the production of histamines, thereby controlling allergic reaction such as hives and other types of inflammation, including inflammation of the bronchial tubes. However, spirulina can also boost the immune system when necessary and protect against disease.
The recommended dosage for a 1000 lb horse is 20 gm twice daily. Some horses take right to the strong flavor, while others will not be so tolerant. In this case, start by adding just a small amount mixed with beet pulp and water to his normal ration of feed. As he becomes accustomed to the new taste, increase the amount to the recommended dosage.
A couple of precautions. Be mindful of where you get your spirulina. Often it can contain toxic substances drawn from its growing environment. Make sure your source is selling you a product that has been tested for heavy metals and other toxic substances. Also, spirulina is contraindicated in cases of liver disease and should not be fed to horses with such a condition.
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fakharshah786 · 4 years
 Diet: spirulina, a super protein and an antioxidant3 times richer in protein than meat, this dashing little blue algae packed with antioxidants contains most of the nutrients for good health. Decryption.      • Super protein, super antioxidant ... it's a superfood!Very popular with the Aztecs and now by the great chefs who include it in their recipes, spirulina has only been really studied by scientists since the 1960s. And it continues to reveal its nutritional virtues:- perfectly balanced: per 100g, it contains 50 to 70% proteins for 20% carbohydrates, 5% lipids, and 3 to 6% water.- 3 times richer in protein than meat, fish, or egg white and 2 times more than soy ...while providing most of the essential amino acids.- very rich in powerful antioxidants, in particular in phycocyanin, an exclusive protein of spirulina with also anti-inflammatory effects, but also in chlorophyll, vitamin E, beta-carotene. All of them fight against free radicals.- but also .... rich in iron easily absorbed by the body (5 times more than raw spinach or cooked lentils), vitamin B12, calcium, magnesium, and zinc.• A true ally for health and youthThe effects of spirulina have been studied in several situations. However, the studies have not all been officially validated and each case being specific, taking spirulina should always be done on medical advice.Focus on the most significant effects:- Dietary imbalance: the high protein and iron content of spirulina would both meet the needs of vegans and prevent muscle wasting, bone fragility, and worsening of chronic diseases in elderly people who eat little.- Overweight and diabetes: spirulina would help reduce appetite and normalize BMI while improving cardiovascular and diabetes risk factors in overweight people. In diabetics, the level of glycated hemoglobin would show a significant drop.- Cardiovascular diseases: the consumption of spirulina is associated with a significant drop in triglycerides, "bad" cholesterol (LDL), and an increase in "good" (HDL) as well as a drop in blood pressure.- Sports performance: sport is good for health but increases the production of free radicals that taking spirulina would curb, thus limiting fatigue, microlesions, especially in the event of intensive practice.- Immunity and aging: the richness in antioxidants of spirulina would have a booster effect on the immune system (to better counter infections, tumor cells, etc.) and the overall slowing down of the aging of the body's cells (skin, lungs, eyes ...).• How to choose it well and consume itProduced among others in France, spirulina exists in different forms. What you must remember to buy and consume this 100% natural product, preferably certified "AB" or "Eurofeuille":- Organoleptic qualities: the taste should be slightly bitter or neutral, not too salty, and not cover that of other foods. The smell should be slightly salty, not acrid, or strongly fishy. Blue-green in a fresh version, spirulina takes on a matt forest green tint when dried.- Labels: the detail of the elements composing the spirulina (phycocyanin etc) is a guarantee of quality superior to the simple mention "powder of spirulina".- In food supplements: recommended as a 3-week cure at a rate of 3 to 10 g / day. Be careful of doses that are too high at the start, which can induce intestinal disorders and headaches. Always increase in stages. And check that the tablet is matt, not shiny.- Powder or flakes: We generally recommend 3g / day (1 teaspoon) to mix in yogurt, compote, fruit juice, or to sprinkle on a salad or a hot dish.- Fresh: it has not undergone any heat treatment and therefore cannot be stored for more than 2-3 days at 4 ° C or 10 days under vacuum. Its color is emerald green. It can be found in organic stores or in markets.- Precautions:A medical opinion imperative in the event of anticoagulant treatment, immunosuppressants, and corticosteroids; hemochromatosis, autoimmune disease, or uric acid.
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