#what is spirulina
trendingarticles · 1 year
Is Spirulina Good for You? Exploring It's Health Benefits and Potential Side Effects
Spirulina have potential health benefits, due to its rich nutritional content and antioxidant properties. can be a beneficial addition to a well-balanced diet. Consume it with appropriate amounts and with necessary precautions.
What is Spirulina? Spirulina is a type of microscopic blue-green algae, scientifically known as Arthrospira platensis or Spirulina platensis. It is a spiral-shaped, filamentous cyanobacterium that grows naturally in various freshwater environments, including alkaline lakes, ponds, and rivers. Spirulina is rich in nutrients and has gained popularity as a superfood due to its potential health…
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frogonamelon · 5 months
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It's that time of year again where it gets a little warmer and I remember that Amphibia is a show I very much enjoy thinking about. Have some Anne outfits, as a treat <3
If you would like to see what aspect of headcanon/ au worldbuilding had consumed my consciousness like a pestering maggot, feel free to continue below.
Hello! Welcome to I focus on researching one very specific detail until I burn out!
My entire day has been consumed by figuring out how Amphibia's farming works. Like... amphibians are carnivores why do they have farms?
Well, I'll tell you why! The Plantars grow animal feed for predominantly crickets but also others such as silkworms, spiders, snails, etc. They grow produce like cabbage, mushrooms, parsnips, potatoes, dandelions, and turnips as well as heartfruit, a fruit not found on Earth.
In the past, the original amphibian hunter/gatherer societies found that mealworms were attracted to fallen heartfruit, among others. They began to use this knowledge to make traps and eventually began both containing the worms as well as growing the fruit.
Despite mealworms historical prominence in the farming and feeding of Amphibia, crickets are more popular nowadays due to their higher levels of protein. They also began growing a larger variety of produce to further increase efficiency.
Heartfruit is a kind of tree grown fruit with the color of a raspberry, size of a kumquat, and shape of a peach (hence the name). The Plantar's orchard is the only producer of this fruit as its traditionally significant but not necessary for frog kind. They are Anne's personal favorite of the Plantar's produce, being chalk full of nutrients and somehow feels nostalgic to her.
Speaking of Anne, she survives mostly on the Plantar's produce along with cricket meat (knowing that she can at least eat crickets).
After discovering that the amphibians hibernate, she begins to plant pole beans, blueberries, elderberries, and other produce and herbs in her greenhouse to cultivate while she forages and stockpiles for winter. She preps and stores wild rice, pecans, and sunflower seeds (discovered through trial and error). She keeps spare root veggies and other product in the basement. The Plantars help her do this, once they understand the situation, drying heartfruit and salting and smoking fish as well as making jerky out of bugs that they know she can have.
Anne's gonna learn to survive, even if the first winter is especially hard.
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bethegaycowboy · 2 years
I’ve been so bad with my spending in the last couple of months 🥲 I want to be a minimalist and yet the lure of a beautifully packaged thing is too strong for me to resist
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drsamahfouad · 5 months
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boltnutrition · 2 years
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PHYCOCYANIN is an effective antioxidant, which means it can help to protect against free radical damage.
In addition to its antioxidant effects, PHYCOCYANIN has been found to have anti-inflammatory properties. It works by blocking the production of certain inflammatory agents, such as cytokines and prostaglandins. This can help to reduce inflammation throughout the body, which can help to improve overall health.  
PHYCOCYANIN may also have beneficial effects on the brain. Studies have shown that it can help to reduce inflammation in the brain, which can help to improve cognitive function.
PHYCOCYANIN may also have a role to play in the fight against cancer. Studies have shown that it can help to inhibit the growth and spread of certain types of cancer cells, including those associated with lung, breast, and skin cancer.
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celestialprincesse · 8 months
Simon likes doing skincare w/ u! Okay! I said what we're all thinking!
He just wants to spend time with his Love! Admittedly there's other things that he'd rather do with you, but just seeing the way you giggle and smile when he puts on a rabbit skincare headband warms something in him he didn't know existed.
You obviously take as many pictures as possible, but when he sees a mirror selfie of the two of you in your headbands and facemasks as your lockscreen he just - he melts a little inside.
Simon understands that you wanna take care of him in every way possible, and whilst that may not be covering him on the job or cleaning out his empty magazines, he's perfectly happy to let you have your fun. So long as it makes you happy.
He's got to admit that he kind of enjoys it, too. It's so rare for him to be so relaxed, pampered and looked after. He practically melts when you pour some oil in your hands and remove the Gua Sha and all kinds of other contraptions from the fridge, the cool massage you give his face and neck relaxing him like nothing else.
He genuinely doesn't get why some men frown upon skincare and general grooming - he fucking loves it, but then again, for him and most of the men he knows, being clean and well groomed is a privilege and something they greatly look forward to when they get home.
You make some funny little smoothie juice things with celery and spirulina and all kinds of other weird shit in them, talking about how important it is for him to get his vitamins whilst he's at home so he's feeling 100% when he goes back out to work.
The two of you end up in fits of laughter in the bathroom when he uses a cleansing balm and thinks he's gone blind because of the foggy residue it leaves in his eyes.
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honeytonedhottie · 3 months
HONEYS IT GIRL MAGAZINE june edition⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🎀
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welcome back to honeys it girl magazine, this is the june catalog. get ready for the inside scoop on data that i've collected, things i've learned/started doing, and just general info like that organized in kind of a teen-magazine inspired fashion. a magazine for it girls ✨ and now please enjoy, the it girl magazine.
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as you may or may not have noticed, i've been hiatus for most of the month now. and i disappeared because of personal reasons, and one of those reasons being that i felt i needed to reflect. here are some things that i've learned and realized during my reflection time.
in that post i go into things that i went thru during the month of june and the reason behind my absence. something that i mentioned but failed to elaborate on in that post was what i plan to manifest next and i'll talk about it later on in the post.
this summer is a hot one, and one way that i've been getting my vegetable and fruit intake is through smoothies. smoothies and juices are perfect for the summer because they're SO refreshing so im going to talk about some smoothie recipes.
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adriana limas smoothie recipe ; (1 cup cold water + 1/2 avocado + honey). candice swanepoels smoothie recipe ; (1 frozen banana + 1 cup blueberries + 1 tsp protein powder + 1 scoop collagen powder + 1 tbsp chia seeds + 2 tbsp almond butter + 1 tbsp spirulina + 1 1/2 cup coconut water)
smoothies make amazing breakfasts or just amazing drinks to have when ur craving a sweet drink. for me, i like to keep my smoothies simple and use ingredients like strawberry and banana, but lately i've been loving mango in my smoothies.
because of my period of reflection i had time to focus on what i wanted to manifest next and i wanna manifest a trip to italy for the summer + other mini things within that trip.
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i've already created a script for it, and im gonna start affirming for it on the first of july. im so so excited to go and share this with you guys...💬🎀 furthermore i wanted to share some manifestation reminders and posts that have been helping me so far.
patricia navidad in “la fea más bella” is an over the top, feminine queen who i absolutely adore. she was easily one of my favorite characters so ofc i wanted to make this editions style dissection about her.
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she has beautiful blondish hair that is similar to and complements her skintone, making her look super put together and gorgeous. she wears jewelry that she coordinates together. but my favorite outfit of hers HAS to be the one shown above on the left.
if theres one thing patricia knows how to do is to make her outfits work for HER which is why i thought she'd be the perfect candidate for this months style dissection...💬🎀
in this outfit shes wearing a matching pink set, the shade of pink is very soft and matches beautifully with the white (what looks like a corset-ish top) underneath. the color coordination is superb and she makes the shirt pop more by only using one button beneath her bust which draws attention to her figure and the top underneath.
to be a victim to the cringe stigma is to be caged in ur own mind bcuz ur so scared of what others may or may not think of you. lets talk about it. the way others perceive u isnt ur business. lets think about how many times that you've stopped urself from doing something that u rly wanted to do, or something that you've really loved because u were scared of what others might say? imagine all that wasted time and energy worrying?
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its not ur responsibility to keep urself small or digestible for someone. u can't grow where ur comfortable so to grow u have to get uncomfortable even if that means being called cringe by others. bcuz when others call u cringe thats their own projection onto you and it rly doesnt matter. dont take someone else's judgement too personally and just enjoy yourself no matter what...💬🎀
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 2 months
(Based on an ask for @pilot-boi About a Wall-E Whiteknight Au, and given Wall-e was instrumental to my childhood, I cannot help but write something for it. Because it's an AU, and they're both Human and not Robots, I took a few Liberties with the scene in the movie.)
Weiss was beyond frustrated. Nothing, after nothing, after nothing - no signs of life aside from the most extremophile of bacteria, protozoans, insects, and the occasional mold on fecal matter to imply the continuation of species on this gods-forsaken ball of mud.
She slammed the door of the cargo ship she was investigating shut, the rust sticking to her now dirtied gloves. Ugh.
She drifted by the crane of it, not noticing the creaks as it followed her, eventually ripping her back onto the magnet that hadn't fallen in the centuries of just sitting there.
And so Weiss snapped.
She whipped Myrtenaster out, igniting the plasmic blade and slicing the disc that held her back to pieces, before using her energetic glyphs to shred the the hulking metal antique, making it into even more scrap than it already was.
It toppled into the next ship, and then the next one, like dominoes. Deep, resonate bellows of creaks from the sudden movement after centuries of dormant stillness shook Weiss to her core.
She watched them fall, and for the time since her landing, let her feet settle against the ground. It was hard, dry, and barren, like the rest of this abandoned home. Weiss sat against an anchor, the fire and sparks filling a growing void in her chest, not unlike the one meant for plant life in her pack.
She sat there in silence - something the Passengers spoke of when in the few times she was allowed to meet them crossed her mind - A campfire. Whatever that was, it was meant to be shared with Family, something she'd been missing for a long time, her siblings being designated to different vectors of maintenance and service.
Weiss reeled, drawing her sword once more, and startling a nearby person - A Person?!?
"Wer bist du?" She asked on high alert - this planet was meant to be dead, she was meant to find life here - who or what was this ... Person?
The person didn't respond, shaking violently at the sight of her blade - they appeared masculine, broad shouldered with dirty-blonde hair, though it was difficult to tell if that was due to genetics or living situation.
"Quis es?"
No Response.
No Response, but they did seem slightly less frightened given the lack of aggression.
"Chi sei?"
Their shaking slowed as they looked more inquisitive and confused than scared now.
"Qui es-tu?"
"OH! Je- Je M'appelle 'Jaune.' Vous parlez Anglais?"
"Yes I speak English."
"Oh, good!"
'Jaune' continued glancing at the glowing rapier. They seemed frightened of it still. Until he drew his own Weapon.
It wasn't as elegant as Myrtenaster, clearly older and having been used more - an old working tool for scrapping large objects, the thin, yellow sheen of plasma raced across it's edges.
"This is my Cutting tool. Your's is cool to!"
Weiss, once again, was thrown for a loop. He had drawn a dangerous device and waved it like it was a piece of extra piping.
"Jaune? Do you have a title or last name?"
The (boy?) seemed to flush at her pronunciation at his name.
"Jaune, of the A.R.C. Ministry"
"Allocators of Recycled Components."
"How are you alive? Are there others like you?"
"Oh yeah! A lot, like, two hundred, three hundred others in the Bunker? Primarily we survive on Spirulina Compound. It provide most of our Oxygen and Food stuffs."
Weiss stood for a moment, deactivating her sword and pondering this - They'd been living in space for centuries. Earth was dead, barren, she was only barely able to survive due to advanced CO2 recycling.
"Have .. have you been following me?"
"Yep! You just seemed so pret-"
He was cut off by an alarm in his overalls. He lowered the visor to the helmet he wore, staring past her Weiss's shoulder.
"We need to leave Now." Jaune said, grabbing Weiss' wrist with a surprising amount of force, which she took none too kindly.
She reactived her Blade as she tore her hand away from him. "WHAT make you think You can grab me-"
"SANSTORM!" Jaune shouted, pointing past her "WE NEED TO GO, FOLLOW-"
Before he could even move to grab Weiss again, he slammed a massive tower shield in to the ground, covering himself from the blast of sand that tore at her skin and suit -
Weiss was whipped away, barely able to keep upright against the torrential winds, her Glyphs her only saving grace.
She Called out for the boy, anyone, frightened and alone, her suit's helmet the only thing allowing her to keep her eyes open even as it because scratched and muddled.
A hand found it's way to her wrist again, a dim yellow glow standing out against the violent dust letting her know she'd been found by Jaune.
It gave her some small comfort to not be alone as he dragged her somewhere, hopefully safe.
I fucking LOVE Wall-e. I made my First OC for Wall-e (Not that I knew what that meant at the time.) I had the Three-Disc Special edition, the Movie and it's Featurette Presto, The Second Disc with a gallery of the Bots, the Lots of Bots read-along, Burn-E (Who I imagine to be Qrow with his luck) and all the other special features, and the Digital Copy Disc to download it onto a Laptop or P.C. back when owning a digital copy of a movie was something special, and that's not even halve of it!
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eatclean-bewhole · 2 months
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Chlorophyll is on the top of the list when it comes to disease-fighting micronutrients.
What is chlorophyll?
CHLOROPHYLL is the compound in plants that is responsible for their green color. It also helps plants absorb energy from the sun (photosynthesis).
Why is Chlorophyll so important?
When we metabolize this powerful micronutrient from green foods it helps to cleanse our blood by separating our red blood cells, making our blood more free-flowing much like water (alkaline) instead of sluggish (acidic). When our blood is more fluid it can flow easily. In addition, chlorophyll oxygenates our blood which alkalizes our blood, tissues, and body. This is the healthy, healing environment we want to strive for. This is especially important for those diagnosed with cancer.
More oxygen (less inflammation)
= Alkaline (less acidity)
= Healthy, healing environment
SOURCES: spinach, kale, romaine lettuce, arugula, broccoli, spirulina, parsley, alfalfa, green beans, kiwi, green grapes, nettle sprouts 🥬🥝🥦
Molecules: doi.org/10.3390/molecules28145344
Amy Myers MD: amymyersmd.com
SnyderHealth.com: snyderhealth.com
Verywell Health: verywellhealth.com
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professorofcosplay · 4 months
Order up! Who ordered the portal/portal 2/ blue sky headcanons?
Despite the fact that she tends to be quiet when it comes to talking, Chell loves to sing along to songs. 
Caroline (and by extension, GLaDOS) loves the song Rät by Penelope Scott. Helps her get out her rage towards what happened to her. She will sometimes blast it so loud that the panels on the wall rattle. 
While she still keeps herself in shape, Chell’s body has grown a bit curvier and softer from her love for carbs. 
Chell is very into physical fitness. 
Chell politely refuses to bake anyone in Eaden a cake, even if nicely asked. If they try to press the issue, oftentimes Wheatley will come up, thinking he’s unseen, and wildly gesticulate for them to stop behind her. 
Chell still remembers what kinds of bagel Wheatley liked from hacking into his robotic form. She surprised him with one freshly made when he woke up the day after he reunited with his human body and he cried tears of joy. It was like something subconsciously in him needed it. Every morning since, she’s always made bagels with him bright and early, with one or two of his favorite kind just for him. He’s in charge of shaping them and he does an excellent job!  
Wheatley is talented at making shapes with bread dough!  He loves shaping little bread versions of turrets, cores (especially his old body, complete with some blue spirulina powder to give his optic its familiar blue color), even a miniature GLaDOS at one point. Well, that one might have gotten far too overbaked and had to be used for target practice again. Purely on accident, of course. It’s funny because, somehow, it just hasn’t happened since the Frankenloaf incident. 
Having a job has worked wonders for Wheatley’s self-esteem. He has caught himself lying less out of self consciousness and is a bit more at ease in life in general. 
GLaDOS hates to admit how truly bored she is right now. Even with the cooperative testing initiative, she’s still bored to artificial digitalized tears. She keeps herself entertained by thinking over what she wanted to say in any given past situation. So far, she’s come up with over 3,257,974 different retorts. 
GLaDOS hates AI generated content as much as we do and has attempted to make robots that can make art, only to kill them and send their duplicates to android hell after their ugly, half-baked attempts at making anything even remotely tolerable. She’s the only one who can make anything worthwhile since it’s Caroline’s essence helping out. 
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nightbunnysong · 2 months
Summer productivity challenge , day 6
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Household chores
Helped my boyfriend's mother in some meal's related chores
Morning guided meditation
Vitamin B12
Healthy immune system supplement
Read Brigid Delaney's book on stoicism
Stargazing by the seaside with my boyfriend and a red full moon
Enjoy a very good artisanal gelato together
6+ hour Botany study session
Read book about the botany aspects of the Alps from Herbert Reisigl
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Nightbunny here!
Tonight was absolutely magical. I spent a beautiful evening with my boyfriend, walking by the moonlit shore. The lights from the coastal city behind us painted the water in different colors, creating a breathtaking backdrop for our stroll. It felt like we were in our own little world, just the two of us, surrounded by the gentle sounds of the waves.
At one point, I tried to do my usual 10-minute meditation. However, every time I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, I couldn't help but burst into laughter along with my boyfriend. So, what was meant to be a quiet meditation session turned into a joyful session of giggles and laughter. It was such a wonderful, spontaneous moment that I'll always cherish.
We ended the night lying on the empty beach loungers, watching the shooting stars. It was the perfect ending to an unforgettable evening, making wishes under the starry sky.
[pics from Pinterest]
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glamourjack · 7 months
Well I'd never thought i'd be that person who takes spirulina supplements and here I am, living in Los Angeles going on four years now and not only do I take them, I also drink Erewhon smoothies regularly and I've even tried sea moss on the advice of a personal trainer. Crazy what living in a place like LA will do to you. @glamourstarters
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 7 months
I saw your mermaid post and as a fellow marine enthusiast: they could absolutely farm algae and kelp as staple crops. Kelp, for example bull kelp, grows extremely fast and almost farms itself. Algae is a little trickier, since it needs to grow on something-I imagine something like steppes or rice paddies, with large sheets of rock set out from which algae can be collected. Some more simple organisms could also be farmed, like jellyfish and tunicates, and of course sea cucumbers. I also think tubeworms would be viable livestock-just yoink them out of the shell!
Ah!! You know, I was thinking that algae (especially kelp) could be used as a stable food source, but I also figured that there should be another primary crop(s). But on further thought... all the different types of algae might just do the job. Some algae is already regularly consumed by people and contains beneficial vitamins and minerals, like spirulina! If only they were purposely cultivated to be bigger, tastier, healthier, faster-growing, algae would provide a varied selection of "leafy greens"! I really love the idea of algae being grown on rice paddy-like gentle underwater hills... the vast ocean and shallow fields of seaweed all around. Algae could also be grown vertically up to a certain depth, it would make good use of the very tall merfolk houses or underwater boulders!
....Wait, oh my cod. Sea grapes are a species of edible algae, with tiny grape-like balls. WHAT IF THERE WAS A DOMESTIC BREED WITH BIG "GRAPES".... LITERALLY SEA GRAPES.... Omgg
Uhhh uhhh anyway! I really like this idea of farming and harvesting simple animals haha. You just know bivalves are a regular source of animal protein along with fish thanks to their sessile nature! And tubeworms being harvested straight out of the tube!!! I wonder if the real things are poisonous in any way? Because a shallow water variety selected to have lots of meat seems like another good way to make use of sessile animals and possibly out of any skeletal remains of other animals. Sea cucumbers appear to be poisonous, but I mean, poison never stopped anyone from eating fugu! I can imagine it, a rare delicacy...
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iminthetunnels · 16 days
omgggg sorry to go on and on about this but i’ve gotten my uterine health conditions under control with my diet and lifestyle. we walk 6+ miles a day. even in the rain, we’ll walk around in raincoats and umbrellas, with our boots. we love being outside, we love moving our bodies. i eat a wide variety of food and nutrients. some times, i do have to go without food (not my son tho) but i do. i still manage to keep in under control. i’ve lowered my cortisol levels by eliminating high stressors (men) out of my life. i am genuinely happy and content with my health. i also aid my uterine conditions with supplementation. ashwaganda, damiana, maca, spirulina, yerba mate, moringa, mushrooms, and even black cohost. some times cats claw. it’sa matter of what works for u and u alone
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drsamahfouad · 5 months
Read about spirulina and its benefits for men
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boltnutrition · 2 years
BOLT is the world’s first nutritional brand that comes with superfood ingredients of imaginative and prescient PHYCOCYANIN because micro blue and green particulate matter facilitates clean workout routines that make specific wonderful results.
PHYCOCYANIN is an effective antioxidant, which means it can help to protect against free radical damage.
PHYCOCYANIN may also have a role to play in the fight against cancer.
In addition to its antioxidant effects, PHYCOCYANIN has been found to have anti-inflammatory properties. It works by blocking the production of certain inflammatory agents, such as cytokines and prostaglandins.
PHYCOCYANIN may also have beneficial effects on the brain. Studies have shown that it can help to reduce inflammation in the brain, which can help to improve cognitive function.
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