#splatoon x you
simp999 · 11 months
A New Home Ch. 25
Various! Splatoon Manga x Skilled! Isekai'd! Reader
Wc: 2.05k
A/N: How about you guys uppercut me directly in the jaw for not updating :3
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As you make your way over to Deca Tower, you try to ignore two bickering squids. They’re louder than the people around them, and you see one with aqua ink next to them, shaking their head as they pinch the bridge of their nose. Heh. Kinda reminds you of Leo and Milo. As you get closer, you start to hear their bickering.
“The sun is not a planet!”
“I never said it was, I just said that it was edible!”
“It’d be too hot.”
Another cephalopod- one with pink tentacles - joins the chat. You hadn’t noticed them leaning up against the wall earlier.
“Just blow on it first, idiots.”
Oh, this one’s dumb, too. Maybe the one shaking their head is the only sane one. Are they a team? Eh, doesn’t matter.
You make your way into Deca Tower and stretch a bit. Not long after, the group of four walks in.
“Wouldn’t it still be spicy??”
“That’s two different kinds of hot, dummy.”
Finally, the last one speaks up.
“You know what? The sun doesn’t even exist, problem solved.”
The three others all look at them with a look of disbelief and look like they’re about to start bickering, but instead, they all crack up. Their giggles and laughs are almost contagious, and it seems to put Leo in a good mood at least, and a smile begins to grow on his face. Tasha and Milo seem to be enjoying this nonsense, too.
The one that was shaking their head earlier takes their splat roller off from where it was balancing on their shoulder, and leans on it comfortably. That one’s got messy, cut-up tentacles, it sorta looks like the Splatoon 3 style. They’re wearing a Zekko hoodie and arrow pull-ons. You’re assuming that they have fake contacts, since you don’t spot any headgear. They appear to be the leader of the group, with the way the three others sort of trail behind.
The first of the bickering pair has yellow tentacles, and appears to be an octoling. They sport a White Anchor Tee, Null Boots Replicas, and a crooked Oceanic Hard Hat. They shift their Fresh Squiffer from one hand to the other, and back again.
The other adjusts their Octoglasses as they continue to chat with the octoling. They have the same color tentacles are the first, maybe a little paler. They’re wearing a Takoroka Crazy Baseball LS, and Mint Dakroniks for their kicks. When the conversation dies down, they begin to spin their Inkbrush Nouveau around. They twist and turn it around out of boredom.
The last one, that was leaning against the wall earlier, is wearing a Squid facemask, a White shirt, and the same boots as the other octoling. They’re carrying around a Bloblober. Two squids and two octolings on the team. Hm. It’s quite nice to see how much more welcome Octopi seem to be around here, compared to back at the Plaza.
The one with messy Aqua tentacles glances over at you, then back to their teammate as they crack a joke, then back to you for a double take. They begin to walk over. Milo is about to make his way in front of you, wanting to avoid any unnecessary confrontation, but you lazily hold a hand out to block him, not worried about what may come from this.
“Hey, are you guys battling at three?”
You give them a nod, and they wave their teammates over.
“Cool! People call me Wolf, but the full name is Wolfsune… don’t call me that, though. We call this dork Silly,”
They gesture to the other inkling with lighter aqua tentacles and the inkbrush,
“The one with piss hair is Crank,”
“And then this is Beeb!” they hold use their thumb to gab at ‘Beeb’, and their other hand towards you, “Nice to meetcha!”
You raise a brow at them. They’re not from the manga, that’s for sure. Their names make that obvious. But again, it’s not like the manga focused on any teams other than the ones that went up against major characters.
Now that you get a good look at Wolf, you realize that they’re quite small. Well, shorter than most squids around, it almost makes the roller they’re holding look like a flingza-sized roller compared to them. 
That’s not the odd part, though. Despite the giant grin adorning their face, and the welcoming hand they’re holding out to you, along with the warm atmosphere, they’ve got quite a few scars littering their face. One on their left brow, chin, and under their right eye. They look tired, too. That could also just be their eye shape, though. You’re not here to judge of course, but it just seems odd. Out of place, even. Well, maybe it’s just unusual for a side character to have so much detail.
But then Crank speaks up, Wolf turns their head, and that’s when you catch it.
A golden toothpick, tucked behind their ear.
That’s really odd. You’d have to be really strong, go through the Octo expansion, along with beating inner agent 3 to get that, right? But wouldn’t they have to be an Octoling? Something isn’t adding up. 
But also, some things have been different in this world. Like how you’ve seen a couple of pieces of amiibo-exclusive gear available in the shops.
You shake your head lightly. You’re looking way too much into this. This side character shouldn’t even really matter to you. If anything, this team was just there for a little comic relief, and that’s all.
Oh, right, they were offering you a hand to shake.
“Nice to meet you too, Wolf.”
Then a voice from behind them, Crank, pipes up,
“You ready to lose?”
“Crank! Be nice,” Silly cuts in, “but they’re asking the right questions~”
An automated voice fills the tower;
[[Players! Be ready to super jump in 30 seconds.]] 
“Best of luck! Let’s have some fun, yeah?”
Beeb calls out to you before following their teammates over to their super jumping area. It seems none of that team has any ill intent, but they seem a tad egotistcal- no, that’s wrong. They act more like the blue team. Idiots. But they might just have the skill to back it up.
Leo spins his dualies as he gets ready to jump. Milo taps the jug of his splatling, and Tasha puts away her cloth for cleaning her E-liter.
Well, it seems you’re about to find out.
The countdown for battle goes by quick, and you head right into the middle, right behind Leo. It seems the Inkbrush user was much faster though, and they manage to get a few good hits on him before backing off after seeing you. Which seemed odd, until the roller main attacks with a vertical fling from afar. It usually wouldn’t have been nearly enough damage to splat Leo, but he was already weakened, so he’s making his way back to spawn. You quickly check around and stay on guard, but you don’t see any ripples in their ink.
'Don’t tell me they both have ninja squid. Ugh, how annoying.'
But since two of them went straight for the middle, that means their base isn’t getting inked as much, right? You quickly check the map, and you see that both teams seem to play alike. The Bloblober is inking closer to the corners of the map, while the Squiffer takes the high ground and makes long lines of ink from above.
You check around once again to see if there are any trails in the ink, but that idea proves to be almost useless. You close your eyes to try and focus on your other senses. The music isn’t helping, but you can just barely hear the bubbling sound go from in front of you, to right beside you on the left. You’re about to attack when you’re sure that whoever it is is about to jump out at you, but the sound of a teammate getting splatted is heard, and you lose the bubbling sound. It seems their goal wasn’t to splat you.
You look around, confused. This sure is some odd gameplay. Cod, they sure are like the Blue Team in a way. The one that was splatted was Milo. You’re not worried, since he’ll simply use Tasha as a super-jump point as usual. As you go closer to their - seemingly unguarded- base, you hear a very unusual sound. Now, you’re used to hearing others get splatted, but this grunt of pain, along with the sound of metal clattering to the ground can only mean one thing.
Tasha’s down.
Now that causes some problems. Your teammates have no one to safely super jump to, so you hurriedly retreat in a fit of slight panic for your team. Which only gets worse as you feel a harsh jab of ink hit your shoulder blade, and you meet your teammates back at spawn.
‘No, this can’t be right. Why can’t you make sense of their positions? Where are they coming from? Where did that damned squiffer come from?! Don’t tell me-’
‘At least three of them have ninja squid.’
‘But that also means that they’re much slower. That’s it! Treat them like we would the Cyan team. Make them show themselves. Make their ninja squid useless.’
You hope that Tasha and Milo make sense of the situation, you’re not too hopeful for Leo, but oh well.
After that, the battle becomes a little bit more fair. But the opposing team always seems to be a step ahead, almost as if they know your next moves. As if they’re been studying you. They’re often waiting near just the right ledges to jump Leo, knowing which way he’ll go. Tasha’s forced to stay a little farther back. It isn’t too much of an issue given her range, but it’s still annoying.
One minute left.
The music quickens, and this is when the anxiety starts to settle in. The opposing team is winning. Even after all this training, it feels like you’ve suddenly been forced to face this brick wall. They’re only winning by maybe ten or twenty percent when you check the map, but it’s constant. Whenever you manage to get a splat, a bomb is thrown to cover the area, and the opponent has already super-jumped back into play. The squiffer player may not have lots of range, but they sure are agile.
What if your team loses?
You hesitate, and it gets you splatted.
No, no, no! You can’t let your team down! You’ve worked so hard- you’ve worked with your idols to get to this point! You can’t just get kicked out of the tournament here! It would all be useless if-
You feel a gentle pat on your back. It was Milo. Looks like he was sent back to spawn again.
He gives you a smile. It doesn’t take any words, but you know that he’s silently telling you that it’ll be alright. Even if you lose, you could always just enter another tournament, right?
Hell no.
As if you’d let Emperor get away with all his carp up until this point.
You rush into battle, with a newfound anger. Frustration bubbles up inside you as you remember the hopeless looks on the S4’s faces. As you remember how… distant Prince seemed to be.
But you freeze once you get to the middle. Tasha was doing the same. Of course, she still had her weapon pointed towards her but… you’ve never seen this before.
In front of you, on the main platform in the centre of the stage, sat all four of your opponents with their weapons down. None of them seemed to care about the battle anymore, as the one with Aqua tentacles- no, Wolf, offered you a big grin. It’s almost as if you could hear them. 
‘Go, ink up the stage. Win.’
It would have felt frustrating, even disrespectful just having your opponent sit down and give up on winning. It may have been the shock of the situation, but you decided to worry about it afterwards. You can’t exactly let a chance like this go to waste, right?
As the Buzzer blared through the stage and the winners were named, you couldn’t help but wonder;
“What the hell just happened?”
Next part
Also, sorry for being irrelevant but just.. look at how they turned out?? My baby?? I'm kinda happy with this one :D
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Thanks for dealing with my silly shenanies, love ya'll <33
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seryotonin · 1 month
Sorry chat no good art today, just two wives sleeping comfortably
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spiderzlover · 7 months
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Make love, not war💙💛
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skyplayssplatoon3 · 7 months
All QR Codes So Far! (Nov 2023)
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[Source: @gamepedia_spla on Twitter]
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nalina-nw · 3 months
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[I REALLY CARE] - Off The Hook
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venqile · 6 months
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agent 24.. so jolly and lovely
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tizzypizza · 8 months
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the squeakquel… apparently i made the og exactly this day last year (i’m not gonna reblog it so here it is)
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foolsfrogg · 17 days
I wanted to make a Hilda/Splatoon au back when Side Order came out buuut I saw two people make ones before me so I gave up…. however, I realized neither of them were as the trio’s eleven-year-old selves,, and there was also a tragic lack of Twig in both of them
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inspired by phopollo and blaithnne’s AWESOME aus :3 (idk if they’d want me to tag them or not)
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the-knife-consumer · 3 months
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Yeah good friends or whatever. Not. I think even when on good terms if they had to spend more than a day together the mauling would begin
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mariegreen-2000 · 3 months
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These two got to be the most gayest characters I have ever seen
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hiroshotreplica · 1 year
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this one's for the five agent 12 shippers out there
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cephalodon · 1 year
some people are still upset with the way I draw Warabi so in honour of that, heres 10 drawings of Warabi feat. others where he looks very gorgeous 🐙🎉
remember that your identity is always valid, no matter how you present it and no matter what clothes you use 💜 embracing and taking care of your body is important. do what makes you happy ❤️
Warabi is toric & afab transmasculine genderfluid and goes by he/they/she and is dating Ikkan and Taka :-]
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seryotonin · 17 days
Try to read what it says on Pearl’s shirt khhjgdxfgj
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chaoticlad · 22 days
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Got this dumb one piece x splatoon AU sketch I’ve been hiding 😅
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I do not skip the news and unironically I feel slightly stronger than others because of it. while you are out here playing the game I am listening to Deep Cut's silly commentary
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starrysharks · 2 years
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splatoon: the world of GAYS ‼️‼️
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