#splinter (brother) and popcorn (new)
Tw animal death
I just lost one of my pet rats and I need to talk about it I guess
I just didn't expect this. He's been doing better, eating and drinking and moving around the cage. Last night I let myself believe for a moment that he would get better. But then I checked on him this morning and he was gone. I let his brother see him, and once he lost interest I took him out. But once I held him in my arms I just couldn't let him go. Because that's my baby. He's my baby and I love and miss him so much and I don't know what to do.
I got him and his brother from a friend because she had to move to an apartment that didn't accept pets and her family couldn't take them, so I took them because I was moving and wanted some critters to accompany me. And they were the best things that ever happened to me. Taking care of them and loving them was one of my favorite parts of life. I missed them while I was at work and couldn't wait to get home and let them out for free roam time. And now one is gone, and I have to tell my friend and I don't know how to. Text or call, what to say, anything.
He's in a little box with a couple toys, some goldfish crackers (his favorite snack) and a piece of hammock (he loved snuggling with his brother in a hammock). And I had to decide how to take care of my baby. I live in the city with no green spaces and no yard. When planning I thought I could just put him out with the trash, but holding him after he was gone made me completely unable to do that. I checked some rat groups on Facebook and they recommended burying him in a plant pot, so that's what I'm going to. As soon as I'm okay enough to leave my room I'm gonna go to the plant shop and get him a beautiful plant in a nice big pot. And I wanted something to keep of him, and to give to his old owner if she wants it, so I took some of his fluff and put it in a little jar meant to hang on a necklace and I'll mail it if she wants it.
I just needed to say all of this to process it ig. I wouldn't mind some nice words or pictures of your pets, if you're willing to share. Otherwise, I hope you all have a wonderful day.
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oozedninjas · 10 months
Ghost Bridal
Summary: Rumor has it that the mystical jungle spirit will only resurface if a sacrifice is presented. However, Leo is taken aback. A sacrifice bridal wasn't something he would've expected from the people he vowed to protect. But with his mind clouded by the heat of his mating season, he resolves to accept you as oblation.
WARNINGS: NSFW/ 18+ / MDNI/10 years after the 2007 movie, so Leo 27-29/use of the word slut once/light dirty talk/mention of sexual toys/dry humping /oral (fem receiving) /Xenobiology (knot mentions)/somnophilia (if you read between the lines, squinting) / penetrative sex/chafing, bleeding and bruising/ aftercare/mating cycles/ The reader is referred to with she/her pronouns and possesses female anatomy/ Leo being the best boy despite the situation :')
Word count: 4,522
A/N: I now have an Ao3 account! This, along with other pieces, will be there by tomorrow!
"Quick, it's about to start!" Mikey exclaimed, gesturing with his arm, urging them closer.
Donatello arrived first, arranging the cushions on the couch for Splinter. Just as he finished, Leo assisted him in sitting down, and Raphael placed a bowl of popcorn in his lap.
"I'm glad my sons make time to watch dramas with their father," Splinter commented.
Observing them all seated, his expression softened. Despite their age, they would always be his boys.
"We'll always have time for you, Dad," Mikey returned the smile.
The drama began. Donnie dimmed the lights with a small wrist device. The room fell quiet, illuminated only by the old television. Leo leaned his back on the sofa with a gentle expression before an itch of incompleteness stinged him again, rough, and stomach-twisting.
“There she is,” Splinter voiced, “I bet she will confess her love for Ma-”
The channel changed. On the screen, the afternoon news.
Mikey jumped, searching for the remote long lost between the cushions on his side of the couch. Leo got up to help, removing the pillows while vaguely listening to the fast-paced voice of the reporter.
"The inhabitants are desperately sending smoke signals and performing spiritual rituals to summon back the ghost of the jungle, a vigilante spirit who guarded the village ten years ago."
Leo's eyes snapped back to the screen.
"The situation is unsustainable. The factory is damaging the ecosystem. Losing it would signify the beginning of a collapse for humanity," said a doctor with exasperation. He pulled the mic from the news reporter as he approached the camera.
"If somehow you're listening, please come back. The jungle needs you. We need-"
The channel changed back to the drama.
"Found it," Mickey said, waving the remote. 
No one cared anymore. Every pair of eyes was fixated upon Leo, whose heart pounded within his chest, echoing throughout his shell.
"You must go," said Splinter.
He tensed, sensing Raph’s gaze over him.
"We must go,” he said, turning to his brothers. “All of us." 
Donatello sighed. "I'm allergic to mosquito bites."
Mikey grimaced. "Since when?"
"Since now." 
Raphael gave Leo a barely noticeable melancholic smile.
"We aren’t kids anymore. It ain't the end of the world if ya gotta disappear for a bit," he said teasingly.
"Oh, I get it. It's a solo trip," Mikey said, lowering his gaze.
"I won't be far for too long," Leo remarked as if it were a promise.
Donatello scoffed. "We'll survive without you for quite a while. Don't rush to commitment. We know."
At that moment, all he could offer Donnie was a smile. However, as Leo descended from the cargo ship and stepped into the border of the jungle, he finally understood what his brother meant. Taking a deep breath of the fresh, humid air of the greenery, his gaze danced along the flora surrounding him. This was it—the missing piece: nature. The sensation of embracing a certain aspect of himself that could not find fulfillment in the heart of a bustling city.
— – -
It took Leo no more than two months to gradually dismantle the construction site. An appearance here, a couple of blows there, a few noises at night, and a town full of people who convinced the businessmen responsible for the project that the jungle ghost was as tangible as the machinery stripping the trees. And that was it. He could go back after completing the mission.
However, akin to the first time, he stayed. This time not out of fear of not meeting his father’s expectations, but because adulthood had taught him it was okay to take breaks. It was okay for him not to be a leader, an elder brother, or a ninja all the time. It was more than okay to just be Leo.
After another couple of months, plants had claimed the machinery's remains. Some metal pieces still exposed to the sun sparkled, giving it an almost magical touch. The town's inhabitants built a statue resembling an anthropomorphic monk. It wasn't exactly cute, but Leo supposed it was better than revealing his true identity.
Living in the wild brought a new adventure every second, and Leo couldn't stay still. During the day, he collected food and brought it to his old underground hideout, a sort of cenote reflecting sunlight by day and stars at night, with enough space to exist in peace.
With the moon as his guide, he took care of various issues entrusted to him by the community. More than anything, moving heavy objects or patrolling certain areas. Given that most people were elderly, it was understandable.
Feeling free was satisfying. It was nice having a personal sense of purpose, liberated from the weight of carrying a team, and away from the possible repercussions of his decisions. There were no external pressures, no responsibilities beyond those self-imposed, and although there were nights when he missed his brothers, video calls were more than enough, as Donnie had gifted him a high-tech device before he left. Things were far better than alright… until winter wore off.
On the first morning of spring, Leo awoke to a familiar heat rising in his lower belly, prompting a strong urge to relieve the discomfort. He groaned. It only worsened with time. Regardless of the hour of day, he found himself suddenly lost in thoughts about his sexual toys, and all the ways he could be using them. The more he tried to distract himself, the more the memory of the relief they provided infiltrated his every waking moment. 
Leo hummed, pressing a hand down his plastron, over the area that ached the most. It was beginning to get pretty sensitive. Bad sign. 
Perhaps the villagers wouldn't be alarmed if he missed work for just one night, but as the next night came, and the next, and the next, things showed no sign of improvement. Leo began to feel more than just anxious. To make matters worse, at this point, not even fucking his fist was enough. It helped get his mind clear for the day, but the underskin burning never quite faded.
Leo turned over his leaf-makeshift bed, which now seemed ten times more unpleasant, and tried in vain to suppress the urge to go out and figure out how to make it more comfortable for himself and his ma– Leo snorted at the thought. It was horrible to endure instincts conflicting with rational thought. There had never been such a thing as a 'mate' in his life. A couple of partners, sure, but nothing close to someone who saw him like this. The mere thought of being unable to hold back or keep composure twisted his stomach.
“Fuck—” he sighed under his breath.
His hand closed around his shaft, gripping it deliciously as he moved it fast-paced. Small whimpers fell from his lips, heat spreading through his body. The peak of the season was the worst part of it. 
His head fell back as he hissed, hooded eyes locked in the sky as he chased his release. His voice rose more than he'd like as he came loud and long, spilling hot loads all over his plastron.
Leo coughed before catching his breath. He cleansed himself with a rag dampened in cold water, the sensation leaving him slightly dizzy. Every inch of his body ached. As he focused on the soothing coolness, a faint sound of footsteps reached him. He sharpened his hearing; an agitated breath came with it. Someone dared to trespass into his territory. 
The mere thought sent anger coursing through his veins, propelling him hastily toward the origin of the sound. He landed with a resounding thud, causing the scattered branches on the ground to snap beneath his weight. The intruder staggered backward. His katana reached their throat, halting mere inches before the tender flesh.
As the moonlight cast its glow, clarity washed over his vision: a woman, draped in an ethereal white fabric, lay sprawled on the ground. The wind carried her scent to his nose, and he instinctively covered his snout with his forearm before retreating, concealing himself behind a sturdy tree. His pupils dilated, taking her in.
"What are you doing here?" Leo rasped.
— – -   
You gasped a couple of times before digesting that what you just saw was not human. 
It’s okay, you said to yourself, It’s him. It's the same voice, steady, gravelly, and with a hint of sparkle. He who had rescued you so many years ago. He, who took care of everyone in the village. He, to whom the elders held respect and affection. Once you caught your breath, you began to recite long-memorized lines.
"Mighty spirit of the wild, protector of the jungle, I— I have been sent as an oblation for you to do as you please. If that brings you back to our aid."
Leo scoffed, disbelief evident in his expression. "They forced you here?" Anger was palpable in his voice. Perhaps he had been protecting the wrong kind of people.
"No!" you quickly clarified. "I offered myself.”
Your scent was intoxicating: sweet with a hint of spice. He focused on breathing through his mouth.
You gave one step closer, cautiously. “Consider it a payback. For your help to everyone in the village.”
"Payback?" he sneered. “I came back of my own free will. You owe me nothing.”
The urge to approach and tap your cheeks was gnawing at him. Fuck, he hated not to be in his freaking right mind. Hold it, Leo chanted in his mind. Hold it just for one more minute.
"I still want to lend you a hand,” you mumbled. “I- I have worked customer service, so I understand that taking care of other's needs constantly drains energy. I just thought you might want an extra hand."
Why was your voice suddenly so alluring? He huffed, exhausted.
"You offered yourself as a sacrifice bridal because you think I'm burnt out?"
You could hear a certain tension in his voice, stitched with a hint of sass—although, he seemed to be speaking through gritted teeth. Was he in pain?
His tone was harsher than he intended, perhaps due to the embarrassment of enduring his heat in the worst possible way. The branches and dirt cracked under your weight as you approached. Leo tensed, gripping his katana tightly.
“I know I may not have all my screws in place, but I wanted to return the favor for all the times you’ve saved us, that’s all. Help around in any way you see fit, whether it's assisting with chores you're too tired to do or whatever else you wish."
Your voice was as soft as a velvety touch wrapping around him, sensually caressing him like the finest silky fabric. It sent a shiver down his spine. He swallowed a gasp when you reached his side. His heart rate surged, echoing through every blood vessel. Leo moved back, the sharp katana once again mere inches away from your face, yet this time, trembling like he wasn't strong enough to hold it.
You raised your hands, palms showing. "But it's up to you. I really don't want to disturb you further."
You observed him wrestling with inner turmoil, his face taut, burdened by indecision. 
"You don’t understand what you’d be getting into." His gaze matched the depth of his voice.
"Tell me."
Leo exhaled heavily, whispering, "I'm burning."
He sounded like he was dying. 
“Are you sick?”
You took a step closer, and his face became much clearer.
He let out a sort of sardonic laugh. “No.”
Then you saw it: desire blazing bright in his eyes. You took a deep breath, considering. He remained as still as if he was another three in the green landscape. It hit you right there.
"Spring is when the reproductive cycle of life forms begins, isn't it?" you were searching for toned-down words so as not to make him uncomfortable. “That's what's happening to you," you stated, half matter-of-factly, half realizing it. 
"Then you understand what it would mean to stay and help me," he said. "So leave. Run back, I'll guard your flank."
You stood your ground, despite your shaky legs. “I'll help.”
“What?” he gasped in disbelief.
“I won't go back as a failure, and I won't let you suffer when you've broken your back to keep us safe. I will help you.” you stated. The resolution in your voice made him shiver.
"You don’t get it," he said, feeling every ounce of self-control slowly dropping off his body. 
Shit, he wanted to just accept. Why was he even holding back? Bet you were such a slut, bet you were thinking how would it feel to have your pretty cunt so fucking stretched by his knot.
“I do. You need reli-” 
"No, you don't," he snapped. The blue mask framed the gravity of his expression. "When I start, I won’t stop. Not even if you beg, not even if you cry. Is that clear?" 
You swallowed hard, your voice carrying a slight tremor as you responded, "Yeah."
"For as long as it lasts, I won't let you leave. You might get hurt... do you understand?"
"Yes," you muttered, finally mustering the courage to slowly push the sword out of the way. He allowed it, his eyes guarded.
You aimed closer, taking one steady step after the other. Your hand reached out until the tips of your fingers finally grazed his plastron. You slid them until the full palm pressed against it. He shivered under your touch, a faint sound escaping his lips. A moan?
There was a different glow in his eyes when he settled them back on you. They shone like he was seeing something beyond. His hand closed around your wrist, pulling you. Your chest crashed against his front, knocking the air out of you. Another mutant hand gripped you tight on the opposite side. His face landed on the crook of your neck. He growled as he took a deep breath before letting out a sigh. You held your breath.
Leo stopped, his agitated breathing inches away from your ear. Raspy, desperate, needy.
"Wait here. I'll come back for you in an hour," he instructed, reluctantly breaking the embrace to hold your face. You moved with him as he seemed to rock you. His forehead was inches away from yours. "This is your chance to flee."
He let go, and as if he were indeed a ghost, he vanished into the shadows of the night.
You waited until the thin clouds finished traveling the night sky, clearing it entirely, allowing the stars to shine. For a moment, doubt crept in, making you wonder if he would return.
"You stayed," he muttered in disbelief.
You snapped back, scanning for the source of his voice. He landed before you, a smoother descent this time. His demeanor underwent a subtle change, softer and tinted with a hint of nervousness.
"Follow me," he instructed.
You stood up, shook the dirt off the white cloth covering you, and trailed behind him through the vines and bushes. With his sword, Leo skillfully cut through some overly dense branches, making a path for you.
"Where are we going, ghost?"
"To a secluded place," he said. After a brief pause, he added, "My name is Leonardo."
You snorted. He halted, casting a quizzical look over his shoulder.
"Sorry, I was expecting something less... ordinary," you chuckled. "It's a beautiful name; a bit too formal, tho. Can I call you Leo?"
He smirked, resuming his pace. You were easy to talk to, a quality he found comforting. "Sure. So, what's yours?"
You shared your name, and he said it back. “Pretty.”
His voice, along with the praise, made your belly tingle.
He took you to a kind of cenote a couple of meters below. The surroundings stole your breath. Various shades of green foliage reclined on moss, bathed in the glow of a mellow fire dancing near the shore. The light cast the reflection of the water swells upon the walls of earth and rock. 
Beyond the flames of the campfire, there was a makeshift… nest? —more resembling leaves intertwined over the mushy moss— stacked beneath a rock bowl. The scent of flowers lingered heavily. There would likely be more than a couple on the seemingly soft pile. It looked like he had been living there for a while. 
The feeling of his hands on your sides jolted you. You turned. He was looking down at you, his gaze intense, silently conveying a question, hungered for answers. His teeth clamped together, still in pain, it seemed. You placed your hand over his.
"It's okay. I'm not afraid." 
Leo cupped your cheek, his fingers gently tapping. It seemed like something he couldn't suppress any longer. In an attempt to reciprocate, you did the same to him, using both hands.
It must have struck a nerve because he yanked you from the spot where you stood, practically tossing you into the heap of leaves. He landed above you, a hand behind your head. It was so sudden that it made you dizzy. You clung to the edge of his plastron as he pressed you against it. 
Leo caught your mouth. His kiss was deep, fervent, demanding, exuding an almost fuel-ignited heat. His tongue interlaced with yours, and he moaned when you kept up with him. 
You gasped for air when he let go. A pang of bolt-like tickles sprouted and spread from your belly through your veins, and they reverberated through every place he explored with open, calloused palms. He dragged his hand across your side, all three fingers groping your breasts ravenously, pinching your nipples above the fabric. You gasped.
Leo carried his kisses to your neck, nibbling at it right over your pulse line, sucking the soft flesh hard enough to make you yelp. That would leave a mark. He grinned over the bruise before finding another spot near it to make another.
You felt his grip over your thighs as one of his hands had somehow found out how to go past that ridiculously long bride-like dress. You embraced him with your legs, pulling him close to your core and arching your back as if you were in heat alike upon feeling his front so tight against your cunt.
He humped over your clothed slit, pushing your legs wider to accommodate himself, after which he thrust again, this time letting out an earnest groan right into your ear. His hot breath against your skin gave you goosebumps. 
You whimpered, seeking a place to anchor yourself. Slipping a hand through the top of his shell, you secured yourself to his broad shoulders as he kept grinding on you frantically. 
You spread your legs wider in an attempt to feel the friction better. The lower part of his plastron was soaked, and the slimy moisture seeped through your clothing smoothly. It felt so good that you started clenching and unclenching to increase the sensation.
His voice quivered as a hot liquid damped you down, sticking to the clothes. You remained there, fixed as he caught his breath. Leo got up on his knees. He wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand. You could then notice every perfectly formed muscle on his body. Below his belly, his cock was glistening with the slick of the previous cum. His size was not as intimidating as the knot at the base, swollen and somewhat red. He looked almost immaculate.
Leo removed the blue bandana in one swift movement, and in the next, he ripped off the ruined dress off your body. He panted, gaze lusting over your nakedness. His predatory gaze sent a shiver down your spine.
"Such a pretty little cunt," he said with a half-grin on his face. "Not wide enough to fit me, tho. Gotta fix that first."
He pushed your labia open with raspy thumbs before leaning down. You breathed in sharply upon sensing his snout so close. Leo licked a stripe over your slit, steady and soft. You gaped, holding his head with trembling fingers. His tongue was thick, mushy-like. You moaned when he circled it over your clit, before sucking on it. Your hips snapped up, offering as much of yourself as he was willing to take.
Leo lingered there, feasting on your puffy nub. You closed your eyes, head falling back. Soft whimpers and sighs echoed through the place as you squirmed between his arms.
He slid back to your entrance and pushed in, moaning at the taste. After a couple of testing thrusts, he began fucking you with his tongue: sleek, hot, and skilled in a way you weren't prepared for. 
You pushed his head deeper into you so your clit would rub against his snout, building an exquisite warmth inside your belly. Leo sensed you tensing under his grip, and he gave until the hot, sweet spasms of your walls told him you were satisfied.
His cock pulsated more with each passing moment, aching to get entirely sucked by your hot insides, and move. But fuck, if Leo retained yet one ounce of self-control, he committed it to ensure he wouldn't harm you that much. 
A fine line of saliva followed him for a fraction of a second when he pulled away, panting. He cleaned his face with his palm to then fist his cock, right above the swollen knot. You lifted your legs by pulling them towards you from behind the thighs, gaze thoroughly hypnotized by the sight of him lining with you. 
Leo let out a breathy moan as he pushed into you, the heat, the softness, and the sight taking away the last drops of his rational thought. 
The stretch stung slightly, but god, other than that, it was heavenly smooth. He bottomed out. Before he even moved, Leo spilled one hot load after the other, brimming you with cum. 
“Fuck—,” he panted. 
His chin rested on the crook of your neck. Your hands flew to his back, and you caressed his shell lovingly. His breathing evened with each controlled exhalation, yet the grip of his fingers over your flesh hadn't relaxed one scrap. It gave you the impression that he was holding back. Despite his feral desires, on the verge of losing his mind to pure instinct, he remained steadfast in his commitment not to harm you. Your heart melted.
“It's okay. I can take it,” you whispered tenderly, leaning your head over his, embracing him further.  
“No, this is— this is enough.” he gritted, voice sore. 
“Hey, I don't like giving half-heartedly. I told you it was alright," you told him, but it didn't seem like it was going through his stubborn head. So you changed the tone to try your luck. "Besides, I like how you feel inside me. I bet you'd fuck me so good."
His breath hitched. 
You grinned, clenching around his cock. “I bet you’re wondering how it’d feel, if you pushed your cute knot inside me.” 
“Stop it.” 
“I can’t— “
“Say you don’t want to.” you pulled his face to make him look at you. Hooded eyes bearing such a delightful dark gaze. He was about to snap, just one more small push. “Say you don’t want to breed me so fucking much it drips off my cunt. Say it, and I’ll shut up and let this to your own devices.”
His pupils dilate entirely. "Say that again." 
"Breed me so good." 
He kissed you at the same time he thrust, setting a frantic pace. His dick felt heavenly. It effortlessly reached the best spot inside you. You kept him pinned in the right place with the clasp of your legs, getting friction over your clit. 
He forced the pulsating nub inward, the stretch sent your eyes rolling to the back of your head.
“Ah— shit, yes. Yes.” he gritted, his voice drunken-like.
Irrepressible moaning streamed like a pretty song as his pace quickened. Leo sounded so fucking hot, relishing the instant. His orgasm triggered your own. Your back arched, and he slipped his arms underneath you, bringing you impossibly near to him as his dick pulsated deliciously, spreading the warmth within him through you.
Leo didn't stop after that. He continued to fuck you until your inner thighs bled from the continuous chafing against the edges of his shell, babbling something about pretty babies with your eyes. He was thoroughly unbound, mind spinning, burning as much as his passion for you. 
At some point, reality became a vaporous reflection on tempered glass. You were facing him at one moment, and then next, Leo held you by the hips as he ravished you in doggy style. His groaning, along with the lewd sound of wet skin slapping, anchored you to consciousness just enough to feel him spilling another hot wave of cum.
— – -
You woke up to the soft symphony produced by the combined sounds of the jungle—small animals rustling their wings, the wind whispering through the branches, a distant echo of a bird's song. The sun bathed the water in light, creating small waves that reflected the tranquil movement of the water all around.
Every inch of your body ached so intensely that the mere contemplation of movement welled tears in your eyes. Perhaps it had been too much. When you tried to shift, you felt something wet adhering to the skin of your thighs. Looking down, you found seaweed moistened with a scent that resembled a subtle mix of herbs.
A firm hand caressed your arm, and you tensed. However, the grip was gentle, almost hesitant, as if he were afraid to touch you. Slowly, you turned around. There he lay, gazing at you with bright, guilt-filled eyes.
"Good morning."
“Hello,” you greeted back.
"I'm sorry. It was-"
It's okay," you interrupted, placing a hand over his own. "I signed up for it. I told you I'd tough it out. Don't be too hard on yourself."
His gaze softened.
"Yet, I'm sorry I hurt you."
"You followed his gaze toward the area closed off with herbs. Bruises spread underneath. Then you noticed that, except for those bruises, you were pristine, and so was the place where you slept.
"You cleaned me up?"
"I had to do something for you. Although I know it's not enough, it’s a beginning," he said, fluttering the tips of his fingers near the damaged area.
"Thanks. So, is it over, or…?"
"The worst part is, we should be okay as long as someone keeps her mouth in check," he teased.
You chortled. "Sorry, not sorry."
He shared a laugh with you. Just as it subsided, Leo drew you into a tender embrace, snuggling you in a way that set your heart aflutter.
"I'm gonna keep you safe," he whispered.
You froze, a touch overwhelmed by the unexpected affection. He pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead. The moment lingered until a rumble from your stomach shattered the magic. Your cheeks burned bright red. Leo chuckled softly.
"What would you like for breakfast?"
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fizzywashere87 · 2 months
notes: OMGIE YESSSSS THIS IS CUTE (it has been rotting in my inbox for a few weeks months and this i apologize for) also i didn't know if you wanted hc's or a fic so i js went with a fic for this one BUT I HAD SO MUCH FUN WRITING THIS TYSM FOR REQUESTING ML I HOPE YOU ENJOY!! 🫶🫶
Warnings: Gn! Reader, Fluff? Slight crack ig, Rushed at the end kinda
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Think Babes, Think!
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Raphael and his brothers were training in the dojo, as usual. Nothing new, nothing to bat an eye for, though Raphael was somewhat distracted. This was not usual.
What was he thinking about that made him so distracted you ask me?
Who's them?
He's gonna try and flirt with them today, that's why he's so worked up.
Raphael is put against Donatello today in their sparring matches, and while they circle each other just waiting for Master Splinter to give them the 'go,' Raphael can't seem to shut his thoughts up.
They probably don't even like you back.
You're an ugly, gross mutant, they're human and just perfect, no human wants to be with a mutant, nonetheless one like them.
Ugly green freak-
His anger was beginning to show on his face. Donatello noticed, raising a non-existent brow, he started, "Uh- Raph-"
Raph lunged at Donnie right away, which the taller turtle narrowly dodged, causing Raph to tuck and land on his knees for him to quickly get back up again. The rest of the sparring match was a blur, Raphael was just angry.
He came back to his sense when he heard Donnie groan from the floor as he stood over him panting slightly. He wasn't as angry as he was a few seconds ago, but the feeling of anger definitely lingered. Donnie got up, Leo and Mikey were already seated on their knees, Leo having won that match. "Uh, Raph, you look, like extra angry dude-" Mikey spoke up prompting Raph to whip his head at his younger brother and send him a glare.
"I am not angry." He spoke through gritted teeth, Mikey put his hands up in mock defense as Donnie and Raph go to sit on their knees beside their two brothers. Master Splinter stands in front of his four sons his hands clasped behind his back, the boys wait to hear what he's about to say, Raph, with an angered look on his features.
"You boys did-"
"Casey! Cut it out!"
"I didn't do nothin' red!"
"Say on God, we both seen you Jones!"
Master Splinter sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose at the certain ruckus going on at the new arrivals if you'll call them that, Leo also seems to sigh, the rest of the brothers unphased.
At the sound of their voice, Raph's anger was immediately lifted a ton, and he thought about his plan to flirt with them today. He didn't know how he was going to do it, but he was going to. His attention turned back to his sensei when he heard another sigh come from him. "You boys did well today, remember your strengths, hide and let go of your weaknesses. We will resume our training tomorrow."
"Hai sensei!" The boys say together, bowing slightly before getting up and meeting their human friends who're in the living room.
As the four boys walk in, April gives a warm smile and wave, (Name) flashes their usual grin, and Casey continues munching on popcorn. Donnie runs to April first much to Casey's dismay and he gets ready to pick a small fight. Mikey, as usual runs to grab a comic book and he plops on the couch next to Casey, giving (Name) a fist bump, Leo also walking over to greet and join his friends. (Name) looks to Raph who seems to be taking the soul out of that poor punching dummy.
(Name) walks over to him, smiling slightly. "Hey Raph, what 'cha up to?" They ask talking over his quieter grunts. He pauses for a moment, looking at them and sighing slightly, (Name) didn't pick up on it.
"Nothing, just punching." He replies, crossing his arms, they look at the dummy and back at him, nodding in understandment. He really wanted to say something sweet to them, something that would give them the hint. This was so, so, not like him. He's not supposed to care about this, the only thing he's supposed to care about is punching aliens and taking down Shredder. So why, why was he so persistent with this?
Although now that he thinks about it, he may have to be a bit more straightforward with (Name). There was that one time...
"Hey." Raph says as a greeting, seeing (Name) walk into the lair, they plop down on the couch next to him, and he sets his comic down.
"Hey Raph! What's up?" (Name) smiled and started idly tapping their foot on the ground. This was his chance, why was he doing this? Never mind that he's doing it, no matter how soft he comes off as.
"You," he clears his throat, "you look cute today." Raph says mentally cursing himself at the way he sounded and how they easily could've taken that as him implying they don't look cute everyday.
(Name) pauses for a moment, taking in his words. A bright smile etches across their face and she gives him a thumbs up. "Thank you Raph! You look pretty good yourself!" They stay quiet for a moment before speaking up. "You okay? It's totally not like you to give out compliments like that!" (Name) tilts their head a wave of concern washing over their adorable human features.
Raph was dumbfounded, shocked even. He stayed quiet for a moment as he processes how his flirting just flew over your head. Were they playing dumb with him to avoid rejecting him? he wouldn't blame them... (Name) was a human and he was an ugly green freak!
"What do you mean?! I can't compliment people?!" He plays the angry and defensive card to get out of that one.
(Name) watches as he punches the dummy, looking over how his muscles flexed at certain points, taking it all in. They wished he seen them the way they do. Why can't he like them back?
Raph stops his punching and turns towards (Name), he took a deep breath and sighed. "(Name), can I ask you something?" He sounded almost nervous? What was wrong?
"Of course Raph! What's up?" (Name) asked slightly concerned, it could be anything at this point. (Name) was hoping he'd get it over quickly so they don't have to wait any longer in suspense.
"Would you," Raph clears his throat, "Would you want to go out sometime?" His tried not to wince as his voice took on a higher pitch at the end.
(Name) thought for a moment, was he asking them out? Probably not, either way they would love to go. "Sure!" They smile, "Any specific reason?" They ask curious as to why Raph of all people would want to go out with them.
Raph sighed audibly through his nose. Welp, this was going to be all or nothing. Time to rip the bandaid off for this one. "I was asking you out on a date." He crosses his arms he scoffs. "Forget it, you wouldn't want to go on a date with an ugly green mutant. Stop playing stupid with me." Raph walks off, angry and a little sad.
(Name) pauses for a moment, as if something wet had just hit them in the face. "What?" They mumble. "Raph wait!" They call out and Raph pauses.
"What do you want?" Raph turns around to face them again, although he didn't really want to. (Name) lightly jogs up to him. "I would love to go out with you, I just didn't think that you liked me like that..." (Name) says rubbing the back of their neck awkwardly.
Raph raises a brow, a small smirk on his face. "You really are that dense." He said crossing his arms, getting an eye roll from (Name)."Where were you thinking we go?" (Name) asks, referring to their up coming date, completely disregarding his (lighthearted) insult.
"Mr. Murakami's place, it's not like I can go anywhere else." Raph says as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. (Name) shrugs and nods. "You do have a point there." They smile at him and plant a kiss on his cheek.
"Pick me up at 8 on Friday!" (Name) skips off to go hangout with April who was seated on the couch engrossed in her laptop for school. Raph was left there with pink cheeks and wide eyes, his jaw slightly agape.
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@fashionablysouly @serendipitous-girl
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Doctor Marathon (Fluff)
Bayverse!Donatello x reader
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A short one with Donnie boy💜
I am a pretty big Doctor Who fan myself, and I refuse to believe Donatello wouldn’t like it. So here you get a nice evening cuddle on the couch with Donnie, watching some Doctor Who💜
Warnings: None, not even Doctor Who spoilers.
The soft glow of the TV illuminated the lair, casting a warm ambiance on the makeshift living room. Donatello and you were snuggled up on the couch, a cozy blanket draped over your entwined legs, a bowl of popcorn in Donnie’s lap, and enough juice boxes on the table to last you the rest of the evening. All of Donnie’s brothers and Master Splinter had retreated to their bedrooms for the night, leaving you and Donatello alone for your impromptu date night. It was a rare night when the chaos of the city above ground seemed to dissipate, leaving the two of you in a quiet sanctuary.
Donatello's three-fingered hand held the TV remote, scrolling through various options until he settled on one of his favorite shows – Doctor Who. He turned to you with a gleam in his eyes, his excitement palpable, as the still image of the 11th Doctor and Amy Pond illuminated the screen.
"Ready for some timey-wimey adventures, (Y/N)?" Donatello grinned, adjusting his glasses.
You chuckled, knowing damn well he quoted the wrong Doctor on purpose. "Always, Donnie. Your taste in TV shows is impeccable", you said, faking a British accent that made Donnie smile.
As the familiar theme music of Doctor Who filled the lair, you leaned against Donatello, feeling the comforting presence of his strong green arm around you. The show began, and you found yourself enthralled by the Doctor's - in this case Matt Smith - escapades through time and space.
"Imagine if we could time travel", Donatello mused, his voice soft, watching the Doctor run around the spaceship he, Amy and Rory found themself in. "We could go back and witness some of the most incredible moments in history".
You smiled. "Or forward, to see what the future holds. It'd be an adventure, for sure".
Donatello nodded, his fingers absentmindedly tracing patterns on your waist. The two of you settled into a comfortable silence, engrossed in the unfolding narrative on the screen.
At times, Donatello couldn't help but analyze the science fiction aspects of the show, sharing his thoughts with you. You listened attentively, reveling in the passion that shone in his eyes when he discussed the possibilities of time travel. That came with having a tech genius for a boyfriend. He just couldn’t help himself, and you found it adorable.
As the episode reached a particularly emotional moment, you felt Donatello's grip on your waist tighten slightly. Glancing up, you met his gaze, and there was a vulnerability in his eyes that made your heart swell with affection.
"I'm so grateful for moments like these," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "With you. Just being here, together, watching our favorite show. It's... everything."
You smiled, "Me too, Donnie. These moments are my favorite, too."
He pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head, and you snuggled closer. The TARDIS on the screen whirred away, and you couldn't help but draw parallels between the Doctor's adventures and your own, albeit on a smaller scale. Like the Doctor, every other day was a new adventure for you and your turtles. You’ve met dimension traveling aliens and encountered high tech technology.
As the credits rolled from the 8th episode the two of you had watched that evening, Donatello turned off the TV, and you both sat in the quiet lair, surrounded by the comforting hum of machinery and the soft glow of monitors.
"Time well spent", he said, his gaze lingering on you.
You nodded. "Absolutely". You gave Donnie a small peck on the lips, smiling in delight. “Time is always best spent with my favorite doctor”.
Donnie frowned in confusion. “You mean Matt Smith? I thought David Tennant was your favorite Doctor”.
“I’m talking about you”, you laughed, bringing your face close to his once more. “My Doctor Donatello”.
Donnie studied your face, a smile spreading on his face. “I could get used to that name”.
And in that moment, surrounded by the remnants of a fictional time-traveling adventure, you couldn't help but feel that the best moments were the ones spent right here – in the present, with the turtle you loved.
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britt-kageryuu · 6 months
A stream has started, all four brothers are together, all their models are in onesies. Leo = Unicorn, Raph = Bear, Donnie = Dinosaur, and Mikey = Fox. All the models are on giant pillows, Shelldon and River are on their own big pillow. The background is themed to a movie theater.
Donnie: Greetings Balemates!
Mikey: It's movie night!
Raph: We're watching Lou Jitsu movies.
Leo: Which oddly enough Pops has the rights to show without paying anyone Royalties!!
Shelldon & River: So grab your drinks, and snacks and enjoy the movies.
A screen where the movie will play pops in, and a header that announces the current and next movie scrolls across the top before disappearing.
Chat was filled with excited messages, Popcorn, Soda, and snack emojis galore. There was some questioning the validity of their claim, others just hope some jerk doesn't ruin the fun.
Splinter joined them at one point and Donnie had to quickly add in a model to track him. The model was closer in height to him as Lou Jitsu just older in a yukata and with rat ears and tail, Chat was filled with excitement once more, and enjoyed Splinters commentary on the films, again some questioning how he knows this, but they are drowned out by others who want to spam questions for him.
Splinter gained alot of new fans for various reasons.
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nebula-award · 10 months
rottmnt headcannon time
Nov 5, 2023: This is from Jan 11, 2021 btw!! Old old old headcanons but I still like them
(Head’s up- almost everything I headcannon on the big guy is me projecting)
-Genderfluid/Genderqueer (thanks sascha) Panromantic Demiromantic Asexual
-He’s the least educated on LBGTQIA+ terms (that honor goes to Leo)
-This kinda caused him to go through a sexuality crisis and for a while he thought he was aroace like Donnie until Leo helped him out with understanding the aro spectrum
-He has social anxiety. It’s a moderate case- little on the extreme side. (Let me project)
-He has separation anxiety (extreme case)
(-It’s kind of implied in S1:21A, but) I imagine Raph lost Splinter and his brothers in NY when he was little, and since then he’s had nightmares and fears of losing his family or waking up one day and they aren’t there. (Time to write some angst :D)
-Very introverted (unless he’s in a fight, then he pretty talkative because he’s more confident)
-Dyslexic (Donnie’s the one that helps him if he can’t understand a word)
-He tries really hard to finish the book he’s reading but either gets too bored, forgets about it, or reading it gets too hard (if it’s the third option he’ll try to read it again bc he doesn’t like quitting)
-ADHD (inattentive type)
-Chews on his mask tails (I love this headcanon so much and I do the same thing with my hair)
-Overprotective (like if you lay a hand on his family, you’re probably going to die by his hands)
-Loves food, like anything with tons of flavor.
-Not a fan of clothing. Even with clothes measured to fit him, he won’t wear them. He’ll do it if it’s needed for a mission or for something of importance.
-He’s a decent cook. Not as good as Mikey, but the family enjoys his meals.
-The only thing he can’t make is popcorn (He’ll always accidently burn at least one bag)
-Developed a minor dissociative disorder and his anxiety became more extreme when Leo became leader
-Tried to learn German (He’s not the best, but the words are easier for him to understand)
-Nonbinary Aromantic Asexual
-Doesn’t mind he/him but prefers if people used they/them
-Ambivert (More of a introvert)
-Hates physical contact
-But LOVES compression. Every blanket he owns is weighted, his battle shell is a pressure stim, loves hoodies because of how heavy they are (Projecting, projecting)
-He has depression 
-Slight OCD
-When Donnie cooks, he’ll spend hours in the kitchen and no one is allow in. (It doesn’t taste good after either) (He’s better with machines)
-Knows a good of ASL (American sign-language) and JSL (Japanese sign-language) He studied ASL more than JSL because they live in NY.
-Learned some German when he helps Raph study the language, and French when he was helping Mikey, Leo taught him some Spanish
-Bisexual Gray-Aromantic Demiboy (Prefers neopronouns)
-He has imposter syndrome. He doesn’t feel like he’s doing enough for the team and copes by trying to seem overconfident. (This also plays a factor in his becoming leader as he feels like he doesn’t deserve the role)
-He has a dissociative disorder
-Extremely extroverted
-ADHD (hyperactive)
-Red/Green colorblind (hence why blue is his favorite color) 
-He’ll usually go into flight mode and freeze if he’s in really bad danger (the brothers have tried to snap him out of it) then he’ll joke it off
-Jokes are his comfort (Kind of cannon)
-NEVER LET THIS MAN INTO A KITCHEN. The last time he cooked, the lair almost burned down.
-Speaks nearly perfect Spanish. He picked up a few words when with Señor Hueso leading to him asking the Hueso to teach him Spanish. (He was a surprisingly fast learner.) He has a harder time reading Spanish.
-Loves singing songs in Spanish
-Gay, (still haven’t decided a gender but I’m thinking agender, trans, or boyflux)
-Bites/chews his nails when his nervous, excited, or overstimulated
-Best chef award goes to him
-He’s the one that’s always trying something new
-Not a fan of learning languages. (It’s just not something he enjoys doing) With that said, he can read a fair amount of French, yet he can’t speak it as well.
-Omniromantic Asexual
-She’s a choir and theatre kid
-Introduced Leo and Donnie to the theatre world 
Mad Dogs
- They all are nearly fluent in Japanese and English. This is mainly because Splinter wanted them to learn a few languages and even encourages them to learn more.
- the turtles base their ages off April’s age (16) and who Splinter claimed the oldest and youngest to be. 
-They throw a Karaoke competition in the lair sometimes. (Leo is the reigning champion as always) 
-Leo and April bond over singing and sing duets all the time (No one in the base complains) 
-Leo and Donnie like to sing “Confrontation” from Jekyll & Hyde ALL. THE. TIME. 
-Donnie and Leo aren’t allowed in the kitchen. 
-Leo and Raph learn to co-lead
-Whenever Raph is having a (social) problem he’ll either go to Leo or April for help
-Splinter used to call them by the color of their marks Donnie was purple, Mikey was orange, Leo was red, Raph was green. (And I’m going to write a fic later I swear) (NOV 11, 2023: I DID WRITE THAT FIC)
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plothooksinc · 1 year
Pi: I have a feeling that they're having words when all this is done KayJay: leo: what? I was stalling!
KayJay: mikey: STALL BETTER
Pi: XD
KayJay: mikey: /pulls out a whiteboard with ACCEPTABLE BROTHER-FRIENDLY WAYS TO STALL
KayJay: krang: where did he even get that 8|a
Pi: I love that they're still here for this. Now I'm imagining Sister Krang turning to Brother Krang like ??? and him just shrugging while looking confused.
KayJay: lmao. they're screaming at each other, the krang are here for this
KayJay: sister krang: should hvae brought popcorn pilot: /hands her a dead rat sister krang: eh close enough
Pi: No no I meant for the whiteboard joke
KayJay: ohLOL
Pi: Splinter in the rafters clapping his hands together in a prayer for them while Casey is like "we cooked ours at least"
In related news, I am... totally making headway on the chapter and not procrastinating at all /sips tea
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trufflemacandcheese · 2 years
The curse
They all got a sandwich. Everything is easier when you're not hungry, and Mikey had absolutely embraced that rule of thumb in life.
Now they sat and stood together in the projector room, and even Splinter had his series paused to listen.
Donnie felt a little better. The indefinable pain in his body was nearly gone. He briefly checked her vitals again before turning to the others. He stood in front of the screen as if on a stage and didn't know how to begin. How much to report. He raised his hands helplessly.
"I don't know how to begin..." he confessed.
"Well, just show us the camera footage!" said Leo nonchalant.
Donnie looked like he got hit.
"WHAT? How the heck do you know about that?" he replied, completely flabbergasted
"Hahaaaa!" cheered his brother. "I didn't know, I just knew you've been recording EVERYTHING with audio for ages, so it made sense you'd do it with videos too!"
Leo's mood was brilliant. He was fed, his brother was alive, and he had just caught him cold!
"For real?! Where's the camera? In your battleshell's shoulder thing?" Mikey was immediately captivated. "Is it recording now? HELLO!" he ran up to Donnie's shoulder waving, "Heeeeeeello!!"
Raph and April started laughing. Splinter cocked an eyebrow and grabbed his popcorn. That should be interesting.
Donnie pushed Mikey's face away from himself, while he hastily searched for an argumentative way out of this trap. Oh, WHY did Leo always have to put him in these situations?!
"So... I..... I can't... you really can't!...." he thought about sharing his breath with her, and started to blush. There was no way he could show them THAT!
"Donnie, are you blushing right now? So now it gets interesting! What were you doing down there?" Leo shouted, and Raph tried to get Leo to stop with 'hold on' gestures.
"Oh damn you, Leo! Well, I'll show you the ESSENTIALS!" to regain control, the purple one continued after he collected himself. 
"Well, I don't continuously record everything. I have developed an algorithm that activates the recording mode in certain situations. For example, during training or a fight. For analysis purposes mainly. There are three cameras. You can't see them, dust grain size. I got the idea from Big Mama and her flying camera eyes on the Battle Nexus New York thing. Only MY cameras aren't so clumsy and obvious!" Donnie found his confidence again. "So. Three cameras. One with me, one with the opponent, and one that has the opponent AND me in the picture at the same time. This can sometimes be quite far away to capture the whole scene. When I'm not in action, an AI controls the recording of any nearby fights. This is very helpful for...."
"Get to the poooooint!" said Leo, bored.
Donnie cleared his throat and made an extra pause. Leo growled. The purple one used the moment to make a mental selection of what he could and wanted to show. Of course, it was significant that his family got the best possible picture of what happened that night. There are lots of questions! However, his privacy was EXTREMELY important to him, and he wanted to protect hers too...
"I think the most important thing is the explosion."
He raised his arm and activated the recordings. A small thumbnail appeared and Donnie could fast-forward through circular motions. He had always been a fan of the first iPod generations. Pure nostalgia!
"Hey wait. Let's run from the fight on the roof." suggested Raph.
"Great suggestion, big bro!" confirmed Donnie and looked forward to the scene with Leo
He activated the largest display that appeared in midair, almost as big as the projection screen behind him. The display positioned itself in front of the screen, and Donnie joined the others and turned around.
"The image will show a composite of the three cameras created by the AI." he explained.
He started the recordings and the rooftops appeared. 
"8 seconds. Get ready."
"Mikey and I will start!"
"Holy shit!" exclaimed April as the black figure whipped Mikey's Nunchaku through the air.
"What the...?!"
"SO Sorry, Raph!" whispered Mikey. Raph waved it off with a grin.
Now everyone involved looked spellbound, and Leo regretted his brilliant suggestion.
"Who do you think you a...!"
"Woah," Raph said quietly as she stood back to plastron with Leo, both holding his sword. It seemed almost intimate. Leo couldn't help blushing, which Donnie noticed with a frown.
"OOOOOOOFF LEO!" Mikey and April shouted, as Leo was thrown off his feet by the young woman, and Splinter flicked a popcorn at Leo's head. The blue one grimaced and facepalmed. He looked like an absolute beginner. That was SO embarrassing!
"Don't follow me any further. I'm not your enemy."
Raph, Mikey, April, and Splinter heard her voice for the first time and listened with mixed feelings.
"She gave you back your sword." the rat murmured.
The cameras now turned to Donnie, who was standing at the skyscraper, grabbing his Bo and then rushing inside.
"Yeah, like I said: When I'm not in action, an AI controls the recording of any nearby fights, and this could be VERY helpful." he said very smugly.
Leo looked annoyed.
Donnie now fast-forwarded. He was seen running through the shell of the building, triple speed, and making his last call to his brothers.
"Stop!" exclaimed Mikey as the puddled parking deck appeared. Donnie typed, and he got nervous again. He hovered his finger over his display to be able to stop at any moment.
Silence reigned in the group as the two figures silently made their way across the large pools of water. Then they saw Donnie hook around the concrete pillar and catch her with his outstretched Bo.
Raph whistled appreciatively. A few seconds passed as Donnie and the young woman just looked into each other's eyes. Donnie felt the flame inside and didn't notice Leo's hidden look to him.
"I will continue my way now. Don't follow me anymore there is no reason for it."
"You stole something. That's reason enough for me,"
"I took back something I desperately need. Let me go. I don't want to fight."
"Aha!" whispered April.
"I don't want to fight either, but I can't let you escape."
Everyone held their breath. Donnie included.
"I'm sorry"
The fight began. Donnie's chest tightened. He saw her conflict and hesitation clearly now. And his too... He felt Splinter's eyes rest on him.
Then, the final hit with the Bo. She stood her ground, grabbed it tightly. Their eyes met again. Everyone saw her tears well up. Donnie wished he'd fast-forwarded.
"WHAT THE FUCK!" exclaimed Leo. The others gasped. The Bo became sheer energy, which released after a few seconds, sending Donnie and the young woman hitting the ground hard. The camera image flickered for a moment and then focused again. When they saw the unconscious Donnie and her scramble back to her feet, everyone watched in suspense. The rumble began, and the building began to collapse.
They saw her aiming for the exit - her salvation - and turning instead, then running to her certain death! 
Donnie watched as she made her way towards him with incredible speed. The cameras now flew close to both of them. The ceiling came down. She slid up to the turtle on her knees. The way she protectively bent over him touched everyone deep. Then her bloodcurdling scream, as she lifted his Bo and everything went black.
Donnie was frozen, his finger still hovering over the stop icon on his gauntlet display.
Everyone turned to him and he felt naked. Then the display lit up in softly purple light and the dome appeared with Donnie and her in the middle, still leaning over him protectively. The purple one broke out of his rigidity and stopped the picture.
There was silence in the room. 
Donnie went to one of the couches, sat down, took a deep breath and placed his forehead in his palms, elbows on the knees. The others couldn't tell what was going on inside him.
They looked at each other. Nobody knew what to say. 
"Look" April said suddenly "Donnie's Bo in the picture! He shines differently!"
April wasn't a good journalist for nothing - she had a good observation.
Heads turned back to the large floating display, which still held the stopped image. Barely visible, but if pointed out, they were undoubtedly recognizable. White, curved lines twined around Donnie's staff.
Suddenly there was movement in the group.
"When we stood on top of the skyscraper and the blast wave went up into the sky, white lines were also visible." recalled Raph.
"So she can use our weapons?" Mikey asked, remembering how she had thrown his Nunchaku further.
"Or is she able to get more energy out of our mystic powers and the white lines are a sign of that?" thought Leo.
They said nothing because they didn't know the answer. Both theories put the young woman in a completely different light. Donnie was unusually silent as he looked down at the floor.
"Donnie, what happened next? Did you notice anything unusual?" asked April.
Donnie sighed. Exactly such a question he had feared! He had to tell them. Somehow. But how?!
He looked up and at the screen. Suddenly he had to grin when he remembered their conversation, and he had asked her how she built the dome. "Intuitively" had been her simple and thoughtful reply, and he felt that was the understatement of the century.
His family saw the change in his face and were a little confused. Is he going crazy now...? So crazier than before?
"Well, why are you grinning like that?" teased Leo.
Donnie shook his head and, still smiling, replied, "Because EVERYTHING was unusual!"
"Then keep playing the recordings....?"
"I'm afraid the unusual won't be visible in the footage I can show you - and where it's visible I can't show you."
Mikey's eyes seemed to dart in two different directions as he picked the sentence apart in his head to make it out.
"Oh boy, come on!" exclaimed Leo annoyed, "What's that supposed to mean? What's with the secrecy? What's up with you and your mysterious girlfriend?"
Anger boiled up in Donnie, "Leo, she is NOT..." he was about to reply sharply, but was suddenly interrupted by Raph.
"Yeah, Leo, while we're at it. Tell us what you're not telling us."
Leo looked at his older brother in amazement and repeated his words in disbelief as if he had misheard, "What I'm not telling you..."
Then it dawned on him, and he knew what Raph meant. That strange feeling in his chest... and he gulped.
"That... is nothing worth mentioning!!" he tried to avoid.
Donnie looked bewildered at Leo.
"It IS worth mentioning, Leo. And you know that. We all know that." Raph was in his big brother element, "We all felt something - remember? When we first saw her jumping over the rooftops as a black shadow...?"
And they remembered. That hunch. That inexplicable feeling that got hold of them as they gave chase.
"What...?" said April and looked around questioningly
"It was... like some kind of intuitive prompting." Raph tried to describe it.
"A shudder..." Mikey said remembering.
"When we gained eye contact - strange twitching here..." Leo admitted, pointing to his chest, and Raph looked at him and nodded. He had known there was something up, and was grateful that Leo was honest now. 
Donnie was still staring at Leo. His face was amazed and angry at the same time. A fear has welled up in him - a deep worry that whispered to him that what he had experienced with her tonight might only have been special for HIM - and not for her.
"Donnie...?" said April, noticing his look but unable to interpret it. "What happened down there? How could she use your Bo? Don't tell me you don't have a theory about that...."
Again, Donnie was overwhelmed with all the emotions that were pouring down on him. His feelings were usually well organized, and he could place them at any time. Like a large filing cabinet with many clearly labeled files. But now it was different. Everything was torn apart and lying scattered on his mental floor. Oh boy, how will he ever get this mess sorted...? Suddenly, he realized that everyone was looking at him expectantly.
"Listen folks," he began, and he looked at the floor, his elbows on his knees again and cupping his fingers to his forehead to hide his face, "I know it sounds completely illogical, and I can't explain it scientifically. But there were moments when it felt like... as if we were connected." The turtle said the last words very quiet. He exhaled deeply and it was out. He'd been afraid saying it out loud would sound silly, but now...
Silence fell. Everyone looked touched at the science-obsessed turtle, knowing that this was a rare admission.
"Connected as WE are connected?" they suddenly heard Mikey say, and everybody turned to him. He sat there cross-legged, looking unusually wise and calm.
"How do you mean that...?" asked Raph, although he was already getting a hunch.
"Well, for example, remember how you and Donnie helped me open the portal to the prison dimension to get Leo out of there? There was a moment when I was about to fall apart - but you somehow prevented that, and so the portal could open..."
Donnie's jaw dropped in slow motion. Why hadn't HE seen the parallel? He could slap himself!
"Michelangelo, you are a genius!" he whispered, and Mikey blushed and laughed sheepishly. Now he looked just like her little brother again.
"Then those white lines are..." Leo said, unsure of whether to continue the thought
"Her mystic power?" breathed Raph and everyone sat there with their eyes wide open, trying to digest this information somehow. They still had no idea what all this could mean and what the consequences would be. No one noticed Splinter's deep frown.
April picked up the conversation again, and she cleared her throat.
"When we were in the hospital, and we were changing her clothes, I noticed two things. First: she has two very different tattoos. One is almost invisible. White symmetrical lines down her back, over her shoulders to her upper arms. The second tattoo looked like a clan tattoo... like that of our Hamato clan"
"A clan tattoo...?" said Splinter, and his frown deepened, "can you draw it?"
"Yes, sure." April replied, and Splinter hurriedly got up to get pen and paper. Clan tattoos are often very similar, and therefore a drawing was much more precise.
"And second...?" asked Raph
"She was..." April was uncomfortable, but it seemed important to tell. Any piece of information could be significant, "she had a lot of scars. She must have been hurt a lot. Sometimes very difficult." she said quietly.
They looked at April in dismay. Donnie had a lump in his throat. Splinter came back with pen and paper and the young journalist quickly drew a sketch. Black circle, two lines through the middle. One horizontal, one vertical.
Splinter inhaled sharply when he saw it and addressed everyone with urgent words
"She needs to leave this place. Now."
Here is the link to the story on wattpad. And this is the link to AO3 I will always update there first
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theashemarie · 1 year
When I saw you mention updating Very Thoughtful I almost went feral what the heck that fic means everything to me!! what is donnie up to this time
omg haha thank you! I'm excited to get back to it!
Donnie is leaving the lair this time wrow. Here's a little sneakity peek since I'm actually decently far into this chapter already.
Donnie was thirteen when he went up to the surface alone for the first time.
Alone for the first time was a bit a misnomer. He was with Leo, for one, but it wasn’t often that either one of them did anything alone, so Donnie was counting this as the first time. No Raph, no Splinter, no Mikey—just Donnie and Leo, a set of two impulsive, stubborn, flashy barely-pubescent mutants, crouching together on the top of the ladder, peering over the edge of the manhole with their hands gripping the sidewalk.
“I can’t believe you got me into this,” Donnie grumbled as they waited for an opening to dart across the street. The bodega there was their best bet for a hit and run—though both Raph and Splinter had forced money into their hands before they left, the former with an impatience borne from having to listen to Mikey bellyache about his gourmet popcorn stash, and the latter with a worry that wasn’t exactly unusual but was getting rarer as they aged. It was past midnight though, a fact that usually soothed Splinter’s nerves, and the streets weren’t exactly deserted, but they could cross and slip inside without anyone seeing, especially if they kept their hoods up.
“Shut up. It’s clear. Let’s go.” Leo yanked Donnie’s hood down over his eyes as he clambered out of the manhole, stealing across the street with barely a glance back. The walk signal was decidedly red, but traffic was clear for just long enough for Donnie to slump his way across, head bowed. The last three months had seen him undergo a growth spurt that left him gangly and uncomfortable in his body, and this hoodie was new enough that Donnie had only just used Raph’s seam ripper to free the jacket from the most evil of tags known to mankind. He still didn’t recognize his own shadow sometimes, but Leo had sprung up right alongside him, so at least he still had the same shoulder at the same height to lean on when things got too weird.
Not that that mattered if Leo abandoned him.
The bodega was situated on the corner, with a colorful awning and enough signs in the windows to give him a headache. They advertised everything from lottery tickets, an ATM, cigarettes, coffee, candy, cold beer and soda, to phone cards and cheap photocopying, and even had a small, coin-operated, electronic horse for small children in front. Donnie shoved his hands into his pockets as he approached and grumbled his way inside as Leo held the door open for him, gesturing for Donnie to pick it up.
“You get popcorn,” Leo ordered, splitting toward the candy section, and Donnie did as he was bid, keeping his eyes on the floor to avoid the bright lights. A radio at the counter buzzed uncomfortably against his skull, the whole place smelled vaguely of cigarette smoke and coffee, with a tinge of floral undertones from the fridge stuffed with wilting bouquets, and he counted the tiles as he walked, trying to focus to keep himself on task. He glanced up just enough to locate the popcorn, grabbed about ten bags of the most expensive stuff he could see as an apology to his snobbish little brother, and sagged back toward Leo, counting backwards to find his way back to the front.
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purplesugarbabe · 3 years
Everyone seems really excited with the artwork of the 2023 tmnt movie and the fact that Leo wears braces. I think he looks adorable so I decided to make a little story about it! Please enjoy! ✨
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I don't know how the story will evolve in the movie so I made up this little one-shot!
You and April are 17-18 in this story!
The reader's pronouns are they/them!
"Out of the blue"
As April's best friend you are used to all crazy things. Rivalries, swored enemies, ninjas and alien species trying to take over the world. You don't complain though, you enjoy the fact that your life has never been boring, not even for a minute. You have learned to appreciate every little thing and especially those that happen out of the blue.
April called to let you know she wouldn't make it today because she needed Donnie's help with a silly assignment. That meant you had to stay home on a Friday night wasting your time watching soap operas. You smile to yourself, April had lied to you. She never studies on Friday. No teenager does. That means she just wants to spend time with Donnie. She never hid that though, she gets thrilled whenever the purple masked turtle introduces her to something new.
"Lucky girl" you whisper to yourself as you sit on the couch holding a big bowl full of popcorn. Before you can take the remote in your hands, you hear a slight tap on your window. You raise an eyebrow in curiosity. You are kinda surprised when you see Leonardo waving at you with a small smile. You open the window and he climbs in.
"Hey, y/n" he says shyly. Your heart skips a bit every time you hear his voice. "Hey, Leo. How come you visited?" you are actually curious to know, he barely ever visits you.
"April told me you wanted company because she was busy with her homework. I hope you don't mind." He smiles allowing to see his little blue braces. Leo actually feels a bit uncomfortable smiling because of that. He isn't used to it yet and he thinks you might not like his braces. The truth is you might have the tiniest crush on him and when I say tiniest I mean huge. You are literally in love with him. "Of course not! Come on in!" You say as you hop on the couch waiting for him to join you.
You two have a great time together. Leo tells you about the adventures he has been with his brothers, all the times he has sneaked outside without Splinter knowing and the arguments he has had with Raph. On the other hand you talk to him about your dreams, the teachers that are more than annoying and how much you want to see the world. Leo grins at that, he wants it as much as you do.
"I think it's getting pretty late, it's probably time for me to get back." He frowns lightly, he would love to stay. "Thank you for tonight. I had so much fun." You smile softly at him. Leo can feel his cheeks burn. "Would you like to do it again sometime?" He asks while scratching the back of his neck. "You mean like a date?" Your question gets him off guard, you didn't even expect yourself to ask such a silly thing. "Y-Yeah, like a date." He finally replies with a smile. You smile back at him before leaning forward and giving him a small peck on the lips. "I would love that."
After a while Leo finally makes it back to the lair with a huge grin on his face. "What's up?" Raph asks. "I just had my first kiss." Leo replies before entering his room. "I told you it would happen, didn't I?" April whispers to Donnie before winking at him.
I hope you liked it! 💙✨
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turtlethon · 2 years
“My Brother the Bad Guy”
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Season 5, Episode 4 First US Airdate: September 14, 1991
Shredder’s brother teams up with the Turtles to try and prevent the Technodrome to returning from Dimension X.
Season five of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles begins its proper Saturday morning run with “My Brother the Bad Guy”. Dennis O’Flaherty is credited as writer here, returning following his debut on the show last year with “Beyond the Donatello Nebula”.
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Donatello reveals his latest invention to the other Turtles, “a state-of-the-art snack machine” that can generate any desired food on demand. After it begins firing off peanut butter and broccoli popcorn, Donnie defends his creation, pointing out that such an odd combination “is a change!” Splinter steps in to remind the Turtles that not every change is for the better. Great insight there, sometimes things get worse. Who knew?
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The Turtles head to the living room, and are dismayed to find Vernon presenting Channel 6’s news report instead of April. He updates viewers on a break-in that occurred at the site of the university’s new fusion reactor. Moments later, April contacts our heroes via Turtlecom and introduces them to Mr. Riley, a security guard who saw the culprit: “He was a big brute, covered with spikes, he was, wearin’ a cape. And his face was covered with a metal mask.” April points out that Shredder wasn’t able to get past the main security barrier, but will likely try again.
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In Tokyo, at the Ninja Hall of Fame – where all the signage is helpfully in English – Shredder teleports in, complaining loudly about not being represented by any of the exhibits. He smashes a glass cabinet containing a diary owned by the Kojima brothers, a trio of legendary ninja warriors.
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After Shredder escapes through another portal, two police officers rush into the museum. They’re accompanied by Lieutenant Saki, who tears into both men as one of them has a loose button on their uniform. Saki goes on to examine the glass cabinet and uses a handheld gadget to identify the fingerprint of “master criminal Oroku Saki, also known as... Shredder!” Lieutenant Saki vows to bring his older sibling to justice.
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Several evenings pass with the Turtles sneaking into the reactor site to guard the location from Shredder. On the third night, they instead find themselves face to face with Lieutenant Saki, who refers to them as “ninja hoodlums wearing Turtle costumes”. (How could he know about his brother’s criminal exploits and not know about the Turtles?)
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In an ungainly bit of animation, Lieutenant Saki disarms Donatello and hurls him across the room. He charges the Turtles with “breaking and entering, assaulting a police officer and... impersonating large aquatic reptiles!” When Leonardo picks up on Saki having the same last name as Shredder, he denies having any familial connection to the notorious supervillain, insisting that this is just a coincidence. After the Turtles receive a message from April via Turtlecom revealing that Acme Electronics was just robbed by someone matching Shredder’s description, Lieutenant Saki agrees to team up with the Turtles to track down their mutual enemy.
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The Lieutenant accompanies the Turtles in their van, barking instructions to them and pointing out all of the minor violations being carried out by the team, such as their license sticker being on the wrong side. When the Turtles spot Shredder across the street running into a van with stolen goods, his brother refuses to let them pursue him, as a traffic light has turned red.
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Shredder’s penchant for operating out of abandoned warehouses seemed to fade away through season four, but is back in effect now, as he demonstrates the results of his robberies to Bebop and Rocksteady. The equipment that he’s stolen has allowed for the creation of holograms of the Kojima Brothers, “warriors of the dread [sic] Kurakuasu Ninja Clan”. Far from being mere projections, Shredder goes on to add that these are “solid holograms”, programmed with the fighting moves of three of the greatest ninjas of all time. (This is one of those times where I wish the Hero Turtles versions of these episodes were still in circulation, as the word “ninja” is uttered so many times here that the edited version of this adventure must have been borderline incomprehensible.)
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Krang calls in to demand an update, as the Technodrome is due to return to Earth tonight. In a demonstration of his confidence in the Scheme of the Day, Shredder arranges for a test of his holograms by asking for his dummies. Poor Bebop and Rocksteady are confused by this, pointing out that they’re already present, but it eventually becomes clear that Shreds is referring to a group of mannequins resembling the Turtles. The Kojima Brother holograms attack and destroy the four dummies: in a possible nod to the original Mirage Comics incarnation of our heroes, all of them sport red bandanas and pads.
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Act two begins with Shredder providing Rocksteady with a projector device containing the holograms, which bears a startling resemblance to the Kenner Real Ghostbusters Ghost Zapper toy. The Boys are ordered to place the device in the sewers to draw the attention of the Turtles.
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In a shocking lapse of security, the Turtles allow the incredible narc that is Lieutenant Saki, a man who could easily turn all of them into the local authorities, into the Lair. Splinter is also present, and for a guy who constantly plays up his heightened senses and intuition, he doesn’t pick up on the fact that this is the brother of the guy he’s been in a blood feud with for years. In a surprising move, the Sensei of the Turtles does point out that Shredder’s previous attempt to use holograms involved a plot to kidnap the President, a nod to fan favourite episode “Cowabunga Shredhead” from two years prior.
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Lieutenant Saki suggests to Splinter and the Turtles that the thefts of the diaries and electronics equipment aren’t the real issue, and pale in comparison to Shredder’s attempts to get access to the fusion reactor. After Splinter quips that “the more numerous the strands, the stronger the rope” in reference to the alliance between the Lieutenant and the Turtles, Leonardo responds that it’ll be “the better to hang Shredder”. I haven’t heard Leo be this forthright about his desire to kill Shreds since season one. Even Splinter looks taken aback.
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Rocksteady and Bebop show a surprising amount of strategic insight as they wedge the projector into a sewer wall on the way to Vinnie’s Pizza. It doesn’t take long for the Turtles, who are travelling through the sewers with the Lieutenant, to encounter the holographic ninjas generated by the device. Our heroes head into battle against the Kojima Brothers while the younger Saki leaves to confront his brother.
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Shredder returns to the site of the fusion reactor, accompanied by his mutant henchmen. He has Rocksteady tamper with a fuse box, after which the rhino manages to trip over himself and stumble down a flight of stairs from a completely static position. In a way it’s actually kind of impressive. Back in the sewers, the Turtles continue to fight the three ninjas, one of whom has Skeletor-style “Terror Claws” that allow him to demolish a brick wall with a single swipe. In the Lair, Splinter uses that intuition of his to sense that the Turtles are in danger, and rushes off to help them.
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Shredder stands in a control room with an absurdly huge cartoon magnet and checks in with Krang again. Their scheme will involve using the reactor to create a magnetic pulse that’ll pass through a portal, pulling the Technodrome out of the lava bed it’s currently wedged in. Before Shredder can fully execute this plan, he’s confronted by Lieutenant Saki. Shreds can’t contain his laughter at being placed under arrest by his baby brother – whose first name is revealed during this altercation as Kazuo – and briefly pretends that he’s about to go along peacefully before using the Lieutenant’s own handcuffs to restrain him.
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Splinter tracks down the Turtles and directly confronts the Kojima Brothers, noting that they should be long dead and that he doesn’t believe in ghosts. Uh, he directly interacted with the spirit of Shibano-sama, the ancient founder of the Foot Clan, in the clip show episode “Blast from the Past”. Kinda weird that this story referenced a season three episode earlier, but completely glosses over another one that incontrovertibly confirmed ghosts definitely exist in the TMNT 1987 universe. Anyway, the brothers respond that it isn’t necessary for Splinter to believe they exist – they can finish him off anyway. The trio launch into an attack on the mutant rat as the second act reaches its conclusion.
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The final portion of the episode begins with Donatello spotting the projector and destroying it with his bo, causing the Kojima Brothers to disintegrate. Splinter urges the Turtles to hurry and confront Shredder.
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Krang alerts Shredder to the fact that his plan isn’t working, and in fact the Technodrome is now becoming even further wedged into the hardened lava. Shreds responds by having the fortress roll back and forth to loosen the lava’s grip. Elsewhere in the facility, Bebop and Rocksteady hold off a group of police officers outside by engaging in a laser shoot-out. The Turtles sneak in and interrupt this, with Donatello deploying a bucket of water on a wheeled trolley that somehow knocks the boys down a flight of stairs.
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Krang commands that Shredder crank the reactor up to full power, and the Technodrome finally begins to rise out of the lava. The villains are confronted by the Turtles, who are shocked when Shredder reveals that the Lieutenant is his younger brother. Shreds is about to open fire upon the team with a blaster until a well-placed kick knocks the weapon across the room. Meanwhile the green teens fight Rocksteady and Bebop, with a stray energy blast shattering the chains of Kazuo’s handcuffs. The Sakis battle once more, with Shredder getting hurled back through the portal to the Technodrome. Bebop and Rocksteady quickly follow him back to headquarters.
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Through a viewscreen, Krang and Shredder taunt the Turtles, pointing out that it’s now too late to stop them: the Technodrome is hurtling through space, and will soon arrive on Earth. Donatello quickly works to devise a counter-attack, re-aligning the magnet’s polarity to alter the path of the fortress. Instead of landing in New York, the Technodrome crashes in the frozen arctic. Rocksteady is gleeful at the prospect of a snow day and not having to go to school tomorrow; when Bebop points out neither of them have been to school for fifteen years, the rhino explains that he knows, but still enjoys pointing it out. Meanwhile the deflated Shredder and Krang both demand someone bring them hot water bottles.
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Back in the Lair, Kazuo outlines to the Turtles his hopes that Shredder will be reformed by the time he escapes from the polar ice cap. Splinter responds that a leopard doesn’t change his spots so easily, before presenting a sushi meal. Michaelangelo declines, declaring that he’s a leopard who’s spots also haven’t changed, and that he “growls... for pizza!” Everyone has a good 1980s sitcom-style chortle, except for Mikey, who suddenly appears to be having some kind of severe digestive pain.
I’m a sucker for any story that expands upon the lore of the series, and this is probably the most world building we’ve had in the show for a while. While episodes not written by David Wise or Michael Reaves sometimes feel as if they exist within some sort of secondary tier of canonicity, where not much tends to happen of any real consequence in the greater scheme of things, that obviously isn’t the case here. Not only do we get that little nod to prior events in “Cowabunga Shredhead”, the ending is enough in itself to make this a historically significant episode in the greater scope of TMNT’s run. (As mentioned in the “Planet of the Turtleoids” entries, that special being moved up to the start of this season and airing two weeks before “My Brother the Bad Guy” must have watered down the shock value of the Technodrome’s relocation, sadly.)
The explorations of Shredder’s family tree began with the Francis Moss / Ted Pedersen collaboration “Shredder’s Mom” last season, and continue here. While that episode suggested that Shredder’s evil nature was an inherited trait, in theory at least the viewers are supposed to accept Kazuo as a good guy. In execution, however, he comes across as an insufferable, uptight blow-hard. His insistence on adhering to the rules actually hampers the Turtles in making any progress, and when he finally confronts his brother at the climax of this episode it’s clear how much more charismatic and likable Shredder is. If this was the genuinely threatening season one version of the character things would be different, but it’s hard to root against Shreds at this point in the show’s run when he’s an entirely ineffectual goofball who’s provided us with so much entertainment through the years.
With season five and the next phase of the Turtles/Foot storyline now underway, we settle back into a groove of Saturday morning double bills for the rest of 1991. While “My Brother the Bad Guy” manages to expand upon the backstory of the Shredder, the next episode - “Michelangelo Meets Mondo Gecko” - will try to do the same for the Turtles.
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White Light - a 2012 Mutant Apocalypse fic
The day had started out as any other.
The morning was spent in their lair. Leonardo had led his brothers—his team—in meditation in his father’s dojo, before they had all drifted their separate ways.
Don had mentioned that he and Renet had been talking recently about making a portal device on a small scale, so he had wandered off to his lab, Mikey in tow to observe. Raph had stayed and sparred with Leo for an hour, before leaving to meet up with the Mighty Mutanimals for daily patrol. April and Casey had been with Karai and Shinigami in Jersey for the past week, hunting down a rival clan and shutting their operation down. Which meant that Leo had the next few hours to himself before night patrol began.
One thing he wasn’t yet completely used to however, was the lack of a twin blade. He had always been adequately skilled to fight with one sword when the situation called for it, but his strength had always rested with the use of both. Recent events had driven him to focus on the one sword, however, and he had been spending the past month dedicated to strengthening his skills with the sole katana.
The next hour was dedicated to this, but he froze once his gaze latched onto the shrine on the wall. The silence became loud, and he dropped his stance and stepped up to it, picking up the item that had caught his eye.
They had left Master Splinter’s shrine untouched, save one element. They had added a framed photo of the five of them together, taken only months before their father had died.
Leo smiled at the picture. Sometimes he wondered what his sensei would think of them now, if he could see them. Though it had taken a couple years before he had finally accepted the idea, he liked to think Splinter would be proud.
Soon the afternoon came and they ate their dinner, watching a new episode of a cartoon around the television. Mikey’s eyes were glued to the screen, the thought of them watching anything new for once still bewildering to him despite them having had cable for a month now. Leo was still a fan of the classics—nothing would ever beat Space Heroes—and he was reluctant to admit this to Mikey, but he was hardly a teenager anymore and cartoons weren’t as enticing to him as they had once been.
That was alright. He was there for the company anyway.
“Mike, you did a good job with the noodles,” he said during a commercial break.
“Thamks,” he responded through a mouthful, causing Raph to nudge him in the arm in disgust. “That recipe book Raph found has really opened my eyes to the possibilities of the culinary arts,” he added brightly and dramatically.
“Whatever it takes for us to have the least likely chance of getting food poisoning,” Raph deflected with a smirk. He gestured to his empty bowl. “This definitely passes, by the way.”
“With flying colors,” Donnie added.
“Tomorrow I’m thinking of trying out a recipe I found where you can make your own ice cream,” Mikey continued. The others glanced at him. “I’m thinking: Pizza Cream!” he announced, hands spread in front of him like he had just announced the latest blockbuster film title. He was met with groans, and Leo even chucked a piece of popcorn at him for that. He made a mental note to leave no room for dessert tomorrow.
Leo was washing the dishes when his T-phone chirped. He looked at the screen. It was time for patrol.
They raced to the rooftops (Mikey would’ve won but Raph took an illegal shortcut) and looked down at the city below. Don had his police scanner open, and they listened to the quiet chatter as they sat on the roof. Mikey practiced front flips between buildings while Raph did pull ups on the water tower. Leo’s eyes scanned the streets before them, his feet dangling over the side of the roof and his bandana flapping in the summer wind.
They heard the crash of a dumpster to their left, and squinting, Leo saw some Purple Dragons “discreetly” exit from an alleyway.
His brothers were next to him in an instant, following his eyesight. “If it isn’t our old pals,” Raph crowed.
Another quick sweep and Leo confirmed that this street was empty save for the Dragons, and he gestured downwards before hopping from the roof.
Judging from the wide gazes from the Purple Dragons, they had spotted the four ninja. As soon as the turtles had stood from their crouches, the Purple Dragons started bolting. Mikey quickly caught one by the arm with the chain of his nunchaku, while Raph had decked another.
Leo and Donnie caught up soon as well, Donnie sweeping one off his feet with a swipe of his bō while Leo pinned one against himself, twisting the Dragon’s arm up between his shoulder blades. “Come on, guys. We’ve been doing this dance for years,” Leo started his lecture in the weak hope that it would finally get through to the gang, until something drew his eye.
There was suddenly a silver mass in the sky, blocking everything above the buildings. He distantly registered the feeling of an elbow pressing sharply against his plastron, and Leo released his grip, deciding that his team just got a much bigger priority.
His brothers followed suit, releasing their charges who escaped into the night while sending terrified glances up at the sky behind them.
“What the heck is that?!” Raph exclaimed, his tone dark.
“It looks like the Technodrome!” Mike exclaimed, his nunchaku lowering absently as his eyes grew big. “I thought the Kraang were gone!” His voice pitched up slightly at the end, despite his attempts to keep his cool.
“I don’t think that’s the Technodrome...” Donnie muttered, his voice hollow.
Leo snapped his attention to his brother. “Then what is it? Donnie?!”
“I’m—I’m thinking,” he responded, blinking rapidly. His eyebrow ridges creased together. A few seconds passed as the giant...orb in the sky continued to grow closer. There was no attack coming from the streets; whatever this was, whoever sent it, the sole attack was coming from the sky.
Donnie’s observations were taking too long. Leo took off, heading for the nearest building. He heard stamps from behind him, reassuring him that his team was on his tail. He gripped the rungs on the fire escape and climbed. He reached the top and looked up. Now that they were closer, he could clearly see windows of light throughout the surface of the orb.
The silence in the air was stifling. A Kraang attack usually was accompanied by robotic chatter and blaster fire. “Donnie?” he asked again, not taking note of how tense his voice had become.
“I don’t think those lights are lights,” came the answer, his voice hitched. “They look like windows, into—“
“Mutagen,” Mikey finished, voice flat.
“Mutagen?” Raph repeated, bewildered.
“I think it’s a bomb...” Donnie added quickly. The other three turned to him gravely.
“A bomb means there’s a clock ticking,” Raph pointed out. Leo’s mind was already racing. This was a mutagen bomb, sent by who knows who to mutate everyone in the city. It was descending quickly, and judging by the way the lights grew brighter he figured that clock didn’t have much time left.
Still, he had to ask. His hand found Donnie’s shoulder and he looked him in the eye. “How much time?”
Donnie’s eyes widened as they locked onto Leo’s, before breaking eye contact and looking up. “I don’t think there’s any left.”
Leo looked over Donnie’s shoulder at Raph, whose own gaze tore from the bomb and met Leo’s. His expression was set, despite the bad news from Don.
“What’s the plan, Leo?” Long gone were the days when Raph added a sarcastic moniker to a question like that. Leo brushed that thought aside.
Leo’s mind clouded over as a neon light overtook his visage, consuming everything in a sick unnatural green glow. An omen of what was to come. There was nothing they could do to stop it.
And they were far too close.
A small voice came from his side, confused by his silence. “Leo?” He turned his head just barely, seeing Mikey’s bright eyes wide in apprehension.
He grit his teeth just as his senses came back enough to realize that hot tears were streaming down his face. There was no more hope for humanity; his thoughts were solely of his brothers. It was too late to think, to formulate a plan. All he could do was what he had done so many times before.
He glowered up at the ship. The last time he had done this, he remembered distantly, he had been victim to Raph’s horrified anger.
Time was up.
He spun sharply on his heel and planted his foot firmly behind him. He pushed off the ground and shoved his brothers with as much desperate force as he could muster. They flew from the roof easily from his push, his saving grace being the element of sheer surprise. A sharp gasp came from Donatello, while Michelangelo and Raphael both let out screeches. They fell from his sight and Leo let out a cry as the light behind him grew more intense.
He prayed that they would survive to be angry at him this time.
His tears blurred into white light.
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chiliiscereal · 3 years
Chosen last: part two
Rottmnt x reader
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Summary: reader worries that their new friends are becoming exactly like their old ones, unaware that they’re ditching them to prepare a surprise
Platonic, of course!
Part one: https://chiliiscereal.tumblr.com/post/650808822043115520/chosen-last
“I’m SOOOoO gonna beat you, Mikey!” You gloated, smashing your fingers over the remote buttons and narrowing your eyes at the tv.
“Ha! In your dreams, baby!” He responded gleefully. He leaned forward and concentrated harder than you’d ever seen him.
It was your annual video game competition. Once a month you and the turtles (and April of course) have one day dedicated to seeing who was the video game champ.
Mikey won last month, Donnie won the month before, Leo won the three months before that, and Raph came close but April defeated him.
You were absolutely determined to win this month.
Surprisingly, Leo was on the couch behind you and rooting for you.
“Go y/n! You got this!” He shouted when your video game car passed Mikeys. He even jumped out of his seat, nearly spilling the popcorn.
“Why are you rooting for y/n??” Mikey accused lividly. “I’m your brother!!”
“Y/n hasn’t won a single competition! Besides, you won last month!” Leo smirked, sitting back down. “It’s hilarious to see you this worked up.”
“Oh you and Dr. Delicate touch are gonna have a looooong talk later.” You snorted.
“Hell yeah he is!” Mikey growled.
Before you could say anything else, Raph entered the room.
“Hey, guys, sorry to cut things short but... Dad needs us to clean!” He blurted out quickly. “Sorry y/n but you should probably go.”
You waved him off, shutting the tv off. “Oh, I can stay and help!”
“No! I mean, it’ll just be boring trust me.” He intervened and took the remote from you hurriedly. He even grabbed your arm and pulled you off the floor. “You don’t want to help clean! It’s fine!”
“Hold on, we have to clean?” Leo groaned. “We cleaned last month!”
“Yeah, why aren’t we fighting Splinter on this?” Mikey stood in Raphs way when he tried to push you out of the room.
You wriggled out of the red masked turtles grasp. “Come on! Don’t you want someone to help you debate this with Splinter!”
You were on the rats good side ever since you bought him the exclusive Lou Jitsu movie box. All the turtles knew this.
Why didn’t they want you on their side?
A small part of you whispered past insecurities but you brushed it away.
Raph sighed, clearly nervous. “Guys we gotta do... the thing. We gotta clean the thing!” He looked at them as if searching for help.
“What thing?” Leo narrowed his eyes.
“The THING. You know?” Raph cleared his throat. “You don’t want to know, y/n. It’s super gross.”
You placed your hands on your hips, suspicious.
“You know... the thing April mentioned a while ago?” Raph tried again, making some loose gestures that you couldn’t really understand.
Somehow, though, Mikey and Leo caught on.
“Ohhhh, the thing!” Mikey exclaimed and immediately began clearing away the snack mess that had been left from the video games.
Leo joined him. “Yeah! Dude, you don’t wanna be here to clean the thing.” He shoveled as much garbage in his arms as he could. “You can just head for the door and come back later! You know, when we don’t have to clean?”
Hesitantly, you grabbed your bag. “Okay..?”
What was this thing they had to clean?
Did they really think it would gross you out?
And why did it take them so long to catch on?
Whatever. It was probably more shenanigans. It didn’t mean anything.
“Alright then,” you stepped away from them slowly, “I’ll just head out.”
The turtles stood in their spots stiffly and waved goodbye.
You rounded the corner to walk over to the ladder, unsure of what to think.
They didn’t normally act like this...
But maybe Splinter just really wanted them to clean?
But why weren’t you allowed to know what the Thing was?
And April apparently already knew about it...
Maybe it was just that you were still relatively new to the friend group.
Yeah, that made sense.
Before you could touch the ladder you heard voices.
Two voices.
Coming from Donnie’s lab.
Well, might as well go say goodbye to Donnie right?
You shouldered you’re bag and headed over, standing in the doorway and knocking on the wall so he’d know you were there.
He and April were both sitting together looking at a computer.
You didn’t even know April was there! Well, she might get kicked out for cleaning day to. Maybe you could both do something together!
The duo looked up, panicked, and Donnie quickly shut the computer off. “Ah! Y/n! I didn’t know you were here!”
You frowned, a little hurt. “Today was the video game competition? I was here just like the last... five months?”
April gave you a too wide grin and shut the laptop. “Well! What... uh... what brings you to the lab?”
You shifted uncomfortably. “Raph and the others kicked me out cause they need to clean a Thing? They said it was really gross, and I came in to say bye to Donnie and maybe see if you wanted to go get ice cream or something?”
April turned to Donnie, wide eyed. “Well... I... I can’t exactly... I have a...”
“She has to help clean the Thing as well!” Donnie filled in for her.
Now you were really confused. “But... Raph said it was too gross for anyone other than family.”
“It’s fine!” April waved you off. “But let’s get ice cream later! Okay?”
You gave them a small wave and turned around. “Yeah... okay.”
That Saturday you found yourself walking down the street with one of your old friends.
She wanted to get frozen yogurt and had a coupon for a “buy one get one free”.
Normally you’d have said no. But the turtles AND April denied you every time you asked if you could hang out!
So you said yes.
Just like old times.
“I’m SO sure Jake likes me.” She grinned to herself as she typed away on her phone. “Hope you don’t mind but he’s gonna be at the frozen yogurt shop with us!”
“Oh.” You mumbled. “I thought it’d just be you and me.”
“It’s fine!” She waved you off. “He’s nice! He’s not like the last guy... uh... what’s his name?”
“The guy who told me I was a prude or the guy who told me I looked better with makeup?” You couldn’t help but spit out bitterly.
“The first one.” She eyed you strangely. “And what’s with you today? You’re more pessimistic than usual.”
“That one was Brian. And I’m fine.”
She turned back to her phone, the two of you weaving through the new York crowd.
You’d rather be with the...
The turtles?
You stopped, hearing familiar voices coming from the alley.
“How could you forget!”
“You think I just meant to?!”
“Guys, shut up, it’s not a big deal, okay? There’s still time to figure this out.”
“Easy for you to say! You’re just gonna make up another lame excuse and leave!”
“I will not!”
“Can’t we just wait for April in peace?”
“No, because RAPH forgot about-!”
You cleared your throat and entered the alley.
The boys were huddled together, arguing. Quickly they jumped apart and tried their best to act normal.
“Heyyyyy, y/n!” Leo gave you awkward finger guns. “Didn’t expect to see you here!”
Mikey looked like he was trying to say something but couldn’t find the words.
You were suddenly less excited to see them. “Hey’ didn’t expect to see you guys either!” You bit the inside of your cheek nervously. “What’re you... what’re you doing here? I thought you were too busy to hang out?”
“We are!” Donnie nodded. “Very busy.”
“Yeah and dad grounded us from hanging out with people so-.” Raph added, only for his plan to fall through when April showed up from behind them.
“Guys! I got the-!” She stopped, spotting you. Whatever was in her hands she hid it purposely behind her back so you couldn’t see it. “Y/n!”
You fixed them with a small glare. “Too busy to hang out?”
You didn’t want to sound clingy or desperate, but now it just felt like they were going out of their way to avoid you.
“Well, you know, April doesn’t count! She’s practically family!” Raph chuckled.
That was enough for you to make a decision.
“Well, I’m kind of with a friend right now! I’ll... I’ll just talk to you guys later.”
You backed out of the alley, surprised to find yourself looking forward to meeting the new boy your friend was chasing instead of seeing whatever goofiness the turtles were up to.
You’d survived without them before.
Surely you could survive until whatever this was passed.
“Hey girl your birthday’s coming up!” Your friend mentioned at the lunch table the next day. “I’m Definetely taking you bowling! We’ll bring all the girls, maybe even Jake!”
You didn’t even like bowling.
You didn’t even like Jake!
He was just like all the other boys she’d dated.
But it was better than just sitting at home and waiting for the boys to explain their recent behavior.
“That sounds great.” You muttered, stirring your salad half heartedly. “Can’t wait.”
You went back to sitting with your old group since this whole thing started.
You didn’t have anyone else to sit with! April would disappear during her lunch hour and say she just was going out to get lunch, but she never did that! Ever!
A part of you believed that maybe they finally realized you weren’t worth being friends with.
Maybe you were always meant to be the hermit.
“You excited?” One of your friends asked. “I am! I’m gonna invite Jaxon to go with me and I’ll get dressed up-!”
You tuned them out immediately.
What was the point.
They were talking about it like it was their party.
Not yours.
Just like every other year.
Another day went by.
You found yourself with those same girls again.
They were planning the ‘bowling birthday party’ and coordinating rides. But, of course, there was no room for you to carpool with them.
“Hey, y/n!” April shouted across the lunch room.
You debated about ignoring her, and then debated about just getting it over with.
Ignoring her seemed easier.
“O’Neil, what do you want.” One of your friends asked almost boredly.
Crap, April was right behind you.
“I just wanted to talk to y/n!”
You didn’t bother turning around.
“I know you heard me. Why aren’t you sitting at our table?”
You clenched you’re fists under the table. “You haven’t been here, April. Besides I have other friends.” You finally turned to face her.
She narrowed her eyes.
But, not from anger.
“Well... I’m back now!” She grinned, placing her hand on your shoulder. “Also, Mikey wanted to know if you wanted to have ice cream with the guys later tonight?”
One of your friends burst out laughing before you could even answer. “This Mikey guy is real?”
Another one snorted. “Who’d have known?”
You tried to laugh it off.
You really did.
But that proved harder than you thought.
April placed her hands on her hips. “Excuse me? What do you mean by ‘who’d have known’?”
“You know what y/n’s like!” The friend beside you waved her off. “She hardly talks to anyone! He’d probably think she’s boring.” She turned to you. “Right?” She elbowed your side when you said nothing, as if she were joking with you.
You straitened your lips into a thin line and nodded. “Yeah... right.”
“So, when we go bowling for your birthday, do you think Jake will like my blue dress or my-?”
April slammed her hands on the table. “Hold on, you think this is all some game?”
Your friend shrugged. “We’re just playing with her! She knows it’s a joke!”
“Was it? Cause I couldn’t tell!” April huffed.
“April, drop it.” You mumbled. “It’s fine.”
“No, it’s not!” She nearly yelled. “You guys haven’t been a good friend to her at all! You forgot her birthday present last year and you make her walk everywhere-!”
You stood up from your seat. “I said stop, okay?”
Surprisingly, she did.
“It’s fine. Just leave it alone.” You walked over to the trash can and dumped in your long forgotten food.
She frowned. “Fine, if you don’t want me to do this, I won’t.” She walked next to you, casting a look over her shoulder at your table. “Even though I’m right.”
You said nothing.
What could you say?
“Hey, I... I gotta go talk to the guys.” April bit her lip and glanced at the door. “Can you possibly come to the lair? Tonight? Around... five?”
You set your tray back in the pile with all the other dirty ones. “Yeah, I can try.”
“Great thanks!”
April was out of there faster than you could say ‘hot soup’.
Wouldn’t you know it, five o’clock rolled around.
You didn’t want to go.
You really didn’t.
Well, you did, but you honestly thought this was going to be them ditching you.
All the signs were there.
Instead of over thinking you decided to just go. Don’t even think about it.
You arrived at the lair quietly, taking your time stepping down the ladder.
All the lights in the kitchen were off.
All the lights in their skating room was off.
By now, it just felt like this was one big joke. Did you misinterpret April? Did the guys even know you were down here? Ugh what if they were doing this just to laugh at you?
Finally, you got to their living room.
You clicked the light on.
You nearly jumped out of your skin when the four boys, one girl, and one rat dad jumped out.
Even a happy birthday banner?
Decorations with your favorite colors?
Your favorite movie ready and waiting to be played in the tv?
“Ha! Look! Y/n’s speechless!” Leo chortled.
“Happy early birthday, dear friend!” Donnie waved to showcase the room. “April told us your friends were having a bowling party on the actual day, and that you probably needed a little something fun, so here we are!”
“We got all your favorite things, facts checked by the master!” Raph patted April’s back.
“We even got your favorite video game from the store!” Mikey bounced over to the tv and picked up the disc case.
“We have cake, baked by me, and your favorite sodas!” Splinter gave you a toothy rat grin.
“And as for the gifts,” Raph chuckled guiltily, “you kind of caught us trying to get them at the store! April told us it was coming up but we forgot and had to rush to get things ready.”
You honestly didn’t know what to say...
You didn’t have any words!
No one had ever done this for you before.
No one.
Not even the friends that you’d known for years.
A small tear slipped out against your will as you brought your hands to cover your mouth.
“Hey, what’s the problem? You’re supposed to be happy!” Leo dropped his party hat and rushed over, brothers behind him.
You wrapped them up in the biggest hug you could give them. “Thank you so so so much! I... no one has ever done anything like this for me!”
The family gladly returned the gesture.
“Ah, so they’re happy tears. Excellent.” Donnie nodded to himself. “You are happy with this, right?”
You released them and stepped back. “Definitely happy tears.”
April draped her arm over your shoulder. “Well then, what are you waiting for! Let’s get started!!”
That night was probably one of the best nights of your life.
For once, you weren’t chosen last.
You weren’t the extra.
You weren’t the plus one.
You weren’t taken for granted.
Let me know if you have any ideas for a part three! Possibly one where the turtles find out about the readers friends? 😏
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novasintheroom · 4 years
Hey its ray-jaykub! I saw that you did requests and i was wondering if i could get head-cannons on the turtles and what they like to do with their respective s/os
OMG I love you!!! Okay I gotta calm down hooo
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·         Love love loves to carry you over rooftops and sit on high points to look over the city with you. This is one of his ways to calm down and think about things without his brothers’ around to stress him out, and having you there some nights, looking at the glitter of the lights – poetry for his heart
·         Speaking of poetry – you guys will have contests for who can make the worst poems. Just something to pass off to each other between visits, something you find in your bag or in his bed sheets. Cheesy, unrhythmic, stupid, whatever. You guys have cried laughing before b/c of this. However, every once in a while he’ll slap you with a real intimate and loving poem that just makes you melt.
·         You’ve started trying to sneak up on him. It doesn’t work. He still lets you do it, just so he can turn around and grab you at the last second. Sometimes he throws you on the nearest soft surface, sometimes he gives you a big kiss, sometimes he just starts carrying you around like a sack of potatoes – depends on his mood honestly. Your determination to spook him is cute.
·         Watching or listening to True Crime stuff becomes a quick couple’s hobby for you guys. Usually it’s playing in the background as you each do chores or work on some project, but you’ll each talk about the case throughout. You’ve hit him more than once for giving away what happened or who killed who. He’s too good at figuring this kind of stuff out!
·         He loves when you sit with him when he meditates. Even if you aren’t the meditating type, if you just sit quietly by him or read, he already feels much calmer. If he’s practicing balancing moves, he’ll sometimes grab you to hoist you up in the air, “to practice strength” at the same time. You’ve learned it’s a very bad idea to squirm when he’s got you planking above his head; he will start tickling you if you don’t keep still.
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·         Once he gets a good enough disguise, he loves to ride around on his newly built motorcycle with you on the city streets. It’s fun to zip through cars and people and drive out to the sparser points of the city to watch ships come in and out of the bay or go to a park outside the city to watch the lights as they all turn on at dusk.
·         Loooovvess having movie nights with you. Seriously asks for it every week. You two get comfy on the couch with like 3 blankets thrown over your laps and watch something like Jurassic Park or Mad Max and gorge on buttery popcorn and chocolate. Sometimes you’ll slip in a chick flick like Pride and Prejudice. He acts like he doesn’t like it, but you’ve caught a goofy, happy smile on him more than once at the end of the movie, and then he starts lifting your hand like Mr. Darcy and adopting more “romantic” actions and it’s just *chef’s kiss*
·         You guys will spar together. It’s kinda required once you date him; he wants you to be able to kick butt if he can’t get to you fast enough. But these sessions usually end up with you and him wrestling/tickling each other and him holding you down with a foot while he lifts weights. Get comfy princess, he ain’t moving that foot ‘til he get 100 reps.
·         He has a really good eye for fashion and makeup. He’s actually the one that sews together all of his family’s clothes, as much as possible with the scraps they find around. It’s calming to make something instead of the stigma he has of destroying stuff. He’s the first person you SnapChat with an outfit just to make sure it looks good, and he sends back honest feedback, like “why do you still have that scarf, you know it doesn’t match anything in your closet,” or “try the red sweater with that long gold necklace you have.” Everyone compliments your outfits so much because of his input
·         Likes to go swimming with you. There’s a few clear, clean pools in the sewers (Donnie approved) where you guys go just to have a good swim. There’s usually some candles lit and music playing. More often than not, you’ll end up laying on his chest while he floats on the surface and just enjoy each other’s company. At least until he gets the idea to dunk you.
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·         Sneaking into the rafters of Broadway is a regular event for you guys. He manages to disable any security they have up around your “spot,” and you get a free show with your favorite person. He’ll be quoting his favorite lines for days after, all the while talking about the next show to see. He’d so be a theater kid if he had the chance.
·         One of the main things that got you guys together in the first place was you helping him put together tech he’s working on. It still continues now, since you have a steady hand and a willing ear to listen to his theories and ideas. You’ve even inspired him a few times with your comments! It’s a casual bonding activity for you both, and he values your thoughts.
·         Spontaneous dances are a must. Sometimes he’ll grab you and dance around the room – especially if an experiment of his goes well – sometimes it’ll be goofy dances to see how badly you two can embarrass anyone looking, and other times, you guys will just slow dance before you leave, just as a way to be close before having to part.
·         You guys form your own little potted plant collection in the lair. It’s both a hobby, and a way for you to check on how he’s doing. If he’s doing well, the plants are watered and taken care of. If he’s getting sucked into things and forgetting to care for himself, the plants suffer. He tries to get an auto-watering system for them, but you shut that down quick. It’s good to do some things yourself rather than rely on technology!
·         Cupcake Saturdays are a thing. He’ll take you to a bakery, where you’ll go in and get a box of cupcakes (extra frosting). You guys will then just chow down on them on the rooftop, often with him licking a lot of the frosting off the cupcakes before eating the actual “cake” part.
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·         Such a fan of trying every new restaurant you can find in NYC. It’s become a date-night tradition every Thursday to either order or pick up some hole-in-the-wall place’s food, meet up somewhere, and Gordon Ramsay the crap out of the food. He does a mean Ramsay impression, and you’ve snorted more than one ramen noodle out of your nose from laughing so hard.
·         If you aren’t a fan of video games, you will be once you date this guy. It’s not even just watching or playing video games with him, he’s just funny when he plays! He’ll make the most stupid comments about something going on in the storyline, or mess around, even glitch out a game. He’s managed to get out of the maps of Among Us more than once. You’re convinced if he started his own YouTube gaming channel, he’d be a quick star.
·         Game nights are a must for you guys. It usually turns into a family game night with you, the turtles, Splinter, April and Casey, which Mikey just adores because he gets to see everyone he loves having fun. You two will usually team up against the others, or turn on each other to stab the other in the back. Uno and Cover Your Assets have made you guys question your loyalty to each other more than once. That Uno Reverse card, man…
·         Arts and crafts are his favorite. Anytime a holiday is coming up, Mikey gets hyped ‘cause he knows you guys are gonna start making decorations for it. You guys will usually make decorations for each other. Mikey loves this, just because he feels like a normal person by having actual Halloween decorations around the lair instead of stuff he and his bros scraped together off the streets.
·         Loves to stargaze with you in the summer time. He’ll convince Donnie to let him drive the truck out of the city to the countryside of New York, bring you with him, and set up on the roof of the truck in the middle of a field (that he totally didn’t crash through a wood fence to get to). Fireflies will fly over your faces, and he’ll joke that they’re shooting stars and make a thousand and one wishes on each of them. He won’t tell you that all of those wishes are for you and him to be together forever, but it’s not hard to guess with how mushy he gets after each one.
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all-that-tmnt-jazz · 4 years
Holiday Headcanons That No One Asked For
Self-explanatory title: just some Holiday-Themed Headcanons about the boys during December.
Warnings: None. All Domestic stuff
Incarnation: Bayverse Boys (2014/2016)
All (pt. 1):
They go out for patrol even longer than usual, since more people are out shopping
They leave around 9 PM and get home around 4 AM
But they all make sure they’re always moving, so they don’t pass out (they are still coldblooded, after all)
They always compete for the shower when they get back
When they get home at 3 AM on Christmas Day, instead of going their own ways after they all shower, they always watch a couple of movies
The last to shower after patrols- he wants his brothers to warm up first
Usually makes a warm drink while everyone else is showering
Brings out the packaged snacks for the movie
Usually agrees with Raph on the second movie they watch
His choice is always “The Polar Express”
He lets Raph win the argument
He usually uses a pocket knife to carve a statue of the kitten April just rescued
He also carves a small, to-scale version of Vern’s newest “Fenwick Express.
For Casey, he carves an action shot of Casey playing hockey based on a picture April sent him
Always ends up showering first
Goes to set up the living room for the movie(s)
He gets a handful of blankets, plenty of pillows, and even starts making popcorn
He argues with Leo over the movie. He doesn’t like “The Polar Express.”
His choice- as of recently- has been “Klaus” on Netflix.
Always thinks he won the argument on his own- without Leo’s “help”
For April’s kitten, he’s usually knitting a small, red sweater 
For Casey, he makes fingerless leather gloves and a note saying “Swear to Secrecy,”
For Vern, he knits a little falcon and another note saying “Swear to Secrecy”
Showers immediately after Raph- he talked Mikey into making tea so he could shower next
Helps Raph setting up by making the popcorn while Leo is showering
Usually talks Leo and Raph into picking the second movie- he doesn’t know too many holiday movies
He loves Mikey’s choice over Raph’s choice, personally
He usually is behind the couch, tinkering with an updated walkie-talkie-styled system for April
For Casey, he designs and builds a hockey stick that uses airflow to the user’s advantage for Casey
For Vern, he designs and builds a high-quality Bluetooth system for Vern’s newest “Fenwick Express.”
He always needs to keep his hands busy
Was about to start making Tea when he realized Leo was already making hot coca for everyone
Is too accepting to be mad at Donnie for long, though
Showers after Donnie because Leo lets him
Always picks the first movie they watch
It’s always Jim Carrey’s “The Grinch”
For April, he uses her Spotify and Apple Music accounts as well as her YouTube searches to find her favorite songs and makes a playlist CD of all of them
For Casey, he finds a way to rebuild a small DJ set- with Donnie’s help, of course. He then paints it with personalized designs
For Vern, he makes a small spray-painted portrait of Vern with Falcon wings
All (pt. 2):
After they finish watching the second movie, they all go to bed- it is around 8 AM on Christmas Day at this point, and they need sleep, too
That afternoon, Leo is first to wake up and Meditate at around 3 PM
Everyone else wakes up around 4 PM
They all meet in the kitchen
April, Casey, and Vern all come over as the turtles and Splinter are finishing up their last-minute decorating of the Lair
They all exchange their gifts
April, Casey, and Vern all loved their gifts and make sure to show their appreciation
Leo received a new bonsai apple tree from April, a new blade sharpener from Casey (which he appreciated- his old one was getting dull), and a series of books that he’s been looking to read from Vern
Raph received a dozen new rolls/colors of yarn disguised as a boxing dummy from April, an actual boxing dummy from Casey (of a different style/brand than April’s “Dummy”), and a box set of the “Fast and Furious” movie series from Vern.
Donnie received a book of the 54 most popular computer languages from April (he unashamedly geeked out about this), at least a year’s worth of strawberry PopTarts from Casey, and a large stack of graphing notebooks from Vern (which he so badly needed, which was perfect)
Mikey received a record player and several vinyl disks from Casey, a framed Knicks Jersey signed by each player from Vern, and a photo album with pictures from when the turtles were hatchlings and just fun moments from more recent years from April.
Mikey and Leo entertain everyone with their bickering over who makes Holiday Breakfast
Splinter ends up making it because they can’t decide (he made Tiramisu)
They all watched “The Polar Express,” much to Raph’s dismay. 
They were all happy, though, when Leo had made hot chocolate and brought it out during the “Hot Chocolate” song, which made up for any negative feelings
Happy Holidays, Friends! 
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moonlightflower21 · 5 years
hope you guys love this one! took me a lil while because i wasn't sure how to structure it and in the end i went with little headcannons :) <3
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christmas with him is so cute and cosy
he's so thoughtful, thinking so hard for your presents and what you like
enlists april for help because obviously he can't buy them
wraps them up super carefully, with a cute lil note around the string
never fails to tell you how much you love him
and it's not always direct
under the mistletoe, for example. he will give you a little smirk and point to the ceiling wherever it may be placed.
and baby, his kiss? sweet yet passionate, short yet keeps you intoxicated. just amazing *chef kiss*
other examples of his touches are when you're doing something and he just leans against you for a lil while lost in happy thoughts
or holds your hands when you come back from the cold. he warms you up real good hehe
or rests his forehead against yours, allowing the christmas lights to dance across his body.
you totally place a cute lil hat on him
in turn, he braids in some tinsel in your hair. so now your hair is a sparkly mess. but you're having way too much fun to care
such a cheery mood overall
you guys may even belt out to christmas songs
his laughter is so catchy, your favourite tune. so it ends up with you both giggling halfway through the song
and later, you're both wrapped in blankets, sipping at hot cocoa
he loves these quiet moments, warmth flooding both your bodies while the movie is playing in the background.
his hand will always be touching you, somehow. if you're decorating the tree, he'll be right there to help you.
still in shock he celebrated this festive holiday with an angel.
"merry christmas, my love" he whispers at the end of the night, hearing the fire crackle in the background
"merry christmas, sweetheart" you reply, looking deep in his eyes.
that's love swirling in those oceans pools
and then he kisses you tenderly.
nothing has to be extravagant, over the top. just this intimate moment between you and him is all he loves.
christmas could end with him making love to you or wrapped in each others embrace.
your choice, honey ;)
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christmas with this guy is really and truly unpredictable
but not 'cause he's angry
oh no, he's the most relaxed and chilled person.
well, kinda. (he woke up with glitter everywhere and mikey screeching in his ears that it was christmas)
but it's because, you never know what the nights going to hold with him
you may go out for a motorcycle ride, admiring all of new york in it's beauty
or he bring you to the rooftop, to admire your beauty
but what he loves, is being down in the lair. that's his home and with you and the overall vibe, it's so comforting. your house isn't a problem, either :)
this bad boy will hang up mistletoe in areas where you're sure to enter and will immediately run to you when you're underneath one.
"guess we better kiss, per tradition~"
you're going to be the one to part lips, raphael has no self control. he will have a makeout with you, literally anywhere. only exception is splinter
and he wants you to hang the lil star/angel on top of the tree.
will hold your waist and pick you up like a lil feather. "that's so beautiful babe, like you"
music (christmas, ofc) will be playing softly in the background
home alone is on t.v. and in your hands are warm cups of cocoa
he added the lil marshmallows (cutie)
and when you laugh, his face breaks out into his own little smile
he can't help it, you're so fucking gorgeous
"merry christmas baby" his finger is under your chin, directing your attention to him. he's sincere and vulnerable in this moment. his heart is on the line here
gets super insecure and sad when you don't reciprocate the love back.
but you do, you always do.
this christmas has been the best by far, spending every second with you.
"merry christmas, sweetheart"
christmas sex to end the night! (if you want to, though. everything is all consent!)
his lovemaking is normally all passionate, to savour the happy moments.
however this depends if you've been nice or naughty, raphael will decide
although knowing him, he will say naughty ;) kinky turt
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one of the few times where all work is dropped and he can have fun!
but to be honest, will check time to time on his work. fear not hon, his focus is mainly you!
all the sweet treats will have a lock on them if possible
leo will have to warn him not to touch the frosted cupcakes
you may have to restrain him a little
he finds you sweeter though anyway ;)
he loves, loves, loves decorating stuff and will start with his lab.
will have you with him, as he drapes christmas decor around the lair
all the taller stuff, he will have you to sit on his shoulders and do for him.
lowkey can reach but he wants you on him
he puts on christmas music but will end up with you both dancing in each others arms, miming the words.
asks you what you wanna do, since he wants this night to be the most perfect for you
but you remind him that it's his night too and whatever he wants to do, should be incorporated
and so, he brings you to the couch, grabbing the massive bowl of popcorn and blankets on his way
you're more than happy
he will sneak mistletoe kisses, lil nerd
and then leans against you, with his signature smile
y'know the one where his cute lil smile is parted, showing his teeth slightly. yes that one
you kiss him once, then twice, then three times because you can't help it.
he's so freaking peRFECT *cries*
and the lair looks so beautiful, bathed in a golden light kudos to you. such a romantic moment~
"merry christmas, my dove" he whispers, holding your hand to kiss the top of it.
a rosy hue paints your cheek and your heart thumps happily
"merry christmas, love"
he doesn't mind having sex with you
but the night finishes with cuddles and happiness.
couple a cute nerds, you both 🥺🥰🤍
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oh honey, it's all the pick up lines, all the jokes packed in this sunshine
"i'm not santa, but you can sit on my lap"
"mikey, do we have any pizza? i figured we can-" "i don't think we do only because you've stolen a pizza of my heart" he clutched his chest dramatically
when you're setting out the christmas presents and food, "babe, tie your shoes! can't have you falling for anyone else!"
"hey sweetness, do you have a name? or can I call you mine?"
and you can't even be mad with him. it's so heartwarming
cooking with him is so much fun
singing out to random songs
if you haven't already, will plop some reindeer ears on your head
"if we gonna do this, we gonna do it properly!"
you guys make all sorts of foods. especially gingerbread cookies. and then it's a competition to sees who makes the better one
this is all the while, belting your hearts out to songs
he twirls you under the kitchen lights, turns this into this massive dance number
with him singing all the way
laughter and chuckles escape both your mouths and finally he looks at you
happiness is literally beaming out of every single crevice in his body.
"merry christmas, to my sweet, gorgeous, beautiful, honey bunch" he holds you close, his hands around your waist and you grin
"merry christmas, to my wonderful, adorable, funny, stunning and amazing turtle" you kiss his cheek but he kisses your lip, hugging you close.
tearing up because that's the cutest and meaningful thing anyone has ever said
oh by the way, mistletoe kisses are a mUST!
literally, it's crazy because every corner you turn, boom! there's a freaking mistletoe
which... kinda backfired since you were under one with his brother
he let out a gasp and ripped off the extra added mistletoe muttering angrily.
you smooched his cute nose instead
but the night finishes as it started with laughter, happiness and excitement.
you know damn well, he won't refuse sex with you. if you're tired, he won't push anything.
he's perfectly content with snuggling you :3
and celebrating it all together is one word: magical. one big happy family. if you're working on christmas day, he will wait for you to come back. depending on your mood, he will either sing merry christmas to you while dancing around the lair with you or wrap you in a fluffy blanket and place you in his lap. and the second you're in the lair, all worries must be left at the doorstep and you enter a literal wonderland. he will make sure you have the best time of your life. forgot his present? absolutely no fucking worries. sick and ill? he will be your lil doctor, still incorporating some of the festive cheer. because he loves you so much.
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