#split evo project
catgirl-soup · 1 year
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Drawing a new split Pokemon evolution every day in July -- Day Five
Evolves from Eevee when levelled up in a "magical/bright forest" area:
Berry Forest, Sevii Islands
Ilex Forest, Johto
Mirage Forest, Hoenn
Wayward Wood, Sinnoh / Hisui
Dreamyard, Unova
Pokemon Village, Kalos
Poni Wilds, Alola
Glimwood Tangle, Galar
Area Zero, Paldea
Levelling an Eevee up in a particularly bright forest triggers an evolution into this Pokemon, whose biology is very similar to other insectoid Pokemon. Their bodies are covered in a fuzzy fur that repels dirt, letting them always be perfectly clean. They also have a glowing light on their tail that they use to attract fellow Motheon. As a result, any bright lamp will completely enamour this Pokemon, and they have been noted staring into artificial lights for hours on end, much to the amusement and slight concern of their trainers.
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go-learn-esperanto · 2 years
Evolutionists' first comments on Grian becoming a Watcher
[On a black background there's white text that reads "Jimmy's Evolution SMP Episode #99. It transitions to gameplay]
Jimmy: Do we wait until we hear from someone? 'cause I haven't literally heard from anyone. Haven't heard from anyone to date. Uhm, so I don't know really what to do. Do they think I'm dead? Do they think the Watchers took me 'cause they took another person? I don't know!
[Cut. Jimmy is now in Downtown Evo, the last big project of Grian on the server]
Jimmy: There it is. The abandoned building. Right there look; it's been boarded all the way up, dudes. It's been boarded the way up.
Jimmy: He's gone. Don't know what the Watchers are gonna do with him. Well, he is a Watcher now, right?
[On a black background there's white text that reads "Martyn's Evolution SMP Episode #81. It transitions to gameplay]
Martyn: Oh my God!
BigB: What?
Martyn: That's- ugh... Not only have they split us for a dragon fight, not only have they taken Grian, we're now thousands of blocks from home!
BigB: So wait; they took Grian?
Martyn: Apparently so!
Netty: Yeah, he's a Watcher now.
Salem: Apparently so! Do we really want Grian as a Watcher? (Laughs)
Martyn: He already had too much power when he was mortal!
Pearl: I think that's a bit explosive.
Martyn and Salem: Yeah!
BigB: He was technically always a Watcher with they way he always put TNT and pranked everyone.
End transcript]
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dromeoraptor · 23 days
Birds-of-Paradise feel like some speculative evolution project. Once upon a time, a bird found itself on an isolated island continent (most of them live in New Guinea, but some live on Australia, and New Guinea was connected to Australia during glacial periods), and it evolved into a whole family of birds with crazy sexual displays. But not just crazy, but with multiple genera all crazy in different ways. It really does feel like someone wanted to make a spec evo project showing off how sexual selection and display structures can be, but it's real!
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This is far from a comprehensive list, but we have:
The one with a trombone windpipe: Curl-Crested Manucode
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This is a bird that looks pretty normal, it's from the first branch to split off from the others so it's still monogamous unlike the more extravagant ones. It has a cool sound, but not something you'd expect to need crazy internal workings.
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But it does have crazy internal workings, with this super long trachea (windpipe) that bends 4 times before finally getting to the mouth. I'm honestly not sure why it has this windpipe, it's not particularly loud or anything as far as I know.
The "King of the Dance": Western Parotia
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Parotias already have complex dances for birds-of-paradise, but the Western Parotia is the one with the most complex of them all. Each Parotia's dance has multiple steps, in a specific order. This one has 6 steps.
Perch Pivot- the male pivots back and forth on a horizontal branch above the display court, a little patch of forest floor that he's cleared out
Head Tilt- the male goes up to a female on the branch and flops his head from side to side.
Court Hop- The male hops across the court, (not one big hop, multiple smaller ones like a sparrow or kangaroo), pauses, and then hops the other way.
Swaying Bounce- The male bounces up and down and side to side as he flutters his wings, moving his head in an infinity sign. He also has a variation on this where it closes its wings and bounces more vigorously
Ballerina Dance- has four parts to it. He does a bow, he walks a bit, he pauses, and then he moves flares those shiny neck feathers while hopping side to side.
The one with wires coming out of its head: the King-of-Saxony
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This one has two really weird feathers called "head wires". Twice as long as the bird's body, and he can point them backwards, to the side, or even forwards! They're not just long too, their structure's all weird with the barbs fused into these plasticy tabs.
The one that likes it rough: the Greater Bird-of-Paradise
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While showy for a bird, they're nothing too special for a bird of paradise. The main special thing is their big plume of feathers on their back, and their display is basically just running along the branches showing off their plumes and making a racket.
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But once he's got the female's attention, he shows the underside of that plume on his back, and then he starts flapping his wings and basically hopping backwards and touching her with his rear end.
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Then he starts clapping her with his wings, and kinda pecking at her head. I don't think he open his mouth but he's not exactly being gentle with that beak. And then comes the sex, both seconds of it. Well 2.5 seconds is what I counted in the video, but yeah. Bird sex in general is really short with few exceptions.
The bald one with a Yoshi saddle: Wilson's Bird-of-Paradise
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For these birds, the height of male sexiness is a bald head, it seems.
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Wrinkly, pale blue bald skin on the head.
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Even the females get in on the bald action, it seems.
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There's also this thing on his back that he can open and close, this time made of feathers and not bald skin, that I think looks like a Yoshi saddle thing. Also that bib thingy is green, but only at a certain angle.
The one that sings like a cricket: The Black Sicklebill
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Crickets sing with their wings, and so does this bird. One of the things he does is rub his wings either against each other or the base of the tail (we're not sure), and it makes this knocking or "distant machine-gun" sound.
The one that sounds like a Machine Gun: The Brown Sickebill
His display is impressive, I showed off his relative's display in the images of the previous part. But the more interesting thing to me is that he sounds like he's imitating some sorta rapid-fire ray gun. I don't know how true this is, but supposedly, during WW2, Japanese soldiers mistook their songs for gunfire.
Credit to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology's YouTube channel being my main source for this post!
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pokeology · 1 year
two questions. one. when'd you first get your partner? two... ive been interested in the solosis line, so. how's it been raising em/their evos? ^^
I hatched my partner from an egg in my first year of university as part of a project on pokemon development. He did not evolve the first time until a few months before I graduated, though, and the second time was a few years ago now.
They seem very low-effort, as they have very non-specific diets, but as psychic types they still require a lot of enrichment. Solosis is easiest to satisfy- mine would follow me around campus and hide people's erasers when they were not looking, haha.
Duosion is the most difficult of the three, in my opinion. It is much more active, and it is more prone to tantrums as it struggles to cope with its physically split brain. I admit I turned to rare candies for help during this.
Reuniclus is slower than its previous two evolutions, but it is also much more powerful and requires extensive training to avoid accidents. They do not require social groups, but it is good to let them communicate with others of their species. I take my pokemon to the pokepark regularly for this reason.
I love my partner very much. I think this is one of the most fascinating lines to work with.
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palossssssand · 1 year
If you're interested in more then one, vote for one and shoot a reply for any others! I've been rattling around some ideas and would love to see the ballpark of what people are interested in.
Some notes:
-Fakemon: Definitely Pipeye and Dipsco(with holographic effects!!), would be fun to have sticker sheets of the Gnourly and Trollicious line (cake troll line) or Grambler, Chalciduel, Ulidiiva, Curculixie, and Saturnoct (card suit bug split evo line)
-Slug city: I have icons of each of the characters that would be really cute as little mini stickers! Definitely in the future I'd love to make fullbody stickers of them.
-Splatoon weapons: Sticking my head into a niche here, would definitely be difficult since there's SO many weapons, and every weapon has a dedicated hardcore fan, but it would be fun and also I just want to see more bloblobber merch in the world
-Spyke: Obviously...I want more merch of my favorite guy, I think it'd be really cute to have a matching pin set of his icon + a sea snail. I'm totally open to other characters though BUT I wanted to see specifically if people wanted more Spyke. I actually have a pearlina sticker design that I collaborated with flintjupiter on twitter that I have to list once we decide on a pricing LOL
-More eldritch angels: I have a bunch of sketch ideas sittin' around! Stygiomedusa angel has been extremely popular and I'd love to make more designs along those lines. There's a few upcoming Ultrainfinitepit kickstarter campaigns that I'm keeping some secret ideas for but perhaps more deep sea creatures or bugs. I actually have a full set of sketches for angels based on the solar system, it would be a long project but ideally I would love to have a pin set and a looping pattern to make cool stuff out of!
-Nuclear throne: This game is still so near and dear to my heart, I'd like to do small icon stickers/pins and also make a looping pattern!
-Realistic bugs: Specifically, I want more stickers and designs of fly diversity, as an entomologist I feel like I don't see nearly as many cool flies! There are so many cool ones!
If there are any other themes/ocs/fandoms you'd like to see merch in, feel free to let me know in the comments! I listed these things above because they're things I personally think I'd enjoy working on, but I also never know what people would like. Currently, the only things in my shop are angel pin designs leftover from a collaborated campaign, and I'd like to expand to some more things!
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axl-ion · 4 months
Can't wait for something like #wipednesday am too excited because I have a bunch of ramble in my mind, but I have this Pokémon OC region project containing of multiple regions that were artificially made and have their own regional variants instead of unique Pokémon species (these would in the distant future become their own distinct species tho) so here are my sketches for Poison type Skitty and Poison/Fairy type Delcatty based on Wolfsbane/Monkshood more leaning to the lore of being used in medicine, meanwhile the split evos Wolcatty and Lykatoi are gonna be based of the werewolf aspect (and Lykoi cats!)
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Now for their sort of lore/rough Dex entries:
These were found in the Region VII, where the prevalence of Grass/Poison Pokémon caused the soil to grow these Poisonous plants. To escape their enemy Seviper, Skitty evolved in a way to deter Seviper, by bathing in the flowers, which caused the poison typing.
Delcatty who shown hospitality to those poisoned evolved the Fairy typing and a generally caring, but still avoidant personality. They use the flower on their tails to lure away enemy Pokémon and then force them to a chase where the chaser will be left with nothing.
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teratocrat · 1 year
ive been thinking of doing a little speculative-evo project a la Alien Biospheres for a while now but im very stupid and know shit about fuck. also maybe more of a hurdle i don't really want to put in the effort for the like 'map of continental drift and splitting and rejoining and shit over millions of years' that is kind of essential for that project
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cosmindart · 1 year
Another Infodump: RANDOMAGOS
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What are Randomagos?
Basically this is a thing similar to pokemon fan-regions but just not officially linked to pokemon. Beside the themes/aesthetic I went out of my way to change a lot of the core mechanics (The typing system is completely different, the battle system -if I were to make it an actual game- wouldn't be turn based, eggs works differently, etc). There also a bit of digimon inspo in these but it's not as obvious.
The name isn't set in stone yet, I've also consigered Monstrueuf monster + oeuf (egg) also a pun on monstrueux (monstruous) and Yistomons яйцо (egg) +monster. The name Randomago (and by extent the alt name Eggorythms Egg + Algorythm) hint at randomness mechanic (related to breeding)
note: I couldn't fit all the images so some evo lines are missing!
How creature Typing works
Typing is split into 2: Alignments and Will
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Alignments has 3 main type that work like rock paper scissor and a bonus 4th type that is weak to all three others. Wills give an additional boots. The themes of the Wills aren't as clear as pokemon type would be but that's kinda the point since I didn't want them to be similar.
Design notes
I wanted the design to have a semi-strict rule set for design so that they could easily be all identified as being part of the same project and not immediately get seen as outright fakemons.
Each creature has their dedicated egg design. Egg would do more than just evolve into beasties, they can also be fed to already hatched critters to make them evolve or used in crafting armors.
The egg theme is maintained in the first evo stage with critters keeping part of their shell as part of their design
There much less restriction with the final stage evos (honestly being forced to use a cracked eggshell on the baby design is hard sometimes). Tho I try to avoid any Gardevoir/Lopunny situations by not making any design that might look "too humanoid" XD
Ive's also considered a temporary fusion-form that only some creatures would have? (by temporary I mean kinda the same way digivolutions or mega evolutions are temporary it would only last a set time per battle or per day)
Battling and Armors
As mentioned at the start, if I were to make an actual battle system it wouldn't be turn-based. Creature would still have specific moves but it would be more like in Kingdom hearts with things being in real time with keybinded move-set. To make it a bit more varied on top of the typing and move-set choices there would be optional armors to equip
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Still kind of up in the air right now but I wanted to potentially have it that when you breed two creature you wouldn't get one that match the parents unless both parents are the same, instead eggs would be random under the shared alignments (creatures need to be in the same alignment group to breed)
I have these two "trainers": Daren and Daria, Twins (probably non-binary each leaning to a different side of things a tiny bit) I have some potential plot ideas for how they end up being the trainers but Im still a bit ??? about it. (they are Prof Braverly's younger siblings)
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the egg-shaped device around their neck is kinda like both a pokedeck, pokeball and digivice at the same time. IT STILL DONT HAVE A NAME FOR IT It's an "EgsNav". It's used to store critters as well as give info about scanned creatures. To capture creatures and transfer them into the EgsNav the trainer needs to use a field-trap (design not yet drawn).
I now also have 3 Professors/teachers that are also champions/representative of each of the 3 alignments
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Linear Evolution Lines
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Branching Evolution Lines
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Merging Evolution Line
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ptgigi · 2 years
Could you share the basic algorithm you used for the Bracket Fusion Project so others can try alternate fusion challenges involving the matches like you suggested?
First: I want to cry. I spent 2+ hours (didn't realize it was that long...) typing up a response and Tumblr crashed and deleted it all...
Feel free to ask for clarification if I missed something in try #2 at this.
Thanks for the interest!
Unfortunately, the algorithm isn't really shareable. It was made custom for this project and I don't dare touch it nowadays because it's some spaghetti code I wrote years ago lol. It also contains a lot of custom data that only goes up to Gen 7 and contains several errors (that I opted to ignore so I can actually complete this project in my lifetime...).
But! I can at least provide a guide on what I did to at least help push people in the right direction:
Get Data
Nowadays, I recommend PokeAPI for this, they have downloadable CSVs of plenty of data. You can also use any of the many Pokemon fansites out there with data. If you can get it as a list rather than hand entering, that's better as you reduce the risk of human error (like me, I was the human error).
For PBFP, I collected data on stages/forms, types, colors, and body shape.
Modify Data
Your collected data may not be in the best format for your project, so you may need to tweak it.
For example, I converted all my data to numbers, as I found that the easiest and it eliminated ties.
Stages/forms I changed to a list of the number of forms per stage per family. Examples:
Mew's list was [1,0,0] (1 base form, no alt forms or evos)
Mewtwo was [3,0,0] (base+2 Megas)
Pikachu was [1,1,2] (Pichu, Pikachu, 2 Raichu forms)
Wurmple was [1,2,2] (Wurmple has a split evolution)
Flabebe was [5,5,5] (each stage has 5 forms)
Types was the percentage of each type was in a family. For individual forms, single types counted as 1 and dual types counted as 0.5 each. The form types were then added together and averaged for the family's types. Ex.
Mew is 1 Psychic (pure psychic type)
Bulbasaur's family is 0.5 Grass, 0.5 Poison (all grass/poison types)
Mewtwo is ~0.83 Psychic, ~0.16 Fighting (2 pure psychic forms, 1 psychic/fighting form; 2.5 Psychic / 3 forms = 0.8333333333 Psychic; 0.5 Fighting / 3 forms = 0.1666666666 Fighting)
Color was part 1 of custom data. I didn't like the dex colors and was weird to compare as text so I grabbed a single RGB value from every Pokemon form (regret). I picked whatever color I felt like best summed up the Pokemon.
Because families, I averaged the colors of all forms in a family. So Latias for example is more of a magenta, because its base form is red but its Mega form is purple.
Body shape was custom like colors. It was weird to compare as text, so I counted the limbs of every single Pokemon (more regret). The limbs I counted were head, body, arms, legs, tail, wings, and other limbs (like tentacles and fins). For odd cases (Pokemon who have limbs used both as arms and legs) I just did my best guess.
Again, because families, I averaged these values. So you get funny stuff like Tornadus has "1 wing" because Incarnate Tornadus has 0 wings but Therian Tornadus has 2 wings.
Compare Data
Welcome to math time!
Here we're comparing all Pokemon to one another and coming up with a score we can use to determine which ones are the most similar.
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For forms, colors, and body shape I used the distance formula. This gave me a "distance" between the two Pokemon families in the potential combination.
Identical families would be a score of 0, more different families would be a larger number.
To then make these scores comparable, I normalized them aka converted them to all to a similar range, in this case a number between 0-1.
I did this by dividing them by the largest score value. Ex. for colors Dewpider and any one of 12 pure white Pokemon were the most different color-wise (a distance of ~384). So all color scores were divided by 384, so Dewpider and any white'mon have a color score of 1 (384/384 = 1).
Types I didn't like the results of the distance formula, so instead I used the percentage of similar types.
Plusle and Minun are both pure electric, so they are 100% similar
Zapdos is Electric/Flying, so Zapdos and Plusle are 50% similar (50% electric shared)
Plusle and Bulbasaur's family share no types, so they are 0% similar
But you might notice now the best type score is 1 while the best distance score is 0. So I inverted the distance scores so a score of 1 = best and a score of 0 = worst. (so for Dewpider and Zangoose's colors, that'd be 384/384 = 1, then 1-1 = 0 color score; while Plusle and Minun would be 0/384 = 0, then 1-0 = 1 color score).
Then I averaged those 4 scores together to get one final score that is a number between 0-1, where again 1=best and 0=worst.
Verify Data
I mentioned this a few times through, but you may need to tweak your data or formula to get the results looking nice.
Originally I had stages and forms as different data points, but didn't like the results I was getting. After combining them, I liked those results better.
Sawk/Throh's colors were originally blue/red. But I expected those two to pair up so I switched them to their white color.
Outliers, numbers that are outside of the normal range of the rest of the data, also presented an issue. I added upper limits to certain data to make the results nicer. I think I set those to 5 for forms and limbs. Ex. Arceus was counted as only having 5 forms, Vulpix's family had 5 tails, etc.
Get Pairs
The part where we actually get the fusions!
After you do the compare data step for every possible Pokemon combination (I highly recommend automating this as much as you can, spreadsheet software like Excel or Google Sheets can do a lot of this math for you in bulk) then you should have a list of every possible combination of Pokemon and a score for that combination.
How you go about this next part depends on your goal. Do you want Pokemon to only be used once? Do you want to pick by the best pair first?
Answering yes to each of those questions is what I did, but imagine the chaos of answering no to both?
So what I did was:
Find the highest score (for best score first)
Record that pair in the finalized list
Remove any other combinations that use one of those two Pokemon (each Pokemon is only used one)
Repeat steps 1-3 until you have no pairs left
And that's it!
(I say like this isn't a huge amount of time or effort, it is, it really is)
Again, sorry my script/algorithm isn't something easily shared, but I hope this write up at least helps push people in the right direction!
And always happy to answer questions for anything I may have missed or skimmed over!
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novasysgreenergy · 4 months
How Solar Panels Ensure Reliable Energy for Industrial Operations
In today's rapidly evolving industrial landscape, the quest for sustainable and reliable energy solutions has never been more critical. Solar panels have emerged as a game-changer, offering industrial operations a viable path to energy independence and environmental responsibility. As the industry seeks to reduce carbon footprints and operational costs, the adoption of solar panels for industrial buildings stands out as a forward-thinking strategy.
The Promise of Solar Panels for Industrial Buildings
Solar panels are not just for residential rooftops anymore. Industrial buildings, with their vast, flat surfaces, are perfect candidates for large-scale solar installations. These expansive areas can accommodate numerous solar panels, capturing significant amounts of sunlight and converting it into electricity. This electricity can then be used to power everything from machinery to lighting, drastically reducing the reliance on traditional, non-renewable energy sources.
One of the most promising advancements in this field is the development of half cut solar panel. These panels are engineered to increase efficiency and reliability, making them particularly suitable for industrial applications. By cutting standard solar cells in half, these panels reduce resistive losses and improve performance, especially in partial shade conditions. This means more consistent energy production and better overall efficiency, critical factors for industries that require uninterrupted power.
Enhancing Efficiency with Half-Cut Solar Panels
Half-cut solar panels are designed to maximize energy output and minimize losses. Traditional solar panels can suffer from significant efficiency drops when part of the panel is shaded or dirty. Half-cut panels, however, mitigate these issues by splitting each cell into two, which allows them to operate more effectively even when partially shaded. This innovation ensures that industrial operations can maintain steady energy production, crucial for processes that cannot afford downtime.
Why Choose Novasys Green?
When it comes to implementing solar solutions for industrial operations, Novasys Green is a name that stands out. As a leader in the renewable energy sector, Novasys Green offers cutting-edge solar technologies tailored to the unique needs of industrial clients. Their expertise in designing and installing solar panel systems ensures that each project maximizes energy output and efficiency.
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Novasys Green’s approach goes beyond just installing panels; they provide comprehensive solutions that include energy management systems, maintenance services, and performance monitoring. This holistic approach guarantees that industrial clients not only save on energy costs but also achieve long-term sustainability goals.
Economic and Environmental Benefits
The economic benefits of installing solar panels for industrial buildings are substantial. By generating their own electricity, industries can significantly reduce their energy bills. Moreover, with government incentives and subsidies for renewable energy projects, the initial investment in solar technology becomes even more attractive.
Environmentally, the shift to solar power reduces greenhouse gas emissions and reliance on fossil fuels. This not only helps industries meet regulatory requirements but also enhances their corporate image as leaders in sustainability.
Solar panels are revolutionizing energy consumption in the industrial sector. With innovations like half-cut solar panels and the expertise of companies like Novasys Green, industries can achieve reliable, efficient, and sustainable energy solutions. By harnessing the power of the sun, industrial operations can propel themselves into a future of economic savings and environmental stewardship. Investing in solar technology is not just a smart business move; it's a commitment to a greener, more sustainable planet.
Also Read:
The Evolution of Solar Technology: How Mono PERC and Bifacial Modules Are Leading the Way
The Environmental Impact of 10W Polycrystalline Solar Panels: A Green Energy Alternative
Originally published at https://novasysgreenergy.blogspot.com
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catgirl-soup · 1 year
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Drawing a new split Pokemon evolution every day in July -- Day 22
Fairy / Poison
Evolves from Spritzee when traded holding the Potpourri.
Their feathers have intense medicinal properties, so they roam their local region to seek out sick people and Pokemon to share their feathers. However, due to their appearance when people fall ill, they are often considered a bad omen wherever they appear. To keep from becoming sick themselves, they use their long legs to hold patients at a distance during their examination and treatment. They hold a mixture of flowers, herbs, and spices in their beaks to distract themselves from the foul smell that comes with their healing duties.
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pavanpj · 9 months
Raising Standards: Understanding Medical Lifting Slings Market Size, Share, and Trends
The global medical lifting slings market is valued at US$ 1.14 billion in 2023 and is predicted to expand rapidly at a CAGR of 10.5% from 2023 to 2033, estimates Fact.MR, a market research and competitive intelligence provider.
Patient lifting slings, Hoyer lift slings, and patient transfer slings are other names for medical lifting slings. People with mobility problems are lifted and transported with the use of a medical lifting sling, which is wrapped around and positioned beneath the patient. A medical lift sling is a device that supports the patient while they are receiving treatment in a hospital or other medical facility. Patient slings come in a variety of styles, including universal, full-body, and split-leg slings. When used properly, they offer several advantages, such as the lowered risk of damage to patients and caregivers.
Medical patient transfer slings are made up of nylon, mesh, and many other components, with a hydraulic lift, and are readily accessible in stores in the shape of a U or C. They are patient-friendly and simple to use. Rising prevalence of chronic disorders, the increasing number of senior population (as they are more prone to several disorders), and growing developments in healthcare infrastructure across the globe are boosting the medical lifting slings market growth quickly.
Download a Free Sample Copy of this Report –https://www.factmr.com/connectus/sample?flag=S&rep_id=8184?PJ 
Patient transfer slings are developing rapidly, but in several regions, it is seen that many caregivers are unaware of the functioning of technologically improved slings, which may hamper sales growth to some extent. North America and Europe are holding a strong position in the global medical lifting slings market. Asia Pacific market is expected to grow at the fastest pace during the forecast period.
Key Takeaways from Market Study
The global medical lifting slings market is projected to reach a valuation of US$ 3.11 billion by 2033.
China’s market is predicted to expand at a CAGR of 10% during the projected period (2023-2033).
Sales of medical lifting slings in Japan are expected to increase at a CAGR of 9.5% during the forecast period.
Demand for universal slings is predicted to rise at a CAGR of 11.5% during the next 10 years.
“Rapidly increasing cases of traffic accidents across the world are boosting the demand for medical lifting slings,” says a Fact.MR analyst.
Segments of Medical Lifting Slings Industry Research
By Product :
Universal Slings
Seating Slings
Transfer Slings
Hammock Slings
Standing Slings
Bariatric Slings
Toilet Slings
By Material :
Nylon Slings
Padded Slings
Canvas Slings
Mesh Slings
By Usage :
Reusable Slings
Disposable Slings
Full Body Slings
U-shape Slings
By End User :
Home Care
Elderly Care Facilities
By Region :
North America
Latin America
East Asia
South Asia & Oceania
Winning Strategy
Some of the key manufacturers of medical lifting slings are Arjo AB, ArjoHuntleigh, Inc., Bestcare, LLC, DJO Global, Inc., Drive Medical, GF Health Products, Inc., Guldmann Inc., Hill-Rom Holdings, Inc., Invacare Corporation, and Prism Medical Ltd. To increase their product offerings and sales revenue, several major market participants are introducing cutting-edge designs with advanced technologies.
Guldmann announced the introduction of a new sling strap using cutting-edge smart loop technology. The slings’ design reduces shearing pressures while boosting comfort.
Invacare Corporation, a well-known brand of patient lifting equipment, announced the launch of a cutting-edge patient lift solution for the American market in May 2022. The innovative patient lifting technology in the BirdieTM Evo XPLUS ensures the patient’s optimal comfort and safety when being transferred from a chair, the floor, or a bed.
AmeriGlide, a reputable stair lift manufacturer, announced the introduction of the AmeriGlide UP Stair Lift in July 2021. To ensure the highest level of safety when utilising it, the new stair lift is outfitted with advanced technologies.
Key Companies Profiled
Arjo AB
ArjoHuntleigh, Inc.
Bestcare, LLC
DJO Global, Inc.
Drive Medical
GF Health Products, Inc.
Guldmann Inc.
Hill-Rom Holdings, Inc.
Invacare Corporation
Prism Medical Ltd.
More Valuable Insights on Offer
Fact.MR, in its new offering, presents an unbiased analysis of the global medical lifting slings market, presenting historical demand data (2018-2022) and forecast statistics for the period of 2023-2033.
The study divulges essential insights on the market on the basis of product (universal slings, seating slings, transfer slings, hammock slings, standing slings, bariatric slings, toilet slings), material (nylon slings, padded slings, canvas slings, mesh slings), usage (reusable slings, disposable slings, full body slings, U-shape slings), and end-user (hospitals, home care, elderly care facilities), across five major regions of the world (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and MEA)
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octahedral-chaos · 10 months
Okay so I was watching this video, and I noticed how the pegasus looks kind of like a Jersey devil (Short forearms and long hind limbs), but this post isn't about that.
It's about what my brain decided to come up with...
Basically, in my Manifestations Spec Evo Project, the two Families (Manifestidae and Paridae) both originated from a six-limbed ancestor, but Paridae ended up losing the middle pair pretty early on in their evolutionary history (Which is right after they began splitting off from basal Manifestidae), BUT they also have hooves and two eyes, as opposed to Manifestidae's claws and single eye... and there may be other members of Manifestiforms that aren't classified as Paridae nor Manifestidae...
So here me out:
Pegasus that is really just a weird offshoot of Paridae that retained its middle pair of limbs, evolving to have a long, vaguely horse-like head and feathered wings, as opposed to true Pariyan's webbed wings and short beak.
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lascldaddy · 2 years
How to play champions league on pes 2017 online with friens
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Instead of successful shots sagging into the net, some come flying back out and pinball around the box – and when that happens you can slam the ball home for a second time. It’s worth nothing, too, that net physics are astonishingly lifelike now. No modifier button or skill move involved: again, the game reads what you’re trying to do and delivers the most appropriate animation for it. Similarly, I see Welbeck redirect a knee-height cross narrowly over with a clever heel flick. PES 2017 makes fantastic use of contextual animations, too: when I hold the button to shoot with Torres but the ball arrives behind him, he instinctively attempts to backheel it goalwards. Now it’s truly possible to drill shots into all four corners of the goal. In PES 2016 I found it hard to get true lift into my pops at goal if felt that the game needed me to keep the ball low in order to score. Like the passing, it feels entirely natural, and awards you the sense that you’re in control of professionals. There are matches where I carve out delicate, incisive passing moves and repeatedly threaten with my wide men, without ever needing to lay a thumb on the right stick. Genuinely intricate, accurate passing enables you to recycle possession in tight areas while waiting to unleash a killer ball to your centre forward or overlapping full-back, and that upgraded control means you can truly beat an opponent – beat a succession of opponents – using sudden changes of pace, or deft turns. Where PES 2017 really shines is in the final third of the pitch. Now aerial trajectories look and feel just right, while there's a seamlessness to trapping and running with the ball, headers, deflections, everything really. The little stutter each time a player took a touch when dribbling similarly dampened authenticity. In PES 2016, my immersion wavered every time a goal kick took on the trajectory of a beach ball once off the ground. In PES 2017, under- or overhit a similar pass and the recipient might need an extra split-second to trap it, but I see zero balls spanged out of play due to slightly imprecise controller inputs.īall physics have also improved markedly. So whereas in FIFA 16 a diagonal pass from, say, centre back to right midfielder might fly out of play if you didn’t get the intended angle perfect via the left stick, PES is more forgiving. Konami is bigging up improved passing precision and ball control this year, and it is right to: players truly caress the ball to one another, and the game engine does a sublime job of facilitating your attempts to play dreamboat football.
(And I write that as someone who has chosen FIFA over PES for the entirety of the PS3 and PS4 eras.)Ī small caveat: so far, I've only been able to play as four teams: Arsenal, Atletico Madrid, France, and Germany. On the evidence of my hands-on – four hours behind closed doors at Konami – it plays a wonderful game of football.
You’re right that the PS3 years weren’t overly kind to Pro Evo, but it’s been enjoying a renaissance over the last two seasons, and PES 2017 feels like the happy culmination of a three-year rebuilding project.
Is there any hope becomes a fantastic simulator again?
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rintezukas · 3 years
im gonna lay out basic ideas that ill flesh out and contextualize later also for spec evo project:
- snais get much larger and fill a lot of niches in a super super wet swampy biome - one of the most derived ones is a cursorial snai that has split its foot into two muscular legs possibly supported by a separate chunk of shell and can quickly sprint between patches of grass and outrun predators
- mammals or lizards or something have a dinosaur-type era, evolving into all kinds of scary forms before getting knocked down for a while
- previous alien ecology created a pretty earthlike, livable atmosphere and temperatures are tolerable and shit but the actual life was super different from standard pastoral earth shit, most of it (at least what the colonists encountered) was pretty simple and almost none of it remained bc the colonists largely didnt like it and had no tools or procedures to limit their impact on it. its not all gone though, especially on islands where they didnt really fuck around at all - itll show up and integrate w earth life later
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rxttenfish · 3 years
worldbuilding ramblings as i work on this spec evo project:
we really just. assume every species out there would have a human face/emote like people, huh?
the same goes for the ass. really only humans have asses like... humans. we need less asses. ESPECIALLY for species with tails.
bipedalism is so fucking specific and specifically evolved for certain reasons and with very specific traits and im sick of it.
actually just get rid of everything about human hips. theyre so ungodly specific. and come with such specific drawbacks.
the human ribcage. the human ribcage is also stupidly specific and i think so much about ribcage shapes on different animals
people do not understand why animals have slit pupils vs round pupils vs All The Many Pupil Shapes.
i am 100% convinced that if lions werent real and were just a mythical monster, people would give them slit pupils. they dont have slit pupils btw. they have round pupils. most big cats (maybe all but i cant be certain rn) have round pupils. theres a reason for that.
actually i just want people to realize how much of a reason there exists for everything on an animals bodyplan
mmmmm the human arm structure is also stupidly specific but for my purposes rn im overlooking a lot of that so that i dont have to totally relearn how to draw arms. ill probably go back on this later and work out a way to draw those nonhuman arms but still.
also the human hand. so, so stupidly specific. 
the same goes for flying animals. especially LARGE flying animals.
stop assuming every fucking sapient species is going to have the so so so specific patterns of human hair. or eyebrows. or hair at all anywhere
please keep an eye on what youre doing with tails. please. thats an extension of their spine. it needs to be treated as such.
its such a pet peeve of mine when people just slap multiple rows of teeth onto an animal design without like, considering how multiple rows of teeth actually operate on a biological level or why animals have it or even how they grow and what benefits they get from those rows.
the same goes for split tongues. theyre doing things and are split for a reason.
also PLEASE consider what the shape of any animals teeth means and what they are adapted for and why they might have it.
not every vestigial organ is going to be totally lost. there has to be enough pressure to totally get rid of them. thats why the human pinkie toe isnt going away anytime soon.
STOP IT WITH JUST COPY/PASTING AN EXISTING ANIMAL. if i have to see one more merfolk thats just a human half slapped onto a pre-existing species adapted for a very very specific niche, i am going to lose my mind.
shut UP about top predators/apex predators/whatever. thats not how ecosystems work. its not a hierarchy, its an understanding of energy flow.
if one more person rips off the disproven alpha/beta wolf study again, i am going to lose my mind.
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