#spn 13x18 bring em back alive
Every Fucking Time
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Summary: You want to help Dean, but he knows you can't.
Warnings/Explicit 18+: Lots of angst! Smut! Unprotected PinV sex. Slightly rough sex. Dean being an asshole. Dean being a broken boy. Hurt/comfort.
Pairings: Dean x Reader (You)
Word Count: 2,737
A/N: So, I just rewatched 13x18, Bring 'Em Back Alive, and the scene at the end never fails to break my heart. I just wanna make Dean feel better! 😫 But it got me thinking about how unlikely Dean would be to accept that help, and how his anger might manifest. Anyway, this is what spilled out of my brain as a result.
A/N 2: The title is a reference to Dean's line, "Every time we get close, it all falls apart. Every frickin' time." I have changed it to the non-network TV version because we all KNOW that's actually what Dean said.
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You just wanted to help. You needed to help. You needed to make it better for him. 
Dean had slipped back home through the rift barely an hour earlier, talking about the apocalypse world Charlie and how he'd left her and Ketch behind, promising he would come back with reinforcements.
Then you, Cas and Sam had given him the bad news; no one could go back, you couldn’t send reinforcements. Gabriel was gone, taking all his archangel grace with him.
“So if it’s gone, then that means that we can’t open that door again. If we can’t open the door, then I shoulda never come back!” He'd shouted.
He'd tried to tamp down the rage and anger that simmered just behind his forced calm. Nevertheless, it exploded out of him making you all jump.
“Son of a bitch!” He'd screamed, sending books and papers crashing to the ground as he swept them from the table. “Every time!”
You could feel his frustration and pain like it was your own as his voice dropped, defeated and broken for the millionth time. “Every time we get close, it always falls apart…every fuckin’ time.”
When he walked away, looking as though the weight of the world was once again on his shoulders, you’d tried to follow after him, but Sam had grabbed your arm gently, holding you back.
“Leave him for now, Y/N. He needs time.”
You should have listened to Sam, but you could feel Dean’s pain like a lance in your side and you were desperate to heal him. So less than an hour later, you went looking for him. But he wasn’t in his room, or the Dean cave. The kitchen was empty and so was the garage. 
You finally found him in the infirmary. He was sitting on one of the beds, sewing together a nasty looking bullet wound.
“Dean!” You called out worriedly as you rushed down the steps. He glanced up at you but then went back to stitching himself up. “Why didn’t you tell us you’d been shot?” You reprimanded him.
He shrugged his unwounded shoulder. “No big deal. Ketch patched me up on the go, just didn’t have time to sew it up properly.”
You watched him silently for a moment, wincing every time the needle pierced his inflamed skin. He’d taken his shirt off so he could tend to his wound, and you couldn’t help but take an inventory of his other numerous scars. Jagged knife cuts, more round bullet holes, and a few waxy looking old burns, all marred his otherwise perfect, lightly freckled torso.
Some of the scars were very faded, barely noticeable, while others were newer; some of them were still red and angry looking. They were a patchwork of pain - a tapestry of more than thirty-five years of hunting, fighting, falling, getting up, and fighting again. 
It made you exhausted just to see it; it made your bones ache.
You stepped a little closer to him, but he kept you at arm’s length with an aura of silent, repressed anger that you could practically see pulsing off of him.
You wanted to help him so badly.
“Dean, I’m so sorry.”
He shook his head, not looking up from his work. “No, let’s not. I don’t wanna talk about it.”
You let out a small sigh. Of course you don’t. You thought with a flash of frustration.
You were quiet another minute as he finished the last few stitches. Then you smiled a little, trying a different tactic. “So, there was a Charlie over there? That’s amazing. What was she like? Was she the same as our Charlie?”
Dean didn’t answer right away. He snipped the thread he was using and tossed the small silver scissors back into the first aid kit he had open on the bed beside him. He took some rubbing alcohol and poured it onto a gauze pad, holding it to his wound and sucking in a breath through gritted teeth before answering.
“Yeah sure, she was like our Charlie.” His voice was a growl of pain. “She was a badass, determined to fight injustice, sticking up for her friends, risking her life for them. And yeah, just like our Charlie, I left her on her own to be butchered.”
Tears pricked your eyes. “Dean that’s not true…you didn’t-”
“Seriously, Y/N. Just fucking don’t.”
You were silenced again, watching him clean up and toss the bloody bandages into the trash as he stood up from the bed. He reached for his flannel and tried to put it on, slightly hampered by his newly bandaged shoulder. You stepped forward to help him with it, and when it was on, but still unbuttoned, you slid your hands inside, down over his ribs.
You kissed his chest gently, and felt him twitch slightly. 
“Y/N.” He said quietly and you could hear the warning in his tone. 
You knew he was in a bad place, and the two of you had only recently begun to move your relationship out of friendship and into something more, so sex was still new between you. But you felt the overwhelming, screaming need to help him, to hold him close and let him feel your love shine through. You’d been in love with him for a long time, but you’d never told him. You suspected he didn’t love you back, though you hoped he might someday.
For now, though, you’d settle for being a soft place to land, if he’d just let you.
“Dean.” You said softly, kissing his chest again. “Let me help you.”
He pushed you back and turned away. “I don’t need help.”
You persisted, wrapping your arms around his waist from behind. “We all need help from time to time, Dean.”
“Y/N!” He said again, louder this time, his earlier anger resurfacing. “I told you, I’m fine. Just drop it.”
But you couldn’t. You wanted to help him, whether he accepted it or not.
You moved around him, so you stood in front of him again. “Dean, you’re not fine. I just wanna help you.”
Dean scoffed. “Well you can’t fucking help me, Y/N. You can’t make it better.”
“I could try.” You cupped his cheek, but he pulled it out of your grasp, turning his head. You stood on tiptoe to try and kiss him. “Let me try, Dean. Let me try to help you.”
Dean grabbed your wrists from around his neck, glaring down at you, eyes blazing. “You fucking can’t, do you not hear me? You can’t help me, no one can help me! Because all I do is fuck up; all I do is leave my friends and family to die. And fucking you isn’t gonna change that; unless you have some kind of magical cunt that can open portals to another dimension, you can’t fucking help me!”
You felt your stomach drop, and an immediate ache started, high in your gut, clenching your insides and making you feel short of breath. You stepped back from Dean and swallowed convulsively, trying not to let go of the tears that clogged your throat. But it was a losing battle and they were soon coursing down your cheeks.
You nodded slightly. “K, yeah.” You didn’t know what else to say, turning away just as remorse began dawning in Dean’s emerald eyes. “Sam was right…I shouldn’t have come.”
You took off, bounding up the stairs as Dean called out to you. You ignored him, desperate to get away before you collapsed completely. 
You heard Dean following you, chasing you down the bunker hallway and you sprinted away. You got to your room just in time to slam the door and lock it just as Dean skidded to a halt outside.
He banged on the door, but you just moved over to your desk, dropping into the chair and swiping at your tears over and over, unable to make them stop.
“Y/N, come on! Open the door. Look, I didn’t mean that, okay? I just...just let me in.” He banged again. When you wouldn’t open it, he just kept banging. Finally he yelled at you through the wood.  “You know, I can just break down the fucking door! Let me in!”
He slammed his hammer like fist against the door again, rattling it in its frame. You jumped up and ripped open the door just as he was about to start pounding again. So his fist was raised and his features were twisted in a snarl as you looked up at him. But you were calm, even though tears still leaked from your eyes.
“Enough.” You said quietly. “Look, I shouldn’t have kept bugging you, you made it very clear you didn’t want me there and that I couldn’t be of any help. So, it’s fine. I’ll leave you alone now, and you can please stop raging at me and trying to smash down my door.”
You swallowed tightly and then nodded at him. “Goodnight.”
You closed your door softly and walked back to slump onto the end of your bed. You dashed your tears away as quickly as they fell, trying to dash away Dean’s angry words too, but failing miserably. 
After nearly half an hour your tears finally dried up and you decided to get ready for bed, sadness and hurt making you slow and sluggish. As you pulled your big sleep shirt on over your head, however, a noise caught your attention just outside your door. 
You walked softly to the door in your bare feet, cracking it open an inch to look out into the hallway. What you saw made brand new tears cloud your vision.
Dean was sitting across from your door, his back against the wall. His knees were bent slightly with his elbows resting there and his feet planted on the floor. His eyes were shut, his head leaning back against the wall with tears streaming silently down his cheeks. Or almost silently. As you watched, his face spasmed with pain and his breath seemed to catch in his throat, making the muffled sound you’d heard; it sounded like his pain was choking him.
You opened the door wider and Dean sensed you, his eyes springing open. At first it seemed like he might bolt, but then he shook his head as he stared at you. “Baby, I’m so sorry.” His voice was a harsh whisper. “I swear to god, I didn’t mean to hurt you like that. I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with me.”
He thumped his head back against the wall twice. “I just break things. Everything.” He punctuated the word by slamming his elbow back into the wall as well, hard enough that you were worried he’d break the bone.
You hurried forward to kneel on the floor in front of him, squeezing in between his knees. You pulled his hands into yours as you tried to reassure him. “Dean, that isn’t true. You don’t break everything; you fix things, save things. It’s in your DNA to try to right all the wrongs in the world, but sometimes you just can’t.”
He stared at you intently and once again you found yourself desperate to try to ease the bottomless ache you could see in his mossy green eyes.
His voice was barely a whisper as he reached out to run his thumb across your cheekbone. “Did I break us?”
You took a deep breath. “Your words hurt me.” He closed his eyes and nodded. “But…”
You were quiet a moment before deciding it was worth taking a chance, so you just said it. “But I love you, and my love doesn’t break that easily, even if my heart does.”
You took his hand from your cheek and held it against your chest, over your heart. “Not ever. No matter what the future holds, my love is unbreakable, even when you try to smash it to pieces with both hands.”
Dean’s expression was closed off, and you couldn’t see through it to his thoughts. After a moment he shook his head. “Don’t love me, sweetheart. I can’t…I can’t protect you if you love me. Something will come and take you from me - use you to hurt me somehow.” He closed his eyes again and repeated his words from earlier in the evening. 
“Every time I get close, it always falls apart.” He opened his eyes slowly and stared intently into your soul. “Every fucking time.”
He gazed at you for a long time, and you let him, hoping he could see that you weren't afraid to love him, and you weren't going to be scared away.
Suddenly he reached out to yank you into his lap and slam his mouth down on yours. You gasped into the kiss and then whimpered as he clutched you tight to him.
He pulled away from you, breathing harshly. “Am I forgiven? Because I was such a liar. I do need you.” He dipped his head to nip at your pulse point and flick his tongue against your salty skin. “I need you so fucking bad.”
You nodded, flushed and aching for his touch. “You’re forgiven.”
He crushed your lips with his once again, standing up without letting you out of his arms. He pushed you backwards through your bedroom door and closed it with a soft click, as he yanked your t-shirt off over your head, getting you naked in one quick motion.
You pushed his open flannel down his arms, being careful not to aggravate his newest injury. You fumbled with the button on his jeans for a moment, hands trembling, as he palmed your breast and squeezed, pressing his hard, blunt fingertips into your yielding flesh.
You threw your head back as he pulled your nipple into his mouth and bit it gently. You sank your hands into his short hair, tugging sharply and moaning loudly. He pulled away, just far enough that he could spin you around to face the wall. With a hand against your upper back, he bent you over slightly and lifted your arms, so that you braced them against the brick.
Then he raised your right leg, wrapping his forearm over top of it and spreading you open. You felt the knuckles of his other hand brush over your dripping wet core as he unbuttoned his jeans. Seconds later, you felt his tip pressing against your entrance and then you let out a scream of pleasure as he slammed into you hard and fast.
As he fucked up into you, he pulled you open even wider, reaching down with his free hand to rub circles into your clit with his calloused fingertips.
Eventually he dropped your leg, and pushed your feet apart while he pulled your hips back towards him. He never faltered or slowed his pace, just manhandling you into the positions he wanted.
You were bent at a ninety degree angle now, hands still braced against the wall, with your head hanging between them as Dean continued to pound into you so deep that he was almost lifting you off the floor with each thrust. 
He clamped his hand on the back of your neck, using it as leverage to piston his hips forward like a jackhammer. He tilted your pelvis forward slightly and suddenly he was perfectly, relentlessly hitting your g-spot over and over until you were screaming out his name and crashing into a hard wall of pleasure. You shook with your climax, but Dean didn’t stop, riding you through your first orgasm and into several more.
Your throat was hoarse from shouts of pleasure before Dean finally cursed loudly, shouting your name and surging into your body. With one last driving push,  you could feel him spurting into you hot and thick. He rocked his body against yours a few more times as his cock continued to twitch inside you.
Finally he stilled, both of you breathing harshly now, bodies slick with sweat. He laid his chest against your back, his arm still wrapped around your waist, keeping you close, keeping himself locked inside your slick warmth.
“Y/N.” You could hear the thick emotions even in his soft whisper. “You know, you save me. Every time I think I can’t recover, every time I think I won’t get back up. You make me think I can. You tell me I will.” 
He paused and his voice was velvety and warm as he breathed out across your skin. “You save me.” He kissed your shoulder gently. “Every fucking time.”
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Jensen RPF and Any/All Characters:
Dean Fics Only:
Any/All Fics Regardless of Character or Fandom:
Everything Incl. Fan Edits:
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winchestress · 8 months
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intricate rituals indeed
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suncaptor · 9 months
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yeah sam you have some experience with that right
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lavenderleahy · 3 months
my husband is a certified buckleming hater 😎 and I quote: "they write everyone out of character and make shit up just to see what sticks"
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reyolfx · 27 days
why do they have sam over here telling gabriel he needs him like it holds any emotional weight at all lmao ????
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Let's just discuss this for a moment.
First of all, this is one of my favorite GIFs even if I didn't like the scene that much. I want to discuss the acting of this very specific moment.
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Sometimes I forget that Misha is the man whore of the cast until he shows it. What did the director tell him, anyway? "Act like you're in pain"? Well, uh, that's kind of the wrong kind of pain there... He looks like he likes it (in an erotic manner). This just goes to show that Misha will fuck anyone willing to fuck him. Castiel, of course, was trying to hold back the pain because Heaven forbid a Demon actually have the ability to hurt an Angel. It still looks slutty as AF either way.
I don't know what to say about Jared except he looks like he's taking a rather painful shit (since I'm going for comedy here). Misha looks like he's getting up the ass and Jared just looks... Anyway-
Then you have Parise who made this scene badass. Full macho mode and A+ acting on his part. Not going to lie, I liked this bit here a little too much. Then again, I had been mad at TFW for over two Seasons sk I felt this was perfect karma. I know I'm probably going to get gunned down for saying that. But that's what they get for going nuts slaughtering a man's family. Like what did they expect? Asmodeus to be like "Oh, yeah, that's fine. I hated those bitches, anyway." No, that man is known for his rage and he's loyal to his family. Not saying that he did Gabriel right because he didn't but he had every right in the World to be angry and people should start acknowledging that.
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castiellesbian · 2 years
Buckner and Leming:
1x13 Route 666
7x05 Shut Up, Dr. Phil
7x13 The Slice Girls
7x19 Of Grave Importance
8x03 Heartache
8x07 A Little Slice of Kevin
8x15 Man's Best Friend with Benefits
8x19 Taxi Driver
9x03 I'm No Angel
9x09 Holy Terror
9x16 Blade Runners
9x21 King of the Damned
10x03 Soul Survivor
10x10 The Hunter Games
10x16 Paint It Black
10x21 Dark Dynasty
11x03 The Bad Seed
11x09 O Brother Where Art Thou?
11x18 Hell's Angel
11x21 All in the Family
12x02 Mamma Mia
12x08 LOTUS
12x13 Family Feud
12x17 The British Invasion
12x21 There's Something About Mary
13x02 The Rising Son
13x07 War of the Worlds
13x13 Devil's Bargain
13x18 Bring 'em Back Alive
13x22 Exodus
14x02 Gods and Monsters
14x07 Unhuman Nature
14x12 Prophet and Loss
14x19 Jack in the Box
15x02 Raising Hell
15x08 Our Father, Who Aren't in Heaven
15x13 Destiny's Child
15x19 Inherit the Earth
Robert Berens:
9x06 Heaven Can't Wait
9x14 Captives
9x19 Alex Annie Alexis Ann
10x07 Girls, Girls, Girls
10x14 The Executioner's Song
10x19 The Werther Project
11x06 Our Little World
11x14 The Vessel
11x17 Red Meat (with Andrew Dabb)
11x22 We Happy Few
12x03 The Foundry
12x07 Rock Never Dies
12x14 The Raid
12x19 The Future (with Meredith Glynn)
12x22 Who We Are
13x03 Patience
13x09 The Bad Place
13x10 Wayward Sisters (with Andrew Dabb)
13x21 Beat the Devil
14x03 The Scar
14x09 The Spear
14x18 Absence
15x03 The Rupture
15x09 The Trap
15x12 Galaxy Brain
15x18 Despair
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unhinged-jackles · 1 year
SPN Best Episode per Season
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Beautiful Spouse’s Rewatch Thoughts SPN 13x18 Bring ‘em Back Alive
“Almost feels like a cut scene from a video game” “now we’re just wasting time” “a lot of infrastructure for apocalypse world. I feel like that concrete would have deteriorated by now” “is it the redhead? Of course it is” laughter
“Wait if the rift is open for 24 hours, how do they know it’s 24 hours? Is it based off of mass? So if only 1 went, is it 48? 1 for 24? Or does the spell get you a true 24 hrs no matter what? In which case you all go over to get your bearings, you’d know which direction to head in for the rescue.”
‘Was Cas trying to explain the train thing?” “Oh yeah” “that’s kinda funny” “don’t provoke his ass” “how would it be personal? It’s other world version of Charlie” “very well organized. No overlap” “what is this modeled after?” idk
“What the fuck?” laughter “did Lucifer not mean to do that or something?” laughter “thats fkn awesome” “why do we need a trace of arsenic?” “who killed Charlie?” The Frankenstein people
“Are they actually going to turn Ketch into an ally, or are they going to give us backstory and kill him off like they did with Mick?” “angel killing bullets” “definitely not enough” “couldn’t they make the wards out of angel blade material?” “doesn’t they take power? Why not stab the demon with the blade?” “is Asmodeus back in hell or is he just dead?” “typical” “or what?”
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ldrmas · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Gabriel/Sam Winchester, Castiel/Dean Winchester Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Gabriel (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Episode: s13e18 Bring 'em Back Alive, Episode: s13e18 Bring 'em Back Alive Coda, episode coda, Episode Fix-it Summary:
So this is all I got as a sorta coda for s13e18. I’m still freaking out about the episode because I loved it, like a lot, well most parts of it! Anyway this is small and short and also unbeta’d but I figured I'd share anyway. Hope you all enjoy!
Extended one of my previous Coda’s for Ao3! I hope you all enjoy!
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hii sorry I’m back again!! I just read every fucking time and OH MY GOD!!! It’s so good comfort smut is literally my favourite thing ever and this hit the spot SOO WELLL!! 🤌🙏🙏 You’re amazing 🤍
Aw!! Thank you, my dove! You're so sweet!! I'm so glad it hit the spot for you. I was needing some angsty, smuttiness, so I just had to write it! And hell yeah to some comfort smut! 😍🥵
Thank you for the fabulous feedback!! It's so appreciated! ❤️
Every Fucking Time
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winchestress · 8 months
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buckleming I'm in your walls!!
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samsrowena · 2 years
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when you got it bad for a milf AND her son
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suncaptor · 3 years
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serial killers will be homoerotic in the snowy woods.
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shirtlesssammy · 4 years
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Supernatural 13x18//Bring 'em Back Alive
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lillysilverus · 3 years
The only thing that saves “Bring Em Back Alive” in season 13 from being right down there in “Bloodlines” category of bad is that they didn’t send Castiel to the AU world with Dean. He and Sam get up to their shenanigans at least.  Otherwise, Lucifer and Sister Jo, Ketch and Dean saving fake Charlie instead of sticking to mission, Asmodeus and Gabriel with his ridiculousness proving what we already knew, that Sam is the absolute strongest individual on this show. 
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