#spn episode fix it
lavenderleahy · 9 months
the "i'm thelma and you're louise" comment comes out of fucking nowhere??? he did not have to say that at all. dean, do better at hiding your crush.
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hells-plaid-angel · 8 months
Dean had the lung capacity of a deep-sea diver. After years of holding his breath as he drove through tunnels, he'd honed the skill, only gasping for breath when the Impala's windshield broke through the darkness and into the light. The habit had formed as a child but lingered into adulthood as most childhood fantasies did.
As a boy, his father raised him on superstition. If you made a wish when the world was swallowed by blackness and you could hold your breath until the end of a tunnel, that wish would come true. Over the years he'd wished for a hundred stupid things. He'd wished his mother was still alive, that he lived a normal life or that a pretty girl would look his way. He'd wished his father had been the one who'd died in the fire. He wished he didn't feel that way.
Once Dean had blacked out in the backseat of the Impala when driving the I-90 through Boston. He'd come to with Sammy squealing like a stuck pig and John Winchester cursing like a sailor. For the next year, being in Massachusetts made him feel light-headed.
Kids and old men are similar in their love of rituals. Dean was no longer a child, but he wasn't ready to call himself an old man. The ritual had changed over the years, but at its heart, it was always the same.
Dean found his new ritual each night he woke from a nightmare. That night, he found himself in the bunker. The image of his hands covered in blood lingered in the darkness of the room. He held his breath wishing for the dream not to be true. He only breathed when he switched on the lights and found his hands clean. In his dreams, Cas was always dying.
The nightmares weren't helped by the fact that the angel had died, numerous times. His sleep-addled mind took time to sort fact from fiction. Had Cas come back this time?
Dean Winchester knew better than anybody that death didn't always stick. Dean Winchester knew better than anybody that the universe liked to make him suffer. Both statements were equally true.
In the nightmare, Cas had died in his arms. He'd awoken, held his breath, switched on the lights and choked out a breath, which sounded suspiciously like a sob. When the drowning feeling reseeded he found himself exiting his bedroom, searching for the object of his nightmares as a drowning man searches for land.
Dean would never admit to himself he was looking for Cas, but the knowledge was there. There were many things Dean knew but wasn't ready to admit.
Dean found the angel in the library of the bunker, absentmindedly flicking through ancient texts and Sam's collection of trashy fitness and lifestyle magazines indiscriminately. A heavy weight on his chest dissipated. Cas looked up at Dean's sharp inhale. He could breathe again.
"Hello, Dean," the angel greeted, as though he were late to some prearranged meeting.
"Morning, Cas," Dean spoke, for lack of a better topic of conversation. He collapsed into the seat beside Cas.
"It's currently 3:15 a.m. and the sun isn't scheduled to rise until 5:25."
"Thanks for the weather report, buddy," Dean griped. His tone lacked the usual exasperated edge he used when Cas said something that struck him as particularly alien, which was often.
"How are you, Dean? You seem... unmoored."
People in the twenty-first century didn't use words like 'unmoored'. Dean knew exactly what Cas wasn't saying. Dean seemed upset. If there was one thing Dean didn't cope well with, it was being anything less than 'fine'. They were experts in each other's pathology, which would always feel strange. Dean wasn't used to being known.
"Can we talk about something else?" Dean had been working on the concept of denial. However, avoidance was fair game.
"If I'm going to be staying here long term, I want to buy better magazines," Cas stated, tossing the magazine haphazardly. He'd been staying for longer than usual. Dean kept feeling like he was holding his breath, waiting for the angel to disappear.
"We can drive into town come morning. Need to clear my head anyway."
"You haven't been sleeping well," Cas observed, his eyes shifting their attention to Dean. The blue-grey eyes said more than his words. His eyes were an ocean to an inexperienced swimmer. Not everyone could read them. Dean could. There was something more to them. A strong rip beneath steady water. There was a storm raging beneath the surface.
"It's creepy that you've noticed that," Dean remarked.
"You haven't been very quiet."
Dean wondered how much Cas heard. Did he talk in his sleep? Did he call out Cas' name in the night? Had the angel heard the moments of weakness where Dean had let himself muffle sobs behind his hand?
"This isn't changing the subject."
"I've been changing the subject all week. Evidently, it's not working," Cas' voice was resolute.
He and Dean shared their stubbornness, which always led to unproductive stalemates. They were two bucks with their antlers interlocked, starving and trapped in their own idiocy.
"The thing about being human, Cas, is that things don't magically just get fixed because you want them to." Dean rebuked.
"I'm aware, but have you actually tried to fix it?"
They were fighting. Why were they fighting?
"Talking never really solved much in my line of work. You know that."
"Is this about work?" Cas questioned.
They hadn't had any difficult hunts in weeks. Cas knew it wasn't about the job. He wanted Dean to know he knew.
"It doesn't matter what it's about. That's not the point. You don't get it." Dean felt the truth pushing its way up to the surface.
"Then help me understand."
"The problem —." Dean began before he felt anger or frustration choke the words from him.
"The problem is you keep dying."
He'd expected Cas to baulk at the confession. Dean wasn't one for sharing fears or feelings. What he hadn't expected was the look of horror that settled on the angel's face.
Dean scowled and scrubbed at his cheek, quietly cursing himself when his palm pulled back wet. Over the years, he'd gotten good at crying quietly. He hated that he was able to hide it from himself. Men didn't cry. Dean didn't cry. It was a lie, not so much a superstition, but a fable. A story he told himself.
"Dean I — I didn't realise my death... affected you so much. I apologise for the oversight," Cas spoke slowly, as though deliberately choosing each word with care.
How the hell could Cas not know his death, every goddamn one, hurt Dean? Cas was family.
"Yeah, well, I pegged you for a lot of things, Cas. Stupid wasn't one of 'em. So just... Be careful. I'm going to bed," Dean mumbled, praying for a quick exit.
Cas grabbed Dean's arm as he passed, stilling him. Dean felt the restriction return to his throat. He held his breath. He wished Cas knew what he meant without having to say it out loud.
Neither man spoke. The silence stretched long and loud between them. Cas clung to Dean's arm like a dying man to a life raft. For his part, Dean was just trying to stay afloat. Slowly, almost imperceptibly so, Cas' palm slid down to hold Dean's hand. Dean let him, which was as good as a confession.
There would be no confessions. A confession implied guilt, something that Dean had in droves, but not about Cas. It wasn't a lie so much as it was a fable. If a story was told long enough it became history.
He and Cas were still in the dark, biding time between apocalypses. He wished that when they finally found themselves in brighter times, there would be no need for confessions.
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boywifesammy · 23 days
spn fic rec fest - 8
AUGUST 28 - episode codas
as before, i've tagged authors that have their tumblr public on their ao3. if you'd like me to remove the @, just lmk. @spnficrecfest for more info on the event.
034 - adrenaline by ani_coolgirl (@ani-coolgirl) 2x12 Nightshifter, Sam/Dean, 2k, E
Sam & Dean crash at a motel after the bank heist in Milwaukee, but they’re way too wired to sleep. i really had to restrain myself from putting every coda in the Every First Time series into this list :') the way ani writes the boys is perfect for episode codas/missing scenes because she just absolutely NAILS their characterization and tone of voice. i love how chaotic and desperate this fic is, it’s really like sam and dean are like two black holes collapsing into each other. very electric & sublime.
Hail, The Son by HandsAcrossTheSea 4x1 Lazarus Rising, Sam/Dean, 2k, E
When Dean comes back from hell, Sam’s buff & broody. With a little push from Dean, they rediscover the sexual relationship they had before. ok so this ones mostly on the list for being scorchingly hot and having one of my fav hell!headcanons, that sam&dean came back from hell with foreskin. dunno why but it has cemented in my brain and refuses to leave. its also so cozy seeing them find comfort in each other during really tough arcs like post-hell seasons, and this fic really exemplifies that <3
True Face by WetSammyWinchester (@wetsammywinchester) 12x11 Regarding Dean, Sam/Dean, 5k, E
Rowena can't undo Dean's amnesia curse. Sam deals with the aftermath. this fic is the perfect mix of angst with absolutely adorable wincest. its basically 5k of dean crushing hard on sam & being able to show it without inhibitions while sam has a mini freakout every time dean forgets who he is and finds their terrifying hunting gear lol <3 great fic
acid by goshen/applecrumbledore (@goshen-applecrumbledore) 11x17 Red Meat, Sam/Dean, 15k, E
Dean's romeo-juliet suicide attempt in red meat spurs Sam into starting a conversation about their codependency that Dean really does not want to have. ok so-- not TECHNICALLY a coda, because it veers away from red meat pretty quick, but i haven't recced one of goshen's fics in this fest yet and that's just plain wrong. the dahmer conversation in this is crazy and totally something sam serial-killer-junkie winchester would ramble about. i also loved the scene later on about sam pointing out how much they know about each other and how they’re basically synced up 24/7. i luv my codependent boys :3
Sometimes I Think It's A Sin by TatteredBurningWings/angelshotgun 4x22 Lucifer Rising, Sam/Dean, 3k, E
After accidentally freeing Lucifer, Sam is certain that Dean will want to kill him. He hopes that sex will put Dean in a better mood, at least. a voicemail fix it!!! this is my brand of angst, i cant explain it but i loveeeeee when characters feel that overwhelming sense of guilt & humiliation and push themself into doing whatever they can to appease the other person. this fic hits that little guilty-pleasure spot in my brain. plus its hurt with comfort and the ending is soft and a great ending to the scene ❤️
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bitchface24-7 · 2 months
We know the Winchester Brothers Obsess over one another, it’s canon and blatant text within Supernatural.
Here’s a little blurb I came up with cause I can’t sleep and it’s 2:10 in the morning :)
Sam loves his big brother. It’s a given. After everything they’ve been through it’d be unfathomable for them not to love each other.
But Sam can’t stand the fact Dean doesn’t seem to love him as much as Sam loves him. Sam knows Dean loves him, would do anything for him. But it seems like Dean’s avoiding him.
He’s going to bars more often and hooking up with the first girl he sees. There’s been too many times Sam had to leave their shitty motel room cause Dean wanted to get his dick wet. It’s frustrating, it’s embarrassing. The only thing that weirdly enough makes it better is the fact Dean is constantly wearing his amulet Sam gifted him all those years ago.
Those girls may be there for the moment, but Sam is Dean’s for life.
Sam thinks Dean doesn’t love him as much as he loves Dean. He’s proven wrong on one of their hunts though.
By a Siren.
“I gave him what he needed. And it wasn’t some bitch in a g-string. It was you, his little brother.” The siren taunts as Dean holds Sam, his sharp knife digging into Sam’s throat. Sam damn near blacks out at that. A demon known to take on its victims sexual fantasies; and Dean’s is Sam?
The confrontation goes rapidly with Bobby coming in and saving their asses. Stabbing Dean in the shoulder and the demon in the back.
Sam doesn’t know what to think, he doesn’t know what to say. So he keeps quiet. The pleading look on Dean’s face help him make that choice as well.
“What did he mean?” Sam questions out of the blue one day, months after that fateful hunt.
Dean looks over to Sam in confusion from the motels couch, “Who Sammy, Darren? The waiter from the diner? It was an innuendo that meant butt se—“ before Dean can finish his taunt, Sam cuts him off with an eye roll, “No Dean, not Darren. I know what he meant. I meant the siren from a few months ago.”
At the mention of that hunt, Dean shuts down. His expression flattens and he somehow metaphysically pulls away from Sam. Sam can’t get a read on him; and he hasn’t been able to do that since he was a baby.
“Nothin’ Sammy. It means nothing.” Dean mutters as he takes a long swig from his beer, the sports game playing on the TV now Deans main focus.
Sam scoffs at that lame ass excuse, “Bullshit. It means something and I think I have the right to know what that is.”
“The hell you do! You don’t need to know everything you fucking snoop, leave it be!” Dean’s voice raises as his jaw clenches. Sam raises an eyebrow at his brothers aggressive reaction. He’ll get Dean to crack, one way or the other.
Sam decides to taunt Dean. With an over-exaggerated flip of his hair, Sam quotes the siren, “I gave him what he needed. And it wasn’t some bitch in a g-string. It was you, his little brother.” Sam says in a fake saccharine tone. Batting his eyelashes at his older brother before getting serious.
“Dean, Siren’s take on their victims greatest sexual fantasy. Their celebrity crush, the one that got away, the server from your favourite restaurant. All that shit. But yours was… me. Why?”
Dean purses his lips and takes an even bigger sip of his bear, wetting his lips as a drop trails down his neck. Dean wipes it away when the back of his hand with a morose sigh. Sam quickly averts his eyes from that gesture.
“You just answered your own damn question Sammy.”
Sam gapes, “I’m your biggest sexual fantasy? How, why?”
Dean rolls his eyes at his brothers shock, “I don’t even know where to begin Sammy. I’ve always loved you. I’m not sure when the wires got all tangled and fucked up but it happened. I guess being the main one to take care of you really messed everything up, huh?”
Sam wants to cry a bit. It does make sense, Dean is everything to him. His mother, his father, his brother, and his best friend. All they’ve known all their lives is each other. They’re each other’s greatest weakness.
“If it’s any consolidation Dean, my siren looked like you too.” Sam quietly states as he gets up from his laptop and moves to sit next to Dean. Stealing the beer from his limp hand and taking a massive swig. Deans eyes and lips part minutely.
“You… wait— what?” Dean questions, his words barely escaping his lips. Sam just smiles and kisses his brothers cheek; as close to his mouth as he can, before shuffling around and getting comfortable. Leaning into Dean’s side he makes himself small to cuddle up to Dean. “So… who’s winning?”
Dean just huffs a laugh at the blatant change of subject, steals back his beer and continues to watch the game, “Look at the top left corner. It tells you.” Sam rolls his eyes, “You know I’m not a big sports person. I don’t know the team names from just a few letters!” The two continue to bicker, as if nothings changed.
In all honesty, it really hasn’t. Their unspoken bond has finally been brought to the light.
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thefandomchaos · 11 months
Everyday I’m disappointed when I remember we never got Dean carrying Sam. Either Bridal or piggy back but still- Imagine Sam being injured, unconscious or really out of it and Dean just says “fuck it” and picks Sam up and carry hims? Like I know this all comes down to if Jensen even could but I think he could have carried Jared Piggy Back Style- if this moment from VanCon2016 is anything to by…
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nah why was this episode good for a sec
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bloodfreak-boyking · 8 months
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what if this whole thing was over tonight? man, i'd sleep for a month. go back to school - be a person again.
this feels like the start of a love confession ngl
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Supernatural 13.20 Unfinished Business
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mlobsters · 1 year
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always alone on this way
i stood there unmoved as i buried the day
tom rosenthal - buried the day
digital painting, ~19 hours - drawing video here
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sandsofsolstice · 1 month
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yea..... its more fanart. dean and castiel are t4t in my heart ok.
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Me: i can fix him 🥺
Him: literally Lucifer
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gabriestat · 7 months
dean and sam giving shit to bobby for not caring that his wife has come from the dead like it's nothing as if the very foundation of this show wasn't that dean and sam can't let each other go. like dean what are you even complaining about this is you in 2x22 a hell breaks loose. shut up gayboy
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torturedpoetdean · 11 months
i forgot this is a garth episode!!!!!!!
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sweetcitrusboi · 2 years
also this fcking man literally spent money and I mean MONEY. To have Dean’s favorite song play at the end of the episode while John and Mary were driving in the car and her quoting off of Dean. The tears will never stop flowing tbh.
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payphoneangel · 10 months
Happy birthday!!! Here's an excuse to post about any headcanons if you so choose :)
OH BITING YOU (with love)
So in the good supernatural that exists only in my brain there's an episode in the early seasons in which there's a string of disappearances of frat bros at a local college with a big emphasis on greek life. Sam and Dean go to investigate and shit's weird, but also like. well it's greek life. a lot of shit is weird and that's normal. But finally they get to talking to a sorority girl who reveals that one of the biggest sororities on campus is like. just straight up a cult. And the goal is for the sorority girls to get a frat to propose/give them a promise ring, and then they sacrifice him. The lead sorority girl is some kind of demon or ghost.
So Dean poses as this girls' boyfriend and fakes being a frat (since it's early seasons he's still like, mid-20's) to get an in while Sam is nearby doing support spellwork (there's some kind of magic element they have to get around to counteract the power of the BBEG)
This, in turn, leads to Dean having to fight for his LIFE while running around a sorority house being attacked by a mob of girls. Brittany Spear's Toxic is playing throughout the montage (Diagetically and non-diagetically; Dean smacks into a table with an ipod connected to some speakers early on in the fight, and the music starts playing). It'd be an homage to/subversion of the house chase scene in Halloween, where all the girls are attacking him with common "feminine" weapons (kitchen knives, knitting needles, gymnastics twirling ribbons, high-heel shivs, etc). And would all culminate in Dean almost being killed in the basement of the sorority house (where the sacrificial alter is) before Sam/Sorority girl(?) save him in the nick of time. Though, Dean is able to buy himself some time by connecting with the BBEG on a personal level (one of the themes for the episode would be a commentary on misogyny and men not seeing women as fully realized human beings, which is why Dean connecting with her works)
It would have a lot of themes on like, the cultish nature of greek life and the insane boxes heternormativity puts people into, along with objectification and mayyybe white feminism. I dunno, maybe that's a lot to tackle in one ep of spn.
But I think it would be fun. And I think it would be hot.
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kerryweaverlesbian · 8 months
The pacing of that episode was so rushed lmao. They meet god. They have one deep ish conversation with god. They're bored by god. A bunch of pieces move around the to be in the right place for the final episode but don't do anything or raise the stakes bc the stakes were "everything will die" from episode 1 of s11 and they've just been stalling ineffectually since then.
I've liked a lot of this season to be clear! I don't think there's been an episode, other than the first two and the one of Sam in the Cage, where I didn't enjoy watching it. The finale stakes for the past 2 seasons have just been so flat though. Like I can't expect every season finale set of episodes to be All Hell Breaks Loose parts 1 and 2 but. Give me SOMETHING.
There were no action scenes in this whole episode. In the 'we do violence as a metaphor for interpersonal conflict' show? Strange strange strange choice.
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